#Battle of Monte Sole
mako-neexu · 2 months
I do feel like Obe and Dante's way of showing affection is different from each other bc of their roles as servant. Oberon's love is quiet and you have to read through the lines to understand that (which isn't all that hard to do for Guda) because of his nature as a servant. Someone who pretends, it's not that he has to act like he doesn't like them that's just his nature but he does love Guda a shit ton he is just unable to outwardly admit that loudly.
Meanwhile avengers are loud in their love. Their love burns and is the equivalent to tough love as we've seen w oc2 and date's event and interludes. He loves guda and it's for that reason he burns them in a sense, remind them that they're alive that they can still move. Unlike him. He'll burn worlds for them if he must, he'd do anything to help them achieve their goals even if it's murdering someone or ending worlds WHICH guda has never and will never want, which is why he burns the bridge that connects the two because the only way for them is forward. He'd burn himself for them too, an avenger's love is all encompassing and it will turn everything into ash.
And idk man I'm just emo ig I really wanted to see obe Dante interactions but wtvr... Huhuhuhuuu.....
[servafes 2.0 spoilers, OC ch2 spoilers]
i think its not necessarily a matter of loud and quiet. its more of how they convey it due to their nature as servants as avengers that are extra classes nearly impossible to summon , as pretenders with a lying curse.
both convey their love neither quietly nor loudly, but they convey it in ways for guda. just for guda. using their own methods that would fit them the most.
oberon's care is showing guda an "out" like you see on valentines day, his summer lines etc. but he supports them too. he gives guda advice like in Servafes 2.0 where they barged into their room to talk to them despite the dangers of morgan oblitering his spiritual core, they also talk to each other on an equal standing like you see with oberon approaching them during at the inn and at gloucester in lb6. being someone with fairy eyes along with a lying curse, he tends to be roundabout with his words to portray what he means because no matter what he says, the world will twist it so he has skirt around it like in valentines day, you could interpret what he said with "call me wiht a sigh when you run out of dependable allies and options" as perhaps something mocking and malicious when, knowing oberon's nature now past lb6, he truly is caring almost to the point of selflessness. because we see his care for castoria as well as the insects in the autumn forest, that would apply to guda to, where he has the right words to soothe their soul, casually tear that mask guda has been holding onto for so long and become just "Fujimaru Ritsuka" and not "Humanity's Last Master".
dantes, of course, as the greatest of all avengers, his natures stems that from his revenge story by dumas, dantes who is also real in the typemoon universe has dumas write his story as revenge for his enemies on making everyone forget about him. and the story became so popular around the world that his spirit origin is twisted into that of an Avenger, that sole excerpt of The Count of Monte Cristo without that happy ending written into his saint graph. still, "edmond dantes" is still there, beneath gankutsuou. he's a man who tasted happiness and love, who was thrown into the bowels of depths and despair, gone through hell itself and crawled his way back to the surface no matter how painful it got. an Avenger that is intimate with pain, with suffering the most, know love and compassion the most.
both dantes and oberon understand guda's journey and what they've been through. its just that their approach is different. being an Avenger, a class of bloody teeth and howls, of course he would wield his flames that would aid his accomplice. he's seen their determination. he's seen them bleed, get beaten up before rising back again to finish a battle once and for all. he's seen guda love. he's seen guda love mash, da vinci, dr. roman, their friends these Servants who are people made up of fragments/fragments made up of people. they chose not retribution and continued to love despite the pain of it all.
dantes saw guda as a bright, radiant star because of that. him saying you are "fire" would just feel like completely undermining everything guda is. (and a fire for an Avenger, is a different meaning altogether). so he likens you to a star. a soul so bright that could even conquer dark flames that threaten to consume you whole but you would ultimately win out in the end... because thats who you are. a person who doesnt give up, will never give up no matter how your heart is beaten and battered. dantes supports you in a way where he has your back and will fight for you in this path downwards to hell. for oberon though, he's the abyssal insect. the one that ended fairy britain and as all things will inevitably end, like i said, he offered guda to go down the abyss with them should their heart finally give up once and for all. he'll be there by their deathbed to see it through. (i wanna add more about oberon with the shining star and titania but i can add stuff next time if i make a post like this.
that said, ive been thinking of dantes and oberon interactions too. but i do imagine either dantes would test oberon first before coming with him and abby to guda's trash heap or maybe exchange some words about guda, and probably gets convinced by oberon www
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support1212 · 6 days
draw prediction,
draw prediction,
In the realm of sports, where uncertainty reigns supreme, the ability to predict outcomes is a coveted skill. From football to basketball, cricket to tennis, enthusiasts and professionals alike are constantly seeking methods to gain an edge in forecasting game results. While predicting wins and losses is a common pursuit, the often-overlooked aspect of draws holds significant importance, particularly in sports where stalemates are frequent occurrences. Enter draw prediction – a nuanced yet potent approach to understanding and forecasting sports outcomes.
Understanding the Draw Phenomenon
In various sports, a draw occurs when neither team or player emerges victorious within the allotted game time. While some may view draws as inconclusive or anticlimactic, they serve as a testament to the competitive balance between opponents. Whether it’s a tightly contested football match ending in a 1-1 deadlock or an intense chess battle resulting in a stalemate, draws showcase the resilience and strategic prowess of athletes.
The Significance of Draw Prediction
Contrary to popular belief, draw prediction isn’t solely about foreseeing tied outcomes. Instead, it involves analyzing a multitude of factors to gauge the likelihood of a draw occurring. By delving into team or player performance metrics, historical data, environmental factors, and psychological aspects, draw prediction offers insights into the dynamics of a match that extend beyond mere win-loss probabilities.
Tools and Techniques for Draw Prediction
Drawing upon statistical models, machine learning algorithms, and expert analysis, draw prediction encompasses a diverse array of methodologies. From Elo ratings and Poisson distribution models to Monte Carlo simulations and Bayesian inference, statisticians and sports analysts employ an assortment of tools to formulate draw forecasts. Furthermore, sentiment analysis of player/team interviews, injury reports, and even fan sentiment on social media platforms contribute to the holistic understanding of draw probabilities.
Challenges and Limitations
Despite its potential, draw prediction isn’t without its challenges. The inherent unpredictability of sports, coupled with the dynamic nature of player/team performance, poses hurdles for accurate forecasting. Moreover, unforeseen events such as inclement weather, referee decisions, or last-minute tactical adjustments can significantly impact the likelihood of a draw. As such, draw prediction models must continuously evolve and adapt to account for these variables.
Applications Beyond Sports Betting
While draw prediction undoubtedly finds utility in sports betting markets, its applications extend far beyond gambling. Sports analysts, coaches, and team managers leverage draw forecasts to strategize game plans, assess opponent strengths and weaknesses, and optimize performance. Additionally, draw prediction algorithms have implications in fantasy sports leagues, fan engagement platforms, and sports analytics industries, enriching the overall spectator experience.
In the ever-evolving landscape of sports analysis and prediction, draw forecasting stands out as a sophisticated yet indispensable tool. By unraveling the intricacies of draws and harnessing the power of data analytics and predictive modeling, enthusiasts and professionals alike can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of sports competitions. Whether it’s for strategic planning, informed decision-making, or simply enhancing the thrill of watching a match unfold, draw prediction serves as a beacon of foresight in the realm of sports.
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audryt · 12 days
Yes a rural self-educated black man with a grandmother who was a slave, a wrongly dishonored father, and a poor mother spurned by the elite wrote his own WORLD FAMOUS AND NOW IMMORTAL BOOKS.
I am watching one of the myriad films made of THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO (from 2001 if you're about to ask). I'm to the part of the story where the wise old prisoner teaches Dantes skillsets that only the wealthy and entitled had in those days and suddenly I am thinking about how the brilliant author Alexandre Dumas, who back in the day -- while he was reaping in accolades for being a huge success as a playwright and then the writer of France's earliest serials, later bound into some of the world's earliest books -- was treated like a fake.
And today, there are still people, even in France, who are convinced that the son of a poor rural mother and a falsely dishonored hero of the revolution could not possibly have learned to write so beautifully and cleverly while being black.
Then and now, some people want to believe another person -- any other person -- wrote the works that bear his name, including successful plays that female actresses of the theatre who he had affairs with competed to get the lead roles for in his day. Including some of the earliest travelogues to ever exist, even as Dumas traveled on myriad adventures in which he often journied solo and wrote about the things he saw and learned about the vast world around him. Some people want to believe that a man who was so thoroughly well-read on Shakespeare's works that he was able to put myriad references to his idol's stories into his own works... is somehow a sham. (Ironic, isn't it, that there are also people who think a poor country boy named William Shakespeare was somehow also a sham?)
That the son of a black man who was a great leader of a history-changing revolution who led brave soldiers through battle after battle and who was locked in a prison to waste away after being betrayed by Napoleon himself -- that this man's own son could not have grown up to write such lauded and immortal works as THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO.
Because Dumas was to the entitled aristocrats of his day merely the irrelevant child of a black man and the grandchild of a black slave that a wealthy artistocrat had screwed and then stolen away their child from. Because he was in their eyes the son of a dishonored soldier who came home crippled and ill, and of a mother they chose to see as an ignorant, impoverished rural innkeeper.
And I think to myself, "The more things change, the more they don't," because to this day there are still people who think some other preferably white, titled writer of the time must have written words that could only have come from a man for whom the stories he wrote were deeply and powerfully personal.
Write what you know. Write your truth. Let no critic silence you, no belittler make you doubt the power of your work. Hand on the wheel, eyes to the calm sea ahead. Stay the course and find your way to the treasure that is your story; a treasure that can come solely from you.
No critic could stop Dumas from creating immortal works of unrivaled genius. Let no critic stop you.
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elenamaee · 29 days
Water Damage: The Sonic Violence of Minimalism
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Exploring the Powerful Drone Compositions of Austin Band Water Damage
Austin band Water Damage has taken the droning minimalism of La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela and transformed it into a unique form of violence. Their music is a battle between the band and their instruments, between the sounds being wrestled out of those instruments and the listener. With their defining features of noise and repetition, Water Damage delivers a sonic assault that is reminiscent of being mugged at a music and light installation.
It's a raw and exhilarating experience that truly rocks.
Water Damage's Sonic Assault
Water Damage comprises around 10 musicians who come together to create a heady drone. They turn up the amps until the sound reaches a deafening roar, each musician trying to overpower the others over the course of an entire reel. Multiple drums and basses, fuzzed-out organ and bowed guitar, and a shrieking violin or viola all contribute to the cacophony, exploring the possibilities of creating one thing very loudly.
It takes immense restraint to play the same thing for such a long duration, but Water Damage manages to do so while fully unleashing themselves upon their instruments.
A Unique Approach to Minimalism
Water Damage follows in the footsteps of gonzo rock bands that have played the music of or alongside minimalist composers like Terry Riley, Tony Conrad, and Steve Reich. However, unlike bands such as Faust and Acid Mother's Temple, Water Damage focuses solely on their own original drone compositions. While comparisons to Faust or Acid Mother's Temple may not be entirely off-base, it's important to note that Water Damage is not dabbling in this style of music as an occasional experiment.
Their purpose is to powerfully contemplate a single note or chord for extended periods of time, a goal that is as noble as it is unique. Their latest double album set, "In E," features four pieces, including the mesmerizing "Reel E," which will be released on 12XU on April 12.
Water Damage's music is a force to be reckoned with. Their ability to create a relentless sonic assault while maintaining a sense of restraint is truly impressive. By focusing solely on their own original drone compositions, they have carved out a distinct space within the realm of minimalist music.
With "In E" set to be released soon, listeners can expect to be captivated by the powerful contemplation of a single note or chord that Water Damage offers. Brace yourself for a sonic journey like no other.
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Events 8.1 (before 1900)
30 BC – Octavian (later known as Augustus) enters Alexandria, Egypt, bringing it under the control of the Roman Republic. AD 69 – Batavian rebellion: The Batavians in Germania Inferior (Netherlands) revolt under the leadership of Gaius Julius Civilis. 527 – Justinian I becomes the sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire. 607 – Ono no Imoko is dispatched as envoy to the Sui court in China (Traditional Japanese date: July 3, 607). 902 – Taormina, the last Byzantine stronghold in Sicily, is captured by the Aghlabid army, concluding the Muslim conquest of Sicily. 1203 – Isaac II Angelos, restored Byzantine Emperor, declares his son Alexios IV Angelos co-emperor after pressure from the forces of the Fourth Crusade. 1291 – The Old Swiss Confederacy is formed with the signature of the Federal Charter. 1469 – Louis XI of France founds the chivalric order called the Order of Saint Michael in Amboise. 1498 – Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to visit what is now Venezuela. 1571 – The Ottoman conquest of Cyprus is concluded, by the surrender of Famagusta. 1620 – Speedwell leaves Delfshaven to bring pilgrims to America by way of England. 1664 – Ottoman forces are defeated in the battle of Saint Gotthard by an Austrian army led by Raimondo Montecuccoli, resulting in the Peace of Vasvár. 1714 – George, Elector of Hanover, becomes King George I of Great Britain, marking the beginning of the Georgian era of British history. 1759 – Seven Years' War: The Battle of Minden, an allied Anglo-German army victory over the French. In Britain this was one of a number of events that constituted the Annus Mirabilis of 1759 and is celebrated as Minden Day by certain British Army regiments. 1774 – British scientist Joseph Priestley discovers oxygen gas, corroborating the prior discovery of this element by German-Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele. 1798 – French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of the Nile (Battle of Aboukir Bay): Battle begins when a British fleet engages the French Revolutionary Navy fleet in an unusual night action. 1800 – The Acts of Union 1800 are passed which merge the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1801 – First Barbary War: The American schooner USS Enterprise captures the Tripolitan polacca Tripoli in a single-ship action off the coast of modern-day Libya. 1834 – Slavery is abolished in the British Empire as the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 comes into force, although it remains legal in the possessions of the East India Company until the passage of the Indian Slavery Act, 1843. 1834 – Construction begins on the Wilberforce Monument in Kingston Upon Hull. 1842 – The Lombard Street riot erupts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. 1849 – Joven Daniel wrecks at the coast of Araucanía, Chile, leading to allegations that local Mapuche tribes murdered survivors and kidnapped Elisa Bravo. 1855 – The first ascent of Monte Rosa, the second highest summit in the Alps. 1863 – At the suggestion of Senator J. V. Snellman and the order of Emperor Alexander II, full rights were promised to the Finnish language by a language regulation in the Grand Duchy of Finland. 1876 – Colorado is admitted as the 38th U.S. state. 1893 – Henry Perky patents shredded wheat. 1894 – The Empire of Japan and Qing China declare war on each other after a week of fighting over Korea, formally inaugurating the First Sino-Japanese War.
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f1 · 1 year
Verstappen gave it everything en route to maiden Monaco pole as he hopes to avoid race-day chaos
Max Verstappen expressed his satisfaction after beating Fernando Alonso and Charles Leclerc to pole position for the Monaco Grand Prix during a hotly-contested qualifying session in the Principality. Saturday’s grid-deciding hour saw the Red Bull, Aston Martin and Ferrari trio battle it out for P1, with the reigning double world champion ultimately coming out on top to bag his first Monte Carlo pole. READ MORE: Verstappen snatches pole position from Alonso in thrilling Monaco GP qualifying session Speaking after the session, Verstappen admitted that his final lap of 1m 11.365s was a tricky one to put together, but it nonetheless gave him just under a tenth of a second in hand over nearest rival Alonso. “Yeah, I’m very happy,” he said. “We knew that this was going to be a little bit of a struggle for us this weekend, to get everything together. Yesterday wasn’t the best start, but I think we kept on improving and kept on getting better. Verstappen could not hide his delight after securing pole in Monaco “In qualifying, you need to go all out and risk it all. My first sector wasn’t ideal on my final lap, I think Turn 1 was a bit cautious, but then I knew I was behind, so the last sector I gave it everything I had and clipped a few barriers… But of course, very happy to be on pole here for the first time.” While he has the all-important track position for race day, Verstappen remains wary of the various dramas that can occur around Monaco’s tight and twisty streets – calling on Red Bull “to keep it clean and calm”. FACTS AND STATS: A first front row start in Monaco for Alonso in 16 years “We need a clean start,” he commented. “It’s a short run to Turn 1. I mean, in Monaco, a lot of things can happen – Safety Car, rain, you name it, there is always a bit of chaos involved. I think race-pace wise the car is quick, so that’s not the problem.” Verstappen was the sole Red Bull in action in the pole shootout after team mate Sergio Perez dramatically crashed at Sainte Devote during Q1, leaving the Mexican to rue what might have been. This feature is currently not available because you need to provide consent to functional cookies. Please update your cookie preferences 2023 Monaco GP Qualifying: Sergio Perez OUT of qualifying in Q1 after crash at Sainte Devote “It was going well, I was happy with the balance,” Perez explained. “But going into the corner, I just lost the rear-end quite late into the corner, and then I became a passenger. “It was so late that I had nowhere to go – I could not cut the corner or go out of the corner and I ended up touching the wall, which is a big mistake from my side, and I’m very sorry for my team.” READ MORE: Imola trophies, signed Ferrari Trento bottle and more to be auctioned by F1 Authentics to raise money for Emilia-Romagna flood relief fund He added: “This mistake is just very difficult to digest. I don’t know what to say – just sorry for my team, they don’t deserve this... I’m really disappointed with myself and it’s going to be a very difficult day tomorrow to do anything.” Red Bull will enter Sunday’s Grand Prix 122 points clear of Aston Martin in the constructors’ standings, while Verstappen heads team mate Perez by 14 points in the race for the drivers’ title. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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sanjosenewshq · 2 years
What its worthwhile to know earlier than the competitors recreation
San Jose State in Fresno data: San Jose State (4-1, 2-0 Mountain West); Fresno (1-4, 0-1 MW) Beginning: 7:45 p.m., Valley Youngsters’ Playground, Fresno Tv: Fox Sports activities 2 radio: KTRB (860 p.) Sequence date: San Jose State is trailing 38-43-3 always, however has gained 5 of the previous 9 conferences, most not too long ago in 2019. Previous to this stretch, FSU had dominated the collection, going 18-2, together with 12 in a row from 1991 -2005. SJSU misplaced at house to the Bulldogs within the closing recreation of the 2021 season, costing the Spartans an opportunity to turn out to be eligible in consecutive years for the primary time since 1986-87. Groups did not play in 2020 when the sport was canceled days earlier than launch because of COVID-19 contact tracing protocols. The information: San Jose State is brimming, having gained three in a row since their close-quarters loss in Auburn, and will keep their lead within the Western Division with their first win in Fresno since 2016. A win would additionally take the Spartans away from one of many six. A pot is required to qualify with six extra video games remaining. … Troubled Fresno State – former Monte Vista Excessive QB, Jake Hanner, will miss this recreation – and battle, however is the 1-4 file a bit deceptive? Clearly, the offense is not the identical with out Haener, the most effective QBs within the nation, however the schedule has completed the Bulldogs no favors. That is their first house recreation in over a month and two of them dropping to the Pac-12 groups (Oregon and USC) and one other was a highway loss in MW favorites Boise State. The sport to observe: SJSU’s offensive line in opposition to Fresno State’s protection. A largely inexperienced group – tackles Fernando Carmona and James McNorton are each starters and goalkeepers Jamie Navarro and Tyler Ostrom and quarterback Anthony Pardo are seniors, however Navarro was the one one who began usually final season – got here collectively in an enormous approach in the course of the successful streak. QB Chevan Cordeiro had extra time to move (he was sacked 17 occasions, however seven got here in opposition to Portland State within the opener) and operating recreation has helped SJSU enhance statistically every of the previous three weeks, together with a 200-yard effort final week in opposition to UNLV. The Fresno State protection permits for roughly 30 factors and 400 yards per recreation (amplified by lopsided losses to USC and Boise State) however the Bulldogs can be with out their greatest defensive participant, the protection of Evan Williams, and have numerous key gamers sick or down. an infection. Necessary stats: The Spartans have outpaced their rivals 107-29 of their final three video games. … SJSU is the one FBS college that has an offensive turnover. The Spartans’ solely spin got here from a muffled kick… Then again, the SJSU protection created a spin in each recreation. The Spartans +7 turnover margin is the sixth greatest within the nation. Ranked within the high 10 nationally in defensive scoring (14 factors per recreation) and sixteenth in total protection, SJSU’s protection was a group effort. Via 5 video games, 19 Spartans scored a deal with to lose, and 6 gamers intercepted. … Fresno State hasn’t thrown a TD move in two video games with out Haener. He has thrown 51 in 22 video games with Bulldogs. …Cordero threw 162 passes unchallenged and leads the West Mountain with 1,308 yards. He has been liable for 12 touchdowns in 5 video games, six dribble and 6 assists. … Kyle Harmon has 41 tackles this season and 381 in his profession at SJSU. He would move Christian Tago and transfer as much as fifth all-time in SJSU historical past with a 4 in opposition to a Bulldog. Bay Space Information Group Originally published at San Jose News HQ
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matchdinghy36 · 2 years
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arrhakis · 2 years
(via The Order Of The Sword Of Saint Michael | The Order Of The S… | Flickr)
The Order Of The Sword Of Saint Michael by Daniel Arrhakis (2022)
With the music : Epic Score | Hymn of the Ancients | Iliya Zaki | Epic Emotion
The Order Of The Sword Of Saint Michael / "The Dragon Knights"
The representatives of this mystic military secret order were once known as "The Dragon Knights" and  has as its demand the search for the Sword of Saint Michael.
Over the centuries it has sponsored the best masters of steel with the aim of creating the perfect sword whose blade could embody mystical powers. Many of the best spread to the various empires where they taught their art, including Asia.
In addition to the steel arts, they teach their disciples the various techniques in the handling and use of swords. Nowadays, some masters are integrated into fencing schools while secretly honoring the sacred vows to the order.
Their relationship with the Order of the Silver Orchid has always been very close, being the main instructors of  the guardians or warrior monks.
The Sword of Saint Michael is a well-kept secret, the evidence of its existence was transmitted by the Knights Templar but it was never found, one of the functions of the Order is to compile all the knowledge, evidence, writings, maps and testimonies so that one day it can be found.
Saint Michael the Archangel is considered to be the guardian and protector of the Church.  He was the leader of God’s army during the uprising of Lucifer and is honored in not only Christianity but also Judaism and Islam.
The legendary “Sword of St. Michael,” an imaginary line linking seven monasteries…all dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel… stretching all the way from Ireland to Israel. Most of these shrines got their names due to reported apparitions of Saint Michael at their respective locations.  Some see this as a sign, referencing the battle between St. Michael and Lucifer.
Skellig Michael, Ireland
Saint Michael’s Mount, England
Mont Saint Michel, France
Sacra di San Michele, Italy
Sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo, Italy
Panormitis Monastery, Simi, Greece
Stella Maris Monastery, Mount Carmel, Israel
But for the masters of The Order Of The Sword Of Saint Michael it's not just a sign, it's a matter of time before it is found one day, when the signs are all interpreted.
The Grand Master of the Order also called "First Knight" is chosen from among his peers but his name can never be revealed to the outside.
After his election by secret ballot, which obeys well-defined mystical rituals, he starts to live solely for the Order, no longer being able to contact his family; this is a requirement of the office which must be accepted freely and under oath.
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cardest · 3 years
Italy & Rome playlist
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Pizza. Fiat. Centurions. Fulci. Argento. Morricone. It’s all here in this Roma - Italia playlist. If you love ancient Roman history and horror film soundtracks, this is the playlist for you! Hit play right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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Nero would enjoy this playlist! But, if there is a song or band I forgot or even a horror film soundtrack, or Italian prog record I mighta missed, let me know! This is one of my favorite playlists. Grazie!
001 Goblin - La caccia 002 High On Fire -  Romulus And Remus 003 Braens Machine - Flying 004 Piero Umiliani - Produzione 005 Fantomas - Page 1 [6 Frames] 006 Lucio Fulci's Zombie Theme(1979) 007 Tullio De Piscopo drum pattern - Samba Carnival 008 Quella Vecchia Locanda - Il Tempo Della Gioia 009 Sandro Brugnolini - Amofen 010 Ufomammut - Mars 011 Gerardo Iacoucci - Tradimento 012 Procol Harum - Conquistador   013 LA TERZA MADRE  - Main Theme by Claudio Simonetti 014 Fantomas -  The Godfather 015 Toto Cutugno - L'Italiano 016 CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY - Fear the mohawk reaper 017 Ennio Morricone -  Non Rimane Piu Nessuno 018 Mina - Non credere 019 Bölzer - Roman Acupuncture 020 Jerry Goldsmith The Omen OST - Ave Satani 021 Lou Monte - roman guitar 022 Tony Di Marti - L'Uccellino Della Comare   023 Paul Chain Violet Theatre - 17 day 024 Satyricon -  The Ghost of Rome 025 Ghost - Con Clavi Con Dio 026 Charles Aznavour - Com'a Triste Venezia 027 Jula de Palma - Tua (1959) versione originale 028 Dean Martin - That's Amore   029 FORGOTTEN TOMB - We Owe You Nothing 030 Mike Patton - Ti Offro Da Bere 031 Death SS - Heavy Demons 032 The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Sword of Machiavelli 033 Afterhours - Milano Circonvallazione Esterna 034 Fantomas -  Page 17 [14 Frames] 035 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Pompey 036 Sherpa - Kim (((o))) Tigris & Euphrates 037 Umberto Tozzi Gloria - Italian Version 038 Franco Bracardi & Giorgio Bracardi -  Lo Strangolatore Di Boston 039 Black Hole - Bells of Death 040 Tarantella Pugliese - La Rondinella 041 Pino Villa- A Mucca Pazza 042 Opera IX - Bela Lugosi's Dead 043 MARIO MOLINO - TRAFFICO CAOTICO 044 Lucio Battisti - La Collina Dei Ciliegi 045 Tenebre (Main Title) by Goblin 046 SYK - FONG 047 FUOCO FATUO - Sulphureous Hazes 048 Primordial -  As Rome Burns 049 Abysmal Grief - Crypt of Horror 050 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - re D'Amore 051 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. Soundtrack - Jimmy Renda Se 052 Stelvio Cipriani - Papaya 053 Fantomas - Page 28 [20 Frames] 054 Carlo Maria Cordio - Rosso Sangue (Absurd) 055 Emma De Angelis - Trip 056 BRUNO NICOLAI-Red Cats (1975) 057 Duncan Dhu - La barra de este hotel 058 FROZEN CROWN - Neverending 059 Pavor na Cidade dos Zumbis (City of the Living Dead, 1980) Theme 060 Jarboe & Father Murphy - The Ferryman 061 Mudhoney - When In Rome 062 Fantomas - Page 21 [11 Frames] 063  Ancient Roman Music - Synaulia I 064 Behemoth - Rome 64 C.E. / Slaying the Prophets ov Isa 065 Clutch - Nero's Fiddle 066 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Sulla 067 Goblin - L'alba dei morti viventi 068 Elvis Presley - Heart Of Rome 069 Bulldozer - Insurrection Of The Living Damned 070 Peggy Lee - When In Rome (I Do as the Romans Do) 071 Osanna - Variazione I (To Plinius) 072 GIULIANO SORGINI - Ultima Caccia 073 Ennio Morricone - Metti una sera a cena 074 Sepultura -  The Vatican 075 Rome Soundtrack 02 The Forum 076 Fantomas -  Page 4 [11 Frames] 077 Gladiator - Theme Song 078 Avantasia - The Glory of Rome 079 Caligula (1979)-Opening Credits 080 Umberto -  Temple Room 081 SODOM - Caligula 082 Lacuna Coil -  Survive 083 Gigliola Cinquetti - Non ho leta 084 Lucio Battisti - Emozioni 085 Goblin -  Markos 086 MIke Patton -  Urlo Negro 087 Sandro Brugnolini -  Megattera 088 Fantomas -  Page 25 [34 Frames] 089 The Italian Job Soundtrack- Opening Titles 090 Fabio Frizzi - Un Gatto Nel Cervello 091 Heidevolk - Het verbond met Rome 092 Messiah - Nero 093 Julio Iglesias - Todo el amor que te hace falta 094 Calabria - Luna Calabrisi 095 Various Artists -  Iena Sequence 096 Fantomas -  Page 5 [7 Frames] 097 Perry Como Mandolins In The Moonlight 098 The Beyond Soundtrack - main theme 099 Mercyful Fate - Gypsy 100 Goblin -  Suspiria 101 Ufomammut - Empireum 102 Diaframma - Neogrigio 103 Umberto -  The Psychic 104 NecroDeath - Master Of Morphine 105 The Dirtiest - Cento shot 106 Fantomas -  Page 29 [39 Frames] 107 La Morte Viene Dallo Spazio - Ashes 108 Achille Togliani Fontana Di Trevi 109 MV & EE - Much obliged 110 Isis Synaulia - Musica dell'antica Roma 111 Sandro Brugnolini - Marsuino 112 Giobia - far behind 113 Darvaza - silver chalice   114 Fantomas -  Investigation Of A Citizen Above suspicion 115 Rome Soundtrack - Main Title Theme 116 Nebulae - Carbon 117 Beat Fuga - Shake 118 Gruppo folk naxos - Tarantella siciliana 119 Russian Circles - Milano 120 Kalidia - Circe's spell 121 Harlan Williams, Beneath the Iron Heel of Pagan Rome 122 Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican 123 Vatican - the 5th of metal 124 Extrema - Deep Infection 125 Rod Stewart - Italian Girls 126 Louis Prima - Buona Sera 127 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Che Notte! 128 Sinoath -  Saturnalia 129 Piero Piccioni - L'Italia Vista dal Cielo (Lombardia) 130 PIERO UMILIANI - Topless Party 131 Dean Martin - Arrivederci Roma 132 Fantomas -  Page 30 [2 Frames] 133 Sadist - Nadir 134 Hour of Penance - Rise and Oppress 135  Virgin Steele - The Burning of Rome (Cry for Pompeii) 136 FROZEN CROWN - Battles In The Night 137 The Monolith Deathcult - Demigod 138 PIG DESTROYER -  Machiavellian 139 Raw Power  - State oppresion 140 La luna ammenzu o mari - Folk Sicilia 141 Angels and Demons Soundtrack - Main Theme (Hans Zimmer) 142 Lou Monte - Bella notte 143 Fantomas - Page 7 [6 Frames] 144 Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi - Theme of ''Rome'' 145 INFERNO OST Dario Argento - MAIN THEME 146 Hombres G - Venezia 147 Rome Soundtracks - The Battle has began (Caesar's Theme) 148 NORA ORLANDI- Ossessione 149 Stelvio Cipriani - Orgasmo Nero 150 Goblin -  Profondo Rosso - Mad Puppet 151 Duatha - Maximinus Thrax 152 Sodom - City of God 153 Caronte - Invocation to Paimon 154 Demoni (Demons) Soundtrack by Claudio Simonetti  - Killing 155 PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT - Rising On The Edge 156 James Reyne - Fall Of Rome 157 Fantomas -  Vendetta 158  Rome Soundtrack - 16Th Death of Pompey 159 Alessandro Alessandroni & Sorgini Giuliano - Overcraft 160 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. OST - Che Vuole Questa Musica Stasera (Profumo Di Donna) 161 Clutch - Circus Maximus 162 Candlemass - Demons Gate 163 ROME - Uropia O Morte 164 Siouxsie And The Banshees - Cities In Dust (Extended 12 Version) 165 Tony Mottola - You And Only You 166 Musica dell'Antica Roma - Pavor 167 Fantomas - Page 6 [26 Frames] 168 Aborym -  II 169 Scorpions - The Sails Of Charon 170 Blind Guardian -  Lionheart 171 Septicflesh -  Dante's Inferno 172 MESSA - Leah 173 Mike Patton -  Senza Fine 174 Gary Numan - My Centurion 175 Frank Black and the Catholics - Back to Rome 176 Tonino Cavallo - Tarantella Siciliana 177 THE MELVINS - The Bloated Pope 178 Gluttony -  Lucullus In The East 179 Toto - Spanish Steps Of Rome 180 Fantomas -  Page 8 [9 Frames] 181 Mark Lanegan Band - Playing Nero 182 METRALLETA STEIN OST - Telemark 183 Luciano Pavarotti - Sole Mio 184 Jorja Chalmers - red light 185 Blood Ceremony -  Faunus 186 EKPYROSIS - Profound Death 187 Corleone  - Tutto diventerà rosso (feat. Mike Patton) 188 Primus -  The Storm 189 Museo Rosenbach - Superuomo 190 IVANO FOSSATI - MILANO 191 Lucio Dalla - Milano 192 Fantomas -  Page 9 [11 Frames] 193 Alessandro Allesendroni - Remember 194 Le Orme - Felona & Sorona - Return To Naught 195 Rome - The Spanish Drummer 196 Epitaph  -  Beyond the Mirror 197 Ephel Duath - The Passage 198 Three of You - New Life 199 Walter Rizzati I remember (Quella villa accanto al cimitero) 200 Lacuna Coil -  Heaven's A Lie 201 Judas Priest - Nostradamus 202 Triumvirat - Vesuvius 79 A.D. 203 Amedeo Tommasi - Exploration 204 Nero Kane † Lord Won't Come 205 FULCI - Eye Full Of Maggots 206 ULVER - Nemoralia 207 Voltumna  - Roma Delenda Est 208 Adorable - Sistine Chapel Ceiling 209 I Gres - Restless 210 Rita Pavone - Il Geghegè 211 Jahbulong - Under the influence of the fool 212 Theatres des Vampires -  Sangue 213 Antonio - High Voltage! 214 Fantomas -  Page 23 [17 Frames] 215 Sadist - Enslaver of Lies 216 Bunker 66 - (She's Got) Demon Eyes 217 GIULIANO SORGINI - Mad town 218 Zu -  Ostia 219 Moonraker - Miss Goodhead Meets Bond in Venice 220 Franco Micalizzi - I Due Volti Della Paura 221 John Zorn Naked City - The Sicilian Clan 222 Piero Umiliani - Nel Villaggio 223 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Cielo In Una Stanza 224 UFOMAMMUT - Warsheep 225 Fleshgod Apocalypse -  Elegy 226 SLASHER DAVE - Fulzzi 227 Panna Fredda - La Paura 228 Meads Of Asphodel - God Is Rome 229 Nora Orlandi - I Robot Original Version (Il dolce corpo di Deborah) 230 Caronte - Exctasy of Hecate 231 White Skull - Will of the Strong 232 Wotan - Thermopiles 233 Chromatics - Faded Now 234 Fantomas -  Page 2 [7 Frames] 235 Schizo - the main frame collapse 236 Ghost B.C. -  Per Aspera Ad Inferi 237 Dream Theater - The Count Of Tuscany 238 Satyricon -  Commando 239 Psico Galera - La Prima Volta 240 Scolopendra - Priest's blood soup 241 Theatres Des Vampires - 'Til the Last Drop of Blood 242 Victrola - Game of Despair 243 Blue Phantom - Diodo 244 Mortuary Drape - My Soul/primordial 245 Fantomas -  Page 11 [10 Frames] 246 Gianni Ferrio - Un dollaro bucato 247 Ataraxia - Canzona 248 Hexvessel - Phaedra 249 Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra - Some Velvet Morning 250 Mike Patton -  L'Uomo Che Non Sapeva Amare 251 Idiota Civilizzato - Uno E Nessuno 252 Ennio Morricone - Main Theme for Dario Argento's THE CAT O'NINE TAILS 253 Rhapsody - Ascending to Infinity 254 Monumentum - Battesimo: Nero Opaco 255 Opera IX - 1313 (Eradicate the False Idols) 256 Piedone lo sbirro OST - The Baron's death 257 Goblin - Deep red OST main theme 258 EKPYROSIS - Immolate the Denied 259 L'Impero delle Ombre - II Sabba 260 Monte Kristo - The Girl of Lucifer 261 Ghost - Lady Nite 262 Hallowed - Wake Up In The Night 263 Fantomas -  Page 27 [15 Frames] 264 Giuliano Sorgini - Lavoro cerebrale 265 Death SS - Vampire 266 VOLTURIAN - Broken 267 Cradle Of Filth - The 13th Caesar 268 Fulci - tropical sun 269 Alessandro Cortini - Perdere 270 Francesco Guccini - Bologna 271 Abysmal Grief  - Celebrate what they fear 272 Goblin - book of skulls 273 Tom Waits - In The Colosseum 274 Peggy Lee - Autumn In Rome 275 Ruins - Petit Portrait 276 Urna - Omnis Inifinita Mens Est Gremium Et Sepolcrum Universi 277 Nicolas Gaunin - Noa Noa Noa 278 Lacuna Coil - No Need to Explain 279 Theatres Des Vampires - Morgana Effect 280 Sepultura - City of Dis 281 Opera IX - The Oak 282 Rhapsody - Il cigno nero 283 Cripple Bastards  - Variante Alla Morte 284 Goblin - Witch (Susperia OST) 285 Death SS - revived 286 Henning Christiansen - L'essere Umano Errabando La Voca Errabando 287 Rolling Blackouts - The Second Of The First 288 Giuda - Overdrive 289 Hierophant  - Son of the new faith 290 Giorgio Faletti - Nati a Milano 291 Fabio Frizzi - A Cat in the Brain, Sequence 2 292 Dean Martin - On An Evening In Roma (Sott'er Celo De Roma) 293 FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE - Monnalisa 294 Valgrind - The Endless Circle 295 Oceana - Atlantidea Suite Part 1 296 Soda Stereo - Paseando Por Roma 297 Blasphemer - The Sixth Hour 298 Raw Power - Dreamer 299 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Deep down 300 Lacuna Coil - Swamped 301 Slalom OST by Ennio Morricone - Main theme 302 Stefano Marcucci - INFERNO 303 Lou Monte - Shaddap Ya Face 304 The Case of the Bloody Iris OST by Bruno Nicolai - Main theme 305 Mortuary Drape - Dreadful discovery 306 Antonio Riccardo Luciani - Cinque sottozero 307 Plateau Sigma -  Ouija and the Qvantvm 308 Piero Piccioni - Colpo rovente OST - main titles 309 Riz Ortolani - sette orchidee macchiate di rosso 310 Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse 311 Oliver Onions - Italian Girl 312 Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead 313 Metamorfosi - Spacciatore di Droga - Terremoto - Limbo 314 Body Count OST by Claudio Simonetti  - main theme 315 Symphony X - Underworld 316 Carlo Savina - Titoli di testa 317 Orchestra King Zerand - Night Song 318 Piero Umiliani - La schiava 319 CLAUDIO SIMONETTI'S GOBLIN - The Devil is back 320 Roman Holiday OST - Main title 666 Fabio Frizzi - Voci Dal Nulla
Perhaps not enough Morricone and needs more Goblin. The next update will have more, I am sure. Play it here:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
Helfert, “Joachim Murat”, Chapter 4, Part 3
Neapolitan retreat, Austrian advance, and preparations for battle on both sides.
On the 12th, Mohr moved from defence to attack and, from the bridgehead at Occhiobello, broke through the Neapolitan position at Ravalle and Casaglia, finding the way to Ferrara open on the 13th. At the same time FML Bianchi advanced to the Panaro, on the 14th to the Secchia, on the 15th forced back General Pepe, commanding in Carascosa's absence, behind the Reno, and on the 16th made his entry into Bologna, which King Joachim had to leave in such haste that he could not collect the war tax he had imposed on the city. At Bologna, where the commander of Lombardy, G. d. C. Baron Frimont, was present, a council of war was held and, against Bianchi's opinion, it was decided that the imperial army should henceforth split and move in two directions towards the south: Count Neipperg on the right wing with 16,000 men and 20 guns along the Adriatic shore, Bianchi with the centre with 12,000 men and 28 guns through Tuscany, to which Nugent, with not quite 3,500 men and 4 guns forming the outermost right wing, was to prepare the way.
King Joachim, apparently soon enough aware of this division of the Austrian army, took his countermeasures without delay.
Again judging from Helfert’s footnotes, he follows Italian writer Colletta in this. According to Pepe, Murat learned much later about it. Helfert seems to be a bit lost between his sources here as Colletta seems to describe events in a much more positive light.
His plan was to retreat slowly from Neipperg and to keep him in sight until Bianchi was separated from him by a long distance, so that one army could not quickly bring help to the other, and then to attack and defeat one after the other, Bianchi first, with his combined superior force.
Sounds like a very Napoleon-like plan.
At the same time he decided to enter the path of negotiation, if only to gain time by stalling. To this end he sent off Legation Councillor Questiаux to his Vienna Congress Legation, April 18, and sent Colonel Carafa as parliamentary to General Neipperg with a letter addressed by his Chief of General Staff Millet to the Imperial Commander-in-Chief, in which he sought to portray the forward movement of his army as a mere security measure, since he was unclear about Austria's intention, April 21. But Questiаux, who arrived in Trieste on the latter day, was not allowed to continue from there, but had to turn back without having achieved anything, and on the 24th Neipperg replied "that the supreme commander had given the most definite instructions to continue the operations with the greatest zeal".
In the course of these days the king, followed at a reasonable distance by Neipperg, had successively evacuated Imola, Faenza, Forli, while in the west his guard legions were retreating from Florence via Arezzo and Perugia towards Foligno. When the Austrians entered Forli, they were told that King Joachim had expressed his intention to fight a battle at Cesena, but then, whatever the outcome, to withdraw within his borders and offer a truce, lest it should appear that he was making common cause with Napoleon.
Uhm... but he had only just received Napoleon’s brother ...? Surely he must have suspected the Austrians to be aware of such communications?
In fact, the Neapolitans under Lecchi's leadership seemed to want to dispute the imperials' passage over the Ronco, which brought about a fierce battle that ended with the retreat of the former behind the Savio. The king, after having deployed in battle formation south of the river at Bertinoro and Cesena, broke camp and in the night of the 22nd to the 23rd retreated via Savignano to Rimini. It was of little comfort to him that here he received a letter from his wife, with a message from his imperial brother-in-law, who was quite delighted with the king's enterprise. But the question was whether Caroline's letter, which Joachim showed around to his generals, was not intended solely to raise the sagging courage of the army, which was retreating from one position to another.
So, Caroline with a fake letter would have supported an enterprise she had so fiercely opposed? I’m confused again.
At Cattolica, on April 26 and 27, the king again seemed to want to engage Neipperg, had entrenchments thrown up in order bring in batteries, but finally changed his mind and went back to Pesaro, Fano, Sinigaglia. His rearguard suffered one defeat after another. On the 28th, already in the darkness, the G.St. Captain Count Thun and Captain Monbach attacked a Neapolitan detachment at Santa-Marina near Pesaro, then entered the city at the same time as the fugitives through the open gate, where Pepe was just having dinner with a friendly family, while Carascosa was already in a deep sleep, caused hopeless confusion among the garrison and, carrying three and a half hundred prisoners with them, withdrew from Pesaro, which the royals now evacuated in a despicable haste.
On the 29th Joachim was in Ancona where he issued an army order to his troops: "the long-awaited moment of battle had come, the previous retreat had been a feint, victory over the Austrians was easy and certain". On the 30th he arrived in Macerata, where the two legions of his guard had already moved in.
FML Bianchi had arrived in Florence on April 20, and with him Grand Duke Ferdinand III. Here, if it had not happened earlier, he was joined by the British envoy to the Court of Tuscany, Lord Burghersh, who from then on remained in his main quarters and, when it came to fighting, was regularly at his side, sometimes intervening himself. On the 23rd Bianchi was in Arezzo, Starhemberg with the advance guard in Cortona on the Tuscan-Roman frontier. Even further ahead, already deep in the Papal States, in Bolsena, Monte-Fiascone and Viterbo, stood Nugent that same day, hurrying in forced marches towards the area of Naples.
In a letter of the 29th, FM Prince Schwarzenberg informed Bianchi that "His Majesty has deigned to transfer to you the command of the army against Naples"; in fact, Bianchi had taken it over even before he had received this communication, because Frimont, called away by other business, hurried back from Pesaro to Lombardy on the 29th. The Vienna Cabinet continued to show the greatest consideration for his opponent. On May 3, Baron Frimont received a letter of order stating that the King of Naples, by his attitude, had given Austria the means to assert the right of conquest against him in the fullest sense. "Nevertheless," it continued, "Murat has been recognised as king by our government, and His Majesty therefore wishes him to be treated as such until the last moment and to be called King Joachim in all negotiations and public writings until further notice." From this letter one can see that on our side, in the higher ranks, modesty and caution set the tone, while the officer and the common man were burning with the joy of battle, as if everything had to succeed. That is the right relationship. The soldier should and, with good leadership, will always consider himself invincible; it is up to the commander not to triumph too soon, to consider all the vicissitudes of the fluctuating fortunes of war. Over in the Neapolitan camp, it was the other way round: great confidence, or at least the appearance of it, on the part of the king and his entourage, wavering confidence, little courage, much unwillingness in the ranks of the army.
Actually, I do read this in a somewhat less friendly manner. This clearly means that, from this moment on, Murat’s removal from the throne was the campaign’s official aim. But let’s remain polite until the last moment.
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shamandrummer · 4 years
Decolonizing Indigenous Cultural Protection
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In 2016, the Standing Rock Sioux and legions of their allies protested the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which would carry Bakken crude oil from North Dakota to Illinois, crossing underneath Lake Oahe, the reservation's water source. Tribal members opposed the pipeline over fears of water pollution and climate impacts; it also crossed their ancestral lands, and they argued that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had not adequately surveyed the burial grounds in its path. But because the pipeline wasn't on tribal lands or under tribal jurisdiction, there were few legal options. As Indian law attorneys Hillary Hoffmann and Monte Mills write in their new book, A Third Way: Decolonizing the Laws of Indigenous Cultural Protection, after almost 200 years of treaties, court cases and federal infringement, "The tribe had lost almost every source of legal authority to regulate or stop it." The pipeline was ultimately constructed, though its legality is still in court over potential environmental violations.
The battle over the Dakota Access Pipeline exemplifies how difficult it can be for tribal nations to assert their sovereignty within the existing legal structure to protect culturally important land, water, wildlife and ancestral objects. Over the last decade, however, Hoffmann and Mills argue that a new era of Indian law has emerged that protects Indigenous cultures based on Indigenous value systems. This "third way" -- neither solely Indigenous nor European, but rather both -- shows tribal nations working within those legal constraints in novel ways, or changing them altogether, to better reflect their values. This could mean different outcomes in future cultural protection conflicts.
In A Third Way, Hillary Hoffmann and Monte Mills share what they've learned over their combined 31 years of teaching Indian law and working with tribal nations. They explore the myriad ways Indigenous people are decolonizing laws around cultural protection. The book details the history, context, and future of the ongoing legal fight to protect indigenous cultures. At the federal level, this fight is shaped by the assumptions that led to current federal cultural protection laws, which many tribes and their allies are now reframing to better meet their cultural and sovereign priorities. At the state level, centuries of antipathy toward tribes are beginning to give way to collaborative and cooperative efforts that better reflect indigenous interests. Most critically, tribes themselves are building laws and legal structures that reflect and invigorate their own cultural values. Taken together, and evidenced by the recent worldwide support for indigenous cultural movements, events of the last decade signal a new era for indigenous cultural protection. I highly recommend this important book to anyone interested in the legal reforms that will guide progress toward protecting indigenous cultures.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 8.1
30 BC – Octavian (later known as Augustus) enters Alexandria, Egypt, bringing it under the control of the Roman Republic. AD 69 – Batavian rebellion: The Batavians in Germania Inferior (Netherlands) revolt under the leadership of Gaius Julius Civilis. 527 – Justinian I becomes the sole ruler of the Byzantine Empire. 607 – Ono no Imoko is dispatched as envoy to the Sui court in China (Traditional Japanese date: July 3, 607). 902 – Taormina, the last Byzantine stronghold in Sicily, is captured by the Aghlabid army, concluding the Muslim conquest of Sicily. 1203 – Isaac II Angelos, restored Byzantine Emperor, declares his son Alexios IV Angelos co-emperor after pressure from the forces of the Fourth Crusade. 1291 – The Old Swiss Confederacy is formed with the signature of the Federal Charter. 1469 – Louis XI of France founds the chivalric order called the Order of Saint Michael in Amboise. 1498 – Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to visit what is now Venezuela. 1571 – The Ottoman conquest of Cyprus is concluded, by the surrender of Famagusta. 1620 – Speedwell leaves Delfshaven to bring pilgrims to America by way of England. 1664 – Ottoman forces are defeated in the battle of Saint Gotthard by an Austrian army led by Raimondo Montecuccoli, resulting in the Peace of Vasvár. 1714 – George, Elector of Hanover, becomes King George I of Great Britain, marking the beginning of the Georgian era of British history. 1759 – Seven Years' War: The Battle of Minden, an allied Anglo-German army victory over the French. In Britain this was one of a number of events that constituted the Annus Mirabilis of 1759 and is celebrated as Minden Day by certain British Army regiments. 1774 – British scientist Joseph Priestley discovers oxygen gas, corroborating the prior discovery of this element by German-Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele. 1798 – French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of the Nile (Battle of Aboukir Bay): Battle begins when a British fleet engages the French Revolutionary Navy fleet in an unusual night action. 1800 – The Acts of Union 1800 are passed which merge the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1801 – First Barbary War: The American schooner USS Enterprise captures the Tripolitan polacca Tripoli in a single-ship action off the coast of modern-day Libya. 1834 – Slavery is abolished in the British Empire as the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 comes into force, although it remains legal in the possessions of the East India Company until the passage of the Indian Slavery Act, 1843. 1834 – Construction begins on the Wilberforce Monument in Kingston Upon Hull. 1842 – The Lombard Street riot erupts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. 1849 – Joven Daniel wrecks at the coast of Araucanía, Chile, leading to allegations that local Mapuche tribes murdered survivors and kidnapped Elisa Bravo. 1855 – The first ascent of Monte Rosa, the second highest summit in the Alps. 1863 – At the suggestion of Senator J. V. Snellman and the order of Emperor Alexander II, full rights were promised to the Finnish language by a language regulation in the Grand Duchy of Finland. 1876 – Colorado is admitted as the 38th U.S. state. 1893 – Henry Perky patents shredded wheat. 1894 – The First Sino-Japanese War erupts between Japan and China over Korea. 1907 – The start of the first Scout camp on Brownsea Island, the origin of the worldwide Scouting movement. 1911 – Harriet Quimby takes her pilot's test and becomes the first U.S. woman to earn an Aero Club of America aviator's certificate. 1914 – The German Empire declares war on the Russian Empire at the opening of World War I. The Swiss Army mobilizes because of World War I. 1927 – The Nanchang Uprising marks the first significant battle in the Chinese Civil War between the Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party. This day is commemorated as the anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army. 1933 – Anti-Fascist activists Bruno Tesch, Walter Möller, Karl Wolff and August Lütgens are executed by the Nazi regime in Altona. 1936 – The Olympics opened in Berlin with a ceremony presided over by Adolf Hitler. 1937 – Josip Broz Tito reads the resolution "Manifesto of constitutional congress of KPH" to the constitutive congress of KPH (Croatian Communist Party) in woods near Samobor. 1943 – World War II: Operation Tidal Wave also known as "Black Sunday", was a failed American attempt to destroy Romanian oil fields. 1944 – World War II: The Warsaw Uprising against the Nazi German occupation breaks out in Warsaw, Poland. 1946 – Leaders of the Russian Liberation Army, a force of Russian prisoners of war that collaborated with Nazi Germany, are executed in Moscow, Soviet Union for treason. 1950 – Guam is organized as an unincorporated territory of the United States as the President Harry S. Truman signs the Guam Organic Act. 1957 – The United States and Canada form the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). 1960 – Dahomey (later renamed Benin) declares independence from France. 1960 – Islamabad is declared the federal capital of the Government of Pakistan. 1961 – U.S. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara orders the creation of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the nation's first centralized military espionage organization. 1964 – The former Belgian Congo is renamed the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 1965 – Frank Herbert's novel, Dune was published for the first time. It was named as the world's best-selling science fiction novel in 2003. 1966 – Charles Whitman kills 16 people at the University of Texas at Austin before being killed by the police. 1966 – Purges of intellectuals and imperialists becomes official China policy at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution. 1968 – The coronation is held of Hassanal Bolkiah, the 29th Sultan of Brunei. 1971 – The Concert for Bangladesh, organized by former Beatle George Harrison, is held at Madison Square Garden in New York City. 1974 – Cyprus dispute: The United Nations Security Council authorizes the UNFICYP to create the "Green Line", dividing Cyprus into two zones. 1976 – Niki Lauda has a severe accident that almost claims his life at the German Grand Prix at Nurburgring. 1980 – Vigdís Finnbogadóttir is elected President of Iceland and becomes the world's first democratically elected female head of state. 1980 – A train crash kills 18 people in County Cork, Ireland. 1981 – MTV begins broadcasting in the United States and airs its first video, "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles. 1984 – Commercial peat-cutters discover the preserved bog body of a man, called Lindow Man, at Lindow Moss, Cheshire, England. 1988 – A British soldier was killed in the Inglis Barracks bombing in London, England. 1993 – The Great Mississippi and Missouri Rivers Flood of 1993 comes to a peak. 2004 – A supermarket fire kills 396 people and injures 500 others in Asunción, Paraguay. 2007 – The I-35W Mississippi River bridge spanning the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, collapses during the evening rush hour, killing 13 people and injuring 145. 2008 – The Beijing–Tianjin Intercity Railway begins operation as the fastest commuter rail system in the world. 2008 – Eleven mountaineers from international expeditions died on K2, the second-highest mountain on Earth in the worst single accident in the history of K2 mountaineering. 2017 – A suicide attack on a mosque in Herat, Afghanistan kills 20 people.
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Beautiful medieval castles
Pierrefonds, France
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Pierrefonds Castle is located in Picardy a region in northern France between Paris and Belgium. The castle was built in the 12th century, and in 1392 King Charles VI hired architects to remodel it for his brother Louis, Duke of Orléans. Much of the castle was eventually destroyed under the Part of Malcontents during the early 17th century, but Napoleon revived the marvelous structure as ‘a romantic ruin‘ during his 19th century reign.
The castle has been depicted in multiple films and television shows including The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, and most recently Disney Channel’s The Wizards of Waverly Place.
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Pierrefonds Castle, France | © santelli/Pixabay
Loches, France
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Loches Castle, Loire Valley, France | © travellight/Shutterstock
Situated in Loire Valley, Loches Castle was built in the 12th century. The castle is perched 500 meters above the Indre River, and its most striking feature is its enormous square shaped tower. Today the castle is a museum, which contains one of the best collections of medieval armor in France. King Charles VII gifted the castle to his mistress Agnès Sorel, and then the king’s son converted it into a state prison.
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In 1702, the French aristocrat and writer, Henriette-Julie de Murat, took exile here after she was accused of ‘shocking practices’ — most notably, lesbianism. The castle was even used as a prison during the American Revolution where the French kept English captives.
Mont Saint Michel, France
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Mont Saint-Michel, Normandy, France | © Maëlick/Flickr
Mont Saint Michel is located on an island commune in Normandy. The castle was built on an island for strategic regions (the surrounding water made it more resistant to attack) and this spot had been used for the same purposes dating back to ancient times. For extra reinforcement there are also massive walls surrounding the castle interior.
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In the 9th century, the castle was the home of Saint Michel’s monastery. It survived the 100 Years War without being destroyed, and today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. One of the castle’s most notable features is the tall turquoise spire with a small golden statue of Saint Michel at the top.
Windsor Castle, England
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Windsor Castle, England | © diego_torres/Pixabay
Undoubtedly one of the better known castles of the medieval era, Windsor Castle was built in 11th century and hold the record for the longest occupied castle in Europe. The interior is designed in 19th century Georgian style, and the well-preserved castle complex is utterly massive.
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Nowadays, the castle is one of England’s most popular tourist attractions. Despite its role in tourism, Windsor Castle still functions as a home where Queen Elizabeth II spends her weekends. The palace is subject to major renovation projects in recent times as well. In 2011, for instance, two water turbines were installed on the Thames to provide hydroelectric power to the estate.
Bodiam Castle, England
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Bodiam Castle, England | © Pixabay
Bodiam Castle is perhaps one of the most iconic castles on our list due to its circular towers, ramparts, moat, and gatehouse. The castle’s construction also featured a complex landscaping plan solely for the purpose of boosting its aesthetic appeal.
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Due to its idyllic look, historians argue about whether it was intended solely as a living estate for nobility or if it was actually built with the intent to be used in battle. King Richard II gave Sir Edward Dalyngrigge permission to build the castle after many years of military service. Today, the castle stands as a museum complete with a tearoom and host to an array of different family-friendly events.
Arundel Castle, England
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Arundel Castle was built in 1068, making it almost 1,000 years old! Robert Montgomery, Earl of Arundel constructed the castle, and for more than 850 years, the Dukes of Norfolk and their families occupied it. Inevitably the castle was ravaged during England’s Civil War of the 17th century. Nearly 100 years later, the Arundel Castle was restored and the famed Queen Victoria and Prince Albert stayed here in 1846, drawing more attention to it.
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The castle was subsequently restored and turned into the lavish home it is today. These renovations included the incorporation of a central heating system, electricity and elevators, making it one of the first country homes in England to possess these features.
Hever Castle, England
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Hever Castle, England | © aljonushka/Pixabay
Hever Castle is located in Kent, about 30 miles south of London. Today the castle is largely known for its lovely gardens. There is a winding yew maze, topiary, and pristine lake on the property as well. Further, it was the childhood home of the famed Anne Boleyn. Her husband, Henry VIII, gave Hever Castle to his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves after they divorced.
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The castle also has an impressive collection of Tudor portraits including a rare image of King Henry VIII as a young man. Today, there is a 5-star bed and breakfast on the premises. It is even possible to host a wedding ceremony here.
Nagoya Castle, Japan
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Built during the Edo period of Japan’s feudal era, Nagoya Castle’s origins date back to the 1520s. The structure that we see today was completed in 1612 at the commission of Ieyasu Tokugawa. Soon after it was built, a warlord usurped control of the original castle and named it Nagoya Castle.
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The castle was used in Japan’s WWII military operations as a strategic headquarters as well as a POW camp. Nagoya Castle incurred significant damage during this time, arguably the most wartime degradation of its long history. Today, the stunning white and green castle has been restored to its original beauty.
Hirosaki Castle
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Hirosaki Castle is located in northern Japan by the Tsugaru Clan. Also built during the Edo Period, Hirosaki Castle featured a number of different fortifications including moats, turrets and gates. In 1627, only about a decade and a half after its construction was finished, a lightning bolt struck the five-story keep, causing it to burn down.
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The structure was rebuilt nearly two hundred years later into what we see today. The castle ranks among only a handful of others like it. The castle complex is also known for its flourishing 2,600 cherry blossom trees, which bring visitors here each spring.
Castle of Coca, Spain
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Castle of Coca is located in central Spain. It was built in the 15th century under the jurisdiction of the royal Castile house who had a penchant for the luxurious. Indeed, this ornate castle served primarily as a place of residence rather than one of martial significance.
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Because the surrounding areas lacked the resources, the castle was built with bricks rather than stone. This fact largely accounts for the castle’s reddish appearance. The castle structure itself is astounding in its enormity and delicacy. Oddly enough, Castle of Coca currently serves as a school of forestry. The grounds are still accessible to visitors as well.
Ksiaz Castle, Poland
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Ksiaz Castle, Poland | © DariuszSankowski/Pixabay
Ksiaz Castle is one of the largest castles in Poland. Completed in 1292, this majestic structure is known for its pink and blue pastel color scheme. There is also an elaborate set of tunnels spanning beneath the castle. It served the Bohemian royalty for the first few hundred years of its existence.
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During WWII, the Nazis seized it from the Hochberg family who owned it at the time. It is rumored that Adolf Hitler himself planned to live here. After the war, the Red Army destroyed all artifacts inside. The beautifully intricate castle has been restored to its former glory and today houses three hotels, two restaurants, and an art gallery.
Bran Castle, Romania
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Bran Castle | © Florin73m/WikiCommons
Bran Castle was built in 1388. It is located at the border between Wallachia and Transylvania, and is commonly nicknamed Dracula’s Castle due to its connection with the Dracula legend. At the very least, we can safely say that Bram Stoker’s novel, 
, took inspiration from Bran Castle as Count Dracula’s home in the story closely fits the castle’s description.
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Today the castle is a museum filled with art and furniture collected by Queen Marie of Romania who ruled during the 1920s and 30s. There is also an open-air museum at the base of the castle depicting the lives of the Romanian peasantry.
Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland
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Eilean Donan Castle | © Barni1/Pixabay
Eilean Donan Castle is located on a small island in Scotland where three lochs meet. It was built in the 13th century to protect the area from the Vikings. Unlike the castles on our list that were designed primarily for aesthetic purposes, Eilean Donan Castle saw its fair share of battles. In fact, it has changed sizes and fortifications many times throughout its history as an important military structure.
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The castle was used well into the 18th century. The English bombarded the castle in 1719, and for nearly 200 years it remained in ruins. Lt. Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap bought the island where the castle stands and dedicated the following two decades to its restoration. Today, the castle is accessible to the public.
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
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Perched high above the city of Edinburgh, this massive fortress is pretty hard to miss. Castle Rock, where Edinburgh Castle is situated, has been occupied at least since the 2nd century, and historians believe the castle itself has stood there in some form since the 12th.
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Today, the castle is said to be one of the most haunted places in Scotland. Long ago, a piper mysteriously vanished in the tunnels, and now his spirit is said to reside there. Paranormal activity or not, this castle remains the most popular tourist attraction in the country. It is open to tourists as a museum and educational centre.
Thank you....😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
22 notes · View notes
Making the Grade
For @fairladymorgana as requested for a Raffle prize!
Warnings: slight non/dubcon elements, rough sex, oral sex, masturbation.
This is (dark)Professor!Bucky and explicit. 18+ only.
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For any other college student, Friday night meant the party was just beginning. But for you and the twenty other students in Warfare in the Twentieth Century, it was yet another class. It was the most dreaded slot in the schedule. Any professor was certain to have barely fifty-percent attendance and any student desperate enough to attend was faced with a weekly sense of FOMA. Really, for everyone, it was a bad time.
Well, except for Professor Barnes. Of the twenty-one students who hadn’t dropped his weekend-crushing course, sixteen of them were female; including you. It was a poorly kept secret why and you often rolled your eyes at the obvious dopey grins which spread across the faces of your fellow pupils. All along the front rows they sat, elbows on the small table attached to their seats, leaning forward as they admired every move made by the dark-haired instructor. You doubted their attention went so far as actually comprehending his words.
You couldn’t deny that he was an attractive man. He was probably the hottest man you had ever seen in person and yet you opted to hide in the middle rows, slouching as you typed away. Your sole study buddy in the class, Colton, sat at your side, munching on Doritos as he listened. Despite his lack of notes, he had aced every paper so far and you, well, you were struggling. And behind. 
Even if this class wasn’t scheduled at the cusp of the weekend, you’d be pent up all until Monday buried under textbooks and academic journals as you struggled to keep stride with your workload. It wasn’t that you were lazy, merely overly-committed. You spent Saturday afternoons at the food bank volunteering, other evenings spent at the library as a an aide to first-years in the writing clinic, and the small amount of time left between classes you spent studying. College was not such a party for you.
Even now, rather than taking lecture notes you were typing away at the paper due Sunday night for that very class. You doubted you’d get it done in time but you were determined to spend every second trying to do just that. It didn’t help that you found yourself distracted by Professor Barnes’ voice every now and then, looking up to find him standing before the front row, describing in detail the tactics developed during the Pacific campaign. You should have been enthralled as it was a topic you actually knew a lot about but instead you were drawn to how his rolled sleeves bunched just beneath his biceps, nearly bursting through the fabric. Goddamn, don’t be like the rest of these daydreaming fools. You had a GPA you actually cared about.
And then he looked higher. His blue eyes catching your guilty ones as you tried to look like you had actually deciphered his words. Why the fuck had you chosen Monte Cassino? The Italian front was your least favourite. Whatever. It didn’t matter, you had to make this sound logical. You blinked at him until he turned his attention elsewhere, his hand drawing out the battle lines in the air. Describing the Japanese bunkers and the coral rock of Peleliu. You could read the slides later but you had to get this draft finished.
“Well, I think I’ll do you all a favour tonight. Go enjoy your Fridays a whole…” He checked his watched, “Twenty minutes early.” He clapped his hands together, “But remember you owe me. Next Saturday,” The class groaned, “I know, I know, I have a life to, you know? Anyways, open house in my office next Saturday. Midterm marks, comments, questions, everything you need to be successful in this course. Please, try to make an appearance.” He pleaded casually but you could here the genuine quality in his voice, “Ten minutes each. I’ll be there noon to five. That’s all.”
“Jesus, Saturday,” Colton grumbled as you were dismissed and he stood, draining the last of his Monster, “He must be desperate. I don’t even know any faculty who are here on Saturdays. The last time I was in the history building on a weekend, I swear I had a paranormal experience.”
“Well, I might just have to do it to get in his good graces. I doubt I’ll get my paper in on time.” You whined, “I should have dropped this when I had the chance.”
“You can’t abandon me like that,” He kidded as you walked down the steps, Professor Barnes was behind his desk packing up as a mob of his fans preened over him. They didn’t really have any real questions, just relative enough to justify their presence. You sighed and looked to Colton. “I guess I should wade into the herd and try to talk myself into an extension...I’ll see you later.”
“I can wait,” He offered.
“I don’t think so. With this crowd, I’ll be here forever. Besides, I know Devin’s waiting for you. Some sports thing tonight or whatever.” You shrugged.
“Yeah, some sports thing,” He scoffed, “Try to wait for them to disperse. They might bite.”
He smirked as he left you to wait for the gradual thinning of giddy college girls. You couldn’t deny that your professor was of the few attractive individuals among the faculty but you weren’t delusional. He was your teacher and by no means a love interest. College was not meant for romance but rather stupid mistakes to reminisce on when you were old and boring. Ha, sure. You had entered your boring phase the moment you stepped on campus.
Finally, the last pair of students left and you tentatively approached Professor Barnes. He raised a brow, the exasperation plain on his face. You hoped that because you rarely bothered him he’d take it easy on you. 
“Hey,” He greeted, setting his bag on his desk as if to communicate his impatience to be gone. “Y/N, is it?”
“Uh, yeah,” You smiled shyly, “I’m sorry. I know you wanna go as bad as everyone else but I just um, wanted to talk to you about the paper. I…” You bit your lip guiltily and looked down, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish on time.”
“No?” He said, his tone unyielding, “Well, you’ve known the deadline since week one so I don’t see how it should be a problem now.”
“I know, I just--” You looked back up at him and sighed. It was useless. “Okay, no. I just figured I’d ask.”
He glanced around the room as he thought. “Look, do what you can and hand it in. We can talk about it next Saturday at the open house. If it’s a complete disaster, I’ll consider a rewrite.” He looked down at you pointedly, “Consider.” He repeated sternly.
“Okay,” You nodded eagerly, “Alright, okay. Thank you.”
“We’ll see,” He reminded you, hooking his bag over his shoulder, “Now please, let me go home.”
You actually laughed at that and he ushered you to the door, closing it behind him. The two of you took different paths in the hallway and you let out a breath of relief as you turned the next corner. A little breathing room.
Well, it wasn’t enough. It had been a week and you were still fighting to finish your paper, adding footnotes, adjusting format, inserting points you had completely glossed over. You had failed to hand it in as you saw the pathetic mess as barely worth the bother of anyone trying to read it. Instead you were going to get it right and beg mercy at the open house. Even if it took all night.
Which it did. You fell asleep as the sun peeked in your dorm window, your face across the keyboard. You awoke with a jolt, your screen with a dozen calculators sprawled over it. You closed all thirty-six and printed out your final copy. You looked at the time in the corner and your heart jumped. Shit! It was already five-thirty! You got to your feet, stumbling as you pulled your canvas jacket over your tank top, not even bothering with a bra; you would keep your jacket zipped up. You stuffed your feet into your vans, sweatpants rolled halfway up your ankles as you seized your keys  and paper and charged out the door.
Your sides were burning as you reached the history building and tossed yourself into the ancient elevator, bracing yourself against the wall as it slowly lurched upward. You stepped out into the maze of upper hallways and grumbled. You hated the way these offices were laid out as if David Bowie had stolen your baby brother. First you ended up at a set of seemingly forgotten washrooms and then by some records storage, and finally, you felt like you were on the right path; all the signs told you so at least.
‘Professor B. Barnes’ was etched into a placard pointing to the next hall. You turned the corner, hoping he had lingered to finish up his teaching work or maybe another student was overstaying their welcome. As you neared, you realized how empty the building was. And quiet. Colton was right; there had to be ghosts up here.
You heard a moan and it all but confirmed your suspicions. Was it worth possession to hunt down a likely empty office? The moan came again and you tilted your head. No, that was a human. It was deep and luring. You looked at the square clock on the wall; quarter to six. You crept forward, the door denoting ‘Prof. B. Barnes, M.A’. The door looked as if it had fallen open and you got closer and closer, the noise coming from within. Slowly you pushed the door inward, poking your head around and gasping.
The back of a leather chair faced you, a head of dark hair pressed against the top of it as it rocked and the moaning continued. Oh, fuck. It stopped as the small wisp escaped your lungs, giving away your intrusion and you dropped the paper as you turned to flee before he could turn fully to you. Apparently no one else had shown up and your professor had chosen to take advantage of it. 
Oh god, you’d just have to take the fail.
You weren’t so lucky as that. You were pulled back as your name bounced down the empty corners of the hallway. You turned back and Professor Barnes released you, his face calm as if he hadn’t been caught. As if you hadn’t seen anything. “You’re late.” He said. He held your paper in his hand, “So’s this.” He held it up.
“I know,” You said weakly, unsure what else to say. You certainly didn’t want to talk about what you had walked in on. “But...I’m sorry, I just, I worked so hard on it.”
He shook his head, looking at the title page of your paper as he flicked it. “Right then, let’s talk and maybe you can convince me.” He stepped aside, standing parallel to the wall as he waited for you to precede him to the office. You were torn between flight and one last grasp at a passing grade. You took the latter and passed him, wringing your hands as you returned to his office. If you acted like nothing had happened, then it didn’t, right?
He followed you, keeping a few feet behind as you sat in the chair which faced his on the other side of the desk. You quirked your lips as you waited for him, the door clicking shut as he entered. Shit. You clutched your knees and hunched forward as he rounded to the other side and sat, steadying your paper on the edge of his desk as he flipped to the intro. He sighed and sat back, letting it go as he slid it onto the desktop.
“I really can’t make exceptions,” He said, “I’m sorry. It looks like a well-written paper but it just wouldn’t be fair. Don’t you think? I mean, how would you feel?”
You nodded and looked down, ready to just leave. He hadn’t even given you a chance. Did he get off on making students squirm? Well, I mean he got off on something judging by his previous activity. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I should--”
“You’d have to have a very convincing reason to make me change my mind,” He interrupted, staring at you as the corner of his mouth twitched. “So, why should I even read this?” He tapped the desk with his finger.
“I...I…” You stuttered, “I’ve just been so busy and I wanted it to be perfect. Between volunteering and all my other classes, which I’m also behind in, I just couldn’t...get my shit together, I guess.”
“Mmm,” He leaned back in his chair as he considered you. Still he didn’t really look mad. You rubbed your neck and he seemed please by the show of nerves. “And you didn’t ask Colton for help? You and him seem close?”
“We study together,” You explained, “But I mean, he’s not much of a help. He’s like an encyclopedia without pages. He doesn’t really write stuff down.”
“You see him often?” He asked.
“Uh, in class, sometimes we meet up at the library,” You forehead creased in confusion, “What does it matter?”
“So you and him, you’re not…” He raised a brow, “I mean. You’re both young college students, it only seems natural.”
“No, no,” You could have laughed, “Ew, no. He’s like a brother; the kind who puts gum in your hair and ketchup packets on your chair.”
He narrowed his eyes, pleased with your answer. He shifted in your chair. “It’s a big campus, there must be a guy.”
“I don’t have time for guys,” You huffed, growing tired of his interrogation. “Look, either you’re going to read it or I’m going to fail. Either one, I’d just like a straight answer.”
“Woah,” He braced the edge of his desk, standing up sharply, “I am your professor. Show me a little respect.” He leaned on the desktop, his tongue poking out and running across his bottom lip as he stared you down. “Take off your jacket.”
“Why--” He raised his hand in a gesture for silence, tilting his head in warning.
“So far you’ve not been very convincing so why don’t you put some effort into it,” He smirked, “Jacket.” He snapped his fingers and you stared up at him and gripped the arms of the chair.
Your mouth opened and shut without a response and you slowly reached up to tug on your zipper, pulling it down as the sound ruffled your nerves. You let it fall open, revealing the grey shirt which barely concealed your nipples. He touched his shoulders, a silent order to remove it. You obeyed, the process awkward as you remained in the chair.
He watched every move and you realized his eyes had strayed from your face, quickly finding the thin fabric of your tee. “I like my students to be comfortable with me,” He methodically stepped around the desk, looking down on you as he came up behind you, “When you’re in my office, I want you to relax,” He gathered your hair in his hands, “And I want you to listen.” He tightened his grip on your locks and pulled your head back so you stared up at him. “I know that’s not one of your better skills.”
Your face burned at his words. It was true that you rarely paid attention in his lecture but it was for good reason. One of his hands snaked around, spreading across your throat as he bent down to speak into your ear. “So, do you think you can change my mind or should I just mark this as zero in the books?” You gulped as his lips grazed your cheek, his breath singing you.
“Wh-what do you want me to do?” You asked in a whisper.
“Ugh,” He groaned, standing as he kept hold of your hair, his other hand playing with the neckline of your tee shirt. “I’ve been asking myself that for the last month. What do I want you to do? Hell, what don’t I want you to do?”
You were shocked. You had been certain you had barely been noticed past the flock of fan girls and yet it seemed the center of attention had kept all of his on you. He knew you sat with Colton and that you never listened. Well, it was easy enough for you not to notice as you were often halfway through a breakdown over your latest assignment.
“First, I want you naked,” He tugged your hair before letting go entirely, stepping back. “Stand and turn around.”
You rose and did as he said, his arms crossed as he waited and watched. You undressed one piece at a time. Vans slipping off as easily as they were donned, jeans unbuttoned with trembling fingers, slid down your thighs, tee shirt messing your hair as you shivered, your panties the last of your defenses. You hesitated before rolling them down, his gaze glued to your breasts at you bent to remove them. Thus you stood before him, bare and desperate for that A. And maybe something more.
“Stay there,” He neared but you were surprised as he passed you. You stood stalk still, listening at the sound of rustling paper and little clicks and clacks. He returned to your view and looked you up and down, his mouth slanted in a lurid grin. “On the desk. Turn around and on all fours.”
“Okay,” You said feebly and made to turn but he caught your arm.
“Call me Professor,” He squeezed your arm before releasing you.
“Yes Professor,” You uttered as you spun around.
You neared the desk, setting your hands on the cleared wooden surface before willing yourself forward. With one leg up, you were already exposed. The next and you were on full display, steadying yourself on hands and knees. You could feel the cool air along your pussy as warmth settled there. Rough hands scared you as they ran the length of your thighs, kneading your ass and spreading your cheeks for a better look at your pussy. You shook and he purred in approval at your reaction.
He pressed against your ass, leaning his weight on you until you felt his lips along your folds teasing you before delving deeper. You gasped at the first taste, the tip of his tongue poking at your entrance, your arousal spilling forth. He ran the length of your sex until he flicked your clit, the twitch it elicited made him snicker into your flesh. He dragged his tongue along your clit again, grazing it over and over as you pelvis flinched unwillingly.
“Ah,” You hissed, trying not to moan though it felt so good. You couldn’t believe this was happening. You were letting your instructor eat you out for a grade. It was like some poorly produced erotica. You clung to the edge of the desk, pushing your back end high as the first whine escaped you, the buzzing blooming and spreading down your legs. Your thighs trembled as he grew more persistent, his tongue agile as it drew forth an orgasm. It had been almost a year since you had been pleasured by more than silicone.
Your breath was laboured as you fell to your elbows, reeling in the after waves. His hands snaked around your legs and pulled them back off the desk, your feet barely reaching the floor as you were bent over. You heard his fly followed by a sigh and a prod along your ass. He guided his tip along your skin until he reached your entrance, hovering there as his hand spread on your lower back. “Now it’s turn. What do you want me to do?”
You lifted your head, looking over your shoulder as reality broke through your haze. You pouted, mortified as you realized there was only one answer. “I…” You swallowed your nerves and forced out your voice, “I want you to fuck me, Professor.”
He smirked and pushed inside roughly, allowing you no resistance as he filled you entirely. He was bigger than you expected. You dropped your head down on your forearm as you let out a low growl. He thrust sharply, allowing a moment between each as you were jolted into the desk. His hand was still on your back, holding you down as he slid in and out. Your pussy thrummed and you murmured in delight as each thrust against your sensitive walls sent a thrill up your spine.
As his motion steadied and his thrust grew closer together, your hips crashed against the lip of his desk and he began to groan. His voice was foggy as he spoke, slapping your ass so that it stung. “Naughty girl,” *slap* “Handing in your paper late.” *slap* “I don’t give easy A’s in my class.” *slap* He gripped your hips, hammering into you as you helplessly bounced against the desk, a withdrawn moan rising as another orgasm shook you.
He pulled out of you, forcing you back and you stood on wobbly legs. He pushed on your shoulders until you relented and fell to your knees before him. You stared up at him, his cock hanging out of his open pants, the untucked tails of his shirt forming a v around the base. He looked to his length, reaching out to clamp your head between his hands and drew you close. “You gotta work hard if you want to pass,” He gristled as his tip slipped past your lips and you opened wider and wider with each inch.
As he entered your throat and met his limit, you slapped your palms against his thighs, gripping him as he led your mouth along his cock. You relaxed your jaw, keeping your tongue taut against his length as he bobbed your head up and down himself, his pelvis working just as hard as he fucked your face. Despite your gags, he did not relent, your nails digging into his flesh. He sank deeper than before as he groaned and you felt a sudden burst of warmth, his cum leaking down your throat as you did your best to swallow, afraid you would choke.
He didn’t remove himself until he was empty, the last drops of his cum and your saliva dripping down your chin. You leaned forward, holding yourself up on shaky arms. He put his cock back in his pants, zipped them up and tucked in his shirt. He knelt before you, his fingers on your chin as he forced you to look at him. “I’ll read it.” He smiled, his thumb rubbed your cheek as you panted at him wordlessly, “Five percent docked for late submission.”
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