#BUT FR THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING ASKS!!! they light up my day to know people care abt my silly guys :)
achinga · 2 years
hi thank you for talking about hyde im literally obsessed with her....so IS she not human? do u have any lore about the assassin you might want to drop perhaps? :0
but ouh... im glad to know you like her =] as to the question of is she human or not the answer is yes she is!....... for now.
funnily enough i DO have my assassin design pretty much ironed out now (thank you SO much to my buddies tourmy and mitch who helped me with the details!).
this is álveo(they/he/she), an assassin who takes their jobs from recently deceased people that want to get revenge/justice for their deaths in exchange for something of equal price. my main inspirations in designing her were xolo dogs, and for the mask ,of course, its the dia de los muertos catrina make-up
they're very focused on their job and duties,with absolutely zero room fro hobbies or personal time. recently, however, being surrounded by all that gloom and doom has made them feel exhausted and on the cusp of burning out, and being chased by those strange humans is certainly not helping matters
mini fun fact: they're actually quite a sloppy assassin, but it doesn't really matter since there's no flesh on their hands, and thus no fingerprints to be worried about. he likes to mainly use their sharp bones/claws to do the job, and sometimes forgets to take off her gloves, resulting in many, many ripped gloves that need replacing
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also, if hyde is the "apartment "complex"? really, i find it quite simple" to mateo's "based? based on what?" then álveo is "you're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?" and thus completes them.
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bluesidez · 4 months
GymRat!Miguel Part 9.2 | full chapter without breaks on AO3
content warning: more fluff, more laughs, a little bit of insecurity from Miguel and reader, underage drinking (all of the characters are aged 18-20 so by USA standards, that's underaged. but college kids will be college kids. and so will high school graduates.), a mention of an edible like once, Hobie is here! (fr this time), Pavitr too, even more jealous Miguel, 18+ so MNDI, wet wet relations, fellatio, cunnilingus, Miguel is a munch (his fantasies are unraveling finally), cum play if you squint, partially public indecency???, I think that's it
word count: 9.3k, halfway proofread (I split it really weirdly so I apologize for that lol)
Some of the links used in this part are just to give you an idea of what's going on! Enjoy! 🩵
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GymRat!Miguel who texts Tyler while you’re in the shower. 
“She really loved it. Thank you so much for helping me out with this, Dad.”
“Any time, son! I’m glad everything went well! I can have my people send over the video form of the animation if you would like.”
“Sure, I can have it on hand.”
“And I take it, you like the yacht?”
“It’s extremely nice! Captain Barrett is pretty cool.”
“Don’t tell him you said that or it’ll go to that funny mustache.”
“Ok 😭”
“I did have a question though.”
“Ask away.”
“What did Kron do to his other boat?”
“What didn’t he do to that boat? He had too many friends on that thing all with a mix of substances I could never dream of combining. Their parents had to come drag them out lest the police get involved. I’ve never helped Kron with any event or party since then. He hasn’t earned it and he embarrassed me greatly.”
“Would you be more comfortable if we held off on the drinks?”
“See son, the difference between you and Kron is that you understand the legal ramifications of doing something so idiotic as having illegal items on a property that isn’t yours as a minor. You also have integrity and respect, something that Kron has lost sight of. I trust that neither you nor your friends will do anything too drastic.”
“Yeah, there’s no crazy stuff happening this weekend.”
“I believe it.”
“Get back to your girlfriend now. Thank you for checking up on your old man. Tell her I said hello.”
“For sure. Good night.”
“Good night!”
GymRat!Miguel who opens his arms up to you as you come out of the bathroom. You hurried to lay in his arms, skin warm from your shower. 
You snuggle up under his chin, “Today was really fun.”
“Yeah?” he rubs your head slowly. 
“Mm hm. Now, we should sleep.”
A yawn racks through Miguel’s body, the day of driving settling in his bones. 
You keep your ear on his chest. The steady tempo of his heart and his breaths lulling you to sleep. 
GymRat!Miguel who is still asleep by the time you wake up. You both ended up at opposite ends of the giant bed with just your legs intertwining. 
You look over to Miguel and watch his chest rise and fall, his snores crescendoing at each breath. 
You lay your head back on the pillow, eyes tracing the shape of his face in this morning light. The water was calm, giving the boat a slight rock. Some seagulls flew by, their sounds fading in and out. 
You scoot closer to get a better look, your hand lightly following the line of his face. 
His eyes flutter open at your touch, a brown sea welcoming you. 
“G’morning,” his voice is terribly deep like this. The timbre shoots straight to your core. 
“Morning. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you whisper. 
Miguel moves to lay his head on your chest, taking a deep breath. “It’s fine. The sight made me feel like I went to heaven.”
He pulled you closer by the waist, “Ten more minutes?”
“Rest up all you need, bear-bear.”
GymRat!Miguel who is just as excited as Gabriel when he gets to the deck that morning. The agenda was swimming with the dolphins before everyone else got here.
Miguel and Gabriel were practically buzzing in their matching wetsuits. Dana snuck in a video laughing at the twin looks on their faces. 
GymRat!Miguel who sneaks glances at your form on the way to the dolphin center. You’re leaning over the edge of the smaller boat, the wind against your face. The wetsuit was doing wonders for the curve of your figure. 
GymRat!Miguel who ends up going into a nerd session about dolphins with Gabriel. Both of them are spitting out dolphin facts at the speed of light. 
 “I just think that if you were to be any dolphin, it’s so obvious that you would be an orca.” 
“But why, though? Because I’m big? That’s a new low, even for you, Gabri.”
“No, it’s because you’re mixed, obviously. Killer whale aka orca aka dolphin. Duh, Miguelito.”
“Don’t ‘duh’ me because that doesn’t even make sense. Orcas are still classified as dolphins even though they look like whales.”
“Just like you-”
“I’m going to smack you off the side of this boat if you finish that sentence.”
“Resulting to violence just like a killer whale, what a shame.”
“You’re so annoying. Orcas are smart, they speak different languages based on their pod, and the name was actually ‘whale killers,’ not ‘killer whales.’ That would make me an orca, but I would not be one because I would never take care of my family but abandon my children.”
“A lot of male dolphins abandon their families. A lot of them hang out with the bros and come back.”
“Female dolphins can do the hard work of carrying babies from ten to eighteen months, so enlighten me, Gabri. What are the male dolphins doing with the bros?”
Gabriel squinted his eyes and put his finger up weakly, “This is a trick question.”
“No it’s not! Don’t you know the answer?” Miguel put his hands out, as if waiting for a physical object to be presented. 
“I do know the answer, which is why I don’t want to give you the satisfaction.”
“Well, now I want to know because you two nerds wouldn’t shut up about bottlenose dolphins just five minutes ago,” Dana scoffs as she takes off her shades, the morning sun too much for her. 
“That’s not the same energy you had last night when I-”
“No one wants to hear that.”
“Shut up, Miguel,” Gabriel snaps back. “They take care of other dolphin babies. And sometimes become friends with benefits with their homies.”
Dana makes a disgusted face, “And you’re defending that? Wow. So when I have your kid you’re going to leave me and go do fuck all with Pavitr?”
“No, Dana, I would never do that! We discussed this! Miguel is going to study seahorses, make me a safe mutation, and I’ll carry them for you!”
“I don’t even study genetics so I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“So you wouldn’t carry her babies?” Gabriel gestures towards you in a panic. 
Miguel looks towards you at the front of the boat, watching the water go by. 
He thought of you as a mom, carrying his kid, holding their hand in the park, picking decor for the nursery. 
He thought of you under him, taking everything he could give you and more. You screaming his name as the bed creaks loud enough to fill the hallway. 
“I would, but that’s not the question right now.”
“Why did it take you so long to answer that?” Gabriel’s tone was high. 
“Oh my god, he was thinking of getting her pregnant,” Dana says in horror. 
“Oh, so I have to listen to your escapades, but I can’t even daydream in silence?”
GymRat!Miguel who listens intently to the staff. No harm shall come to any dolphin on his behalf.  
GymRat!Miguel who makes friends with one of the cute dolphins. Her name is Dotty because of the few spots she has on her body. 
She immediately gravitates towards Miguel. Her blowhole squeals constantly whenever Miguel talks to her. 
“Well I think Dotty is in love!” the instructor yells from across the enclosed water. 
GymRat!Miguel who laughs at Dana who keeps getting splashed on by the baby dolphins. 
GymRat!Miguel who looks so cute with his nose touching Dotty’s rostrum. They’re spinning in circles with Dotty clicking away like a cat purring. 
GymRat!Miguel who watches you interact with one of the bigger dolphins whose name is Mon. 
“Mon and Dotty are a couple, but he’s a little sad today because Dotty isn't giving him any attention,” the instructor says with a giant pout on her face. 
Even Mon’s clicks sounded sad and Miguel didn’t know how that was possible. 
Mon places his chin on your shoulder and you’re immediately in love, rubbing his body and consoling him and his broken heart. 
“It’s ok, Mon. You can hang out with me,” you say in a sweet voice. Mon’s fins squeezed you even tighter. 
A sweater, some random guys, Dana, Blake, and now a dolphin. Miguel can’t win. 
GymRat!Miguel who watches Mon click and spin happily when you feed him fish for doing a trick. 
“That was so good, Monie!” you pat his head, and he leans into your hands. 
GymRat!Miguel who thinks Dotty and Mon are a bit like you and him. They’re twirling in the water together, rubbing their bodies close. 
GymRat!Miguel who sits with you on the boat ride back, watching the dolphins race with the boat halfway to the yacht.
GymRat!Miguel whose eyebrows raise when he sees one of your friends as you guys step off the boat. 
“Hobie!” you squeal, running to hug the lanky figure. 
“My girl! How have you been, love?” he asks, a deep London accent lining his words. 
“I’m so happy you made it! How’s the apprenticeship? Any new techniques to share?”
“A lot more than techniques, if you know what I mean?” Hobie leaned on you as he snickered away. 
Miguel might pop a fuse. 
GymRat!Miguel who lingers by as you chat away with Hobie. The two of you are catching up for a while and Miguel wants to walk back to the room with you so you can help him take off this tight wetsuit. 
He’s lightly kicking at a puddle with his arms crossed when you call his name. 
“This is my boyfriend, Miguel,” you say, coming up to him and wrapping an arm around his.
“He’s a big one, innit?” Hobie says, holding his hand out. “Hobie Brown.”
Miguel shook it with a sturdy hand, “Miguel O’Hara. Nice to meet you.”
“How long have you known this firecracker for?” Hobie gestured to you with a smile.
“It’ll be a year once August hits. The best ten months of my life, honestly,” Miguel says, leaning down to kiss your temple. 
“She’s got you wrapped ‘round her finger, yeah?” Hobie smirked at the love drunk look on Miguel’s face. “Yeah, you’re a goner. That’s just how she is. One encounter and it’s hard to let go.”
Hobie went to pick up his one backpack, a master at light travel from how much he’s moving. 
“Don’t let me stop yous two from partying. See ya in an hour, love,” Hobie said walking away. 
You look up at Miguel, “The best ten months?”
“Yep. Love?”
“It’s a British thing. He’s friendly!”
“And definitely demisexual.”
“You’re very territorial.”
“For good reason.”
GymRat!Miguel who makes it to the boardwalk after he’s changed to greet their friends and guide them to the yacht. 
There’s a lot of you, especially from Gabriel and Dana’s graduating class. Miguel greets everyone warmly. 
It feels good to unite his old friends and newer friends together.
GymRat!Miguel who makes a plan to be the best at every activity on the agenda today. Yeah, he wanted to have fun, but for some reason, he felt like he had something to prove.
He walks back out to the top deck to see Hobie laying out on the flat slats under the shade. His arms are crossed and his shades are hiding his full expression. 
From here, Miguel can hear Blake chatting it up with some of the girls that are hanging out near the on-deck pool. He looks over the edge and sees him grinning from ear to ear as the girls giggle. He clicks his teeth at the scene. 
“Big Migs, c’mere for a sec, will ya?” Hobie said.
“He’s a bit chatty, that one. An overachiever if I’ve ever seen it.”
On second thought, Miguel might like Hobie a lot.
“All morning, he’s been spitting nothing but rubbish. Going on and on about the boat and the city and his socials. Nothing of substance, just straight air.”
Miguel snickered, “It feels like that’s all he’s got going for himself. His daddy’s boat, his daddy’s money, and his face.”
Miguel recounts the events from last afternoon. How he lacked respect for not only him but for you and your personal space. 
“Not gonna lie, I’d smash his head in,” Hobie replied calmly.
Miguel let out a hearty laugh, “I wanted to and honestly, I could, but there are several circumstances stopping me. Such as the fact that we’re on his dad’s property.”
“But deep it, when’s the next time you’ll need to be on this thing?”
Miguel is about to respond in agreement when you round the corner from the stairs. 
“There you two are!”
You smile at the two of them, “Are you guys getting along? Has Hobie convinced you to join him on some scheme across the country?”
Miguel took a deep breath before responding. He knew what outfits you brought with you, a lot of them matched his own, but it was still like new whenever you put them on. 
He didn’t have enough time in the world to cherish your beauty. 
“They’re not schemes, baby, they’re elaborate plans,” Miguel responds.
“Man like, Migs!” Hobie hops up and drags his arm around Miguel’s shoulders. 
You shake your head with a warm smile on your face, laughing at Hobie’s antics.
“And you look stunning. Though, I’m not too sure if it’s fit for hoverboarding.”
“That’s because I’m jet skiing and shaking ass, Hobie. You guys can have fun flipping in the air.”
“Right on, then. Migs and I have important business to attend to.”
Miguel nods, “Extremely important.”
You eyed them both, “Uh huh.” They left in a controlled frenzy, Hobie pulling his wicks up with a giant band and Miguel cracking his neck.
You didn’t even want to know. 
GymRat!Miguel who is a bit peeved that Blake has to give the water hoverboard demonstration. He’s staying up there longer than necessary, grabbing girls to balance them in the middle of his board while he flips them around.
You’re standing next to Miguel during it all, waiting for Miguel’s turn so you can get a video.
“Hey!” Blake yells out in your direction. “Wanna take it for a spin?”
You shake your head and yell back, “No, I’m good!”
“Just three minutes! Don’t be scared! I won’t drop you.”
“No thanks,” you bite back, voice irritated. 
Blake smiles with a hand on his hip, ready to convince you, when Hobie pipes up, “The lady said no. Can we move on?”
Blake’s face cracked a bit as he told one of the crew members to kill the power in the waterboard. 
“What is up with him?” you mumble to yourself. 
“I think he likes you,” Pavitr remarked. “He wouldn’t stop asking Gabriel questions about you.”
“He’s really pushing it,” Miguel scoffed. Not only was he being overly flirty to every girl on board, he was adamant about getting your attention. “No wonder he gets along with Kron.”
You sported a twisted lip as you watched him strap up one of Gabriel’s friends. “I don’t know. Even if I was single, he’s a bit too…tiny. Communal.”
The laugh that left Miguel wiped the scowl right off of his face.
GymRat!Miguel who gets the hang of the hoverboard after one try. You’re recording him with a big smile on your face as he tries to spell “love” in the air. 
GymRat!Miguel who dies laughing at Gabriel’s horrible attempts at staying in the air. His body keeps shaking like a baby deer and he’s steady yelling in garbled Spanish. 
By the time his turn is over, Miguel is laid out on the boardwalk with tears down his face.
“This isn’t fucking funny, Miguel,” Gabriel cries out.
Miguel just rolls and laughs some more. 
GymRat!Miguel who watches you expertly drive a jet ski from the edge of the yacht. You’re shouting with one arm in the air as you race Dana and some of her friends. 
Miguel leans his head on his hand as he watches you zoom across the ocean. Your skin is glowing, your smile is sparkling, and your laugh is bright. 
GymRat!Miguel whose bubble of thoughts involving you, him, the water, some fruit, and a floatie is popped when Blake’s voice pierces through. 
“She’s pretty good at that.”
“Yep.” Maybe if Miguel ignored him enough, he’d go away.
“Looks like a dream, too.”
“Are you dumb or something?” Miguel turns his body, gripping the rail to not get in Blake’s face, but extending his height to cower over him.
“Woah,” Blake holds his hands up. “It was a compliment, dude, chill out. You’re not mad at me for finding her beautiful, are you?”
“That’s not what the fuck you’re doing and you know it.”
Blake makes a confused face, laughing off Miguel’s statement, “Kron said you guys were open.”
“Does it look like we’re fucking open?”
“Well, at first-”
“Keep talking and you’ll end up just like him. Knocked out. Do you want that?” Miguel edged closer to him. “Huh?”
Blake bristles, ready to defend himself when his head is knocked to the side. 
He looks next to him to see a gaggle of girls all with waterballoons and nerf guns. They yell at him to come on and pick a side. 
Blake scrambles to join them.
Miguel is about to follow when Hobie sweeps in front of him, “Cool it.”
GymRat!Miguel who almost takes an edible from Hobie but decides against it. 
“The offer is open all weekend.”
GymRat!Miguel who gets roped into playing some games to start off the night, one of which is Never Have I Ever with shots. 
It started off innocently with things like peeing in a pool and cheating on a test to which everyone looked in shock at Miguel when he put a finger down. 
“I’m smart but if there’s a group effort to get the right answers, I’m not going to say no.”
Then it went left field and personal with things like threesomes, drunkenly fighting with others, and streaking. 
“Never have I ever…received head from a partner!”
A few of the guys put a finger down, groaning out and snickering as they had to take another shot. 
Miguel was trying not to dwell on how many experiences he lacked compared to the group, a lot of them younger than him. 
He rubbed his tongue across his teeth. He didn’t want to show his irritation on his face. 
Looking across the circle, he could see Gabriel’s eyes get wide, staring off beside you. 
Miguel followed his line of sight landing on you with a finger down and a shot in your hand. 
What the fuck. 
Who the fuck beat him to it? Where the fuck did it happen? When the fuck did it happen? How the fuck did he not know?
He’s ready for the game to be over. 
“Miguel is putting in work!” one guy pushes his elbow against Miguel’s side, laughing and patting his shoulders. 
Well, if people think he did it, it’s not so bad. 
“Oh my god, girl, how was it?” Dana’s friend asked you. 
Miguel tried his best not to scream bloody murder. 
“It was,” you pause, looking up to ponder. “It was something! Not particularly fun or good. My ex wasn’t the best at listening so he just poked at me. I faked everything that night.”
Miguel smirked. There were no big shoes to fill because they were never taken out of the box. Or even out of the store. 
“That sucks. I bet he thought you were in heaven.”
You laugh with the girls, joking in a way similar to the women that flooded Miguel’s for-you page. 
Miguel stepped away to get a breather. If he stayed any longer, he might do something drastic. 
GymRat!Miguel who is leaning on the boat when Gabriel comes to check up on him. 
“You ok, Miguelito?”
“Yeah, I’m alright. A little overwhelmed so I need to reset,” Miguel wrung his wrists while he let the sea breeze cool him down. 
“Is it the game? Don’t feel so bad,” Gabriel leans closer to Miguel and speaks in a stage whisper. “Some of them are a little too fast for their own good.”
Miguel snickered. Gabriel was definitely tipsy. 
“Thanks, Gabri.”
“Anytime. Don’t let them bring you down. You’re my perfect Miguelito. My pure baby!” Gabriel kissed him on the cheek.
“Ugh,” Miguel laughed and wiped at his wet cheek.
“Don’t wipe away at my love, broski.”
GymRat!Miguel who is guided by you in a dance. You’re a little tipsy and giggly, holding onto him as you dance to the music. 
Miguel just holds onto your hips and smiles with you. 
GymRat!Miguel who is locked in on your body as you grind against him. You’re arching your back and looking at him with a sparkle in your eye and Miguel feels like a wild animal.
When you lean back against him, he whispers in your ear about a private party just for the two of you. You bite your lip and turn to look at him. His eyes are tracing your lips and his hands are groping you. 
GymRat!Miguel who laughs at you as you wish everyone a good night quickly.
“I’ll see you guys in the morning!” you shout to your friends as you pull Miguel behind you to the room.
GymRat!Miguel who waits for you on the bed while you use the bathroom. 
He’s excited for an intimate night with just you. Parties were fun but it really couldn’t beat the serenity of smaller groups. It especially couldn’t beat talking all night with you. 
Everyone else was chilling out in other parts of the yacht, back in their hotel rooms, or night paddle boarding. 
You’re in the bathroom staring at the thin fabric in your hand. 
Miguel told you that there was a pool involved. 
You bought a micro bikini during a surge of confidence. It looked so cute on the model and you wanted to feel the same way. 
Now you’re standing in the bathroom freaking out, worried to death over the flimsy material. You were excited about Miguel seeing it, but you couldn’t shake your own nerves about how everything would play out. 
A knock at the door makes you jump.
You crack the door and peer up at Miguel. 
“You ok in there?” he asked, eyebrows pinched. 
“Yeah, I’m ok! I’ll be out in just a sec!”
You bite the bullet and place the bikini on. 
You didn’t account for your areolas to poke out beyond the triangles. You bit your lip as you turned to check out your backside.
At least your ass looked great. 
In a nervous motion, you pull your coverup over you and pull your hair up so that it doesn’t get too ruined by the water. It was now or never. 
GymRat!Miguel who holds your hand as he guides you to the private area. You’re squeezing his hand so tight. 
One of the stewardesses smiles as she sees you two coming. She stands next to a rope cutting off the area. 
“Good evening to you both! I hope you’ve been enjoying your stay so far,” her voice is polite and even. “Tonight, it’ll be just you two enjoying the Galaxy. If you need anything, just press the call button on the wall and I’ll be right down.”
She unlatches the rope and holds her arm out in the direction of the stairs.
You both slowly descend, careful not to slip on the trippy-looking wood. 
Taking a step into the room, Miguel stares in awe at the glowing pool. 
There’s petals fluttering about, small fairy lights surround the corners to add extra light. Looking up, you both can see the night sky with the stars adorning it. 
“This is beautiful,” you say, the lights surrounding you glittering in your eyes. 
You were staring at the stars and the lights but Miguel couldn’t help but to think that you were the most beautiful part of the room. 
He said this much to you, watching as you bent your head down hiding the smile on your face. Miguel lifted it back up and kissed you under the light of the stars. 
“Yeah, let me just go take this off.” 
You walk towards a chair with folded towels placed on it. 
“Miguel, these have our names on them!” you say with shock, running your fingers over the embroidered letters. Hearts surrounded the names and you felt fuzzy from the implication of the stewardess preparing this. 
“Yeah, I heard it was a part of the couple’s bundle,” he shouts from the pool. It wasn’t really a part of the bundle, but Miguel suggested it way before the trip. 
His back was turned to you, trying to set up a speaker by the pool. 
The moment was perfect, so you opened a champagne bottle and poured two glasses. You took a huge gulp of one and removed your slip. 
GymRat!Miguel who hears you entering the water, so he hurries to pick out a song. 
The mood needs to be right. 
He turns to you and nearly drowns at the sight. (Art is not affiliated with this fic, but I couldn't find any plus-size women in real life on Pinterest with this type of bikini! Please give this artist some love, I love their art!)
You’re coming down the stairs with two glasses in your hand and your skin on full display. The strings are digging tight into your skin and your breasts are practically spilling out from every side. 
Miguel is stunned.
“Come grab your drink, Miguel,” your voice is like butter in his ears. 
His eyes don’t leave you as he swims across the pool. The only sounds that could be heard are the water moving around him and the music playing. When he gets closer, he stands up, water dripping down his body. He’s breathing hard and is laser-focused on your frame. 
You feel an array of emotions. You feel like running, jumping, maybe hiding. His gaze is too heavy and he hasn’t spoken a word yet. 
You don’t know how long you two stare at each other before Miguel breaks the tension, “You’re going to be the death of me.”
He takes the glasses from your hand with one hand and picks you up in the other. You cling to him as he goes to the edge of the pool, places one glass down and chugs the other. 
In a flash, you’re sitting on the edge and he’s holding his body out of the water in order to kiss you. 
He pushes your mouth open, pulling at your lip with his teeth. He was desperate, wanting more. 
Your hands find your way to his hair, the tips wet from his swim. You card your fingers through his locks, opening your mouth wider as Miguel groans onto your tongue. 
He can’t stop, body moving forward the deeper the kisses get. Your legs open wider and your hands fall down Miguel’s back. You go lower than usual, pushing your hands under his swimsuit, fingertips grazing over the skin of his ass. 
Miguel parts, spit-ridden mouth red and messy. 
“You’re making this so hard for me,” he says against your lips. You’re both panting into each other’s mouths. 
Your body feels like jelly. The way that he’s looking at you fills you with desire, “Making what hard?” You’re quivering and clenching as his eyes seem to get darker. 
“Baby,” Miguel kisses the corner of your lips then your jaw. He moves to where your jaw and neck connect, licking  “Amor. I can’t.”
You move your head, encouraging him to continue, “You can if you want to.”
“No, I’m supposed to take this slow,” his mouth moved to your collarbone, sucking at the skin as you squeezed your thighs around him. “I need to take this slow.”
He gets to your breasts, pressing your nipples through the material and watching as your areolas poked out more. “Mierda.”
You try to talk as Miguel takes one breast into his mouth, “It’s ok to want more. I want, ugh, I want you to take more.” He pulls at your nipple, watching as it rises more through the fabric. His thumb traces it, causing you to twitch in his hold. 
He continues to rub over the fabric as he kisses down your stomach. The string is wrapping around your stomach like a gift just for him. 
“Tomorrow, baby,” he says into your skin. “I’ll take more tomorrow.”
He needed to stop before he broke the promise he made to himself. 
He hears you whine as he gets eerily close to your sex before jerking his body straight. 
“Why?” you sound so needy and broken. 
“Because,” he kisses your pout away. “Tomorrow, I’m going to take all I need. You just need to trust me. Please.”
You nod your head, heart pounding with his words. 
GymRat!Miguel who lets you persuade him into swapping places. All it took was a few blinks of your eyes and Miguel was swooning.
“I saw you walk away during the game today. I wanted to make sure that the next time you play, you’re able to put a finger down.”
That’s what you told him with a sweet smile on your face.
Now you’re rubbing up his thighs and Miguel is about to pass out from the view of you peering up at him. Your eyes were foggy and the slope of your neck to your chest was glistening. From this angle, Miguel could see the curve of your ass with the bikini barely covering it.
You run your hands down his chest, fingers dancing along the slopes and planes, leaving a wet trail in your wake. Miguel’s stomach tightens as you make it below his belly button, the sensation of your fingertips across his happy trail building a fury in his core.
You kiss him through his swimsuit causing him to jump.
You hold his thighs and tilt your head to lean on one, “Are you nervous, Miggy?” Your knuckles rake against his groin, lingering in spots that made his inner thighs clench the most.
“I,” Miguel is trembling like a leaf. He can barely get the words out from how much energy he's using to hold himself up. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” You lift your body from the water a little, pressing your tits closer to his clothed sex. “Baby, I need you to know. I can’t go further without your permission.”
Miguel feels like he could cum right now.
“I’m really nervous, but I want to experience this.”
You hum as you start to pull at his waistband. His eyes scrunch closed as his dick springs up. 
You’re met with a sight you had missed. The size is still as intimidating as the last time. 
You rub his thighs and give yourself a quiet pep talk. You were determined to make your boyfriend feel good. 
Miguel looks back down at you and swallows dryly, anxious at the look in your eyes and your silence, “If it’s too much, w-we can stop here-”
The first lick of his tip has Miguel rising off of the pool edge, pre-cum escaping him.
He whines, embarrassed at his lack of control, but his dick is twitching from the sensation.
“Miguel,” your hands are back on his hips at a flimsy attempt to hold him down. “You need to be careful, baby.”
“Don’t call me baby right now.” Miguel’s voice is winded like he’s been running a marathon.
You look up at him. His mouth is twisted up and his eyebrows are furrowed. His stomach keeps shaking and his elbows don’t know if they want to bend or extend. When he looks down at you, he lets out a whimper, dick jerking against his will.
You hold your lips right above the head, the heat of it making you excited, “Baby.”
Miguel jerks again as you take his tip into your mouth, more of his pre-cum slipping out. His body is wound tight and he’s losing sense of it. Your mouth is so warm and he’s crying out from just you suckling along the head. He would be grateful with just this alone.
You push yourself lower, mouth adjusting to the widening girth. You don’t know if it’s the champagne combined with the other drinks you’ve had today, but the taste is making your mind fuzzy. 
You hum as you move your tongue along the underside of his length, his essence melting into your mouth. Miguel continues to twitch against your lips. 
You look up and he just groans when his eyes connect with yours. 
“P-pretty,” he stutters out, brain-to-mouth filter completely disintegrating. One of his arms covers his mouth as he fights to quiet down. There’s no telling what the stewardess could hear from above. 
You decided to go deeper, wanting to hear him some more. You make it halfway down before you grip his shaft and give it a few semi-dry pumps. 
Miguel just about shouts at the sensation, legs jerking enough to splash the water around you. 
Satisfied with the reaction, you release him with a pop and slide your tongue down to the base, trying to get him as wet as possible for what you’re about to attempt to do. You pucker your lips to leave wet kisses all over his shaft, sucking occasionally. 
All Miguel can do is whimper and shake. 
You hold him, sliding your hand up and down, applying pressure whenever you glide over the top, “You can hold on to me.”
Miguel shakes his head and releases his bottom lip from his teeth to speak, but his words are jumbled up in a heated mess. 
“Say it again, Miguel. I don’t understand,” you bring your mouth to the head again, this time, cupping his balls as you slide back down. 
Early spurts of cum land in your mouth as Miguel uselessly grips at the flat ground. He’s moaning out your name and if you weren’t sliding him down your throat, you would think he’s crying for you. 
“I-I don’t wanna hurt you,” Miguel takes heavy breaths in the middle of his sentence. 
Even like this he was oh so sweet. You don’t push it and continue on. 
As you reach the hilt, you force yourself to relax, thumb pressed against your fisted palm. He was heavy on your tongue and you needed to find the right pace. 
You slowly move your head up and down, lips wet with spit and slick. You build a steady tempo that has Miguel involuntarily moving his hips and moaning in a senseless manner. 
He was conflicted, core heated at the sound of your throat barely taking him, but wanting to pull you off so you don’t choke all because of him. Hot tears ran down his face as you didn’t let up. 
He chooses the latter, foggy mind coming to a decision. His shaky hands reach towards your face, your cheeks hallowed and eyes closed. His hands make it to your cheeks when you reach the hilt again and swallow around his head. 
Miguel scares himself with the moan he lets out. 
You panic as you swallow his load, mouth completely full. 
Miguel hurries to pull you off, “Shit! Baby, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s ok,” you cough as you try to catch your breath. Drips of him that you didn’t swallow falling to your chest. “I wish you would have told me you were about cum, though.”
“I didn’t know!” he’s red in the face. “God, I’m so sorry!”
“Was it good, though?” You look up at him with lips and sparkling eyes. You’re holding your tits up so that his cum wouldn’t get in the pool. 
Miguel’s dick twitches like it’s trying to wake back up again. You notice it and a grin plants itself right onto your face. 
“Do you really have to ask me that?”
“Yes, Miggy.”
“I think my embarrassing finish was enough but yes, you made me feel good. It was way more than good. Now come out of the pool before you get any more ideas.”
“It wasn’t embarrassing!” you reply as Miguel picks you up from the water and on his stomach while lays back. “‘Was kinda hot. You felt so good that you couldn’t wait.”
You slide your finger over your cleavage to pick up the leftover essence and plop right in your mouth. 
Miguel grips your thighs as he looks up at you, “No, stop that, you vixen.”
You’re going to be the death of him for sure. 
GymRat!Miguel whose legs are like jelly when you help him up from the ground. His thighs haven’t shaken this much since his first leg day almost five years ago. 
“Do you need to lie down on the beach chair for a minute?” you ask with genuine concern. 
“Yeah, I think I need a second,” Miguel says, trying his best not to put his entire weight onto you. 
GymRat!Miguel who watches you watch him from the pool. You’re at the edge, leaning over and smiling at him while you let your body float. 
“Next time, I want to get, like, really hoarse. We should work on your resistance and my tolerance. Oh! And maybe we can do that thing where I hold your-”
“Amor, please. Let’s talk about this when I’m not halfway dying,” Miguel groans, dick half hard. “How are you so good at this anyway?”
“Practice! With my ex and like one other fling. They weren’t nearly as responsive as you, though.”
Miguel squints at your figure. 
“Or fun. Or satisfying. Or tasty. Or big. Can I do it one more time, Miggy?”
Miguel stares at you for a minute or two then groans, “Come on.”
You leave the water and walk over to him with glee. 
GymRat!Miguel who grabs lightly onto your head this time, fingers twitching occasionally. His legs are parted and you’re laid out on the horizontal part of the beach chair. Miguel is constantly looking from your face to your ass, experiencing a sensation overload. You take it easy on him this time, saving some of your tricks and things you wanted to try for a later date. 
The room is filled once again with Miguel’s grunts and whimpers plus your mouth and throat molding unto him. 
GymRat!Miguel who warns you this time. You let go with a pop and let him paint your open mouth. He shudders as you look at him through it all, pumping him slowly until he can't take anymore. A lonely tear escaped him, eyes heavy and chest heaving. 
GymRat!Miguel who barely makes it back up the stairs. He gives the stewardess a polite smile but you can barely look at her for longer than a second. 
“It was really lovely,” you say leaning into Miguel’s side, voice a little gone. 
“Yeah, amazing,” Miguel snickers. You nudge him at the back of his leg causing him to stagger a bit. 
The stewardess just laughs and wishes you both a good night. 
GymRat!Miguel who sleeps like a log that night. His soul needed to rejuvenate. 
GymRat!Miguel who wakes up a new man. He feels like he can conquer the world. As of now, the world is a new set of water activities with their friends. 
He kisses you on the cheek in your sleeping state makes his way out to the deck, wanting to do some morning stretches and yoga if he could fit it in. 
He walked out to see Dana talking to Blake, an indifferent look on her face.
“I just can’t believe he would lie to me like that, you know? Like that’s fucked up. Here I was, ready to get something and he set me up.” 
“Yeah, no. That really sucks,” Dana replies with a big yawn.
“I mean, I thought we were bros. I thought-”
“Miguel! My knight in shining armor,” Dana practically screams when she spots Miguel.
Blake tenses up so that if he mimics a timid raccoon. 
“Morning,” Miguel walks up to them.
Blake breaks out into a sweat, “Hey man, I’m sorry about last night. I would have never done that stuff if I knew. I don’t know why Kron told me you guys were open.”
“I think you need some new friends and better social cues,” Miguel brushed Blake off and walked with Dana onto the boardwalk. 
“Thank god you got here. That was his fourth iteration of ‘bro code should be respected.’ I was going to start screaming if he kept talking.”
GymRat!Miguel who lets Dana guide him in a mini yoga class on the beach. It’s pretty nice with the waves crashing and the birds squawking occasionally.
GymRat!Miguel whose downward dog pose is almost disrupted by you whistling from a spot in the sand. 
You and Gabriel had snuck up on Miguel and Dana, cackling like hyenas.
“Baby, I think you can go deeper,” you shout over the waves, encouraging Miguel to stretch.
“Gross,” Gabriel shudders. 
GymRat!Miguel who wants to use you for a flying pose but you refuse. 
“I’m not walking back with sand up my back.”
“Can we try it later, though?” Miguel pouted. 
“On safe carpet, yes.”
GymRat!Miguel who settles for a forward fold with you. You stretch your body across his back as he reaches down to touch his toes. 
It’s nice until you both switch positions. 
“I think I’m dying,” you gasp out. You sound like an old man on his last breath. 
“No, you’re not. You just need more practice,” Miguel chides from above. 
“When will I ever need this pose in life?”
“Flexibility is good for you!” Miguel replies after a while. 
“Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“I didn’t do anything!”
GymRat!Miguel who tilts his head at your breakfast plate piled with pineapples. 
“You don’t want an omelet?”
“Maybe later.”
GymRat!Miguel who joined any group activity he could. 
From the inflatable water obstacle course,  
which Gabriel cheated on by the way,
To the boat tour, he got so many pictures for you for his rotating home screen,
To the banana boat rides that he almost lost his life on. It took you, Gabriel, and Dana to hold onto him. 
GymRat!Miguel who surprises you with a “rooftop” dinner on the horizon on the highest part of the yacht. You’re wearing that same green dress that made him go crazy in the dressing room. 
“This is so gorgeous, Miguel,” you sigh as you take in the small scene. 
From up here, you could see the breathtaking view of the ocean and the city. The sun was close to setting, people were out and about, and the group was partaking in last-minute activities like parasailing and water walking with bubble balls but you could only focus on the glow around Miguel. 
“Did you enjoy this weekend?”
You nod your head, shy with attention, “I really did. I had so much fun.”
“Even with boys that don’t understand the word ‘no’?”
“When I have my strong boyfriend there to defend me, what is there to be afraid of?” you smile at him. 
Miguel sits up straighter at that, chest puffing out.
You laugh at his state, “Seriously, though. This was one of the best summers ever. I’m really glad Mr. Stone arranged this and I’m even more glad that you brought me along.”
“Of course I did. You’re my girl. Mi amor, mi luz,” Miguel reached out to run your hand. “I’m not letting you go anytime soon.”
Like a flower unfurled, your heart took in his words. You leaned across the table until you could brush your lips with his, only the sun peeking through the two of you. 
You let go and lean back a little. “I’m not letting go of you either. I want you by my side,” you say, eyes panning back and forth between his.
“And that’s where I’ll stay.”
GymRat!Miguel who covers your eyes on the way back to the room.
You’re whining because you don’t have nearly as much planned for him as he always does for you. 
“Amor, you could just text me an emoji and I would be happy. You deserve good things. Don’t worry about me.”
GymRat!Miguel who wraps his arm around you as you open your eyes to the room. 
It’s lit with soft lights, decorated lightly with rose petals in the shape of a heart on the ground, and a banner full of pictures with the two of you. Pictures from outside of lab, pictures of you with oil paint on your face, pictures of him piled with notes in the study lab. 
Pictures of you both on your early dates, pictures of you looking at him in the car, pictures where he’s kissing your face off. 
You gasp at the scene, feet stuck in the entryway.
“Surprise,” Miguel says into your ear, kissing the top of it.
“I don’t think I have any tears left,” your voice is watery enough to dispute that lie.
GymRat!Miguel who kisses you deeply in the middle of the rose heart. You’re cradling his face with one hand and rubbing your thumb across his sideburn with another.
You’re so wrapped up in his arms and his presence that you miss his question.
“Can you do what?”
Miguel’s hands find their way to your ass, pulling you even closer, “Can I please eat you out?”
When you stare at him with your eyebrows raised, it only pushes him to continue.
“I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. I’ve dreamed about it, researched how to do it, studied it, daydreamed about it. I need to do it before I go crazy.”
He bent down to get on his knees, hands never letting go of your body.
“Please, baby. If you’ll allow me, I really want to make you feel good.”
At first, all you could think was that Dana was right and definitely a girl’s girl. Then, you looked down at Miguel whose head was pressed up against your torso, eyes pleading with you. 
You ran your hand through his hair, “You need to do it?”
“Uh huh,” he nodded, nuzzling into your body through your dress. 
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to fake my reactions for you.” You didn’t have the heart to lie to him like that, especially when he’s looking at you like that. 
“You won’t have to,” Miguel mumbles into your skin. “I’m confident, but if something is weird, stop me immediately.”
GymRat!Miguel who doesn’t give you time to think when you whisper out an “ok.” He’s picking you up by the legs and plopping you on the bed.
Like a switch, he’s kissing down your body, pulling at the stretchy green fabric to expose your skin. He’s crowding your space in the most desired way possible, a fire building within him.
“Miguel, the dress isn’t going to come off like that,” you say, internally laughing at Miguel tugging to no avail. 
He starts to pull so hard that you can hear threads ripping. Before you can stop him, there’s a makeshift slit up your thigh. 
You lean up on your elbows and give Miguel a look. He just stares sheepishly and lets you stand up to pull the dress off. 
“You gotta be more patient baby,” you purred, bending down to kiss his lips. 
When you lean back, you move backwards to sit on the bed. It’s just you, your black panties, and a hungry Miguel at your feet.
The further you inch up the bed, the more Miguel crawls to be closer to you. 
“Can I kiss you?” he breathes into your mouth, eyes never leaving yours.
Miguel melts into your skin, mouth molding to a familiar shape. His breaths are heavy and sporadic, too excited to finally know what you feel like on his tongue.
You reach to pull his shirt off, wanting to feel his chest against yours, wanting to feel the expanse of his back while he pressed up against you. Miguel follows your movements without letting up.
He sighed into your lips with pleasure as he let his hand flow down your body, grabbing a breast to massage. You hummed into his mouth, legs parting to bring him closer. Eager to please, Miguel slipped his shorts below his bulged, grinding against you.
You start to wrap your legs around his waist before Miguel interrupts you with a sturdy hand under your knee, and a promise to devour you to your neck.
GymRat!Miguel who groans when he slides your panties down your legs. The slope of your thick thighs to your ass has Miguel ready to burst. 
He gets on his knees to maneuver your legs up into your arms. You peek up at him over your knees, your wet cunt kissing the air. 
He licks his lips at the sight, taking a tentative touch at your wet lips. 
You jump at the sensation, the feeling of Miguel seeing you this vulnerable new. 
He bends down to kiss them, hands on the back of your thighs for extra support. Your core flutters as he takes a few more kisses to your sex, tongue reaching out to trace from the bottom to the top. At the first taste, Miguel is groaning into you, sending vibrations through your body. 
You sigh out in bliss as your grip loosens on your legs. Miguel flattens his body on the bed and spreads your legs wide, tongue continuing to savor the taste of you. 
At this angle, Miguel pushes his tongue in between your folds, feeling your warmth around him. He laps at your entrance slowly causing you to flutter around him and reach for his hair.
He slurps up the juices that try to escape him causing you to moan out his name. He just hums in response, breaching further inside. The more noises he makes, the wetter you get. The room is full of the sound of him lapping everything he gave you and your quiet moans.
“Miguel,” your breath hitched as he swiped over a particular spot. You look down at Miguel whose eyes are closed and hands are tight on your thighs. You feel a building heat seeing how much of a trance he’s in. 
Just when you feel a bud sprouting within you, he directs his attention towards your clit, searching until he finds it. At the first skim across it, your hips are bucking up off the bed. Miguel is quick to hold you down, placing his weight on your thighs and lapping continuously at the pearl. 
“Fuck!” you shout, hitting the mattress. You’re writhing beneath him, unable to control your body. “Don’t stop, Miguel, please.”
Miguel groans through it all, lapping up every drop. 
“Baby, I’m gonna-” a scream pushes through you as your body shakes with pleasure. Miguel takes it like a champ, slurping like you were his last meal.
As you twitch with aftershocks, Miguel barely gives you time to recover before he’s diving back into your entrance. You let out a sob, still sensitive and quivering as your legs move too close before Miguel growls and wraps his arms around your thighs to keep them open. 
He’s sinking into you, moving his tongue at a steady pace and sucking in between. Your moans were a pool of words from his name to begging to profanities crescendoing across the air.
Miguel would rarely part for air, adamant on bringing you to the hilt again. Your thighs were tensing up as Miguel kept going, fire building as you grabbed his hair and jerked your hips in time with his movements. 
Your climax comes in waves, your hands tighter in his hair and an arch in your back. When you clench over his tongue and your release hits his mouth, Miguel’s eyes start to roll and he’s rubbing his nose against your clit. You yell even louder as Miguel pushes his face incredibly deep into your pussy. He’s rutting into the bed at the sound of your voice, moaning with you. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
The captain swore that the VIP suite was soundproof, but your voice was practically carrying across the yacht. 
“She’s getting it good! Just like I promised,” Dana smiles to herself. 
“What did you promise? I was the one that gave Miguel tips.” Gabriel moved his headphones aside. 
“Oh yeah? And what tips did you give him?” She had her eyebrow raised and a silly smirk on her face. 
There was a pause of silence between them, only your voice filling up the space occasionally. Gabriel stared at Dana with a goofy grin.
He reached over and connected his phone to his speaker, putting on his special playlist. “Want to find out?”
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
GymRat!Miguel who has to be pulled off your sex with both of your hands. His eyes are glazed over and his chin is soaked. Every chance you came after the first two times, your body would move up the bed and Miguel was sure to follow. 
“Ok, ok, baby,” you heave. Your legs are spasming, a result of the position and Miguel’s willingness to have you cum over and over again.
You were tapping out, body sore and tired. 
Miguel left a final long kiss to your clit, a trail of essence following his lips. He kissed up one of your thighs with a hungry look still in his eyes.
“¿Lo hice bien, cariño?” (Did I do it well, baby/darling?)
You trembled at his touch, limbs still heavy and mind in the clouds. 
Still, this was the best you’ve felt in a while.
You open your mouth to whisper, “Lo hiciste muy bien.” (You did so good.)
GymRat!Miguel who has to calm down internally at your answer. You don’t talk to him in Spanish often, but when you do, he’s over the moon. 
GymRat!Miguel who carries you to the bathroom to clean you off.
“Baby, I can’t walk. You’ll have to carry me for the rest of your life.”
“I’m totally fine with that.”
GymRat!Miguel who shocks you when he says that you don’t need to worry about bringing him relief. 
“Amor, I came when you came. After that, it was really all about you.”
GymRat!Miguel who pats his past self on the back for asking the crew for extra sheets. He had no clue how the evening would go, but something in him told him to be overprepared. 
Those old sheets were beyond ruined. 
GymRat!Miguel who rubs your legs and stomach with aloe vera lotion after the shower. Not only did he stretch you a little further than you’re used to, but his bite marks left a big impression. 
GymRat!Miguel who cuddles you to sleep. If you wore him out the other night, he definitely put you through the ringer. You were gone after three rubs to your back. 
GymRat!Miguel who wakes up early with you to send off all of your friends. You’re yawning constantly, tears sticking to the corners of your eyes.
“Someone had a time last night,” Hobie snickers as he walks past with his backpack. 
“Shut up, Hobie,” you say, already flustered. 
“What? It’s true! If I didn’t know Migs' name before, I sure do now.”
“I’m going to backflip off of this boat.”
GymRat!Miguel who grants Captain Barrett a goodbye, thanking him for letting them use his boat.
“It was a pleasure to host you, Miguel. If you and your girlfriend ever need to, my superyacht is available for any future formal events!” he elbows Miguel with a giant grin, curled mustache moving like it was paid to do so. 
“I’ll keep that in mind, Cap.”
For Miguel, the man with the plan, he would grant Mission A: Eat You Out, a huge success and the start of the summer one to remember.
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divider by: @iwonbin 🩵
Part 9.1 here!
a/n: And with that, the yacht chapter is finished! I hope you guys enjoyed it and got your life. 🤭 It was both challenging and rewarding to write this GIANT chapter. I hope that you guys have fun with it like I did! I have no idea how the next chapter OR Miguel's Mission B: Virgin No More plan will go, but!!! Hopefully, it will be pleasant regardless! 🤠
ALSO! I have decided to give this drabble that's basically a fic a proper name (mostly for AO3). Do you all have any suggestions?
As always, like, comment, and reblog. Let me know how you feel! 🩵
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 3 months
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Tokyo Lights and Street Frights || Yandere Yakzua x Gn Reader
Characters: Takehiko
Summary: After moving out to Japan, you seemed to have caught a Yakuza boss's attention.
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence, yakuza things
A/n: he's such a sugar daddy fr
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Yan Yakuza boss who sees you at a convenience store in someplace in Tokyo. He offers to pay for your items even if he had just met you. You were just so cute to him.
Yan Yakuza boss who makes sure one of his men is always follows you. He can't have his rivals hunting or takes you away from him. He just wants you to be safe.
Yan Yakuza boss who meets you again in one of the restaurants he's contracted to protect. The perfect chance to get to know you in a private setting.
Yan Yakuza boss who finds out where you live and your job. You just so happened to move into his territory. That makes it so much easier to protect you.
Yan Yakuza boss who leaves you little gift baskets at your doorstep. He's not ready to face you in your home quite yet. He doesn't want you in his world.
Yan Yakuza boss who keeps you at arms length. The last thing he ever wants or needs is to paint a target on your back for rival groups. The thought of you being hurt or kidnapped by anyone makes his blood boil
Yan Yakuza boss that is very traditional with his yakuza group. He doesn't use guns or does drug dealings as a result. He's often judged for it when everyone else is more modernized.
Yan Yakuza boss that is slightly older than you, like in his late 30s to early 40s. Doesn't like his age due to the wrinkles and when he sees your youth.
Yan Yakuza boss who finally gets the courage to hang out with you in a more casual setting and getting your number, not that he didn't already have it. It was a fast friendship considering his talent is making connections.
Yan Yakuza boss that takes you shopping to spoil the hell out of you. He has the money and room in the budget for you. Just ask and it's yours immediately.
Yan Yakuza boss who finally gets the courage to ask you out. Well not him specifically, but he sends his trusted 2nd in command to do it for him.
Yan Yakuza boss who is elated you had said yes. He sends only the finest. A fancy car, fancy flowers, fancy food, fancy guards. He's pulling out all the stops for you.
Yan Yakuza boss who ends up saving you on said date from a rival yakuza group that was after him. He feels like a fucking idiot for subjecting you to that.
Yan Yakuza boss who goes silent for a few days after the date. He's way too embarrassed to face you. Not when you saw the darkness he wanted to keep hidden from you.
Yan Yakuza boss who ends up with you on his doorstep. This time you're the one bringing him flowers. He was shocked that you were at his home. How did you find out where he lived? One of his members told you just in case.
Yan Yakuza boss who finds out that you didn't catch on to the fact that he was a yakuza boss and thought he was keeping you safe like any gentleman would. I mean that was the reason, but the fact that you don't know what he is baffles him.
Yan Yakuza boss who relishes in your naïveté and offers the flowers as your thank you for saving you. He's then floored by you asking him on a 2nd date.
Yan Yakuza boss who becomes your boyfriend in no time. Well that's what his members think your relationship is at this point. He's to much of a coward to ask.
Yan Yakuza boss who has a katana but doesn't ever use it due to him having wrist problems from using it so much. It doesn't matter though, he has his fists to protect you.
Yan Yakuza boss who would teach you how to use his katana if you asked about it. Becomes prideful when you compliment the sword at the amount of skill he must have had to use it so much.
Yan Yakuza boss who is very cautious when someone of the law comes up to you. This person isn't someone he pays to turn a blind eye, so he has to be careful.
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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alkalinefrog · 3 months
Hello! I just wanted to drop in and say how much i love the art and work you do! They're absolutely amazing and SO GOOD. I binge-read the Golden Light and The Lights of Avalon recently too and man!! it's AMAZING!
The characterization? The world-building? the tension and the back and forth between shenanigans and angst? the dynamics between the bards and the knights and Jack and Hiccup?? IMMACULATE!
Thank you so much for sharing it! You're such a talented writer and artist and it's been such a delight to read and see the work you've done!! I'm looking forward to what comes next and hope you take care until then!! <3<3<3<3
AWWW THANK YOU FOR DROPPING BY, THIS MADE MY DAY FR!!! Whaddya mean knights plural, there's just Astrid and her four parasite squires LMAO. I'm so glad you enjoyed the fics though, even with the outdated clunky writing in them 🥹 it's so gratifying to hear you like the characterization especially! The chapter where the bards and squires all met had me going insane there were so many characters to juggle in the scenes 💀 it just keeps getting worse from here when you start pulling in characters from Arthurian legends, crine. It's been hard finding time to squeeze in fic writing between that and my job lately, but TLOA's always on my mind! Funny thing is working on the world-building for TLOA sent me so far down the Arthuriana rabbit hole that now I'm just making a whole original project based on Arthurian legend too LMAO. I'll probably start posting art for the project in another couple months when my schedule frees up some more. As for TLOA I'm still stoked for the story and all the big plot points I wanna build to, so hopefully I can write some more soon as well! Thank you so much for sending me such a sweet ask, and I hope you have a lovely rest of your week!! 🥹❤️❤️❤️
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strawberryya · 2 years
3, 2, 1… and we’re live
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jeonghan x reader
synopsis: Jeonghan, your co-news anchor, and the biggest flirt in the office has it out for you, and luckily you couldn't help but give in to your desires last night.
word count: 1.7k
genre/contains: filth, enemies -to lovers?? -and lovers?, office romance, afab!reader, protected sex (not mentioned but they’re not risking it), teasing/banter, hints of degradation and praise, pussy slapping, mentions of hands being restrained, sex in office space (empty but still fairly public)
rating: 18+
a/n: I would give in so fast. y/n is stronger than me fr. thank u @lovelyhan for proofing and your kind words <33
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“Everyone get into your positions, we have three minutes!” 
The director’s voice resonated through the studio, making both you had Jeonghan rise from your seats in the makeup chairs even though the frantic makeup artists were still chasing after you as you walked toward the bright set. 
“So what are we doing tonight?” Jeonghan teasingly asked in a whisper when you sat down. 
You looked at your co-anchor in disgust. 
“I am going on a date. What you are doing is none of my business.” 
“Oh, that’s not very kind of you to say, now is it y/n?” 
You scowled at the man sitting next to you, the stylists still trying to perfect his hair and stop it from falling down into his eyes too much as it would end up a disturbance during the show. 
“I don’t need to be nice to you just because we fucked, okay?” you wheezed out, hoping to any god that would listen that the stylist couldn’t hear or just didn’t care enough to listen. You could barely deal with the fact that the man you spent every single early morning with had made you scream out his name as you came on his dick last night. Other people in the office knowing about this happening however, that would somehow be even worse. 
‘Never sleep with your coworkers,’ they had said when you had first started your brand new job at the morning news. 
‘Especially ones like him,’ they had said and pointed toward a tall man, laughing with one of the makeup artists. Flirting, with one of the makeup artists, you soon realized. That was what he was best at you discovered within days at your new job. 
Within a week of his cute and innocently flirty comments, you had sworn to yourself never to fall for it. Honestly, it wasn’t as if he even meant anything personal with the way he just naturally made everyone crush on him a little bit by simply chatting away with that damned beautiful face of his. 
You had kept that vow of yours for almost an entire year… all the way up until last night. 
“One minute left!” the director called out, and you tried to snap back into reality as you read over your cue cards once more. Your efforts were soon lost on you though, because Jeonghan, that absolute menace, had now bent closer to you than before, the stylist having left you two to your lonesome when the director had called out the time left until you were going live. 
“You don’t wanna reconsider that date? I think I could be a lot more fun than some random guy you found on the street,” he whispered into your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine as his words sent your brain right back to him whispering into your ear as he had you moaning and bent over this very desk just hours ago. 
“I told you coming in for this late-night meeting could be fun,” he had whispered with a smug tone before sucking yet another mark into your neck, his dick twitching inside you as you clenched and moaned at his words. The set was empty and dark, all except for the low light coming from a lamp left for you two to turn off when you left. The rest of the staff had gone home and left you two to rehearse the last-minute change in the scripts for tomorrow’s show. 
“Fuck you,” you had panted out, breathless and experiencing too much pleasure to say much else. 
Jeonghan had scoffed breathlessly at your attempt at contempt even in this situation. Your tight was skirt pushed up to reveal your dripping core and bare ass while your blouse was unbuttoned and your tits were falling out from your bra as he bounced you back and forth on his erection. “You say that, but I think you like me fucking you more.”
You wanted to hit him, but instead, you just pushed yourself back against his cock harder. 
“F-fuck, harder Jeonghan,” you whimpered out, needing that last push over the edge from him, feeling so close to your orgasm you couldn’t dare argue against his mocking words. 
“What was that sweetheart?”
He grabbed your face with the hand not currently holding both of your hands behind your back as he slammed his hips into yours, making a rough slapping sound each time your skin met his. Gently but with a stern motion, he turned your face around to look at him. 
“Use that pretty little mouth to tell me what you want again, properly this time.”
You moaned when his hips snapped up with even more force, making your pussy drip juices down your thighs. 
“Please, I need you to fuck me harder, please Jeonghan,” you begged, your voice a whine as he sped up at your words.
“That’s my girl,” he cooed at you, letting your face go and pressing your body down onto the cold and shiny desk in front of you. You would have to wipe it clean before you left unless you wanted the staff to find an imprint of your damp tits pressed against the blank surface in the morning. You made a mental note of that before your mind was snapped right back into your current activity where your coworker’s hand had just found its way around your body and landed on your clit. 
He began circling your clit in perfect circle movements, precise and with the perfect amount of pressure. Suddenly it was interrupted and you whined at the loss of his fingers before a light smack sent a jolt of arousal through your entire body, the pleasure from the slight sting on your clit had you seeing stars. 
When you moaned loudly, his fingers came back to continue the gentle and precise rubbing he had been doing just a moment ago. The circles on your sensitive clit soothed the delicious pain and the way his strokes continued to fill you up just right made the pleasure build until it was almost unbearable. 
You were all but screaming in pleasure as he continued snapping his hips against your ass at a brutal pace. You were dripping and clenching around his throbbing cock, your hands still held firm behind your back, and the grunts of pleasure coming from behind you were the very last drop of stimulation you needed. Your orgasm came crashing over you, making you see a white blinding light, a pleasure so intense you couldn’t remember a single other person making you come that hard ever before in your entire life. 
All that was in the past now though, you thought. Determined not to ever again repeat the worst mistake of your life. You had to stay strong and you would be moving on from it, even though it might’ve actually been the best sex you’ve had in your entire life…
It didn’t matter though, because it would never happen again. 
“Ten seconds!” 
“Just shut up, last night was a mistake, you should give up because it’s never happening again,” you wheezed back at him, a bit flustered when you looked back at him, meeting his gaze and noticing that his face was only inches away from yours now. If you wanted to, you could close the gap and kiss him before the red light telling you that you were live would have time to turn on… 
No, you reprimanded yourself, you didn’t want to. Did you want to?
“Why don’t you just come home with me after work? Cancel the date,” Jeonghan whispered yet again, a small smirk on his face as he watched you attempt to scowl at him but was interrupted when he placed his warm hand on your thigh. His movements feather light and soft against the thin stockings you had on. 
You shushed him, not wanting to bring any attention to how his hand was gently sliding up your thigh, sending goosebumps shooting from where his addictive touch was on your skin. 
“I’ll make it worth your time.”
Your breath caught in your throat as his words sent your mind spiraling, and his touch slid up to the hem of your panties, teasing you and sending a rush of desire toward your core. 
What if you agreed? Would it really be too bad to have him one more time? 
You begged your brain to shut up, you needed it to be quiet. You weren’t supposed to find him attractive, you weren’t supposed to feel flustered any time he stared at you a bit too long when you were getting ready for the show, and you certainly were not supposed to want the man to fuck your brains out over and over again until you couldn’t speak or stand anymore. 
This time Jeonghan said nothing more to convince you. He knew the effect he had on everyone, including you, and chuckled slightly as he pulled back his entire body from you.
You had to stop a wince from escaping your lips at the loss of his closeness and his touch. The whole thing was too much for you to handle. 
“And we’re live!” 
The director’s voice and the bright red light turning on had you looking like a deer in headlights. You were canceling that date and coming home with your menace of a co-anchor today, you thought, feeling resigned and flustered as you tried to collect yourself when you heard the cheery voice of Jeonghan charming his way into the general publics’ hearts, even after having turned you on in front of the entire office at 7 am. 
“I’m Jeonghan and beside me, we have your lovely y/n, and you’re watching today’s news. We hope you’re having an equally enjoyable morning at home as we are in the studio.”
You could kill the man, you thought as you tried your best to not scowl at the man live on national television. 
.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・..・。.・゜✭・.
Reblogging and commenting is highly appreciated!! Hearing what you thought is what makes writing and being here overall so much fun! Ty and ily 💕
[navigation post!]
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hi. i originally followed you because you interested me like a bug would. i wanted to place you in a little plastic cage and keep an eye on what you might do. but you almost immediately (like within a day of following LOL) charmed me. you have made me become so much more of a micah liker than i ever thought i would be. ive really gotta thank you, its made me enjoy rdr so much more than i originally thought i would.
i am also absolutely addicted to the way you draw bill. hes everything to me, and such an inspiration for my own art of him. please keep up the amazing work. imagine theres a picture of a cool gator or something for you to look at as a thank you, im too nervous to send off anon rn sorry 💔
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Aahhh!!! Thank youuu🥺🥺🥺💪💕💕💥💕💥 it has been a bit since I’ve gotten heartfelt asks like these. This means a lot to me.
I am honored to be such a cool big that you have me a whole terrarium to thrive with enough leaves and sticks.
!!!! I AM SO POWERFUL THAT I MAKE PEOPLE APPRECIATE MICAH!!! I think me being so eager to reblog micah bell analysis posts / my own art depicting him in a humanizing light makes it easier to see the spectacular writing in Micah Bell. I am glad my silly art and my friends/mutual’s posts have persuaded you.
♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😭 BILL KISSERS RISE UP!!! But fr, thank youuu, I don’t draw Bill as much as I should but I love him. He is one of the few characters who actually gets a distinct unique body shape compared to everyone else in camp, and he is all around a doofy himbo whenever he isn’t being an ass. I love him so much and it shows in how I draw him. His brain is empty and half full of alcohol at all times.
I am glad my work inspires you, I am so honored and how your art grows and becomes closer to what you desire to reach.
I appreciate the cool gator/croc :)
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anieswrld · 1 year
fall hcs with abby !
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our big buff girl loves autumn idc, this is modern! au, some reference to smut but no actual smut, ellie one is next dw!
pumpkin patches !!! she loves dragging you to every single one in town and picking the most perfect pumpkin to go on the porch of your shared home “abs we’ve been here for hours can we just pick one and go?” you ask the blonde, slight annoyance in your tone. “we need the perfect one babe c’mon i’ll carry you on my back the rest of the time, how’s that for a compromise?”
she loves baking i like to think she’d build/restore the house of your dreams which includes a gorgeous victorian kitchen with certain modern twists, she loves filling the house with fall bakery items. you’re her go to taste tester for sure. “babe taste this, it’s pumpkin spice chocolate chip cookies” she smiles, holding the batter covered spoon. you get a taste and nearly roll your eyes from how good it tastes “holy shit babe, it’s fucking delicious”
we already talked about abby’s love for pumpkins but your love is for family owned apple orchards that have a shop full of everything apple. apple cider, apple pie, apple anything and you’re running. abby also loves drinking warm apple cider while you walk through the orchard with your basket, picking up all the perfect apples. and of course she pays, duh. “abs let me pay for once, hm?” she chuckles handing the cashier some cash, “are you kidding i’ll use a few of these honey crisps for pies and fritters, it’s on me”
abby’s style in the fall is some brown or maroon doc martens with a black t-shirt, baggy jeans (cuffed of course) and a flannel she mostly wears her standard braid (or two) or throws it in a low messy bun, she owns a coffee shop/bakery (she’s your towns luke danes fr) and goes in at 3 am to bake the days stock of baked goodies.
for my imagination i like to think you have a more high demand job like a nurse or teacher or anything you’d like really, so before shifts you’ll stop in and order something which abby saved specially for you before sending you off with a kiss
i like to think abby and you settle down in a small town (much like stars hallow from gilmore girls) and halloween is a big hit with all the kids loving the decorations you and abby put up and all the candy the kids could ask for, later that night while laying in bed with abby she talks about wanting kids to take trick or treating
more on the kids thing bc mom! abby (i’ll do those hcs next) makes me swoon, you’d go the ivf route, you carrying and abby miraculously planned it so the baby would be born in late september-early october. she’d dress your baby up in little flannels and overalls and she loves being able to do it with you and celebrate the kids birthday during her favorite season
but if you didn’t want kids she wouldn’t mind one bit celebrating fall is something she started doing more with you and wouldn’t care if it stayed that way or not
abby loves loves loves going on hikes so she can see the beauty in the leaves and she takes so many pictures of you, she also rakes the leaves into piles so you two can jump in them
getting a little nsfw !! abby loves lighting pumpkin spice candles and making a little bed on the living room floor with a fuck ton of blankets and having the fire place lit. mugs of hot chocolate she made from scratch, the whole nine yards. and it wasn’t supposed to be a sex thing only but you two couldn’t resist the perfect moment and her hands gently tracing your body, lips roaming, it was a perfect perfect night.
thanks for reading! reblogs are appreciated, my asks are open please feel free to send requests or even say hi!
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
Same Lights, Camera, Sing Your Sins anon here (you know if I'm gonna keep sending anon asks because of ideas, I need a shorter name...) Glad they're getting time to cool off on what happened during the trial. This project is hard on them all QvQ
Okay another thought! While working on the Trial 2 MVs, you think the prisoners get to watch everyone's first MVs? Like, maybe praise how each video looks ("Oh my gosh, Amane you look amazing!"), making comments with Jackalope's artistic choices (Shidou's flower mummy) and how stiff some of the prisoners look ("Fuuta you're walking like a tinman." "Shut up!"), some singing along to songs they've overheard earlier (Kotoko singing Weakness), and...er...shirtless Mikoto ("Amane don't look!"). Idk, this makes their filming for the next MVs sound more fun as they hang out.
Hello again!! omg Thank You for sharing once again, I’m obsessed with that 🥺🥺🥺 That's so wonderful picturing a little movie night... (And yes, feel free to pick a name :D else I will dub thee 🎬 next time given the theme lmao)
Okay so my original idea was that those first videos were actually watched on the down-low. There were a few days of nothing going on while the prisoners debriefed, made plans, and communicated their song ideas to the writers to start working with. (Minor detail but I think they’re cut off from the world still, no internet access though they can exchange a few messages/visits with family). They do, however, get access to the others’ T1 videos on their phones/ facility computers. Everyone gave permission to watch them, but there’s a bit of hesitancy. They haven’t started filming their new videos yet, so no one has gotten a look that deep into anyone else’s hearts. Just because they’re closer in this au doesn’t make them better communicators -- there’s still a lot that’s been left unsaid regarding near-murders and their true selves. So they only watch them in secret out of respect.
Haruka hides under the covers to watch After Pain on loop late into the night (going “she’s just like me fr”). Fuuta doesn’t care much for the others’ songs but tries to decipher the crimes as best as he can. He probably gets one stuck in his head the next few days that he finds really embarrassing. Mahiru gets very emotional over the other lovers, doing a poor job of hiding her sympathy toward Yuno, Shidou, and Kazui in the following days. Kazui is embarrassed to watch Throw Down so often, but Shidou is such a subtle man and it’s nice to see a more open side to him (who admits to lying as well). Amane takes a while to watch them -- they’re videos supporting murder and sin, after all -- but once she convinces herself it’s to help the experiment, she allows herself to enjoy  them. Kotoko does the same as Fuuta but jumps straight into Fandom Mode and starts taking notes and analyzing the others’ videos. She keeps a secret folder on her phone of theories and symbolism and screenshots for reference. 
You have opened my eyes to Milgram Movie Night 👁️👁️
Everyone realizes they’re going to need to get comfortable with a lot of personal info really quickly, since T2 filming starts in a few days. Rather than Jackalope’s suggestion of undergoing a painful group circle talk, they go with Mikoto’s idea to all sit down to watch the videos together. This keeps the atmosphere up while they watch, allowing for many compliments and encouragement. It also lets the singer defend things in their video if they see fit, though most let it speak for itself. (Fuuta: “ah, back when I was a menace online.” “You’re still like that Fuuta.” “I’m a changed man!” “You got one guilty verdict and nothing’s even happened yet.”)
I love all of those reactions so much ahhhh! Amane getting showered in compliments like she deserves. Honestly, all of them getting showered in complements because it's what they deserve ;-; Playful teasing getting thrown around for everyone. Not even Jackalope is safe from their heckling (see: Throw Down flower person), and he's not even there to defend himself. There’s lots of blushing and eye covering during MeMe. And a singalong aspect!! I don’t know I didn’t think to incorporate that into the fic so far -- there’s nothing quite like heckling your friend onstage by echoing their lines really loud from the wings asdfsdfsd. Mikoto recognizes the video game from Fuuta’s and makes his whole day. Mahiru and Shidou realize they have both flowers and food in common, and get to talking. All at once, everything clicks into place for why Amane hated Shidou him so much.
I'm also realizing Kazui would have a Moment TM while seeing all the prisoners talking so comfortably about their deepest selves and struggles. I don't think he'd break down and open up just yet, but I bet it's be a pretty big change of heart for him to see such honesty/vulnerability...
Plus, most of my original ideas can still stand after the fact! There's no shame in seeing too much personal info about another prisoner, the only shame comes from just how many time the video was looped in private lmao
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dootiexcupcake · 2 years
Well hiii!
I'll be making a several requests jsjs, not that much so dw
Soobin sleeping on his s/o's lap
omg hi!! I’m more than happy to write these for you don’t even worry abt it 😭!!
oh my god but also thank you so much for feeding into the Soobin brainrot I’ve been having recently ehehehoho
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this concept is so near and dear to my heart you have NO idea how much I want need this FR!!
i can see him coming home from work just so tired and only wanting to be with you ;-; . since you get home earlier than him, he would see you sitting down on the couch watching TV or engaging in one of you hobbies just ever so content and his heart swells with joy at the sight of you so focused and in your zone.
but soobin doesnt get to stare at you for much longer when you finally peer your head up and look over at him and you send him a warm smile. "hey baby!" you chirped. soobin walked over to where you were sat in the living room and took the spot next to you. "hey sunshine!" soobin responded with his bright smile, his voice light and cheery as he wrapped his arm around you and placed a kiss to the top of your scalp.
"how was work today?" you ask.
"eh, same as usual." he responded before unfolding his arm from around you and began to rest his head on your lap, his usual ritual when he's especially tired. "i'm just glad to be home with you." he breaths out.
after a while soobin rubs his head against your stomach and you giggle at the feeling. soobin turns his head and looks at you expectantly and raises his eyebrow.
you cock your head to the side curiously and run your hand through his hair experimentally, "whats wrong soobie?" you mumbled. instead of a verbal response soobin keened into your touch which you took as a signal to keep going.
"mmmh, how was your day?" soobin muttered with his face smushed rather ridiculously into your leg. you held back a laugh at how comfortable he was getting and answered him, "ah, it wasn't anything too major. some stuff got delivered really late to the facility and caused a bit of a back up. it was a lot but nothing im not us-" your recap of the day was cut off by soobins soft snores.
he asks me about my day and then immediately falls asleep? the audacity.
if he wasn't so cute you would be a little upset. but alas..you are not immune to a sleepy soobin.
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main m.list | txt m.list
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maidstew · 4 months
srry to hear ab ur day, so i wanted to send a pippa ask to cheer u up <3
i have this headcanon of modern!pippa wanting to become a primary/secondary school teacher, idk why but it just always made sense to me. she js has that aura of friendliness and enough care to want to make a difference in the lives of young kids, possibly bc she never got that when she was younger.
i also headcanon that she (along with the other mentors) grew up very rich and went to private schools, so her dad wanted her to have a job that he hand-selected for her (hc that he put her through dance as a kid, which she really enjoyed, but once her father put it as an actual career option for her she didn't like the idea) so when she wants to become a teacher he's not very happy about it, considering she wants to work in normal nurseries and schools compared to being a college teacher / a private tutor which he would probably respect a bit more.
she goes ahead with her father's wishes of pursuing dance, which is a hobby she used to love but isn't enjoying because it's not a hobby anymore, it's her life. but she also pursues being a TA on the side without her father knowing, just to test out how it is.
she starts to get really stressed out from constant rehearsal and trying to keep a social life too, that she almost considers quitting her job as a part time TA.
on the day she thinks she's gonna quit, mizzen comes to her office just to sit because he feels overwhelmed at the school. he draws starfish and they end up striking up a conversation about the beach (hc that pippa was raised going to the beach all the time, and mizzen grew up in a seaside town in ireland). mizzen starts to open up about why he feels overwhelmed and the things pippa says to him really seem to sink in and just seeing his face light up makes pippa know that this job is worth it. anyway she decides not to quit, because mizzen, as a kid with an undiagnosed learning disability (hc he has undiagnosed audhd, totally not me projecting here) would need breaks and talks like these so he could get through lessons and such, and she wanted to make him feel safe in the new school (a thing that she never felt as a kid)
anyway it was just a thing rotating around in my brain, you don't have to respond or anything i just figured id share my pippa hc w you since ur the pippa CEO!!
hope ur feeling better lily 💓
omg bel?? wtf YOURE ALSO having a bad day and yet you still sent me this to cheer me up 😭 what’s it like to be an angel fr?
persephone would be so good with children!! she would make such a good teacher. she’s the teacher that everyone wants to go back and visit once they get older.
alas, in every universe it seems like she puts her fathers wishes above her own 😔 but at least this time she’s got her little side hustle without him knowing!
AND THE PART WITH MIZZEN? i just stopped crying but i might fr just start again. that’s fucking precious omg
thank you so much for sharing this you’re an angel 😭
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Write a book. I beg of you. PLEASE I mean it with my whole soul!! I've been binge reading your whole masterlist for the whole week now and if I'm not doing that I'm thinking about doing that and I can't get this out my head. I don't know how to explain it but reading your work feels like when youre with your mom in ur bed and she's caressing your hair and the lights are dim and she's reading you a bed time story and her voice is so soft and you're warm and almost drifting to sleep and basking in the absolute comfort and it's just a perfect haven except she's reading you geto and satoru angst (that just makes it better in my opinion) BUT fr your work feels so soft idk it touches me so deep I wanna kiss it's forehead and hug it so bad
ANWS, conclusion is write a book. I'll buy a hundred copies and never be normal again
Thank you for reading my rambling and thank you so much for writing such delicious works 🫶
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anon i’m literally down on one knee YOU CAN’T SEND ME STUFF LIKE THIS WITHOUT A WARNING I??????????????? I ALMOST FELL TO THE FUCKING FLOOR????????? I GOT THE WIND KNOCKED OUT OF ME???????????????
i’m sorry in advance i wish i could tell you how warm this ask made me feel but sadly you broke my brain and i don’t think i have it in me to be coherent rn 😭😭😭😭😭😭
FIRST OF ALL???????????? i genuinely can’t tell you how much it means to hear that you binged my ENTIRE masterlist i could kiss you?? i sometimes worry that my fics are a bit too long and that it scares people away from reading them so knowing that you read them all? or even just a couple of them???? 🥺🥺🥺 anon i would move the sky and pick the stars for you. i would cut a slice off the moon if you told me you wanted a taste. etc etc.
AND ANON ;;;;;;;;;;; oh my fucking gooooddddddd I TEARED UP A BIT READING THIS what a heartfelt thing to say??? that reading my fics feels like a bedtime story from your mom ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ that comment is gonna stay with me forever and ever i sincerely hope you know that COMFORTING AND WARM IS ALL I WANT MY FICS TO BE…….. so it means sm T_T sniffle sniffle.
yeah in conclusion anon i think i’ve fallen for you i’m reaching through the screen to give you the BIGGEST hug ever i’m spinning you around and everything 🫂🫂🫂🫂 THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading my fics and enjoying them and taking the time to send something so heartfelt my way 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i hope you have the warmest coziest loveliest day because you made my whole week <333
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satorisoup · 6 days
hii ‹𝟹 im so sorry for my late reply but i have been working on my mental health, things have been pretty rough and i didn’t want to come here talking and faking everything was fine </3
your welcome. i’m sure it will always be a pleasure to read your work :3
fr fr :( . tanjiro and genya are literally the cutest??? along with muichiro. like cmon??? who can hate them 😣
yeah. there’s this region problem. crunchyroll in my country doesn’t available many anime 😒 it sucks tbh but thank you, i will try ‹𝟹
yes 🙌🏼 i can’t believe yesterday someone told me that hq wasn’t good🧍‍♀️! bokuto is a silly little boy, but i think if they got together it was because of bokuto 🤭
good luck for getting your puppy in the future 🖤🖤
fr summer can be really tough sometimes T^T hope is doing better now ‹𝟹
autumn is coming in some days ALREADY isn’t it crazy how time flies 🤯 !! and thank you so much 🥹🖤
tbh i make your words mine :’) <33
things are stressful, but hanging in here. how about you? i hope you had a fun august ‹𝟹
loads of love and hugs for you, sweetie 🫶🏼
UWAHHH HAI MA LOVE !! (ˊᵒ̴̶̷̤ ꇴ ᵒ̴̶̷̤ˋ) i must apologize for m’ late reply SOB !! m’ soso happy to see you in my inbox ehe !! >//<
SOBSOB ouh, nono !! please, i promise it’s oki !! there’s no need to apologize m’ sweets !! :< i understand sometimes things aren’t always the best, i’m just happy to see you in my inbox any time !! <3
SNIFFLE omigoodness, m’ soso sorry to hear that things haven’t been to well for you !! T^T m’ soso proud of yous for choosin’ to work on your mental health !! pwease know m’ always here if you ever need to talk, you’re an absolute delight and you deserve all of tha happiness !! <3 remember you are loved n’ cherished, always !! :<
EEEK omigoodness !! muichiro !! he is just the absolute CUTEST !! i wanna squish his little cheeks !! :< ouh, how i miss him </3 i must get a figure of him someday !! my best friend absolutely adores him ehe >//<
GASP !! crunchyroll, when i catch you !! :< m’ soso sorry crunchyroll isn’t available for yous !! T^T yes, pwease let me know how it works out for you ehe !! ^_^
OMIGOSH someone said dat haikyuu wasn’t good ?? :0 nunu !! not true !! haikyuu is tha bestest in tha whole universe methinks !! >//< ehe, for realsies !! 🥺 kou would sweep keiji off his feetsies !! ( just as he did with me teehee !! :3 )
TEEHEE mhmhm !! autumn is upon us n’ m’ SHOOO excited !! >.< time really does fly !! & YES !! m’ doing much better with tha heat, m’ currently in the process of redoing my whooole room !! tha room im moving into gets the coldest in the whole house during winter n’ fall so m’ SUPA excited ehe !! THANK YOU FOR ASKING MA SWEETS !! <3
SOBSOB i really do hope things get less stressful for yous !! just remember to take it a little at a time, i pwomise things will get better !! my august was a little all over tha place, m’ hoping september n’ october will bring along better things for tha both of us !! <3
EHE we must talk abouts mha methinks !! have you watched it ?? if you have, i must know your favorites !! >//<
i also must ask if you collect anything !! :0 manga, figures, mugs, clothes, buttons, pwease tell me all if you do !! i’d love to talk about it with you !! :>
WAHHH i hope things light up for you, ma love !! i adore our chats more than anything !! >//< m’ soso excited to be mooties with you now ehe :3 !! m’ sending you all of my bestest wishes & hugging you soso tightly !! MWUUUAH !! <3 🍓
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wickedslip · 24 days
Good timezone, friend! I know I've been gone for a few weeks, I thank you for your patience. But can you believe it's already the end of August? The year sure has been picking up. I think in light of things it's a good time to say that life isn't sunnuy all the time, as much as we wish it could be. In those moments of cloud and rain as much as it's easy to be hard on yourself; Feel down, lost, confused, or like you haven't achieved what you wanted- You still have value. You're worthy of love. As Eric Draven once said, "It can't rain all time time." So, weather the storm with your support system- I promise you're never a burden. If you ever need a listening ear, my dms are always open as well! Remember to be kind to yourself this next week- It's a new month! New opportunities! While you're at it being kind to yourself, get yourself a treat! I'm cheering you on as always! -- 💜💜 Victoria
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My dear, my beloved, my angel! You don't even think anything of being gone, you take any and all the time that you need! You will always have my patience and support, never fret. Girl, I am not ready for autumn ( tell that to my mind, autumn never left LOL ) let alone September! But here we are in its very grips. Ever since covid happened I don't think timelines and years even exist. I just now got to thoroughly examining this ask, and this meant everything to me. Here you are, spreading positivity and light, fr. I had a bit of storminess the last few days, but slowly and surely we are starting to see a break in the clouds. Well, metaphorically speaking anyhow! If it were up to my gothy self, it needs to be storming and frosty and frigid and blessedly October / November all year round. You are such a delight on this space, and always have been. I just love it when you send these, they are like tiny bursts of positivity wherever we go. I love you sm Victoria! Such an angel in these harrowing depths!
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junjiie · 9 months
⊹ . ⠀ for my faves !!! ☆
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♡ ⠀ you know who you are be fr.. My Four Faves!!!! (and taeil). i feel like tht shld be a trademarked phrase or sth LMAOO. anw. my gross little msgs for you 🤓 in no particular order i promise 😓 happy new yearr my sillies muah i love you all lots and lots!!!
› ⠀ GO ⠀ ★ ⠀ !
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( @wave2love ) ⠀ ✦ ⠀ KARMA 🫧
let’s get this over with i Guess.. THE FIRST!!!! (on this acc anw). my main supporter when i was nothing but a nugu fr. i might start repeating what i said in my christmas msgs so sorry if i do but first. I LOVE YOUUU!!! MY STARMA!!! you are so strange and it’s a chore and a half to find songs you like and you spend way too much money on tiny bits of cardboard that really you could probably just print off and you make fun of me on twitter but i am taking one for the team and shouldering it all because i really do love you a lot 💗 my best friend!!! even if you call me a senior and apparently i have the worst reads ever (still scarred from how i got TORN TO PIECES over assigning you an idol and a song like. your other friends are crazy it was never that serious..) thank you for all the karma updates and the random little asks saying “us” (they really make my day) and reading over or looking at the things i send you and for letting me YAP on and on for two long ass paragraphs with multiple spelling mistakes about plots i am never going to actually follow through with (#RIPROCKET because let’s face it im probably never getting around to it). i still remember our pact and hopefully i’ll actually make a start on it this year. my tyun, my chenle, my ricky, my younger brother. i love you 💗
an us song ♪ ⠀ might b kind of an odd choice.. but it’s one i introduced you to!!! and you put it on your playlist!!! so it’s ours now ^.^
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( @mins-fins ) ⠀ ✿ ⠀ ISA 🧸
ISAAA ML 🫶 another one of this accs first iktr.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHH i love your fics and your ocs and your brain (eats it) and all the comments you leave on my own stuff and all your asks (that i should really work on reciprocating omg!!! one of my resolutions will be to pop up in your inbox more i promise) and i just want to wrap you in a massive hug and spin you around until we fall over. even if you do make me want to log off permanently and start bawling with some of your angst fics (angst for MARK LEE of all people.. crazy). you are another one of my best friends ever!!! one of my favourites ever!!! you are so soft blanket cuddly teddy bear i want to do something really dumb and cringe with you like lie on a blanket in a park and look at the weird shaped clouds like they do in romcoms 😭 thank you for being one of the best parts of my year!!! you always make my day when we talk even just a little bit. i think you’re like an actual little pill of happiness omg.. i just love you so much. let’s have lots of fun this year too ^.^ isa wisaaa you’re my cinnamoroll jeno!!! and if i had to give us some other duos i think we’re quite haobin and sunkyu too 💗 (i think you’re very hanbin and changmin. for sure).
an us song ♪ ⠀ dream scenario where we’re in a dark room with blinding flashing disco lights and dancing and having fun and this is playing way too loudly in the background. this is our song now deal with it!! i love a bit of kylie omg.. x
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( @so2uv @taeiun ) ⠀ ⟡ ⠀ SOL 🪼
i never know when you’re on which acc so i’ll j tag both. ‘become a dreamzen’ BETTER be on your to-do list for this year because so help me god i am going to make it happen. another from-the-start whaaaat!!! (all four of u are idk why i keep saying it like We Know..) I LOVE YOU SO BADDD CHEESECAKE OMG!!! actually so happy we got closer because you’re so cool and funny and amazing and a little Strange and Odd. in a good way. like i want to make you a little jellyfish tank in my heart or brain or chest something so you can live there and i can feed you. jellyfish food (????? boy i don’t know what jellyfish eat). thank you for the song recs and for listening to MY song recs (even if it takes you a while) and listening to my rambling and letting me in on things for fics or your ocs early (it makes me feel so special i fr giggle a little bit like what) and matching pfps w me (#2MIN4L.. we’re just too good) and forgiving me for unfollowing you like twice now 😓 (AN ACCIDENT BOTH TIMES I SWEAR). i love you a lot you’re so silly and fun and i’m glad i met you!!! i hope we talk a lot and have some fun this year too! and longer after that!!! my minho, my hyunjin, my renjun, my 원할 땐 맘껏 뿌려 jalapenos.. muah 💗
an us song ♪ ⠀ no, it’s not pretzel. it should’ve been. but it’s not. this is my favourite onlyoneof song, and i think it sounds a bit like you. so it’s ours now. Wink (ˊᗜˋ*)
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( @astrozuya ) ⠀ ✶ ⠀ LUKA 💫
the FIRST first.. raise your hand if you remember heartchikara. and i55ji. and 7irara. ok the last 2 were the same acc but still. SFTOPP i went back and reread the thing i wrote you for your birthday and oh my god 😭 Call the Gay police.. this guy right here 🚨🚨🚔 ahhh but to be fr though i really meant it all :( i love you so baddd it makes my eye twitch and i start like breaking out into nervous giggles and i am at constant risk of exploding. i know we’ve kinda drifted a couple times this year so i am being FOR REAL when i say for 2024 im gonna try and annoy you so hard!!! you’ll be sick to death of me and scream for it to stop!!! but i just won’t!!! maybe not the long ass us otd ones as much (running out of us pictures.. there’s only so many duos i can pull out of my ass) but just. tiny little updates and stuff with songs that gave me a real #LUKAVIBE. thank you for still wanting to talk to me and listening to my song recs and sending me cute little asks and most of all for just. sticking around (๑´ㅂ`๑) it’s us forever loca!!! you are stuck with me i fear.. you’re a cute little rock or sea creature or something and im the barnacle attached to you. Forever. or maybe not if that’s too weird. #SOZ. so yeah. i love you so so soooo much. jjka (???? it was on the fly forgive me) duo 4L! my hyuka, my haechan, my hao, my slime (LMFAOO), and my star ⭐
an us song ♪ ⠀ it’s nothing new because it’s already on your playlist (sorry :<) but i just love it so much. steve lacy fr called me up and asked what i wanted to say to you and then made this song. Not even joking.
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TAEIL ⠀ ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
laugh it up #IDGAF. guys he Will see this i am NOT crazy. stop do you wanna know sth funny.. before i started love, love, love he wasn’t even on my bias list 😭 back then it was mark jaehyun & doie LOLL. and then i wanted someone to be like a recurring theme so i chose taeil at random and then. i just fell down a massive rabbit hole. he’s so odd and weird and silly and strange and like genuinely i love him so bad????? he’s my ULT ult like i will never feel this crazy over another kpop guy EVER this is the end of the road for me. he is stuck with me forever (he does not know i exist). plus we’re literally #CONNECTED like my fave sanrio character is badtz-maru and guess who he got in the collab.. Yeah. ik ur all in shock rn. jjaeil is real johnny move over. kinda the worst year to become a mds though like he’s been THROUGH IT this year omg. i hope 2024 goes better for him and he makes a full recovery ^.^ god knows how im gonna cope when he enlists but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. thank you taeil for being my favourite and bringing me comfort, i love you ♡
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you all deserve like. the whole world and more. muah 💕 happy new year lomls.. stay safe, maybe get a little drunk (NOT karma. go to bed toddler..), have fun, and i wish you all love and happiness and money and good music and good movies and good food. KISSESSS from ur fave (Me). baii!!!
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ginnsbaker · 4 months
I have re-read the entire chapter *playing cruel summer on loop in the background and switching to pc to write this ask* because I need to gather my thoughts nyahahaha fr got shocked with the opening part as I wasn't expecting it XD. This will be a long one kasi I included my favorite parts.. :P At first I thought this was a parallel to chapter 12 iirc, the conversation they had after y/n came back and she thought that everything is just going too well, the whole conversation going too well and the end part *wink wink* while the date is not going according to y/n plan. "You’ve told her that three—maybe four—times now. Not that you’re counting, but each time it gets a little easier to say. And you hope, for her, it gets a little easier to hear" - word's of affirmation love language ni Y/N and I like that Leigh just let's it or at least allow her to say these words to her. "and for Leigh, speaking things into existence feels like an indelible commitment—a promise carved into stone. But maybe some things are beloved even before they ever take shape" -- this is incredibly poetic like you wouldn't know what hits you kind of thing.
"Instinctively, you snatch her hand, holding fast for dear life." -- takot mawala te? "More than anything, though, you're struck by Leigh's bold declaration to a near stranger—that she was going to kiss you by the end of this date." - Go Leigh, ipagpatuloy mo mag stake ng claim kay reader at titiklop talaga yan.
"She hopes you don't set expectations too high just yet, not when you're both still in the early stages of getting to know each other. Beyond the undeniable physical chemistry between you, she's looking forward to discovering how you both handle the less-than-perfect moments just as much as the perfect ones." -- Ik that previous interaction with Leigh's are not really that complete and it was mostly the mean(?) parts that drew y/n to her and I understand her apprehension about that kasi for how long would she see that part of her as loveable diba (eme)
Perhaps it’s a good lesson to learn that not everything has to be perfect to be right.  At least, not with Leigh Shaw. --- THIS?! (NO WORDS WALA AKONG MASABI IT'S PERFECT!) “I didn't actually have a boyfriend until I was twenty-two,” ( waw the asian + filo in me could never, it will probably me at thirty or never *cries lol* ) and many more part (tama na baka ma sobra sa limit lol) and speaking of Cruel Summer song, the angst part now match these lines "We say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times We're not trying." and oh boi did y/n just falling fast ready to give it all for Leigh then there's Leigh "I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone" na it will be Matt all over again... idk but this is how I perceive the whole chapter and relating it to the song nyahahahaha and finalllyyyyy the reciprocated 3 words with reassurance (sinong di ngingiti jan diba lol)!! I just know that y/n's love language is words of affirmation and gift giving pero she's still afraid and very careful around Leigh that she's conceiving this certain idea about her without knowing that y/n's coming on too strong na pala and needs to yellow light muna... They need to talk without those intense emotions (forgetting about Sara and mag hunos dili muna silang dalawa sa action) so that's my rambles and incoherent thoughts sa chapter. Thank you so much for the update ate! So waiting for the PDF version :>. Happy coding and enjoy the day!
Ohhhh a long asks! Thanks for sending this :) I'll reply to some!
I love your observation about Y/N's love languages! I'd say hers include words of affirmation, gifts, and touch, while Leigh's would be quality time, acts of service, and obviously touch too.
Re: the "speaking things into existence" part - I'm kind of proud of that as well, so thanks for highlighting it!
Re: the idea that not everything has to be perfect to be right - that was a tough pill for me to swallow in relationships. :)
Re: R not having a boyfriend until she was 22 - lol, I didn’t have a girlfriend until I was 26, though I started dating men around 16-17ish.
I just can’t stop smiling at the part where you relate 'Cruel Summer' to this update. It makes me so happy when my readers catch the easter eggs. :>
It's clear that Leigh and R feel deeply for each other; now it's just about being on the same page and understanding their priorities. :)
Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts :)
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ardynsflower · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having an amazing day today!
I've been absolutely feral over Bayonetta and there isn't enough content of Bayo x fem!readers... anywhere🥲 So you can imagine how stoked I was when I came across your account!
l've got a request if it's alright (I hope this is the proper way to ask)! May I request a Gomez and Morticia type of dynamic with shorter reader (I'm 5'2") that's just completely in love with her wife Bayonetta. You can choose if it will be a scenario or a head cannon l'm fine with either! I can imagine reader being some kind of artist (maybe a fashion designer that loves to make outfits for Bayo!!!). Do you write smut? If not that's totally fine! If you do tho feel free to add if you’re up for it!
Thank you and no rush if you decide to take up the request and Thank you anyway if you choose not to! I know how busy lives can be and as an artist I can understand the pressure of making something for others :) Have fun! Thanks again!
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Awh dear, first, thank you and I hope you’re having an amazing day as well, AND YES FR THERE ISN’T ENOUGH BAYO X FEM!READER EVEN THO SHE GAY AS (the gates of) HELL..Anyways, I’d love to write that, morticia and gomez are one of the best couples fr their dynamic is just so adorable and i can’t get over it. Let’s use bayo’s Google height for this one and the reader your 5’2, but tbh anyone can read this just don’t read the "love for your short wife" part/s lol. (I myself am a 5’7.) Feel more free than ever to send more requests, bayo lovers here. Ps: sorry for that long ass message and I’ll change some things with the fact that she’s a witch from the Umbra. Sorry, tell me if you want it to change.
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-First, let’s talk about some importants things.
-Bayo is 5’8, and you being short as hell for her makes the vibe more clearer, you’re her Gomez and she’s your Morticia, ofc. Also, Bayo showed to be obviously more darker than Jeanne, so I’ll take the liberty to use Gomez and Morticia’s real over all strange but romantic couple type.
-Whenever you both are together in your black, elegant and kind of special house or just in general, the romantic and creepy (as Jeanne describe it sometimes..) couple quotes are a whole thing. You both can’t live a day without giving the other red/black roses and tell them something like, "Amor, I’ll make/get you the most prettiest dark dress just so you can be as dead and pretty as you are to me." (Romantic for you guys hello remember it? You both are kind of trash here.)
-You can’t stop gently kissing her hands or kiss her at all. You can’t let one without the other.
-Going to the point where you’re an artist, well, this is one of the reasons why bayo fell in love. Your (mostly) black and dark red dress or just outfits in general were so pretty, she loved your passion and seeing you being more passionate as well. Now she is kind of premium member one, lol, you always at least make her one dress every two-three weeks. Got more passion for her tho.
-I’m not gonna get too into it, but when it comes to the bed, Bayo’s ofc a top. But sometimes she’ll let you do what you wanna do, but not too much<3 she keeps her role. And by going, romanticism will never stop. Rose’s, wine, cozy and gloomy kind of lighting…It’s just perfect for you. As your couple is perfect.
-She is more of a black cat than you, but you both works as well as black and grey kitty’s. (Didn’t wanted to put white cat. It’s Jeanne, lol.)
-concerning about being out of the house, she always have an arm on your hips and romantic behavior with her. As well as you. Sometimes people like Jeanne, Luka and blah blah blah can thought of something like, "It’s looks fucked up but- It’s cute tho." and everything that goes on. They’re understandably kind of scared whenever you guys are too trash for them, lol. More Luka than Jeanne tbh.
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