#Bailey whipped cream recipe
empirelomo · 2 years
Bailey whipped cream recipe
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However, the egg mixture might turn quite thin. It is possible to use half and half/single cream or milk instead of heavy cream. Store-bought liquor can be substituted with homemade Irish cream. Use brioche or challah instead of white bread. Why not serve Baileys French toast with Irish coffee or Baileys hot chocolate on St. Pair it with one of these warm Irish beverages: Some of the savory extras/sides that you might like are scrambled eggs, sausages, or bacon. Baileys whipped cream – the recipe is part of the recipe card.Syrup – chocolate, caramel, strawberry,….Fruit compote – simmer fruits with a little sugar, add some butter and a splash of lemon juice.Fresh fruits or berries – use anything you like or have on hand.Spatula – so you can turn French toast over easily Griddle (preferred option & easier) or frying pan (non-stick is a must) First, check if it is large enough to fit a slice of bread in.įork or whisk – to combine all the French toast batter ingredients. Tools needed to make Baileys Irish cream French toastĭeep plate – for the egg mixture. Irish cream French toast served with baileys whipped cream makes a decadent dessert! Patrick’s day, surprise your spouse on a Sunday morning… Make it for breakfast or brunch, for Mother’s day, St. Topped with Baileys whipped cream and berries this tasty breakfast is hard to say no to! Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Pinterest for more recipes like this.Lightly boozy Baileys French toast is the perfect adult treat for any occasion. I like mine with just the 2 ounces of Bailey’s Irish Cream :). Optional – If you want to make your drink a little stronger you can add 1 ounce of Irish whiskey. Serve and enjoy! This is optional but I highly recommend it! Use your favorite homemade or store bought whipped cream to top the coffee. Pour it into the coffee and mix to combine. Leave a little room in the mug for the Baileys Irish cream. Pour the coffee into your favorite mug when ready. Flavored coffees can change the flavor of the cocktail. You can use regular, flavored, bold, or any that is your favorite. Irish coffee comes together very quickly. But you will often see it added to speciality drinks, such as Irish coffee, cakes, ice cream, and other treats. You can serve Baileys on its own over ice. It has a partially sweet, chocolatey flavor. I highly recommend brown sugar for this drink!īaileys Irish cream is a combination of cream and Irish whiskey. If regular coffee is too bitter for you, you can add some sugar to the coffee before putting the cream on top. If so you can add some Irish whiskey such as Jameson. Irish Whiskey (optional) – Some people like to make the drink a little stronger (2 ounces of Bailey’s is enough for me :)).Shaved dark or milk chocolate (optional) – The chocolate makes the cocktail look nice, but you can omit it if you prefer.Whipped cream (optional) – The original Irish coffee also used a lightly whipped cream on top of the hot cocktail.Baileys Irish Cream – There really is no substitute for Bailey’s.Hot brewed coffee – Pick your favorite coffee, but a regular blend works well.For garnish, you can add shaved dark or milk chocolate. Just like the original Irish coffee, you only need a few ingredients. So he added whiskey and unwittingly created the Irish coffee cocktail now famous today. Irish coffee came about because the chef at the terminal thought that coffee wasn’t enough to warm the passengers of a flight that got turned around. Because they could not fly above bad weather, if a storm occurred, they often had to turn back or risk crashing in the storm. They took off and landed on water and could only fly at low altitudes because they were not pressurized. A chef at a flying boat terminal in Ireland invented the drink when he wanted a way to help warm up returning passengers from a failed flight across the Atlantic.įlying boats were large precursors to modern airplanes. The story of Irish coffee actually dates back to 1943. Thank you! Why is it called Irish Coffee? That means if you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Note: This post may contain affiliate links. You’ll love making this easy cocktail at home! Patrick’s Day treat that you can enjoy while the kids chow down on leprechaun cookies. Irish coffee combines a caffeinated cup of Joe with a shot of creamy liqueur for a perfectly creamy, dreamy coffee that makes the perfect cocktail to serve with dessert on a chilly night and pairs particularly well with chocolate desserts. Our cinnamon coffee is an everyday favorite but sometimes you need a little something extra. Bailey’s Irish coffee is a classic spiked coffee drink that combines Irish creme liqueur with hot coffee.
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wonderlesch · 2 years
My Favorite Themed Cocktails
My Favorite Themed Cocktails shares the cocktail recipes at the top of my list! And I have a pretty long list. After creating and drinking hundreds of cocktails I decided to share My Favorite Themed Cocktails! Slainte!
Hello and welcome to My Favorite Themed Cocktails. So far anyway! I have created and shared hundreds of cocktails since beginning this website. There are themed cocktails that stick out to me more then others and I continue to make, and drink them often. I prefer cocktails that don’t taste like alcohol. You can stop laughing now. Just to clarify, I also love bourbon on the rocks. So, one extreme…
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
Re: your replies on that alcoholic cappuccino monstrosity like. He’s literally making a foamy White Russian why not use vodka!!! You’ve got the Kahlua and the baileys in the cream why not just make a White Russian and call it a day
YEAH!!!! You get it!!!! Like????? And the man has the audacity to then put hershey’s chocolate on top when cinnamon and nutmeg are literally right there also???? And would definitely go better with those flavors like??? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I should know better by now that with this dude there’s no accounting for refined taste but fr like you could’ve done proper irish coffee even with that or amplified it with some tia maria but… but no. We get… TEQUILLA STARBUCKS. I feel like drinking that would feel like drinking some poison in skyrim and instantly ragdolling.
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greghatecrimes · 2 months
You said you used to be a barista? Any headcanons on how our darlings at PPTH take their hot cocoa?<3
I did used to be a barista indeed!! <3 Oh this is such a good question, I'm much more of a hot cocoa than a coffee person myself so I absolutely love it.
These are based more on vibes than anything else:
House: With a near obscene amount of mini marshmallows sprinkled in, and a very healthy spiral of whipped cream on top of that. Like, tall enough that it looks like it might tip over. Half the time he probably makes it that big just to be obnoxious/see the ducklings' reactions lol
Wilson: Either normal hot chocolate (homemade though, not the powder/instant mix kind. Only ever homemade! Probably chides House whenever he sees him going for the hot cocoa powder and then stops him, takes over, and makes a big batch of luxurious homemade hot chocolate. (little does he know that was house's master plan all along.)), or he goes like... super indulgent and enjoys something like salted caramel hot cocoa every once in a while. If such a recipe exists.
Cuddy: Let's be real, it most likely wouldn't be a hot chocolate, it would be a mocha. That caffeine fuels her through her day. Unless she's at home with Rachel for a snow day or something. Then it's the good ol' swiss miss they keep a box of in the pantry. Rachel likes to put rainbow sprinkles on top with her mini marshmallows, and somehow there's always a little handful of them that end up in Cuddy's mug, too.
Cameron: Peppermint hot chocolate, one thousand percent! I wrote a post about coffee orders a while ago and I mentioned that Cameron totally seems like a peppermint mocha girl to me. The same carries over for hot chocolate, too. She'd be happy drinking peppermint hot chocolate any time of year, no matter the weather! (And I love her for it). I think it would be a total comfort drink for her. Very grounding. <3
Chase: Similar to the coffee orders, I think Cameron introduces him to peppermint hot chocolate, and he ends up really enjoying it. I think he'd also enjoy just plain hot chocolate with a small layer of whipped cream on top. (I'm picturing that it's the kind where the whip is about even with the rim of the glass, so that when you drink the first couple sips, you usually end up getting a whipped cream mustache). ALSO? Bailey's hot chocolate (hot cocoa recipe spiked w/Bailey's Irish Cream liqueur). Great nightcap on a cold winter night.
Foreman: Like I said, a lot of these are based on vibes alone. My man is really giving me "Hot cocoa with Nutella stirred in" vibes rn. Or something else that'll give it a nice, rich hazelnut flavor alongside the chocolate. Anything that adds more depth to the flavor instead of stacking on the sweetness. I can see him liking a dark chocolate hot cocoa with some dark cherry extract added in, too!
Kutner: Hot chocolate infused with orange extract, from a recipe specially made so that it tastes like you're drinking the equivalent of one of those chocolate oranges. Everyone thinks he's nuts until he convinces them to try it, and then they're all absolutely hooked.
Thirteen: I have two thoughts in my mind. One: I think she'd like both white hot chocolate and milk chocolate hot cocoa. Two: She strikes me as the type of person who would get a craving for hot chocolate in the summer, but absolutely NOT want the sensory feel of a hot drink when it's hot out. So she takes hot chocolate powder and mini marshmallows and mixes them into a glass of cold milk. House calls her out on it and is like "you're just drinking glorified chocolate milk at this point." Kutner immediately jumps to her defense and says "it's not chocolate milk, it's cold chocolate." (Then he makes himself a glass of "cold chocolate" and is like "This is actually pretty good!" and then orders an iced mocha with no espresso in it every day for the next week)
Taub: Dark chocolate hot cocoa. Something that's not too, too sweet, but still has a good cocoa flavor. Maybe this part is because I'm POTS-y/probable EDS and need way more salt than average (and thus fucking LOVE salt), but I feel like he'd enjoy sprinkling little sea salt crystals on top. Then it tastes like one of those fancy dark chocolate candy bars you can get at trader joe's.
Bonus Amber, just like in the coffee questions: Homemade chocolate infused with pure raspberry extract. And just a little bit of whipped cream on top (probably also homemade). (I adore her)
This was so much fun to think about! Thank you for the ask, anon! <3
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animarret · 2 months
Hazbin Inspired Drink: Angel Dust
Made another cocktail/mocktail Hazbin inspired recipe, this time based on Angel Dust. It turned out a bit messy presentation-wise, but the flavors turned out good! It's a sweet, fruit-based drink. Here's the recipe for alcohol and nonalcoholic versions, with notes and photos:
Alcohol version:
Chocolate syrup and powdered sugar for rim (I'll edit if I figure out a better rim, since this was rather messy)
1 tbsp Bailey's (I used an espresso one, but any creme liqueur would be fine I think)
Berry wine (didn't measure, just topped the glass)
Whipped cream
Strawberries for garnish (optional; I used them to make "cat ears" for those who don't like the Hazbin, it's Hello Kitty now)
For a nonalcoholic version:
Replace Bailey's with liquid creamer
Replace wine with blended strawberries and milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)
And steps:
If nonalcoholic, blend strawberries and milk in a blender.
Rim glass with chocolate, then powdered sugar.
Add wine/smoothie, fill as desired.
Add cream ingredient.
Top with whipped cream.
If you're adding the garnish, cut a strawberry into quarters and push two slices onto the glass.
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One person liked the coffee flavor in the alcohol version, the other didn't
Addition suggestion: a hint of banana could likely blend well with these flavors
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threadsun · 1 year
Anonymous Asks: "What do you think are Jack's, Joseph's, Shaun's, Ian's, Nick's, and Jean's favorite foods and drinks?"
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Ooooh I’m gonna do these a lil out of order for Headcanon Reasons~
Content: Food and drink talk
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Okay so I know everyone headcanons him as Italian-American, but like… my little Jewish heart likes to think he’s Jewish
Some of his favourite foods are ones he remembers his bubbe making for him before she passed away and he ran away
Her brisket is the thing he misses the most, so soft with just a hint of hot sauce and horseradish. Sandwiched between two slices of freshly baked challah…
The slightly gross bagels and lox she used to buy for him on a Sunday morning
But also he’s a sucker for a greasy burger and slightly soggy fries, a strawberry milkshake on the side
Shitty boxed wine (or manischewitz lmao)
So, Sunny Day Jack was meant to be an all-American guy, but this Jack is a weird amalgamation of Jack and Joseph
So, uh, he’s Jewish too now. It’s my house I get to make the rules, and the rules are I project onto characters
Apples may be his favourite snack, but for a meal? Matzo ball soup. It’s got vegetables, protein, carbs… if you make it the day before, you can skim off the schmaltz!
He also loves fruit salads and regular salads, and—no surprise here—blueberry pancakes
Any sort of fruit juice is good for him! He’ll freshly squeeze it himself to make sure there’s not too much sugar
Man loves milk
Shaun is an accomplished man in many respects, but uhhhh… cooking is not one of them
He’s not the worst at it, he can make himself ready meals or boxed mac and cheese or simple dishes
But generally, he kinda prefers to just get food in. Chinese, Thai, and Indian are absolutely his favourites, but he does also like to try new places when he can
He’s a big fan of sandwiches! Any filling, he just loves something he can hold in one hand while he works
As for drinks, he loves a good smoothie. Especially those super healthy green ones full of like kale and spinach and stuff
Shaun’s alcoholic drink of choice is vodka
Ian’s a pretty good cook! Not like… professional chef level, but he likes to watch cooking shows
He’s picked up a few things, and he’s learned to cook all of his favourite foods
He makes an absolutely delicious ramen, a very good full English breakfast, and he’s also a decent baker. Pies, cookies, cinnamon rolls of course
Breakfasts are definitely his specialty, especially things that are good for breakfast in bed
He loves strawberry milk, it’s almost silly how excited he gets about it (but also so cute)
He’s a big fan of all types of tea!
Now, Ian may be a good cook, but Nick is almost a professional level cook. He’s practiced for years
He’s good enough to make his own new recipes if he knows the basic ingredients needed
He specializes in all types of rice and pasta and bread, all made by hand. Fried rice, coconut rice, carbonara, bolognese, naan, pizza, anything like that
He does love a good pain au chocolat, especially with a hot coffee. It’s his ideal breakfast
When it comes to drinks, he mostly sticks with water and coffee, but sometimes he’ll drink soda
He’s a sucker for lemonade
Look, Jean never wanted to be an actor. He wanted to be a baker. It’s why he stuck with the Rory role for so long.
He’s not like… the best at it, just cause he doesn’t have much time to practice
But he definitely loves to eat sweets! Cakes and cookies, macrons and meringues, parfaits and puddings. Anything sweet, he has a major sweet tooth!
Cafe foods and drinks in general are his favourites. Croissants, doughnuts, coffee, tea
He loves a good cup of hot chocolate, with marshmallows and whipped cream
This man loves baileys
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Dorm Leader’s Drinks
Based on this post here. Kudos to @scertifiedsavanaclawstan​. Check them out before you keep going here.
This is my interpretation of the drinks’ descriptions I saw in the linked post above. I love Twisted Wonderland (although the ENG devs did us dirty on Chapter 5) and this was just an excuse to see how these drinks would be in real life.
Warning: Alcohol (respective TWST characters are obviously aged up [pretty sure they’re in some AU if memory serves]) Minors DNI. You have been warned. None of the cocktails were my idea (reference the linked post above). 
I repeat: Minors. Do. Not. Interact. 
Always Drink Responsibly (or better yet, don’t [your future self will thank you for this]). Exact recipes will not be posted and several key ingredients will be omitted.
Riddle’s Screaming Rose
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From OP’s post, the Screaming Rose is supposed to be “SWEEET [...] flavored like strawberry and is good with food.” What the drink’s image and description reminded me of is a strawberry caipirinha/caipiroska, but instead I chose to make a sweet forward cocktail based on a Strawberry Smash. With a sweet, aged dark rum and a little amaretto liqueur, this shaken cocktail uses a rich 2:1 simple syrup, and fresh muddled strawberries to produce a cocktail that is not only very sweet but also fruity and a nice addition to any meal. 
However, I may have overdone it with the amaretto. Because I did not have access to any strawberry liqueur, I felt as if the minty amaretto would be a nice addition to the tart-sweet of the strawberries, but ended up slightly overpowering it. In the future, I would use more strawberries (either in puree or liqueur form) and maybe a few drops of rosewater. Overall, the drink is a 7.5/10.
Leona’s Purring Kitten
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Now, this drink was a grand slam. Because the “drink of his is made with coffee” and can be “bitter” for some, this was very similar to a White Russian. However, instead of heavy cream or bailey’s as a float, I made whipped cream with a healthy dose of Rumchata to replace the cinnamon sticks appearing in the drink as well as forming the whipped cream dollop (although, I mistook Kalim’s drink with Leona’s so it came with an entire whipped cream float Whoops).
Like the description, this drink is bitter due to the coffee, but is very nice when mixed with the Rumchata whipped cream. I would have lessened the amount of cream put into the drink. Also, the animal cracker was a nice addition, making this a very delicious dessert cocktail. Definite 9/10
Azul’s Mermaid’s Tears
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Oh, Great Sevens, Azul! Our only Martini and you had to have a “taste in drinks [that] was boring” (Floyd) and “tastes...healthy?” From the description and appearance of a drink served up and with edible flowers and a salt rim, it got me thinking of a Blue Margarita. However, keeping with Azul being from the ocean, I chose to use a lightly aged Puerto Rican Rum (to at least make this a little tropical) and a few drops of orange blossom water for some crisp, floral notes. 
I definitely overdid the half-salt rim. But, this drink was sadly exactly what I pictured: boring (according to Floyd), ...fine (according to Jade), and while not healthy tasting (technically since the healthiest drink in the world is Dihydrogen monoxide), it does make for a decent-ish drink that while I would drink once, would probably not order again. Azul, get a friggin’ Mai Tai, a Zombie, a Rum Punch—anything else! GDI!  6/10
Kalim’s Sleepy Tiger
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With Kalim’s drink, I did not have much to go on. Other than the drink being “a mango-infused spirit with whipped cream” before the addition of date syrup (which I could not find dates to make into a syrup), it was the most mysterious. Luckily, I had extra whipped cream batched for Leona’s drink, so I decided to make another dessert-style cocktail. Using Casamigos Reposado (a reposado tequila with notes of dried fruits and vanilla/cocoa), chocolate liqueur, a few other ingredients, and mango simple syrup, I managed to create a cocktail I think best resembled the drink. 
At first, the flavors clashed between the whipped cream and the drink itself. However, this drink reminded me of a mango milkshake and slowly began to taste great. In the future, I would substitute the tequila with a rum (maybe a demerrara rum), but would risk ruining the vibrant orange color of the drink. 6.5/10
Vil’s Cranky Virgin
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I had high hopes to make this drink amazing, as Vil (whether canon or AU) is a perfectionist. The drink is described as “appropriately expensive tasting, made with apple syrup and a VERY herbaceous liquor,” as well as being garnished with red apple slices and rosemary. Immediately, I knew gin was the key spirit, but it couldn’t be anything but Empress 1908 Gin. This indigo-colored gin is distilled with eight botanicals, including butterfly pea flower, that turns into a vibrant purple when mixed with citrus. Although the description described “apple syrup” I added rosemary when making a custom apple simple syrup to enhance the herbal notes of the spirit. A tiny amount of grenadine was added at the bottom to give the syrup its red hue. 
While not as purple as I would like it to be (possibly due to the addition of too much grenadine) the drink tasted like a classic, fruity, herbal Tom Collin’s. The rosemary may have been slightly overpowering and I would have appreciated more of an apple taste. In the future, the simple syrup would probably be made with apple juice instead of water or be simmered with apples for a longer time. I will definitely be revisiting this drink later on. 7/10 Don’t curse me, Vil!
Idia’s Gamer Rage
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Did you know how hard it was to find Blue Raspberry Soda!? Well, I couldn’t find the damn thing, so I did the next best thing. For a “boozy root beer float” with blue raspberry flavor, I used a clear raspberry soda mixed with blue curaçao and a vanilla bean ice cream float and a cherry on top. 
Now, lemme tell you sumthin’, I wanted to not like this drink. Idia’s not my favorite character, but goddamn if this drink wasn’t good. I love ice cream sodas, Italian sodas, etc., and Idia’s Gamer Rage was no different. This was probably one of the top three drinks because it is a simple concept (unlike Vil’s or Kalim’s) and the combination was solid. Sweet, bubbly, and creamy. 8.5/10
Malleus’ Dragon’s Tantrum 
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I had already covered Malleus’ drink prior to making everything here, but to summarize, the Dragon’s Tantrum has a lot of “lime mixed with [...] absinthe [that] makes it a drink almost no one other than Malleus orders.” I couldn’t use absinthe as the main spirit due to it having a super high alcohol percentage and turning cloudy when mixed with water. However, a Midori Sour is a perfect drink to have a large absinthe rinse.
I love absinthe (only buy the real stuff). Although Midori is a sweet melon liqueur, the Dragon’s Tantrum is very absinthe forward with hints of licorice and star anise and sour at the end that makes you pucker a bit. For those who love sours, this is a wonderful drink that outclasses (in my opinion) everything on this list. Solid 9/10
Final Thoughts
The drinks were a blast to make. I had always wanted to make cocktails based on the characters of the games I play (I’m looking at you, Ikemen Sengoku), and while I never imagined doing one for Twisted Wonderland, this post inspired me to exercise my growing knowledge of mixology and cocktails. Thanks so much to the OP, @scertifiedsavanaclawstan​. Bartender!Yuu has their work cut out for them. As always:
Drink Responsibly or stick to water (your future self and liver will thank you) Cheers!
Tags: @scertifiedsavanaclawstan
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tari-makes-drinks · 1 year
I used to mix baileys Irish cream with coco powder until it made like a pudding-ish texture and eat it. I don’t have the exact recipe but it’s really just add enough powder till your good with the texture. I tried to modify it sometimes like a tried to make a tiramisu flavor by adding instant coffee powder (it was not very good wouldn’t recommend) also I added way too much and the caffeine and alcohol combo was not great. Also once I tried to use muscle milk vanilla protein powder but uh don’t do that. It tastes fine but I think there’s something in that stuff that made me feel like insanely bad for 12 hours after.
uh tldr coco powder baileys pudding is something you might want to try if you want. You can add whip cream too and make it fancy.
I think I might have to get a recipe for this one or something because this is kinda gross.
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I think this was ~150ml baileys to ~2 spoonfuls of cocoa powder. It's notably thicker than bailey's but nowhere near pudding texture. Sort of like a thin yogurt.
The flavor is chalky and overpoweringly chocolatey. I was barely able to take two sips. Luckily my milk frother was able to break up the cocoa clumps (for the most part) or it would be even less palateable.
I can see how someone might like it, but I think it's not for me, personally. I do think that baileys would be an excellent addition to a proper pudding or custard.
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complicitsacrilege · 9 months
🍁 What’s your favorite color the leaves turn?
🥧 What’s your favorite autumnal dessert?
Thank you!! 💖
🍁 red! I love when the leaves turn bright red or even that deep purplish color
🥧 hands down pumpkin pie. I can't eat it anymore but if I could I would literally eat nothing else.
Bonus pumpkin pie crust recipe to try:
Put in a blender or food processor (or if you don't have that, just beat the shit out of it until it's crumbled up): Pumpkin spice Cheerios & graham crackers - about equal parts. It doesn't have to be perfect. You can also add some roasted espresso beans and that tastes SO good. Start with just a few because they have a very strong flavor and you don't want it overpowering everything else.
Once it's blended and there are no large chunks, stir in some cinnamon & nutmeg.
Melt some butter
Pour some of the butter into the crumblies and pack it into a pie dish evenly around the bottom and edges. Start with less butter, but you want it to be able to stick together without being sticky.
Bake in the oven at 350 until lightly toasted (usually like 10 minutes, but if it starts turning golden or browning take it out)
Put in your pie filling and bake again for however long your pie filling takes.
Serve with fresh whipped cream (whip your own! It's not hard! Plus you can add in a tiny bit of vanilla and some sugar and it'll taste like Starbucks whip), an affogato shot of espresso or a shot of Bailey's, if you're into it.
There are no measurements because you measure with your heart. Idk what to tell you if you want exact measurements. Just stick stuff in a blender man idk
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
well it was fucking snowing when i left work last night, so i am taking that as motivation to push myself more into the seasonal vibe of things, as i've been kinda lagging in the department, and whipping myself up a batch of Hot Buttered Rum batter. I welcome you to join me; all you need is,
½ cup of brown sugar
½ cup of soft butter
¼ cup of honey
¼ tsp of cinnamon
¼ tsp of nutmeg
¼ tsp of ground cloves
throw that shit in bowl and mix in whatever way is convenient for you, I use an electric hand mixer and make a big fucking mess because I always forget to double the recipe size. But you can do it by hand easy enough. That can stay in the fridge for a while, and any time you want a nice warm drink, scoop a quarter cup of it into a mug, throw in shot or two of a dark rum, and top off with hot water.
You can also just melt the batter into a cup of coffee if you'd rather.
And to top it off, some whipped cream and a little pinch of nutmeg, or a shot of Bailey's Irish Cream will do the trick. Sometimes I like to throw a little scoop of vanilla icecream on top.
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wonderlesch · 2 years
Best October Themed Cocktails
Best October Themed Cocktails shares Halloween and Harvest themed drink ideas. Click to discover Ghost in a Glass, Boo Berry Cocktails and so much more. They are the Treat in Trick or Treat! Cheers!
Hello and Welcome to Best October Themed Cocktails. Where has the year gone? I love October! Autumn is my favorite time of year. Here are a couple of my favorite October themed Cocktails. Discover: Ghost in a Glass, Boo Berry Cocktail and more. Cheers to the season of Autumn and the Best October Themed Cocktails. Ghost in a Glass The Ghost in a Glass cocktail reminds me of Ghostbusters’ Slimer.…
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Siren Song Cocktails 10: Luo Binghe's True Form
When considering making a drink for our beloved sea goddess' true form, I had to go deep, deep into my memory vault to pull out the recipe for this monstrosity. I made it in grad school when I had too much time and a bunch of friends to get intoxicated fast. It was the only thing I'm familiar with that would fit for a primordial being of chaos like Binghe.
The measurements below are for one serving. For all that it tastes good, this drink is NOT for human consumption. Please, DON'T MAKE THIS DRINK.
Chocolate Milk
3 oz (90 mL) of Kraken 3 oz (90 mL) of Bailey's Irish Cream 1.5 oz (45 mL) Kahlua (don't use good coffee liqueur like Mr. Black, it's too acidic) .75 oz (22.5 mL) vanilla vodka .75 oz (22.5 mL) Jameson .5 oz (15 mL) Triple Sec 3 oz Heavy Cream Whipped Cream (optional)
Build in a tall glass. Add ice and/or shake if you want. Top with optional heavy cream. Better yet, don't make this drink.
Sea serpent Binghe is next week.
Pic below cut.
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koffeetips · 20 days
Baileys Iced Coffee
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Baileys Iced Coffee Servings: 1 Ingredients For Baileys Iced Coffee 3 1/2 ounces Baileys Original Irish Cream 7 ounces of freshly brewed coffee Or 2 espresso shots if a strong coffee taste is preferred. Directions To Make Baileys Iced Coffee Brew coffee and allow it to cool Pour Baileys and coffee into a tall, ice-filled glass Topped with whipped cream, optional. Stir and enjoy! Would you like to see more Baileys recipe ideas? Do you prefer a classic Baileys iced coffee, or do you like to add other flavors? What are your favorite toppings for iced coffee? Whipped cream, caramel drizzle, or something else? If you'd like a mocktail version, what non-alcoholic substitute would you use for Baileys? Email Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Keep In Touch If You Like My Articles. As much as I like to share my knowledge and skills with you, I love to hear from you. If you have any suggestions or comments, please click here. Also don't forget to subscribe to our quarterly newsletters if you like my blogs and like to keep in touch. Of course, read more blog posts I post now and then, such as  "Cold Brew At Home". Read the full article
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the-volary · 5 months
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gbiguigu546546 · 9 months
Enjoy Your After-dinner Indulgence with Tiramisu or Pick Me Up
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When it comes to delectable desserts that are both rich in flavor and steeped in history, tiramisu stands as a timeless classic. This heavenly creation, often referred to as "tiramisu cake dessert," has captured the hearts and taste buds of dessert enthusiasts around the world. In this article, we'll delve into the world of tiramisu, exploring its origins, variations, and how to make your own delightful tiramisu dessert.
Tiramisu: A Slice of History
Before we dive into the delectable details of tiramisu recipes, let's take a moment to appreciate the history and heritage behind this iconic dessert. Tiramisu, which means "pick me up" or "lift me up" in Italian, is believed to have originated in the Veneto region of Italy during the 1960s. Its creation is often credited to the city of Treviso, although there are competing claims from other Italian cities. tiramisu lady fingers  ladyfingers recipes
The allure of tiramisu lies in its combination of contrasting textures and flavors. It typically features layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers (also known as Savoiardi) and a creamy mascarpone cheese mixture, all dusted with cocoa powder. The magic is in the balance of bitter coffee, sweet mascarpone, and the light, airy ladyfingers. tiramisu dessert recipe
Tiramisu Ingredients: A Symphony of Flavors
To create the perfect tiramisu dessert, it's essential to gather the finest ingredients. Here's what you'll need for a classic tiramisu recipe:
Ladyfingers: These delicate sponge cake fingers are the foundation of tiramisu. Ladyfingers are readily available at most grocery stores, or you can try your hand at making them with a ladyfinger biscuit recipe.
Mascarpone Cheese: This creamy, slightly sweet Italian cheese is the star of the show. Its rich, velvety texture gives tiramisu its signature lusciousness. easy tiramisu recipe
Eggs: While some recipes call for raw eggs, you can also find eggless tiramisu recipes or those using alternative ingredients like pasteurized eggs or egg substitutes.
Sugar: A touch of sweetness is necessary to balance the bitterness of the coffee and cocoa. tiramisu dessert ingredients  tiramisu recipe no egg
Coffee: Strong, freshly brewed espresso or instant coffee is used to soak the ladyfingers. For an adult twist, you can even incorporate a bit of Baileys Irish Cream into your tiramisu. ingredients for tiramisu dessert
Cocoa Powder: Unsweetened cocoa powder is dusted on top of the tiramisu for that final touch of flavor and visual appeal. recipe for ladyfingers cookies baileys tiramisu
The Tiramisu Recipe: A Step-by-Step Guide
Now that we have our tiramisu ingredients ready, let's explore a step-by-step tiramisu recipe:
Brew the Coffee: Start by brewing a strong cup of coffee and allowing it to cool. If you're adding Baileys, mix it into the coffee.
Prepare the Mascarpone Mixture: In a mixing bowl, combine the mascarpone cheese, sugar, and egg yolks. Mix until smooth and creamy.
Beat the Egg Whites: In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Gently fold the egg whites into the mascarpone mixture to create a light and airy texture.
Dip the Ladyfingers: Dip each ladyfinger briefly into the cooled coffee mixture. Be careful not to soak them for too long, as they can become soggy.
Layer the Dessert: In a serving dish or individual glasses, start by placing a layer of soaked ladyfingers. Follow with a layer of the mascarpone mixture. Repeat the process, creating alternating layers until you've used all the ingredients. tiramisu biscuits
Chill and Garnish: Cover the tiramisu and refrigerate for several hours, allowing the flavors to meld. Just before serving, dust the top with cocoa powder.
Tiramisu Variations: Beyond the Classics
While the traditional tiramisu recipe is a beloved classic, there are countless variations to explore. Here are a few creative takes on this Italian delight:
Tiramisu Cheesecake: Combine the flavors of tiramisu with the creamy richness of cheesecake for an indulgent treat.
Strawberry Tiramisu: Add a fruity twist by layering sliced strawberries between the ladyfingers and mascarpone. authentic tiramisu recipe
Chocolate Tiramisu: Swap out the traditional cocoa powder for grated chocolate or chocolate shavings for an extra chocolatey experience.
Tiramisu Ice Cream: Transform the flavors of tiramisu into a frozen delight by incorporating them into homemade ice cream.
Eggless Tiramisu: For those who prefer to skip the eggs, explore eggless tiramisu recipes that use alternatives like whipped cream or yogurt. tiramisu cake recipe
Italian Tiramisu: Stay true to the roots of this dessert with an authentic Italian tiramisu recipe that emphasizes simplicity and high-quality ingredients.
In Conclusion
Tiramisu, with its delightful layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and creamy mascarpone mixture, is a dessert that has transcended borders and generations. Whether you opt for the classic recipe or experiment with creative variations like tiramisu cake dessert or tiramisu ice cream, there's no denying the irresistible charm of this Italian masterpiece.
So, the next time you're in the mood for an after-dinner indulgence, consider whipping up your own tiramisu dessert. With its heavenly flavors and rich history, it's sure to be a "pick me up" that leaves you craving more.
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securewithtss · 10 months
Recipe for Bailey's Irish Cupcakes
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Sweet golden-brown cupcakes with the flavor of Irish cream liqueur are quick to whip up. Frost them with whipped cream or your favorite frosting.
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