#Becky Lynch Imagine
aritamargarita · 9 months
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hello and welcome to the debut of solitude. to all my current readers, you already know what’s up, but to new and curious readers, this installment is based off of climbing the food chain of wwe, taking place in mostly the modern era, so there are superstars spanning from 2013 the earliest to 2022..
just let me cook on the timeline a little bit okay, you'll like it LOL. there’s a lot of Twitter segments in this so i hope it’s not annoying, they’re going to die down for the most part later i promise
without further ado, please enjoy!
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TODAY IS THE first day of your call up. The support you’ve gotten from your friends from the training center was wonderful, but you’re still feeling antsy and incredibly nervous. Hopefully, your first day on the brand goes well..
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Shawn Michaels was the one to break the news that you were getting called up. You could remember it so clearly because you completely ambushed him with an excited hug once he dropped the bomb on you.
He had patted your back and told you to lighten your grip a little bit, but not without a grin on his face.
If it’s one thing you deserve, it is the chance to expand your career. You always came early, and you were always prepared to learn.
You weren’t sure how to feel when he told you that you’d be heading to the main roster.
You only started as a superstar on the indie circuit and are only used to being on much smaller channels and local shows. You couldn’t even imagine being on WWE, which was broadcast on national television!
He had seen the look on your face and quickly tried to do damage control.
“We’re soft-launching you, or however you kids say it these days,” He told you. You think he grumbled something about how social media was confusing, but you brushed him off. “As an interviewer, I mean.”
“Huh..” You give a shrug. “As long as I can wrestle sometime.”
He had assured you that you will, sooner than you think, but they just wanted to focus on your speaking. Once they (and you), were more confident, they’d allow you to be in much more opportunities.
Such is life, you guess. Get through these obstacles for a bigger reward. You gave your gratitude to Shawn as you had a lot to look forward to.
If you’re not mistaken, WWE had already posted a teaser on their twitter. For some reason, you would find yourself constantly checking the tweet.
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@WWE ✓
We hear someone is entering the scene… 👀
1.2K reposts 120 quotes 14K likes
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—is what it said. The flurry of tweets under it were mixed. Lots of people wanted to know what the deal was, though some were already speculating it was an old star coming back.
However, the few fans that knew of your work had their guesses. Some of the pictures you posted on Instagram were cryptic hints, but you knew how the internet was. Crazy detective work..
But anyhow, people around the training center know that you’re pretty introverted. You only came to get some work done and go home. It was hard for others to get to know you at first.
They like to call you shy, but you’ve started to hate that word the more it’s used. It holds you back too much. You won’t make it far if you’re stuck with that description for your entire life.
Fortunately, they know what you lack in words is made up for in the ring. There’s no question that you’re good, you just tend to get nervous when speaking to the public.
At heart, you knew they wanted to help you out, and they wanted you to become the best you can be! If you start practicing, you’re sure to be a star!
As motivating as it sounds, it’s still stressful. Going out of your comfort zone was nothing new. It’s a given if you want to wrestle properly, but it still makes you uneasy.
You know you’ve gotta put your best foot forward and do this despite it. This was your only chance, and you absolutely can’t mess this up.
Most of the people still training had given you their well wishes. It’s heavily appreciated; after all, you won’t see them anymore unless they’re called up there themselves.
You think you’ll miss Carmella the most. She was your training buddy, and you think she was the most excited about you getting called up. You hope that she’ll be next soon enough….
As of right now, you look tired. You damn sure feel tired.
It causes you to lie down on the floor of the locker room. It probably wasn’t the best idea, but fuck it. You’ve already made a bad decision by staying up all night out of excitement. It’s starting to come back to you.
Of course, you came to the arena a little too early. (which was an inside joke between coaches, you’re too punctual for your own good..)
You were sure most of your coworkers hadn’t arrived yet, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to see them. It’s not that you don’t want to, you’re just nervous to meet them.
Especially since you’ll probably be half asleep and may forget their names.
Much to your misfortune, a woman comes in, sunglasses on and suitcase handle clenched in hand.
She only lowers them with a finger once you’re in view. “Oooh,” She starts, then clicks her tongue. It’s apparent that she’s mocking you already. “..You look like trash.”
“Thanks,” You say with a sigh. “It’s so appreciated.”
This is not a good start. You make the move to get up off the comfortable ground and the woman puts a hand on her hip.
She’s not very amused, moving a free hand to flip her blue hair. “Did they get me a personal makeup artist? Or…are you just everyone’s stylist? Never seen you here before.”
“I’m new. An interviewer.” You say. Giving yourself that title feels much weirder than saying you were a wrestler. “Pray tell, who am I talking to?”
She’s a little taken aback by the cynical tone in your voice but takes her sunglasses off. This woman doesn’t think she’s met her match yet.
“Of course you don’t recognize a celebrity when you’re in front of one. Let me refresh your memory a bit. How does this sound? The boss, the blueprint, the standard!” She pauses for a bit for dramatic effect. “…Sasha Banks. And I better not have to repeat myself. Who exactly are you?”
“You have a pretty name.” You start off with. Honestly, you didn’t want to make an enemy out of her as much as she wanted to make one out of you. You hope she could see that. “I’m [Name], and you’re right. I am new. Maybe we can get to know each other a bit more.”
It actually seems to work because she falters for a second. “…What?”
You hold out your hand to her and she looks at it for a moment before shaking it with a scowl. Before you realize it, she’s already taking her hand back.
“I’m assuming you’re wrestling? Do you have a match?” You quickly ask, not giving her a second to recover. “I’d like to interview you after if you do.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Sasha drops her suitcase. She’s unsure if she could stand your bright personality for a second longer. You’re going to be a problem in the future. “Sorry, not sorry, but you’re a nobody. What’s the point?”
“It was worth a try. But if that’s what you want I won’t force you.” Sasha rolls her eyes at your response. You’re way too nice. “At least tell me, do you think it’s fun here?”
“Fun?” She repeats. “Tch, I know you didn’t just ask if it was fun. Get real. There’s nothing fun about being here. There’s only one thing that matters, and it’s the Divas Championship. Got it?”
“Got it.” You nod. Divas Championship…duly noted. You don’t think you’ll be going for it anytime soon. “Who’s got it?” You’ll have to ask if the standard Women’s Championship was still in circulation as well.
“AJ Lee.” She answers. It’s the least snarky answer she’s given you so far, but she reverts back to it. “I swear, I’m gonna drag her ass across the mat for that title. She makes me sick with her skipping around.”
You voice your thoughts. “She skips?” That’s one way to get to the ring. You’re curious now. “I wonder if I can interview her…she must have a lot to say about her reign so far.”
“What?” Sasha’s immediately offended. “Um, no. Who says you’re interviewing her first? You’re obviously going to interview me first.”
It’s contradictory to what she’s said before, but because of it, there’s a smile growing on your face. She notices and jabs her index finger toward you. “You can wipe that smile off your face, rookie.”
“So be it. I will see you afterwards.” You agree to interview her, doing your best to fight the smile off.
Sasha huffs and leaves the room for now. Your eyes follow her, and once she’s gone, you shrug to yourself. Wow.
Well, that’s one way to get an interviewee.
Almost seconds after her departure, your phone vibrates and you see it’s a notification from Twitter. After that, the tweets start to flow in.
What now?
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@SashaBanksWWE ✓
I ALWAYS come first. Don’t forget that, rookie. @Officially[Name].
4.1K reposts 250 quotes 45K likes
@No1DivazStan: Wait…?
↳ @Sashabanksfan109: Literally like who is that??? What is she talking about?
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Oh boy. Now people actually are getting the idea. She even went as far as tagging you. You’re already starting to have people follow you.
Including Sasha, which was a plus!
You’re confident about things for a moment until the thought of having to talk to her live circles back. Shit, you might start to freak out a little.
You hope Sasha wouldn’t be too harsh on you, even if it were wishful thinking. Sasha’s gonna come in hot, especially if she loses. You have no choice but to adjust.
A few more moments of silence pass, and suddenly the floor is calling you again.
You immediately lay back down. How long until the show? You take your phone out of your pocket and check the time. 6:45. The show starts at around 7. Maybe 8 if there are any delays.
Would it be wrong if you took a quick nap? It’ll only be 15 minutes, but it might just be enough to keep you going for the rest of the night.
You’re already closing your eyes. You know you’re going to be unable to hit any major stages of sleep, but even just laying like this is nice.
Until the door opens. You’re shooting up from your spot, almost falling over in the process.
“I WASN’T SLEEPING.” You clarify, doing your best to stand up. The woman, who’s not Sasha this time, looks at you in confusion.
She points a finger at you. “Ya’ sure about that? From the looks of it, it seemed like you were knocked out for a second.” Her accent is the first thing that catches your attention as she starts to motion towards you.
“No, no, not at all.” You try to defend. “Can’t a woman stretch on the floor in peace?”
“Seriously, you call that stretching?” Before she can make any more sarcastic comments toward you, she turns to look at you. “I’ve never seen you around before. Got a name?”
She is trying her best to identify you to no avail. You hop up to your feet, then hold your hand out to her. “[Name]. I’m just an interviewer right now, yeah. I’m new. Who are you?”
“Becky. Becky Lynch.” She introduces, taking your hand to shake it firmly. You swear you’ve seen her before, too. Probably on Twitter. Guess Becky isn't the only one with deja vu.
You pray you wouldn’t forget her or Sasha’s name for that matter. You can’t fight the urge to yawn.
“Someone’s tired. You should go get some water before you pass out. Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”
This is a nice change of pace from Sasha. Despite you trying to kill her with kindness, she’s just all kinds of intimidating, while this woman is…okay.
Water may do the trick. It might just be cold enough to wake you up. “Good idea. Anywhere I can get some?”
“Should be a cooler down the hall to your right.” She informs. “See, I’d offer to get it for you, but I’ve got a match to get ready for.”
“Well, thanks anyway.” But before you leave, Before you leave, you turn over to her. “This may be an assumption, but are you going against Sasha Banks?” You ask. You could be wrong, but it’s worth a shot to see.
She nods at you. “Smart girl. How’d you know?”
“I talked to her a bit earlier. She wouldn’t exactly tell me she was going in a match, but I guess it was safe to assume it was you.” You say. “If you’d like to be interviewed, I’ll be waiting backstage.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Becky says. She’s more concerned about you getting your water. “Go, I might be here when you get back. Don’t pass out.”
You make a noise to let her know you heard her. Did you make a new friend? You think so.
You’re still a bit disoriented from the lack of sleep. You only made it a few steps down the hall before forgetting the direction she told you to go. Great.
This hallway seemed horribly long. The more you walked, the more you felt like it extended somehow. You need a nap, but you don’t think you’re going to get it until retiring back to your hotel room.
A group of men dressed in what seems to be tactical clothes are sitting around nearby, and you find yourself approaching them in a sudden spur of confidence. It’s probably because you’re tired.
“Excuse me,” you call. All three of them look at you with curious looks, and you feel like you could just up and die right there.
Doesn’t exactly help that they’re all kind of attractive, either.
“Where can I get some water? It feels like I’m dying here.” You ask, using your hand to rub the side of your face.
To them, you looked like you had just completed a damn marathon run. One of them with short brown hair whispers something to another with half-blonde, half-black hair, and you look between them curiously.
You don’t have time for whispers. You want water. It makes you think about purposely passing out in front of them. Rude and manipulative, sure, but you’re not here to gossip!
The other one speaks up to you instead. He’s also got long hair, but you think the most noticeable thing was his sleeve tattoo. You may have been staring too long because he snapped his fingers to get your attention.
At least he wasn’t glaring at you. There was a handsome smile on his face. “You there? Don’t tell me we’ve lost you already. You just got here.”
“Sorry. I’m really tired.” You admit. “Really, REALLY tired. Water would be nice.”
“To your left,” He says. “Should be one over there.”
The exasperation in your voice is ever present when you say: “Thank you!”. You’re dying here. You’ll have to come back and thank your only savior after replenishing yourself. Turning away, you head in the direction he told you.
You don’t hear the snickering behind you as you leave. Too busy thinking about hydration at this point.
Going further down, you see that there still is no water cooler. You’re only met with a dead end, and though there are doors, the signs only tell you that they’re just control rooms.
You’re confused. Why would he send you that way? You turn around and head back the way you came as it must’ve been an honest mistake.
You see them still sitting there with smiles. “Hey, excuse me,” you call, waving your hand. “There’s no water over there. Are you sure it’s that way?”
“We know.” The man who gave you instruction earlier had said. “We just wanted to mess with you a bit. Go that way.” First day on the job and people are already trying to rib you? Goddamn it.
On the bright side, it seemed to be lighthearted. Or so you hope.
This time, you hope, he points the correct way. The only thing you can do is let out a sigh and move forward. You don’t even stay to listen to anything else he says.
"Don't take it to heart!" One of them yells behind you.
You scoff to yourself. This time, they redeemed themselves because you found that lovely water cooler. You immediately pick up the pace and reach out to snatch a cup.
Finally, cold water. You're sure you'll wake up this time. You're almost half tempted to pour some on your face, but you aren't THAT unhinged. Besides, you don’t want to waste it.
The moment you lift your cup and and take a refreshing sip, someone saying “hey” makes you look over, and you nearly spit your drink out.
The guy that had given you the wrong direction had come around. You cough up bits of water, holding a hand on your chest. “Why?! God, you scared the hell out of me!”
“Sorry.” He apologizes. You’re not so sure if it’s sincere. “Stephanie McMahon told me about you. You’re [Name], right?”
It takes you a second to reply and he looks at you expectantly. You hold your hand up. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s me.” You nod.
“Roman,” He introduced himself back, setting his hands on the vest of his tactical gear. “I know it’s your first day and all, but do you know who’s in charge?”
“….Vince McMahon?” You offer with a shrug.
Roman chuckles, shaking his head. “You were close. But that’s not it. The Authority is the one in charge.” He clarifies to you. “And you’d best be on their side. Tell me, new girl. Do you plan to be on the side of justice?”
Truth be told, you’re a little intimidated. Again.
You wonder if you even had a choice right now. Before you answer him you decide to take a sip of water, this time, without coughing up a lung.
“Justice, what do you mean by that?”
“The Authority is seeking to make sure that everyone keeps in line.” He explains. “We’ve already got a hold on the men’s division, but the women’s division….”
He trails off, looking toward you expectantly.
“I’m just an interviewer.” You hold your hands up in defense. “I don’t know anything about wrestling. Like anything.”
A lie, but you don’t exactly want to get involved.
You thought it felt weird to call yourself an interviewer, but now you’re going to hold onto that title until it’s convenient enough for you….
“Don’t give me that crap. I know exactly what you are.” So much for that. Roman gets closer to you and you move back just a little. It doesn’t do much, because he’s still in your space.
You’re starting to feel cornered.
“And what I don’t appreciate is people lying to me. Listen, [Name]. Pretty girls like you are always smart. If you knew what’s good for you, you’d better—“
“Hey guys!” A new voice makes you look over Roman. “Roman…and….who’s this?” He points a finger over to you.
“[Name].” You say. This guy might be your potential savior.
He doesn’t really pester any further than that, oddly enough. “Cool. You guys wanna take a selfie?” Before you two could even answer, he’s already approaching with a phone in hand.
“Wait,” You try to stop him. “I’m not ready—“
All Roman does was glare at the camera while you were holding out your hand toward it. He’s already took it and you were caught in the worst off guard moment.
“You guys better get ready for Raw. It starts in like five minutes.” The man recommends. “Thanks for the selfie.”
He saunters off and Roman shakes his head. After the stranger had made some distance, he finally speaks to you. “I can’t stand Theory’s dumbass.”
“Theory?” You repeat. “Who?”
“Austin Theory.” He clarifies. “Won’t stop taking those stupid selfies. It’s all the goddamn time.”
You slowly nod, but take advantage of the fact Austin had said there’s only five minutes until Raw starts. “Gosh. This was such a nice meeting, but I had better get going. You know, interviews and stuff to do.”
Roman says nothing, so you take the opportunity to side-step and walk past him. However, he doesn’t let you get far before saying…
“Better think about what I said. You don’t have much time.”
You’re hoping that wasn’t a threat. And now that you think about it?
He didn’t even apologize for leading you the wrong way!
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You were just trying to get ready to be on television. You did everything you could to stand out for your debut, despite some people knowing that you’d show up sometime.
You can only imagine the pre-show talks around on social media. God, you hope you weren’t sweating. You think you’re just overreacting, but you feel like you’re gonna cry.
If you weren’t awake before, you sure are now.
Your phone starts buzzing again on the vanity you were seated at. The stylist who was helping you get things together had stepped away earlier, leaving you be with your thoughts.
Until now. The moment you pick up your phone and open Twitter, you groan.
Roman was right about the selfies being stupid.
Austin had posted it on Twitter. The only thing you’re really focused on is yourself. You look a disheveled mess and you’re happy you could fix yourself up a little bit right now.
You’re reeling as you read some of the responses. Although, some were funnier than others…
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@Theory_1 ✓
Roman and some new girl are here today! I caught them in their natural habitat.
1.8K reposts 130 quotes 37K likes
↳ @Lilgrab$78: Nah fr they holding her hostage in there
@Biilionnsmind: Are you serious? [Name] Theory AND Roman? This has gotta be the multiverse
↳ @YourChampion0: Not gonna lie they might be an item. Guess we’ll see if they have something going on or they just were filming something.
@bellstrings: Wait not too much on [Name]…face card is still ACTIVE and ready to TAP!
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Along those lines of being mentioned, Austin had followed you as well. But seeing yourself being the talk of others is just surreal. You’re happy about it.
“Hey, [Name].” A stagehand calls. “You’re on in about 2 minutes. You’ll be interviewing Sasha Banks. It’s the only person you’ll be doing, so you’re free to go home after.”
Alright then. You hop up out of your seat. You looked good enough, so you didn’t exactly need that stylist to come back. Your time to shine.
You let the stagehand lead the way to where you’re supposed to be positioned. It’s a nice set up, you think. There’s a red curtain behind you as well as a television settled with “Raw” displayed on it.
“Sasha lost because of interference.” The stagehand informs you. “She’ll go on about the details. But just ask her some questions. She should be here any second now.”
You’ll try. The camera is already settled in front of you, waiting for the go ahead. As soon as he said that, Sasha comes storming into the room. He signals toward the both of you that he’s rolling.
“Wow, Sasha..!” You exclaim, shaking your head. “That was definitely……a match.”
Sasha looks at you with a scowl. “You think?! Becky only got lucky because AJ came out all peppy. I almost had her.” She complains. “I had Becky in the Bank Statement. She was about to tap…”
She literally has to stop talking and take a breath before she loses it. Everyone, even the crowd, can tell that she’s STEAMING.
“…Uh, do you think you’ll need help in the future for AJ? It looks like she’s posing a really big threat to you.” You say. “Cause’ if you’re asking me, it looks like you may need a future tag partner.”
You’re going steady, despite the fact your hand may or may not be shaking a bit. You’re just glad that this segment wasn’t out in the ring. You tilt the mic over to Sasha.
All you had to do was pretend like the camera wasn’t there and that you were having a simple conversation. Everything’s just fine.
You had hoped she would understand that you were insinuating that you could be of assistance, but she takes it the wrong way.
“What, you think I’m not good enough?” She challenges, stepping closer to you. “You think I can’t beat AJ on my own? She’s the one that needs help. That’s why she gets Tamina to do her dirty work. Let me remind you that I’m Sasha Banks. I was the NXT Women’s Champion. The Boss can handle herself in battle and she damn sure doesn’t need someone that’s gonna hold her back.”
“I get it, jeez. I was trying to help you, Sasha.” You explain. It might be a chance to get you active in the ring.
“Aren’t you supposed to be doing your job and asking me questions? I don’t need your help.” She fires back.
Whatever. You just shrug it off. “Fine. You want questions, I’ll give you questions. You tagged me on Twitter. When you tagged me on Twitter, was that you trying to put me on notice?”
It’s easy for her to bounce off of what you said.
“You clearly act like you have no idea who I am. Maybe now you’ll get a clue. As a matter of fact, you better leave that fake little sweet innocent act at the door, cause I see right through you.”
“What act? I’m just being me.” It’s true. You really are!
“Right, and Becky must be the best wrestler on the planet…hah! That’s hilarious even thinking about it.” Sasha falls into a laugh, and you fight the urge to smile at her contagious laugh. Instead, you wipe it off in order to look confused.
She takes a breath. “You know what? You wanna help me, prove it to me. You and me, a match next Monday. I know that you’re not gonna do well, but I’ll have fun destroying you anyways, rookie.”
This was your chance!! You can’t fight the excitement, so you immediately agree. “Yes! I mean, yeah. Absolutely. It’s a match, Sasha. Shake on it?”
You offer your free hand to her. Despite her gritting her teeth, she takes it.
Sasha thinks you’re too excited, but she’d be lying if she wasn’t curious to see how you’d fare against her.
Your first match is against Sasha Banks. Thinking about it seemed so surreal. You’ve got a lot to prepare for next Monday.
Sasha’s eyes seem to catch onto something behind you and she groans, snatching her hand back. “Not her—“
“I wasn’t expecting you here, Sasha!” There’s a woman who’s slightly shorter than you that comes over with a championship tucked over her arm. This must’ve been the Divas championship, if the words on the butterfly weren’t evident enough.
“You know, not after you lost. Thought you would’ve went home by now!” She holds onto it even tighter once Sasha gave her a nasty look.
“You must be AJ Lee?” You try to divert some of the tension. “It’s nice to see the divas champion face to face.”
Sasha gags, but AJ giggles at your words. She rubs a hand over the butterfly, looking at you. “Oh pssssh, this? It’s nothing major…it just means I’m the best, but seriously, nothing major. Oh, and Sasha? Sorry Tamina made you lose focus…no hard feelings?”
Sasha rears her fist back and you immediately try to jump in the middle of them. Might’ve been a dumb decision, but it made Sasha immediately freeze once you did. You’re not even sure if AJ flinched.
You’re planted firmly in between them without any plans of moving anytime soon. “Woah, woah woah, can we hold off on the fighting PLEASE?! Why don’t you guys settle it in the ring, just like me and Sasha are?”
“You guys…” AJ looks between you two. “…are wrestling each other? Huh.”
You nod at her. “Yeah. I think you should follow suit. It’s obvious you two have problems.”
“Well, you’re right. It’s not like can’t beat you again, Sasha!” AJ chimes. “Anyway, I’m going to go polish my title! Don’t wait up for me, ladies!”
And just like that, AJ skips off. Sasha slowly turns to look at you and the only thing you can do is look back at her.
“I don’t care,” She starts, pointing a finger at you. “You’re helping in whatever happens, rookie.”
“What?! Why me??” You whine. “This isn’t my issue, the only thing I’m worried about is our match.“
As she’s said earlier, she doesn’t care. “You heard me. All you’ve gotta do is be ready. When I tell you to do something, you go.”
She leaves you with that. An exasperated sigh falls from your lips.
You’ve got more than just your match to worry about now..
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@WWE ✓
A nearly explosive confrontation tonight on Raw between AJ Lee, [Name], and Sasha Banks. Watch below! 👇🔥
6.7K reposts 310 quotes 67k likes
@xXHibiscus: THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!???!!!
↳ @WomenofWWE: Yess! This is what we need, a strong three-way feud! The newbie, the underdog, and the champion. The storylines kind of have been getting boring. I wouldn’t mind Sasha & [Name] vs AJ, or maybe even AJ & [Name] vs Sasha.
↳ @RaeFed: [name] might’ve just saved us hold on
@RoseGambler: [Name] trying to be a peacemaker 😭
↳ @ThenNowForever: Why she hit the “Sasha, this isn’t you”??
@MarkPodcast: Never heard of [Name]..…is she new?
↳ @platinumstarred: yeah she was mainly on the indies, wasn’t bad at all like she was rlly good
↳ @MarkPodcast: Hopefully she’ll stay good while she’s here!
@Feistysummer: Sasha saying she doesn’t need help…then turns around and tells [Name] that she’s going to help LOL
↳ @Divas4L: They’re definitely going to be friends, if not best friends in the future..
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197 notes · View notes
1-800-sinister · 7 months
(tw: dom!becky, switch!rhea, sub!reader/YN, Y/N is mentioned, Y/N is female, smut, spanking, slapping, weed, degrading, and praising also play this song as you read)
Rhea giggled as she passed the blunt to Becky, who took a hit. She looked at Y/N and said, "Are you sure you are able to take this princess?" She stared deeply into Y/N's eyes, making her lightly blush. "Yeah, I'm sure." Becky passed the blunt to Y/N, exhaling the hit she took. "Uh, truth be told, I don't know how to hit this." Y/N spoke shyly. Rhea smirked, "No worries, darling, I'll help you." She took the blunt, putting it to her lips and inhaling it. Rhea passed Becky the blunt.  Rhea grabbed Y/N's jaw, pressing her lips against Y/N's and exhaling into her mouth. Y/N inhaled the smoke. Rhea pulled away, and Y/N exhaled. She looked at Rhea, shocked. Rhea smirked, and so did Becky.  Becky began kissing Y/N's neck. "Uh, what are you doing?" Y/N bit her lip as she felt Becky's lips on her neck. "Just shut up and let us pleasure you, lass."  Y/N shut her mouth as she watched Rhea undress, admiring her beauty. She felt a hand go into her PJ shorts; she wasn't wearing any pants. "Mmm, what a naughty girl you are." Becky chuckled as she began to rub Y/N's clit.  "Rhea, be a good girl for Daddy and touch yourself while I get this pretty little doll off." Becky looked at Rhea as she began to finger Y/N while also rubbing Y/N's clit. Rhea nodded as she began to touch herself, letting out soft moans as she rubbed her clit. Becky began to speed up her fingers. "I'm going to cum." Y/N lets out a moan, basically fucking herself on Becky's fingers.  "Cum, sweet girl, cum, all on daddy's fingers." Becky smirks as Y/N's head falls back on her shoulder. Y/N lets out a loud moan, cumming on Becky's fingers. "Good girl, such a good girl, now what you are going to do is eat rhea out like a good little girl." Y/N nods as she bends over and begins to eat rhea out. Rhea moans as she grips Y/N's hair, "Fuckkk." Becky got up, went through her bag, grabbed the strap, got back on the couch, and put the strap on. She pulled down Y/N's PJ shorts and thrust into her. Y/N moaned into rhea as she ate her out.  Becky thrust in and out of Y/N, putting a few slaps on her ass. Rhea smacked Y/N's face. "Faster, bitch." she moaned when she felt Y/N go fast. Rhea is out of breath; she sits up, holding Y/N's head up. "Look at you all, all fucked out," she smirked. Y/N moans as she feels Becky go faster. She then cums
"What about you?" Rhea looked at Becky. Becky looked back at Rhea. "I'll be fine, love. Let's get this one cleaned up and into bed." rhea nodded
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igncrxntripley · 2 years
hi! can you do becky lynch x reader x rhea ripley smut to fuel my addiction literally do whatever please 🥹
it takes two to punish a brat
A/N: this was something i didn't know i needed...i hope you liked this 🥹
mentions/tags: NSFW 18+, dom!becky, dom!rhea, brat tamer! becky, brat tamer!rhea, fem!reader, sub!reader, edging, teasing, humiliation, degredation, toys (strap-ons), overstimulation, begging, crying, throatfucking, penetration, fingering. bondage, restraints
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The worst part of your relationship with Rhea and Becky was that each one of you knew how to get under one another’s skin. You’d think by now you learned your lesson as well, given that both women also knew how to get their revenge. That was your exact dilemma now after you’d spent the entire day teasing both of them and they decided enough was enough. 
The girls had sat you up in bed with no clothes on, each wrist tied to a bedpost and your legs spread for them to have their way with you however they wanted. They’d spent almost an hour now, edging and teasing you until you couldn’t even keep track of how many times you’d begged for release and they said no. The closest you’d even come to getting some kind of pleasure was the ruined orgasms Becky and Rhea had given you. Your thighs trembled and frustrated tears rolled down your cheeks as they both continued to touch and torment your body. “N-no…mistress, p-please…” you stuttered as Becky was working your clit in circles again.
Becky and Rhea both laughed at your reaction, Rhea’s hand reaching up to hold your throat while Becky continued to torture you. “Look at that, Becks. You made the poor thing cry!” Rhea teased as her hand gently squeezed your throat. Becky smirked and moved her fingers, feeling you twitch against her fingertips as you whined and tried to squirm away. “She deserves it for the bullshit she’s put us through all day.” Becky said, looking up at you as she pushed her finger in your entrance for the countless time in the last hour. “Isn’t that right, princess? You know what was gonna happen when you decided to be a brat.”
You sniffled, your body tensing up around Becky’s fingers as the tiniest movements and touches were getting you close again. But before you even realized it she had pulled her fingers away, watching you whine and kick your legs in frustration which made Becky and Rhea laugh again. “No no no! P-please, I’ll do a-anything…I n-need it.” You whimpered, pulling at the wrist restraints and grinding your clit into the soaked sheets underneath you. “I-I’ll be good. I promise.”
Your girlfriends exchanged looks with one another, both of them smirking as they seemed to have communicated telepathically to come to an agreement on their next move. “Fine. You wanna cum? We’ll make you cum.” Rhea said, standing up and opening a drawer of some toys you’d all collected while Becky moved to sit next to you. She kissed you passionately while a dominant hand held your throat - something that always made you melt when either of your girls did it. “Don’t make us regret this, baby.” Becky said against your lips, making you nod and let out another whine of desperation. “I won’t, I-I promise. Please make me cum?” 
Rhea came back with two straps in her hand, tossing one to Becky and both of them starting to put it on. You licked your lips at the sight and started to move your hips against the bed again; they knew exactly what you wanted and what drove you crazy, and they were going to use that against you. Rhea was the first to finish, practically being an expert at getting her strap on in little to no time, and she started to untie your wrists from the headboard. She flipped you over before you even had a chance to catch your breathe, getting you on all fours and staying behind you while Becky placed herself in front. 
The redhead grabbed your hair in her fist and tugged it so you looked up at her. “You don’t cum until we give you permission.” She said, Rhea already grabbing your hips and pulling you backwards while her tip poked at your entrance. That alone was making your eyes roll into the back of your head, but you nodded at Becky’s words anyway. Rhea slapped your ass when you didn’t give a verbal response. “Use your words and tell us you understand.” She said, “You’d think we fucked you stupid already with her acting like this.” You moaned and let out another whine. “I promise, I-I won’t cum until you tell me.” 
Becky smirked at that response and tapped her cock to your lips. “Get to work then, princess.” She didn’t need to say it again before your lips wrapped around the toy and you slowly bobbed your head. Rhea was slowly pushing her tip in and out of your entrance, a strong grip on your hip to keep you steady. “Fuck, babe. She’s so soaked I can’t even stay in.” Rhea teased, making you whimper and buck your hips back towards her. Becky smirked as well and continued to run a hand through your hair. “I wish you could see her from up here. We don’t fuck her throat enough, she looks amazing doing it.” 
Eventually Rhea decided to push the rest of her toy into you; when she did, you would’ve sworn your legs gave out from underneath you because that’s how much they were trembling. She wasn’t gentle with it either. Rhea started thrusting and was surely leaving bruises on your hips from how hard she was holding you but didn’t care either. Both her and Becky loved when they could mark you up and show who you belonged to, and this was no different. Everyone, including you, was going to know who you belonged to. 
With Becky in front of you and Rhea behind you, you were in absolute heaven. Both of your girlfriends thrusting in and out of you, all of your moans mixing with one another to create the most amazing soundtrack, and all three of you getting close to finally putting an end to this punishment. Rhea smirked at Becky and slapped your ass, making you move your hips faster. “What do you say, Becks? Think she can cum?” Her words made you whine, looking up at Becky with the biggest eyes. You didn’t care pull your mouth away from her strap though out of fear she would end it all right there. 
Becky hummed, running her hand through your hair again and smiling at both you and Rhea. “I think she’s earned it.” She said before tugging your hair again. “Go ahead, babygirl. Cum for us.” Becky could barely finish her sentence before you squealed, cumming hard against Rhea’s strap and your entire body trembling along with it. Both Becky and Rhea came not too long after you, and once everyone had been working through and pulled out you collapsed onto the bed out of exhaustion. 
You worked to catch your breath, everything in you still trembling and sore as you tried to get yourself together. Rhea moved over to your head and gave you a gentle kiss, holding your chin as she looked at you with a smirk. “Hopefully you finally learned your fuckin’ lesson.” She mumbled, letting Becky do the same and all three of you moving to the shower.
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simp4strongwomen · 2 years
You’re in my Seat.
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Y’all this is my first fic, pls go easy on it it’s my baby. I literally fell in love with Becky Lynch so quickly and I’m constantly on her X reader tab just to find new stuff so I thought ide try my hand at writing. The bold is the dialogue prompt I found. All credit goes to the owner, though I’m not sure who it is because I found the prompt in a random google doc and thought ide use it. So if you know who owns it pls tag them. Lots of Love.
Becky Lynch x Reader “What's that look for?” Becky Lynch looked up at you, after seeing your shadow block out the light.
“...You’re in my seat.” You replied, slightly scared of the fiery wrestler.
“Well I’m not moving, so either stop being a little bitch about it, and get another seat, or sit in my lap.” The red headed Irish woman took you by shock with her reply.
You have had a crush on the champion for quite some time. Actually ever since you joined the professional wrestling world three years ago. Once you had finally moved up to Raw, you tried your hardest to be friends with her, the only conversations you would have with The Man would always end up in her flirting and you flustered. You never thought that she would ever reciprocate the feelings you have for her. But maybe she did, but who are you kidding? That was just her personality, there is no way she would like you. Not when she is the Women's Champion, and you’re just a newer, younger, protogé. Little did you know though, that she enjoys the conversations you both have, and notices the effect she has on you. You have been the reason for some of her sleepless nights, just wondering what life with you could possibly be like. She enjoyed your nature and the aura that surrounds you, likening how it’s so different from her commanding fiery spirit.
“What?!” And once again, Lynch has been able to cast you flustered with one simple sentence.
Becky, not wasting any time, responds so coolly, yet panicking on the inside. “You heard me. I don’t care what you chose, but hurry it up, we don’t have all day.” At that point in time you're pretty sure your heart just pushed your brain out of the way, all thoughts about what could possibly happen in the future with this decision. Yet you pushed away all the negative and focused on the positive that came along, when you sat down on her lap.
Becky was in shock, she didn’t expect you to actually go through with that choice.  Reeling her head back in shock she asks you one question,” You comfortable lass?”
You, just deciding that whatever happens from here on out happens, so fuck it. “Quite actually. I think I should sit here more often. Though I think some people here might get a little jealous.” Wrapping one arm around her shoulder and messing with a strand of her curly orange hair, you busy yourself with looking anywhere but in her brown eyes.
“Oh well, that’s their loss they ain’t it. A pretty girl like you should just be sitting on anybody's lap, not unless they deserve it.” Her hand reaches around you back to squeeze your waist, watching the affect her touch has on you.
Finally looking into her deep brown eyes, you bite back,” Oh and you think you deserve it?” Messing around with the necklace around her neck helps your fidgeting calm down so you could hopefully keep up your badass attitude.
“Oh yeah I deserve it. You know why?” Shaking your head no at her question, you shiver when her free hand comes up to rest on your cheek. Becky pulls your face close to hers, you can smell her minty breath, her mouth just a couple inches away from yours. “Because I can get you to throw all cares out the window, and because we both know that we’re the only ones with our eyes set on each other.”
“So what you're saying is that we’re destined?” You both slowly get closer to each other, that is until The Man finally pulls you into her for a deep kiss. A kiss filled with all the words left unspoken between each other. Finally breaking apart after the need for oxygen became a necessity Becky spoke in a whisper as you two weren’t that far away, your lips still brushing when either one speaks.
“What I’m saying is that you and I are going to go on a date, after our matches are over, and not only that, but I’m going to be redoing our first kiss, because as much as I love the whole kissing you while you sit on my lap thing, we can save that for another time,” she smirked at the blush that crept up your face,” because you deserve the perfect night, with the perfect first kiss.” Sitting in silence for a few minutes thankful that one has walked past, or became witness to the very intimate moment.
That silence was broken when you spoke up,” So you’re telling me that you like me? Like actually like me.”
“Yes I actually like you, might I dare even say I love you.”
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inagetawaycarxo · 2 years
I’m The Present —Heel!Becky
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— ❄PAIRINGS: HEEL!Becky Lynch x F!Reader
— ❄FEATURING: Heel!Becky, Y/n.
— ❄SYNOPSIS: Becky has one more present left for y/n
— ❄WARNINGS: errors I missed, smut, sex, 18+, nsfw, oral [female receiving], teasing, fingering, edging.
— ❄w/c: 985
— ❄AUTHORS NOTE: REQUESTS FOR WWE/AEW ARE OPEN! Yes Christmas is over but I want to get these done so they don’t get put on hold again for Christmas in 2023 only five more to go
— ❄DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT give consent/permission for my work to be copied and pasted on other platforms. HOWEVER, I highly encourage feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments.
Becky inched closer to you. Discarding the present she opened. I was the last present that was underneath the tree. You looked at her curiously. She only smirked. Her hand grabbed underneath your chin. Her other hand resting on your thigh. You gulped as she inched closer. Getting aroused.
Closing the distance between her and you as her lips ghosted over yours. Her eyes stare into yours.
Her lips pressed against yours. Kissing you roughly. she pulled away. Her brown eyes darkened with lust.
“I have one more present for you,” She spoke. Her voice filled with lust. A whimper left your mouth making her smirk.
She gripped your chin tighter. Making you let out another whimper.
“What’s the present?” You asked.
“Me, I am the present,” She hummed, her hand inching closer to the waistband of your shorts.
Becky let out an animalist growl, as she drank you in.
Her grip on your chin tightened, as she pressed her lips against yours hard. Her hand that was gripping your chin, pushed you back till you were laying on your back on the floor. Her lips are still on yours. Her body pressed against yours. Grinding against you. The kiss turned heated.
Her hand slipped underneath your shorts, as well as your underwear.
Her index finger touched your aching wet core, only to find out you were already soaked. She smirked against your lips, Pulling away from the kiss. Making you whine at the lost contact. Lips are slightly swollen.
“Your soaking,” She smirked. You let out a pathetic mewl. Only making her chuckle. In a desperate attempt to have some sort of touch from her, you grinded against her finger. Trying to create some friction. She let out a tsk.
Pulling her finger away. Bringing her finger up to her mouth. She opened her mouth, sucking her finger all the while looking at you. You let out a whine.
“Please,” You begged. Aching for her to touch you.
“Oh my little princess, patience,” She smirked. Now hovering above you.
Instead of kissing you, like you were anticipating her to do, her lips attached to your neck, sucking harshly on your skin.
Her other hand slipped between your shorts and underwear. Her index finger slid between your folds. You let out a gasp as her finger slipped into your wet heat. Withering underneath her as she slowly thrust her finger in and out of you.
She picked up her pace, leaving love bites along your neck. she added another finger, which pushed you into seeing stars. One hand gripped her hair, while the other one grabbed the soft rug.
Every once in a while Becky praised you. Her voice was muffled by your skin, but that seemed to set you on the path of your orgasm. Becky could tell you were close, so she pulled her fingers out making you let out a whine at the loss of contact. Your high vanishes just as the pleasure washed over you.
You turned your head to look at her to find she was already looking at you.
“Aw poor princess, didn’t get to cum around my fingers, don’t worry princess I will let you come,” She taunted.
She moved herself to sit in between your legs.
Her hands grabbed the waistband of your shorts, thumbs digging into the waistband of your shorts and underwear. She tugged it down to your ankles, pulling it off. You hissed as the air hit your wet heat.
“Look at you, you are glistening,” She beamed. Only making you whimper. Begging her to touch you, to do something.
Becky only hummed. Admiring your wet heat.
“Such a pretty sight,” She hummed.
“Please, beck,” You begged her, thrusting your hips up. She grabbed hold of your hips, keeping them in place, as she lowered her head down to your wet heat. You looked at her. Breathing heavily.
Your breath hitched as her mouth touched your wet heat. Sucking harshly. You let out a choked gasp. Gripping onto whatever you can.
Her grip on your hips tightened. Smirking at the moans you made. Her right hand let go of your hip. Going down to your clit. Her right index finger touched your clit. Making you let out a gasp, then a moan.
Pleasure washing over your body.
She rubbed her index finger in a circular motion on your clit. Roughly. Humming against your wet heat. She felt herself get aroused.
Hearing your mewls as she sucked harshly against your heat turned her on. She could feel you getting closer to your orgasm, with how you were grinding your heat against her mouth. Gripping her hair for dear life. Fingernails digging into her skull.
Mewling and moaning.
You could feel your orgasm arise. Toes curling, as you titled your head back. Eyes rolling to the back of your head. A  familiar sensation forms in the pit of your stomach.
“That’s it, princess, come for me,” She demanded. Though her voice was muffled.
The vibrations of her voice against your heat was your undoing. Becky continued to suck.
Toes curling harder, turning white.  You let out a long moan, before coming hard.
Saying her name repeatedly.
Becky continued to eat you out till you rode out your high. She gave one last suck before pulling away.
Slowly crawling towards your face. Hovering over you.
Your breathing was heavy, as you stared at her in a daze.
She cupped the side of your face.
“You should taste yourself, princess, you taste sweet,” She smirked.
She didn’t wait for you to respond to her. You had a dazed look in your eyes. She leaned down, pressing her lips against yours.
Eyes fluttering closed. She gripped the side of your face tighter. Your fingers rake through her hair.
Both of you moaned into the kiss as you tasted yourself. The kiss soon turned heated…
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qosbaez · 7 months
Could you do one with Baylynch where Bayley is having a anxiety attack after Dakota betrays her and Becky’s there to comfort her?
Betrayal || Bayley x Becky Lynch
Summary: Becky's there when Bayley freaks out after Dakota's betrayal.
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In the wake of Dakota's betrayal, Bayley found herself spiraling into a whirlwind of anxiety and uncertainty. The sting of betrayal cut deep, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable. As she stumbled backstage, her chest tight with panic, she longed for a sense of comfort and stability.
That's when she saw Becky, her former friend turned rival turned lover, standing in the hallway, her expression a mix of concern and determination.
"Bayley," Becky called out, her voice gentle yet firm. "Are you alright?"
Bayley shook her head, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. "No, no. I'm not okay. I don't know what to do. Dakota...she- she betrayed me."
Becky's heart ached at the sight of Bayley's distress, her own resolve strengthening as she reached out to gently grasp Bayley's trembling hand. "Hey, hey, I'm here. Whatever you need."
As Bayley's anxiety threatened to overwhelm her, Becky guided her to a quiet corner backstage, away from the prying eyes of their fellow wrestlers. With each passing moment, Bayley felt the tight knot of tension in her chest begin to unravel, the warmth of Becky's presence a soothing balm against the storm raging within her.
"I don't know what to do, Becky," Bayley admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I feel so lost and alone."
Becky cupped Bayley's face gently, her gaze filled with compassion and understanding. "You're not alone, Bayley. I'm right here beside you, every step of the way."
In that moment, Bayley felt a sense of peace wash over her, the weight of her anxieties lifted by Becky's unwavering support. With each word of encouragement, each reassuring touch, Becky helped to anchor her in the present, guiding her through the storm with steady hands and a compassionate heart.
As they sat there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Bayley realized that she didn't have to face her fears alone. With Becky by her side, she felt stronger and more resilient than ever before.
Together, they would weather the storm, navigating the highs and lows of life in the wrestling world with courage and determination. And as they faced the challenges ahead, Bayley knew that with Becky's support, she could overcome anything that came her way. For in Becky Lynch, she had found not just a friend, but a kindred spirit, a beacon of light in the darkness.
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Becky Lynch x Reader
A one-shot for my bestie! Happy birthday!!!
It’s not long cause I’ve been dealing with writers block for a really long time but I read that instead of not writing you have to try so here I am….trying
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“Can I uncover my eyes yet?”
“…….ok how about now?”
“You just asked me that same question one second ago do you really think the answer has changed?”
“Well…… has it?”
You groaned as you continued to keep your hands over your eyes. Today was your birthday and your girlfriend of one year Becky Lynch was planning a surprise for you at your shared apartment before you came home early and almost ruined it.
As soon as you came through the front door Becky was on you, covering your eyes with her hands and leading you over to the couch.
“Sit here and wait I’m almost done ok?”
“Done with what?” You asked eagerly as Becky quickly replaced her own hands with yours.
“You’ll see when I’m done just…..wait please? I have something really special planned”
You could tell she was giving you the puppy dog eyes without having to even look at her and like always they worked.
“Alright, I’ll stay here with my eyes closed if it makes you happy”
You felt Becky give you a sweet but quick kiss on the lips. “Thanks babe. I promise I’ll be done soon”
You pouted as she pulled away with a laugh. “You’ll get more kisses later.
So here you sat, it’s been at least half an hour by now. You were starting to get restless but continued to sit and wait like your loving girlfriend had asked of you.
“Ok babe I’m all done”
You quickly removed your hands from your eyes and gasped as you took a look around the room.
The room was filled with balloons that were your favorite color, present’s and flowers sitting on the table with lit candles along with your favorite meal and a small cake.
You turned to look at Becky who was smiling sheepishly in the corner of the room. “Surprise!”
“Becky…..this is so sweet. Thank you” you said as you ran over to the love of your life, giving her kisses all over her blushing face.
“Anything for you babe. I love you so much”
You smiled as Becky kissed you sweetly pulling away before you could deepen it like you wanted.
“Beckyyyyy” you whined trying to kiss her again, but she was too fast, moving out of the way and sitting at the table.
“Let’s eat first, then you can open your presents and I’ll run a bath for you after that” Becky said as she gave you a plate full of your favorite food.
“And then we can make out?”
“We’ll be doing a lot more than making out” Becky winked at you.
You beamed while Becky took her glass in her hand raising it in the air as you did the same.
“Happy birthday babe. I love you more than anything and I’m so happy that I have you in my life. Here’s to another year full of happiness and love”
You clinked your glasses together before leaning over to give her one more kiss. You were truly happy to have someone as wonderful as Becky Lynch in your life. And as she went on to tell you all about putting this whole evening together just for you only one thought popped up in your head as you smiled and listened to her.
She’s perfect.
I haven’t written anything in years so I’m sorry if this sucks but I’ll try to continue and get better
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sethrollinsgirl · 2 years
Title: Winner takes all
Plot: Seth, Becky, and the reader have a hard time deciding on a house to move into, so they all agree whoever picks up the win gets to decide which house the move into.
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You were taping up your wrists for your match tonight. You had a tag match with your boyfriend and girlfriend tonight. It was gonna be You, Seth, and Becky vs Naomi and the USOs.  You have been facing the men superstars since your shield days, but this would be the first time you had got to tag with both Becky and Seth.
To top off the excitement, the person who gets the pin gets to decide what house the three of you were gonna move into. You wanted this five-bedroom house in Chicago, but Seth wanted to stay in Iowa. As for Becky? Well, she just wanted you two to stop bickering over the house, which is why she came up with a plan. The winner gets to pick the house.
You were interrupted by your girlfriend and boyfriend walking in. Seth plopped down on the couch with Becky following his movements.
"Hunter said we got the main event tonight," Seth told you as he smiled over at you. You nodded as you bit the end of the tape for setting it down on the table next to you.
"So when I win tonight, I'm just letting you know we will be moving out of Iowa." You told him with a smirk as you moved to sit on Becky's lap who rolled her eyes at you and buried her face into your neck to avoid being seen laughing by Seth.
"You mean when I pick up the win tonight, we will be moving to that farmhouse on the edge of town that I like." Seth said as he playfully glared at you.
"Nobody wants to live on a farmhouse babe." You groaned out. You were right of course, Becky and you both didn't want to move there but Seth was stubborn and Becky gave up on the fight last week. You on the other hand wasn't gonna give in so easily.
"It would be nice! We can even start our own farm one day and it's big enough so our future kids could run around outside." Seth pointed out to you. The yard was huge but you weren't much for being a farmer and your future kids can run around in the nice fenced yard in the house in Chicago.
"No! Maddie and Tyler deserve better and they deserve to grow up in a nice big city!" You shouted out with laughter as you stood up.
"Maddie and Tyler?" Becky asked you shooting you a weird look.
"Yeah! Madison and Tyler. They are our children." You told her crossing your arms and suddenly feeling defensive over your fake children's names.
"We are not naming our children Madison and Tyler! Those names are too" Becky trailed off staring at Seth for help.
"Basic." Seth finished for her, nodding his head.
"It's not basic! Tyler was named after you." You grumbled out as you moved to sit next to Becky with your arms still crossed.
"How?" Seth asked you as he rolled his eyes.
"Because of Tyler black! But you know what, our son's name won't be Tyler anymore."
"Tell you what, we can keep his name Tyler."
You glared at Seth and shook your head. "It's too late. Tyler is gone now, we will now be naming our child Bexley. After Becky."
"I actually like it, and our daughters name can stay Madison. We will just have to give her a badass nickname." Becky said as she kissed you before leaning her head against your shoulder.
"Don't I get a say in our future kid's names?" Seth grumbled out.
"No!" You and Becky both said with laughter in your voice.
A knock interrupted you three, as a stagehand poked his head in and told you, your match was next.
You stood up before holding your hand out to help Becky up before walking over to Seth and pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Our kids will have your last name, let us choose their first." You told him before giving him another quick kiss and walking out of the locker room and towards the Gorilla to wait for your music to hit. 
The match started with Naomi vs Becky, the women were tearing each other apart but overall Becky had the upper hand. She went to drag Naomi's body over to your corner so she can tag you in. But Naomi hit her with a super kick and tagged in Jey Uso.
Seth stepped into the ring and immediately started the attack on Jey. The match went on with both men throwing lefts and rights. Seth dragged him into your corner and continued to throw jabs at Jey.
You know it was sneaky but you didn't want to stay in Iowa any longer than you had to. You reached over and tagged yourself in.
Seth glared at you as you entered the ring.
"Get out, you aren't the legal man in this match anymore" you shouted out as you grabbed Jey and clothesline him.
"You aren't even a man!" Seth shouted back.
You glared at him. "Get out!"
"You shouldn't have tagged yourself in! I was winning." Seth shouted again as he moved to the apron to stand next to Becky.
You went to reply something but ended up getting superkick by Jey who quickly rushed over to tag his brother Jimmy in.
As you stood up on wobbly legs, Jimmy hit you with a crossbody and went for the pin. You kicked out of two. He then quickly put you in a chokehold. you managed to get out of that before quickly turning things around and hitting him with your signature move and picking up the match.
"HERE ARE YOUR WINNERS THE TEAM OF Y/RN, BECKY LYNCH, AND SETH ROLLINS." You heard Samantha Irvin the ring announcer exclaim.
Becky grabbed your wrists before grabbing Seth's and holding them both up.
"You know what this means?" You shouted out as you moved to step in front of Seth who glared at you.
"We are moving to Chicago baby." You finished saying as you grabbed the back of his neck pulling him into a kiss.
"Good, because I didn't not want to stay in Iowa." Becky added before pressing a kiss to you and then turning to kiss Seth.
(A/N I don't own anything. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :). The plot was requested by @wwebaby657 and I hope I did it justice:). Thank you!
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thesithdiaries · 1 year
"You just need to stand there and look pretty. The Man will take care of the rest."
wait like why am i just seeing this???? goddamn
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
hello, can you write about damian priest x reader where she just got into the main roster on RAW and she felt left out in the women's lockerroom (except becky and liv) and a impossible crush with the archer of infamy but he is the one who ask her out
love this request!
‼️a little angst and rhea’s a little mean, sorry
damian priest x reader
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my birdie
you were a shy person.
always been. but when it came to wrestling, you were an animal, everyone knew about your abilities and they loved you for it. that’s why you went from nxt to smackdown and from smackdown to raw in less than two years.
people wanted to see you doing big things and big things came when hunter placed you in a completely different roaster.
you made some friends in nxt, you’ve been there the most so your colleagues got to know you better. it’s not that you were rude, you didn’t like being on your own either but you were shy.
some of your colleagues got to know this side of you and tried to involve you in more activities together, others didn’t care as they all wanted to focus on themselves.
when you spent a few months on smackdown, everyone apart from bayley ignored you. she immediately understood what you were feeling. fear of being alone and starting in a roaster where you didn’t know anybody and the fact that you weren’t talkative at all was making it 100% harder.
you were grateful for bayley and for her patience with you, that’s why you cried to her when you were being shifted on raw.
you wanted to be on raw, you were just scared of how you were going to be treated. it wasn’t easy on smackdown but at least you made a friend.
the first two weeks were hard. bayley was constantly checking on you, making sure you were okay and doing good. she even said to the other girls that you were shy and needed a little time to open up but it felt like they didn’t care.
liv and becky were the only two people who never made you feel unwanted. they took times to introduce you to the rest of the raw squad.
basically, everyone was ignoring you.
shayna tried to get to know you, and in fact she liked your shy and calm persona but she was too focused on her goals to have time to get to know you better. still, you appreciated her efforts. she still spent time eating lunch with you and you were really grateful for that.
but, apart from the three girls, it was clear that you were unwanted. other girls saw you as a threat.
especially rhea. you would describe the meeting with the judgment day “the most scary day of your life”. liv introduced you to them and you felt like an animal in a cage when you felt all of their eyes on you.
dom and finn didn’t really care about you. rhea ignored you but kept watching you. damian, well, damian had the audacity to make some stupid jokes about your shy persona.
“what is a scared birdie like you doing in a place like this?” he joked making everyone but liv laugh “cat really got your tongue birdie? be safe out there, you’re a little bird in a room full of cats ready to eat you alive”
“and the one right here” dom said pointing at rhea “is the scariest cat you’ll ever meet” and with that they all left.
you remember crying that night.
you also knew that becky and liv had a conversation with them because they stopped poking at you. they just watched you from afar. especially damian. who you got a little crush on but could never tell him. you couldn’t really understand why he was constantly watching you. when you were training. when you were on live television. when you were basically doing nothing. he was watching you and his beautiful but firm eyes made you a little scared.
“what is she doing here?” you heard rhea saying to finn, one time you were all training together. she didn’t know you were listening but you were. and her words hurt you “she looks like a lost princess from disneyland” she said making finn laugh.
you excused yourself from training with becky and seth and they immediately knew something was wrong. they took you under their protective wing, training with you and teaching you new moves.
“jeez rhea, was that necessary?” becky said with an angry look on her face.
“what?” she said like nothing happened.
“why do you all hate her so much? what has she ever done to you?” seth said to finn and the rest of the judgment day.
they had no reason to hate her “like i thought” seth said.
“she’s in the wrong place” rhea said, not making eye contact with becky.
“wrong place? she kicked your ass last week” becky said laughing “just because she’s shy doesn’t mean she isn’t capable, she’s just as smart and strong as you rhea…she just has more difficulty to open up to people…you guys should help her instead of making fun of her, or at least, if you don’t feel that kind to get to know her, ignore her…for her own sake, stop making fun of her” becky said very annoyed before leaving with seth.
that night you kept thinking about rhea’s words. maybe you really were in the wrong place. maybe you didn’t belong with them. maybe you really should be doing something different. and those thoughts made you cry because wrestling was all you ever wanted to do in your entire life.
but before you could overthink again, a soft knock on your hotel room awaked you from your wandering mind.
you weren’t definitely expecting to see damian priest in front of you.
“hey…” he smiled at you.
“you should at least wait until tomorrow to make fun of me” you said, looking at the ground “again…”
damian felt guilty.
he saw how you quickly wiped your tears away. he also knew he fucked up.
he felt guilty because in reality he was in love with you. you caught his attention the moment liv introduced you to them. he was watching every move you made, making sure you were being safe but he didn’t want to let you know what he was feeling.
“i’m here to apologise…”
“sure” you still weren’t looking at him.
“i’m serious y/n…i’m so sorry for how i made you feel, for how me and my team made you feel…” he began apologising and you let him in the room before you could catch other’s attention “we thought it was funny at first but…we clearly weren’t thinking and for that i’m so sorry, we didn’t mean to hurt you” he said truthfully but still you weren’t looking at him.
his eyes had a different effect on you.
“can you please look at me?” he said moving closer to your body “are you scared of me birdie?”
“i’m not scared…” you said raising your eyes.
now you were both looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m sorry…really, so so sorry for hurting you…” he apologised again.
“it’s okay damian…thank you for your apology, uhm…it’s okay now i guess” you shyly smiled at him.
“and if you’re okay…i would like to get to know you a little bit more…only if you’re okay with that” he said a little awkwardly.
“yes…it’s okay for me”
“perfect” he smiled “what about tomorrow? i’ll take you somewhere nice for lunch, if you’re free of course” he rambled.
“i’m free” you smiled, seeing how funny he was being.
“then i’ll see you tomorrow birdie” he smirked before leaving your room.
“would you ever stop calling me that?” you asked him.
“i don’t think so” he smiled at you closing your hotel door.
you looked at the door for about ten minutes before moving into your bed, smiling like a teen who just got asked out.
now, all you had to do was to get a nice sleep and waiting for tomorrow to come.
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1-800-sinister · 6 months
Take It Down
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( Dom!Becky x Sub!Rhea )
Warning: Smut, Fingering, Degrading, Praising, That's pretty much it
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rhearipley_wwe posted
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Chicago... Mami's here 😈
Becky stared at her phone. Staring at the photo Rhea posted, she quickly walked to their shared hotel room, going in. Becky stared at Rhea and said, "Take it down." Rhea smirked at her and said, "No."
Becky grabbed Rhea, manhandling her onto the bed since she was already half naked. It made things easier for her. "I said take it down. Why are you being a stupid whore?" Rhea let out a whine at the degrading 
Becky smirked as she slid her hand down, getting close to Rhea's cunt. She slid her fingers through her. "God, you are such a pathetic little thing." She then thrust two fingers into Rhea. Rhea let out a soft gasp, gripping the sheets. 
Rhea moaned as Becky moved the two fingers. "Look at you all soaking wet like a pathetic little whore." Becky mocked. 
Becky moved her fingers faster. Rhea reached and grabbed Becky's wrist. "Keep your hands to your fucking self." Rhea quickly removed her hands. She felt herself getting close to her orgasm.
Becky stops when she notices Rhea about to cum. She pulls her fingers out and says, "No, please, I was close." Becky stands up and says, "Take it down and I'll make you cum later." She walks out.
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igncrxntripley · 2 years
masterlist & rules
requests are CLOSED!!
HELLLOOOO EVERYONE!!! thanks so much for stopping by! before you make any requests, please read through the following rules. thank you!!
requests will be posted as i have time to write them; i cannot promise they’ll be posted immediately 
i write smut, fluff, angst, and have shared some prompt posts on my page that i’m more than happy to use in a request 
i reserve the right to not fulfill a request if it is something i do not feel comfortable writing or feel as though i cannot do the subject matter justice
if you don’t specify if you’re requesting headcanons or an imagine or anything else, i will choose what ends up being written
my limits on smut are as follows:
i will NOT write anything with virginity/taking virginity/anything non-consensual (including CNC), gore/extreme violence, pedophilia, incest, or ageplay/age regression. everything else is fair game unless the request makes me very uncomfortable 
the people listed in my masterlist are who i usually write for, but the following is a more comprehensive list
the judgement day as a whole
rhea ripley
damian priest
dominik mysterio
finn balor
seth rollins
becky lynch
liv morgan
brooks jensen
josh briggs
house of black members - mostly malaki black and buddy matthews
adam page
jon moxley
jungle boy
if you have a specific person to request that is not in this list, please still request them and depending on who it is i may still fulfill the request if i feel as though i can give you what you’re looking for
please check the masterlist to see if a request has been fulfilled already
when sending a request, please make sure you include who to write for, what you’d like me to write (specifics are nice, but too specific is tricky), and a prompt from a list if that’s what you’d like. also specify if you’d like headcanons or a drabble. 
check here for all of my writings! i’ll have them organized by series/superstar and hopefully this makes it a lot easier to access everything! i’ll update as things are posted! ❤️
their secret weapon (the judgement day):
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regular series: pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 5 pt. 6 pt. 7 pt. 8 pt. 9 pt. 10 (written by @witcherfromwallachia ) pt. 10 (my version) pt. 11 pt. 12 pt. 13 pt. 14
headcanons: secret weapon’s aesthetic
headcanons: secret weapon and dominik
headcanons: secret weapon and finn
headcanons: finn’s a meanie
headcanons: in sickness and in health
headcanons: secret weapon and rhea
headcanons: secret weapon and damian
headcanons: movie marathon
their secret weapon: little black dress
their secret weapon: tag team
their secret weapon: spa night
their secret weapon: happy birthday 
their secret weapon: hall of fame
their secret weapon: and new...
their secret weapon: bad dreams
their secret weapon: first kisses
their secret weapon: attack (work in progress)
damian priest:
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haters gonna hate
headcanons: meeting the parents
double trouble 
sworn enemies (spy!au)
becky lynch:
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it takes two to punish a brat (w/ rhea ripley)
brooks jensen:
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headcanons: brooks jensen’s buckle bunny
giddy up
dominik mysterio:
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sunshine and snuggles
headcanons: bully
headcanons: father’s day surprise
rhea ripley:
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blood is thicker than water
headcanons: thunderstorms
headcanons: friends with benefits
finn balor:
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backstage admirer
deal with a demon (series):
pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3
cody rhodes:
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‘jungle boy’ jack perry
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one more night
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bearshideout · 5 months
Can you do one w loads of ppl in it (the bloodline, judgement day, Cody, Seth, Punk, Becky etc.) and they all platonically love the reader because she’s a bit of a bimbo?
Bimbo Reader Headcanons (Platonic and some Romantic)
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Roman Reigns
• The difference between you two make people question if your actually friends the amount of looks people give while you two are happily chatting away.
• Roman likes having a friend with a different style and personality to him however he swears he could have a heart attack every time you fall or bump into something you are so clumsy but somehow you laugh it off every time it amazes him.
• Won’t let anyone try any shit with you, he will protect you no matter what even if it’s with another wrestler or staff member.
• He loves when you wear those little skirts however you need to stop wearing them in front of other people he’s not an insecure man but you are his and it seems people seem to forget that
• The smirk on this man’s face when you hang off his arm or compliment his muscles you can just tell by his face he’s on top of the world in that moment and nothing can bring him down
•Kisses even when you’re wearing lipgloss or lipstick he can just wipe it off after nothing will deprive this man from his kisses.
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Judgment Day
• They all adore you so much even when you do say something so dumb
• Rhea especially enjoys doing makeup with you and swapping makeup styles to just try
•Damian and Finn are like your body guards if anyone attempts to even look at you wrong
•Dom is your stupid buddy when you ask a dumb question everyone already knows Dom wants to know the answer too and is willing to keep asking the question until someone answers seriously
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Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch
•They have adopted you don’t even fight it you are now there child
•On a serious note Becky took a liking to you immediately you just connected and she took you under her wing
•Seth absolutely loves your outfits and will even match with you no matter what you wear he’s not embarrassed
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Solo Sikoa
•If you thought people were surprised you were friends with Roman imagine there surprise when they found out you were dating Solo
• Opposites do attract in this scenario and he wouldn’t have it any other way this man is absolutely whipped for you
• Secretly lets you put makeup on him when your alone and answers all the dumb things you say very seriously if anyone dares to laugh at your questions they have a very angry Solo on their hands
• He thinks your perfect in every way even if you are a bit ditzy you are his girlfriend and he will follow you to the end of time
• You two are Pomeranian and Bulldog energy
(Sorry it’s not loads of Wrestlers and not a full fledged fanfic I struggled quite a bit with this cause even though I’m quite stupid looks wise I’m a Goth so I’m not sure if this was stereotypical)
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heart4reigns · 1 year
Is there anyway I could request an imagine for either Rhea Ripley or Roman Reigns? Where the Reader is a new star getting a really big push because they feel they have huge potential, and she’s a literal ray of sunshine. She’s always smiling and happy and colorful, and it shocks others that they are together. Then she ends up joining their faction, but the crowd just can’t hate her and even the announcers can’t hate her. <3 :) :)
PUSH AND PULL, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words
tags: tension between roman and rhea, you realize that i love making up stage names so... more stage names!
summary: it’s all sunshine and rainbows with you
"THE sunshine, (y/n), how are you feeling tonight?" you were backstage, doing a quick interview. "hello, hello! we're feeling great tonight, how are you?" you returned the question. "feeling good as well. so, how are you adapting to your new environment?" she asked, referring to your transfer from nxt to smackdown. "it's going well, i can't help but to thank all the people that support me! although i kinda miss the dark lighting, it's too bright here." you cracked a joke.
"right, any invitations to any factions?" she continued the interview. "no, but i'm open to any invitations. i'd love to work with anyone." she couldn't help but to smile at your reaction. "this has been (y/n), sunshine! it was so great talking to you." you nodded and gave her a hug as the camera stopped rolling. "thank you, you did a great job!" "you too, (y/n). it was so nice talking to you!"
the walk back to the locker room was filled with people greeting you left and right. you were well-known for your kindness. people grew comfortable with your presence. "yooo!" you saw one of your new locker room best friends, jimmy. "what's good, man?" you hugged him. "watched your promo earlier, you killed it!" your ears perked up in excitement. "really? god, i'm embarrassed!" you were blushing. "nah girl, you're killing the game. now let's go eat before we go back to the hotel." he gave you a huge grin.
"hope you don't mind but i asked roman to join us, not solo though. dude's been mia since this morning." you nodded at jey's sentence. you always loved meeting new people. this was also the first time you were going to meet roman. "i've always wanted to meet roman! this is gonna be fun." you grinned. "damn girl, are you always this positive? people are intimidated by him, yet you're excited?" jimmy parked the car. "nah man, i am only scared of paul. i swear that guy knows everything." the three of you laughed.
to say the least, people who met you thought that this positivity image was only for the cameras. but they were wrong, you weren't going to lose anything by being nice. denny's seemed like a good idea at 3 am in the morning. "yo man!" as the three of you entered the diner, roman was already sitting there–playing with his phone.
"hi! i'm (y/n)!" you sat in front of him, offering him a huge smile. he looked up from his phone, returning your expression. "hello." just a simple 'hello' made your heart flutter a bit. "i'm roman, finally glad to meet you. i heard so much about you from the twins." "they can't stop shit-talking me!" you frowned, lightly smacking their heads.
you always looked up to him. as the two of you came from the same background, a long reigning wrestling families. you were the only daughter of your family, so you had to continue the family business. "so wait, sorry. lost track of time, you just got drafted from nxt?" roman furrowed his brows. "yeah! i'm very very new." you chewed on your pancakes. "how come everyone has these locker room stories about you?"
"that's because she's different man." jimmy slung his arm over your shoulder. "no, no. those locker room stories are just exaggerations!" you shook your head in defense. "nah, she's too humble! she bought donuts the other week you were off. god, i swear, you're a blessing (y/n)." roman couldn't help but to smile at your little arguments with his cousins.
the 'locker room talk' was just a compilation of people admiring you for your kindness. "shit dude, gotta bounce." jey looked at his phone. "and where are you going?" you asked him. "bro and i haven't packed, y'all packed yet?" jimmy stood up from his seat, leaving only you and roman sitting down. "oh, yeah. packed earlier." "me too!"
"then, we'll leave you two. i trust her in your hands, bro." jey gave roman a fake warning, acting all 'big bro' moment. "she can beat your ass if she wants to!" jimmy continued. "okay shoo now! i'm trying to make friends!" they left and you continued your conversation with roman. "tell me more about yourself, (y/n)." his eyes sparked an interest in you. "really? you want to hear about my boring life?" you tilted your head in confusion. "there's no way your life is boring, you're a (l/n)."
and so the conversation went on and on. the two of you decided to leave denny's and drive around town together. it was never quiet. the entire ride was filled with laughter and jokes. "i actually look forward to my future. i'm excited for what life has planned for me." you parked in a random parking lot, still enjoying your talk with him. "and i'm excited for you as well, you're a good person, (y/n)." roman said, facing you. "i guess it's in my nature to treat people with kindness, i mean... it doesn't hurt anyone."
when the two of you went back to the hotel, you saw familiar faces going downstairs for breakfast. "and where have you been pretty girl?" you saw a certain black-haired girl greeting you with a sly smirk. "been around town with roman!" you hugged her, feeling her height towering you. "oh you're taking my girl now, reigns?" rhea raised a brow at him. "you're dating her?" roman was hella confused.
"oh no, it's a joke! i always call her my work wife!" you giggled, clearly not seeing that she was interested in you. "see you on the bus, wifey!" you waved at her, entering the elevator. "better watch it, bro." rhea whispered as roman followed you. he made a mental note that everyone was protective over you. being the new girl, your family thought that you'd be intimidated by the older talents–but in reality, everyone loved you.
it was clear that several talents took an interest in you, but being the friendly person you were, you saw everyone in a platonic way. "can i perhaps," he paused for a second. "get your number? you're a very fun person to talk to." you grinned and exchanged numbers. "if you need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to call or text me!" you parted ways.
and on that day, the roman reigns too, took an interest in you. "fuck." he whispered, realizing that he was soon going to develop an actual liking to you.
you were sharing the ride with several stars in the second bus. road trips were always exciting, whether it's cody singing on the back of the bus, or seth trying to do a backflip while becky stops him–not wanting him to throw up, it was always a magical moment seeing your fellow wrestlers without their strong tv persona. "hey." rhea greeted you, sitting on an empty seat next to you. "this empty?" she asked. "indi is gonna be pissed to know that her seat is taken. but, it's empty." you replied.
"where did you go yesterday?" rhea couldn't help but to terrorize you with questions. "with roman? we drove around town, shared stories. we ate with the twins earlier, but they left because they haven't packed." you recalled the moment. "i see." she shortly replied. "there was a picture of you two circling around twitter, you looked very close." rhea pulled out her phone, showing you a picture of you laughing with roman. "aw, i look so happy!" she couldn't help but to smile at your cluelessness. before she could say anything, seth pointed at you. "BACKFLIP CHALLENGE?" "IT'S ON!"
you heard from the fans that the second bus was the party bus. everyone was always on their highest spirits. the seat next to you was empty, as rhea was dragged to the back by dominik. that left you space for you to stretch your legs. you were about to watch a movie until you saw a notification popped up.
unknown number: how's your bus?
(y/n): sorry, who is this :)?
unknown number: oh it's roman
(y/n): HIIIII :)
roman: and why are you up? everyone's knocked out here
(y/n): sorry to say but the second bus is the party bus! we're still going :)
roman: damn that sounds fun, the only entertainment we have here is jey freestyling
(y/n): that's sounds amazing!
(y/n): gotta bounce, rhea wants to watch a movie with me n dominik :)!!
roman: okay, see you at the arena
(y/n): :)
the arena was swarmed with fans. some of them were holding signs and pictures of you. one of them said '(Y/N) JOIN THE BLOODLINE!' and some said 'JUDGEMENT DAY IS WAITING FOR YOU, SUNSHINE!'. you took some pictures of the sign and posted them on your twitter. you talked to several fans, trying your best to greet everyone.
"you're quite popular." a familiar voice startled you. "roman!" "hi." everyone was looking at the two of you. "how was your trip?" you asked, still signing some pictures. "knocked out cold, can't stand solo's snores though." you chuckled. "mine was filled of seth jumping from seats to seats." he was obviously not surprised by one of his friend's antics. "you should ride with me, we can judge jey's freestyle together." you nodded in agreement. "that sounds fun!"
you walked away with roman, still chatting up. little did you know, people were still looking at the two of you. "they look cute together." one of your fans said. "nah man, she's with rhea." "nah, that's a long-running joke. (y/n) is obviously single." and they were right. you were single and maybe, ready to mingle.
you were hanging out in your hotel room with your manager, ethan. ethan went over your schedule. "you got quite the boost here, (y/n)." he muttered, still looking at his phone. "hmmm?" you tilted your head. "you and roman now?" he asked. "why does everyone keep on asking me that? we're friends!" you chuckled. "because everyone is apparently 'shipping' you guys now." "oh please, they ship me with everyone i interact with! remember when they 'shipped' me with balor? because we went to the gym together?"
tonight, you were fighting against dakota kai. you always looked forward to dance in the ring with her. of course, the company was going to make you win this fight. "good luck, sunshine." she hugged you as the training ended. "see you tonight, love!" you hugged her back.
the locker room was hyping you up. "LET'S GO, (Y/N)! LET'S GO, (Y/N)!" you were stretching your body, matching the energy of the locker room. your true hypemen were there; the twins. "go kill it, (y/n)!" jey said, patting your back. "thanks, i will do my best!" as the crew called your name, you went outside the locker room.
everyone was busy doing their job. you passed several crew, waving at them. you saw a similar face and immediately ran to him. "roman!" your high-pitched voice caught his attention. "(y/n)! you're up in 5." a crew said. "i'll be there!" you replied. "good luck." came out of his mouth. "i'm rooting for you." he joked, knowing well that he already saw the script. "thanks big boy." you jokingly punched his chest. "cheer for me!"
"and her contender for tonight, the rising superstar–sunshine!"
roman was looking at the monitor from his locker room, which was practically empty. "should watch her match tonight man, it's gonna be crazy." jey passed him a bottle of water. "watch this." jimmy pointed at the screen. the crowd went wild when they saw you do your signature move. with your colorful gear, you were definitely the centre of everyone's attention.
he saw immense talent coming straight from you. "this is wild as hell." roman commented. "you sure she's new here?" he asked. "i think creatives landed a goldmine when they decided they were going to push her." paul commented. seeing you do a super kick clicked something inside of him. "i want her in."
you were exhausted as you lifted your fist up in the air. you helped dakota from her position and took her hand. "you did amazing!" you mouthed. "you did great, girl!" she replied. you won but it was all because of the help of your opponent. the walk backstage was kind of painful as you were limping from your injuries. the smile on your face was still there, you didn't want to show people that your leg was hurting.
"you okay there, (y/n)?" as you took off your hand-wrap, the voice from earlier greeted you again. "you again?" you teased him. roman was also sweating from his appearance. "can't help but to see you limping." roman chuckled, sitting on the bench next to you. "i'm good, kinda botched the last move, but i lifted my leg so dakota won't land on her neck!" you explained. "you did that to save her?" "hey, i'll take a bullet for anyone!"
the next following days were filled with more road trips and endless training time. "(y/n)!" you were in the gym, staring the red punching bag. "hey, ethan! what's up?" you asked him, cracking your knuckles. "you have time?" "just say whatever you want, i can multitask!" you started your work out. "so, you're gonna want to hear this." punch. "yeah, what's that?" punch.
"you're going to be in the bloodline." another punch. "i am going to be in the what?" the punching bag fell on the floor. "I AM TURNING HEEL?" you grinned with excitement. sometimes people around you wonder about what goes on in your head–like your stage name, you were always the sunshine of the room.
"you heard the news?" roman and you were eating lunch together. it became a routine for the two of you. everyone couldn't help but to notice the two of you becoming closer than before. you shared the same brand, but you were never one to eat lunch with the tribal chief. "yeah! god, it's so thrilling... me? finally joining a faction? couldn't ask for more!" you took a sip of your water. "a bit too cynical for you?" you shook your head. "i can fit right in!" you pulled off a fake smug face. "okay, you don't fit this evil-like image."
as it became a routine, you took a liking to the champion. he was nice, returning the energy that you had for everyone. he also took you to several 'lunch dates' that ended on the two of you gaining more feelings for each other. there was definitely something going on between you. "are we going to the dog park this weekend?" you asked him. "whatever you want to do, princess." he smiled. "i'll bring my dog! god, a dog park date, that sounds fun!" your cheeks flared up as you mentioned that it was going to be a date.
"is it a date?" he teased you. "shut up, i didn't mean it like that!" you blushed. "damn, i'm disappointed." he 'cried'. "or do you want it as a date date?" you teased back. "i don't mind, princess." roman replied. the constant flirtings, the never-ending dates, or phone calls when the two of you weren't together, it was obvious that romance sparked in between. tension was there. he slung his arm around your shoulder, your bodies colliding with each other, it was already a muscle memory for the two of you.
even the staffs noticed that the kindness you gave roman was different. "but i don't mind if you consider it as a date, i'd love that." you confessed. "i'm gonna take you on as many dates as we can, baby." he smiled. "sorry for bothering you, but your gear is done." you looked up and saw the costume staff approaching you. they altered your gear to fit the bloodline's aesthetic. "oh really? thanks!" you replied.
"you wanna see it?" you asked roman. receiving a nod from the tribal chief. "let's go!" you took his hand and went to one of the locker rooms. "dude, this is amazing!" black and red–the bloodline colors. "wait, go out! i'm gonna change." roman quickly went out the locker room. "are you done?" "YES! GOD, THIS IS SO COOL!" roman went inside the room and saw you with the bloodline gear. you looked amazing, he thought. "y- you look good." he stuttered. "AND I FEEL GOOD!" he was really thankful that the two of you were going to work together.
there you were, in the backstage, with the bloodline. "how you feeling tonight?" solo asked you. you were jumping up and down with adrenaline in your veins. "SO EXCITED!" you spoke louder, due to the loud music. none of your fans knew that you were turning heel, it was the company's secret. the crowd was kind of worried because they didn't hear from you for days. it was going to be a huge surprise.
"the bloodline!" you huffed out the air, waiting for the grand entrance. as you walked out, carrying one of roman's title, you could hear gasps coming from the crowd. "is that- is that sunshine with the bloodline? why is she with them?" you expected everyone to boo at you, but they did the opposite. the crowd popped.
as soon as you got inside the ring, roman started speaking to the mic. "i know y'all are wondering about why sunshine is here." he spoke. "and you guessed it right, our newest member of the bloodline, my personal pick, sunshine." roman winked at you, only to receive a huge smile that didn't match the persona of the bloodline members.
maybe, just maybe, turning heel and being in the same ring as your crush was going to be a fun rollercoaster ride.
a/n: hi!! thank you for the request, sorry if it’s a bit underwhelming, but i hope you enjoyed it!! i decided this request would fit roman as i already have a similar draft for this… so yeah :) i have 2 more requests coming up, but requests are still open!!
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mexxs-blog · 6 months
*on a phone call*
becky: “behave, ripley. you’re on speaker.”
rhea: “what are you gonna do, spank me?”
becky: “absolutely.”
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leahsflwer · 5 months
Dating Becky Lynch head-canons 🧡🐐
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❥ Warnings: Smut is included ⚠️‼️, argument topics, swearing, adult content really, fem! Oral, typical romance
❥ Becky Lynch x Fem!reader
Becky Lynch Masterlist || WWE masterlist || Requests
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: ̗̀➛ You two will be eating a lot of chocolate, specifically Cadbury chocolate (Her favourite) because Becky is obsessed with eating it
: ̗̀➛ Becky is definitely super clingy in a relationship. She'd also be super touchy, wanting to constantly be close and holding that person's hand or wanting to give them kisses.
: ̗̀➛ Plus, she would be so excited to show off her boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other wherever she went. She'd be like "That's them! They're my someone!"
: ̗̀➛ Becky would love the classic date ideas, like going to the movies or out to dinner, but she'd also love more original and creative ideas that are also romantic, up to anything.
: ̗̀➛ Becky is also a very romantic flirt. She'll flirt by paying very close attention to those finer details. Like noticing small habits of yours, getting you things you once mentioned, remembering your orders, favourite colours.
: ̗̀➛ She would definitely keep her serious “the man” type of energy around the ring or on camera, but off camera and when you’re alone, she is very soft and gentle with you
: ̗̀➛ Becky would mention you in her book very often and rant about how much you helped her
: ̗̀➛ This woman loves to gently run her fingers along you, over tattoos if you have any, over your scars, over you sensitive skin, it doesn’t matter, she just loves to see you tense up from her sudden affection and touch.
: ̗̀➛ Prefers gifts she can keep (minus chocolate she loves that), but she prefers things that can hold memories like necklaces, bracelets, clothing, photos, things like that.
: ̗̀➛ With how much she likes to touch you, don’t be surprised if her hand slides up your thigh to touch you, she likes sliding her fingers into you pants or under your skirt to hear a gasp, it gives her the confidence she needs to take control
: ̗̀➛ She definitely had a dominant side, but also LOVES being submissive to you, having you on top and taking full advantage of her (with consent of course) and she will praise you for it
: ̗̀➛ She knows how turned on you get from her Irish accent, so she will purposely call you nicknames such as “darling, my love” or just simply whisper to you with her strong accent just to see if you will shiver or blush
: ̗̀➛ Always wants to tag team with you
: ̗̀➛ Now this woman is into giving you oral. Yes she likes receiving it, but not as much as she enjoys giving it to you. Eating you out or using her tongue to tease you as her fingers push deeper inside you, it makes her wet as the ocean
: ̗̀➛ One of her weaknesses is neck kisses or you kissing her inner thigh
: ̗̀➛ She does the jealous tongue thing anytime you’re very touchy or laughing with someone else, she likes you hanging with others but can’t help but get jealous and wish it was her you were doing that with
: ̗̀➛ Which genuinely ends up in make up sex or her pushing you to the edge but stopping every time you close, just to give you the most intense orgasm at the end
: ̗̀➛ Lets you play with her soft hair and even style it for the day or for work as she trusts you well, even if it looks like a mess, she’s the man, so she can pull anything off
: ̗̀➛ Will stand up for you and happily fight others for you, but you have to remind her to stay out of trouble so she doesn’t come home with more injuries each day
: ̗̀➛ Give her lots of back rubs, if you have long(ish)er nails, that’s even better for her. It helps her relax and even sleep after a stressful day at work. Cuddles are the best for her.
: ̗̀➛ She definitely likes to run off with you just so you can run off and make out, or simply get some alone time to rant about things
: ̗̀➛ Likes to keep a photo album of you both cause she loves to keep memories
: ̗̀➛ She is most likely into someone bigger then her, not exactly height, but the size of your body. She is a skinnier girly and would adore you being bigger even just a bit or heaps. Something about it makes her want to lay on you, and as she says “give me more to kiss”.
: ̗̀➛ Will always listen to your problems and instantly turn into a free therapist, as long as you give her a kiss or listen to her thoughts as well. Like this relationship would have perfect communication.
: ̗̀➛ You are both wearing each other’s clothing, even if it’s just random jackets, glasses, hats, anything, you guys are sharing all the time
: ̗̀➛ When you two argue it can get heated but she will usually come out of your shared room and sit down with you after ordering take out and you would just watch a movie while eating and end up forgetting all about it, maybe an apology and then you will both laugh it off and watch the film while stuffing your mouths
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