#Bad News Brian
thed0ct0risc0ming · 9 months
I need everyone to see this image
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submissiveness · 4 months
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“i taught him everything he knows.”
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kandicon · 4 months
Toy Soldier vs Drumbot Brian contrasts save me <33
Smth smth, the inanimate being choosing to carve and force a piece of life inside itself. The human who was forced to become an object, a robot, with no choice in the matter. The usage of it/its to dehumanize oneself as a means of reclaiming an identity vs the usage of he/him as a means of reclaiming the human identity taken. One who's angel voice pierces through instruments and other singers like when it sings vs the one who rarely sings unless the entire crew sings, so that his voice may be drowned out among it all. The Toy Soldier who completely halts the pacing of another mechanism's song (gptvtmk) to do a heart wrenching solo that temporarily takes the spotlight while refusing to have an independent backstory song vs Drumbot Brian who does have a backstory song, but refuses to sing it unless alongside his other mechanisms and has someone who wasn't a part of the crew at the time be the main singer. Hell, just the difference in focus on title between their songs "The Toy Soldier's Song" which puts all the focus on the Toy Soldier vs "Lost in the Cosmos" which focuses squarely on the situation. The way neither of them have complete control of their actions, not when a sharp order or the flip of a switch may change them in an instant.
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starlightmay · 1 year
Contact sheets and all sorts of photographs of Queen taken through the 70s and 80s and revealed for the Sotheby's auction, in other words, a lot of new content for the world and specifically us to enjoy 🤍 You can find these and more in much better quality here!
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bumblingdragon · 1 year
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hi, im here to report that I am deep in the Trigun trenches 🫡 the brainrot is real, I am so sorry, I'm gonna be here a while...
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bobbinalong · 7 months
i just cannot stand the way bendis writes. if 40% of the page is covered in speech bubbles, maybe cut down the fucking dialogue, dear god
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livethrushit · 11 days
that last scene in the qaf finale was painful. we get a voiceover of michael talking about how some things should never change and the show decided that very much included brian. we then get him dancing in babylon to beat us over the head with the idea that nothing has changed at its core. but everything has in that moment. everything had changed for seasons. with everyone dancing "the way it should be" brian was the only one who didn't fit in that scene, yet there he was smack in the middle of it all
this wasn't growth, it wasn't poetic, it was a poorly written ending
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sophsun1 · 1 month
listen as much as i love britin's reunion in 3.08 we deserved to see more of the ex lovers now forced to work together in a boss/intern dynamic ramped with sexual tension trying to keep it professional in the workplace whilst failing miserably until they eventually give in and then fuck in the office at the end as their reunion :)
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justletmeon12 · 9 months
Just Finished the Neverafter Finale
I think Minerva's epilogue may be my favorite.
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uupdirector · 9 months
Today has been a great Christmas - probably one of the best I've had in so long. Wonderful fair share of gifts given and received, and I couldn't imagine having a better one in my life until now. While it was certainly great to spend time with my family, today... I had a rather positive emotional episode, feeling absolute joy for the holiday when I thought it was all but dampened at first. I actually cried in tears of joy - letting out all of my emotions at once. It was.... legitimately unexpected, and it made me even more excited for the rest of the day - even now as I'm typing this, I can't get over how raw it all felt, and I'm happy to feel something of this level after so long.
And that all extents to a very special gift - one I prepared for more than a month in advance... and it was for myself.
Folks, I'm happy to say that in preparation for my plans next year, I have gifted myself a Lenovo LOQ laptop - one that will allow me to bring better possibilities for creating content on my channels. It's a very big step, as it not only gives me a chance to bring that creative process wherever I go, but also shows what I'm truly capable of now that I have a full-time job, and after all that's happened this year, I saw it fitting to make this my reward after taking this well-deserved break.
Now, for some, this scenario may sound familiar to you all, and I'd be lying if I said that there wasn't any caveats to this special treat, and unfortunately one of them came up as of today. Turns out I was possibly given another special gift (nondiscrimitively); Covid! :'D
Yyyyyyup, got it while I was away yesterday, and miraculously the symptoms started coming up as of today (a Christmas miracle lol), once again putting a damper on my mood because sickness is just so much fun. So yeah, there's that. Don't wanna jinx anything just yet, but I'll make it through this regardless. Thank God I got mood tea for Christmas too - that's what woke up my spirits before, and I'm probably gonna be drinking tons of it. =_=
All that aside though, the other caveats of getting this new laptop stems from just how little time I have nowadays to work on things, but given I don't have to be in the same spot every day when doing so, i imagine this will increase my productivity a TON, so at least there's a positive there. Additionally, there's also the off chance this may not change anything for me immediately. But that's what therapy is for - and I'm still very glad I finally started it, because I imagine it will give me the push I need, especially after a good day like this, and I don't want to end it on a negative note because I feel like crap physically.
With that said, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas or Holiday season - despite my own setbacks as of recent, I had a wonderful one, and I know it's one I'm not going to forget. Take care of yourselves, and here's to the new year! Much love, folks! 💙
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vault81 · 1 month
Jack Cooke's Travel Log: ROBCO - 24/08/2277
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"Oh right, I've been so busy lately that I've forgotten to update you guys! God, where do I even start? I've gotten Brian all set up with Moira for the time being, He's going to be helping Moira around her shop 'til I can track down his aunt. Honestly wasn't entirely onboard with the idea of him working for her but Moira is right, better to keep his mind occupied with work than thinking about his dad."
"Speaking of his aunt, it turns out 'Rivet City' is some kinda settlement on the banks of the Potomac south of the ruins. It's also supposed to be built inside the wreck of an old aircraft carrier, so at least it'll be easy to spot! Getting there isn't going to be a walk in the park though, I've gotta wade my way through ferals, mutants and raiders first. Which means I have to stock up on supplies first"
"Of course, the wasteland being the wasteland that means I need caps first, and there is no easier way to get caps then help out Ol' Moira with her 'Wasteland Survival Guide'. She asked me to deliver this 'widget' (her words not mine) to an old ROBCO factory south-west of Megaton. It was supposed to bring the factory back online and reprogram the robots to work for you. Of course with it being the Wasteland and Moira, that's not what happened but that's spoilers for later!"
"Bit of a hike to get to the factory, took me over half a day to get over there! probably could've been faster if I went through Arlington, but I've heard some nasty rumors about that place so I 'ought to give it a wide berth for now.. did spot some point's of interest for later though, specifically an old Nuka Cola factory, I mean that's gotta have some good shit in it right?! I can imagine it now.. all that delicious Nuka Cola ripe for the takin'... uhm anyway, back to the matter at hand. On my way down I also spotted some kinda skyscraper in the distance! kinda odd it just sitting by itself there, I'll have to ask someone back in Megaton 'bout it!"
"When I got inside the factory I wasn't prepared for it to be so.. full of pests! It was full of mole rats and radroaches, you'd think a factory for a robotic's company would have decent security! but all of the protectrons were deactivated.. or dead.. actually isn't that the same thing to a robot? uhhm anyway, it explained the pest problem. The biggest problem I found was navigating the factory, a lot of the hallways were blocked by debris, so the entire factory turned into a maze of dusty, dilapidated hallyways!"
"Took me a while but I finally got to the factory control room, and installed Moira's 'widget' now, to be fair to her, it did work! the factory came back online and the robots reactivated! What Moira failed to mention is that when installing her 'widget' that a uh.. failsafe I think is the scientific word, would trip! making every robot, turret and I assume coffee machine believe that ROBCO was under communist attack! Which means I had to run for my life while being chased by 200 year old robots with lasers! I'm pretty sure there was a securitrion as well but I was too busy screaming and running for my life to look!"
"I was able to escape the facility as you can tell, with a few holes in my jumpsuit and singed hairs, and trust me I'll be having a few choice words with Moira when I get back...-"
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me4ttzar · 1 year
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my cd and record collection
been really into listening to cds lately, might get around to posting some of my fav albums
all bands in tags
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caracello · 1 year
monroad update... rrgg rrggg i need to play it rrgggggg i need to go on a roads trip.
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s10127470 · 1 year
Episode: Brian Writes a Best Seller (Season 9, Episode 6)
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We open up the episode at the Griffin household, where Brian and Stewie receive a box from a delivery man.
They find out that the box was filled with copies of Brian's latest book, which didn't even sale one copy.
Along with that, the delivery guy reveals that there's a least 300 of those boxes.
And to add insult to injury, most of those boxes are filled with the shredded remains of his books.
That honestly takes a special level of malice to do something like that.
This predicament ends up being the "final straw" for Brian and he decides to quit writing all together.
A little white later, we find Brian and Stewie looking at a newspaper, where it's revealed that the reason his book didn't sale at all was because it was overshadowed by a newly released book written by Pauly Fucking Shore.
Now this is a case where either your book really sucks or God is just not letting you have any Ws whatsoever.
Especially if you're able to get beaten by a book written by the guy who started in Bio-Dome and gave this glorious cinematic masterpiece....
Realizing that actually being passionate about writing has basically not worked for him at all, Brian decides to give writing a book with no passion or care whatsoever a try.
And after three hours of writing, Brian's newest book "Wish It, Want It, Do It" is finished, and thanks to some close contacts of Stewie's, manages to get published.
And soon enough, the book quickly becomes a commerical success.
With the immediate success of the book, Brian decides to hire Stewie as his publicist.
And if the picture above didn't tell you already, you'd probably know that this won't end well.
Anyway, the success of the book lands Brian an interview with Tom Tucker, which Stewie accompanies him to.
Once arriving at the studio, Stewie threatens the guy who welcomes them and demands that he finds them an all-white room and some Fuji Water.
This also segways into a very confusing joke, with Brian pointing out that the bowl of M&Ms on the table in the waiting room are all gray, when they're obviously the usual colors typically found on M&Ms.
But on that topic real quick, is there even such a thing as gray M&Ms?
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Huh.....I guess there is.
Shortly after the interview, Stewie tells Brian that he's just scheduled a book signing up in New York City.
After getting checked into the hotel and an drawn-out hook-up joke, the duo make it to the book signing.
Here we see just how Brian treats his fans.
First we see him with a middle-aged decent-looking woman, who is clearly passionate about the book and extremely grateful for being able to meet Brian in person.
Brian, on the other hand, doesn't feel the same way. As it's so obvious that he couldn't give less of a shit about this lady.
Not only coming off as completely uninterested in her genuine praise of him, but also actively getting her name wrong.
But when the next person is up (who happens to be much younger, more attractive woman than the last one), that's when Brian starts to actually give a damn.
And instead of giving his signature in her book, Brian gives her his phone number, which rightfully confuses and creeps out the woman.
What a dick.
Sometime later, the duo head off to dinner, where Brian reflects on his newfound fame and shows his appreciation for everything Stewie has done.
After they finish dinner, they spot Renée Zellweger having dinner and say hello to her.
But once they get outside, everything (as you would expect) immediately starts to go to shit.
Brian starts to harshly chew out Stewie for not reserving a table at the front of the restaurant, so they could sit near Renée, despite the obvious fact that he nor Stewie even knew she was there until after they finish dinner.
And feeling like Stewie needs to be punished, Brian decides to not give him a lift back to the hotel, leaving Stewie behind and forcing him to resort to calling a cab, which he can't even do because he has no money on him.
Putting aside the obvious reason why this scene is bad (that being Brian suddenly becoming a temperamental egomaniac and unfairly chewing out Stewie), we got to discuss the other biggest problem with this episode.
Stewie has been turn into a meek, quivering coward, when anyone who has seen even one episode of this show would know that Stewie is the last character you would want to fuck with.
May I remind you.....
-He's undoubtedly the most intelligent being alive, despite being only 1-year old. He possesses genius-level intelligence, which has allowed him to create various high-tech weaponry and gadgets that would put the world's greatest geniuses to shame. For God's sake, he literally created a fucking TIME MACHINE. We've been trying to do that for like over a century now, and we still haven't made much progress. Stewie was able to create one on his first try as if it was nothing! And despite having some childish tendencies here and there, his cognitive abilities are pretty much on the level of a full-grown adult.
-In addition to being incredibly intelligent, he's also incredibly cunning and persuasive. He not only knows how to get people on his side and outwit them, but also knows how to leave cuts in them that are REAL deep. And trust me, he has done this to Brian before and especially after this episode.
-Plus he not only knows how to hurt people emotionally, but also physically as well. Stewie is surprisingly skilled in martial arts and is a skilled marksman, hench whenever he's in a fight, he often uses firearms. And despite his size and age, he has been shown as being able to go toe-to-toe in a physical fight against grown adults.
Contrast that with Brian.....
-Whose intelligence is admittedly up for debut. Granted he's not a pure, unadulterated moron like Peter, but he's nowhere near the genius-level intellect of Stewie. And even with that, although he's described as being more intelligent than most of the cast, I don't think he's as smart as he makes himself out to be. It's been implied in many episodes during the post-revival that Brian makes himself look more intelligent than he is in order to make himself look good. Most of you probably know that there have been times when Stewie was discussing a concept with Brian, and Brian spoke over him in order to come off as intelligent. And when he usually does this, Stewie rightfully calls him out. Not helping his case is that Brian doesn't seem to have any form of primary or secondary education. In fact, his only form of education is college, which he flunked out of.....twice.
-Along with that, he's not shown to be particularly cunning or persuasive, which could be a byproduct of his huge ego. He has definitely shown that he is manipulative, especially towards women, but even that's pretty hit or miss. Because with the exception of Peter, Brian hasn't really succeed at manipulating anyone in the main or recurring cast. And even when he has, these victories are often short-lived and usually find a way to come back and bite him in the ass.
-And although he has been shown as being able to hold his own in a fight, he doesn't have quite the skill-set as some of the other characters, especially Stewie. And even when he is in a fight, most of the time, he often gets his ass handed to.
So with all being said, Stewie has no right to let Brian make him his bitch.
If anything, Stewie should be making Brian his bitch....or, male bitch to be exact.
And if this Stewie wasn't written by people who actually remembered he was a badass, he would do either of the following three options.
A. Retort with a well-deserve chewing of his own, shattering Brian's already fragile ego.
B. Send Brian on a one-way trip to the hospital.
C. Both.
Anyway, let's get back to actually talking about the episode.
So starting where we left off, we're treated with this admittedly pretty funny scene.
If this show was written by Butch Hartman, the punchline would've just been that it would just start raining.
Knowing his track record when it comes to comedy....
Once getting back to Quahog, Stewie is able to get back on Brian's good side after he books him an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher to discuss separation of church and state with Maher and Christopher Hitchens.
However, when the day comes for the appearance, that doesn't last long as Brian continues to berate Stewie for the most asinine reasons.
The final straw happens when Brian is informed that Hitchens cannot attend, and that Arianna Huffington and Dana Gould will serve as replacement panelists. Blaming yet Stewie again, Brian angrily fires his ass on the spot and continues on to the show's panel.
And once the panel begins, we're finally treated to Brian's long-awaited comeuppance.
After being humiliated of live national television, Brian's career as a best-selling author immediately goes down the drain and returns back to Quahog with his tail between his legs.
Once returning home, he tries to apologize to Stewie for being an egotistical prick.
Keyword: tries.
As Brian half-heartedly does so, while unsubtly and passive-aggressively continues to blame Stewie for everything that went wrong.
And when Stewie asks if this "apology" will be the best he'll get, he responses with...
"Yeah, pretty much."
Once again, what a dick.
Let's Review:
Brian starts off as admittedly quite sympathetic, due to how despite how much he pours his heart into anything he writes, it never seems to get the attention or praise it truly deserves.
So when he finally does finally get that attention and praise, you can't help but feel happy for the guy.....
Until he curses out Stewie for something that was completely out of his control.
Stewie may be OP, but he isn't that OP. He doesn't have the ability of foresight, Brian.
He then proceeded to ditch Stewie in the middle of New York City, forcing him to find his own way back to the hotel, which he couldn't even do since....
He had no money.
He got shanked by a random thug the moment Brian took off.
And what's worse is that Stewie obviously doesn't deserve any of this.
The only bad thing that Stewie did in this entire episode was that he was admittedly a bit hostile when he became Brian's publicist at first.
But even with that, Stewie was clearly trying to get the best he could for Brian because he genuinely wanted to help him to succeed.
But Brian, thanks to his enormous ego, believes that anything Stewie does isn't good enough and constantly gets angry at him for things that are either completely pointless or were completely out of Stewie's control.
Only proving that Quagmire telling Brian that he's a spoiled brat was completely valid.
(Granted everything in that iconic chewing out was completely valid, and yes, we will be talking about that episode in the future).
And besides Stewie, he wasn't treating anyone well in general.
As I mentioned earlier, there were those two women at the book signing.
Where he more or less ignored the much-less conventionally attractive woman, but gave too much attention to the actually attractive woman.
But the crowding moment of this was during the Bill Maher scene.
During that scene, Maher, Huffington and Gould begin to criticize Brian's book, stating that it fails to meet the expectations of the public and is pretentious, repetitive, unhelpful, banal and manipulative (which is basically modern Brian in a nutshell).
Brian attempts to defend this possibly valid criticism in the same way most modern writers response to criticism....
By making it worse by claiming everyone who even remotely criticizes their work is an idiot and they're the ones who are wrong, not him.
Along with that, he insults the panelists for supposedly having little sense in literature.
And to make matters worse, Brian pettily insults Huffington's accent and Gould's feminine-sounding first name like an immature teenager.
As you would expect, this blows up in Brian's face.
He ultimately confesses that he too considers his book to be of a low standard, admitting that he wrote it in a day in the hope that it would sell.
This prompts Maher to loses what already little respect he has for Brian, stating that a real writer would stand by their work despite what others think.
And as an artist and a Fanfiction writer myself, I really appreciate Maher's statement.
And with that being said, it does make you wonder if Brian really is passionate about writing, or just does it in the hope of becoming famous.
Considering him, it's most likely a combination of both.
Though if you ask me, it's probably more of the latter.
And after returning home: humiliated, defeated, and with a career that was as short-lived as Aaron Taylor-Johnson's time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you would think Brian would reflect on this, realize the errors of his aways, and try to make amends with Stewie for treating him like shit.
But this is Family Guy and character development isn't one of its priorities.
And since Brian STILL has his head so far up his own ass, he refuses to accept that anything that has happened to him was his own fault and when he "apologizes", he still tries to blame Stewie.
You're a Bad Dog, Brian Griffin!
Well that was the very first episode of my newest series, "You're a Bad Dog, Brian Griffin!" and I hope you all liked it!
Next time we'll be looking at the episode "Brian the Closer".
So stay tune, and if you could, send me some requests for episodes to look at.
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natromanxoff · 2 years
Brian May live at the Richfield Avenue in Reading, UK (with Bad News) - August 29, 1987
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themaskofreason · 11 months
what is the best song by the altogether? bracket 26!!
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