#Bakagou x y/n
katsubiatch · 4 years
Hopelessly Devoted-1
Warnings~Slight smut-making out, drinking of alcoholic beverages, bar shenanigans, Hospitals, obnoxious exes, way too long of a chapter
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Your head throbbed as you tried to concentrate on keeping your eyes open, forcing yourself to breath no matter how hard you wanted to just quit. You could feel blood pooling out underneath you and knew you were a goner if no one found you.
No one would find you, no one would suspect you to be here. You'd just decided to help out in the ER after your latest fight with Katsuki. What a pain that was turning into.
Your eyes traveled around the intake room, it was a mess now after the man had thrown you around it. You couldn't be angry, he hadn't meant to be violent and was passed out again in his bed.
The ER was busy, and this mans vitals were fine. No one was going to find you. You'd die here, never to see Katsuki again. Oh you couldn't believe the fight you'd had. It was the same one as always but now you couldn't help but think that you'd never run your hands through that annoyingly spiky hair that never stayed put, or across his cheeks, the scars on his body. You'd never be able to tell him about...
Your thoughts were disrupted when the door to the intake room opened and in came an Angel you were sure of it. The Angel of death to take you away. At this point you'd have anyone if it meant the pain would go away.
The Angel dropped down to his knees next to you, pulling out all kinds of equipment and swearing under his breath. He looked a lot like Shinsou in his white coat. "What the hell happened?" He sure sounded a lot like Shinsou too. "Sweet cheeks stay with me." He muttered, a gentle hand touching your cheek. At least you'd have a gentle touch to help you through to the other side as your eyes slowly started to shift shut and you heard Shinsou yelling for help.
          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Year and a Half Earlier~~~~~~~~~~
It had been another long day at the hospital, twelve hours that somehow turned into fourteen. You weren't sure why you always stayed late to help out when most of the time it felt like they couldn't care less about it but it was worth it in it's own way. You'd been able to help deliver a baby of a mom that had come in at the start of your shift so that had been a highlight.
Most of the time you worked was on labor and delivery, helping moms get through the rough process that was childbirth. Weather that be medicated, natural, water birth, c-section. You'd seen and helped through almost everything. However you also flip flopped between that and the ER which was a beast all in itself. Bloody limbs, gun shot wounds, cuts and bruises from villain attacks. It was all rough and fast paced, which was nice to get your shift out of the way but most of the time you'd end up staying later, caught up in the rush of it all.
You slammed down your third shot glass of the night, barely hearing Shinsou beside you telling you that you should probably slow down. "Slow down? Come on!! The night is young, beside it's only my third shot." You rolled your eyes, sipping on the drink that you'd had since you'd gotten there. It was a good buffer for the tequila that you'd just downed. "Come on, loosen up. You're always so up tight when we go out." "Probably because I have to be the responsible one." Shinsou rolled his eyes, taking a sip of the beer that he'd gotten himself. He'd take on shot with you but that was it. "Someone has to get us back to the apartment in one piece."
Shinsou had been your best friend since collage, he was studying to be a doctor and you a nurse. Which meant you had separate classes but were generally in the same buildings and just happened to meet up in the library one day. The rest was history as they would say. Grueling exams, late night study sessions and clinicals caused you two to have a strong bond however despite popular belief you two were not in a relationship. Just a close friendship. Of course there had been a few make-out sessions that while steamy, had made the two of you decide that you weren't right for each other. It hadn't made things awkward at all. Okay well it had made things awkward for a few weeks but the two of you had quickly gotten past that. Now the two of you often worked together still and shared an apartment, even if the two of you weren’t always there at the same time. 
“You do not have to be responsible here. There are things called ubers that can drive us home. Besides it’s no fun to get tipsy on your own!! There’s karaoke too! Some of the other nurses are coming over and we’re going to sing a few songs, you should join us.” You smiled happily up at Shinsou, sipping at your drink as your eyes wandered around the bar. They stalled at a table where two guys seemed to be busy with getting another blond man to relax with them while a girl with pink skin giggled at the three of them. In the back of your mind you had to know that they were all pro-heros but you couldn’t quite remember their names but damn they were attractive. 
Your eyes moved along their muscled arms, toned bodies, extremly  handsome faces... god when did heros get so attractive? You had to tear your eyes away before they got suspicious of your lingering glance. You were sure that it was difficult for them to go out without being noticed and you didn’t want to come off as this freaky fan. You’d helped patch up the electric blond hero after he’d gotten hurt one time. He’d spent the entire time sending one liners and flirting with you but you’d brushed it off as jokes. The redhead, Red Riot, had been totally polite, even apologizing the entire time about her having to stich up a pretty deep cut on his arm. She couldn’t remember who the other two were but they were all too attractive for their own good. 
Soon enough the other floor nurses that you worked with made their way to the bar and Shinsou left you in their caring hands. Which would have been except the three of you got.. well a bit more tipsy than Shinsou would have liked if he was there. It was fine you’d figure out how you’d get home later, now it was time for karaoke. After a few songs you found yourself needing the bathroom, which wasn’t surprising with the amount of alcohol you’d been drinking. You put it off for as long as you could before the call of the bathroom was too hard to ignore. Once you had finished your business and washed your hands, you were stopped on your way back to your table. Your hand grabbed and you were pushed against the wall. Your eyes widened as you looked up and noticed who it was. Your asshole ex who you had broken up with months before, the one who had gotten creepy and clingy fast. 
“Y/N.. what are you doing here?” He slurred, obviously having drank a bit. “I thought you didn’t like these kind of places.” “I didn’t like these kind of places with you.” Your eyes rolled as he tried to fight against his grip. “Hmm looks like your little roommate isn’t here to save you this time. Why don’t we go into that bathroom and make some noise?” He purred in your ear, making you shiver.  “I don’t think so...” You struggled to get out of his grip as he tried to haul you towards the bathrooms. You thought all hope was lost when suddenly you didn’t feel the strong grip crushing your wrist.
“I think the lady said she didn’t want to go with you.” A gruff voice sounded in the little hallway with the bathrooms. You opened your eyes and saw a head of ash blond hair, red eyes that were narrowed in annoyance basically staring holes into your exes head, holding on tightly to his wrist. Was there smoke coming off his hand? 
“Right.. right sorry DynaMight sir. I...” He didn’t get to say much more before the hero was growling at him, gripping his wrist tighter. “You shouldn’t be saying sorry to me, you should be saying sorry to the lady, dumbass.” He ground out, keeping his eyes on the other man. 
“Oh.. yeah. Sorry Y/N, I’ll leave you alone.” Once it seemed that the blond was satisfied with his apology he roughly let go of the other mans wrist before finally turning his eyes on you. “You okay?” He asked, a little rough but slightly more gentle than when he’d been talking to your ex.  “Yeah, yeah I’m okay.” You shook your head, sighing a little and wrapping your arms around yourself. You felt a bit shaken up after this encounter but you didn’t want to let it ruin your night. “I.. I really appreciate it.” “It’s my job, don’t think about it too much.” The hero got out, a bit rougher than he intended. 
“R-right. Well thanks again.” You nodded as you started to walk back to your table, only to find that your friends had ditched you. “Oh nice, perfect.” You sighed, groaning at the fact that you’d probably have to ask Shinsou to come get you and he wouldn’t be happy about it. “Your friends leave you?” The same rough voice from before asked you, making you jump a bit with how unexpected it had been.  “Yeah, they probably all got too drunk and forgot all about me.” You huffed a little, not quite ready for the night to end but not wanting to sit and be lonely at the bar. You heard a loud sigh and looked back to see the man running his hand through his hair. He was too handsome for his own good, you could drown in those eyes, and those arms. Oh what you wouldn’t give to feel them wrapped around you, your legs wrapped around his waist with those full lips whispering...  a sudden snapping got your attention and the sound of the bar brought you back.  “Hey did you hear me? I said that you could come hangout with my dumbasses if you want.” He murmured looking at you with concern. You shook your head of your little daydream, maybe it was time to stop drinking. “Yeah sure, that would be great. Thanks.” 
So that was how you found yourself at the table with the heros, whose names you all learned rather quickly. Kirishima and Kaminari had vaguely remembered you from the ER, but you’d never met the pink hero or the sinfully delicious man that had saved you. You were quick to find out their names as Mina and Bakagou. It was then that you spent the night, probably drinking more than you should, exchanging numbers with the group of heros, watching Kaminari get obnoxiously drunk which ended with Kaminari and Mina dragging him home. 
So you found yourself alone. With the insanely hot guy that you were having too many thoughts about. You blamed the alcohol in your veins for wanting you to push him up against the wall and suck face.  “Hey you’re doing that weird thing again... you alright?” He asked waving a hand in front of your face. God his hands were beautiful.. “Yeah I’m great. Just peachy.” Laughing, you looking up at the man who was watching you with curious eyes.  “Okay well... do you need me to walk you home?” Bakagou asked, leaning against the brick wall outside of the bar, bathed in the fake yellow of the lights lining the outside. “Uhh yeah actually that would be perfect but there is something I need to do first, and we don’t have to talk about it afterwards. I just wanna know what it feels like..” After all you probably won’t see this guy again, at least not in person anyway so what did you have to lose? You grabbed onto his shirt collar, pulling him more down to your level. The alcohol was giving you too much courage but you did falter for a moment before crashing your lips against his. Oh they were so much better than you had imagined. 
He stumbled into the kiss, clearly not having expected it but he recovered quite quickly, his hand coming to rest on your hip and the other cradling your face. You were glad that he didn’t instantly pull away, and your lips danced together sighing into his mouth. He tasted so good, like smoke and caramel. His lips were a bit rough but felt oh so good. You wanted to give into other desires, the ex from earlier bringing back too many bad memories that you wanted to wash away. But if you came back, slightly drunk, to your shared apartment with a guy you were sure it wouldn’t end well with Shinsou. He could be a real cock block, but you were grateful for it sometimes. You didn’t want to make decisions you’d regret when you were drunk. 
Soon enough the two of you broke for air, and you instantly bit down on your bottom lip as you looked up at the man who had a slight pink tint on his cheeks now. “Well, okay now that I have that out of my system lets go.” You tried to make a joke of it, letting go of his shirt and patting it back down before leading the way. Thankfully he didn’t mention it and managed to get you back safely to your apartment, 
Little did you know that soon enough you’d been seeing the hero again...
~~~~~~~~ A/N: Wow okay that was a bit longer than I had anticipated! I’m sorry the writing is not the greatest, I’m still trying to get back to this whole writing thing and find my groove again! Anywho this is basically just setting the scene and getting things ready for the start of their relationship! Thank you for reading. (:
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yanderegremlin · 3 years
How would yandere Deku(Romantic) react to reader living with their friend and she and her friend are roomies? Let’s make it a male roomie since I need some drama
Lol I can just feel the jealousy from here like he's all nice and sweet but as so as the Reader turns her back he just glaring daggers that Mr. Roommate. The poor guy gets major whiplash the first few times this happens, what are you supposed to do when the #1 Hero looks like he wants you 6 feet under? He is so confused about what he did to deserve this, but if this roommate of readers is a normal civilian then Midoriya would make quick work of him by framing him for being villainous or something big.
Now if you want some real drama, let's say this roommate is a certain blond hero, with idk red eyes, explosive personality, who also might be a little bit yandere for their kind but firm roommate?
Like just imagine you and your roommate, Bakagou Katsuki is cooking dinner with you after moving boxes all day (because he refuses to get any take out), bickering playfully like an old married. Then you hear a knock on the door and before Bakagou could move a muscle you are already out of the kitchen, opening the front door for whatever extra decided to interrupt his alone time with you.
Katsuki was so ready to kick them out when he heard you who you were talking to. “Deku?!?!” you and Midoriya turn to see a not-so-happy blond, who is wearing the pink apron that you made him for his birthday, pointing the matching spatula ‘threatening’ at you guy, more so Midoriya than you.
You pulled away from the hug with Midoriya, much to his dismay. “Didn’t I tell you that Izuku was coming over for dinner?” no, no you hadn’t, and oh man the smug look that damn nerd gave him, he just wanted to rip him limb to limb but that would have to wait for later, right now he has a meal to cook.
With that final thought, Katsuki grab your arm as gently as he could to drag you away from that green nuisance. Meanwhile, Midoriya happily tags along satisfied with knowing that he gets to talk to you and irritate his lifelong rival.
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roseabelle21 · 4 years
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Sypnosis: It had been over five years since your last encounter with a certain explosive blond. Ever since then, you're happy. You felt complete, fulfilled, and contented. Going on that date with Inasa was the best decision you have ever made in your entire life, he went from being your fanboy to your future husband. Quite a story to tell if I do say so myself. Life is good. Though someone says otherwise.
Read before you proceed: That Your Love Is Gone.
Status: Edited
Tagging: @jazzylove
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He stared at the white envelope before him, unfeeling. He didn't know how long he's been staring at it, maybe when he opened the mail and placed it down his table? That was well over an hour ago. 
Katsuki just stared at the envelope, like it's going to explode the moment he opened it. The paper won't, but his heart just might. 
Wait, is it still beating? He thought it stopped the moment he saw you two locked lips once in the coffee shop. Boy, did that sight hurt like a bitch, yet he pretended that he saw nothing and held on his mug in a bone-crushing grip. Kirishima and Denki had pointed it out to him discreetly before it exploded. He stomped out of the shop before you noticed that he was there. 
The two of you had avoided each other ever since that disaster of a confession. The only communication both of you ever had was on joint missions together, and you won't even speak to the other unless necessary.
He wanted to talk to you again, but his pride and humiliation won't let him.
Selfishly, he prayed that the date with Inasa didn't go well, still hoping that he still had the chance to be with you. Or when he found out that you two are finally official, things between you won't work out in the end and go your separate ways.
That didn't happen much, to his dismay. The wedding invitation on his table said otherwise. 
Katsuki knows it's wrong, waiting patiently for the day that your relationship with the whirlwind user to fuck up, and he'll be there to sweep you away from him, and maybe knock teeth or two out. 
He scoffed at his thoughts. All of this was his fault. He knows it, knowing full well that he can't do anything to change the past. He even tried dating other people to get over you, alas the hunt remains fruitless. He can't look at another girl, much less be with them without thinking of you. 
After all these years, he still loves you. 
His silent tears hit the cold floor. He didn't even bother wiping them away. His ruby eyes continued to burn holes at the letter before him. Heart pounding in his ears, he felt like he couldn't breathe, his heart aching, mind empty, wishing that he'd wake up soon and end this nightmare. Maybe even wake up with you by his side. 
No matter how hard he tried to stop, his wishful thinking is always there. Even he knows that it's not healthy thinking that way about someone for so long. It's been five years, for Christ's sake! His heart needs to let you go. 
But how could it? Every time he sees you, it feels like there is a fucking zoo rampaging on his stomach, every time you smile or laugh, it puts the sun to shame because of how bright and warm it is. He wished that he was still the one causing those. 
Before then, he didn't need to do much to make you happy. Him being himself was all he needed to be; his sarcastic remarks and angry faces were a few of the things that put a smile on your face. 
He likes being the source of your happiness until he wasn't.
Katsuki swallowed the lump on his throat, taking a deep breath before wiping his eyes. He waited for a bit of a steady, racing heart and mind before gently picking up the envelope, careful not to make even the slightest of crumple. 
He could have burned his hand honestly, that's how bad it hurts. Maybe it's just his imagination, but he can smell the tiniest bit of your favourite flowers. Katsuki held the paper to his nose a gave it a smell; it has a scent. 
He smirked, imagining you insisting that the paper is scented since it is a special occasion, the amount of scented paper you used for your friends at every holiday and birthday to make your cards.
Katsuki then opened it, making sure to be extra gentle when tearing it up. He stared at it again, that open flap with the letter inside. It's there, his worst nightmare. 
With a heavy heart, he took it out and admired its designing and details: the swirls and flowers embroidered on the sides, the fancy calligraphy in your names, the neat print below with the details of the wedding, and the picture of you and your fiancee. 
His heart clenched seeing it, yet at the same time, he felt a small glimmer of happiness that came along with it. 
Your smile, it was so beautiful, so genuine, so happy. 
Tears made its way down his cheeks again, and despite that, he grinned. 
He's happy that you found someone that can treat you better than he can. And even if he's no longer the one making you happy, he can't do anything to stop that. 
He read the invitation; although it pained him to continue reading it, he was happy that he even got an invite. Despite not talking much this past few years, he's satisfied that he still got invited. 
Katsuki placed the paperback in the envelope and placed it down. He's happy for you, he is, and then, he's hit with an epiphany.
Pulling out his phone, he took a deep breath and searched his contacts, then he messaged them. 
To (Y/N): Can we talk?
It's oddly peaceful. 
Katsuki has attended a few weddings in his life, and from what he's experienced, all of they tend to be chaotic in one way or another. 
It's either one of the family members is late, missing a tux or a dress, god forbid the annoying children running around without a care in the world whilst their mothers frantically chase them around. Now, he's not seeing any of them. 
Quite the opposite. Everyone seems to be on time, have everything they need, and surprisingly, the children are cooperating. It's almost scary, almost unnatural. And it's freaking him out. 
Maybe the Maid of Honor has something to do with it. She's snapping at everyone who so much makes a noise or goes out of line. Running back and forth when someone calls her for help, checking everyone's process every ten minutes. Making sure everyone is right on schedule. 
Katsuki can't help but feel bad for her, dealing with so much pressure in one body can be tiring. Alas, there's nothing he can do about it. Although he finds her quite cute when angry, he knows nothing about her other than she's (Y/N)'s cousin. 
The rest of the Bakusquad are chilling on a bench near the pool. Everyone already had their hair, make-up, and dressed done. Mina is talking with Jirou and Yaoyorozu, planning on their girls day with the newlywed woman soon. Kirishima and Sero are talking about their latest missions, and last but not least, Kaminari staring at the Maid of Honor with a bit of drool on the corner of his mouth. 
"You look like an idiot dunce face," Kaminari jumped at Katsuki's voice," she might think you're a weirdo more than you already are if you keep staring at her like that."
"Oh shit, you're right." The blond immediately wiped his mouth and straightened his tux, fixing his hair and clearing his throat. 
"Sorry, she's charming, though. Like an angry chihuahua." Jirou slapped the arm of the blond with a scowl on her face.
"Don't say that! You don't even know her." Everyone can tell her questioning look.
"You talk as if you know her Jirou," Sero inquired. The girl shrugged as she twirled her ear with a finger. 
“We work to the same radio studio. She's the one who does the cover songs and news most of the time."
"No way! She's DJ Fox?!" Kirishima and Kaminari shrieked, fanboying.
"Man, that is so cool! You gotta introduce us!"
"No," Jirou replied immediately. 
Before anyone could react, the girl of the subject yelled at her mage phone. Telling everyone to proceed to the church and get in line as planned. 
Katsuki stood up and glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of you in the crowd. The door of your room opened, and his heart leapt at the throat, imagining how beautiful you would look in your wedding dress. That fuzzy feeling soon turned into a mix of rage and disappointment as the once again Maid of Honor rushed to your door and yelled at you for being impatient. 
Everyone made it to the church in no time. The groom and his best man were shoving each other playfully to ease his nerves. Katsuki immediately glanced away from them, remembering his talk with you a few months ago. 
Not long after they were in place, the music started playing. One by one, everyone walked down the aisle, his partner looking at him anxiously, but he couldn't care less. His mind wandered.
There you are, sitting at the corner of the cafe, looking outside with a mug of steaming hot coffee in front of you with a pastry beside it. Another pair of coffee and pastry beside it, which he assumes as his since it was his favourite.
Slowly, he and his partner stopped for a short while for the photographer before proceeding on their walking. 
Small talks and laughs were made, the atmosphere between the two of you more at ease, unlike before. As happy as he looks, his heart can't help but shatter every time your ring glows in the sunlight. 
The rest of the guests followed; not long after, the door shuts, and everyone stands up in their seats. The familiar music filled the air.
He apologized. Apologized again and again, and you could only give him your soft eyes and smile. Not pitying him one bit, only looking at him with fondness in your eyes as you took his hands between yours. 
Inasa was crying as soon as the door opened, the light momentarily blinding your features, but when it faded, Katsuki can also feel his eyes tearing up. 
"I should have told you what you meant to me," he says, voice breaking up.
Cause now I paid the price. 
Words can't describe how beautiful you look walking down the aisle in the arm of your parents. A wide smile is plastered permanently on your face as you look at the man in front of you. All the love is visible in both of your eyes as you look at your significant other like they are the only person in the room.
You reached the front of the altar, your parents kissing you on both cheeks before hugging you and your crying groom. 
Katsuki's heart warmed at the sight of you laughing softly at Inasa, placing your hands on his face as you wiped his tears with your thumbs. The said man is grinning at you despite the tears that continue to flow down his cheeks. 
Katsuki didn't realize that his tears escaped his eyes. Had it Kirishima not point it out. He quickly wiped them away and stood up straight. The faux redhead is gently patting the blond at his back and offering him a sympathetic smile. 
As Katsuki continued to observe the both of you, and he couldn't help but smile at the pure, childlike happiness on your faces. He can feel his heart slowly letting go. Letting go of his jealously, the bitterness, and the anger he has left for himself. 
Though the only thing he can never let go of is his love for you. It might not be the same love he has with you before, but he is and will always love you till the end of time. He loves you enough to let you go.
Maybe in another life, he can make your stay. He never planned that one day, he'd be losing you. Now here he is, watching you get married to the love of your life. 
He never imagined this, not without him there with you, but he certainly isn't regretting it.
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crazymangaluv · 4 years
@hellomgann1296 my beautiful muse along with the talented fanfic authors I read helped to inspire me to write my 1st Bakugou fic. I’m not much of a writer so I’m sorry for any mistakes and any ooc-ness of the character. 
Warning: (slightly lemony: cursing, slight nudity, some steaminess). This is a Bakugou x female reader: I sincerely apologize to those who are left out when using female pronouns. 
Description: You and Katsuki are childhood friends and you have fallen for this hothead. Unfortunately, you overhear him say something hurtful and you did the first thing that came into mind: run. Not a smart idea in hindsight but run you did. Buuuut of course you run blindly during a thunderstorm (accident waiting to happen) and have a loose canon chasing after you aka Bakagou. Will your relationship mend? 
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You attempt to focus on the sound of water falling heavily onto the ground as you took deep breaths in and out. You shiver and clutch yourself tighter. Your ankle is throbbing but you try to ignore it. The sound of the rain and the burning fire provides some comfort to your misery--
Your eyebrow twitches at the sound. You turn your attention back to the source. He’s sitting there in his boxers, arms crossed and a scowl adorning his handsome face. You disregard his naked state, your face contorting into a similar scowl as well. You try to find your inner zen -cute puppy…..no wait...a handful of cute puppies-. It was beginning to work but-- 
“Achoo!” you sniffle. 
There goes your patience. “Would you knock it off Bakagou??”
His scowl deepens to a snarl at your remark and the emphasis on the former portion of his name. “Eh?? Knock it off? It’s your fault we’re in this mess in the first place!”
You scoff in disbelief. “My fault?? I didn't ask you to come after me, Mr. I’m-so-cool- with-my-bad-attitude!” 
He glances at your swollen, bruised ankle and your drenched clothes before reverting his glaring eyes to yours. You meet his eyes with a glare of your own, however, your vision begins to blur from the tears forming. He opens his mouth to retort but you continue: “I was trying to get away from you! You’re just a big fucking jerk! You don’t care about anyone other than yourself and you treat everyone like shit!” 
Your tears flow freely down your cheeks. You don’t bother hiding them from him, even if it makes you look weak. His scowl reduces to a frown, eyebrows furrowing. He feels a pang in his chest; he hates it when you cry. His face bears an expression of shame but something else you couldn’t pinpoint. 
You’ve been his friend since childhood, you would even say you’re one of his best friends. He does treat you differently than the rest: more mellow and less explosive, no verbal berating, etc. You couldn’t help but develop deeper feelings for him over the years. The two of you are older now and you have noticed an increase of intimate moments between you both when alone. The subtle soft touches, the caresses, the long hugs, the way his hardened eyes would soften with you, the movie night cuddles, falling asleep in each other’s arms...gestures where you felt that there was a possibility of reciprocated feelings. Guess it was all in your head, nothing but misinterpretation from a desperate fool. You feel like such an idiot. 
You’re on your way to see him, smiling to yourself as you carry his share of the spicy dish you cooked. He seemed stressed the previous day so you wanted to cheer him up. He always looked forward to your dishes. You could hear their voices around the corner, and you smile to yourself, it seems that they were up to the usual shenanigans based on the volume of their voices. It appears they were teasing him about something, you shake your head at their antics. 
“Yeah Ochako is super cute! Haha why are you blushing Midoriya??”  
“What about y/n??” 
“Yeah! Y/n is pretty cute, you think she’s got a boyfriend?” 
“Oh yeah y/n sure is a looker. She’s pretty badass too.” 
“Wait she’s got Bakugou here.” *laughs* 
“Yeaah you two are awfully close...are you guys….ya know….,” *whispers* “doing it??”
Katsuki growls, “Shut up!”
“NO! THEY’RE NOOOOT! WHY WOULD Y/N WANT STUPID BAKUGOU ANYWAYS??!” Mineta cries out pathetically. 
You roll your eyes at the sound of his stupid whining voice. You shake your head and sighed. You’re ready with your retort and to kick Mineta’s ass just as you turned the corner.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP! STOP BEING ALL GAH GAH OVER HER! Y/N AIN’T SHIT!” Katstuki shouts as he shoves Mineta aside. 
His gift slips from your hands onto the ground. It feels as though you’re punched in the gut. You stand frozen like a deer in headlights. He’s never said anything like that to you or about you before in all the years you’ve known him. The boys flinch at his booming voice before flinching again at your presence. They look at you in awkward silence equally as surprised. He turns at the sound, his eyes meeting yours and widening in shock. Thunder rolls in the background...tears form in your eyes but you refuse to let them fall, your lips quiver. You turn and just run. You ran as fast as you could with no set destination in mind. You hear him shout your name but you didn’t care. You needed to get away from everyone, you’re so embarrassed and ashamed. 
It begins to pour, the water drenches you as you keep moving. Lightning flashes above you with the loud boom of thunder. The rain makes the floor increasingly slippery causing you to lose your footing. You careen down, curling into a ball as you tumble down a steep slope. You land with a *crash* and a *thump*. You turn over onto your back and let out a sob. You’re such an idiot...you angrily wipe your cheek. You have no idea where you are and it’s getting dark. You move to stand but fall over from the sharp pain at your ankle. Oh just great, a sprained ankle to make things even better.
He immediately had run after you following his brief state of shock. He loses you momentarily but he hears the crash in the distance. He quickened his pace in desperation and anger. “Y/n!”
You hear your name and you look up to see him gracefully sliding down the slope towards you. No no no no, not you. You stand and limp away ignoring the pain but he easily catches up to you. His hand gently and firmly wraps around your arm but you rip it out of his grip. The movement aggravates your ankle further causing you to yelp out in pain as you lose your balance. He reaches for you, swiftly catching and pulling you close. You squirm in his arms. 
“Quit squirming y/n!” 
You refuse to look at him,“No. Let go of me.”
He scowls and instead picks you up. “Your fucking ankle is shit and you know for damn sure you can’t walk right now.”
You cross your arms and huff in annoyance. No word is said between the two of you as he treks the terrain. The rain only falls harder with frequent flashes of lightning and rumbling of thunder. You’re both drenched and you tremble from the cold. His grip tightens, he needs to get you out of the rain fast. Your teeth are chattering; he tch’s to himself and quickens his pace. The sky grows darker, making it more difficult to see where he’s going. The flash of lightning provides him the light he needed, illuminating a cave ahead. He sets you down gently before stalking off to get supplies for a fire. He’s gone for no more than 2 minutes. He drops the branches and wood and starts a fire. You welcome the heat but refuse to move.  
“Your clothes need to dry. Take them off y/n, you’re going to get sick.” 
You ignore him and opt to hug yourself in all your wetness. You hear the squelching of tossed wet clothes and your face flushes. 
Your trembling worsens, not just from the coldness of your still wet attire, but from your outburst as well. You look away and bury your face into your arms. You let out a quiet sob you couldn’t hold in. You’re cold, wet, in pain, angry, tired, embarrassed, ashamed, etc. All these feelings and emotions storming inside you. You didn’t hear him approach you but instead feel his warm arms pulling you close. Before you could pull away, his solemn voice stops you. 
“I’m sorry.” 
You sit there in shock, he’s never said sorry before...in all the years you’ve known him not one sorry. 
He hugs you tighter, his head rests on your shoulder. “I’m a fucking idiot. I didn’t mean what I said. Please y/n...forgive me.” 
You sniffle. “You’re a jerk,” you voice out weakly. It didn’t hold the angry bite you wanted, but you couldn’t stay angry, you were just hurt. 
“I am a jerk…I’m sorry.” 
You sneeze again causing him to slightly flinch. He tchs once more and immediately picks you up and plops down by the fire. “You’re going to get sick y/n…”
You don’t respond. 
*Sigh* “...y/n please…”
You sigh in response. You move to shuffle away and his arms release you. The places where he was touching you are now cold. You miss his touch but you shake your head and take in a deep breath before removing your clothing. Katsuki turns away, refraining from turning around. You neatly place your drenched clothes on the rocks beside you. You shiver, it's still a tad chilly but the fire is helping. You glance over to him, the flickering glow of the fire dancing on his muscular back. He’s close enough to touch but you stop yourself by gripping your hands together. Your eyes travel up to the back of his head, his dripping blond hair glistening softly. You follow a droplet that falls from a strand of hair and slowly rolls down his spine. As if he felt your gaze, he turns his head slightly to peer at you from the corner of his eye. 
You twiddle your thumbs nervously at the silence. You furrow your brow and clear your throat. “Why did you say it if you didn’t mean it?”  
He looks away from you. “Because...because I’m an idiot.” His eyes return to yours. 
You frown. “Yeah you are an idiot.”
He doesn’t flinch. “I am an idiot...I just...I didn’t want them to know…” he trails off, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck in discomfort. 
You look at him expectantly, eyes narrowing. 
He puts his arm down and turns fully to face you, sighing. His eyes return to yours. “I didn’t want them to know how crazy I am for you. And--” he pauses. “I got...jealous. I didn’t want them looking at you the way I do.” 
You look at him quizzically, heart pounding in your chest. His eyes are burning with an intensity you haven't quite seen before. 
You blush but hold firm. “That still doesn’t make it okay to react like that. To be so quick to bring me down. It was still hurtful to hear...even if you weren’t talking directly to me.” 
His eyebrows furrow and he reaches a hand out to you. His rough hand lightly covers yours. “I know. I’m sorry y/n. I am, truly. I’m a stupid immature jerk. It won’t happen again....You’re not...you’re not something to possess, but someone to cherish...to love.”
You hear and feel the sincerity in his words. You look down at his hand, registering the words he just said...You can’t get your hopes up, interpreting a moment for more than what it was. You gather your courage to ask the one question you’ve wanted the answer to for years:
“Do you...love me?”
His breath hitches and he freezes. He’s not used to expressing his feelings, the ones that leave him vulnerable. He uses a wall of anger to prevent anyone from seeing him weak. Opening his heart to someone, he hasn’t, not even to his own parents. But you...you make him want to. You’ve gradually chiseled down those walls of his. He yearns to just hold you in his arms and never let you go. Loving you isn’t a weakness. He has realized over the years, his love for you has made him stronger. It was what fanned the flames within him, motivating him to be the best. Seeing these other men around you, ones who weren’t so rough around the edges, it made him feel jealous. You deserved better than him, one who’s not as explosively hot headed. It wasn’t right for him to try to possess you, to keep you to himself and chase others away from you.
He removes his hand from yours. You swallow painfully, the lump of your throat aching more so than your ankle. You close your eyes and steel yourself, preparing for the incoming rejection. But instead he inches closer to you, you can feel the heat radiating from his body yet you remain still. He tentatively raises his hand to your face to gently wipe a stray tear that fell from your cheek unbeknownst to you and rests his hand on the side of your face, thumb caressing your cheek in a comforting manner. 
“I love you y/n. With every fiber of my being, even if you don’t feel the same way.”
You close your eyes and lean into his touch, letting out the breath you’ve been holding. The tears flow down your cheeks and his warm thumbs wipe them away tenderly. He gently pulls you closer and kisses your forehead. You suck in a breath at the intimate action. You feel his lips on your right cheek, then your left...by the corner of your lips, on the right side, then the left side. It lingers there a bit, your lips tremble. Then, you can feel his lips, ever so softly, brush against yours. 
Your rapid thumping of your heart is ringing in your ears. You move your lips against his, unsure at first but soon with more confidence. His lips move against yours in a sense of desperation. His hands drop to your waist to pull you down with him. You’re pulled flush against him as he holds you on top of him. You gasp and blush further at how his half naked body feels against yours. He places his hand behind your head and tenderly brings you down to which you allow with no resistance. His lips envelop yours with gentle aggression you didn’t think was possible. The kiss is quickly deepened. His rough hands roam over your body, without venturing too far, and you let out a moan. 
He rolls you over beneath him without breaking the kiss and with a hand supporting your head. He’s nestled between your legs as the two of you kiss fervently. It's your turn to let your hands wander. Your hands gliding over his smooth skin, your fingers studying his hard muscles in detail. He detaches his lips from yours to suck and nip at your neck down to just above your breasts. You moan and wrap your legs around his hips to pull him further against you, paying no heed to the twinge of pain from your ankle. He moans into your neck from the contact and slightly grinds against you. You pull him back up to your lips and his tongue slides into your mouth, teasing yours. You grip his back tightly, moaning as you feel yourself growing hotter. His hand slips up your torso, fingertips brushing over your breast. You lean into his touch which causes his hand to grasp your breast. You gasp into his mouth and moan out his name. He withdraws his hand from your breast and pulls away from you. Leaning on his forearms, he hovers over you whilst panting and eyes burning with desire. 
He leans down to kiss you, lips lingering before pulling away. His hand brushes the strands of hair from your face and he caresses your cheek lightly with the back of his fingers. 
“As much as I want you y/n...and believe me, y/n, I want to ravish you, to kiss, suck, touch every inch of your body...I can’t...not here, not like this.”
You blink up at him in realization. Cheeks reddening at his words, suddenly feeling shy. 
“I want you, sprawled on my bed.” He growls out. 
Your face flushes at the thought.
“I want to wake up to you in my arms...I want you there beside me, as my partner. I want to take you out on a real date, hand in hand, treat you the way you deserve.” 
Your lips quiver. 
“You’re the only woman I want, if you’ll have me.” 
You nod, speechless. You relish in the tender kiss he gives you before he sits up and pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You nuzzle into the crook of his neck, enjoying the intimacy as you both sit there basking in the warmth of crackling fire and listen to the soothing sound of the pitter pattering of the rain. 
Friends remain dumbfounded as they stumble upon the both of you emerging from the forest. He struts through, carrying you in his arms as he makes his way to the infirmary. Your friends follow, teeming with questions. 
“Oh my gosh, are you okay y/n?”
“Y/n! Kaachan! Are you guys are okay?”
“Y/n, what happened? Did you guys make up?”
“What did you do to her Bakugou?”
“Y/n! Thank goodness you’re okay! Bakugou! You apologized huh? You’re truly embracing the manly spirit!”
“We were worried sick! We were about to go looking for you guys!” 
“You can’t just run off like that during a storm!! That was irresponsible of you both!” 
You smile awkwardly and apologetically. You’re attempting to answer the swarm of questions and apologize, but find no room to interject. Katsuki’s scowls, eyebrow twitching in annoyance. 
“Piss off! Get the fuck outta our way extras!” 
They scramble out of the way, momentarily ceasing their questioning. He holds you tightly as he kicks the door shut on their curious faces. They deemed it wiser to leave the two of you alone, opting to pester the two of you later. He places a chaste kiss your cheek before placing you down on one of the beds. He walks away tch-ing at the lack of staff. “Oy! My girlfriend is injured here! Move your asses!”
You smile and shake your head. You love this hothead. 
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kikikittykis · 4 years
(Y/N) and The Heroes
Summary:  (Y/N), Jirou and Momo put on a show
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
Characters: Kyouka Jirou, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugou, Denki Kaminari and Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None except for a bit of light breaking up
Wordcount: 368
“Hey you ready” Jirou said as you pulled on the giant boots to perform at Class 1-A’s Christmas party.
“Now I am” you said as Jirou handed you the microphone and Momo walked out with the two of you onto the stage all three of you getting into position to start singing. Denki introduced the three of you by saying
“For One night and one night only (Y/N) and the Heroes” The curtain started to open showing Class 1-A the three of you
“Super Trouper lights are gonna find me” “But I won’t feel blue cause somewhere in the crowd there’s you” The three of you sang in sync to the song from Mamma Mia
“I was sick and tired of everything when I called you last night from Glasgow” You took the lead of the song and swayed back and forth dancing to the music you saw the rest of the class watching you sing and dance.
“All I do is eat and sleep and sing”
“Wishing every show was the last show” The three of you had so much fun singing and then the song ended and the next one began. Jirou smirked at you sa you took the center singing Mamma Mia
“I was cheated by you and I think you know when” “I think it must come to an end” memories of what you and Bakagou had came through your head but you pushed through continuing to sing to Mamma Mia
“Look at me now will I ever learn I don’t how” “But I suddenly lose control” “There’s a fire within my soul” you sang your heart out Momo and Jirou waiting to join in
“Just one look and I can hear a bell ring” Momo and Jirou joined in
“One more look and I forget everything”
“Oh woah Mamma Mia Here we again” Jirou and Momo sang
“My my how can resist ya Mamma Mia” you looked straight into Bakagou’s eyes since you had broken up. “Blue since the day we parted” “Why why did I let you go” you came a little too close to the edge of the stage and fell into Bakagou’s arms he caught you.
“Hey” you said
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theanimesideblog · 5 years
I'm not sure if that has been done already but could you do something for a Bakagou X Reader where the readee and Bakagou are together but the reader is super innocent and shy and everyone wonders why theyre together until something makes her upset and they find out she has a temper even worse then Bakagou?
Bakugou x Fem!Reader: Innocent Until Proven angry
TW: cursing, Mineta being Mineta
A/N: I went OFF!!! I was so excited it this that I wrote a oneshot. Hope you enjoyed it!
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Bakugou was a hot headed, angry hero in training. You were the direct opposite. You were a sweet, shy hero in training. That didn’t mean you were weak. The direct opposite, actually. Still, you flushed whenever someone complimented you and you tried to stay out of the public eye as much as possible. 
So when you and Bakugou got together, it surprised the whole class. You would always smile, while he would scowl. You would politely walk away, while he would scream. While you seemed nice, Bakugou was the only one who knew how angry you could get. 
He discovered it one day when the two of you were paired up for training. It was after the licensing exam, meaning Bakugou was eager to prove himself. He was a little too eager and ending up doing a horrible job and didn't accept your help when it was clearly stated both team members needed to participle to get a good grade. As the two of you walked back to the school, he hit a nerve. 
“You don’t even deserve your license. You did jack shit today.” He said. You balled your hands. Normally, you would walk away when you got angry since you often felt guilty afterwards, but there was nowhere to run. 
“Excuse me!” You stepped in front of him and poked your finger into his chest. “The only reason I did jack shit is because you think you're such hot stuff. You wouldn’t let me help you, no matter how I tried! We both knew the rules, and you cost us the win, not me.” You started to walk forward, forcing him to walk back. “I did everything I could, but it was not enough. You just have to outshine us all, don’t you! Maybe you would have your license if you actually succeeded in being a decent human being! I got my license fair and square, you dipshit! Don’t talk to me about failing when you were the one who couldn’t even be nice! You don’t even deserve your hero’s license if this is how you're going to treat others!” He tripped over his own feet, causing him to land on his back with a grunt of pain. “Get off your damn high horse and actually be a good hero!” You stomped off, leaving him there. 
Never had Bakugou Katsuki ever seen you so angry, and never had he felt so attracted to you. He thought you were a weakling with a strong quirk. Now, he knew you as a fiery girl with a fierce attitude. 
Bakugou couldn’t stop thinking of your outburst. No matter how hard he tried, it just kept popping back into his mind. He actually felt a little guilty. He also knew you felt angry still. You wouldn’t meet his eyes whenever they looked at you. If he wanted to get to know you, he would have to fix this.
You were taking out your trash when he came up to you. You were always around the others, never giving him a time to talk to you one on one.
When you saw him, you tried to get away as fast as you could, but he blocked your path.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry. I was rude to you and I went too far.” He told you. You stopped trying to escape.
“I’m sorry, okay! I was... rude. Don’t make me say it again.” He said. You looked away.
“I’m... sorry too. I said things I shouldn’t have. I went too far.” You said. Bakugou sighed.
“No. It was my fault. I pushed you. Let me make it up to you. I’ll take you out for dinner.” You looked up at him in shock.
“Like a... date?” You asked, suddenly flustered.
“It doesn’t have to be a date... unless you would like that.” He said.
The rest was history. When you two finally told the class, they were beyond shocked. He was so rude to everyone, how could this happen?!
You and Bakugou got on well. He was always kind to you and made sure you were happy. When you needed to vent about how angry you were, he was there. Even when that meant holding the punching bag still so you could go crazy on it until your anger wore itself out.
Your relationship made sense to the class when you blew up at Mineta one day. The little pervert had gone too far, especially that day.
You were wearing a beautiful dress for Bakugou. He was taking you on a date for your first anniversary together. Normally, you didn’t get this dressed up, but you wanted to look nice. It was a bit more tight then what you normally wore, but you didn’t mind.
The girls actually helped you get ready. They helped you with the dress, your hair, and makeup. You looked gorgeous. Mineta took notice of this as you waited for Bakugou in the common room with the girls.
He let the most vile words he ever said to you slip, and you finally lost it. This was you and Bakugou’s special night. You couldn’t let what Mineta said slide.
You slapped him so hard he fell to the ground.
“Shut the fuck up, Mineta! I’m not a piece of meat for you to size up! I’m a human woman! I don’t know why the fuck you think you’re entitled to my body, or any girl’s body, but you’re wrong! You’re so fucking lucky I’m in a good mood! Otherwise, I would use my quirk on you, you ugly little grape looking perverted freak! If you ever, ever say or do anything inappropriate to me or the others, I’ll end you!” You growled. Bakugou had walked in when you slapped Mineta, but you hadn’t noticed him until you were done. When you saw him, you felt calmer.
He walked over to you and took your hand. He lead you out of the dorms while the class looked on shocked. They quietly wondered if Bakugou was a bad influence on you. Of course, they weren’t mad. Mineta did deserve that, but you still acted so different.
Later that night, Kirishima approached Bakugou about the incident, since he was prompted by the others to do so.
“Hey, is (Y/N) ok? I’m afraid of upsetting her by bringing up what Mineta did.” Kirishima asked.
“Of course she’s ok. She can handle herself... I’m sure she would appreciate you worrying about her, though.” Bakugou said. You were a good influence on him. Just like Bakugou helped with your anger, you helped him with his manners.
“That good but... has she always been that angry? That outburst was different.” Kirishima said. Bakugou gave him a confused look before laughing.
“Of course she’s always been that angry! Why do you think she always runs away when there’s a confrontation? She tries her best to control it, but it gets the better of her sometimes.” Bakugou said, smiling. It didn’t slip past Kirishima’s gaze. He found it cute how you always made Bakugou smile, even when you weren’t physically there.
“Oh! We were afraid something was going on. That’s great news!” Kirishima smiled. Bakugou frowned.
“Hey, what does that mean, shitty hair!” Kirishima put his hands up in defense.
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sunshinesukuna · 4 years
obsession (witheld)
pairing: bakugou x fangirl!reader
genre: fluff to angst
inspiration: Reply 1997 (dir. Shin Wonho) 
a/n: ok i know i promised that this would be a miya atsumu fic, but bakugou was just tugging (more like ripping) at the edge of my heart and deMANDED that this fic be about him. don’t worry atsumu stans, y’all will be fed a feAST probable next week or the week after that (?). but i made it a slight crossover so there you go! hope y’all like it <33
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Bakugou enters your house to a high pitched scream. He doesn’t flinch a muscle though, because he’s been greeted to this so many times before. You were probably in front of the TV, recording the newest episode of that variety show you saw. You would have been doing your homework if you had accepted Bakugou’s offer. But you declined it, bringing up the last time he got caught up watching Food Network and forgetting to record the show. Bakugou remembered how long you had given him the silent treatment after that. He made up with concert tickets, so everything was A-OK after that.
“His chipped tooth was from when he fell off his bike when he saw a cute cat!” you shouted at the screen. The suit-clad interviewer parroted your words back to the studio audience, who erupted in a fit of squeals and applause. Behind the screen, you did the same. 
“That’s totally a PR lie,” Bakugou says. But the canard that comes out of their mouths is delivered with just enough charm and boyish eloquence. Enough to make people like you swoon to their knees.
He sets his bag down in a clearing amidst all the posters he had gotten for your birthday last week. He knows not to mess with your stuff after that one time he stepped on Kuroo Tetsurou’s face. The nail marks on his ankle are a testament to your love for your favorite idol group, N.K.M.
You first found out about them when they debuted and fell head over heels for the five member group. Bakugou couldn’t see what made them special amidst the tens of other idol groups you had stanned previously, but you insisted, “They’re different from the rest, Bakagou!” He just rolled his eyes and kept eating.
“Shut up! He’s not lying! Have you seen all the cat photos and plushies in his room?” you reply. You flip to a page in your scrapbook to a page of a screenshot from a TV show. The room was filled with a cat plushie here and there, but definitely not enough to scream “cat lover.” You hold it close to your chest and sigh.
“How cute...” you mutter. The posters of Kuroo around your room smile back at you and Bakugou. He wondered how you slept at night. Their contact lens covered eyes stared at him like dogs over a steak.
“According to the rest of the group, Kenma’s type of girl is someone that’s creative and sweet,” the host says.  You let out a squeal that could break a thin layer of glass and an eardrum. 
“That’s totally me!” You lie down on the floor and cover your face with the book. Once he’s sure the book covers you eyes, Bakugou lets himself smile at your giggling form. You suddenly pull the book off your face, and his usual scowl is back on his face.
“No you’re not,” Bakugou retorts, He digs out a slip of paper inside his bag. Red pen is smeared angrily all over crumpled white paper. “Our Modern Lit. teacher told me to give this to you. She said that your stories ‘lack heart and feel like something that someone barfed up from a textbook’.” 
Your eyes send him a death threat as you crumple up the piece of paper and throw it in the trash can. You focus your attention back to the TV screen. But Bakugou is not done with you yet.
“And sweet? Puh-lease.” 
Bakugou doesn’t tell you that he read found your fanfiction account on the internet. He read them last night and actually found himself feeling... giddy? Flustered? Your stories on the internet about sharing ice cream with a complete stranger damn near turned him gay. 
He also doesn’t tell you the fact that you’re the sweetest girl that he’s ever met. When you had first met him, you hadn’t been afraid to extend your arm with a smile that could light up all of Japan for a century. While the others had backed away from his feral demeanor, you extended a hand to him and made him feel... needed.
To tell the truth, he feels like a child during playtime that refuses to share the toy with the rest of the class. He wants it for himself. He wants you for himself. But he’ll never tell you that. Bakugou moves to finish the rest of his English homework, but instead has a pillow thrown at him. He remembers that he has something to tell you.
“Oi, (Y/N),” he calls out. You put a finger on your lips and hush him. The host on the TV says something to Kuroo that has you in a fit of giggles once again. 
You turn to look at him again. The ghost of a smile lingers on your lips, but your eyes look at Bakugou like he’s a pest. He scoffs. “What, Bakagou? Can’t you see I’m doing something right now?”
“Oh really?” Bakugou leans on his arm, his face now inches from yours. “Would it surprise you to know that someone asked me out on a date earlier today?” 
It’s only for a fraction of a second, but he catches your hesitation. A bit on your lip. Your hold on the remote control tightening. It gives him a little bit of hope., to be honest. You raise an eyebrow.  “So what?”
“The only person that I can ask is your unexperienced ass. Should I go or not?” You pull away from him and focus your eyes back on the TV just as the commercial ends. 
"Who’s the poor soul that wants to put up with you?” 
 Bakugou twirls his pen. “Our kouhai. The one with the red highlights.”
You stick out your bottom lip and shrug.  “I don’t know. You’ll mess up either way, won’t you?” you point out. Bakugou doesn’t resist from landing a square hit on the back of your head. 
“Ow!” In a split second, you’re delivering a taste of his own medicine to Bakugou. You don’t mind him, having done the same things to him at least a hundred times before. The red bumps on both your heads are comical, but they’re a testament of how comfortable you two are with one another. 
“Take some tips from Kuroo. Be gentlemanly and make them laugh,” you say. You get up from the couch. A long groan escapes your lips. “He must know that from going on so many dates himself.” You run your finger over Poster Kuroo’s photoshopped cheek. 
“But I still love him anyways,” you say dreamily. Poster Kuroo shoots Bakugou a look that makes Bakugou want to rip the bright red washi tape that’s holding Poster Kuroo up. But you would have his head in the five minutes that followed. You would not tolerate any slander against the group that had all the plenary love in your heart. 
“You’re taking too long. Should I go or not, aho?,” Bakugou says. 
You glance at him before muttering back to Poster Kuroo. “I told you, I don’t care.”
The disgruntled  tone in your voice strikes a knife through his heart. He looked for the usual spark in your eyes that lit the tinder to your insults and comebacks. He prays so hard that you’re joking. Bakugou wants so badly for you to say something along the lines of tagging along, or sabotaging the date, or anything that stipulates you coming. But you don’t say anything. You focus your eyes back on the glare of the TV screen and the handsome boys on the screen.
If only you would look at Bakugou the same way.
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cootiebakugou · 4 years
Confessions (Bakugou x Reader)
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Words ; 1.3k
Warnings ; Cursing because well Bakugou (literally only once), Fluff
pls enjoy !! P.S. This is also my first time writing a fic in a while so bear with me.
For everyone in Class 1-A, it was easy to see the connection between the loud hot headed blond and you. Well, everyone in Class 1-A except you and Bakugou.
From the staring when the other doesn’t notice, to making the tiniest bits of smiles (at least on Bakugou’s part). If you needed a sparring partner, the hot head would glare at anyone who tried especially the pervy grape head Mineta. He didn’t treat you any differently than the other “extras”, okay well maybe a little differently.
Whenever you needed help with some homework, Bakugou is there. If you wanted some food, Bakugou would make it. Of course he enjoyed the fact that when you first tried one of his dishes, your eyes lit up and you continued to devour the food claiming, “This is so amazing, Bakugou!”.
After months of pining after each other, Class 1-A decided to take action.
“Come on Bakubro! I know you would rather be sleeping but (y/n) will be there!” Kirishima said outside of the door. It was silent on the other side until he heard the sound of rusting and a grunt before the door opened and was greeted with a scowl upon his best friends face. Sometimes Bakugou regrets telling Kirishima that he may have had feelings for (y/n).
To be honest, Bakugou didn’t understand why he couldn’t stop his face from heating up whenever he heard your laugh, why his heart would race whenever he saw your smile, but he knew that no matter what, he wouldn’t want it to stop.
With a grunt and the shutting more like slamming of a dorm room door, both Kirishima and Bakugou were on their way to the common room for a nice calm movie night and afterwards some games. As they neared it they overheard many types of genre for movies that they would want to watch.
"Okay what about comedy? Huh? Come on guys!" Kaminari exclaimed. "Nobody wants to watch fucking comedy, Dunce Face." Bakugou retorted when he sat down on one side of the couch. His eyes couldn't help but wander around the room, careful not to get caught and called out on for looking for you.
You, and Mina were in the kitchen and pantry to find snacks for the movie. "Come on (y/n)! Tonight's your chance to express your undying love for Bakugou!" Mina said to the girl. "Mina, what if he doesn't feel the same? I'm too scared to." Mina gave (y/n) a soft look before calling her name and going back to the common room.
"Have you guys chosen a movie yet?" Mina asked with a quirked brow. "Yeah we found one! I heard it got really good reviews." Ochako responded with stars in her eyes. "It's a romantic comedy! I just couldn't wait!" (y/n) smiled at the brown haired girl before making her way towards Bakugou.
"U-Um can I sit here?" (y/n) asked her hands fidgeting with one other. Bakugou let out a, "Tch" and that was all (y/n) needed to know she could sit next to him. Kirishima and Mina both shared a knowing look before the movie started.
Bakugou wasn't really paying attention to the movie or his other classmates. All he could do was drown out the movie and listen to your laughs, your nice small laughs. He would look at you out of the corner of his eye and maybe a smile graced his face, not that he would admit this and would kill anyone who said anything.
Eventually some time throughout the movie you drifted a bit closer to the blond man. He could see your eyes dropping slightly. "Listen, this is a one time offer. If you want you can lean your head on my shoulder, just don't put too much weight on it alright? We got training and I don't want my arm to be sore." Your (color) eyes lit up and you snuggled against Bakugou, wrapping both your arms around his left and laying your head on his shoulder, careful not to put any more pressure than what was needed.
With the laughs and the cries from Class 1-A, you all continued on watching the movie and eating the snacks.
Finally when the movie was over Mina came up with the idea of playing truth or dare.
"Guys! It'll be so~ much fun! I promise!" She exclaimed happily. With a chorus of "okay" and "why not", she began seating everyone in the circle and explaining the rules.
She called on everyone except a handful before choosing her next victim. "So~ (y/n), truth or dare?" She grinned with a small glint in her eyes, and that's when (y/n) knew, it was over Mina was going to have her expose her crush!
(y/n) felt nervous, if she chose truth, Mina would ask her who her crush was, and if it was dare, (y/n) shivered slightly at the thought. With a slight huff she chose her answer.
To this Mina smirked and the glint in her eye became bigger causing (y/n) to think that she chose the wrong decision.
“Alright missy, I dare you to sit on your crushes lap and kiss for five seconds!” She exclaimed.
“Wait Mina-!” The pink skinned girl simply shook her head, “You have to do it (y/n).”
With an intake of breathe (y/n) got up from her spot on the floor and walked towards the person who stole her heart. Her head was clouded with thoughts but she persevered and finally made it to the blond boy whose eyes looked like they could burst at any minute before regaining his composure.
(y/n) could feel her heart beating in her ears as she sat down on the blond’s lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. The look in both (y/n)‘s and Bakugou’s eyes told their emotional and raw feelings towards one another. (y/n) could barely think, here she was sat on his lap and the next part of the dare was even harder!
Even though it was maybe a minute since she had sat down on his lap, she was still too busy with the thoughts in her head. With the whispers and the girls silently squealing, Bakugou took the initiative and kissed the (color) haired girl, causing her eyes to widen then shut as she fell in deeper in the kiss.
Even though the kiss was supposed to be 5 seconds, it wound up being close to thirty. Not that anyone was counting, except Kirishima and Mina. Everyone else’s eyes were widened and they tried to look anywhere but where the two were.
Finally they pulled away and all (y/n) could do was smile as she panted.
“I like you, Shitty Woman.”
“I-I like you too, Bakagou..” She said smiling, her heart never slowing down. “Then be my girlfriend, I’m also not taking no for an answer.”
She make a small laugh, “I would like that very much.”
The girls proceeded to squeal and the guys congratulated Bakugou. (y/n) got up and so did Bakugou, who took her hand and led her towards his room to cuddle. Not like he would tell anyone that, but he was tired and would very much like to sleep to the sound of (y/n)‘s heartbeat.
Feel free to request anything! I’ll try my best! :)
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melwritesstufff · 5 years
Bakugou x Reader-Confessions
I realize I have no stories posted so here’s a reader insert I did a few months back. Enjoy! :)
Warnings: No nsfw, it’s just fluff and kissing
Word count: 1566
(Y/N’s P.O.V.)
“Y/N Get up you’re going to be late for school!”
Stop please
Y/N if you don’t get down here you’re going to miss breakfast AND the bus!”
Fine, I'll get up
I kick off the blankets on my bed, rubbing my eyes trying to wake myself up. I get up and look in my closet for my uniform. Which are, of course, all identical. Once i’ve gotten ready, i go down ready to eat breakfast.
“Hey Mom whats for bre-”
“No time to eat! You missed your bus! It left almost five minutes ago!”
My eyes widen, I quickly grabbed my bag and run out the door.
As I'm running, I see a certain head of blonde spikes, who is also running on the other side of the street. He spots me as well, sends me a smirk then starts sprinting to the school gates. I speed up, my new objective not to get to school on time, but to beat Mr. Spikey Hair. Are you kidding me Bakugou? I’m already late and now you have to turn this into a race? It. Is. On.
He looks back at me as we get closer and realizes I'm gaining on him.
“Hey funny face! Finally catching up I see!”
If i want to beat him i’m going to need to be smart about this. Maybe if I distract him i can get ahead. I got this.
“Oh shut up. I’m just as fast as you are Bakagou”
That really set him off. Now everything falls into place as i am about to win this dumb race.
He starts his usual angry boy routine you know, the yelling, the explosions the unnecessary name calling, and most importantly, getting distracted. As he starts to fire up his explosions, I sprint to the school gates, hoping he won’t notice until I’ve made it through the gate.
I start running faster. Come on YN, almost there. Just as i hear bakugou starting to catch up to me as i did with him before, I make it through the gate.
“YES! I win!” I turn around to see a very mad bakugou.
“Heyyy bakugou.”
“I’m going to give you three seconds to run you cheating fuck”
I bolt it down the school hallways, Bakugou close behind. As I get close to the classroom door, Bakugou grabs me by my back collar and pushes me against the wall.
“You fucking cheater. ‘I’m much faster than you bakugou’ you say that but you have to fucking cheat to win” He’s unnervingly calm. It’s scary. He’s going to kill me.
“Well all i did way say something. It’s not technically cheating right Bakagou?”
He lets go of me, once again getting mad.
Before can grab me again i run into the classroom to see everyone in their seats. Oh right, I’m late.
“Bakugou, Y/N, how nice of you to join us. If you could go to your seats, that would be great.”
“Yes Aizawa-sensei.”
“Tch, whatever”
Me and Bakugou go to our seats.
Denki, who i sit next to whispers to me “hey why were you late? Did you and Bakugou, you know, do stuff” he wiggles his eyebrows at me, knowing of my crush on Bakugou.
“What?! No we just had a race to school. I won.”
“Ooh that explains why he’s so grumpy” Denki snickers but goes silent as Bakugou glares back at us.
~<Time skip lunch>~
(Bakugou’s P.O.V.)
“Soooo, you ever going to tell her?”
Shitty hair sits down next to me and starts eating his lunch. He’s been bothering me about this ever since he found out. Always trying to get me to tell her. It’s annoying.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Come on bro you know exactly what I mean. When are you going to tell Y/N that you like her?!”
We hear a gasp behind us and turn around to see Purple Grape Balls with a shocked look on his face.
“She doesn’t belong to anyone. Why don’t you shut the fuck up before I make you”
I look around to see if anyone heard the little shit yell. Well just my fucking luck, Y/N is standing up and staring at me in what seems to be disbelief. She turns back to look at stupid Deku. ‘Of course, she likes that nerd and not me. Fuck this.’ I walk out of the lunch room into the hallway.
(Y/N’s P.O.V.)
“I dunno Deku. Maybe if you get her parents to approve then she’ll say yes.”
I take another bite of my sushi and listen to deku’s reply.
“Yeah you’re probably right. I just don’t know how to ask though! How would i even start that conversation? Just go ‘Hey Uraraka’s parents! How’s your day? By the way can I ask out your daughter?’”
I sigh. He just needs to man up and ask her already. He’s been debating about this for the past two months. I understand that he’s nervous but she obviously likes him back. Of course when i try to tell him this he brushes it off as her just being nice.
“Izuku i think you just have to take a leap of faith. Just go up to her and as-”
I turn around in disbelief at what I just heard.
‘Bakugou.. likes me?’
I turn to Izuku to see if he heard it too. I’m guessing he did because his mouth is wide open, in just as much disbelief as i am in.
As I turn back I see Bakugou walking out of the lunch room, into the hallway.
“What are you waiting for? Go after him!” I look back to see Denki, who was sitting to the left of me previously, pushing me towards the hall doors where Bakugou left out of.
“Okay okay i'm going! No need to push me.”
Denki lets go of me and I run down the hallway to see Bakugou sitting at the end, his head in his hands.
“Hey Bakugou.” I slowly approach him. Careful not to startle him.
“Go away” he grumbles. Burying his head further into his hands.
“Bakugou…” I sit down in front of him.
“Is.. is it true?” I carefully try to lift his head back up so I could look at him. As his head comes up I see his eyes watering. ‘Wait... is bakugou.. crying?’
“Yes! I like you okay! The secrets out! It’s not that big of a deal! Just… just go be with Deku and leave me alone...” he moves my hands away from his face and turns away from me.
“Wait, Bakugou, do you think Ilike Izuku?” I turn to him again.
“Just go away.” he tries to get out of my grasp again but i stick my ground.
“You absolute idiot Bakugou” i chuckle.
“Yeah, I know. No need to rub it in.” he grumbles.
“No that’s not what i mean.” I push his face so I can see his eyes more clearly. “I like YOU dummy!”
His eyes light up as he tackles me into a hug. As he pushes me against the wall with the force of him tackling me, he looks me in the eyes. “Are you sure?” I laugh and peck his cheek. “Of course I'm sure.”
He looks at my lips and very carefully, almost like he doesn’t want to hurt me asks “Can… can I kiss you?”
I nodded my head and we both slowly close our eyes and lean in. when our lips finally touch, it feels like fireworks have gone off. My lips felt like they were on fire, moving in sync with Bakugou’s Sparks were flying and the world around me disappeared. The only thing that mattered to me at that moment was that kiss. We soon both ran out of air and had to break apart.
“Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Bakugo-” i started
“Call me Katsuki, none of that ‘Bakugou’ bullshit” he growled
I giggled a bit and rested my head on his chest. “Okay Katsuki.” I lifted my head and looked him in the eyes. “Katsuki, i love you, of course I'll be your girlfriend”
He looked a bit surprised at my confession but smiled at me. He gave me another peck on the lips, but then the bell rang.
“Come on Katsuki, we gotta get back to class. As much as i love this, if we get caught we’re going to get in a lot of trouble, again.” I reluctantly push him away and he lets go of me. As much as I would love to stay with him like this all day, the risk of us getting in trouble is high, and not exactly worth it right now.
“Fine, let’s go” Although I pushed him away, he still grabbed my hand, not letting go. As we’re about to open the classroom door, we see a camera flash. I look back to see denki with a phone already running from my now very angry, and very blushy, newfound boyfriend.
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Day 1; It’s Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas. Katsuki Bakagou X reader!
It was the Fifteenth of December, exactly ten days before Christmas. A once of the year holiday, were people lose their minds and chaos irrupts, people fighting over which toys their children want, what is the best type of meal. Everyone goes crazy for this holiday but not everyone wants to be apart of the craziness.
"So with that I think we got everyone on the list. Little Jr isn't coming for a few more months so we have some time to relax and enjoy the holidays with our families. Katsuki are you listening?"
"Huh?! Oh yeah we'll get what you want"
"You weren't listening right?"
"I'm sorry (y/n), I just had a long day at the office. There was a computer glitch and I had to write out all my reports for the past month"
"Oh honey it's okay, I know works been busy and with the holidays just ten days away it won't stop. I just want you to know I love you and I'll always be here" You spoke before getting up off the couch and walking away.
Emerging a few moments later, with two cups of your special pipping hot chocolate with shaved chocolate and peppermint whipped cream.
"Here baby" you said to your husband, grabbing his attention before he snapped his head up and stood from the couch.
"Oi! I told you to stop doing things on your own! I'm here I'm our husband I have to take care of you and the little one. Now rest on the couch no more getting up!" He spat with annoyance but it wasn't anything you weren't used to, he's always been over protective of you but once he found that pregnancy test he's been nuts. An over bearing explosive nut, but you love this angry man.
"Calm down Suki, I just went to the kitchen. You keeping spacing out so I made my speciality, my number one seller at time of year My Ground Zero Carmel peppermint hot chocolate. Though of course this started off as a pregnancy craving, rather then an actual menu item" you rumbled in reply.
"Oh, okay your excused for now. I'll let it slide this time, come on get comfortable with me and we'll watch that stupid Christmas special I did with those extras" he replied with a sly smile on his face, you could tell he was happy and excited.
Sitting down you smiled as you got comfortable in his arms, leaning into his side. One arm wrapped around you, bringing you closer to him.
"I'm so surprised you did this special"
"Well I didn't want to do this but then I started to think of him and I wanted him to be proud of his dad, I made a special request to the film company and they let me put in a special message to the two special people in life"
His speech made you tear up, turning your head to look at him, catching a glimpse of snow falling.
"Katsuki look it's starting to snow!"
"I guess it really is starting to lot like Christmas now"
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katsubiatch · 2 years
Distant Shores-6
Chapter Warnings: Nothing much, jealous Bakugou, a touch suggestive at the end. This is really just a filler chapter honestly. Getting a few things out of the way. 
A/N: Hello all! Yes I'm sorry it took me so so long to get this out. I was going through a lot with family things and my own mental health and it took me a bit to come back and finish this up! I've been writing bits and pieces as they come. Hope you enjoy. (:
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Bakugous words rang in your ears as you prepared for the celebration that was to happen tonight. The one to celebrate his friends arrival. You knew it was important, something that had to be done, but you were dreading it. Just another night of Bakugou getting drunk, flirting with some woman and going home with her while you sat and hoped for something. 
Though as you braided back your hair, something that thankfully one of the thralls here had taught you, you were surprised by Bakugou waltzing into your shared bedroom. Despite what you'd been through with your husband you couldn't deny that he was handsome. Bare chest almost always on display, defined muscles stood out on his chest and arms without him even trying. Long, blond hair pulled back into a braid to signify his wins in battles. That voice that could send a thrill through you. His large hands that you wanted wrapped around your... 
“Why’re you looking at me like that?” You heard that raspy voice ask you, pulling you out of your thoughts that were quickly moving towards being inappropriate. You felt your face flush as you turned so your back was to him, and continued to braid your hair.  “No reason, I wasn’t looking at you any type of way.” You murmured, finishing up the braid. It wasn’t as perfect or as intricate as the ones that were usually done for you but you were satisfied. 
“Mmm.” Was the only response you received, you could feel his eyes on your back. It was almost as if he was trying to figure out what he had come in here to begin with. “They suit you... the braids.” He murmured, hand moving to tug on the end of the braid. Your face flushed a deeper shade of pink as you felt this and heard the compliment.
You turned towards him, seeing his own face was a very light shade of pink as he cleared his throat and offered his arm. “It’s about time that we head out there.” Right... to the feast, where everyone would be watching you. Judging you. You stood up, taking his arm and taking a deep breath as you readied yourself for it all. “It will be alright, a bit more crowded but it will be okay.”  You hoped he was right. 
It was strange, having all of your husbands attention on you, during a dinner like this it was generally the opposite. He'd sit next to you at the table, but beyond that he didn't pay one scrap of attention to you. Tonight however, you found yourself sandwiched between your husband and the other earl, Izuku. Things were just a bit tight now that the second earl had joined all of you. This fact either irritated your husband, the fact that another man was so close to you, or he was taking his vow of keep you safer very seriously as he kept a large, warm hand on your knee underneath of the table. You spared glances every so often over to him, taking note of his scowl and overall irritated expressions while Izuku spoke to you. You couldn't help but be enthralled by Izuku’s tales. They were thrilling, adventures that you couldn't even imagine. 
Your entire life had been spent in a castle, let out on the grounds every once in a while, sometimes going out to the village nearby but not often were you let out of your gilded cage. When you were let out it was heavily guarded, and not for long. So no adventures to be had. These were some of the most interesting stories that you’d heard, and you couldn’t help but be enthralled at everything Izuku was telling you, it was certainly the most interesting dinner conversation you’d had since coming here. 
Bakugou POV
Why was she so interested in what that nerd had to say? It wasn't anything he wouldn't have been able to tell her... except he hadn't. He hadn't told her anything, other than the occasional few words spoken between them Bakugou hadn't told her anything. About himself, his life, his people. He wasn't quite sure what he'd expected of her, he supposed the stories were interesting enough but that didn't mean he wasn't jealous. He didn't think he had a right to feel jealous, he'd left her in the dark for so long. Uncared for, unprotected but he was going to change that. He was working hard on changing it.
Never had he been so jealous of anyone or anything. Something that had your attention, something he desperately wanted at this point. Something he wanted to beg for; but Katsuki Bakugou didn't beg. He also hadn't ever been jealous like this, or ever. So he supposed there was a first for everything. He was also jealous of the fact that you'd been disappearing with that bastard Todoroki. He was too wrapped up in trying to drown out Izuku, of trying to keep his thoughts in check that he hadn't even realized his hand on your thigh tightened. That is until your hand gently touched his arm under the table and he noticed your concerned expression as you looked at him.
"Are you alright?" Your quiet voice came out, almost as if you were scared of upsetting him further and he hated that. Hated himself for making you feel that way. That even asking a simple question would irritate him.
"Fine." He grumbled out as he looked at her, eyes softer than usual but hardening right back as soon as he looked over at Izuku. You didn't believe him for one second, even if you hadn't had many conversations with the man you had a feeling he was lying. "Alright." Was your only reply, the hand closest to his moving down, gently wrapping around his fingers.
Well at least he had this much of your attention. If he could have a sliver of your attention that was all he needed. Plus having your hand on his made it all the better. Everything was fine, he could live with this. That is until that bastard Todoroki came up, ruining everything. The quiet little calm that the two of you had created. He was talking to you, asking you about meeting up the next day. About your... lessons. He wasn’t sure what it was but it was boiling his blood and he didn’t even care about keeping up appearances at this point he took the hand he was holding and hauled you up from the chair. “We’re going back to the room.” He grumbled as the two of you went back, and you could feel an argument brewing. Better than the usual silence you were used to it. 
"So what? You go off with that bastard every day to what? I can't imagine he's good at conversation, he hardly talks. So what are you doing with him?" Bakugou was seething, you could almost see the steam rolling off of him but you didn't care. Now you were angry that he'd accuse you of something like that, that he'd insult one of your only friends like that.
"Why do you care? You didn't even want me." You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest and rolling your eyes. This argument was pointless, was it even an argument? You couldn't tell. Back home you wouldn't even be saying these things, would have gotten in trouble. But these past few months had taught you to grow a back bone, a spine.
His hands roughly wrapped around your waist, holding you close, your hands making their way to his chest. You knew he'd been jealous for most of the day, had been able to read it on his face and attitude. This was the first time you'd been this close to each other. "I care because now that I've spent more than five seconds in your presence, now that I am truly seeing you, it pisses me off." He growled out as he looked down at you, hands gripping your waist. "I care because... because you're my wife now and that means something here. It's not just a title. It's not just a word. I care because I wasn't able to protect you when it mattered.. that I didn't notice what I had until it was almost too late." He was angry, pissed off but not at you. At what the life you'd had before was. The life he'd unknowingly almost copied here. He was mad at himself. You were both breathing heavily at this point, face to face. Angry and red faced.
"If you... want to know what we do... he has been teaching me. All kinds of things. Your language, how to use a knife... how to defend myself." You shook your head, not able to use any of the training when it mattered. "He's been kind and hasn't... he hasn't tried anything like that." You shook your head, sighing softly. "He said that a Viking woman should know how to fight."
"I know... I watched the two of you... on occasions." He admitted, fingers tracing small patterns on your hips where his hands rested.
"You.. what?"
"Well when Kirishima told me that you were wandering off with him I was curious. He wouldn't tell me anything else about it, so I followed you two a few times." Bakugou shrugged, enjoying the warmth of your hands on his broad chest. He'd been with plenty women but this felt... different. Better. More intimate. "I may not have enjoyed the fact that we had to get married but I still... wanted to make sure you were safe."
"So you knew? You knew what we were doing and you still asked me that?" You asked, pushing against his chest, either attempting to get away or just to push him you weren't sure.
"We'll.... I wasn't there all the time and I don't know truly, what the two of you did the entire time. I am a busy man you know." Bakugou murmured, holding on tight so you didn't move away from him. He didn't want to lose this, the warm weight of you between his arms. "Didn't want him to take advantage of you." He grumbled lowly, but he looked the softest you'd ever seen him. The scowls and frowns long gone as he looked at you like... like you were something special. “I just get so angry and can’t stand it.” He huffed as you gave him a curious look. 
“I might not have shown it but... I care about you. In a way. No I didn’t want you, didn’t want this marriage but.. it wore on me. Sleeping next to you, watching how peaceful you look while you sleep, seeing you doing everything you can to be part of the life here. I have to admit that I thought that you were reporting back to your father and.. I didn’t want to get attached to you if I was going to have to end up killing you.”  “Mmm romantic.” You murmured, rolling your eyes as you looked up at him.  “Listen this is as good as it’s going to get.” He grumbled and you just smiled up at him, hands laid against his chest. The two of you took a few moments, just looking at each other. There was a connection there, you just had to work on it. You could make it work, coming from two different worlds. It was a few moments of looking before his lips were on yours, rough and demanding. You hadn’t been expecting if and let out a small gasp at the suddenness of it. 
Your hands found their way up his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck, hands gently tugging at his hair and received a grunt in return. The kiss had started out heated but now it was even more so. Lips moving against lips, his tongue dipping into your mouth, moving over your teeth, poking and playing with yours as his hands squeezed at your hips and he backed you towards the bed. A fire inside of you had been lit, and you didn’t know if this was because he wanted to with you or if it was the fact that he didn’t have anyone else to warm his bed but you didn’t care. The thought gone as soon as it came, his lips moving from yours and pressing sloppy kisses along your jaw, nipping on your ear and groaning into it as he laid you down on the bed.
“I think it’s time we reconsummated our marriage.” 
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13 days challenge | Day 4| Matching Costumes| Kaminari X reader|
@bnhalloween-challenge (Once again sorry it’s late!)
Warning: Slight swearing! Slight Todoroki x Oc, slight Bakagou x Oc.
Who would have guessed that Momo was throwing a party in her huge house, everyone in class 1A was invited, the only stipulation was that everyone wear a costume, the decision for the Bakagou squad was simple Alice in wonderland, Mina being Alice, Bakagou the red king, he obviously is the red queen but he put a firey explosion flare on it. Kirishima was tweedle dee, Sero was Tweedle dum. The shock wave known as Kaminari was the March hare, and you were the Mad hatter, since you and Denki are two peas in pod, crazy little hyper beans.
“WILL THE TWO OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Bakagou yelled as he tried to get you and Denki to stop arguing over who’s costume fits them better.
“Katsuki did you have to be so hard on them?” A sweet voice rang out, Bakagou scoffed and walked off with his girl, who was dressed as a princess, preferably as Cinderella.
“Geez your girlfriend really put you in your place, Bakagou” Todoroki rang out which caused the firey blonde Male to explode.
“WHAT THE FUCK DID TOU SAY?” He turned to yell at them. Sighs admitted from the group, before any fists were thrown they walked up to the largely decorated mansion like home and entered.
“Wow Momo you outdid yourself” You said as you walked in and saw your friend who seemed to be dressed as girl group member.
“You all came! Welcome! Enjoy yourselves!” She said to everyone before walking off
“Oh Denki and (Y/N) looked cute! What are you?” Tsu asked.
“We are the March Hare and the Mad Hatter from Alice in wonderland!” You replied with a wide smile before popping out an inflatable table decorated with glued on plastic tea cups and tea sets, dancing around the table like idiots laughing at each other, you and Denki had fun until he shorted out and turned off all the power.
“FUCKING BLOT for brains” Bakagou yelled.
Im sorry it’s late! Work took a lot out of me!
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