wandering-alien · 1 year
I volunteer at my local library and, after finishing, I wanted to get some DVDs out because I have a DVD player at home and I was already there so it's easier to just rent the films than try to find them online.
So I go and take them out, and the guy who works there goes 'why are you bothering with those when you can just find them online?'.
My guy.
Your whole job. WHOLE. JOB. Survives because people want physical copies of things. What do you mean 'why are you bothering'??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN???
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murasaki-cha · 6 months
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.......excuse me what the hell did I just read????
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You're telling me the dream couple Wes Bennett and Liz Buxbaum BROKE UP!!?!? IS LOVE EVEN REAL ANYMORE!!??!?!?!?!
I'm legitimately so depressed right now don't talk to me
I will never emotionally recover from this news. Oh my god the playlist mankes so much sense now I hate this...
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kangamommynow · 28 days
You know what sucks?
When you're thinking of someone, holding them in your mind and heart, you know it isn't mutual. That if they do think of you, it's kindly but fleeting.
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silasplaskett · 6 months
i KNOW that it wouldnt make sense narratively to have lydia with daryl and the fam in s11 but it still annoys me that they build up daryl and lydias family dynamic so beautifully and then just like completely drop it in s11 to the point where they only interact like three times
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snekthedemonnoodle · 4 months
so helluva boss fandom. how do we feel
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crookshanks23 · 1 year
More Stampler thoughts incoming.
So, it's my headcanon that Willy found his father dead after he drank himself to death. And then Ron watched Willy die. And then Terry Jr. watched as the dads killed the fake Terry Sr. What if Terry also watched Ron die? Beth has said that Ron is dead (although I'm not sure I 100% believe that). And Scary's dad left. Let's hope she doesn't have to watch him die too.
This poor family. My heart breaks for them.
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sarcasticvoodoochild · 5 months
i love siblings where one is fire and the other is something that’s built to endure so so much but i’m sick and tired of the fire coded sibling dying
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magicstormfrostfire · 4 months
Can I just tell you that the Rose Drops fic was absolutely life changing? I'm being so honest right now, I felt so many emotions reading it. I loved Blizzard Bedfellows too. I love all of your works and I really hope you continue writing! I'm not kidding, you've literally written a novel and multiple novellas. I admire you so much and I cant wait to see what you write next!!
Thank you so much! Im flattered to hear you admire me ;~;
Honestly, the main reason im having trouble writing these days is because of a huge lack of this; just people interacting with me about things! Espeically my works. I always love to talk to other Sonic fans and hear what people have to say. Interaction is the lifeblood of fando!
Its also what makes me want to make stories; having other people I want to tell those stories to, instead of just keeping them to myself.
(I know that a lot of people are silent fans of things...but its like talking into the void after a while. Its difficult to find a reason to put things out there publicly, if I rarely hear anything back and people dont even talk to me, y'know?)
Messages like yours are really special to me, and I love hearing how my work makes people feel. (And I enjoy people's tears the most, especially when it comes to Rose Drops lol)
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psychangels · 3 months
kind of dumb, but one of the smaller things that makes me sad about tango's closure is how now we'll never get to play with the game awards suits that they made for chai and 808
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stars-and-birds · 2 years
In my opinion the only thing worse than Wenclair not ever being canon in the show is Enid Gay Nails Sinclair being straight
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captastra · 1 year
Why can't all the companions come with me in bg3?? I love them all so much!
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the-queen-of-skittles · 5 months
Crying. I wanna post my GCSE art coursework but it's against the exam board's rules :(
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youdontjustgiveup · 6 months
August: Chapter 14
( ao3 | ff )
Previous Chapters: [link]
Summary: The day aboard the yacht unfolds with Chuck and Blair locked in their usual dance of flirtation and resistance. Who will give in first? Meanwhile, Serena decides it's time to pry into her friends' affairs.
Pairing: Chuck x Blair
Word Count: 4.1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Nate returned with a boyish grin on his face, plopping down into the cushy seat next to Chuck on the bridge deck. The yacht rocked gently, the rhythmic lapping of the waves against the hull providing a natural soundtrack to the unfolding conversation.
“Not feeling much of a captain today, Archibald?” Chuck quipped, a relaxed smile playing on his lips. 
“I just want to spend some time with my best friend.” 
Best friend. There was that cursed word again. That casual remark, one he had never hesitated to shout from the rooftops, now seemed to mock him. Chuck didn’t feel much like a friend right now, let alone the best one.
Leaning back with his arm casually resting on the railing, the breeze gently tousled his hair. “There is always time for that,” Chuck said, briefly averting Nate’s gaze. 
“You’ve been a ghost these past few days. Sleeping in, sneaking off. Feels like I can’t catch you for more than five minutes since the party,” Nate pointed out.
“Jealous? We don’t have to be joined at the hip all the time.”
“Don’t tell me you’ve gone soft and fallen in love with that girl.”
“That’s preposterous,” Chuck scoffed. “Reserved for the weak, if you ask me. Life’s too short for all that sentimental nonsense. I’ll let you and, of course, Serena handle that.”
Nate raised an amused eyebrow. “Come on, man. You can’t deny that there’s more to life than your ‘no strings attached’ bullshit. Love may not be your thing, but it doesn’t make us weak. Besides, don’t act like you’re completely immune to a woman’s charms.”
He wasn’t. “I am.”
“I don’t believe you. Someday it will happen to you, and you will see that I’m right.”
If only Nate knew. He would punch him right in the face. 
“Then, what have you been up to?” Nate probed further.  
“The usual. Indulging in the Chuck Bass lifestyle.”
“Getting drunk until you pass out. Drugging yourself into oblivion. Hooking up with girls who mean nothing. I know it well.”
Kissing Blair until he was breathless. Losing himself in her until the lines between them blurred. Being with her because she meant everything.
“Exactly,” Chuck said. 
Serena’s laughter erupted into a spontaneous squeal, joined by Blair’s infectious glee, catching Nate off guard. He pretended to look down, as if trying to discern the source of their amusement, but their spot offered no visibility whatsoever. 
Lost in thought, Nate took the conversation in a new direction. “Blair is…” 
“What?” Chuck interrupted, his knee bouncing.
A knot tightened in the pit of his stomach. “How so?”
“I can’t put my finger on it,” Nate admitted. He looked out over the yacht’s railing. “She seems happier, more content. More confident in herself. She’s got this radiant glow that makes her so much more attractive. It’s like I’ve missed the woman she has become. It’s like she’s a whole new Blair, and I’m finally seeing her. Truly seeing her.”
“It’s in the way she smiles now, you know? More genuine, less guarded,” his friend continued, a thoughtful note in his voice. “And her laughter—it’s different. Freer. Like she’s let go of something she’s been carrying for way too long.”
And what might that be? Chuck’s knee abruptly ceased its restless movement.
“Don’t you think so?” Nate inquired, seeking Chuck’s opinion on the matter. 
“If you say so.”
“If you can’t see it, you’re not paying attention.”
Chuck pressed his lips together, jaw clenched. The audacity of his friend’s remark hit him hard, especially after all that had happened. While it was true that Blair might be happier and freer, she hadn’t morphed into a different person. He would know that if he hadn’t been pining for Serena van der Woodsen like an asshole. For Nate to claim this newfound insight after all these years was a bit rich. 
“Blair has always been like this,” Chuck asserted, his tone firm.
“What you heard. And you have always been the one clueless enough not to notice.” 
The air between them stirred, the yacht’s gentle sway feeling more pronounced. Nate’s statement had struck a nerve, and Chuck’s frustration was boiling to the surface.
“What is wrong with you?” Nate demanded.
“Spit it out, Chuck.”
“Has it ever crossed your thoughtful, inquiring mind that Blair is acting this way because she’s not with you anymore? That she’s done pretending to be someone she’s not just to please you and get a scrap of attention? Because let me tell you, that’s what this is. Spare me the lines about how she’s all different and changed; this whole new Blair, just because she’s not shedding tears in a corner or catering to your every need to maintain the illusion of the perfect couple you never were. This…” Chuck motioned to the deck below, to the sound of her laughter. “has always been Blair. Passionate, tenacious, and–”
Instant remorse washed over him as the intensity of his words settled between them with a chilling weight. Chuck had said too much, and now he couldn’t take it back. 
“Forget I said anything.”
“If I didn’t know you, I would say you like her.”
Was it a good idea to jump headfirst into the ocean?
“I don’t. We’re friends,” Chuck clarified, clearing his throat. Friends who kissed, of course. “And I care. Just like I care about you and Serena, even if you make it very difficult sometimes. Plus, you know my hands are pretty full right now with Amanda.”
Perhaps talking about that girl would make Nate forget about his little revealing speech. Nate smirked, and Chuck knew that he had succeeded. His friend was simple, or so he thought. 
“And Juliet, Emma, Andrea…” Chuck continued, listing names as if each one carried a weighty significance.
“I get it. No need to show off.”
“They’re just a phone call away, for whenever you decide to move on from pining over my stepsister.” 
“Maybe I’m not interested in Serena anymore.” 
“Who are you trying to fool, if not yourself?” 
“It’s just… Blair…” 
The girl’s voices echoed closer as they ascended the stairs to join Chuck and Nate, causing Nate to immediately shut up. In their hands, Blair and Serena held cocktails that, despite their initial appearance, seemed to lose their appeal upon closer inspection. Yet, the true intrigue lay not in the drinks but in Blair’s every calculated move. Once they reached the boys’ side, Blair, with audacious flair, decided to settle into Chuck’s lap with an ‘oops’. Despite an automatic reflex that urged his arm to wrap around her, he resisted the impulse. His left arm remained on the railing, while the other rested strategically on the seat, carefully avoiding any incidental contact. Nate opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it. 
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten,” she whispered in his ear. Not too close, but close enough to send a shiver down his spine.
“It hasn’t even crossed my mind.” 
Could she at least get up from his lap? Nate and Serena were practically two inches away, for fuck’s sake. 
His muscles tightened, and every nerve was on high alert. Blair was ready to do whatever it took to win, regardless of the casualties left in her wake. The casualty? Well, it was none other than him. He felt tense—so tense that he thought he might crack. 
“What’s going on here? Developing a waitress complex, ladies?” Chuck teased the girls, trying to steer his mind away from dangerous territory.  
As Blair handed Chuck the second cocktail she was carrying, Serena mirrored the gesture with Nate. 
“Try them. They’re delicious,” Serena chirped, her voice filled with eagerness. “We made them ourselves.”
Chuck sniffed the supposed cocktail. Ignoring Blair’s skin touching him was more difficult than he thought, but he further examined the questionable concoction in his hand. It looked awful. “I must say, sis, your mixology skills leave much to be desired.” 
“That one is from Blair.” 
Blair shot him a playful, innocent glance. 
“Do you want to poison me?” Chuck asked.
“Well, not everyone has the palate to appreciate the subtleties of my unique creations.”
Nate, holding his own dubious cocktail, joined in with a chuckle. “I think ‘subtlety’ might be an overstatement, Blair. That one looks disgusting.” He gestured toward Chuck’s drink.
“Come on, guys! We were feeling adventurous with our choices. It’s all about the experience,” Serena, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, defended her friend.
Chuck took a cautious sip. The initial anticipation of a refreshing, fruity, soft drink turned into a bitter and unpleasant taste that almost made him spit it out. The concoction was not merely awful, it had an extra layer of nastiness, as if Blair had generously doused it with perfume. Only a good old Scotch could save him from this foul flavor.
“An experience, indeed,” he remarked, suppressing a grimace. “Brings back memories of the day I accidentally sipped on dish soap.” 
Serena laughed. “Dish soap? When did you drink dish soap? Were you trying to align your intellect with your taste?”
“Ah, Serena, I thought I was trying to elevate my palate to the level of your dating choices, embarrassingly poor, yet somehow always entertaining. Spare me the talk. I was drunk.”
“When are you ever not?” An undertone of irritation seeped into his stepsister’s voice. “And, speaking of dating choices, are you sure you want to open the Pandora’s box on that one?”
Was she still upset about the little show they put on that morning?
“Guys,” Blair interrupted, bringing her glass closer to her nose. “I’m sure it’s not that terrible. You’re just being overly dramatic.”
“It is. Try it yourself.” Chuck redirected Blair’s drink closer to her mouth, dismissing the sensation that coursed through his veins when their hands touched. It was ridiculous how much it still affected him to be near her. However, she deftly pulled her head away. “Not so brave now, are we?”
Blair shifted, creating a subtle friction between them, and that made him shut up. Almost instinctively, his hand moved to her thigh, but he stopped mid-motion, afraid that any action would draw their friends’ attention. Mainly Serena’s. To his relief, no one noticed. His stepsister was too busy ignoring him now.
“Mine is not so bad,” Nate said after taking a sip of his glass.
“I made that one,” Serena noted proudly, and the two smiled at each other. 
While the blondes chatted about Serena’s cocktail-making skills and shared their experiences in Ibiza, Blair’s lips barely betrayed a reaction; her face seemed impassive, as if she were contemplating the most mundane painting. Was she truly indifferent, or was Chuck merely imagining things?
Blair moved again in an obviously innocent manner.  
Or perhaps she was far too busy planning her next attack.
“Can you stop?” Chuck whispered between his teeth, keeping the volume at a minimum and leaving the horrible cocktail on the floor. “They’re right here.”
“You know I won’t.” With a subtle yet deliberate movement, Blair pressed herself even closer to Chuck, her arm circling his neck. Heat radiated from her body, and he found himself starting to lose control.
“Surrendering this early? I thought you had more in you,” she pressed.
If she thought he would only last one round, she was pretty full of herself. However, given her behavior, a certain physical reaction seemed inevitable. In a bold move, overwhelmed by the building tension, Chuck finally placed his hand on Blair’s thigh. His touch, a feeble attempt to regain some semblance of restraint, was met with a knowing gaze from Blair.
He pressed his lips together and closed his eyes. Thank God he had sunglasses. 
“Are you okay?” Blair asked innocently. 
Chuck snapped out of it. No, he was not. He pulled her out of his lap. Serena and Nate looked at him weirdly. 
“Going for a damn Scotch,” Chuck declared, and Blair laughed out loud. 
She was going to pay for this. 
As he uncorked the whisky bottle, pouring the amber liquid into his glass and measuring up to two fingers, the yacht came to a halt. A tranquil hush surrounded them, with placid waters stretching as far as the eye could see and no other souls in sight, offering them unblemished peace. Yet, his body seemed reluctant to fully embrace it.
He needed to act, and quickly. It had been close, and the completely unrelated-to-the-weather heat coursing through his body was proof of that. Their little bet was turning out to be more challenging than he had anticipated, considering he stopped thinking rationally whenever she was near, but the thrill of the game excited him. It was acceptable if she tormented him slowly, as long as he delivered the final blow. What she failed to realize was that, by tormenting him, she was also torturing herself. He could feel it—the dilation of her eyes, the unmistakable lust, the desire to pounce on him. And Chuck intended to use it to his advantage. Adjusting himself, he futilely tried to quiet the humming of every one of his cells.
A few minutes later, Nate and Serena descended to the swim platform, announcing their plan to take a refreshing dip in the water. Serena was perched on Nate’s arm, and just before they vanished, the ridiculous, cheerful grin on his best friend’s face faded as he glanced at Chuck, then at Blair. Serena tugged at him. 
“Pour me one, won’t you?” Blair requested, approaching the bar.
Chuck selected a crystal glass from the cabinet and placed it on the counter. After filling it the same way he had filled his own, he slid the drink toward her. Blair accepted the glass, bringing it to her lips but refraining from taking a sip. Her gaze was fixed on him as if he were the very glass she was holding, the very essence she craved. In response, he lifted his own to his lips and consumed its contents in a single, deliberate gulp.
She raised her glass, making a toast without breaking eye contact. “To my victory.”
He swallowed with difficulty.
She drank it all, too, trying not to grimace in disgust. Whisky, not her choice, leaned more towards his one and only preference. Despite that, she gracefully took the bottle from the bar and refilled her glass. With a smile, she held it out to him. 
Just as he reached for the drink, she snatched it back, holding it closer to herself and letting its contents cascade over her chest.
Fiery eyes burned with intensity. Her once immaculate appearance was now far gone. The composed and cold exterior unraveled like delicate threads in the face of a storm. Blair stood before him, not just a presence, but a formidable force. And Chuck was completely at her mercy.
“Drink it now,” she commanded.
His favorite whisky was all over her like a tempting offer, and he felt like he was being pushed over the ledge. 
Chuck stepped from behind the bar, his arms enveloping her waist in a desperate grip, pulling her in. The outside world faded into insignificance. Her chest glistened, giving off an intoxicating scent. It was like a spell that wove itself around him. It smelled like an addictive drug of the finest kind. Lowering his head to relish the fragrance, he caught a soft, involuntary gasp escaping her lips, and that wonderful sound snapped him back to reality. Well, how the tables have turned.
“Not feeling so strong now, are we?” he whispered provocatively against her skin, causing Blair to shiver. “Do you want me to taste it?”
Her breath quickened, a telltale sign of her desire. Raising his head, he locked eyes with her, their mouths dangerously close.
“That was the idea, was it not?” he kept going.
“If you do it, you lose,” she said with difficulty. “Remember the rules.”
No kissing. Touching, though, was fair game. But not below the waist. The neck—a forbidden zone, off-limits and non-negotiable. It was Chuck’s weakness, a fact Blair knew all too well.
“I think you will,” he murmured. “Your eyes are an open book.”
Blair leaned towards him, almost succumbing to a kiss that could release them from the torment, but before that could happen, she pushed him with force, nearly causing him to lose balance.
She gracefully walked away, hips swaying and head held high. The intricate dance of their mutual inability to resist each other, coupled with the risk of being caught, only heightened his arousal. Nate and Serena were right there, and it was only a matter of time before they noticed, given the not-so-subtle way they were acting. All it took was a pair of eyes. Even they had that. 
Taking a moment to compose himself, he downed another glass.
Upon joining his friends on the swim platform, Nate and Serena frolicked in the water, while Blair sat on the edge, delicately trying to cleanse her chest. Chuck sat next to her, absurdly close. 
“The offer is still on the table,” Chuck said.
Blair shot him a look. “You’re not getting anywhere near me.”
He touched her collarbone. “I think you’ve missed a spot here.” The whisky hadn’t even graced that part of her, but he reveled in how tense she was. He continued to playfully tease her, and when his hand brushed the spot again, Blair swatted it away.
“I don’t need your assistance.”
“You seem tense,” he murmured into her ear, his voice a velvety whisper that ignited a subtle shiver and the unmistakable prickle of her skin. “Afraid to let go?”
Blair met his gaze, her eyes transforming as she spoke. “If you believe you can handle me, Bass, by all means, make your move.”
Placing his hand on her back discreetly, he took advantage of the lack of prying eyes, their bodies conspiring in the intimate space they shared. “You have no idea how badly I want you.”
“Then have me,” she replied, her eyes locked with his, a bold challenge in the bright light of day.
“You know I can’t do that.”
She leaned in, her lips almost brushing against his, “Rules are made to be broken, aren’t they?”
“What are you both up to over there?” They nearly jumped at the sound of Serena’s voice. She swam closer, securing support from Blair’s legs as she reached the platform. “Join the fun!”
“What fun?” Chuck questioned.
“Come on in.” His stepsister ignored him. “Nate, help me.”
At the mere mention of his friend, Chuck instinctively withdrew his hand from Blair’s back. 
Eager to comply, Nate joined them outside. He approached Blair, and with nowhere to run, she surrendered to the inevitable and let him throw her into the ocean. Of course, not without first gracing Nate with a catalog of threats. Nate shrugged nonchalantly, while Serena just laughed. The two of them proved to be quite insufferable.
Choosing Chuck as his next victim, Nate looked at him, but Chuck remained steadfast. “Don’t even think about it.”
“You’re so boring, Chuck.”
“Well, sis, not everyone can live up to your riveting standards of entertainment and charm. It’s a gift, clearly.”
“Your loss,” Serena added sternly, casting a daring glance at Nate and Blair.
Nate had ventured back into the water, and there was Blair, supporting herself on his back. The sight stirred an uneasy feeling within Chuck.
“In more ways than one,” his stepsister continued.
“Weren’t you mad at me?”
“I am.” 
“Then stop talking.”
“You always play it cool, don’t you? Like nothing matters.”
“Why are words still coming out of your mouth?”
Blair’s giggles and the casual touches with Nate were starting to grate on Chuck’s nerves. Was she truly flirting, or was it a deliberate ploy to make him miserable? If so, it was working.
“It’s honestly tragic how things fell apart. They used to make such a perfect couple. Wonder if there’s anything we can do to fix the mess they’re in and get them back together,” Serena said. “Don’t you think?” 
Had they all decided to go completely mental?
“What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“You cannot be serious.”
“Why shouldn’t I?” 
“Perfect couple? Weren’t they just perfect when he cheated on her with you, her supposed best friend? Or perhaps it was during those endless years of mutual misery, not a hint of love between them. And, of course, let’s not forget the grandeur of him sticking around just to keep his family from going bankrupt. So many stellar moments to choose from, really.”
Serena looked at Chuck, then at Nate and Blair. Chuck tried to put on a mask of indifference, but it wasn’t all that convincing. First, Blair’s comment, then Nate’s, and now, Serena’s. Was she really going through all this, him, just to get back at Nate? Serena got out of the water and sat down next to Chuck.
“As if you are any better,” she huffed. 
“As if I need lessons in morality from you, of all people. I know I’m not, but you might want to take a good look in the mirror before you start passing judgment.” 
“You’re a jerk.”
“Tell me something new.” 
“Look, what I’m trying to say is that, for some unfathomable reason beyond me right now, Blair likes you, and I know you like her, too.”
Chuck cut her off. “You have a really funny way of putting things, don’t you?”
“Don’t even try to deny it,” Serena persisted, not letting him interrupt. “Yet, here you are, shamelessly sleeping around, hopping from one bed to another. You like to pretend you don’t give a damn, that you’re above it all. The good and the bad. Because that’s who you are, right? The infamous Chuck Bass. Heaven forbid you act like a decent human being for once. Do you even know what it’s like to truly care about someone?” 
“Clearly I don’t. You know it better than I do,” Chuck snapped. 
“You play this heartless, ruthless game. But deep down, you’re just as lost as the rest of us. You feel as deeply as we do.”
“Shut up.” 
“Did I strike a nerve?”
His resolve deflated, much like a balloon losing its puff. He should just walk away, let everyone think what they always thought of him, but he had this inexplicable urge to explain himself.
“I’m not sleeping with anyone,” Chuck stated. 
Serena raised an eyebrow, “But you said…”
“I didn’t. I never uttered a word.” He leaned back, closing his eyes. “It was all Nate.” 
“Why would he say that?”
“Because he thinks I am. It’s too easy for both of you to jump to the worst conclusions about me,” Chuck replied dryly.
“You have never given us a reason not to.”
“So, you’re not hooking up with this Amanda girl?” 
“I don’t even know who Amanda is.”
A heavy silence enveloped them, in contrast to the carefree laughter of Nate and Blair. She playfully tried to submerge Nate, but in a quick turn, he grabbed her foot and pulled her down with him into the depths. They disappeared. A sharp, stabbing pain gripped him, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that this was the harsh reality he was destined to face. Why try to fight it? 
“What about Blair?” Serena asked after a while. 
“What about her?”
“You two...”
Chuck clenched his teeth. Serena was like a dog with a bone. 
“Haven’t you had enough?” he muttered.
“I haven’t seen her this happy in a long time.”
“Make sure to thank Nate properly.” 
“After everything we’ve been through in the last few months, she totally deserves it.”
“I have no idea what you expect me to say.”
“I’m not stupid, you know?”
“I’m trying to say something nice here.”
“After the crap you just pulled, don’t bother wasting your breath.”
He desperately wanted to believe there was something more out there for him, but deep down, he knew it wasn’t true. Everyone could see it. Happiness with him wasn’t a lasting embrace; it was a fleeting whisper, an ephemeral touch. He was not worthy of making anyone happy, not even himself. The weight of his own inadequacy bore down on him, a crushing burden that whispered of a profound emptiness at the core of his being.
“Quit playing the role of the heartless guy,” Serena said. 
“It’s not an act. It’s who I am.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“Too bad.” 
“Why is it so damn hard for you to accept that you’ve got some goodness in you? That you are good for her?”
“I’m not,” he replied firmly.
“Everyone can see it but you.”
“Just leave me alone.”
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cowgurrrl · 9 months
Leaving Texas today feeling like I could cry
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using my colorverse ink on this latest round of letter writing. i love writing the homies.
i worry that some of my letters aren't making it because of my vintage stamp usage. they aren't SUPPOSED to expire, so in theory i just use enough to cover the price of postage, and if i am under by any amount it will get returned to sender. but the past 2 letters i sent with my fucked up lil guys on em did not make it to their destinations. may just use regular postage (lame) for the next few letters
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(letter i was pretty proud of that i don't think made it)
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