#Bassel Al-Araj Hall
nando161mando · 4 months
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Pro-Palestinian protesters are on the roof of UCLA’s Kerckhoff hall and renamed it Bassel Al-Araj Hall, in honor of a Palestinian activist/author who was killed by the IDF in 2017.
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catdotjpeg · 4 months
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A group of students calling themselves the Collective for the Liberation of Palestine at UCLA relaunched their solidarity encampment today.
Police line about 75-100 feet from encampment, no food being allowed in, protesters slowly gathering outside.
Looks like one of the expulsion strategies is starving/dehydrating student protesters.
As law enforcement and private security block food/water from getting into the encampment, right wing journalist Cam Higby teases protesters pleading for access to supplies.
When Mel Buer, Plastic Jesus and I tried communicating with people beyond the police line, CSC security guards illegally restricted both our communication and access to the space.
UAW rank and file celebrate the official calling of a strike at UCLA on Tuesday.
Officers lined up outside UCLA’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment with zip ties, riot helmets, and batons.
UCLA has issued a statement ordering protesters to disperse. “You are hereby notified…that your consent to remain on campus is withdrawn and all persons within Kerchoff Patio must leave the campus and depart the campus immediately or face disciplinary action and/or arrest.”
Things look pretty bare inside [the encampment] and officers in riot gear look to be lining up.
Pro-Palestinian protesters are on the roof of UCLA’s Kerckhoff hall and renamed it Bassel Al-Araj Hall, in honor of a Palestinian activist/author who was killed by the IDF in 2017.
Part of the police line has been pushed down and some protesters have advanced a few feet toward the encampment. The crowd here is getting bigger.
Tensions here are rising as pro-Palestinian protesters continue advancing toward UCLA’s Gaza Solidarity encampment.
Pro-Palestinian protesters have successfully pushed through a security line and have begun delivering supplies to protesters inside UCLA’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment.
Inside UCLA’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment. Tensions are high and the security line is moving to the perimeter of the encampment. Protesters and security getting physical per Mel Buer.
After hitting me from behind with her bike, CSC officer 408 demanded I “get off her bike.” When I explained “you’re on my ankle.” She responded “then get off your ankle.” Didn’t make a ton of sense, but whatever.
Here’s the scene just outside UCLA’s Palestine Solidarity Encampment. Protesters have pushed the security line basically up to the perimeter of the encampment.
-- Jeremy Lindenfeld, 23 May 2024 12:40pm PDT
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