#I literally just learned about this shit like
studioghibelli · 2 days
the devil you do. | a joel miller x reader
summary: they say the devil has a tongue of silver. on the night he visits you for the first time, you learn that he really does. 18+
warnings: joel is literally the devil in this lmfao, dark themes, dub con i’m 100% serious, pretty much a million year age gap bc…. he’s an eternal being like ???, metaphors of cannibalism, consumption, and religion/sacrilegious themes, and a lot of smut. a lot. (rough sex, biting, choking, spitting, blood play, grinding, pussy eating, over stimulation, crying, possession, edging, orgasm denial, brief ass play, size difference (as in joel is huge. no reader description except pubic hair) bondage, dirty talk- this is fucking filthy and deranged and i am not sorry.) also…. soulmate au if you squint.
a. note: if any of this upsets you or makes you uncomfortable, that’s perfectly fne. don’t read it. and don’t give me shit about it if you don’t like any of the elements in this story. you are 110% responsible for the content you consume.
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Something insidious lurked within the air. Like smoke fanning from the windows of a burning house, your room was full of the thick humidity of something ethereal, of someone intangible.
You had noticed it that evening, heavy feet dragging in through the door frame after a long day of work. All you wanted was to fall into your bed and sleep the rot of the day away when you noticed it.
The cross your grandmother had given you, turned upside down above your bed, dripping with tar black sap.
She swore to you this would happen, and through the years you refused to believe her. Maybe out of fear, maybe out of hope.
But despite your prior reservation, he had finally found you.
It was the eve of your thirteenth birthday when your dearly departed nana sat you down, held your hands within her own that shook with trepidation. She looked at you, right in the eyes, her own covered with a sheen of something unknown to you, a fear that you, just a child had yet to experience.
“The devil follows you, girl.” She had whispered, voice barely audible. A crooked finger pointed to the wall behind your body. “His shadow is right behind yours.” And when nana’s gaze grew wide with horror, you swore you saw the shadow of a coat tail disappear around the corner.
And now, many, many moons later, you always remembered that fateful night. You promised to wear the silver cross she had given you, a keepsake that kept that evil creature away from you. But today was not a lucky day. The chain of your necklace broke, and even after hours of searching, you couldn’t find your precious necklace.
And the devil moved rather quickly, you learned.
You could feel him. A suffocating cloud of hideous proportions floating above you, claws grasping at the hem of your clothes. No matter what you did, you couldn’t shake the feeling away.
As you climbed in to bed that night, you stared at the cross which hung above your head. A stain was left on the paint of whatever substance had poured from it, and you had no time to think about how much your landlord would charge for that when a flash of crimson expanded from beneath your bed.
Smoke rose slowly like a slithering snake, engulfing your body, and from the corner of your pitch black room you heard the footsteps of a figure walking slowly.
Tap, tap, tap.
When you tried to sit up, a chain of silver wrapped itself around your limbs, your body tied to the bed posts of your bed. Your titled your neck, chest rising and falling with the heavy rush of fear.
“Get away from me!” You commanded the nameless shadow, their face hidden in the darkness of your room. Your unwavering voice betrayed how you felt, anxiety coursing through your veins, pumping in time with the blood that rushed through your body.
A sweet chuckle, like a siren song, befell your ears, and you felt a warm fingertip drag itself down your bare leg, stopping at the silver which bound you.
“Old folklore says that silver scares the devil away.” The voice was smooth as silk, and it filled you with a warmth you didn’t like all that much, a fluttering in your belly that you could feel throbbing in the most sensitive parts of your body. Your thighs ached with the sweetest of pleasures, and you felt your face grow hot with embarrassment.
The palm of this man fell flat upon the metal which bound you, and another chuckle left his chest.
“Yet… here I am.”
“You.” You hissed through gritted teeth, tugging at the chains which bound you.
“Yes, darlin’. Me.” A snap of his fingers, and a perfect flicker of flame shot from his thumb, his face illuminated in the dancing shadows of orange.
The next batch of words got caught in your diaphragm, clawing at your throat as they begged for release. No matter how hard you silently willed it, you could form no coherent sentence.
“You don’t fool me, little one. I can smell your arousal, I can taste it.”
You watched the way his thick lips parted with each word, his dark, umber eyes staring at you as though you were his last meal. His incisors were sharp, glimmering like the sheen of a dagger in the moonlight as his mouth tilted into a devious smile.
His nose, curved and Aquiline, was remarkably attractive, and his curled tufts of chocolate hair curled around his ears, falling onto his forehead and framing his handsome features like an old Renaissance sculpture.
Bernini himself could not have created something as beautiful as this devil.
“I’m not.” You snarled like a caged dog, a growl forming at the back of your throat that would never come.
The devil smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling into a pair of perfect crow’s feet. He was the most gorgeous thing you had ever laid eyes on, truly a fallen angel.
“You’re a feisty little thing. Always have been.”
You fell back onto your mattress, crying out in annoyance. “Let me go! I demand it!”
The man sat down at the edge of your bed, his hand resting on your stomach. A sheen of gentle light illuminated his body in waves of fire, and you saw his whole body, in all its glowy.
He was broad, and seemed much bigger than you, something entirely different from the earthly plane you resided in.
“Your nana was right, you know. I’ve been following you for years, I’ve been waiting for you for centuries.”
“Ce… centuries? What?” Your tongue felt dry as you sat up once more, arms aching from their bonds.
The devil smiled once more. “That piqued your interest, didn’t it?” He ran his hand up and down your belly, and his fingernails felt like talons in your skin. He wasn’t applying enough pressure to break skin, but he was damn close.
“If I tell you more, will you be quiet and stop asking to be let go?”
You nodded, eyebrows raised as you waited with bated breath for his next sentence.
“That’s a good girl. Now, where to begin?” He tapped his chin, and you saw the smirk dancing behind the orbs of his eyes. “Centuries ago, a maiden was prophesied about in Hell. A woman whose beauty would be enough to defeat me. I’m known by many names, you see. Satan, Lucifer, Diablo, the Great Deceiver. I prefer Joel, the name my father first gave me.”
“Your father?”
“I thought I told you to be quiet?” Joel smiled, his nail digging into the skin between your breasts.
“Sorry.” You whined, eyes clenching shut as you felt his nail trace down your sternum, the warm drop of blood pooling between your bare chest. You gasped at the feeling, like a razor blade slicing you open, and when you looked at the Devil, his face glistened like a lion who just caught face of its prey.
He looked hungry. Hungry for you.
“Look what you made me do. I didn’t want to hurt you.” He purred, leaning down. The tip of his nose pressed into your own, and a jolt of electricity shocked you like a bolt of lightning at the feeling of his body so close to yours. “I made a mess of you. Look at that. Do you feel it? Your blood?”
You nodded, and his hand shot up to your face, holding it there in place, so tight you were sure it would bruise.
“Out loud.” He growled through bared teeth.
“Yes. Y-yes.”
Joel hummed in satisfaction, his hand still grasping at your jaw as he leaned his head down. You felt his tongue, hot and flat, press into your skin, flicking over the open wound as he consumed your blood, crimson and hot upon his tastebuds.
Oh, he would devour you whole if you gave him the chance, and something was telling him that you would.
“You’re so sweet, such a pretty thing. Wine of the gods, nectar of the Heavens- and you were created just for me.” Joel was panting like a wild beast now, mouth watering with the promise of your body. 
He wanted to sink his teeth into your flesh, he wanted to bite into your neck and mark you with his teeth until you were imprinted in all the shades and shapes of him, until you were marked with all the stamps of his love, his devotion, his loyalty.
“For you?”
“Oh, where are my manners? I was telling a story, but I got carried away…” He was lost in another world as he sat up, letting go of your face as he stared longingly at your chest. You glanced down, watching your skin heal at record speed. Joel had healed you with a glance, and you saw his head tilt with a smile.
“As I was saying. You were the maiden they spoke of, an angel divined by the Heavens to be cast upon Hell in the hopes of killing me, of ending my eternal reign once and for all. But I had a plan up my sleeve. A plan to make you mine, to fill you with all the beautiful sins of the world. Wrath, gluttony… lust.”
Joel’s fingers traced down your body gentle, reaching your tuft of public hair. He dipped his middle fingers between the folds of your pussy, your swollen lips dripping with the honey of your arousal. You gasped, watching him wordlessly as he brought his finger to his mouth, tasting you. The devil’s eyes fluttered shut, and a low moan escaped him.
“Oh, I think I succeeded with that.” He slowly ran his hand down the side of your head, a thumb brushing across the height of your cheekbone. “I can introduce you to pleasures that have never before been known to man. I can make you feel like a goddess.”
“I-… I don’t… I like it here.”
Joel laughed, a beautiful laugh that intoxicated you, before he shook his head. “This isn’t your choice, sweetheart. Precious girl, thinking you have a say. That’s what I love most about you humans- you’re all so determined.”
His hand was warm and gentle on your skin, his fingers prying their way between your thighs once more. The pad of his index finger easily found your clit, throbbing in hope of a release, hard and swollen beneath his touch.
“Doesn’t matter if you say no. Your body betrays you, darlin’. This pussy is weeping for me. Ain’t she?” He flicked his fingers once more and you felt the ropes around your feet disintegrate, and with a wave of your hand your legs spread, coming up in the air until your pussy was wide open, wantonly spread for his wandering eyes.
“Oh!” You chimed in surprise as your body betrayed you, your movements not your own as he moved to stand at the foot of your bed.
He clicked his tongue against the rough of his mouth, crouching before your cunt. “Look at this. Why, you’re as pretty as a picture. A pretty doll. All for me, too.” Joel winked at you, leaning down and inhaling your scent.
Your face sizzled with shyness, and you whimpered out as the tip of his nose dragged through your folds. You wouldn’t stop him even if your hands were free.
Both of you knew that.
“I’m going to devour you until you’re crying. And I never break a promise.”
The tip of his tongue pressed into your clit, circling it slowly, tracing every shape in the world into the soft bit of flesh. You could feel your wetness, hot and viscous, pooling at the entrance of your tight pussy, dripping down into your asshole until it was soaking through your sheets.
Joel showed inhuman restraint, never giving in to the cries and pleads that escaped you. He focused on his featherlight movements across your clit, refusing to touch anywhere else. Even his hands remained away from your skin.
“Please. Please. I need more. I need more, please!” You begged, crying out into the air, your voice and the wetness of your cunt the only noise in the room. If you couldn’t feel him, you wouldn’t even know he was there.
“Oh no. No, no, no. I have been waiting for you for an eternity, I have been longing for the desires of your flesh for a millennia. Now it’s your turn to wait.” Joel whispered, pulling away to press a tender kiss to the flesh of your thigh. “But don’t worry, little one. I will give you everything you want, in due time. Everything and more. You are mine, my angel, my woman- and I will treat you as such.”
You grasped at nothing, your fingernails digging into the palms of your hand as you panted like a bitch in heat, trying to focus on anything but the throbbing between your legs.
Joel left your clit alone, pulling away to watch your cunt tense and throb without any satisfaction. He watched your lips part with wetness, your tight hole clenching around nothing. He dragged his middle finger down the folds of your pussy, down towards your asshole before circling it slowly, pumping deep until his knuckle was buried inside you ass.
You cried out, gasping for air at the feeling of your asshole stretching open, whining out as a surprise sense of pleasure filled your stomach.
His tongue licked tiny little strips against your clit, barely there as he pumped his middle finger, adding his ring finger into your hole. Joel relished in the feeling of stretching your most private of places, and knowing that your body was his and his alone made his chest swell with a pride he had waited years to feel.
You felt your belly rumbling with the promise of an orgasm, and as though your body was his, he pulled away from your pussy, your orgasm dissolving as your clit was left unattended. He kept his fingers in your asshole, slowly pumping, pumping, pumping, until you felt like you were growing crazy.
“Look at you. This little pussy is just begging for me. You want to cum, don’t you? You want me to make you scream.” He hummed out, a lazy grin spreading across his face as he removed his hands entirely, your gaze meeting his own.
Joel climbed on top of you, his hand resting upon the side of your face. His clothed cock pressed into your bare pussy, his pants- as soft as the finest silk- melting into your body as he shifted his weight on top of you.
His fingers traced lines into your skin as he soaked the vision of your features in, eyes flickering over every inch of your face. His hand dragged to your throat, which he held tightly, watching you gasp for air as he choked you.
In one swift motion he pressed his mouth into yours in a searing hot kiss, his tongue slipping between your lips, tangling itself up into your own. You cried out as his grip tightened, and right as you began to see stars, he let go, holding the back of your head to deepen the kiss.
It felt so wrong, so evil, so delicious. You were intoxicated on him, drunk on everything he had been giving you. At this moment in time, you could have sworn there was nothing you wouldn’t do for him. He could have you, soul, body, spirit, if it meant he would spend forever making you feel like this.
Joel pulled away with a bite of your lower lip, and you tasted the metallic tang of your blood as he fell back between your legs. This time, he pushed his finger into your cunt, eliciting a beautiful gasp from your lips.
“You make such sweet noises.” He cooed, adding a second finger. With hawk like eyes he watched the way your cunt stretched around his digits, and Joel growled at the thought of that same picture on his cock.
Soon, he told himself, soon.
He couldn’t help himself as he took your clit between his lips, rolling it between his mouth as his tongue swirled against it, and he didn’t mind the way your hips bucked, coating his face in your sweet arousal as you whined and whimpered, your words catching in your throat and tumbling out in the most delectable of noises.
This time, he didn’t stop.
He fingered your deep and slow, feeling every inch of your tight walls, your throbbing clit beating in his mouth as he sucked and sucked.
“S-stop! Ah, Joel. Joel I’m going to cum if you keep it up!” You cried, back arching as you tugged at your restraints.
But Joel didn’t stop. He moaned into the folds of your pussy, hooking his fingers against your G-Spot until the only sound ringing through his ears was his name being screamed. Your pussy was wet and wanton, squelching against his digits as your orgasm rushed over you, your thighs shaking against his head.
You figure he would stop, but he didn’t, and soon your clit grew hard with sensitivity as your orgasm subsided.
“I can’t take anymore!” You whined, pressing your thighs into his head.
“You take what I say.” He snarled, and with another flick of his fingers your hands were free. Joel knew you wouldn’t push him away. How could you?
And he was right. Your fingers ran through his curls as you cried out with pleasure, your pussy tingling with sensitivity as he sucked and lapped at your clit. Joel pulled away to push your ass back, licking from your asshole to mound in order to gather all your cum, sucking your cunt dry.
He did all of that just so he could soak you again.
Joel rubbed your clit with his fingers, opting to fuck your pussy with his tongue. In and out, in and out, exploring you with his mouth as he circled your little nub. You gasped and groaned, whimpered and mewled, tugging at his curls so hard he winced. He couldn’t help but moan at the pain, allowing you to hold his head tight and close to you.
He pulled away from tongue fucking you, his teeth sinking into the flesh of your thigh, biting until your pretty skin would surely bruise. His fingers were relentless on your bud, and soon your second orgasm of the night was brewing.
Your eyes pricked with tears, a sob forming in the back of your throat as your felt that tight band forming in your belly, tighter and tighter, your whole being right on the brink of cumming.
Joel sunk his incisors into your thigh once more, tasting the blood that pricked from your breaking flesh, and that’s when your orgasm happened. Long and hard, rushing through your pussy until you were sobbing, a blabbering fool as you pleaded with him to stop touching your clit.
He didn’t. He rubbed and rubbed until you were swelling, more arousal growing within you. He rubbed until you were hiccuping, eyes drying as you sniffled, fingers massaging into his scalp in an attempt to calm yourself down.
Finally, he pulled away, moving on top of you once more. “Shh.” Joel hummed, a chaste kiss pressing into your forehead. “Such a good angel. It’s okay. I’m here, I’m here.” He held you close, sitting you up until you were straddling his lap, cradling you tight in his broad, hefty chest. You rested your hands on the expanse of his soft belly, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck.
“Such a good girl. You know you are, don’t you? My pretty little play thing, my sweet girl.” He rubbed his thumb into your cheek, another kiss pressing into your nose.
“Now,” he began, flicking his fingers. In the blink of an eye his clothes disappeared, and you felt his thick cock pressing between your thighs, resting on your pussy. “You sit there, and rub yourself against me. Be a good girl, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You agreed, resting your hands on his shoulder as you grinded down into his dick. He was long and thick, absolutely huge beneath you.
Joel watched your face as you did so, not making any noise. His thick arms were wrapped around your body, fingertips pressing into your soft ass, holding you tight and close in place.
“Tilt your head back, darlin’.” You did as he asked. “Open your mouth.” You obeyed, and Joel moved his face over yours, a string of hot spit falling into your mouth, sliding down your tongue. You moaned, tasting yourself, before Joel grabbed your neck and guided your mouth back to his own. He kissed you, the tips of his fingers pressing into your skin as he marked you as his own.
You moaned his name into his mouth, hands falling to his curls as you ground yourself down, coating the hair of his legs and belly in your slick, bouncing up and down on nothing until the wet slaps of your pussy squelched in the air.
Joel pulled his mouth away from your own, placing his palm on your chest and pushing you back into the mattress of your bed.
He crawled on top of you, and in a seemingly uncharacteristic moment of tenderness, ran his knuckle across your cheek, pressing a flurry of kisses into your skin. From your eyelashes to your chin, he didn’t leave an inch forgotten. He reached down, pressing the tip of his leaking cock against the folds of your pussy. In one swift movement he rutted in to you until his hips were flush with yours, offering you no respite from the stinging length and thickness of his member.
Your nails dug in to his shoulders, scratching down the width of his golden back as you hissed through your teeth. He throbbed inside of you, and your pussy contracted tight around him, until you were practically choking him.
“You feel better than I could have ever imagined. I’m not surprised.” Despite being buried balls deep inside of you, Joel was still cool as a cucumber, holding all the cards and calling all the shots.
“So big.” You whimpered.
“S’okay. I told you I’d take care of you. Have I let you down yet?” He waited with darkening eyes for your answer, relishing in the gentle shake of your head. “Mhm, that’s what I thought. There’s a good girl.”
Grabbing the back of your legs, he pushed them back, resting your feet on his shoulders as he looked down at the place you were connected. He watched the swollen lips of your pussy stretch around his cock, bringing his length all the way out until the tip rested against your fucked hole, grinning as he watched himself disappear within you again.
You looked at him, scanning over his features, memorizing every inch of his face. It all felt surreal. Just an hour ago he was practically tormenting you, cunning and terrifying, and now he was making you feel better than you had ever felt before. He was introducing you to pleasures you didn’t think were possible, showing you all the wonders of the hells that you had since missed out on.
As he fucked you senseless, skin slapping on skin, sweat forming between the valley of your breasts, you knew there was no way you would ever give any of this up. You had just met this devil, Satan himself, and you would gladly offer yourself to him every night, forevermore.
Joel held your hips steady, reaching spots of pleasure deep within your pussy that you never even knew were there. The tip of his cock leaked with his pre-cum, your slickness costing him, pooling at the base of his belly, sticking to the soft tuffs of hair which rested there.
He was grunting now like an animal, like a wild dog that had just been freed from a cage. Joel thrusted in to you , each thrust harder than the last, and when he reached down to touch your sensitive clit, your cry of pleasure warned him of another orgasm fast approaching.
“You gonna cum again? ‘Course you are.” Joel chuckle to himself, gently rubbing your button. “You look so pretty like that. All sweaty and exhausted, moaning and squirming ‘cause of me.” He sucked his lip between his teeth, watching your pussy move in unison with his touches.
“Uh-huh! Yes.” You blabbered like a fuck-drunk fool, practically drooling as he fucked deep, his fingers on your clit causing warmth to brew in your belly.
“You’re gonna cum with me. Got it?”
You nodded quickly, and in one swift movement Joel picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he fucked your body on to his cock, effortlessly holding you with one arm, an otherworldly strength gluing your bodies in place.
“Touch your clit.” He demanded, and you quickly did as he said, rubbing your clit as he pressed his forehead into yours, his other hand holding the back of your head in place. “I want you to look me in the eyes when you cum undone on me.”
“Oh. Fuck. O-okay.” You gasped, a fistful of your hair tight in his fingers.
“Gonna cum, angel.” He panted, forehead falling against yours. He hissed out a moan between his teeth, and you felt your own orgasm about to rip through you. “That’s it. I can feel you. So close, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yes.” You gasped, nodding at nothing in particular as you rubbed frantically at your pussy. “I’m gonna- I- um. Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah?” He cooed through a chuckle of amusement, eyes closing as your clenched down on his cock, an orgasm waving through you. At the feeling of your pussy tightening, Joel allowed himself to orgasm, thick ropes painting your walls white until you couldn’t be filled up anymore, his sticky cum dripping and leaking onto his legs as he fucked himself with your cunt, grunting like a beast as his orgasm subsided ever so slowly.
He tossed you onto the bed, crawling on top of you to meet you with a kiss, his tongue sliding against your own. Your hands rested on his cheeks, moaning into his mouth as you clamped down on nothingness, never before feeling so empty.
Joel cradled you in his arms, pulling away to look down at you. “I always knew you’d be well worth the wait.”
You smiled, nodding as you rested your hands on his biceps, soft and supple beneath your touch.
“Everyone always told me the devil would kill me.” You grinned, biting down on your lip as your body molded into his own, chests pressed together as the soft rise and fall of your breaths matched in unison.
“Not this one.” Joel promised, brushing your hair away from your face. “Fuck you until you almost pass out, sure. But I will never let any harm get to you.”
A moment of silence passed over you.
“I was born to defeat you?”
He nodded. “That’s what the stories say. But most stories are bullshit anyways.” Joel kissed your forehead, eyes closing at the feeling of your cheek pressing against his chest.
“Are you going to take me with you?”
“To Hell?”
“Yes.” You hummed against him, voice muffled by his chest.
“Of course. I can’t leave you all up here by yourself. Besides,” he titled your chin how to his finger, a smirk on his mouth. “There’s a lot more we have left to do.”
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jewish-vents · 3 days
something i’ve noticed lately is online leftists being ignorant to some (most) forms of antisemitism, but vocal ONLY about jokes/stereotypes about jewish ethnic features.
they can point out the big nose stereotypes all day long (and they should) but when we beg them to have more concern for conspiracy theories, double standards for jews/israel, disinformation about jewish history and the war, holocaust inversion/denial/fake care for survivors, using zionism as a get out of jail card for judenhass, generalizing all israelis and diaspora jews as genocidal, denying that most jews identify with zionism, misusing jewish terms, demonizing jewish culture and hebrew, actual modern day blood libel, tokenization, accusing jews of “stealing culture”, denying indigeneity, painting ashke jews as white colonizers/villains, completely disregarding other diaspora groups, calling for israelis to be murdered, trying to “revoke” israelis’ jewishness, falsely calling the jewish people /only/ a religious group, redefining or goysplaining words/concepts they learned last week, using historically antisemitic canards, desecrating jewish monuments, houses, businesses, schools, and synagogues, AND literal, physical violence against jews….
it’s silence. crickets. it’s excuses and justifications. it’s thoughtless conversation enders. it’s refusal to sit with discomfort and address one’s mistakes. it’s a buzzword copy and pasted with a flag. “death to israel” or “kys zionist”. it’s “antizionism ≠ antisemitism”.
if you refuse to acknowledge the many forms antisemitism takes, of course you’d hyperfocus on one specific type. racist tropes about jews in media are awful. they’re harmful and part of dehumanization.
but if your understanding of antisemitism starts and ends at “greedy long nosed goblins in harry potter,” and you refuse to listen to jews, and refuse to see how antisemitism functions outside of pop culture and how it manifests into verbal and physical violence, you are no ally.
spreading antisemitism will not help palestinians at all, and it’s so fucking devastating that online activists can log on and feel vindicated and like they’re all heroic just for harassing random jews. meanwhile they’re wasting time and energy that could go towards something that ACTUALLY helps the palestinian people.
(also funny that they wanna call jews white when these stereotypes are about non-white ethnic features. and they stem from nazi propaganda about jews/jewish blood “ruining” white genetics. i could go on and on about the weird racial science lefties have ran with since oct7, especially within what we understand as race/ethnicity as social groupings, what makes someone indigenous, the weird blood quantum shit, noble savage trope, and the infantilization of palestinians)
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aanxiousangel · 2 days
I'm always dying for more asl bros content pretty please *sparkly dog eyes*
ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱʏ, ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱʏ~
anˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ANONNNNN YOU READ MY MIND AND STOLE MY HEART goshhhhh i love asl bros I COULD CRY <3 its a little unedited tho fml :') ((and if its not obvious ace is my BABYYYY)) wcˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 2965 total cwˏˋ°•*⁀➷ jealousy, y/n smacks tf out of ace, y/n is kinda fuckin drunk..., cheesy shit
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Portgas D Ace
Fire Fist Ace. Loved by many, loved even more by women on the islands. You decided to join him in sailing, tired of being stuck on that island. Sure, you saw Ace as a brother for a long, long time. But…it was inevitable. You hit puberty and suddenly, it wasn’t some sibling bond. It was nothing but blood, sweat, and tears to fight off the emotions.
I mean… Come on. He was tall and fucking hot. Literally. You lost count of how many times he almost burned you when he was still learning how to control his devil fruit powers. In turn, you poured ice cold water on him as some sort of punishment. He wasn’t happy in the slightest.
Eventually, you two grew into some fine young adults. And I mean fine as hell. Pirates swooned over you left and right until they saw Ace constantly by your side. Despite them catching somewhat of a memo, the fangirls did not.
Women flocked to the ebony-haired beauty with ease, practically dogpiling upon seeing him to get to him. Often enough, it earned him a free round of drinks and food in an attempt to catch his attention. It made your skin crawl constantly.
And while he definitely seemed like a flirt, he couldn’t care less. He did enjoy the food and liquor though. He was just so oblivious to you glaring daggers from the bar.
Little to your knowledge, Ace purposely scared men off by your side, throwing evil glares or quite literally spitting fireballs at them. Like your own personal guard dog.
One night, you’d had one too many and you couldn’t help but get irritated. You paid your tab, not giving Ace and his groupies a second glance as you stormed out. It took the drunken sailor a moment, not thinking it was you storming out at first. But the second he caught a whiff of your sweetened scent, he jumped the table, darting out after you.
Hell, you were already halfway to the ship when he spotted you. Have you ever seen a man run so fast in heavy ass boots?! Fuck no. But his impending steps scared the shit out of you. You drew your katana, spinning around to meet Ace’s neck with the blade.
He could see the fear in your eyes until your brain registered it was him. There was a moment where your gaze softened, but quickly turned sour. It made his heart ache. You never gave him that look.
“Why did you leave? The party wasn’t over!” Ace rasped, still catching his breath as you sheathed the sharp blade.
“Go back, Ace,” you snapped, a slight slur between your words.
“C’mon, Y/N, come back with me,” he pouted, knowing it made you weak. His damned puppy-pleading eyes and lip quiver always had you giving in.
“No,” you snapped, turning on your heel to continue going home.
“What the fuck?” Ace fell into step alongside you, staring in disbelief. “You actually just… Y/N! What did I do?”
“Nothing, Ace! Go party with your fanclub,” you huffed out, running a hand through your grimey hair. Gods, you were beginning to sweat just from anger.
“Wait, fanclub? Those chicks? Is that why you’re so pissy?” His voice had risen, as if he had a right to be upset with you. You just wanted to get out of there.
“Pissy?!” You half-laughed half-scoffed, stopping dead in your tracks.
“Yeah! Pissy! You’re bein’ childish!” He mocked your exasperated tone.
“Oh, because you can talk!” A sarcastic laugh escaped you as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
Ace sucked his teeth, “Don’t be a bitch, Y/N.”
Before you could think about your actions, your palm was stinging and his jaw was slack with shock. Neither of you were exactly coordinated at the moment so it was his jawbone catching most of the impact. His hand carefully cupped the stinging sensation, his jaw moving side to side.
“Fuck,” you whispered, staring at him all doe-eyed. “A-Ace, I’m so sorry. I-I…”
“You really pack a fuckin’ punch,” he chuckled, not meeting your eyes.
“I swear it won’t happen…again…” You watched as he took a deep breath, looking up at the sky.
“Stop bottlin’ shit up. That’s exactly what happens. You fucking blow up,” Ace’s voice held no anger, no malice, nothing. He sounded almost like a parent scolding their child.
“I’m going back to the ship.” You whispered, stepping back.
Ace’s fingers wrapped around your wrist, yanking you into him. Nausea hit as you stumbled into his chest. You couldn’t even warn him before it spewed from your mouth, eyes watering as you choked.
“Ew! Y/N!” Ace whined, quickly jumping back.
“You throw a drunk person–” Another wave hit you, forcing you to vomit on the stone road, “And you expect them not to vomit?”
“You stink,” Ace shuddered, stepping back.
“Obviously,” you sobered up, standing up carefully. There was a bit of vomit in your hair making you cringe. “I need a shower.”
“Shit, now I do too,” he whined again, freaking out that a drop of vomit splattered on his leg.
You rolled your eyes, “Could have one of your maidens clean you up.”
Ace frowned at you, “Come on! I thought ya dropped this whole chick thing!”
“Whatever, Ace,” you walked up the gangway, leaving him on the edge of the docks.
You didn’t hear his heavy boots following behind anymore. It twisted your stomach into knots as you walked through the empty ship, finding your way to the bathroom. Your hands weakly worked the nozzles to turn the water warm, eyes still unfocused from the amount of sake you downed to forget the image of him. Specifically the women flanking his sides, shoving alcohol and food down his throat. Somehow, not their tongues.
Steam fogged the bathroom as you undressed, a little wobbly on your feet. Puking was definitely your least favorite thing to do after a party. The door swung open as you worked the buttons on your shorts, a sharp scream escaping you.
“Tell me what the hell I did,” Ace shut the door behind him, hands on his hips like a sassy woman.
“Ace! Get out!” You covered your breasts immediately.
“Tell me what’s got a stick up your ass!” He wasn’t even focused on your tits. Just the fact that he couldn’t understand why you were genuinely angry at him.
“I’m naked, asshole!” You felt dizzy, heavily embarrassed by his intrusion.
“I have boobs too!” Ace motioned to his muscles, clearly not giving a shit how you were freaking out.
“Those are pecs!? Are you dumb?!” You tried shoving him towards the door, but he wasn’t budging.
“Same shit. Now talk,” his boot tapped impatiently as he pouted.
“Oh, my god! Turn around!” You whined, needing to get in the water while it was still hot.
Ace rolled his eyes, turning around. You shoved the rest of your clothes off, almost eating shit as you hid behind the shower curtain, soaked with water. He glanced back, seeing your shadow against the opaque drape.
“Start explainin’.” He moved to sit on the countertop, leaning back against the wall.
“It’s not a big fuckin’ deal, Ace.” You thoroughly washed your hair, the massage making your eyes roll back. Fuck, how long had it been since you felt this clean?
“It is to me, Y/N. That should mean somethin’ to you.” He muttered. Maybe you were hearing things, but he sounded hurt.
“It just gets on my nerves to see women obsess over you.” You stated, closing your eyes as the water drained the bubbles from your locks.
“Someone’s jealous.” His smirk was evident in his voice.
You stayed silent. It wasn’t easy to lie to him. Nor did you want to confirm his suspicions.
Nope. Not doing it.
You were planning on staying silent but he yanked open the curtain, half worried that you’d magically died in the shower. He let out a sigh of relief when you shrieked, smacking his hand away to pull the curtain back into place.
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“I thought you dropped dead, idiot!”
“Are you dense?!”
Ace pursed his lips, staring at your eyes. What did he do wrong? Obviously, opening the shower might’ve been was wrong. But the anger. You were so angry with him… It actually hurt his feelings. Poor baby.
“Ace, why are you so stuck on this?”
“I don’t want you to be mad at me.”
And there goes your heart. It ached at his words. If you weren’t soaking wet and bare, you would’ve hugged him. So, you did the next best thing you could think of. You told him the truth.
“You’re an idiot.” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. A habit when you were giving in to whatever he wanted.
“Ouch. Hurtful,” Ace crossed his arms.
“No, not because of that. You’re so fucking blind, Ace. I’m…fuck. I like you! So, yes, I get upset when women are touching you, getting all of your attention. You flirt with them in front of my face. It hurts. You always do that shit.”
Ace’s poor face. His jaw slacked, staring at you. He was stuck on those three words. Was he seriously that drunk..? Was he starting to hallucinate? Had to be. Not…not you, right? How could he be so blind? He was a god at reading women, so, why not you? Right up until this point, he assumed you still saw him as your older brother.
“Earth to Ace?” Your hand waved in front of his face.
“You like me…” He exhaled, not realizing he stopped breathing for a few seconds.
“Yeah, kinda just said that.” You yanked the shower curtain closed to finish up.
“You like me!” Ace yanked it back open.
“Stop that!” You tried fighting his strength without ripping the thin plastic.
“Hell no!” Ace jumped into the shower, almost falling over as he cupped your face. “You fucking like me?! Since when?”
“Sh-ince–” He squished your face too much, making it hard for you to speak clearly. “Ace!”
“Sorry.” He retracted his hands, resting them on his hat.
“Since we were kids, dumbass,” you rubbed your cheeks softly.
“I’m so stupid,” Ace breathed.
“You are,” you went to turn back to your shower, but he was quicker.
The tiles were ice cold against your back. The warmth of his lips made up for it though. He pulled back, looking down at you.
“You taste like vomit.”
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Flame Emperor Sabo
The stars twinkled against the midnight sky. You poor thing, drinking away your feelings. It almost became a monthly ritual. You’d sneak off in the dark with a heavy bottle of sake and sit on the shore’s edge. Water rippled around your toes, leaving icy kisses against your skin.
It wasn’t that you enjoyed being drunk out of your mind. It just took the edge off most times. You actually kind of hated the burn. The flavor wasn’t too great. Flavor… Huh, your mind lingered on wondering what Sabo tasted like. Just one little kiss. Wouldn’t that be something…
This was the first night you finished a whole bottle so you weren’t coherent whatsoever. You didn’t catch the footsteps walking up behind you or his voice softly calling your name. Not until his hand rested on your shoulder did you look over and see him.
His blond curls and black attire made you smile lopsidedly. You thought that you were just starting to see things from your inebriated state. Fuck, how strong was that liquor?
“You look like Sabo,” a giggle escaped you followed by a hiccup.
“I would think so,” he chuckled softly, sitting next to you. “Why are you out here?”
“I don’t know,” you turn your gaze back up to the stars.
“Are you sure about that?” Sabo hummed, gazing up at the sky.
“It’s dumb,” you snort, rubbing your heavy eyes.
“Tell me. I’m a great listener, you know,” he chuckled.
“I just really like him. No…I love him.” You sigh, your eyes growing heavy. You desperately try to fight it off, but it’s getting harder by the second. “But he doesn’t feel the same. So, I drink to force it all out. Or push it down. However it works. It’s a thing now. My thing. I don’t know how you found me.”
“Who?” His voice cracked, his eyes moving to glance at you subtly.
“Sabo.” Now it’s your own voice’s turn to crack. “He’s so sweet, so passionate. He doesn’t have time for a relationship though…”
He stays silent. Did he hear you right? Were you even sure? He could see the bottle was empty. There was no way you were all the way there. You must’ve been drunk out of your mind.
“See? ‘S dumb,” you mumble tiredly. “Just…don’t tell him I told you.”
“I won’t.” He watched your eyes slowly close, your body letting the waves lull you asleep. “I promise.”
Sabo scooped you up, bringing you back to the ship. He made a B-line for his quarters, tucking you into his bed. Out of respect, he wasn’t going to sleep with you. He couldn’t. But…your hand latched onto him tightly, brows furrowed in your sleep. Sabo tried to tug your hand from his coat but fuck, were you strong.
Sabo sighed and slid in beside you, holding you close. “I love you, too, Y/N.”
“I know,” you mumbled drunkenly against his chest, feeling his body tense up against you.
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Monkey D Luffy
Oh, sweet Luffy. Such innocence in this strong fighter. It was laughable really. You could absolutely do anything and he wouldn’t bat an eye. Wouldn’t dare second-guess that you were just being you. After all, you two grew up together. Well, you four. But you followed Luffy on his adventure, some sort of instinct to protect this naive kid.
You were really into him. The whole crew could see it from miles away. Nami and Franky always teased you about it. Hell, even Sanji teased you. He tried giving you love advice, but you’d give him a pointed look and he would roll his eyes.
“You don’t have to look at me like that.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Alright! Alright! Tch. I know.”
You’d bring Luffy snacks while he was busy doing things around the ship–if he wasn’t already scavenging the fridge. Or force his stinky self to bathe. He’d scream halfway across the ship, telling the crew you were kidnapping him. Robin would tease that you were like his mother which you’d shiver in disgust.
“So, you enjoy being a parent?”
“You’re like his mom.”
“Ew… That feels so wrong.”
One Sunday evening, Luffy came creeping into your room. He watched you carefully, extremely confused. You looked up from your book, raising your eyebrow as he flinched.
“What’s wrong, Luffy?”
“Is it broken?” You get up, leaving your book on the bed.
“No. You didn’t make me take one.”
You stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter. “Um, no, I didn’t.”
“Why?” He tilted his head and it made you smile.
“I’m not your mom,” you shrug softly, rubbing your arm awkwardly.
“So?” Luffy, still confused, went over and started tugging you along. “I know you’re not.”
“Where we goin’?” You raised your eyebrow.
“Bath.” He made it sound so obvious.
“You want a bath?” Your hand flew up to your mouth to stop your laughter.
Luffy stepped into the bathroom, pointing at the tub. “No… Yes… I don’t know.”
You started the water, plugging up the drain. He watched you, pouting. Why’d you stop fighting him? Was he being too annoying? His chest felt funny as he stared at you.
“Why aren’t you making me take one?” He asked again, poking your side.
“I figured you didn’t want it.”
You weren’t just going to up and tell him Robin’s comment made you feel strange and distant. You didn’t want him seeing you as his mother. Not when you had feelings for him.
“You’re lying. Your nose moved.”
“Your nose. It did that thing when you lied.”
Your face went red, looking away from him. You shut the water off and nodded at it.
“Get in.” You glanced at him.
“No. Why are you lying? We don’t lie to each other.”
Luffy was right. You two didn’t lie to each other. It was just something that stuck all throughout the years. You sighed softly, dropping your head between your hands.
“I know and I’m sorry. But I can’t tell you.”
“That’s the same thing as lying.”
“Luffy, get in the damn tub.”
“Hey! Don’t be mean!” Luffy whined.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry,” you rubbed your face, looking up at him. Dammit. He was adorable. Cute. Really fucking attractive. Especially when he wore his shirt open… Crap. “Luffy, I love you.”
“I love you too,” Luffy tilted his head again. “What’s wrong?”
“No, like, I love love you.” You mumbled.
“What do you mean?” He sat in front of you, forcing you to look at him.
“Like… I have a crush on you, dummy. I love you. In love,” You bit your inner cheek, nervously tapping your heel on the floor.
“And…you didn’t want to make me take a bath because you love love me?” Luffy got up, taking his clothes off.
You looked away until you could hear the water splashing, “It’s not going to make sense.”
“Oh, well,” Luffy laid in the water. Before the effects could fully weaken him, he yanked you into the tub with him. “I think I love love you too.”
“Asshole!” You sputtered, looking up at him now drenched.
Luffy grinned, puckering his lips. Maybe he wasn’t so naive.
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lovelynim · 2 days
Shocking, isn't it?
Genshin Impact - Scaramouche x Tartaglia
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A/N: This was greatly inspired by @/ikimaru's post. It's literally living in my head rent free, so I needed to do something about it.
Summary: Tartaglia is nervous and all that tension might ruin such a good moment... So Scaramouche decides to tweak things a little.
Word count: 1204 words
Warnings: Midly suggestive content, nothing explicit tho
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Tartaglia's back hit the wall, with so much strength that it forced the air out of his lungs. And before he could recover, the assault went on. It was hard for him to stand on his legs, to keep himself together and not fall apart like a castle of cards.
“What's the issue, newbie? Can't keep up?” Scaramouche scoffed, taking a moment to laugh at his ‘comrade’.
To his and everyone's surprise, this wasn't a fight. However, Tartaglia couldn't help but to think that there was some murderous intent directed to him - but, if anything, those only made it more exciting. “H-hah, you sure aren’t… all talk, balladeer,” he gasped, wiping off a little drop of drool that was pouring from the corner of his lips.
Scaramouche clicked his tongue, amused. Despite their height difference, he was the one cornering Tartaglia against the wall. “Can’t say the same goes for you,” he teased, his hand reaching for the door knob next to them and effortlessly pushing it open. There was no need for words or gestures as they both already knew what to do. 
Tartaglia barely stepped inside the bedroom and Scaramouche was already latching himself onto him. The same hand that tightly groped his red shirt pushed him towards the bed, barely giving Tartaglia time to kick off his boots. Damn, this guy really was something else, Tartaglia thought, whining a little into their vicious kissing.
Scaramouche pushed him into the mattress, rubbing the corner of his lips with the back of his hands. “You look scared, did I go too hard on you?” He cooed, irony poisoning his voice while he started to shed his own layers of clothes. “I thought you could ‘take me wherever, whenever’, no?”
Tartaglia chuckled - hoping it would help him hide his uneasiness. He wasn’t so sure of those words anymore. “And I can, balladeer, heh…” That didn’t even convince himself, but oh well.
Scaramouche tilted his head, getting his knee on top of the mattress and slowly approaching the ginger. Tartaglia leaned against the bedpost and watched in silence, at the verge of cracking under the tension and the pressure. Now that it was really happening, could he sustain all of his claims for before? Despite his looks, Scaramouche clearly knew what he was doing and was going to do, while Tartaglia, on the other hand…
Before he could sink any further into these thoughts, Scaramouche straddled one of his legs. Shit, he was so close—
“Eyes on me, newbie,” the other’s voice broke into Tartaglia’s head. He had a playful, yet dominating look on his face. “You might learn a thing or two…” So cocky, Tartaglia thought, but he wasn’t in a position to talk back.
Sighing, as he was forced to follow orders, Tartaglia closed his eyes and leaned in, kissing the balladeer’s lips again. Their lips crashed into each other - without passion, but burning with desire.
Despite not knowing his “coworker” that well, here Tartaglia was. However, as inexperienced as he was, he didn’t know what to do with his hands. Should he hug Scaramouche? Or just keep them away? What if he messed up? Archons, that would be so embarrassing, and what if Scaramouche spread that he was a virgin and—
“...hey,” Scaramouche sighed, breaking their kiss. He looked a little annoyed, but mostly because they stopped kissing. “What are you thinking about? Pay attention, damned newbie…”
Tartaglia’s cheeks flushed in a bright shade of pink. Did he mess up their kissing? He practiced for so long… “I-is something wrong?” Tartaglia dared to ask, his fingers digging into the mattress, tightly holding it.
“You’re too tense,” Scaramouche complained with half closed eyes. Tartaglia wished he could hear the other’s thoughts, it was so hard to read what he was feeling - his face always looked the same, he always seemed so angry. But, this time, he was sure he heard him… laugh. “Let me just…”
Scaramouche quickly reached for Tartaglia’s shirt collar and nearly ripped all the buttons open as he dragged his hand down. The cloth that was being held together quickly fell down Tartaglia’s body, exposing his body to Scaramouche hungry eyes. “Don’t worry,” Scaramouche muttered, gently cupping one of Tartaglia’s cheeks, leaning close to admire his nervous expression. His finger slid down Tartaglia’s jawline, lifting his face by his chin, “it will be fun…”
Tartaglia couldn’t say anything. His throat was closed shut and barely air was making its way through it. He could only watch and shiver, tensing in anticipation as Scaramouche pressed his hand against his chest and slid it down his body. “S-Scaram-”
A small purple light came from where Scaramouche’s hand was. Tartaglia widened his eyes as small bolts of electricity surrounded the other man’s finger, crackling as he imbued his hand with electro energy. “W-wait, Scaram- ah!”
All it took was a single finger pressing into his stomach for one of the sparkles to shock him. Scaramouche grinned, letting the electro energy flow into Tartaglia’s body. “What's wrong? It doesn’t hurt, does it? Too much for you?”
“N-nohot reall- ah! But it- a-agh, tihickles..!” Tartaglia whimpered, pressing his eyes shut and clenching his hands into fists. It should hurt, he thought, but it didn’t. All he could feel was an electric pulse flowing, stimulating all his nerves at once.
“Oh, really?” Scaramouche feigned surprised, tilting his head slightly. Pressing his index into the spot just above Tartaglia’s navel, he began to draw little shapes: a circle, a star, a heart… all while sending little bolts of electricity into the skin. “Then laugh, newbie. And relax, yes?”
Tartaglia's body trembled with spasms, jerking his limbs in a weird way. It tickled so bad and it was just a finger, Scaramouche was literally toying with him, mocking, torturing even… but he didn’t dislike those ideas. Again, if anything, those only made it more exciting. “W-wahahait! H-hnngh! P-plehease! It f-feels wehehei- aHAah, c-cohome on!”
Scaramouche only smiled, his finger tracing each muscle of Tartaglia’s abs, moving to his side and then down to his hip. It tickled terribly, terrifically. The ginger curled his toes and giggled his free leg while the other simply trembled under Scaramouche’s weight. That sensation made him want to laugh, to cry, to moan. “S-stahahap, ahAHa, I-I’m seheher- AHAH!!”
Before he could protest any further, Scaramouche added a second finger, pinching a bit of soft skin just below Tartaglia’s ribs, rolling that patch of meat between his digits while showering it with electro energy. “You don’t sound like you want me to stop, newbie,” he whispered softly, watching Tartaglia nearly melt under his gentle-shock-treatment. 
“I think you’re into this, huh?” He teased, finally ceasing the electric flow. Tartaglia's body went limp against the bed, his head spinning and his vision blurry.
Tartaglia sighed, taking his trembling hand to his face, moving it through his hair tiredly. “Y-yeah…” He nodded, a shy smile spreading on his face and adorning it along with his flushed cheeks.
Scaramouche laughed, shaking his head for a moment and smirking back at his newbie’s messed up state. “I see,” he then moved his hands, holding both Tartaglia’s hips, “so let’s see how much you can take, newbie.”
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arrowheadedbitch · 13 hours
Okay guys, time for a long overdue post
Welcome to my CIA!Shawn au
And yes most of this is copy-pasted from discord, leave me be
AU where Shawn used to be a spy 👀👀👀
Old spy partner coming to sb to ask for Shawn's help 👀
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I'm more interested in how it would affect the *Despereaux* dynamic tbh
And yeah the traveling the world thing with the many many jobs was the perfect cover
Imagining secret agent Shawn au, him and his partner (her name is scarlet but he usually calls her one of those BAD James Bond ones) have a tactic they call Operation Stick It To The Man
Her name changes every mission like he pretends gus does, because she's a spy so sometimes she's Scarlet and other times she Sara or Debbie or whatever, ykniw
Stick it to the man: It's probably just Shawn goes in and fucks shit up, how he does it is up to him, judgement call, but being destructive is encouraged, while she sneaks in
Also, I don't know why I do this to myself but I came up with her real identity and it's Scarlet Featherman, don't ask why, it quite literally came to me in a dream
And yes she is fine with Shawn calling her Pussy Galore, she thinks is just as funny as he does
I love aus where it's like "Yeah, no, Shawn has had a SUPER high profile job before, in fact maybe he still has it now"
This includes but is not limited to "Oh no, he's a cop, just for a different department." "Yeahh Shawn is in the CIA, he's keeping so many government secrets right now" and "Shawn was a spy. He kinda left the organize and kinda didn't, it's complicated, let's go break something!"
The last one is mine btw lol
I've been thinking about it nonstop for daysssss
If I write it I'm naming the fic "Agent P as in Pineapple"
New OC: Scarly Feather
Lesson learned: Don't be eepy when thinking out an au
This is where we got a more specific channel and I moved there so I'll call that a good ending point
PT 1/?
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splatoonpolls · 1 day
Sicily Dyerize by @ghosthoodie vs Tami the Ruthless And Valiant Creature From Muni Eru Kaiyo by @wyrm-in-a-closet
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There's a lot but basically she's born and grew up in an orphanage and joined the military as Agent 3 because the only thing she knew about her family was that it was military related. Her life goes on and after Octo Expansion she learns that all this time she's been Marie's half-sister and (unbeknownst to her) was given up at birth. After a few years she's happily together with her wifey Kaity and is dealing with the separation with them both being in totally different campaigns :)
An inkling born to ordinary parents who worked at Gone Fission power plant. However, a salmonid big run happened in the area, and because Grizzco didn't yet exist, it had to be abandoned, and Tami's parents were killed. Tami herself, who was also there, was badly injured and lost her right arm, was found by some salmonids, but because she was a young inkling the salmonids didn't know what she was and so instead of killing her took her home. She then spent almost her entire life growing up with the salmonids, and became a very skilled fighter, but also starting a band with a couple other salmonids. They make music that's like horrible to listen to and will overestimate you. Once she was 14, she joined the war on salmonids on the side of the salmonids. Over time Grizzco expands and poses a larger and larger threat to the salmonids, so Tami decides that she's going to go try and put a stop to it, because she's the only one who could make it to inkling civilation without being killed, although that doesn't change the fact she didn't know the language, culture, or anything. After spending several nights on the streets of splatsville, Tami is found by Tide, an octoling who's been living there for some time. Tide takes Tami under their wing, despite them knowing nothing about each other. Over the next few months Tide teachers Tami inkling language, has Tami participate in battles (where she fuckin rocks at it bc she's been literally trained for war), all while Tami searches for more info on Grizzco, but unfortunately nobody knows shit about it. Finally she happens across Cuttlefish and eventually falls into Alterna, where she has no idea what's going on until eventually wow Mr. Grizz is there. She fucking kills him and then just kinda leaves without really joining the squidbeak splatoon she just wanted to kill Mr grizz. Anyways then she and Tide probably go back to salmonid or something I haven't really figure this out. Sorry for the text wall
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oscconfessions · 3 days
You guys realize there is no correct way of humanizing objects right? There are quite literally no rules and you can do whatever the hell you want, because almost all the time they have no canon race, body type, clothing style, etc.
I've seen so many people try to enforce different traits onto other's designs that they see fit, and it really upsets me. Sure, you can not like someones design or think it's boring, but there is nothing objectively wrong with however someone decides to make a gijinka. Hate white skinny conventionally attractive gijinkas? Cool! Just know it isn't okay to directly or vaguely shit on someone's gijinka for looking like that, because that is called being an asshole!
Again, there are no rules! Just as an example, Candle ii is not canonically or even implied to be black or fat, you can draw her however you want. (Just gonna clarify that I draw her like this so put your pitchforks down) You don't have to conform to the commonly agreed on design, but it's also okay to do that if you want.
And another thing, I often see people complaining about how some artists only draw skinny gijinkas for certain characters when they only draw the same fat body type for every character. Kind of hypocritical if you ask me. Body diversity isn't just not drawing skinny people you know.
Besides, I'm pretty sure everyone just draws their designs with the traits they personally find attractive. I've never seen an exclusively fat body type artist that didn't slobber and thirst over every drawing they make, so, draw what you want, it doesn't matter.
Anyway, whether you love huge fat hairy men or skinny twinks, just know not everyone does or has to. Everyone has their own preferences, so don't go around trying to preach how yours is the superior correct one. When it comes to object gijinkas, NOTHING is superior nor correct because it's all up to each individual's interpretation.
This is art we're talking about here. Do you know what art is guys? It's how people express themSELF. Artists don't draw to appeal to YOU, or your personal preferences. All the art you see on this app isn't made just for you, it's personal work that someone has built up the courage to share with others. If you don't like someones art there's this really cute thing called scrolling! Have you heard of it? Maybe even ignoring it instead of making vague posts about it? There's even this cuter feature called BLOCKING!
Anyway yap sesh over I bet everyone is going to miss the point of this and learn nothing.
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chaostroberry1 · 3 days
Haii can you do a hcs of the Greek brothers (Zeus included but it's fine if you don't want to) to their S/O who is a mortal from the modern era?? I rllyy like your writing especially the Apollo's one ^^
Ofc! I'm sorry for the long wait 🙇‍♀️ I've been eating and rotting in my bed for a while. I dont really know about what you are requesting, there's only very little description. So I'll try my best ^^
RoR Greek bros with modern mortal s/o
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- Mf is old as hell, literally. He'd be asking you all sorts of crap and wonder about the technology you have. He already knows about it, but he does like to stare and wonder what you do all day in that little rectangular piece of technology.
- He also tries to find ways to make you immortal, cus duh, he really likes you. But I think he'd be interested in cute little farm games online when you show him the stuff that you can do on your phone.
- he asks you to buy him a gadget, which you do so. but man, he sucks ass at it. You find him trying to figure out how to use it. Holding it upside down, pressing on all sorts of buttons until you have to lend me some help.
- he's also fond of the slangs and way you talk. He often uses your words too. Like "Lmfao!" Or "LOL!!"
- he wants to learn more about modern society, and everything there is to learn about. Until he found out about google. Mf now keeps on asking the stupidest questions, and even calls his brother's on facetime, just to talk to them about the stupidest shit.
- he'd laugh so loud when it comes to you telling him jokes from your TikTok brainrots and all.
- you talk to him about all the newest things happening, and all. And drama. But I think he's more interested in learning new words.
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- yes he does use the slangs too. I bet he'd randomly gangsta talk outta nowhere and make the most out of pocket statements.
- give him some love, he's just having fun especially after all the stuff he went through.
- I know damn well he makes yo mama jokes, no matter how old that stuff be. He's older than you bro, he's been alive for a very long time. So you better teach him more to mama jokes.
- your fashion sense was interesting, he wanna dress cool too. So he's gonna force you to show him clothes that he'd like to wear, and he'd pick the edgiest ones. 😭
- he often gets annoyed at how you're always on your phone and not paying attention to him, which makes him wonder what's so good about it.
- you gave him a gadget, which he now likes to watch anime in, or sports probably. Basically anything interesting.
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- he finds you very endearing, and loves you very much. He'd find a way to turn you immortal so that he can care for you forever.
- yes he installed wifi in his place so that you could stay happy, and do whatever the hell you do on your gadgets.
- Bet you bought a TV and watched anime there with him, or maybe TV series or shows. Could even be horror movies. He loves to cuddle up with you whenever you guys watch a horror movie, cus he knows that he'll be the one to protect you when you get scared or tired.
- when you gave him a gadget, he didn't know what to use it for, but you said that he could chat with other people no matter where they at. And even store photos of whatever he wanted.
- it truly amazed him how far humanity had evolved. Now he can just search up anything he had questions about, or facetime his brother's, or buy something for you.
- he likes to listen to songs he finds, and now he's never really bored like he used to be. Maybe gadgets weren't so bad. He knows how to limit himself, and that's why he tries to limit it fro you too. He doesn't want your eyes to hurt, and wants you to get rest.
- there's so many things he wants to learn from you. And how humans do their daily thing. It's amusing to watch.
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- Bro he really loves you a lot, he just doesn't show it. But it definitely caught his attention seeing the odd way you talked or acted.
- when you introduced him to a gadget, he just shook it off, not wanting to get into pathetic little things like that, but you insisted. So now there he was.
- he really thought that humans were babied. The fact that they all gotten so lazy over the centuries gave him the ick.
- but he did find some helpful words to use whenever it came to describing stuff. But that's till doesn't help with anything. Like y'all have google, you don't need to waste your time studying when you can just do a quick search and boom, all the answers are there.
- you guys had online shopping, you didn't need to use your legs to do some work when you could just order online. And so much more. Humanity was babied. Everyone was pathetic in his eyes.
- but, you were an exception. Cus he liked you lots.
- I believe that over time, he'd catch himself talking like you, like "it gives me the ick." 💀
- he's such a bitch, but it's ok. Cus it's Poseidon.
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rius-cave · 2 days
Most of the headcanons I've seen about Adamsapple in Eden were portraying them having a good relationship, like Lucifer being sweet and kind to Adam, overly interested in him, liking him etc. while Adam being way more innocent back then and of course very curious. While I like the idea of them being in love even back then and having this cute relationship between them, I also like to play with the thought that Lucifer didn't always like Adam (and vice versa). What I mean is, Lilith and Adam never really got along well, they had their constant conflicts and such, mainly rooting from their different personalities, as in I imagine Adam being this kinda obnoxious person who's full of himself, stubborn and doesn't like when things don't go as he wants (not exactly in a toxic way, like I don't think of him as an actual bad person, rather like a big child lol). While I see Lilith as a way more mature and collected person who's had enough of Adam's "childish bullshit". (I know it sounds kinda stereotypical but my goal isn't that lol I can just genuinely see it, also canon!Adam is a walking stereotype so it's hard to ignore it haha)
So, assuming that both of them were created at the same time, when Lucifer started visiting the garden he warmed up to Lilith first, they started spending time together. Lilith regularly complained about Adam, how he acted so childish/talked too much about insignificant things/followed her etc. (again, I don't think she was cruel, she was literally the first woman, had so much to learn and expressed how she couldn't get along with Adam). Lucifer listening to her all the time, and also being fond of her, involuntarily started to develop doubtful feelings about Adam. Of course Lucifer was sweet and kind, he didn't hate the man, but all of Lilith's talk had an effect on him, and Adam's behavior when they interacted just deepened it further (although Lucifer himself didn't exactly find him annoying, Lilith's talk just caused him to focus on Adam's "problematic" behavior more and he subconsciously confirmed Lilith's words).
Meanwhile Adam obviously noticed that Lucifer was spending way more time with Lilith and didn't seem to feel too pleasant about him, he was kinda offended about that and started to dislike Lucifer.
However, I can imagine them interacting at one point, cause like, Adam obviously felt bad about feeling excluded and that neither of them liked him, so once when it was just the two of them with Luci, he kinda snapped and confronted him about it. (I can't really imagine him as a person who keeps it in, I rather see it as he was offended which led to him becoming frustrated and telling it straight into Lucifer's face angrily.) So he told him that he doesn't understand why they both dislike him but it's not fair and he's so much better than them anyway yada yada but it was clear that he was upset and hurt. That would be the point when Lucifer realizes the situation and it would become a turning point in their relationship??
It got kinda long lol sorry
My dear friend, this? This is what I strive for.
I'll be the first person to admit that my characterization of their Eden personas is allllll over the fucking place. My apologies, I try to be better 😂 but I agree with you almost a 100%
I love depicting them as friends in Eden, but if I had to be realistic? In canon he probably didn't care much for him LOL or at least not as much as the fandom likes to believe. I also want to see more of this scenario with an adamsapple endgame, I'd like to do it myself, but to be truthful I wouldn't really be sure how to do it.
I like to think of Eden!Adam as, yes, more innocent, but he was still a bit of a shit, sarcastic and sassy (not an outright asshole, but his personality had a bit of a spice to it ya know?) I try to let this part of him show as much as I can in my newer depictions of Eden, but well I'm not sure if I've succeeded lol
I think that, if he's a brat now, he'd be even MORE SO in Eden. Basically, exactly what you said that he'd be obnoxious, full of himself and childish, just more out of a place of immaturity rather than malice.
I also really like this characterization of early Lilith. Yes, I absolutely see her as more mature and independent, more thoughtful and observant than Adam ever was, and of course those personalities clashed.
I absolutely love the idea of Lilith planting seeds of doubt in other people. In fact, that's a personal theory I have about the current Lilith and why Charlie's and Lucifer's relationship is so stranded. I think there must have been a lot of miscommunication and Lilith, whether on purpose or not, fed a lot of ideas about Lucifer to Charlie. She isolated her and fed her ideas about who her father was and what he thought of her, creating this wall between them that is now only starting to crumble down. So, the idea of her doing the same thing between Adam and Lucifer? Fuck yes. I want Lilith to be a manipulative bitch, whether she's doing that with malice or not LOL.
Adam immediately going head first into confrontation sounds very likely to me too! I'd absolutely agree, except I don't think this would make Lucifer actually realize the situation. Depending on how bad the argument was, I could see Lucifer thinking that oh Adam really is just that toxic or whatever other misunderstanding comes up. They're both idiots and unless Adam expresses his feelings with something other than anger, I think Lucifer would be more prone to bite back, or just simply not understand the deeper issues.
Overall I'm in LOVE with this description though!
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under-loch-n-key · 12 hours
Okay so thanks to you I started watching Psych and at first I didn't like Lassie and I also thought that the reason people shipped Shawn with Lassie rather than Gus was gonna be the typical one, but then Shawn started flirting with Lassie and fucking sat on his lap while Lassie made That Face? This reeks of slutty bisexual seducing most repressed man in the universe and that's right up my alley (and not just because it's a power fantasy for me, a slutty bisexual who is really bad at seduction xD) and also I just finished the larp episode and I like Lassie now, actually. He's so weird and pathetic <3
Lassiter does start off as horse’s ass but I really love his character. I adore when characters start off with this distastefulness about them and then go on an arc of learning and understanding from the people around them.
Right?! I thought the same thing at first too. I was like “Okay.. what’s the hype here?” I thought the reason people didn’t want to ship Shawn & Gus was for the same reason too.
Then when I saw those scenes I was like “OH-“
Literally the tension is so bad- Lmaoo.
Lassie is so weird and pathetic in the best ways possible. His little obsessions with random shit. The way he secretly has movie references just like the rest of them.
Like when actually becomes friends with all of them, his demeanour is so adorable. Like he’s still the grouch (who also kinda looks like Sam The Eagle from The Muppets) and his still our Lassie but he also has this new found softness and understanding of others. Plus, his arc when it came to his two mum’s was so sweet. I loved that.
Also ngl, he seems neurodivergent as hell.
I could rant about Lassiter’s character arc/development for literally hours- Lol.
Also I will be uploading some more Cowboy shassie (and some Gus) fanart. I may even do a fantasy arc too of them. I’m trying to think of AU ideas to draw them in.
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beauty-and-passion · 3 days
Love Olympus: the "charming" lessons we learned from it
Hi! Are you searching for a good story, filled with creativity, care, coherence and beautiful art style? Then please, turn left and you will find something worth your time.
Here we will talk about that beautiful, terrible disaster that is Lore Olympus. Ah, it's always so nice to read a new retelling of Greek mythology and find out it's basically the same 200 stereotypes slapped together into something that's way older and staler than the original. What did my ancestor ever do to the world, to be treated like that.
But I've already talked about what a waste of potential Lore Olympus is, how pathetic the writing is and how bad the protagonists are. I've spent more than enough words commenting on why this series could've been great and came out like this.
Now there's only one thing left: to make fun of it. To draw our conclusions on the whole thing and the finale and find out what "wonderful" messages we got from it.
Don't worry: the messages are absolutely wonderful and I'm not sarcastic, not at aaaaall.
Planning in advance is for the weak
Don't you know how to fill your third season, after the "battle" that closed season 2? No problem! People will read you anyway, so instead of planning and moving the plot forward, waste everyone's time writing chapter after chapter of pure nothingness: your characters can have discussions so stupid, that people will question if they have been written by using ChatGPT. That will surely prove what a great writer you are!
And don't worry too much about the plot: just wait until inspiration magically falls from the sky. That's how it works, isn't it? Stories are just random events slapped together, with no planning, care or coherence whatsoever. When we write a story, we don't want to treat our readers like intelligent human beings, oh no: people are idiots, so we can just throw them the first shit that pops out of our minds and everything will be fine.
Coherence is for the weak
After waiting for inspiration (that somehow hasn't fallen from the sky yet, jeez I wonder why), you still don't know what to do with your plot? Easy, use one of the villains! Like the rapist guy! Now he's running for President.
Yes, we know there is a monarchy in this land, because there is a king, but it doesn't matter. The rapist is trying to be President now. President of what, you ask? It doesn't matter! Presidents exist, right? So he's trying to be one, that's all you need to know.
Will he become President? He's running from it, that's all! You don't need to know what happens after that! As we all know, stories do not have closed plot points, they're just random shit thrown around. So why care about solving a problem you just raised? Just forget it, it's not important.
Is the story supposed to take place in Olympus or, at least, in Greece? Well, what's the problem? As we all know, Europe and the US are basically the same thing, so how different can Greece and America be?
I mean: one is a huge country with many climate zones and wide areas, the other is a small, hot country mostly made of mountains and islands. One has a millennia-years-old culture that influenced the entirety of the West, the other is literally called the New World, to emphasize how young it is. Same place.
So, since they're so similar they're basically identical, just fill your Greece with American stuff and give your characters English names. Greece is notoriously full of English names. It's not like there are millions of people with similar names because parents give their own parents' names to their offspring and sometimes all siblings give their parents' names to all their children and the result is that your cousins all have the same goddamn name and you all came up with nicknames to distinguish between them.
No, that's not based on personal experience, what makes you think that.
The protagonist is better than anyone else
Is Zeus telling you he wants to give his child to some nymphs, because he knows won't be a good father? Well, clearly the most normal thing to do is steal his baby. No, not because you're a psychopath, but because you clearly know how to handle the baby better than some nymphs. Remember: you are the protagonist, hence you are better at everything anyone can do, especially a stupid nymph. You will care for the baby more and better than anyone else, no doubt.
Is the child you stole running around without supervision? But you took care of him! You even hired a babysitter! No, of course you didn't spend time with him, you were busy! What? It could've been better to leave the child with the nymphs as Zeus wanted, because at least they would've spent their time with the child and not hired someone else to do it? Listen, we don't work with logic here and you are the protagonist, so of course all of your decisions are perfect and should never be questioned.
Speaking of kids: is your mother telling you she had a son who died? Time for some favoritism! Your husband is the god of the dead, so death isn't a problem anymore. What? Death is supposed to be impossible to overcome? But you're the protagonist, so the mere mortals' rules do not apply to you. Death is nothing, compared to your perfection.
Oh no, you accidentally caused winter! And a genocide! But remember: you're the protagonist, so of course you're always perfect. And you didn't do it on purpose, so you're automatically innocent and people attacking you are just mean and jealous.
See? You're so perfect, you found a way to solve the problem! How? Easy, by believing in yourself ✨✨✨ And by talking (badly) about how life and death are linked. Yes, we know it's the equivalent of saying that 2+2=4, but we don't want to treat our readers like intelligent people, here. All they have to do is just revel in your perfection.
More villains! Because Yes!
Do you still have no idea what to do with your plot, after too many useless chapters? Easy, use the cartoonish supervillain! He will do the trick! And throw another naked woman to defeat him: it worked once, it'll work again.
Is your cartoonish supervillain actually useless? No problem, make another villain even more useless. And make him appear out of thin air for two chapters. And since readers are stupid, just tell them that he was the evil mastermind behind everything. They'll eat it up.
Oh, and President Loser is in cahoots with SuperMegaVillain now. Why? Because Yes, of course.
You don't know how to defeat SuperMegaVillain? 🧑‍🤝‍🧑Avengers Assemble🧑‍🤝‍🧑and you're done. It worked for Marvel, it'll work for your story too. I know it's settled in Greece and fertility goddesses do not have resurrection powers or whatever the fuck they're doing, but shhhhh.
Random justice is good
With all those villains to defeat, you forgot your story is supposed to be a retelling of the myth of Hades and Persephone? No problem, just stick a "Gaia Ex-Machina" here and let her solve the story with a power and authority she doesn't have. No one will notice the difference.
Speaking of justice: is the rapist gonna get the punishment he deserves? Sure, get this: he will fall in love with you and turn himself in. And he will get community service as punishment.
Are you saying that this isn't a real punishment? But of course it is! He turned himself in! The victim isn't allowed to expose him, nor to see him actually getting punished. All the victim can do is walk away. It's not that lack of control is a big deal for a rape victim, right? And seeing the rapist finally get punished won't give them the catharsis they need, right? And it definitely won't free them of the huge weight they carry on, because of the awful, horrible act they suffered from, right?
Of course not, so ah ah ah, the rapist gets to build places, very funny. And aside from that stupid punishment, of course he's free to walk around and, who knows?, maybe rape someone else. Wow, justice truly works well in this place! I would feel so safe to go around there!
Queer people are stupid too (and ghosts, sometimes)
All those villains could've been great in a story centered around Zeus? We don't work with Zeus here: we hate men, all men except for the capitalist hubby of our dreams. So Zeus is a useless piece of shit and he will keep being a useless piece of shit until the end. Also, he's not a real king anymore, because apparently democracy popped out of nowhere and everyone just rolls with it. I wonder why it too centuries to accept it all over the world...
And Hera is a lesbian now. Why? I already told you we don't work with logic here. She's a lesbian because queer people are idiots too, so thrown them a queer character and they will like it, doesn't matter if it makes zero sense.
Uh? Are you saying that asexual and aromantic people exist too? No, of course not: they're just waiting for the hot lesbian of their dreams or for the hubby that will turn them into wives and mothers.
Hence why the organization centered around celibacy closed: it was just a cover for lesbians after all! And we all know that women can only be lesbians or mothers. A woman doesn't want or feel any romantic attraction? She doesn't exist, then.
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Wow people, I don't exist! I'm a ghost!
Feminism means gender stereotypes
As Wikipedia says, feminism is:
"... a range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes."
But Wikipedia is stupid, while we won a shit ton of prizes for some reason, so we're the good authors here. And we decided that feminism means "women good, men bad". This definitely isn't a point of view based on a warping of the original concept of feminism, that focused on helping women because, since societies are patriarchal, men already have a powerful position. Hence why, feminism fought (and fights) to give women a powerful position too: to make both genders on the same plane.
But nope, this is all stupid and wrong and doing research is underrated - after all, we wrote a story entirely based on the first shit that popped into our mind, so why do research about this? Let's focus on the superficial vision of feminism and fight for women's equality, by making them lesbians or mothers.
Because sure, feminism is good, but capitalism is better. And since capitalism wants you to have kids, go home to your rich hubby and have a ton of kids you definitely won't neglect, like the child you stole or the supposed godson you never cared about and only after he's an adult "sometimes" you have a conversation with. That's how a perfect, traditional family works, after all. And we know this didn't lead to any generational trauma at aaaaall.
In conclusion
I don't know if you noticed the teeny tiny veil of sarcasm in my words. I know, it was so subtle, almost invisible. I made it oh-so-hard to find it, please let me know how hard it was.
But you know what? This story is over and I needed to let some sarcasm out. I am finally free to read something else, possibly (hopefully!) better.
And the next time I will approach another retelling... who am I kidding, I know I will fall for it like an idiot because that's what I do every time. They get me with something I love and once I find out it's shitty, I keep reading because I want to see how bad it is.
In this, Lore Olympus didn't disappoint: I expected something bad, I got something bad. And, sometimes, it was so bad, to make me laugh, so extra points for the stupidity: I appreciate something that makes me laugh, way more than something that makes me angry.
And, as I said in my previous posts, even something bad is useful, because it teaches you how NOT to do something.
So thank you, Lore Olympus, for being a terrible teacher. And thank you for making me appreciate the original myths even more. There's a reason why they still stand after millennials and can still capture the popular imagination, while this series will probably be forgotten in a couple years.
To you all, my readers: if you managed to reach the end of LO like me, congrats for surviving it, I hope you learned something useful about how to make better art.
But if you never approached Lore Olympus, don't do it: it's not worth the time you will lose.
Unless you want to see with your own eyes how does it look a story with zero planning and random ideas thrown everywhere. In that case, please, be my guest: read it and learn how not to write. You will learn a lot from this.
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zenkindoflove · 1 day
Hi, not an Elriel, but when I first saw jinart369’s drawing, I straight away believed it to be AI. I actually thought it was quite obvious that she had traced from an AI image. The poses and facial features are all 100% reminiscent of AI. And although it’s not foolproof, I put her drawing of Gwyn in an AI image detector, and it came out at “94% likely to be AI”.
I don’t know the ethics around using AI to trace your work (is it more or less acceptable?). But scepticism about her art is valid. She doesn’t deserved to be harassed or ridiculed (neither does her husband), but imo, it’s clear she is using AI, and people are allowed to be frustrated with this (or at least allowed to educate about why this is harmful).
So let me get this straight anon who is "not an Elriel" (y'all really love to not claim yourselves). You thought that she was "tracing AI" so you put her art into a generator which uses Machine Learning/AI algorithms to "detect AI". So you're using AI to ask "is this AI".
Girl, STFU and get out of my face with this.
So you think this artist took images of AI art, which literally steals art and photography from other artists to look hyper realistic, printed it out and then traced it and then used her own artistic skills to finish the drawing?
If she was going to trace, why the fuck would she even bother with ugly AI art in the first place? She could just use photographs.
You aren't educating anyone because you can't even keep straight what the accusation is. Is she using AI? Is she tracing AI? Is she tracing at all? The only thing you're doing is stirring up shit to cause people to harass an artist. Full stop.
It's clear you guys hate that she makes beautiful Gwynriel art and you want to pick at SOMETHING because it LOOKS GOOD.
Now go back to your little fucking play pen with all the other pigs you roll around in the mud with.
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tealvenetianmask · 3 hours
How Blitz and Stolas figure out how they feel: external vs. internal processing
I've been in therapy a ton (feeling like I'm not alone in that in this fandom), and one of the things I've learned from it is that I like to process my thoughts and feelings externally- by talking about them. It turns out not everyone is like that. I'm like Blitz in this way.
I first got on this topic when I was thinking about how Blitz flip flops in Apology Tour. When he goes to see Stolas at the beginning of the episode, he goes in with an idea he's trying out- a narrative he's committed to FOR NOW, insisting that he's there to reinstate the full moon deal with TONS of undue and shaky confidence.
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Is this plan something he's actually confident in? Absolutely not. But he's going to commit to it damnit and see how it plays out. Does he believe it? I think he does in the moment. He's convinced himself anyway, and when Stolas wears him down and he understands that he's not doing himself any favors . . .
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He starts processing the real shit aloud.
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I don't think Blitz has ever admitted this to himself, at least not this articulately and accurately. He needs to say it aloud in order for it to be real. Oops too real.
He's SCARED because he didn't even KNOW he felt this way, but things are becoming very clear and dangerously close to the heart of the matter . . . so he pivots again back into comfortable territory (conflict).
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By the end of the conversation, he arrives at a new mission, one that's sort of an equilibrium between his realizations about his honest feelings and his need to have a mission he feels confident in. He's not all confident or all honest- he's still in flux.
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There are SO many more examples of Blitz realizing how he feels BY TALKING (later in Apology Tour when he's talking to Stolas, and then when he's talking to Verosika . . . but then also back in Oops, etc.), but I'm going to leave it at one for brevity here. What's important is that we NEVER see Blitz processing alone. Even in his part of the duet (more on songs in a sec), when he's technically singing to himself, he's consoling himself with a narrative rather than really processing the things that need to be processed.
Blitz needs a person to process with.
But Stolas is an internal processor. We know this already because he made the plan to give Blitz the Asmodean crystal and sat on it for literal months, procuring the crystal, ironing out what he would say, trying to initiate conversations with Blitz, but never explaining how he felt to anyone before it was time- and absolutely NEVER in a way that was half baked.
The way Stolas sings his feelings actually gives us a really clear and beautiful picture of how he processes and figures things out. I forget who said it, but someone on the Helluva creative team referenced a broadway truism that in a musical, characters sing what they can't speak. I think for Stolas it's often what he can't YET speak because he's still processing. He has full honest conversations with himself (Stolas Sings, Just Look My Way), and then when he's face to face with Blitz, he knows exactly what he wants to say. His feelings and beliefs actually progress from song to song- he expresses his awareness of a problem in Stolas Sings and gets more precise about how he feels and what he needs to do about it in Just Look My Way.
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By The Full Moon, for better or worse (kind of both), Stolas knows exactly what he wants to say to Blitz and how he wants to say it.
Even when he's upset, angry, and then drunk, when Stolas speaks about his feelings, he's consistent. He's decided. He loves Blitz. He wants a real relationship. From his point of view, he doesn't care about social class, so he can't understand why Blitz is so stuck on it.
But he's missing something key (it's the social class thing- it's definitely the social class thing), and internally, he's cooking, and we see that (again) when he sings.
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This is the rawest and most in flux stage of his thought process that we've seen. Because this is how he figures out what he thinks and feels- with himself, in song.
Okay- so interesting psychoanalysis- why does this matter to the story?
Well, I think that Stolas doesn't understand that when Blitz speaks in these super emotional, fraught conversations, he doesn't go in knowing what he thinks and feels. He's figuring it out on the fly. He's figuring it out BY talking, and needs to be allowed to do that. Should he do this with a therapist instead of with the person most likely to be hurt by the ideas he flies through on his way to his true feelings? For sure, but this is Blitz.
In turn, Blitz doesn't understand that when Stolas acts absolutely certain and doesn't seem to take in the things Blitz is saying, he's not talking to a brick wall. He's talking to a moveable person who, once he's alone (or singing) is going over and over everything and breaking his thoughts down and reformulating until he arrives at something new.
So . . . it might be a little much to ask these two to understand each other's different processing styles- but they're coming along in their own ways. And I'm looking forward to them understanding each other. Someday. Maybe. Fucking sit down and talk. Slowly. AGH.
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betrayal…. (playing uno is 100% more worth your time than patrol, can confirm, best game ever, played a game with 20 people in a german exchange (but it was kinda quick since we only had one pack of cards and. well. 20 people))
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HELL YEAH, WE’RE MAKING PROGRESS!!!!! (i have a feeling this might get a bit angsty…)
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😭😭😭😭 (speech to text is really annoying i get the struggle)
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y’know, of all the turtles to slander clothes, i didn’t think it’d be him
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god noooo the feels 😭😭 (i never quite experienced the bad-teacher side of the neurodivergent experience (my physics teacher was crazy supportive despite the fact i never scored higher than a 40% in his class) but i would get a loooottttt of shit from classmates,,,,,,, sucks ass i feel for mm mikey)
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gotta keep expanding your horizons!
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ok but. of all the turtles………
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love it when this happens
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taking action! (also hold on 2012 mikey is an adult in his timeline???)
sighhhh i hope tech stays with the mikeys forever because their dynamiccccc 😭😭😭
not sure if i’m ready for the angst that is most likely coming our way. BUT i’m excited for it
Happy you liked my insane rambles again!
Referring to what you said about teachers, I have personally had some struggle throughout school with the way they teach things which I kind of use to write the issue mm mikey is having, very loosely. Though I don’t have a neurodivergency diagnosed (though a lot of people have kind of told me that I most definitely probably have big ADD or something similar rattling in the old noggin so idk) I learn much differently to what schools want. I am a very hands on learner, and really struggle with visual/auditory classes. It’s like being told how to write a good story but not actually doing it - I just tune out, or it is difficult to get it to “click” unless I explain it to myself in a weird way that actually makes much more sense to me. Once this “click” happens it’s great, I have no issues, but I have a lot of questions and thoughts that others don’t get prior to this point that I’ve unfortunately been disregarded for, as my teacher just didn’t want to explain and deemed me as stupid and needing extra classes because I didn’t learn in the same way. Not to brag but I’m pretty intelligent without even studying so this was a slap in the face for me.
So yeah, I kinda based at least some elements on this experience, though obviously a lot is also made up/fictionalised.
Wow that was a ramble
Anyway, you also mentioned Mikey’s age? I don’t think I’ve ever properly written down the ages outside of a discord I am in that talks about this fic, oops. In short, the timelines are not linear, but rather dotted around the place. A breakdown:
1987 are the ones where I’m not 100% sure on what to age them as, but I imagine around 17 - 19, all the same age
Rise boys are about 6 months - a year after the events of the movie
2012 are about 20 - 22, a few years after their final series (with Mikey being an extra 2 years ahead due to Dimension X)
2007 are what I believe are their cannon ages at 21? Takes place a few months after their 2007 movie (I also consider the 90s movies to be from the same universe due to the details present in 2007)
2003 are a few years after the crossover movie, making them the oldest at around 25 (Mikey being 24 due to him being a few months or so younger when they were sold)
Mutant mayhem boys are literally a couple of weeks after their movie
Bayverse boys are a year after their second movie
Hopefully that clears things up a little :)
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onlyancunin · 3 days
I feel better now, a little update
First and foremost I want to thank you for all the reactions under the last post. I feared I'd get angry messages, I remember the last time I was on Tumblr (10+ years ago, I was in Loki/Avengers and SPN fandoms back then), if I tried to post "too much heavy personal stuff" that ruffled someone's feathers, I'd get hateful anons. I was fully prepared to get attacked again but the reaction was so accepting and supporting it honestly makes me cry. I was really, really ready to get berated, so seeing quite the opposite feedback really touches me. From the bottom of my fucked up heart - thank you. For listening, letting me know you listened, for messaging me, for relating with me.
Sending back words of encouragement and little boosts of strength your way ✨✨✨ to anyone reading. Whatever it is that's pissing you off today, grab the bling bling and beat the sh# sh# out of it.
If I learned anything along the way it's not how ruined the life is that makes getting out of it hard. It's believing we deserve something better.
And after how many years of shit... PURE SHIT... I think we do deserve something better. If not our of self-love, then out of f-ing spite and up yours to whatever that left you so broken you believe you're beyond help. I cling onto the notion that nobody, me included, is beyond help, no matter what happened. I cling on it like my life depends on it because it does.
Sorry for the tangent, I feel very emotional rn. And grateful. I've ordered soup, I'll try to feed myself. My whole body is sore, I had the most intense and weird dreams revolving around the dichotomy of good and evil in life. How one feeds off of the other, essentially all being one and the same, just dressed in a makeup that makes it more digestible, depending on who thinks they deserve what. I slept for 13 hours straight and any other day I'd say I feel like shit but compared to yesterday, I feel like a fucking god. I'm literally sore from my muscles tensing for hours, but at least the shivers are gone.
What a timeline.
Sending hugs. If anyone wants to speak, my dms are open. I'm no expert in battling addiction, but I have 10+ years of experience. And I know a thing or two about hating oneself.
Bonus- my emotional support cat named Cas (after the holy tax accountant) :
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anonyhun · 3 months
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