#ucla protests
augustsappho · 4 months
Students at Goldsmiths University of London have restarted their protests in the face of footage that surfaced from Rafah and in response to Frances Corner showing little sign of taking student demands seriously and even less intent to hold up to her divestment agreements, which were made at the beginning of May 2024.
Protests at the uni have been covered by Al Jazeera and The Socialist Worker. Updates can be found on their Instagram @goldsmithsforpalestine. A vote of no confidence has been kick-started by the Student Union and will commence on June 7th 2024.
In meetings leading up to this vote, there has been a stark lack of support of any kind or any intent to vote against the no-confidence proposal. Students unanimously stand against the Warden.
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vani-lla-boi · 5 months
I go to UCLA and it’s insane how much the pro-Palestinian protestors had to endure. Here’s a rundown.
On early Tuesday morning, the pro-Israeli protestors (most middle aged people, not even UCLA students):
threw a biohazardous backpack full of dying mice into the encampment
hid bananas in the encampment when someone is deathly allergic to them
harassed pro-Palestinian protestors, telling them they hoped they get raped, have no life, etc.
Shot several FIREWORKS into the encampment
Used pepper spray/bear mace on protestors
Ripped apart the barricades
Beat up protestors
The police stood around for about 3 hours (1-4 AM) because UCLA didn’t give the OK to stop them (edit: found out that UCLA prohibited security from this since the FRIDAY prior)
On Tuesday night to Wednesday morning, when clearing out the encampment, the police:
Used multiple flashbangs, I’ve heard about 20
Shot 5 people in the head with rubber-covered metal bullets
Brutally beat peaceful people up with nightsticks
Used tear gas
They even brought boxes of PIZZA 🙄 because the protestors and supporters were relentless in staying on campus and tiring the police out (👏)
Just want to reiterate, I have seen absolutely no evidence of any pro-Palestinian protestors at UCLA being hostile or violent in any way, while the news and UCLA itself has framed the attacks on students as “clashes” between both sides. It’s propaganda.
Meanwhile, a video of a Zionist Jewish student who acted like they blocked access to the building conveniently didn’t follow the several people walking in the background accessing the open side and back entrances to Royce Hall. Also lots of parts of campus are closed off for different reasons often and you have to go around. It’s not a problem for an able-bodied person like him. Zionists are literally making stuff up to play the victim when it’s not even happening.
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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nando161mando · 4 months
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Pro-Palestinian protesters are on the roof of UCLA’s Kerckhoff hall and renamed it Bassel Al-Araj Hall, in honor of a Palestinian activist/author who was killed by the IDF in 2017.
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sayruq · 5 months
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No one at UPenn would talk to CNN so they talked to a random 19 year old who wasn’t involved. Unfortunately for these bad-faith actors, the student had an informed opinion.
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anchorsnreignbows · 5 months
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whoops too real
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spicebowl · 5 months
college students are not kids. these are full grown adults taking a stance against the violence sanctioned by our state. understand that these are informed adults who looked at the facts and came to the conclsion that action was the only way forward and theyre correct. these are not idealistic children crying out over decisions they dont understand. dont belittle the movement of our comrades by calling them children.
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secular-jew · 4 months
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captain-lovelace · 4 months
UC grad students are striking in response to unfair labor practices by the UCs at the encampments, particularly UCLA and UCSD. These practices include:
Arresting our members for peaceful protest and protected speech
Arresting our members for “curfew violations”
Standing by while counter-protesters attacked the UCLA campus and then sending in both campus police and the LAPD to raid the encampment, causing harm to members of the union
Not acknowledging or engaging with the protestor’s demands, including calls for divestment and transparency on investments and funding sources
Our strike is a stand-up strike, meaning that campuses will go on strike as we’re called to, in order to keep the UC system off balance. UC Santa Cruz is the first campus to go on strike, and will be striking Monday. In response to the strike, the UC system has filed an unfair labor practice against us and claimed that we are violating the no-strike clause in our contract, as well as sending out threatening letters. Their claims are not an accurate reflection of the situation— as we filed a ULP, our strike is protected until and unless the case is reviewed and found to be invalid by the California Public Employment Relations Board, and labor law precedent is on our side. Crucially, the UC system is also claiming that even if they did commit unfair labor practices, our strike would not be valid. Here is a link to a legal analysis of the situation, and here is the UAW 4811 main page with more information. I want to help spread awareness of the strike and of the action our union is taking against the UC system’s brutalization of protestors and unfair labor practices. Here are our demands.
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Protests work, if they didn't we wouldn't see this level of violence against college students that we are witnessing right now
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All posts of the situation of 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 I saw today (Tue, May 21.):
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drsonnet · 5 months
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Campus in Crisis! by Eli Valley
May 3, 2024
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nando161mando · 4 months
CNN reporters have identified an American student who violently participated in the mob attack against Gaza encampment students at UCLA.
They approached his parents, who expressed support for him and revealed that he will soon leave for Israel to join the Israeli occupation forces.
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sayruq · 5 months
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These are the same people who want you to use paper straws and eat bugs for the environment.
EDIT: And want you to pay off their student loans. For things like "Palestine Studies," "Postcolonial Studies" and "Gender Studies." Working class people who work hard and didn't go to college get to pay for their bourgeois classes in how oppressed they are. You're being screwed.
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