whoregaylorenzo · 5 months
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Dani's grey hair streak for Danilovefest
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lklvz · 2 months
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Luke Alvez in 17.10
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emilyisnotacat · 11 months
I know we've all seen the MN flag submissions & especially the more. out of pocket options but
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submission number f516 I love you <3
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afaroffsong · 6 months
Night fell and they had not yet reached the dragon marchlands; fortunately for Basil, as his companions were growing increasingly anxious at his friend’s failure to materialise out of thin air.
“There is no need to fret,” he assured them rather firmly as he set about making a fire in the midst of their camp. “I have promised we will not be facing the dragon alone, and it was not a promise lightly made.”
“Don’t worry, Basil, we trust you all right,” said Percy, gazing somewhat forlornly at his meagre share of supper. “It’s this other fellow—or fellows, if there be more than one of them, and I hope there are. We don’t know them. We don’t even know anything about them. How exactly do you know they’ll show up when they’re needed?”
“Because I know them,” answered Basil, and he paused to blow on the fire. “I know them quite well, actually. Which should be enough to reassure you, at least, Robin.”
“Certainly,” said Robin shortly. He was intent on his supper and felt they’d had this conversation a sufficient number of times over the past few days. He was not as reassured as Basil hoped, probably, but he was not going to trouble himself with the topic any further.
“I’ll take first watch,” Neville offered, most likely in an effort to change the subject. The five men spoke of nothing more until the morning.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 8 months
happy wednesday! your writing is a treat and I hope you're having a lovely day <3
WIP Wednesday (1/31) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 93)
Andrew How much gas did you use? 10 Eh. Twenty bucks worth, I guess. Andrew You spent twenty dollars on gas just to burn a building? What are you, rich? 10 I'm not super wealthy, but I've got money. Besides, it was a special request, if you recall correctly. Andrew No it wasn’t. It was a suggestion. Wait. No. Scratch that. It was just an idea. 10 An idea that YOU gave me. :) Mr. Firefighter. Andrew I told you to knock that off. 10 Didn’t say I would. Andrew You’re annoying. You’re annoying and you might be stalking me. Why am I chatting with a potential stalker? 10 I might be annoying, but I’m not stalking you. Not my crime of choice. And… as for why you’re chatting with me. I think it’s because you like me.
Andrew’s eyes widen. Well, yeah. Duh. 10 is hot and witty and stupid. Of course Andrew likes him. But 10 isn’t supposed to know that.
10 Or, you think I’m interesting enough to talk to. By the way, *you* messaged me. Which means you took my number from a confidential case file. Thus, you’re the stalker.
Andrew sucks his teeth. Fuck. He’s almost got a point. But,
Andrew I got your number off the station’s phone when you called.  10 Stalker. Andrew Stop saying that. 10 Fine. I’ll say something else. I like you, too. You might actually be my first friend. Congratulations. Andrew An honor, I’m sure. 10 Mmhmm. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m starving to death. I’m going to get some dinner. Don’t follow me. Stalker.
Andrew huffs and rolls his eyes. He sort of wishes he could figure out where 10 is going for dinner. He wants to see him again. The picture in his head may be perfect but it’s not enough. He wants to sit across from this man and talk for real. Maybe one day.
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hypo-critic-al · 4 months
I just saw this art you posted a while ago and I love it sm much so I made it my wallpaper, it's literally sooo amazing ty <3
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Woah, thank you!! It’s a pleasure to me to know that my art is enjoyed, and that it’s wallpaper-worthy :]
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angelthingy · 7 months
hai !! hello !! ^___^
hiyaaa :D how r u ^-^
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loregirlsam · 7 months
❣️ Freeze ❣️ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Nothing bad will happen if you break the chain, but you can keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!
mwah mwah beloved right back at you! 💕💕
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ofhouseusher · 8 months
Me waiting for you to read my fic because I luv your feedback
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It was such a delightful read Freya!! I enjoyed every second of it 🥹 thank you for gracing us with your brilliant fics, I can’t wait for the next one 💜
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hackoftheyear · 1 year
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I cannot wait for the jungle pack!! Five more days!! Red river hogs!
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suterbuyout2024 · 2 years
literally THEE pest of the nhl
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chaoticentropy · 1 year
Navia you lovely, lovely girl.
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catboygretzky · 1 year
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thrustin-timberlake · 2 years
Fr though Bioshock isn’t easy to explain 😭
literally!!! but for some reason every single time i’m convinced *this* will be the time i ACTUALLY summarize it!!!
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
LITERALLY BEST BOI! 🥰🥰🥰 When I tell you I screamed when he came on screen: ahhh! 🥰
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gardenerian · 2 years
If you receive this you make someone happy. Go send this to ten people who make you happy or someone you think need cheering up. If you get some back,even better! and have a lovely day :) 💕💜💕💜💕💜💕
evie! my darling! i adore you so very much 🥰 you are such a joyful and loving presence and you make this experience such a lovely one. we are so lucky to all obsess over the same two idiots, bc it brought us to you!
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