#Beatrice Fiction
jennywebbyart · 5 months
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Sorry that I am late…
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mpliego · 1 year
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absolutely in love with golden hour by @simplykorra​ 💕🤠💕
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
The more I read the more I just hate and abhore Claudio. He was very willing to believe Don John before proof was given of Hero's guilt, he even plotted revenge immediately. He has no remorse when he hears that Hero is dead, insults Leonato and Antonio instead of allowing them to defend Hero's honour, and then most despicable, when Benedick accuses him in earnest and challenges him to a duel, does a comedy routine with Don Pedro (I don't know why this bothers me the most, probably because it happens last).
And then he doesn't even really admit he was wrong! He says he only sinned in being mistaken, but that is not true.
Kind of wish the play ended with Benedick stabbing him through the heart and Beatrice spitting on his grave.
Biblical comparison below:
This is making me think of the story of Mary and Joseph and the contrast between Joseph and Claudio. Also what the "right" thing to do would have been.
Even if Hero did sleep with someone, the good man Joseph planned to divorce/break up his engagement with Mary quietly and not disgrace her. And he had absolute proof that Mary was unfaithful since she was pregnant and he hadn't slept with her yet. (He didn't know the father was God at that point).
Mary had made Joseph a promise, he believed she had cheated on him, and yet he chooses mercy and not revenge. Claudio likewise could have chosen mercy but instead he exposes Hero in the most public way possible.
Fuck him.
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kataraavatara · 10 days
sjm doesn’t give any depth to mrs archeron so i’ve decided the reason she doesn’t fuck with her two youngest daughters is that she kinda wanted to stop after one kid and had elain and feyre out of obligation because she loved papa archeron and he wanted more kids. love a good failmother.
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ijustkindalikebooks · 3 months
“I can see he's not in your good books,' said the messenger. 'No, and if he were I would burn my library.” ― William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing.
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howaboutjude · 2 years
After Lilith teleported away and Beatrice was left all alone, heartbroken and bone tired, she glanced at the opposite wall and looked away again after a few moments as if she couldn't bear the sight for another second.
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Remember what's on that wall? A cross.
What if this was when she lost her faith in God completely? We see signs long before this. Now, Ava is gone. Beatrice has failed to protect the Warrior Nun and The Halo yet again, the mission she has committed to for so long. Lilith, the sister she once had, abandoned her once more. Also, how can she face Jillian, who lost her son for the second time? How can the OCS function without The Halo and a Warrior Nun?
Ava is gone, and Beatrice's world and faith in God are shattered.
In summary:
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wordsofhoneydew · 9 months
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happy wednesday y’all !!
you guys are getting more firstprincess this week… with smut this time 😏. i have another wip but that’s for a fic trade so im keeping it hush hush for now, can’t wait for y’all to see it though.
here is the playlist of songs that inspired me to write this fic. also, make sure to check out my side blog @wordsofkore for more of my poetry <3
thank you to @magicandarchery @firenati0n for the tags <3 loved seeing the work you guys posted!!
CW: NSFW !!! read at your own risk :P
“Look at you all flushed, darling,” Bea says just below a whisper, completely amused by the way June seemed to fall into her touch with such ease.
June’s grip on her waist tightens. “Stop teasing me.” She tries to sound assertive but her voice comes out as a whine, further feeding into Bea’s dominance.
“Tell me what you want, June.”
“Fuck—“ June bucks her hips upward into Bea’s groin, pursuing the feeling of her warmth, wishing that the layers of their clothing would just go away. “I need to feel you. Please.”
“Where, love? Here?” Bea’s lips are back on her neck, this time sucking harshly at the spot right above her pressure point. June lets out a hiss at the sharpness of her teeth, as though she was a vampire. Bea then pulls from her neck with a loud pop, blowing on the small red spot on her neck that had just been abused, and it causes a shiver to run down June’s spine. She was a writhing mess under Bea, at an utter loss for words. Just moaning, whimpering gasping under the other's touch.
“I need you to use your words.”
But June just couldn’t. She was dissolving more and more by the second, with Bea still holding her hair taut, to the assault that was just painted on her neck, which she is sure would leave the most obvious hickeys. Bea scopes down at her, patiently awaiting a response from June.
“No—“ June chokes out between gasps.
“Here?” Letting go of the grip on June’s hair, Bea runs her hand tantalizingly slow over her chest, down her stomach and then to the one place that ached the most for Bea’s touch. June lets out an embarrassingly loud moan when she softly palms her pussy over her thin leggings. “You like that don’t you, darling. I can already feel you soaked through your pants,” she fucking laughs, and June becomes increasingly exasperated at how much control Bea has over her, and how pliant she is to her every touch. June wasn’t going to stop her though.
She finds her voice then, “I said stop fucking teasing me.”
Bea presses her fingers harder against the growing pool in Junes pants before replying through gritted teeth, “then tell me what you fucking want.” her tone austere, but the mischievous grin on her face giving herself away.
“I want your clothes off.”
June has to hold herself back from kissing away the smug look off of Bea’s face, so she peers back at her, watching as Bea inches her brown leather jacket off her shoulders slowly, revealing the elegance of her fair skin.
NO PRESSURE TAGS TO: @anincompletelist @nocoastposts @getmehighonmagic @affectionatelyrs @matherines @inexplicablymine @myheartalivewrites @priincebutt @kiwiana-writes @sherryvalli @sparklepocalypse @dragonflylady77 @ssmtskw @bitbybitwrites @read-and-write- @strandnreyes @littlemisskittentoes @changinghearts @indomitable-love
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fictionalsillies · 3 months
“Sleep well … you deserve it ❤️”
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Honestly , Bea has been through so much … she deserves all the cuddles and love and affection she can get !! Also Sarah is a gamer confirmed 👀👍
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nandivina · 2 years
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A soft quiet moment between these two
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breathe-rainbow · 11 months
💌 Calling all halo bearers and fanfic lovers : I need your help!! 💌
First off… you’re all amazing ♥️ Despite the continuous disappointment we face, the support and camaraderie within this fandom is astounding. When it comes to fanfic, the creative talent is incredible and I know for many of us, the sense of escapism we experience reading them has helped heal some of that pain as we wait for news during these uncertain times.Despite dabbling in writing, I have never previously considered writing fanfic, yet I’ve been inspired by the creative talent of this fandom to give it a go!
So basically… I wanted to know if anyone has any gems of wisdom to share to someone just starting out and who has next to no idea how AO3 works 🥲 feel free to share what makes a good fanfic for you, what you wish you saw more of, your own Dos/Donts of fanfiction or any information you think I should know before getting started.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Much love to you all,
Meg ♥️
Also big thanks already to @justanotherheartbeat @yiyibeckfeld6 @anewstart1512 @smokeyeyesbrokenlife for your support/advice/offers of being proofreaders!! You’re absolute legends!
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sleepyminty · 2 months
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Beato in death mark what will she do?
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effen-draws · 1 year
Been busy lately so here's just a bunch of doodles from the last few weeks:-]
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(Character belongs to my cool friend @jaszczurr)
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mpliego · 2 years
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been thinking about favourable conditions by @sunsafewriting for weeks... so I made something :)
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niehaused · 1 year
So about that scene in WN where Beatrice is reading that journal entry to Ava...
I’ve only watched Warrior nun once this weekend, but I went back to rewatch this scene in particular and, there is just SO SO much to unpack from the suitcase this scene dropped on my lap 
1. Ava being like daamn she's translating straight from french that's hot (ava is someone who has effectively so far, missed on her entire life, missed on the most basic stuff walking, sensory tactile daily input, socialization outside of abuse. So she's truly getting to know and see and experience everything for the first time, she is hungry for living and knowing and finding out. So in this sense ofc it makes absolute sense that she'd be attracted to Beatrice who is pretty much a walking library, she's attracted to her on an instinctual level from moment one, she's just not rationalized yet that she is, but the magnetism is there) 
2. Ava repeating the word lesbich, because ofc her golden retriever brain would be like hey I know a whole new word and in a foreign language how cool is that?!! While also being painfully unaware that that word carries so much weight and pain for Beatrice and must be likely cringing internally to have the object of her affection just throwing the word around like it's nothing 
3. Ava's 'yeah she did!'. Once again reaching only an initial level of analysis and being excited because the nun in the story is a bada$s who just won't put up with abuse, cause in her eyes that must be literally so cool therefore violence and retribution is righteous. 
4. And then being crestfallen when she's notices Beatrice strong reaction to the whole story, then she's capable of grasping a deeper level of understanding of everything that's behind. It's not just retribution, it's hatred and fear and abject pain. She gets a glimpse of the other side of the coin, what the nun in the story/Beatrice deals with. A blinding rage, and overwhelming pain. It's not justice driving the sword, it's trauma. Her facial expression switched in seconds as does her approach to the rest of the story. 
5. Now she's able to see a connection between the warrior nun in this journal and Bea, she knows it is something primal but still can't put her finger exactly on what, yet she can feel that an immense pain is the thread that weaves both the story and Bea's visceral response to it.
6. Bea's realization that she's isn't the only one, she's not the only gay warrior sister. Up to this point I'm sure she must have felt isolated even inside her religious community, which became her family. They know who she is, but they don't know her completely. But there was someone just like her, through time, even at the distance she's not alone,  and she can also reach that feeling of being fully herself and at peace (I’ll forever wonder how Bea related to Shanon and Mary about this specific point). 
7. Bea being pissed at Ava's obliviousness. Ava being so close to the central theme of the story but still failing to connect they last final dots, which would save Bea an enormous amount of time working to an admission or confession of her love (which we actually didn't get, only after Ava was gone. Not even when Ava kissed her, not even when Ava took the leap and actually said I love you. Bea just wasn't going to be able to take those steps on time), if Ava could just realize by herself what Bea is feeling for her... But she doesn't and then Bea snaps because rly ava?! C'mon work with us here. 
8. Bea's gut wrenching admission that she became an academic overachiever to compensate for being gay. Now this is actually personal to me and I'm sure to most of the queer community, we've been there. Bea at some point literally felt she had no value as a person, only through discipline and excellence in everything she does :’(  she probably still feels that way, up until meeting Ava.
9. Bea dead a$s saying: 'What (who) you love, what (who) should make you happy only brings you pain'... while looking directly at ava.... Ava, sweaty, darling, honey baby, adoptive child of literal divine light, god’s chosen champion... my sister in Christ. Bea is pouring out her bleeding heart, looking straight into your eyes, admitting that even tho she loves you and you make her happy, you bring her pain. And in so many ways, as a christian believer/nun who's been told her whole life that being gay means your are doomed and automatically going to super hell, as a young queer woman who has gone to the almost ultimate stage of self denial of herself and her sexuality by becoming a nun, as a sister warrior entrusted with the safety of the halo bearer, as Ava’s very first and actual close friend, as a gay mess who’s trying so hard to keep her feelings on check because her relationship to Ava involves literally the world’s salvation and she has no idea if Ava is exclusively straight/or remotely queer. I cannot even with this specific exchange pls. This pained me on a molecular level because I was transported to my crush on a girl I met at bible camp when I was a prepubescent. (Yes I was at one point and against my will, an uncool christian nerd I’m no stranger to christianity and its multicomplex traumatic interseccion with queerness). And I still to this day wonder what became of Irene my Bible camp crush
10. Ava (despite not reaching the full understanding of the situation that Bea would like her to have) is emotionally smart, so whatever it is that's bothering Bea so much, she'll offer to listen to her, and if she isn't ready to do so, she can wait; but in the meantime she'll make damn sure to let Bea know that Beatrice isn't just 'barely acceptable', nor 'simply enough'. She is seen, she is full, whole and beautiful.
I did NOT need to have Beatrice thrusted upon me, introduced only to be taken away like this. I was living just fine without this knowledge, but yet here we are 
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coquette2004 · 3 months
So I tried to get some ideas together for a James Francis Edward AU where he doesn't actually know he is a royal prince and I haven't shown it to anyone so here it is:
• Baby James (or Jamie as his nickname) is born to his parents in the summer with discontent immediately growing throughout England at the thought of another Popish monarch, of course.
• It leads to the final cue getting sent to William to invade England. James leaves London and prepares the army to fight but gets struck down by his nosebleed while preparing for battle, causing him to command a withdrawal back to protect the city, faces the withdrawal of chief soldiers and also his daughter Anne who goes to William and Mary instead, causing a full nervous breakdown so basically just like the actual events really. He ends up sending Maria a request to flee to France with their newborn son.
• During the Dutch Invasion, however, Maria and little Jamie are recognised and seized while trying to escape England and are put under house arrest in Whitehall Palace. James is also put under arrest before he gets a chance to escape and is basically now stuck at St James's Palace.
• James is put on trial and found guilty of treason. This leads to him getting beheaded, like his father, Charles I. Maria is distraught and is banished from England with Jamie.
• After this happens, Maria and Jamie are sent away to Italy where Maria ends up as a nun. She however ends up dying young and leaving little Jamie on his own. Little Jamie is now left in the care of nuns, unaware of his birthright or his family.
What happens next has yet to be seen.
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soleilgolden · 5 months
can anyone pls recommend a good four x tris fanfic? I understand it is 2024 but I’ve been in my Theo James era because of the gentleman and it made me reminisce about divergent. I decided to reread the book and because of how their story ends I stopped there. Is there any fanfic that touches onto a AU where there was no war and we see four and tris as a couple?
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