2t2r · 2 years
La tour Burana du Kirghizistan
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/la-tour-burana-du-kirghizistan/
La tour Burana du Kirghizistan
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pagingcs · 2 years
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Burana Tower, Kyrgyzstan
Many centuries ago, the great city of Balasagun sat on the great silk caravan road that connected China, India, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The capital of the Karakhanid Empire and once called the center of the world, Balasagun was inhabited throughout the 10–14th centuries. Today, the Burana minaret is all that is left standing.
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aronberk · 6 months
Genel Sekreter Sultan Raev başkanlığındaki TÜRKSOY heyeti, Balasagun Kırgız Ulusal Üniversitesi yönetimiyle bir araya geldi // Written in TR & RU by Assist. Prof. Dr. Timur B. Davletov
Genel Sekreter Sultan Raev başkanlığındaki TÜRKSOY heyeti, Balasagun Kırgız Ulusal Üniversitesi yönetimiyle bir araya geldi Yazan: Dr. Öğr. Ü./Assist. Prof. Dr. Timur B. Davletov | [email protected] Bişkek’te TÜRKSOY ile Balasagun Kırgız Ulusal Üniversitesi arasında Uluslararası Türk Kültürü Teşkilatı Genel Sekreteri Sultan Raev tarafından başlatılan “Türk Dünyası Petroglifleri” adlı 6…
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koval-nation · 10 months
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78) Argyn, Аргын, Аргыны, аргун, арғын, arğın - plemię (lub klan) jest częścią grupy etnicznej Kazachstanu. Argyn są składnikiem Orta jüz (Орта жthoughз; „Środkowa Orda” lub „Średnia Setka”). Historycznie Kazachowie składali się z trzech federacji plemiennych: Wielkiego jüz (lub Senior jüz), Środkowego jüz i Małego jüz (lub Junior jüz). Uczony z Karakhanidów, Mahmud al-Kashgari, określił Arghu jako „wąwóz pomiędzy dwiema górami”, ponieważ kraj Arghu znajdował się pomiędzy Tiraz i Balasagun.
Argyny mają mieszane pochodzenie. Historyczny dwujęzyczny, ale stale turcyzujący lud, Basmylowie, prawdopodobnie przyczynił się do etnogenezy Argynów, ponieważ zarówno Basmylowie, jak i Argyn zajmowali mniej więcej to samo położenie geograficzne, w Protektoracie Beiting, gdzie Basmylowie dokonali swojego pierwszego nagrania wyglądzie, który obecnie znajduje się w zachodnich Chinach i nadal jest domem dla mniejszości kazachskiej. Uczony Kara-Chanidów, Mahmud al-Kashgari, napisał, że "Basmylowie oprócz tureckiego mówili swoim własnym językiem. Są przystojniejszymi mężczyznami niż inni tubylcy w kraju, a dzięki większym zdolnościom zdobywają władzę; i są także handlarzami kapitałem”. Kaszgari wspomniał miejskiego ludu Argu, który mówił po środkowotureckim z „pewnym bełkotem (rikka)”, podobnie jak mieszkańcy Sogdak i Kenchek; Golden proponuje, że Arghu byli irańczykami, którzy przeszli proces Turkicyzacji. Badanie z 2013 roku dotyczące genetyki Argyns identyfikuje dwadzieścia haplogrup DNA chromosomu Y: z nich G1a-P20 stanowi 71% z 2186 próbek; R1a-M198(xM458) 6%, C3c-M48 5%, C3 - M217(xM48) 3%; a inne haplogrupy stanowią mniej niż trzy procent. Autorzy zauważyli, że „plemię Argyn zajęło na wykresie odizolowaną pozycję, wykazując brak powiązań genetycznych z innymi plemionami Kazachstanu”. Nazwa Argynów prawdopodobnie odpowiada nazwie „Argonów”, o której wspominał Marco Polo w XIII wieku w kraju zwanym „Tenduc” (wokół dzisiejszego Hohhot). Polo doniósł, że ten klan „wywodził się z dwóch różnych ras: to znaczy z rasy bałwochwalców z Tenduc i… czcicieli Mahometa".
Plemię tureckie, jedno z sześciu plemion kazachskich (Konyrat, Uaki, Kerei, Kipchaks i Naimans), które tworzą środkowy Zhuz narodu kazachskiego. Największe plemię kazachskie, które przeniosło się z Jochi ulus do stanu Timuridów pod rządami Abu Saida, prawnuka Timura. Argini to jeden z czterech najsilniejszych rodów bejów Chanatu Krymskiego – Karachi Bekowie, którzy mogli potwierdzić chanów krymskich na tronie i byli członkami Rady Państwa tego państwa, w dużej mierze determinującej politykę zagraniczną Krymu.
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Yelu Dashi (r. 1134-1143) was the founder of the Qara-Khitai Khanate, and his grandson Yelu Zhilugu (r. 1177-1211) was the final ruler (Gur-khan) of that Khanate. The Qara-Khitai was a fascinating, but little known empire. The Khitan Liao Dynasty (907-1125) was quickly overrun by the Jurchen Jin (1115-1234) in the early 12th century, and Yelu Dashi, a Khitan noble related to the imperial family, fled China, crossing Mongolia and eventually making his way to central Asia, where he established the Qara Khitai. The Qara Khitai went on to control an area from Transoxania to the Tarim Basin, mighty empire combing Chinese-Khitan ruling customs over a largely Muslim population. After Dashi's death in 1143 the empire declined, and the long rule of his grandson Zhilugu marked the final years of the dynasty. Vassals broke away, financial crisis gripped the empire, religious factionalism began to tear it apart and his former vassals, the Khwarezm-Shahs, challenged and fought with him. The appearance of a Naiman prince, Kuchlug, fleeing the wrath of Chinggis Khan in Mongolia and welcomed into the Qara-Khitai, tipped the balance against Zhilugu. Even though he married a daughter of Zhilugu and was given titles and power, he betrayed his step father, raiding the imperial treasury and conspiring with the Khwarezm-Shah, Muhammad bin Tekish. In late 1211, Kuchlug captured Zhilugu while he was on a hunting trip, and kept the former Gur-Khan captive while claiming power for himself. In the end, Kuchlug's ascension brought Chinggis Khan and the Mongol Empire to Central Asia, now bordering the Khwarezmian Empire... To learn more about the Qara Khitai, check out my latest videos: Part One, the Rise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k22BPOpihhQ Part Two, the Decline: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj5MzSmo8-I
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edwardallando · 3 years
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The Burana site is situated 2.5 km east of the village of Donarik. Burana, which rests on the #remains of the #ancientcity of Balasagun, is one of the largest #medieval cities in Kyrgyzstan’s #ChuiValley (which was a place along on the #SilkRoad) . Established in the 10th century on the site of an older settlement, along with Kashgar, #Balasagun was one of the capitals of the Eastern Khanate after the Karakhanid state split up. It was saved from destruction by Genghis Khan's Mongols and was renamed Gobalik (good city) in the 8th century, but the city lost its importance and had disappeared by the 15th century. #along #complete #move #nomad #van #nature #moutains #forest #travel #vacation #valley #altynarashan #kyrgyzstan #centralasia #asia #scenary #byed #edwarddo #plus1mile #lostcreators #photographyislife (at Burana Tower) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ034qoOnsK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bookloversofbath · 4 years
Lost Enlightenment: Central Asia's Golden Age from the Arab Conquest to Tamerlane :: S. Frederick Starr
Lost Enlightenment: Central Asia’s Golden Age from the Arab Conquest to Tamerlane :: S. Frederick Starr
Lost Enlightenment: Central Asia’s Golden Age from the Arab Conquest to Tamerlane :: S. Frederick Starr soon to be presented for sale on the superior BookLovers of Bath web site! Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2013, Hardback in dust wrapper. 4th impression, first edition the same year. Includes: Black & white photographs; Chronological tables (1); Colour plates; Maps; From the…
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tarkhan · 4 years
#Tarkhan (#ਤਰਖਾਣ)
Tarkhan is a north Indian tribe which has been historically present in a Punjab and its nearby areas. Tarkhans are an ethnic minority and most of Tarkhans are followers of Sikhism and small number is a follower of Hinduism. Very small of number of ethnic Tarkhans are found in Pakistan, these Tarkhans are followers of Islam. Tarkhans are subdivided into various clans (ਗੋਤ).
Tarkhan #Occupations:
Tarkhan occupations are carpentry, blacksmithing, masonry and farming. The Lohars (blacksmiths) of Punjab are Tarkhans who work with metals and term Tarkhan-Lohar is also used. This diversity in Tarkhan occupations is very clear from Sikh history, where different Tarkhan-Sikhs had different occupations. For example: Baba Lalo Ghattaura, one of the first Sikhs of Guru Nanak was a carpenter, family of Baba BHAI Roop Chand has always been farmers, Baba Hardas Singh Bhamra made the famous nagni used to kill the drunken elephant, he was also scholar, and close associate of 10th Sikh Guru, and Mistry Des Raj Kalsi of Sur Singh played an important role in re-construction of Akal Takht after it was destroyed by Ahmed Shah Abdali. In modern day Punjab, every house, every building is made by Tarkhans, all machinery such as combines, ploughs and harvesters are made by Tarkhans including manufacturing of tractors, also welding and repairing despite being a small minority. Tarkhans are the only people in Indian sub-continent to be masters of more than occupations.
#Ancient #History of Tarkhans:
Kasgarli Mahmut was 11th century scholar from Kashgar. He explained the word Tarkhan in the following way: "It is a name given before the Islamic religion. It means prince (Bey, Umar) in Arghu language." It is clear the word Tarkhan was not pure Turkish and that it was adopted into Turkish from the old language of Sogdiana. This was proved in the Turkish dictionary Divan u Lugat it-Turk written by Kasgarli Mahmut. Sogd was a name of a nation who settled in Balasagun. These were of the Sogd race. Sogd lay between Bukhara and Samarqand. Sogdia (/ˈsɒɡdiə/) or Sogdiana was an ancient Iranian civilization.
Historian H. Beveridge in his paper titled Tarkhan and Tarquinius points out that antiquity of Tarkhan is evidenced by the fact it's etymology is lost. He also states that Tarkhan was both a personal title and the name of a tribe. Bipin Shah in his paper titled Patali of Alexander, Sack of Nagar Thatta and Arghoon rule of Sindh talks about pre-historic central asian tribe named Tarkhan. Beveridge, Isaac Taylor, C. R. Condor and J. G. R. Farlong in their writings all agree that Tarkhan, Tarkan and Tarquin are same. Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, or Tarquin the Elder, was the legendary fifth king of Rome from 616 to 579 BC. Tarkhan was used among the Hittites (1700BCE- 1200BCE) to refer the tribal Chiefs. Also, the the Kassites (1531BCE-1155 BCE) had god called Tartakhan.
Khodadad Rezakhani of Freie Universität (Berlin) in the paper titled Continuity and Change in Late Antique Irān: An Economic View of the Sasanians writes (year is 560 AD): "These are the famous Nezak Tarkhans who claimed descent from the Alkhon king Khingila (Grenet 2002: 218). We know that these Tarkhans controlled the passes across the Hindukush both to Bamiyan and also to Kabul, via the Panjshir Valley (Baker and Allchin 1991). Based on the pattern of the earlier Hephthalites, they established and controlled formidable castles on both sides of the Surkhab River in southern Tokharistan, controlling the trade and military route from Bactria to Bamiyan (Grenet 2002: 218-20)."
In Eras of Humanity by Genealogy, Brian Starr writes about Kama Tarkhan of Huns. Hiuen Tsang, a Chinese traveller of 7th century AD also mentions various Tarkhans in Indian subcontinent such as Tarkhan of Samarkand, a meeting between king and 200 Tarkhans. Across the Hindukush of the First Millennium a collection of the papers by S. Kuwayama makes the mention of Chebishi Tarkhan who along with Tafu Tegin was sent to court of Tang Dynasty by King of Gandhara in 753 AD. Tarkhan Dynasty ruled over Gilgit in 7th and 8th century and was founded by a prince from Badakhshan. Further, founders of Maglot dynasty of Nagar and Ayash dynasty of Hunza were both Tarkhan princes. Tradition traces the origin of these Tarkhans to an imaginary Kayāni prince of Persia, by name Azur Jamshid, who is said to have fled here after the Arab conquest of Persia.
The town named Tarkhan in Egypt has been a site of various archeological diggings, some which were as old as 4000 BCE and oldest woven piece of cloth called Tarkhan Dress. In the town of Chal Tarkhan (Iran) many artifacts were found belonging to Sassanian Period (224 to 651 AD). Tarkhankut is name of peninsula in Ukraine and there are various places named Tarkhan in Russia. Tarkhans have been present in Indian subcontinent atleast since 6th century AD.
The ancient history of Tarkhans is also evidenced from the origin of various Tarkhan clans, such as Ubbi was a Germanic tribe and Bahra a Arabic tribe. There are places named after various Tarkhan clans in Iran (Panesar E-Takshan, Hunejan etc) and Tarkhan clans such as Siyan and Salh are also found among Kurds. Padam and Rattan being of native Indian origin. Menander 1 a Indo-Greek king was born in place named Kalasi (Alexandria of the Caucasusn) around 165 BCE. More than 90% Tarkhans have Tarkhan exclusive clans, only a very little overlap with others.
Some Tarkhan #Personalities:
• Jugde Dalip Singh Saund: First Asian to become Judge in US and get elected in US Congress. His son Dalip Saund Jr. served in US Army as a Lieutenant during Korean war.
• Satnam Singh Bamrah: First N.B.A player from India.
• Bardish Chaggar: First female Leader of the Government in the House of Commons in the history of Canada.
• Baba Sukha Singh Kalsi: There are 7 episodes dedicated to his bravery in Panth Prakash.
• Sir Mota Singh Matharu, QC: First Asian to become judge in United Kingdom.
• Lt-Colonel Kamal Kalsi (US Army).
𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗵𝗮𝗻 #𝗣𝗼𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:
According to 1881 census of British India there were 263,479 Tarkhan Sikhs. In the book The Crucial Decade by S.C. Sharma writes that Tarkhans too are found in all the three religious groups in this province, on 1921 their numerical strength in the (United) Punjab was 684,000. The small population of Tarkhans is also evidenced from the fact most of villages in Punjab used to have only three to four houses of Tarkhan families.
List of Tarkhan #Villages (Incomplete):
• Bhai Rupa (ਭਾਈ ਰੂਪਾ), Thathi (ਠੱਠੀ), Siriyewala (ਸਿਰੀਏਵਾਲਾ), Nehianwala (ਨੇਹੀਆਵਾਲਾ), Dialpura Bhaika (ਦਿਆਲਪੁਰਾ ਭਾਈ ਕਾ), Towala (ਟੋਵਾਲਾ), Samadh Bhai Ki (ਸਮਾਧ ਭਾਈ ਕੀ), Ravleri (ਰਾਵਲੇਰੀ), Lakhnor (ਲਖਨੌਰ)
• Sikhwala (ਸਿੱਖਵਾਲਾ) Kotha Rajasthan (ਕੋਠਾ ਰਾਜਸਥਾਨ), Kabool Shah Khubban (ਕਬੂਲ ਸ਼ਾਹ ਖੁੱਬਣ)
• Muktsar (ਮੁਕਤਸਰ): Tarkhan Wala (��ਰਖਾਣ ਵਾਲਾ), Akalgarh (ਅਕਾਲਗੜ੍ਹ)
• Tarkhan Majra (ਤਰਖਾਣ ਮਾਜਰਾ) (Amloh ਅਮਲੋਹ)
• Garhi Tarkhana (Macchiwara) ਗੱੜੀ ਤਰਖਾਣਾਂ (ਮਾਛੀਵਾੜਾ)
• Channian (ਚਾਨੀਆਂ) (Nakodar ਨਕੋਦਰ)
• Jallandhar (ਜਲੰਧਰ): Tarkhan Majra (ਤਰਖਾਣ ਮਾਜਰਾ), Mothanwala (ਮੋਠਾਂਵਾਲਾ)
• Hoshiarpur (ਹੁਸ਼ਿਆਰਪੁਰ ਜ਼ਿਲ੍ਹਾ):Bhattian (ਭੱਟੀਆਂ), Chatowal (ਚੱਤੋਵਲ), Halerh Ghogra (ਹਾਲੇੜ ਘੋਗ ਰਾ), Choka (ਚੋਕਾ)
• Gurdaspur (ਗੁਰਦਾਸਪੁਰ ਜ਼ਿਲ੍ਹਾ): Rangilpur (ਰੰਗੀਲਪੁਰ), Dhadiyala (ਢਡਿਆਲਾ), Sada Rang (ਸਦਾ ਰੰਗ)
• Kapurthala (ਕਪੂਰਥਲਾ): Ahmedpur (ਅਹਿਮਦਪੁਰ), Tarkhanawali (ਤਰਖਾਣਾਵਾਲੀ)
• Phagwara (ਫਗਵਾੜਾ): Lohara (ਲੋਹਾਰਾ), Ramgarh (ਰਾਮਗੜ)
• Tarkhan Majra (ਤਰਖਾਣ ਮਾਜਰਾ) (Samana ਸਮਾਣਾ)
• Tarkhan Majra (ਤਰਖਾਣ ਮਾਜਰਾ) (Sirhind ਸਰਹਿੰਦ)
• Bagrian (ਬਾਗੜੀਆਂ)
• Vakilanwala ਵਕੀਲਾਂਵਾਲਾ (Ferozpur ਫਿਰੋਜ਼ਪੁਰ)
Tarkhan #Traditons
Tarkhans engage in ancestor worship in the form of Jathere (ਜਠੇਰੇ) and Matti (ਮੱਟੀ), different Tarkhan clans have different jathere However, this practice is now dying. Members within a same clan (ਗੋਤ) are related by blood. For marriages, Tarkhan practice class endogamy but clan exogamy i.e. they marry with Tarkhans only, however outside their maternal (ਨਾਨਕੇ) and paternal (ਦਾਦਕੇ) clans.
Some Tarkhan Sikhs identify with Ramgarhia as Ramgarhia Misl (Ramgarhia Confedration) was the one of most powerful Sikh Misl out of 12 misls. The founder and leader of Ramgarhia Misl was Maharaja Jassa Singh Bhamra, who was a Tarkhan himself and most of soldiers in Misl were from Tarkhan tribe. Strength of Misl is evidenced from fact that Ramgarhia Misl along with other sikh generals won Delhi and it was Jassa Singh Ramgarhia who dragged the Mughal throne from Delhi to Akal Takht, where it lies even today in Ramgarhia Bungas. In the Tawarikh Darbar Sahib by Udham Singh, it is written that Maharaja Jassa Singh of Ramgarhia Misl and his son Sardar Jodh Singh together contributed Rs 5 Lakh for construction of Ramgarhia Bungas.
1. Tarkhan and Tarquinius by H. Beveridge of The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
2. Anatolian Iron Ages: The Proceedings of the Second Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium held at İzmir, 4-8 May 1987
Edited by A. Çilingiroğlu and D. H. French, Page 115.
3. Era's of Humanity by Genealogy written by Brian Starr, Page 204
4. A Socio-Political Study of Gilgit Baltistan Province by Omar Farooq Zain.
6. A SHORT HISTORY OF AFGHANISTAN By Professor Abdul Hai Habibi, President, Historical Society of Afghanistan.
7. Across the Hindukush of the First Millennium: a collection of the papers by S. Kuwayama.
8. Continuity and Change in Late Antique Iran: An Economic View of the Sasanians by Khodadad Rezakhani of Freie Universität, Berlin.
11. Patali of Alexander, Sack of Nagar Thatta and Arghoon rule of Sindh by Bipin Shah
13. Tarkhan Nīzak or Tarkhan Tirek? An Enquiry concerning the Prince of Badhghīs Who in A. H. 91/A. D. 709-710 Opposed the 'Omayyad Conquest of Central Asia.
14. RAJ KHALSA PART - Iwritten by Giani Gian Singh.
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Vacationing the Silk Road
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21st Century Maritime Silk Road
Wonderful Silk Road, as a deal route arose in W-century BC and lasted before sixteenth century. Many destructive wars, destruction, fires, starvation and pestilence have seen the actual ancient trading cities coupled Traveling the Silk Street. Some of them have sunk straight into oblivion, leaving the wrecks of the legendary descendants, aside from once blazed with flames, and killed again enhanced, to amaze the world using riches, blue domes, openwork terracotta band of mausoleums and mosques. Centuries multi-lingual, bazaars, hundreds of years along the grungy caravan roads were brought for sale to Europeans silks and precious stones, seasonings and dyes, gold and silver, unique birds and animals southern region.
21st Century Maritime Silk Road
Traveling the Silk Highway, one of the most significant achievements from the history of world world. Widespread network of caravan ways crossed Europe along with Asia from the Mediterranean for you to China and served throughout ancient times an important means of business and cultural exchanges involving East and West. Typically the longest part of the Silk Path passed through the territory involving Central Asia, including Kyrgyzstan. Caravans laden with a silk filled duvet from China, spices and important stones from India, gold goods from Iran, Délicat paintings, afrosiab ceramics and many more goods went through the deserts of Karakum and Kyzyl Kum, through the oases connected with Merv and Khorezm, the particular boundless steppes of Sary-Arka; overcame passes of the Pamirs, Tien Shan, Altai, surpassesd the river Murghab, Amu Darya and Syr Darya.
On the road caravans began to come through and flourish the prosperous cities, trade and art settlements, caravan sheds. Turkmenistan - Merv; Uzbekistan -- Bukhara, Samarkand, Urgench, Khiva. Kazakhstan - Otrar, Turkestan, Taraz, Ispedzhab. Kyrgyzstan : Julie, Suyab, Novokent, Balasagun, Borskoon, Tash-Rabat, Osh, Uzgen.
European countries to collaborate in addition to communicate with countries of Asian countries. Ecumene Hellenic closed rates high with ecumene East. Along with like the two communicating boats so different civilization did start to pour into one another their very own knowledge. Arteries connecting typically the vessels were trade tracks. For him not only trafficked goods, for centuries the road to get agents of culture, scientific research, technology and religion. Key Asia, situated between Tiongkok and India in the far east, between Persia and Persia to the south, the European entire world in the west, the Volga as well as Siberia in the north, close to two thousand years ranking at the crossroads of industry routes.
One of the first who defined this trade route, historians believe the Chinese diplomat Zhang Tsanya, who occupied the I century BC. The fact that in this period, Middle Asia became embroiled with trade relations with The far east, demonstrate a large number of Chinese money, bronze mirrors, silk textiles, remnants, fragments of porcelain tableware made in China, identified during archaeological excavations. Consuming China in Central Parts of asia began to develop sericulture and report doing, and from Main Asia, China took up growing of grapes, alfalfa, onions, cotton, pomegranate, walnut, fig trees and cucumbers.
Simple servant of the Firm Florencia Bardi Francesca Pagolotti went back in 1355 after 8-10 years of absence back home within Italy, for his neck were thousands of Chinese, Arabic and European farsahs mls of the Great Silk Route. He became the author of any tome "The practice associated with trade, or a treatise about land division, trade procedures, and other things, information and that is necessary for merchants of all international locations. "
The paradox is its current name, this kind of ancient road was merely in the nineteenth century, consist of by Ferdinand von Riztgofena, author of classic effects the physical geography regarding China and the orography involving Asia, with a light side that this name is acknowledged everywhere. Warmly welcomed by simply world public opinion the choice of UNESCO on the intercontinental program "The Great A silk filled duvet Road, the path of normal gardening to organic, mutual understanding and rapprochement of cultures. The Great Man made fiber Road, like the Phoenix pet bird, begins its rebirth.
Let's take a go to the road! And you will view magnificent architecture, get acquainted with often the picturesque nature, feel some sort of hot desert wind, start to see the dazzling mountains, marvel with the beauty of soaring birds. Try looking in the past and in it you will observe today. Have a nice trip to the truly great epoch and the legendary Cotton Road.
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mrenn2424-blog · 4 years
The Great Silk Road
The Great Silk Road is a caravan route from China to the Far East and Europe. Most of this road passed through Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The Silk Road appeared as a trade route in the 3rd century BC and lasted until the 16th century. 
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The ancient cities along the Silk Road witnessed many wars, fires, famines, and catastrophes. 카지노사이트 Through the Great Silk Road, not only the trade system developed, but also the intersection of Eastern and Western civilizations, and the establishment of cultural and diplomatic relations. The caravan, which originated in China in the VI-VII centuries, crossed the Semirechye and South Kazakhstan steppes. The ancient cities of Otrar, Taraz, Sairam (Ispidzhab), Turkestan (Yassy), Suyab, Balasagun, etc. were not only trade, but also centers of culture and science. In the past, people who saw the trade market in Taraz said, "Taraz market is a mirror of the world." Because here you could exchange, sell and buy anything. 
Copper household items and weapons, clothing, and men's clothing were traded. The Otrar valley included more than one hundred and fifty small towns. This settlement was rich in fortresses. Along with trade, education and science have developed in the region. Turkestan (Iasi) has long been called the "second Mecca". Today, the ancient city has become a center of world tourism. Large-scale trade fairs were held annually in Suyab and Balasagun. Merchants from all over the world came together to establish trade relations.
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kpss2023 · 5 years
1. Kurtuba: Dünyanın pırlantası
2. Semerkant : Şehirlerin şahı
3. Semerkant : Semizkent veya Şehirlerin şahı
4. Kaşgar : ışıldayan inci
5. Isfahan: Dünyanın yarısı (Nakşı Cihan)
6. Balasagun : Türk Hakanlarının şehri
7. Bağdat : Medinetu's Selam (Cennet)
8. Samarra: Deyrün-Adi (Eski adi)
9. Belqrat: Avrupanın kilidi
10. Rodos : Akdenizin kilidi
11. Ahlat : Beldetül Türk
12. Tokat : Evliya Çelebi tarafindan Alim ve Şairler Şehri olarak adlandirilmiştir
13. Fergana (Özkent) Kendimizin Şehri
14. Amasya: Şehzadeler Şehri
15. Amasra : Fatih Sultan Mehmetin Çeşmi cihan (Dünyanın gözbebeği) dediği şehir
16. Paris : Modanın şehri
17. Budapeşte : Küçük Paris
18. Isparta: Güller Şehri
19. Asitanei Aliye: İstanbul
20. Alma Roma: İstanbul
21. Asitane: İstanbul
22. Atakent: İstanbul (1930’da İstanbulun adı Atakent olsun demişler ama kabul edilmemiştir)
23. Belde-i Mahruse : İstanbul
24. Beldetül Tayyibe: İstanbul
25. Bilâdi Selâse: İstanbul
26. Bizantıyye: İstanbul
27. Çezar Kayzer: İstanbul
28. El Farruk : İstanbul
29. Hakanül Bahreyn : İstanbul
30. Gulguleyi Rum : İstanbul
31. Ümmüd'd Dünya : İstanbul
32. Ravegorat : İstanbul (Ruslar bu adı vermiş)
33. Konstantiniyye : İstanbul
34. Ararat : Ağrı Dağı
35. Keşiş Dağı : Uludağ
36. Mardin : Gündüz seyranlık gece gerdanlık (Görünüşünden dolayı)
37. Yeşil şehrimiz : Bursa
38. Dağlarından yağ akar ovalarından bal akar adlandirilmasi yapılan şehrimiz : Aydın
39. Güzel Atlar ülkesi : Kapadokya
40. Bozkırın Şapkası : Meke tuzlası
41. Beyaz Deniz : Pamukkale
42. Türkiyenin zirvesi : Ağrı dağı
43. Kubbetül islam şehirleri
-Belh : Afganistan
-Buhara : Özbekistan
-Ahlat : Türkiye
44. Kafkasların incisi : Şeki (Azerbeycan)
45. Darül Hasim : Ankara
46. Dimaşk :Şam
47. Yesrib : Medine
48. Kırmızı Periler Diyarı: Erzurum
49. Ege'nin İncisi: İzmir
50. Turizmin Cenneti: Antalya
51. Peygamberler Şehri: Şanlıurfa
52. Tahıl Ambarı: Konya
53. Güller ve Göller Şehri: Isparta
54. Serhat Şehri: Edirne
55. Kurtuluş Savaşı'nın Limanı: İnebolu
56. Nıfs-i Cihan (Dünyanın yarısı demek): İsfahan
57. Mağrib :Fas
58. İflikkiye : Tunus
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levitalks · 7 years
Five Reasons to Visit Kyrgyzstan in Winter
Five Reasons to Visit Kyrgyzstan in Winter
Kyrgyzstan is one of the least visited countries in Asia with few people knowing about its beautiful landscapes, fascinating history and unique culture. It is a lesser known travel destination but becoming an ultimate getaway to adventure seekers or off-the-beaten path travellers. It has a distinct charm that definitely leaves a mark in your travel stories. A country filled with beauty and…
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turkuasia · 6 years
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Burana Tower Ancient city Balasagun. Kyrgyzstan Burana Tower is a large minaret in northern Kyrgyzstan.The tower was originally built to a height of 44m but after falling victim to both war and the elements today it is only 25m tall.Last major earthquake in the 15th century destroyed the top half of the tower. Minaret surrounded by the Tian Shan mountains and fields.Besides the minaret the entire grounds now act as an open-air museum with hundreds of balbals and petroglyphs scattered around the area.A balbal is a grave marker that was used by the turks when they roamed through Central Asia centuries ago.
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rusticastravels · 5 years
Burana Tower
Leaving the lovely Lake Issyk-kul, we headed towards the capital city of Bishkek with a stop at the Burana Tower complex near the town of Tokmok.
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Originally 45 m (148 ft), the large minaret is now reduced to 25 m (82 ft) due to earthquakes throughout the centuries with the last major earthquake in the 15th centuries destroying the top half reducing it to the current height.
Now renovated, one can climb inside the tower which I did.  Dark and slippery, climbing was a bit nerve-wracking as it was also steep and narrow.  It was so steep that it was better to go backwards going down like a ladder.  Also, on site is remnants of the fortress from the ancient city of Balasagun.
Also, in the complex are stone stelae called ‘balbals’ which means ‘ancient’ or ‘grandfather’.  The balbals were probably used to honour the dead and are found throughout Southern Russia, Mongolia, Turkey and of course, Central Asia.
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For more pictures, click https://photos.app.goo.gl/ts1MuRxGKZHPascW7
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dunyayikesfet · 2 years
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Kaydetmenlik BİŞKEK’te GEZİLECEK YERLER listesi ile geldim! . Kırgızistan’ın başkenti Bişkek, bir günde kolayca gezebileceğiniz, sakin, rahat, temiz, yemyeşil ve güvenli bir şehir. Bişkek’te gezilecek yerler listesine bakacak olursak; 🎈 Güzel Sanatlar Müzesi 🎈Devlet Opera ve Bale Binası 🎈Oak Park - Kentin en eski parkı. 🎈Frunze Müzesi 🎈Devlet Tarihi Müzesi 🎈Ala Too Meydanı - Şehrin kalbi 🎈Erkindik Caddesi 🎈Panfilov Park 🎈Osh Pazarı 🎈Zafer Meydanı . BİŞKEK MERKEZE YAKIN YERLER 🎈Ala Arca Milli Parkı 🎈Atatürk Caddesi-Atatürk Parkı-Atatürk Heykeli 🎈Burana Kulesi & Balasagun Antik Kenti 🎈Cengiz Aytmatov Müzesi . #çokgezenkırgızistan #kırgızistan #bişkek #bişkekgezisi #bishkek (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf03ys8jII-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cogitoergosum73 · 2 years
Budha Perestler
Soğdlar bir dönem Balasagun ile Buhara ve Semerkand arasında yaşayan Türkleşmiş İranlı halklar… “Put” kelimesinin kökeni, Soğdca “but”, daha öncesinde de “aydınlanmış”, “uyanık”, “ermiş kişi” anlamına gelen Sanskritçe “Buddha” kelimesine dayanır. Putperest kelimesinin anlamını daha iyi kavramak için Buddha-perest olarak okuyun….
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