#Based on the fanfiction Firsts and Seconds written by Skerbbie
amalia-uwu · 9 months
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Photo by Monica Oprea from Pexels
Based on the fanfiction Firsts & Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie
I DONT OWN -> Undertale, Farmtale, the fanfiction First & Seconds. The rights go to the respective owners!
Undertale by Toby Fox
Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
First and Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie 💙
Warnings ⚠️: very light angst, fluff, lots of fluff
Note 1: Since I don't know the Canon grandpa name. I'll create an OC. So, for the needs of this story I'll use the names
Aster Lilian Crisanto.
-> Crisanto means golden flower (if I remember correctly it's Greek) I'll use it as last name.
-> Lilian is the masculine of Lily it's French. (it will be his middle name)
-> Aster; is a flower, a font and it's Greek. It means Star. Αστήρ
Note 2: In this story Papyrus exists. Im just focusing on Sans. Let's say Papyrus is with Aster's sister. (headcanon) ♥
Note 3: Sans is around 5 years old in this story. While Aster is around 35 years old.
Fun fact /Note 4: this idea came to my mind, while I was doing my makeup! I was just putting eyeliner and mascara and I was like; well how about Sticks meeting Brinley for the 1st time?
His grandpa was holding him by the hand. "Where are we going grandpa?" he looked at him questionably.
"There is someone I want you to meet" he smiled lovingly at him. Sans nodded and smiled back.
They walked towards a door. When they reached it , his grandpa let go of his hand.
He added a little force and opened the big door. The little light that went through the windows and the door illuminated the place.
Sans looked around perplexed, staying close to his grandpa.
Sans saw a huge animal approaching them. He hid behind his grandpa's leg.
Aster chuckled "Don't be afraid Sans, she is big but she is kind and affectionate. This one here is Brinley. Brinley meet my grandson, Sans!"
Brinley rubbed her head affectionately on Aster's hands.
Then she noticed the little skeleton. She leaned down.
Sans hid himself behind Aster's leg a little more.
Brinley was patient. She knew from experience that human and monster children were sometimes intimidated by big animals.
"It's okay my boy she won't hurt you, she wants to see and sniff you" he assured.
"She is not gonna eat me?" he peeked from behind him a little. Eyes shining green. Sticks held Aster's pants for dear life. His voice low.
"Heh, no, she only eats grass and plants. Besides I am here, I would never bring you to harms way"
He slowly walked towards her. She was still there waiting patiently.
He raised his tiny hand on her face and she leaned closer. She sniffed and huffed softly.
He patted her. She closed her eyes, his touch was soft.
She gently rubbed her nose on his hand.
He was braver now, his grandpa was right, she wasn't so bad.
He gave her face a hug. She closed her eyes and huffed contently.
"Grandpa could you please give me grass? I would like to feed her"
"Way ahead of you bud" He was already holding the grass on his hand. "Here" he smiled
"Thank you" He took it and brought it closer to her face. She gently took and ate it.
He walked towards the grass storage a little further and took as much as his hands could carry. He ran back.
He stretched upwards and gave her more. She accepted the offering. Brinley gently leaned down and ate form his little hands again.
He was watching her in awe. He patted her leg. Her hair were smooth, soft.
She was like a huge teddy bear.
He stepped back and went in front of her again. This time he asked kindly and innocently  "Could I lay on your back?"
She understood and looked at Aster, as if asking for permission.
He nodded and she knelt down. His grandpa helped him sit on her back.
Once on her back. He laid face down and caressed her fur. He stroked her fluffy brown hair while giggling.
Looking at her eyes you could understand she likes him. Sans seems to adore her too.
"Come on Brinley get up" Aster said.
She didn't.
"Brinley? Get up please" he repeated and lifted his phalanges up.
Brinley stayed on the ground.
She looked at him and then at her back.
He followed her movement. After a few seconds...
It clicked. His expression soften.
She didn't want to accidentally throw him down.
Aster smiled and got moved. "Thank you Brinley, you are a good girl". She huffed softly.
Sans had stopped moving and was just laying there, face down.
"You okay up there?" he smirked.
"yeah, *huff puff* I just *pant pant* got tired"
"Come then Sans it's time for us to go" he gently stretched his phalanges and took him in his arms.
"Can we come later?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around his grandpa's neck.
"Of course we will visit her later. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.. she isn't going anywhere".
"Alright" he smiled, "See ya later Brinley!" Sticks waved at her.
Aster chuckled.
He walked home. Sans had his hands wrapped around Aster's neck.
Outside he gently put him down.
"Now let me clean you, then lunch and after that nap okay?"  he informed. "Okay" he smiled.
He gently put him down "Stay here!" he said softly. He hummed in response.
Aster took a special vaccum and removed the hair from his clothes. He took a piece of cloth and gently cleaned his bones. He'll give him a better bath later.
"Alright, now go put on some clothes and come back down to eat" he gently pushed his back.
"Mhm" he ascended the stairs and went to his room. He put on a yellow shirt, green floral pants and blue jacket. He then went downstairs.
His grandpa brought him the plate "here you go"
"Thank you!"
He waited, he rested his ulna and radius from both hands on the table. Aster got slightly concerned at the silence.
"Sans? Aren't you eating?"
"Im waiting for you" he spoke cheerfully.
Aster chuckled. He turned around and let the orange juice on the table. He sat down and both ate.
Sans finished his food and took his dishes to the sink.
Aster was watching him. He returned back to his chair and began drinking his orange juice.
Aster smiled softly. He finished his dinner and proceeded to wash the dishes.
As he was doing so, his mind got lost in thoughts.
Truth be told; he tries not to show it, but.. He is afraid. Ever since he found out Sans is a little fragile and that he will have some issues because of that.. fear conquered his soul.
He tried to teach Sans and Papyrus to be careful.
Papyrus despite being a child he understood everything his grandpa told him. Sure they did shenanigans like all siblings but they were good children.
Papyrus and Sans were very obedient, such good, kind children.
Papyrus also seemed to be protective in his own way around Sans. Smart and observant skeleton.
They loved and cared for each other a lot.
Okay, maybe at first Aster was a little bit overprotective.. But he worked on it. He accepted it. He tried to make their lives as best as he could.
It also made his soul melt at how protective Brinley is. It's good to know that she will be there for him in her own way. After all..
Who said animals don't understand and feel emotions?
As Sans was waiting for his grandpa to finish his jobs, he fall asleep on the table. Aster finished the dishes and dried his hands. He turned around and was slightly startled that Sans was still on the table sleeping.
Aster just stood there a few seconds and smiled affectionately.
Sans felt two hands picking him up. He opened his eyes "Sorry fall asleep"
"Its okay you still kept me company"
Sticks smiled.
He gently laid him down and covered him with the bedsheet "love you grandpa" he grinned.
"Love you too Sans".
(2 hours later)
Sans opened his eyes. He stretched, got up and exited the room. Looking down he saw that his grandpa had fallen asleep on the couch.
He took his small bedsheet and quietly  tiptoed outside. He then walked towards the barn, where Brinley was.
He managed to open the door with great difficulty.
She was still there, she saw him dragging the bedsheet with him. She leaned her head on the side. Sans stood in front of her.
"Brinley could I please take a nap with you?" he asked with pure innocence.
She huffed softly and laid down. He joined her and curled up.
She smiled and curled up. Both enjoying a peaceful sleep.
(Some time later)
His grandpa woke up. It was eerily quiet, he decided to check on Sans. He knocked on the door.
He quietly opened the door and peeked in. Maybe he was sleeping.
.no sans.
He slightly panicked  but before he jumped to conclusions. He checked around the house.
Where did he go this time?
He suspected that maybe he went to Brinley.
He walked towards Brinley's place and noticed that the door was slightly opened.
He pushed the door and peeked in. Brinley opened her eyes and looked at him. She carefully moved her head showing Sans
"I'll check later" he whispered. He sighed with relief.
Later Sans woke up and his grandpa came to take him "warn me next time sweetie."
"Sorry grandpa" he apologized.
"Its okay" he hugged him a little tighter.
"See you tomorrow Brinley" he waved at her. She huffed softly. Aster chuckled softly.
It was clear to him that from that day, Brinley and Sans became
The End! 😘
Thank you for reading! 💙
Comments, Likes, Constructive Criticism is accepted.
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amalia-uwu · 1 year
Based on fanfiction Firsts & Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie
The rights go to the respective owners!
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
Firsts & Seconds written by Skerbbie 💙
Warnings ⚠️ : sick fic, angst, inaccurate medical stuff, dizziness, fainting, bruises, injuries pain
CHAPTER 2 (you are here 💋)
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Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
He had coughing fits all night that made it  difficult to sleep. He was rolling left and right. His head throbbed. He managed to get some sleep around 2 hours before the first rays of sun went through the curtains.
He sighed tiredly. He laid there watching at the ceiling.
Maybe a warm shower will help his sore aching body.
«That's good in thought, but how do we make it happen?» he thought.
He slowly pushed himself up and managed to sit, his feet touching the wooden floor. There wasn't a place in his body that didn't hurt.
«Okay, good one step at a time»
He tried to get up but he went into a coughing fit.
*koff koff  koff koff hack wheeze*
While coughing  uncontrollably in his radius and ulna, he clenched his chest and  slouched forward. His eyes tightly shut and teared up.
Axe had heard his coughing fit. Determined to help, he went to the bathroom. He looked around searching the first aid kit. Once he spotted it, he opened it and found some medical candies. He smiled.
Then he went to the kitchen and prepared some chamomile. He kept glancing concerned at Sticks's room.
He added honey to the mug and mixed it with the chamomile. When he finished, he walked towards Sticks's room.
He peeked from the door, highly worried; "Sticks?" his voice soft.
Despite him being a fell monster. His voice wasn't very deep or 'thin'. He in fact had a soft and beautiful masculine voice. There was something mesmerizing in it. (Note /headcanon: Axe voice is a little bit deeper than Sticks's)
Upon seeing Sticks in this state Axe's soul clenched.
Sticks's face was bathed in sweat and tears. There was a greenish hue all over his face; Not to mention the dark circles under his eyes.
"Hey.." he let the things he was holding  on the bedside table and slowly sat down next to him. He eyed him, he put his hand on his shoulder blade and made soft circling motions.
After the fit ended Sticks tried to take steady breathes. "You've been coughing a lot so, I found these medical candies with herbs, here is a chamomile too"
He took them gladly "Thank you!" his voice low and hoarse. Weak.
Axe eyed him again. He nodded lowering his head and looking at his hands; "Sticks? I will ask you something and I want you to be honest okay?"
Sticks nodded slouching and slowly unraveling the wrapping from the medical candy.
"Is it because of the rain?"
Sticks lowered his head and nodded "rain and the cold breeze yesterday when I was working, I was sweating and the cold breeze hit me.." he answered honestly.
Axe straightened up slightly, he was satisfied with Sticks being honest "Okay, we'll take care of it! Thanks for being honest! Oh! Don't forget the chamomile! Here!" he spoke softly.
"Thank you buddy" he slowly drank it.
Once he finished he got up slowly and carefully. Some of his bones cracking.
"... Im gonna take a shower" Sticks said rubbing his eyes. Axe gave him a worried look. "Don't worry I will be quick and if it makes you feel better I'll leave the door unlocked" he smiled tiredly.
Axe nodded "If you feel unwell please let me know", Sticks nodded.
While Sticks was in the shower. Axe went in the kitchen and called Papyrus. It was an opportunity now that Sticks was in the bathroom.
Once Papyrus picked up the phone he was expecting his brother "Good morning Brother!"
"Papyrus, it's me Axe" Axe voice was low but loud enough for Papyrus to hear.
"Oh.. Good morning Bitey!" he said cheerfully. Axe rolled his eye at the nickname.
Okay, Axe had accepted long ago that Papyrus will use this nickname as well to tease him.
Sans was right Papyrus was tall and could be intimidating but he meant well he was kind. Loud. But kind. That was his reality now. He accepted it long ago.
«Wait-» Papyrus thought.
Why? Why was Axe calling? He never called. Did something bad happened to his brother? He took a deep breath to calm his thoughts that were like a tornado.
He clenched the phone, his hands shaking "Is everything alright?" he asked and Axe could feel the dread in Papyrus's voice.
Axe never called.. so Papyrus freaking out was an understatement!
Axe whispered "Your brother isn't feeling very well Papyrus, I think-no he is sick "
"What do you mean Axe?" he asked his soul beating like drums. He hadn't heard the phrase << he is sick>> . As a result he panicked.
«Did he get hurt? Did he get lost? Is his back okay? Is he falling apart? Did he fall somewhere and now is waiting for help? IS HE DEAD? WHAAATTT?! » his thoughts were running a marathon.
"It rained here, a few days ago, he stayed outside in the rain to take care of the fields.. But got all wet. Yesterday he went to the fields to do some work.. It got worst. There was a breeze and he was sweating.. He doesn't seem so well. Yeah I am 100% sure he caught a cold"
Papyrus released a breath he didn't know he was holding. Okay, Sticks is alive! Phew!
Axe closed his eye and put the phone away..
"He stayed in the rain-"
"-Yes I heard! Where is he right now?"
"He is taking a shower" Axe looked at the bathroom's direction.
"well I'll be there by the noon after all most jobs are finished and are not a priority right now. I'll contact Abby and see wh-"
Axe heard a loud noise as if someone had fallen down. It seems that even Papyrus heard it..
"Axe? Are you okay? Is everything okay?" he questioned worryingly.
Axe looked at upstairs "Hold on a moment papyrus..".
Papyrus stayed silent
(Note: for the needs of this story, they have two bathrooms. One upstairs the other downstairs.)
SANS?!" Axe called and ran upstairs.
He knocked on the door "SANS?! Are you okay?"
Silence "..."
"Sticks?" *knock knock *
"..." still silence
"Sticks I'm coming in!" Axe warned and opened the door.
He found Sans laying (on his left side) on the floor.
There was a small crack and a bruise on his forehead.
"STICKS?!" he dropped the phone, eye widening, soul running a marathon.
He ran at his side. He gently rolled him face up and adjusted his body. He lifted his legs up.
He gently patted Sticks cheekbones. He massaged his tibias.
"Sticks?! Wake up! What happened?! Sticks?!" panic started rising in his soul.
After around 3-4 minutes that felt eternity, Sticks groaned. He opened his eyes and blinked the blurriness. He saw Axe leaning above him. Concerned, frightened.
"There you are" Axe sighed with relief.
Axe helped him sit. Sticks started coughing again. He turned away from him slightly.
They heard Papyrus's panicked voice "AXE?! WHAT'S GOING ON?! AXE?! ARE YOU STILL THERE?!WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BROTHER?!" Papyrus heard coughing and wheezing, accompanied by groans of pain.
Axe looked at the phone. Oops! He had forgotten about that!
"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!SANS YOU BETTER BE OKAY!!" Papyrus was at the verge of tears. He heard someone picking up the phone "Papyrus it's okay! He fainted but he is awake! Sorry I dropped the phone"
"He fainted?! Is he injured?"  he  asked slightly relieved. He heard a very slurred dizzily voice "m fine..."
"No you are not!" Axe told him sternly, Sticks looked on the floor trying to sooth the soreness and pain.
Axe expression softened. He turned his attention to Papyrus while examining him. H
"He seems to have bruised and slightly cracked his left shoulder on the fall and there is a bruise above his left eye" Axe explained holding the phone between his head and shoulder.
"I'm coming home as soon as I can!" Papyrus said, Sticks was shaking.
"Axe?"  Papyrus asked softly
"Yeah?" he questioned still holding the phone between his head and shoulders and examining Sticks cracked shoulder.
"Please take care of him until I arrive.." he pleaded.
Axe smiled "On it! Papyrus don't worry!"
"Thank you" he said and both closed their phones.
Sticks started coughing uncontrollably again. His bones rattled.
Axe wrapped the towel around him, picked him up and took him to the room. He dressed him in some warm clothes and sat him gently on the chair.
He unfolded a  blanket on bed, laid him in it and covered him. After that in order to keep him warmer, he picked him up and took him to the kitchen.
He left him close to the stove where there was a gentle fire. He could also look outside in case he felt dizzy again.
Axe offered him some tea with various herbs. "Thanks bud" he spoke quietly.
Axe sat down next to him drinking some tea as well.
In all honesty.. Sticks had rekindle emotions he thought he had forgotten.
Being a Fell Monster he had to forsake most of his emotions in order to survive.
But when he saw Sticks everything changed. This man in front of him brought him back to health.
Day and night he stayed by his side. Little by little he fixed him, bringing him back to a good health and helped him stand up to his feet.
He gave him a second chance to be better and enjoy a different aspect of the life he was deprived of in that forsaken place.
He made him relive emotions such as happiness, love, tranquility, etc
This humble Farmer (and Papyrus of course) that had nothing but love and so many things to offer! They had little but they gave more. Sticks gave more..
Axe smiled at himself looking on the floor, his hands on his laps. Then outside. He could see some of the sheep eating the grass quietly
He looked at Sticks sipping his tea slowly while looking like a sushi roll/ burrito (Axe wrapped him well in the blankets).
He gently stretched his hand and caressed his head and shoulder. Sticks smiled weakly at the soft touch. He knew Axe wanted to comfort him.
(Back to Papyrus)
As soon as he closed the phone he went to Abby. However Abby wasn't there cause she was needed elsewhere.
He met Abby's friend named Angie a healer in training. (Since she is in training she couldn't do much, she isn't skilled yet)
She greeted him with a warm smile.
"Hello! How can I help you?"
"Hello lady! Is Abby here? My brother is sick and I need her help"
She looked at him sympathetically.
While talking she reached on the selve and took some medicines, remedies etc
"I'm really sorry, she is not here and I am not ready to heal yet, I may do more harm than good. But, I'll give you some medicines she has. She also told me to give her phone number in case someone needed her and I'll also give you this crystal."
He took the things she offered gratefully but got perplexed by the crystal. He held it close to his face and examined it " What is this crystal for?"
"It will teleport you in case of an emergency. The one you are holding now is limited though, sorry! I'll make more sometime"
He smiled, he removed some some vegetables that happened to be Abby's favorites. He also left some to Angie.
"Thank you Angie! Please inform Abby" he said taking a hold of the medicines.
"My pleasure and of course, tell him to get well soon!"
Papyrus waved goodbye.
She waved back.
He entered in his car, pulled the crystal. He rubbed it and said something like "Me, car, outside home".
The crystal shone brightly. He shielded his eyes. When he opened them he was indeed a few feet away from home.
He took his items and exited the car. He run home.
(Back to Axe)
Axe had warmed up some broth. He then sat in front of Sans and began feeding..
Sticks didn't want to eat. "It will do you good.. Can you at least eat a little? For me?" he spoke softly holding the spoon. Sticks sighed defeated. He leaned forward and slowly began eating. Axe smiled.
A small trail ran down his chin in which Axe cleaned it.  Sticks couldn't eat much.
Axe persisted, he knew hunger better than anyone. Sticks slowly ate but when he had enough, he slowly turned his head away. "No more?" he asked.
Sticks slightly shook his head no and smiled. He brought his hand on his chin he slowly moved towards Axe. He avoided talking, so smiling or other small gestures meant «thank you». Beside Axe knew Sticks was thankful.
After some minutes he took him to bed. He was still feeling cold, Axe laid next to him. He laid on his side and brought Sticks closer to his body so to give him some body heat..
Axe touched his forehead with his hand. Sticks had stopped shivering but he was burning up. Sticks leaned closer to the touch; Axe phalanges were cool against his burning forehead.
Axe brought his hand down caressing Sticks cheekbones.
He heard a knock on the door. He looked over his shoulder. Sticks opened his eyes slightly.
Axe got up and stretched. He walked towards the door
"Who?" he asked
"Axe it's me Papyrus!"
Axe opened the door "Access permitted".
He saw Papyrus's hands full. He tried to keep his voice low.
"How is he?" Papyrus asked concerned
"right now he is burning up..." Axe admitted solemnly.
Just then they heard coughing from upstairs. Papyrus let some of the things he was holding on the table and run upstairs.
"Brother!" Papyrus said. He looked at Sans. His soul sank at the depth of his nonexistent stomach.
Sans had slightly opened his eyes "P- *koff koff koff kaf hack wheeze* pa....ps?"
Papyrus said "I am here brother... Forgive me it's not the place nor the time but... WHAT ON ACTUAL HECK WERE YOU THINKING STAYING IN RAIN FOR SO LONG?!"
Sans closed his eyes shut slightly at the volume of his voice. The throbbing in his head killing him.
He wheezed "I *pant pant * couldn't let *gulp* years of hard work to be ruined by rain *wheeze* " he got up slightly supporting his weight on his elbow but collapsed in bed groaning.
Axe added a wet piece of cloth (he soaked it with vinegar) on his forehead.
He noticed Sticks chest to be soaked.
Using another piece of clothe, Axe unbuttoned  his shirt so he could clean the sweat and fluids that had gathered around his ribs.
Papyrus watched as he did so and sighed. He knelt down by the bed.
Sans looked at him with tired eyes  "Sans, I understand but please. please! Your life is worth more!  I will be devastated by the disaster on our crops yes, but I will be more devastated if I were to lose my one and only brother.. The crops will grow back. They will bloom again... But you. You are
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Photo by Max Andrey from Pexels:
-> Did you know? That red carnation and sunflower symbolizes brotherly love as well?
feedback, Constructive criticism, comments are accepted! 💕
Let me know what you think!
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amalia-uwu · 1 year
A oneshot based on Skerbbie's @skerbbie First & Seconds!
Thank you for giving us this fic! You have no idea how happy your writing makes me!!! Here is a small gift for you!! 💕 😘
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Warnings: light angst, hurt comfort
I DON'T OWN!: Undertale, Horrortale, Farmtale, the fanfiction : Firsts & Seconds written by Skerbbie! @skerbbie
The rights go to the respective owners!
Cover : Photo by James Wheeler from Pexels
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale -> Farmer/Oira Sans belongs to 귀농테일 on twitter
First & Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie
More notes!
Horror Sans nickname is Axe Pronouns He/Him, They/them Farmer sans nickname is Sticks. I call him that or just Sans! Pronouns He/him
-> Axe can speak but remains silent most of the times. For the needs of this story!
Excuse my errors, English isn't my first language! 💕
Enjoy! 💕 💕 💕
Photo below by Simon Berger from Pexels:
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The sun slowly rose  from behind the mountain. Slowly illuminating the sky and their humble home with it's orangish rays.
Sans pulled the curtains. He sat down on his chair watching the sunrise while sipping his coffee.
He always loved the sunrise, sunset, stars, flowers. Yeah... Well he loves nature in general.
He sat there for a while enjoying the soft sound of wind and the chirping of the morning birds.
It was a beautiful day outside. An idea crossed his mind. Their guest could move around quite easily.
He decided that it will be a good time to go outside. It will do him good to change a scenery. He smiled at himself.
He got up and took a basket and a checkered tablecloth  (red and white in colors).
He hummed as he added fruits, sandwiches, water, juice, coffee, cake, biscuits and some more goodies. He prepared it nicely and put it in the side.
Papyrus was in town. He will come back in two days. Mkst chores were done so he could enjoy today with something different.
Soon he heard the floor creaking softly. He turned his head and looked at his guest.
"Hey buddy slept well?" he asked grinning softly.
They  rubbed their eyes but managed to smile and nod sleepily.
"Have a sit, I'll cook something" Sticks offered
He obeyed, sat down and waited patiently.
Sticks, as he was cracking the eggs and cooking the bacon said "You know? I was thinking maybe we could go outside, it's a beautiful day outside. It will do some good to you, change of scenery... What do you think bud?" he looked over his shoulder.
Axe smiled softly and nodded. Sticks smile widen.
They sat down and ate some breakfast.
After that they changed their clothes.
Axe put on a white shirt his blue jacket and black basket shorts.
Sticks put on a black flannel with green overalls and black shoes. He added his straw hat. In his left hand he held the basket.
He started chewing softly a wheat.
"Ready bud?" he asked. Axe nodded.
They walked about 10 minutes, where there was a small hill with a  cherry tree and ahead a beautiful valley with trees river, lake and flowers.
What a beauty!
They sat under the tree enjoying the sounds of nature.
Axe was mesmerized by the beauty.  "You like it?" Sticks asked. Axe nodded his eye shining brighter than the sun.
Sticks could promise that he saw some tears building in the corners of Axe's eyes. He said nothing. He unfolded the tablecloth.
They looked at the clouds that were carried away softly by the wind. Axe looked at the clouds but mostly at Sans's hands and him (Sticks/Sans).
Sticks had on hand/ arm behind his neck. Resting his head.
"Hey look buddy this one looks like a dog" he spoke cheerfully,
"this one looks like a cat". Axe was listening carefully.
"This one looks like -"
Sticks stopped for a moment..
The clouds
Brought back some memories that made his eyes tear up.
He remembered how he loved watching the clouds with his brother and grandpa.
His eyes would sparkle and his grandpa will pat his head lovingly.
Yet there he was now. He didn't realize his face was bathed in tears until he felt soft hands caressing his face.
He also felt his body being pressed against another body. It took him a few seconds to realize what was happening.
He didn't push away. He smiled and cried at the same time "Sorry bud, i didn't mean to cry" he apologized.
Axe held him slightly tighter "It's okay" he spoke softly.
It took some minutes for Sticks to recollect himself. When Axe felt it was okay, he gently let go. He spoke "Look Sticks, this one looks like a dragon and that over there like a.. Heh like a heart"
Sticks smiled softly "hehaha *sniff* you are right! And Uhm.. T-Thanks buddy.." he said wiping away his tears with his sleeve.
Axe took the juices and apples he offered one to Sticks. They ate it while watching the scenery and clouds.
They kept pointing at the sky finding different patterns and figures in the clouds.
It seems that at some point Sticks got comfortable and took a nap.  Axe inspected him, «Boy he is cute!» he thought.
He curled up next to him making sure that Sticks is comfortable.
Both enjoying a peaceful nap. In the warmth of the sun, the soft breeze and soft shadow of the clouds that passed by in front of the sun. They were cuddling with a happy and a peaceful expression on their faces.
The end! 😘
Thank you for reading! 💙
12 notes · View notes
amalia-uwu · 1 year
Based on fanfiction Firsts & Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
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Warnings ⚠️ : sick fic, angst, little blood, light injuries/ scratches, inaccurate medical stuff (Don't try to stay out in rain you will catch a cold!) , dizziness, (I don't know what else to add in the warnings, you can inform me! 💕)
Cover Photo Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
Chapter 1 : you are here 💙
Chapter 2: press here 💋
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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
He had heard in the radio that there will be a bad weather. He made sure to protect his crops and his animals. He had gathered the wheat, oat, herbs, botanical plants and wood (etc).
His animals were safe; he had added enough water and food.
He went towards the fields. By the time the clouds began gathering he had finished protecting most of his crops.
He saw the clouds approaching slowly. He kept working; he had a few more things to take care of.
The rain started a little earlier than he anticipated. When the first drops of rain fell he was still taking care of his crops.
The rain was soft. As if it was holding back and waited for Sticks to finish his job.
Once he finished, the rain grew a little stronger. He checked his animals again one last time. Everything was okay. He looked at his field. Everything seemed okay.
The rain was cold against his bones. His clothes all wet, dripping wet.
As he was returning home the rain grew stronger. It no longer held back it's power.
He started running in an attempt to go faster but slipped in the mud
Aaand came face down in rain scratching, cracking his elbows and patellas a little. He will have bruises tomorrow. Oh boy.
He got up and after 2-3 minutes he reached home.
He noticed Axe sitting  by the kitchen's window looking concerned and holding some items on his hands.
Sticks grinned. Once he was within view, Axe saw him. It was adorable how his expression went from concern to happiness, shock, concern again. He grinned at them. Axe went and opened the door.
Once he entered his home. Axe greeted him. Sticks greeted him back.
Sans was shivering and dripping wet.
Axe stretched his hands towards him. Sticks took the towels and he removed his clothes letting them in the corner "Thanks buddy! careful not to slip, I'll go take a shower."
Axe nodded. He stepped in the side. He sat in the window watching the rain. Strong wind blew and thunders lit up the sky.
Sticks entered his room, took some clothes, entered the bathroom and took a quick shower. When he was done  he  realized he forgot to take his shirt and flannel. He cleaned the bathroom, put on his pants and went in his bedroom.
He saw his clothes on the bed. As he went to put on the shirt, he sensed a presence.
Sticks looked over his shoulder, Axe was looking at him sternly arms crossed.
Axe kept giving him a stern look and a grunt.
"So, judging by the way you are looking at me.. You want to make sure I am okay, you gonna tell my brother I was a bad boy for staying out in rain and I am not gonna hear the end of it am I?"
Axe tried to keep a straight face but he smirked a little.
As Sticks put his black T-shirt, Axe noticed some blood on his 'elbows'.
He narrowed his eyes, uncrossed his arms and walked closer. He  gently touched with his index finger Stick's elbows.
Sticks grimaced slightly, good thing he had his back turned. He turned  around and saw Axe. Who was eyeing him concerned. Sticks spoke softly
"I was running to come here faster but slipped. It's nothing to worry about".
Axe remained silent. He exited the room. Sticks put on his red flannel and buttoned it.
Just then Axe returned. Sans saw the first aid kit in his hands. Sticks smiled.
Axe gently raised the sleeves took care of the small injuries. "Thank you buddy, now let's go eat hm?"
Axe nodded "Can.." he spoke. Sticks looked at him, his face shining at the sound of Axes voice.
He could speak but used it rarely. "Can I help you?" he asked. "Of course" he replied and smiled. Axe gave him back a small smile.
"Let's go buddy". He wrapped his hand around his shoulder. Axe blushed slightly.
They made soup. Axe boiled the water, Sans cut the vegetables, added spices, salt amd pepper.
When done.
They sat down to enjoy their meal. Axe was giving concerned looks at him. He was eyeing him from top to toe.
Sticks had dark circles under his eyes. His bones seemed paler than normal. He could feel Axe's eyes piercing him.
He said nothing. They ate in silence. Axe was eating but inspecting him as well.
Truth be told, last days were difficult..
He couldn't rest and couldn't sleep. He couldn't take a nap.
He was just tired- no. No, he was exhausted. Being caught in the rain didn't help.
When finished with their food, he picked up the plates. Axe offered to wash them "You go to rest, I'll wash them" Sticks smiled "How about I dry them? Then we both go to sleep?"
Axe smiled "fine but if you feel like you had enough go to bed!" his voice playfully stern. Sticks nodded. They teamed up to do the dishes.
When everything was tidied up they went to bed.
"Goodnight Axe" he spoke softly.
"Goodnight sticks" he tenderly replied.
Even though It was raining all evening, night and next day until the dawn. It felt like a 3 days rain. He could hear the strong winds and the thunders.
(The next day )
Sticks felt the consequences of his actions crawling all over him.
The sun rose, the birds chirped, the flowers bloomed and sans woke up feeling terrible.
He felt as if someone had drained all energy from him, his joints and his entire body ached. He coughed a little. His throat felt dry.
He gathered what little strength he had and cooked breakfast. Eggs and bacon. He drank some tea to sooth his throat.
He ate a little bit, he didn't have that much of an appetite. He took some vitamins so his body will last a little and not fall apart.
Axe was still sleeping. He checked him from the creak of their door, he smiled softly. He turned around and walked outside. He stretched slightly.
He prepared himself for the day..
Papyrus is sooooo going to kill him for not taking care of himself!
To his defense he couldn't leave years of hard work to be ruined by rain! Okay? Okay.
His body even with  that little breakfast and vitamins was still begging him to rest..
... yet there he was.. working...!
Little by little he had released the protection from almost all of his crops.
They were all okay!
Good, his sacrifice didn't go for nothing!
He checked the time 13.00 o' clock. There were clouds in the sky offering him some coolness. There was a soft breeze.
He then decided to fix his sunflowers, chamomile, and of course his red roses. It wasn't so hard.
The sunflowers were quite beautiful, they had grown taller. He admired them. When he was done fixing them. He turned his attention to the red roses.  He leaned forward slightly and sniffed their fragrance.
So beautiful. Maybe he should try to make a sweet the next days? There were quite enough blossoms.
Next check up were his chickens.
He added food and water. He took some of the eggs. His favorite one an old hen gently rubbed her head on his pants. (Note: he loves all his animals, is just that some of them express their affection a little more and had them more years so.. yeah)
He knelt down slightly and caught her in his arms. He gently patted her head.
Even his hen gave him a concerned look.
Did he really looked that bad?
He leaned forwards gently in order to put her down. He sighed "Im fine darling, just a rough week"
The hen rubbed her head on his chest as farewell and then went to eat.
He walked slowly outside to check the rest of his animals.
He checked his sheeps; Okay they had food and water.
Last but not least he visited his baby!
Brinley! He walked in and offered her a treat.
She slammed her foot on the ground and with her nose she gently pushed him out. She understood he wasn't feeling well. 
"What?" he looked at her as he was pushed out. He adjusted his hat.
"huff *whine* "
"I had work to do" he spoke crossing his hands slightly on his chest. (He had overworked). (not only he stayed outside in rain but the soft breeze against his sweating body wasn't a very good idea!)
He still needed to gather some fruits and vegetables from the crops. But they could wait another day right?
«I mean papyrus will come back in 2 days? today? tomorrow?...??... When was he coming back again?» he thought
She huffed. He offered her some food and water. Then he went to pet her. She nudge him gently with her nose, he caressed her neck gently.  She rubbed her face on his chest
As he attempted to leave he felt dizzy and tripped. He took a hold of the wood for support.
She eyed him concerned. She whined and gently touched his back. Her eyes pleading. He turned around to look at her.
"Maybe you are right Brinley. I'll just gather some fruits and vegetables and go home" he patted her.
As he was proceeding to leave his vision blurred and fall down. Brinley walked towards him. She whined and gently touched him with her face.
"Im fine just dizzy.. Mind if I stay with you a little?" he asked.
She knelt and curled up around him. His chest felt heavy.  "I knew I could count on you!" she huffed. "Thank you Brinley" she smiled slightly.
After around 20 minutes. He got up feeling good enough to walk.
He patted her again. He was sweating and feeling terrible.
"See ya later again sweetie!", she gently touched his chest with her forehead.  He patted her and left.
He went home and did some chores. (that's what he had planned).
Surprised, he found that Axe had cleaned the floor and dusted the surfaces. He also found the vegetables he wanted to pick up (but forgot) neatly above the table. Axe was sitting patiently.
Sans smiled fondly "Thank you bud!" he proceeded to do the laundry and eventually he started cooking. Axe helped him.
He cooked enough and for later.
When done Axe offered to wash the dishes and that he takes a shower and a nap.
He took a quick shower and fall asleep on the couch.
When Axe  was done with the dishes. He noticed that Sans had cooked enough for dinner and tomorrow. He smiled and put it on the fridge.
After he finished his jobs with the kitchen he gently went to see Sticks.
He had fallen asleep in the couch wrapped in a blanket and hugging the pillow.
Axe stood there a little admiring his beauty.
We put aside the fact he looks like- tired as heck! In Axe's eyes he is handsome.
He leaned down and gently touched his forehead, he was warm. He gently untangled the pillow and picked him up bridal style. Sticks shoved himself a little further in Axe's chest. Axe smirked and blushed.
He reached his room, gently laid him down on bed, he covered him with the blanket, turned off the lights and went to sleep.
End of Chapter 1 😘
It's quite long, so I will split it in Parts!Comments, Constructive Criticism, Feedback is welcomed! Please let me know what you think! 💕
Thank you for reading! 💙
CHAPTER 2 press here 💋
10 notes · View notes
amalia-uwu · 10 months
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Based on Skerbbie's fanfiction Firsts & Seconds @skerbbie 💚
I DO NOT OWN -> Undertale, Horrortale, Farmtale, the fic First & Seconds, Hanahaki disease. The rights go to the respective owners!
Warnings ⚠️: Angst, Hanahaki Disease, body horror, light gore, blood.
(please tell me what else to add).
CHAPTER 1 (you are here)
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
First & Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie 💚
Hanahaki Disease by Matsuda Naoko
Cover Photo by Tyler Lastovich from Pexels
He could no longer deny the fact  that he had developed feelings for the fell monster....
...He didn't know... if their feelings were mutual..
Sans wanted to refuse, forsake his emotions for them! But, couldn't..
It started one day...
He didn't know why but, he began feeling a tingling sensation in his soul and thorax..
He would find petals in his clothes, bed and many more places.
Sometimes he will even cough red petals of daffodils or red roses or a mix.
He didn't say anything to Papyrus and he prayed that he wouldn't notice.
Seems like luck was with him on that one. Cause, Stones needed to visit the town for some works.
Sticks paid close attention to the small flowers blossoming in his soul.
Red roses, carnation, lilies, forget me not, daffodils and many more flowers.
Alright, he really needs to call Abby. Well it's not like you wake up everyday to flowers blossoming around your soul..
Besides, he could no longer keep this a secret. He needed to know what was happening.
He pulled his phone and dialed Abby's number.. "Heya Abby? Can we meet somewhere quite? There is something I want to show you..."
She accepted. "You can come to my office". He teleported there.
He removed his shirt revealing the red flowers, that covered most of his ribs.
Abby's eyes widen slightly. The shock was replaced with sorrow, understanding, pity...
She walked closer, concern on her dark eyes.
"How long?" she questioned; slowly touching and inspecting some of the flowers that had embraced Sticks's ribs.
"Days to a... week...(?) " he looked down, then at her again. "Can you... fix it?".
She removed her hands and sighed defeated "I am sorry Sticks.. but.. I can't fix the Hanahaki disease"
He blinked perplexed "Hanahaki disease?"
"Yes it's a disease where  a person who has an unrequited  love; in other words one sided love, will blossom flowers in their chest.. You repressed your affection for someone to the point you got the hanahaki.." she didn't have the heart to continue.
He looked at the ground, then raised his face to fully look at her "Is there a cure?" his soft monotone voice low.
"They must love you back. True love. Friendship doesn't work. That's one way for the flowers to disappear.
Second way is; you can remove the flowers by surgery but all the love you have for your lover will be replaced with apathy. You will no longer love them".
He hummed lowering his emerald eyes. "What if... it's too late?" he asked quiet hesitant.
She looked at the ground. Her dark eyes held grief. Her blonde hair covered her eyes a little.
When she spoke she wasn't looking at him. She couldn't bear to look at him.
"Those... whose... love was not requited by their beloved in time.... didn't have a happy ending..
I'm sorry..."
She gathered the courage to look at him. Her job could be so fucking difficult at times..
«How was this happening? Why was it happening? He did nothing wrong.. What kind of cruel fate is this? Why is this kind sweet skeleton going through this?! » many questions were on her head.
Sticks took it surprisingly calm, "Don't tell my brother or anyone! This is between me and you okay?"
"Sticks? Wh-" she looked at him eyes wide.
"He already worries too much" he looked at the ground, his brow narrowed, then at her.
"Sticks he is your brother he must know!" despair in her voice.
"No! I-" He began coughing some red petals landed on his hand.. Rose and carnation petals.
She stopped talking. She just observed. She felt an invisible hand squeezing her soul. He panted "Sorry Abby.. but, Please. Please.. I-I'll handle it. Okay?"
She lowered her head and bowed, "As you wish but at least, let me know in case you need something, I'll try to make it as comfortable as I can..." 
He nodded "Thank you Abby" he smiled. He turned his back, walked towards the door and attempted to teleport.
"Sticks?" she asked softly. He was by the door, slouched, his straw hat covering his eyes. His mouth a tight line. He looked over his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry... It's beyond me.." this was one thing she hated in her job. Not being able to save someone..
"It's okay... Im not mad at you!" he turned to face her. He gave her a small smile.
"Some loves aren't meant to be requited... I can only blame myself for loving him..." he whispered and slowly faded away.
Abby heard what he said. She slowly sank on her knees. She brust into tears.
Sticks teleported back home. Once outside his home he walked towards the lemon trees. He knelt down and wept bitterly.
Maybe it was karma for all these times he didn't love someone back.
Maybe their love wasn't meant to be fulfilled..
They were from two different worlds.
After he cried his soul out he wiped his eyes. He got up and straightened up. He took some deep steady breaths.
He did some work around; feed the animals, clean the barn, pick up some vegetables and eggs.
Later cooked with Axe and both enjoyed a nice meal.
Will everything be alright? Propably. Right?
As the days passed by and judging the fact he saw him everyday, every hour, minute and second.. the hanahaki deteriorated..
He would go outside and cough more and more petals; a handful, sometimes even small whole flowers.
If Axe looked at him worriedly he would just smile and say "is just the dust and some flowers that bother me this season don't worry".
What else could he do? Tell him that he suffers because of him?!
No.. No.
He kept doing work around; cleaning, picking up the vegetables, fruits, feeding the animals etc.
Axe seemed to be quite helpful. He would look at him quite fondly..
Sticks noticed it but...the freaking flowers won't go away.
Papyrus was in town. Abby saw him. She tried to play cool. But seeing him shattered her heart.
She respected Sticks decision. She sighed heavily. She hugged Stones and gently patted his shoulder.
"Is everything okay Abby?" he asked. She nodded "Yeah, I just missed you is all!" she smiled.
He smiled back.
🍃 🍃🍃🍃 🍃🍃🍃 🍃🍃🍃 🍃🍃
Sticks could only prune his flowers so he won't raise suspicions. He needed to keep them hidden. They began bothering him the bigger they grew.
He couldn't force Axe to love him.
No. You can't force someone to love you.
Axe had noticed that Sticks was getting tired. Well, he was always tired but there was something off. He could sense it.
Axe paid close attention to him. Sticks had dark circles under his eyes sockets.
He seemed more tired than normal. He was coughing quite a lot especially when he (Axe) was around.
Axe actually loved Sticks's new fragrance. Sticks smelled like roses, carnations, lillies, forget me nots, daffodils etc.
The fragrance was a cocktail of flowers.
A pleasant fragrance for others
Pain and torture for the bearer...
Poor Sticks.... You truly are an unfortunate creature...
Chapter 2
Did you notice that at the end I said “Sticks you are an unfortunate creature?”
It's a literacy device. It symbolizes fondness. Fondness of the author towards the character.
Please let me know what you think!
12 notes · View notes
amalia-uwu · 1 year
Based on fanfiction Firsts & Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie
The rights go to the respective owners!
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale belong to GuinongTale_AU
Firsts & Seconds belongs to Skerbbie @skerbbie 💙
CHAPTER 3 (you are here 😊)
Chapter 4
Warnings ⚠️ : sick fic, angst, inaccurate medical stuff, sickness, little blood, pain, delirium, blisters
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Photo by George Becker from Pexels:
I still hope you enjoy! 💕
Sans felt bad. He knew Papyrus was worried and wanted the best for him. He sighed "Im sorry bro.. I..
*koff koff koff hack wheeze* "
"Please try to be a little more careful.." Papyrus pleaded.
Sans nodded "I'll try" he smiled softly.
Papyrus sighed again. After a few seconds he inhaled "Sans, I need to check your soul to see how bad it is.. Okay?" he explained.
Sans nodded.
Papyrus gently touched Sticks's chest and summoned his soul. When it came in view Papyrus hiccuped a breath.
Axe's red eye widened and gulped. Sans was surprisingly calm. Yeah He saw it coming..
Sans's soul had a sickening dull color and it didn't glow a normal bright light. There seemed to be blisters, here and there on the surface.
Papyrus gently touched/rubbed them. At the touch, Sans closed his eyes tightly and hissed in pain. "Sorry" Papyrus quickly pulled his hand away.
"It's.. okay..pap-" he turned away and coughed a little. Sweat ran down his brow, Axe gently wiped it away.
Papyrus swore under his breath. He looked on the floor, eyes narrowing. He shoot his head slightly up, an idea came to his mind. "Sans? I will try to heal you. Okay?"
Sans eyed him «I don't think it will work» he wanted to say. He replied softly "you can try".
He knew Papyrus wanted to help that's why he agreed, even though he knew the outcome. He braced himself.
Papyrus touched Stick's chest again. He closed his eyes and concentrated. A green light appeared in his hand.
Sans chest arched up slightly at the force of Papyrus's healing magic. It was strong and despite the fact he used it with love, it turned out to be too much.
"Hrk pap!" he pleaded, a trail of blood ran down his nose..
Papyrus stopped immediately. Sans body went slack "Brother?!"
Sans panted and wheezed "Sorry bro... I...ca..nt... handle.. it..." Papyrus lowered his head and looked away.
An invisible cold hand squeezed his soul. He felt hopelessness piercing his soul.
Papyrus through their brotherly bond he sent him a wave of tranquility, to alleviate his pain. It worked, Sans's facial expression relaxed a bit.
Axe wiped the trail of blood.
He could understand Papyrus's pain. He watched him as he got up and left to prepare the medicines.
As Papyrus got up, Sans grabbed his hand "Not your fault... Pap..." Papyrus gave him a solemn nod avoiding eye contact.
Sans refused to let go of his hand, Papyrus gave him a sad smiled. Sans let go. Axe was observing the entire scene silently.
( Note / headcanon:
Papyrus is not experienced with healing sickness. He can make a sick person feel better by taking care of them. Cooking etc.
Regarding his healing magic; he is mostly experienced with injuries and would provide important aid, until a doctor arrives, depends the occasion).
After a few minutes Papyrus returned; holding a syrup, some capsules and a cup of chamomile.
Papyrus looked at Axe as he handed him the items. He spoke quietly "I'll be outside.. In case something happens, call me! Alright? I won't be far!" Axe nodded.
He looked at his brother one last time and exited the room without another word. Sticks felt bad, he should had listened.
Sticks saw Papyrus walking softly and exiting the house. Axe gently lifted him softly. He fixed the pillow and Sticks leaned his back.
Axe offered the medicines and the chamomile. "It's gonna be okay Sticks, he just worries, he isn't mad.." Axe said as if he sensed what Sticks was thinking. Sticks smiled and thanked him.
"Yeah yeah drink it before it gets cold" Sticks smiled softly. He drunk it and took the pills.
Axe gently helped him lay down "Rest, I'll be in the kitchen. I'll check on you later okay?" Sticks nodded.
Axe smiled, caressed his collarbone tenderly, got up and exited the room.
Papyrus went under the lemon trees. He checked his surroundings. Okay, no one in sight.
He slouched and covered his face with his hands. His back touched the tree, slowly he slipped down
He hugged his knees close to his chest and a few tears ran down his eye sockets.
Soon those tears turned into a heartbreaking bawling. The feeling of Hopelessness drowned him.
While he was lost in his thoughts and crying his soul out, a small bird sat on his shoulder.
He felt something soft on his neck. He turned his face slightly.
He looked at the little bird. Papyrus recognized him. He was that little bird Sans named River because of his bluish color.
The bird sensed his pain and gently rubbed his head on his neck. Papyrus smiled. That feeling of hopelessness disappeared for now.
He gave his little friend a tearful smile "I know he will be okay, I just.. I feel powerless and I can't stand it.. I hate seeing him hurt.. He is my brother.."
*chirp chirp chirp *
"Of course! But-"
The bird's chirps intensified. He was hopping on his shoulder for emphasis.
Papyrus sighed, he smiled softly "... Your are right! He will be okay! He has us! Thank you friend!"
He gently cupped the bird and gave him soft rubs, on it's head and back/wings. The bird rolled on it's back exposing his abdomen "Oh you want belly rubs? Nyehehe"
Using his index finger he gently rubbed River's belly.
After some minutes, he stopped.
"Alright, time for me to look around and see what the farm needs, if the animals have food, water. Go water the plants.. and stay here River you earn yourself a treat!"
River sat on his shoulder and chirped happily. Papyrus stood up. He recollected himself. Now, he had a brother to help!
He took a handful of seeds and let them on the wooden table. River gently flew off his shoulder and went to eat.
Papyrus checked around the farm. He added food and water, where needed. He picked up some fruits and vegetables.
The time came to visit Brinley. He went close to her, his eyes began watering again.
Brinley looked at him sympathetically, she put her head over his shoulder and brought him closer hugging him and offering him comfort.
Papyrus smiled slightly "you are a good girl Brinley! Thank you!" She gave him a soft huff.
He offered her three treats "well... Since he is not well enough to offer you one himself I'll offer you three as an apology.." he tried to keep his voice as cheerful as he could.
She huffed softly and rubbed her head on his chest. Papyrus smiled "you forgive us huh?"
She huffed and moved her head up and down. "Such a good girl!
(Back to Sticks and Axe)
"Mmm" Sticks groaned, eyes tightly closed. He wheezed and went into another coughing fit. His chest ached.
Axe entered the room "Sticks?" he knelt by his side touching his shoulder. Sticks's coughing grew louder and heavier.
Axe just held his shoulder waiting for it to pass.
After 5 minutes the coughing stopped.
When Sticks removed his hand Axe's soul sank. He noticed something reddish in the napkin. Was that blood?
Feeling exhausted, he leaned his head on Axe's shoulder. Axe hugged him "Hey, it's okay ssshhh"
Sticks's expression became unfocused.
"Grandpa... Can you take us to the river... I wanna feed the ducks.." he slurred.
Axe blinked.
Axe looked at him slowly. He touched his forehead. He was cold. Axe tenderly laid him down.
"Can we make bread again? I would like the corner of the bread.."
"Can I have extra butter and strawberry marmalade on my part..."
Axe ran outside.
Papyrus  heard steps and looked behind him. Axe was running at his direction.
Before Papyrus could speak Axe spoke " He is shivering! I don't know what to do.. I was in the kitchen when he went into another coughing fit. He also mumbles something about your grandpa. And-"
Papyrus left whatever he was doing, he took him by the hand and both skeletons run into the house.
Axe had a feeling he wanted to say something else as well but what was it?
Sans was shivering quite badly. "Sans?" Papyrus asked "How are you feeling?".
Sans's voice quivered "Gr-grandp-pa.. It's so c-cold..".
Papyrus and Axe, looked at each other. They heard how his bones rattled.
Papyrus touched Sans's forehead. Sticks was cold indeed in the touch "I'll go bring some of my clothes and scarfs. Stay here with him! "
He run into his room. He could still hear Sans mumbling "Can we make a cake? Like the good old times? I'll even help you..."
Papyrus gathered some of his clothes and scarfs. He wrapped 2 shirts and 2 scarfs around him with the help of Axe. He brought some medicines as well.
He decided to play along.
"Alright Sans, you can help me but first you need to drink this, can you do that for your grandpa?"
Sticks grinned softly "of course..!"
Papyrus motioned for Axe to hold him gently up. Axe carefully slided his hands around Sticks back and held him up.
Papyrus took a tablespoonful of the syrup and brought it close to Sticks. Sticks obeyed with no complaints.
Papyrus smiled, he offered the bread and after that the pills and water.
Sans took them calmly and happily. If it meant he will spent time with his grandpa, he will do anything.
"Good and obedient grandson!" Papyrus said softly but his soul shattered.
Sticks's grin grew wider "I love you grandpa" he slurred as drowsiness began taking over. "Grandpa loves you too Sans" Papyrus said and fought hard not to cry.
San felt his eye heavy, he fought sleep. "It's okay Sans! Please rest okay? You will help me later, I promise"
"mm-hm" he surrendered to sleepiness. Axe and Papyrus gently laid him on his side.
Papyrus sighed, he fought back tears. Axe was silent.
"Come on Axe, let's go and let him rest for a while, I'll cook something for us"
Papyrus was the first to exit the room. The waterfalls began again.
Axe nodded, he fixed the blankets and exited the room.
The rest of the time Papyrus cleaned the house to distract himself while Axe stayed by his side or he helped Papyrus with his chores.
Sans would wake up from time to time coughing but Papyrus gave him the medicines and would fall asleep again.
Axe cleaned his ribs, added a piece of cloth on his head.
(Next day around night time)
It's been a day, Papyrus gave him the medicines, but something didn't feel right. His condition was the same, if not slightly worse. Shouldn't he be better? Was Papyrus just impatient?
"What are we going to do?" Papyrus asked, the feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness weighed his soul.
"Maybe wait a little more? I mean we give him medicines maybe the medicines need a little time to work? " Axe offered slightly shrugging.
Papyrus was skeptical , he rubbed his chin softly
"Is it my idea or is his coughing slightly worse? No matter how many medicines we give him his coughing is worse, his fever is still irregular. Something doesn't feel right".
Axe offered "How about we wait until morning? Then we call your friend Abby?"
Papyrus agreed "Fine, we will wait until morning, the I'll call Abby!"
Axe touched Papyrus's shoulder "Alright now that this is settled... Go to bed! I'll stay with him. I promise if something happens, I'll let you know!"
Papyrus nodded, a part of him didn't want to leave but Axe was right.
He got up and before going to bed he gave Sticks a soft kiss on the forehead.
Their rooms were close, so if something were to happen he will listen.
Axe sat down on the chair. Maybe the medicines needed some time to work. Right?
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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
Chapter 4 |
Thank you for reading! 💙
Let me know what you think! 💕
Xoxoxoxo 💕💋💋
8 notes · View notes
amalia-uwu · 1 year
Based on the fanfiction Firsts & Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie
The rights go to the respective owners!
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
Firsts & Seconds by Skerbbie @skerbbie 💙
CHAPTER 5: (you are here 😁)
Warnings ⚠️ : sick fic, inaccurate medical stuff, light angst, mention of blood.
Note : Alright, I use the term IV (Intra venous) cause it's 'easier' But, since Sticks is a skeleton he doesn't exactly have veins. But I use the term IV anyway.
However, If you want, you could say:
I.B. (Intra Bone)
I.M. (Intra Marrow)
I.S. (Intra Soul)
Do I even make sense? 🤣🤣
Enjoy Chapter 5! (Final Part)
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels:
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(For 3 days)
Abby visited him and gave him medication.
Due to the sickness he couldn't eat. Abby took care of that by injecting vitamins and nutrients on his IV.
The medicines made him sleepy and unable to talk but he could understand when someone was talking to him.
He could only offer smiles and some signs to communicate.
Alternately, Papyrus and Axe cleaned/washed his bones.
One would keep him upright and the other would cleaned up his bones. Sticks seemed quite content. He would held the ulna and radius of whoever held him and obey quietly.
Every time he felt bad, Papyrus and Axe would assured him that it's okay and would (gently) clank their skulls affectionately.
He was still coughing and had fever but it was on, an okay level.
He didn't cough blood. They kept using the ointment.
Little by little his soul began regaining the beautiful emerald green color.
With a lot of rest, care and medication he was improving.
[[ -> Note in this story : Sticks's soul colors are cyan (patience), yellow (justice) and green.
I mostly use green for the reasons below
He is a farmer therefore nature
Cyan + Yellow = Green
Edit (October 8th 2023) -> I reread some info about Farmtale and I saw that in Canon Sans's eye turns green. So we stick ;) with green. ]]
On the 4th day,
Abby came and examined him again. She used her special stethoscope (the one she had for skeleton monsters) and gently pressed it on his sternum.
He was under the influence of the medicines so he was quite sleepy.
"Alright Sticks, let's see! I want you to try and take a breath for me. Can you do that?" she asked softly.
Papyrus and Axe were holding him upwards. He offered a small smile and nodded slightly. He breathed as deeply as he could.
She listened carefully and smiled. The medicines were working!
She straightened up "Alright! It seems you are getting better! You will keep taking naps, medicines when needed and in a few more days you will be a whole different skeleton!"
He smiled, " Thank..you " he slurred drowsily. She smiled "My pleasure! Now, you rest!" she bopped his nasal cavity.
Papyrus and Axe gently laid him down. Sticks as soon as his skull touched the soft pillow he fall asleep.
Papyrus had changed the bedsheets and they smelled beautifully. The smell wasn't heavy but soft and pleasant.
"Abby please go rest as well! You can lay on my room! I'll cook something once I'm done with outside. Axe could you please stay with him?". Axe nodded.
Abby smiled "Thank you papyrus!"
"I thank you for healing him Abby!"
She smiled and patted his shoulder softly.
Axe carefully laid next to Sticks. He looked so peaceful. Axe gently stroked his left cheekbone. Sticks smiled in his sleep.
Axe smiled back and closed his own eyes. His hand resting on Sticks's.
Papyrus went outside and as usual he did some work, checked the animals, fed them and added water. He watered the flowers and plants that needed it.
Eventually he visited Brinley. At the sight of him she walked close to him and gently rubbed her face on his shoulder, chest and head.
"He is getting better! Brinley!" he patted her face gently and she huffed happily.
The happiness had no boundaries "You are not going to judge me if I cry a little.. Right?"
She huffed sympathetically and brought him closer. He hugged her face and the tears of happiness ran down his eye sockets.
He patted her neck and side a little more. He added grass and water. He caressed her again "I need to go now girl, I'll check on you again later alright?" she huffed in agreement.
(An hour or so later)
He returned back home.
Abby was sitting on the table. She had checked Sticks up again and things were getting better. Axe was still sleeping next to him peacefully.
"How is he?" he whispered.
"He is getting better, I'll remove the IV later and leave some vitamins and painkillers just in case" she whispered back.
He smiled "I don't know how to thank you Abby, Thank you!"
She smiled back "Don't mention it Stones"
"I'll wash these and began cooking, prepare yourself for my wonderful spaghetti". He lifted his finger high and blew his chest. His eye sparkling. She chuckled and playfully shook her head.
Papyrus cooked spaghetti with vegetables and greens for Abby and he added more meat to Axe's plate.
Stones whispered "Bitey, it's time for lunch! Come and eat!" Axe opened his eyes and looked at Papyrus's direction.
He nodded and stretched. A part of him didn't want to leave Sticks alone but his stomach complained.
He looked at Sticks who was sleeping soundly and smiled "Be right back" he whispered and carefully pressed a kiss on his cheekbone. He got up and joined the others.
They had a pleasant meal.
As they were eating Abby's eyes landed on the vitamins that were on the counter. "Stones? Is Sticks taking those?" she asked pointing with the back side of the fork at the small orange bottle.
Papyrus looked where she was pointing "Yeah.. why?" he raised his eyebrow.
"They are good vitamins but they can cause trouble in sleeping. You said he had trouble sleeping, if I remember correctly, right?"
Stones nodded.
"where did he get them?" Abby asked forking a brocoli on her plate.
Papyrus looked at his plate. He grimaced pensively. He looked left and right trying to remember. "Angie gave them to him when you weren't there". He held no malice or annoyance.
"Oh! forgive her! She is still learning" she lowered her head.
"Nah it's okay, they were good vitamins, if we put aside the sleeping issue, they gave him a lot of energy" he waved his hand.
"I'll give you other vitamins that will have same effects and still help him get a good night sleep" she smiled while cutting a little piece of bread with her hands.
"Thank you Abby!" he smiled.
When they finished, she checked on him again. The IV had ended. She slowly removed it and added a small bandaid on the spot.
She let the pills and medicines and waved her goodbyes.
(Next day)
Papyrus had woken up earlier. He looked at the clock (5.00 AM)
He shuffled and got up. He tiptoed to Sans's room and peeked his head in. Sans was still sleeping. Axe was sleeping next to him on the chair. Papyrus looked at his brother, he seemed better, his bones looked better, his breathing sounded better..
He fixed the covers and gently pressed a kiss on his forehead. Sticks smiled and hummed in his sleep.
He went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. He poured a cup of coffee and sat by the window watching the sunrise.
He kept checking on him.
(Around 10 o clock in the morning)
The rays of sun illuminated the room. Sans opened his eyes, blinked and checked his surroundings.
The memories of what had happened the last few days came to his mind.
He touched his left hand, seems like Abby had removed the IV. He looked at the bedside table and noticed the painkillers and vitamins.
He carefully got up and stretched. Some of his bones/joints popped. He felt slightly stronger and quite hungry too.
He turned on his left and saw Axe sleeping on the chair very close to him. Sticks smiled fondly.
He could hear Papyrus in the kitchen.
He sat on bed, his feet touching the floor, he leaned forwards a little and fixed their blankets.
At some point Axe opened his eyes.
"Good morning Sticks " he said sleepily and went back to sleep.
Sticks grinned and replied "good morning as well Axe". He saw Axe smiling in his sleep.
Axe opened his eyes again and blinked. He slowly looked at Sticks.
Sticks gave him a grin. Axe kept staring. Sticks waved at him smiling "Hi".
Axe blinked his expression morphed into excitement.
His happiness had no limits he jumped on him and threw him back on bed. "STICKS!" he exclaimed happily.
"WOAH HEY!" he chuckled.
Axe squeezed him in his embrace. Sticks hugged him back, his hands resting on Axe's scapulae "So... You missed me that much? Huh?" he didn't mind. The hug felt nice.
Axe nodded "You gave us quite the scare" he whispered.
Sans sighed "I know, I'm sorry" he gently caressed Axe's back.
"It's okay! Just be careful from now on!" Axe rested his head on Sticks's chest.
After a few minutes an idea came to Sticks's mind "Hey, uhm could you please help me surprise my brother?"
Axe nodded and smiled.
They heard the clangs and clings in the kitchen. Axe offered his hand. Sticks took it and with a soft pull, Axe pulled him on his feet.
He wrapped one hand over his shoulder to keep him from falling.
They reached the kitchen. Papyrus had his back turned chopping some vegetables.
He kept checking the clock.
Sans slowly walked behind him and gave him a hug "Surprise! Gotcha!"
Papyrus jolted at the sudden hug. "Eep!" he looked under his arm. It took him a few seconds and turned around.
He wrapped him in his arms, squished him, lifted him and made a spin!
Papyrus was grinning and hugging his big bro. Sans wasn't complaining, he was in fact enjoying this. Axe was watching amused.
Papyrus stopped and spoke quietly
"My lovely brother! You gave me quite the fright.." he didn't let go. He hugged him a little tighter.
"I know, I am sorry" Sans rested his mandible on Papyrus's shoulder
"Do you feel better?" Axe asked softly.
Sans nodded "Yes, thanks to you all" he smiled.
Papyrus lowered him but kept him in his hug. He motioned for Axe to join. He hugged Sticks from behind.
They stayed like this for a few minutes. Sticks was sandwiched between the two of them. They said nothing.
Papyrus realized that his brother hadn't eaten properly. He let go of the hug. He gently held him by the shoulders.
"YOU HAVEN'T EATEN ANYTHING EEEEEEHHH!! Worry not lovely brother! I'll make you the best soup you have ever tasted".
Sans hugged him again "You are the best bro! you know that right?"
"Nyehehe! Of course!" he smiled and hugged him back, patting his shoulder.
"Sit here brother I'll prepare something for you".
Axe sat down next to him.
Papyrus sliced some fruits; bananas, strawberries, apples, kiwis, peaches. All from the garden.
He took a plate and filled it with warm vegetable soup.
He took the fresh bread he had prepared before and last but not least a glass water. He put them on the table. He gave Axe a plate as well.
"Here you go brother!" he offered him the plate. Sticks took it gratefully and enjoyed the meal happily.
He realized he was starving. He stuffed his mouth without shame. Papyrus smiled "slow down, last thing I want is for you to get choked!"
He blinked and slowed down. He kept enjoying the food contently.
Axe and Papyrus chuckled. They were happy. They sighed with relief.
The rest of the day, they helped him move around the house. He needed a little exercise to get his strength back.
Day by day he grew stronger and stronger.
His appetite was slowly returning.
When they saw that he could go outside, they decided to take him for a walk.
It's been a while since he left home. It will do him good to change the scenery. Papyrus prepared some snacks.
Then got dressed in Jean overalls with a red checkered flannel matched with a peach scarf, his red boots and straw hat.
Sans put on a green shirt, Jean floral overalls, blue jacket, black boots and his straw hat..
Axe put on a shirt that was a gift from Sticks. The shirt was black and had cartoonish axes on it.
They gathered up in the living room. Papyrus checked the place one last time and exited the house.
Before the walk, however, they visited someone.
Papyrus peeked in,
"Oh Brinley!" his voice cheerful. He and Axe walked in.
She gave him a questionable look.
"Look who we have here?"Axe and Papyrus pointed with opened arms as Sans walked in. "Tadaaa!"
He waved at her. "Heya baby!" She huffed happily and walked quickly at his direction. She showered him with affection.
"I missed you too my baby girl!" he said and patted her neck. She gently put her head over his shoulder and brought him closer. She rubbed her head on his shoulder, chest and face.
He rubbed his face on her neck lovingly. She huffed happily.
She gently laid down and rolled left and right. He laid on top of her. He patted her softly. Soon the rest joined the patting.
After some minutes. She got up and went to eat.
"See ya later sweetheart!" he waved goodbye. She huffed happily.
They walked for some minutes. Until they reached the landscape where there were flowers, a waterfall and mountains. The soft wind caressing their bones.
They sat under the tree, enjoying the view. After some time of catching their breaths they ate poutine. Then, enjoyed their juices.
They shared stories and adventures, some of them being their first year as farmers.
Some memories that comforted and accompanied him.
Axe listened amused. He as well shared some stories that brought him nostalgia.
Thereafter, they walked towards the flowers and grass.
They laid between the grass. The sun warming their bones. (Around 16.00 pm - 16.30 pm time)
They stayed there until the sun began setting.
They shuffled and sat under the tree. They watched the sunset while eating pouding chômeur.
The sun slowly set behind the mountain.
Sticks was sitting between the two of them. Axe on the left. Papyrus on the right.
They hugged Sticks.
Sticks closed his eyes, grateful for his beloved brother and his wonderful partner.
He was the happiest skeleton on the entire Monsterkind.
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Photo by Sachin C Nair from Pexels.
End of Chapter 5 (Final Part)
Comments, Constructive Criticism, Feedback is welcomed!
💙 ¡Thank you for reading! 💙
7 notes · View notes
amalia-uwu · 10 months
Based on Skerbbie's fanfiction Firsts and Seconds @skerbbie
I DO NOT OWN -> Undertale, Horrortale, Farmtale, the fic First & Seconds, Hanahaki disease. The rights go to the respective owners!
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
First and Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie 💚
Hanahaki Disease by Matsuda Naoko
CHAPTER 1 | CHAPTER 2 | CHAPTER 3 | CHAPTER 4 you are here | CHAPTER 5
Warnings⚠️:angst, body horror, gore, Hanahaki, blood, choking/suffocation, cracking of bones, bones injury, near death experience (somehow).
Sans reached the spot he found Axe. He chuckled bitterly and gently sat down. Sticks leaned back and stayed there a few minutes to catch his breath.
This is the spot where his suffering began. He sighed bitterly.
He looked around, the only sounds were an owl in the distance, some cicadas and his ragged breathing.
His emerald eyes shone in the darkness of the night.
There were a few stars in the sky, the moon was half, offering a little light.
You may wonder; Did he regret it? Is he blaming him for all this?
My friends that's an easy answer..
The answer is, no. He never regretted saving him. He would do it again, if he had to.
He only blamed himself for letting his guard down and believed that maybe they could be together.
What a fool...
With what little strength he had; he got up. At the movement he felt nauseous, he vomited some flowers along with blood and magic.
He took some deep unsteady breaths and walked some more clenching his chest and 'stomach'.
After around 10 minutes he reached a tree.
There was a cliff ahead. Below said cliff, he could see a river, a lake, more mountains, flowers and in the distance the lights of town.
In that landscape, there was a small cave. It wasn't very deep it worked mostly as a cover. It could only fit around 5 people. Papyrus and he would go there to see the stars. He even brought Axe there once.
It was around  4 or 5 o' clock in the morning judging from the sky.
He decided to sat under the cherry tree. He leaned his aching body at the trunk of the tree. He sighed heavily.
The flowers slowly embraced him along with the darkness of the night.
(Back to Stones, Abby and Axe).
Abby, Stones and Axe were looking for him. Stones used the brotherly bond they had.
Axe felt the guilt crawling on his bones. Stones tried to control the rising panic and concentrated.
He had a suspicion that Sticks might be in that small cave.
After all, the view was beautiful and they could see everything clearly: the stars, the town, etc.
As they were heading that way they noticed some petals and flowers on the ground along with stains of blood.
Stones sensed the weak magic. He followed his instinct.
"This way! He is close, I can feel it!" Papyrus informed and pointed to the direction. They nodded.
Once they reached the place, they looked around.
Looking on the ground, they saw rose petals that lead to the cherry tree.
When they reached it, they saw his left shoulder humerus (the whole left limb).
"Sticks?!" they called in unison.
At the sound of his name, Sticks turned around. The red roses had already wrapped around his neck coming out of his mouth and left eye.
His eye(s) widen. Sticks tried to move away. He collapsed on the ground.
«They weren't supposed to be here! They can't see me like this!» he thought and felt the rising panic. He tried to crawl away.
"Sans?" Papyrus gently knelt and touched his shoulder blades.
Sans's eyes teared up. Papyrus gently held his shoulder and turned him around.
Papyrus saw the state he was in "Fuck.."  he swore under his breath. The flowers  had  wrapped around Sticks's body holding him in a tight hug.
Sticks didn't say anything. He couldn't speak. He only wept silently. Papyrus kept inspecting his body, he carefully caressed Sans's cheekbone "I'll come up with something hold on!"
Sticks shook his head no. No hope.
Papyrus understood the look... He nodded "I. Will. Save you. Somehow".
Abby could only watch. This was beyond her powers.
Papyrus unbuttoned Sans's shirt and saw the flowers. He grimaced and frowned. He tried to remove the flowers but he only managed to hurt Sticks more.
Sans closed his eyes tightly shut. He whined and groaned in pain. He let out chocked coughs. Papyrus stopped the action.
Sticks opened his eyes dimly, his body convulsed as he was slowly chocking to death. The flowers cracked his bones. They crawled further on his eye and body.
A couple of tears mixed up with magic ran down his eyes. Papyrus didn't know what to do. Sticks stopped convulsing.
He let out soft ragged breaths.
*hhhhh ha...ck... ha...ck...ha...ck hhhhh*
Papyrus gently held him in his embrace. His soul turned a bright peach color.
Sticks felt something wet landing on his face. He opened his eye and looked at his brother. Papyrus was quietly weeping.
Sticks raised his left hand and he wiped away the tears from his eyes.
Papyrus watched in unfathomable horror and sorrow Sans's hand, that was covered in cracks and flowers. Sans's touch was rough yet soft.
Sticks used his soul to send Papyrus a soft wave of comfort. Papyrus returned it as softly as he could.
Even in this state his big brother instinct kicked in and tried to comfort his little brother.
Sticks slowly looked at him.
The reason of this bittersweet suffering..
Tears ran down his eyes. The flowers tightening their grip on his poor fragile body.
*hhhh Hrk Gnk hrk ngh hrk hack hhhh *
Sticks closed his eyes tightly. It hurt. When he opened them, Axe was looking at him.. Sans managed to give a crooked smile. He stretched his phalanges weakly.
Papyrus gently positioned him in Axe's 'arms'. Axe carefully took him in his embrace.
Sticks was observing. A forlorn expression on his face.. He carefully raised his index phalanx and caressed Axe's cheekbone.
There were many emotions on Sticks's face :
and many more (positives and negatives).
But, the emotion that shone the brightest; other than love and agony, was...
Sans's eyes were wide opened showing fear . He clenched Axe's sleeve; his bones digging in the soft fabric. They called his name... talked to him... but, he couldn't hear them. More cracks appeared in his body.
Axe heard a soft, almost inaudible sigh among the chocking sounds and the cracking of his bones. Sans was still holding Axe's sleeve but his hold loosened.
They sucked in a breath as they saw the flowers and vines crawling (/spreading) all over his body. His eye rolled, his body felt heavy, he gurgled and choked. Voices and sounds were muffled..
Sans closed his eyes, some tears mixed with magic and blood rolled down his cheekbones..
...and... accepted his cruel fate.
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
3 notes · View notes
amalia-uwu · 10 months
Based on Skerbbie's fanfiction Firsts and Seconds @skerbbie
I DONT OWN Undertale, Horrortale, Farmtale, the fanfiction First and Seconds. The rights go to the respective owners!
CHAPTER 1 | Chapter 2 |CHAPTER 3 | CHAPTER 4 | CHAPTER 5 | BONUS/CHAPTER 6 you are here [final part]
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
First and Seconds written by Skerbbie @skerbbie 💚
Hanahaki Disease by Matsuda Naoko
Warnings ⚠️: angst, light angst, self loathe.
Talk and Promises
Note: This scene was supposed to be in chapter 5, but it didn't fit.
I didn't want to delete it completely soo please accept it as a Bonus / Chapter 6 ! Enjoy! 💕
It's been a day since the incident. After yesterday's incident. Papyrus wanted to have a talk with his brother.
Yesterday was quite a roller-coaster ride.
He recalled what had happened..
. . . . . .
They had returned from that cliff. Papyrus carefully carried him on his back. He needed to feel the movement of his ribs against his back, to make sure that, his brother was fine.
When they reached home Axe gave Sticks a bath while Papyrus cooked something.
Abby gave Sans some more potions and by the nighttime his magic had returned to that beautiful emerald color.
He asked Abby "Is it okay if tomorrow I have a talk with my brother or should I wait?"
Abby looked at him with understanding. "Of course! He is fine Stones! Just please, try to take it easy. That goes for both of you" He nodded and thanked her. "I will, thank you Abby!". She smiled.
So here we are today.
Sans and Axe were cooking in the kitchen. Stones was folding the clothes upstairs.
He heard them talking and his hands trembled uncontrollably as he got lost in thoughts. There was.. a feeling of bitterness in his soul.
Papyrus let go of the clothes. He couldn't concentrate anyway. He didn't know how long he was lost in his thoughts but, by the time he came out of the trance, they had finished cooking.
He heard the clicks and clacks; they were washing the dishes. He sighed heavily, he pushed himself off of bed and quietly descended the stairs. The floor was creaking under his feet.
Papyrus peeked in, from the door. "Excuse me Bitey! I would like to talk to my brother... Could we please have a moment?". Axe nodded. "Thank you Axe! Brother... could you please follow me to my room?".
Sans nodded "...Sure". Papyrus nodded. Sans let go of the piece of cloth he was holding and followed Papyrus. They quietly walked upstairs.
Once in his room. Papyrus sat down on his bed. His hat was covering his eyes. He patted the spot next to him. Sans was feeling a little uncomfortable but he obeyed.
Sticks looked at him and noticed the serious, stern, stoic expression.
It clicked.. and Sans lowered his head. ...Yeah... He saw it coming...
Papyrus kept his stoic face. Firmly yet gently he held Sans's humeri.
"¿What had I told you Sans?"
Sans stared for a few seconds before looking away. ..Uh oh.. Serves you right Sans! Hear it now!
Papyrus held Sans's face so he could look only at Papyrus and nowhere else.
Papyrus rightfully had enough! He made sure of course, not to hurt him and damage his HP. That wasn't his intention.
Sans after a few seconds of silence he spoke softly. He looked at Papyrus's scarf. Papyrus slightly lifted Sans's skull up.. Now Sans could only look at Papyrus's eye sockets.
"To... tell you everything and... not hide anything that bothers me..."
Papyrus nodded still holding Sans's face.
"Correct! And what did you do?"
"I.. D-didn't listen to you.." he looked at the side. He shuffled uncomfortably.
"That's right. And.. what should I do?"
"... Sorry..."
Papyrus spoke sternly, warningly "Sans...!"
Sans flinched slightly and looked down "....".
Papyrus hands trembled. He stayed silent for a moment before he sucked in a breath "You.... died... Sans... I couldn't feel your soul... Why ?" oh man.
"I-... I know, I'm sorry paps.. I didn't mean to.." he tried but that made Papyrus madder than he already was.
Papyrus chuckled bitterly, that settled it. Stones clenched his teeth. He let go of Sans and got up. Tears appeared at the corner of his eye sockets.
He rubbed his face. His soul aching, boiling; due to anger, frustration, disappointment, sorrow etc., these emotions shown in his eyes.
Sans felt Papyrus's soul and truth to be told, he got scared.. He braced himself.
...Great job Sans.. Well done Sans..
"of course I trust you paps! I do.." he got up. He rose his tone slightly.
" THEN WHYY?!??.... Why would you hide something so important from me?! WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO ME ?! "
"I - *sighs* I thought I could manage on my own. I forgot I am useless! It was my problem. It was my burden to carry. Why? Why drag you down with me? .....You.... You already worry too much, I didn't want to bur-mph (burden you)" Papyrus put his hand in front of Sans's mouth.
The stoic expression was breaking... Fat hot tears fall.
When he spoke, his voice sounded cracked yet, thunderous. Papyrus held Sans's humeri.
Sans felt a twinge of guilt crawling all over his back and soul.
[[ Axe was downstairs, he heard the entire conversation,he could understand Papyrus..yet, he took a little pity of Sticks. Using their bond, Axe asked «Everything okay?». Sans responded with a quick «Yeah». ]]
Sans sighed and looked at Papyrus.. "I'm sorry paps you are right.. I should have talked to you.. I'll do it from now on I.... I.. promise!"
"You better keep that promise!"
"I will try Paps...I promise! I learned my lesson..."
"Oh? Two promises in one day? Im impressed". Papyrus teased smirking.
Sans looked at the ground, then frowned and lifted his head to look at Papyrus who was smirking "Hey!"
Papyrus chuckled and stretched his hands. "Come here you twig".
Sans blinked and snorted. He gently hugged Papyrus.
"Would you forgive me Paps?" Sans asked while hugging him...
"I forgive you! But I do I mean it! Just please talk to me brother.. And don't you dare to scare me like this ever again!" he hugged him slightly closer and caressed his skull and back.
"I will! Thank you paps! I promise! I'll be good" Sans laid his cheekbone on Papyrus's shoulder.
Papyrus smiled and In a calmer way he said "Sans... You are important, even if you are the way you are, you help me a lot. In your own way, you've sacrificed so much, please brother... Talk to me.. I will help, we will help. You are not alone. You are irreplaceable!".
Sans smiled and their souls shone. They stayed in that hug for some time. After some time they walked out of the room to continue their day, hugging each other.
Chapter 5
The End! 😘
Thank you for reading! 💙
3 notes · View notes
amalia-uwu · 10 months
Based on Skerbbie's fanfiction Firsts and Seconds @skerbbie
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale belong to GuinongTale_AU
First and Seconds written by Skerbbie
Hanahaki Disease by Matsuda Naoko
The rights go to the respective owners!! I don't own; Undertale, Horrortale, Farmtale, the fic First and Seconds and the Hanahaki Disease
CHAPTER 1 | CHAPTER 2 |CHAPTER 3 you are here|
Chapter 4 |
Warnings ⚠️: Angst, Hanahaki,(inform me for more),letter,farewell.
Papyrus woke up hours later. Axe woke up too. Stones rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked around. He sat on bed.
As his feet touched the ground... he felt something... soft? He looked down and saw flower petals.
He looked dumbfounded and then he remembered that he had sensed his brother's kiss.
But, what was he doing awake so early? Why were the flowers here?
He got dressed. Papyrus noticed his scarf was missing. He raised his eyebrow but shrugged it off reluctantly.
Something was wrong he could feel it. He exited his room and walked next door.
The floor creaking under his steps. He walked towards his brother's room. On the way, he saw Axe. They looked at each other and Papyrus knocked.
He knocked again.
Nobody answered.
He took a hold of the handle and opened the door.
"Sans?" he whispered.... Sticks was nowhere.
There was a feeling of impending doom in their souls.
He turned on the light, he stepped out of the and spoke louder "Sans?!".
Nobody answered.
On the floor; the corner more specifically, there were red petals; seemed like roses, carnations and irises.
Axe found a letter. "Papyrus look!" he lifted it.
Papyrus began reading, hands slightly trembling.
«What kind of sick joke is this?» he thought. He began reading.
[[There are many things I want to say but I don't have the time... If you see this I am most likely gone.
Papyrus, I am sorry, I couldn't tell you that I have the hanahaki disease.
I know you are most likely upset. I'm sorry.
You may wonder why I left. I didn't want you to see me like this...
I'm so sorry! I couldn't bring myself to remove the flowers. I would lose my love for him.
I was a fool for believing he could ever love me..
we weren't meant to be together...
We are incompatible, we are from two different worlds.
I love you my brother!
Axe, if you see this, I love you... It's not your fault by any means.
I don't blame anyone but myself.. I love you...
Sorry everyone..
Papyrus's hands trembled. He had heard about this disease from a manga Alphys had read. He just didn't know it could actually happen.
Axe and Papyrus looked at each other. Sorrow yet Determination in their eyes.
They might still have time!
They must find him dead or alive!
Abby had received a message from Sans.
"I don't have much time.. The flowers have spread.. Could you please take care of Pap and Axe for me? Thank you Abby for everything!"
She called him.
He didn't answer.
She took some medicines and other supplies and teleported outside Stones house.
They heard a knock on the door.
They descended the stairs.
Papyrus hoped that it was Sans, pulling a sick joke. He opened the door and saw Abby. He understood that everything that was happening was very real. He accepted it.
"I'll explain anything but we need to hurry we may still have time".
They nodded. Hope in their eyes.
"we are coming sans!"
You whispered my beloved Papyrus.
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amalia-uwu · 10 months
Based on Skerbbie's fanfiction Firsts & Seconds @skerbbie
I DO NOT OWN -> Undertale, Horrortale, Farmtale, the fic First & Seconds, Hanahaki disease. The rights go to the respective owners!
Undertale by Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios
Farmtale by GuinongTale_AU
First & Seconds written by Skerbbie 💚
Hanahaki Disease by Matsuda Naoko
CHAPTER 1 | CHAPTER 2: you are here | CHAPTER 3
Warnings ⚠️: Hanahaki, angst, body horror, light gore, vomit, blood.
More days passed...
...Nothing changed.
He tried to hide the freaking flowers as best as he could.
They kept spreading. No matter how many times he pruned them.
It was clear to him that he didn't have much time.
The flowers had embraced his rib cage; they (ribs) were barely visible.
He was coughing and vomiting handfuls of petals; whole flowers even.
He was in the bathroom, when he heard the door knocking.
He recollected himself and pressed the flush. He saw as the blossoms disappeared.
He threw some cold water in his face. He heard the door opening and his brother's voice "Sans?". (Axe wasn't home).
He took a deep breath, fixed his clothes and left.
He descended the stairs and welcomed him with open arms. He hugged him.
The hug took longer "Sans?" Papyrus asked.
"Are you okay?" he questioned still hugging him.
"i missed you bro.." he said and snuggled a little further in his embrace.
Papyrus smiled "Nyeh missed you too, now how about I cook for us hm?"
"How about I help you?" Sans asked.
Papyrus smiled "of course!"
Sans let go of him and helped Papyrus with the items he brought from town.
"You truly must have missed me brother, you even wore a fragrance" Papyrus commented.
Sans forced a smile "yeah, I thought I might welcome you in style, see?". Papyrus chuckled. Both walked into the kitchen.
They cooked together. They talked about their days.
It was around 19.30 pm. Sans didn't have much of an appetite but, he ate anyway. Maybe it will be his last meal, you never know. It smelled delicious.
Papyrus sure was an amazing cook. Okay; sometimes he burned the food but still, he got better.
When finished, Sans stood close to his brother and helped him with the dishes. They exchanged a few words but nothing more.
Some minutes later, they walked upstairs to their bedrooms and Sans hugged his brother again.. He will sure miss this hug...
"You are the best bro! I love you so much! You know that right?" he asked hugging Papyrus a little tighter.
"of course I know! My beloved brother! I love you too! You are the best big bro I could ask for!" he hugged him back. Sticks smiled and his soul shone brighter!
"That's nice to hear!...Goodnight bro" he broke the hug
"Goodnight!" he said and stood by the door. Papyrus turned his face at his brother.
"Sans?" his voice low and soft. Sans stopped.
He looked over his shoulder. "Tomorrow I'll try those savory biscuits you like; I'll even make you and Bitey a big breakfast!" he smiled.
Sans smiled, a genuine one. "Thanks paps! I'll try to make you a chocolate pie". Papyrus chuckled.
They entered their rooms.
As Sticks laid in bed, he heard the main door opening. He knew Axe had returned home.
Now, most times he would sit down with Axe and keep him company.
However, he didn't trust himself not to vomit an entire garden of flowers...right in front of him..
He heard him being as quiet as possible. He smiled. Eventually, after an hour. Sticks heard him walking quietly into his room.
The home was engulfed in Silence..
Sticks couldn't sleep. His chest ached, he spat more petals along with blood. He summoned his soul and little flowers were on the surface.
He took a look at his ribs; wow he had an ecosystem of flowers there... The flowers traveled down on his hips.
"heh.." his small laugh was dry, raw.
He looked at the clock. 2 o 'clock in the morning. With a sigh, Sans took a pen and paper, sat down and wrote a letter. His hands were shaking.
He wanted to say many things but couldn't. His tears stained the paper.
He sighed heavily slouching in the chair.  Sans left the letter on his desk and exited his room.  
He checked the time, it was around 2.45 am. He got up and quietly walked into Papyrus's room.
Papyrus was sleeping soundly. Sticks smiled sadly, he leaned down, gently pressed a kiss on his forehead and fixed the blankets. Papyrus smiled in his sleep.
Sticks grinned back. His jaw quivered. No, he can't cry now. He will wake him up.
He took Papyrus's scarf, a peach one he had left in the chair neatly folded. He put it around his neck and quietly exited the room.
As he closed the door, his eyes fell on Axe's room. He tiptoed there and gently pushed the door open.
He saw Axe sleeping. Sticks looked at him and he felt his soul being squeezed mercilessly.
He carefully pressed a soft kiss on his forehead, fixed the blankets and walked away.
He stopped by the door and looked back at him. He felt the thorns and the flowers squeezing his soul and sternum more.
He closed his eyes, a couple of tears ran down. He turned his face away from him, clenching his teeth and fist.
He checked the time 3.20 am. He better leave now before they wake up.
He looked at his home one last time. This home had so many memories.
His eyes landed on a photo. It depicted the three of them. Sticks in the middle, Papyrus on the right, Axe on the left, all of them smiling.
He sighed heavily. He exited the home. After some steps he stopped for mere seconds and looked back and around him.
He will miss this place.
With a heavy soul he kept walking. He checked Brinley who was sleeping peacefully.
So.. This was it huh? Leaving his home and everything behind...
... So be it ...
He walked away. He wasn't coming back.
The tears ran nonstop. He wrapped his jacket and scarf tighter around him. He walked away, hugging himself.
The soft chilly wind waving his clothes.
Alone as he was he whispered one word.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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