#BUT!!!!!! I caught a ton of bugs. So you know what? Maybe the agonies were worth it. I'm saying this boldly knowing tomorrow me
ratcandy · 6 months
oh god help me .my l egs
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
(Random drabble I decided to write! Have it as an apology for how little I’m created. Just some backstory stuff that is canon to my Henry- and inspired by another story. If you actually know where this comes from, you’ll get something from me and also we can both sit in shame.) ---- The first and only time Henry Miller broke the law ---
The boy was sitting in the room over. They left him alone to stew a little- and to review the footage, to be sure about what happened. The cameras they had put up were brand new and not all that obvious, cameras in general were still unreliable, cutting in and out at seemingly random intervals. Newest tech indeed. Though it was still amazing what it could do and see, even on grainy, black-and-white footage. The owner, Frank, was glancing at the door, not quite believing what his staff was telling him. Henry Miller, honest to god Henry Miller, who was always eager to help out, who treated everyone with amazement and enthusiasm, no matter what they did and how they acted in return- They caught him steal. Casually stuffing his pockets here and there. It just didn’t seem to make sense- they knew this boy. When he was younger, he every now and again got a few bonbons from Frank, as he was wandering the store, bugging the staff before his mother quickly came to pick him up, always apologizing, but never being a problem. Hell, he sometimes helped out, insisting it was only because he wanted to, never accepting any sort of pay for his efforts. It’s fun! That was always what he said and Frank envied and admired his ability to see pleasure in everything. Even in things as stocking shelves or mopping some floors. His innocence was magnificent. Was. Seeing how Henry had just been walking around, lining his pockets- Now they didn’t find anything in his pockets, he must have gotten rid of it between then and now. He sighed. Maybe it was just that age, where children turned into teenagers and did stupid things. He would go in, hear his apology, give him a stern talking to and then let him go again. After all, he was such a good boy. No needs to get any police involved, only his parents had been informed and they were on their way to come and pick him up. Quietly Frank sighed to himself again. Such a shame, but it was something every growing person had to go through. As he opened the door, his eyes fell on Henry who was crying, pressing his hands against his eyes, rubbing, hysterically breathing, broken by hiccups. Oh, he was in for one hell of an apology. He had to hide a small smile- after all Henry had only been trying to steal candy. A lot of it, but it wasn’t the end of the world! Yet here he sat, all shaken up. Poor boy probably considered himself a devil now- after his first time acting out. Well, he would set him straight gently. Sitting down across from him, he looked at the boy, calmly speaking up. “One of our stores employees said he saw you steal quite a bit of candy. What do you have to say for yourself?” Leaning back, he got ready to tell the kid it was okay, that it was- “I- I didn’t do-o it!” Instantly, Frank froze, something cold climbing up his neck as he looked at Henry again. Henry who was looking up at him with pure DESPERATION in his eyes, shaking to his core at the accusation. “Sir, I- I don’t know why he- he would say that- but- I’m-“ Once more a flood of tears burst out of him. “I was j-just looking for my f-friend- I just- I wanted to- and then he GRABBED me- h-he told me I- I would get i-into a TON of t-trouble-“ Frank just stared, transfixed on the scene, slowly nodding. “S-said he A-ALWAYS knew I- I was a troublemaker- and- and I was SCARED-“ Breaking off, he desperately tried to take a deep breath, failing miserably, accidentally swallowing on his hiccups, leading to a coughing fit. He looked MISERABLE. “A-and I- I asked wh-what I DID- and- he- he said NOTHING, ‘you d-did NOTHING, b-but I’m telling Frank- I’m telling h-him you tried t-to steal!’ H-he said ‘I- I’m telling Frank that- that you’re a little R-RAT!’” The employee was a new hire. Someone who didn’t know Henry very well, not like a good amount of the other employees. Was this planned? Henry continued, sincerity oozing from his words, drenched in hurt pride and pain. “A-and I said- ‘No- no way he’ll believe you! H-he knows me!’ a-and that was when th-the guy gr-grabbed me even TIGHTER- so my wrist w-went all red-“ He showed off his red wrist- unmistakable fingers marks, with the place where nails dug in clearly visible, still red. “H-he grabbed me a-and said ‘wanna bet?! Wanna bet?!’ a-and that was when he dragged me h-here and threw me i-in! Then h-he locked the door- I swear! I- I swear I didn’t do anything! I- I don’t know what I did w-wrong! I didn’t take ANYTHING! Y-you can check m-my bag again-” It was unbelievable. Unbelievable in that he would have believed Henry under any other circumstance. He was too young to lie like this. Digging his nails into his own face, as he kept weeping and weeping, shaking his head while hiding his face. “I- I just don’t w-want you to b-be angry with me, s-sir! I swear, I swear, I- I would never do that! P-please, I don’t kn-know WHY he was s-so ANGRY- but- I just- I was just c-coming in to see i-if-“ Frank forced himself to take a deep beath and play along. “Please Henry, calm down. When did he ask you to come with him?” “J-Just when- when I was about to leave- it scared me so b-bad- I th-though I accidentally br-broke something or-” “What did you say he said you did?” “Th-that I- that I stole s-something!” “What exactly?” “I DON’T KNOW!” The boy howled in agony. “I- I DIDN’T- I’M SORRY, I D-DIDN’T TOUCH ANYTHING- PL-PLEASE BELIEVE ME!” For a moment Frank looked at him, feeling numb, his lips and fingers as though something had sapped all energy out of him. With a dry tongue he got out the words. “… Henry. We have you on the new security cameras. I know you tried stealing.” It was like a flip was switched- All of a sudden, silence. It looked like something fell out of Henry’s face, all life, all energy, all expression. Blankly he stared up at the adult in the room. The tears quenched, already staining into thin lines. Only ever so slightly a frown formed. And then he opened his mouth, his words almost unrecognizable. “Then why were you wasting my time just now?” - Years had come and gone. Frank was still managing his little store, though he considered finally finding someone who would be good to take over his place. For now though, he was doing fine, a bit of coffee in the morning, that he drank while reading the newspaper. One day though he almost started coughing when his eyes fell on something- A death announcement. Mr. & Mrs. Miller. In loving memory… tragic passing during a terrible catastrophe nobody could have predicted… announcing the funeral during… at… Slowly he put down the paper and checked the calendar. When he arrived at the graveyard during the ceremony, he carried the flowers, planning to put them on the grave after everything else had passed. But what he most wanted to see, needed to see- Henry stood amidst the group of mourning adults. Pressing his knuckles against his eyes. Shaking in his despair. Digging his nails into his head as he shook his head, hiding his face. Weeping in all the right ways. Frank felt sick to the stomach, his hands balling into fists, as he remembered, the poor guy was barely eighteen and lost his parents to a fire, to a malfunction, it had to have been a traumatic accident- He was shaking, goosebumps crawling up his arms, despite it being a wonderful summer day. And then, for a second- Henry’s eyes met his own. And there was nothing inside, no expression on the face, the tear stains utterly out of place, almost like drawn on. Abruptly Frank turned to the grave he was next to, kneeling down, pretending to pay his respect to the stranger resting in the ground beneath him. He prayed, yes he prayed for a moment or two, in front of the grave of a family he didn’t know, who’s names were in no way affiliated with his own- Placing the flowers onto the earth in front of him, he turned to walk away, his hands shaking. Still praying. Horrible accidents happened all the time. This tragedy messed with anyone who heard about it.
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starkerforlife6969 · 5 years
Howard buys Tony an Omega part 6 - Starker
Can be read an as independent! Read the rest here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I received an amazing list of prompts, and this is just one of them, but they were all so good you can probably expect the rest soon, you genius anon: tony is driving when he and peter are in an accident, cue tony's guilt and hovering
TW: car accident, mild references to injury, Tony feeling guilty, v mild angst, a/o dynamics  
High off his summer graduation, high after the rush of his degree (top of his class, of course) Tony finally feels a little more settled come that Christmas.
He feels like an adult. He’s been working for his dad’s company since he finished college, but in the new year, he’s going to branch out. Start up his own tech place. Wow investors with the charisma that oozes out of his pores.
To kick off his new adulthood, a Christmas alone with his omega, nestled in their snowy cabin in Vermont, is the perfect bon voyage. 
Speaking of, he lets his eyes drift from the icy road to Peter. The omega’s cuddled up on the passenger’s seat, feet tucked under himself, facing Tony (that adoring gaze leaves a warm mark on Tony’s cheek. Or well, it had, for the first few hours. Peter’s asleep now) and snug as a bug in Tony’s college sweatshirt. 
Tony can’t wait to see Peter’s face as they drive up. He’s had the place decked out. There are gonna be lights everywhere, a huge Christmas tree- presents already wrapped, christmas crackers and a roast dinner already waiting for them.
He knows Peter loves to cook, but just this once, he’s going to have to make do with being lavished by other people. 
Jingle Bell Rock is playing quietly on the radio- but the connection keeps getting cut out. Tony’s not surprised. This far into rural Vermont, the connection’s spotty. There’ll be premium wifi once they’re there, though. 
His mother had tried to insist on them having Happy drive them, but Tony had shrugged her off. A road trip with his omega was the best early Christmas present. Stopping along diners for piled-high pancakes, stopping to take photos with state road signs- Peter’s face as gorgeous landscape after gorgeous landscape rolled by the window. 
It’s been brilliant.
Tony’s never been this happy. 
He doesn’t take his eyes from the road when they near the icier turns. He slows down, he shuts the radio off when the static between giddy up jingle horse gets to be too irritating. 
It doesn’t stop it. A deceptive looking patch of snow covers a deep crack in the road, and his grip on the steering wheel isn’t quite strong enough.
There’s a horrible lurch, a bad feeling in his stomach-
And then it all happens so fast.
When he wakes up, silent night is crooning without a hitch on the radio, and his face is burning. 
He lets out a strangled gasp when everything comes flooding back to him. He jerks and flails. He’s upside down- all the blood is in his head, and he scrabbles for purchase, he can’t see anything out of the windscreen but white snow.
He turns desperately and-
The passenger side is empty.
“Oh god,” he chokes, fumbling for his seatbelt and collapsing into a heap when gravity hauls him down. It takes a few frantic moments to right himself, but when he does, he crawls out of the passenger side door which has been flung open. 
It’s freezing. A bone-chilling type of cold, and Tony gets to his feet- feeling dizzy, but, but otherwise okay, except not okay, because-
“Peter!” He yells, white puffs of ice hovering in the air after he speaks, “Peter! Baby, are you-” he turns wildly, and there, he spots his college sweatshirt and a tuft of honey hair.
It’s hard to sprint through the thick snow, but he does the best he can, dropping to his knees beside the fallen figure.
Tears burn as they slide down his face, and he carefully- gently- turns Peter over.
His omega is pale, snowflakes caught on his dark lashes, and there’s a small trickle of blood down the side of his face.
Agony lurches through Tony’s stomach. He wants to vomit, but instead, he cradles his omega as gently as he can, fingers shaking not from the cold, as they feel for Peter’s pulse.
“Sweetheart?” He croaks, voice pathetic, “Peter, baby, are you okay? Please, please, say something, I-”
There’s a pulse under Tony’s fingers. Not a weak, quiet thing, but strong and firm and consistent.
Relief swells within him. 
“Peter,” he says again, more loudly, “Peter, Peter, wake up, darling, baby, please-” 
There’s a gentle moan, and those amber eyes are revealed to him.
They’re unfocused, a little dizzy, but okay. 
“Ton…” Peter slurs, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion, “‘r you…”
“Don’t you dare worry about me.” Tony hisses through tears, reaching over to scoop Peter more firmly into his arms.
Fuck, this is all his fault. What kind of shitty alpha is he? They’re out here now- Peter’s so small, so cold, Tony holds him tight, looking around, thoughts racing.
In the distance, he hears a motor.
“Assistance has arrived.” The cool, automated voice of the car chimes, and Tony collapses, Peter in his arms, and thanks the sky that Elon Musk designed his car.
Peter dips a chicken leg in gravy and takes a huge bite of the delicious, crispy skin.
Tony watches him like a hawk, pushing another bowl of stuffing towards him.
His omega shoots him a gorgeous, lopsided smile. “Alpha,” he giggles, even as he takes a spoonful, “you eat!”
Tony doesn’t want to eat. He reaches over the table, cups the back of his boy’s head and kisses his shiny, buttery lips. “I want you to eat.” He murmurs, giving Peter more mashed potatoes. 
His omega looks up at him with curious, clever eyes, but doesn’t ask again.
He can sense it, probably, the fear and worry radiating off of Tony in waves. Peter’s always been very good like that.
Tony doesn’t want to eat. He has no appetite. He had no appetite when he’d batted away the hands of the paramedics who’d tried to tend to his non-existent wounds. He sent them to Peter- his Peter, who he hasn’t taken his eyes off since it happened. His perfect Peter sitting perched in the back of an ambulance, wrapped in a silver blanket, torch shining in his eyes.
“You guys are just fine,” the paramedic had told Tony warmly, dropping them both off at the cabin, where a number of attendants were anxiously awaiting them.
Tony had glared at him. “I don’t want Peter to just be fine,” he’d snarled, “I want him to be perfect.” 
“He’s going to be okay, son,” the man had promised, “just a little rest and warm food, I promise.”
The cut on Peter’s head, nestled in those curls, has only needed butterfly stitches. A small nick. Head wounds always bleed a lot, Tony knows that, but still.
A long hot bath, some fluffy, non-snow logged clothes, and here they were.
Peter, eating an enormous roast for two, all by himself.
Tony pours him more juice.
It makes him feel better inside. Warmer than the new sweater and sweatpants and fuzzy socks. He feels warmer seeing Peter with chicken between his teeth- starlight in his eyes.
His boy drinks the juice even though Tony doesn’t think he’s thirsty. 
He keeps eating until Tony finally stops offering him food.
“Okay, baby,” Tony murmurs, moving round the table to hoist his omega into his arms and carry him over to the couch by the fire. “I’ll get you some dessert. I had them make fondant, your favourite. How’s that? Hm? With some hot chocolate and marshmallows and whipped cream? And chocolate shavings, of course, and- you like sprinkles, don’t you? My little rainbow omega.”
Peter sits where Tony’s perched him amidst the cushions on the couch, and reaches up, clutching his alpha’s large hand in his two smaller ones.
“Alpha,” Peter pouts, a warm blush across his cheeks, “‘m really not hungry. Just want you.” 
Tony chews on the inside of his mouth. “Just some fondant then,”
Peter laughs, and pulls him down onto the couch.
Well, he tries, bless him, and Tony flops down onto it anyway, drawing the boy into his arms.
Peter snuggles into him, peppers kisses all across his face. “I’m okay,” Peter whispers, not for the first time this evening. “Really I am.”
“You could’ve been so hurt,” Tony splutters out, turning his head away from Peter’s affections. He doesn’t deserve them.
His omega won’t let him wrangle away that easily. Sits on his lap and keeps kissing him. “You saved me. Good alpha.” The boy chirps, pressing a kiss onto Tony’s left eyebrow.
Tony hugs him tight, breathing him in. “I fuckin’ love you, Pete.” He whispers, “if something happened to you, I’d just-”
“I’m here,” Peter promises, sinking into Tony’s embrace. “I’d never leave you. I promise.”
In the morning, Tony wakes up to a full english, and Peter’s expectant eyes. 
He has to sit in bed and eat every last bite, not that it’s a hardship, he’s starving and Peter’s the best cook he knows.
He tries to bite down on his hovering, on his urge to smother Peter with affection, to not let him out of arm’s reach, and he tries his best to smile. “What’s on for today then, gorgeous? We can do anything you like. Sledging? Go to the little market place in town?”
Peter moves the breakfast tray and snuggles up beside him in bed. “Just stay here?” He asks, finding his place cuddled on Tony’s chest. “Watch movies.”
A whole day with Peter B Parker in his arms? 
“That sounds perfect, baby,” Tony mumbles, his relief palpable, holding him close. Goddamn, Peter can see right through him. 
He can feel Peter’s smile through his shirt. “Maybe some fondant later?” Comes the sweet voice, lilt hopeful. 
Tony laughs at that, full bodied and surprised, “how about a whole fucking fondant? How about three?” 
Peter whoops and Tony tickles him till the sheets are a mess and the Grinch is wrapping Cindy Lou Who up as a present. 
Read the rest here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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sicklilspidey · 5 years
I Love You 3000 (appendicitis)
It's currently Saturday afternoon and Peter had nothing better to do than sit on the couch and watch movies with his sister Morgan. Peter absolutely loved days like this, between his patrolling and training with his dad, he felt like he didn't spend as much time as he would like with his little sister. Peter started thinking about when he was her age and how different his life was back then. Don't get him wrong, he loves his life now with the Stark's but sometimes he missed his real parents. He also missed his aunt May but knew she had his best interests in mind when she gave Tony full parental rights over him.
“ Look bubba, he touched the butt” morgan said laughing, which snapped peter out of his thoughts. They were watching finding nemo for what felt like the fifteenth time that day. Peter couldn't help but giggle at how enthusiastic Morgan was. Suddenly he got a sharp pain in his stomach which caused him to hiss. It caught morgans attention.
“Are you okay bubba” she asked sympathetically. “Yeah, bug im fine, dont worry about me” he responded trying to reassure her. 
“I'm not a bug, you are” she giggled. “ no silly, it was just a nickname, but you're not technically wrong” he laughed, even though he was still in pain.
“ I think im gonna go get some food, do you want anything” he asked. “ POPCORN” morgan yelled. Peter had never heard here say something that excitedly and he couldn't help but smile. While he was in the kitchen, he searched through the cabinets looking for something to soothe the throbbing in his gut.
“Can I help you find something” the voice made peter jump. 
“Woah kid, i didn't mean to startle you” tony said through his laughter.
 “Dad, you know not to sneak up on me” peter said, face red with embarrassment.
"Your spidey senses off or something” tony asked while ruffling his son's hair.
 “Stooooop, and i don't know, maybe they're just being slow because im tired” peter whined. 
“How could you be tired, all you've done today is watch nemo a thousand times” tony replied.
 “Hey, in my defense it's a good movie” Peter said as they both laughed.
 "Back to my original question since we got off topic. What were you looking for" Tony asked. Peter hesitated. He didnt want his dad worrying about him because he had a stupid stomach ache.
 “Just looking for some tums, all the popcorn we've been eating is giving me indigestion” peter replied. ‘Really Peter, indigestion. That's the stupidest lie ever’ he thought to himself. Appearently it wasnt too stupid because Tony seemed to have bought it. 
“Okay, well if that's the case i'd say lay off on the popcorn then” tony said as he walked out of the kitchen.peter knew he couldn't risk getting caught, he had too much going on this coming up week and he couldn't afford a sick day. He made his way back to the living room and plopped onto the couch. 
“ Hey! Wheres my popcorn” he hear morgan say from the floor.
 “Shit, i'm sorry. I totally spaced it” he replied
“Language “ she giggled. Peter dozed off soon after that.  When he woke up it was dark and he noticed morgan wasn't in the room anymore. He also noticed a blanket on himself. 'mom must have put it on me when she got Morgan' he thought. He went to sit help and realized the pain in his stomach was still there and it had worsened. He decided it would be best to sleep it off. 'Maybe if i get a good night's rest in my own bed it will help' he thought. Little did he know, he couldn't have been more wrong. 
When peter woke up to say he was in agony was an understatement. He was in so much pain he didn't want to move, but he knew he had to. He had a show to put on for people so no one knew that he was sick. He decided he'd skip on his morning patrol, which was unusual for him, he just knew not much would happen in the morning. He made his way done to the kitchen and the smell of bacon hit him like a ton of red bricks. 
"Hope your hungry. I've been cooking for two hours to make sure I had enough for tony, Morgan, you, and that monster you call a metabolism" peper laughed as she saw Peter walked through the doorway. Tony and morgan were already at their usual spot at the table.
"Hey, Albert Einstein called and said he wants his hair back" tony said making fun of his son's bed head.
"Good one daddy" morgan laughed.
"Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week" tony said while bowing. Pepper laughed from the kitchen.
When breakfast finally made it to the table, peter couldn't stand to look at it, but he knew he had it eat it. He slowly forced himself to take bite after bite until he was sure no one would ask him any questions. When he was done he went back up to his room to shower, then he crawled back into bed.
The next few days were relatively the same. Peter would wake up wanting to scream because of how bad his stomach was hurting, he'd force himself to eat, throw up after words and repeat the cycle over and over again.
When he woke up on Wednesday morning something was different. The pain in gis stomach moved. It wasn't all over but now it made itself at home on his lower right abdomen. Peter moaned when he got up and did the routine he'd been doing since Sunday morning. He was about to climb in bed after puking his guts out when tony walked in.
"Hey kiddo, steve and Natasha are here and they want to spar. Get your workout gear on and meet me upstairs" he said before leaving again
Peter sighed. The last thing he wanted to do was spar, but he knew he had to keep the act up. So he got up, changed and made his way to the sparring facility upstairs.
"Hey spiderling, glad you could join us" Natasha said, shooting peter a smile. He nodded in response and went to sit next to his dad on the bench.
"Okay, listen up. Natasha, you're with Tony, and kid, you're with me" steve said walking into the facility. Peter wanted to bolt. He knew there was no way this would end well and he was right.
Peter's spidey sense was on the fritz and he was having a hard time concentrating. He knew he got a few hits in but that's all he could recall before Steve hits his right side at full force. Peter was done, he couldn't hide it any longer. He doubled over and started coughing.
"Woah kid, sorry didn't mean to knock the wind outta ya" steve said making his way to peter. When he made it to peter he froze.
"What's going on over there" natasha asked. When she didn't get a response she decided to go see what was happening herself. "Holy shit, tony you better come help your kid. Im calling bruce down here. I'll have him bring a gurney." natasha yelled while running toward the door. So many things were running through Tony's mind but he knew he had to get to his kid. When he made it to Peter, he wasn't expecting such a horrific site. Peter was now on the ground cradling his stomach and next to him was a small puddle of blood. Tony didn't know what to say he just knew he had to leap into action. 
" Friday, call pepper and tell her we need her up here ASAP" tony yelled.
"Already done sir, Ms. Romanoff and Dr. Banner are coming down the hall also sir" friday responded.
Tony picked peter up and rushed him to the door.
"Tony im so sorry i-" steve started but tony cut him off.
"Not now Steve, I have to save my son" he said with tears in his eyes.
Tony met bruce and natasha at the door and laid peters limp body on the gurney. 
"What is going on, friday said you needed m-" pepper stopped talking when she saw peter.
"What happened?" she asked, tearing up.
"I'm not one hundred percent sure yet but my best bet is appendicitis" bruce said before rushing peter to the medbay.
"Mommy what's wrong with him" morgan cried. " its okay sweetie, he's just got an ouchy in his tummy, uncle bruce and daddy are taking him to the medbay, and they'll make peter all better" pepper told her distraught daughter. "Y-you promise" morgan stuttered. " I promise" pepper replied.
Pepper couldn't help but think how she didnt notice something was off with her son.
"I didn't know, i'm so sor-" steve began to say to pepper.
"Save it steve, i've got to get to peter" and with that she picked up morgan and ran to the medbay.
When she got there she saw four doctors hooking peter up to different machines.
" bruce confirmed its his appendix, they're getting him ready for surgery" tony told his wife. " how could we not have noticed. I honestly feel like i've failed as a father" Tony added while starting to tear up again.
"Don't say that! How could we have known. He was keeping it a secret and he did one hell of a job keeping it" pepper said.
The doctors wheeled peter out of the room and into the OR.
"Mommy, where are they taking him" Morgan asked.
"They're gonna go fix your brothers ouchy and make him all better just like I told you" pepper said.
Time began to pass and both Tony and Pepper were becoming impatient. They just wanted to know their son was okay. Just then Bruce walked into the room.
"Is he okay? Did everything go well? Did save my kid?" Tony started spitting out questions left and right.
"Yes, peter is just fine he's in recovery right now and should wake up in about half an hour. If you come with me i'll take you to him." bruce said.
Before they went anywhere, morgan walked up to bruce and said " Thank you for fixing my bubba's ouchy, uncle Bruce". Bruce couldn't help but smile at the five year old.
When they made it to peter, tony was taken back. He's seen the kid in a hospital bed multiple times because of being injured on the job, but this time it was different. Peter looked so small and fragile, like the smallest gust of wind could shatter him into a million pieces.
Soon peter began stirring and he opened his eyes.
"Hey my little spiderling, how are you feeling" pepper asked.
"I've been better" peter mumbled
" ill say, why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling well. I wouldn't have asked you to spar with us." tony said.
"Tony chill out, he's only been awake for a few minutes. The lecturing can wait. Let's be grateful our son is still here" pepper said.
"You're right, im sorry. I'm really happy you're okay" he told peter. Peter nodded in acknowledgement
"Mommy, can i get up there with him" morgan asked. Pepper looked at Peter, who nodded.
"Yes baby, but you have to be careful" she said picking her daughter up. She set her on the bed. Margan careful made her way up to peters face. 
"Don't ever scare me like that again, mister" she said shaking her finger in his face. Peter smiled.
"Im sorry bug, i didn't mean to scare you. I love you" he said to her.
Morgan grabbed Peter's face and smushed hers against it. "I love you 3000" she responded.
"Wait hey, that's our thing" tony said pretending to be shocked. 
Everyone laughed.
It took a few days but peter healed up quick and was back out patrolling and kicking his dad's ass in training.
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