diablo1776 · 5 months
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londonedge · 2 years
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Watch out for the bankers! 
HSBC in Canary Wharf looms over the Will Crooks Estate in Poplar
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nando161mando · 4 months
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elmacheteillustrated · 10 months
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Maui Sharks
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jbfly46 · 5 months
Doing more than posting online for a good cause can provide the energy necessary to not burn out until your goal is accomplished. Such as using the enemies tactics against them and their supporters. They like to accuse people of crimes? Accuse your local and national politicians of crimes. Research them, some of the evidence of their actual crimes is sitting there in broad daylight. Our government supports this genocide. Jam up the courts with frivolous but realistic lawsuits on your local politicians, bankers, and landlords. I say frivolous only because they will hear out your lawsuit grievances, only to sabotage you in the evidence or some other process. They may just rule in the enemy’s favor anyway. This is nothing more than more evidence against them. File complaints on corporations and boycott them. Focus on banks. Open up banks accounts just to pull the money out you put in and spoof other data to screw with their economic predictions. Spoof data to Google and other data brokers. Learn how to hack. Use social engineering. Use their psychological biases against them.
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Cost of living crisis?
Not if you're a banker in Britain.
They can now get an unlimited annual bonus, which was previously capped in 2014 "to help avoid" a financial meltdown like the global crash in 2008... which was caused by... bankers.
A reward for failure when the victims are ordinary, hardworking taxpayers.
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ask-junket · 2 months
hey. hey tsuchiyada. look at me.
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what a strong start
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wack-ashimself · 2 months
I just don't get why terrorists don't kill billionaires, bankers, and weapon manufacturers....
Like, they are the ones making sure innocent people DAILY get killed for a profit by plundering resources. BY FAR.
When we can prove it's an oligarchy, aka, our government is just a placeholder for the rich...the rich are literally to blame. They could take out the richest rich, ergo, take out the people causing most of their problems.
Hell, if terrorists killed the right billionaires, they'd be seen as heroes...
There is no innocent billionaire. Even if someone won a billion thru the lotto, the ONLY reason they got it is due to ALL THE LOSERS they basically stole the money from. <And this is coming from someone who wants to win lol>
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eaglesnick · 1 year
Taken For Fools
Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, is so awash with money he doesn’t remember the exact amount he is paid.
“Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey, who came under fire for suggesting people shouldn’t ask for pay rises in the cost of living crisis, has again sparked anger when he “couldn’t remember” his £575,000 salary."  (LBC: 23/02/23)
But Mr Bailey isn’t the only banker enjoying a financial bonanza. At the beginning of 2022, UK bankers had the biggest salary and bonus rise since 2008.
“‘We’ve had a run on champagne:’ Biggest UK banker bonuses since financial crash” (Guardian: 16/02/22)
In October 2022, despite bankers pocketing the "biggest bonuses" since before the financial crash, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt reaffirmed he was keeping the Liz Truss policy of scrapping the banker’s bonus cap.
“The new chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, is pressing on with plans to scrap the bankers’ bonus cap, protecting one of the most divisive policies from his predecessor’s disastrous mini-budget.”  (Guardian: 17/10/22)
You have to hand it to the Tories, when it comes to protecting their own wealth and the wealth of their rich friends they never fail to deliver. From former Chancellor's lying about their tax affairs, to Prime Minister’s wives saving millions in tax through non-dom status,  from Tory MP's taking on lucrative second jobs, to “cash for influence" scandals, the Tories are up to their necks in shady economic deals.
People might forgive the Tories for being so self-serving if they too benefited from Tory economic policies but the sad fact is ordinary people are becoming poorer, not richer. This is what one American journal had to say:
“In the UK, the number of people seeking help to feed themselves and their families through food banks has increased from 26,000 in 2010, to more than 2.56 million in 2022. At the same time, the cumulative wealth of the top ten billionaires in the UK has grown from £48 billion in 2009 to £182 billion in 2022 - an increase of 281 percent.” (Forbes: 24/03/23)
The massive increase in the gap between the rich and the rest of us in the UK is not an accident but the result of deliberate Tory policies.
“How the U.K. Became One of the Poorest Countries in Western Europe. Britain chose finance over industry, austerity over investment, and a closed economy over openness to the world.”  (The Atlantic: 25/10/22)
The Governor of the Bank of England agrees:
 “Brits must accept they’re poorer and stop demanding pay rises says Bank of England chief” (Mirror: 25/04/23)
So, while bankers are set to enjoy even greater champagne-popping bonuses,  and Tory millionaire MP’s continue to live the high life, the rest of us are expected to  tighten our belts and meekly submit to wage cuts and a declining standard of living.
Are we really this stupid?
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tumovs · 2 years
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The Web3 is an evolution of the world wide web and it might interest you to know how technically sound the features of Web3 are.
Web3 is technically carved of many features and this has made it better than web1 and web2 whose feature is not as powerful as web3.
The Web3 is.
. Decentralized
. Trustless and permissionless
. Artificial Intelligence
. Connectivity and ubiquity
The features of Web3 is very interesting and will make alot of things easy for users on the world wide web (www). and one of this is that the Intelligent Search Engine can collate informations and generate tailored recommendations based on profile and preference, saving you hours of work and stress.
This is just a tip of things among the evolution of Web3 you should know.
Stay connected to learn about Web3.
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🤝 Reinis TUMOVS.
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gregor-samsung · 4 months
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Azor (Andreas Fontana, 2021)
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nando161mando · 6 months
Today is the International Day of Banks. Celebrating this event with fire is highly recommended.
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aryburn-trains · 2 years
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GG-1 No. 923 (PRR/Westinghouse, 2-43) is hustling "The Bankers" toward Washington on a rainy Saturday afternoon. The classic old store on the right along E. Bel Air Avenue is long-gone. Aberdeen, MD August 13, 1977
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diasporangael · 1 year
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The movie "Legend" was secretly about how International Bankers have seized the Tree of Life and need the cover of darkness to maintain their power.
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sadobowa · 2 years
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Someone took the time to write this. Like I’m supposed to feel bad for these guys. My old man worked long hours to feed us as a mechanic and these guys are worried because they hit the bar more early?
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