#Bacon n' Bits
crabbypalsart · 11 months
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Of course, of course, as if I couldn't get any more rizzed up by a puppet than I already have, OF COURSE-
AU and Reboot!Wally design was created by: @bloodrediscream !🩸🩸🩸
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pyr0graves · 1 month
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i've had these goobers sitting in the brain pan for months ever since i saw them and i finally got the brain power to draw a bunch of them!!! >B]
ANYWAYS THAT'S MY FIVE MINUTES I better start running before they drag me back to my enclosu[Taser Gun SFX]
[Ahem] Close ups under the cut 😎😎
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ghibli-stims · 7 months
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technofinch · 6 months
Oh I am so so smart and sexy
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
left a 10 dollar tip bc i felt rly bad abt being late 4 the pickup.. sry man
#i put it bc i had 2 um. 4 some reason when i put pickup at the restaurant i was sitting at it changed it back to the airport#so i saw this sign for an italian restaurant across the street and i was like ok slay ill just say im there and then put in the notes Hey#im avtually at the diner across the street#but. the italian restaurant was actually on the other side of that builfing and they judt had like. a little alleyway/outdoor seating zone#where they had that sign. so i jogged iver there and then didnt see the car bc there were 2 of the car that was supposed 2 be picking#ne up . abd one of them had 2 ppl in it but i walked to the back door and then i was like No#so i ran away . and then it was like hey yr drivers gonna leave and i was like Sry Sry sry and i looked again and saw it and got in and i#felt bad#BUT asode from that super fun day :]] i went to da little cafe i was looking at i got a london fog and a bacon breakfast sandwich and a#salted caramel candy all were pretty good... n then library this is famous it was fun.. i worked on the puzzle for the last 30 minutes i#was there :] very fun... AND i got a book ive been meaning 2 read and put 2 others on hold... all by miss ask a mortician#ill be honest the one i got is smoke gets in yr eyes and im not loving the writing style so far ... but its also her first book and is from#like 2014. and im only a tiny bit into it#but yas. im rly excited for will my cat eat my eyeballs...#the library is a tinyyy bit disappointing where its part of like. a library system? they all share books#so no one library has a ton of books lol. ill just have 2 remember to put books on hold when i want to read them so that theyll send them#over... yk.#its not super weird that it doesnt have a ton of books or anything yk. there r legit 8 other libraries that it shares the collection with#and its fun 2 do library road trip kjnd of thang.. me and . did that once :] it was a lot of fun#even tho i ended up reading like. not even half of the books i got...#but the books i did read were sooo good one of them was the down days Which i absolutely loved#abd i started reading a different one abt like a vampire virus (idk why i checked out 2 entirely seperate books abt fictional pandemics. As#if i havent had enough of pandemics LOL.) and that one was rly cool what i read of it.. i didnt finish it tho im not sure i even got half#in.. i rly liked what i did read of it tho#but. fr down days was so good it makes up 4 all the ones i didnt read. Soooo good guys#it got a little crazy towards the end but i was so into it i was like YASSS OK#highly highly recommend. the down days by Ilze Hugo
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biohazard-inevitable · 3 months
Mannnn….. spring break has become so mundane yet equally exciting for me as an adult who lives with parents and younger siblings like-
For others, spring break means no school and vacation.
For me? It means staying at home while my family goes on vacation, going to work every night, but i have a house to myself, i can eat what I want without being judged and nitpicked or fatshamed for it, i can cook what i want, WHEN i want, i can watch anime in the living room without headphones on the big tv and my only company is a pair of elderly, well behaved cats and I dont have to worry about noisy dogs or ANYTHING.
Its bliss…..
I can come home from work and be out and enjoy the light and the space~
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cloudybarnes · 9 months
Secret Admirer
Pairing: slytherin boys x reader
Summary: you never get mail in the morning, not until one day you receive a letter from an anonymous sender, a secret admirer. From that day forward, you’ve been getting letters, poems, and cute little notes each morning at breakfast. His words were sweet, and as you began to fall for them, your quest of figuring out who sent them only grew.
Word Count: 4.1k+
note: trying something new! basically I dont wanna spoil who her secret admirer is, so I’m gonna call it slytherin boys x reader hehe guess you’ll have to read til the end to see who sent her the letters ;)
✰  ✰  ✰
“Theodore Nott, I’m gonna kick your sorry ass!” You shouted. 
You reached across the table in the great hall where Theo sat directly in front of you. He had stolen all of the bacon off of your breakfast plate and refused to give it up. Mornings were always quite hectic at the slytherin table, but this was downright unacceptable.
“Nope,” he smirked as he popped a piece into his mouth, “they were all out when I went up for breakfast. This bacon is mine now, sweetheart.”
You huffed, and sat back down in your seat. “You’re ridiculous. If you weren’t so damn late all the time, maybe you would have had some bacon of your own.”
“Here (Y/N),” Enzo smiled from his seat right next to you. “You can have some of my bacon.” He picked the best looking pieces and put them on your plate. 
“Aw, Enzo!” You grinned as you picked a piece up and ate it happily. “This is why you're my best friend.”
“Hey!” Pansy shouted from the other side of you. “Thought I was your best friend.”
“You didn’t give up a piece of bacon for her,” Draco smirked, “you’ve been demoted.”
Mattheo gruffed. “Enzo, you’re kind of mean, you know that? (Y/N) complains she’s all out of bacon and you jump to give her a piece, but when I say I need someone to do my charms homework for me, you don’t even try to lift a finger.”
“Mattheo, how many times do I have to tell you,” Enzo said, “I’m never gonna do your homework. And it’s not fair to compare that to giving up a piece of bacon! I don't even like bacon all that much!”
“Dude!” Blaise gasped from next to Draco, “if you don’t like bacon you should have passed that down this way a long time ago.”
Pansy scoffed and shook her head. “I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“Hey,” you whined as you ate another piece of bacon, “I’m the least idiot of the bunch, right Pans?”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, (Y/N/N).”
You grinned, about to rebuttal when the morning owl dropped an envelope in front of you.
“What’s this?” You questioned as you picked it up. 
“Uh, I think it’s quite obviously a letter, (Y/N/N).” Mattheo said as he stuffed his mouth full of bacon. “And, to think, you were trying to say you’re the least idiot of us.” He laughed.
“Oi,” Theo knocked his shoulder against Mattheo’s. “Leave her be. I’ve never seen her get a letter before, I’m curious.”
Draco shifted slightly in his seat. “Who’s it from, (Y/N/N)?”
“Nevermind who it’s from,” Blaise chuckled, “I wanna know what it says.”
“Why would you wanna know what it says and not know who it’s from?” Enzo asked, “That's like half the fun.”
You shrugged as you tore open the envelope. Opening the folds of the letter, your cheeks started to warm as you read what was inside. 
“What is it?” Pansy asked as she leaned closer, trying to catch a glimpse. 
“It says, uh,” you cleared your throat, a little bit flustered. “It says ‘people love to stare up at the stars, glimmering as they might in the night sky, yet everyone is too scared to enjoy the beauty that is the sun. you are my sun, and I would willingly go blind to catch even just a glimpse of you each day.’”
You friends all stared at you in shock. Draco, Blaise and Mattheo had their mouths hung open in shock. Enzo blushed a little bit, Theo had his eyebrows raised like he appreciated the words written on the page, and Pansy all but squealed as you read the letter. 
“Oh my god, I think I’m going to combust,” Pansy swooned. 
“Who’s it from?” Theo asked.
You shrugged, “I don’t know.” You flipped the letter to the back to see if it was signed at all. “It’s only signed with a heart.”
“That is so romantic!” Pansy squealed as she clasped her hands around your arm. “Our sweet (Y/N) has a secret admirer!”
“Wonder who it could be,” Draco said as he flicked his fingers in motion to hand him the letter. 
You complied, and passed the note to him. 
“I don’t know,” he said as he flipped it all around. “The handwriting sort of looks familiar.”
“Maybe it’s someone you know?” Theo suggested as he grabbed the letter from Draco’s hands. He took it upon himself to check it out a time or two before passing it to Mattheo’s eager grasp.
“I think it’s kind of funny,” Mattheo chuckled. “What if it’s some first year trying to make their move on you?”
You shuttered. “Merlin, I sure hope not. I honestly don’t think a first year would be able to write something so beautiful.”
“Yeah, no way,” Pansy shook her head. “Mattheo, you’re just jealous you weren’t the one who sent (Y/N) this letter. Maybe she’d give you a chance if you did something romantic, or just not annoying for once.”
“First,” Mattheo said, “ouch. Second, who says I’m not the one who wrote (Y/N) this love letter?”
“Mattheo, you wouldn’t know romance if it hit you with a ten foot pole.” Pansy said. 
“Hey!” Mattheo complained. “Someone tell her I’m romantic.”
“Hell no,” Draco scoffed. “You’re ‘bout as romantic as bloody boil, mate.” 
You laughed as Mattheo scrunched his face up. The bells chimed signaling the end of breakfast and the start of first class. 
“I’m not too worried about it,” you said as you stood and started packing your stuff up. “It’s just a little letter. No harm in it.”
“But you don’t want to know who sent it?” Pansy asked as she grabbed her belongings as well. 
You shrugged, “I don’t know yet. I’m not silly enough to expect something to come from this; it’s just a note. It could be a prank for all we know.” 
“No one who writes like that is doing it as a prank,” Theo remarked. 
“Well, still, whatever the reason may be, I’m not gonna go out looking for this person. No matter how sweet the words are.” You smiled, “I’m gonna head to class, bye guys.”
On your way to class, you couldn’t help but recite the words written in the letter. They had made your heart flutter, as stupid as that sounds. You slightly resented the way it made you feel as it was only a few measly words on paper, but the romantic part of you couldn’t help but want to know who was behind them. 
✰  ✰  ✰
In your last class of the day, you finally were able to see your good friend Luna Lovegood. You had been waiting all morning to have class with her so you can inform her of the letter you received that morning. 
“And it was just so poetic, Luna. No one has ever said anything like that about me before.”
She smiled at you as you mindlessly drew on your assignment. “I think it sounds quite lovely. Do you have any idea who it may be from?”
You shook your head. “No idea. I don’t even think I know anyone who writes, well, anything.” 
“What about that boy Enzo you always hang out with?” Luna suggested. “I’ve got him in my literature class, he’s very talented.”
You thought to yourself for a second. Could it be possible Enzo was your secret admirer? You’d been friends for so long, and he’d always be especially kind to you.
Well, he’s especially kind to everyone, now that you think about it. 
“I don’t know,” you honestly replied. “I guess I just never would have expected it to be one of my friends, let alone Enzo.”
“I wouldn’t rule out your group of friends,” Luna said with a smile, “it could really be any one of them.” 
“You think so?” 
“Well, maybe not all of them, but I think it could be a good place to start if you were wanting to figure out who it is.”
As you pondered over Luna’s words, Slughorn made it a point to reiterate there was no talking allowed during the assignment. 
You rolled your eyes and got back to work, waiting for this class to be over so you could finally figure out who wrote you the letter. 
✰  ✰  ✰
Back in the common room you saw Pansy, Draco, and Enzo sitting on the couches. 
“Hey, (Y/N/N)!” Pansy smiled as she scooted over and patted the spot next to her. “Find out anything new about your secret admirer?”
You smiled with a roll of your eyes as you sat with her. You kicked your shoes off and folded your legs under your body. “No, but I think I’ve got an idea brewing of how to find them.”
“Oh,” Draco smirked from the couch across from you. He folded his arms over his chest, “do tell, (Y/N), I’m very curious to see who it could be.” 
You shook your head, teasingly, “not a chance, Malfoy. I’m not giving up my secrets til I get to the bottom of this thing.” 
Draco raised his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, doll, if you wanna be secretive about your already secret admirer, I respect it.”
Enzo shifted in his seat a little uncomfortably. “It’s kind of strange though that they went out of their way to write something to you but kept it a secret. It just makes me a little apprehensive.”
“Oh, chill out, scaredy cat,” Pansy said. “(Y/N) will be fine, and if it’s someone weird at least she’s got us to look out for her.”
You grinned and wrapped your arms around Pansy’s neck. “Quit getting all sweet on me, Pans.”
She chuckled and playfully pushed you away. “Yeah, yeah. I’m not getting sweet, don’t get it twisted.”
You chuckled. “I think I’m gonna head up, got lots of scheming to get to,” you teased with a wiggle of your eyebrows. 
You stood up from the couch and Pansy stood with you. “Farewell, boys, it’s been awful as usual.” She said with a smirk. 
“Thank Salazar you’re leaving,” Draco said to her. “Your presence was such a nuisance.” 
Pansy snarled at him and dramatically turned away to head up the stairs. You and Enzo shared a short laugh before you followed her up the stairs to your shared bedroom. 
✰  ✰  ✰
The next morning, you were last to the dining hall for breakfast. 
“Finally, she makes it,” Mattheo called out before taking a swig of his orange juice. 
You huff and settle into your seat between Enzo and Pansy. “I know, I overslept something horrible this morning.”
Since you were so late, the kitchen staff had already stopped serving breakfast meaning you were going without this morning. 
Theo glanced at you from across the table and pushed his plate towards you. “Here,” he said, “take anything you want.”
You looked down at saw scrambled eggs, french toast, and sausage links on his plate. 
“Really?” You grinned as you grabbed a sausage link from his plate. 
Theo nodded, “yeah, can’t have you go without eating. Lord only knows what a monster you can be without food.” He teased with a small smirk. 
You crinkled your nose up at his and grabbed a piece of french toast as well. “I’m gonna let that slide since you were nice enough to give up your breakfast. Don’t make me regret my kindness.”
Theo chuckled and pulled his plate back to him, glancing up at you before delving back into his plate. 
Mattheo tried to reach his hand over to Theo’s plate but was met with a slap on the wrist. 
“Ow!” Mattheo said as he cradled his wrist in fake hurt. “Theo, how could you? I thought we had something special.”
Theo rolled his eyes. “You got more food on your plate then the rest of us combined. I think you’ll be alright.”
You chuckled, but a thought crept into your mind. “Hey, guys, uh, did the post come today?” You asked. 
Draco raised his eyebrow with a smirk. “Waiting for another letter, are we?”
Your face burned as you shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know. I kinda wanna get to the bottom of who it is.” 
“You’ll find ‘em, (Y/N/N),” Pansy said, “even if I have to interrogate everyone we know. We’ll get down to the bottom of it.” 
Just as she said that, the morning owl came swooping down towards you and dropped a small slip of paper in front of you. 
Draco smirked, “Looks like someone really wants your attention, (Y/N/N).”
You tried to hold back your smile as you unfolded the small post it note. 
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you read out to them, “'I love to see you smile, especially when you’re smiling at me.’ Aw, that’s kind of sweet, actually.”
“Don’t tell me you’re starting to get sweet for this mystery man,” Blaise interrupts. 
You shrug as you fold the note back up. “I don’t know, it is pretty sweet, no? And this must mean it’s someone I know personally because they said I smile at them.”
“Oh Godric,” Mattheo grinned, “you’ve fallen for a mystery man.”
“No I haven’t!” You protest. “I just think it’s sweet and now I know it’s someone I’m friends with and not some creepy first year.” 
“Wait,” Theo said, “how do you know it’s someone you’re friends with?”
“Because it says I smile at them,” you said obviously. “Who else do I smile at?”
“(Y/N), I hate to break it to you,” Pansy said as she placed a hand on your shoulder, “but you’re the most smiley slytherin I’ve ever met.”
You shrugged off her hand with a fake glare. “Hey! Give me some credit, I can be bad sometimes.”
Enzo chuckled, this is the first time he spoke all conversation. “You’re too sweet to be bad, (Y/N/N).”
You grinned and playfully bumped your shoulder against his. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I just know it’s someone I know. I can feel it. It’s not some random person, it can’t be.” 
The bell rang, signaling the end of breakfast. You and your friends stood up to leave. You couldn’t help but think about the notes you received, pondering on who it could possibly be. 
✰  ✰  ✰
“Post is running late this morning,” Draco noted as the clock struck 8:26 with no sight of the morning owl. 
You were a tad disappointed. You had pondered all day yesterday about who it could be. You’ve narrowed it down quite a bit, and you think Luna may be on to something. While you don’t exactly think for sure that it’s Enzo, you do think you’ve narrowed it down to your group of close friends. 
You really just can’t see anyone else knowing you well enough to be this fascinated with you. The only one out of your friend group that you completely had ruled out is Blaise. 
Blaise was definitely out because out of the whole friend group, he was the least close with you. Frankly, you guys just don’t talk nearly as much as you talk to the rest of them. 
“Great,” Mattheo gruffed, “how will I be entertained this morning without (Y/N)‘s secret stalker and his confession of love.”
Okay, maybe Mattheo was out too. 
“Oi,” Theo piped up. “Don’t knock it too hard, (Y/N) seems to be enjoying herself with the letters.” 
You blushed a little as you shrugged. “I don’t want to seem weird by how invested I am in it, but I just think it’s sweet. No one’s ever really expressed this kind of feeling for me, so… you know,” you shrugged awkwardly, your face definitely beet red by now. 
“Well I for one am extremely invested in this,” Pansy said. “I’m lowkey jealous that I’m not the one with a secret admirer. What I wouldn’t give for someone to think of me that way.” 
“Maybe someday someone will like you, Pansy,” Enzo said reassuringly. 
“We might all be dead by the time that happens, but who knows, it might happen,” Mattheo said. 
Pansy gasped with a glare. “Wow what crawled up your ass this morning?”
Mattheo shrugged and focused his attention back to his breakfast plate. 
“Anyway,” Draco said, “I’m intrigued as well. I think I’ve got an idea who it could be, but I'm not quite positive.” 
You parked up at that. “Really? Who’s your guess?”
Draco smirked, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” He teased. 
You glared at him, “Malfoy, if you know who it is you better spill.”
“I’m not saying I know who it is, I’m just saying I have a hunch at who it may be.”
“Oh!” Enzo exclaims as he points up in the air, “here comes the owl.”
You grin in anticipation as the owl drops a little note down in front of you. It was a larger note than yesterday, but this time it didn’t have something sweet written on it. 
It had a clue. 
“It just says ‘being your friend is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, though I’d be lying if I said i didn’t want to be more.’” You read. 
“So it is one of you!” Pansy shouted as she pointed her finger towards everyone at the table. 
Draco smirked, “that was my hunch. ‘Had a feeling it was one of these blokes.”
“And who says it’s not you, Malfoy?” Mattheo questioned with a raise of his brow. 
“Please,” Draco scoffed, “if I wanted to woo (Y/N) she’d be mine by now.” 
“Oh big talk from down that end,” Pansy rolled her eyes. 
“I could get anyone I want,” Draco puffed his chest. “I don’t need to be anonymous to do so.” 
“Hey, don’t hate on my letters, Draco.” You complained. “Least they got the balls to say something.” 
“Barely counts as having balls when they won’t even say who they are.” Mattheo countered. 
You huffed as your table fell into somewhat of a silence. Conversations picked up without you as your thoughts trailed off. 
Theo had been extremely quiet this entire time. While he was never the chatter bug, it was odd having gone almost the entire breakfast without hearing from him. 
As everyone else was engaged in conversation, you stared at the boy sitting across from you. His head was down as he played with his breakfast, pushing it around with his fork. 
You lightly kicked his leg under the table. 
Theo’s head perked up. His eyes stared into yours, and for a moment, you couldn’t remember what you wanted to say to the boy. 
His eyebrow raised in question as a small smirk glazed his lips. 
You blushed a little. “I-uh just wanted to see if you were alright. You didn’t really say too much the whole time we’ve been here.”
Theo shrugged as his smile dropped. “yeah, just don’t got too much input.” 
Your heart swelled. You really had turned each morning to revolve around you and your secret pen pal. 
“Sorry, Theo. I didn't mean to annoy you with all my talk of the letters.”
He shook his head. “You could never annoy me, doll.” 
Your heart beat like crazy. 
“Still, though, I feel bad about how much I’ve put into this. Let’s talk about something else.” You offered, “how’s class going?”
Theo chuckled and ran a hand through his tousled hair. “Shit. I’m drowning in assignments and got two quizzes coming up that I’m just not ready for.” 
The bell rang. 
Theo groaned. “Got one next class. I think I might skip, though. Give myself some more time to prepare for it.”
As everyone started walking out of the dining hall, you grabbed Theo’s arm and pulled him back. 
His eyes widened slightly, but quickly reverted back to normal. 
“Maybe I‘ll skip with you,” you said, “if you’ll have me, that is. I can help you study. What class is it?”
Theo hesitated. “It’s, uh, herbology. ‘m not very good with plants and all that.”
You grinned, “I can help! I’m not too bad with flowers and plants.”
Theo nodded, “yeah, I could really use the help.”
“Okay, you wanna go to the library then?”
Theo shook his head. “I’ve got a good spot. Come on.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. 
You followed him all the way out to the courtyard towards the opposite end of the school. You walked until you reach a large bench with intricate designs on the backing and arm rests. 
Theo took a seat. “Figured this would be good as any. Least now we can look at some plants up close, eh?”
You chuckled and took a seat next to him. “Yeah, sounds great, Theo. You got your textbook?”
He nodded and dug through his bag to pull it out. Once he handed it to you, you started flipping through the pages to get to the important material. 
“I’ve got the herbology exam 4th period, so I can help you study and it’ll help me study too! Win, win.”
Theo grinned and ran a hand through his hair. “Sounds good, doll.”
Your cheeks blushed. You couldn’t help the smile that graced your face. “I like when you call me doll.”
Your smile dropped. “Oh, geez, I did not mean to say that out loud.”
Theo’s face remained blank. That just made you more nervous. 
“Great, now I’ve weirded you out.” You exasperated. “I’m really sorry, Theo, I didn’t mean to-“
“I’m not weirded out, doll.” He cut you off. “Was just a little stunned is all. Didn’t expect you to say something like that.”
You thought your face couldn’t get any hotter than it already was, but somehow it did. 
“Well, still,” you mumbled as you looked down at the textbook again, “sorry.”
Theo sat for a minute, watching as you flipped through the book. Your eyebrows furrowed a little in aggravation. You were annoyed at yourself for how stupid you were being. It was Theo for Salazar sake. 
Though, you couldn’t help but admire the boy. He was gorgeous, for one, but he was also charming and witty. He was sweet and generous. You couldn’t deny you were attracted to him, but you had never thought he would see you in the same light. 
“(Y/N)?” Theo called. 
You looked up into his eyes. 
Theo stared at you, taking in each one of your features. Your eyes, your lips, your nose. You shifted a little, way too aware of his gaze on you. 
“Theo?” You called back. His gaze shifted back to your eyes. 
Before you could say anything, he softly spoke, “I’m the one sending you those letters, (Y/N/N).” 
You stared at him in shock. 
No way. 
“Y-you’re the one who wrote me the letters?” 
He slowly nodded his head. Theo’s lip was drawn in between his teeth. “Is, uh, are you disappointed?”
“What?” you exclaimed. 
He shrugged, “I mean, you just really seemed to like the letters, and I know you wanted to know who it was, so I just hope I haven’t disappointed you in the revelation.”
You shook your head. “Actually, it’s quite the opposite.”
Theo’s head shot up to look at you. “Really?”
You smiled and nodded. “Mhm, I like you Theo. I have for a while now, actually, I just thought you’d never give a chance.”
He laughed. “You thought I’d never give you a chance? I thought you’d never give me a chance.”
You laughed loudly together. When it finally subsided to quiet chuckles, you said,  “I really like you, Theo.”
Theo’s smile grew. In a quick moment, he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. 
You gasped against his lips, and wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him back. His textbook fell off your lap as he pulled you closer by the waist. 
You kissed him until you couldn’t kiss anymore. Finally pulling back, Theo’s grin was the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, even with his lips a little puffy from your kiss. 
“I really like you, Theodore.”
He grinned, “I really like you, more (Y/N).”
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journalsona · 1 year
its so weird to like. miss the bad times. not really ‘miss’ but. theres an uncomfortableness about being better. healthy. full. safe. sometimes it feels like when i tell people there was a time when i wasnt, they dont believe me.
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crabbypalsart · 3 months
Bits torments Cuphead with the darkness [ahh so scary] [not clickbait]
(I made this in like, 2022 X•D)
EDIT: Forgot to link the original audio!
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2partypodcast · 1 year
Karen Swyszcz
Summary I interview Podcast Host Karen Swyszcz from The Bacon Bits ‘n’ Bytes Podcast! Take a Listen! I believe in asking questions, seeking opportunities and creating opportunities for yourself. I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Science in biochemistry but am not using my degree in that sense. I have gone through several jobs, career paths and applied to grad school twice to realize that I enjoy…
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penisliker-moved · 1 year
big smile. i think im gonna make Delicious potato dishes
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leaderwonim · 5 months
pairing. nonidol!enha hyung line x fem!reader
genre. teeth rotting fluff, established relationship
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never letting your hand touch the door handles and drives you everywhere
“What are you doing?” You say in disbelief as you watch Heeseung practically trip over his own feet to open his passenger car door for you.
“Opening the door for you,” he says breathlessly, letting you settle inside the passenger seat which was already warmed up and decorated in pink, your favorite color. “Can’t let my princess open the door by herself.”
You roll your eyes, blushing heavily even though Heeseung always said things like that.
“Thanks Hee,” you say as soon as he gets comfy in his seat, leaning over to kiss him.
“No problem baby,” he smiles. “Now, where to?”
“The movies! I wanna watch the new Mean Girls.”
Heeseung shakes his head, grinning as he pulled out from the parking lot, one hand on the steering wheel and one on your seat.
always cooking and taking care of you
You woke up to the smell of pancakes, rubbing your eyes tiredly as you make your way out to your boyfriend’s apartment living room.
“Smells good Jay,” you say, placing your chin on his shoulder, slightly dozing off. “Whatcha making?”
“Soufflé pancakes and bacon.” He smiles, positioning his head a bit over so he could give your head a small peck.
“You’re the best Jay,” you mumble sleepily, and he can only laugh at your state as he finishes cooking up, letting you lay your body on his.
always talking and thinking about you
If Layla was a human instead of a dog, she’d probably tell Jake to shut up from how much he was talking about you.
“that’s your mom Layla,” Jake coos to the dog, pointing at you who was currently running to pick up the ball jake had thrown earlier. “and she’s your only mom, I am never dating anyone else.”
You run back to your boyfriend and his dog a few minutes later, breathing heavily. “Here you go Layla girl, here’s your ball!”
and Jake can’t help but watch with heart eyes as he watches you play with his dog, heart leaping as it falls inlove with you over and over again
covers pointy edges whenever you’re near, has your picture on the back of his phone
“Hey, is that a Polaroid of Y/N?” Sunghoon’s friend, Seonwoo questions as he flips over Sunghoon’s phone.
“Yeah,” Sunghoon quickly takes his phone back from his friend. “She’s really pretty, isn’t she?”
“Mhm,” Seonwoo’s eyes drift to you, who was currently making your way over. “There she is.”
“Babe,” Sunghoon says, standing up to wrap an arm around you. His hand automatically comes to rest themselves on the pointy and sharp edge of where you were standing, which only Seonwoo notices.
He raises an eyebrow at this, but doesn’t question it because Sunghoon’s already too occupied with asking about your day. He still keeps his hand there, unconsciously making sure none of your body comes in contact with it.
How sweet, Seonwoo thinks, but how gross at the same time.
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rnaeborowski · 2 years
maybe i'll make milk stewed macaroni for lunch... it would be nice with something creamy although it would be nicer if i had some falu sausage to go with it.
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multiversefanfics · 14 days
Girl Of My Dreams
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Warning: nothing but fluff Summary: You work at a small diner down the street from the compound which Bucky visits often, so often that you remembered his order.
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It was another boring night shift at a small diner you work at, outside of town, you leaned against the counter waiting for anyone to show up. It was a slow night and you hoped for any type of human interaction even someone asking for directions, you tapped your fingers on the counter groaning as the cars outside continued to pass by “Hey, Y/N if no one comes, in the next 20 minutes we’re going to close up.” Normally the diner was open 24 hours but on nights like this one, you give some time and then close if no one comes in. You nodded your head and started wiping down tables, you knew no one was coming in so you might as well stay busy for the next 20 minutes. Just as you were wiping down the last table you looked at your watch and saw that there were only 5 minutes left and then you could close. Soon the bell rang above the door you internally groaned but when you turned around you came face to face with a very gorgeous and mysterious man, you smiled over at him and grabbed a menu asking him to follow you to the table. "Can I start you off with something to drink?" He looked at the menu for a bit then asked for coffee you nodded "I'll give you a few minutes to look over the menu and I'll be back with your coffee." You smiled sweetly at him and turned to walk away; you watched as he intently looked at the menu trying to decide what he wanted to eat, slowly and gently biting his bottom lip you couldn't help but stare at him, he was gorgeous. You were snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of his voice "I think I'm ready." You strolled over notepad and pen ready he told you his order along with a glass of water. You smiled once more and nodded "Of course, I'll be right back." You walked over to the window and told the cook to make pancakes with eggs and bacon on the side. You took him his coffee and some cream and sugar just in case he wanted it which he didn't use it. Soon his food was done, and you decided to make a cute smiley face with strawberries and blueberries on top of the pancakes and take it over to him. "Enjoy, if you need anything I'll be right over there." He couldn't keep his eyes off of you but still nodded so you knew he understood, you walked over to the bar and sat down, and your manager came over and handed you the keys to the diner "When the last customer leaves lock up for me." You nodded and patiently waited for the man to eat his food you kept looking over periodically not because you were impatient, but because you felt his eyes on you, and you couldn't shake it. You went over to check on him one last time and noticed he only ate half of his food "Do you need a to-go box for the rest of your food?" He nodded and took a sip from his coffee "I'm sorry for staring, you are just really gorgeous." You felt your cheeks heat up, and you couldn't help but smile "I'm sorry was that creepy?" You shook your head "No, it was very sweet." You smiled once more before turning around to get him a box and his receipt. Just then the bell above the door rang you looked behind you and saw a muscly blonde guy along with another muscly dark-haired man "I'm sorry but we're closed." The dark-haired one came up to you holding his hand out “Hi, I’m Sam, we’re just here to get our friend we’ve been looking for him for a while now.” You looked at Sam and it hit you “Wait a minute, are you?” You looked between Sam and the blonde one “Are you the Avengers?” They nodded “It is amazing what you guys do, so you must be Steve Rogers?” His smile was so perfect you could literally see it sparkle “Yes and this is Bucky, I'm sure he was too shy to tell you, his name." You made eye contact with Bucky; it was an odd name, but you liked it for some reason your gaze went back to Steve "Do you guys want some food to go, on the house?" Bucky raised an eyebrow "Didn't the cook leave already?" You nodded and shrugged "I know how to cook." They all shared a look "Actually, we have food at home, maybe next time." You handed Bucky his to-go box and receipt. "Have a good night, guys." They all waved, and you locked the door behind them.
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The next couple of nights, Bucky came in at the same time and ordered the same thing each night, to the point where you would have it ready for him when he came in the next night. Tonight, he came in with Sam and Steve and you didn't want to embarrass him, so you pretended not to know his order. "What can I get you guys?" Bucky furrowed his eyebrows but then kind of got upset, did you forget about him already? Did you not like him anymore? Which was far from the truth, you were head over heels for him, but you didn't know if he felt the same way, so you ignored all of your feelings and stuck to doing your job. After you collected their orders, you went over to the window to place them. Bucky watched your every move and once it looked like you weren't busy, he got up from the booth and walked over to you. "Y/N what was that about?" You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow "What are you talking about?" He tilted his head at you "Not knowing my order" Your shoulders slumped, and you stood up straight "I didn't know if me knowing your order would embarrass you in front of them and that's the last thing I want to do." Bucky smiled slightly trying not to seem so happy "I like it, don't worry about embarrassing me I do that enough on my own." He winked at you and returned to the table. You brought over their order and went back to where you were sitting waiting until they were done since they were your only customers, when they were done you took the check over and did something really bold in your opinion, you wrote your phone number down on it with a winky face. You sat with your back to them so they wouldn't see the embarrassment on your face if you got rejected. All of a sudden you hear the guys 'oohing' like teenagers, and you can't help but feel a bit embarrassed, but soon you feel a hand on your lower back, you look over and it's Bucky "I'm not really a phone guy, but for you I will try." He patted your back and went on his way. For the past couple of days Bucky has been texting you nonstop, asking how your day was going, if you were hungry, and making sure no one was messing with you. You stopped texting him for a couple hours because you got busy at the diner, just as you were about to text him back and apologize, he walks in the diner looking for you a huge smile spreads across his face when he sees you “I’m sorry to just pop in, I got a little worried when you didn’t text back.” You smiled and poured him a cup of coffee “It’s okay, it got a little crazy in here and I couldn’t text back, but my shift is almost over you wanna do something?” He nodded taking another sip from his coffee “What did you have in mind?” You shrugged and thought for a minute “How about you come back to the compound with me and we can watch movies and talk” You scrunched up your face “Movies and talking don’t really mix” He chuckled slightly and leaned his cheek on his hand “What I meant was, we talk and get to know each other while there’s a movie playing in the background that we are not paying attention to.” You smiled and nodded “Sounds like a plan.”
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You finish up your shift and of course, Bucky is there waiting for you. It made you feel safe, and you liked it. You got in your car and Bucky got in his, he was driving in front of you toward the compound since you didn't know where it was. Finally, you two got there, got some snacks, and sat on the couch, you turned toward him "So... tell me about yourself." You start to list things that happened in your life knowing it doesn't even come close to what he had to deal with, the two of you sat there talking and laughing for hours. "Oh, is this your new girlfriend, Bucky?" Her voice laced with sarcasm and hatred even though she doesn't know you. "What is this one, number 75? Don't get too comfortable you won't last long." By now your fists are balled and your teeth are clenched, how dare she say that shit to you "Enough, Sharon." Bucky gritted through his teeth; you picked up your bag and put it over your shoulder. "This was fun, but I think I should go." And just like that you turned and walked out the door and got into your car, you don't remember your drive home but all you know is you got home, and Bucky has been calling and texting non-stop asking if you're okay, instead of responding you just turn your phone off and go to sleep.
Tags: @megamindsecretlair @kandis-mom
Divided Credit: @firefly-graphics
AN: I hope you guys like it, at first there wasn't going to be a part 2 but I tend to ramble so now there's gonna be a part two
Main Masterlist - Bucky Barnes Masterlist - Part 2
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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SUMMARY : After you get hurt with a mission gone wrong, Bi-Han is more gentle with you and it weirds you out. (Also this is like before Bi-Han becomes a back stabbing bitch to everyone LMAO)
A/N : I have NOOOO idea what happened to me (if y’all know me y’all know I do not like sub-zero) but I finally realized I think I do like him. I just don’t like the way some of y’all write him 💀 (ngl this is one of the best things I’ve ever written plot wise I think)
WARNINGS: (MDNI)! f receiving oral. I’m pretty sure that’s it. Nothing major happens lmao
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You were the best female Lin Kuei warrior. The very best but you had gotten hurt badly trying to stop Shang Tsung. He was about to kill your fiancé Bi-Han but you had stopped him.
This resulted in you getting severely slashed on your stomach and needing stitches.
It was hard for you to even walk but you knew you had your duties to fill with not only the clan but around the house. So, you did so.
It was early in the morning. About seven in the morning. When you woke up, you realized Bi-Han was not in bed with you. You cursed at yourself. You knew he would be mad that he had woken up and not been served breakfast.
You got out of bed and put on your robe to cover yourself. You immediately went out the room and headed towards the kitchen.
When you did, you realized you smelled something. Food. It smelt of sausage and bacon. Eggs and French toast. The French toast had caught you off guard because Bi-Han hated French toast and always made you make pancakes.
When you walked into the kitchen, you saw that Bi-Han was getting a plate ready. You couldn’t believe it. He actually cooked?
Bi-Han didn’t have to turn around to know you were behind him. “Good. You’re awake.” Bi-Han placed the plate on the counter and motioned for you to take it. “Eat.”
Was this a dream? Did he take a trip down to the Netherrealm and freeze hell over?
You blinked your eyes, severely confused at your fiancé’s actions. He had never done this. Ever.
“You know…I could’ve made breakfast.” You said, believing that he had made it because he was mad at you. “All you had to do was wake me up.”
“I wanted you to rest.”
Rest? He wanted you to rest?
Bi-Han motioned for you to take the plate, a little annoyed you hadn’t taken it. “Stop standing there looking stupid and eat.”
Never mind. He was there.
You hesitantly took the plate and sat at the table. “I didn’t even know you could cook.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes a little but didn’t say anything. You cut a chunk of the French toast and bit into it. When you did, all the flavors of the syrup, the cinnamon and the powder danced on your tongue.
You could not believe it. He was a better cook than you.
“This is amazing. You cook better than me.”
“I know.” He simply said.
“No need to be cocky.” You told him. Then you had realized something. Why didn’t he cook then? “Why do you let me cook for you if you know you can cook better than me?”
Bi-Han started to put dishes in the sink. Without looking at you, he replies. “Because you like to cook for me.”
That warmed your heart a little. Bi-Han was willing to put up with your very medium like cooking over his far better cooking just because he knew you enjoyed cooking for him.
You always liked cooking for your man. It made you feel useful to him. It made you feel like he needed you.
But the truth was he didn’t need you as much as he made it seem.
You watched as Bi-Han started to do the dishes. If there was one thing Bi-Han did not do was dishes. Ever. Not even to wash simple silverware for himself. He hated doing dishes.
“It’s okay, Bi-Han. I can do it.” You said, standing up from your chair.
“Sit down and eat.” He said while still not looking at you.
Okay, this was entirely too weird for you. You knew there would be hell if you did not listen to Bi-Han so you sat down and ate the rest of your breakfast.
As he did the dishes, he spoke. “What do you want for dinner?”
Another thing you found weird. Bi-Han always picked what you guys ate for dinner. You getting to decide was definitely almost impossible. “Whatever you want, Bi-Han.”
“I’m asking you for a reason. What do you want?”
“Um…I don’t know. Maybe spaghetti?”
“I’ll be here later tonight to cook it.”
Okay this was getting too weird.
You finished eating your breakfast. You then took your plate to the sink and were about to wash the plate but the sound of Bi-Han’s voice stopped you. “Put it down.”
You did as you were told. You put the dish down in the sink and he started to wash it. You started to feel his forehead for any sign of him being sick. “Are you feeling alright? It’s really ice of you to do this today.” You knew that bad pun was going to annoy him and you wanted to test him.
“Funny.” He said with a complete straight face and zero emotion. The thing was, that was his way of laughing. So, he technically just laughed at what you said.
You were absolutely shocked. You removed your hand from his forehead. “Don’t tell me your Shang Tsung and are pretending to be my cold hearted fiancé.”
When you had mentioned him being cold hearted, he stopped what he was doing for a moment. It was like what you had said really stung him.
He regained his composure and finished with the dishes. He then turned off the sink and dried his hands with the cloth next to him. “I’ve got to handle a few things. Are you okay with staying by yourself?”
Bi-Han had never cared for you to stay in the house all by yourself. At all. Again, also very weird. “Yeah. It’s just a few stitches. I’ll be fine.”
His eyes darted to your stomach. The robe was covering it. Bi-Han undid your robe and pushed it back slightly. You were in your black bra and underwear.
You thought Bi-Han was in the mood and wanted you. But he didn’t. He stared at the big slash on your stomach. Then he placed his hand gently on the scar.
He stared at it for a few moments like he was thinking of something. Then with his other hand he rested his hand on your lower back. He brought you close to him and gave you a kiss.
The kiss was very slow and passionate. You were surprised at how gentle he was being. Like if he had made one wrong move, he’d hurt you.
His lips kissed your cheeks and then down to your neck. He didn’t kiss you in a sexual way though. He did it in a very loving and comforting way. You sighed at the feeling of his lips on your body. It was nice.
He kissed your shoulder then finally looked back in your eyes. “I’ll be back.”
You were standing there still a little shocked. “Okay.”
He gave you one last peck on the lips before grabbing his mask on the counter and leaving the house.
Well today was getting to a weird start.
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Later that day, you were in the house, sweeping the floor in the living room. Even though you were in a lot of pain, you still liked to clean up a bit so the house didn’t look like a mess.
Probably was a bad mistake.
The door opens and closes and you continue sweeping. Bi-Han made it to the kitchen, setting his mask down on the counter before walking in the living room.
When he sees you, he’s enraged. “What are you doing?”
You looked at him a bit confused. You always took care of the house when he was gone. “Sweeping? What’s wrong?”
Bi-Han snatched the broom from you and threw it to the ground. “Go lay down in our bed before you pop your stitches open.”
You gave him a look. You weren’t some damsel in distress. You weren’t weak. You could handle some stitches. “I’m fine. I can do a little sweeping. It’s not going to hurt me.”
Bi-Han took in a very deep breath. In and out. As if he was trying to control his temper. He then pointed to the room and motioned for you to go in. “(Y/N). Do not make me ask you again.”
“Well technically you didn’t ask me in the first place. You told me.” You grumbled under your breath a little and left the living room to go into the bedroom.
You laid down on the bed. You couldn’t understand it. What the hell happened to your very grouchy fiancé? I mean he was still grouchy but it was different.
After a few minutes, Bi-Han came into the room. He sat on the bed and took off his shoes.
Bi-Han then took off his pants, leaving him in his boxers. You watched as he changed into his pajama bottoms and took his shirt off. Then he placed his pajama shirt over himself.
“I’ll cook in an hour.” He told you before climbing into bed.
You didn’t even want to question him about it anymore. “Okay…”
You then started to think. Maybe Bi-Han was being nice to you because he wanted something. The behavior was just a complete 180 and you couldn’t buy into it.
Bi-Han had grabbed his book from the stand and was starting to read.
You sat up a little and went to his side. You kissed his cheek softly. You kept doing this until he had turned his head to kiss you on the lips.
Again, this was not his usual roughness. It was sweet and gentle. Like you were made of glass.
You kissed him more passionately. Bi-Han let the book fall in his lap and cupped your face as he kissed you.
The kiss started to turn more heated. Bi-Han gently laid you on the bed so you were fully on your back. He kissed your neck and sucked on it only a little.
You moaned at the softness of his touch. Your hands immediately started to go to his pajama pants. That’s when Bi-Han stopped you.
He pulled away from kissing your neck and removed your hand from his pants. “You have to rest.”
You didn’t want to rest though. You wanted him. “It’s okay. I’m fine. I want you.”
Bi-Han didn’t seem sure of this but started to open your robe. Then he took your underwear off.
He then got down between your legs and started to eat you out.
You gasped at the feeling of his tongue licking your heated pussy. It wasn’t exactly rare for Bi-Han to want to eat you out but it’s not something he jumped to do.
His tongue circled your clit. Then his lips started to suck on it at a good speed.
Bi-Han made sure to hold your thighs tightly in place so you didn’t move. He continued to suck on your clit, causing you to let out a whine.
He gave it a break and started to lick in circles before slurping up all your juices as they ran down his chin. He would’ve put his head farther in you if he could.
“Bi-Han.” You moaned out. You played with his hair as he ate you out. You pulled on his hair so rough that his hair tie used for his ponytail had come out.
Bi-Han continued to devour you like you were his favorite thing to have. He did it in soft, subtle motions so he could savor you on his tongue.
He lifted his head up from your pussy. Then he hovered over you slightly. He licked his fingers and immediately went to your clit where he began to rub it in circles.
You moaned loudly at the new speed he was going. He made sure to rub in fast and harsh circles.
Bi-Han felt himself grow in his pajamas at the sight of you. You were a mess. Falling apart on his tongue and now on his fingers.
When you tried to reach your hand to touch him, he removed your hand with his free one and continued to play with your clit.
You wondered why he wouldn’t let you touch him and you were going to ask but as soon as you tried to ask a familiar feeling in your stomach started to come onto you.
Bi-Han licked his lips as you scratched at his bicep for some type of release. He knew you were close. “You look so good like this.”
Bi-Han was never really a talker during intimacy so the fact he said something turned you on even more and made you feel closer.
Your fingers dug even more into his arm but Bi-Han did not give up on his pace. “I’m so close. Please.” You begged knowing that any time you came, it was on his command.
“Give me a kiss and I’ll let you.”
That was shocking. Bi-Han never kissed you during intimacy. He leaned down to your lips and you leaned a little up. You lips touched in a slow and passionate kiss.
You whimpered in his mouth. Bi-Han took that to his advantage. He sucked on your bottom lip slowly until it made the ‘pop’ noise when he released. You moaned.
Bi-Han started to kiss and suck on your neck not even thinking about breaking his fast pace he had on your clit. Your fingernails dug deeper but this time you drew blood at the scratching you did.
He didn’t have a reaction to it. None at all. He continued to suck on to your neck sweetly. You knew hickeys were going to be there in the morning.
“Oh, my god. I’m almost there.”
Bi-Han stopped the pressure on your clit. You were about to swear at him but he immediately went between your legs again and started to eat you out once more.
You moaned at him sucking on your clit. You let out a high pitch squeal. He made sure to hold your thighs in place tightly again.
“Oh yes. Bi-Han.”
His tongue licks your pussy up and down before focusing his attention back on your clit. He continued to suck and lick all over it in a face pace motion.
“Oh, Bi-Han. I’m cumming. Yes. Please. Yes.”
Bi-Han ate you out for the entirety of your orgasm. Too much so that after you were done, you were pushing him away because your clit was too sensitive. “No more. No more.”
He didn’t seem like he wanted to get up. He brought his head up from your pussy and looked at you. “Aw, you can’t give me one more?” His fingers went inside of your pussy and started to pump in and out of you. “Are you giving up on me?”
After you came for the first time, Bi-Han never cared to go another round at it. Again, something that was very unlike him.
When Bi-Han saw you running away from his fingers, he chuckled. He took his fingers out of you and licked all over them.
He got off the bed and went inside the bathroom that was connected to the room.
When he came back, he had a hot damp facecloth. He placed it over your head and grabbed the blanket.
Extremely weird. Bi-Han never cared to give you any type of aftercare after sex. It wasn’t like he didn’t care. He just did not understand what it meant to women.
He was going to place the blanket over you but then he saw it again. Your stitches on your stomach.
He bent down to your level and lightly touched them. Careful not to hurt you. You watched him as he stared at them with an unreadable expression.
Bi-Han took your right hand. He kissed your knuckles before standing back up. He placed the blanket over you. “I’m going to go cook dinner.” Then he walked out the room.
You stared when he did so. Everything about today was weird but you didn’t hate it.
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You believed that after you were healed, Bi-Han would be right back to normal. That wasn’t the case. At all.
It had been three weeks. Yes, Bi-Han still was the same man with an attitude like no other but he showed his affection towards you almost everyday. That was something he never did.
The last straw was him doing laundry. He never did the laundry. Never. Ever.
As he folded the clothes and placed them on the bed, you marched in the room, right behind him. “Okay. Tell me what’s up. What happened to you?”
“What are you going on about?” Bi-Han questioned you as he continued to fold the clothes.
“Ever since I got hurt you’ve been cooking, cleaning, being all sweet and now you’re doing laundry. Laundry.”
“You’re mad that I’m being nice?”
“No. I’m not mad. I’m just confused.” You placed your hands on your hips as you looked at him. “Do you find me weak now? Because of how badly Shang Tsung injured me?”
Bi-Han shook his head as if he couldn’t believe you would insinuate that. He still didn’t look at you. He continued to fold the clothes. “You think I would be with a weak woman? You insult me.”
You walked over to Bi-Han. You placed your hand on his arm and forced him to look at you. “What is going on with you? I want answers.”
Bi-Han sighed. He stopped folding the clothes. He didn’t want to look at you. “Why did you save me from Shang Tsung?”
You gave him a look. That’s what this was all about? You took the clothes from his hands and placed them on the bed. “How could you ask me something like that? Because I needed to. Because if I lost you then I’d lose myself. Because I had to. Because I love you.”
The two of you did not throw around the L word lightly. It was only said during precious moments. Bi-Han bit his lip and for the first time, did not have a snarky remark for you.
He still did not raise his head to look you in the eyes. He crossed his arms and stared at his feet. “Why did you say yes?”
You looked at him a bit confused. “Yes to what?”
“When I asked you to marry me. Why did you say yes?”
“I just told you I loved you. What more of a reason do you need?”
There was silence. He tapped his foot on the ground. If a pin dropped then it would be heard. “Did you say yes because you felt like you needed to or because you wanted to?”
Bi-Han wasn’t one to show emotions. You saw the sad look on his face and you couldn’t help but cup both sides of his face with your hands. “Why are you asking me this, Bi-Han?”
He removed your hands from his face and sat on the bed. He still didn’t dare to look at you. Just kept his eyes at the ground. “I know I don’t treat you like how you’re suppose to be treated and I’m sorry. I don’t know why but…something in me hates any type of idea of love. I want it but for some reason I can’t show it.”
You listened to his words carefully. You didn’t interrupt him. You sat down next to him on the bed and he continued to speak. “But then you saved me. You risked your life for me. I almost lost you. I don’t want to go on with my life knowing that…I could treat you better.”
Bi-Han admitting to all of this was honestly a shock to you. Even though Bi-Han could be a little mean sometimes, you knew he meant well. That’s what you grew to love about him.
You placed your hand on his back and rubbed it gently. “Bi-Han, why did you propose to me?” Bi-Han looked at you as if you were stupid and when you saw the look, you gave him a look of your own. “You asked me stupid questions so I’ll ask you stupid questions.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes slightly at you before looking away. “Because you make me happy even when I try to be unhappy. Because you calm me. Because you’re my peace. Because I love you.”
Every time he told you he loved you, you felt butterflies. You grabbed a hold on Bi-Han’s hand and interlocked your fingers together. “Yes, I will admit Bi-Han…I do appreciate the recent attitude change but I don’t want you to lose yourself in taking care of me.” With your other hand, you grabbed a hold of his face so he could look at you. “I need you to take care of yourself too. I need you to care about yourself.”
Bi-Han looked deeply in your eyes like he was falling in love all over again. He cupped the left side of your face with his left hand. “I will.”
You gave him a kiss on the lips. He kissed you back, deepening the kiss. The two of you kissed each other like your life depended on it.
Bi-Han pushed all the clothes off the bed and gently laid you back on the bed before getting on top of you. You giggled. “What about laundry?”
“What laundry?” He questioned you while kissing your neck.
“Take a chill pill frosty the snowman.” You joked. You knew that would irritate him. He immediately stopped kissing you and got up from you. He then started to walk out the room. “Where are you going?” You asked, sitting up a little.
“Away from you.”
You laughed and threw yourself back on the bed.
Yup. He was back.
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crabbypalsart · 6 months
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Jan messes with Bacon on the wrong day. 🫢
Yeah, saw this stupid ass meme and thought "Yeah, this is exactly how it would play out when Bacon finally stands up to Jan." X•D
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