aolyxe · 5 months
Again this silly crossover stupid skeches (ojamajo doremi x touhou project)
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Im not ashamed
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uhohsstuff · 2 years
my baby🥵
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00-xx-00 · 2 years
I'm kind of in the genshin impact fandom, but kind of not in the fandom
But yes, I did some kind of challenge(???)
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gp-artness372 · 2 years
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albannikolaiherbst · 4 months
Die Tage auch davor. Im Arbeitsjournal des Mittwoch, den 20. Februar 2024.
[Arbeitswohnung, 9.25 UhrWollny & Kühn, → DuoVon dieser Einspielung kann ich gar nicht mehr lassen(meine Kritik liegt schon bei Faust, doch möcht’ ich nicht “spoilern”)]           Daß Faust meine Horcynus-Orca-Rezension → übernommen hat, zumal mit meiner bösen Bemerkung zum Zentralorgan der AfD für die deutsche Linke((Womit selbstverständlich die Junge Welt gemeint ist)). ist durchaus nicht ohne…
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keyfpro · 2 years
رسوم مسابقة بيبراس للمعلوماتية 2022 كيفية التسجيل في مسابقة بيبراس موهبة
رسوم مسابقة بيبراس للمعلوماتية 2022 كيفية التسجيل في مسابقة بيبراس موهبة
رسوم مسابقة بيبراس للمعلوماتية 2022 كيفية التسجيل في مسابقة بيبراس موهبة، هذه المسابقة التي تعد من أبرز المسابقات الدولية يتم إجرائها عن بُعد من خلال أجهزة الحاسوب، كما يشارك فيها أكثر من مليوني طالب وطالبة من كافة أنحاء العالم. كما تضم أسئلة المسابقة الكثير من المشكلات التي يجتمع علماء الحاسوب على حلها ويستمتعون بذلك. والهدف من مسابقة بيبراس للمعلوماتية هو تعزيز المعلوماتية وعلوم الكمبيوتر…
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rozex21 · 1 month
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Yeah, no. I would not get along with Barnaby-
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basilgaff · 4 months
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I drew my friend's (@kek-bebra) fan character from bbu!! <]
(I drew two options--)
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star3xian · 4 months
[ULRICH 01 1102]
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Big wholesome puppy
More about him below
CW: Mentions of unfunny German party and Mental health struggles and dark topics.
Ulrich is an exceptional engine, his life couldn't be more up and down and up. lived as both a nonstreamlined engine and a streamlined engine, before going back and forth, his story symbolizes that life goes up and down and goes on and on.
Built as a 01.10, meant as a powerful express steam locomotive for the Deutsche Reichsbahn, he can archive speeds up to 130km/h. He was involved with the N*zi Party as he often had to haul the Führerzug which he describes as the worst time as he was genuinely against the violence that his country would bring upon the world at the time.
After the war, he was fully destroyed, stripped of any streamlining, and left as a sorrowful mess, not to mention his boiler was suffering from the bad metal it was built from.
The only thing that kept him really going but would turn sour too was his marriage with 61 002 which would break in the early 60s. When she was used to build 18 201 which would end up becoming his third and last child.
His mental health would spiral as well when he was just a lifeless shell in Bebra, but when the time came, he would be rebuilt and completely brought back to life in Meinigen and he would get a second chance at life. However, the build was painful as he had to be taken apart fully as his body was withered away from those years.
However, even in those years, he tried to keep contact with his children which he would always take as a motivation to continue on. He would often see his son Hans (18 201) when he would be rebuilt as he came to visit the old man.
But even the best times end and there would be a down to Ulrich's life when he had an accident where his operators broke his engine and drive wheels, and that meant he would once again have a stop and go where he moved around, his streamlining also starting to suffer from all the exposure to the natures, in the end around 2013 he was sent to České Velenice, where he would wait for what would happen to him, in 2021 he would be brought back to Germany, after nearly a decade of waiting to be repaired, he would find himself in straßfurt.
bean went through too much qwq
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1. I draw (go to art school), play games (my favorite Alice madness returns, Batman Arkham city, Sally face, fnaf, undertale.I also play by the type of Pone town, roblox, hotline miami, minecraft, and many other different games), sometimes I watch anime (rarely) and cartoons (Super Jail, Metal Family, The owl house,insade job),I can watch a movie or a TV series (my favorite movie is two parts of Alice,Charlie and the chocolate factory, Mask,I recently watched Wayne from the series) somehow I tried to juggle (abandoned) and just some kind of creativity, like modeling from plasticine.I listen to msi, icp and gorillaz more often from music.Sometimes Slipknot,plenka,Jack stauber,the King and the Fool
2. In life, I'm more of a shy smart teenager who generally only draws.And when I'm with friends, you can't shut me up, because I laugh with everything and joke in a black humor (not about black people, but about death and about bebra).That's how it usually happens, I can usually get attached to a person I like as a friend and be called for a long time.
3. About the same as me, only I have a shotgun in my bag (at least that's what I was told), because I'm probably a quiet guy.Most of the class think so, but my friend as a good conversationalist probably
4. I usually write go for a walk and we walk for 3 hours, and then forget about each other for a while.Very tactile with friends and trying to help with their problem somehow (trying).If I'm with friends on the Internet, then I spend more time with them, I'll get upset with everything they write or throw off.When we make a voice call, we will remember everything old and just laugh.
5. My family and my friends from the Internet and my girlfriend from life
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6. A calm, not selfish person with no problems with aggression (less manifested) and to have a lot of friends.In order not to get attached to a person who doesn't give a fuck, and to be independent.To devote more time to the family, and to learn how to draw normally and save up for a computer.
And before that I took the hiveswap test, I had this result
Everything is translated from the translator so yes
I would like you to answer my question
Hello! Thank you for your patience
For Aspects I'd say Blood and Rage
For Classes consider Maid and Mage
I think any one of these combinations would be equally possible, but think about Maid of Blood and Mage of Rage first
I hope this is helpful!!
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kakashkaa · 1 year
Bebra on an ice floe...
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00-xx-00 · 2 years
Savory bebra for role-playing
Yes, in the case of the first one, I was extremely lazy to redraw his neck ;р
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blog-aventin-de · 2 months
Reise mit der Bahn · Abenteuer
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Reise mit der Bahn · Jürgen Becker · Abenteuer
Wir sind mit der Bahn unterwegs. Westfalen erwartet uns, zum Bodensee zieht es uns hin, in Bebra steigen wir um, Husum ist nicht weit. Wir speisen und schlafen in der Bahn, lächelnd lehnen wir im langen Gang. Eine Bahnfahrt kann aufregend sein, wenn man eine Bekanntschaft macht. Als Herr erklärt man gerne die Gegend und die Dame lässt sich gern erklären die Gegend. Wie erklärt man, was es für ein eigenartiges Denken ist, wenn man in der Bahn an die Leute in ihren ruhigen unbeweglichen Häusern denkt? In der Bahn verliert man das Gefühl, immer gebunden und abhängig zu sein; es bleibt aber das Gefühl von Sicherheit, auch wenn man zu allen Abenteuern bereit ist. Die Landkarte in der Bahn zeigt die großen Zusammenhänge. Ich zähle die Menschen, die Schicksale, die Abschiede, die Wiedersehensfreuden, die Erlebnisse, die Unglücke, die Verspätungen, die Entscheidungen, die Trennungen, die Wartezeiten, die Unruhen, die Genüsse, die alle in diesem Augenblick zu tun haben mit der Bahn. Es sind sehr sehr viele! Als wir Kinder waren, war die erste Sensation der Ferien immer die Bahn. Der Tunnel war endlos. In Gedanken ritten wir auf Pferden über Äcker, Gräben und Flüsse neben der Bahn her. Nachts hörten wir das nächtliche Rauschen. Später sparten wir und sparten, um zur fernen Jugendliebe zu fahren - mit der Bahn. Urlaub ist überall. Der Nebel hat uns nichts an. Das ärmste Land hat für den Ärmsten noch immer die Bahn. Der Reiche wird nicht reicher in der Bahn und der Gesunde bleibt gesund. In jedem Ort steht jemand und winkt, und soviel Fernweh, Heimweh, Sehnsucht, Kummer und Enttäuschung die Person auch hat, sie ist nicht ausgeschlossen von der Bahn. Die Alpen. Der Harz. Die Eifel. Die Röhn. Das ganze Ausland, in das alles fährt die Bahn, und aus dem fährt sie auch wieder zurück, heim, wo immer das ist. So sind und bleiben, so denken, reden und handeln wir ... für die Bahn. Read the full article
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