#Barnaby is no longer talking to Wally!
thed0ct0risc0ming · 10 months
Okay it didn't take that long but here are some uncolored sketches of Cerbie and Wally
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gokuisahimbo · 7 months
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thinking so so hard about LaughingStock and how that'd go down. disastrously, probably
#and ill talk about it at Length in the tags until tumblr cuts me off like a rowdy drunk after last call#please keep in mind this is all in my Brain and relationship dynamics etc are all technically speculation. anyway#so while franklydear is your more classic 'oh no im in love with him! / aw shucks im in love with him<3'#laughingstock is 'feelings what feelings / oh shit oh fuck this is bad'#to Me.#in my mind howdy is completely oblivious to his emotions#he's out here like 'gotta get the store impressively neat & shiny for barnaby! and everyone else' without blinking an eye#he starts assembling barnaby and wally's dogs slower an slower so that barnaby has to hang around a smidge longer than usual#he's out here giggling at barnaby's jokes while sweeping Hours or Days after the joke was told like a lovesick idiot#all while being like Ah Yes Barnaby My Dear Friend. My Platonic Buddy Whose Jokes I Laugh At A Little Too Hard. Platonically.#meanwhile barnaby Realizes his own feels. has a minor crisis. goes through the 12 stages of grief and absolutely panics#he's like 'ok just gotta play it cool. normal. dont be weird. he'll fall for your natural charm in no time'#'ill hold all of my feelings right here until i die or howdy reciprocates. i just cant tell anyone about this.'#'....hey wally you can keep a secret right'#and rizzes it up yk. rolls a nat 20 on charisma every time without howdy even realizing it. ig barns rolled for stealth too#and from barnabys pov its going great!#howdy is flirting back! hes showing all the signs! when eddie views their interactions he comes to barnaby later and is like A+ gay as fuck#so barnaby is a soft pining mess and howdy is Absurdly Oblivious despite being a clever & observant guy#so im imagining (will freely admit that this Train of Thought is slightly inspired by the latest chapter of Stamps by Indigopoptart)#that eventually barnaby is Confident in their budding relationship ok. hes ready to ask howdy out.#everyone who Knows (wally & eddie) are like Go For It He Clearly Loves You#and when barnaby tells howdy. howdys like 'ohhhh geez um im really flattered 🥺 but i dont feel the same 😔😭'#cue barnaby turning into the 'never again' meme while trying to laugh it off and pretend like he didnt just have his heart mr starked#so he goes home to smoke his pipe and cry and howdy goes about his day feeling Strange#why cant he stop thinking about that confession. what are these emotions. i mean its not as if hes in love with Ohhhhhh No. Oh No.#so howdy has his 'holy shit! im in love with barnaby! (lovestruck. swooning) ....Holy Shit I Rejected Barnaby (horrified. nauseous)' moment#cue howdy expecting barnaby to come by in the morning as per Routine so they can talk. he Doesnt. cue howdy stressing the fuck out over it#meanwhile wally sally (eddie sent her in his place. hes too busy) and barnaby are having a girls day (eating ice cream and watchin romcoms)#eventually barnaby hears that howdy has been Dropping The Ball and cant not check on him. cue emotional heart-2-heart outside the bodega#this is all very specific but its in my brain. these scenarious lull me to sleep every night lately
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ukiiyostar · 6 months
hey while on the subject of Welcome Home, I'd like to talk about something I found interesting (tl;dr at the bottom)
so the team uncovered a toy telephone, one of those where you can dial the characters and they give you a pre-recorded answer, right?? But the thing about these pre-recorded messages is that they're supposed to reply to the kid, no matter what they're saying or if they're saying anything it at all, y'know? So it is incredibly interesting that the messages shown are that of the characters responding to silence.
the person on the phone says nothing, and the characters, upon hearing nothing, respond with "hello? hello are you there"s like any other person; they start talking as their character and when it becomes clear the person on our line isn't going to respond, they end the call
And here's where it gets more interesting, and it has everything to do with Eddie Dear
So you see, all the characters have different responses to the silent call before leaving: Barnaby tells a joke, Julie invents a game, Poppy thinks she might've broken the phone and tries to fix it (unsuccessfully), and Sally assumes they have stage-fright, just to name a few examples.
But then you hear Eddie's call
He starts off with the post office jingle and when no one answers, he tries singing the jingle again, this time a longer version and he quickly runs out of breath
It is then that he thinks to himself "maybe there's no one there"
He is the ONLY CHARACTER in the cast that even CONSIDERS this; and seconds later he is the ONLY ONE that begins to QUESTION the NATURE OF THIS CALL
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The other characters assume it's a prank call or some other excuse, but Eddie is the only one who wonders; the only one who begins to contemplate like "wait, why am in a call anyway?"
add this to other Eddie events like the santa commercial and homewarming...
I think he's actually waking up. hell, who's to say he isn't already awake? and this only makes me scared of what will happen to him.
speaking of which, I read another theory earlier that said that perhaps the reason this is all happening to him is that the Playfellow Workshop was planning on removing him from the show because they felt he was "insignificant" or simply didn't add anything other than being the mailman, and they slowly started removing his presence from the media (the way he's skipped on the santa's toys commercial thing and that other episode when wally and Barnaby go around asking everyone EXCEPT Eddie what homewarming is) until they could get rid of him completely.
what do you guys think?
tl;dr = looking at the toy phone responses, it's weird that they have a line replying to silence seeing as that's not the point of the toy, and also it's weird that Eddie Dear is the only character who, out of all the other responses, is the only one to acknowledge the odd nature of the call. my theory is that Eddie might be the next (assuming Wally and/or Home to be the first ones self-aware) to wake up from the puppet illusion, paired with another theory that the company was trying to remove Eddie from the show
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mydearyanderes · 1 year
Yandere! Welcome Home Neighbors Headcanons | Part 1!
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Headcanons of how all the neighbors in Welcome Home would act as Yanderes!
Characters: Barnaby, Eddie, Frank, and Howdy!
TW: Threats, suicidal ideation, stalking, workplace harassment 
Barnaby B. Beagle 
It would take a lot for him to become full on obsessed with you
He’d act less like a boyfriend and more like an overprotective father
Barnaby wants you by his side 24/7, no matter what
If you don’t? Well get ready for a lot of a lot of passive aggressive comments about how he “just wants to protective” and how you’re being stuck up
He shrugs off any legitimate concern you have for the relationship, instead just laughing off all of your kvetching, as he calls it
Don’t forget that Barnaby is 8 feet tall
He’d never hurt you, no he’d never dream of it!
I can see him not so subtly reminding you how much larger he is compared to you, how he could easily overpower you if he wanted
Hopefully this keeps you in line
As long as you’re on his good side, he’s a great guy! Always laughing and joking with you, doing everything in his power to make sure you are entertained and won’t leave him
Eddie Dear
Oh he’s just so smitten!
Definitely a love at first sight type of guy
Stumbles over all his words when talking to you, you just make him so nervous! 
He respects your personal space, after all he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable! 
However he doesn’t really understand the concept of emotional space
Eddie will inject himself into any and every activity you get yourself in to
Talking to Frank? Eddie’s there! Relaxing under a tree? Eddie’s there! Sleeping in the privacy in your own home? Eddie’s there.
He’ll send you anonymous love letters, but it’s really obvious who sent them
Because when he gives the letter to you he says things that make it blatant that it was him 
“Oh this guy really seems to like you!” “I haven’t even opened the letter yet...” “O-oh uhm... uh... I went through your mail?”
Terrible at lying
Overall a pretty harmless yandere, just wants your love and attention, even through rather creepy means
Frank Frankly
His yandere tendencies will only show after you two have been dating for a while 
He’ll whisper things here and there, about how your friends can’t be trusted
Barnaby is annoying. Sally is arrogant. Wally is creepy. Poppy is uptight. Etc.
No one is good enough for your attention, for your love
Even Frank battles with the idea that he isn’t good enough for you
You’ll have to spend many late night assuring him that, yes, he is good enough and that, yes, you do really love him
If you ever try to leave, or do anything that doesn’t involve him, he’ll guilt trip you until you stayed
You’re right, Frank is worthless and unworthy of love, you should just go ahead and leave him
If you call his bluff, and you continue to have relationships with others besides him. Or worse, break up with him, he’ll go mad
At first it’s trying to use logic to get you to stay. Then he get’s angry, yelling and throwing things in your direction and threatening to hurt himself. Lastly he’ll collapse to the floor, crying and sobbing until you decide to stay with him again, even for just a bit longer
He’ll repeat this cycle for as long as needed
Howdy Pillar
It starts out as a small crush, then it snowballs into something much, much more sinister 
You know how Barnaby pays for his hotdogs with jokes?
Well for you, you’ll have to do increasingly more and more elaborate things
Howdy does this purely to enjoy your company, even if for just a few minutes longer
It may even get sexual, assuming you two are already in a relationship
He gives you, and only you, ridiculous discounts on items 
Things in the store that you wanted that weren’t in the store are suddenly there now
Even things that you don’t remember telling anyone else that you wanted
He may even hire you as his assistant in his store, so he can rest easy knowing he’s with you most of the day
Soon, it won’t be enough. Howdy wants you around him constantly now. You’re too perfect to only see for a few hours a day
He’ll coerce you into a relationship with him if you two aren’t dating
If you refuse? 
Well, you don’t want to know what Eddie will resort to if you do that
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meringuehearts · 6 months
my extremely disorganized welcome home theory!!!
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this may sound crazy but please hear me out
there are three main points to this, all of which ill elaborate on under the cut!
one of the companies, either marlo or playfellow workshop, clearly tried to make a lot of changes to the show. this includes heavy merchandising, forcing julie/frank to be read as a couple, and cutting eddie from the show.
i think that once a character no longer appears on the air, they are forced into a sort of subliminal bond with their own home, isolating them and making them essentially unable to leave. we see this with eddie's situation.
if all of this is true, i may have a very good idea for the direction in which the story of welcome home will lead.
quick disclaimer beforehand : obviously, our knowledge on this is constantly growing and expanding! this is not my "entire opinion" on the story nor do i think this is the cold hard truth. these are simply my ideas!
in general, i think the idea of the offness coming from anything internal of the show , like the characters or home, is a far stretch .. more likely, it's coming from the people making the show itself.
my theory is that either playfellow workshop or marlo was taking control of the show , probably towards the end of its run, and making massive changes in the interest of maximizing profit. first of all the commercials clips feel off in and of themselves to me, because we can see that they literally partnered with anything in order to sell it. this is most clearly Weird in the sleeping pills wally clip, but also all over - of course this could just be that it was a popular show and wanted to make bank, but personally i think it was one of the companies pushing for more brand deals and more merchandise and more money.
this, of course, leads directly into the eddie/frank situation. as many different people have stated, this was the 1970s, and if there was any ability in the show for them to be read as a couple this could get a ton of backlash. i'm willing to bet that the company tried first of all to push julie/frank to be more easily read as a couple, then later deciding on either diminishing eddie's role a TON or deleting him completely.
and like, think about it. unfortunately, most of the characters don't really harbor any huge friendship towards him, at least not in the clips we've seen. while having positive relations with poppy, julie, frank and wally, he doesn't have as much as an outright "gimmick" or thing to sell as the others.
julie's excitable, sally's theatrical, frank's stubborn, howdy's charismatic, barnaby's funny, poppy's sweet, wally's reserved but polite, and eddie. "talks a lot". if you're an executive and you're going to cut one character from a show, especially in the interest of Not looking like theres Anything gay in your show, which would you choose?
NOW for the second part:
my believe about home, and furthermore all the homes in the series - but more directly Home - is that i think they act as sort of devices that the company can use to manipulate the characters. my theory about the eddie situation in the recent update is that it takes place in the midst of when the company was attempting to cut him from the show.
and when we see eddie in the midst of his breakdown, he's VERY tied to the post office (his home basically). he's isolated and literally states at a point during it that he assumes everyone's outside and playing in the snow, but never makes any attempt to go out and check - as if it doesn't even cross his mind. he expresses some kind of paranoid need to stay at the post office and not leave, even for a moment, which he also talks about in the videos.
when he finally DOES leave for the party, (which, btw, he only does because sally literally grabbed him and brought him there) , he starts seeing all the awful shit he sees (as we know) . INCLUDING HOME. and towards the end of it, all he says to frank is that he wants to go [ to his ] home.
what does all this mean??? im so glad u asked. basically i think that creators' actions upon the show affect the world of welcome home in subliminal ways that the characters aren't directly aware of happening (until, of course, they are.) in this case, if a character is cut from the show or their screen time is limited, they experience being subliminally forced to stay in their own home. if they try to leave, they start witnessing visceral, terrifying things that they can't explain, persuading them to return back home. back where it's "safe".
wally's home in particular, i think, enforces this the most. home is sentient so the company can probably carry out their desires more directly with him than any of the other houses (which are just structures, pretty much). i DON'T think home harbors any ill will themselves, but moreso is just carrying out what "needs to be done."
more evidence for this:
this theory is also entwined with how wally interacts with us, the people on the site, because he mentions in places like the guestbook, etc that he hasn't seen other members of the neighborhood in so long. but that doesn't mean they're not there.
so if a singular being cut from the show means that they are forced to stay in their own home and not go outside, then the show being taken off the air would, in theory, mean that everyone would be forced to stay in their own homes. for decades. wally reaching out to us could very likely be a cry for help and/or last try after years of isolation. (it would also explain why he's so much more off putting/tired/different than his in-show appearances.)
one last thing!!!! i think if that's what's going, on it could explain this sentence from the summary, unchanged since the beginning. i've never really understood this line or what it could mean, but -
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this is a HUGE far cry. but i think it's possible that, if i'm right, at some point down the line the characters (still in the neighborhood) will actually try to leave their homes, or they have already, which would cause the "distortion/nightmarish memory". i mean we definitely could describe eddie's hallucination(?) as that so .
yeah i hope you enjoyed 20 minutes of me rambling ... please ask questions if some (or all) of this didn't make sense cuz im not rly sure if this is coherent lol. this also isnt all the thoughts i have about this theory but this post is too long as is lol. thanks so much for reading this far if you have!!!
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yanderegrizzsworld · 1 year
Imagine: Romantic Yandere Wally Darling where he & the reader paint each other
While Wally would prefer to paint what inspires him the most in the moment, he isn't opposed to the idea of painting each other if brought up & is quick to ask when & where. The days leading up to the activity leaves the puppet ardent, almost wanting to just walk up to you & begin right then & there, yet chooses to remain patient, assured that the wait will be worth it.
Wally has & does talk anyone's hears off the days leading up to the activity. Not an hour goes by without him, at the very least, mentioning it, about how excited he is or how much fun you'll both have or how he'll happily teach you a thing or two when painting. A small tint of rose is always seen on his cheeks or a palm resting on it when he says it, all with a calming sigh.
Most, if not all, of the neighbors react with joy for the yellow puppet, claiming that it'll go swell. Some react with the same enthusiasm when told for the fourteenth time, just like when he first told them while others give quick responses that are still positive. Frank merely giving a hum of acknowledgement while, as nicely as possible, asking to be left to his own devices.
Don't be surprised when you see him at your door at 6 am when the day finally arrives. It's hard to miss him swinging back & forth on his heels & the slight jump of his shoulders as he holds canvases & paints brushes & buckets of paint, all the while he babbles about not being able to contain his excitement any longer & wanting to start as soon as possible. He still apologizes for waking you up, he didn't mean to seem unfriendly, he swears!
Whether you wish for your time with him to be silent or having a conversation, he's more than happy with either way you wish. Wally's delighted to fill your head with his words, whether simple compliments of your features to giving art advice to mentioning a previous activity he did with Sally or Barnaby, or just sitting in comfortable silence, maybe with Wally humming a tune as brushes stroke & fill the canvases with shapes & colors, Wally is more than pleased with either options as long as he's with you alone.
It doesn't matter to the puppet if your art is execrable or favorable, a slew of praise undoubtedly falls from his lips, about how pretty the colors you picked are, to how the way you drew his features are spot on. Any strive to change the subject is futile as in Wally's droopy eyes, what you've drawn was from your heart & as such, means much more than anything the world has to offer. Wally's swift to offer to teach you to paint, as it's a guarantee that you two will spend much more time together, just the two of you.
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miltheperson · 1 year
Wally Darling x GN!Puppet!Reader.
(I was in a very romantic mood today! So I thought "how about a sweet confession from an especially sweet puppet?" Haha!) (It's a little longer than the previous X reader's but I hope that's alright!)
The Other End.
Wally was usually a blunt and straightforward puppet, who had no trouble saying whatever came to his mind. But when it came to you...
Gosh, he was just speechless.
You always managed to leave him awestruck and silent, unable to utter a word. He wanted to tell you many times over how charming you were to him, how fond he was of you... But every time he opened his mouth to speak, he was left with nothing but silence.
You'd always just somehow pull on his little heartstrings and he could feel his face flush over! Anything you did or said, it was always so wonderful to him... He wanted so badly to tell it to you outright, seeing as you just deserved to know how wonderful you were.
Little did he know, you wanted to tell him the same thing! You thought he was so wonderful, so charming, and such a fun puppet to be around! My, did you fall quite hard for the Darling! Needless to say, he fell quite hard to you too!
The whole neighborhood knew by now but the both of you were just so clueless and dense! Everyone waited so anxiously for you two to finally realize how you felt for each other! As exciting as it was, it was especially frustrating to watch you both be so flustered by each other but have no clue why!
Until, one day. Wally finally found his courage through one simple phone call.
He realized that... If he didn't see you... Then he wouldn't have to feel so nervous!
"Hello, neighbor... How are you?" Came Wally's voice through the phone.
You had been busying yourself with your special little hobby, using your shoulder to hold the phone against your ear as you busied your hands with (your special little hobby).
"I'm alright, Wally, thank you. How are you today?" You replied to him with a smile, feeling your heart flutter just by hearing his voice.
"I'm doing very well, thank you, neighbor. Are you able to talk?" He asked, sounding serious.
It was a little worrying. What could there be to talk about? Something that sounded so serious?
"Yeah... Yes, of course. Is anything wrong?" You moved a hand to fix the phone, adjusting it a more comfier position against your shoulder.
"I think you're the absolute most..." Wally said so suddenly. Well now, that took you by surprise! Your face flushed red and you dropped what you were doing, hands flying over to hold the phone close to your ear.
"W...What?" You blurted out, eyes wide in surprise.
"I think you're very wonderful, neighbor... And... Well... You pull my heartstrings so." Was... Wally being serious?? "Every time you laugh... I can't help but laugh as well... Every time you smile... I feel so warm inside..." His voice was so genuine and quiet. "Barnaby told me that, that people would call that... Love... Ha ha ha. I say "I love you" all the time but I never really understood it until now..."
You could feel your own heartstrings pull at his words, listening to him with a blush on your face.
"Neighbor... I love you... And I really do think you're the absolute most..."
It was like butterflies in your stomach, an explosion of color within your world as Wally said those funny little words.
A moment of silence passed as you processed his words, dumbfounded by his confession.
"... Neighbor...? Are you still there...?" Wally sounded a little worried.
Suddenly, you snapped out of your shock.
"Hello! Sorry-." You stammered out, a happy smile on your face. "Sorry- Wally-" You couldn't help but move your hand happily, the words had made you feel so joyful.
So exciting!
Wally Darling... The very puppet you pined for... Returning your fond feelings??
It was just so amazing!
"Neighbor? Are you... okay?"
"Yes- Yes, I am." You couldn't stop your smile, nor could you exactly help but move your hand and even your arm so joyously.
"That's good." Wally smiled on the other end, relieved to hear you were okay. He thought he had startled you someway, it worried him for a moment.
"Wally... I love you, too." You finally whispered.
Now it was Wally's turn to flush red.
Neighbor... You... You love him, too?
"You do?" Wally sounded surprised, his eyes were wide.
"Yes, I really do!" I nodded on the other end, you couldn't help but really let your joy flow through your words.
"Neighbor... That's..." Wally found himself reduced to silence once again.
His fond feelings of love being reciprocated... It felt... Wonderful.
"I'm... Glad you feel just the same." Wally smiled, an adoring and affectionate gloss over his eyes.
"I am, too." You mumbled over the phone, curling your finger on the cord.
"... Can I see you, neighbor? I want to see you." Wally asked, already standing up from his chair.
"Of course, Wally. I... Want to see you, too!" You felt excited, standing up as well.
"Okay. I'll be there in a moment, neighbor..." Wally went to end the call, before quickly pausing and holding the phone against his ear once more.
"I love you, (Name)."
"I love you, too, Wally... I'll be waiting."
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ten-shi-fandoms · 1 year
Hey neighbour! I don't know if ur still taking request,,
Can I ask for a howdy x human! reader but the reader is seriously injured and they're from our world!
Maybe like, when the reader gets transported into Welcome home they get injured on the way?
Sure! This was actually pretty fun to do! I love this kind of trope! I didn't know if you wanted it platonic or romantic so I only made it platonic, I can always make it a romantic fic for Howdy later for you! I hope you enjoy!
Treated Injuries
Cw: Howdy Pillar x Injured Human!Reader, gender neutral reader, reader is from our world, getting transported, reader is seriously injured, mentions of blood, serious wounds, mentions of being attacked, reader gets stabbed, angst to fluff, platonic
You don't remember much about what happened or what was even going on, all you remember was someone blindfolding you from behind before getting attacked on your way home. Your were stomped on, kicked, punched, you even felt a knife dig itself into your skin forcing crimson red liquid to pour from your body.
By the end of the assault you were covered in wounds, blood and dirt. Dirt clung to your now messy (h/c) hair, and (s/c) skin. Blood stained your clothes, mixing with the dirt that laid on your skin and smudged across wounds. You could barely move. You felt like your dominant wrist was damaged, your leg was definitely broken from the odd bent it had, there was a large stab wound along your side, you could even feel bruising forming on your ribs. Blisters and bruises laced your lip as the blood ran down it dripping onto your clothes. You were in no position to get up. You couldn't even talk, most likely having messed up your vocal chords from how much you screamed. It felt like everything was out to get you.
Why did this have to happen to you of all people?
Why were you always the one in some form of pain?
As the questions of why this happened to you, you begun thinking back to your childhood when your life was at least a bit peaceful. You use to run around with friends, dance around to the music playing in the streets, eat junk and laugh, but there was one memory that you favored over the rest. It was the memory of you watching a show called "Welcome Home" the first time you met your favorite character, Howdy Pillar.
In the episode you vividly remembered Howdy refusing to let Wally inside due to the smaller male taking his apples the day before. The moment you laid eyes on him you knew he was going to be your favorite. Howdy was quick witted, charismatic and overall a joy to watch. It was always the light of your day watching Howdy scold Wally for knocking over his apples, handing out glitter glue to Sally for her plays, helping Julie pick out hair accessories, joking around with Barnaby and so much more. Tears welled in your (e/c) eyes slowly pouring down leaving wet streaks against your dirtied cheeks. What you would give to watch Howdy on your tv again. To watch him smile so kindly when helping his fellow residence. To be a kid again without a care in the world. As the thoughts of your mind began to grow your eyesight begun to blur, then your vision went black and no more thoughts plagued your mind.
Slowly you were awaken, hearing the sounds of muffled speech and soft mumbles. Bright light forced your eyes to stay mostly shut as you were faced with a red hot pain throughout your limbs. What was going on? Due to the light you couldn't open your eyes fully, but you could tell you were no longer on the street near your house. What even happened? You remembered getting attacked then things turning black, but you didn't remember getting moved or hearing sirens at all. So where were you?
Before you could think more, you heard a door open and soft footsteps coming near you. You braced yourself for the worst but you heard something click and through your most shut eyes you could see the lights had been dimmed. "I'm sorry about that, when Julie heard I brought someone back she immediately cut on the lights. I hope you aren't too upset about it." a gentle voice called out to you. Wait, did you know that voice? It sounded familiar but it was unclear why. Turning your head towards the voice, your eyes slowly opening trying to adjust to your environment.
When you opened your eyes you were met with a familiar face. Oh, so thats why the voice sounded so familiar. The green fleece skin, the blue pompadour, the four arms and legs. It was Howdy, Howdy Pillar from Welcome Home. But how? Where you dreaming? You went to speak, wanting to know what was going on only to feel a sharp pain go through your throat causing you to wince. Howdy's eyebrows furrowed a bit, one of his hands grabbing a glass of water from a table while another one held you up gently in a sitting position. The hand helped you drink the water, a few soft coughs escaped your lips after a few sips before Howdy sat the glass back down still holding you up.
"Your vocal chords are damaged, so I would hold off on talking for a bit." he started, his voiced laced with worry as he begun telling you about your body's current situation. "When I found you behind my shop you were badly hurt. You were covered in blood and unconscious so I brought you inside to get you fixed up. Your leg is broken, your wrist fracture, you have a large gash along your side and your ribs seem to be bruised." Howdy paused, his expression one full of concern. "I was worried, you seemed to have lost a lot of blood so I'm glad your awake. Do you feel any better?" he asked. The question making you nod your head a bit, the action made Howdy smile a bit, one that seemed to be out of relief.
"That's good." Howdy went to say something else before the look of concern quickly returned to his features. "Are you sure? Your crying." his voice was soft as he used one of his free hands to gently wipe your tears. You hadn't even realized you were crying, let alone shaking. Everything that had happened came at you like a brick and your body could make you do nothing but cry. Large globs of tears fell from your eyes at a fast pace as your body shook forcing broken sobs from your lips. Howdy said nothing instead opting to gently wrap his arms around you, holding you in a warm embrace. Your cheek laid against his chest, warm tears staining his apron. Your body hurt, hurt more than it ever had but you really couldn't think of that. Howdy's gentle embrace, soft patting of your head and kind praises filled your mind helping you find peace in such a dangerous and confusing situation.
Even if you couldn't see it, you could bet Howdy was worried that worry most likely showing on his face. Slowly lifting your head up, tears blurring your vision you expected a look of worry but instead you saw a small smile. A smile that held calmness even if you tell by his eyes he was concerned. He was smiling for you. He was trying to make you feel better by smiling. Something about his smile made you break out a wobbly smile of your own. Tears stained your face and from what you could see your bandages. Your nose was running, and you felt awful but Howdy didn't seem to care about your appearance. He only cared that you were safe and that was more than enough for you to feel some sort of relief from the horrid situation. You were attacked cut and dry. You were injured beyond belief but you were able to get something good out of it. You got to see Howdy. Even if it felt like a dream, you got to see the one thing you had always loved.
A gentle hand ran across your hair, pushig messy strands from your face while another one cleaned your tears with a sleeve. You felt a tissue press against your nose as you stared at Howdy. "Blow" he said softly, signalling for you to blow into the tissue which you did reluctantly. He asked this of you a few more times before you shook your head showing him you were fine. You were placed back on what you now knew was a bed, propping your body up with pillows for extra comfort. "I'm Howdy, Howdy Pillar it's nice to meet you (Y/n)." he said softly. Huh? How did he know your name. You must've had a look of confusion because Howdy chuckled pulling out your wallet showing your ID, drivers license and other identification. "I found out because of this." if you could sigh you would've but instead you nodded. Howdy smiled gently at you placing your wallet next to the glass of water on the table. He went to speak only to be cut off by the sound of knocking. Before Howdy could ask who it was, the door opened revealing two others you recognized as Wally Darling and Julie Joyful.
Julie must've opened the door while Wally stood beside her holding a basket. The smell of baked goods filled the room as Julie and Wally walked inside. "Hey Howdy! We brought some snacks Poppy made for our new neighbor!" Julie exclaimed, Wally held up the basket when the energetic girl spoke of snacks. "She wanted to make sure we got to them here before they got too cold!" Howdy nodded one of his hands reaching out for the basket which Wally handed over without much of a fuss. "I will set these with their other things, thanks you two." Howdy spoke kindly to the two individuals who now stood in the room. Julie smiled proudly while Wally turned his attention to you.
Quietly the small male padded his way over, placing a small box of flashcards on your lap. "Howdy told us you can't speak right now so Sally made flashcards for you so you could speak." Wally's soft voice told you about the kind bundle of sunshine; literally, who was nice enough to give you a way to communicate due to not being able to use your dominant hand from it's fracture. You smiled at the small male nodding your head showing your understanding. "That's enough now." Howdy spoke his hands pushing Wally and Julie out the door. "We should leave (Y/N) alone, they need rest." Wally nodded in agreement as Julie waved goodbye to you happily. "Bye bye (Y/N)! We'll come vist you later!" Julie's sweet voice called out from outside the room. "Get some rest." Wally stated, before walking out the room completely. Howdy sighed gently turning back to you. "I'll be back to check on you after I close up shop okay?" you nodded, smiling at Howdy who in turn smiled back once more. "Alright then, get some rest." and with that you were all alone. Even though you were alone you didn't feel lonely. Maybe it was the shock of what happened. Or maybe even the confusion but you felt more loved than you had in a while. If this was a dream you wanted it to last forever. Your eyes slowly closed, black clouding your vision as you rethought of Howdy's soft words from when you were crying.
"Don't cry, your safe now."
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experimentfae · 1 year
Welcome home x GN Human! Reader Headcanons
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Wally Darling
Wally seemed to be calm seeing you but in Reality surprised when he first saw you.
Very curious about you, you’re clothes, anything to do with where you came from and just about you in general.
Likes showing you his painting and don’t be surprised if he ask you about artist from you’re world.
If you know other types of apples Wally would be confused but curious even though he would prefer to stick to his classic red apples.
Would introduce you to home, it was awkward at the beginning but was thankful that you eventually warmed up to home.
Julie Joyful
She’s super excited about you she wanted to get to know you right away.
She would definitely love styling you’re hair, especially if it’s on the curly side she would love to touch, only when you allow her to of course.
She would definitely show you the games she invented and in return you could show her games you like to play. Julie would love to learn new ways to play.
She would make you part of her imaginary business no ifs or buts she hired you without you’re knowledge.
Frank frankly:
Definitely tried to study you no doubt about that.
Would constantly ask questions about human autonomy, you’re world and you’re culture basically is fascinated by you.
When you do give frank the knowledge that you are a human, they would probably looking for books about humans if they are lucky enough to find one and if they are not then they would write one themselves.
They would share there love for butterflies and maybe others bugs and ask you if bugs in you’re world look similar to the bugs in the neighborhood.
They would right down anything you told them about humans.
Eddie dear
He was actually the one to find you he got scared thinking you where dead but when you slowly woke up he was relieved, When he saw you at first he assumed you where just a big puppet.
But you informed Eddie that you are infact a human he begin wanting to know more about humans and you especially.
After you being at welcome home for a while he has the tendency to forget that you are not from here and that you are a human.
Eddie showed you his arts and craft hobby and would be happy if you enjoy it as much as he does, he even taught how how to make a paper chain.
Barnaby B.Beagle
Would be very shocked but definitely welcome you with open arms.
He calls you kid like everyone one in the neighborhood despite the fact everyone including you are around his age.
If you are homesick then Barnaby would tell you jokes to make you feel better.
Weirdly he wasn’t that interested in learning about humans he did ask questions but was rare for him to do so.
Sally Starlet
She was amazed by you she has never seen anything like you and wanted to learn about you.
Would ask questions about plays in your world and would also ask about the stars.
Sally would want you in one or more of her plays for sure she wants to make a play about what you told everyone about humans.
If you have a love for theater expect for her to involve you in her plays way more than before.
Howdy Pillar
When he first saw you he was bewildered and curious so he definitely asked a lot of questions.
He have asked about small businesses work in you’re world, you told him about currency and how business works he definitely shocked it’s the same but so different at the same time.
You often come and you found that in exchange for his stuff it was facts about world or other humans which you happily appreciated that form a currency.
Was confused on what some items you where talking about such as bandaids, or frozen foods.
Poppy Partridge
Which was confused by you’re appearance but soon learned what you are, she’s no longer surprised but now just confused.
Just like Barnaby she isn’t that curious about humans and there lives she’s more curious about you personally.
If you have a knowledge about baking she would ask what do humans make, of course you answer her questions which made her right it down immediately to remember for another time.
Poppy would be shocked to find that you need to eat to survive usually she just baked or cooked just cause she likes how the food looks, just like the other puppets so she would be very motherly and check on you daily to see if you ate enough today.
<- Back to MasterList or back to welcome home
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strawberryxfieldz · 1 year
hi hi! I have combed through the Website (and what a webbed site it is!!! absolutely delightful!) so here’s some thoughts about some of the stuff we got:
Barnaby’s stamp on the Stickers page (formerly: Links) is no longer clickable! He was the only one you could click on before the update but now no one’s is.
Julie can actually talk to flowers! I’ve seen this theory/headcanon before so it’s nice to have confirmation
THE PURPLE THEORY!!!! In the “Just So” audio, Wally’s voice is distorted when he says purple, lending substance to the theory something is wrong with the color purple—Eddie’s favorite color.
Wally says something like “You’re so still. What are you doing?” and like??? did he kill someone or something and not realize it??? so many questions… (Edit: After listening to all the audios, I don’t think this is the case anymore but it’s still an interesting thing for him to say.)
Eddie mentions cows twice I believe in the audios… makes me think he comes from somewhere with cows given his accent. Perhaps that means cows exist somewhere outside of Home?
There’s an interview with Wally and Barnaby which means there’s evidence they have interacted with humans outside the show. Are all the puppets sentient then???
Frank is the Prince and Julie is Cinderella in the retelling, giving some evidence to the theory they were meant to be a couple but decided to stay best friends.
Whoever the poor guy is dealing with the “nightmares”/phone ringing/thinking it’s a prank on him IS GOING THROUGH IT! I wonder who it is…
Edited for more info (7/24/23):
I’m beginning to suspect hearts are a central theme here. There’s a lot of heart drawings (even though Wally can’t draw hearts), there’s heart beating sounds in the audios, etc. There’s also not a heart separating Wally and Home like there is for everyone else on that one art border.
There’s a difference in the “Just So” audio and transcript. In the audio, Wally says, “I don’t mind that you reorder my crayons” but in the transcript he says, “I don’t mind that you steal my crayons.”
Small note but I love that the hidden recordings can be found through bugs, which are both insects and bugs, like glitches!
Also, the 14-14-bh audio is the last audio that ends with Wally being entirely uncommunicative and unmoving, and the bug that leads to it is the only realistic bug.
I’m so glad we got the Wally audio redone (the one from the It’s For You Phone button) because there’s some differences from Clown’s original one. Most importantly, at the end, Wally says, “You have work to do.” It makes me wonder if he’s talking to You OR the person the Restoration Team that’s going crazy and hearing the phone calls and stuff… (or possibly both??? what if this person was You the whole time???)
Another line of Wally dialogue I love is, “I have more eyes than I did before.” Maybe it all the attention that gives Wally “more eyes” but he still “can’t see,” whatever that means. It seems his popularity isn’t helping his power of influence on reality, perhaps specifically over the one person on the Restoration Team.
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jazzzzzzhands · 9 months
I'm a bit late in talking about the update!
Oh this is so interesting!!
Firstly, the effect of it all was so good! I feel like the previous update had everyone SO confused and then this one drops and it just CLICKS.
So the WHRP.. the Question-Answerer. They finally decided to try and talk to Wally! And they don't even care about explaining it or hiding it! They no longer care if We know. They might even know we know!
Anyways, they knocked on his door, gave him a call and BOY did he answer! Not only did he answer, but he sorta showed off!!
Some of them he did simply, such as writing Hello! And moving Barnaby!
But then he does this
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And he even says "I didn't write it, I did something else"
The "Not only can I do this, but I can do more!" He is thinking creatively!
Wally is putting in the extra effort. Really not being subtle. He is so LOUD, basically screaming "Yes, this is me! I am here! I am the one doing this! Talk to me!"
But the instruction that makes me think the most is the SALLY one
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I thought it meant to just flip the image! From left to right!
But! Wally has somehow conjured up an entirely NEW image! When you think about it, someone on the team drew or restored that image of Sally. Most likely, there was not a backside at all! Why would there need to be an illustration of that! Wally somehow made it happen! Very very interesting!
And then there is this, a little bonus, a little extra
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Wally and Home. Sitting nicely together in the same... House?
I think most of us already think that there is a connection between the two of them. A deep connection.
Personally, I see the concept of Home as more of a general idea. Your Home, your upbringing, your family, your life! And what are you without these things? They made you who you are! If you were to separate yourself from the idea of Home, would you even know who you are?
And then there is the Eye. And it is under the same House. Wondering if this is saying "This and This are the same" "Wally and Home are both the Eyes" which feels like the more obvious statement.
But for me I see another connection. A Third. And it's You. The collective You. We are the audience, We are the Watchers and We have a connection to Wally through his eyes.
That connection is different and separated from the one between Wally and Home, but it is there! Under the same roof!
Wally, Home and You
Ooh I honestly am so excited to see the WHRP's response to all of this! They have been answered! And so very obviously too!
Anyways! As usual, I pop in with my little thoughts! Clown and his team are always full of delightful surprises! I hope they get some well deserved rest and good treats!
And all of you guys too!
Have fun out there!
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Hey do you think ya can explain Barnaby and his illusion smoke a bit? It seems really cool and I don't remember if ya talked about it in depth before
sure! this got a bit longer than i expected!
so i was thinking that Barnaby seems like more of a hands-off kinda guy when it comes to altercations. would rather sit back and make funny commentary! so if he Had to get involved, i imagine it would be from a distance and still in an Entertaining Way!
thus - illusion magic! for this au i've been picturing that he got his paws on some illusionary herb in his early teens. for making people laugh, you know! and help out with the farm - illusions could distract animals, convince them to move on to different pastures, calm the chickens for egg-collecting, etc!
Ms. Beagle didn't really approve, since smoking is harmful, but lucky for the both of them this particular plant doesn't deal as much damage when smoked as normal smoking materials would - like tobacco! something to do with the magic properties! so Barnaby mostly used it for chores (when his mama wasn't paying attention, ofc - it's still a bad habit in her eyes) and entertainment purposes.
how it works: on its own, it doesn't do much when burned. it's not like illusions will waft out of the pipe's bowl, or that sniffing it will give someone hallucinations. in order for it to work properly, the user has to inhale properly, form the Intent of what the illusion should be / look like / behave, then purposefully blow the smoke out with that thought firmly in mind. the reach of the smoke depends on the force of Intent, and the intensity depends on the amount inhaled. those that breathe it in / are surrounded by it will see hallucinations of whatever Barnaby - or whoever the user is - wants them to! it can be literally anything! whether or not the target is fooled depends entirely on the individual, but the herb is potent enough that most are convinced that what they "see" is real (auditory hallucinations only occur if the target breathes in the smoke)
upsides: this form of magic is great for distractions, cover, deescalation, and that kind of thing. if needed, Barnaby could stop a fight with one exhale! it's a pretty powerful trick! it also means that Barnaby has built up a tolerance to illusion magic over the years, so where most of the party would be tricked, Barnaby would be unfazed. the only one with total immunity to the form of magic is Wally!
downsides: if Barnaby uses too much in too short of a time, it will get to him. and since he breathes in the largest amount - undiluted at that - it can fuck him up! using it sparingly / using repeated small amounts doesn't do anything. the most it will do is make him feel slightly untethered, but he has an easy time ignoring it / shaking it off.
in mild cases of the magic getting to him, it's like a bad trip. his proprioception is messed with (basically he gets uncharacteristically clumsy & off-balance), he feels like he's falling, anxiety spikes, and his vision is just... off! there are blind spots (im talking actual blind spots, not spots of black), things are moving in ways that they shouldn't, he has mild auditory hallucinations. the others can help ground him by talking to him, touching him, and confirming what's real and what isn't.
in bad cases, it's like that but 10 times worse. on top of all of the previous symptoms being worsened, he gets extremely vivid hallucinations, and they're very often not fun! it's a simultaneous feeling of dying, going insane, and not knowing what the fuck is going on. Barnaby loses sense of where he is, who's where, what's happening. he can get lost in the hallucinations - he has no way to know that they aren't real. in these terrible trips, no one can really help him. they can't get through the hallucinations, and if they do, the magic morphs Barnaby's perception of them and they end up adding to the effects. honestly the best thing for him is to let him rest somewhere with as little sensory input as possible & leave him be until he starts to come down. physical contact does help, since Barnaby understands on an instinctive level that illusions can't touch him, but it doesn't help half as much as it does w/ the mild trips. and again, the presence of someone can make the hallucinations worse.
so! suffice to say! he doesn't like using the herb all that often, and it's why he Stays Out Of It unless absolutely needed. he has two pouches of the herb - one with the strong stuff, reserved for emergencies / one with just a tiny bit of it mixed in with Barnaby's own personal blend for recreational/everyday use. (he also has an emergency tobacco stash in his pack, but that's only for when he's completely out of his usual blend <3)
extra lil scribble that didn't make it into the lil doodle post... i broke his wrist...
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#the undiluted one is the blue/purple/pink smoke#while the personal blend changes color depending on his mood#and the personal blend does Not cause illusions!#the herb is included in the blend for cosmetic effects - colorful smoke! - and it has calming affects#so its. yeah its rgb weed last person nailed it on the head#rambles from the bog#wh fantasy au#the other day i was thinking about howdy's first adventure with the neighborhood#and i was like 'ok situation where barnaby has to use a tad too much of the magic'#and i amused myself imagining howdy's shock and panic when barnaby - steady graceful barnaby#staggers a little. looks up at the trees/skies. goes 'oh no' and promptly stumbles and falls on his face. and then just does not get back u#he has to go get poppy to make sure he isnt hurt / also howdy would Not be able to half-drag barn back to camp on his own#that dog is dead weight and staggering all over the place - if they can even unstick his claws from where he's anchored himself#sometimes barnaby will feel the unpleasant trip Incoming and he'll just. lie down right there and then#facedown. gripping the grass like his life depends on it - and also whoever's closest#frank always leaps out of the way when barn starts to Sway bc he does not want to sacrifice his arm for a solid few hours#usually wally is the one to sit with him and happily get his arm bones squeezed into dust <3#a common thing is barnaby will be like 'the trees/sky is melting and the ground is turning inside-out'#what does that mean! no one knows! he cant explain it when he sobers up!
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facetclod · 1 year
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Zombie AU for welcome home: where Wally gets to the ‘outside’ and wants to gain some control for him and his friends... only he’s a dumbass and accidentally creates a zombie apocalypse with his powers of puppet... now there are puppet infected humans running around ‘tangeling’ or infecting, other humans. 
infected are more drawn to humans, but will be attracted by any noise and movement they may detect. they move puppet like and have no autonomy any longer. strings infect the host by imbedding into flesh and slowly reaching to the brain. infection can be prevented by removing the strings quickly, but is very difficult due to how fast it spreads, amputation is fastest and most effective to stop the spread, but once infected in the vitals, a living creature is turned into a puppet for the strings that will seek more hosts.
puppets of home that are tangled are able to be tied down and have the strings extracted at any stage, but it’s a painful and difficult process depending on how far along the infection is. strings can exist outside of a host but will go dormant till an infected consumes it or it is inserted in a host, they must be burned to fully eliminate them. cut small enough though, the strings are unable to move effectively and will become dormant as well.
Now Wally and his friends are outside and have to fix this mess if they want to live here. He just wanted to experience the world like we do... Not his fault people don’t take well to walking talking puppets with no puppeteer
poorly draw doodles of the neighbors below!
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Frank Frankly:
not all that strong
low stamina
analyses infected
tangle proofs bases and makes traps
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Eddie Dear:
positive but scared and jumpy
strong but has poor reaction times
good to help with scavenging and making safety precautions with Frank
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very jumpy and easily scared
braves her fears to help her friends
fast and agile, but loud
good stamina
helps Frank with traps and plans to protect her neighbors
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Dumbass Wally Darling:
moves quietly and has very good reaction times
won’t eat infected to avoid being infected (duh)
used some powers to make people more compliant with him and his friend’s escape. he fucked up.
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Barnaby B. Beagle:
light hearted and not really taking this seriously
makes batter and baseball puns with the bat he found
strong but loud and clumsy
slow reaction times
unbelievably lucky
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Howdy Pillar:
runs slower and gets disorientated with large open spaces
strong and well coordinated
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Poppy Partridge:
easily scared and jumpy
generally loud and freezes in fear or flees in fear a lot
good with taking care of the neighbors
moderately strong, but manages it poorly
can make a delicious meal with just about anything 
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Sally Starlet:
brave but weak
can be quiet but also projects her voice well
carries a plastic cutlass 
fast and quick thinker
can save her friends in stressful situations
that’s all! AU dump go brr
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shelly-vision · 11 months
My biggest takeaways from the new Halloween update
costumes are very silly, big fan
the Wally costume is so dumb looking I kinda love it
The cookbooks are pretty neat
it seems like the theory of the networks trying to push Julie and Frank as a couple is probably true
and yet despite that, Eddie still shows specific interests in Frank’s gelatin mode when nobody else does and when Sally asks why they all stay inside at night, Julie responds by saying they “sing each other good night over the phone” and Sally responds with “sometimes” (tho that one might just be my shipping mind)
we actually saw Wally eat with his eyes that’s a pretty big deal
Barnaby seemed to not know it was him that ate the apple so I’m not sure if they don’t know he eats with his eyes or if Barnaby just didn’t think Wally ate it
okay let’s talk about Sally now
When the audio glitches out and becomes “inaudible” according to the website, the static goes away and Sally’s voice becomes extremely clear. This is no longer part of the story, Sally’s talking directly to the audience. That’s already big on it’s own, because that confirms that Wally isn’t the only one capable of speaking to us. Secondly, she seemed genuinely scared when telling her “story”. I don’t think that was just a “story”. She was telling us something that’s actually happening. That is *huge* for the story. This two minutes of a mini-update feels like it’s the biggest game changer in the series so far. great update btw
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tealaoding · 1 year
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SO KIND | YanderePlatonic!Old Design!Wally Darling + Home x GN!Reader
TW: kidnapping, horror body (Reader are made of rag like the neighbors)
The only thing you remembered was that you received a call from voices that seemed to come from another world, crying, begging and screaming for help.
That moment your chest felt tight and dizziness plunged into your little head.
You woke up here and you were greeted by a colorful corridor but with intense tones but a little darkness except that the windows let in light but were temporarily blocked by something.
You had no idea how you ended up in a situation like this.
Despite the darkness you managed to see.
The center of the room had a easel with a painting resting on it, you slowly approached the painting.
There were the neighbors, there was Home and ahead of them were Wally, Barnaby, Howdy, Eddie, Frank, Poppy, Julie, Sally and you, but on top there was a big red cross formed each one of them except you.
You looked at this, surprised, a little sad about why someone messed up that transcendental drawing and one more step you stepped on something rough, looked down and there was a sketch of you, but more detail.
"It's well detailed…who would have drawn it?" You thought while you left the drawing leaning on the painting, but you still did not forget that you were in a corridor that you did not know.
There were paint cans everywhere, scattered papers and a comfortable chair with a type of sewn fabric, on one side a red telephone, but the capsule was far from their telephone.
You thought too much, remembering if you were ever here once, going through the depths of your memories.
...Paintings, pictures, an armchair and the red phone that seems to be a bit wasted.
You looked at the colorful walls again and the eyes moving on their own behind of the windows.
You thought again.
Your eyes widened.
The chills came out of your rag skin.
Wally's house.
Somehow you felt that this house was alive.
You almost fell over with fright from the noises in the house.
"Oh…how rude of me to enter someone's house without their permission." You covered your mouth with an open palm on your lips as still looked around the house.
You apologized in advance that you interrupted their space either by accident and you knelt to the ground, resting a hand on the floor and rubbing it against them.
You did not understand their language but you made the effort to understand them, "Uhh, Home? You whispered, "Can I ask you something, if you don't mind?"
This has always been normal for you, no matter if it is an object, animal or person you still talk to them as if they are a real person. Your stomach turned from anxiety, you did not know if it was a yes or a no, you decided to wait a little longer.
You opened your illuminated eyes, "You understand me? Can I ask you then?"
You crossed your arms, "if you think...I didn't end up here either by accident…" You reached up to Home's eyes, "What am I doing here in the first place-ah, besides…I feel embarrassed..of being in Wally's house without his permission..ahh, that must be wrong of me to get in and..and. What-"
You rambled, rambled and rambled.
You forced yourself to bite your tongue and pat your cheeks hard, leaving marks with your own hands. You let out a nervous laugh as you scratched your neck, "Sorry, the anxiety spoke for me."
You got up from the ground excitedly, "I'll go home for the meantime, thank you very much for taking care of me while I was unconscious, Home!" While you were going through the door that was in front of you, it must be the entrance and exit of the house.
When you took the door handle and turned it…it was locked.
You looked strangely at the shiny door.
You looked at House's moving pupils through the window of the door.
When you turned it back.
The sounds made you nervous.
Then, you waited until the noises stopped and the giant pupils in the window were narrowed. The light came on in the living room, illuminating a large mess of paintings, drawings and art tools.
The handle was played, it was closed and the safety was unlocked.
You swallowed your saliva while you looked at the reflection of you in the golden handle with a puzzled look, "Do you want me..to stay for wait for him?"
"I remember he said he was going to Barnaby's house, his best friend, from what I understand" You cocked your head over your shoulder, "hmm, so as not to give him any more trouble, I guess."
The lock is unlocked.
You sighing with relief as you let go of the handle, moving towards the chair instead of sitting on it, you sat on the floor, shaking the fabric of your [pants/skirt], resting your head against the handrest of the colorful chair.
When you lift your vision forward you can see pale bluish hairy legs, you recognized it happily letting out a gasp, "Barnaby! Y-You're here, glad see yo-" Not until his head hit the ground.
Your body froze when your friend's head collided with your knee, and you automatically fell backwards until you collided with Wally's nightstand. There was silence except for the rapid sounds of your heart pounding in your ears and the sweat dripping from your chin.
You looked in the windows with a shocked look, the pupils were dilated focused on you.
"Ah..uh, what? Home, what-..what's going on?" you mumbled.
Your gaze went to Barnaby's furry head and his eyes were blank with hardly any emotion in it. His hairy fat body of him completely standing in the room. That surprised you how he could balance his corpse stuffed.
"Hey, Barnaby? M-Mate?" You were too nervous to form words before the strange appearance of your funny big friend.
You frowned as you put your palms over your face.
"W-what should I say in these kinds of situations?"
You thought about it while you walked slowly, the look of this living house did not stop following your step even with an uncertainty that your graceful body felt at the same time the chills rhymed, you trembled.
You felt bad to neglect a friend who made jokes in the neighborhood. Remaining Barnaby's head and you crouched down to the height of him. You took his heavy head in your trembling hands, uncertainly inspecting his furry face until you looked at a hole that had been cut in his neck.
There was a big hole in it, there were eyes until they became aware of your presence, making you scream, you rested his decapitated head against your chest.
You hugged his big head for comfort, letting his floppy ear brush against your hair and cold cheeks.
His gaze was empty looking behind you.
"Barnaby…what happened to you?" You whispered as your arms trembled, "Hey..wake up, t-this isn't funny."
The big puppy's corpse began to move towards you, slow but clumsy causing you to freeze and take steps back with your friend's head still clinging to your chest. An idea came to your head when your friend were about 3 meters away and you extended the decapitated head of your furry friend into the air.
It was risky but hopefully it was worth it.
"Do you want me..give it back to you?"
And his corpse stopped-almost leaning down to your height.
When he slowly approached you to catch you as a creature on defense ready to be eaten with their eyes on the hole opened, you could in his fluffly hands were connected with strings from above the ceiling.
Not until a few seconds, seeing how those ropes broke, he fell to the ground almost making you shudder.
You put his head on the floor carefully and went to help lift his flyffly body up but he was a little heavy, "You'll be fine..just-" You forced him to push from the big chest so that he was leaning against the wall on the floor sitting, "A-and I think that…can I do this…"
His decapitated neck was right up to your head.
You took his head and tried to put it in his place.
"I-I think there you are as good as new-" It fell off.
"Argk-!" You sacrificed yourself to throw yourself on the ground to catch him even though he was a little bigger than you.
You didn't realize your ears fell deaf as you didn't hear the sound of the doorknob turning and the lights from the windows in Home's eyes closed.
You were getting up until then you fell back to the ground with your face hitting the ground after feeling something hitting your back and pair of arms with a colorful jacket of three even colors in your field to then surround your shoulders and the head of the comedian dog slipped out of your hands.
"Neighbor, there you are, I haven't seen you for a while."
You grew cold when you felt his breath against the back of your hair and turned your head towards the puppet that was curled up on your back as a pillow.
He looked different from what you were used to seeing him with his typical blue vest white shirt an open button exposing his neck with his scarf freely like wings and rainbow pants to be something formal, apart from the mentioned vest he wore the same shape but his red scarf in a bow tie, you noticed that he had crosses on his cufflinks on the sleeves of his white shirt and pants a pale brown shade and not forget to mention his white and black dress shoes.
He rested his elbow on the side of your back as he rested his face in his hand.
"What's the matter, neighbor? Didn't I fix my appearance well?"
You came out of your trance and looked at him with a lost look and zero confidence in your words, "N-no, nothing happened." You turned to look at Barnaby's head that was lying on the ground in front of you a few meters away from you, "You look…outstanding today."
Words were hard to pronounce.
"Mhmm…" You could hear him humming happily at your praise surely and a song you had never heard before and you were getting up but he wouldn't let you, you tried but the attempt was in vain. Your body trembled automatically as you swallowed and take some breathings to trying to stay calm, you felt the throbbing in your ears.
"..d-didn't we have a picnic this afternoon with our neighbors?" You changed the topic and turned to look at him, masking the uncertainty of the situation you found yourself looking at him with a small smile, but your eyes did not match the smile.
That he doesn't see his best friend dead there in his own living room?"
You thought.
Why does he look so..calm in situations like this?
He began to play with the strands of your hair that were dipping at the nape of your neck, "Well, why of course, neighbor..but, I remembered that I had something else to do, I had to politely deny" He sighed as he slowly shook his head as a no, "Same goes for you, neighbor."
Confused, you looked at him, "Why? I-I was going to go there anyway." You looked between him and the door opened, something doubtful, "if it's because I came into your house without you notified, I apologize in advance."
Wally laughed between each point of his words, "Silly, It has nothing to do with you getting into House, honestly, it's very considerate of you to come visit us."
The atmosphere was tense and you felt the grip on your shoulders and the sensation of being watched seemed to be constant, making you paralyzed.
The monotonous words of the friendly puppet gave you chills.
"There's just a little loose end I need to take care of."
"But...you're too kind to be part of home, so..."
He got off your back, sitting next to you while you stretched a little from the weight of before, still dazed, seeing Barnaby on the floor next to his corpse.
"It's better if we keep you here together, also, I made us a scrapbook! It’s mostly pictures of you, but we’ll take more, we can paint together again and again, eat apples together, tell stories together..."
The neighborhood leader kept rambling.
...Huh? Keep me?
You thought.
You blinked, checking to see if you weren't in the clouds or because the pain of your head you had before after passing out and waking up to a mysterious place from one of your neighbors.
"-and what do you think, neighbor?"
You didn't hear what he was saying the whole time.
You gulped, "But, what about our friends? Frank? Howdy? Julie? A-and-"
"...It's needless, neighbor, besides, I don’t care about anyone else. You’re all I have, so kind for your good and us, neighbor."
You stunned about his words.
There was no expression on his face but his pupils were upset, devastated, it even seemed like he was fighting, he just limited himself to lightly squeezing the fabric of your shirt.
"You...can’t do anything to have them, save them, it was our decision whether they live or die, cruel, terrible people live out there. Is it so bad to be away from them?"
A sharp noise fell from the floor where they were present in front, an arm of rag sticking out fluffy cotton had been torn off from below.
You were terrifying to react now.
"It’s pretty, right? I hope you think so, too. You’ll be seeing it a lot more than I will, neighbor." You didn't have the courage to fight, you had a feeling that if you fought, your life would be cut off by an entity from the living house.
You felt that the floor began to turn to mud. Wally hugged your entire being and his head rested on your chest listening to the noises in your chest as if there were a heart.
Your mind was clouded by the darkness.
A pair of eyes watched as you descended deeper into the subterranean surface.
"But don't worry, neighbor..you’ll be safe as long as you stay with me, with us."
Strings created around you as you softy landed on the ground, binding you from the underground floor to only darkness.
Wally could perfectly see the darkness just to hold you against him.
"...You’re just so kind. it makes me want to keep you all to myself forever to admire you the way you are, neighbor."
Just like a lost treasure to be cherished in his heart.
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Thank you for reading!
I'm back from the dead, sorry, I had a lot of time off the platform to rest but I can't promise if I'll upload WH fanfic stuff something again.
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