#Ben x Albedo
itzalbedo · 5 months
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My favourite drawing of these two in UA!! ❤️🤭
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mkjulian · 7 months
I was too lazy to draw this morning...
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I made an exception for my OTP
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ladyartforone · 5 months
Barely human - Chapter 5 - Anonymous - Ben 10 Series [Archive of Our Own]
Okay here we go
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cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
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Jen pov
I was laying on my bed adding a few last touches to the hoverboard when I smelt something. I pulled up another screen, this one was smaller but still had plenty of uses. I pulled up the security cameras I put on the outside of the RV and saw a burning building. "Bleep, we gotta go!" I said turning to my robotic companion. "Alright it's hero time!" Bleep yelled and a small propeller emerged from his head. I smiled and dashed to the front of the RV, I jumped out while still in motion and clicked a silhouette on my screen.
When the flash faded I was in the form I named Heatblast. My body was composed of red rocks, my head was on fire, and my bandana turned into lava. "How many are inside?" I asked Bleep as her flew beside me. "Two, a woman and child, top floor." Bleep said, I nodded and went to the top.
When I entered the apartment I saw the ceiling about to crash down. I was fast and caught the ceiling, the kid opened his eyes and started at me. "Don't worry we're here to help." I said and Bleep emerged from behind me. "Please follow me, I shall escort you to safety." Bleep said, the mother and son shared a look but followed Bleep.
Once they left the room I threw the fallen ceiling to the side. "Phew, that was getting kinda heavy." I said and then examined the fire around me. I smirked and held my hands out, the fire began to spiral and store itself inside my body until it was almost completely gone.
I smiled at my work and then heard a horn honking. I looked out the window and saw the RV, Gwen was pointing and I looked to see a car speeding away. "Tch, it was a diversion." I said and jumped out the window. I used Heatblast power and launched myself at the car.
"What was that?" I heard one of the crooks say when I landed on the car. "That easy, it your worst nightmare." I said as I ripped the roof of the car off. "What the heck is that thing!?" one yelled and I smirked, "I already told you, its your worst nightmare." I said and melted the tires. The car swerved and crashed into a nearby building, I grabbed the crooks and and pulled them from the car.
"You'll strand still if you know what's good for you." both crooks gulped and stayed motionless. "Now tell me, how would your mothers feel if they knew what you two were up to?" I asked and failed to notice the beeping of the device. I was about to carry on when I was blinded by bright green light. "Now let me tell- aww man." I said and looked at myself.
"Hey, it just some dumb kid." one crook said and I felt offended. "Dumb? As if!" I threw my hands to the side and a long silver rod with a black grip materialized. The entire rod, save the grip began to spark and buzz with electricity. "One touch from this, and it's night night, forever." I said and narrowed my eyes. The crooks shared a look and then brightened up at the sound of sirens.
When the police cars pulled up the crooks ran to the officers. "Hey, help us, this kid is crazy. She's got some kind of taser that could kill us!" the cried in unison. "Huh, I just wanted to see real police officers in action, i've always wanted to be apart of law enforcement." I smiled innocently. The police smiled back and then turned to the crooks with stern looks.
"You guys are going away for a long time." one cop said and the crooks were cuffed and put into the police car. The police then turned back to me, "You should head home, but with hard work and determination I think you could be a wonderful officer." One said and I nodded. The RV then pulled up and I could see Grandpa was furious, again.
I rested my face in the palm of my hand while I sulked. I just got grounded for two weeks, in all honesty I think it is pointless. I wasn't just gonna do nothing, and Grandpa can't stop me. I still don't understand the problem, or why he is holding back information. Before you ask how I know he is, it is obvious he knows something.
"I'd still like to know what you were thinking." "and if like to know why your withholding information." from the corner of my eye I could see Grandpa's hands tighten. "I don't know what your talking about." he said but I could see him sweating. "Sure you don't." I stood up and went to the back and closed the curtains.
"Hey Bleep, did the family get out ok?" Bleep rolled over and a blue screen appeared from his eye. It was a video message, "Thank you for saving us." the kid said and my lips curved into a smile. "They were very grateful." Bleep said and I nodded. "Any damages to you?" I picked Bleep up to examine him. "Only slight damage to my processing unit." Bleep said, that was nothing I couldn't handle. "Don't worry buddy ill get you fixed up." I said and materialized a screw driver.
Within a few short minutes, and the assistance of a screw driver, mini laser, and some programming, I had Bleep fixed. "How do you feel?" I asked and Bleep rolled around "I feel wonderful!" he cheered. "Now, since you fixed me, how about I fix that tear in your skirt?" Bleep said, I quickly looked down and the was in fact a tear in my skirt. I sighed and pulled up my inventory, I materialized a pair of brown shorts and changed before giving Bleep my skirt.
"Jen, we are at the Mega mart." Gwen pomed her head through the curtain. "Alright." I got up and followed my cousin and Grandpa into the store. "Alright girls, you two can go pick out a few things you like, once you do come and find me, but stay together." he said and handed us a cart, me and Gwen nodded and separated from out grandpa.
"Okay, lets be smart about this." I said and grabbed Gwen's hand to pull her along. I drug Gwen into the frozen section and pointed to the four pack frozen pizzas. "Smart." "Naturally." I said and me and Gwen each grabbed two boxes. Me and Gwen then grabbed various packs of sandwich stuff for a good deal and two loafs of bread. Next we grabbed toaster waffles, sausage biscuits, and two boxes of the twelve pack chips. "Okay, this should do us good for a while." Gwen nodded and we went to find grandpa.
Gwen pov
I pushed the cart and Jen trailed along beside me. I occasionally glanced at Jen from the corner of my eye, and she looked really bitter. "Are you okay?" I asked, Jen looked at me and shook her head "Don't worry about it." she said. I frowned but didn't voice my current thought and kept pushing the cart.
Me and Jen walked into the electronics still searching for Grandpa. "Wow, a gold sumo slammers card." I heard Jen say. I turned just in time to see Jen move to the display, I swear she had stars in her eyes. I moved closer and looked at the display, "What is so special about that card?" I asked, "It is really rare and really valuable if you have the whole set." Jen said.
Jen went on explaining and I actually listened for once. 'She is such a nerd.' I thought and the ground began to shake. "Earthquake!" Jen quickly pushed me to the ground and crouched beside me. Jen put her arms around me and placed her hands flat on the ground, everything was still shaking, but we barely moved.
I was about to ask Jen what she did, but then a giant frog broke through the wall. "Go to grandpa." I heard a faint beep and Jen stood up. "Jen?" I asked, "I'll be fine, go to grandpa, money says he's in the pet department." Jen said, and I nodded.
Leaving the cart behind I made a mad dash to the pet department. I could hear the fighting In the distance, things breaking people screaming, and it made me worry. "Oh man, this is a weird summer." I said and soon found Grandpa, he was indeed in the pet department. "Grandpa, Grandpa, giant frog." I panted out. I could feel the confused gaze, but Jen entered the scene just in time. Ok, I say entered, but in all reality she crashed into one of the shelves.
"Jen!" me and Grandpa said and ran to Jen. "You put up a decent fight my dear." someone said. I looked and on the back of the frog was a man, "Gwen, Grandpa, say hello to Dr. Animo." Jen said and stood to her feet. The mad doctor smirked and looked at the various animals, "Come my pets, rise to your full potential!" he said and Jen grabbed me and Grandpa.
Animo fired some strange laser at a hamster and a bird, and the began to mutate. Me and Grandpa screamed as Jen drug us along, "Stay here." Jen said and pushed me and Grandpa into another aisle. I was about to protest, but a spear materialized in Jen's hand and she was gone.
I peeked out from the corner, and Jen had some moves. Jen was fight the frog and the hamster with the spear, I never knew she could fight. I watched as Jen hit the hamster and scared it into an aisle, then she tracked the frog and it knocked the shelves over trapping itself and the hamster. "Alright!" Grandpa cheered and Jen turned and smiled at us.
"No, I won't be denied my place in history!" Animo jumped onto the bird, but Jen decided to tag along. Jen materialized a grappling hook and aimed for the bird, the cord wrapped around it's leg and they were off. "Jen!" Grandpa picked me up and ran out of the store and to the RV where we were greeted by Bleep. "Hello Max, Gwen, I have already started tracking Jen." he said and showed us a map with a moving red dot.
"She has a tracking chip?" I asked and sat in the passenger seat. 'Yes, it it in the blue cord around her wrist." Bleep said, Grandpa then started the RV and sped off. "Cool, and do you know what's up with the new gloves?" "Gwen, can we please focus on finding your cousin?" I quickly nodded and looked out the window. 'What is his deal, we have a tracking chip on her we know where she is." I thought.
Jen pov
The bird landed and I quickly ducked behind a sculpture. I looked up and spotted a security camera 'perfect' I thought. I pointed my finger at the camera and shot a blue beam at it, then I had access to the entire security system. I used the cameras to spy on Animo and help me hide from him.
I followed Animo all the way to the B.C exhibits and watched him. Animo was fiddling with his helmet, but he suddenly stopped, "You are a very persistent girl, I hate it." Animo turned around, he then became confused. I smirked to myself, Animo wasn't gonna find me unless he got some smarts and looked up. Quick explanation, the gloves I'm wearing I designed with three purposes, one of these purposes was to help my hide. I could touch anything and the gloves would magnetize to it, it didn't matter what it was, so long story short I was on the ceiling.
"Maybe I am mad." Animo said, he then shrugged and turned to a mammoth statue. "Ah well, mad, not mad, doesn't matter." Animo said, he then messed with his helmet and I knew something bad was gonna happen. "Now's as good a time as any." I said and demagnetized from the ceiling. "Heads up Animo!" I landed on Animo's back and placed both my hands on his helmet.
"Agh, let go of me you brat!" Animo yelled and threw me off. I slide and backflipped before landing like a cat. "I guess I'm not mad." Animo said and glared at me. "Hmph, your about to be." I said and pulled up my screen. "Nice blue prints, very neat, very easy to take over." I said. Animo looked shocked, "How did you-" Ha, he couldn't even finish his sentence.
"I built my gloves with three purposes. One helped me hide from you, the seconed scanned your helmet, gave me the blue prints, and the power to infect it with a virus." I smiled and pressed a button on my screen. Before Animo could even blink his helmet began to short circuit. "NOOOOO!!" Animo screamed before collapsing to the ground. I called the virus back then removed the helmet, I set it aside and restrained Animo.
I then looked at the helmet, I shrugged with a smile and digitized the helmet. I created a new section in my inventory and titled it souvenirs. I smiled and left the museum just as Grandpa pulled up in the RV. "I'm gonna assume Animo is taken care of?" Grandpa asked and I nodded. "Just call the police to come get him." I said and decided to turn in, I was exhausted.
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cartoonqueen16 · 6 months
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stardaiyamondo · 2 months
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๑ ⿴ 🌶️ ⸝⸝ RED characters ⸻ . ࣪   .  ⊰⁠⊹ฺ
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unix10x · 6 months
Here you go, two questions: What is your opinion on Bevin (Kevin x Ben)? And who is your favorite Ben 10 character?
Bevin is a ship that I really like, I love the dynamic of enemies who become friends and then lovers (I wish people would write better fics about them). Personally, I like having Gwen in the middle, I think the idea of ​​them being a loving trio is really fun.
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My favorite character will always be Albedo, he is my sweet baby and I have loved him since I was a child, no one will convince me that he wasn't very naive and sweet in UAF although I also love his chaotic phase in OV (HE DESERVED MORE 😭 )
Not ironically, this is Albedo at his first opportunity to sow chaos on Galvan Prime:
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slowlyfriedkingdom · 1 year
EVERY Ben 10 Theme Song on Guitar!
My childhood fr
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But which version is the best or underrated to you?
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electraslight · 2 years
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i love churning out stupid bullshit
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itzalbedo · 4 months
Younger Ben and Albedo 🤧
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mkjulian · 7 months
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I was just training hand style... But this came to mind.
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ladyartforone · 1 year
I just dropped a new Ben x Albedo fic (bottom Albedo)
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ben-talks-art · 5 months
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Why do so many clones love to dress up in black??
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cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
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??? Pov
I stood with two others before Vilgax, ruler of Vilgaxia. I was auditioning for a mission, but it was no ordinary mission. The victor would be sent to Earth to find the girl who held the Omnitrix, bring her back, and then help keep watch over her. It was a very strange mission, but Vilgax promised a healthy reward.
It came my turn and I got on my hoverboard and began attacking the robots. I was quick, brute, and finished in record time, I then got back in line with the other two.
Vilgax appeared on a screen, "Very impressive, you are all hired, whoever succeeds will get the reward." he wheeze. I looked between my competitors and scoffed. I headed for my pod and headed to Earth, I would have the girl in no time, that or my name isn't Tetrax.
Jen pov
"I can't believe I agreed to this," Grandpa said as he tied a rope for the training course. I smiled at Grandpa while I stretched, "Me either." I said happily. I had finally convinced Grandpa to let me use the Omnitrix, and believe me, it was not easy to work. The [only reason he agreed was that I promised to only use it if necessary. However, I still might get a little personal use out of it.
"Ok, get ready Jen," Grandpa said and I nodded. I stood in the center of the training course, I and Grandpa shared a nod. Grandpa pulled a lever and tires came flying at me, I quickly dove, pulled up my screen, and transformed into Diamondhead. I turned my arm into a blade and sliced an incoming barrel. Grandpa pulled a rope and multiple targets sprung up, I backflipped behind them and sliced all of them
Grandpa pulled another lever and a tire got me by surprise. I was knocked off my feet and my bandana fell from my neck. I grumbled and backflipped and shot giant shards from the ground piercing the tire.
"That's enough." Grandpa suddenly said and I turned to him confused. "We just started," I said Grandpa narrowed his eyes at me, and I sighed in defeat. I returned to my human form and grabbed my bandana before boarding the RV. We started driving and I glared at Grandpa from the table, he never told me.
"Jen, why are you upset?" I looked at Bleep who was hovering beside me. "Because Grandpa won't chill out, he panics over every little thing I do involving the Omnitrix," I said low enough so Grandpa wouldn't hear. "We are calling it the Omnitrix now?" Gwen asked, sometimes I forgot she was here.
"Yea, that's its name," I said, and could see Grandpa stiffen. Gwen rolled her eyes, I did the same and pulled up my screen. I materialized my headphones and turned on a fairy tale book reading, it served as perfect background noise. I started working on one of my other builds, this one was a crossbow that shot electric energy arrows. I smiled and worked in peace, that is until the RV began to break down.
'This can't be good.' I thought and put everything away. Grandpa pulled into a nearby town, "Huh, Slaterville, built when silver was discovered but went bust when the mines dried up." I started knowing we wouldn't get any help here. "Know it all." I heard Gwen mutter "What did I say on the first night of the summer trip?" I asked crossing my arms with a glare.
Gwen began to pout and I walked away to explore the old town. Despite my love for advanced builds and stuff, I enjoy the old-fashioned stuff as well. I walked into an old mine and picked up a rusted tool, "Hehe, this is a perfect souvenir." I said and digitized the item into my souvenir folder. I smiled and walked deeper into the mine and looked at everything.
I admired everything, but the ground suddenly began to shake. The ground began to rise as something tunneled under and around me. "Wow!" I jumped back as something broke through to the surface. I didn't hesitate and transformed into Ghostfreak, the alien turned around to face me. "You're coming with me." he hissed and snapped his claws at me.
"Not happening, Crab Cake," I said and disappeared. I floated up to the ceiling and changed back. Quickly magnetizing my gloves to the ceiling I watched the alien in curiosity. He twisted his head around, he had no clue what happened. I quietly giggled and kept watching, but then something shot past my head.
"AHH!?!" I jumped from the ceiling and another alien appeared. He spoke in a strange language, but just like with the Kraken, I could understand him. "Give me the girl!" he hissed and Crab Cake shot a laser at him. The shot hit him and I quickly sorted an attack of my own. "Let go you human rat, I have a reward to claim," he said and I smirked at him.
"Not in a million years!" I yelled and jabbed him with my Taser. The alien hissed and howled in pain before falling to the ground. "Well, you saved me some trouble." Crab Cake grabbed me by the hair, but he just cut it and I fell to the ground. I quickly tasered him and ran out to Gwen and Grandpa.
I ran as fast as I could and when the RV came into view I smiled. "Sometimes I think I should have destroyed her with everything else." my running slowed to a stop ad I heard Grandpa speak. Gwen stood with her arms crossed, "Why did you save her? Why did you bring her back after he took her? Things would be easier without her." she said. I felt my heart rate pick up and my eyes filled with tears. "she was just a baby I.... couldn't." Grandpa's eyes caught mine, Gwen looked and pressed her arms to her sides.
"Wh-What are you talking about?" my voice came out shaky, and my body began to tremble. "We aren't talking about you," Gwen said I didn't need to scan her to know she was lying. Granda stepped closer and I backed away, I shook my head and ran away from the two. I heard Gwen call for me to stop, but that just made me run even faster.
Tears started streaming down my face, I transformed into XLR8 and left the town not looking back. What were they talking about, why did it involve me, did Aunt Ver hide something too? So many questions filled my head, and so many emotions filled my body, it was too much.
Tetrax pov
I followed the girl on my overboard, she had become so distressed. I sighed and flew down, I grabbed the back of her body suit and lifted her off the ground, "Hey, let me go!" she cried. The pulled up some type of screen and pressed a button, she returned to her human state and fell to the ground.
'Hmm, this is gonna be a little more difficult than I thought.' I thought and flew after her. I followed her into a mine, but lost sight of her, wearing mostly black assisted her greatly. I sighed and let the silence settle, I was then blessed with the sound of quiet sniffles and whimpers. I followed the sound and found the target, she was curled in on herself crying, and I could understand why.
I removed my mask and kneeled before the child, s looked up at me with big eyes. Her eyes held so much emotion, it was anger, sadness, confusion, and much more. I used my thumb to wipe the tears from her eyes, then picked her up in my arms. She was so small, it made it hard to believe this girl had the Omnitrix. I got back on my overboard, and the ground began to shake.
I ground in annoyance as Metal Mouth and Crab Cake showed up. I looked back at the two and scowled, "Go," I whispered to the girl. "What?" she asked in a voice lower than my whisper. "Go, I will handle these two and find you again, n do as I say," I whispered more sternly this time.
The girl jumped from my arms and pulled up her screen. A overboard materialized and she flew away. I turned back to the other and cracked my knuckles, this was gonna hurt them greatly.
Albedo pov
I watched from the shadows as the bounty hunters fought, while Jen left. Great I've already spent so much time on this planet, now I had to spend even more. I groaned in annoyance and left the scene, the things I do for Azmuth.
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cartoonqueen16 · 10 months
Jen 10 My DNA chapter 17
Jen pov
I groan and sit up, clutching my head, "Migraine," I mutter and close my eyes. "Bleep, I need my painkillers, " I say but no one answers. "Bleep?" I open my eyes, I'm alone. I take in my surroundings, the area looks familiar, but it isn't where I fell asleep last night. "This looks like-" I am cut off by a loud crash and a scream.
I get up and materialize my hoverboard, I head toward the cloud of smoke rising from the ground. I get close and my eyes widen, "The Omnitrix?" I fly down to the crash site. It was the Omnitrix I was looking at but it was different, it was black and dark grey. "What?" I reach out to grab the strange Omnitrix. "DNA match found." the grey and black Omnitrix suddenly jumped passed me.
"AH!?" I turned and saw ME get knocked to the ground. "What the heck!?" "Who are you?" the girl with the Omnitrix sat up, she was in fact me, but different. She had longer hair than me with bangs covering one of her eyes, her visible eye was grey with black eyeliner under it. She was wearing my old outfit but instead of green it was dark grey and her skirt was pale green. We stared at each other for a moment, I was confused, and she looked like she didn't care. 
I shook my head to break myself from my shock, "Uh, are you okay?" I asked offering her my hand. She looked at my hand for a moment "Yeah, it's not like I was nearly crushed by what I thought was a shooting star, then got some device latch onto my chest. Oh, wait." she looked at me fully and somewhat annoyed. "Right sorry, but that isn't just some device," I said. She rolled her eyes, "I don't care." she said and began crawling out of the crater.
I stood there for a moment before following her. "Wait, you need to listen to me," I said following after her. I began explaining the Omnitrix to her. "Lame," she said and kept walking, I frowned and kept following her. "You're negative you know that?" she shrugged and kept walking. "Can you just stop for a second!" I snapped and used Mana to grab her and keep her from moving. "Hey, let go!" she snapped and struggled against my mana.
I was about to speak but a small black blast shot past me. "Whoa!" I let her go and jumped back, I put up a mana shield and blocked a few more blasts. "Jen, are you okay?" I looked up and saw Bleep but his eyes and stripes were dark grey. My alternate self stood up and dusted herself off, "Yeah, I'm fine Bleep." she said then looked at me. She had a stone face but I could see the annoyance behind her eyes. She sighed "Who even are you?" she asked. With that, I realized I still had my hood up and my scarf around my face, so  I removed them both.
"Wow, she looks just like you, Jen." her Bleep said. I put my mana shield down, "I am her." I said and they both gave me board looks. "Wow, you two don't show much emotion." "Nope" "None" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"So, you are some alternate version of me and this device is called the Omnitrix. I can use this to turn into aliens, but I don't even need it because I am a cluster of alien DNA created by some guy called Azmuth." I nodded my head confirming she was correct. 
"Whatever," she said with a shrug. I frowned, "Nega, come on you gotta be a little excited." I said slouching a little bit. Nega raised a brow, "Nega?" she asked referring to the nickname. "We are alternate versions of each other, if we bump into anymore it will be easier to tell us apart, and since you are negative I thought..." Nega sighed and rolled her eyes. I sighed and sat beside Nega, silence settling over us.
"What's it like here?" Nega looked at me and shrugged, "Annoying" she said. I frowned, Nega looked at me, "It's like the most hipster parts of Seattle." she said. "Oh, okay." silence fell over us again and I drummed my fingers against my knees. "Do you wanna try and use the Omnitrix?" I asked and Nega shrugged. I grabbed Nega's wrist pulled her to her feet stood her in front of me then began dialing into the Omnitrix. "What are you doing?" Bleep asked "Turning her into an alien." I said and pressed down her Omnitrix.
There was a grey flash then Nega stood in front of me as Heatblast. Nega held her hands up and examined herself, "This is Heatblast, a Pyronite." I said and smiled at Nega. "Lame," Nega said and sat down on the ground. "UGH!" I began pacing around the area and ranting at Nega. I was so lost in my rant I didn't notice the drones coming down toward us.
"Whoa!" I jumped up dodging a drone and it circled for Nega. "Nega, watch out!" Nega looked up and saw the drones. "AH!" Nega held up her hands and blasted fire from them, melting the drones into liquid metal.
Nega pov
I stared at the melted metal puddles in front of me. "Nega!" Jen rushed to me and Bleep hovered beside me. "Are you okay Nega," Bleep asked and I nodded. I looked down at my hands and then blasted fire into the trees behind Jen. "AHH!!" Jen dropped to the ground and put a shield around herself. The fire stopped and Jen looked up at me.
"Lame," I said then was surrounded by the same grey light from before. When the light faded I was human again and the forest was on fire. "Jen, we need to get outta here," Bleep said and I nodded. We walked away leaving Jen to fight the forest fire I started.
I reached the RV and my cousin Gwen looked at me. "Where did you get that from?" she asked "Fell from the sky and jumped on my chest," I said then headed for the RV. "What do you mean it fell from the sky?" Grandpa Max blocked my path into the RV. "I mean what I said, it fell from the sky," I said then walked past my Grandpa.
I plop down onto my bed and turn onto my back. "Jen," I groan in annoyance and sit up. "What?" I asked. My idiot, cheerleader cousin sat at the foot of my bed and smiled at me. "Grandpa needs you," she said and I rolled my eyes, then headed outside. I stopped in the door and my grandpa was standing waiting for me. My grandpa pulled some kind of strange gun from behind his back. "Huh!? AH!?" Gwen wrapped me in a restraining hug.
"Relax, Jen." Grandpa aimed the gun at my head and my eyes widened. "Bleep fire!" I ordered and Bleep flew in and shot both Gwen and Grandpa in the arm with his lasers. Gwen released me and I ran out of the RV and Bleep followed behind me. "What the hell was that about!?" I asked while running. "I don't know," Bleep said and we kept running.
"AHH!!?" I was suddenly launched into the air by something exploding under my feet. I hit the ground, bounced twice, then rolled to a stop. I groaned in pain and sat up, my vision was blurry, and felt something trickling down my face. "Jen, don't make this harder than what it has to be," Gwen called out. I groaned and tried to stand up but my body ached so much.
"Stay back!" a strange lizard-looking creature appeared in front of me. She looked at me over her shoulder, "You need to transform." she said then turned into a blue and black blurry because she moved so fast. I rolled my eyes "Whatever," I said and dialed into the Omnitrix. I turned into some kind of bug with a rancid smell.
"A little help!" I looked and Jen was fighting Gwen, Gwen was shooting some kind of energy blast at her. I sighed and flew up. I headed for Gwen and tackled her to the ground then Grandpa Max appeared over us. I rolled away and Grandpa Max accidentally shot Gwen with the strange gun and knocked her unconscious. Crystal began rising from the ground and caged Gwen and Grandpa in a dome.
"C'mon!" Jen grabbed my hand, she was a crystal alien but then morphed into the same bug alien as me. "What about my cousin and Grandpa?" I asked looking at the crystal dome. "You can't trust them, I'll explain on the way," she said and I shrugged. I grabbed Bleep, he needed repairs but I didn't have time for that according to Jen. We both flew up and I followed Jen, not listening to her because I didn't care.
I flew beside Jen for a little bit then I heard a beeping noise and was surrounded by grey light. Before I knew it I was falling from the sky, "AHH!!" I quickly materialized my hoverboard and landed on it. I was shaking slightly and carefully brought myself to the ground. Jen flew down and landed beside me, "Let's walk for a while." I nodded and we began walking.
After a while, we reached Mount Rushmore and Jen morphed into the same bug alien and carried me to the top. "So, why did you bring me here?" "You weren't listening to a thing I was saying on the way here were you?" I shook my head. Jen pinched the bridge of her nose, "OK, Max and Gwen can't be trusted, Vilgax can. Vilgax is an alien overlord who knows you and can tell you more than I can." Jen explained then took my bandanna and ripped it apart.
"Ok, transform, and don't complain or ask why." I rolled my eyes and transformed into a fourarm3d alien. "Now what?" "We wait" We both sat down and waited.
It wasn't long before a giant spaceship descended from the sky. A giant alien jumped from the ship and landed in front of us, he was big and had a squid face. "Nega, meet Vilgax," Jen said and I looked back up at the alien. Vilgax pressed the Omnitrix symbol and I was in my human form again. "NO!!" Jen quickly put a shield around us and blocked an energy blast. Gwen and Max appeared riding on an energy board. Jen transformed and began fighting them both, Vilgax grabbed me and carried me onto his ship.
The ship began taking off and I was feeling a little nervous, that never happened much. I pulled up my screen and began repairing Bleep to occupy my mind. I kept working on Bleep until the side of the ship was destroyed by more energy. The ship began to fall and I fell out of the hole that had been made. I clutched Bleep to my cheek tightly as we fell and tried my best to dial into the Omnitrix. I began wishing I was that bug alien and before I knew it I was transforming.
"you did it." Jen flew beside me on an overboard with a smile. "Look out!" we both narrowly dodged Gwen. "Geez, your Gwen is way crazier than mine." "She's a cheerleader." we both kept dodging Gwen and eventually she hit a tree. "C'mon!" we headed back toward Vilgax's ship but Jen was shot off her hoverboard.
Jen pov
I was falling toward the ground and Nega dove for me, but she wasn't fast enough. I got closer to the ground and hit it, but... it was soft. I open my eyes and see a portal close. "Jen!" Bleep, Megawatt, and Albedo cried all three hugging me. "We thought we might never get you back!" Megawatt cried and hugged me tighter. "What...happened?" I asked and all three of them looked at me.
"You don't remember?" Bleep asked and I shook my head. "You were working on a build, and it opened a portal and pulled you in," Albedo explained and handed me a small metal box with a voice command box. "Where did you go?" Albedo asked looking at me with curiosity. I sighed and leaned back into Albedo's chest, "I'll explain in a minute, I'm exhausted." I close my eyes hoping Nega is okay.
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nvenjpg · 1 year
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some silly billy ben tens
...my brothers were binge watching ben 10, and so i remembered how much i liked to watch it on the tv
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