bronzebtch · 1 year
i salute morning-people bc……… (me glaring at the fact im awake by 7AM) what the hell is this bro
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howdoesagrapewrites · 7 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬
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Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: fem!reader, cisgender female reader (I'm sorry mascs and nbs, I'll make something for you later) incest/targcest implied for later, platonic and romantic yanderes, yandere EVERYONE x reader, here's a list of every character that will be featured (not all of them are romantic):Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Rhea Royce, Alicent Hightower, Otto Hightower, Viserys I Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Haelena Targaryen, Daeron Targaryen, Lucerys Velaryon, Jacaerys Velaryon, Laena Velaryon, Laenor Velaryon
Notes: I go by a very strange mix of the series and the books, I haven't seen the series in a while so the timeline will most likely be a mess. I'd like this to be a series but I've been incredibly busy. Extra: at first I thought about making reader Mysaria's daughter, but this is a self insert, so it's best that you look however you like, leaving the mother anonymous. The only physical reference I'll make will be reader's silver hair
>After Rhaenyra was declared the heir of the iron throne, Daemon, insulted, flew away with his mistress, the white worm, who he would conceive a child with, even asking for a dragon egg for the prince or princess to come
>However, Viserys demanded him to go back to his home and wife, he sent Mysaria off to lys, where the stress of a storm in the trip back made her lose the baby
>Daemon never fully forgave his brother, and this left him less than eager to have another child anytime soon
>So imagine his surprise, when 7 years later, there's a rumour spreading in flea bottom like wildfire, about a girl carrying Daemon's bastard
>Many women had claimed to carry a royal child before, thinking this could give them any sort of prize, so Daemon didn't think much of it at first, but when he heard her name, he recognized her as one of his previous "favorites" who disappeared without a trace months ago
>She was said to have taken residence in Essos, and Daemon went on dragonback to find her. She was from the free cities, five years older than Daemon, and a heart as cold as a northern winter, or so they said. She was not expecting Daemon, running away to have the child in peace
>"They said I was too far along when I found out, moon tea would've only harmed me. Besides, it was lucrative in its own way" said the woman. Daemon did little to suppress the disgust on his face when thinking about her being defiled by other men while carrying his dragonseed babe
>She wanted no part in the baby's life, and Daemon, in his particular fashion, informed her he'd take the youngling as soon as it's out of her, may even pay her a few coins to make sure she won't do much as think about keeping it
>A few months passed, and he returned to king's landing with a babe in arms. Demanding an egg in honor of the birth of princess Y/N Targaryen
>This egg would later hatch into the dragon Dagahrion, the princess' bound dragon
>The court was a hot mess, according to Otto, he wouldn't be surprised if the young creature lost its left ear because of all the gossip and ill-speaking of her, just like her father. This was a scandal, considering he was still married to Rhea Royce, who he gravely dishonored time and time again, Daemon was always shameless, but this was crossing a limit, even for him, to call his bastard a princess while refusing to lay with his own rightful wife, disgraceful
>Daemon tried to use you as yet another attempt to get his brother to annul his marriage to "the bronze bitch", but even when he failed, he did everything in his power to legitimize his daughter
>Despite everyone on the council telling Viserys how foolish it'd be to do it, making enemies out of the Royce house, further insulting Rhea, and putting a whoreborn on the line of succession (no matter how far from the throne), all it took was a little yawn and the bright twinkle of your eyes to make him melt, he is fully committed to his role of uncle, even as a doting grandfather, considering his father passed long before her birth
>Viserys sent Daemon back to the Vale, saying he should do his best to give lady Rhea an heir, to make up for the slip and avoid causing the Targaryen house any more trouble. Viserys, for totally not selfish reasons wanted to keep the princess in KL, saying Rhea should not be made to raise his bastard
>Daemon said he'd rather be exiled again than to leave his daughter in Hightower hands to go try to fuck his wife. Viserys was greatly offended by the implication that the Hightowers truly ruled and schemed while he reigned
>To his outmost displeasure, he finally had to let his niece go to the Vale with her father
>Rhea loved you as soon as she set eyes on you, completely separating you from your father's actions, and seeing you as a pure angel in this horrible situation
>But it was so difficult with Daemon around, she just wanted to whisk you away and love you, she'd pray to the mother to be able to breastfeed you, crying when she heard you wail in frustration of your hunger, since it took several wet nurses to get you to drink milk
>But Daemon was always around to remind her you were not hers, that he considered her lowly, not worthy of you. He'd correct you when you learning to speak, and dared to refer to her as "mama"
>It was said the ground of the vale would shake upon them yelling when fighting over you
>But this joy to Rhea was short lived, as Daemon sent you to KL when he had to fight in the war of the stepstones, saying the "nest of vipers" was more deserving of you than she was. When you were three, your step mother had an accident while hawking, many said Daemon orderded for her to be poisoned when she was bed bound, others said the distress of your parting made her lose skill
>It was Viserys greatest pleasure when you were left at his care, his adorable baby niece was now an infant, and somehow you were even more charming, being able to speak, sing and walk
>To no one's surprise, Viserys' reaction was not generalized, with many not being keen on having a bastard running around the castle playing with the princes, by that point, Aegon was 8, Haelena was 7, Aemond was 5, and Daeron was 1, and almost all of them could see people treated you differently
>Rhaenyra was welcoming, baby Lucerys had just been born, and she was delighted to have a girl to spoil, it only helped that Jacaerys loved you as well, and would often fight his uncles for the chance to be with you
>Alicent in particular was not pleased with your presence, thinking you were an uncomfortable conversation to have with her children, especially resentful of the fact her youngest son would be attached at the hip with you
>To Otto, you were an annoyance, a living proof of Daemon's pure disregard for the norms, however, he could rest at night knowing you were ninth in the line of succession, and a girl, who would someday marry a son of a minor house and be too busy bearing children to present a claim to the iron throne
>Even though the Hightowers were tougher than the king, they did eventually succumb to your spell, and became just as enamoured with you as everyone else, in their minds, you were almost a product of spontaneous generation, completely ignoring your shameful father and prostitute mother
>Your arrival also caused the birth of Lucerys (who was again, born with a striking resemblance of Harwin Strong, just like his older brother) to be less gossiped about, after all, your case was much more interesting
>Some people in court starting referring to you as "The princess of flea bottom", this title costed quite a few tongues around the castle, ordered by Viserys, happily approved by Otto
>The Hightower hand was careful not to show too much affection to you, as it was improper and he knew how zealous was Viserys when it came to you
>Aegon was "already too old to be playing" in his words, and kept his distance from you, you reminded him to much of his sticky handed little brothers
>But as if you knew, you chased him around and praised him for his knightly demeanor (in your eyes) and how he's just like the heroes in Viserys' stories. It was not a long time before Aegon now appointed himself as your guard, watching like a hawk over his brothers and nephews when he thought they were being too rough on you
>Haelena loves you from the start, sees you as a little doll, she loves showing you her bugs, you're the only one who listens to her attentively
>Jacaerys and Daeron are only a year old, but always search for you, you think they're cute, something that spikes jealousy on Aemond, he wants you to think of him as someone worthy of admiration, like you see his older brother, he'd even accept being cute in your eyes, but he has none of those traits to appeal to you. You love him and love playing with him nonetheless, but he thinks he needs something else to win your favor
>The Velaryons dote on you too, with Laenor married to Rhaenyra and once your father marries Laena that same year, they are maybe too eager to become part of your family, and regard you as theirs
>Especially Laena, who Daemon allows (unlike with Rhea) to pamper and care for you, but still corrects you when it comes to remembering your origins, Laena may love you, but she's not your mother
>Maybe Daemon does this as a way to imagine you're only his, he doesn't care for the woman who abandoned such a precious treasure, she has been wiped away from your life and memory, you're only familiar with your father, you only belong to him
>You have his silver hair, you have his name, no matter who your mother was, you are his true valyrian heir, his dragonseed
>Unfortunately, Daemon is not the only one whose eyes light up when thinking of owning you
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queers-gambit · 10 months
House of the Dragon masterlist
requesting rules and masterlist
requests are CLOSED where to watch: HBO
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Sands of Time
before his Bronzed Bitch, all he had was her. amongst the smoke of salt, sea, and war, Daemon gambles with more than he ever wanted.
word count: 5.4k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🔥 NSFW 💔 angst 🥊 depiction of (canon-typical) physical violence or aggression ⚠️⏳ show spoilers and AU timeline 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
The Battle Above the God's Eye [ Sands of Time part two ]
decades after the Stepstones, it's his turn to be rescued.
word count: 5.5k+
🎭 drama 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort ⏳ AU timeline ⚠️ spoilers 🙊 general language and warning content 🐍 toxic family 🥊 feuding families 😵‍💫 wonky brain go wonky 🩸 depiction of injury and blood 🤍 fuck it - dragon!rider!reader [ not a Targaryen } 1️⃣ written after season one
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Split in Two
the Targaryen Curse prevails.
word count: 2.8k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🍼 depictions of traumatic birth 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 1️⃣ written after season one
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Blue Moon Wreckage
you don't consult your husband, Daemon, about taking in your orphaned baby brother and this causes conflict in your relationship.
word count: 4.3k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🥀 misogyny (old-fashion views on marriage) 🍼 talk of child abandonment ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 🐍 toxic family 🍄 borderline toxic relationship 1️⃣ written after season one
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Midnight Calls masterlist
( completed ) your Prince summons you, a married woman, to the Throne Room one evening. so ensues your lovestory.
total word count: 44,503 total story parts: 6
🍒 author's favorite 🙊 general language and content warning 💦 smut 🔥 NSFW 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 🍄 toxic relationship(s) 🐍 toxic family...? 🔏 barely edited 🥊 depiction of physical violence or aggression 😵‍💫 wonky brain go wonky 1️⃣ written after season one
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Tell Me Every Terrible Thing And Let Me Love You Anyway
you embark on a secret but passionate affair with the Rogue Prince, and when his wife, Rhea Royce, passes away, he chooses you to wed next - a decision that angers his niece and changes history.
⚠️ mild show spoilers 🙊 general language and content warning 😵‍💫 wonky brain is wonky ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 💔 angst 🔥 mild NSFW (brief female receiving oral) ⏳ technically AU timeline 1️⃣ written after season one
part one: read here word count: 5.6k+ part two: read here word count: 6.3k+
Not All That Glitters is Gold
during your engagement dinner, you learn from your fiancé's niece that he holds choice words about you. or finding out he calls you clingy behind your back.
word count: 3.1k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🎭 drama 💔 mild angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort ⏳ AU timeline 💣 relationship angst 🔏 not edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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part of the Clingy Baby collection
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Daddy Takes Care
in comparison, your first pregnancy was a cakewalk. this time around? not so much. good thing Daemon's there to help where he can.
word count: 6.4k+
🙊 general language and content warning 🍑 named character ( daughter named Visenya ) 💔 angst ❤️‍🩹 hurt and comfort 🍼 depiction of difficult pregnancy and symptoms by an author who's never been pregnant 🔏 not edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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you and your husband have a different kind of foreplay that include disguises, sneaking out of the castle, and sometimes, fucking in an alleyway... Or two.
word count: 5.7k+
💦 smut 🔥 NSFW 🙊 general language and content warning 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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Creepy Crawlies
Aemond and Helaena witness how deep your fear goes.
word count: 1.7k+
🕷 spiders 🙊 general language and content warning 1️⃣ written after season one
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Mother Knows No Bounds
being Rhaenyra's daughter means taking on Alicent's generational anger, and one day, she takes it too far.
word count: 5.7k+
🙊 general language and content warning 💚 vilified!Alicent 💔 angst 🤮 depiction of physical illness 🐍 toxic family 🕊 depiction of lost pregnancy 💛 requires maturity and caution 1️⃣ written after season one
❗️ depictions of potentially triggering content - please read all warnings before continuing ❗️
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When Pride Married Prejudice masterlist
she is the (only) trueborn daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lord Laenor Velaryon. after her younger brother, Lucerys, slices out the eye of their uncle, Aemond Targaryen, her hand is offered as payment to keep the peace. though unexpected, she finds herself in a loving marriage, until devastating news forces her to make an impossible choice.
total word count: 97,184 total story parts: eight + two 2-part alternative endings
⚠️ book and show spoilers 🍒 author's favorite 🙊 general language and content warnings 💦 smut 🔥 NSFW 💔 angst 🎭 drama 🐍 toxic family 🥊 depiction of physical violence or aggression ⏳ AU timeline 😵‍💫 wonky brain go WONKY ✅ completed series 1️⃣ written after season one
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Dornish Wine, Weddings, and Bruised Knuckles
your best friend's getting married and you've got a thing for her brother. during the bachelorette party, you learn maybe your affection wasn't so one-sided after all.
modern AU
word count: 11.1k+
🎭 drama 💔 small angst 🧸 small fluff 🥰 romance 💦 smut 🦋 modern AU 🙊 general language and content warning 🥊 depiction of physical violence or aggression 🧃 implied character age-up (legal to drink) 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
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You Might Think It's Foolish
meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time creates anxiety, so, you stick to his side. at dinner, his mother calls out your clinginess - and Aemond doesn't defend you. or when someone else calls you clingy and he doesn't defend you / agrees with them.
word count: 3.1k+
modern AU
🎭 drama 💔 angst 🥺 hurt 🚫 no comfort 💣 relationship angst 🐝 stand alone 🙊 general language and content warning 🐍 toxic family 🍄 toxic relationship...? 🦋 modern AU 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
read here part of the Clingy Baby collection
"Plan To Make A Gift of It To My Lover"
ten years ago, Lucerys claimed Aemond's eye, and now, a Lannister will claim her debt.
soon to be merged into a developing series but will leave this version up. Lannister Reader will become Velaryon!
word count: 5.5k+
🎭 drama 🐑 filler ⚠️ spoilers ⏳ small AU timeline 🐝 stand-alone 🙊 general language and content warning ☠️ character death 💛 requires maturity and caution 🩸 deranged characters / blood lust 🔏 barely edited 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
Confection Invention
how Sansa Stark's favorite dessert, lemon cakes, came to be after discovering your husband's never had a nameday cake.
word count: 3.5k+
🧸 fluffy fluff fluff 🥰 small romance 💍 established relationship 🍒 author's favorite 🐝 stand alone 1️⃣ written after season one
read here
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requesting rules and masterlist
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squgs · 11 months
I've seen people responding to it being pointed out that Daemon is so obviously a worse person than Alicent or Criston by saying that "at least he isn't a hypocrite" or "at least he doesn't pretend he's better than he is." Which is perhaps accurate, but is really just saying "at least Daemon doesn't make any attempt to be a good person or voice any desire to be better."
This leads me to something I've been noticing: none of the team black characters voice or show any regret for their misdeeds while team green characters do so constantly. Daemon never apologizes or show any regret for any of the brutally evil things he does. Alicent on the other hand is constantly looking apologetic and regretful, even when she didn't do anything like in the case of Larys killing his family.
After the eye incident Alicent is extremely regretful and apologetic for her actions while Rhaenyra isn't at all. In fact Rhaenyra's response is to seek out more power through marrying Daemon so that she can more effectively hurt anyone who states an obvious truth. Her children similarly show no regret for escalating that fight, nor seem at all apologetic for having permanently disfigured Aemond.
The comparison is most striking between Criston and Daemon who have semi similar misbehavior that only Criston acknowledges in any way as bad. First in episode 5 they both smash someone's face in. Daemon's is clearly premeditated and his entire reason for being in the vale, while Criston's was planned at most ten minutes before it was carried out and was a response to an assumed attempt to blackmail him. Daemon has absolutely no shame about the murder, even going so far as to try to claim his victim's inheritance. Criston on the other hand is so ashamed that he tries to kill himself. They both also have incidents of misogynistic language. Criston calls Rhaenyra a cunt once and promptly apologizes. Daemon refers to his first wife as a 'bronze bitch' more than he uses her name and calls Alicent a whore. He does not apologize for any of those instances or show any indication that he doesn't think those are appropriate things to call a woman. Finally in episodes 8 and 9 Criston and Daemon each attack a man from behind after he insults their wife. Neither is their best moment, but again Criston is pretty clearly regretful of it, and it seems like he didn't mean to kill Beesbury and that he just forgot how fragile old people are. Daemon on the other hand clearly intended to murder Vaemond and was happy to quip about it and then chuckle when he's mentioned again.
The one sort of exception to this is Rhaenyra's toast to Alicent in episode 8. She does apologize in that scene. However, she isn't apologizing for mistreating Alicent. All she is apologizing for is not helping to take care of Viserys and not acknowledging her care taking previously, which like it definitely means something that she said that, but implicit in what she says is the idea that it's Alicent's role and duty to be taking care of him. There's kind of an implication that Rhaenyra views Alicent as having redeemed herself through serving Viserys when in reality her care taking is just another facet of Viserys's abuse, abuse that is never acknowledged or apologized for. Still I do love that scene and the way it is beautifully, pathetically, sad that Rhaenyra can only connect and forgive Alicent when she's in her subservient role and that Alicent is so desperate for connection with Rhaenyra that she will accept that barest hint of an apology even in the face of all the evidence that it's meaningless.
Now one would think that some characters regretting their misdeeds would be viewed as a sign of them being better people, but I think it actually has the opposite effect. Because the green characters are shown being regretful, their misdeeds are focused on and emphasized. In episode 5 it's possible to forget that Daemon killed his wife at the start of the episode, because it seems like he's forgotten as well. However it's impossible to forget what Criston does because his actions for the rest of the episode are all a reaction to his shame and horror about having just murdered someone. Then in the next episode when Criston has his one instance of misogyny, the entire show pauses to take note of it and wait for him to apologize (which he does!), but on the numerous occasions when Daemon is misogynistic the show breezes right past it, treating it as just a bad boy Daemon moment. Daemon's misdeeds can be enjoyed without an imediate reminder of how evil he is, letting him be a cool fun badass, while Criston's can't. You can't look at him awkwerdly and regretfully standing over Beesbury's body and say 'oh wow, such a badass male wife he really told Beesbury to keep his Wife's name out of his fucking mouth.' Though to be clear I also very much judge anyone who says that about Daemon killing Vaemond.
This is seen again in the eye incident. For most of the audience that goes into the incident not thinking that Rhaenyra is a significantly worse person than Alicent (a reasonable assumption), Alicent being extremely regretful afterwards while Rhaenyra isn't at all, is an indication that Alicent acted far worse than Rhaenyra did. A misreading that is helped by Rhaenyra's call for violence being couched in the 'sharply questioned' euphemism while Alicent's is stated outright. That is perhaps Alicent's most badass scene where she does her best to stand up to her abuser and those who allow that abuse in defense of their children, going so far as to physically fight back (though Rhaenyra perhaps wasn't the best choice of target), but the audience doesn't have any encouragement to see her badassery, instead we're to wallow in her shame at having fought back and watch her shrink back into herself with the implication that that's what she should be doing.
This pattern shows a fascinating tension between the events portrayed in the show and their framing. The show gives us two groups of people who range from very flawed to evil, but they are framed as a group of heroes and a group of villains. The greens are villains and their actions can only confirm that, while the blacks are heroes and their actions no matter how violent can only provide more evidence of heroism. I don't know how much actual meaning can be made from that tension, I wouldn't even be surprised if it was entirely accidental, but it is at the very least interesting enough to note.
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jaegeraether · 5 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 56)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (50) / Alexia Putellas x Character (16) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (9)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Alexia POV
They were all standing around the baggage carousel, avoiding a few photographers who’d appeared and Alexia was regretting the fact that she hadn’t worn a hat. She looked over at Lucy who was using her body to protect an embarrassed Blau from photos in her wheelchair, Jordan kneeling on the other side, reassuring her. Lucy had gone to stalk over and scare them away, but Blau’s hand remained tightened around her jumper.
It was then that Alexia spotted Ridley. It was the first time she’d seen her since just after she’d jump seated the take-off and they’d had their close encounters. The flight attendants had checked on the four multiple times, especially Blau, and Alexia knew it was because Ridley had asked. She watched her now as she sauntered through the crowd as if she owned the place. The uniform on her was perfection. Perfectly crisp and clean, her gold wings pinned just above her breast and her tie cutting the symmetry of her white shirt. She wore a leather belt and black, lace-less boots she could see were expensive. She already had her suitcase that she was pulling with her good hand, her flight bag strapped on top. In her cast hand, she held a lead with her not broken fingers as Narla trotted in front of her. She was also wearing a plain black backpack and her pilot’s hat. Alexia’s heart skipped a beat. That wasn’t the cutest thing about her though, surprisingly. The cutest thing was Chiquito perched on her backpack, his front paws on her shoulder, head raised as he looked around. It was adorable. She melted and felt her breath trembling, unable to look elsewhere but at her.
Ridley turned her head with a little smile at the cat and gave him a kiss which he leaned into and then rubbed his cheek along that sharp jawline of hers as she turned back. It was then that she locked eyes with Alexia.
Alexia couldn’t even try to pretend she wasn’t looking because it would be a lie. Yep, she’d definitely be touching herself that night.
Ridley gave a smirk at her as she approached and as she came closer, she noticed the photographers, and something similar to indignation flashed across her eyes.
“Hey peg-leg. Attracting attention, are we?”
“It’s just because I’m here,” Lucy said cockily as she took Narla’s lead from her with a thank you and she bent down to pick her up. She brought her over to Jordan and Blau to pat. “How did you get them?”
“I don’t like making Chiquito wait. Their crates will come out on the carousel.”
Lucy nodded and they each gave their thanks for the crema catalana surprise.
As Alexia was closest, Chiquito’s attention was on her and so she stepped towards Ridley to pet him also. He closed his eyes and leant his head on her shoulder as she did so.
“He loves attention,” she admitted in Spanish.
“He can have all of the attention he wants,” Alexia replied as another blinding photo flash was taken of the interaction. She shuffled to the side so her back was to them. “We don’t share that.”
“No?” Ridley took her pilot’s hat off and put it on Alexia, pulling it down slightly before adjusting her hair over her ears. Alexia just let her, enjoying the gesture, and gave her a thankful smile.
“What’re ya doin’ here? Just go!” Came an annoyed voice with a strong accent behind them.
“Chickens!” Jordan grinned as she ran over for a hug.
Alexia reluctantly broke her gaze with Ridley and turned to see Katie McCabe and Caitlin Foord making their way over. Their lunch seemed to be expanding again.
They greeted them all and ducked down near Blau to give her supportive hugs and words.
“We Aussies are built strong,” Caitlin said proudly as she kissed her on the cheek a bit too hard. Blau winced as her jaw was still very much sore and bruised. “Sorry!”
“Where is tha bitch?” Katie asked Lucy.
“Currently? A Spanish prison. They’re being flown back to England for the court date. Although it happened in Spain, their hearing will be here.”
“And she’s goin’ away then?”
“Absolutely. She’s not escaping it this time.” Lucy’s words were blunt and mad. Blau reached out to stroke her thigh as Lucy held Narla.
Alexia was never really the overly touchy type. She was similar to Lucy actually, though not as extreme, only appreciating hugs when they were warranted. Though every time she was near Ridley, she just wanted to be touching her, hugging her, pressed up against her. She could feel her body leaning towards her even at that moment. It made her wonder if her need for Ridley’s touch was similar to Blau and Lucy’s.
“You two know Alexia obviously,” Lucy introduced. They each shared a Spanish welcome. She’d met them on several occasions and even played against them.
“Yeah, we lost against her,” Caitlin laughed.
“What’re ya doin’ in London? Planning on joined Arsenal?”
Alexia chuckled. “Just for holiday.”
“Ah. Your knee playin’ up?”
“Little bit.”
“We know a few good physios-”
“She’s already meeting up with mine.” Lucy interjected.
“Oh, she’s really good!”
Lucy nodded proudly. “You’ve used her?”
“Oh yeah, plenty o times. She’s a magician. And easy on the eyes.”
Caitlin smacked her. Blau gestured to Ridley.
“And you remember me mentioning Ridley, right?”
They both turned to her. “Oh, the sexy one, right? I see what ya mean.”
Caitlin rolled her eyes and introduced herself as a fellow Australian. And then Katie did.
“Hi, I’m Katie, nice to meet cha! And who’s this little guy?!”
Alexia had to step back as they swarmed around Chiquito giving him more love and attention to enjoy.
“He looks young, no?”
“He’s still just a baby.”
“How’s the hand?” Caitlin asked.
Ridley lifted her cast arm. “Healing.”
“You flew a plane like that?”
“No, I won’t be able to fly the big jets for a few weeks. I just like dressing up.”
Alexia chuckled and shook her head. Ridley flashed her a wink.
“Did Leah confirm?” Blau asked Jordan.
Caitlin answered first. “She’s coming and bringing Kyra, but Jonas wouldn’t let us all leave too early. They’re going to meet us at lunch. We’ll give you three a lift.”
“I don’t know if the bags will fit for all three…” Katie said.
“I’ll take Jordan and the extra bags,” Ridley said. “And Alexia, of course.”
“No driver?” Alexia asked.
“I cancelled him when I knew I was also coming. He dropped my car at the airport instead.”
Ridley was driving her…
“Do you want me to drive?” Jordan asked.
“Thanks Nobbs but I don’t think you’ll be able to see over the steering wheel.”
Jordan pouted as the group chuckled.
“But your hand…” Alexia started.
“You’ll be surprised by what I can do with just one hand, la Reina.”
Alexia had never been so tempted to fuck someone in public before. Ridley’s eyes darkened as she watched Alexia squirm and they flirted just with their eyes.
Katie stepped back and murmured to Blau. “Ohh… so this is a thing.”
“That’s one way to describe it,” she murmured in response. Alexia ignored them as she held Ridley’s flirting gaze, refusing to back down or away. Her eyes dropped to her lips and she imagined what they tasted like. As if to infuriate her more, Ridley parted her lips and Alexia felt herself leaning forwards-
And then the carousel started up and broke the tension.
“Christ, I need to cool off.” Katie laughed.
“That’s for being so gentle, Luce,” YFN murmured and leant over for a soft kiss, her ribs and collarbone complaining as she did so but she didn’t care. Her lips were so soft. Lucy gave a satisfied hum onto her lips before pulling away and YFN saw Lucy’s dazzling green eyes flutter back open again behind her glasses before she smiled. They were sitting around a table at lunch, Narla curled up on a chair next to Lucy and Chiquito on Ridley’s lap.
“You say that like you’re surprised.”
Ridley scoffed. “We all know your impulsive thoughts wanted you to race her wheelchair around like Mario Kart. Trust me, I had the same impulse.”
Lucy stifled a guilty laugh and YFN may have been hurting all over, but it didn’t stop her launching a bread roll over the table.
Ridley caught it and bit into it. She’d changed before they left and was now in casual clothes. Alexia was sitting to her left and had also changed, though simply by swapping the pilot’s hat for a plain black one and putting on another jacket. She wasn't used to the cold weather.
“I’m hungry,” Lucy grumbled.
“They’re almost here,” Caitlin reassured as she texted.
“Nice flowers,” Katie said, gesturing to Ridley’s cast.
“That’s all Alexia.” She turned to the Spaniard. “I never asked you about that. Do you draw?”
She lifted her arm up and gestured to the two flowers next to each other, specifically their stems. “And this wouldn’t be your attempt to brand me with the number 11, would it?”
Alexia looked like she’d been caught. YFN saw Ridley patiently waiting for a response, seeming to enjoy Alexia’s hesitation.
Alexia opened her mouth to speak when a loud voice interrupted them.
“Big sis!”
She turned to Kyra bounding over.
“Hey little sis.”
Kyra went to grab her when Lucy jumped up and tackled her. “GENTLY, Kyra.”
She gave a guilty grin and blushed. It was always strange to YFN to think of how much the young Australian looked up to Lucy.
Only when she nodded did Lucy release her. God it was sexy when she protected her. Kyra came over for a soft hug and kiss on the cheek before she spotted Alexia and froze.
“And Kyra, that’s Alexia, Alexia, Kyra Cooney-Cross. Another Aussie.” Alexia shook her hand across the table while Kyra fumbled over words until she managed to say hello. Alexia was amused but graceful about it as she usually was.
“And Kyra, that’s Ridley. I’m mentioned her before, my oldest friend. Riddles, this is Kyra.”
Ridley gave her an Aussie nod, stroking Chiquito on her lap.
“Is that a cat?!”
“You’re lucky he only speaks Spanish. Don’t listen to her, Chiquito, you can be whatever you want to be.”
YFN laughed out loud at the contradiction of what she’d just said.
Kyra snorted and fell into a seat next to YFN. Lucy grunted. “Nuh uh.”
She bent down and picked up Kyra’s seat with her still in it and walked her to the far end of the table, past Katie, and dropped her there. YFN watched her biceps bulging into her jacket as she did so, Kyra squealing with joy.
“I’m not risking you getting excited and grabbing her.” She said as she pushed her chair in.
The table laughed at the little exchange and Lucy gave YFN a wink, proud of herself as she came back to her.
“Maybe I didn’t have to come to England at all,” Ridley murmured from across the table. “Keep it up, Bronze.”
YFN saw Jordan peer over the group and followed her gaze as Leah joined them.
“Sorry, I couldn’t find parking and this one just abandoned ship,” she said, gesturing to Kyra and she moved her sunglasses to the top of her head.
She made her way to YFN first and squatted down.
“How are you doing? Okay? Can I get you anything?”
“I’m okay, thanks Leah. I appreciate it.” They shared a hug and Leah made her way around the table greeting everyone, pausing at Alexia to have a short conversation before she sat in the last empty seat next to Jordan. Although the table were all having their own conversations, YFN could hear her low voice.
“Hey Jord,” she murmured. “Thanks for inviting me.”
“Hey Lea.” They shared a soft smile between them and then they went silent. YFN knew that Leah was unsure if Jordan was ready for a full conversation and that Jordan was in a similar state of mind. They just looked like they wanted to be close to each other.
YFN leant over as far as her ribs would let her, beckoning Caitlin closer to murmur in her ear.
“Let’s try to keep a casual conversation going with Dory and Leah… I don’t think they’re ready to talk yet.”
Caitlin nodded in agreement and struck up a conversation with the pair, Katie and Kyra jumping in. She felt Lucy’s hand squeeze her own in support. They shared their own knowing smile. She gestured to Ridley and Lucy kicked her a bit too hard under the table.
Ridley didn’t flinch. She turned nonchalantly and raised an eyebrow in question. YFN gestured to Leah and Jordan knowing that she would understand. She did and pulled Alexia into the conversation also.
Looking around, she realised the table were in their couples, all in different stages of romance. Lucy and YFN, obsessive. Katie and Caitlin smitten. Jordan and Leah repairing their love from the ground up. Ridley and Alexia both with boundaries up yet shamelessly flirting and trying to not accept that the tension between them was palpable, and probably obvious to most of the restaurant. And then there was Kyra, grinning up the end, happy to be there.
“Are we ready to order?” Lucy asked and she knew she was getting frustrated.
Ridley stood and placed Chiquito into Alexia’s arms. “I’m starved. I’ll go get a server.”
A kid on a bicycle pulled up behind them on the footpath. “Arsenal sucks balls!”
YFN’s mouth dropped, he had to be only about twelve.
“Keep on ridin’, kid.” Katie encouraged diplomatically.
“You don’t even have balls,” Kyra taunted as Caitlin reached over Katie to slap her.
“And girls’ football is shit, you all got beaten by a bunch of fifteen-year-old boys.”
“Get out of here. We’re trying to eat lunch.” Leah also went into diplomatic mode.
“And my dad says you’re all a bunch of lesbians.” It was funny because it sounded like he didn’t know what lesbians were. To be fair, no one at the table was straight and even funnier was that Ridley was both the straightest and most gay of the bunch.
Lucy stood and he hurriedly pushed off, riding away with a proud grin.
“That’s it, I’m chasing him.”
“Riddles, he looks like he’s twelve.”
“I don’t care if he’s twelve, I’m going to argue with him. Order me the ragu please, Blue.”
Ridley hopped the fence and jogged off down the street, Alexia’s expression surprised and amused.
“Is she for real?” Jordan asked.
“Oh yes. You’ll get used to it. Loves to correct injustice, that one.”
Jordan scoffed and YFN knew it was because Leah was the exact same. Leah didn’t look at her, but she did hide a smile as she looked at the menu.
A server came over then, not knowing where to look. From the wheelchair to the Arsenal girls and then widening at Lucy and Leah and even more at Alexia.
“A…are you ready to order?” he asked.
They placed their orders one by one.
“And a ragu please,” YFN said.
“And can we get a bowl of water for our little dog please? And maybe some milk for the cat?” Lucy asked.
He nodded. “We also do food for them too…”
“That’d be amazing. Thanks.”
The server finished writing it down and asked permission before he bent down to Narla curled up on a spare chair, giving her a pat before he left.
YFN tugged Lucy’s hand and the footballer automatically turned to her and leant in for the soft kiss she expected. Lucy gave another little satisfied hum into the kiss before pulling away and brushing the purple bruising on her face gently with her thumb. They were so happy in their own little world while the girls chatted around them. She wondered back to when she’d surprised her at her game and Lucy had looked like she’d wanted to kiss her so badly but didn’t because of the crowds. She made a mental note to bring that up later.
“What was that for, little one?”
“You said ‘our little dog’.”
She smirked as her green eyes hooded behind her glasses and she looked love-drunk. “Motherhood suits you.”
YFN tucked a strand of hair from her low bun back, her fingertip tracing around the outside of her ear as she did so.
Lucy gave her another quick peck, this time on the dimple, just as Ridley arrived back, leaping back over the fence. Alexia offered to give Chiquito back, however he was fast asleep in her lap. “Just leave him to sleep,” she murmured as she reached over, her arm resting against Alexia’s as she stroked him.
They all had their little discussions around the table, Kyra firing off a lot of questions to Lucy and Alexia. Ridley sometimes had to help Alexia with translations. They looked like such an attractive couple and YFN wasn’t aware if they knew just how far they were leaning towards each other, their shoulders almost touching and their fingers brushing while they pet Chiquito.
YFN texted Kyra when she calmed down a little.
YFN: How was your date, mate?
She saw Kyra blush as she read it.
Kyra: It went really well. She kissed me…
Lucy read it over her shoulder and shot her a proud thumbs up.
YFN: You’re happy?
Kyra: Really really happy
YFN: When’s date number two?
Kyra: This Sunday after the game. She’s playing in London.
YFN: Lucy said ‘wear protection’.
Kyra: Yeah because she’ll get me pregnant *eye roll emoji*
YFN chuckled as she showed Lucy.
“Still want kids?” YFN teased.
“Don’t tease me while I can’t have sex with you,” she murmured quietly in her ear as if she’d even able to get her pregnant.
She turned and replied just as quietly. “I thought you were hungry?”
She pulled away to see Lucy’s eyes darken before she moved close again, her lips on her ear.
“Nothing’s stopping your mouth from reaching me…”
“What’re whisperin’ about over there?” Katie huffed.
“Probably about us,” Kyra said.
“My money is on them flirting,” Jordan teased.
YFN heard Ridley’s shoe hit Lucy’s just as hard as she’d received before.
“Bronze…” It was a warning. “How am I supposed to let you two go unsupervised?”
“How are YOU allowed to go around unsupervised?” YFN retorted.
She flashed a grin. “Pure sex appeal?”
“What are you going to do with work?” Leah asked YFN, changing the subject.
She sighed. “I’ve been thinking about that a lot actually. I’ve spoken to everyone and I think it’s best if I keep working from home.”
“You’ll keep organising the crews?”
“Yeah, I’ll sort all of the rostering and content out. We’re in London but I’m not going to be able to get to work and back everyday, it’s too much of a pain, so I’ll do some networking, content building, organise the rosters, and I’ll zoom our prep meetings.”
“What about the interviews?”
“We have a group of talented interviewers now who I’ve been working with closely. I trust them.”
“Yeah, they did really well at our game last weekend actually,” Caitlin admitted.
“I’m running a tight ship on that. But I was also thinking of interviews from home.” She looked at Lucy. “Luce and I have been talking about putting a few backdrops up for the photographers to snap a few photos of each guest, and then I was thinking of making a casual segment on interviews that I can put out twice a week.”
“I’m in! Individuals?” Katie supported.
“Yeah I was thinking just one on one and super casual in the lounge room-”
“-so she can rest her leg.” Lucy interjected.
“Yeah, and also I think it’d be nice for people to see their players out of uniform in a comfy environment. We’ll be chatting, drinking coffee, trying to ask questions that are not as typical as your usuals.”
“Shotgun first!” Kyra almost yelled.
Lucy scoffed at her. “Too slow! You can go second.”
YFN rolled her eyes. “I’ll be sending an email around to all of the players currently working with us to see if they’re interested and make a list to go through. Is that something everybody would be interested in? Completely fine if you’re not!”
“I think we’re all pretty keen mate,” Jordan admitted.
“Only English?” Alexia asked hesitantly.
YFN didn’t know why, but she was a little caught off guard that she seemed interested. She wasn’t planning on pushing anything with Alexia as she was already so massively popular and overwhelmed with requests and interviews.
“Absolutely not, I’m fine interviewing in any language. I can get a translator. I don’t want it to be just English speaking.”
“Have you done an interview in English?” Leah asked, leaning forward to see her.
“Uh one but I not sure if it came out.”
“I think your English is definitely good enough for an English interview, Alexia. I personally think it would be great to see a proper, relaxed English interview with you. We can edit anything out and won’t post it unless you’re happy with it. Completely up to you. Also we can have a translator there just in case. Ridley, if she’s free.”
She and Ridley shared a look.
“I’ll be fine with that,” Ridley murmured as she broke their gaze.
“Okay, we can do that while I here,” Alexia agreed.
“Sounds like you’re going to have a backlog of interviews to get through,” Lucy laughed. “So much for alone time.”
Ridley kicked her again as the food arrived.
YFN dug in, not realising how hungry she was but also not enjoying the pain as she chewed. Although she was starved, Lucy paused to help her take her pain medication.
“What about a podcast?” Jordan asked. “Everyone’s doing those now but they’re not getting many players on.”
“Yeah, that’s also one of my thoughts. Podcast twice a week and an interview twice a week would keep me busy and pick up popularity and views. I just need another regular host on the actual podcast and it can’t be any of you because you could be anywhere.”
“Jill doesn’t have much work on…” Leah suggested. Jill Scott, the former England player. She’d retired recently.
“We were talking about it the other day actually.”
“I think she’d be a great fit to be honest, she has done a lot of interviews. We’ll just need to prep together and see the dynamic between us. Can you send her my phone number?”
She nodded, mid-bite. “Will do - she’s going to be so excited.”
“There’s Alex…” Alexia suggested.
“Alex Scott?” Leah confirmed with her. Alexia nodded. Another former England player. She and Alexia had played together a while back.
“That’s also a very good thought… do you have her contact?”
Alexia shook her head.
“I’ll send her your details also,” Leah offered.
“Big sis, you’re not going to do all of the interviews at Lucy’s house are you?”
“No, just while I’m recovering. I plan on it being a regular segment that I can take around the globe to interview players in casual settings so it’ll just start like that but really my vision was that we’d tailor the interview around the player. Like for Lucy we can do some fun activity where she can show off how good she is at everything. Like a sport or I’d really like to do a rage room…”
She and Lucy shared a look as they thought about their exciting rage room date. Smashing the room to pieces and then chasing each other with water balloons full of paint. Running out of paint as Lucy tackled her to the ground and their mouths met, hot an desperate, their tongues stroking each other as Lucy pulled her leg up around her-
“-stroke the ego,” Jordan quipped, knocking her from the memory.
“Exactly,” she laughed. “With Kyra, we can go to an arcade….”
“With Dory, we can go to the beach…”
“I do love the beach,” she admitted.
“For Caitlin, we can bring in puppies…”
“Oh, that’s actually perfect for me.”
“I want puppies too!” Katie argued.
“I was thinking Nando’s for you…”
Katie almost drooled. “Yeeeeees.”
“For Alexia, we can do some painting…”
Ridley turned to the Spaniard. “You like to paint?”
“Si… how did you know?”
YFN shrugged. “I do my research.”
“Thoughts about me?” Leah asked.
“I was thinking either skiing or just relaxing at Somerset House, depending on the weather, or a country music event. The good thing about the segment is that we can do multiple interviews in multiple places so we’re not just stuck to the same old boring place. Only while I can’t walk…”
“Wow, you really do your research,” Leah admitted. “And I don’t think we have anything like it. I think this is a really good, strong idea and the girls would love it. I’m happy to do whatever, podcast, interview, just let me know.”
YFN felt good, like she was doing something right. “Thanks, Leah.”
She didn’t miss the soft expression Jordan flashed the England Captain.
YFN’s phone buzzed and she looked down at it. It was Catherine checking in again like she had every day since the assault. She’d offered to help in the background with Kristie, but YFN ensured her that Lucy’s lawyers were handling it. She didn’t want to risk Catherine being found out. Instead, she’d asked a favour, and told her about Mark and the sex tape. She’d been disgusted, though she’d handled it. It ‘wouldn’t see the light of day.’
She thanked her for checking in and sent a selfie of the group that she’d gotten Lucy to take. She’d also sent it to the work group chat. The response was overwhelming excitement from work, and from Catherine, thrilled for the content to come, especially with Alexia there.
YFN ate as must as she could, and when she couldn’t stand the pain any longer, she shook her head and pushed her plate towards Lucy. Instead of jumping on it like she usually did, she fully turned her attention to her and rubbed her leg.
“Is it your jaw, love?”
She nodded. How stupid she’d been to get the pasta. And to talk as much as she had been. She should have ordered a-
“Would you like me to order a soup? There’s no way you’re full.”
She nodded instead of speaking and Lucy kissed her nose lightly before standing and going to get her soup. She watched her go, her ass perfect in her dark grey track pants she had on for the flight. She had one hand in her jacket pocket, the other readjusting her glasses. Even sitting there with her leg in a brace and her left arm and shoulder completely immobilised with what had happened, she was still the luckiest girl. Her Lucy.
Lucy returned with soup in a bowl that she could lift and drink. Only after she watched her take the first few sips, did she go back to eating.
They parted way when they’d finished lunch, Katie having to break up the discussions because they were needed back at camp. Katie took Caitlin and Kyra to head back to Arsenal, though also Jordan to drop her at her car at their house as she needed to drive back to Birmingham.
“I’ll see you in a week chicken.” She said as she gave YFN a hug. “If you need anything… anything at all, just let me know and I’ll be here, okay?”
“Thanks, Dory.”
Leah watched her walk away with longing in her eyes. She didn’t need to go to Arsenal as she was headed for a physio session and had offered to drop YFN and Lucy at their apartment instead.
“Would you like me to drop you at my apartment?” Ridley asked Alexia.
She looked a little confused. “You are not staying there?”
She shook her head. “No, I have some business meetings at a hotel in town. They’ve put me up in a room there. The apartment is all yours, and the driver’s number is on the card I gave you…”
YFN knew Alexia was disappointed, though she hid it well. “Okay, and yes please.”
Ridley sauntered over to her with Chiquito. YFN patted the cat and accepted Ridley’s forehead kiss. “I’m just around the corner,” she reminded as she cupped her cheek. “Whatever you need.”
She leant into her hand and nodded. “Thanks for everything, Riddles.”
She watched Ridley walk away and she felt bad for Alexia having come to London with the group, just to be stuck in an apartment alone. YFN knew Ridley was avoiding staying there so she didn’t make a mistake. She KNEW that. But still, she had been flirting. YFN had seen it herself.
“Alexia, do you want to come over tomorrow and hang out?” YFN asked her. “It’ll just be Lucy and I.”
Lucy jumped straight onboard. “I’ll make us lunch and we can watch a movie. We can even go kick a ball around with Narla at the park while she works if you want?”
Alexia smiled cutely and nodded. “Okay.”
Ridley smirked at YFN, knowing exactly what she was doing. She returned a stern gaze as she looked to Alexia and back, making her point. Ridley sighed and held the door open for the Spaniard.
They all parted ways and YFN found herself on Lucy’s doorstep, their suitcases just inside and Narla yapping excitedly, remembering the apartment as they said goodbye to Leah.
“We’ll find a time to chat about me using Lumos when you’re free, okay?”
“You know where I am!” She smiled.
The Lioness hugged them both and just before she left, YFN spoke again.
“I’m going to say something, and I don’t want you to be mad at me… and I don't want you to ask questions… but you need to know.”
Lucy’s arm came over her good shoulder supportively and she reached up to tangle their fingers. Leah’s face stiffened, assuming it would be bad news involving Jordan. “Okay.”
“The sex tape? It’s handled.”
She opened her mouth to speak and closed it again, her expression sceptical.
“Leah, I promise you… it’s handled. It’ll never see the light of day. I’m sorry I got involved, but my boss… she knows people. You can take that stress away now and just work on things with Dory, okay?”
They shared a look until Leah’s expression changed and her body relaxed. She believed her. “Thank you.”
“Thanks for protecting Jordan. You always do right by her.”
“She… she’s my person.”
“When are you seeing her next?” She asked softly. “This weekend?”
“I’m not sure. We’re playing in London on Sunday and she’ll be playing in Birmingham Sunday night so probably not.”
Leah felt her stomach sink as she realised she wouldn’t see her for a while. God, she missed her. She missed living with her. She missed everything. Their little date at her house reminded her even deeper at just how badly she wanted her and Blu back in her life. So bad she could barely function. And now knowing that the video was no longer an issue…
Leah’s phone buzzed and she looked down at it.
Jordan: Can I pencil a hug in for Sunday night?
Alexia POV
She understood finally what Blau had said when she mentioned Ridley underestimating the size of her apartment. Her mouth dropped open as she dropped her suitcase in the entrance and looked around. How was this just sitting here in London unused?
The ceilings were high. Way, way too high. The main area was a mass of large, empty space with a living room and kitchen. There appeared to be a hallway leading to a few rooms and a staircase spiralling slowly upwards to what she assumed were more bedrooms.
She composed herself and turned to look at Ridley who was studying her, leaning up against the entrance to the main area.
“When was the last time you were here?”
“Few months ago, after my Dubai trip.”
“For business?”
“And… this is all yours?”
“Yes.” She looked at her a little longer before pushing off from the wall. “I have colleagues stay here from time to time, or the housekeepers.”
“Housekeepers?” She almost whispered it.
“Yes, Alexia. It won’t stay clean by itself. I have two housekeepers; an older couple who stay when they need to. One of them also does the driving. They’ll stop by tonight to offer to cook you dinner and introduce themselves. I didn’t know if you wanted them to do that or leave you alone… you can let them know of anything you need.”
She was closer now, standing right in front of her. Alexia didn’t know what to say.
“Take a look around. There’s a gym and a pool. My bedroom is upstairs but you’re more than welcome to take any of the spare rooms downstairs.”
She was so close, so overwhelming. And her smell… that spicy musk. She didn’t know if it was that or the pheromones.
“And you have to go?”
“I think we both know it’s best that I do.”
She frowned. “I don’t think that at all…”
She leant down closer. “Then perhaps you should reassess that judgement, la Reina.”
Alexia stood taller, reminding herself who she was. “I’m a very good judge of character.”
Ridley straightened back up and Alexia felt proud of herself.
“I know you are. But not here. Not with me. I’m not… good.”
“I refuse to believe that.”
Alexia believed that so, so deeply. She was good. She was kind. She was strong.
She wanted to tell her that she saw her. That she dreamt about her. That she felt pain when they were close, but didn’t touch. That she felt invincible whenever she was with her, or under her gaze. That she just wanted to get to know her, above all else.
Alexia knew she was staying elsewhere so that she would not be tempted into a ‘mistake’. It hurt her so deeply. She could feel her emotions rising, knowing she’d be crying that night. Alexia always fought her tears, though. Especially around people, as she did so now.
Ridley gave her a soft smile as if she knew, and it looked to Alexia like an apology almost.
She reached out to stroke her cheek and hesitated. Alexia rarely ever saw her hesitate. She was rarely unsure. She continued anyways, her fingertips gliding across her eyebrow, pushing her blonde hair out of her face. Alexia relished her every touch, not knowing if it would be her last. If she would just jump on a plane and leave. It was Ridley, after all.
God, it felt so natural. So right. They didn’t have to force it. They were drowning in it.
Something flashed across Ridley’s eyes and she lowered her hand, speaking softly.
“You have my number.”
Ridley’s way of telling her to text her if she needed her.
And then she turned and walked away.
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ethereallocs · 11 months
A Viper and A Dragon
Chapter One-The First Meeting
[Pairing:Daemon Targaryen x OC Fem Character]
[Warning/Content: Masturbating,Sexual Tension,Teasing, Arranged marriage, Lots of lusting after one another.]
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Allyria was a beautiful young woman from Dorne. Her family was of noble blood and highly respected by the Targaryens. Her father grew up with King Viserys. In-fact Viserys treated him like a brother. Even though she was one of the most gorgeous young ladies in Westeros she had managed to evade marriage for quite some time since her name day which was a few years ago. Her mother often threatened she’d be an old maid by the time she intended to marry, but in her mind she wished to be independent after all she could do well without a man they only complicated things after all. Unfortunately she couldn’t evade it any longer and with King Viserys’s invitation Allyria’s father intended on marrying her off to someone in King’s Landing.
Meanwhile in King’s Landing Daemon had been begging his brother once more to let him marry Rhaenyra. And yet again he denied him of it, she was to be married to Laenor Velaryon. “I have someone else in mind for you brother. You won’t be disappointed.” Viserys assured him. “Yes, the same way I was assured about the bronze bitch…” He scoffed rolling his eyes in annoyance he figured in his defeat he’d go off and have a drink or two; maybe three. Who’s counting really? The next day he came in stumbling smelling of wine and ale. One of the King’s guard dragged him into the throne room where he saw a few familiar faces all but one.
Allyria stood tall her dark hair flowing over her shoulders and down her back. Her dressed was orange and gold and was held together by golden chains that laced over her back while the fabric of her dress clinged to her body ever so loosely. The prince was prepared to be scolded by his brother once more, but not in front of such a beautiful creature. His pride would not have it. He stood to his feet quickly fixed his mussed up hair and fixing his clothes. The king finally noted his presence and stood to his feet. “Brother you’ve finally come to join us we were waiting for you.
“You remember Lord Balereon and his Lady wife Anisa. Also their daughter Lady Allyria I invited them for the tourneys coming in a few days. There is a future celebration to be had.” Daemon nodded and bowed respectfully while Allyria watched from the corner of her eye. He was rather handsome she thought. Also he looked like he could bed a woman good. She hummed to herself looking away to get her mind back on track. It had been years since the King asked for her father to come here personally so why now? “Lord Balereon, Lady Anisa come we have something important to discuss. Daemon can show Allyria around and he will be respectful and noble I assure you.” He emphasized noble mainly speaking to Daemon when he did.
Daemon put on his charm and have a dazzling smile before he held out his arm for her. She laced her arm into his and smiled back at her father and mother as she walked away. They were silent as they walked for a while Daemon was in awe of the woman that stood before him. She was even more captivating this close and she didn’t say a word and yet he could feel himself being pulled toward her. “Are you going to say something Prince Daemon or are you just going to gawk at me the entire time?” He was pulled from his trance once she spoke and he chuckled at such a remark.
“A beautiful face with the tongue of a viper you are rather interesting, Lady Allyria.” She smiled watching the lords and ladies watching hungrily or enviously either way she enjoyed the attention. “That was a compliment was it not, my prince?” She looked to him with the rich brown eyes that flowed like pots of honey when the sun hit them. He stammered a bit still mesmerized by her beauty. “Oh…yes of course.” Her lush lips curled into a knowing grin. “So where is it you go to have fun. I’d like a drink.” He raised a brow at her and teased, “A young lady like you could possibly handle a drink.” She looked at him as if he was challenging her. “I’ll have to show you what I’m capable of I see.”
“I know just the place.” He took her hand as they ran off through a narrow path to get to the outskirts of the castle. He took her to one of his favorite taverns and of course every eye turned to look at her once they arrived. She sat upon a table her rich coppered skin glittering like gold. She was given their best ale and she almost gagged at the taste. “I told you m’lady you cannot handle your drink.” She down the cup without a moment to breathe and she laughed. “That shyte is disgusting we have way better ale in Dorne who made that swill anyway.”
He was a bit amazed he had never met a woman like her. Ever… not even Rhaenyra held a candle to her. She was a rare jewel indeed and had to have her. After a few more drinks she ended up carrying him back to the castle it was time for dinner and they were late. Once they arrived Viserys placed a hand over his face and began to apologize for Daemon. “My King there is no need to apologize I’m sure my daughter had something to do with this.” She giggled sitting him down and finding a seat next to him. “Forgive me, My King…I was rather bored of promenading through the castle I asked prince Daemon to take me somewhere for a decent drink and well here we are.”
Viserys laughed and quickly reassured her that there was no harm done. “I’m glad to see that their may be someone in this world that can actually keep up with my brother. The two of you seem to be getting along well with one another. Now that your father and I have gotten the matter settled let us raise our cups to the wonderful union of our two houses.” Allyria’s smiled faded and Daemon was too sloshed to even notice. Her family noted her flat expression and silence for the remainder of dinner.
Finally, being able to dismiss herself she made her way to her chambers but was stopped by a hand grabbing her wrist. It was The Rogue Dragon himself. With a bit of food on his stomach he came back to himself a lot quicker. “I see you are not happy about our betrothal.” She turned to face him with anger fuming. “It is that obvious? I had thought that me being unmarried long enough would make my father stop trying entirely. I thought wrong apparently.” He felt a bit upset from her reaction but tried not to show it. “We seemed like we were enjoying ourselves I thought you and I seemed made for each other.”
“I enjoy your company, but I know as well as the whole entire realm knows that you want The Iron Throne and Rhaenyra. Let us not mention the rumors of you getting rid of Lady Rhea. Just so you could be free to marry the princess. Word travels far, m’lord. How long will it take before I can no longer hold your affections or attentions, my Prince? How long will it take for you to discard me like some used thing? I do not want that for myself. I would rather be free and alone.” She snatched away from him before she quickly found sanctuary in her chambers.
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The next morning she was awakened by a knock on the door. “Come in.” It was her mother coming in to see how she had been fairing since she heard the news. “I know you aren’t happy, Little Lotus. You’re father and I are what we think is best for you.” Allyria laughed it off , “What’s best for me? Or what is best for our house. I’m sure with me marrying The Prince and siring an heir that will forever bind us to the powers that be. I may be a young woman mother, but am not simple.” Anisa sighed and shook her head. “Things are different in Dorne for women and you know that. Why would I want to leave such a liberated country to be sought after by men and envied by women who’ve never had an ounce of freedom since the day they were pushed from their mother’s cunt?”
“Dearest, it is not a punishment. Your father and the King have known each other for quite some time this is an honor for our family, please just try to make the best of it.” Allyria nodded softly and sighed. “It’s not like I have a choice in the matter. Like a nightingale in a cage..” Anisa left her to get ready for the day but didn’t leave without reminding her the wedding was in three days time. “Ysilla, come in please I’d like to get dressed.” Her handmaiden didn’t take much time to come in and quickly started to get her lady ready.
Allyria loved letting her deep brown tresses down in its natural state. Thick and wavy. “Ysilla can you grab that red dress for me.” She smiled at the choice. “The red is an excellent choice, miss.” Grabbing the garment she helped her put it on. When she looked at herself in the mirror she smiled to herself looking at the masterpiece that was her. “Thank you, Ysilla. I’ll be showing myself around the castle for a while.” Ysilla bowed her head and left her. She sighed softly and decided to hide out in the library. But upon arriving she spotted Daemon in the courtyard below and sparring with one of the King’s guards. She leaned on the stone watching him rather closely.
He was arrogant and rather egotistical and unfortunately she loved that in a man. How beautiful was he…attacking his opponent gracefully but with so much power behind each strike. She bit her lip feeling her thighs rubbing together causing friction. She sighed wantonly wishing to find relief, but her thighs were just making things worse. Her soft digits pushed the thin red linen to the side and slowly rubbed over her soft folds parting them to find her bundle of nerves. Circling over it slowly it sent soft shocks through her body as she continued to watch her betrothed.
The way he grunted with each attack. The sweat dripping from his face due to the action itself was primal. She trembled and whimpered softly trying not to be heard. Her eyes rolled as her two fingers began to fill her walls up touching that one spot that were send her over the edge. She thought of him grunting and rutting against her like an animal. Pulling her hair and reaching spots her fingers could not. “Daemon…” she cooed lovingly and to her surprise she felt a hand touch her shoulder. “And why are you calling my name so deliciously, My darling Viper?”
She looked to the courtyard and saw everyone was gone. Hesitant to turn around she held her hands behind her back hoping to hide the evidence of her arousal. “Did I? Forgive me, my Prince I did not mean…” He pulled her hand from behind her and examined the evidence. He smiled smelling her scent and instinctively he took her fingers into his mouth and licked them clean. “So sweet…” He muttered. She nearly fainted from seeing such a thing. He grabbed her waist pulling her in as she tried to make a step back. “I’d take you right here if I didn’t respect your father or my brother. On our wedding night you won’t be able to escape me.”
She winced at the idea of marriage internally, but the idea of their love making made her reconsider it a bit. “I guess we will see what my dragon is capable of then, yes?” She grabbed his chin and kissed his lips tasting a mixture of her sweet nectar and his saliva which made him groan into the kiss before she pulled away and went to go find the library. “Until our wedding night, my Prince. I’ll be waiting for you.” She disappeared down the hall and now his head was filled with nothing but her..was he in love or did he just want to fuck her brain loose..
To be continued…
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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fisshbones · 4 months
Who would the obey me characters main in overwatch?
Summary: what rank would they be and who would they main? (Head canons)
Characters: (Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, simeon, thirteen.) Gn!reader (Only referred to as you) cw: just cursing i think.
a/n: Firt time writing for obey me. Also I have only started playing both of these games again after like a 1-3 year break so inaccuracies may have occurred 😬
Lucifer - Reinhardt + Sigma
- rank ~ Master
- He does not find video games appealing at all. But for you he’s willing to give it a try. He learns pretty fast, and after a while in his very little free time he ranks up to Master.
- For some reason he can’t manage to get to grandmaster or higher, and it HURTS his pride so much 😭
- He’s a Reinhardt main, a true classic. But he frequently also plays Sigma! The tank role is his favorite. It’s the most important role in his eyes, so it makes sense that he takes control and shields the team.
- Is pretty good callouts wise, slightly toxic if you go against the plan though. 💀
Mammon - Baptiste
- rank ~ Gold
- I KNOW Baptiste is a support but Mammon DOES NOT use him as one. Maybe that’s why he’s hard stuck gold (and the fact that he rarely gets a kill) 💀 The only person he’s supporting is himself (and maybe you too if you praise him a lil)
-Gives terrible callouts too, that is if he even joins voice chat 😒
- He’s spent days trying to get to at least diamond but he just can’t. Levi makes fun of him hardcore for it too. Please reassure him that it’s okay for him to be in gold ☹️
Leviathan - Dva + Genji
- rank ~ GM/top 500
- I could see him rank 1 but I can’t decide for what role. 🧐
- Levi is a flex role. He prefers tank or dps, but he has no issues with playing support either. If you give him puppy dog eyes he’ll be your pocket Mercy.
- He is the only Genji main in 2024 history to get a team wipe with dragon blade 💀 He also really likes Dva because she’s fun and a gamer like him 🥹
- does Overwatch League take applications from hell?
- He isn’t too toxic but if anyone is toxic towards you he’ll be as mean as possible. Also challenges assholes in 1v1s and makes you a spectator. Just so you can watch him kick their ass 😎
Satan - Kiriko + Brigitte
- rank ~ platinum
- Satan could easily be higher if he really wanted to but he doesn’t really care.
- Cat girls enough said. Okayyyyy I know Kiriko ultimate is a kitsune but close enough.
- You’re probably sitting here like “vee brig isn’t a cat girl though?” Yes you’re technically right but she has a cat and that’s all that matters.
- Satan is a toxic brigitte/kiriko main, how iconic of him 🤩
- He’s good with callouts, but his account has been suspended multiple times for roasting the hell outta his “incompetent” teammates.
Simeon - Mercy
- rank ~ bronze
- This man is TERRIBLE with technology. Did you really expect him to be anything higher than the lowest rank?
- Yes he mains Mercy cause she’s a “guardian angel.” Also because as an angel he believes it is his duty to protect you. He is 100% your pocket mercy, even if you’re also a support.
- Callouts? What are callouts? Someone help this man. Even if you’re giving out the best callouts it doesn’t matter because he will still die. He does NOT understand a single thing you’ve said. Poor guy 😭
Thirteen - Ashe + Widowmaker
- rank ~ diamond
- Why those characters you may be asking? Because they serve cunt and so does Thirteen. It only makes sense for her to play the baddest bitches in the whole game 🥰
- She did not intend to get so high rank wise, she barely even plays the game 😭
- If you’re a Mercy main she expects you to pocket her. What about your other teammates? Nah don’t worry she’s got head shots for days. Your Ana can handle the rest of the team.
- She really doesn’t gaf about rank, she prefers quick play honestly. Her being a reaper takes up a lot of time so quick play is better for her time wise.
- She does pretty good callouts, sometimes she’ll make a passive aggressive remark to one of her teammates. But nothing too toxic.
Likes and reblogs appreciated! <3
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
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Hi my name is Cal. I love HOTD/Bucky/fandom✨
About me: I’m a current psych major, part-time fruit chopper, Gecko mother always. One recovering alcoholic of 2 years, please feel free to reach out if you struggle or are in the same boat!!! White ass bitch from the Southeast US but will pester you with cultural questions.
I love sexy blonde Incest bitches, incel knight, and unstable metal armed man. Writing started as my sober hobby now I’ve been gifted 2% Latina!
ASOIAF/HOTD/GOT (Targaryens n Velaryons🦚, Criston🦚, Harwin Strong, Robb, Jon, Jaime)
Note: I do NOT write for Daemon or Luke
I write for marvel (Bucky🦚, Zemo, Marc Spector, Matt Murdock, Adam Warlock)
The Last Of Us (Tommy Miller🦚 and Joel Miller)
Seb Stan Characters: (Lee Bodecker🦚, Charles Blackwood, Steve Kemp, Lance Tucker)
Rdr2 (Arthur Morgan & John Marston)
Ask Box‼️: Open (check list)
Short headcanons ❌
Blurbs ❌
Questions ✅
Shitposting ✅
Silly edits ✅
Fic length one-shots ❌
Taglist❣️: Comment here (no it’s not a threat…unless?)
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Into: M/F, M/M, fem dom, pegging, sex in any position, bdsm (light), breeding kink, man tears, angst, drunk sex, switching, actually non-smut things, daddy kink
Nope: F/F (I’m really bad at writing it and cursed to be really into dicks), literally just ask me!! Dead dove and niche kinks aren’t really an issue unless it’s like gory or stanky
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Smut 🍐 || Angst 🟢|| SFW 💚 || Dead dove🔫|| Fluff🐼 || Master ✨
Kink Bingo - Done!
Au Bingo - indefinite hiatus :(
***More of it is on my Ao3 linked in my bio :)
Bucky Barnes
“You’re my mission!”✨
Baron Helmut Zemo
The Call Girl🍐🐼
No Conviction - Criston Cole x Aegon II🍐🟢🔫
Aegon II Targaryen
"You Do Know How The Act Is Done, Don't You?"✨
Ser Criston Cole
“Do You Want Me To Kill Him?”✨
Related Characters
Tommy Miller (TLOU)
Little Slice o’ Heaven🍐🐼
Dirty Talk🍐🐼
Lee Bodecker (Devil All The Time)
You can be my daddy🍐🐼
Western AU🍐🐼
Lance Tucker (The Bronze)
God of what? ����
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honoviadakai · 4 months
What you favorite Hazbin hotel song says about you 😈🎶😇
(This list includes songs from the pilot as well as a few others that are not official but are near and dear to the fandom's collective heart)
I’m always chasing rainbows 🌈:
…so how’s your relationship with your parents?
You have a good heart but you’re way too hard on yourself
You don’t always have to be busting your ass off, taking breaks is not a crime
Also failing is not the end of the world
I believe in you, please be kinder to yourself
Inside of every demon is a rainbow 🌈 😈:
Golden retriever energy
You are so sweet but so naive
I honestly feel like if this is your fav song, I could spit in your meal and you'd just smile and get a new plate
It's ok to go apeshit
If you did ever get mad I genuinely feel like you'd be absolutely terrifying
But you're such a sweet person, i can't imagine someone pushing you to that point
Inside of every demon is a lost cause/Alastor's reprise 🎶👿:
You're a cynical bastard and you wear that shit like a badge of honor
You're on the same page as Alastor in terms of redemption being impossible/pointless
If this song is your favorite, you laugh at children when they fall over
very loudly
You're the one in your friend group that everyone has to warn about before introducing you to knew people
You receive the bombastic side eye so often you smile every time it happens
You need a hug
All of the hugs
You're doing your best and I just want you to know I'm proud of you
Vox's Interlude📺🎶:
You like Dubstep
You like Dubstep to a concerning degree
You're also disappointed Vox doesn't have the same voice effect in cannon that he has in the song
You're a Vox simp, but you're really chill about it
Royal Flush🥃♥️♠️♦️♣️:
Hello my fellow Pansexuals and Husk Fans~
If this if your favorite song, you're a Mick Lauer fan and you were sad to hear he wasn't coming back to the official series and it made you even more jaded than you already were(I feel you)
You're also a fan of Johnathan Young and Rock music
You lowkey giggle every time you hear the "every hole is a goal" line
You probably have a sever resting bitch face that scares ppl sometimes, but deep down you're a softy
A jaded softy, but a softy
Radio Play📻🎶:
Hello Alastor fans that lament the recasting of Edward Bosco
Hello Black Gyrph0n fans that think he's not receiving enough recognition
How deep in the financial debt hole are you because of your love of Alastor and new found desire to have a retro 30's aesthetic once this song dropped?
You have good taste in music but I feel like you'd say out of pocket shit on accident
You probably know how to do the Charleston pretty well and that's pretty cool
Redemption arc🙏🎶:
Hello my depressed gifted child burnouts and Elise Lovelock fans
You're a girlboss, you really are, but I need you to take more breaks and drink more water
You strike me as someone who takes the phrase "act your wage" as a suggestion at best
If over thinking was an Olympic sport, you'd win gold, silver ans bronze
stop trying to carrying other people's baggage on top of your own, that's not building character, its building more work for your therapist
Assuming you've even allowed yourself to see one!
You're unhinged
like Niffty levels unhinged
but you have good taste in music
You're also a very vocal Alastor fan
You need to be watched 24/7 because you strike me as someone who'd commit war crimes for fun
Eyes on me📺🥲:
You like Techno a normal amount
you're probably a Bo Burnham fan
You also give the vibe that you like anime like Evangalion
as well as the vibe of hiding behind a chill facade even though you're kinda depressed
you also give the impression that you're into enemies to lovers and once sided pining in romance
You ship Vox x Alastor in a wholesome way and you're foaming at the mouth for their backstory
You hate Val(as you should)
Change the order 👑🪽:
You lament that Lucifer doesn't have a British accent
You HEAVILY lament Lucifer not being a heartless asshole
You oh so desperately wanna see Lucifer and Lilith in their prime/as a united power couple
You have slight daddy issues
You're also probably someone who grew up with some religious trauma
You're in your villain arc but it's mostly yo protect yourself
i highly suggest getting a dog, a rubber duck collection and a therapist
Get hooked🚬🦋:
Your search history is not suitable for human eyes
You definitely have daddy issues
You desperately wanna see Val on the poles
You're fun at partied but you cannot be left unsupervised under any circumstances
You radiate bad bitch energy but I feel like you'd apologize to a kindly janitor if you had to walk on a floor they just finished mopping
You can run in heels and I respect that immensely
Smile like you mean it😁🦌:
I get it! You love Alastor! Please lower your voice a tad friend!
It's concerning how quick you'd sell your soul to this man
You like jazz unironically(nice)
You wanna experience one of Al's radio shows
...I'm not entirely sure if you wanna hear it or be the victim...and that deeply concerns me
Use me up🕷️🥲:
You wanna see Angle Dust fuck shit up(same)
You don't make friends easily but you're the loyalest son of a bitch anyone could ever have and more people need to recognize that
You probably had a really rough childhood
You give ppl middle fingers and sass the way Oprah gave out cars back in the day
You just want a hug, someone to say they're proud of you(I'm proud of you friend) and a month long nap
We're sure to drown🐈‍⬛🥃🥺:
Hello again my fellow Pansexuals and Husk fans
Specifically the ones with severe depression, trust issues and think mixing Tequila and monster energy drinks will help with the abandonment issues
yeah, i see you, put the bottle down mf
get therapy, this a threat
You're so cynical that even shadow the hedgehog would ask if you're ok
asking for help doesn't make you weak fam, i get where your coming from but you need a good plucking you prickly cactus
oddly enough, you give the best advice to the few friends you keep in your circle but take none of your own advice
You listen to country rock with lyrics so sad that everyone in the car with you immediately get concerned
definitely a cat person
You either wanna be stepped on or do the stepping on
You probably watched Black Lagoon and loved Revy
If you don't know what I'm talking about, look her up, that's your type
Low key probably a pyromaniac
You're that one friend that's ALWAYS ready to punch your friend's ex's in the face
Honestly, I feel like you're scrappy enough to fist fight god with the confidence of someone who thinks they have a shot at winning
My machine 🐍 ⚙️:
You were really excited to see Pentious be one of the show's antagonists
You're still a little bitter about not getting your mad scientist, steam punk, snake man
You did love his War General outfit though
You probably really like shows like Arcane
You really wanted 'Enemies to lovers' CherriSnake or platonic/rivals CherriSnake
You probably have reptile as a pet
most likely a snake
Happy day in hell🎶🎤:
You're a basic Broadway bitch but your optimism is a tad infectious so I'll let it slide
You're a tad too optimistic though
Like, to a concerning degree
Someone could punch you and you'd ask them if they were ok despite having a split lip
you're definitely a workaholic
take that PTO sweetie, work will be there when you come back
Hell is forever😇😈:
you either really like Alex Brightman or you LOVE villains
you also love rock
You kicked your feet like a love sick when Adam did the guitar solo bit
Probably a fan of bands like Skillet
You have religious trauma but your coping mechanism is to crack jokes about it
some of them are probably inappropriate
Stayed gone📺🦌:
You ship Vox x Alastor a "normal" amount
You'd sell your soul for Vox and Al to have more duets together
You're probably a Vox simp
If you're not, its cuz you're an Al simp
You giggled at "That's the tea"
You also drooled at Al's demon form towards the end of the song
It starts with sorry🐍🥹:
friend, you are way too forgiving
someone could steal your life's savings and I feel like you'd just let them have it because "they probably need it more"
You were very proud of Pentious
You radiate chihuahua energy
You are 5'2 or smaller and 90 lbs soaking wet
someone need to make sure you don't run these streets lawless
don't get me wrong
You are absolutely a bad bitch that serves cunt like a 5 star restaurant serves gourmet steak
but you're gonna say the wrong thing to the wrong person one day
you cannot afford to fuck around and find out when they're over 5'9 my friend, sit down please
Whatever it takes🦋🩰:
you're the eldest child of your family aren't you
You don't need to prioritize everyone before yourself!
Love yourself first damn it!
You probably like Milfs or goths
You also probably wish Zestial had more songs
I have a feeling your favorite Disney movie is Encanto...
Holy fuck you need a hug
You're either a survivor of some kind or life has just been kicking you in the balls for no god damn reason
Come here, I'm adopting you and making sure you're actually happy
You're low key an amazing dancer
literally one of the best people to be friends with
Loser Baby🐈‍⬛🕷️:
hello my fellow queers, Keith David fans, Blake Roman fans and Huskerdust shippers
You are a connoisseur of slow burn romance
You're probably a depressed hopeless romantic
friend, if you want the Husker to your dust...the loser to your baby...you gotta talk to people...
go touch grass
you're that one friend who bullies your bestie but that's cuz that your guy's love language
If anyone messed with your bestie, you'd fight that person to the death the way Husk and Angel did to those loan sharks
Hell's greatest dad🪽🦌:
You either beef with ppl for fun or you're a very flamboyant theater kid
Its probably both tbh
You probably fell in love with the blonde short king after this song
You ship Radioapple
you want a sitcom ft Radioapple and you'd sell your soul to get it
Your fav Disney movie is probably Aladdin
You totally play "HaHA! Fuck you..." on repeat
More than anything🪽😭:
So how's your relationship with your dad...
You cried so hard to this song that it scared you
grab the tissues, get your coziest blanket and go get your favorite treat
and some therapy
Welcome to Heaven😇🎶:
Emily is your favorite character
Your gaydar was going off when St. Peter started existing
Your a chill person
A little too chill though…
You might still be an active member of your community
Ya might wanna consider reducing your hours, there is such a thing as too much loyalty
Treat yourself to a vacation
You didn't know😧🪽:
Hello fellow black sheep of the family with severe religious trauma
You freaked the fuck out when the “If Hell is forever then Heaven must be a lie” line dropped
You felt so vindicated after this song and honestly, same
You LOVED Emily by the end of this song
Out for love 💗 🩰:
You like MILFs
You want Carmilla to kick/step on you
You’re either a magical girl fan, a fan of Latin music or both
You cheered so hard for Vaggie at the end you definitely got a noise complaint 🤣
Ready for this🎤⚔️:
You have anxiety
Your favorite character is probably Charlie
Your favorite movie is probably Marry Poppins or something in the same time period/genre
You’ve dealt with Karen’s before and watching Susan become tolerable was so satisfying for you
You want Alastor and Rosie to adopt you
More than anything(reprise):
You're the poster child of sappy hopeless romantics
You cried a little from joy here
You’re definitely not straight
You want this moment, go get yourself a Vaggie cuz you’re definitely gonna be the Charlie of the relationship
You're the ultimate theater kid
This song hit all the sweet spots in your depressed brain for you
Let’s be honest, your favorite part of the song was either the Vees or Alastor
It’d your favorite part was with the Vees, your a huge chaos gremlin
You cannot be trusted with information but you’re very fun at parties
If your favorite part was Alastor’s part, get therapy
If you related to that part on a spiritual level, you mask so hard I’d believe you if you said you were born wearing a mask
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The Silver Dragon (1/?) ARCHIVED
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Original Female Character.
Word Count: 2781
Story Summary: Lady Arianwyn Targaryen, the Lady of Runestone, was not born of love. Nor passion. Nor even a sense of duty. She was seeded by her father, the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen, in an act of unbridled hatred, and borne of her mother, the late Lady Rhea Royce, as a desperate grasp at revenge.
But even a child born of such darkness can find her way to the light.
With her mother dead, and father flown across the Narrow Sea with a new wife, the girl is taken in by her Aunt, the Queen Alicent Hightower, to be raised among the little family she has left. There, she finds her cousin, Prince Aemond Targaryen.
As they grow, the two find themselves indelibly bonded. The two spend long nights in the palace library together, studying the histories of both Old Valyria and the First Men, seeking to understand who they are and where they fit in the world.
But finding that place proves more difficult than in the fairy tales they read. The seeds of disaster were laid long before they were born, and as tensions in the family rise, it seems as though their places may begin to diverge.
Will they be pulled apart when the dragons dance?
Chapter Summary: Prince Daemon Targaryen has grown tired of his Lady wife, the “Bronze Bitch” Rhea Royce. But he is not so easily rid of her. She survives not only his brutal attack, but his cruel violation of her. Though she remains broken and weak, she endures just long enough to deliver a child: a girl of silver hair and steely eyes. 
Warnings: Mentions of rape
Series Masterlist
Author’s Note: Oh my gosh. I haven't written anything in so long, but something about House of the Dragon - and Aemond in particular, just had me typing away. I'm going to be totally honest, I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this, but if you'll stick with me, I'll definitely get somewhere!
Rhea Royce lay prone on the earth of her beloved Vale. But she could feel neither the cold nor the dampness of the grass and stone as it seeped through her hunting leathers and onto her skin. As the heat of her body met with the chill in the ground, the Runes of protection etched into her pauldrons became fogged over – rendered unreadable.
She knew she should hurt. The pain should be unbearable. Yorwyck was a mighty beast, like the Bronze King he was named for. His whole weight had come down upon Rhea, so there was no doubt he caused her great damage in his fall. She had heard the sharp cracking of her own bones. Yet she felt none of it. 
All she could feel was fear.
The cloaked man waited until her steed was out of her sight, and Rhea was well and truly alone, with only the distant ramparts of Runestone peering from between the hills as witness. He approached her slowly, casually, as if he couldn’t hear her desperate whimpers. He ran his violet eyes along her body as he approached her head. It was not a gaze of lust. He looked on her with the same disdainful curiosity as one examining a woodland rodent crushed by a cart. 
As he stood directly over her, he turned his eyes from her face – he had always avoided looking at the face he found so displeasing. Instead, he turned to her outstretched arm. He took another step, raising his foot above Rhea’s lower arm. The ghost of a wicked smile danced in the corner of his mouth, and he stepped down. 
He raised and pressed his foot down again several more times. Not to be sure, but to emphasize to his victim that she was truly helpless – exactly as he wanted her. Rhea knew the horrors his men had inflicted on the criminals of King’s Landing and the followers of the Crab Feeder. She knew the cruelty he was capable of and of his unparalleled creativity. He had hated her for years. In all that time, he must have imagined countless ways to torture her. 
Rhea braced herself for what would come next. At least she would not feel the pain.
But his steps retreated.
All the fear in Rhea’s heart evaporated, swiftly replaced by rage. After these long nine years, this was all he had for her? For nine years, he traveled the whole of the Seven Kingdoms, slandering her and her family in the courts, then further insulting her with his brazen whoring. She had lost count of how often he had called her “Bronze Bitch” and accused her of ruining his life. She had been anticipating a reckoning from him. 
But this? 
This was an insult she could not stand.
Rhea knew she would be signing her soul over to the Stranger, but she would not let Daemon Targaryen have the final insult.
“I knew you couldn’t finish,” she spat at her retreating husband. He turned back, looking at her face for the first time. Rage twisted his face, but his eyes were wide with shock. He had not expected that. But she was, after all, his Bronze Bitch.
What he said next had Rhea’s blood running cold as she thanked all the Seven that she would not feel what was to come. “My dear, lady wife,” he said, breath heaving and voice dripping with hateful venom, “perhaps it is time we consummate our union.”
The Lady of Runestone was dying, nine months on from her “accident.”
The people of the Vale were told that it was a miracle from the Seven themselves that she had survived such a devastating fall from her horse. Even more miraculous still, her husband had swooped in on dragonback to rescue her before she succumbed. He had even used Caraxes to find and dispatch the offending horse. A true Targaryen Prince, rescuing his Bronze Damsel. It was no wonder when her cousin and heir, Gerold, announced to the court that she was with child. They cared little that their Lady’s rescuer had swept out of the Vale as swiftly as he had arrived. 
Only her cousin, her Maester, and her ladies-in-waiting knew the truth. Maester Kerith had spent countless hours binding the broken bones that could be saved, and those he could not, he promptly removed. When Lady Rhea next sat the Bronze Throne, she made sure her ladies dressed her in her riding leathers so her court could see what she had survived, even if they could not know the truth.  
When it became clear that the consequences of what her husband had done extended beyond mere injuries, Maester Kerith offered her tea, but she refused. With her health still declining, her body struggling to overcome the trauma she had faced, she knew she would not survive long. But again, she would not let Daemon have the final word in their hellish marriage. He had insulted her, paralyzed her, and raped her, but she would not let him forget her. 
She would leave him with an Heir of Bronze.
The babe was born as the sun rose, though the day remained dark beneath the clouds that so often surrounded Runestone. 
Rhea wept for the first time, having felt no pain throughout the birth, when she saw that her daughter had the silver-white hair of her father. She had prayed for months that her child would look just like her, to be a constant reminder of his Bronze Bitch. But the babe was just another silver Targaryen. Her revenge had failed.
Gerold sat at her side, cradling the girl in his arms, as her mother could not. Then, as the babe began to cry, he held her out so Rhea could see her.
“Cousin, look at her eyes,” he whispered, all too aware of the grim looks on the Maester and Septas’ faces. 
Rhea turned her head, lifting her neck as much as her weakening body would allow to try and glimpse her child through her tears. She looked past the white hair at the small but wide eyes that beheld her. 
The slate grey eyes of Runestone, the Bronze Kings, and the First Men. Royce eyes.
Rhea smiled. Perhaps her revenge would not be as sharp as she would like, but so long as her daughter remained, Daemon would never forget her. He would always remember that he could not break her.
The Lady of Runestone’s breaths came slower, and though the Septas flurried around her, she paid them no mind. She had known all these months that she would not live to see the look on Daemon’s face when he first met his heir. She knew these were her last moments. But she did not want to spend them afraid. She wanted to spend them with her daughter.
Fitting, she thought, that Daemon’s heir should be a girl. His claim to the Iron Throne had been usurped by his young niece, and now his claim to Runestone was usurped by his own daughter. 
And what a beautiful daughter she was. Rhea’s vision began to blur around the edges, and the voices of the others in the room faded as she beheld the babe. Her eyes were bright, even as she cried softly, and the silver-white of her gently curling hair seemed to bring out a metallic shine in her grey eyes. They complimented each other, as her parents never had.
This girl was not bronze.
“Arianwyn,” Rhea whispered, naming her child as the life, at last, left her broken body. Lady of silver.
It was not Prince Daemon who came to Runestone to receive the child on behalf of the Royal family, but the young Queen, Alicent Hightower. She came with the unwelcome news that the child’s father had already remarried, less than a month after he became a widower. He had departed with his new wife, Laena Velaryon, to Pentos, without leaving instruction on the care of his daughter – indeed, he left without even acknowledging her birth. 
Alicent, despite her reputation as a fierce supporter of her husband’s family, was more than empathetic to the child’s plight. It seemed to Gerold that the young Queen held a similar opinion to his own regarding Daemon Targaryen. She commiserated with him on the pain the Prince had caused his family, especially Rhea and her daughter. As long as the Prince had vexed the Royce family, he had been equally maddening to his brother.
But what was most shocking to Gerold and the court at Runestone was the offer the Queen brought: to bring the child to King’s Landing and raise her there. Despite her father’s indifference, the child was a Targaryen. It was her right to live amongst her people, to learn the traditions of Old Valyria. 
And at the Red Keep, Arianwyn would not be alone. The Queen had three children, each young enough to be peers to their newest Targaryen cousin, and more were anticipated from both Alicent and the recently wed Princess Rhaenyra. 
The King had already given his approval, both to the fostering of his niece at the Red Keep and of Gerold taking charge of Runestone until the girl had come of age. Indeed, it seemed all the arrangements were already made. The Queen had even brought a small contingent of attendants for the child, from nursemaids to Dragonkeepers, who carried a great, steaming urn containing a silver dragon egg – chosen specifically by the Queen’s youngest son – to be placed in Arianwyn’s cradle.
Gerold had only one caveat before he agreed to the King’s plan: that Arianwyn would not venture to the capital alone. A handful of Runestone delegates would be sent with her, to educate her in the history and traditions of House Royce. So that even surrounded by Targaryens, she would not forget why her eyes were grey.
Queen Alicent, herself clothed in Hightower green, happily agreed. 
After a long journey from the Vale, Lady Arianwyn Targaryen arrived at Red Keep, cradled in the arms of her Aunt, Queen Alicent Hightower. As her attendants, including one of her late mother’s most trusted Lady’s Maids, continued on to prepare her rooms, the newest Targaryen was led into the Great Hall. 
A hush fell over the gathered courtiers when the doors to the throne room opened, and they beheld the silver-haired babe. But the chatter that so often filled the capital quickly resumed when they saw the blanket she was swaddled in. A burnished bronze velvet, carefully embroidered with the same ancient Runes that graced the ancestral armor of House Royce. 
It was a slight on the Royal house that, in another court, would have undoubtedly caused a scandal. But in this court, where the Queen herself so brazenly wore the colors of her own house rather than her husband’s, it was immediately relegated to petty gossip. So the Lords and Ladies resumed their conversations as the Queen approached the Iron Throne.
“My King, may I present your niece, Lady Arianwyn Targaryen,” Alicent said as she bowed before her husband as best she could with a squirming infant in her arms.
King Viserys’ eyes brightened, and he dismissed the Hand from his side. The King, having lost so many of his own children by his first wife, was always cheered when he had the chance to meet a healthy babe.
“Hello, my dear niece,” he cooed, reaching out to hold her, “what a delight you are!” His arms strained slightly at the weight of the plump child, so he pulled her into his chest. She relaxed into his chest, fussing softly as she reached for his long white hair.
Viserys laughed, running his fingers through her own hair. The exact shade of silver-white that graced nearly each member of his family. Though hers held significantly more curls than any Targaryen he had ever known.
“She is indeed a beauty, cousin.” A familiar voice drew the King’s attention. His cousin, Rhaenys, approached the throne. “It is a comfort to see our families flourishing.”
The King smiled and nodded, allowing his cousin permission to approach. She ascended the steps to the Iron Throne and ran her fingers along the round cheek of her new baby cousin. “It is a shame her father is not here to meet her.”
Viserys heart sank. In his joy at meeting Arianwyn, he had momentarily forgotten the circumstances under which she arrived. Once again, his brother had shamed not only himself, but his family. At least the child’s hair had put to rest any rumors that Rhea had been unfaithful. But knowing the relationship between Daemon and his late wife as he did, he shuddered to think how the child came to be. He had not seen the extent of Rhea’s injuries, but the description alone was enough to make him feel ill.
Suddenly, the sight of the babe made his heart ache. “Alicent,” he called to his wife, “take Arianwyn to her rooms. I am sure she is tired from the journey.” He handed his wife the child and slumped back into the throne, readjusting himself to try and remain comfortable. Then, when Alicent was out of earshot, he again turned to Rhaenys.
“What has my brother done now?” He said, running his gloved hand over his face.
Rhaenys grimaced. “I am loathe to speak against him now, as he has just taken my daughter to wife,” she sighed. “But I feel confident in saying that none of us can ever say exactly what your brother is doing, much less predict what he may yet do in the future.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Viserys said, “I just pray that poor girl won’t suffer any more than she already has.”
When she arrived, the Queen’s three children were waiting inside the solar of their cousin’s new rooms. Aegon, now four years old, ran from his nursemaid, cackling as he swerved precariously between the servants attempting to arrange the room. Helaena, approaching her second nameday, stayed in her nurse’s arms, hands clasped tightly around her ears as she took in the unfamiliar space. And Aemond, only a few months older than his new cousin, lay peacefully in his own maid’s arms as he watched servants haul numerous sparkling bronze trappings into the rooms.
“Come and meet your new cousin, darlings,” Alicent called to Aegon and the nursemaids bearing her other children, “She’s come a long way to be with us.” The Queen sat on a plush chair near the west windows of the room, gently lowering the babe into her lap.
Aegon reluctantly approached, sneering slightly at the child in his mother’s lap. “She doesn’t look like Daemon.”
Alicent sighed. “Nor did you look like your own father when you were so young. Indeed, even now, I wager you look more like me. You have the Hightower nose.” She tweaked the tip of his sharp nose – the same as hers - to drive her point home.
“I am a Targaryen!” Aegon insisted.
“Of course, my boy. How could any of us forget it with this on your head,” she said, and ruffled his unruly mop of white hair.
Aegon grunted, looking back down at the baby. He gently reached out to touch her silver hair, both neater and curlier than his own. “What is her name?”
“Arianwyn.” The Queen responded.
“Ari…” Helaena started, her hands finally coming down from her ears. Alicent nodded for the maid to set her down, and the young girl approached her mother and the babe.
The Queen spoke slowly and carefully as she repeated, “Arianwyn.”
Helaena listened intently, then repeated the name several times, struggling with the pronunciation.
“Very good, my sweet,” the Queen said, placing her hand on her daughter’s shoulder, though the young girl winced at the touch.
Aegon continued fiddling with his cousin’s curls, “It’s a weird name.”
“Sir Gerold Royce told me it is of the Old Tongue,” the Queen said, motioning for one of the nursemaids to bring her own babe closer, “it has some meaning, though I am afraid I forget what it is.”
Releasing Arianwyn’s hair, Aegon made a noise of quickly waning interest and stepped away, eager to resume his perpetual torment of his nurse. Had she not been holding her young niece, Alicent may have chased after him. But for now, she lifted the child to face her own.
“Aemond,” she said softly, “meet Arianwyn.”
As he beheld his bronze-wrapped cousin, he smiled, cooing and reaching a squirming fist toward her. A smile appearing across her own, Arianwyn reached back toward him.
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bronzebtch · 10 months
blog status — alright, after a lot of consideration, i think i'm announcing a total hiatus of this blog, or rather, i'm moving rhea back to my multi ! this is simply because i'm definitely still open to writing her though i've found myself being more active there. thus, my decision. of course, i'm always available on discord ( though admittedly i am sparse there as well ) , and again, my multi is open for any rhea-related interactions :)
* on that note : save from odette's ( stcrmhund ) reply, i will drop all threads i've held on this blog. if you'd like to salvage and continue one ( or some! ) though, please always, always, reach out to me and i'd love to continue developing our dynamic once more <3 again, i am reachable on my multi, forgaeven, for any query.
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thesunfyre4446 · 10 months
in the defense of criston cole
okay, criston cole is not the nicest guy around.
but the amount of hate he gets from the fandom is honestly baffling to me. sure, he did some bad things, but come on, it's game of throne. everyone is shitty! it's the main theme of the franchise !
and criston crimes are nothing compared to some of the other characters.
so many people try to portray criston as evil and i just think it's so ridicules.
what did he actually do that is sooooo bad? killed 2 people? rhaenys killed 200 innocent people only to make a dramatic exit, daemon killed his first wife and his daughters' uncle. called rhaenyra a spoiled c*nt? daemon called alicent a c*nt, and called his first wife (that he murdered) a "bronze bitch". wasn't nice to rhaenyra's sons? rhaenyra offered to have aemond tortured after her son cut his eye out.
and again, i'm not justifying his wrongdoings, i'm just saying - a lot of other character did equally bad if not worse things. the insane amount of criston hate is ridicules.
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kotikaleo · 3 months
Sketch a day 6
Yeah I skipped a whole bunch of days, life is life BEHOLD!!!!
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I designed only few for now, there is more to come (with 13 in total *dies*) But yeah I tried my best and I put a lot of thought into them!
more rambelings about designs and a bit of lore and what character they are under the cut:
General facts about lizards:
All lizards have tails and antenna (some squshy some not so much)
they are incredibly proud. Just in general and have a big pride in them being strong and dangerous and beiing predators. That's why every single lizard have a danger symbol somwehe on them, will it be neclase, shirt patch, button... and so on.
but even with that they try to have good relationship with other hybrids, after all they all work together for better future of all of them
fuck the pronouns, there is only one pronoun in their language, any pronouns in other languages will be ok
actuall lizards do exist in this universe as well they are just wild animals that are like monkeys to us, and are wel... like crocodiles?? you know
And the ones you see here are just specific characters (even tho they don't have proper names). There are multiple pink, red, cyan, yellow and so on lizards, same as I'm sure there are multiple white, red, blue and other colored slugcats.
Pink one looks like most average character we all made once. it's literally hoodie jeans and sneakers, there in nowhere more avarege to go, pink one really goes Just A Guy™ and that's the whole point. Been doing football since 10  not because they are any good at it. Collage student
Blue one is a bit more interecting, you know it's like when you redesign your first character, and you want to keep the simplisicy but also more detailes and less flat. Two blue 'fins' go al along the spine. Also play foorball with pink but they are actually better at it than pink. Same collage with pink
Red is slay. That-s it. They are the King and the Queen and all above and hot and sexy because I said so. Very tall btw, they are like 2m tall, could kill you with their tail and will not apologize and also wears heels, because being 2m tall isn't enough. Sassy bitch. I love them. Also they have red thingies on the back same as on the tail (that's why their back is open, but cover it with a cloak)
Green is a chill guy, but hits like a truck, so do not anger them (whick is more than possible, it's not like they are an ocean of patience). Also can kill you with a tail and not notice. Also I have not decided fully but probably some kind of armycore or something military is def about them. necklase is made out of bronze
Strawbery is my fanourite cat boy of this groop! They are like actual cat boy!!! Their ears are same shape and same softness as the ears of slugcats, so yeah! certified cat! Cutie doll that will puch you in a face, you know what, from now on they are streamer or something like that, becasue I can. With pink gaming set up, yes.
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28dayslater · 1 year
good evening to you all and welcome to cockmojo where tonight we will be counting down my personal top ten terror cocks
those unaffiliated with footyblr may be unfamiliar with the term cock as it’s being used here: all will become clear in time
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special mention before we start to the netsilik hunter (sexy man, deserved a name and some screentime) james clark ross but only in the first episode when he’s all rugged and his beard’s grown out, and mr blanky, who, much like knife dad, fuccs like a broken train but he runs on time if you know what i mean
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in a very respectable tenth place finish, billy gibson. i didn’t see the vision until 1. it was pointed out to me that he looks a lot like pau torres, who is himself very cockable, and 2. i rewatched the scene where he breaks up with hickey. known shagger, massive hater, a very pointy nose, he’s scraped a place on this list.
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a surprise entry at ninth is john irving. inarguably cute in a sort of late 2000s british indie band bassist way, and while i’m not sure i could fix him (he probably needs a man for that) i do think i would have fun trying. ultimately he’s not higher because he’s kind of annoying and his eyebrows piss me off.
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representing the dilves at eighth is doctor macdonald. he’s entrancing to me he has this vibe of like gentle paternal indulgence... like even if you were annoying he’d be very fond of you. and i need that. when he said “i’d like to run that man through” and rubbed his eyes and looked so tired, i really felt something. the crow’s feet, the widow’s peak, the hair, yes!!
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doing it for the feminists, in seventh we have harry goodsir. the loveliest guy on the expedition until he goes nastymode, and i’m fully on board with both versions. this picture was chosen for a reason and it’s bc his long curly hair full beard miserable expression era was simply unbeatable. unfortunately, and this is maybe the most insane thing i’ve ever said about a man, or at least top ten, when his half eaten corpse was laid out face down, and it had noticeable back hair, i got the ick. just to add insult to injury :/
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i’m as surprised as you are that he’s not higher, number six, james fitzjames! he is my pretty pretty princess. nails, hair, hips, heels. high femme queen in his cunty little outfits ordering the men around. i want to brush his hair, one hundred strokes minimum. i think this is less sexual than some others on this list, it’s more appreciation. but my god do i appreciate him.
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stay alive, number five, it’s thomas jopson. most beautiful haunted doll in the arctic, but that pretty face is covering up a seriously compelling #WeirdGuy underneath. all the shiny hair in the world can’t hide an obsession with his boss that in the modern era would be getting him a very serious meeting with HR. what a character, servicetopson you rock my world. but at the end of the day he loses points because i hate the beard. garrigan looks great with a beard in other stuff, i really don’t know why the scurvybeard was so foul. terror hair and makeup department GET IT TOGETHER. 
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number phwoar, henry collins is here! he’s big he’s sweet he’s deeply mentally unstable he needs a cuddle and we’ve all seen that gif of him in aliens. would love to make him a really nice cup of tea (seems like a two sugars man), pet his hair as he rests his head in my lap, then fuck up my hip flexors. 
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and now... we enter our top three. who’s made it to the prestigious cock podium?
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first up, the winner of our bronze cock medal, which presumably he’ll be flogging for an unreasonable price to someone he’s assured it’s solid gold, “cornelius hickey”! people will bitch and moan about how he’s a violent lunatic who’s killed people like i’m not a cuti romero stan 🙄 i can see beyond that, my third eye is firmly open. the potential for a fun toxic relationship is absolutely off the charts bc that’s the only kind he has. and he’s very pretty when he cries. i can forgive a lot of crimes for a man whose nose entrances me.
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in second place, such a close runner up, i have to award this honour to edward little. a pedestrian choice, you might think, if you don’t know the lore. i couldn’t fully explain my feelings towards this secondary character who’s not especially exciting on first watch when i started the show until i googled his actor... although i lacked the words to express this at the time i was cocking this man when i was 13 and he first appeared in misfits with a stupid neck tattoo and a horrible suit, and i cock him again now. this is a cock that’s followed me all my life, even though i forgot he existed for about a decade in between. who else can truly say they’ve EARNED a spot on my list like he has? he’s sad, he’s sopping wet, i could make him cry extremely easily. mwah
and finally...
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number one. it had to be him, it was always going to be him. solomon tozer, take a bow and i’ll take ten cranberry pills. sol is thee top cock for so many reasons and chief among them is versatility. whatever you need he can be it. handsome soldier boy in a fancy red uniform that shows off his trim little waist? COCK! hostile violent mutineer throwing his life away in a rebellion? COCK! broken man inducted into a cult who cries about it? COCK!!! sexiest man in the damn arctic i know he was beating the boys off with a stick. there is a certain level of sexiness a man can reach where nothing he does is an ick, and i knew he’d reached that for me once i saw him in that insanely stupid hat at sir john’s funeral and didn’t give a fuck. call him tom jones the way he can leave his hat on. keep thotting it up in heaven/hell king i miss you every day. i know it was huge. my heart hurts.
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
As much as I find A+C=D interesting I don't know how they would fit Daeron's story into the series. He couldn't have a dragon. The same thing with Helaena and Aemond, I believe the series is creating "something" with them, but in the book there is Alys Rivers who is an important character and lover of Aemond. I know the series has changes and like it, but I wonder how far these changes are beneficial to the plot of fire and blood...
No, I see what you're saying.
But the one thing you need to understand is that "Fire & Blood" is not a real history book, or actual view of events. It is hear-say from different sources. A Green Maester and a Perverted Dwarf's account of events from over 100 years ago that is compiled by a Maester who is terrified of the Mad King Aerys who is breathing down his neck while he's writing it for baby Viserys and Dany.
It is completely biased toward the Blacks, because, if it wasn't then Aerys would roast him alive with wildfire.
To understand the book, you have to read between the lines.
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Two examples.
1.) After King's Landing falls to the Blacks, Daeron marshals one of the finest armies that Westros has ever seen. In the book, most of the accounts say that Daeron is leading the army, that he is whipping the Blacks asses up and down the south on his way to rescue Alicent and Helaena, Meanwhile Aemond and Alys are a two team wrecking crew that is setting the Riverlands aflame so no reinforcements can come to aid Rhaeynra in King's Landing.
There is proven accounts that two of Rhaenyra's best Dragon Seed Riders turn cloak on the Blacks because they were absolutely petrified of having to fight Daeron and Tessarion. Which tracks, because, the Dragon Seed Riders nearly pissed themselves after capturing King's Landing when Rhaenyra informed them that their service to her wasn't done till they fought and killed Aemond and Daeron.
Which none of them signed up for.
But the main author of the book continuously assures the readers - aka Aerys - that it's not Daeron leading the army that it is Ormund Hightower. He was the real power and leader of the Green's main army after Criston's death.
However, that conflicts with what is said about Ormund Hightower earlier which was that the man was a terrible leader and battle commander that needed Daeron's last minute arrival to turn the tide of a battle in which he outnumbered his enemies.
So, as a reader, you're supposed to understand that the Maester is purposefully trying to cut out the narrative that Daeron was a hero and champion. That he is constantly placating to Aerys that he was nothing but a green mama's boy and only ever won battles out of being lucky - despite every account saying otherwise.
Then, later on, the Maester says that Daeron was killed in a passive and mediocre manner - his pavilion fell on him or that some random soldier smashed his face in with a morning star, not knowing who he killed.
However, in that same battle, Tessarion - and Tessarion alone - starts fighting Seasmoke and Adam Hull on it's own ... without a rider. That Tessarion starts doing all these amazing and complicated moves in the battle ... without a rider. That later when Vermethor breaks loose and starts killing everyone - both Greens and Blacks alike - that Tessarion altruistically steps in to fight to the death "The Bronze Terror" to stop him from killing everyone ... without a rider.
So, either this Tessarion motherfucker is the most honorable and sentient dragon there ever was ...
Or, Daeron didn't die like a bitch and fought the - then - largest and most vicious Dragon in the world to save the lives of both his men and his enemies when it went wild.
Then, for fifty years both Rhaenyra and Daemon's descendants and the Stark regents feared Daeron's return, many - including the common people - believing that he was not dead and that he would have his revenge for "The Brothel Queens" and for Helaena's children.
Why would they think that if there was confirmation that some random ass Riverland soldier smashed his face in?
Cause he didn't die that night nor any afterward.
2.) In the book it is explicitly theorized that the split between Rhaenyra and Alicent came in maidenhood and had everything to do with Criston Cole.
It is pointed out that Alicent had been in love with Criston from the beginning. That she grew angry and Jealous when Rhaenyra picked him to be her Sworn Shield, and that their falling out had more to do with Criston rejecting Rhaenyra ... which is why she moved on to Harwin Strong.
Point of fact!
For the next sixteen years, Ser Criston Cole wore Alicent's favor in every tourney and battle, was her sworn shield, that he was named Lord Commander by Alicent herself despite Rhaenyra trying to stop it. That Criston was extremely loyal to Alicent to the very end, never wavering once on being by her side.
Then, this joke ass crack head Maester actually spends time trying to question what exactly motivates him to be loyal to Alicent. Then, Maester Dipshit settles on that it was resentment against Rhaenyra.
No, dumbass!
It's cause he's been in love with Alicent since they were teenagers!
I wasn't even shipping them when I read the text and it was fucking obvious to me.
That's the problem with sticking to the source material. The writers of the show took that note literally and then made Criston's character be some one-note spurned lover till almost to the end of the season. But if you simply read between the lines, it's right there!
Criston was in love with Alicent, not Rhaenyra, the entire time.
By the time the writers figured that shit out, or George e-mailed them with the note, they had already ruined Criston's character by making him pine for Rhaenyra when all sources, except for the one bias one toward Rhaenyra, said that Criston said 'Begone Thot!' to her advances.
I'm not making a run at you, nonny. But what I'm trying to say is that you can't rely on the source material for anything but a guide line to events. When it comes to interpersonal relationship and quiet moments with characters, the book can't be trusted. It's like trying figure out what George and Martha Washington's marriage was like based on reading a High School History text book.
The stuff between Aemond and Helaena is probably coming straight from Martin himself. It fits with the rhyming history of Westeros of the unrequited or secret lovers between Targaryen Siblings. And more to the point, Targaryen brothers and sisters who are meant to be together often times share a psychic connection of some sort.
Alys Rivers comes after "Blood & Cheese" when Helaena loses her mind to the world ...
However, on the same day that Aemond dies, Helaena commits suicide that very night.
It's all there, nonny ... it's all there.
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ravenkinnie · 22 days
For the character ranking thing, jinx, caitlyn, ellie, raven, cassandra cain
5 ellie - I loved the show I like the games but when I know a character first through my grilfriend I consider them a blorb9 in law, like claire redfield and alice liddell are also my blorbos in law. my girlfriend could take them in the divorce and for the rest of my life I would resent seeing any mention of these games because I'm a scorpio so that lowers ellies ranking
4 raven - I love raven, her and batman are my ogs, they both changed something permanently in my elementary school brain and it never recovered. however, i hate modern raven so much, like fellow mutual momo strongest raven fan warrior is able to keep up but I dont have her powerful autism so i only feel hate and i wish dc the worst for that. god i fucking hate bbrae too i would stage a coup at the hq just to fix raven. I wish somebody brought back the new teen titans design, keep the saris and keep everything, just make her desi, people will complain and get over it like they got over miles and we got spiderverse out of that so. take her out of the titans cause im sorry, I'm a titans fan but this is a sinking ship, every book is a heavier flop than the previous one, im going to save my girl. have her cameo in other shit and be like omg im on my own whatever and test her dynamic with other characters, find her a new place in dc universe and then i think you could have a banger team book on your hands because she does the best in teams. I do selfishly wish that place was more near magic users books because i think that would be so much more slay for her to show her powers than having her faint all the time because she could easily defeat a divorcee in spandex and we have 20 pages to fill
3 caitlyn - caitlyn is my OG main which you might not realise because in so jinxpilled these days but I played her through high school (never left bronze <3 still haven't left bronze <3). so you can only imagine my joy when they made her a 6'1 dyke with a tooth gap AND they kept her big boobs, I've been winning ever since. I think I'm one of like five caitlyn stans maybe tho, every caitvi shipper seems to either like vi more or want to fuck vi more and outside caitvi circles no one really likes caitlyn. which is fair because she's rich and a cop so i can't defend her but I like that she's always struggling because of her own stupidity and is constantly challenged. when someone says she's wrong and she does that frowny face, she's so sexy to me, I love a stubborn bitch. she's also autistic to me, I'm just saying it because no one ever has caitlyn headcanons. I also LOVE league caitlyn, i think league caitlyn is 80% of the reason why domme mommy caitlyn is so popular because she IS a domme mommy. fantastic legend of runeterra card too
2 jinx - i know its a travesty she's not #1 but the tea is, i just didnt like her in like 2014 dhshsj i don't like jokeresque characters usually, i think it's a noring iverused tropes that only pretends to be interesting with fake depth and quirky randomness, I'm sorry. but you CAN make it good and i think arcane gave her such a strong comeback for me, I'm fond of league jinx too now, like I've grown to appreciate her even if I dont find her OG release that good. jinx gets the best promo materials tho, maybe outside of KDA girlies. GREAT legends of runeterra card, i maxed out her skill in the path of champions and I've played with many other decks in this game so believe me when I say, level 3 jinx is so OP its baffling. play her path of champions before they nerf her cause they just nerfed her in league a lil shshjsis. I have to stop typing because i took an edible and i could talk about jinx all day like the way they balance her storyline perfectly, the fact that every storyline goes back to jinx, her energy like im biased but sorry she is a scene stealer. her potential, the way every single dynamic she has with every character could be so good BECAUSE she has those plot connections, also i think her voice lines and arcane dialogue are really good, she has a very distinct style of speaking. both voice acting in the game and the show are great (pls look up her death voicelines they are so funny) but ella purnell??? I had no clue who she was before arcane and now i watch everything she's in. get jinxed was made by djerv which is a GREAT band too
1 cassandra cain - she is forever my dc rising star like i see who you are, i see your potential and i will blow up dc headquarters for you. I'm keeping her at #1 cause she deserves it but I'm so sorry when I recommend you the solo and the art looks like that, in my head it doesn't, love is blind. PLEASE look up the batgirl vs joker issue drawn by bill sienkiewicz tho, she is so beautiful in it kiss kiss. she is literally just if batman served extreme levels of cunt in every move. her backstory is batshit, she is my favorite portrayal of suicidality because it proves you can write those themes without being corny as fuck, just like jinx she has great fascinating dynamics with every other character. unlike jinx, it's because she stands out, she's barely connected to other characters which I think makes her kind of cooler like she's this super weird shadowy being you're kind of friends or coworkers with. pure cuntress
and the thing that hurts the most is that if that solo launched with modern art now I think it would find a good market because hear me out. every comic book is cursed now because no one knows how to write dialogue or understand cinematography or design but they sure know how to write monologues so you lose eyesight trying to read a lot of words about nothing on tiny panels. which cass' solo does not do becauee the dialogue is quite minimal even later on, it relies on visually striking and easy to read panels which are fantastically shareable on social media to entice people to read the book. plus I just watched mad max furiosa in the cinema and I was thinking we really have a trend of feral young women with an older mentor figure that sucks as a person and cass. CASS HAS THREE. and a cunty as fuck mother. I know this shit would sell and if it found a good market maybe it wouldn't end so fucking badly
give me five ships, characters, or shows and I will rank them from my favorite to my least favorite.
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