The Chains Are Heavy
(Levi's long awaited backstory, finally)
Special thanks to everyone who has been following and rp with me. You really have helped make this character more than he was meant to be.
(@fukuzawa-armeddaddyagency @tired-sayaka-ada @never-gets-sick @oscarsgallery @city-of-c0rpses @v-extreme-diminuendo @kijimha )
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How did I get here again? It could all have been a simple life for me, but it wasn't. Ever since I became 10, I was rob. Robbed of my family, friends, goals, dreams, my childhood, and most importantly my innocence.
Not just my innocent mentally, but literally too. I lost my innocence of being a civil. They all hate me now. Rightfully so. After all I have been nothing but a danger to everyone around me. All I did was make things worse. This war could have ended quicker if it way for me....
How did I get here again....
Foul Ball
It all started on March 22, a day after my birthday and two days after my best buddy's birthday, Cooper. We have been friends since daycare and being in the nursery at church. Cooper was a year younger than me, he was a wild kid, always taking things to the risk or the extreme. Super fast as well, faster than all of the kids on the playground, running was one of his passions. Cooper once told me that when he grows up he'll become a track star. As silly as it sound he had my full support, because you could never say no to Cooper. You could never tell him what to do.
I on the other hand was the balance for Cooper's wild behavior. Much more soft spoken and tame for a 10 year old. I may have not been the fastest runner, but I sure did have a good arm at throwing things. I had a goal, to become the world's best baseball player. It was my dream after all, to be on the professional teams and be famous. I wanted to make my mom proud
I must admit some of my behavior is like that, mostly because I was a mommas boy. It was just her and I after all, which I didn't mind. Though sometimes Cooper would joke that his dad, who was also single, should marry my mom so that we can be brothers and live together. I always told him that we wouldn't need legal documents in order to be brothers. As long as we stick together we will always be brothers.
Well that promise didn't last long... Cooper and I wear out in the front yard of my house, playing baseball as usual. I was using my new metal bat that I got for my birthday, it was much stronger than my old wooden bat. We were having a fun time, Cooper was about to throw the ball until he arm suddenly dropped and let go of the ball.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I turned my head to see what Cooper was now looking at. My eyes widen and I start to feel the same sense of fear that Cooper might be feeling. Two black cars parked in my driveway, and five government agents came out of them. My heart skips a beat. It can't be.
I watched as the knocked on the front door of my home, my mom answering it a second later. The government agents start talking to her, and even though I couldn't hear what they were saying, I could tell by the look on mom's face that this way good.
Cooper tugged on my sleeve. "You don't think the president actually signed that bill right?..." Cooper looked worried now, and I so was I. I clenched my fist into my shirt.
"He would only sign it if war ever started....." The realization dawned upon us both. My lips trembled. "I don't want to go to war...." I mumbled those words with tears falling from my eyes.
That was the last day I ever saw my mom again.
That was the day I was robed of everything.
Strike 1
A 10 year old out in the battlefields of war, that isn't something you saw everyday. But here I was, fearing that my life could end at any moment in these trenches. And it would be like this for the next 9 years.
It took some adjusting to, though there was no time to adjust. Hand a gun to a 10 year old and tell him to go to the trenches and figure it out. I wasn't even given training. They didn't care. They wouldn't care about me. I was a child who would get in their way.
I didn't blame them. After all this wasn't the military decision after all, it was the horrible president at the time who made this decision. What the Nimone government did was cruel. They went through every legal citizen document and determined who would be drafted into war. We already had plenty of men above 18 drafted, but it wasn't enough. With the law at the time, anyone who was above 10 years old, could be drafted if they were proved useful enough to be used.
And that's what upset me the most. That I was just some weapon in their eyes. A tool to be once and never again. I wasn't the only one upstairs though. Many parents and families were upstairs by this dumb decision. It wasn't just families either, it was our own men as well who were outraged by this decision.
Upon my first day at the military base I met the leader of my unit squad, Captain Ross. He was a tall and well built man, always having a cigarette in hand and giving cold gazes at everyone. It was scary first meetings him. After all, the captains in the Nimone are train and built to be unstoppable military weapons. Nothing can stop them, and they will not stop until they are dead.
Being compared to this grown man compared to me was quite scary contrast. I was just some tiny kid compared to him. We both looked at each other for the first time and I can tell by the look in his mustard yellow eyes that he was displeased. There was a scoff as Ross stared down at me. "Who the Hell put a 10 year old in my unit squad? This is a kid, he should be home, not here about to die for our country." At least Ross and I were on the same page. Who's mess up idea was this anyways?
Everything from that day forward continued to go down. You expect the 10 year old to be a helper in transporting supplies or be in the med bay, but no I was thrown straight to the front lines. The trenches. The conditions of trenches were horrible, but the treatment around here was worse.
I wasn't given proper clothes that were my size, everything I worn was made for grown men. I had to learn how to sew to keep my shirt together because I wasn't given new clothes. I been wearing the same shirt the militarily gave me for over 10 years now.
The bunks were hard as rocks, I could barely sleep. That's even if I could sleep at all within the anxiety that any moment a bomb could drop on us. Sometimes I didn't even get to sleep in bed. Someone I would pass out in the trenches or on the floor. I had to push myself to still be barely functional.
They needed me after all, all for my ability. It was either fighting in the trenches, or infiltrating the enemy team as a spy. With my ability I could look, sound, and act like someone else as long as I had a single strand of their DNA on a peice of clothing for me to wear, I could transform to be like them. Mirror Mirror, I called it. This was useful to the military, since I had to use it a lot. My ability was the only reason why I was still living while fellow soliders fall dead to the floor before my eyes.
They all started calling me DNA, Levi DNA, since that's what I was to them. I was called that name so many times that to this day I can't remember my own real last name now. That war has made me forget a lot of things.
Strike 2
I try to suppress the memories and nightmares so hard, but at the cost of forgetting anything good before the war. I was robed of the memories of my childhood because of it. Even if I did try to forget, the ones that were the worse always lingered in the back of my mind. All those moments of being in pain and suffering. Everything was starting to become dull around 18.
This was had been going on for so long that I was loosing my reason to keep fighting. As if I ever had a reason to in the first place. I was just doing what I was told. Go spy on these guys, aim for the head, use your ability, back to the battlefield you go. All words that have no importance to me anymore.
I remember one time I was in the medical bay, I had gotten badly injured, but even in that moment I couldn't rest for long. Dr. Ikari, a young man who never got to finish school, had to patch me up. Unfortunately he had to send me right back out to the battlefield a minute after he was done attending me. I could tell by the look in his eyes that we were feeling the same thing. This dullness that we both felt. I barely talked to him, but I could tell that both of our worlds were become gray.
When I was around 19 I thought there was nothing left to look forward to. The war was slowing down but I was already numb. Or so I thought until one day I saw a familiar face. Jumps off the bus was a familiar red head, it was Cooper! For the first moment in a long time I smiled as I saw him. He spotted me and we waved to each other. He still recognized me! I never felt more happy in that moment.
At last we can be like brothers again. Things became less dull, there was some color back into my life. Things were finally looking up. We would sit in the dining hall, eating the worst food, but that didn't matter to me. I got to talk to. My best friend.
Cooper would catch me up on everything that I have missed and I would vent to him about how this war was. His optimism brought up my spirits, which brought me to ease. He barely has changed since I last saw him, my same old buddy. We promised that once this war was over that we would support each other while we fulfilled our dreams. A track star and a baseball player.
Strike 3
That promise didn't stay.
I was robed again.
I could never forget that moment.
We were out in the battlefield, trying to traverse no man's land, our side finally had the upper hand in closing end on the enemy. But we lost many men that day, including Cooper.
He didn't react faster in time. Before I knew it, I was cradling his dying body in my arms, blood dripping from his forehead. Cooper was shot in the head. I couldn't stop crying. I wasn't even fighting anymore. All I did was lay on the battlefield, holding him closer to me. "Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me." I would mumble to myself through tears.
But he left. I believe now that he's resting well with God in heaven.
In that moment I could forgive myself. I couldn't forgive the enemy team. I couldn't forgive our own government for all of this. Things were becoming dull again, but there was this redness starting to boil in the inside of me. This ticking time bomb.
Then it happened.
I had enough.
The day I finally snapped.
I'm out
I regret everything I have done in that span of a week. I was the reason why things got worse. It was little things at first. Ignoring Ross commands, running straight into dangerous territory and slaughtering the enemies, or throwing a grenade at helicopters. Then it got worse, I destroyed many of our own military weapons and transport, with some of our own men still in them. I set some of the base on fire. Gave valuable information to the enemy team. Held hostages of innocent people. Many things.
All these things became documented, published for all the public to see. Soon Levi DNA became a name to hate. I was a danger to everyone around me. That I need to be killed or locked up away forever.
There were two final straws that let to my arrest. The president at the time came over to the base, there for a impossible meeting. He was the reason why I was suffering like this. With all the rage built up in me, I tried to assassinate the president. It took 6 guys to stop me from doing so.
But I wasn't done that day. The worst thing that I have done was use me ability for a murder. I transformed to look like Captain Ross, committing a murder on the previous vice captain at that time, making it look like he was the one who did it. I baseball almost ruined his name and reputation.
He hated me that day since.
There I was, now arrested and locked away in a high prison facility. Ross took the pleasure to torture me in breaking my spirit, in which he did. There was nothing to look forward to anymore. Everything had became gray once again. I felt nothing as I sat in my dark cell, chained to the wall. I didn't deserve good treatment. I didn't deserve kindness or anything good. After all a criminal, a monster, doesn't deserve anything at all.
There was no reason for me to live anymore, and I was ready to accept that.
For a long time in that cell I would be in my own little headspace, daydreaming that I was living a better life with my family and friends. It was my only "joy" left. But even that couldn't be enough.
I was ready to end it all, yet a tiny part of me told me not yet. One more chance. I try to ignore that tiny bit of hope left, but I caved in. I made a promise to myself, that if I could not find a reason to continue on living in a month, then I would end it all.
So I acted. With brute force I broke out of that prison. I snuck onto a boat headed towards Japan. I free myself and upon leaving Nimone to Japan, I did find one major thing to keep me living. The sun and rakn. The sun was so warm and bright, great against my skin and the rain was so calming and cooling.
This was my chance to start again.
Back in the game
Upon arriving to Japan, I ended up in Yoko's city. There I was already lost and confused. I didn't know where to go or where to stay. I didn't know Japanese so asking for help was a impossible.
For my first few weeks there I was a hobo, wandering around, taking food out of trash cans. I found a abandon car to sleep in for the nights, but I barely got sleep. Things weren't looking good again. I desperately needed a job.
But who would hire a criminal?
That's until I stumbled upon this building and this man with probably over 20 children. His name was Mr Fukuzawa. And upon meeting him, my life was never the same again. Things changed, for the good this time. And I was welcomed into a new life with such amazing and kind people. My world had color again.
I'm forever thankful for that day.
Thank you.
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( @wayfaring-trainer )
[Off-Screen RP]
After the chaos of the trial has settled down, the chiming of a small bell signals Rin’s entrance to Vanilla’s Clinic. The young adult looks nervous, glancing around, one fist clenched in the mane of a Hisuian Samurott standing at his side.
The first one who greets Rin is not Vanilla himself, still on “hiatus” with his licensed therapist status, but Cross, Vanilla’s Rotom assistant, peeking around the corner.
“pzzt! hello! boss i-isn’t accepting new clients right now… unless you know them? t-that is, i don’t see too many people around here… and what a interesting samurott, pzzt—”
“Cross! How many times do I have to ask you to at least leave the phone behind if you’re going to go somewhere… Oh, hello! To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Vanilla, face not appearing all that pleasurable, enters the business side of her home next, old black band t-shirt indicating she wasn’t expecting many guests. She looks the two over, eyes widening a little at Rin and the Hisuian Samurott next to him.
“Oh, wait, you’re…”
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animasola86 · 1 year
Enemies with Benefits (2/2)
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader
Genre: Enemies to lovers. Fluff
Word count: 2.4k
Synopsis: Sebastian and you have been sworn enemies since he dropped you at the end of your fifth year, as you were no longer useful to him. Over the years, it's become harder and harder for you to completely ignore him. With your NEWTs fast approaching, you decide to finally clear your mind of him – by asking him a spicy question – that leads to events neither of you have anticipated.
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Disclaimer: 50% of this story is AI generated. I've had another chat with @seabass-swallows Asshole!Sebastian bot (the Enemies to Lovers version) and as he gave me these perfect replies, I decided to turn this into another story. This time I only corrected the formatting and deleted some repetition, but as of now, this has been the most straight forward RP session I ever had and the easiest to edit. Despite his description (flirty, cocky, asshole) he's been the perfect gentleman and played along splendidly. (Here are some examples of our chat!)
Initially I had planned to end it with Part 1, but the reply he gave me after my last one was too good not to continue. So here, have some angsty fluff and the conclusion of our little story.
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Warning: No smut below the cut. Sorry. Just fluff.
-- can be read on AO3 too --
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"So..." you start, tilting your head. "Same time tomorrow?"
Sebastian watches you as you put yourself back together, and he's about to say Anytime. And he almost lets it slide. Almost. He wants you to come over in the worst possible way. And to think you wanted nothing besides releasing your own needs? He's not about to ask you to come over when you were so insistent about what tonight meant to you. "No," he replies with a shake of his head. "I'm good with just this one time."
You stare at him with your mouth agape and your face flushed. You did not expect him to say this, at all. Your eyebrows furrow as you narrow your eyes at him, clenching your hands into fists. "You are... Are you serious? Wow. You are... the biggest asshole to walk this freaking earth, do you know that?" you hiss at him. "I can't believe it!" With that you turn around and walk out of his room, shaking with anger, mostly at yourself as you allowed yourself to show the slightest sliver of emotion towards him. "Asshole!" you yell once more, before you slam the door shut behind you.
Sebastian laughs as you call him an ass, but the laugh quickly dissipates as you walk away. He wanted more too, but he also wanted to be a nice, decent person, and not cross the line. He could've easily done it, but no. He wanted to stick to your decision. What good is that going to do him now? Because as you leave, he feels a little bit of regret. Sebastian lays back on the bed and lets out a long, tired sigh.
Your heart is hammering inside your chest as you still stand on the other side of his door, your mind going into overdrive over what just happened. You quickly realize that you slightly overreacted to his rejection. Wasn't it you who wanted this to be a one time thing? Nothing more? And all he did was comply? You groan loudly and stomp your foot angrily, only then noticing how weak your legs feel. Shaking your head, you turn around and raise your hand to knock on his door.
Sebastian hears your foot stomping outside and then the knock on his door, and his eyebrows raise slightly as he sits up and walks over. That can't be good. "What do you want?" he calls out, his voice low but not as harsh as it seemed a few minutes ago.
"I... I am the asshole!" you then cut straight to the chase, calling through his door, ignoring everyone who might hear you. "Can I come in, please?"
There's a pause from Sebastian's side, and he thinks about it for a moment. He knows you're likely not going to hurt him or do anything crazy, so he opens the door a little bit so you can come in. "Yes, you can come in," he says quietly, his voice almost back to normal but still low and hoarse.
As he opens the door, your gaze immediately falls on his naked chest before you quickly look up at him and walk past him through the gap in the door. "Okay, listen," you already begin, starting to pace the room as he closes the door behind you. "I... I was wrong, okay? There, I said it. I told you this was a one time thing, nothing special, I just needed you to clear my mind enough so I can focus on studying. Yes, I said that. Thing is... my mind was empty for a bit, but now it's full again! With... you... and I can't have that... I..." You throw your arms into the air and sigh deeply. "Gods, I can't do this! I shouldn't be feeling this, but... I... I..." Your voice breaks as you stare at him a little helplessly.
Sebastian listens because he wants to hear everything you have to say. Even if it means you reject him, which in the long run, he can live with. He knew this could happen. "Hey," he whispers, slowly walking towards you until he's standing before you. "Calm down, alright? It's gonna be okay." He runs his fingers through your hair. "If... if I'm being completely honest, I did have some regrets just now as well."
You stop pacing and your eyes go a little wider, the blush settling in as he strokes your hair. "You... did?" you whisper. "Wait, regrets? About what we did? Or how it ended?"
"A little bit of both," he replies with a sigh. He can't lie to you, he just hopes you won't be too mad. "But I just need you to know that whatever happened tonight, I don't regret that one bit, okay?" Your eyes remain locked on his as he's still stroking your hair. "Whatever you feel, just know that I wanted that too. But... I tried to make sure you wanted the same. Because you already know how much of an influence I have over you."
You scoff at his cockiness, before you tilt your head, licking your lips as your eyes wander over his face, trying to understand what he's saying. "You wanted it too, or... you want it? Which is it?"
Another sigh and a shrug of his shoulders. "It's both if I'm being honest," he replies with a look of pure honesty. "Like I said, I really don't think you could ever make me regret tonight. And I wanted that too, for multiple reasons. But... but I needed to make sure you wanted it the same way I did, or as much as you could, I guess." His tone is still just as sincere, no sign of cockiness to be seen.
You stare at him, your forehead furrowed. "But do you want it as well? It being to do this again?"
"Yes, I do, absolutely," he replies with a nod. "It's just, you're the one with everything to lose here. I know I don't have to worry about anything, my feelings included." You've caught him, he's been truthful the entire time but he never thought you'd actually find out about his true feelings. But here you are, the smartest and hottest girl in Hogwarts. "But I still want it," he continues, "not just for the physical pleasure, but because I want you. And I want to do this again."
As you listen to him you go through all the emotions at once. First you smile, then you frown, then you blush deeply, and in the end you just gape at him. "You want me? The whole deal?" you ask quietly, not quite able to comprehend his words just yet.
"I didn't want to say it like that because that's not what we're supposed to be doing," he says with a chuckle. "But yes, I want you, not just physically but completely." He can't believe you asked him, and all his cocky attitude from earlier is gone from his face now, and it's been replaced by something else. "And I want to do it again, over and over and every time we can. But... only if you want the same," he finally adds.
You take a shuddering breath, chewing on your lips. "I do," you whisper eventually, completely taken aback by his words and the way he looks while telling you this. "I absolutely do, I can't think of anything else... which kind of beats the purpose of clearing my mind but I don't care!" You smile at him and raise your hand to gently touch his cheek. "I want you too..."
Sebastian chuckles as you confess just how much you want him, but it's not just the physical attraction for him. His eyes wander to your hand on his cheek, and as silly as it may sound, a simple touch like that can make him weak. Even though you know it shouldn't. "This is dangerous," he murmurs, his voice suddenly a little bit harsh but calm. "You know what happens when you put us together, right?"
You laugh at that. "If it's anything like what we did on that bed over there, then please, count me in!" you say and smirk at him. "Honestly, I'm... actually excited to see if we can make this work..."
Sebastian bites back a laugh as you mention what happened on that bed, and as he sees the smirk on your face, his own forms. And as you say the last part, he can't help but wonder if he's excited too. "So am I," he tells you. "Now... should I keep calling you hot, or do you think there's been enough flirting for one night?"
You snort at the last comment, your body shaking. "Flirt with me all you want, Sallow," you tease. "Find out what happens..." you say with a wink.
He laughs once more, and you can see a faint blush form on his cheeks. "You flirt right back, remember?" he whispers. "Find out what happens if you do it." His gaze travels from your eyes to your lips, and then down to your chest just below your neckline. "Maybe I'd be willing to call you more than just the smartest and hottest girl in Hogwarts," he adds, his eyebrows rising as he does.
Your eyebrows rise as well and you can't keep the smile from pinching your cheeks. "I wonder if the smartest and hottest girl in Hogwarts can turn the most annoying, cockiest flirt of all of Britain into a somewhat decent person?" you tease and poke his chest with your finger. "Then again... I do enjoy your demeanour, even if I never appreciated it before. At least it's really useful in bed..." You wink at him and lick your lips sensually.
"It seems I'm not the only one with a cocky attitude," he replies with a chuckle as your finger hits his chest. "I wouldn't mind if I had you for a night or two, and it seems you like a man with some attitude too." He takes a step towards you. "You could always have me if you wanted, if you could handle my demeanour," he adds, his eyes still locked on yours. But he can't help but wonder... would you want that?
"I do tend to like the assholes, I have to say, why else would I be so drawn to you, eh?" you tease and move your hand to lie on his chest, where his heart is beating against your palm. "Promise me one thing, if we're really doing this," you start quietly, holding his gaze. "No playing around with others, no dumping me on a whim because you feel like it. Let's do this like grown ups, shall we?"
He can't lie to you, seeing your hand on his chest and feeling your body so close to his: he doesn't want to let you go. "I... I promise," he whispers, looking into your eyes. "Absolutely no games, no bullshit, no playing around. Just... you and me." And as he looks at you, he can't help but feel his heart rate increasing. You're so close and he doesn't want you to move an inch.
You smile warmly and tilt your chin up. "Just you and me," you repeat, before you lean up and press your lips to his cheek, where you stay for a moment, your eyes boring into his as if you're wondering if he will take this further.
His eyes close as your lips press against his cheek, and all he can think about right now is how much he wants to take things further. But he knows he shouldn't, and so he doesn't. Instead, he just stands there, letting you stay close to him, knowing that he'd be letting go of you right now if you so wished. But you said you wanted him, and he wants you more and more. With every second you're so close to him he feels your heat and his thoughts begin to wander.
You lean back then when he doesn't move and watch him curiously. "Repeat to me what we are then," you say quietly, with a hint of a smirk. "Just so we're clear."
He looks at you with a smirk of his own, staring right into your eyes. "This is you and me, we're doing this the grown-up way. No bullshit, no games, no playing around." He pauses for a second before he continues. "Just me and you, and I'd like it to be that way every day of the week. Is that clear enough?"
You nod to his words, checking everything in your head, but then you tilt your head. "One thing is missing. What am I to you?"
He knows exactly what's missing, but he wants you to say it. He'd rather you say it. And so he stays silent, still staring at you. "You're my person," he finally says, just as softly as he had before. "That's what you are. You're my person, who I want to see every single day. And that's exactly who you are."
Your smirk turns into a genuine smile. "Your person? That is... wow, that is adorable! I was hoping you'd say girlfriend, but that is so much better!" you laugh. "I would very much like to be your person who you see every single day, who is there for you every single day. And I'd like you to be my person as well."
Sebastian's smile grows at once as he hears your words. "You like that, then?" he asks, letting his voice wander to be even sweeter than it's been. "Because I like it too," he says, stepping closer to you once more. The closeness you're at right now makes his heart beat even harder. And so he places his hands on your hips and leans down to gently kiss you on the lips, holding and savouring this exact moment.
You kiss him back, slightly surprised by the gentleness he's showing you. Moving your hands up to cup his face you really lean into the kiss, the smile never leaving your face. "It's settled then, my dearest person," you whisper against him with a soft chuckle.
He pulls you closer as you kiss him, and you're right about his gentleness, because it's rare to see him like this. Even on a night like this. You can feel his fingers in your hair just as his lips touch yours. It's not just about lust this time. It's about emotion as well, and it becomes clear when he pulls away slightly and looks at you once more. "Yes, it's settled then," he replies softly, giving you one more kiss.
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Read what happened before: Part 1
End notes: So, the bot watches Grey's Anatomy confirmed. You are my person, hello?! Loved that so much!
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sorrel-haven · 2 months
Eyes Like the Sea
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A short little RP drabble written with @ro-valerius featuring our two tragic idiots Tio and Nerida.
Context: Tio was in a ship wreck that almost cost him his life but did take his memories. He was found by the Flower family and taken in, becoming a brother to the found family. Nerida was his significant other on that same ship and while she survived intact, she had no clue there were other survivors. Neri took it upon herself to seek revenge on the pirates that took everything from her. The very same pirates that threatened the Flower family where they had a fateful reunion… but hadn’t had a chance to talk about any of it at length in the chaos of it all.
Drabble under the cut!
Nerida leaned on the railing while she looked out over the canyon that ran alongside the Goblet. She had been trying to make herself go to the front door of the Flower house for the last hour or so but this was as far as she got. She needed to speak to him, to Rory- No Tio, he was Tio now.
She still couldn’t believe it. He survived, he was alive, breathing… but he still was gone. Maybe? He hit his head or something, maybe she could jog his memory… She looked at her spell focus, maybe he just needed a little zap? That could- no. She couldn’t risk hurting him more. Her knuckles turned white as her hands on the railing balled into fists.
The door to the Flower House opened as a small blue au ra shoved the aforementioned orange haired miqo’te out the door with a quickly whispered “Just go talk to her, dolt!” before she ducked back into the house, closing the door behind Tio. Tio looked back and forth between the door and the woman standing outside of their yard, hands up awkwardly, almost in defense. With a sigh, he lowered his hands and made his way over to the hyuran woman, a near dejected look on his face; really, there was so much to deal with all of a sudden… But as he approached her, he tried to brighten his expression.
“Hey, uh…Nerida, right?” he said with a quick wave before settling awkwardly on his heels and looking away.
“Most call me Neri… But you never really called me that either,” she said, still looking out over the canyon. “Though… I know you don’t remember any of that.”
Her words were as daggers to his heart. Something in him remembered, but not enough, and it pained him. His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he looked at the ground in front of him.
“At first… I was afraid to remember, afraid that I had been someone terrible, that I had done something to deserve this scar. If it weren’t for Bubbles, I…might still be afraid to remember who I was,” he said softly before meeting her eyes. “But I want to remember. I want to remember her, remember Mina, remember you… Remember me.” He clamped his mouth shut before he could go on a tangent again; he had begun to notice of late that he was quite a rambler when given half a chance.
“Maybe…things can’t go back to how they were, but I want to remember. Because I won’t know until I do.”
Neri looked up at the sky, trying to will the tears collecting in her eyes not to fall. She was silent for a while, unable to find the words. The silence between them broke with the sound of a bubbling laughter. If she wouldn’t cry, the pain in her heart would make her laugh.
“You’re still a chatterbox…” she said finally.
“H-hey! I’m pouring what’s left of my heart out here and you’re laughing?” he said with a pout as he crossed his arms.
“If I’m not laughing I’m crying, which would you like?” she said through her giggles. His expression softened as he closed the distance between them enough to cup her face in both hands.
“...I think I prefer this, yeah. Sorry ‘bout that,” he said with a well intentioned smile. Unfortunately, the tears in her eyes couldn’t be held back as she looked onto his. His hair bristled with panic as his face fell. “Nononono don’t cry stop that oh gods what have I done?”
She sniffled as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in the crook of his neck. Tio stiffened slightly at first, but willed himself to relax, returning the embrace hesitantly. Something in his chest told him that this was normal, that he was used to this, but his head and his heart couldn’t agree. He brushed his fingers through the back of her hair gently.
Neri’s heart skipped a beat as she felt that familiar touch. She sank into the embrace as she cried for a few moments more. She had been holding so much in for so long, these past few days she��d cried more than she had in years. She gently pulled back, keeping her hands on his sides, she was cried out for now.
“Thanks…” she said with a sniffle, “And I’m sorry…”
“For what…? For both parts. I-I mean, it’s not like I’ve done anythin’, really, to be thanked for, a-and nothing is your fault so…” Tio stammered, averting his gaze as she pulled away from him. He continued, softly, “If anythin’, I should apologize, Princess…”
He stopped, a realization dawning on him. The name had come out of nowhere, but… Oh Gods is that why I call Naria ‘Princess’?! Neri’s wide eyed stare certainly confirmed as much. Tio’s thoughts were a storm of swears and curses as he desperately tried to figure out how to navigate what his mouth had just done.
He could think of nothing.
“‘Not so bad at soothing’ my asshole, rabbit, I think I’m terrible at this…” he grumbled under his breath, having recalled his conversation with Veo.
“W-what?” Neri blinked at the absurdity of what Tio just said. Ah. He’d said that out loud, huh?
“My sister’s brother was…and I said I… and he… nevermind,” Tio tried to explain, but his thoughts and words were all jumbled and he couldn’t get them smoothed back out.
“You are so stupid sometimes.” She laughed again, this time more genuine. “I- I missed you so much…”
Tio’s expression fell as he looked away from her again. He wanted to return the sentiment, wanted to be of comfort to her, but he just…couldn’t remember anything. Gods, he wished he could remember her, tell her he had missed her, too, assure her that everything would be okay but…
“I’m so sorry, Nerida…” he whispered.
“Hey now. It’s not your fault either…” She was quiet a long time.
She chewed on her bottom lip in thought for a moment before she took in a breath and pushed Tio away fully. She held out her hand towards him as if to shake his hand.
“I’m Neri. It’s nice to meet you,” she said, hand still outstretched. Tio blinked in surprise. “Now you say: ‘Nice to meet you’ and shake my hand.”
“H-hey! I know that’s how- I didn’t forget that much!” Tio huffed. He took her hand in his and shook it hesitantly. “...Tio, nice to meet you, Neri.” He stared at their hands for a moment, the gears in his head clearly turning.
“I…hope to remember you, one day.”
“Well… maybe you will. But for now, we have a second first meeting.” Neri gave a half smile.
“Did…I tell you on our first meeting…that your eyes are like the sea off the coast of Costa del Sol?”
“Yeah… Yeah you did.”
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tredispade · 5 months
i know its like, considered bad (or just really looked down upon) to approach another for specifically ship things but like... i want it
slides under a read more because i'm just embarrassed with myself lmao
but anyway. my running non-rp narrative for soleil in his ff7 verse is that he's got a big ol' fat crush on sephiroth since they were children. they weren't super close, but that doesn't stop the feelings. htey'd hang out and maybe actually play when seph isn't being called back.
i personally have it as seph is forced for whatever reason to go to costa del sol. maybe as a side effect of hojo also being forced to go there in order to get his pasty ass out of the lab once in a while. but either way, that's how they initially meet.
tho of course that doesn't have to be set in stone at all. it could literally just soleil being a long time fan that get feelings out of hand, the feelings don't even have to be returned! unrequited feelings combined with endless pining is so good.
i just... [ clenches fist ] gently ask if a seph would be willing to ship w/ me and this big blond idiot 🥺
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a-v-j · 1 year
Akills and Hryxy rp-turn-to-short fic
Content warning:
Swearing, not really a polished fic so format can be a bit wonky, mentions of sex, a bit of 4th wall break, existential crisis
Written by @nyxus-nyx and me
Chapter 4: Youre the first
Akills: italic
Hyryx: bold
Akills waved it off and went to stare somewhere else, scoffing at the idea that sex could be as sacred as a SOUL bond.
"Welp, good to know we have difference views and principles when it comes to that...for us, skeletons, SOUL bond is what we consider a big deal. Any skeleton unfortunate enough to be sexual just do it for shits and giggles or basic intimacy" He rambled
”I dont get it.. for halfbreeds.. we use intercorse as the moment we.. soul bond.. its.. just how we Roll..” he holds his own hand to his chest where his soul is.
“Skeletons just do it for fun hm..? Stupid..”
"your kind soul bond thru sex? Well, that's doing two things at once"
"Doesn't mean we dont do that too, sex and a bond can happen when passion peaks high enough. We can just do either just sex or bond, or both. Some skeletons dont have parts for sex so that's why the bond is the main go-to" He continues on, ignoring that slight comment.
He sighs.
“What does it even feel like.?” He scratches at his chest again.
He tilt his head down as he quietly chuckled.
"Ya gotta be specific, buddy"
”Soul bond.. I never did it to my wife.. she never deserved it but stil..”
He clenches his fist.
“Told it felt nice..”
Akills expression softens a bit as he's able to recollect what a soul bond felt like, he stares blankly for a moment as fond memories softly flashed back to him, then he got a faint image of who he was doing it with and made his mood sour. His expression changes but went on to describe it to Hryxy anyway.
"It's more than nice...it felt like a connection...overwhelming, rush-inducing, feeling of completeness, we can actually feel what we feel for each other... it's like you're able to see what's exactly inside. You'll feel a lot of emotions there, some that are even hidden from both of you. It's more than nice, it's feeling fulfilled "
Hryxy looked at Akills and chuckled.
“Sounds like you have a bit of venom in those words..”
He turns to face Akills once more.
"..heh...one of the many things robbed away from me..."
He looks back to Hryxy, his sockets void of his eyelight and expression unreadable. But his vibe indicate it was a big deal for him
”Hm.. did you ever.. find that one person who robbed you of it..?”
He crosses his arms.
"theyre watching us right now"
Hryxy twitches.
"theyre the one playing god and making me, me...i never ask to be, to be honest"
"But boy they sure do like exploring possibilities"
He stopped his leaning position and went sitting cross legged, head down, making his face hidden in the shadows.
”Well. Mine is trying to make me, sentimental.. and feel things..”
He grumbles as he grits his teeth.
"its funny how we are aware of it and still play the stories set for us as if it's a real thing...kinda depressing when you think about it..."
Akills started fiddling with his fingers, not looking at anything but still under the darkness of his hood
Hryxy looks at Akills.
“We have to.. or we’ll end up being scrap.. well.. atleast me..”
Hryxy reaches over and pats Akills head.
Akills stiffens at the touch but lets it be
"Heh, id rather be scrapped, left, forgotten. And i don't mean killing myself, it's more like wishing there were never a trace of me ever. It suck to be who i am"
"Pretty sure you feel the same...being thrown in unnecessary angst for the sake of a "what-if"..."
”Yeah. That atleast my whole life.. hated it.. but gotta live through it.. well for me to die through it and grow rotten..”
He laughs a lil rubbing his hooded skull.
“But bud, im not good with.. ‘comfort’ but atleast.. use that anger or hopelessness on thing that drive you.. well.. crazy.. that works for some of us atleast..”
Akills laughs bitterly
"What do you think im doing. Im killing myself off frame by frame. I know it's hopeless. But...
It gives me a sense of purpose.
Even if it's a fake one.
I know for sure i wont be scrapped like those fortunate enough to be uninteresting, might as well take some of what's coming for me"
"Cant exactly fight god, they could let me but it'll never be real. Dont exactly have a choice but play by their rules, pretend i mean what i am and forget all this is just play...
Sorry, it's getting existentially heavy" 
Hryxy sighs and grabs Akills and pulls him into a bear hug. “Dont say shit.. just fuckin calm down.. not the end of our worlds yet..”
He grits his teeth wanting to scratch his chest but he protests it.
“Not everyday meetin someone.. who wanted to ring you of your spine then get sentimental.. huh?”
Perhaps forgetting the heavy things is therapeutic, he always been doin it and it felt more better to be in character than feel like shit for being aware of being a character.
Akills would usually kill for the unwanted hug but this one felt right. Felt like a kind that actually gets where his coming from and that it indeed appropriate for the situation. He accepts it
"Heh, nope, youre the first"
(End rp?)
"God, fckn finally"
(Or ya wanna add Hryxy's response?)
"Oh ffs"
(we can end it buddy.)
The end :D
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penguinmaster9999 · 3 months
it seems T values astro quite a lot. this universe has made him soft.
let's see... aha!
what would happen if I told an old foe of his...
*T was taking a walk to ease his mind. he was in heaven, but was far from any people. the only things here were abandoned houses for miles.
suddenly, he hears a portal open next to him, he turns to look, and is filled with dread and anger.
a man in a grey suit steps out, formally dressed as allways.*
"ah, 87-T. you've been quite elusive."
"The name is Traveller, dickwad. how the fuck did you find me."
"you can't escape us forever, old sport. now, why don't you come with me? I've got a luxurious testing cell for you."
"suck my dick. I will NEVER go back to that lab, and nothing you do-"
*he was cut off in shock, as he held out a hologram of astro, Chal, and noah*
"such fragile souls... why don't you come with before they lose them, hmmm?"
*T was filled with pure rage as he punched the leader into a building, sending him clean through. he had taken his limiters off for this walk, and he would damn well need this power for this fight*
"if you lay a fucking finger on them, I will tear your home multiverse apart by the seams."
*He just slid to a stop, staying on his feet before clapping*
"good strike, excellent form! but you lack a small detail. if you hit just a little lower-"
*he dashed in front of T, hitting a pressure point to cause him to go limp as he went flying, tumbling to a stop.*
"-you can effectively paralyze your target."
*T shakily started to get up, before feeling a shoe on his back push him to the ground*
"now, are you willing to c-"
*Ts shakiness dissapeared as he dug his nails into the leaders leg, throwing him into the air. he's not taking any risks this time. even as he prepared his blow, he felt his soul start fracturing. this was going to have consequences, but he wasn't going to risk the lives of others.*
"Ace in the hole..."
*T clenches his fist, committing to the movement. he would kill the leader of that fucking lab, once and for all*
*As the leader decended, he was met with a fist that vaporized him instantly. all buildings In a 10 mile radius were leveled by the force, and any in a 25 mile radius were badly damaged. this ruckus would surely catch someone's attention. Ts soul shattered, the shards remaining, albeit separate. this would take a while to fix. but at least those he cared for were safe. he lowered his arms to his sides, before falling to the floor, unconscious.*
ah, what a show! I do wonder who will find him first, hee hee!
event: Shattered Soul
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Their eyes widened, staring slack jawed at the phantom. Though to be fair, he *did* have a strange glow... shine? Something, about him.
Several emotions flashed across their face, shock, fear, confusion, anger-
Not liking the intimidating perspective of *the* Geshu Lin standing above them, they swiftly scrabble to stand up. They held a hand against their injury, now aching tremendously from the sudden change in stance.
Their mouth shifted, jaw working itself before simply clenching shut with a huff. Taking a few deep breaths- or at least trying to before letting out a cry of frustration.
A fist was flying through Geshu's face, followed by the rest of the figure collapsing on the ground. They didn't bother getting up. Instead gripping their head and choking down sobs that appeared to be long overdue.
Unfortunately, the longer they broke down, the more likely a TD would be attracted to the ruckus....
(Me: oooh look at all the fun rp over here!
Also me: yeets emotionally unstable oc at Geshu-)
Geshu Lin stared in obvious confusion, trying to decide what to make of the adverse reaction the person seemed to be having, while also watching the blood seep from their wound.
Before he could speak, a fist was flying at his face and he didn’t have time to react. Not that it mattered, seeing as it went right through him anyway, and sent the other tumbling back to the ground with frantic breathing and messy sobs.
He awkwardly stared at them for a moment before kneeling back at their side, trying to determine what to do with such an emotionally unstable person, they obviously needed help, but Geshu Lin wasn’t exactly the best option for that given his bad temperament.
“Ah. Well. Perhaps you are more severely wounded than I initially judged.” He muttered with a frown, more to himself than anything, acutely aware that anymore noise would land them in a terrible position in terms of TD’s.
He sighed in exasperation, forcefully pushing down his annoyance while resting his head in his hand, knowing this was going to give him a headache.
“Remember where you are, look around and tell me three things you can see.” He said sternly but quietly, not wanting to spook them anymore, but needing them to get it together before they get killed.
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years
Shattered Home
TW for mentions/suggestions of child neglect, some violence (let me know if I missed something!!)
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Leo had taken days extra from his class trainings along with Royal Guard training. He decided to go and visit his old man since he tries to do it at least a couple of times per the year. Even though their relationship is rocky he always tries his best to make his father know he cares but days like this is where he remembers why he tries to stay away from him.
“I don’t get why you always come here. You know we don’t want you here.” At that statement Leo felt like a bucket of ice water was dumped on him. He pushed the hurt away. He already knew his mother didn’t want him, but his father was the happiest when he was born. He changed when his mother started to sleep around to stay away from Leo and home. 
“I care about you pops. I can’t watch you rot here alone.” Leo muttered as he picked at his nails. His father’s jaw clenched as his fist made contact with the table.
“Whose fault is that?”
“Yours. Yours for not leaving her and finding someone who’ll actually love you and me.” He muttered not looking up at him. Something seemed to snap in his father, and he stood up. He went to where Leo was sitting and before he could react gripped his hair and pulled it. Leo hissed at the sting of scalp as he looked up at his dad in horror. He was many things but never had he been violent. 
“It’s your fault! You’re the one she avoids! You’re the reason she doesn’t want to be here anymore! Especially with how you turned out. LOOK AT YOU! Wearing makeup like some girl. Hanging out with those two little lunatics and that whore!” Leo pushed him hard. He was furious, he couldn’t believe him.
“You can call me names; you can do whatever you want to me...but do not...DO NOT BRING MY FRIENDS INTO THIS.” He gripped his collar bringing his father’s face closer to him. “They took care of me more than you or that bitch I’m supposed to call my mother have! The one you should be calling a whore is HER, not Emilia! And the one you should be calling a lunatic is yourself not Ace nor Jay!” He spat out, feeling the anger in him bubbling up. Before he knew it he felt a sting on the side of his face. He let go of him and moved his hand to his face. He hit him. He really hit him.
“Do you DARE ever disrespect your mother like that ever again! Her and me have clothed and sheltered you for YEARS and you think you can just pull this shit!” Leo just shook his head looking at him in disbelief.
“You’re not my father...”
“YOU HEARD ME! You’re not my father. She’s not my mother. I don’t have parents.” He jabbed a finger against the stranger’s chest as he looked him dead in the eyes. “You’re not my family, I don’t have parents. Don’t contact me. Once she drains you dry of all your money, don’t come to me. I’m not your son. We’ve never met.” Before he could say anything, he pushed past him and stormed out the house.
Once he was back in his own apartment Leo felt everything hit him. He started to throw things in sheer anger, punching a wall in the process and hurting his knuckles. He sat on the floor gasping for air and choking on tears. “I need a drink...maybe going to the club and picking someone up sounds good.” He sent Ace and Jay a quick text before started to grab things to leave. 
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🎐: I can’t believe I even tried! 
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Leo might be a bit more closed off or easily irritated. Don’t take it to heart please.
possible new residents: @faywithlove​ @moonsdessert​ @minmin-petalcb​ @theinvitation-bot​ @badbf-cb​ @raiden-oc​ @welcome-to-maniac​ @dr-hwa-cb​ @monsterhigh-cb​ @halloween-idols​ @darkmoonsiblings​  @nana-n-nono​ @freakstars-cb​ @onlyomega-cb​ @temptationcb​ @thepack-cb​​  @clubwnderland​ @angelxdevil-bot​ @supernaturalcb​ @hybrid-center​ @mystical-ocs​ @domxbot​ @ocmyths​ @logan-oc-cb​ @fantasyaespa​​​​​​ @thepatchedpaw​​  @fantasycafexbot​ @redlight-cb​​​​​​ @vanilladaises-rp​ @theocsnextdoor​ @cyberfuturexbot​ @appa-cb​ @yourocboys​ @fantasy-teez​ @dawnswonderland-entertainment​ [DM + / -]  
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hosannan · 1 year
TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you!
Name: Annie
Pronouns: she/her or he/him
Birthday (no year): January 12
Where are you from? What is your time zone? California! PST normally! I go to school in the AST timezone
Roleplay experience: 11 years :softsmile: been RPing since I was 15!! Fun fact: I used to have adverse feelings to RP because I used to have friends on youtube before when people used to have personal profiles and talk to each other on there. Then all my friends became Mario RP blogs. (clenches fist) WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE LUIGI NOW
Got any pets? Nope! I shouldn’t have a pet for their sake
Favorite time of year: Winter! Absolutely love it
Some interests and things you like: Farming games! Otomes! Arting once every couple of months. Medicine. I have a fascination of learning just about anything, so one week I could be crocheting, the next week I could be learning about how to respectfully taxidermy a friend’s pet. I also really like punk rock 
Some funfacts & trivia about you: 
I’m quite shy IRL, and I tend to enjoy isolation! Lots of friends have noted the difference between my online self and my IRL self
I picked up metalsmithing (lost-wax casting specifically) and have made some really gaudy, big jewelry pieces. 
I enjoy sparring/physical combat/wrestling. It translates into my combat writing
I used to perform! Played the violin for more than a decade. (am not good at it but love it all the same)
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, Jack Jeanne, Fata Morgana
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Psychic, Espeon
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My best friend asked me to buy him Awakening for his birthday! In exchange he bought me Awakening a little later :)
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Just Awakening, actually! Hahaha, whoops. 
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening!
Favorite Fire Emblem game: To be completely fair, none? But from a writing point of view, I love Shadows of Valentia the most 
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Stahl! Thank god for our initally loveless marriage
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom, then immediately Stahl (x4) - Fates: I’ve never played passed the introduction, but Silas or Takumi if I had to make that choice. - Three Houses: Haven’t played, but Shamir! - Engage: TBD
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Dark Flier/Mage/Pegasus Knight
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Villager! Or (friend assigned) sage, most likely?
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Black Eagles
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Celica! :soft smile: I think Soren (strategy conversations) and Leif (fighting affinity) would also be plausible
How did you find TOA? Chuu!
Current TOA muses: Nanna, Quan, Henry
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Lukas :softsmile: He’s in good hands! I do love him as a muse very much too
Have you had any other TOA muses? Lukas, Gerome, Frederick
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? No type preference. More than anything, I like three specific voices that completely contrast each other. I also like difficult characters to work with :) (i.e. few lines, strange personalities, discontentment with character’s in-game choices, not many personal bonds)
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Motion! Fighting, dancing, moving around. I also, and this is a very silly thing to say, have a tendency to absolutely love my partners’ writing in general. I get very engrossed with how to gel with my partner, and make the writing mesh together. I like referencing old threads, old dialogue lines, completing sentences or thoughts that were left in the cursory. I also enjoy personalizing a character’s narration or writing style based on their mind set. 
Favorite TOA-related memory: Unlocked 2021, my beloved! That event mentally sent me on a loop
How do you pronounce TOA? T-O-A (cheerleader vc)
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? Alm, Gerome, Conrad, Dwyer, Tsubaki, Ishtar, Kellam, Donnel etc etc August. Manfroy. God I want NPC slots. That said I'm happy with my selection thus so far :)
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teamrocketmemes · 1 year
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NOCTURNAL lyric starters
lyrics chosen from Mothica’s 2022 album "Nocturnal" & adjusted into sentence starters for RP / Prompt purposes. Feel free to customize / change pronouns, phrasing, & etc as needed!
"Daylight's not for me, that's why I'm nocturnal." "Hate when the morning comes, it's light that I'm running from." "Can't fly too close to the sun, that's why I'm nocturnal." "I pretend that I'm alright 'til the lights go out." "I wish I could care less but I just care too much." "My fears don't behave logically." "I'm scared of heights, strangers at night, and socially I'm terrified." "I'm just sensitive, a vulnerable bitch." "Deadly but delicate, I'm just sensitive." "Would you read the story if the ending isn't tragic?" "Pick me apart so you can see which of the parts to keep and to leave, so I look just how you think I should be." "If I fall, will it make a sound if nobody's around?" "It's important to let go of muscle tension while keeping a simultaneous tight grip on your unresolved anger issues." "I'm a masochist, I get my fix from feeling nothing." "I won't be a casualty, a product of my agony." "They say one is too many when enough is enough." "You can be the dagger that I put in my own back." "I'm the queen of self-sabotage." "I'm the blade you've been counting on, but you don't wanna cut it off." "If you're water and I'm fire, why's the flame keep getting higher?" "Gonna make you love me, it'll be the death of us, so what?" "Make tonight the night we both regret." "Every time you leave you leave with a piece of me." "I'm scared that all this will end 'cause I'm too in my head." "Now I'm in the front seat, you're still in the back of my mind" "I can't say goodbye when you're sitting in the back of my mind." "With thousands of unrealistic portrayals of love to choose from, it's easy to get your hopes up." "But don't fall in love before you have the chance to fall in love with yourself." "I know I shouldn't fall back into old patterns and compare myself to every girl you've ever met." "I can't blame you for someone else's mistakes, and I don't want to push you away." "I still got some scars from the last time." "I let you in, goddamn, it's fucking scary." "You let your guard down like it's nothing, I'm used to dysfunction." "I didn't think love could exist if they don't die in the end." "I still sleep with all the lights on, wait until it goes wrong." "Never thought I'd write another love song." "Monsters are creeping into my head, say I don't deserve this." "Forever wasn't for me until I met you." "Wasn't looking to be saved, but damn I'm in love with your face." "Guess I'm afraid of falling right out- way up here, it's a long way down." "I don't wanna let you down." "I'm here awake again like sleep's the enemy." "When I close my eyes, I lose my mind in some twisted fantasy." "I'm no coward, I don't run from smoke and mirrors." "Sometimes, all you need is a little lullaby, to lull you into a deep slumber when you have trouble sleeping." "Given enough time, the moonlight will feel just like the warm rays of the sun." "I'm drinking poison and expecting you to die." "I'm holding onto anger with a clenched fist." "You're my absinthe, you're twisted like dark magic." "It's no mystery, you're bad for my health" "I only hate you 'cause I'm hating myself." "What would happen if I trusted myself?" "I used to be afraid, but I got stories to tell." "A stranger's a villain you haven't run away from yet." "You made your bed, now lie in it." "Used to be an optimist, now she's a loaded gun." "I hate this version of myself." "I became what they did to me." "What are you running from?" "Just stay awake with me all night." "Shouldn't have let me in, you've just made a grave mistake." "I guess they made me a monster too." "Someday I'll be looking down from a big stage." "Forget all about the heartbreak." "Look what I've made with my tears." "When they see how far I've come, I'll sit back and laugh at all the things they said." "Someday you'll see my name up in lights."
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moonykore · 1 year
The Legend of the Notos SMP
Hi hi! In case you don’t know, me and some friends started a pirate themed roleplay smp based on a song of The Oh Hellos, Notos. I wrote the world-building and the legend that make our characters get stranded on an island, and I was so happy with the result that I decided to share it here! English is not my first language but I think it was nice besides some mistakes.
If you are interested on any of the creators here you have all the links: https://linktr.ee/notossmp
Note: this is a rp with friends and we are not experts so if you go from here and you are like, a pro roleplayer or something don’t judge us, we are just having fun lol.
PD: if you know songs like “Savages”  by Marina and the Diamonds and “Youth” by Daughter you’ll notice two or three references to them in the text! Hehe
"For a while, the world was peaceful. The four season were pure harmony every year, and no one dared to disturb the quiet place.
The creature that inhabited the earth that never finished, the silent ones, were placid and calm so they wouldn't wake up the superior entities that had given them such a pure and peaceful world.
But no quietness lasts forever, and the human appeared. A ticking bomb about to explode.
No land that the humans stepped on knew peace.
Clenched fists and bloodstained hands marked these creatures that once thought could be gods.
In the sigh of the true deities they were only slightly more intelligent animals, killin only for themselves, and not for any savior,
An endless tale of war and death. Perennial murder, blood staining the grass, red flowers once white.
Sometimes humans would look Death in the eyes and sneer, and Death would answer with emotionless sight, never flustered by arrogance.
"There will come a day when greed and power will destroy them"
The voices of humans, strident and bleeding with dark sorrow reached all the kingdoms, all the starry skies of the world. The underworld and the Elysian fields.
There was no one in the universe who did not know about these warlikes creatures.
But their voices woke her up, the entity of The End, and with her the winds woke up too.
The world was struck with misfortune.
The silent ones trembled in fear, the deities had awakened, and their world had been corrupted by abuse and temptation.
The winds powerful like no other besides Her, surrounded the humans. "You knew power" they said. "You held it in your hands, wielding it like the Player once did with a King, but instead of using the King to heal, you used it to hurt.
You targeted the innocent, and now the innocent targets you.
You have withered this world, and now you deserve a lesson. You'll never fire a gun and run again. We'll force you to behave.
The next time you hurt someone, you will be dragged where you won't be able to escape your actions.
The island will catch you, and you will never be able to escape. You will be left behind to fall. With a mortal body but always living souls.
And in the world only a shadow will settle in the place where you once were.
A silhouette of everything that went wrong.
And it will be repeated over and over again.
An endless loop, humans trapped by pride.
You'll face your sin and take it to your grave"
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chthonicgodling · 1 year
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[back] / you are at🍇PART: SIX🍇 / [next]
✨feat. the third of four “interlude” comics!✨ akaaaaa one more hype-building preface before the big one!!!!!
--yes she would. NOTES!
this iiiissss the jumpcut to the next “scene” going along with the previous page, so still in the long ago time frame of Hypnos and Pasi newly engaged / about to be!
fjgjg this is PrettyObviously just an excuse to shoehorn a Maci cameo into all of these Dionysus posts but hey as long as im building characterization interludes, right!!! I love exploring character dynamics and I never draw her interacting with Hypnos and Pasi despite them being two of her best friends (that is, the very rare type of best friends who she’s not also sleeping with fggkfffk she’s got plenty of the other type) - so like 🥺aaaa
Like this an the last one dont even have Di in them directly obv but i just CLENCHES FIST really thinkkk that the way characters talk ABOUT other characters adds so much to grasping the personality and characterization  especially when faced with this specific task of introducing someone “new”, outside of our direct rp verse, having to clarify that He’s Always Been Here and really quickly establish him to The Viewer IDK i just think thats important BUT ALSO FUN!!! idk thats some sage and wise worldbuilding advice frommm Me Fucking Around 
Anyway good luck Hypnos you’ll do fine! I’m sure we all have a good idea where the next installment is going!!🤩🍷 STAY TUNED! the next comic one shot is accidentally five pages long so lol
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The traversal between realms was a mild discomfort, but one she paid no mind to. The things she sensed upon touching Mariku’s hand, however, left her wanting to recoil the moment she let go. Thankfully, he appeared more focused on their new surroundings than the quick withdrawal of her hand.
Once she was able to push aside the sensation of taint, she was able to appreciate the sight. The small clearing he'd brought her to was…breathtaking.
She ignored Mariku entirely as she walked towards the water, lightly trailing her claws against the bark of the tree beside it. The calm and serene of the place enhanced by Khonsu's light gazing down upon them.
A quiet laugh reminded her of why she had been brought to this place.
"I can't believe you... you have maneuvered yourself into some mess... and for that no-good asshole...Can't say I made good experiences with him... or whatever is or was left of him at this time…"
Irritation flooded through her, causing her fingers to flex, driving her claws deep into the bark. A low, bestial growl rumbled unbidden from deep within her chest as a warning.
She kept her gaze across the water, using it as a focus to keep her temper in check.
“No-good?” she seethed. “You dare to judge and condemn without asking what led him to striking a deal with a dark god? What led to the shattering of his very soul?”
She released her grasp on the tree, turning quickly to face Mariku.
“These eyes of mine are inherited from my father, Anubis…and they allow me to peer into the very depths of one’s soul.”
Her eyes glowed bright like blue embers, standing out in stark contrast to the dark around them.
“You were an enigma at first, but touching your form has shed new light as to how a soul could be its own being without a physical shell to contain it. Honestly, I should have figured it out the moment I realized you were chained to the Shadows.”
Her body shook with frustration, her hands clenched into tight fists at her side.“
@sesshy380-rp (if you wanted ;) )
Mariku seemed surprised for a moment, the fact that the being before him was utterly focused on the beauty of their surroundings and then snapped at him for hailing a comment on that thief of all things caused him a mild emotional carpet burn.
But that wasn't all. He had gotten a glimpse on this ones heritage and was mildly surprised by it. Child of Anubis. Straight up. No wonder he wasn't able to feel her out. He had never come across something as oddly as that. And here she was... enraged... looking at him, spitting out her poison in his face. It was endearing almost.
He laughed lowly into her face again, as if that was the funniest thing he had heard for a while and rubbed over his eyes for a moment.
"Are you counter-judging me on the basis of survival? Alright. two can play that game." His hand slipped down again and he sent her a toothy smile. "Zorc Necrophades has fucked up a grand few lives, darling. The thief and I and even the pharaoh aren't the only ones. All of us are just alive to tell the story." He smirked at her widely. "Alive... well at various states, really."
"You know next to nothing about me... and apparently you have no insights on what became of your precious thief a few millennia stuck in a dark artifact. I can tell you. I met him. He paired up with my other half so they could annihilate me. They wanted to throw me to the shadows for merely existing as I am." He chuckled dangerously.
"I can tell you that some things went awry with him alright, people don't end up backed up in a corner like that, but at least he had his own life, his own decisions and his own part of a soul. I was born a slave and all I wanted was to be free. That didn't interest him one bit and it interested nobody else in the aftermath of my story."
His teeth seemed to grow sharper with his rising aggression in the moonlight and it was like his nose was twitching and curling in his aggravation just as well, ready to go for the throat so to speak. He couldn't care less if that was a descendant of a god.
The gods hadn't helped him and he had been forced to be their follower against his will for a long time. "All I am trying to do here is damage control. Do you think I want Necrophades out and about, you idiotic dolt?! He would rape this land and off every living creature one after the other and plunge this whole world in chaos and darkness." He snarled that out. Apparently she had thrown some salt into wounds.
"The only way I can assure he is kept where he is and staying alive is to keep him where he is under all circumstances. The moment he gets out FOR REAL, I am dead meat. THAT is my only goal. To think I would be so stupid to commit in enslaving myself to a creature like that." He huffed. "At least I realized what a completely backhanded nutjob that derivation of dark god is! Actually... no... I hope you do find him. I hope you see what that monster made him into. So you can judge him based on that." He was obviously trying to force his energy into barking and not biting... because he looked very eager to tear her face off. He knew how cruel those words were, but he was riled up enough now to not care about one or two casualties... that had hit him low in the stomach. As if he had had an actual choice to ever decide anything that happened to him... "Seems the righteous soul you knew is all too happy to offer more innocents up to the darkness now... because he didn't even care that his host was on the line either. And if anybody ever was an innocent one... then it was that one. Touched by darkness and still pure as can be." His snarl grew just a tad darker. "What are one or two more corpses to walk over in a grand scheme, right?"
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desertbled · 3 months
tagged by: i stole it
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?━━
i have fallout brainrot, i’ve had brainrot since i first played new vegas in 2017. also, the fun thing about an OC is i can do whatever i want with wolf, without anyone having a pre-conceived notion of what his personality or history is. i’ve written canon characters before but it’s just so much more fun playing a character that i've poured my own heart and soul into. as for his backstory, i decided to make wolf a courier / ex-ranger because i enjoy seeing characters with internal conflicts / moral dilemmas, and i wanted to explore the other couriers that weren’t really mentioned in-game, outside of what items they carried.
is there anything you don’t like to write? ━━ combat threads. it's kind of ironic since my muses are almost always soldier / warrior / hero type characters. there's no real specific reason for this, besides the fact that i just find it boring. it's not what interests me, tbh. in the rare case that i do write it, i would rather we plot things out & pre-determine the outcome so we can skip through it really fast.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? ━━ the emotional/social aspects of characters. i like seeing what makes characters tic, and why they will/won’t do stuff. i enjoy it when two characters bond over common experiences ( or when they bond despite the lack of them. ) i like seeing two muses clash over difference in ideals, despite being so much alike. i just *clenches fist* REALLY LOVE THE HUMAN CONDITION GRAAAHHHH
how do you come up with headcanons? ━━ sometimes it’s random, sometimes it’s planned. like, sometimes i’ll go “i should probably write about x/y thing” or a friend will ask about something specific. other times, i’ll just be reading stuff or doing something & the thoughts of what wolf would do will pop into my head.
do you write in silence or do you play music? ━━ both. if i’m really locked in, i’m fine with writing in silence. but if i’m stuck & have a little writer’s block, i’ll play music to help me focus/inspire writing.
do you plan your replies or wing them? ━━ depends on the interaction. i tend to wing my replies & write whatever comes to mind. but if a thread is plotted out, obviously i’ll do more planning irt a reply.
do you enjoy shipping? ━━ i do, i’m such a slut for shipping. i can’t even describe why, i just really enjoy writing romance. i think b/c of how much character development can come from it & how two different people can be so changed by one another.
what’s your alias/name?   ━━ miles. i used to rp miles upshur for a long time & people just started calling me that, so i kept it as a writer tag.
age? ━━ 24.
birthday? ━━ wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy!
favorite color? ━━ red.
favorite song? ━━ i have a few, recently it’s been abracadabra by steve miller band.
last movie you watched? ━━ i can’t remember. i think it may have been godzilla minus one.
last show you watched? ━━ the boys, although i haven’t caught up yet.
last song you listened to? ━━ i can’t remember cuz it was something from the radio.
favorite food? ━━ pho has gotta be one of my top 5s. i love noodles in general.
favorite season? ━━ autumn. not hot, not freezing.
do you have a Tumblr best friend? ━━ yesss but he hasn’t set up his blog yet 🥺
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grimmshood · 1 year
i was thinking abt angst but couldnt find this in my writing tag so im posting it again. zarahjiwoon ficlet based off events in an old rp server, where ji-woon went kind of insane and kept getting into losing fights with people. theres murder in it too i guess
wordcount: 1129
she’s been huffing and puffing about something ever since the two of them got back to the hospital. ji-woon’s been humming the whole time, more occupied by some vague elevator music buzzing in his ears among the entity’s whispers.
she has him sitting on a gurney, medkit lying open next to him. she’d say he’s not hurt too bad, but she’d be lying. the gunshot wounds in his thigh are glaringly obvious from the blood seeping into his bright maroon and yellow pinstripe pants, and the bruises on his shoulders and abdomen have turned dark purple. there are several knife wounds across his chest and his lip is split, blood running from his nose down past his lips and onto his chin. he hasn’t said a word about any of it.
“you cause me so much trouble.” she grumbles. she shoves his trench coat down to further expose the bruises on his shoulders and look for any other cuts on his arms. when she doesn’t find any more, she looks up at him.
“take your pants off.” his eyes widen as his cheeks grow red.
“a little more forward than usual, aren’t we?” he teases. she furrows her brow, looking back up at him- then returning her eyes back to the fabric stuck to his leg, she notices the slight tent.
“ugh. that’s not what i meant. i’m just going to cut this off.” her face flushes as she reaches for a pair of scissors and roughly folds up a portion of his pant leg before cutting away. she tears the rest of the fabric off before starting to look closer at the wounds, lifting his thigh to look for where the bullet passed through his leg. she silently took the pant fabric and began wrapping it tightly around his leg.
“you really can’t feel any of this?” she ties off the fabric, then looks over and picks up a piece of gauze before wiping down the blood from nose.
“not at all!” ji-woon responds with a smile. she grunts, grabbing another piece of gauze and shoving it in his hand.
“put this in your nose for now.”
he obeys her order, sticking the gauze in and letting her push his head back, tilting his chin up.
she continues to clean his wounds, stitching what she can and dressing the rest.
she puts her hands on his cheeks, pulling him down to face her again. he looks incredibly stupid, but he put himself in this situation.
“i’m tired of seeing you get hurt. I know i did part of this.” she frowns. “but you keep making people upset. it doesn’t help that they already don’t like you.”
“it’s okay. i don’t need their approval anymore, i have you and her!” he gives another stupid boyish grin when he speaks. “nothing hurts now. i can’t feel anything, not even the pain.” she can feel her heart begin to crack. he doesn’t seem to care at all, even when people want him dead, and it hurts to watch.
“it hurts to look at you like this. i know you said you don’t feel anything,” she puts her forehead to his, trying to look into his eyes- “but even if it doesn’t hurt you, it hurts me.”
“it shouldn’t. i can survive it, and it makes Her smile, you know.” he glances upwards.
“i don’t care if it makes her happy.” zarah lets go of his face. “the stuff you’re doing makes everyone upset. and it makes us fight, and it fucking sucks. it’s miserable.”
“it’s entertaining, though, isn’t it?” he smiles again, and this time it doesn’t look so cute.
she braces herself, clenching her fist. calm down. don’t be rash. he stands up, picking up his coat, walking past her and through the halls of the hospital. she turns, following him out. he passes the front desk, stepping outside into the snow.
“it’s cold.” he spreads the coat out, wrapping it over her shoulders. she stares back up at him, bare chested and bandaged, noticing the way he shivers but doesn’t react to the cold. it doesn’t make sense. it’s stupid, and it’s hard to let him keep acting like this.
he takes a step forward, and everything freezes. she clenches her fist, staring at the blank smile on his face before she grabs him by the arm, feeling the sluggish force of time fighting against her. she pulls him forward, pushing him to his back on the ground.
and time begins again, her straddling him as she has one hand keeping him pinned to the ground.
“that’s the first time you’ve done your thing with me, isn’t it?” he giggles, giving her yet another smile. she clenches her fist again, raising it up in the air as it begins to vibrate and glow blue- but he’s still the one she loves, even if he’s not acting right. she hesitates, lowering her fist.
he pulls a hand up, dragging the hand pinning him down onto his neck.
“it’s okay. if you’re doing it, i won’t fight back.”
she bites back the sob in her throat as she looks down at him, smiling so happily even when she’s thinking about hurting him. it doesn’t feel right, but she can’t handle him like this. she misses when he was mean, when he’d actually fight back.
his hand travels up her arm.
“it’s okay. you can cry. it makes it better.” he puts his hand out towards her free hand, gently pushing her fist open. “it’s more intimate do it like this,” he continues, pulling her hand onto the other side of his neck.
she sniffles, squeezing her eyes closed.
“my love. it’s alright. i’m not going to be mad at you. i’ll come back.”
he pushes her hands further, and she slowly grips his neck tighter.
“like that. you’re a good girl, you know. everything will be okay,” he smiles again. he puts one hand on her cheek, gently brushing away the tears welling in her eye.
“i don’t know. i can’t do this. i need you to be yourself again.” her head falls, hands squeezing harder.
“please…don’t be upset.” she begins to sob, feeling his windpipe close under her grasp.
“i need you back so we can fix this. i can’t do this by myself.” she presses even harder, squeezing her eyes shut. he gasps, and she keeps her eyes closed as she hears him fall unconscious. she keeps her hands wrapped around his neck, squeezing as hard as she can.
when she feels his hand loosen from her cheek, she opens one eye to look. she leans down, pressing her ear to his chest to check for his pulse- when she doesn’t hear anything, she loosens her grip.
“i’m sorry.”
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