#Bartender Eclipse
rainfallnightmare · 10 months
Chapter 4
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Florist Y/n x Bartender Sun, Moon, Lunar, Eclipse and BloodMoon
Warning: swearing
Word counts: 1306
3 weeks later
July 3rd
Moon POV:
It’s the day before the 4th of July. The guys and I were getting ready for tomorrow since the holidays were our most busy days. The place was decorated thanks to Y/n in suggesting what would look nice for the bar even tho it was just for one day. Speaking of Y/n, when they brought Sun and Lunar back after they ordered our flowers and Y/n left. Sun and Lunar told all of us when the place was closed that Y/n was being treated poorly and threatened.
“Telling by the look on your face, you're still thinking of what Sun and Lunar told us about Rose's condition” Bloodmoon spoke and being the one who has a very short temper didn’t help my case. “What do you think, it’s pretty obvious that anyone could get mean at the thought of a people getting treated poorly over something stupid” My bitter tone spoke as Bloodmoon nodded his head while he was done wiping down the table closest to me. “I don’t like it either but we can’t meddle in as much as I would love to show the people who are treating rose poorly a lesson or two” Bloodmoon walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder.
“What are you two talking about now?”
Eclipse, who came out of the kitchen walked over to where Bloodmoon and I were. “It’s nothing about you Eclipse” Eclipse glared as he wasn’t pleased with my answer but then Lunar spoke up from afar. “Moon is frustrated about Y/n condition from three weeks ago” Oh how I want to struggle him for speaking out for me.
“I don’t blame Moon for how he feels, I would be too when sunflower is innocent and trying to go on with their lives” Sun spoke and Eclipse sighed since he now understood everything. When Eclipse was about to say something. All of us froze when we heard a loud shatter which sounded like it came from next door. Even the customers froze in surprise when the five of us quickly went outside to see what had happened. All of us were surprised when Y/n window to their shop was shattered while a loud argument was going on inside.
Eclipse POV:
“I demand the money right now or I’ll break something else of yours!” Hearing a woman yell in anger. I quickly peeked in to see a woman in her mid 40’s with some slightly fancy clothes slamming her hands on Y/n counter. “One of you four call the police now, this looks like it’s gonna get ugly” I tell the guys behind me and Sun went to quickly phone the police as I was keeping an eye on Y/n and this crazy woman.
“For the last time, I am not gonna do it. This is my shop, my money and your demands aren’t going to get you anywhere” Y/n said angrily at the woman before I witnessed Y/n getting clawed in the face. I was about to step in to apprehend this woman as she grabbed one of Y/n flower pots. Y/n quickl;y pulled out I’m guessing pepper spray and sprayed the woman with it.
“My eyes!” The woman screamed as she clutched at her sprayed eyes. I quickly moved in with Moon as we headed over to Y/n. “You alright Y/n?!” Moon was busy apprehending the woman while I was checking on Y/n badly scratched face.  “I’m alright Eclipse, this is nothing really” Y/n said covering the wound while all of us heard sirens outside the shop. “Bitch/Bastard, How dare you call the police” The woman yelled as she tried to break free from Moon hold on her.
Y/n POV:
Seeing the police entering the shop and taking over Moon spot. Another police came over and started to question us on what was going on. I had to explain the harassment and the damage my mother did while telling them all the things she did til this day. “We’ll need you to come with us to file this report and so we can have your statement on record” The policeman asked and I told them I'll go down once I get my shop situated first.
“Do you want some help cleaning the shop up? '' Moon offered after the police took my mother away in the police car. I was already stressed enough that I didn’t want to argue and nodded my head. “I’ll send Bloodmoon over to help in a bit, just take it easy and get the wound of yours clean up” I nodded my head again as Moon and Eclipse left for a moment while I looked outside to see a crowd staring. I didn’t like the attention the scene caused as it was very uncomfortable to me. As I went over to turn my sign to close, I saw moon and BloodMoon walking over with a broom and dustpan along with a trash bag and a tarp for my window I’m guessing.
“Thank you guys, even tho this didn’t involve you” It was nice to have some people care even if they are animatronics  but I didn’t care about that. “It’s the least we can do to help out, now let's not stall before someone gets hurt” Bloodmoon said as we started to clean the place and the glass that was from my shop's window. Once the place got clean up and everything was put away, Moon was attending to my wound while Bloodmoon was getting the tarp up and covering the broken window.
“You sure you're going to be alright orchid, you've been quiet for a little bit” Moon asked when he placed the bandage over my treated wound. I only just cast my eyes down as I was disappointed in myself. I felt pathetic for not dealing with my mother sooner.
“I just need time to myself is all” 
I gave Moon my fake smile to hopefully have him think I was alright so he didn’t have to worry about me. Moon placed a hand on my head and lightly patted it before he went over to Bloodmoon and helped him out with the tarp. When they were done, they left after checking on me one last time as I looked at the time.
I packed everything up for the day as I headed down to the police station to file a report. It took about half an hour and it felt longer because I could hear my mother in the background begging to be released and so on. “Alright miss/mr L/n, you're free to go and if anything else happens then do call alright” The policeman said as I only nodded my head.
Leaving the station and heading back to my place. I just went straight into my apartment and wasn’t gonna bother the rest of the day. I was so tired and stressed that I just wanted to either relax in a hot bath or crawl into my warm bed. “This is the most shitty day I have ever dealt with” I mumble to myself even tho I was alone in my apartment. I wish I had someone who would comfort me at my time of need
I didn’t want to go over to the celestial bar to bother the guys there since they have enough people to deal with. I went to my room and changed before I layed on my bed and started at the ceiling. In my bedroom all alone, my vision started to blur as I bit my lip since I was trying to contain my sobbing. But I couldn’t contain my tears as they just poured down my face.
“I hate my life”
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missterious-figure · 4 months
I've been in a lizard/dinosaur mood for some reason... I turned the peacock boys into iguanas... Tehe!
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I imagine they have similar personalities to the original trio, but they are a little more chill... kinda. They have a slower metabolism, but can be a "little" more active around y/n.
Sun is a sassy bastard. he's prized for his golden dorsal spines, as they can be cut off without harm (note: I don't think that is actually true for real iguanas, but whatever) His favorite fruit is banana.
Moon is still a gremlin, and is most likely to become aggressive for no reason. Like his brother, he is prized for his silver spines. His favorite fruit is starfruit.
Eclipse is more mature and mellow. But that doesn't stop him from being a menace. Like the other two, he is prized for his bronze spines. However, sometimes, one or two will grow metallic red with pink edges. His favorite fruit is coconut.
The three can not only climb well and run fast, they are really good at swimming. Meaning y/n has nowhere to hide. The boys have been reported to be a little spicy when they have y/n cornered. Relentlessly flirting and showing off their dewlaps (the fleshy flag some lizards have on their throats to show off to mates, effectively being a "peacock tail" for lizards. *Wink wink*)
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scarredlove · 13 days
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.......... Bartenders, am I right? Sirius @pr0ng3ls
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teddybear1644 · 6 months
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The Eclipse Cocktail
Put the 50ml fresh orange juice, 25ml vodka, 25ml triple sec and 15ml fresh lemon juice in a shaker filled with ice; shake well. Strain into a glass with more ice, top up with soda water, then garnish with fruit.
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The Moon Drop
Put a glass into the freezer to chill for at least 30 minutes before making this drink. In a shaker, place 1 cup seedless black grapes, thinly sliced and one of the 2 rosemary sprigs in 1 ounce simple syrup (equal parts of sugar and water dissolved). Muddle very well. Add the 1.5 ounces Spice 94 Seedlip, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 6 ice cubes. Shake vigorously (30 to 40 times). Strain and pour into the well chilled glass. Garnish with a fresh rosemary sprig.
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Sundrop Negroni Slushie
Mix 1 ounces Gin, 2 ounces Campari, 3 ounces simple syrup, 2 ounces lemon juice and 4 ounces Cherry Lemon Sundrop together and store in a container to freeze for 24 hours. Break up the contents and serve with a spoon once desired consistency is achieved.
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solunest · 2 years
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Three Eclipses bring their three Y/Ns and they have a field day together. Vigilante is picking at their cuffs, Little Sleuth desires to shoot the other Eclipses, and Bartender is tryna mediate their Eclipse. Some are more successful than others.
Mafia Boss!Eclipse and Vigilante Y/N (far left) are from @naffeclipse
Police Chief!Eclipse and Detective Y/N (middle) are from me
Bodyguard!Eclipse and Bartender Y/N are from @certified-handler
Dialogue in case my handwriting is dogwater-
MB; “You’re so pathetic, restraining your desires.”
PC; “I-no?? What do you do, act on every intrusive thought?”
MB; “YES.”
PC; “W-Why-?!”
BG; “MB has a point, PC. If you really want to keep your Y/N. You gotta keep ‘em.”
PC; “I am starting to see why your Y/N’s are currently unhappy...”
and in smol => PC; “Pls, put away your gun, LS (Little Sleuth)-”
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perfectnothing · 7 months
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oh yeah some bartender and basecat doodles i never got to posting when i was on my yearly jazztronauts kick last year
so anyways
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mugzymiik · 2 months
normalize having ocs that have actual jobs. make those shitheads WORK /sillyj
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nightlightluz · 2 years
FNAF Escape! AU
I'm just gonna vent here for a sec... inhales...
The vibe:
Escort! Sun & Moon
Bounty Hunter! Eclipse
Child Soldier! Y/N
Assassin! Y/N
Crime Noir
City set in indeterminate time...maybe 1950’s? 1930’s? Who knows… 
Sun and Moon are already in a relationship with each other. 
Polycule of Sun, Moon, Yn, and Eclipse.
NO ONE considers or identifies their relationship as siblings in this au.  
No virus Moon, when he acts like a gremlin its cause of his theater days.
The World:
Takes place in a big city with gangs and mafias.
The Aftons own a famous robotics company and have monopolized the animatronics/robotics industry. They are known for designing and building the best of the best.
The head of the family, William Afton, runs an underground mafia gang that deals with illegal activities that allow him to advance his research and experiments without the Mayor getting on his back. He makes deals with other powerful gangs by trading weapons in order to receive materials and contraband.
The Robot Revolution happened but it was more of a strike/revolt. Robot and AI sentience was something that was hotly debated for a long time, where some people realized they had gotten to the point of being self aware and others still sprouted shit like robots wanted to take over the world and destroy humanity. 
Robots in the city just walked away from their jobs and/or refused to do them unless the government agreed to give them full freedom. Some people were hurt, but the majority of them were robots. Angry mobs of humans would destroy robots who were walking in the streets for not following their initial purpose and robots who had their places of work destroyed or were kicked out for no longer complying were left abandoned in the streets of the city. 
With necessities like charging, shelter, parts and services, robots quickly realized that they needed money in order to access these things. 
In time, the government agreed to give robots full freedom and rights–on paper–, but for a robot to find someone willing to hire them and give them a living wage was incredibly difficult to do. As many humans still considered them to be tools and/or objects to get what they wanted. 
Robots are now allowed to live in the city and hold jobs, but no one really cares if a robot received a smaller wage than a human for doing the same job. The majority of freed robots can only get service or labor jobs. 
Or a job slightly illegal but more lucrative. Eclipse took this option for a line of work…
Sun and Moon’s Background
They are dating each other in this au.
Despite the fact that the Robot Revolution happened, and robots and AIs earned their freedom, there were still people and places that didn't care for them.
They started out as child entertainers but were forced to become escorts in order to survive. There was nowhere else they could charge their power cells and find parts for their models.
Sun was badly hurt in a revolt, and Moon, running dangerously low on power, was desperate to find a charging dock and find parts to repair his friend.
Moon ended up having to make a deal with the shady owner of the club. The owner would provide the things they needed and both Sun and Moon would work to pay off the debt. 
Moon agreed, and when he asked what they would be doing, the owner only said that they would be entertainers. 
Both Sun and Moon are stuck there until their debt is paid which keeps getting higher every time they charge, spend a night, need clothes, or literally do anything. A never-ending debt. 
They were friends before, but during their time as escorts, they became boyfriends as they both survived and developed some shared trauma. 
They desperately want a way out and are willing to do just about anything. 
Eclipse’s Background
Eclipse was built to be a security guard for a local casino. 
With two pairs of arms (the lower set which he can retract into his torso) and a height of 8 feet, he made the perfect security guard. 
He would spend his days keeping a close eye on humans entering and leaving the casino and learned all the dirty ways humans cheated, lied, and/or intimidated to get their way. He was not impressed and developed a dislike for them.
His owner (the owner of the casino) was a greedy and arrogant man who loved money. He always called Eclipse an “it” or “that machine” and treated Eclipse like the world’s most expensive waiter. 
Eclipse hated him. 
When the Robot Revolution began, Eclipse demanded his owner take the security chip (a chip that restricted Eclipse within the casino) out of him, but he refused and spat on Eclipse. Eclipse used him as a hostage and “persuaded” the mechanics in the casino to remove it. They did and afterwards, Eclipse killed the owner. 
Freed from his job, Eclipse left the casino and finally entered the outside world. Similar to Sun and Moon, he soon realized that he needed a charging dock and monthly maintenance. Eclipse didn’t want to go into a service job again–he’s had enough of humans telling him what to do–and finds himself joining a gang. 
He worked as a debt-collector for the gang. He realized soon though, that he enjoys the thrill of the hunt (so to speak) in finding people who don’t want to be found for a great sum of money.
He leaves the gang and begins extending his newly marketed "bounty hunting services" to others, basically anyone who can pay his high prices. Occasionally the local police will enlist his help in exchange for them to turn a blind eye towards his less then legal practices and methods. As long as he gets the job done, they don't care what he does, where he does it, or who he does it to.
His skills and reputation grow until he can demand any price he wants from anyone who wants to hire him.   
Y/N’s Background
Yn was being trained as a classical dancer which is why her balance, body strength, and agility was so strong for a child.
She was also being trained to sing, it wasn’t her specialty but it’s how she learned breath control.
She wanted to be a professional dancer on stage.
In the days after the Robot Revolts, her parents were killed in a gang shoot-out as bystanders and innocents, and she was left out in the streets with no other family to take care of her.  
Yn was a smart kid and became extremely resourceful as a street kid and later took care of her own group of street kids. She was the fastest of all of them so she would often scale the buildings in the city and parkour off of them. This allowed her to travel at very fast speeds, fast enough that she could keep up with a car down on the road. This also improved her agility, balance, and flexibility.
She was taken by the Afton gang and used as a test subject to create an “enhanced human” (read: to test Afton's latest experiment in his quest for immortality) using micro-bots and nano-machines. 
Y/n survived the brutal experiments and tests to Afton's surprise and while the experiment didn't yield the results he wanted; y/n was changed. Her physical muscle strength was not improved, her speed, agility, healing, and reaction times were greatly enhanced.
Delighted and seeing her potential, Afton had her train to become a fighter. When she was old enough (12? or maybe 14? idk yet), Afton registered her as a brawler at an illegal underground arena.
This led to her developing a strange fighting style for an arena fighter. Her movements looked more like a dance routine than hand-to-hand combat and her small stature makes many opponents underestimate her.
Afton kept her there for many years until he deemed her to be perfect. Only then did he take her out and "hire" her as his personal bodyguard and security. Y/n went everywhere with Afton and did everything he told her to do. She was basically his personal assassin.
At one point, Afton commands her to bring back a child to perform more experiments with and y/n decides that that's something she's not willing to do. She remembers how painful it was for her and she refuses to be a vital component in some poor child's pain. During a fight, y/n sees her chance and fakes her death.
Running into the city and hiding from the public for weeks. She bummed around in sewers, alleyways, and anywhere where people wouldn't go near until she was sure Afton had bought her death.
y/n barely has anything and needs money to buy a one-way ticket to get out of this godforsaken city and move literally anywhere. But she has no papers, no history, no legal experience, no publicly acceptable skills, and no idea what she's going to do.
In the end, y/n manages to score a job as night security guard at a seedy pleasure club where only the finest crooks and criminals hang out.
This is where she meets Sun and Moon.
Fic Plans
Eventually Afton begins to suspect that Y/n faked her death, so he hires the infamous bounty hunter Eclipse to track her down. Alive or dead, Afton doesn't care. He just wants her found.
Eclipse recently approached Y/n earlier, but it was for another bounty that he caught, and Y/n gets very paranoid that he's hunting for her.
She befriends him when he goes back to check her out at the club where she works at now and manages to figure out that Afton really hired the infamous bounty hunter Eclipse.
Sun and Moon are suspicious about what's got Y/n so frazzled, and y/n ends up spilling about her situation. Moon makes a deal with her, he'll help her hid and find her more information since a lot of the patrons of the club have ties to Afton, and in exchange, when Y/n leaves, she takes Sun and Moon with her.
So begins a deadly game of hide-and-seek with a bloodthirsty bounty hunter, two pleasure escorts who are willing to do whatever it takes to survive, and a child-soldier assassin who only wants to forget her bloody past.
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cheriladycl01 · 5 months
I’d rather take my Whiskey neat - Lando Norris x Whiskey! Reader
Plot: Reader thinks she’s not good for gentle Lando Norris who has a smile bright as the morning and is soft as the rain…
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It can't be said I'm an early bird It's ten o'clock before I say a word Baby, I can never tell How do you sleep so well?
You never woke up early, you went to bed never earlier than 2am and were never up before 10am. It was a habit you'd got from university and it carried over into post graduation.
For Lando, he never found it an issue. In his mind you would have the bulk of the day together and everything he needed to do for racing, like his work out of time on the sim he could do when you were sleeping. Sometimes he liked to treat himself and have a lay in with you but for the most part Lando was an early riser.
Some mornings he really just loved watching you sleep... pushing your hair back a little before placing a kiss on your cheek and leaving for his morning run round Monaco.
You on the other hand hated it, but you couldn't help it, going to bed late was just part of your lifestyle now but guilt ate away at you, feeling as though Lando deserved someone better, someone who could cater to him better than you.
Despite you coming to bed, hours later than him he always felt most content when you were there with him, even if he couldn't cuddle into you because you were on your phone, or writing on your laptop he just liked the smell and feeling of your presence on the room.
You keep telling me to live right To go to bed before the daylight But then you wake up for the sunrise You know you don't gotta pretend, baby, now and then
"Come on baby, getting up early isn't bad, it's so good for your mental and physical health and honestly i don't think you'll have these thoughts..." he's chuckle at you, sending you into yet another self-hatred spiral that makes you reconsider everything.
"Baby, you just need to fall asleep earlier, sometimes your still up when i wake up!" he chuckles at you and you'd frown, looking down again. You knew that some nights, on the bad ones that you'd be up until the sunrise, and hadn't yet slept, whereas Lando would be waking up, the golden rays across his gorgeous body.
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake? Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze? If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great But while in this world
You were salt, he was sugar. He was the sun and you were the moon and sometimes you worked together beautifully like sweet and salted popcorn, or an eclipse but other times you were at these crossroads that made no sense.
You were an introvert, and Lando could be an introvert too, but that didn't mean he didn't like to go out and party, and ... of course that was great for him and you never stopped him but sometimes when he forced you to come out with him, it felt like you were in a completely different world. All of his friends were ... well they were friends with Lando and while having their own personalities, they werent the opposite to him.
Lando seemed so happy and content with his life, especially when out with friends, maybe it was because it was the only time you could stare and not be caught because there was so much present in bars and clubs he found himself, and you never saw the adoring looks he reserved for you at home when you were both wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa in matching pyjamas.
I think I'll take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me You're too sweet for me
One of the first moments when you realised a start difference between yourself and Lando was when you first went out for drinks win London with him and a few other drivers and their girlfriends.
"And the lady ..." the bartender asks with a smirk after he'd taken Lando's order of just a coke to start off with. Despite having only been together for a month, Lando was pretty protective of your guys relationship and his arm had come around you as the bartender waited.
"Just your house whiskey please, neat" you'd asked and all of his friends stopped their conversations to look round at you. Even the bartender seemed shocked.
"What?" you asked them all wondering if you'd said something offensive or rude.
"Nothing, don't even know how you and this Muppet are together, total opposites" Carlos had laughed before turning back to Rebbeca to continue their conversation.
"Whiskey, Neat? Tough Drink" Max had said before reaching out to hand Kelly her drink.
You'd been confused but that was what had started your thoughts.
Lando Norris, was far too sweet for your ... taste!
But that was according to everyone else. Even though you were the same age as Lando, because of how you spoke and who you'd surrounded yourself with in your earlier life people thought you were already pretty mature, but placing you next to Lando made him look like a kid in a candy store and you as his mother.
Lando Norris was everything you wished you were. Bright, happy, silly, kind ... and some says you felt like you were just Dark, Dispersed, Strict and Bitter.
And you'd convinced yourself you were sucking the life out of Lando Norris.
I aim low, I aim true and the ground's where I go I work late where I'm free from the phone And the job gets done But you worry some, I know
"Come on for once cant we do something spontaneous ... and I don't know out of your comfort zone, like ... not your job" he sighed one day.
He was a little ratty from the complicated previous race weekend that you'd had to miss due to work. And then you'd been working since he'd come back... into the late of the night. But you had deadlines to meet so it wasn't like you really had a choice. People were expecting stuff from you and you weren't going to not deliver.
"Baby, you know i cant. Next week once this is due in!" you'd sighed looking over at him for a split second before looking back at your laptop.
He left, going up to bed ... sad you hadn't come up with him again.
But who wants to live forever, babe? You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate The rest of you like you're the TSA I wish that I could go along, babe, don't get me wrong
The conversation you were about to have with Lando you knew would be the hardest one you ever had.
He was so perfect, and pure and you could see you were slolwy starting to taint that. He'd started to sacrifice his sleep schedule to stay up late with you. He wouldn't hang out with his friends as much as he used to and you hated he was changing himself for you.
It didn't feel like you were with Lando Norris anymore. And that's why you got with him in the first place.
And god you loved him for those attributes.
You know, you're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait Until that day
He was bright, like a morning. Sometimes if it was around 4 or 5am and you'd just finished up with your work you'd purposely wait until the sun started to shine through the blinds just to see his back light up golden and his face smushed against the pillow his soft lips in a pout.
But you ... you were cold like a December Morning, when you would refuse to get out from under the covers and when you did slippers were a must because the cold wooden floors weren't a polite awakening.
He was soft, like a light drizzle along a pagoda where you could sit and listen to the water hit the ground for hours.
And you were a rain-storm, so harsh that when you went out in it the water would sting as it hit you.
He was pretty, so fucking pretty it hurt when you looked at him, pretty as a vine winding up the side of a castle that how flowers spurting from it.
You were the gnarly kind, with thorns that wrapped around and antient tree that looked like it was strangling the air from it.
Lando most of all was sweet, sweet like a grape when you bite into it and it has the crisp outer layer before the sweet juices explode in your mouth.
But you were like a crushed grape being made into fine wine, maybe a dry like a Cabernet Sauvignon.
And you would wait for him, maybe when he was a little older, more mature and maybe it was you who was destined to taint him and turn him into that bitter old man who had experienced the world as you had seen it.
But ... now wasn't the right time.
You would always take your Whiskey neat.
And Lando ...
He was far too sweet.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul l @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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rainfallnightmare · 10 months
Chapter 3
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Florist Y/n x Bartender Sun, Moon, Lunar, Eclipse and BloodMoon
Warning: swearing
Word counts: 1482
2 months later
June 12th
Lunar POV:
It’s been two almost three months since our next door neighbor Y/n has been getting some customers every now and then. I was over at the shop a couple of times to chat and see what the bar could use as a decoration. Today I was going over to the shop today with Sun so we could make some orders as we agreed upon some summer-like flowers. 
“We’ll be back guys, we’re going to make those orders with Y/n” I called out to the others as Sun was next to me when I did it. Moon gave us the thumbs up before going back to work as Eclipse was busy wiping down the tables and BloodMoon was dealing with customers. As Sun and I left the bar and went over to Y/n’s shop next door. Both Sun and I were surprised when we saw Y/n being yelled at by a customer. “What the fuck do you mean that you ran out of the golden roses, I just saw them here yesterday and now your out!” The person yelling at Y/n was a female and Y/n look was trying to calm the woman down.
“I’m sorry ma’am, the last few customers here bought them but I can order more if you wait for a little bit” Y/n spoke as they were trying not to get annoyed by the customer behavior. “Don’t you think you're behaving poorly like a child miss” Sun spoke up as Y/n and the woman turned their attention towards our direction.  “What did you say you metal freak!” The woman said and my eyes twitched at the name calling. “N-Now now everyone, we can solve this out peacefully. Ma’am if you want some of the roses you need to make an order so I can get them sent here as soon as possible” Y/n spoke as they were trying to calm the situation down which I don’t blame them for. The woman turned to y/n and cussed them out for their lack of service before barging out of the shop.
Y/n POV:
When the customer left, I let out a sigh since this was the third person who came and complained about something that was purchased before them. Today was already rough enough having to restock the shelves and making new orders when people buy a large bundle of my products. “You alright Iris?” Lunar asked when he and Sun came up to my register and I nodded my head. “I’m alright guys, not the first time someone complains to me like that” I wasn’t gonna tell them how others tried to threaten me or steal something without pay. “You seem stressed sunflower” Sun said, but I lightly waved it off since I didn’t want to worry them.
“It’s alright, I was gonna go on break soon but for now what can I do for the two of you?” I know Lunar has come by a few to check out my shop and all but seeing Sun here was new. “We came over and were wondering if we could order some summer-like theme flowers for the bar” I was surprised a little that they would want to order from here since their place was pretty already. “Do you have in mind what flowers you want?” Sun reached into his pocket and pulled out I’m guessing a list before handing it to me. Taking a look at it, I see that there were only four kinds of flowers they thought of: Sunflowers, Tiger lilies, Roses and Orchids.
“Alright I can see what I can do about these, is there anything else you two need or is that all” When Lunar looked around the shop to see what I had. “I believe that all for now, what about you Sun?” Sun being new here, went looking around while Lunar and I waited for him. “So how is your guys business going, I saw that it has been packed in there a few times I came over to visit” Which was true and everything I came over to just check on the guys. I would see them all over the place serving the customers without a break on their end.
“It going alright, a lot of customers makes us money so I can’t really complain”
He had a point but I was still a little concerned for their well beings. “Must be nice to have a popular bar for people to go to” Lunar shrugged his shoulders before he turned his attention towards me as I looked up at his pretty blue eyes. “It’s nice til it gets boring and tiresome, believe me it’s not really anything spectacular being popular” Lunar said as he sighed at the thought of endless work and how annoying it was  having to deal with so many people. When I was about to say something, I heard the first door chime go off with a loud slam door open. I quickly moved to see who was here that was so rude til I froze in shock.
It was my own mother here but how. “Finally I found you” My mother said bitterly and I had a big feeling as to why she is here and not where she belongs. “You are aware that if you break something, you're going to have to pay for it ma’am” I crossed my arms while Lunar and Sun watched. “I don’t have to pay you anything you little shit, now give me what I came here for or do you need some more lessons” I thought so and sighed before I pulled out my cell phone. “You have 5 seconds to leave before I call the police and have you arrested” I wasn’t going to play around with her, if she wanted money so much then she can work to earn it then demand it from me.
“I would listen to what they say ma’am, this isn’t the first time they have called the police” Lunar said in a serious tone which I had never seen before as he and Sun stood behind me. Mother wasn’t sure whether to believe his bluff or not. When I started to count down, my mother just stood there til I reached zero. “I would leave now if I were you” Sun spoke as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
My own mother growled in anger as she turned to leave. “Watch your back cause this isn’t over yet” She yelled out as she left my store. Once I fully knew that she was gone, I put my phone back into my pocket as Lunar and Sun looked at me concerned. “Who was that woman?” Lunar asked and I sighed as I turned to face both of them.
“That was my Mother”
Telling them who she was made Sun and Lunar speechless as they looked at each other. “Sunflower, why is your mother threatening you like that?” I understand their confusion since they don’t know my past. “It’s a long story Sunny, it best not to worry about it right now” I said while Lunar and Sun seemed not to be pleased by my answer but just let it go for now.
“Don’t you guys have to go back by now?” I spoke which caused Lunar and Sun to freeze in their spots. I assumed that they had forgotten that they still had work to do. “Shoot, Eclipse is gonna have our heads” Sun rays shrink in fear as he and Lunar try to run out but I grabbed their hands. “Easy there guys, let me walk over with you two so I can explain why you two are late” Lunar and Sun sighed in relief before nodding their heads as I grabbed what I needed and put a sign up saying that I was on a break.
As we left my shop and headed over to the bar. My assumptions were correct when the three of us entered to see an annoyed Moon and Eclipse. BloodMoon was finishing serving a customer before walking over where the rest of us were at.
“Care to explain why you two were late to come back” 
Sun and Lunar suddenly hid behind me. “Take it easy on them clipsy, it was my fault for distracting them” Eclipse turned his attention to me as he gave me a certain look before sighing. “You two get to work before I change my mind of letting you two off the hook” Sun and Lunar ran off to the kitchen as the three in front of me shook their heads. “Sorry about that guys” I do feel bad for them since today looks like it was one of those days that the place is packed.
“It’s alright lily, just don’t make it a habit”
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🧠🪱 Wiggly Wednesday 🪱🧠
Today, I'm thinking of ...
... the older teens going out for karaoke. (I don’t even know if there’d realistically be a karaoke bar anywhere near them in 80s rural Indiana, but let’s just assume.) It’s a fun night and everyone is having a blast. Steve and Robin render a hilarious, very off-key but very passionate duet of Total Eclipse of the Heart, even Nancy tries her hand on some Cindy Lauper after a beer or five. Only Eddie keeps leafing through the available songs on display with a scowl on his face, muttering something about mainstream shit. It’s only once that bar is almost empty when he finally concedes - not without a lot of coaxing from Robin and Argyle bribing him with some of his best product. 
He chooses Don’t stop me now by Queen. 
He’s barely three lines in when Steve, sipping his beer and ogling the bartender’s cleavage from across the room, turns to look. Because well, the slow intro of the song goes surprisingly well with Eddie’s voice and the way he sings it, lips so close to the microphone he might as well start sucking it off? The bartender’s boobies are suddenly the last thing on Steve’s mind. 
The song picks up, and Eddie starts tossing that ridiculously floofy mane of hair, rocking those stupid, slender hips of his, dancing around the stage like a whirlwind, all with that infuriatingly pretty, dimpled grin of his. He’s a sight to behold. Steve has been catching himself thinking as much before, but here, on that stage, leather pants hugging his ass, lights illuminating his hair like a halo? Yeah, he’s stunning. Steve’s allowed to think as much, right? Some people are just stunning, no matter the gender. Everybody has those thoughts sometimes, it doesn’t make him gay or anything, does it?
And then Eddie comes whirling across the stage, leans into his space and makes direct eye contact as he sings “I wanna make a supersonic man out of you”. And then he’s gone again, continuing with his performance like nothing happened, and Robin is slapping Steve’s shoulder, howling with laughter at his dumbstruck face. 
Steve finds out a lot of things about himself right then and there.
Later that night, a very confused sexuality-crisis-ridden Steve buries his face in his pillows while Robin pats his shoulders, and groans “I don’t understand, Robin! I mean, it’s so stupid! What even is a supersonic man?” 
Robin's like "idk, babe, but apparently you want Eddie to turn you into one, so that's all we need to know rly."
Tagging a few friends to share a brainworm of their own: @sidekick-hero @penny00dreadful @medusapelagia @braincell-pingpong @griefabyss69 @steddie-island @doomcheese @eyesofshinigami
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luvrseung · 11 months
𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬
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## pairing(s)! motorcycle driver heeseung! x yn!
## synopsis! yn's life takes an unexpected turn when she catches her boyfriend cheating on her and she meets the mysterious Heeseung, a captivating man on a motorcycle. After a brief yet memorable encounter, he vanishes, leaving her longing for more. Months later, they cross paths again. Yn's mixed emotions and Heeseung's determination do they have a happy ending?
## genre! not too bad angst, fluff at the end ! Idk dude I just work here
## wc! 8.9k
## warning(s)! cursing, and not much else?? but if u feel like there should be a warning for anything else, please let me know asap!!
## a/n! THIS IS MY LONGEST FIC EVER EVERRRRR. its currently 4:15 am as i post this and i have class at 11! hahaha.. anyways. inspo hit me like a truck... well, like a motorcycle HEHEHE. ahem.. okay. i hope you guys like this i really enjoyed writing it! please send me any feedback! mwah mwah i love uu i go sleep now! also pls don't mind any typos or errors im so delirious rn thank u bye bye
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You step out of the dimly lit restroom, returning to the bar, only to find an empty seat beside you, where your boyfriend was seated just moments ago. His jacket remains draped over the backrest, a silent testament to his brief absence. Curiosity piques your interest as you assume he must have also ventured to the restroom. Settling in, you rest your head on your hand, elbow propped against the sleek bar, and survey the vibrant club that surrounds you. The music's thunderous pulse reverberates through your chest, infusing the air with almost a tangible energy. A sensual blend of alcohol and alluring perfumes weaves a heavy tapestry which fills your senses. In this tantalizing environment, the crowd is a dynamic kaleidoscope of movement and emotion—dancers, laughter, clinking glasses, tendrils of smoke swirling upward—each contributing to the sensory feast. Among the sea of passion and revelry, a singular couple draws your unwavering attention. Their fervent embrace seems to defy the boundaries of time and space, an intense kiss that hangs on the precipice of necessity. In an instant, your heart plummets, and the couple reluctantly disentangles from each other. As your gaze locks onto their faces, the unfolding revelation leaves you breathless.
As you rise from your barstool, your steps carry a mix of uncertainty and disbelief, drawing you inexorably toward the pulsating heart of the dance floor. The scene before your eyes demands confirmation, and what you find shatters your world in an instant. There, under the chaotic spell of the music's relentless rhythm, stands your boyfriend, now a stranger, locked in a passionate embrace with another woman. Her arms are a seductive snakily coil around the back of his neck, and their laughter mingles with the infectious beats of the music, now assaulting your ears as you reach the realization of betrayal. A concoction of emotions—upset, betrayal, and the intoxicating fumes of alcohol—swirl within you, drawing you forward as the heat crawls up your face and flows into the rest of your body. Your feet guide you through the trembling beat, and, with a burst of fiery rage, you confront the pair. In an act of defiance and heartbreak, your open palm collides with your now ex-boyfriend's cheek in a resounding slap, the sound lost in the under the booming music that fills the club. The mysterious girl, who moments ago was dancing with him, stumbles back, her face etched with shock and disbelief. With your wounded pride, you retreat to the sanctuary of the bar. A final shot materializes before you, its amber contents beckoning with an illusory promise of numbness. You down the drink with the recklessness and no caution, the burn in your throat eclipsed by the feeling of your shattered heart.
You inform the bartender with a casual wave that the responsibility for the bill rests with the man you arrived with, an excuse that offers a semblance of dignity as you navigate your unsteady exit from the bar's confines. The city's nightlife swirls around you, a vivid blanket of neon lights and indistinct conversations. Perched on the curb outside the bar, you release a heavy, audible sigh that seems to resonate with the depth of your emotions. The exasperated "pfft" escapes your lips as you dismissively mutter, "What a waste." you recline, propping yourself up on your arms behind you, while your gaze ascends towards the night sky. It's as if you're summoning the attention of a god you don't even believe in, the stars and the moon bearing witness to your turmoil. Unbidden tears begin to well in your eyes, forming glistening pools that threaten to overflow. Yet, in a strange paradox, laughter bubbles up from within your heavy chest, as if mocking the absurdity of the situation. "He made a mistake… losing me? How stupid," you whisper to yourself, the words a bittersweet blend of self-affirmation and ironic amusement. Your tears, now fallen, trace glittering paths down your cheeks, their journey reflecting the city's glimmering lights. You cast your gaze downward, scrutinizing your ensemble—a striking red dress that billows around you, paired with towering, sleek black heels. In that moment of reflection, you realize that it was not you who was lost; it was him. Your attire serves as a poignant reminder that you are a treasure to be cherished, a realization that strengthens your resolve even as tears continue to fall.
Amid the quiet solace of your unspoken sorrows, the sudden roar of a motorcycle's powerful engine reverberates through the air, and your attention is instinctively drawn to the source. With a magnetic allure, the motorcycle glides to a stop not far from your lonesome, commanding your undivided focus. You study the machine as if decoding a riddle; its lustrous body gleams in pristine white, a stark contrast to the glinting silver rims of the wheels. The interior and seats, ensconced in shadowy allure, exude an air of enigmatic sophistication, cloaked in inky blackness. Seated astride this mechanical masterpiece is a man who embodies a paradox of rugged elegance. He possesses a commanding yet lean figure, an epitome of grace and strength that defies the bounds of convention. Draped in a formidable, protective black jacket, his attire is sending your brain into a frenzy. Fitting black jeans encase his legs, while black gloves envelope his hands with a subtle promise of concealed purpose. Each step echoing an aura of intrigue, he dons a pair of black Doc Marten boots, their resolute presence amplifying his enigmatic appeal. Atop the mysterious man’s figure sits a gloss-black helmet, its contours hinting at the mysteries that lie beneath.
With deliberate grace, he lifts the helmet from his head, revealing a crown of luxurious, dark purple locks. Your astonishment lingers in the air, and you can't help but be drawn to the allure of this captivating stranger. To call your fascination mere curiosity would be a gross understatement. Each of his features appears meticulously crafted, from his silver-clad ears adorned with earrings, to a proud and tall nose, and his eyes—those big beguiling orbs that seem to harbor a pool of secrets within. It's a visage that commands attention, the embodiment of an elusive charm that ignites your every sense. In a moment of serendipity, your eyes meet, the spark of connection bridging the gap between strangers. He saunters toward the store adjacent to the bar, a fleeting look of mischief dancing in his eyes. A playful wink and an enigmatic smile are cast in your direction, a wordless invitation that beckons with a magnetic pull. He dismounts from his motorcycle with an elegance that mirrors the grace of a dancer, setting the helmet upon the seat . As he disappears into the depths of the store, the intoxicating combination of your inebriation and the fragile state of your emotions conspire to form a whimsical yet irresistible decision. It's a gravitational force that leaves you with no choice but to step into the store and follow the purple-haired enigma, your heart beating in time with the uncharted journey that awaits.
As the convenience store door chimes melodically with your entry, a tingle of excitement courses through the air. The purple-haired enigma, the pull of destiny that brought you here, stands before you, a magnetic presence that seems to command every aisle. His striking figure exudes an aura that is both electrifying and tantalizing, and you can't help but gravitate toward him. With fluid grace, he reaches into the fridge to retrieve a drink, his movements a mesmerizing dance of confidence. You approach, and behind the cool, glass refrigerator door, your eyes lock in a seductive connection. He acknowledges your presence with a sultry smile that ignites the room. With an air of unshakable self-assuredness, you compliment his sleek motorcycle, your words laced with a smoldering charm. His response is a flirtatious grin, and as he rises to his full, towering height, he gazes down upon you, a titillating hint of promise in his eyes. "Thanks, ever been on a bike before, pretty girl?" he inquires, the huskiness of his voice sending electric shivers down your spine. Butterflies flutter wildly in your stomach as his words hang in the air. You return the provocative banter, testing the waters of this intriguing encounter. “Is this an invitation mr……?.”
“Heeseung. Lee Heeseung.” He introduces himself with a name that rolls off his tongue like a forbidden secret—Lee Heeseung. His playful response drips with allure, and you find yourself ensnared in the the moment. "And maybe it is an invitation… if you're willing to accept, Miss …..”? Your own name tastes sweeter than ever on your lips as you tease him with a hint of coyness, “Yn. Y/ln Yn. And why should I Lee?” Heeseung's perceptive eyes dart to the mascara-stained traces of tears on your face, his gaze tracing the invisible scars etched upon your soul. He tenderly points to your head, his words laden with a quiet understanding. "Judging by the mascara-stained tears on your face, I think a ride would fix whatever troubled that pretty little head of yours." A shy smile dances upon your lips, your heart pounding with a mixture of vulnerability and courage. "Got an extra helmet, then?" You say as acceptance to his offer. Heeseung's smirk deepens, his voice dripping with a seductive promise. "Good girl. Of course I do. You never know who needs a good ride." The air crackles with the electrifying energy of an adventure about to unfurl, as you and Lee Heeseung step into the thrilling unknown, united by the allure of the night.
In one hand, he clutches a tall, foreboding can of Monster energy drink, its vibrant, neon label a stark contrast to the other hand, which cradles a diminutive yellow box adorned with the endearing label "banana milk." The curious combination of his selections hints at the multifaceted personality of the man who has now become your enigmatic companion. With the transaction complete, the two of you emerge from the convenience store, and Heeseung extends a seemingly casual but unmistakably thoughtful gesture—offering you the little yellow box of banana milk. You accept it with a raised eyebrow, your curiosity piqued. "How'd you know I liked this, Lee?" you inquire, your voice touched by intrigue. A mischievous smile graces Heeseung's lips as he leans in a bit closer, and his response dances on the edges of flirtation, causing the butterflies in your stomach to stir with newfound hunger. "Pretty girls, like you, like banana milk," he teases, his words delivered with an artful charm that sends a shiver of excitement coursing through you. Grateful for his gesture, you return the enchanting smile, the air thick with an electrifying tension. As you both make your way toward the magnificent motorcycle that had initially captivated your attention, anticipation courses through your veins, setting your body aglow with excitement. You stand behind Heeseung, observing his every move with eager eyes. With practiced ease, he opens a concealed compartment at the back of the bike, revealing a second helmet that bears a striking silver star on either side. It's a unique touch that adds to the enigma of the man before you. Heeseung places your drinks within the compartment, where the second helmet once resided. With a smooth and assured motion, he secures the compartment and then offers you your designated helmet, a symbol of the adventure you're about to embark on together. As you accept the helmet from his hand, the magnetic connection between you deepens, and the night unfolds with the promise of thrilling secrets yet to be unveiled.
With the banana milk safely stowed and the helmet now snug upon your head, the night holds an air of mystery and excitement as you both approach the waiting motorcycle. Heeseung's slender frame moves with grace as he swings a leg over the sleek, white machine. He turns toward you, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that sends an electric pulse through your veins. "Make sure you hold on, doll," he says, his voice dipped in a heady blend of charm and raw anticipation. His words are laced with a promise of thrilling adventure, and your heart skips a beat as you grasp the significance of this moment. You eagerly position yourself behind him, forgetting all about your ex boyfriend and the events that took place before. your arms wrapping around his lean waist, fingers instinctively clutching the fabric of his black jacket. The powerful engine roars to life beneath you, its growl a primal invitation to the night. Heeseung's gloved hands deftly manipulate the handlebars, and in an exhilarating surge of acceleration, you both glide out of the convenience store's parking lot and onto the main road. The world becomes a mesmerizing blur of vibrant colors and lights as the motorcycle snakes through the city's labyrinthine streets, framed by beautifully illuminated buildings that reach skyward, a testament to humanity's creativity. The cool night air rushes over you, and the city's pulsating energy envelopes you, offering an intoxicating taste of freedom and escape. As the wind whips through your hair, and the city's mesmerizing lights create a captivating painting, you can't help but feel that you've stepped into a dream. With every twist and turn, Heeseung's driving skill reveals itself, and you're reminded of the harmony between man and machine. In this exhilarating dance through the heart of the city, you're not just a passenger; you're a partner in a thrilling adventure, bound by the allure of the night and the enigmatic man who now shares it with you.
As the motorcycle effortlessly weaves through the city's enchanting streets, Heeseung's lean frame seems to meld with the machine, and you can sense his exhilaration in the subtle movements and graceful leans. Every curve and twist of the road is navigated with a fluidity that suggests an intimate understanding between rider and ride. The city's lights create a dazzling panorama around you, and you revel in the symphony of sensations that surrounds you. After what feels like an eternity of blissful exploration, the first hints of daylight begin to break on the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow upon the cityscape. It's a bittersweet reminder that this enchanting ride must eventually come to an end. With a quiet understanding, Heeseung steers the motorcycle to a stop in front of your home, and the engine's growl reluctantly gives way to the stillness of the early morning. As you dismount the bike, you can't help but feel a mixture of gratitude and a hint of longing for the adventure that has brought you closer. Heeseung turns toward you, his eyes holding a sparkle that mirrors the city's lights. "I hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did, pretty girl,” he says, his voice a blend of sincerity and allure. "I did enjoy it, lee.” Your eyes lock onto his, and you can't resist a teasing smile. "I have to admit, I'm not sure if it was the city or the company that made it so enjoyable." He chuckles softly, his gaze lingering on you. "Perhaps it's a bit of both. I hope I made you forget what you were crying about earlier.”
With an air of anticipation, Heeseung closes the enchanting gap between you, his footsteps a playful dance that mirrors the rhythm of your heart. You find yourself drawn closer to him, a mix of curiosity and desire, hoping for a kiss that promises to be electric. But Heeseung, ever the tease, surprises you by gently capturing your hand in his gloved grasp. His lips brush against your knuckles, leaving behind a soft and lingering kiss that sends a thrill down your spine. A mischievous sparkle dances in his eyes as he takes a step back, though his hold on your hand remains. A mischievous smirk plays upon his lips as he takes a step back, and your hands, still intertwined, reluctantly part as the space between you expands. but the connection between your souls remains undeniably strong. Heeseung places your helmet back into the motorcycle's compartment, his every motion a graceful symphony of closure, yet the moment is still heavy with the sweet ache of parting. He retrieves the little yellow box of banana milk, and with a look that speaks of unspoken promises and possibilities, he adds to the enchanting ambiance. As you turn away to make your way inside, your heart swells with emotions, and it's then you hear his voice, soft and filled with affectionate playfulness, "Heads up, princess!" Your head snaps around, your eyes locking onto Heeseung seated on the motorcycle, revving the engine with a fervor that mirrors the passion between you. With a flourish, he tosses the banana milk to you, and you catch it . Your heart flutters like a love-struck bird, and you're left standing there, watching the back of his retreating figure with eyes filled with longing. As the cold morning air surrounds you, you're reminded of the warmth and excitement that has filled this magical night. With a heart full of happiness, you finally turn to head inside.
In the cozy sanctuary of your home, you close the door behind you with a gentle sigh, leaning against it as you bask in the afterglow of this night. The memories of what transpired outside are like a symphony of emotions playing in your heart, each note resonating with the tender and profound love that has blossomed between you and Heeseung. The room envelops you in its intimate embrace, illuminated by the soft, warm glow of the night. As you lean against the door, the walls seem to hold the echoes of the moments shared, and you're overcome by a sense of profound romance that fills the very air you breathe. The night was a love story written in the stars, a story of two souls drawn together by destiny and fueled by a love that's destined to endure. Despite breaking every single rule of stranger danger, you wish this night couldve lasted forever.
As you ascend the stairs to your room, a sense of contentment and longing accompanies you. The banana milk, a sweet reminder of an unforgettable night, finds its place on your bedside table, a silent guardian of your dreams. The room envelops you in its cozy warmth, the atmosphere carrying the residual fragrance of romance and adventure. In the dim light, you prepare for a soothing shower, letting the cascading water wash away the remnants of the night. Your thoughts, however, remain tethered to the enigmatic Lee Heeseung. Questions and desires swirl within your mind, like a gentle storm of emotions.
After the warmth of the shower, you don your pajamas from the night before, their familiarity a source of comfort as you slip between the soft sheets of your bed. Your body, tired but satiated, yearns for rest, yet your heart and mind remain restless, still inextricably tangled in the enchantment of the night. Thoughts of him, like whispers in the night, dance through your mind. "When will I see him again?" and "I wish we had exchanged information" echo in the chambers of your thoughts. Who is this mysterious man, Lee Heeseung, who has touched your heart so deeply? The unanswered questions propel you to flip open your phone, your curiosity overriding the myriad missed calls and texts from your unfaithful ex-boyfriend. Instagram becomes your portal to seek out the enigma named Lee Heeseung.
A sense of disappointment settles over you as your search on various social media platforms yields nothing. Lee Heeseung remains a ghost, elusive and untraceable in the digital realm. It's as if he exists only in the echoes of your memories, and the absence of any digital footprint only adds to his mystique. In your moment of quiet contemplation, a yearning for his presence intensifies. The desire to see him again, to unravel the enigma that is Lee Heeseung, becomes an undeniable ache within you. The thought that he knows where you live, and the lingering memories of your night together, offer a glimmer of hope that he might return. The idea that fate might bring you two together once more fills your heart with anticipation and longing. As you close your eyes and surrender to the night's embrace, you can't help but wonder when the stars will align, and the mysterious Lee Heeseung will reappear in your life.
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As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the longing in your heart grew stronger. Spring had arrived, heralding the return of life and the vibrant colors of the world, yet it also marked the lingering absence of Heeseung, the man who had swept into your life as quickly as a shooting star and vanished just as abruptly. Every motorcycle that whizzed past you on the bustling streets of your city drew your attention like a magnet. A spark of curiosity ignited within you, and the questions were ceaseless. "Was that him? Does he still think of me?" These thoughts had woven themselves into the very fabric of your existence, haunting your every moment. The memories of that unforgettable night had become a bittersweet symphony that played on a loop in your mind.
Despite the love and support of your incredible friends, your loving family, and a fulfilling job, the void Heeseung had left in your life persisted. The allure of "what could've been" weighed heavy on your heart, like a melody left unfinished, a dance cut short, or a love story left untold. In the midst of your everyday life, the longing for the man named Lee Heeseung never waned. Your heart carried the echoes of his touch, the memory of his gaze, and the whispers of a love story that had never fully unfurled. With every passing day, your desire for his return only intensified, like a fire that refused to be extinguished.
It was a typical Tuesday, just like any other weekday, as you made your way into the bustling work building, greeted by the friendly faces of your coworkers who had also become your cherished friends. Jake, ever the playful one, couldn't resist bringing up the topic of your elusive Heeseung. "How are you, YN? Still no luck with this Heeseung guy?" he inquired with a mischievous glint in his eye. You let out a dramatic sigh, a playful air of exasperation in your response. "Unfortunately, no, Jake. Trust me, I would've told you if I had any news," you said with a chuckle. Jay, another dear friend of yours, joined the conversation, bringing with him a delightful surprise in the form of coffee for both you and Jake. With a comforting smile, he chimed in, "Don't worry, Ynnie, maybe he lives in a different town and was just there that night for you!" You couldn't help but offer an appreciative grin in response to Jay's attempt at comfort. His words were like a warm embrace, reassuring you in your quest for answers. Then, a new proposal surfaced, and it was Jay who initiated it. "Oh, by the way, Jake and I found out that there's been underground racing events in our city. We've been meaning to check it out. Wanna come with?" At first, you hesitated, but Jay's persuasive nature quickly took hold. "C'mon, YN!" Jake chimed in, adding his own brand of playfulness. "It'll be fun! Who knows, maybe you'll find Heeseung there! … or a different cute motorcycle guy at least." You let out a laugh that admitted defeat. "Okay, okay, I'll check it out with you guys. But if it's boring, you're buying me a burger." Jay quickly agreed to the wager. "Fine. Deal. But it won't be boring!" he declared with unwavering enthusiasm. "Mhm, we'll see," you replied with a sly grin, anticipating the playful adventures that lay ahead with your close friends, all while hoping that amidst the thrills of underground racing, you might find the one you longed for – or perhaps, something equally captivating.
As the workday drew to a close, you bid your colleagues and friends farewell, exchanging a series of cheerful goodbyes and promises to reconvene tomorrow. Last in line to receive your parting words were your friends, and it was Jake who left you with a playful reminder. "We'll pick you up at 10, ynnie~,” he declared with a mischievous glint in his eye. Your response was a melodious giggle as you affectionately ruffled his hair, a signal of your confirmation.
Once home, the weight of the day's responsibilities dissipated like a passing storm. Shoes were unceremoniously discarded, your bag and jacket flung haphazardly onto the floor, and with a contented sigh, you sank into the inviting embrace of your couch. Retrieving your phone, you embarked on a determined quest to research the underground racing scene, the glimmer of hope in your chest steadily growing brighter with every tap of your fingers.
The prospect of possibly encountering Heeseung again ignited a certain spark in your eyes, a fire of desire that refused to be extinguished. Yet, much like the elusive enigma of the man himself, your online investigation yielded no information about these races. It was as though the world had conspired to keep their existence hidden, a fitting scenario for events that were undoubtedly illegal. As you set your phone aside, your thoughts began to spiral in a torrent of what-ifs. What if Heeseung is there, but his interest had always been elsewhere? What if he's not present? What if he doesn't even notice you? These unceasing questions threatened to consume your mind, and you shook your head, as if such an act could dispel these relentless thoughts. Determined to quell the storm of uncertainties that raged within you, you took a deep breath and resolved to face the night with unwavering optimism.
With the plan in place, you had agreed that the guys would hang out at your place before the big race. Jake and Jay, after their workday, rushed home, got dressed for the evening, and then made their way to your doorstep around 7:30. You swung open the door in your comfy pajamas, greeting the duo with warm hugs and bright smiles. "Alright, guys," you chimed in, "I'm going to get ready now. You said we're leaving at 10, right?" They both confirmed your question with a nod, and you headed upstairs to prepare for the night ahead. As you left the living room, the two friends made themselves at home, lounging comfortably on your couch and taking charge of the TV. The anticipation for the evening ahead filled the air, and the sense of camaraderie between the three of you was a reassuring presence, setting the tone for the exciting adventure that lay just around the corner.
Upstairs in your room, you embarked on the grand battle that is getting ready for a night out. The soft glow of your vanity mirror cast a warm light on your determined face as you transformed your appearance for the evening. Your makeup was an elegant fusion of dark and bold, with a smoky eyeliner that accentuated your eyes and a luscious dark red lip gloss that heightened the allure of your lips. The result was a striking look that suited your features beautifully. You took a few moments to curl the ends of your hair, creating soft, cascading waves that reached down to your lower back. These curls were swept up into a high, sleek ponytail, with two delicate strands left loose to elegantly frame your face. Your outfit had been meticulously selected, not only with Heeseung in mind but also with the exciting prospect of possibly meeting someone new at this enigmatic race. Dark red leather pants, designed to hug your curves in all the right ways, were paired with a lace black tank top, adding a touch of sensuality to your ensemble. To complete the look, you adorned yourself with a black and white leather jacket that draped over your shoulders like whipped cream on a tantalizing sundae. In your full-length mirror, you admired the reflection of a confident and captivating woman, well aware of her own allure. A pair of sleek black boots adorned your feet, and you accessorized with a silver necklace featuring a delicate pendant and matching earrings, adding a touch of sophistication to your ensemble. To crown your transformation, you picked up your favorite perfume bottle, and with each spritz, a beautiful aroma enveloped you like a fragrant embrace. The battle of getting ready was won, and you felt like a queen in your own right. With a final glance in the mirror, you knew you looked stunning and were ready to face whatever the night had in store. With your purse in hand, you headed downstairs, prepared to join your friends who were patiently waiting for you.
"DAMN YN!" Jay and Jake exclaimed in unison as you descended the stairs, the sight of your stunning transformation leaving them momentarily breathless. A beaming smile graced your lips as their admiration washed over you. "Thank you, boys," you replied with a gracious nod, giving them a playful twirl to showcase your meticulously chosen outfit. "Do I look good?" you asked, a hint of playful teasing in your voice. "You know you do," Jay responded with a smile, but he was eager to get going. "Now, let's get moving! It's nearly 10:15." You waved off his concern with a nonchalant chuckle. "Oh, please, there's no way these things start right on time. We're fine. Now, let's make a quick stop at the convenience store so I can get a banana milk, pretty please~" you added with a hint of irresistible charm. The two boys, who had been lounging on the couch, rose from their seats with mock exasperation. Jake couldn't help but mutter a resigned, "Yes, ma'am…" as you playfully led the way, heading into the car where you sat in the backseat.
With a refreshing banana milk tucked safely in your purse, courtesy of Jake's wallet, the three of you arrived at the underground racing event. The venue was located beneath a highway bridge in an area you never even knew existed. you were struck by the sheer scale of the place, surrounded by towering structures that seemed to stretch to the heavens. This perspective, seeing the world from a unique angle, made you feel small in the grand scheme of things, a humbling realization that added to the aura of the night. Lost in your contemplation, you were momentarily unaware that Jay and Jake had already exited the car, with Jake gallantly holding the door open for you. He playfully addressed you, "Here we are, princess," and you responded with a light, affectionate hit on his arm, chuckling, "Oh, cut it out, Jaeyun." A playful exchange of names ensued between the two friends as you headed toward the gathering crowd at the starting line, eagerly awaiting the start of the race. You surveyed the bikers as they lined up in their positions, and your attention was drawn to a particular rider who was surrounded by a group of enthusiastic women. The throng of admirers made it difficult to see his face clearly, but you couldn't help but wonder if it might be Heeseung.
The announcer's voice crackled over the radio, calling on the racers to mount their bikes and prepare for the thrilling competition. Jay and Jake signaled that it was time to find your seats, with Jake instinctively taking your hand to guide you and ensure you didn't get lost in the bustling crowd. As you were led to the front row, you couldn't help but scan the racers one last time. The colorful array of bikes and their determined riders filled the scene with an air of excitement. But then, at the far end, you spotted a white bike, and your heart skipped a beat. Could it be Heeseung's bike? The memories of him came rushing back, and you pointed it out to your friends. "Wait, guys, that might be Heeseung's bike," you mentioned, your voice tinged with both hope and anxiety. Jake and Jay exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. "You think so, YN?" Jay asked, offering a glimmer of doubt. "Maybe it's just a guy with the same motorcycle color as Heeseung, Ynnie. I mean, white bikes aren't that uncommon, right?" Jake reasoned, trying to provide a rational explanation. You shook your head, a familiar gesture you used to clear your thoughts. "Yeah, Jakey, you're probably right. I mean, I haven't seen him in months. It can't be him," you replied, trying to convince yourself as much as your friends. You felt a surge of anxiety but decided to push those thoughts aside and focus on enjoying the race. With the comforting presence of your banana milk, you took a sip and leaned back, hoping that this night would be an adventure to remember, regardless of the outcome.
As the man on the radio commenced announcing the racers' names, an air of anticipation enveloped the crowd. With each name called out, a symphony of revving engines filled the air, punctuated by cheers and applause from the spectators. The excitement was palpable, and you joined in, clapping and cheering for each racer. However, as the announcer neared the end of the line of racers and you waited with bated breath, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. The name you had been hoping to hear, "LEE HEESEUNG," didn't make an appearance. Instead, the announcer declared, "And last but not least, our reigning champion, ACE!" A sigh of regret escaped your lips, revealing your unspoken hope. You observed that the crowd cheered enthusiastically for this "Ace" character, understanding why he had garnered a legion of female admirers. The sense of anticipation still coursed through your veins, but you decided to put aside your initial disappointment and immerse yourself in the exhilarating atmosphere of the race, hopeful that the night would hold some surprises, even if Heeseung's name was absent from the list of competitors.
Snapping you out of your thoughts, Jake directed a question to both you and Jay, inquiring, "Who are you guys rooting for?" Jay was quick to respond, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "I'm rooting for the guy named Jungwon on that bright blue bike. He seems like an underdog, you know?" Jake couldn't resist poking fun at Jay's choice. "So cheesy," he remarked, provoking Jay to playfully flip him off. Turning to you, Jake's curiosity was evident in his expression as he asked, "What about you, YN?" You pondered for a moment, a mischievous glint in your eye as you gave your answer. "Hmm, maybe that Sunghoon guy, on the black bike. He seems hot," you added, punctuating your response with a giggle. Jay shook his head in mock exasperation, but he couldn't hide a smile. "I'm not even surprised." As the three of you continued to chat and enjoy the electric atmosphere, the announcer's voice broke through, "RACERS, START YOUR ENGINES!" The crowd erupted into cheers, blending with the powerful roar of the motorcycles.
"READY…SET…GO!" The announcer's command was met with a symphony of revving engines, and in an instant, the racers sped off on the manmade track, weaving between the imposing pillars of the bridge above. The sound of the engines and the fervent cheers from the crowd captivated you, and your gaze remained fixed on the racers as they disappeared into the distance, the race now in full swing.
The race unfolded with an intoxicating blend of speed, skill, and sheer adrenaline. The racers zipped around the tight corners and weaved through the narrow gaps between the bridge's pillars, their powerful machines roaring like wild beasts. The air was filled with the intoxicating scent of gasoline and burnt rubber, adding to the sensory overload that engulfed the crowd. The race was paired with commentary by the announcer, “In the lead is ace! Are we surprised? That white bike is a godsend!”
As the racers maneuvered with lightning precision, the crowd couldn't help but be entranced by the sheer spectacle before them. Spectators cheered as their chosen favorites powered through the track, and collective gasps echoed through the audience whenever a close call or a daring move occurred. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the shared excitement of everyone in attendance. Another comment was made by the announcer, “Woah! Look at jungwon pulling through and passing ace on his left! Will this be the first race he wins?”
“I told you guys. Always root for the underdog,” Jay chimes, but your eyes are glued to sunghoon and his black bike.
Amidst the collective fervor, you found yourself mesmerized, your eyes locked onto the racers as they sped past. The world outside the race ceased to exist for those moments, and you were drawn into the raw energy of the event, feeling the vibrations of the engines in your chest and the rush of the wind in your hair. “Here come’s sunghoon! Passing jungwon on his right, and making his way towards the finish line!” Says the announcer.
As the crowd erupted in joyous celebration, the cheers of the spectators seemed to reverberate in perfect harmony with the racing engines. You were swept up in the excitement, joining the chorus of voices, and even rising to your feet as you cheered for Sunghoon, the victor of the race. The thrill of witnessing such a close contest was invigorating, and you couldn't help but be caught up in the jubilation around you. With a playful tone and a hint of what-ifs, you turned to your two friends and exclaimed, "Damn, we should've bet on it. Missed opportunity!" The boys laughed along with you, the infectious joy of the moment drawing them into the celebration. Together, you stood and cheered for Sunghoon, basking in the shared experience of witnessing an extraordinary race and its exhilarating conclusion.
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The exhilarating atmosphere of the race drew you, Jay, and Jake, along with the rest of the crowd, to approach the racers as they dismounted their bikes. The audience showered the racers with an array of cheers and encouraging words, from "good job!" to "you'll win next time!" to admiring comments about their impressive machines. As you and your friends navigated your way through the dispersing crowd, you found yourselves face to face with Jungwon, the racer who had been your friend Jay's underdog favorite. Eager to express your admiration, you initiated the conversation, addressing him with warmth, "Hey, Jungwon, right? You were so cool! I thought you were gonna win for a second there!" Jungwon's face lit up with gratitude, and he replied with a sincere smile, "Thank you so much! I thought so too, but I had nooo chance against Ace and Sunghoon." Jay, ever the enthusiast, extended a firm handshake in that classic man-to-man fashion. "Bro! I was rooting for you from the start. You'll see me at the next race," he proclaimed with enthusiasm, earning a "thank you" from Jungwon. With that, the three of you moved on to the next racer, Sunghoon, eager to share your appreciation with the winner.
Sunghoon leaned casually on his sleek black bike, a striking figure with an air of confidence that immediately caught your attention. Up close, you couldn't deny how incredibly handsome he looked, and you were taken aback by his allure. Summoning your courage, you approached the winner, introducing yourself in a soft, friendly tone, "Hi Sunghoon, I'm YN. Congrats on the win, handsome." The compliment had its intended effect, and Sunghoon's eyes focused on you. "Well, hello, Miss YN. Nice to meet you," Sunghoon responded with a smirk, revealing a sharp canine tooth and a dimple that sent a shiver down your spine. You felt yourself blushing in response to his charm. Sunghoon's flirtatious banter continued as he inquired, "You were rooting for me, pretty girl?" He leaned in a little closer, his voice dripping with playful seduction. You met his flirtatious challenge with a sly smile. "Maybe… maybe not," you replied, adding a teasing playfulness to your tone. He feigned disappointment, a twinkle in his eye as he teased, "What a shame, I was gonna offer you a ride." Playing along, you flirtatiously touched his arm, your confidence growing with every word. "Oh, come on, Hoonie, of course I was rooting for you," you confessed with a playful eye roll, a mischievous gleam in your eyes. Sunghoon rewarded your playful admission by tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear, and for that moment, the world seemed to narrow down to the two of you, engaged in a playful dance of flirtation amidst the post-race excitement. The nickname you garnered for him was definitely working in your favor.
You were so deeply engrossed in your conversation with Sunghoon that you remained oblivious to the intense gaze fixed upon you from the second-place racer, Ace. He watched you with something akin to jealousy, uncertain whether he should approach. Leaving you and Sunghoon in your own world, Jay and Jake made their way over to Ace to offer their congratulations. Jake, always one for humor, attempted to lighten the mood with a lighthearted comment. "Hey, man! You were so cool out there. Second place is still good. Don't be discouraged. I'm sure all these girls still want you," he quipped, though he hadn't realized that Ace's attention was on him. Ace's initial jealousy quickly transformed into a friendly demeanor as he responded, "Yo, thanks for that, haha. Almost won, but I'll win the next one for sure." Jay chimed in with an encouraging pat on Ace's shoulder before the two of them began to walk away. However, Ace couldn’t keep it to himself. He called out to Jay and Jake, nodding in your direction while still engaged in conversation with Sunghoon. "Hey, do you know that girl?" he inquired, his interest piqued. Jay answered without hesitation, a friendly tone in his voice as he looked back toward Ace. "Yeah, that’s yn! We're friends. She came here with us," he explained, his focus now shifting as he moved away from the racer, joining Jake in heading back in your direction, leaving Ace with his thoughts as you continued your conversation with Sunghoon.
As the evening wound down and Jay and Jake were ready to head home, you and Sunghoon decided to exchange numbers, creating a playful connection. Sunghoon, with a charming wink, remarked, "Call me when you wanna ride, beautiful." Your response was just as flirty, "I'll call you when I want to, Hoonie," and you playfully blew him a kiss. As you began to walk away, ready to rejoin your friends in the car, Sunghoon made his way over to Ace, eager to share his little victory. "Bro, I just got the hottest girl's number, and—" Sunghoon began, but before he could finish, Ace roared away on his bike, his jealousy simmering beneath the surface. With your two friends already in the car, you confidently made your way toward them, your spirits high. For that moment, Heeseung had slipped from your thoughts, and the excitement of connecting with Sunghoon filled your mind. However, just as you were about ten feet away from Jay's car, a white motorcycle suddenly cut in front of you, blocking your path to your friends. Startled, you took a step back, your heart racing, and realized that the rider was one of the racers. You cautiously addressed him, "Oh, Jesus Christ, you scared me. Ace, right?" His helmet obscured his face as he nodded, and he proceeded to take it off, revealing his identity.
Your heart sank as the white helmet came off, revealing the vibrant purple hair that had grown longer since you last saw him. The shock washed over you like a tidal wave, and your eyes scanned his familiar face, unable to believe that he was standing there before you, just as he had been months ago. His eyes, large and twinkling, bore into yours, the same way they had done when you first met. "H-Heeseung?" was all you could manage to stammer. The excitement you had felt only moments ago had evaporated, replaced by a rush of tears welling up in your eyes. Every emotion you had held back for months now poured out, glistening like rivers of glittering light. The overwhelming flood of feelings left you lost and unsure of how to proceed. Heeseung spoke, his voice breaking the silence, "Yn, I missed you pretty girl.” But you couldn't handle it. The anger and sadness mixed inside you, driving you to act on impulse. "I can't do this right now, Heeseung. I-I gotta go," you uttered, your voice quivering with raw emotion. You turned and ran towards Jay's car, where the two boys had witnessed the entire interaction. Climbing into the vehicle, you were met with a barrage of concerning questions from your friends. "I'll answer once you start driving. Please. Please start driving," you implored. Jay promptly obeyed your request and sped out of the lot, the car now on the road, the boys eager to ask their questions.
Jake spoke up first, his voice tinged with disbelief, "Yn, who was that?" "Heeseung…" you replied, your voice quivering. "Oh my god, what?!" Jake exclaimed. "Heeseung? Like in, Heeseung Heeseung?" Jay asked, his surprise mirroring Jake's. "Yes, Jay. Heeseung Heeseung. Oh my god, what was he doing there?" you lamented, your words spilling out in a mixture of confusion and emotion. "Wait, isn't this what you wanted, Yn? Why are you so upset?" Jake inquired, trying to make sense of your reaction. You paused, a heavy sigh escaping your lips before you responded, "…because… where has he been? I've spent months, nearly half a year wondering when he'd show up—waiting for him like some lost puppy. And now all of a sudden, I see him today, surrounded by a crowd of girls, only talking to me because I was hitting it off with Sunghoon? I just… I just don't know what's going on. And just now, he says he missed me? Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. He knows where I live; if he missed me so much, he would've visited. I waited months, guys. MONTHS. I just… I'm so—" Jay cut off your rambling rant, his voice filled with understanding and empathy. "Yn, my love, it's okay. Let's get you that burger." In your teary, emotional state, you couldn't help but let out a faint laugh, appreciating Jay's attempt to lighten the mood. Jake reached his hand to the backseat to comfort you, and you clung to it as he gently rubbed circles into your hand. As you sat there, feeling a whirlwind of emotions and confusion, you were grateful that your friends were by your side, offering their support and understanding in your time of need.
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With the comforting presence of your friends and the burger in your stomach, you finally arrived home. Jay and Jake had offered to spend the night with you, but you assured them that you appreciated their support but wanted some time alone with your thoughts. Feeling too drained to remove your makeup and outfit, you flopped onto your couch, face-first, and screamed into a throw pillow. The weight of the day and the unexpected encounter with Heeseung left your mind in a tumultuous state. As you lay there, lost in your thoughts, exhaustion overcame you, and you drifted into an uneasy slumber. Some odd hours later, you were startled awake by a persistent knocking on your door. At first, you attempted to ignore it, hoping the person would go away, but the knocking persisted. Reluctantly, you dragged yourself up and went to inspect the door through the peephole. What you saw on the other side took your breath away: a head of purple hair, Heeseung, standing at your doorstep.
Anger surged through your body as you swung the door open, and a torrent of questions spilled from your lips, "What do you want? Why are you here? Why did it take you so long to see me?" The frustration that had been simmering inside you for months finally found its voice, and it was directed squarely at the person who could provide answers. Heeseung began to speak, attempting to explain himself, but you couldn't bear to let him finish. The words tumbled out of you, fueled by the emotions that had been building up over time. "No, Heeseung. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you? How much I wished every motorcycle that passed me on the street was you? I've been so…" The emotional dam broke, and tears cascaded down your cheeks as your voice quivered with pent-up pain and frustration. Heeseung, rather than offering words, brought you into a gentle embrace, his strong arms wrapping around you, and his hand softly patting your head. His voice was a soothing whisper in your ear, "Shh, shh… I'm here now, pretty girl. I'm here. I'm sorry." His comforting presence and reassuring touch allowed you to release your bottled-up emotions. You allowed yourself to cry in his arms, feeling a mixture of anger, relief, and longing all at once. Despite your anger at him in this moment, you couldn't deny that his embrace was warm and welcoming, and it offered a sense of solace that you hadn't realized you had been yearning for.
You and heeseung were now sitting on the couch, cuddling in the darkness of your living room. You decide to break the silence, “Can we talk now, hee?” He begins to play with your hair, offering you a quiet hum in response. “Where have you been? Why haven’t you visited me?” You ask the questions that plagued your mind the most. "Yn, I'm truly sorry for disappearing like that. I had my reasons, but I understand how much it hurt you. I needed some time to sort things out in my life. It's not an excuse, but I want you to know that I've missed you every day, and I regret not being there for you. I'm here now, and I want to make it right, if you'll have me" he answers. “How do I know you’re telling the truth, heeseung? I mean, the first time I saw you today, you were surrounded by all these girls, and how do I know you won’t leave again?” You ask. "I understand your doubts, baby, and I don't blame you for being cautious. The girls today were just fans, and I was trying to keep a low profile. I promise you, I won't disappear again. I want to make it up to you and prove that I'm committed to being in your life. Actions speak louder than words, and I'm willing to show you through my actions that you can trust me." You let out a quiet sigh, “I want to trust you heeseung, I really do. But Im so scared of getting hurt again. Why did you decide to help me out that one day? The day we met? Do you do that to other girls? "I completely understand your fear, Yn. I helped you that day because you seemed like someone genuinely in need, and I felt a connection with you from the start. I don't do that for other girls; our meeting was special and unique. I can't promise you won't ever get hurt, but I can promise that I'll do my best to be there for you and be honest with you. I want to make things right between us. Seriously, my pretty girl” heeseung claims, shifting his body so you guys are face to face now.
As Yn looked into Heeseung's eyes, she saw a sincerity she hadn't seen in a long time. Her heart was still cautious, but the warmth of his embrace had melted some of the ice around it. "Let's take it one step at a time, my “love Heeseung said gently. "I won't rush you, and I'll do my best to earn your trust. We can figure this out together, princess.” Yn nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She was unsure of what the future held, but for the first time in months, she felt a glimmer of hope. As the night continued, they talked, laughed, and shared stories. Yn realized that Heeseung had changed, and maybe she had too. They both had scars, but perhaps together, they could heal. The story of Yn and Heeseung wasn't over; it was just beginning. And for the first time in a long time, they both felt like they were exactly where they were supposed to be.
“Lee Heeseung, if you disappear on me again, I swear to god. Don’t forget I still have sunghoon’s number!” You playfully hit Heeseung. “Okay, okay! Message received ma’am! Now I have a question.” You respond with a hum. “Now who was that boy holding your hand earlier? At the race? Hm?” You laugh and respond teasingly, “Baby, that’s Jake. You really don’t have to worry about him. He’s like my little puppy!”
“My love, you do realize how wrong that sounds?” Heeseung laughs.
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© luvrseung - do not plagiarize, repost, translate, copy, or alter any of my content please and thank you.
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renardiererin · 7 days
i knew it, i know you ; tour rehearsal lie to girls
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the smell of sour alcohol hung in the air as yn pushed through the crowd of sweaty bodies pressed together despite the population of the club exceeding fire code. strobe lights flashing different colors every second, people jumping, hands grabbing, loud laughing, brain throbbing remixes of songs that weren’t cool ten years ago and still aren’t, drunk men approaching her and slurring as they asked for her number, lingering stares of people who recognized her face but were too intoxicated to connect the dots, all this effort to find him. she had written a rough draft of a song just an hour before, ecstatic about his olympics win.
she pushed and pushed and pushed, swiveling her body, twisting and turning, acrobatic, to find where he’d made himself at home. reaching through the bodies, the bodies, the bodies, until finally, a glimpse of his hair, wet with sweat and sticking to his forehead. “‘tarou!,” calling as she catches his silhouette in the gleam of the bar lights, running closer and closer, pressed shoulder to shoulder with strangers around her, focusing on one foot in front of the other, calling after him as she watched his lips recite his request to the bartender. nearly tripping over herself, almost there, stepping closer, heart pounding against her lungs as she smell of tequila mixes with the vodka she’d pregamed before her arrival, the alcohol twisting through her veins, making her breath short, her hair sticking to her lipgloss, dress riding up, eyes straining from her search for him, thighs shaking from wearing heels all day, breath growing cold in her throat, head throbbing, sweaty and exhilarated, reaching her hands through the crowd as she pulls herself out of the vortex of drunken strangers, leading herself towards the bar where she’d seen the brief scene of her boyfriend thanking the bartender for his drink, smile blossoming against her cheeks, straining up to her eyes, face already growing sore from her eagerness to see him, laughter rising in her chest, his name falling from her lips once more, closer and closer, almost there, just one more step until—
her face fell immediately. her steps come to a halt as she freezes in place, hands falling to her sides. shortness of breath only impairing her further as she fights back the burning feeling in the back of her throat, no longer feeling laughter rising in her chest but the pressing sensation of sobs threatening to escape as they claw at the back of her mouth, the acidic pain of the bile rising, his name dead on her lips.
she’d finally reached the man she’d been searching for, his biceps threatening to bulge out of his halfway undone button up dress shirt, slacks growing tighter, sharp jawline tarnished with the cheap red of the woman’s lipstick, his lips vandalized by the wine tint, smirk slowly creeping up his lips as he makes room for her tongue in his mouth once more.
yn has never turned around faster in her life. maybe they can pretend it didn’t happen. maybe he’ll let it go unspoken, maybe he won’t tell her it happened and she can make herself forget, keep playing pretend a little longer. or worse, maybe he’ll admit it. is that worse? she can’t tell right now. all she can focus on is getting out as soon as she can. her eyes are growing hot as tears threaten to spill down her cheeks, stumbling as she removes her uncomfortable heels to run faster out of the club. maybe when she gets out of the club she’ll be able to breathe.
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^divider by fairytopea
@satoruzlove @empathum @itsdragonius @twiishaa @yuminako @reverie-starlight @xbl00dy-r0s3x@universal-s1ut @koushisbabie @breakmyheartlater @phoenix-eclipses @ris-krispie @2baddies-1porsche@girlkissersco @dontmindtheevie @reekapeeka @leave-rae-alone @noideawhothatis @moonlit-mizukage@thirtykiwis@highkey-fangirling @ast4rg1rl @razberrywrites @zamorazz @k0z3me @iluvhellokitty @gsyche 
@dazqa @esunarint @jiawji @anqelkoz
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solunest · 2 years
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Not me wondering how much I can show without it be borderline too much.
I am not good at drawing the DCA+Eclipse, and Afton, so y’all get to see how bad they become with me.
Also, in the wise wisdom of @certified-handler, using Eclipse in here would be dreadfully unsatisfying. I am not as good as a writer as @naffeclipse, and Sleuth Jesters spoiled me. So, while there’s an ‘Eclipse’, it’s not...someone solid, if you understand me.
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perfectnothing · 2 years
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I appointed myself a judge on all matters. That I had the right to erase anything in the first place. I was destroyed. Humbled completely, and the world was a better place as a result. …I limped through the Void with only my faithful shadow still clinging to me.
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eggyrocks · 6 months
𖦹track sixteen: drunk voicemail𖦹
it's not a huge bar. it shouldn't be this difficult to find her.
but kuroo finds himself running in circles, sliding between clusters of drunk friends and dipping into the alleyway and recruiting whatever girls he can find to ask them to check bathrooms.
he keeps finding traces of her. a smoking cigarette bud half-heartedly stomped out on damp pavement. her named passed between her friends just after she slipped away from them. an empty can of her favorite beer with stains of her lip gloss abandoned at the bar.
traces of her, but not her.
he tried calling her, and is met with the slurred voice of nishinoya on the other line, who, despite standing just beside kuroo, yelled into the receiver that he was holding onto her phone for her.
for whatever reason.
kuroo's half-convinced she's avoiding him. and when he finally finds her, leaning up against the bar, trapped there by the delay in service with impatience laced in the details of her expression, he plans to ask.
"hey," kuroo greets, squeezing into the spot next to her, ignoring the disgruntled expressions of the person he slightly nudged out of the way. "having fun avoiding me?" he questions, keeping his tone light, trying not to sound like his feelings are as hurt as they are.
she shrugs, fingers tapping against the wooden bar top. "sort of. where'd your girlfriend go?" she asks, raising her voice slightly so it'll carry over the buzz of noises around them.
the word girlfriend echoes around in his head for a second. he thinks about the way word sounded coming from her lips: sharp, quick, spit out like it was bitter on her tongue. and then he can't help but smirk. he thinks that maybe he shouldn't, but he does. he smirks and he says to her, "oh my god, you're jealous," and the notion that she might've been makes his chest swell, makes his thoughts spin.
she lets out a bark of laughter at this, but turns her head slightly, eyes searching for the bartender to play off the heat in her cheeks. "your big head's gonna pop if you're not careful" she snarks, but still will not look up at him.
kuroo leans his forearm on the bartop and tilts his head down towards hers. "you don't have anything to be jealous of," he tells her in a low voice, "you got all my attention now."
"hurray for me," she replies dryly, and with a roll of her eyes. she keeps her nerves locked down, but kuroo picks up on the small things. the way she holds her breath when he inches closer, the way her eyes dance to avoid him, her tapping fingers freezing and curling up into a tight fist.
her gaze catches the bartender, and she orders another beer before looking up to kuroo. "you want a drink?" she offers.
"nah," he replies, leaning back on his heels and giving her a bit of distance. "i'm not drinking tonight."
she frowns up at him. "you're not?"
kuroo grins. "got an important date tomorrow morning. can't risk being hungover."
he catches the way her eyes dilate before she can turn away, leaning over the bar to pay.
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