#Barnaby Lee imagine
stanathanxoox · 6 months
There You Go My Sweet
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brushing a strand of hair away - Barnaby Lee x readerThe two of you were standing in the middle of Transfiguration courtyard waiting for Transfiguration class to start, you were bundled up nice and warm as it was the middle of winter and there had been a very thick snowfall overnight. Your scarf was wrapped tight around your neck and you had even managed to position it so that it was covering your nose and mouth to keep you warm. Branaby and you had been together since Christmas in your third year, when both of you had decided to stay at Hogwarts instead of going back to your families, and even though you were in different houses you spent most of that holiday together and the rest as they is history. Now in your fifth year, your boyfriend was just as dotting to you now as he was back then, if not more so. And as the wind picked up and began blowing through the courtyard, he pulled you closer towards him and brushed a strand of hair out of your face and tucked it gently behind your ear before placing a kiss on the tip of your nose“There you go my sweet Y/N” he says just as the beginning of your class starts and the two of you rush in to the class out of the cold.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
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Just bought Hogwarts Legacy (Love the series, hate the real life Rita Skeeter and 0 support for her)
And only one thing to say
In this household we support…
The handsome and supportive Slytherin brunette and their crazy chaotic cursebreaker partner
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There are two kinds of Slytherins:
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This Barbie watched Barbie too 👀👀
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queenbeebumblebee · 5 months
Hey so imagine if uh,, lee Barnaby and ler Fantoccio,,, (he is using the big hands he built)
order up!
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Hehe he is such a meanie >:3
Poor owl too ticklish for his own good
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fluffypandabun · 1 year
Alright guys hear me out, we all know of Ler Howdy. I mean look at the guy, hes big and hes got four arms this man is the most powerful ler in the neighborhood.
But i bring you this concept…..Lee Howdy.
I mean, imagine the others, especially the smaller puppets who he has a habit of picking up and wrecking *cough cough* Wally and Julie. Thinking he needs to get taken down a peg, so they enlist the help of some of their bigger friends, like Barnaby, in helping take down the four armed piller!
It takes a bit of struggling of course and some close calls, but with the help of all of them they manage to pin him down and thats when the fun begins >:3
Cause while having four arms is certainly an advantage, having four arms and multiple legs can also be a bit of a downside when your the one on the receiving end.
Especially when your knees and underarms are one of your worse spots >:3c
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libellule-ao3 · 9 months
Little Shenanigans
T-rated | One-Shot | 1 060 words |
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Summary: Gossip about her relationship with Quinn is getting on Merula's nerves, and she's determined to divert attention from the rabble.
Pairing: Merula/Quinn (F/F)
Also on AO3
A/N: The adorable Quinn Lee in this story is the property of the no less adorable @eternalchaoschocolaterain, to whom I dedicate this ficlet.💝
I invite you to take a look at her work via the link above, if you don't already know her.
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Rumours about the nature of their relationship spread around Hogwarts castle like flu in December or like cursed Howlers with a Geminio curse.
The image always made Quinn laugh a lot. She couldn’t help imagining thousands of Howlers screaming indiscretions invading every corner of the castle, filled with students - and teachers! - eager for gossip to distract them from everyday life.
Quinn was very amused by the situation, but not so his girlfriend, who did nothing to hide her annoyance, turning her artificial violet eyes, and sometimes even her wand, on anyone who dared to talk behind her back in order to feel more important than the most powerful witch at Hogwarts.
“Don’t these idiots have anything better to do than spend all their time gossiping about every little thing we do?” she would get angry during their secret meetings. "They piss me off!"
Merula appreciated the attention of others for her prowess in the various fields of witchcraft. She loved to arouse admiration and made no secret of it. But she hated the constant attention paid to her private life, which aroused not admiration but unhealthy curiosity mixed with a healthy dose of intolerable judgement. Not because she loved a young woman - wizards were much more tolerant than Muggles in that respect - but because she was the daughter of a famous couple of Death Eaters.
“Let them tell it,” said Quinn, who had been used to being the centre of attention since she started at Hogwarts. “They’ll get bore. Protesting is just another way of drawing attention to ourselves.”
Merula wasn’t convinced. This had been going on for far too long. Days, weeks... months!
So, to encourage the populace to find something else to spice up their miserable conversations, Merula redoubled her efforts to show everyone that Quinn wasn’t worthy of her and that their reports weren’t worth public display. To no avail... Until the day when the two young women faced off in a fierce duel won by the witch of Slytherin.
Now there were more whispers:
“Did you see that? The beating she gave Quinn in that supposedly ‘friendly’ duel?” said an anonymous voice.
“Yes, that time I really thought she was going to kill her. It’s a good thing Barnaby intervened,” replied another indiscreet pupil.
“Speaking of which, don’t you think it’s suspicious? I mean, it’s not the first time Barnaby has been used as a human shield by Quinn. And the way he’s looking at her with those puppy dog eyes begging for a treat...” added another.
“Do you think he wants to go out with her?” said the first.
“Maybe, but I hear he’s already going out with Liz. Peeves overheard Penny telling Andre that Ismelda was furious after she caught them together feeding the giant squid,” informed a new arrival.
And on and on it went... Rumours were like fucking germs spread by the voices of people, using their ears to accumulate as much dirt as possible.
Thinking about all this, Merula tightened her embrace around Quinn’s aching body as she lay on a bed in the infirmary, injured after their terrible confrontation. The witch felt relieved to no longer be the victim of Hogwarts’ indiscretions.Quinn could not hold back a grimace.
“Sorry, I didn’t think you were that fragile,” Merula taunted bitingly.
Like hedgehogs, the witch always prickled up when she was going through a phase of insecurity, and Quinn had learned long ago to decipher all the facets of her personality.
“You’ve got to admit you didn’t pull any punches!” grumbled Quinn, before letting out a weary sigh and leaning back against her.
“We won’t soon have to play this comedy again: today I overheard Haywood telling everyone that the only thing we shared was the air we breathed and that if it were up to me, I’d make you disappear so as not to have you in my landscape, like that!” said Merula with a wolfish grin and snapping her fingers for emphasis.
“That bad? But what did you say to her to make her believe it?”
The young woman buried her blushing face in her girlfriend’s sparse hair, muttering something to do with her contempt for the insignificance of witches who were valued more for their celebrity than their talent.
Quinn burst out laughing, recognising in these words the bite of his girlfriend as she placed her lips at the base of his neck.
“You’re exaggerating! I remind you that we agreed that I would let you win this duel!”
“It doesn’t matter! Our strategy worked and I won’t have to abuse you any more!” teased Merula, redrawing a bruise on her girlfriend’s cheek with a delicate index finger.
“You can’t imagine how much I’ll miss it!
“So you like pain?”
Quinn straightened up, and with one smooth movement, reversed their positions on the bed. Now she towered over Merula, who gazed at her with a mixture of astonishment and defiance.
“No, I'm more of a revenge-seeking type,” Quinn announced mischievously, leaning down to place a bevy of kisses from her temple to her lips.
During the kiss, Quinn felt herself waver, and she forgot where they were, who they were. The entire universe was reduced to this infirmary, to Merula’s mouth and her hands studying her body like no one had ever done before. Nimble fingers slipped under the thin fabric of her shirt, slid down her stomach, making her skin quiver under the coolness of her palms.
“You’d better go. Madam Pomfrey will be back soon,” Quinn whispered against Merula’s lips.
“Lee promised to keep watch!” Merula protested, in the incisive tone she always used when her desires were thwarted.
“That’s true, but we shouldn’t abuse it. It’s nice enough that he’s our accomplice.”
“You’re not wrong,” admitted Merula, inwardly congratulating herself on Barnaby’s naïve disregard for public opinion.
She gave her girlfriend one last kiss before rising from her bed.
“By the way, maybe we should thank him: he was perfect in his role!” said Quinn.
Yes, that's true! Merula mused, frowning. Barnaby was soooo perfect in his role that he managed to irritate the most powerful witch at Hogwarts!
“But we should clear up a thing or two!” she exclaimed, her voice heavy with resentment.
“When you asked for his help, you should have clarified that he didn’t have to carry you like a bride!”
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eunchancorner · 1 year
Okay so we’ve discussed what happens when Wally is in a MEGA Lee mood. But what happens when he’s in a MEGA Ler mood? I imagine no one would be safe
No. One.
👁️ 👁️
Ohhh noooo
Ofc he'd go for the first person he can, which, more often than not, is Barnaby. He WILL paint on his lee and call them a masterpiece and he teases in that SLOW FUCKEN VOICE and it's EVIL. Asking what's wrong and why you're laughing and if it really tickles before complimenting the ever-loving shit out of you istg
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unfortunate-arrow · 9 months
𝒱𝒾𝑔𝓃𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃
A/N: For @hp-12monthsofmagic’s December prompt (“Merry and Bright”). Made up of two short scenes. Note the discussions of Hanukkah and Judaism may not be the most accurate, so apologies for any missteps.
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One: The O’Donnell-Lee Cottage, County Donegal, Ireland, December 25, 2006
Sara O’Donnell-Lee watched the gentle fall of snow, illuminated in the color of the charmed baubles that floated outside around their cottage. Her eldest son, aged 5, was fast asleep in her lap with her fingers carding through his short red hair. Her eldest daughter, aged 7, was asleep on the floor, clutching the plush moon calf that she had received earlier that day. Sara’s younger two children, aged 2 and 7 months, had been put to bed earlier. The floor was strewn with the remnants of gifts that had been received earlier in the day, the lights on their tree sparkling. A calloused hand ran gently over her shoulder, causing her to look up.
“Happy Christmas, my love,” her husband, Barnaby, said, leaning over to press a kiss onto the top of her head.
“Merry Christmas, Barn,” Sara replied, wrapping her hand tightly around his. 
“Was this Christmas everything that you imagined?” 
“Yeah, I think it was. Dora and Declan were so excited for everything. I don’t think we’ll ever get this Ireland quidditch sweater off Dec.”
Barnaby laughed, fondly looking down at their son. Sara’s brother, Conor, had gifted their eldest boy an Ireland quidditch sweater, which their boy had quickly fallen in love with. The boy had even put the sweater on over his pajamas. 
“It was a good Christmas, Barnaby. Everything about it this year was good. Actually, I’m surprised at how smoothly this all went,” Sara said.
“Yeah. I thought it would be a lot more stressful with four. Brendan’s so laid back though,” Barnaby replied. 
“I hope you liked your gifts.”
“Those gloves are absolutely incredible. They’ll be so helpful in the cold. I love them, Sara. I really do. What about you?”
“The necklace is beautiful, Barn. I don’t know where you thought of the idea, but I absolutely adore it. Same with the little ornament with all six of our names on them.” 
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Two: The O’Donnell-Lyman Home, December 24, 2016 
“Momma, why do we light all these candles?” Naomi O’Donnell, aged 7, asked, leaning over the kitchen table, watching as Ruth worked on setting out on the different candles.
“The purple and pink candles are for advent. That’s for the lead-up to Christmas. Dad can explain those better than me. The blue ones and white one are for Hanukkah, which is what my family celebrates,” Ruth explained.
“I like Hanukkah. The food is so fun and good,” Naomi replied.
“Yeah, Hanukkah has good food. We celebrate that because I’m Jewish, just like we have other traditions and holidays than Dad.”
“What’s Daddy, then?”
“Dad’s Catholic, so he has different holidays than I do.”
“Well, we have different beliefs from religions. For Dad, his religion says that Jesus is the son of God and very important. My religion doesn’t believe that. Only God is important, while Jesus isn’t very important and can be seen as hard to understand.”
“What do I believe?” Naomi asked.
“You can believe whatever you want to, Naomi. Dad and I don’t have any one way we want you or your brothers to believe. That’s why we celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas, Passover and Easter. We get to cover the important parts of each culture.” 
“Oh. Is that why we eat certain things sometimes?”
“Yeah, that’s right kiddo.”
The door to the kitchen opened, bringing with it a burst of cold air. Stamping feet immediately followed as Ruth looked up to her husband and two sons. Snow clung to their hair and Conor had taken off his glasses to wipe away the fog. 
“Got the potatoes you asked for,” Conor announced, lifting up a big bag.
“Conor, how many potatoes did you get?” Ruth asked.
A sheepish look appeared on Conor’s face. “Five pounds.”
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the-murder-shack · 1 year
master-list | internet horror
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(key...)   gender neutral--1 | they/them--2 | he/him--3 | romantic--4 | platonic--5 | familial--6 | enemies--7 | fluff--8 | angst--9 | smut--10 | horror--11 | gore--12 | yandere--13 | imagine--14 | headcanons--15
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katnisshawkeye · 29 days
Harold and the Purple Crayon
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Scheda informativa
Titolo italiano: Il Magico Mondo di Harold
Regia: Carlos Saldanha
Cast: Alfred Molina (Narratore), Zachary Levi (Harold), Lil Rel Howery (Moose), Zooey Deschanel (Terry), Benjamin Bottani (Mel), Tanya Reynolds (Porcupine), Jemaine Clement (Gary), Pete Gardner (Detective Love), Camille Guaty (Junior Detective Silva), Ravi Patel (Prasad), Zele Avradopopoulos (Ms. Hemm), Boston William-Inez Pierce (bullo #1), Salathiel Murphy (bullo #2), Vartam (Mayhem), Brisco De Poalio (bambino nella biblioteca), Lauren Halperin (mamma del bambino nella libreria), Seth Zenn Robbins (Oscar), Catherine Davis (Kat), Michael Lee Kimel (Mark), Grace Junot (Yasmin), Jef Holbrook (employee), Mallory Hoff (anchorwoman), Elizabeth Becka (Ms. Barnaby), Phil Ortiz (Mr. Perez), Mason Douglas (ragazzino), Jasmine Thomas (cameriera), Dijon Means (cameriere), Theresa O'Shea (anziana al negozio), Baby Dro (bambino sull'elicottero), Avangeline Friedlander (bambina da Tiffy), Devin De Angelo (guardia #1), Steven McCormack (guardia #2), Carolyn Emeric (guardia #3), Hillary Harley (signora in macchina #1), Wesley Jetton (maestro), Jennifer Chung (signora in macchina #2), TJ Jackson (jogger), Stephanie Dunnam (signora dell'antiquariato), Elizabeth Carlie (signora con il cane), Danny Vinson (anziano con il bastone), Eliza Khalik (bambina al parco), Dajalinn Sanchez (testimone dell'aereo #1), Prescott Morgan (testimone dell'aereo #2), Patrice Fisher (preside), Caleb Black (prank kid #1), Brady Ryan (prank kid #2), John Mullis (anziano #1), Gerard Catus (anziano #2), Kermit Rolison (anziano #3), Mike Benitez (venditore)
Produzione: Columbia Pictures, Davis Entertainment, TSG Entertainment
Distribuzione: Sony Pictures Realising
Sceneggiatura: David Guion, Michael Handelman
Fotografia: Gabriel Beristain
Musiche: Batu Sener
Uscita: 21 luglio 2024 (Culver City, LA, U.S.A.), 2 agosto 2024 (U.S.A.), 12 settembre 2024 (Italia)
Durata: 90 minuti
Harold è un bambino che vive in un libro insieme ai suoi due migliori amici, Moose e Porcupine. Grazie a un pastello viola magico può far diventare reale ciò che disegna.
Quando Harold cresce, il narratore che chiama "Old Man" scompare misteriosamente, e per andare a cercarlo disegna una porta per andare nel Mondo Reale.
Il film è un tributo all'immaginazione più pura, contenuta nel potere magico di un pastello viola ma che, se unita a un'intera scatola di altri pastelli colorati, ha un potere davvero potente. E, come dimostra il film stesso, il potere dell'immaginazione contenuto in quel singolo pastello viola è davvero immenso, perché non c'è limite a quello che una singola persona può immaginare.
I wanted to show folks that with a little imagination you can make your life whatever you want it to be. Volevo mostrare alle persone che con un po' di immaginazione puoi trasformare la tua vita in qualunque cosa tu voglia.
È una storia che insegna a usare la propria fantasia per rendere felici le persone che ci stanno attorno, in quanto già il mondo reale è pieno di crudeltà e tristezza. Ma è anche una storia che dimostra quanto, oltre che la fantasia e l'immaginazione, è necessario impegnarsi. Per raggiungere i propri obiettivi occorre anche tenere i piedi per terra e la testa sulle spalle: l'immaginazione deve aiutare ad addolcire le difficoltà che si incontrano nel scalare la vetta, senza sostituirsi al mondo reale perché, in tal caso, sarà qualcun altro a scrivere la tua storia. A condire il tutto vi è anche l'importanza dell'amicizia, e in particolare quella verache nei momenti più difficili ti viene ad aiutare senza farselo ripetere due volte.
Because life isn't just something that happens to you, it's something you create. The trick is in the imagining. Perché la vita non è solo qualcosa che ti capita, ma è qualcosa che crei. Il trucco è nell'immaginazione.
È una commedia dalla trama molto lineare e divertente, che segue la linea viola tracciata dal pastello di Harold donatogli dal suo creatore Crockett Johnson. Belli sono gli effetti speciali, ma ottimo è l'uso dell'animazione.
★★★★★ 5/5
Note aggiuntive
La storia è tratta dall'omonimo libro per bambini scritto da Crockett Johnson, ed è da considerarsi come il suo sequel.
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L'azienda statunitense Crayola ha stretto una partnership con Sony cogliendo la palla al balzo per promuovere il film, lanciando il concorso "Find the purple crayon" in stile Willy Wonka e la Fabbrica di Cioccolato: Harold ha nascosto dei pastelli speciali all'interno delle confezioni da 24 pastelli. Si tratta di una caccia nazionale sul territorio statunitense, che può vedere una famiglia vincere una vacanza a New York City e visitare la Crayola experience, o altri premi tra i quali una TV Sony o bundle di prodotti viola Crayola.
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stanathanxoox · 2 years
Not Yet
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gif is mine
“no we are not together!! … at least not yet…” - Barnaby x reader
You were chasing Barnaby down the corridors, towards your next class. He’d managed to steal half of your essay that was due to be handed in during this next class and you were furious, but at the same time you couldn’t help but laugh at the Slytherin.
“Barnaby, you better not loose that piece of parchment, if you do your toast!” you scold and he chuckles as he rushes into the Transfiguration classroom and towards Professor McGonagall’s desk. He places the piece of parchment down in front of Professor McGonagall and says
“Here you go Professor, one half of Y/N’s essay. I’m sure that this essay is bound to get an outstanding, cause she is just that amazing”, Professor McGonagall looks at you an eyebrow raised and you reach into your bag, placing the other piece of parchment onto her desk and Professor McGonagall smiles as she thanks you, before she turns to Barnaby and asks
“Mr Lee were is your esssay?” he sheepishly pulls out two pieces of parchment from his own bag and places it neatly on top of your own.
“There you go Professor”. He says before bumping your shoulder. Professor McGonagall looks between the two of you an eyebrow raised and asks
“Is there something going on between you two? Something more than the friendsh-” you blush as you hurry to come up with an excuse but it seems Barnaby has beaten you to it by saying
“No Professor, we are not together!! .... At least not yet” you hear him mumble the last part and your eyes widen at that as your jaw drops to the floor.
“Well it seems the two of you have much to discuss, perhaps after class. Hmm?” Professor McGonagall suggests upon seeing the reaction you’d had to Barnaby’s confession and the blush that coats his cheeks.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
Tag List for Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them/ Hogwarts Mystery: @harryxhermioneisharmony, @myslytherinboiis, @xneville4lunax
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unknowncountrygirl · 3 years
Interment: Ch. 4 Dark Artifacts
Iris had a hard time falling asleep, tossing and turning until she was able to fall asleep, only to be woke with a start. There was clattering, banging, sizzling, and she swore a freaking bomb had went off.
“Barnaby!” She shrieked, throwing the blankets off her, jumped out of bed and flew to the door. She grabbed her wand, and as she ran conjured a protection spell over the house, thinking someone was breaking in. She could see light flickering and another loud bang. “Barnaby!” She yelled again, sprinting down the hallway to the staircase, taking them two at a time. When her feet hit the wooden floors on the bottom floor she stopped in her tracks.
He was standing in the front room, his bare back facing her, pieces of objects obliterated all around him on the floor, on bookshelves, the fireplace mantle, hardly anything was left.
He flicked his wand and without a word destroyed another item that had been sitting on the table in front of the couch. It shattered with a loud pop, and the little shattered pieces fell to the floor. He then turned his attention to, from her position, what looked like a portrait and slammed his fist against it, shattering the glass with a yell before yanking it off the wall and flung it across the room, then blasted it with another nonverbal spell in mid air.
Iris had never seen Barnaby angry before. Irritated, mildly put off, but never angry and she hoped it would continue to be a rare occurrence as he was absolutely terrifying. He was, and had always been, all muscle and brute strength that wasn't intimidating because of his sweet and mild soul. That muscle and strength was exceptionally evident at the moment, he was in nothing but his pajama pants, his muscles tight under his skin, and veins running and protruding in his arms.
Had Iris not been so completely stunned by his behavior, she would have been able to appreciate all the skin she had never seen before. But she didn't. She took a tentative step forward, like the way one approach a frightened animal and called out his name again,
He twisted around and locked eyes with her, and she immediately saw regret and shock cross his facial features.
“Iris! I-I thought you were asleep.” He admitted nervously, looking around at the mess he had made.
“I heard a crash, I was worried about you.” She told him, approaching him in the room.
“No, wait!” He held out a hand, causing her to stop mid step towards him. Iris felt her stomach lurch, the fear that he was rejecting her company seizing her brain. Barnaby stepped over the broken objects to her and placed his hands under her arms, lifting her up so her feet wouldn't touch the ground, and walked her out of the room. “There's broken glass, I don't want you to get it in your feet.” He told her as he walked them out of the front room and into the kitchen before sitting her down.
Iris was filled with immense fondness for him in that moment, well even more then she normally felt for him.
“Thank you, that was very thoughtful.” She smiled at him. “But you're barefoot too.” She pointed out.
“Well, my feet aren't delicate.” He told her. She was about to tell him her feet weren't delicate, but it was a sweet gesture on his part nonetheless. His hands had lowered to her waist and he simply held her there for a moment, not making eye contact with her.
“Barnaby... What can I do for you?” She asked, knowing he needed something, some sort of comfort. She hoped he would open up to her, he had always been the most open with his feelings both in friendship and their more romantic moments they had shared. His hands moved from her waist, and wrapped around her, holding her tightly in a hug. Iris wrapped her arms around his shoulders and let out a deep breath, she was going to stand there and let him hold onto her as long as he needed.
He was always more physical then anyone else, both in the way he looked and carried himself to the fact that his love language was that of physical touch, she had noticed that very early on even before they had went to the Celestial ball together all those years ago.
He enjoyed touch, weather that was something simple as sitting close enough that their thighs or shoulders touched, hugging, holding hands, or things more in the romantic nature. He never went to try and grope her during their more vigorous snogging sessions, he would touch her face, her shoulders, arms, knees, just content in being close with another person.
It dawned on her that it was more then likely because he never received any sort of touch when he was a child and was making up for it.
“Would...” He choked out and she could hear his throat was tight, “would you sleep with me?” Iris made a face and was grateful he didn't see it because it was a mix of shock and did I hear that right. This was not how he was actually asking for her to sleep with him, was it? I mean, she wouldn't put it past him to be that blunt and honest about it, because that was just Barnaby's way. Her mind was trying to wrap around what he had just said, but he finished his thought. “I just, I don't want to be alone, not in this house.” She wanted to slap herself. He wasn't asking her to have sex with him, he literally meant sleep as in the most innocent form of it, lay in bed, close their eyes, wake up in the morning. Something that was classic Barnaby.
“Sure, of course.” She nodded against his shoulder. She felt him relax under her hands as he let her go a little, just enough to look down at her. His eyes were bloodshot, but not like he had been crying, more like a man tormented. “Come on,” she moved and grabbed one of his hands to lead him upstairs. They passed by the demolished front room and she felt Barnaby stop. “It's ok, we can handle that in the morning.” She promised him.    
They made their way up the stairs, and into the room. Iris pulled the blankets down and climbed into the rather plush bed, while he crawled in right next to her, wrapping one of his large arms around her ribcage and pulled her close to him like a child would a teddy bear.
He gripped her shirt in his fist, and Iris thought vaguely that the way he was clinging to her was less about comfort, and more about protection. That thought made Iris feel a bit uncomfortable as to what exactly it was about this house, or the Lee Manor itself that made Barnaby feel so edgy.
She knew bits and pieces that he had told her over the years which was enough for her to feel that he had every right to hate the place, but what would make him feel so-
Her thoughts were cut off by loud snoring, and she looked at Barnaby's face, which was buried in a pillow and mouth wide open. Iris smiled fondly at him, and slowly adjusted herself to get comfortable enough to get some sleep. However he felt, she wouldn't understand without him explaining it to her, but she felt safe in his company.
There was loud banging on the front door first thing in the morning, Iris opened her eyes, wrapping her foggy brain around what was going on while Barnaby pulled his arms from her, sat up, ran a hand over his face and through his hair, before he got up out of the bed.
“What time is it?” She asked groggily, looking to the clock on the side table, only to realize that it had stopped working a long time ago. Barnaby opened the door and made his way downstairs.
“The one time we could really sleep in.” He muttered.
She heard him walk down the squeaky stairs and open the front door. There were two voices she didn't know, so Iris decided to get up and join him downstairs. Then she heard shouting and she remembered that they had left the front room the way it was last night after Barnaby had decided to destroy all the dark artifacts in the house. Iris had never so quickly thrown on a robe and slippers as she had in that moment and ran down to Barnaby's side.
“These were family artifacts that you destroyed!” She heard someone yell as she arrived at the top of the stairs.
“They were Dark Artifacts!” Barnaby argued with whoever was downstairs.
“You had no right-”
“I have the only right! With dad gone, I'm the last true Lee, and if I want to destroy them I bloody well will!”
Iris nearly grabbed her chest at hearing Barnaby talk in such a way. She swore, most of their friends did, but not Barnaby. This place was very quickly effecting him, and she was not so keen on it.
“You could have asked us if any of us wanted them-”
“You're lucky I didn't turn them over to the Ministry, and let them do as they pleased, Vernon!”
“Fine Lee you are, nothing but a bloody-” Iris arrived at the bottom of the steps and saw two men with Barnaby that looked eerily like him, only they were not nearly as broad in the shoulders and they're eyes were as dark as could be. “Who the hell is that?”
Barnaby turned around and saw Iris standing wide eyed at the bottom of the stairs before he turned around and pointed a finger at the other man.
“Her name is Iris, and you best not talk to her like that.”
“Ah, Iris.” The other practically purred, rubbing his hands together, “may I say you look just absolutely delicious.”
Iris had never been so disgusted by a compliment, and that's coming from someone who had been flirted with relentlessly by Diego.
“Cyrus.” Barnaby grabbed a fistful of his shirt and shoved him backwards. “Leave her alone. In fact, don't even look at her.”
“Who is she Barn? Your little girlfriend?” Cyrus snickered. “Find yourself someone at Hogwarts did ya?”
“Don't be stupid, Cyrus, Barnaby is too daft to have a girlfriend. Now perhaps a paid date, that seems more realistic. What did you do Barn? Go directly to Knockturn Alley after your Dad died?”
Iris noted that Barnaby's fists were both clenched and the muscles in his back were straining from the tension knotted in them.  
“Iris.” She heard him say her name without so much as looking at her, “go back upstairs.” There was a tone in his voice she had never heard and she felt her feet leading her back up the stairs without protest.
Cyrus and Vernon. She would have to ask who they were and why they thought they were owed anything from the Lee estate. She had expected to hear some sort of jinx, or the sounds of a duel but what she heard puzzled her for a moment.
There was yelling, shouting that she couldn't really understand, swearing every curse word known to the human race, and then the sounds of thudding. It clicked in her head what was happening. Someone was getting the ever loving crap beat out of them.
There was all sort of ruckus and she finally heard the front door open and slam.
“Barnaby!” She called, quickly taking the stairs again to see what had happened. Barnaby was sitting on the table in front of the sofa with bloodied knuckles and a split lip. She padded over to him, and picked up one of his still curled fists, then reached into the pocket of her robe to pull out her wand. “Episkey.” She stated simply and watched as the broken skin stitched back together, leaving behind a mild amount of blood. She looked to his face as she grabbed the other hand and did the same, his eyes never looking up from the floor.
Iris cupped his chin in her hand and turned his face up towards hers, not getting much resistance. His eye was already starting to turn purple and swell. They may have got two good hits on him, but judging by his hands, they had had the brunt of the fight. He was an excellent dueller, with a wand or fist.
“I'm not daft.” He told her, as though he thought he had to defend himself. Iris finished her spells, mending his broken lip and the swelling of his eye, it may have to stay purple for now.
“Of course you're not!” Iris exclaimed. “There is no one that knows more about Magical creatures and veterinary practices for them as you do! Not even Charlie, he just knows Dragons, you are educated on so many more.” She ran her fingers through his hair, still unkempt and messy from the rough nights sleep he had, trying to get it out of his eyes.
“I hit them.”
“I can tell.” Iris affirmed, noting the blood splatter still on his hands. “I don't know who they are but-”
“They're my cousins. My dad's sisters kids.” He filled her in on more of his family tree. “I honestly should have waited for the will reading tomorrow to destroy anything, in case he left anything to them. I just... I was so angry when I saw it all here, just looking like everyday brick-a-brack one would keep in a guest cottage!” Barnaby exclaimed. “I just, I've always hated it, always hated being known as a Death Eaters kid, and seeing what happened to my family and people that were suppose to care about me during the war.” She understood then, and nodded. “I'm not daft.” He reiterated.
“I know that.”
“Do you?” He questioned looking up at her and finally meeting her gaze. “Is that why... Why we haven't...” He trailed off and Iris suddenly felt immense guilt.
They had been on quite a few dates, forth year he had asked her to the Celestial ball, then there had been the Valentines day event that had ended with them chatting in the greenhouse that he had enchanted to be one of the most romantic situations one could find themselves in, and she had asked him on a date.
Then fifth year, while a disaster in many aspects, had been wonderful. She had stopped Ismelda from giving him a love potion, for selfish reasons, but it had worked out as he felt the same for her. They had been co-stars in Flitwicks dumpster fire of a play, but Barnaby had came to the rescue and made it something special for Flitwick as well as her, and made sure they were able to act out the final proclamation of love scene and given her a bouquet of roses that he had enchanted to last.
Then again, they had spent Valentines together and while she had tried her best to make it something wonderful for Pince and Filch, Barnaby had made sure that Iris had a night to remember and had worked with Pince and Dumbledore! Who on earth could work with Pince?!
They had also been voted the Festival Queen and King during the spring fest, and Barnaby had announced happily that he was her date, AND had convinced Murphy to announce it to the entire school.
She had thought by not “labeling” their relationship that she could save him from being hurt. She was on the Quidditch team, Head Girl in Honor of Rowan, working at the ministry, still tracking R, working on her final projects for school, being a member of the Sphinx, Hippogriff, and dragon club, her Newts, and also juggling the possibility of there being yet another cursed vault. She was afraid that if she and Barnaby became an “official” couple, that if she had to put anything before him that he would feel rejected or unwanted, which was the last thing she had wanted. What she had looked past was what Barnaby had wanted.
Barnaby wasn't the daft one. It was Iris.
“Oh, Barnaby... I'm so sorry.” She started and he looked at her like a frightened animal. “No, no, I'm not-” She placed a hand over her face, feeling a blush creep up her neck as she fumble for the words. “You're not daft, I am.”
“I thought by not formally making this,” she gestured between the two of them. “us, a actual labeled relationship, that I was somehow sparing your feelings... When it seems like all I've done is hurt them. That's what I'm apologizing for.”
“So you still fancy me?” He asked, his bright green eyes starring into her soul.
“Barnaby, I adore you. There's never been anyone else that holds such a special part of my heart the way you do. It has only ever been you” Iris assured him. Barnaby stood up from where he was sitting and raised his hands to her neck, cradling her in his hands, and true his his real nature, touched her gently. She almost melted at his caress, sweet and simple as it may have been.
“I don't care if I'm not your top priority all the time. If the cursed Vaults, and R, and school have to come first over time with me I can accept that if I know that you're with me.” He told her. “I just need to know that, we're in our last year, soon most of what takes your time won't be a priority.”
It was true, she had never really thought just how quickly their time at Hogwarts was coming to an end. She almost wanted to laugh, because she had looked over that fact.
“You're right.” She smiled, “I haven't really thought about our time at Hogwarts coming to an end, it's almost like we will be there forever.”
“We won't, we just have a few more months then we can go and do what we want!” Barnaby exuberantly told her, his eyes lighting up at the thought. “You name it, we could go to Dragon Races, or Quidditch games, travel and study Magical Creatures and Plants!” He was smiling for the first time in days talking about the future that they could share together.
“That sounds lovely.” She assured him. He bent down and gave her a kiss. It was different from the ones that they had shared before, and even during the more physical times that they had shared. This one had a finality to it, as though it was a seal upon a letter that they had both signed.
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imaginetings · 5 years
I can’t lose you (Barnaby Lee Imagine)
Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name
Word Count - 1179
Warnings - Spoilers for HPHM (Year 6 Chapter 18) and death, oh and angst. We love angst.
Requested? - Nope :)
Notes - I’m emotional and I feel like this was word vomit but enjoy! Also, the reader is Slytherin. *not my gif*
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When those two words left Rakepick’s mouth, I froze. The killing curse. Merula and Ben lay on the forest floor behind me and I was frozen, and everything went so quick and so slow that I didn’t realise I was being pushed down as the green light was coming towards me. Before I knew it, Rakepick was gone and there on the floor was Rowan. Sobs rack my body and I hold Rowan’s body and just somehow in some way Rowan will wake up. That never happened. Merula and Ben tried to make me let go but I couldn’t. My best friend is dead. Rowan died because of me.
After that everything was a blur, Tulip said it was the shock. I don’t remember the assembly about Rowan, I didn’t remember Penny telling me that she has told Rowan all about “R” and I definitely didn’t remember Merula having a go at Barnaby when Snape was announcing the lift of the ban and that we could go to him.
What I do remember was being in the three broomsticks and people exchanging stories about Rowan. Then realising that I couldn’t remember the last time Rowan and I had spent time with each other if it wasn’t in class or doing things to do with the cursed vaults.
Talking with Merula and Ben made me realise that amongst all of this, I’m left feeling a void and angry.
It had been weeks since Rowan’s death and it seems like everyone bar Merula and Ben have already moved on. I became more secluded and hellbent on getting back at Rakepick and R.
I stopped playing quidditch and instead was looking for clues for the final cursed vault. I can feel myself getting closer to it. Then one day, as I am practising in the Forbidden Forest a twig snaps and I turn around, ready to cast a hex.
Out from the shadows came Barnaby. “Hey Y/N,” Barnaby utters hesitantly. I lower my wand and smile meekly at him. It was after the date I had with him that everything had happened, and I guess I had shut him out, but I can’t risk anybody getting hurt again. It was the final straw with Rowan dying.
“What are you doing here Barnaby?” I ask and sit down on a tree stump and he joins me.
“Checking up on you. You’ve pushed yourself away from all of us after what happened to Rowan. Are you okay?” Barnaby explains and I feel tears prick my eyes, but I blink them away.
“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be? My best friend died because of I and I can’t get the picture of her dead body and Rakepick casting that spell out of my head and everyone else is acting as if nothing ever happened and I still have to deal with this statue curse and to make sure nobody else gets hurt because of me!” I explain frustrated and stand to go and walk away, but Barnaby catches my arm and I’m spun around into his chest stuck inside of his embrace.
“I know it sucks but you don’t have to go through this alone Y/N, you have all of us. After all, us Slytherin’s stick together and we can get anything we want since we’re ambitious after all.” Barnaby tries to comfort me, and I push myself out of the embrace.
“That’s it, Barnaby, I need to be alone. If I’m not someone else will get hurt and I love all of you too much to see any of you go through that. I can’t lose anybody else, especially not you.” I utter out, a sob in my throat fighting its way out. “So please Barnaby, go! I can’t do this to you. Not until this is all over,” I explain and walk away from him leaving him stood there. I don’t know if he cried because I didn’t turn back.
After that encounter, I only occasionally talked to Merula and that was in passing. I avoided everyone to the best of my ability.
Before long, Merula, Ben and I got into the final cursed vault. It was a showdown because R was there as well, but before anything could happen to Merula and Ben I flipendo’d them out of the room and locked the door.
A duel with a dark wizard? It wasn’t the first time.
The odds were most certainly stacked against me. A seventeen-year-old wizard against a dark wizard with many years of experience. So, we duelled.
A back and forth of spells went on for what felt like forever but in reality was only a few minutes and just as the door is blasted open I have an opening and defeat the dark wizard with an Incendio.
It sets the cape of “R” alight and it’s put out by another voice shouting “Aguamenti! Jesus Christ Y/N, why would you lock your friends outside of the vault you could have been killed!” Jacob.
“It’s more than what you were doing, brother. I only went looking in these stupid vaults for you but that led to my best friend dying and I wasn’t going to take a chance with them. Now what I am going to do is take whatever is in here to Dumbledore because you don’t deserve anything from here. Not after all of the pain and chaos, this has caused.” I sternly speak and turn to the column that holds the “treasure of the cursed vaults” before taking it and leaving. The shouting of Jacob is distant to me. This is for Rowan.
Taking the treasure to Dumbledore was an easy task. Having to face everyone else was the tricky task.
After leaving Dumbledore’s office I am ambushed on the lower west floor and taken into the great hall by my ambushers. My first observation is that the great hall is decorated in Slytherin colours much like it is at the end of the year when Slytherin win the house cup.
My second observation is everyone looking at me and by everyone, I mean everyone. That’s when Merula approaches me alongside Penny, both with grins on their faces.  Before I know it, I’m no longer on the floor and perched on the shoulder of Hagrid and that’s when people start chanting the wretched nickname of “Curse-breaker!” I feel my face become heated before I am put back down and I am face to face with Barnaby.
“I know you wanted to protect us, but it’s over now. We’re all safe thanks to you Y/N, I think you and I both know Rowan would want you to relax now and you can.” Barnaby states and that’s when my mouth upturns into a smile and tears prick my eyes of joy. That’s when I tackle Barnaby who spins me around and whilst doing so connects our lips.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Barnaby.”
Even after all the neglect and pushing people away for help, in the end, it all turned out okay, and it was all for Rowan.
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collectinglungs · 5 years
Pairing(s): Barnaby Lee x F!Reader
Request: Awesome. Would you mind doing a barnaby lee fix? Yay thank you. Can you possibly do a Barnaby angst? I don’t see enough of that around
Hogwarts House: Slytherin | Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Not Specified
Notes: It’s a little angsty, not as much as it could possibly be but it’s definitely not fluffy.
Feedback and constructive criticism are always appreciated!
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You had been avoiding him for days, and had done a pretty good job at it. Well, that is up until now. Now, he was across the corridor, calling your name, trying to get your attention. So you did what you thought was logical, you ran. Unfortunately, he was faster, and it was proven once he caught your arm. He hadn’t turned you around himself, but his eyes were piercing into your head.
“Barnaby, let go.” You say still looking forward, your body refusing to turn. “I-I don’t understand what I did wrong.” The slytherin brunet states, his voice wavering. Finally turning your head, you see tears gathering in his eyes. You feel your own tears falling unto your cheeks, “you never do Barnaby...”
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demonkins · 5 years
Bogerts come a’knocking Barnaby Lee x Jacob’s Sibling
Summary: Strange creatures knocking on doors? Sounds like another mystery for Jacob’s sibling to uncover. Maybe even a chance to spend more time with her good friend Barnaby
Part I
A stifling shriek echoed through the house, alerting every witch and wizard present. Aunty Zo stood frozen in the doorway, her old-fashioned purse spilt out on the floor. One by one each L/n rushed to the scene. Y/n was no stranger to a good mystery, especially when it involved her own family. That’s why when she saw her aunt’s pale face struck with fear as she stood frozen in the front door, she knew this would become another mystery needing to be solved. “Are you alright?” Her father asked in a gentle voice. As her aunt turned to face him in response, her whole body began to shake with terror. “It was-” she began, before falling helplessly to the ground. A few members of the L/n family gathered around, comforting and investigating simultaneously. “-the most terrifying dragon” she continued in a shaky voice. Of course dragons do not disappear into thin air and there certainly was no dragon there anymore. This was when Y/n thought that perhaps this mystery would also add to the suspicion of her family being crazy.
 At first she dreaded the idea of sharing what happened with her friends. The excitement of plundering into a brand new investigation was supressed by the fear of her family being labelled as crazy once again. This was until she talked to Ronan. “My mother swore she saw a Chimaera.” Ronan said as they sat down alongside Penny and Charlie, at the three broom sticks. “What!? Where?” Y/n gasped. Ronan’s eyes suddenly lit up. “That’s the thing” she began as she scooted closer to her friends. “She said it basically knocked on the front door.” There it was. A spark of excitement began to shimmer in Y/n, the fear drifting away. Before she could open her mouth to speak Penny suddenly shot up from her seat. “The same thing happened to me! Only it was a werewolf” she confessed. Y/n quickly did the same, confessing about her situation, only to find that the three had made a pattern of sorts. Penny remained standing, astonished at this revelation. The four looked at each other, mirroring the same question on their faces. Why?
“You don’t think Kettleburn has accidently let out his creatures again, do you?” Penny pondered as they we’re all heading to class the next day. “And came all the way to each of your houses?” Charlie asked rhetorically. “Besides last time I checked, Kettleburn doesn’t have a dragon. At least not at Hogwarts.” He laughed. Then just silence. Their conversations since the revelation were often infested with these silent moments, where they would all wonder what could possibly even begin to explain it. Sadly most of the ideas they said aloud they used as fodder to their conversation. Already debunking the chance in their own heads before it became words. As Y/n sat down in charms class, later that day, an annoying sense of doubt lingered in her mind. “You know I don’t think I’ve ever seen you struggle with a charm before” Barnaby suddenly chirped beside her. A small smile crept at her lips at the sound of his comforting voice, drawing her attention away from her previous thoughts. Without correcting him, she simply explained what had happened. “Really? But how come it’s stopping you from producing the charm?” He replied scratching his chin in confusion.
“I’m just preoccupied with my thoughts. It doesn’t make any sense.” Y/n corrected him this time, surprised he hadn’t noticed by now that she wasn’t aiming to attempt a charm she already knew, when such a mysterious case was upon them. “Come to think of it though” Barnaby began as he picked up his wand absentmindedly and started working on his movement. “Didn’t the boggert, Penny ran into in herbology, turn into a werewolf?” That’s it! Y/n thought, the explanation they were seeking was so simple and solved by Barnaby, whose innocent, green eyes showed no real realisation as to how much he had just helped. They all must have been a boggerts. “Barnaby you’re a genius!” Y/n exclaimed, smiling widely at him. Startled at her sudden praise, the boy’s cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. Y/n had always admired the way his intelligence would seep through in times of crisis, when no one really knew what to do. He, she thought, was the saviour that no one really suspected. Ecstatic, Y/n felt as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, she was now able to concentrate on their current lesson. Barnaby however, no longer could.
 Barnaby’s vibrant, longing eyes watched Y/n carefully as they wondered down the hall together. All though Charms, his eyes had shifted onto her repeatedly, admiring the way she glowed with delight. He couldn’t believe such a simple thing he said had made her so happy. It made him want to keep assisting her mind against this mystery. In fact, he was eager to. “Do you need help?” Barnaby inquired. As soon as she looked at him with a bewildered expression, he knew he should have led with some context. “With the mystery I mean.” He added quickly. “I know how much you love mysteries and I know you want to solve this one”. Once again a smile crept up on her lips. This time that was all it took to make him blush. She felt complimented by him knowing her so, even if her ambitious detective skills were obvious. “I would love that. Somehow I know we are going to make a great team” she sang happily, a bit more of a spring in her step. Her mind whirled erratically, planning their next move. Barnaby had shown a knack for bringing her a bit more clarity and it was defiantly needed. This case had a lot of loose ends and he would help her tie them. “Let’s meet up after our next class” and with those words along with an angelic smile, she hurried into her next lesson, leaving Barnaby’s side. He looked forward to it profusely.
 She didn’t realise at the time, but Y/n had failed to specify where exactly her and Barnaby would be meeting. She was so excited in the moment, she simply forgot. Luckily as she emerged from potions class, there he was waiting for her. His arms swung by his side ever so slightly as he rocked on his heels. A face of pure bliss once he spotted her. Y/n could tell he was just as thrilled to get started. “Where should we start” he trailed Y/n like a small puppy as she led him towards the library. He didn’t say it out loud, but he was glad it was only them when they sat down in a secluded corner. “So the question is, why would they knock?”
“Because it’s Polite” Barnaby replied. Chuckling, Y/n couldn’t tell whether he was being serious or not, but enjoyed his answer. “Boggarts don’t knock. Obviously someone must be doing the knocking and then letting them out”. Her voice was soft and comforting, not condescending like most people who sometimes laughed at his answers. As much as he listened to her words, he also paid attention to the way she spoke, how she sounded like optimism. Y/n was what Barnaby believed to be the witch equivalent to the sun. She was bright and warm and he was always happy in her presence. He knew he really liked her, that was indisputable, but the question he sometimes asked himself was whether he would always be this content simply being her close friend. To love someone and be happy was very different then to be with someone you love. He knew he made her happy as they were, but would she be happier with more? Did she ever think about that? They were not questions he could answer by himself, but saying them out loud would make them feel like a rope tightening around his neck. There was a chance he would become broken hearted. Or worse, he could make her feel uncomfortable or unhappy. Still the way she treated him not only gave him hope at times, but overjoyed him so much that he often felt like spewing out his feelings, overflowing with the warmth that she provided. “Wait” she exclaimed in a hushed whisper leaning closer to him. Following her trail of vision he saw Merula hastily leading Ismelda to a separate secluded area of the library.  “Isn’t that suspicious?” she continued, eyes burning into them before they disappeared into their hidden quarter. “I mean they always sneak around don’t they. Maybe their searching for the next vault already?” Barnaby suggested. Shaking her head, Y/n quickly grabbed Barnaby’s hand and began to discreetly make her way towards the nearest bookcase to the girls. Y/n pulled them into a small gap between the wall and case, an ear towards the girls who were only a few feet away. While she was focused on overhearing their conversation, Barnaby was now very aware and captivated on how close their bodies were. His arms instinctively snaked around her waist, pulling them closer although there was no need. She welcomed them and although they both knew there was enough room, they told themselves it was necessary. She smelt like a mix of lavender, trees, books and perfume. He was very familiar with this smell, especially since anytime he was near the love potion amortentia, it reminded him of her. Tucking a loose strand of her h/c hair behind her ear, his face inched closer to hers. Y/n’s head spun round to face him. She could feel his hot breathe on her face as he stared intensely into her eyes. “Barnaby?” she whispered gently, her e/c eyes shining. Spellbound by the moment their faces began to slowly draw together. Lips just about to brush- “No way was Lord Voldemort at your house!” exclaimed Ismelda. The moment was broke. She whipped her head around analysing the situation. They hadn’t been detected. Merula held a finger to her lips, signing for Ismelda to be quiet. “Don’t question me, I’m deadly serious” spat Merula visciously, hands clenched at her sides. “Anyway I don’t want to talk about it anymore” and with that she took her leave, Ismelda in suit. Y/n let out a slight sigh, her hands traveling to rest on Barnaby’s chest. She gave him a light push and nodded her head to signal for them to leave. “So Merula’s probably innocent, it happened to her too.” She reasoned. It wasn’t that she expected Merula to always be the bad guy, but it would have been a bigger lead. One that could of handed them their next move. “Why would someone want to take a boggert to all these houses?” Barnaby wondered outloud. Despite their investigation continuing, their brief moment had not vanished. Y/n remembered the feel of his arms around her, how natural and comforting it was. Feeling his hot breath almost stole her own. Those few seconds it took for their lips to then almost meet were so incredibly intense that she felt like a part of her was left there, the moment never really ending. She wished it didn’t.
 It was the weekend and Barnaby was back home. He knew he would be alone, but the purpose was simply hope. He wanted it to happen to him. To face your fear at the door was not something anyone looked forward to, but if it meant that the case with Y/n was no longer at a halt then he felt it was worth it. He wanted an excuse to hang out with her. Sure there was plenty, but this one would make him stand out more from the others. She had already chosen him to accompany her, despite him having no personal connection to the mystery, he didn’t want that to change. Barnaby reflected on their moment in the library. He wanted to kiss her. She was going to kiss him. It sounded so simple, but it didn’t happen. He began to repeat the moment in his mind, this time he imagined they did kiss. He wondered what her lips would have felt like, how long it would have lasted, how she would have looked at him. She wouldn’t have looked at me with the same eyes, he thought. The kiss would have sealed something new in their relationship, no longer being just close friends with a spark. The spark would have become a flame. There’s still time, he told himself. Suddenly a firm knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Barnaby froze for a second staring in its direction. He gave himself a few seconds to prepare. What do I fear? He contemplated as he slowly made his way to the door. Barnaby counted each step, his breath growing heavy. There was no doubt in his mind, he was going to do this. After at first carefully twisting the handle, he swung open the door. There stood a surprised looking Y/n, wrapped up in a warm coat and woolly scarf. An image which Barnaby considered incredibly adorable. “Wait, I’m not afraid of you” he uttered.
“I should hope not.” She giggled into her scarf.
 Barnaby and Y/n were lying on the floor, books and snacks scattered around them. “I thought you were a bogert” Barnaby confessed, grinning as he watched her flick through a book. She fit perfectly in her more casual clothes, a style that he thought defiantly suited her. But then he couldn’t think of a thing she couldn’t pull off. “I heard you had gone home and was afraid a bogert would show up at your door next” she explained, shyly tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ears as she kept her eyes locked on the book in front of her. Barnaby grew warm, thinking of the way she came out to protect him. He would have done the same for her. “I came here for the case. I wanted to see the bogert”. Barnaby’s answer caused Y/n’s gaze to shift away from the book to him. “That’s incredibly brave of you Barnaby” she spoke sincerely and impressed by his initiative. The sound of his name rolling off her tongue along with a praise was enough for the spark to begin shimmering again. Barnaby’s body shifted closer to hers, this time the movement being both instinctive and a choice. He laid next to her, both lying on their stomach, shoulders touching. Shyly, her eyes crept away from him and back to the content before her. He closed the book in front of her, drawing her attention back to him. His left hand held her chin as his deep green eyes stared into hers. Then as his right hand pushed some hair out of her face he kissed her. There it was. The flame roared between them as their lips moved together, the kiss deepening as they began settling into it. It was far more magical then either of them could have imagined it to be. It was impossible for them to tell exactly how long the kiss lasted. They were too focused on the movement and touch of the other. Barnaby moved so that his body climbed on top of hers, needing to feel more of her against him. Y/n felt as though she was melting, her feeling for Barnaby had exploded so suddenly that she felt weightless. As soon as they parted they knew there was so many questions now to be answered.
 Barnaby held her hand that night as she slept soundly besides him. It was pulled to his chest as he softly played with her delicate fingers. The rest of the evening they had spent exploring their feelings rather than focusing on anything they were worried about before. They talked, they laughed, they kissed. It was a repetitive cycle that got more and more mundane each time. Now Y/n lay sleeping soundly on top of Barnaby’s bed beside him. Her figure was illuminated by the moonlight that seeped through the cracks of the windows blinds. She looked more than peaceful as she nestled into Barnaby in her sleep, under their cosy, knitted blanket. Every now and then he would tuck her hair back from covering her face as she shuffled in her sleep. Watching her movement with great adoration in his eyes, he counted himself more then lucky. There wasn’t a single thing he would change about her. She was perfect. Everything that had happened between them that day seemed like a dream. When he answered the door he thought he would be met with his fear, but unknowingly was faced with the one thing that made him feel stronger than he ever was. He never wanted that night to end. He had never had a connection like the one he had with her and to have finally acted on it was liberating. “Sleep well” he whispered before kissing her head tenderly and then drifting off into a peaceful slumber beside her.
  The sun began to rise as morning came, light suddenly filling the room. As her e/c eyes fluttered open gently, Y/n sluggishly pulled herself up. Sitting on the edge of the bed she laid a hand on Barnaby’s chest, feeling his steady breathes as she watched his serene form. Although he was sleeping, she swore there was a light smile painted on his lips. His dark brunette hair was messy from sleep, similar to the clothes he was wearing. She caressed his cheek lovingly and left a small peck on his forehead. His warm, ivory skin felt soft under her fingers. Memories of the day before spun around her head like a fast jumbled movie. Scene by scene, it played out in her head and finally reminded her of how she got where she was. She let out a chuckle, funny how things play out, she thought. Noticing the mess still on the floor she started to tidy the room, picking up and piling each book and throwing away any rubbish. She had just finished and began brushing herself off when she felt a warm set of arms wrap around her waist. “Morning” Barnaby’s euphonious voice rang. Snuggling back into him she hummed happily to herself. Still giddy on the feelings that exploded between them the day before, she still felt as light as a feather, like he was some kind of opium and she was high on him. All it took was the sound of his voice and the feeling of his touch and she was melting once again. Turning herself around to face him, both of their knowing eyes wondered over each other. “I should probably head back to Hogwarts soon” she declared, now wrapping her arms around his neck lovingly. “Stay” he cooed into her ear, his lips brushing it ever so slightly. Y/n hadn’t thought of the possibility of staying that much longer, she never really stayed overnight anywhere other than Hogwarts during the school term. The thought of spending some more alone time with Barnaby was far too irresistible to say no. She nodded in response. “Okay I’ll stay”. His arms around her tightened for a second, before letting her go and leading her to the kitchen. Barnaby was surprised at how confident and assertive he had managed to be. He wasn’t necessarily a shy person and did often speak his mind, but after waiting for so long to show Y/n how he felt he was very glad he managed to pluck the courage. She had reciprocated all of his feelings, responding to every action positively. Everything that happened between them showed so much possibility. There was so much potential between them. To Barnaby, at that moment their potential was practically guaranteed.
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delicrieux · 6 years
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anon ⛄ said:  Barnabae and number 2 of the holiday prompts please :)
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“Yeah, uh, alcohol… doesn’t go in hot chocolate.” You mumble, watching Barnaby sip his drink with blushed cheeks. His eyes widen in fearful realization. He turns to you, alarmed, his hand grasping yours.
“It…It doesn’t?” He whispers harshly, afraid the rest might hear. The Christmas party at the (Lastname) estate includes only family and spouses. Barnaby really wanted to make a good impression on your relatives. Problem is he is just too nervous.
You shake your head slowly, your hand coming to rest on his shoulder, “No, but please pour some into mine, too.” Wordless, he does as you say, his hands trembling lightly, “I can’t believe we had to miss Bill’s party over…this.”
“Is alcohol allowed into hot chocolate there?”
“By Merlin, it’s encouraged.”
happy holidays! 🧡
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