folklorespring · 3 months
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Hospitals in Syria, destroyed by asaad and russia forces.
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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The official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) is reporting that the American military occupation in eastern Syria continues to suck wealth and resources from the West Asian nation.
According to SANA News, the US occupation is stealing wealth from the areas it continues to illegally occupy in the Hasakah province of eastern Syria, using its forces to load tankers and trucks with Syrian resources including oil and grains.
Local sources in the Al-Yaarubiya countryside, near the Iraqi border, in the Al-Hasakah Governate, told SANA that a US-occupation convoy consisting of 69 vehicles, including 45 tankers loaded with Syrian oil, along with 24 trucks loaded with grains stolen from silos in the Hasakah province, left Syrian territory through the illegal Mahmoudiyah crossing headed for US bases in Iraqi territory.
The report was published by journalist Nisreen Othman on April 22nd, 2024.
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
Anne Applebaum's book Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World was published a few days ago. in the book she describes the basic nature of contemporary autocracies and how they cooperate with each other.
About two-thirds of the way through this NPR audio she pivots from overseas autocracies to talk about how disinformation and outright lies are undermining democracy in the US.
The transcript for the audio can be found here.
A few bits from the transcript:
You know, for a long time, certainly since the end of the Cold War gave us this feeling that our political system was the best and it was inevitably the best, we took for granted the idea that somehow, you know, information was like - was another free market. And there would be a competition in the market between good ideas and bad ideas, and eventually the good ideas would win. That's actually not how it works. And that's not how the news business works anymore. It's not how information works. And understanding how important it is and how important it is to engage in it, both in our country and around the world, I think would do us a lot of good. I mean, we - you know, we sort of stopped competing or - again, out of complacency, out of the assumption that everybody would eventually agree with us, we didn't really have to do anything. We didn't have to try very hard. I think we misunderstood that. [ ... ] I want people to be convinced that ideas matter, that we're going to have to defend and protect our political system if we want to keep it. We have to do that around the world, but we also have to do it in our own country. So much of what I suggest is to do with changing the way things are done in the United States. And much of it is also to do with people becoming engaged in public life, in understanding what's happening, and not just voting, but participating. With autocrats, whether they're in American politics or in Russian politics or in Chinese politics, what they want is for you to be disengaged. They want you to drop out. They want you to become overwhelmed, and they want you to, you know, to say, I can't do anything. It's all hopeless. So it's very important to remember that our ideas are better. And our system is better, and however flawed it may be - and I'm sure you could do another whole radio program about the flaws of the United States and our democracy - it's still better than the autocratic world. And I should also say, it's still the case that our ideas are the ones that people in the autocratic world wish they had. The people who are really the most eloquent spokesmen for freedom of speech aren't the kind of free speech warriors in America. They're Russians who don't have it. And the people who are the greatest advocates for transparency in the rule of law are also people who live in states where they don't have it. And remembering that these are things that we have that they're under threat, and they need to be protected and defended, I think is extremely important.
We fight autocracy by being engaged and by challenging disinformation.
The book is brand new. Here's a link to the publisher's site for Autocracy, Inc.. Take note of the title and author's name and then buy it at a local independent bookstore. 😉
Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World
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dragoneyes618 · 10 months
"It amazes most Israelis - as it amazes me - that Britain has seen some of the worse scenes of all the anti-Israel marches across the world. The first protests in London happened before Israel had even begun its military response to Oct. 7. Rallies were held within hours of the massacres. What other country, having suffered a set of atrocities hardly superseded in the whole history of violence, wouldn't get even one day of sympathy? Only the Jewish state. And everybody in Israel knows as much.
Pakistan is currently in the process of forcibly deporting two million Afghans. Nobody cares. Bashar al-Assad is in his twelfth year of killing Muslims in Syria and the world's cameras turned away long ago."
- Douglas Murray, The Telegraph, November 20
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia, yesterday, 24 July 2024
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jujusjunk · 2 months
what’s your honest opinion on Hezbullah’s involvement in Syria and their ties with the syrian regime
Ok it’s very complicated because Hezbollah gets support from the Syrian regime. Now obviously I HATE the Syrian regime Fuck Bashar al Assad till the day I die, a man who spills his people’s blood for power, shouldn’t be in power and should be executed.
Now I don’t agree with Hezbollah like 90% of the time, but I mean dude stands with Palestine so I just usually shut up. But idk why people think I can call him up like he’s my uncle? I’ve had so many asks saying “please tell Lebanon to stop” like yeah sure dude lemme just call Nasrallah up and invite him over for coffee and a chat.
Anyways, moral is, I don’t like Bashar Al Assad, I don’t really like Hezbollah, I don’t like anyone. Fuck Bashar, Fuck Israel, kinda Fuck Hezbollah.
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pal1cam · 4 months
I actually cannot fathom how people (especially middle easterners and more specifically people from the levant region) can feel any bit of sadness towards the death of Iran’s president…
because if you’ve been keeping up with the world in the last 10-15 years, then you must know how Iran with the approval of Raisi were complicit in murdering innocent Syrian civilians in the Syrian revolution and more specifically in the peaceful marches.
add to that the fact that Iran and its military forces had trained the Syrian military that is still to this day arresting, torturing, killing and doing the most unimaginable things (such as the use of chemical weapons) to innocent Syrian civilians, while also sending Iranian soldiers to Syria.
And it’s truly baffling that people say “but we’re muslim we should at least say الله يرحمه"
but do you really think it’s such an amazing act for the islamic republic of Iran’s government under Raisi’s administration to be such a strong ally with the Syrian regime that quite literally detains some Syrians simply because they’re Sunni muslims and not Shiite muslims ? because we as muslims should all know that الفتنة اشد من القتل, and we should all also know that لا فضلَ لعربيٍّ على عجميٍّ، ولا لعجميٍ على عربيٍّ، ولا لأحمرَ على أسودَ، ولا لأسودَ على أحمرَ إلا بالتقوى
so if you’re treating muslims as Sunni or Shiite and not as simply muslims and decent human beings, or if you’re even supporting such an act of weaponizing faiths inside islam, then i believe that you don’t really know how the basic teachings of islam work, and i suppose that Iran as an islamic republic should know better.
And even if we ignore facts such as the fact that Iran provided Bashar Al-Assad’s regime with weapons that were later used against civilians and revolutionaries / supporters of the Syrian revolution, is it really a good look for an Islamic republic to support such a murderous regime? that’s not only murderous but also a regime full of tyranny… because how is Syria a democratic country yet it’s been ruled by Assad fascists for more than 40 years ?
And mind you that all of these acts were not only approved by Ebrahim Raisi but also by many other people who held strong possessions in the Iranian government such as Hassan Rouhani for example, yet no one in Iran’s government was like “wait maybe we shouldn’t be complicit in killing innocent civilians” and they all agreed on continuing to support this blood and money hungry regime ruled by Al-Assad.
So it truly does not matter “how” Raisi died. whether it was an assassination or a real accident, hopefully Bashar Al-Assad and every other fascist in office is next.
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aqlstar · 4 months
I’m just curious.
What’s up with your tumblr header?
I mean why is it THAT of all things?
(Mine is a photo of a fox standing on his hind legs, I call it “Behold a Man”)
Just curious.
Lol It’s me hoping against all hope that everyone saying “free Palestine” takes a hot minute to think about what those words might mean.
The header’s just a screenshot of the wiki article on the original Free Palestine movement, which began in Egypt, openly seeks to destroy Israel entirely, and serves to protect Al Assad, who ironically is probably the single greatest perpetrator of violence against Palestinians.
It’s especially deplorable given that many Palestinians in Syria are the descendants of people that only left their homes at Syria’s behest, because they considered themselves Syrian and wanted to see the reunification of Northern and Southern Syria (aka Syria and the British Mandate of Palestine).
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correctopinionhaver · 6 months
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By Sharon Black
There is nothing more deceitful than for the U.S. media and ruling-class warmakers to blame the Syrian government and President Assad for conditions that they themselves have created. U.S. sanctions and ongoing direct military intervention continue to crush the Syrian economy, creating deep hardship for its people.
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folklorespring · 4 months
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Don't forget Syria!
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workersolidarity · 3 months
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🇹🇷🇸🇾 🚨
In a tectonic shift in Euroasian geopolitics beginning on Friday, July 5th, when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced after returning from a trip to Kazakhstan, where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the possiblity Turkiye would extend an inventation to hold talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, with Vladimir Putin acting as a mediator between the two leaders.
Erdogan described the move as representing "the beginning of a new phase of Turkish-Syrian rapprochement."
Erdogan signaled a new diplomatic peace initiative, as it is being described by semi-official Anadolu News Agency, and "suggesting a potential invitation to Syria's Bashar al-Assad."
"We, together with Russian President Vladimir Putin, may have an invitation to Bashar al-Assad," Erdogan is quoted as telling a group of journalists on his return flight from the Kazakhstani capital Asana, where he spent two days attending Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit.
“If Mr. Putin can visit Türkiye, this could be the beginning of a new process," Erdogan continued, adding that "The passing years in Syria have clearly shown everyone the need for establishing a permanent solution,” the Turkish leader is quoted as saying, referring to the 2011 Arab Spring attempted coups which led to brutal civil war in Syria, largely instigated by Western capitals, with the help of three-letter agencies, and during which, Erdogan lent support to Western narratives which aimed to depose the Syrian President.
Erdogan is quoted as saying "We are talking about mediation here, so why don't we communicate directly with our neighbor?"
Erdogan went on to tell reporters that Turkiye has "always extended and will continue to extend a hand of friendship to our neighbor Syria. We would stand by a prosperous, unified Syria based on a fair, honorable, and inclusive new social contract. All we ask is that Syria initiates this great embrace and achieves recovery in every aspect."
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
F-16 fighter jets are apparently now in Ukraine and under Ukrainian command. 🇺🇦
Ukraine has received the first batch of fourth-generation U.S.-made F-16 jets, Bloomberg reported on July 31, citing unnamed people familiar with the matter. The news comes a year after the allied "fighter jet coalition" took shape at the Vilnius NATO summit under the Danish and Dutch leadership. The deadline for the transfer of F-16s was late July, the sources told Bloomberg. Ukraine received "a small number" of the planes, the sources said. Ukraine is expected to receive at least 79 F-16s from the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, and Norway, with the deliveries to continue in the coming years. The fighter jet coalition also pledged to help train Ukrainian pilots and technical staff to operate the jets. It is unclear whether the trained Ukrainian pilots will be able to use combat aircraft immediately or the process will take longer, unnamed people told Bloomberg. Kyiv is yet to confirm these reports. The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is an American air superiority fighter that Kyiv has begged for since the start of the full-scale invasion. Although some defense experts do not expect F-16s to become game-changers in the war, the jets may strengthen Ukraine's air defense capabilities and shield the country's population centers from Russia's daily bombardments.
Earlier this week we heard that Ukrainian military intelligence (HUR) was involved in successful attacks on Russian mercenaries in the West African nation of Mali. Now there's news that Ukraine was behind an attack on a Russian base in Syria – a Putin client state.
Ukrainian special forces strike Russian base in Syria after Putin-Assad meeting
The military intelligence's special unit Khimik struck Russian military equipment at the Kuweires airfield, located east of Aleppo and occupied by Russian forces, NV's sources in the HUR confirmed. The Kyiv Post published a video showing a Russian electronic warfare mobile complex being destroyed, followed by drones attacking Russian military facilities at the airfield. [ ... ] The Defense Intelligence conducted the attack a day after Russian dictator Vladimir Putin met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on July 24. The Kuweires airfield has been controlled and used by Russian forces for military purposes since 2015.
Putin helped Syrian despot Bashar al-Assad crush the Arab Spring uprising early in the 2010s. There are still Russian forces in Syria. Apparently Russia is recruiting mercenaries in the country to fight in Ukraine.
Ukraine is putting Putin on notice that Russian military activity anywhere on the planet is a valid target for Ukrainian forces.
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jloisse · 4 months
▪️ Suite au martyre du président Ebrahim Raïssi et du ministre des Affaires étrangères Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, le gouvernement syrien a annoncé trois jours de deuil national dans le pays
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