#Barbara Robertson
crownleys · 11 months
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I went to the beach on vacation last week, so I decided to take Unit Bravo with me! Also featuring @delucadarling's Detective, Barbie, and her dog Clipboard!
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delucadarlingwriting · 5 months
I'm finally doing my Barbie/Felix playthrough and I'm LOVING it ;v; I've had this scene stuck in my head for a few days. I like to envision Barbie as mid-30s and divorced (I've also played with the idea of her having a kid during Book 1 that has the same mutation as her. for the Mess.), because I think it's funny if she thinks Unit Bravo is a bunch of young kids compared to her, only to realize SHE'S the baby. Especially where Felix is concerned. The attention of a MUCH younger man really throws her for a loop!
Her laughter clouds the air in front of them as they walk down the darkened sidewalk, a late winter breeze loping past them. At her side, Felix tilts his head up.
“Well don’t leave me out of the joke,” he says with a sharp grin. Barbie shakes her head.
“Your flirting is ridiculous,” Barbie says. Felix chuckles.
“Aw, come on Babs, what’s so ridiculous about it?” He doesn’t seem offended at least. His strange and beautiful amber eyes glitter with mirth. Barbie looks him over once more.
Felix, like the rest of his team, is extremely handsome. He’s clever too, which she appreciates, and he can be sweet when he wants to be. She certainly likes his attention, even if he seems to share that attention with every attractive person they run into.
“You’re just so young!” Barbie exclaims. He can’t be any older than 24, more than 10 years her junior.
To her surprise, Felix just flashes another of those grins at her, and says, “Do you think so?”
“Well of course,” Barbie says, though as she does, she’s suddenly less sure of herself. She scrutinizes him again, noting the lack of any wrinkles, lines, or bags on his face. Not even smile lines, which if anything, she certain he’d have those given enough time. “How old are you?”
“Er.” Felix rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. “Not…too young.”
“Dear lord, tell me you’re at least 20,” Barbie says, blanching. She hasn’t exactly flirted back with him, but she hasn’t discouraged it either. Felix laughs brightly.
“Yeah, definitely,” he assures her. That’s a relief.
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katherinebotten · 4 months
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Country AA, South Australia. Paintings by Barbara Robertson.
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delucadarling · 7 months
hi hi hi - question for barbie and lucas please - what are their general feelings for the winter holiday season? do they have any traditions or things they look forward to? anything they want to break away from or try new. thank you 😊
Lucas and Barbie both REALLY love big, traditional Christmas stuff.
Barbie loves decorating everything in a very classic (CLASSY) Christmas style, baking cookies, and watching really cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies. She's also basically an encyclopedia of various Christmas traditions throughout history. Christmas never quite lives up to the ideal she has in her mind, but that's mostly due to family situations (either with Rebecca, who is never around and doesn't quite feel like family, or when she's not the detective, her mom was an asshole who made any event miserable and herself a victim). She's still dreaming of spending a perfect Christmas with someone special.
Lucas likes Christmas, but he doesn't have the same melancholy around it Barbie does. He's content to make his own fun most of the time. He's definitely the guy at the club wearing a Santa beard, red pants, and no shirt.
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jordi-gali · 1 year
Barbara Robertson
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diioonysus · 5 months
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fans + art
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camyfilms · 6 months
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Well, maybe my children like running wild in the street. Did that ever occur to you?
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evilhorse · 10 months
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Well. That is objectively adorable.
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gatutor · 4 months
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Dale Robertson-Cameron Mitchell-Barbara Bates-Anne Baxter-Miriam Hopkins "The outcasts of poker flat" 1952, de Joseph M. Newman.
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crownleys · 8 months
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Happy Halloween!
Featuring Kira and Nat as Cinderella & Prince Charming, and @delucadarling's Barbie and Mason as Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf!
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Yorkshire Sculpture Park
1-4: Daniel Arsham: Relics in the Landscape 5: Barbara Hepworth: Squares with Two Circles 6: Barbara Hepworth: The Family of Man 7-8: Ro Robertson: Stone (Butch) 9: Niki de Saint Phalle: Buddha 10: Grenville Davey: Well
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milliondollarbaby87 · 3 months
Mothers' Instinct (2024) Review
Alice and Celine live what looks to be a perfect life with successful husbands and sons the same age and enjoying time together. A tragic accident is about to tear all of that apart … ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Mothers’ Instinct (2024) Review
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delucadarlingwriting · 6 months
I always need two projects going at a time, so I've been throwing spaghetti at a Christmas themed N/M/Barbie love triangle fic (a third one? a third one? a third one???) that a bit of art I reblogged on my main blog reminded me of.
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I crave mess.
For reference on Clipboard, @crownleys did an adorable drawing with him in it here
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katherinebotten · 4 months
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Country AA, South Australia. Paintings by Barbara Robertson.
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delucadarling · 1 year
🌿, 🌺, 🌼 ( ;3c ) for Barbie, 🍂🍄 for Stevie!
Spoiled!!! <3
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
Barbie shows she cares by remembering the things that trouble her loved ones. If someone doesn't like a certain smell, she endeavors to avoid it. If they dislike bright lights, she makes sure to only have lamps on. If someone feels overwhelmed in clutter, she clears things up for them.
The ways others can show they care for Barbie is spending time with her. Barbie very much enjoys parallel activities, where a cherished one is doing something they enjoy in the same room where she is also doing something she enjoys. She doesn't feel the need to talk at times like that. She just enjoys spending time with her people.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Barbie, by virtue of being one of my detectives in Wayhaven, uhhhhh does get nightmares constantly consistently. In particular, she doesn't like the dark, and always wants to turn on every light in the room. She needs her back and neck covered (usually achieved by wrapping herself tightly in a blanket). Once she's calmed enough to not be too anxious to leave her bed, she'll go seek a warm drink. She's had a long struggle with smoking, so in her weaker moments she'll dig up an old carton of cigarettes and sit outside. Mostly she tries to settle her nerves with hot chocolate instead.
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
I would definitely say Barbie's closest friend is Kira, @crownleys' main detective for Wayhaven. In our AU, they meet because Barbie is a researcher with the Agency that is brought in to help Unit Bravo try to determine how Murphy is finding his victims, so that they might be able to get ahead of him.
(Unbeknownst to them, Barbie herself has The Special Blood)
So they've only been friends a short time in Book 1, but they grow incredibly close. Possibly a touch of trauma bonding.
Barbie and Kira could absolutely be more than friends. Both have well established crushes on one another, and in one AU or other they do end up married. Mostly their relationship is based in a deep, warm friendship though.
As for what Barbie looks for, she mostly just wants someone who understands her.
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?
She LOVES hugs! In fact, that is her main form of showing affection to just about everyone. Certain loved ones will also get a (slightly aggressive) head bonk when she's overtaken by loved <3 She gives and takes affection with extreme enthusiasm (and neediness).
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
Stevie loves anything sweet, salty, fried, or super super spicy. Junk food is a huge weakness of her. Her favorite comfort food though is just oatmeal. It's what she makes herself when she's sick or hungover.
Her favorite meal to make is just frozen spicy chicken nuggets. Anything that can be microwaved and done is a-ok in her book.
She doesn't like baking or cooking really, but she does love to play sous chef to someone she loves. Her skills lie elsewhere, so how helpful she is is....questionable.
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gianttankeh · 1 year
TFEH presents: Glands Of External Secretion / Lovely Honkey / Yol at Fruitmarket, Edinburgh: 27/7/23.
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TFEH are the champions. Come see us parade our Experimental Music trophies by purchasing tickets here.
Barbara Manning will expose us to the side of Glands of External Secretion that Seymour Glass dare not and she'll be assisted by the Brothers Usurper in what will be their penultimate performance together. All this and Luke Poot and Yol!!!
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