#BUT YES. I have been WAITING for halloween. n very happy 2 make halloween gifs d:3
smilestimz · 2 years
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marymary-diva17 · 9 months
Baby first halloween ( morden au) 2/4
Tonowari x reader x ronal
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Happy Halloween month or spooky scary skeleton season, here is the started my first Halloween holiday or month one shote. I hope you all enjoy it.
avatar holiday masterlist
You had married your childhood friends and started a new life with them. Once celebrating the holiday from halloween to summer as a friends, dating, and now married those holidays had always made you happy. Now this years it was completely as you and your partner had added a new member to the house hold and that was a baby. A son that had been born this year and now it was all different, as now you will be celebrating your son first Halloween. Now you were over the moon getting to celebrate your son first holiday with his parents.
y/n " the month of halloween and fall already here" you had brought out the decorations for Halloween and fall, that were stored away. Your husband and wife were away at work leaving you at home with baby aonung.
y/n " now little boy what should we go from funny looking pumpkins or ghost" decorations for aonung and the boy had smiled at his mama, reaching out his hand and going with the pumpkin.
y/n " well pumpkin it will be baby boy mama is so happy to celebrate halloween with you this year, and we will get you all dressed up for cute pictures"
y/n " if we are lucky we will get you baba and mommy to agree as well when they are home" aonung had clapped his hand and laugh at what you were saying toward him. you soon kissed his forehead making him laugh even more.
y/n " now come on lets get this home ready for the holiday day spirt" even due aonung couldn't help you put anything up he still made great company as you were talking with him, getting smiles or laughter from him.
y/n " see this is good for the family home it will be be safe near you, when you started getting all grabbing hands with anything in your reach " aonung had gave you a shocked experiences it seems like he didn't like that from you but you were right, when there was something in aonung reach he will grabbed it.
????? " hey we are home ... wow you were not kidding when you said you will be decorating the home today" soon tonowari and ronal had come home to see the home already decorated for the holiday spirt.
y/n " hey my loves welcome home" you soon went over to them and gave them a kiss to welcome them home after a long day that work.
ronal " did you leave anything else for us to do "
y/n " oh yes I did I only did this room I left everyone else for us to do"
ronal " cool I been waiting to help decorate our home ... how was aonung today did he get scared"
y/n " he is was very brave"
tonowari " like his baba" tonowari went over to aonung who was laying down on mat, but he soon picked up aonung and gave the boy a kiss on the forehead.
tonowari " you are baby brave little boy are you aonung"
ronal " he want to take all the credit for aonung behavior"
y/n " yes that is so tonowari he hasn't changed"
tonowair " don't hate it ladies you married this all for life and now we have a mini me"
ronal " oh look what I got today on my lunch break some costumes for aonung"
y/n " really"
ronal " yes" ronal soon showed you the shopping bag and soon started showing you some costumes, that were very cute and perfect for aonung.
tonowari " hey we should also go to pumpkin patch at some point we can get aonung his first pumpkin it will be a cute and fun moment"
ronal " we can do this weekend it will be family outing with all four of us, and we can make them into Jake-o-lanterns it will be fun"
y/n " that will be amazing there a flyer for the pumpkin patch in te mail box today, there also a fair with some fun and games as well"
tonowari " Then it agreed on buddy we are giving you the best first Halloween ever" tonowari was ticking aonung making the boy laugh sound bring a smile and laugh from his parents. Aonung seem to be enjoying his first Halloween with his family, even due he would not remember it fully when he older there was enough pictures for him to be told of the past.
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sanguineterrain · 3 years
No Prisoners (2) - Thomas Shelby
Happy Halloween! This is Part 2 of 'No Prisoners'. Thanks for the love on part 1, hopefully you all enjoy part 2. <3
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Pairing: Thomas Shelby x female!Reader
Word count: 3.5K
Warnings: violence and mentions of shooting, fear elements, crude sexual language but no smut, arranged marriage.
Summary: You're still adjusting to married life. Meanwhile, Tommy's been invited to a charity gala.
A/N: I wanted to clarify chronologically where this story might take place. I had a later season Tommy in mind, but it's set some time after Grace's death, so Charlie's probably younger than he is canonically.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Good morning," you replied, peacefully spreading jam on your toast. Tommy took a seat across from you and pulled up the paper. It had been two weeks since you'd arrived, and he still didn't try to make conversation, of which you were blissfully grateful for.
There was nothing to talk about anyway.
Tommy took his own toast and tea, and you chewed quietly as you watched him feel around blindly from behind the newspaper.
"What the—" He pulled the paper down. "Where th' fuck is the butter?" he mumbled.
"Left side."
"...Oh." He cleared his throat.
"Don't you wear glasses?"
"Only need 'em for reading."
"Is today's paper telepathically sending you the story?"
Tommy eyed you over the newspaper.
"Is that humor I'm hearing?"
"Humor? In this household? God forbid."
He hummed, returning to his paper, though not before he pulled his glasses out of his front pocket.
"Mum! Have you seen my—?"
Amelia stopped in her tracks, one red boot in her hand. The kitchen door swung listlessly behind her. Her eyes darted between you and Tommy.
"Good morning, Amelia," he greeted.
"Good morning..."
"You were going to ask your mother something? Go on," he prompted.
"Okay." She glanced at you and you smiled. "Mum, I can't find my other boot."
"Did you look near the back entrance? Maybe you took them off after we were in the garden yesterday."
"Alright, I'll look there."
She edged towards the kitchen door.
"Amelia, do you know where Charlie is?" he asked before she could slip away. She froze, replying hesitantly.
"He's on the lawn with the maids."
"Fine." He looked at you, then managed a tight smile. “Thank you.”
She nodded, then darted back out, door swinging behind her. Breakfast returned to near silence after that. Tommy didn't take much more time to eat; you knew he liked to have an early start for the office.
"I'm going out. I'll be back late. Don't wait up."
You never did. You weren't sure why he made it a point to tell you each time, as if he didn't come home late nearly every night.
Tommy never tried to kiss you goodbye or even wave. He hadn't so much as breathed in your direction since you'd arrived.
As soon as he left, so did you, unbearably trapped in that stuffy dining room.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"And what does this one say?"
You pointed to the colorful pictures of sea creatures on the next page.
"Fish," Charlie happily identified.
"That's right, these are fish. But what about this word? Can we spell it out?"
Charlie scrunched his face, studying the big blocky letters underneath the picture of a crab.
"Let's sound out the letters first. What sound does this one make?"
"Very good. And the next?"
As you worked out the word with Charlie, the door opened, and in walked Tommy, home at a decent hour for once this week.
"Daddy!" Charlie beamed, hopping down from the couch. Tommy hugged his son and kissed his head, then looked at you.
"Welcome home," you said, not bothering to get up.
He nodded, squinting at the book in your lap, gesturing at it.
"What's this?"
"A children's encyclopedia. I'm helping Charlie with his letters so it'll be easier when he starts schooling."
"You're teaching him to read?"
"Yes." You shifted, still unused to not being able to read his expression. "Simple words."
"Anyone can do it," you shrugged. "But I used to be a schoolteacher." You held up the book. "This is from a classroom I worked in."
"I didn't know that."
"You never asked."
He set Charlie back on his feet, sending him away to the kitchen.
"We weren't finished," you said, setting the book aside.
"You can pick it up later. I want you to try this dress on."
Tommy pulled out the box he'd had tucked under his arm, dropping it on the cushion. You glanced at it, narrowing your eyes.
"What's this?"
"Your dress."
"Er... thank you, but I have plenty of dresses, Thomas."
"This one is custom made. For the charity gala tomorrow night. Go try it on, make sure it fits."
"I thought you were invited to that."
"I was, yes."
"Then why would I be there?"
"Because when men are invited to things, their wives come along to make them look decent."
"How do you know my measurements?"
"I don't. Polly does."
"The woman in Small Heath? I never told her my measurements."
"She didn't need 'em. Pol can figure it out after a few minutes with a woman. Though, I s'pose there's a first time for every wrong."
You glared in loathe at the dress box, lip curling.
"I don't want to go."
"Neither do I, believe me," Tommy assured through an exhale of smoke.
"Why don't you bring a woman who wants to, then? Like your secretary."
Tommy's brows rose.
"You want me to bring my secretary."
"Sure. Men fuck their secretaries, don't they?"
"Well, I haven't married my secretary, have I?"
"If it means I don't have to go, you can pull the nastiest whore in England and truss her like a turkey, for all I care."
Tommy rolled his eyes.
"Our luck; the nastiest whore in England is currently on vacation."
You shrugged.
"Take your regular whore, then."
"Put on the fuckin' dress, Y/N."
You scoffed, standing as he began to leave, clearly expecting that to be the end of the conversation.
"So, this is how it's going to be? Pissed all over a man's territory, got yourself a little prize wife, thinking she'll wear whatever you fuckin' please? What's next? Shall I suck you off in the parlor? Christen every room in the house?"
"Enough," he warned.
"Too much? Don't like when I speak? Think I'm prettier without reminding you how I got here in the first place?"
Tommy turned, meeting your gaze evenly, expression ice. He spoke quietly, measured, but his eyes belied his calm.
"You and your daughter are free to leave whenever you like, Miss L/N. It would start a war which would result in a certain death for your father, among others, and maybe, if you're lucky, it would kill me too. Now, if you're willing to make that sacrifice then, by all means, the door is there. But if you're finished with the fuckin' theatrics, be a proper wife and put on the dress."
"I am not your wife," you snarled, returning his fire tenfold. "Doesn't matter how many dresses I have; in this house, I am a prisoner, pleading scraps from the warden."
You snatched the box and pushed past him, heading up the stairs. Tommy didn't follow, letting you your space, and you slammed the door to your room.
Thank God Amelia was outside with her tutor, and Charlie in the kitchen. You'd hate for them to have overheard anything just now.
You steadied yourself with a few deep breaths, unwilling to fall back into that pit of melancholy. Not when you had a dress to try on.
The dress was soft, softer than anything you'd ever worn, and clearly must've cost a fortune. It was a lovely shade of rose, draped with a layer of chiffon to allow you some room for your body. Fleetingly, you felt grateful that a woman had chosen the dress for you, Shelby or not.
You slipped it on, zipping up the back. It fit perfectly, complimenting your complexion and body well. You had to hand it to Polly Shelby—she certainly knew how to choose a dress.
The longer you looked at yourself in the mirror, the worse you started to feel, so you took it off, repacking it in its box and setting it on the vanity, next to your wedding ring. You went to your bed, flopping over the comforter, curling up to a pillow.
A hesitant knock made you sit up, still in your underclothes.
"Yes? Don't come in."
"Mrs. Shelby, I don't mean to bother," came the voice of a maid. You still hadn't learned all their names, there were so many. "Mr. Shelby is wondering if your gala dress fits well. Otherwise he'll send it to be altered."
You rolled your eyes.
"You can tell him it fits fine."
"Very good, ma'am. Did you need anything?"
"No," you replied, turning away from your vanity, fire suddenly drained. "Nothing you could give me."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"I wish I could go."
Amelia sat at your mirror, clasping and unclasping the string of pearls your mother had given you the day Amelia's father had proposed.
"It'll be horribly boring, darling," you assured from the bathroom, giving your hair one last touch-up.
"It's like going to a ball! Like the parties Maggie Lou's mother used to go to, remember?"
It was true; Maggie Lou's mother had been married to a member of Parliament too. The only difference between you and Maggie Lou's mother was that she'd had three horses and you had six. She had a two floor house while Arrow House had three.
And you were married to Thomas Shelby. She wasn't.
"It's not like those parties," you finally said, trying not to sound too bitter. "This is just a stuffy dining hall filled with old people discussing politics they don't understand."
You stepped out of the bathroom, fastening your earring back to your left ear.
"I'll take you to a proper party one day, alright? A fun one, with cakes to the ceiling and troughs of cider."
"That sounds more like a fair than a party," Amelia laughed, turning around. She smiled at you, holding up the string of pearls.
"You look amazing, Mum."
"Thank you, Amelia."
"I don't remember that dress," she said, dropping the necklace into your gloved hand.
"It's from Mr. Sh—Thomas."
"Wow. Must've cost a fortune," she marveled, running her fingers through the skirt.
"He values appearance," you replied lightly.
She nodded, chewing her lip and you smoothed her hair soothingly.
"Now, no need for worry. I'll be back in a few hours. No later than one. That doesn't mean you can stay up till then, though."
"Yes, yes, alright."
"Amelia, I mean it."
She gave you her most angelic grin. You could almost see the halo floating above.
"Of course I will, Mum."
"Uh-huh. Come walk your mother out."
She followed you downstairs, where Helen, one of the maids, and Charlie were waiting.
"Amie!" he squealed, pointing at her.
"Hi, Charlie."
He stared at you, blinking, before he recognized your face and smiled.
"Hello, Charlie," you cooed, accepting him from Helen, bouncing him on your hip.
"Pink dress," he declared proudly, tapping your shoulder.
"Yes, pink dress," you agreed.
"Mr. Shelby is speaking to the driver," said Helen. "He'll be inside shortly, ma'am."
"Fine. Oh, Charlie, what is this?" You inspected his cheek which appeared to have a bit of chocolate smeared on.
"Helen, please fetch a wet cloth. What were you eating, hm, Charlie?"
"I see," you said, accepting the cloth, and he smiled bashfully as you cleaned his face.
The door opened, letting in a chill, and you shielded Charlie, not wanting him to get a cold.
"Where's Y/N? Y/N?"
"Right here, Thomas."
"Oh." He paused, tightening his tie, giving you a cursory glance. "Good. Come on then, don't wanna be late."
"Don't you want to say goodbye to Charlie?"
Tommy walked over, taking him from you and giving Charlie a kiss on his forehead.
"I'll be back soon, Charlie. Good night."
Charlie hugged his father, then turned to you and smacked a kiss to his hand and blew it. You chuckled, gently taking his fingers and kissing them.
"Good night, Charlie."
"Night!" he beamed, and that's when you became aware of how close you and Tommy were, standing shoulder to shoulder. He watched you silently, remaining passive when Charlie held onto your finger.
You cleared your throat, quietly taking your hand back.
"Right. Um, we should go."
Tommy hummed, setting Charlie down, who toddled to his sister.
"Good night, Amelia," he said and she nodded.
"Good night, um… Tom."
You kissed her head, patting her shoulder.
"Go to sleep on time," you reminded her.
"Yes, Mum. Have fun."
"We'll see," you murmured just low enough for her to hear, and she giggled.
You followed Tommy out to the car, both of you in the backseat, with you on the passenger side, Tommy behind the driver.
"Alright, Mr. Shelby?"
"We're ready."
The first half of the drive was silent as you stared out the window, watching the dark shapes of hills and trees pass in blurs.
"When we're inside, stay near me."
You turned to Tommy, nose wrinkling as he began to light a cigarette. He rolled his eyes, cranking his window open.
"Stay close. I don't know everyone who was invited. They could be dangerous."
"Fine," you sighed, rolling your own window down despite it being near winter.
"You look nice."
Tommy gave you a onceover, expression bland as ever.
"Color suits you well."
"Oh." You shifted, busying yourself with your gloves. "Thanks. Guess you have to thank your aunt for that."
"Mm. Fabric only does so much. I think what makes a good dress is the wearer."
It was quiet once more until you arrived. Tommy came around to your side and opened your door, offering a hand to help you out. You didn't take it.
It was a grand hall, perfect for every sort of party. You walked quickly, trying to avoid the chill in the air as much as you could.
"Haven't you a coat?" Tommy asked when you entered.
"Not one appropriate for an event like this."
"Have a drink then. To warm up."
You frowned at the trays of champagne, the bar at the far side of the room. You didn't like drinking; certainly not in a room full of strangers.
You were also really fucking cold.
"Maybe just one," you conceded, taking a glass from the tray. It would make this night a lot more tolerable too.
"Come on. Stay on my arm."
"Yes, alright. Relax. Where else would I go, Tommy? Good God."
He rested a hand on your back but when you stepped away, he let it drop, returning to not touching you.
"Mr. Shelby, is that you? Oh come, we haven't seen each other in a year at least! How's your little boy?"
An older woman with a gaudy fox fur draped over her shoulders bustled up to Tommy, cheeks redder than a tomato. Apparently, someone's grandmother had drunk the bar.
"Mrs. Sheffield, a pleasure to see you. Charlie's doing well. How is your husband…?"
You tuned them out, finishing your champagne until you heard your name.
"...my wife." Tommy gestured to you.
"Oh, she's beautiful. How do you do, Mrs. Shelby?"
"Very well, thank you."
"Tommy, you always snatch up such pretty women. I'm wondering when you'll give us old birds a chance."
"Now, what would your husband say?" Tommy grinned, playing along.
You tried to manage a smile that didn't look like you were having your teeth pulled, finally relaxing into a sag when Mrs. Sheffield bid you both goodbye.
"You have to pretend a lot better than that, Y/N."
"What are you picking at now?"
"You weren't listening."
"I was too!"
"Really? What color is Mrs. Sheffield's prized horse, then?"
"Er… tan?"
"Trick question: it was a giraffe."
"Oh, you—none of them will remember me by the end of the night."
"You're a politician's wife now. Act like it."
"Is the politician's wife allowed a second glass of champagne?"
He rolled his eyes as you grabbed another from the tray.
"I thought you didn't drink."
"When in Rome..."
"Yeah, fine. Take it easy with the champagne."
"Aww, Tommy. Are you worried about me?" you cooed, dripping with contempt. "Listen, if I drop from alcohol consumption, we'll both have an excuse to leave, hm? Taking one for the team, as it were."
"Mr. Shelby!"
A thickly accented man bounded up like a Rottweiler, large, jeweled rings on each of his sausage fingers. You sighed, letting Tommy drag you back into the atmosphere.
"Mr. Latorre. Pleasure to see you."
You watched Tommy's expression closely, trying to gauge if this man was a friend or not.
"Pleasure is all mine! It is good to see you out again. Terrible what happened to your wife. She was a rare gem in this cold world."
Grace Shelby. You'd heard about her, shortly after her death. It had been a shame indeed what happened to her. You recalled thinking how you wouldn't become a Shelby wife for all the riches in the world. For all its decadence, it would eventually kill you.
Tommy stiffened imperceptibly at the mention of his late wife, and you cut in.
"How do you do, Mr. Latorre? I'm Y/N, Mr. Shelby's wife."
"Oh, my apologies! What a beauty you are. It is so good to see you out again with women, Mr. Shelby. That is what the doctor ordered, yes?"
Tommy remained quiet, eyes smoldering.
"I would hope he treats you right," Mr. Latorre smiled, eyeing your neckline.
"Yes, well, you should know better than I that anyone involved with Thomas Shelby always gets exactly what they deserve. Isn't that right, Mr. Latorre?"
His eyes shot to your face and you tilted your head expectantly.
"You are certainly correct, Mrs. Shelby. Please, pardon me. Enjoy the party."
He scampered away and you leaned back, satisfied.
"Pig," you murmured, taking your last sip.
"Yeah. Mr. Latorre and I don't get along very well."
"I can see why. Awful of him, mentioning Grace."
Tommy studied you, eyes trailing over your face; searching for what, you didn't know.
"They're serving supper soon," he eventually said. "Ease up on the champagne."
"I can handle it just fi—hic!"
You covered your mouth with your hand, clearing your throat. His lips twitched.
"Just fine, eh? Come on."
"Alright, one moment. I need to use the loo."
"Just there and back, Y/N. I mean it."
You rolled your eyes.
"Afraid I'll run? I'm not a mutt on a leash, Thomas."
You were gone before he could inhale, hurrying out of the hall. If someone was going to make a long-winded speech before you ate, you wanted to at least be comfortable in one aspect.
There was only one other woman in the restroom when you walked in, and she didn't pay you any mind as you used the stall. When you got out, she was still at the sink, fussing with her pretty red curls.
"D'you have a light?" she asked suddenly, whipping her head to face you. Her frame was weighed with large diamonds, like how one who hadn't known money all their life might indulge.
"No, sorry. I don't smoke."
"Really? Well, you'll probably live longer than the lot of us then," she chortled, patting on too much rouge. "My man says apparently there's some loon preacher in America who tells his congregation these'll kill you faster than anything."
"Ah. I haven't heard that," you said, awkwardly hanging beside her, not wanting to be rude and leave mid-conversation.
"He says they're the Devil's chalk. Funny man, eh? If you ask me, there's plenty more things that'll kill faster than a cigarette."
A loud crack cut through the air and you both flinched, turning to the door.
"What the fuck is that?" she gasped, scrambling to repack her purse.
"I don't—" Three more bangs cut you off and she began to scream, pressing herself against the wall.
"They're shooting here! Shooting in the hall! Oh, oh God…"
You rushed forward, catching her mid-slump, then gently sat her against the tiled wall. Her eyelids fluttered shut and you began to dig through her bag, searching for smelling salts.
You heard crashing outside, shouting, and then the bathroom door swung open with the force of a hurricane, slamming the wall so hard, you feared the wood might splinter.
"Fuckin' God, Y/N."
Tommy surged forward, grabbing and hoisting you up by your arm. You let him, puzzled when he ran his hands over your cheeks, shoulders, and ribs.
"What—Thomas, this is the ladies' loo, you can't just—"
"We need to go. Somebody's shot an MP and his wife. Up, up."
"They what? Wait, Thomas, she's fainted, we need to—"
"Someone'll come back for her."
He pulled you out before you could spare her another glance, ushering you down the hall.
"Did they come after you too?" you asked, tripping over your feet with how fast he was walking.
He didn't elaborate, so you remained quiet. As you hurried around the corner, a man dressed as a valet darted in front of you, nearly crashing into you. Tommy reacted instantly, punching the man so hard he flew backwards. He continued on, not even giving you a moment to process.
"What the fuck?"
"'M not taking any chances."
Adrenaline coursed through you, your head buzzing with the intensity of it, and when you finally got outside, you hardly felt the cold.
"Where the fuck is the car?"
"Forgot your glasses again," you replied shakily, as an afterthought, then pointed. "That one?"
"Yeah, good. Come on, come on."
It wasn't until you arrived at the car that you realized Tommy's hand was on your back—and you hadn't pushed him off. Belatedly, you hoped he hadn't bled on your dress. It'd be a bitch to clean.
"Evening, Mr. Shelby. How was the—"
"Start the car."
The driver nodded once and turned the ignition, pulling out onto the road as soon as you shut the door behind you. Tommy's head fell back against the seat and he closed his eyes. You removed your gloves and buried your hands in your lap, suddenly exhausted, the adrenaline fading.
"There's blood on your collar."
Tommy looked down, then pulled out a cigarette. You didn't make a face this time.
"It'll wash out," he said, hand shaky as he took another pull of smoke. "Always does."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“Sharky” *Part 9*
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Okay it might end up only being 10 chapters, DEPENDING on what happens in the next chapter-- which guys, you’ll never see coming. Never in a million years. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Also-- I don’t know if you care but the beginning scene/paragraph was written based on the scene in Grey’s Anatomy when Burke leaves Cristina at the altar and she has a panic attack/breakdown in her wedding dress. Just for reference, that’s what it’s supposed to look like. Don’t know who will understand that or not, but if you wanna YouTube it it’s very powerful. [To me.]
Chapter List Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 10
You made it halfway down the street before you felt your breathing increase, your body temperature rose by the second. In seconds you were hyperventilating, stuck in a damn leather trap of a dress. You were having a full on panic attack and you physically couldn’t breathe in the tight leather bodice. You had no idea what to do, you had literally never felt this panicked and scared and upset in your entire life. You tried desperately to rip off your sleeves at the very least, clawing at them while sobbing like a crazy person. But you were fighting a losing battle, and you felt yourself falling down to your feet. 
Your eyesight was blurry through tears but you managed to crawl into a nearby alley, still sobbing loudly and trying to breathe. You really thought you were going to pass out, and some creep would probably come and find your unconscious body in the alley and do sick stuff to it, and you’d be on the news at 11. 
You kept gasping for breath, now wrestling with the zipper on the back of your dress. You needed this OFF, and you needed it off NOW. You felt yourself losing consciousness, when a pair of hands caught you from behind. 
“What do you need?” The voice asked. You were certain this was a rapist, but why was he asking what you needed? 
“I...can’t….I can’t….” You sobbed, flailing your arms towards your back. You felt the hands unzip your dress just far enough that you could pull it off to rip your arms out of the sleeves and just hold it up over your breasts so you weren’t standing there half naked. Finally able to breathe you finally just sobbed while this person held you from behind, their head was pressed into your back and you could hear their words muffled but clear:
“I’m so sorry...I'm so sorry…” 
You finally looked down and realized the pair of hands that were holding you, and your panic went straight back to rage. You broke free from their grasp and spun around to see Rafael hunched over, clearly surprised by your sudden turnaround.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” You screamed at him, causing people walking by to look in concern.
“You were having a panic attack! You nearly collapsed in the street! What was I supposed to do just walk back into the party and leave you to die?” He said loudly so people would know he had been trying to help you, not rape you.
“Oh come on Y/N---” He tried to help you steady yourself on your heels, but you ripped them off and tossed them at him.
“No!!!” You screamed. “I told you to leave me alone, Rafael for fuck’s sake! Just go back and be with your girlfriend--” You started to walk away.
“I don’t want her, I want you!!!” He yelled, making you stop in your tracks.
“Well you sure have a hell of a way of showing it!” You turned back around and yelled angrily. 
“Look, Y/N...God, I don’t know how this got so fucked up…” He shook his head as he paced the alleyway. 
“Right because nothing is ever your fault,”  You scoffed with a roll of your eyes.
“I’m not saying that! I--” He sighed and stopped pacing to look at you. “Look, I was really low, and upset about you, and Liv and I were drinking, and--”
“So your solution to getting over me was to bond with the person who sabotaged us in the first place? Real sound logic there, counselor,” You said in a mocking tone.
“Look I get what she did was wrong, but she’s also been my best friend for a very long time, and I just-- I don’t know, I focused on that part,” He looked down. 
“How? How can you just sit there and make excuses for her--”
“I’m not making excuses for her, I fucked up okay? I was drunk, and sad, and I ignored my angry feelings at Liv and one thing led to another…” 
“Oh for Christ’s sake Barba really? One thing led to another? You PURPOSEFULLY slept with the ONE person you knew I’d never forgive you for!”
“That’s not true!!!” Rafael argued. “I’m not dismissing my behavior, but I swear to you it was NOT my intention to hurt you--” 
“Really? So what did you just think I’d never find out about you and her?”
“No I just-- look the next morning she was just so happy, and I was too much of a coward to tell her that I was just missing you and--”
“For fuck’s sake Barba are we in 10th grade? You ‘accidentally’ sleep with your best friend and then just date her because you can’t tell her the truth? And I’m just supposed to believe that?”
“It’s the truth!” He yelled. “I’m not proud of it, but it is the truth. I will go right back into that party and I will end it with her right now Y/N I swear it--”
“It doesn’t matter!” You cut him off. “I don’t care what you do, or don’t do with Olivia, Barba, I really don’t. Date her, fuck her, break her heart. Because you and I are off the table, permanently” You started to walk away again, but he grabbed your hand.
“No, come on Y/N there has to be a way we get past this, there has to be. I mean, look how upset you are. I know you still care about me--”
“OF COURSE I STILL CARE ABOUT YOU, IDIOT!!!” You screeched. “Yes, I’m having a fucking nervous breakdown over you because yes I do still lo--like you, but it’s irrelevant!” 
“But why…?” He asked in a soft voice.
“Do you really think that I can EVER look at you without seeing you and that bitch with her legs in the air?” You asked. “I mean, even right this second that’s ALL I can think about!” You started to cry again as you once again  tried walking away from him.
“Y/N, Please...please I am begging you…” He grabbed both of your hands this time and got down on his knees.
“This isn’t a negotiation, counselor. There’s nothing you can do, no penance you can give,” You sniffled. “It’s just...it is what it is,” 
“Please, Y/N....,” He clung to your waist like a child as he whimpered into your stomach.
You placed your hands over his back and looked to the sky, pleading to whoever was up there to make this stop. It was absolutely true, everything you said. Even though you could see that this whole situation was just a fucked up series of events and misunderstandings, you really couldn’t look at him without seeing her. You wanted to forgive him, you wanted to pick him up off his knees right now and just kiss him until the pain went away, but you couldn’t. 
“No,” You did your best to keep a stern tone as you pried him from your body. “I’m sorry,” You whispered as you put a hand to his cheek; you noticed he had started crying as well. 
It took everything you had to pick up your heels and walk out of that alleyway with your sleeves tied around your neck so it kept your dress over your breasts. 
After several minutes of trying to compose himself, Rafael finally walked back down the street and into the bar where his friends were waiting. 
 Rafa! Where the hell did you go?” Oliva cried.
“I went after Y/N,”  Rafael simply stated.
 “A-Are you serious? Why?” Olivia asked in disbelief. 
“You know why, Olivia” Rafael replied with a straight face.
“I cannot believe you--”
“Look, Liv. You are my absolute best friend in this entire world, I hope you know that,” He sighed. “But this has gone too far,” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Why did you do everything you did to Y/N, Liv?” Rafael crossed his arms. “ Is it because you’ve known how I’ve felt about her from the start?”
“I...Maybe…” Olivia looked at the ground as Rafael sighed deeply.
“Olivia I have tried so hard, SO hard to be there for you. To care about you, to love you. I have chosen you over and over again, but I won’t do it anymore. What you did was wrong, and you really hurt me,” He said sternly.
“How did I--”
“By hurting Y/N, Liv! By hurting us! Now, it’s so fucked up that I will NEVER be with her, and yeah that’s my fault and I have to deal with it now but--” He took a breath. “I need space, okay? I need to face what I’ve done to someone I cared about very much, and I need to do it on my own, and not with the person who helped me do it. I’m sorry,” 
He gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the party, alone.
The next Monday you walked into work with your head held high, despite all the whispers and snickers as you passed by each desk. 
“Hey there, Cobra,” Your colleague Stacy waved. 
“Cobra?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, you know like a spitting cobra?” She smirked. 
“Oh lovely, is that my new nickname then?”
“Could be worse,” Stacy shrugged. “We could just call you ‘chum bucket’,” she added with a laugh.
“Pithy,” You chuckled mockingly. 
“Y/L/N,” Buchanan suddenly walked up to your conversation. “May I see you in my office?” 
“Um, Yeah sure…” You muttered uneasily as you followed him back to the office. You could hear Parker humming “The Death March” behind you. Vultures. You finally reached Buchanan’s office, he let you in first as he closed the door behind you.
“Sit, please,” He gestured to a chair. You obeyed as he went around and sat at his desk chair.
“So, I heard you had an interesting Halloween night…” He raised an eyebrow.
“Listen, sir I am so sorry--” You started to beg for forgiveness.
“Y/N, you are one of the best lawyers I have here,” He cut you off. “You’re a Great White among those Tiger Sharks,”
“Thank you…?” You scrunched your face.
“But you’ve been spiraling,” He sighed. “I mean, spitting on a sergeant in the middle of a bar full of NYPD, that’s…” He shook his head with a laugh of disbelief. “That’s ballsy. Do you know how many cops have called here today asking for your head on a stick?”
“I know sir and I--” You started to apologize but he put his hand up.
“But do you know what I love most about being a lawyer?” 
“What’s that?”
“I don’t work for the NYPD,” He smirked. 
“I’m sorry sir...what are you--”
“That took guts, Y/N. Putting ‘Saint’ Olivia Benson in her place like that,” He went on. “You know those schmucks at the NYPD think they are so high on the moral ground, but just look at what Barba did to you,” He came around and put a hand on your shoulder. “Lying and manipulating you like that, just for that self righteous Siren,” 
“Yeah…” You shifted uncomfortably in your chair. 
“And I would like to reward you for your courage,”  He smiled.
“Sir?” You were sure you heard him wrong.
“I know that those three idiots tried setting you up at that party to tank your career, but unfortunately for them-- it did the very opposite,” He gave you an evil smile. “I’d like to offer you the position of partner,” 
“R-Really?” You blinked in disbelief. 
“Yes really,” He chuckled. “Is that a yes?”
“Absolutely, John! Thank you!” You went to hug him but he put his hands up.
“Ah...just the thank you is fine, Y/N,”
“Right. Sorry,” You put your arms at your sides. You knew better than to show emotions at work. 
“Well then, let me show you to your new office... partner,” He smiled as he led you out of his office. You walked proudly behind him as you raised a high middle finger to the glaring looks of your co-workers.
 Maybe things were turning around….
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Tantrum Inducing Day (Little!Reader x Krashlyn)
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Request: krashlyn x little!reader imagine where the reader throws a tantrum and krashlyn deal with it and put the reader in time out but it's cute cuddles after?
Author’s Note: So this turned out super fluffy and cute. Idk how many cuddles are in this, but it was super fun to write.
You were having a bad day. A terrible, horrible no good, very bad day, just like Alexander in your favorite book. It was kinda funny because another Alex seemed to be the root of your problems today. 
See, first, she had taken the last Chocolate chip pancake this morning, and even though your Mommy Ash had sprinkled chocolate chips on top, it wasn’t the same. Then she had spilled milk all over Roary. Mama (Ali) had thrown him in the wash with the promise of him being fine, and you still had your stuffed brachiosaurus Toby (who they were sure was named more by Big y/n to annoy Tobin than little you), but he missed his buddy. 
Finally, Vlatko had subbed you out at halftime in favor of putting Alex in. You had held your own, scoring 2 goals, but he still felt the need to pull you in favor of someone else. You slumped on the bench sandwiched between mama and mommy, biting your lip in an attempt to remain big in front of the cameras. 
Yes, the world knew about littles, but the team was incredibly secretive and protective about them finding out who was little and who was not. So here you sat, staring blankly at the field, your fingers figuring with the hem of mommy’s jacket and worrying your lip, completely oblivious to the glances your mommies were sharing. They could feel the storm brewing with your little self, and they were just hoping it would hold off until they were away from prying eyes. 
They knew big you were under a lot of stress, and that stews were coming out in little you’d grumpy behavior. You were normally a very happy but shy little girl, but today it seemed that your sunny personality was on a break. 
You huffed halfheartedly when your team won, barely waiting for your mommies as you headed back to the locker room. You just wanted to get into your PJ’s and cuddle with your mommies and Toby. Maybe Roary was out of the washing machine by now. Hopefully, he wasn’t all alone. 
“Whoa there baby girl, you know you’re not allowed to just walk off by yourself,” Warm hands on your shoulder, your mommy’s comforting voice, and your mama’s hand weaving through your own stopped you. 
You huffed noncommittally, shaking your hand free. You were slipping and unless they wanted the world to know you were little, you needed to get back to the locker room. Ali and Ashlyn shared an unimpressed look before jogging to keep up with you.
 Ali’s hand again weaved through your own, but this time instead of pulling you to a stop, she just slowed your pace slightly, trying to stave off the brewing tornado for as long as she could. Ashlyn wrapped her arm around your shoulder from your other side, matching her wife’s pace. With every step you took towards the locker room, you could feel yourself sink deeper and deeper down into little space. 
Your mommies guided you towards the bench, taking in the way your shoulders slumped, your feet swung back and forth, and the way your fingers kept drifting to your mouth. 
“Alright babydoll, why don’t we get you all nice and showered and into a comfy diaper so we can cuddle before we have to get on the bus,” Ali asked you gently, running her fingers through your sweaty hair. 
“Wan PJ and Cuddles. No Shower,” You mumbled disgruntled you, pulling at your kit top. 
“But I think miss penny needs a shower don’t you?” Ashlyn asked lightly, pulling the plastic penguin out of her bag and wiggling it in front of you. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and bit your lip in concentration. Roary and Toby couldn’t take baths with you, hence why the women had brought you a rubber penguin. If penny needed a path, then you supposed you could take one as well. 
“Otay,” you mumbled, much to your mommies relief, praying that they had headed off the storm. 
“Alright love bug, mama and I will get you all cuddly in a diaper and your PJs and then I heard a rumor that the staff put out some Oreos,” Ashlyn whispered excitedly in your ear, bouncing you as she carried you back into the main area of the locker room. 
“Oreo’s?” You asked tiredly into her neck, rubbing your nose along the exposed skin you found there. Little you loved skin on skin contact, it helped settle you. 
“Yeah baby,” She murmured, kissing your wet hair and bouncing you lightly before setting you on the blanket Ali had set up to act as a changing station. 
 They made quick work of getting you switched into your little self PJ’s. They were your favorite ones with little astronauts on them. 
“Alright short stuff, let’s go pick out a cookie ok?” Ashlyn smiled, blowing a raspberry on your tummy before helping you up. You nodded excitedly, grabbing Tobin and her hand and following her to the table with all the cookies on it. 
You saw the package you liked, excitedly toddling in the direction of the special Halloween ones. Just as you reached the for the final orange Oreo, another hand grabbed it. Your eyes followed the hand to look the reason behind your terrible day. 
Your bottom lip trembled dramatically as the fat tears started to fall from your eyes. 
“Ok babydoll, it’s alright. We’ll just pick another one,” Ali said soothingly, gesturing towards the several open packages on the table. That only seemed to intensify your misery. 
“Wan that one!” You wailed, falling onto your butt as you cried loudly, throwing your head back. 
Ashlyn sighed, dogging your flailing limbs as she lifted you up and carried you back to her and Ali’s little corner of the locker room, glaring at Alex all the way. 
She set your screaming form onto the blanket and sat down next to her wife to ride out your tantrum. She shared a look with a very disapproving Kelley, who was glaring at her very bratty little. 
Your mommies waiters until your frantic cry tapered into sniffling. 
“Are you done, baby?” Ali asked softly. You nodded shortly, going to wipe your nose on the sleeve of your very white astronaut PJ’s, only to be stopped by your mama’s hand. She guided you into her lap while Mommy used a while to clean up your face. Mama rocked you for a few seconds, allowing you to bury your face in her shoulder. 
“We know you’re very upset that Alex took your cookie,” She murmured, rubbing your back lightly. You loved how they were always so calm during discipline, never making you feel like your feelings were unfounded. 
“Not nice,” You huffed, rubbing your forehead on Ali’s soft sweater. Alex had a bit of a reputation for being a brat, and you hated it when she chose you as the target. 
“No, it’s not nice when people take things that you want,” Ashlyn mollified, pushing back some of the damp hair that had fallen into your face.
“But it’s also not nice when little ones throw themselves on the floor and start screaming when they don’t get what they want,” Ali added seriously.
“Bad day,” You groaned. It wasn’t just the cookies that had caused this. It was the built-up frustration throughout the day. The frustration little you couldn’t quite find the words to explain. 
“Yes, it has been quite the day for little ones,” Ashlyn said thoughtfully, rubbing her thumb over the back of your neck. 
“So while we get all of our stuff ready to leave, you’re going to sit in timeout,” Ali finished, bouncing you lightly. Yes, there were some extenuating circumstances to your tantrum, but they still didn’t tolerate that behavior. 
You pouted but nodded thankful that you weren’t getting a spanking. You allowed Ashlyn to position you so you were facing your very boring locker, and patted your back. It didn’t take the women longer than your typical 3 minute time out to collect all of your belongings. Ashlyn had to step out of the room for a moment to retrieve a very important item. 
“Ok babydoll, you’re all done,” Ali smiled, scooping you up in her arms. 
“Sorry I throwed a tantrum mama,” You hummed into her neck, glad that you could receive cuddles now that you had served your time. 
“We know baby. All is forgiven,” Ashlyn said approaching the two of you, carefully pushing your favorite stuffed triceratops into your arms. 
“Roary! Tank you, mommy!” You squeezed delightedly, rubbing the beloved stuffed Dino into your face. The women smiled at your reaction, glad that your gloom seemed to be malting away slightly. 
“You’re very welcome baby. Now I think it’s time to get onto the bus so we can get to the hotel and cuddle,” Ashlyn smiled, rubbing your back. 
“Yes! Cuddles!” You cheered back. Sure you had had a very bad day, but your mommies cuddles could make even the worst day better. 
“I think little miss has spoken!” Ali laughed l, carrying you towards the bus. No, you weren’t perfect, but all it took was a little love to conquer the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
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No nut November
Imagine: in the glory of No Nut November, you make a bet with your lover saying if they fail you cuff them and use them to your liking but if you lose they get to fulfill one of their fantasies. And you are keen on it to make them lose, by any means.
Victor Creed
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Accepting the challenge that is No Nut November, it's a walk in the park, after all, he did have a wager with you. So you were prepared to make him lose.
Walking into your living room dressed in a maid outfit so small enough that the skirt perfectly (barely) covers your ass when you bend over. And you use it wisely, in front of him.
-Excuse me, Mr. Creed. Just a second.
He watches your form in front of him seeing the black thong between your cheeks that peaked between getting the sensation he started to miss already.
-You want me to lose, dove?
He asks as he grins feeling his palm on his hard length trying to massage the hard-on away.
-Me, no. I'm just wearing this costume since I didn't go to the Halloween party. So this is my chance. It's not my fault you have a dirty mind.
-It's not that hard with a beautiful girl like you.
He knew how to rile you up.
-So you forfeit? You do remember your punishment.
Victor stands up walking to you slapping your check roughly as he smirks down at you.
-Being handcuffed while you ride me isn't that much as a punishment.
Steve Rogers
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For Steve, it's somewhat easy. He is always on a mission kilometers away from you. That also means when he comes back to you he is a beast... Until he accepted the bet. After a day passed since he came home he wanted to devour you.
-Ready to relinquish, captain?
You asked as you sat next to him on the couch dressed in your pajamas. You knew you didn't have to do much, he will crumble himself eventually.
He trailed off but you saw how hard he was, partially begging to take you.
-When you think about it if you lose it isn't that bad. Sure you would be handcuffed and you don't like to be submissive...
With that Steve grabs your hand yanking you to him so you sit comfortably on his dick.
-Who said I don't like to be submissive?
You kiss happily knowing that there is indeed something like a 'Submissive Captian'.
Bucky Barnes
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-Doll, I have been known in my days as 'James the Champ', which meant I NEVER lost.
You turn your gaze to him watching him through the glass as you applied your red lipstick as he leaned in the door frame.
-Well, of course, but you never went head to head with me.
Bucky rolls his eyes at your testimony as you walked towards him letting your steps be slow and seductive as your hands land on his shoulders.
-That means I'll just have to go to the girl's night out without my departure gift.
Bucky licks his lips finding it hard not to fuck you before you go, your usual tradition before you or him went. Always marking each other up to know how just lucky you are that the rest of the population.
-Looks like it.
He said slowly as he felt your fingers dance along his neck waiting for your kisses just below his ears. He closes his eyes focusing his hands trying to control his animalistic behavior from jumping out and losing the bet.
-I'll be home in a few hours.
You kissed his cheek and left your shared home for the first time ever since he came back from the mission. Closing the door Bucky jumps onto the bed discarding his pants and mixer and quickly getting to work.
Bucky stops for a second as he looks at his phone a new text message form you.
A photo.
Opening the photo it's a picture of him jerking off with the title being
'When I come home you prepare for your self for the punishment.'
Loki Laufeyson
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After spending almost an hour explaining Loki the No Nut November he was rather excited to try his limits. And the bet was just as sweet. He did always say that his mind is the strongest of anyone but you knew how to crack him. And now was the time.
Loki loved to help you cook especially when you bake a cake just for the fun of it. Taking the freshly whipped cream covered cake you dip your finger onto your slice of the cake totally forgetting the fork beside you and putting the whipped cream covered finger into your mouth letting the delicious moans be loud for Loki to hear.
Loki watched you torture him as he felt drool exiting from his open mouth.
The bet.
He needed to be strong, he is royalty they never give their power to others. Especially if they are his amazing and sexy lover.
You moaned as you looked at Loki as he shakes his groaned approval.
-Yes... You are.
Giggling at his blurb you walk to him pressing your body on his.
-Ready to forfeit, my King?
Loki sighs and for a split second he nods.
-Yes. I'm yours, my love.
Thor Odinson
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He loved challenges, he loved the pressure to succeed and prevail amongst other mortals that failed. And he was furthermore ready for the challenge. You were in it to make him beg for you. And you knew just about how.
-My darling, how about a kiss?
Thor asked as held you by your waist.
-I'm sorry, Thor. The bet is limited only to hugs other than that it's losing.
Thor sighs as he watched you walk away hoping that this will end soon.
-Y/n, my light, my moon... Can you bestow me kiss onto my aching lips?
Looking down at your kneeling boyfriend you laugh as you watch Tony enter.
-For fucks sakes. Thor just forfeit and get a room!
Tony screamed clearly irritated at the muscular God.
-But fellow Tony much is at stake.
-Just kiss her and get it over with. I'm tired of hearing your pending across the HQ.
-Forfeit Thor and I'm all yours.
Thor looks back at you and he nods to your words as he lands his lips on yours softly.
-Please, do go get a room!
Thor continued to kiss you as he carried you out of the living room leaving Tony to wash his eyes with soap.
Bruce Wayne
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He is the man, the detective, the toughest of tough. He can endure every pain and still make it on time to a date with you. But when a wager is in he is 10 times tougher. He is in it for the end line. But you were also stubborn as him, even more. This will be fun.
-Come on, Bruce. You possibly can't endure a whole month without feeling me. And my body.
Bruce looked at you as you swayed in your dress next to him watching the crowd of shallow rich species.
-Believe me, It's hard. But knowing I beat you in a bet is all the worthwhile. Plus, I have spent years in isolation so this will be easy.
Rolling your eyes at his ruling you walk away grabbing Olivers Queen and going to the center of the ballroom, in the perfect position in front of paparazzi, rich folk and Bruce.
-Ready to waltz, Oliver?
-Yeah, let's make some magic.
The dance was magical. You and Oliver moved in unions even better with Bruce but your eyes never left Bruce's figure. As the dance ended you pull out your leg from your high slit dress placing on Oliver's hip and giving a kiss on the cheek.
-Thank you.
-Always, temptress.
Walking back to Bruce you see his eyes locking onto your body and stoic expression he wastes no time in yanking you out of the room.
-Get ready to be punished, baby girl.
-Yes, sir.
Clark Kent
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Clark is a cinnamon roll, you can't deny that, but he is rough when he wants to so pulling an invisible brake on his libido is pure torture.
-You know that you can always forfeit.
You say softly hoping from him to give up since you are feeling frisky.
-I don't know. I want to but I also want to win this bet.
Kissing his cheek, almost near his lips you see the twitch in his neck as he tries to kiss you on the lips. You know just what he needs. Fuel this small fire.
-If you want to complete this bet you can do that. I'm not gonna stop you. I can always ask Bruce for some meaningless fun.
Clark sharply runs to you on his face shock.
-Or maybe Arthur, or maybe even Diana. I am feeling very much frisky.
Clark shakes his head as his hands grip your waist and pulling you on his lap as his hands roughly grip your boobs.
-You are going to regret saying Bruce's name. I'll make you forget it.
-Prove it.
Arthur Curry
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Arthur is filled with happiness and he very much finds joy in making you feel amazing. So proposing the bet he was against it. He himself knew that he won't last even 3 days without touching you.
-Maybe I'll accept the bet if you add something more.
-What do you propose?
-You being in a sexy costume of my choosing for 2 days.
Arthur grins at the idea.
-Fine. But if you lose. You'll fulfill my fantasy of choosing.
Arthur nods feeling excited as he shakes your hand, starting the challenge. A days pass and you knew how much he wanted to win even going so far to sleeping on the couch. He wanted to win so bad but seeing you exit the shower as he entered he just could not look away from your marvelous body, wanting to pinch your booty and massage your tense muscles.
He started to lose his cool. It was apparent. You saw it and somehow enjoyed seeing him squirm.
-You alright, Art?
He looked at you like a hurry and horny wolf (mostly horny)
-No. Want. To. Touch. So. Bad.
He slurped like a zombie as he watched your lips wind up in a smile. So kissable.
-You can. But there are consequences.
You walk to him at an arm's length not touching him just torturing him by the small insignificance distance.
-Come on, Arthur. You can't go on like this.
He huffs like a bear as he steps closer kissing your lips with so much need you almost fell on the floor he wasn't holding you tightly.
-Fine, you win but now I get my way.
Orm Marius
Orm wanted to touch you it was a fact but having a challenge for him as a prince was tantalizing. He wanted to try it and he was wrong he didn't understand the power you had on him and made his task a nightmare in his words at least.
-Y/n can you not be so sensual, beloved? I'm trying my hardest.
He pleaded hoping for you to change out of his shirt into your pajamas.
-I don't see the problem. I always wear it and you love it.
-I do! That's the issue. You are enticing me.
Snickering at him you walk to him standing in front of him as he sat on his chair.
-Well, then how about you get on your knees and worship me.
Orm gulps feeling his dick hardening at your command. He loved it when you took control and he lived when he submitted to you. It was like a drug. He doesn't answer as he drops to his knees in front of you looking up hopeless.
-Yes, my goddess.
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-You want to chain me?! Chain the sex machine?! Are you crazy?
-It's not an order. Just a bet. You can decline it. It thought it would be fun.
-It's on.
After that J was focused and loaded as he focused on his 'gangster' work. After countless tries of seducing him in his office in his favorite lingerie. You took a break. To gather yourself and think of a new plan.
Got it.
As the night enrolled you walked into J's club dressed in a small red dress and walking past J's private club section. Only winking at him as he discussed business with another gangster. Going straight to the bar and sitting pretty it doesn't take long from the moths to come to the flame.
-Can I buy you a drink?
Many men ask as you lean on the bar table and seeing the bartender behind you butting in.
-Gentlemen, Y/n is...
-Its okay Mark. Let them be.
Mark nods obediently handing you your drink. After a while, you see Joker walking to you pushing away the men from you.
-Scarm before I kill you here.
The men run away and you smile at your man.
-You are very clever, luring me in with other men so I get jealous and fuck you hard.
-Did it work?
-Yes, princess. Prepare for the punishment of your life.
-And you too.
Duncan Vizla
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-Y/n you should know that I am trained to be tougher than the average person. This puny bet won't affect me in the slightest.
Smiling at Duncan you counter his statement.
-I know but when people are told something they tend to the opposite. Something like the apple in the Garden.
-Are you pulling Biblical reference to get me on board with the bet?
After that deal, you made sure he saw you every second. If he was in the kitchen you were there to help, if he was in the bathroom you needed an 'urgent bath'. When he sat in his leather chair you purposefully bend down to pick up anything that fell, accidentally. Even when sleeping. You were purposefully sleep talking small words that he wanted to hear.
-More Duncan... Faster... I'm yours... Mark me...
He was a tough nut to crack but it will be worthwhile. Just a little more. A few days passed being completely impressed by Duncan's steel will. As you walked into the house you see Duncan cooking his eyes looking solely one the scrambled eggs.
-You good, Duncan?
You ask as you watch Duncan turn to you pulling himself to you like on a string.
-In a way. A HARD way.
Moving your gaze down you see Duncan hard-on poking out of his pants.
-Need help with that?
You ask hoping for Duncan to nod and fuck you right here in the kitchen. Of course, as you tried to seduce Duncan and being left empty-handed was also hard on you leaving you wet and wanting more of his distant touch.
-Time is passing Mr. Vizla and your problem is still here. You know how it can be solved.
Duncan smiles viciously as he pushes you against the fridge. His rough lips smacking against yours as your ears pick up the calling of his belt.
-You are in a ride, prepare yourself Y/n.
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alonely-dreamer · 4 years
The Valuable Sun | Chapter 22 (The End)
Summary: Witches never die.
Pairing: Eric x OC
Warnings: 18+
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Words: 6228
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21
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Adapting to being a vampire wasn’t so hard for Brooklynne. Perhaps because she wasn’t really a vampire, but rather a vampire-fairy hybrid who, aside from being immortal, was as human as she used to be.
She didn’t fear the sun, she ate human food and didn’t have to rely on blood to survive. The hardest part of her transition was that everything was heightened. Her sight, her hearing, her strength… She was faster than lightning, and, since apparently it was a hereditary talent, she could fly, like her maker. A talent she’d have to learn to control, and a talent which Pam was jealously unequipped with.
To the rest of the world, Brooke was just another mortal, weird like her sister, maybe gifted with telepathy for those who believed in those sorts of things. But to her family, to her loved ones, she was the strongest creature on Earth, and, therefore, the weakest.
Eric’s worry was loud and made him even more unpleasant than before. With other people, that is. He took extra care of Brooklynne, who felt like a little girl again, who wasn’t allowed to leave her house because she’d get too distracted to even remember her own name.
Fortunately for her, Eric could not control her days, which she spent with her sister at Merlotte’s. It had been a week now, since she had become a vampire, and the only abnormal behavior she showed was an extreme appetite. She could not stop eating, and she almost emptied Sam’s kitchen, not that he would ever complain about it.
“Look at you,” Arlene said as she walked behind the bar to grab a bottle of alcohol. “You wouldn’t be expecting a happy event, would you?”
Brooklynne almost choked on her chicken wing and Arlene laughed as the hybrid coughed and wiped the mess she had made.
“What? No!”
“I’m just kidding ya. I know you can’t get pregnant. Not while you’re with that vampire of yours…”
Brooklynne watched the waitress walk away and disappear in the hallway, leaving a wave of disapproval behind her.
“Fuck you too,” she mumbled under her breath.
“What was that?” Sookie asked, approaching her with a plate she put down on the bar.
“What did Arlene want?”
“To make sure I knew how much she hates my kind.”
“To be fair, you’re the first and only one of your kind.”
“Wanna join me?”
“No, thanks,” she swiftly dismissed the mere idea, “hey, isn’t Eric supposed to be here already?”
“Yeah. I guess there was an emergency at Fangtasia. He’s not answering my texts.”
“Well, that’s weird.”
“Not really,” she shrugged. “It’s Halloween. He says there’s always some shit happening on Halloween.”
“When did you start using those words?” Sookie sighed. “You weren’t always so vulgar.”
Her sister laughed. “Sorry. I’m just repeating what he said.”
“Anyway, I have to take out the trash before I leave, want me to drive you?”
“Sure, why not? I’ll join you outside.”
Brooklynne finished her plate, then her drink in one go, before leaving some cash on the bar. She walked across the restaurant and exited through the back door. There, she found her sister and Holly talking about Marnie. Brooke rolled her eyes.
“What’s going on?”
“Hey, Brooklynne.”
“What’s up Holly?”
“Oh, nothing, honey. We were just talking about… well… we just have a bad feeling, is all.”
“It’s probably nothing,” Sookie waved it off.
“Yeah. We’re just spooked because it’s Halloween and all.”
Screeching tires drew their attention towards Tara’s car who had just parked in a panic. Brooklynne didn’t know if it was the previous spooky talk, or just Tara’s look as she ran towards them, but she was starting to have a bad feeling as well.
“Tara?” Sookie called. “Tara what is it? What happened?”
“She’s back!”
“Who’s back, honey?”
“Marnie’s dead,” Brooklynne rolled her eyes. “I should know, I killed her myself.”
“She killed Jesus,” Tara started crying. “I think she’s inside Lafayette.”
Sookie turned slowly towards her little sister, who oddly appeared to stand taller than her for once.
“Don’t look at me, I’m no witch. I wouldn’t know the first thing about getting that bitch out of Lafayette.”
“No, Brooke… Eric’s not answering his phone.”
If Brooklynne ever doubted her heart was still beating, she sure had the answer now, as it felt like it skipped a beat as she realized what her sister was saying.
“No,” she scoffed in disbelief. “He’d kill Lafayette on the spot.”
“I’m gonna try to call Bill,” the waitress said as she took out her phone.
Brooklynne shook her head, maybe to try and throw the mere idea of Eric being in any kind of danger away, as she took out her own cellphone.
“Bill’s not answering,” Sookie said, now even more panicked than before.
“Eric either…”
“Well, do we know where they could be?” Holly asked.
Sookie took a deep breath as she remembered what Bill had told her earlier: ‘I’ll be waiting for you at home. My men will let you in.’
“Yes. We do.”
 Vampires were supposed to heal fast. So fast that they could barely feel pain. Which is why this headache was doubly irritating for Brooklynne. Between the busy minds of her sister, Holly and Tara, whom she was riding with, her own head felt like it was about to explode. Filled with worry and incomprehension, she kept asking herself if she should just get out of the car and run to Bill’s house on her own. She’d already be there.
“You can’t. If Tara and Holly find out you’re a vampire, it won’t be a secret anymore.”
“Who cares at this point? Eric could die any second now!”
“Pam might already be there.”
“If he wanted either of us there, he’d had already called us. Which means he’s in real danger, Marnie is not kidding around, she’s aiming to kill!”
“Don’t remind me. I’m driving you to her!”
“She won’t have a chance to hurt me. She’ll be dead before…”
“You can’t kill her like last time, Brooke. She’s inside Lafayette. We need to trust Holly, she knows how this works.”
“No, she doesn’t, are you listening to her? She’s got a bag full of salt and a mouth full of ‘maybes’. What if she has no clue how to deal with this?”
“Either way, we’re not killing Lafayette.”
“If killing Lafayette is the only way to save Eric, I will do it myself.”
“Are you hearing yourself? You’re talking about killing Lafayette! Our friend! Tara’s cousin!”
“Sorry, Sook. But it’s not a hard choice. Not even a little bit.”
Brooklynne did her best to shut her sister’s disapproving thoughts out of her head, she knew it all already. Of course, she wouldn’t be happy about killing Lafayette. Of course, she’d rather Holly’s plan worked. But if it didn’t, if she had to choose between watching Marnie/Lafayette kill Eric or kill her/him herself, she wouldn’t lose sleep over it. She stopped for a second, a very brief second, and wondered if she’d had thought the same as a human/fairy. If she had been in that situation a month ago, what would she have done? She knew what she would have done. She’d have been too weak to fight off Marnie. She’d have been too weak to save Eric.
She wasn’t going to be weak tonight.
“Any of you got a mirror?” Holly asked as she did the inventory of her Wiccan first aid-kit.
“You ever done this before?” Sookie asked as she handed her a small mirror she found in her purse.
“Goddess, no,” the waitress replied as she shoved the mirror into her bag, next to the salt and the sage. “Usually, I just light a candle and ask the spirits to make sure my boys don’t end up in jail or knock somebody up.”
Sookie could hear her sister scoff and roll her eyes next to Holly, a “what did I say?” echoing inside of her head.
“But so far, that’s worked out okay.”
“Maybe you’re just a good mother,” Brooke mumbled.
“Oh, thanks honey.”
Brooklynne frowned as the mother of two gave her a nervous smile, her lack of faith in her Wiccan religion completely oblivious to her.
“Sook, you can’t let them hurt him,” Tara begged. “If Bill and Eric find out Marnie’s inside Lafayette…”
“I have a feeling they already know…”
Tara stepped on the accelerator. They were only a couple of minutes away. Brooklynne kept trying to reach her maker through their bond, but the silence she was met with only helped widening the pit in her stomach.
Tara stopped the car at the gates of Bill’s property and the four women jumped out of the vehicle, Holly, her bag of magic tricks on her shoulder.
Brooklynne, though she had been patient until then, didn’t even think twice about disappearing on them as soon as she smelled wood and straw.
She found them tied up together to a pyre, half naked, silver chains around their bare chest.
“What are you doing here? You need to go, now!”
“Are you crazy? I’m not leaving without you!”
“Brooklynne!” Sookie called as she caught up to her sister, Holly and Tara behind her.
“Are you kidding me? You didn’t think to tell us you were a vampire?” Tara started to yell.
“She can’t be, she was at the bar all day long!” Holly said, confused, and a little bit scared.
They didn’t get the time to argue about it any more, however, as Marnie appeared before them.
“As your friend Lafayette would say, what goes around comes around, bitches.”
“I’m gonna kill you, you crazy bitch.”
“You already have,” Marnie replied with surprising calm. “Thank you for coming.”
Marnie/Lafayette raised a hand and waved it once to the left. Brooklynne felt her feet get off the floor and was sent flying across the garden where she collided with a tree.
Eric and Sookie called her name, in useless worry. She was back up on her feet in a matter of seconds.
Tara received a deathly stare from the dead witch inside her cousin, and she gulped.
“… and Marnie. Please, don’t do this.”
“After all they’ve done to you, you protect them?”
“Killing Bill and Eric isn’t gonna make any of that go away.”
“Revenge will never bring you peace,” Eric told her.
“There can’t be peace until there is justice for me, for Antonia, for all the women you tortured and burned for centuries!”
Taking advantage of the moment, Holly started drawing a circle of salt around the pyre as Marnie had her back turned to her.
“All to repress a magic that’s older and more powerful than your very existence.”
“Marnie, what will this serve?” Bill, who saw Holly and understood the plan, asked, to help distract her. “There are millions of us, more being made every night. You cannot win.”
“I’m already dead, vampire. Thanks to you and your friends, I have nothing left to lose.”
Marnie lowered her head and raised her hands in the air as she casted three more words “incendia of sanctimonia”.
“No!” Brooke and Sookie screamed as they tried to make their way to the now burning pyre. But the fire Marnie had just started only grew bigger as they reached it. Brooklynne dragged her sister away from it as Tara joined them.
“Stop it,” she yelled. “It’s still Lafayette!”
“I don’t care,” Brooke growled as she raised a hand, a blinding light coming out of it, hitting Lafayette/Marnie in the chest, pushing them far away. It didn’t stop the fire, to her biggest disappointment.
Holly finished the circle of salt, joining them back to her starting point, as Marnie sat up, now, neither looking like Lafayette or herself, but with a painted face of some sort of creature.
“Give me your hands, now!”
Hesitantly, Tara joined the three women in a circle, taking the hand of the two sisters in her own. Immediately, they started chanting.
“Spirits who watch over us, friends, family, ancestors, guardians of the gate, with this rite we evoke thee through the veil of Samhain, we call thee forth.”
Again and again, they chanted, keeping Marnie out of the circle, however, doing nothing to stop the fire that was burning the two vampires next to them.
As the dead witch growled and the immortals screamed out of pain, spirits appeared in the cemetery near them, walking the earth once more, to join them in their battle. Sookie kept an eye open on Bill, while Brooklynne focused on Eric, doing her best not to break the circle and jump in the fire herself to get him out of there.
The summoned spirits stood in the forest, behind Marnie, calling her, only one, however, getting her attention: Antonia.
Lafayette’s face changed back to normal as the painted face of the creature disappeared, Marnie, making her way to the ghost of her former partner.
“My sister.”
“You came back to me…” she said, and the witch smiled. “I knew you would.”
Antonia’s eyes moved from Lafayette/Marnie to the burning pyre, and from where she stood blew out the fire as easily as she would have blown off the candles on a birthday cake.
“Antonia, no!”
Brooklynne didn’t wait one more second as she made her way to her maker, ripped off the silver chains tying the vampires to the still hot death trap. Eric’s knees were too weak and she caught him as he fell. However, no one was there to catch the King, who fell off the pyre and onto the hard ground. Sookie was quickly by his side.
“Are you okay?”
“Why the hell didn’t you call me? Or Pam?”
“So you could have burned with me? Not a great plan.”
“Not asking for help isn’t a plan at all!”
Off the pyre and back on the ground, Eric enjoyed the feeling of his burning bare feet on the cold grass. Brooke helped him kneel down.
“What the hell am I supposed to do without you? Don’t you dare die on me now that I’m immortal!”
“I’d rather die knowing that you’re safe, than die after watching you get killed.”
“And I’d rather die than spend immortality without you, so don’t you ever do that again!”
“Alright. I’ll try not to get burned alive by the crazy ghost of a witch again. That I can promise you.”
“Shut up and drink,” she rolled her eyes as she kneeled beside him and offered him her wrist.
The witches were still talking on the other side of the circle, and whatever Antonia was saying, Marnie didn’t want to hear it.
“All creatures have their purpose, even vampires.”
“How can you say that? They murdered us!”
“Their cruelty served its purpose: to bring you and I together. And now I am here to take you home.”
“I’m not finished yet.”
“Oh, yes you are.”
That voice. Brooklynne knew that voice. She turned her head, but whoever it was, she was hidden behind the pyre. However, Sookie could see her perfectly.
“Holy Goddess.”
“Holy shit.”
Eric released Brooke’s hand so that she could get up and see for herself, Adele, her grandmother, make her way to Lafayette, put her hand in his mouth and reach down his throat. She took out a black fog which she threw away behind her. Once it reached the ground, it turned into Marnie.
“I don’t wanna go. I am not ready. Please!” she begged as she stood up.
“I was trapped between world for 400 years… lost and driven mad by my rage. I do not want that for you.”
“And what about what I want?! Nobody cares what I want! All my life, I’ve been afraid. And who wouldn’t be? With dead people murmuring in my ears, making me deliver your messages… making me into a freak! A creepy, pathetic, terrified mess muttering to herself in the corner.”
“But that is not who you are anymore.”
“No. That’s right. I’m not afraid anymore. I’ve got real power now. And you want to take that away from me?” she cried. “You want them to win?”
“Oh, Marnie,” Antonia said as she took Marnie’s face between her hands, “Marnie, can’t you see? Life is pain. But soon, all you have suffered and feared will be meaningless. You will be at peace. But them…”
“… they’ll be stuck here. Forever.”
“And there is no victory in that.”
A tear or two fell down Marnie’s cheeks as she screamed. “Oh, this fucking sucks.”
“Come on.”
Antonia took Marnie’s hand and led her down to the forest where the other spirits were waiting for her. Adele followed them.
Sookie and Brooklynne called after her, hoping to make her stay.
“Please don’t go,” Sookie cried.
“I have to, dear.”
“I’m so lost without you. I don’t know what to do.”
“Yes, you do. Look at your sister. She’s got it all figured out,” she said as she smiled, proudly, at Brooklynne.
“Oh, Gran… I’m so sorry.”
“For what, dear?”
Brooklynne sniffed and shrugged, hoping her grandmother was proud of her, of who she had become.
“Answer’s where it always is. In your heart. Being alone, it ain’t nothing to be afraid of, my girls. We’re all alone, at the end.”
She smiled at them one last time before joining the spirits back to the cemetery and her granddaughters watch her leave them with tears in their eyes.
Brooke felt a hand slide on her waist, and she took it, as Eric pulled her towards him.
“No offense to your grandmother, but neither one of us will be alone at the end.”
Brooke chuckled as she wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hand.
“This is the worst night ever.”
“Well,” he said as he turned her around and wiped one last tear with his thumb, “the night is still young.”
 Eric had no idea how right he was. Well, maybe he did, a little. He knew what was coming. For him, for Bill. For Brooklynne. They were coming for their heads.
He hadn’t said a word, but Brooklynne knew too. She wasn’t used to being able to read his mind, and it mostly just happened, she couldn’t control it. He was thinking about it, so hard, as he was drinking her blood, in Bill’s living room. She could hear her sister break up with Bill in the other room, and she just wished she could tune them out. Hearing Bill cry made her feel sick.
“Are you sure they’re coming after you too? It wasn’t your fault.”
“They don’t care. I was caught on camera.”
“They destroyed all of that footage.”
“There are witnesses.”
“Glamour them.”
“It’s too late.”
“Then we should leave. Now.”
“And go where? They won’t stop until…”
The vampire-fairy hybrid turned to see her sister enter the room. Her eyes were red. And wet.
“I’m going home.”
“Okay. I’m staying here, with Eric.”
“You should go with her. There’s no reason for you to be here when…”
Brooklynne shot him a look that told him all he needed to know. She wasn’t going anywhere. She’d save him. Or die trying.
“Have a good night, Sook.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” her sister nodded as she waved, before she walked away.
“The AVL doesn’t know I’m a vampire. They can’t kill me. It’s against their own rules.”
“If you get in their way, if you show them what you can do…”
“Eric,” she stopped him, taking a step forward and placing a hand above his, “either we’re leaving town, or we’re staying. But we stay together.”
Eric sighed, defeated.
“Like you said, neither of us will be alone at the end.”
 Bill was back to being a cold bastard when he joined them in his living room. He sat in an armchair next to them, and they all kept a dreadful quiet as they enjoyed the last hour of their life.
Bill had nothing else to lose. He had just lost the only thing he wanted, the only thing he needed. Without Sookie, he had no reason to live. He wouldn’t fight the Authority, if they came knocking on his door with a true death warrant. Eric thought about his human life. His immortal life. Godric. Pam. Brooklynne. He thought about the life he had and the one he would never get. The life he dreamt of having with Brooklynne, and the one he could never give her. But Brooklynne wasn’t done fighting. She had barely started. She’d use all of her powers to kill them all, if need be. She felt strong enough. She never even took the time to ask herself if she could.
When the cars arrived, disturbing the silent night as they drove on the gravel driveway, they all felt like time had stopped. Like it was all decided, and they would either leave the house alive, or not at all.
Brooklynne suddenly felt like she had forgotten so many things. Her siblings. She should have said goodbye to them. But instead, she let Sookie go without even telling her she might never see her again. She was almost certain Eric was thinking the same way about Pam. But he knew if he had let her know about any of this, she’d had come, and he couldn’t do that to her. She deserved better.
At least, Bill had said his goodbye.
“This is it,” the King of Louisiana said as he straightened his suit.
“It’s been a crazy thousand years.”
Brooklynne scoffed dryly.
“I thought immortality would last longer.”
They followed Bill as he took the direction of the front door. He opened with a polite smile, a smile Brooklynne had dubbed “Bill’s political smile”.
Nan Flanagan was standing on the porch with a handful of heavily armed men and she looked pissed. She looked furious.
“Ms. Flanagan, we’ve been expecting you.”
Eric and Brooklynne appeared behind their king. It somehow seemed to make her angrier.
“Hi, Nan. And gay stormtroopers.”
Eric’s ability to make stupid jokes in moments such as this one was one of the reasons Brooklynne loved him so much.
“Perfect. Two birds, one stone,” she said as she entered the house, taking the direction of Bill’s office, followed by her guards.
Though Eric stayed silent, Brooklynne could feel his relief. Whatever Nan’s orders were, Brooklynne didn’t seem to be included in them.
The couple stepped in the crowded office, joining Bill’s side.
“The Marnie situation has been resolved, if that makes any difference,” Bill said.
“Ding, dong, the witch is dead,” Nan replied with a tone so sharp it would have given the true death to any vampire who got too close. “Yippee.”
“His Majesty showed great leadership in extremely perilous circumstances. You should be kissing his ring.”
“Why bother when your tongue’s already so far up his ass?”
Eric contemplated his options as his desire to kill the bitch grew stronger. Brooklynne was glad he controlled himself.
Nan gestured her guards to close the door and they stood before it, blocking the only exit. Brooklynne looked up at Eric who seemed to be as nervous as she was. This meant nothing good.
“I wish for one fucking night you could experience the litany of bullshit I’ve had to deal with. Then you’d have some idea of how little I give a fuck about your small-town witch infestation, or your whole backwoods kingdom, for that matter.”
“For someone who cares so little, you seem awfully pissed off.”
“Do I, Bill? Maybe that’s because I quit my fucking job!”
“You quit the AVL?” Eric asked, as baffled as Bill was.
“And the Authority.”
“No one quits the Authority,” Bill chuckled nervously.
“Quit, fired, same difference!”
“We assumed we were the ones to be terminated.”
“Oh, there’s been an order issued on your heads.”
Hearing those words, Brooklynne instinctively seized Eric’s hand.
“My last duty was supposed to be delivering the True Death to both of you. Of course, I realized I’d be next.”
She sighed, trying to control her anger. Failing.
“I have been alive for eight hundred and sixteen years. I refuse to be retired like a fat first wife!”
“Let me make sure I got this straight,” Eric said. “You’re mutinying against the American Vampire League and the Authority?”
“And you expect us to join you?”
“We won’t be alone,” she assured them. “There are factions inside the regime who have never been completely on board with the current agenda. Sheriff Northman knows what I’m talking about.”
Brooklynne frowned. So did Bill.
“What’s in it for us?” the Viking asked, undisturbed by the accusation.
Nan laughed. “Aside from surviving the night? How about your little fairy toy over there? And her sister.”
Their silence and cold stares didn’t faze her.
“Oh, come on. The mind reading, the microwave fingers? You didn’t think I knew what you were? There are at least a couple thousand vampires who would do almost anything to get a taste of your blood.”
“They’re welcome to try,” Brooklynne smirked.
In the next second, she had seized Bill’s paper knife and cut the throat of all of Nan’s human guards. Eric had wanted to do it, but she insisted, as it was her sister she was protecting.
“You’re a vampire?” Nan gasped, looking at her like she was an alien. Which… she was.
“Don’t. threaten. my sister.”
Bill armed himself with the fancy stake that was on display behind his seat, and stabbed Nan who exploded on the spot. There were pieces of her everywhere, the vampires were covered with her blood. Brooklynne took what looked like a tooth from her hair and threw it towards the pile of blood at her feet. She grimaced, then sighed.
“Can we leave now?”
 Leaving a voicemail to his progeny, Bill didn’t help Eric clean up the mess he had made of Nan Flanagan. Brooklynne stared at the fake window as her maker made sure to get rid of any evidence that would work against them in case of a trial. Though, if they ever got caught, they would not get the luxury of a trial. Their fate was already sealed, killing Nan was just going to buy them a little bit more time. Or so they thought.
As soon as they stepped out of the house, they fell into a silver trap. They were surrounded by a dozen heavily armed men who threw silver nets at Bill and Eric. They both cried out of pain and Brooklynne’s first instinct was to help her maker, but she was quickly pinned against the wall with unhuman strength.
The soldier took off his helmet and stared at her, right in the eyes, as he said: “go back inside, sit down and forget this ever happened”.
Her eyes grew big as she realized he was trying to glamour her. She could see in the corner of her eye that they were taking them away, towards the trunk of their black vehicle. There were too many soldiers there, all wearing protection gear and weapons that could kill a vampire in a second. She did her best to put the loud voice inside her head to rest. It killed her to ignore it, it almost destroyed her to not try anything to help Eric, but she knew if she tried anything, if she showed them she couldn’t be compelled, if she showed them what she really was, they’d either kill her or take her too, and she would never be able to help anyone again.
So, she did as he asked. She went back inside Bill’s house, sat on the first armchair she could find, and watched as they drove away.
She got up as soon as she was certain they wouldn’t be able to see her follow them. She stayed far enough away, running fast, faster than she ever thought she could run. She even tried to fly, but to no avail. She followed them out of Bon-Temps and into an empty road. It was the middle of the night, so there was no one else there, but vampires.
She tried to think of a plan, of a way to get them out that wouldn’t get her and them killed. But there was no way she could free them without alerting the Authority soldiers.
But, suddenly, the black van in which all of the soldiers had gotten into took another road. It confused Brooklynne for a second, until she realized they were probably going back to their base, which meant Bill and Eric were going somewhere else. Somewhere like New-Orleans, to the Vampire Authority Headquarters.
She ran even faster now, so she could catch up to the single car, in which Eric was trapped. She positioned herself in the middle of the road, in front of the vehicle, but far enough away so that they could see her before driving into her. She rose a hand and the brightest light came out of it, blinding the driver. He immediately, out of instinct, turned the wheel, causing the car to roll over three times before it stopped in the field on her right.
She rushed towards the trunk which was already half opened. One kick was enough to open it wide.
“Brooklynne,” Eric breathed out as he crawled out, “what are you doing?”
“Saving your life? You’re welcome. Come on.”
They helped Bill out but didn’t get the time to do anything else as a vampire, whom Brooke recognized to be the driver, showed up behind them, holding a gun, no doubt loaded with silver bullets.
“Who wants to die first?”
Eric pushed Brooke behind him, screaming at her mentally to run the second she can, to not think twice about it. As soon as he turned into a pool of blood, she had to make a run for it.
But he wasn’t the one who exploded into a disgusting pile of bloody body parts.
A woman stood where the vampire used to be a second before, his spine in her hand.
“You, Hayes,” she said, looking down at the pile of blood, “you die first.”
“Nora,” Eric breathed out.
Their savior threw the spine on the ground and shook her bloody hand, trying to get the remaining pieces of Hayes off of her skin.
“I had arranged for our car to be conveniently ambushed when we hit 310,” Nora said, she had a British accent. Our attackers were going to take out my driver there. Unfortunately, wonder woman over here came 12 miles too soon.”
“Um… sorry?”
“Don’t be. It was badass.”
“Eric, you know this woman?” Bill asked.
“Yes. She’s my sister.”
Brooklynne thought she had misheard. Eric never mentioned a sister. She felt confused and… betrayed?
“Your sister? You have a sister who works for the Authority?” Bill says, both surprised and suspicious.
“I’m a Chancellor,” she replied proudly.
“I don’t understand,” Brooke said. “If you knew they were coming for Eric, why didn’t you warn him?”
“There was no time. The Guardian wanted Nan followed to make sure she carried out his orders. I saw an opportunity to save Eric, so I took it.”
“So nobody in the Authority knows about your relationship?” Bill asked.
“And they never will. We were only connected through out maker, Godric. And Godric is gone,” she said with obvious sorrow.
“As a Chancellor of the Authority, you’re taking a huge risk,” Bill continued, still not trusting her fully. “Why would you choose to…”
“Because I’d do anything for Eric.”
“And I’d do anything for you,” the Viking said as he took a step forward.
He went to hug his sister, whom he apparently hadn’t seen in decades. She smiled as she hugged him back. Brooklynne thought it would have been nice to know he had someone he cared about so much other than Pam. Though she could understand why keeping their relationship a secret was for the best, perhaps he could have trusted her enough to share that secret with her.
“And,” Nora continued, “because you did what you did protecting us from the necromancers. That we would reward you for it with the True Death speaks volume about how out of step the Authority’s current agenda is.”
So, Nan knew. Nan knew of Nora and of her relationship with Eric. Which meant Eric did keep in touch at least a little bit. Brooke tried to keep her anger to a minimum.
“I’m not alone in this belief.”
“Factions within the Authority?” Bill asked, making the connection with the information Nan had given him earlier that night.
“Mm-mmh,” she nodded. “So, who’s wonder woman?”
Nora looked at the fairy with interest, but Brooke didn’t answer, uncertain of how much she should say. She turned to Eric for guidance.
“Nora, this is Brooklynne, my progeny.”
“A pleasure, I’m sure…” Nora mumbled thoughtfully. “What is she? She smells amazing.”
“She’s…” Eric pondered. “… complicated.”
“Right…” she said, suspicious. “And I suppose that light is part of the… complications.”
“What light?”
“The light that came out of your progeny, causing Hayes to drive us into this field.”
Eric looked at Brooklynne with regret. She exposed herself to save him, putting herself in danger.
“Like I said. It’s complicated.”
“Well,” she sighed, resigned to stay in the dark, “’complicated’ is an improvement from that whore you keep around.”
“Nora!” Eric hissed, threateningly.
Brooklynne frowned. Perhaps her contempt for Pam was what kept the two apart for so long. She couldn’t help but wonder if Eric trusted any of them. She thought she knew him, but she just realized she had many, many things to figure out about him still. The fact he kept her true identity from Nora meant he didn’t trust her entirely either, or perhaps, it was just the Authority that made him nervous. But finding out about Nora’s existence that night rose many questions that she didn’t have time to ask at the moment.
“Help me turn the car around,” Nora asked Bill. “Let’s see if it can drive us somewhere safe for the day.”
Eric gestured Brooklynne to follow him and they made their way to the road in silence. She tried hard not to explore his thoughts.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a sister?”
“We don’t tell anyone we’re related. It’s for everyone’s safety.”
“Okay. Why didn’t you tell her who I was? She thinks I’m a vampire.”
“She saw your speed and strength, she already knew you were a vampire.”
“But you don’t trust her enough to tell her the truth.”
“She works for the Authority. If she ever gets caught for being ‘against the current agenda’ she’ll get tortured and asked about everything that she knows. I told you, you can’t trust anyone.”
“So what? I’m just supposed to pretend to be a vampire now? To sleep all day? Pretend I don’t eat human food?”
“Only around Nora, which you won’t be for long.”
She sighed. “Right. So… what do we do now?”
“We do nothing. Nora will get Bill and I out of here. We’ll have new identities, we’ll be safer once we get out of the country.”
“What? What do you mean? I’m coming with you.”
“No, you’re not.”
Brooklynne gasped as she took a step back. It felt like a slap in the face.
“The Authority has no knowledge of your existence, there is no warrant out for you arrest, you can go back to Bon-Temps, be with your sister.”
“No! No way.”
He put his hands on both her shoulders as he looked down at her.
“It’s not safe to come with me. They will hunt me down until they catch me.”
“So, you’ll be safer in Bon-Temps. Stay with Pam. I’ll be in touch, I’ll call, I’ll…”
“Eric, I am not going back to Bon-Temps without you. I’m not going anywhere without you. You promised! We promised.”
“The life that’s waiting for me is not worth living.”
“No life is worth living without you, how many times do I have to say it?!”
“No! I have no life without you, Eric. You are my life. You gave me immortality and you better be sure I’m going to spend it with you. You will not abandon me here!”
“Brooklynne,” he sighed as he brought her to his chest.
He placed a kiss on the top of her head as he hugged her.
“This isn’t what I wanted for you.”
“I know. But it’s better than nothing.”
He backed away and placed his hands on both sides of her face.
“I love you,” he said as dark red tears appeared in his eyes.
She gave him a sad smile. “I love you too. More than anything.”
He leaned over to kiss her. His lips capturing hers like it was the first and last time they would do so. He held her tightly to him, as to stop her from slipping away.
He released her reluctantly, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs, and returning her sad smile.
“Forgive me.”
She frowned. But she didn’t get the time to express her confusion as he swiftly twisted her head, breaking it in a horrible sound that will haunt him forever.
The end… ?
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @colie87 @heavenly1927​ @abbey7103​ @with-love-maddie​ 
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