#Female Ben Tennyson
cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
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Jen pov
I was laying on my bed adding a few last touches to the hoverboard when I smelt something. I pulled up another screen, this one was smaller but still had plenty of uses. I pulled up the security cameras I put on the outside of the RV and saw a burning building. "Bleep, we gotta go!" I said turning to my robotic companion. "Alright it's hero time!" Bleep yelled and a small propeller emerged from his head. I smiled and dashed to the front of the RV, I jumped out while still in motion and clicked a silhouette on my screen.
When the flash faded I was in the form I named Heatblast. My body was composed of red rocks, my head was on fire, and my bandana turned into lava. "How many are inside?" I asked Bleep as her flew beside me. "Two, a woman and child, top floor." Bleep said, I nodded and went to the top.
When I entered the apartment I saw the ceiling about to crash down. I was fast and caught the ceiling, the kid opened his eyes and started at me. "Don't worry we're here to help." I said and Bleep emerged from behind me. "Please follow me, I shall escort you to safety." Bleep said, the mother and son shared a look but followed Bleep.
Once they left the room I threw the fallen ceiling to the side. "Phew, that was getting kinda heavy." I said and then examined the fire around me. I smirked and held my hands out, the fire began to spiral and store itself inside my body until it was almost completely gone.
I smiled at my work and then heard a horn honking. I looked out the window and saw the RV, Gwen was pointing and I looked to see a car speeding away. "Tch, it was a diversion." I said and jumped out the window. I used Heatblast power and launched myself at the car.
"What was that?" I heard one of the crooks say when I landed on the car. "That easy, it your worst nightmare." I said as I ripped the roof of the car off. "What the heck is that thing!?" one yelled and I smirked, "I already told you, its your worst nightmare." I said and melted the tires. The car swerved and crashed into a nearby building, I grabbed the crooks and and pulled them from the car.
"You'll strand still if you know what's good for you." both crooks gulped and stayed motionless. "Now tell me, how would your mothers feel if they knew what you two were up to?" I asked and failed to notice the beeping of the device. I was about to carry on when I was blinded by bright green light. "Now let me tell- aww man." I said and looked at myself.
"Hey, it just some dumb kid." one crook said and I felt offended. "Dumb? As if!" I threw my hands to the side and a long silver rod with a black grip materialized. The entire rod, save the grip began to spark and buzz with electricity. "One touch from this, and it's night night, forever." I said and narrowed my eyes. The crooks shared a look and then brightened up at the sound of sirens.
When the police cars pulled up the crooks ran to the officers. "Hey, help us, this kid is crazy. She's got some kind of taser that could kill us!" the cried in unison. "Huh, I just wanted to see real police officers in action, i've always wanted to be apart of law enforcement." I smiled innocently. The police smiled back and then turned to the crooks with stern looks.
"You guys are going away for a long time." one cop said and the crooks were cuffed and put into the police car. The police then turned back to me, "You should head home, but with hard work and determination I think you could be a wonderful officer." One said and I nodded. The RV then pulled up and I could see Grandpa was furious, again.
I rested my face in the palm of my hand while I sulked. I just got grounded for two weeks, in all honesty I think it is pointless. I wasn't just gonna do nothing, and Grandpa can't stop me. I still don't understand the problem, or why he is holding back information. Before you ask how I know he is, it is obvious he knows something.
"I'd still like to know what you were thinking." "and if like to know why your withholding information." from the corner of my eye I could see Grandpa's hands tighten. "I don't know what your talking about." he said but I could see him sweating. "Sure you don't." I stood up and went to the back and closed the curtains.
"Hey Bleep, did the family get out ok?" Bleep rolled over and a blue screen appeared from his eye. It was a video message, "Thank you for saving us." the kid said and my lips curved into a smile. "They were very grateful." Bleep said and I nodded. "Any damages to you?" I picked Bleep up to examine him. "Only slight damage to my processing unit." Bleep said, that was nothing I couldn't handle. "Don't worry buddy ill get you fixed up." I said and materialized a screw driver.
Within a few short minutes, and the assistance of a screw driver, mini laser, and some programming, I had Bleep fixed. "How do you feel?" I asked and Bleep rolled around "I feel wonderful!" he cheered. "Now, since you fixed me, how about I fix that tear in your skirt?" Bleep said, I quickly looked down and the was in fact a tear in my skirt. I sighed and pulled up my inventory, I materialized a pair of brown shorts and changed before giving Bleep my skirt.
"Jen, we are at the Mega mart." Gwen pomed her head through the curtain. "Alright." I got up and followed my cousin and Grandpa into the store. "Alright girls, you two can go pick out a few things you like, once you do come and find me, but stay together." he said and handed us a cart, me and Gwen nodded and separated from out grandpa.
"Okay, lets be smart about this." I said and grabbed Gwen's hand to pull her along. I drug Gwen into the frozen section and pointed to the four pack frozen pizzas. "Smart." "Naturally." I said and me and Gwen each grabbed two boxes. Me and Gwen then grabbed various packs of sandwich stuff for a good deal and two loafs of bread. Next we grabbed toaster waffles, sausage biscuits, and two boxes of the twelve pack chips. "Okay, this should do us good for a while." Gwen nodded and we went to find grandpa.
Gwen pov
I pushed the cart and Jen trailed along beside me. I occasionally glanced at Jen from the corner of my eye, and she looked really bitter. "Are you okay?" I asked, Jen looked at me and shook her head "Don't worry about it." she said. I frowned but didn't voice my current thought and kept pushing the cart.
Me and Jen walked into the electronics still searching for Grandpa. "Wow, a gold sumo slammers card." I heard Jen say. I turned just in time to see Jen move to the display, I swear she had stars in her eyes. I moved closer and looked at the display, "What is so special about that card?" I asked, "It is really rare and really valuable if you have the whole set." Jen said.
Jen went on explaining and I actually listened for once. 'She is such a nerd.' I thought and the ground began to shake. "Earthquake!" Jen quickly pushed me to the ground and crouched beside me. Jen put her arms around me and placed her hands flat on the ground, everything was still shaking, but we barely moved.
I was about to ask Jen what she did, but then a giant frog broke through the wall. "Go to grandpa." I heard a faint beep and Jen stood up. "Jen?" I asked, "I'll be fine, go to grandpa, money says he's in the pet department." Jen said, and I nodded.
Leaving the cart behind I made a mad dash to the pet department. I could hear the fighting In the distance, things breaking people screaming, and it made me worry. "Oh man, this is a weird summer." I said and soon found Grandpa, he was indeed in the pet department. "Grandpa, Grandpa, giant frog." I panted out. I could feel the confused gaze, but Jen entered the scene just in time. Ok, I say entered, but in all reality she crashed into one of the shelves.
"Jen!" me and Grandpa said and ran to Jen. "You put up a decent fight my dear." someone said. I looked and on the back of the frog was a man, "Gwen, Grandpa, say hello to Dr. Animo." Jen said and stood to her feet. The mad doctor smirked and looked at the various animals, "Come my pets, rise to your full potential!" he said and Jen grabbed me and Grandpa.
Animo fired some strange laser at a hamster and a bird, and the began to mutate. Me and Grandpa screamed as Jen drug us along, "Stay here." Jen said and pushed me and Grandpa into another aisle. I was about to protest, but a spear materialized in Jen's hand and she was gone.
I peeked out from the corner, and Jen had some moves. Jen was fight the frog and the hamster with the spear, I never knew she could fight. I watched as Jen hit the hamster and scared it into an aisle, then she tracked the frog and it knocked the shelves over trapping itself and the hamster. "Alright!" Grandpa cheered and Jen turned and smiled at us.
"No, I won't be denied my place in history!" Animo jumped onto the bird, but Jen decided to tag along. Jen materialized a grappling hook and aimed for the bird, the cord wrapped around it's leg and they were off. "Jen!" Grandpa picked me up and ran out of the store and to the RV where we were greeted by Bleep. "Hello Max, Gwen, I have already started tracking Jen." he said and showed us a map with a moving red dot.
"She has a tracking chip?" I asked and sat in the passenger seat. 'Yes, it it in the blue cord around her wrist." Bleep said, Grandpa then started the RV and sped off. "Cool, and do you know what's up with the new gloves?" "Gwen, can we please focus on finding your cousin?" I quickly nodded and looked out the window. 'What is his deal, we have a tracking chip on her we know where she is." I thought.
Jen pov
The bird landed and I quickly ducked behind a sculpture. I looked up and spotted a security camera 'perfect' I thought. I pointed my finger at the camera and shot a blue beam at it, then I had access to the entire security system. I used the cameras to spy on Animo and help me hide from him.
I followed Animo all the way to the B.C exhibits and watched him. Animo was fiddling with his helmet, but he suddenly stopped, "You are a very persistent girl, I hate it." Animo turned around, he then became confused. I smirked to myself, Animo wasn't gonna find me unless he got some smarts and looked up. Quick explanation, the gloves I'm wearing I designed with three purposes, one of these purposes was to help my hide. I could touch anything and the gloves would magnetize to it, it didn't matter what it was, so long story short I was on the ceiling.
"Maybe I am mad." Animo said, he then shrugged and turned to a mammoth statue. "Ah well, mad, not mad, doesn't matter." Animo said, he then messed with his helmet and I knew something bad was gonna happen. "Now's as good a time as any." I said and demagnetized from the ceiling. "Heads up Animo!" I landed on Animo's back and placed both my hands on his helmet.
"Agh, let go of me you brat!" Animo yelled and threw me off. I slide and backflipped before landing like a cat. "I guess I'm not mad." Animo said and glared at me. "Hmph, your about to be." I said and pulled up my screen. "Nice blue prints, very neat, very easy to take over." I said. Animo looked shocked, "How did you-" Ha, he couldn't even finish his sentence.
"I built my gloves with three purposes. One helped me hide from you, the seconed scanned your helmet, gave me the blue prints, and the power to infect it with a virus." I smiled and pressed a button on my screen. Before Animo could even blink his helmet began to short circuit. "NOOOOO!!" Animo screamed before collapsing to the ground. I called the virus back then removed the helmet, I set it aside and restrained Animo.
I then looked at the helmet, I shrugged with a smile and digitized the helmet. I created a new section in my inventory and titled it souvenirs. I smiled and left the museum just as Grandpa pulled up in the RV. "I'm gonna assume Animo is taken care of?" Grandpa asked and I nodded. "Just call the police to come get him." I said and decided to turn in, I was exhausted.
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cartoonqueen16 · 7 months
More Pink Ben x Cooper
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I made more Punk Ben x Cooper. (With genderbends )
Cooper and Ben hugging.
Ben using Fem Cooper as a pillow.
Fem Ben admiring Fem Cooper.
Cooper being annoyed with Fem Ben.
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itsskyvoltage · 3 months
Cosmic Love
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Pairing: Ben Tennyson x female! reader
Warning: None
In the bustling metropolis of Bellwood, where the ordinary often meets the extraordinary, Y/N L/N led a life that was anything but predictable. As a budding journalist with a knack for uncovering mysteries, she found herself drawn to the unusual occurrences that seemed to follow one particular young man—Ben Tennyson.
Ben, with his charming grin and the enigmatic Omnitrix on his wrist, was not just any teenager. He was a hero, a defender of Earth against extraterrestrial threats. Y/N first met Ben during one of his many adventures, where she was reporting on an alien invasion that threatened the city. Amid the chaos, she saw Ben transform into various powerful aliens, fighting with a courage that impressed and intrigued her.
Their paths continued to cross as Y/N covered more of Ben's heroic exploits. She admired his bravery, his determination, and the compassion he showed towards both friends and foes alike. Ben, in turn, found himself drawn to Y/N's sharp mind, her unwavering spirit, and her ability to see beyond the surface of things.
Their friendship blossomed over time, deepening into a bond that neither could fully articulate. Late-night conversations turned into shared meals and moments stolen between battles against villains from across the galaxy. Y/N became someone Ben trusted implicitly, and he found himself confiding in her about his doubts, fears, and hopes for the future.
One evening, under the starlit sky of Bellwood Park, they found themselves sitting on a bench, enjoying a rare moment of peace. The air was filled with a gentle breeze, and the city's lights twinkled in the distance. Y/N turned to Ben, her heart racing with a confession she had been holding back for so long.
"Ben," she began, her voice steady yet filled with emotion, "there's something I've been wanting to tell you."
Ben turned to her, his green eyes reflecting the moonlight. "What is it, Y/N?"
Taking a deep breath, she met his gaze directly. "I… I love you, Ben."
For a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Ben's expression softened, a mixture of surprise and joy spreading across his face. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his.
"I… I love you too, Y/N," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N felt a rush of relief and happiness wash over her. She leaned in closer to him, unable to resist the urge to be nearer to the person who had captured her heart in ways she never imagined possible.
Ben smiled warmly at her, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude. "Say it again," he murmured softly.
Y/N blinked, surprised by his request but unable to deny him anything. "I love you, Ben," she repeated, her voice filled with tenderness.
Ben's smile widened, his heart swelling with each repetition of those three simple words. "Again," he whispered, his eyes locked with hers.
A playful grin tugged at Y/N's lips. "I love you, Ben," she said again, this time with a teasing lilt to her voice.
They both chuckled softly, their laughter mingling with the gentle night breeze. In that moment, surrounded by the stars and the quiet hum of the city, Y/N and Ben knew that their love was something extraordinary—a cosmic bond that transcended time, space, and even the boundaries of their respective worlds.
From that night onward, Y/N and Ben's relationship deepened into a love story that would be whispered about for generations. Together, they faced new adventures, shared moments of laughter and tears, and discovered that love truly was the most powerful force in the universe.
As they stood side by side, facing whatever challenges lay ahead, Y/N knew one thing for certain—she would never tire of saying those three words to the man who had stolen her heart: "I love you, Ben."
In the weeks following their heartfelt confession under the starlit sky of Bellwood Park, Y/N L/N and Ben Tennyson found themselves more inseparable than ever. Their love, like the cosmic forces they often battled, seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.
One quirky habit of Y/N's that Ben couldn't help but notice was her constant application of lip balm. Whether they were in the midst of a battle or simply enjoying a quiet moment together, she would unfailingly reach into her pocket for her trusty tube of balm and slick it over her lips with practiced ease.
Ben found it endearing, how she would pucker her lips just so and then press them together in a manner that was almost absent-minded yet oddly captivating. It became a ritual of sorts, a comforting gesture that signaled moments of peace amid the chaos of their adventurous lives.
One lazy afternoon, as they lounged in Ben's cozy room after a particularly intense battle with a formidable alien foe, Y/N reached into her pocket and pulled out her lip balm. Ben, who was sprawled on the bed beside her, couldn't help but smile at the familiar sight.
"You and that lip balm," he teased gently, his eyes twinkling with affection.
Y/N chuckled softly, uncapping the tube and applying the balm with a thoughtful expression. "Can't help it," she replied with a shrug. "Gotta keep these lips moisturized, you know?"
Ben grinned mischievously, a playful glint in his eye. "You know what happens every time you put that stuff on, right?"
Y/N arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "What happens?"
Ben leaned closer to her, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "I give you a kiss."
Y/N's cheeks flushed pink as she looked at him, a mix of surprise and delight dancing in her eyes. "Every time?"
Ben nodded, his grin widening. "Every single time."
Y/N couldn't suppress a giggle, charmed by Ben's spontaneous declaration. "Well then," she said teasingly, capping her lip balm and sliding it back into her pocket, "I guess I'll have to keep applying it."
True to her word, Y/N found herself reaching for her lip balm more often than usual in the days that followed. It became a delightful game between them—a subtle exchange of affection that spoke volumes without the need for words.
In the midst of a tense negotiation with a peace-seeking alien ambassador, Y/N discreetly applied her lip balm, casting a quick glance at Ben who stood nearby. True to his promise, Ben crossed the room in a few swift strides, cupped her face gently in his hands, and pressed a tender kiss to her lips, leaving her momentarily breathless and the ambassador momentarily perplexed.
During a quiet evening spent stargazing on the rooftop of Ben's grandfather's house, Y/N caught Ben stealing glances at her as she applied her lip balm under the starlit sky. Without a word, he leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss that tasted of moonlight and promises.
Even in the heat of battle, when adrenaline surged through their veins and danger lurked around every corner, Ben never failed to steal a moment for a quick kiss whenever Y/N reached for her lip balm. It became their secret language of love—a sweet, stolen moment amidst the chaos and uncertainty of their extraordinary lives.
As they faced new challenges together, their bond strengthened with each kiss, each gesture of affection a testament to the depth of their love. Y/N knew, without a doubt, that Ben was her cosmic match—a hero not just of Earth, but of her heart.
And as the stars continued to shine brightly overhead, Y/N found herself falling deeper in love with the boy who had stolen her heart with his bravery, his compassion, and his penchant for giving kisses at the most unexpected moments.
Their love story, like the cosmos itself, was vast and infinite—a journey of adventure, passion, and sweet kisses that would continue to unfold for eternity.
*Not confident in my writing but hopefully you enjoyed it.*
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itzalbedo · 5 months
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Some of my sketches!!
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shinigami-striker · 1 month
Ashley Johnson | Friday, 08.09.24
Same voice actress, different TV characters - featuring critically-acclaimed voice actress, Ashley Johnson. Happy birthday! 🎂
Terra (Terra Markov) - Teen Titans (2003 TV series/video games; (2004-2006)
Jinmay - Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! (TV series; 2004-2006)
Gwen Tennyson - Ben 10: Omniverse (TV series; 2012-2016)
Tulip Olsen - Infinity Train (TV series/Season 1)
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arianna-creates · 1 year
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Getting some serious gender envy from the Tennyson twins cousins
My art went in a sort of danny phantom direction but that's to be expected when drawing a young kid who goes through a magic (sort of?) transformation to fight crime
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hardcore-lonewolf · 8 months
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New ship name change for Dick X Oc for mine...
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pinktwinkiezoppo · 1 year
Bro they gave Ben girl lashes
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seas-storyarchive · 11 months
Carly grew up to be a mechanic and owned her own successful auto repair shop. She also has a domestic partner, Sandra.
Sandra, who doesn't know much about cars, is more than happy to learn and support her partner.
Gordon and Betty are.. on the fence about this. It's Carly, so they were used to her strangeness, but they were learning to adjust. Joel is cool with it, volunteering at the shop and bringing his girlfriend Camille over too.
Vera is beyond happy for her, as Carly is her favorite nibling.
Frank and Natalie don't like the fact that Carly is with Sandra, Ken doesn't care but he is a momma's boy. Frank even getting himself and his family kicked out of their house because he makes a comment about their relationship - and Carly fired back asking why Ken looked nothing like Frank at all or why she'd never seen Frank hold Natalie. So yeah, that bridge got burned so that not even ashes were left.
Carly wants nothing to do with Max. Nope. Verdona also isn't welcome, given how they ignored her when she was a kid and treated Frank better.
Carly and Sandra, thanks to going to a clinic, are expecting. They have two kids: their twins Gwen and Ben.
Gwen is the more mature of the two, but she isn't a control freak like in canon. Ben is still a bit of a "ruffian", but it's within reason. The two get along, as twins do. Ben doesn't get the Omnitrix, he never felt like his life was boring.
They have a young daughter named Eunice, when Ben and Gwen are 15.
The kids grow up being happy, loved. Being the best people that they can be.
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mararhodus · 1 year
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hero time
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undeath1245 · 8 days
Anodites in the fandom's perspective
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So, it's been about over ten years since Ben 10: Alien Force aired, especially the season one episode, "What Are Little Girls Made of?", where it introduced the anodite concept for better or for worse. Anodites are free-spirited energy beings that possess a wide arrange of powerful abilities, including mana manipulation, flight, teleportation, astral projection, aura sensing, healing, and slight reality warping. Throughout UAF, they are perceived as bare humanoid figures with a purple color and light pink, aural hair, and so far, there were only female anodites shown, more specifically Verdona, Gwen Tennyson, and Sunny.
From what I can understand, many fans don't like this concept because not only does it take away everything about how Gwen learned to develop magical abilities on her own, but it also takes away the magic aspect of the series. Another thing that I understand is that UAF was heavily sci-fi and heavily alien-involved, which means that any concept that isn't entirely alien-based was either ignored or retconned into a new alien-based concept. Take, for example, the Dragon seen in the episode "Be-Knighted", where he was revealed to be an alien map maker and navigator, and that he was captured and imprisoned by the Forever Knights over 1,000 years ago. Basically, during the course of UAF, everything had to revolve around aliens, but I suppose that it had to, considering that the two series has the word "alien" in it.
Personally, I would revisit anodites as ancient, highly evolved, magical energy beings of human origin and/or various other species, and their homeworld, Anodyne, would be a terrestrial planet in the Legerdomain instead of a regular terrestrial planet. A long time ago, I found this deviation of a revised concept of an ancient anodite society, as well as another deviation of a malevolent anodite rebellion, with Verdona in the center.
And speaking of whom, I feel like revisiting Verdona into two different characters based on her traits; more on that in another post. I ought to do the same for Sunny as well. I feel like she deserves more potential. I would also like to involve the anodite concept with Charmcaster. Maybe she would seek out the anodites and coerce them to either make her powerful or she'll harness all of their energy to power herself instead; she'll most likely do the latter. And although people would like to see Gwen ultimately transform into an anodite and go wild, I feel like not making Gwen into an anodite, largely for the sake of her growing into a powerful sorceress on her own. But if she were to go anodite, maybe she would have been artificially transformed into an anodite.
Let me know what you guys think, and don't forget to reblog for sample size.
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cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
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Jen pov
I hummed as I sat in my class waiting for the final bell to ring. I sighed and rested my head on my desk and formed a nest with my arms, I was so bored. "Past, Jenny Bean?" I sat up and turned to look behind me, "Don't Call me Jenny Bean, what do you want Cash?" I asked.
Cash smiled at me "Wanna hang out with me and J.T. after school?" he asked me with a faint blush. I frowned, this guy really got on my nerves, he probably just wanted help with his summer school work. "Sorry can't, I am going on a trip with my grandpa for the summer," I said and laid my head back down. I heard Cash mumble something and then start messing with my hair.
'ugh,' I flicked my eyes up to the clock and saw there were still five minutes to go. 'I can not handle five more minutes of this.' I thought and slide my hands under my desk. The sleeves of my body suit became covered in blue lines, a blue translucent screen then appeared before me. I smirked and tapped away at the screen, then to everyone's surprise the bell began to ring. Kids didn't question it and began to file out of their classes, I stood up and tried to do the same, but my teacher stopped me.
"Jenny, do you want to move ahead to sixth grade?" she asked me. I wasn't surprised by this question, this was exactly the 15th time I was asked this question. My answer was always no, but I knew they would keep asking next year, so I simply said yes. My teacher smiled at me "Wonderful, I'll get all the paperwork sorted out, you go and enjoy your summer." I nodded and left the class. Yeah, this is a regular for me, I'm Jenny Tennyson, a ten-year-old genius, super advanced, and super alone.
"Why do you look so sad Jen?" a small robotic voice asked me as I walked. Ok, scratch the super alone part, I'm only kinda alone. I sighed and opened my messenger bag, inside was a small robot he had a baseball-sized body, golf ball-sized head, one small blue eye, and he was painted black with green digital lines. This is Bleep, he is my best friend, actually my only friend. "You know what," I said and he knew it.
"Jen, there is nothing wrong with being smarter than everyone else," he said. I sighed, "That's easy for you to say." I could hear Bleep sigh and shift in my bag. "Bleep, I'm just so advanced, and it makes me feel singled out and isolated from others," I said and pushed the exit doors open. "I understand Jen," Bleep said and it made me smile. "Thanks, Bleep," I said and sat down to wait for my grandpa.
While I waited I pulled up my screen again. I tapped on the creation folder and it pulled up hundreds of finished and unfinished builds. I clicked on a design for a digital hoverboard and began to work on it. As I worked a listened to everything around me it was mostly quiet, but I felt a strange presence.
"Someone help me!" never mind it was just Jamie. I left my spot and followed the cries and soon found Jamie, the poor guy was hanging in a tree by his underwear. I sighed and approached the tree, once I was close enough I materialized steps. There were simple small blue squares, but they had plenty of uses. "Hold still," I said and created a platform under Jamie. "Waahh!" Jamie landed on the platform and I then made everything vanish.
I walked away not bothering to stay and get thanked. "So, who was it this time?" Bleep asked rolling out of my bag. "Jamie," I simply stated and then saw my grandpa turn the corner in his RV. I put Bleep back in my bag and put it over my shoulder. Once the RV stopped I got on "Hi Grandpa, Hi Gwen." I said but then did a double take.
"What are you doing here? What is she doing here?" I asked and Gwen rolled her eyes. "Chill out mega geek, this wasn't my idea Grandpa convinced my mom that a summer of camping would be good for me. " my cousin stated and I felt defeated. "Well, this is a disaster," Bleep said and I quickly pulled him from my bag. Gwen rolled her eyes again, I did the same and went to sit in the passenger seat.
I pulled my screen up and went to the creation folder. I clicked on the file for advanced headphones, a bunch of tiny blue squares formed creating the headphones. Once they were complete I connected them to my screen and turned on Sabrina Carpenter, then went back to work on my hoverboard.
"Chow time" my grandpa called and set a bowl down in front of me and Gwen. "Umm, what is it?" Gwen asked with a face full of disgust. "There mill worms, people eat them in certain places," I said and Gwen looked like she was gonna vomit.
"Grandpa, can we just have a burger or something?" I asked with a hopeful smile. My grandpa chuckled "Nonsense, this summer is gonna be an adventure for your taste buds." he said and went back to the RV. I groaned and looked at Gwen, she looked sick. I sighed and pulled up my screen and went to the inventory. "What are you doing?" Gwen asked "I can digitize regular objects and store them like in a video game, here." a bag of chips materialized and I handed them to Gwen. "Show off," Gwen said and began to eat while avoiding eye contact.
"This summer is gonna be a nightmare," I said looking away and Gwen frowned at me. "If you hate being here so much why not use your fancy tech and go home?" Gwen asked, I frowned "Because Grandpa really wanted to spend the summer with me, I can't just leave." I said and stood to my feet. "Another thing, how about instead of being jealous of my smarts, you grow some brains and get some of your own," I said then walked away and sat on a log.
"That was kinda cold." Bleep came rolling up and took the spot beside me. I pulled up my screen and began to play sumo slammers "I know, but she started it." I said. Bleep stayed silent for a few moments, "Why do you hate Gwen?" "Bleep power down." there was a beep and Bleep shut down. He was my best friend, but even he could get on my nerves even if he was just asking questions or trying to help.
Gwen pov
I stomped through the forest, Jen put me in an awful mood. Why did I have to be drug along on this stupid trip? I had my entire summer planned, I made color-coded graphs for crying out loud. Next thing I am being sent off with my grandpa and cousin.
I sighed and looked up at the sky, when I did my eyes widened. "Wow, a shooting star!" I exclaimed. I was about to make a wish, but the star changed direction, it was headed right for me. "Oh-No!" I turned and started to run. "AHHH!" the star hit the ground and I was sent flying. My body slide across the ground and I hit a tree.
"Ugh, this is the worst day ever," I muttered and stood to my feet. I slowly approached the crater and saw it was some kind of pod. I started and then the ground beneath me gave way. "Ah!" I fell into the crater and knocked into the pod. There was a faint hiss and it opened, I scooted back and half expected something to jump out at me.
Nothing happened, I cautiously stood to my feet and peered into the pod. "What the heck?" inside was a circular green and black plate, with an hourglass symbol. I looked around and then smiled to myself"Let's take a closer look." I said and reached for the device. I was about to grab it when it suddenly jumped onto my chest. Grey straps shot out and wrapped around forming a harness and keeping the device on me.
"Ahh, Get off me Get off me!!" I cried trying to remove the device. Instead of coming off the device beeped and the ring popped up. "What?" I asked becoming very curious again. "Incorrect DNA match." a robotic voice said, the device began to beep and I became panicked.
"I need to get back to Grandpa." I quickly pulled myself from the crater and started running. My body felt extremely sore most likely from the rough treatment it just went through. However, I was scared so I pushed myself to run as fast as possible.
The device started beeping faster and I panicked even more. "GRANDPA!!" I screamed when I saw the campfire in the distance. I jumped through the trees and Grandpa went wide-eyed. "Gwen, where did you get that thing?" he asked pointing to the device on my chest.
"What's going on?" Jen came out of the RV, but her bandana and t-shirt were gone. "DNA match found." the robotic voice said and the device let me go. "Jen, look out!" Grandpa called, but it was too late. The device jumped on Jen knocking her down. "No," Grandpa whispered and grew extremely pale.
Jen pov
Everything was really quiet, Gwen told us what happened and Grandpa went to check out the crash site. I stood in the bathroom checking out the device in the mirror. "What is this thing?" I pondered and noticed it had a button. "Hmm, nothing ventured nothing gained." I pressed the button, the device beeped and showed a silhouette.
I stared in awe and examined the image, it looked like it had a pointed head and a jagged body. "Jen?" Grandpa's voice came through the door and pulled me from my thoughts. "Just a second," I called and grabbed my t-shirt, I slipped it on and covered the device. I tied my bandana in its usual spot and exited the bathroom.
"Jen, you can't use that device," Grandpa said before I even got a chance to sit down. "Huh, but why?" I asked, Grandpa, sighed he looked so pale and tired "It isn't from this world Jen, Do Not use it." he said sternly. I furrowed my brow and was about to argue, but the radio interrupted me.
"Hello, somebody we need help, we're under attack by, Well by robots!" the man exclaimed. I looked at the radio, my grandpa looked at me, and Gwen looked between us. "Sorry Grandpa," I rushed out of the RV and to the campsite where a huge robot was attacking. I placed my hand over my shirt and felt the device "Let's see what you can do." I said and pressed down. There was a bright flash and once it faded I examined myself in awe.
I turned into some kind of alien made of rock. My body was covered by a green and black body suit and my bandana was still tied in place. The device was still on my chest but it seemed to merge with my body. "Wow, now this is cool," I said and turned my hands into blades. I turned my attention to the robot and fired a shot to get its attention.
The robot turned and seemed to examine me, I smiled and examined him as well. Blue lines covered my suit and a blue visor spread across my eyes, I was able to see all the weak points of the robot. "You are so done," I said and charged at the robot. The metal moron fired lasers at me, but I easily reflected them back at him. I created steps and ran up and jumped onto the robot's head. With one quick slice, he was decapitated and went crashing to the ground. Once he was down I examine him again and smiled to myself.
I ransacked the robot and took various parts, Cables, chips, and other things. I digitized them and put them in my inventory they could be useful in the future, the near future. Just then Grandpa pulled up and he looked furious. I groaned and boarded the RV ready for whatever was to come.
Grandpa pov
I and Gwen were busy loading the RV, but Jen was nowhere to be seen. "Where is your cousin?" I asked Gwen, but she just shrugged "I haven't seen her since breakfast." She said. I frowned, 'What if she is using the Omnitrix again?' I pondered.
"Coming through!" just then a blue and black blur shot past covering me and Gwen in a cloud of dust. Once the dust cleared I locked eyes with a blue and black lizard wearing a black and green body suit. "Jen," I said sternly knowing it was my granddaughter. Jen sighed and pulled up her screen, it showed the Omnitrix symbol, and besides, I was a list of names, various turn combinations, and other things.
Jen pressed the symbol and she returned to her human form. "Wow, how did you do that?" Gwen asked while she started at Jen in awe. Jen smirked and turned to face away from us, she then lifted her t-shirt to reveal an oval-shaped object attached to the back of the Omnitrix. "Check it, me and Bleep stayed up and built a connector. It links to my tech and then the cables attach the device and I can control it from my screen." Jen said.
I sighed "Jen, I told you not to use that thing." I said. Jen frowned "Yeah, but you still haven't told me why." Jen said crossing her arms. "It doesn't matter why, I am the adult you have to listen to me," I said and Jen furrowed her brow. Jen walked into the RV and I could feel trouble brewing.
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cartoonqueen16 · 2 months
Jen 10: Chaquetrix au
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electraslight · 5 months
Gwen Tennyson is one of my favorite characters in anything ever but there's this pervasiveness in this fandom that shes. Well. A nice, good person. And I don't really like that, especially when shes absolved of her very clear faults to the detriment of other characters. Basically all of Gwen and Kevin's relationship is Gwen doing things to Kevin that, in a normal show, she would be made to apologize for, like rushing him into a relationship when he has made it clear he is not interested at that moment, trying to make him jealous and putting their whole team in danger (which is entirely put on bens shoulders and not hers), hitting him as a punchline for a joke when all Kevin's done is make a silly comment, calling him ugly, blah blah blah you get my point I've been over this a billion times. There are other characters who get the short stick too. In the episode where Elena pretends to be Julie and puts the alien trio under the impression that she ditched nationals to hang out with ben, sure as a friend you'd be worried, but Gwen keeps saying over and over that it's not like julie, she shouldn't put a boy over herself, telling her she made a bad decision, even when julie tells her no, I've made my decision, I don't want to talk about this. Gwen does not respect anyone's boundaries even people like Kevin, Julie, and Ben, who are supposed to be her friends. But people in the fandom characterize Gwen as sweet, kind, helpful, never in the wrong ever even when she is doing something horrible. Remember when people used to say that "Gwen didn't deserve kevin" not because of the constant belittling of his interests, lack of appreciation of his boundaries (see also: those scenes in Trade Off where Kevin repeatedly takes her hand off of him and she keeps trying to touch him anyway), and general nastiness, but because Kevin, who was at the time under the impression that Gwen was getting tired of him (wonder why he'd think that what with her calling him hideous every other episode) got groomed, assaulted, and enslaved. And that's his fault I guess because he's a guy and guys can't get abused. Gwevin is so good you guys the only problem is Kevin,the guy who left his entire support system to go live with his girlfriend, the guy who carries her bags and nonstop talks about how much he lives her when she can never muster up a word to say about him besides "He's nice" and "he's changed". Gwen is always in the right because shes a girl boss character who is not allowed to have flaws besides being stuck up or whatever, and it's totally OK if she needlessly suspects everyone around her and crosses the boundaries of basically everyone she talks to. Read me this: if you think female characters should be strong, why shouldn't you acknowledge Gwen's flaws? Why is it better to have a character who's kind, sweet, motherly, badass but only in ways that won't upstage the male main character, than an awkward, horrible teenage girl who loves people so strongly she strangles them, who's overly paranoid based on her own biases, who views her friends as projects she can fix, but God she is trying so hard. God, I'm begging you, please factor this in to your Gwen fanworks, I'm so tired of her being portrayed as a good person. Shes not a good person. Shes a 16 year old girl.
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(Also sorry I talked so much about gwevin its just that Gwen isn't allowed to be her own person outside of men in this show)
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lipeg · 8 months
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Jaune with Juniper on his right shoulder standing watching the young woman.
Jaune: Hm....
Albedo too nervous and was shaking.
Jaune: Hm...
Albedo: STOP LOOKING AT ME! I didn't want it to be like this, it's all Azmuth's fault!
Jaune: You remind me of someone
Albedo: Hm!?
Jaune pointed at a guy who was being followed.
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EMIYA: Already said no
EMIYA: You will gain weight if you keep eating greasy food
Albedo looked back at Jaune.
Jaune: Well * fake cough * We just met, so let's go out and get to know each other better
The pupil of the great thinker who had his DNA changed because of the damned Chaquetrix. She improved Azmuth's masterpiece, not only that but she transformed into other races instead of summoning other races.
But because of that damn Ben Tennyson, Albedo had turned into a female version of him.
But now—
Albedo: I will love!
Wait a minute, WHAT!
Jaune: ok
Juniper approved.
Albedo opened a huge smile.
Weiss and Ruby: Bitch
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shinigami-striker · 6 months
Here Are 5 Things For Today | Friday, 04.05.24
Here are 5 things that are happening for today:
The original Japanese broadcast of Metal Fight Beyblade (Beyblade: Metal Fusion outside Japan) premiered exactly on this day 15 years ago
Dragon Ball Kai (Dragon Ball Z Kai outside Japan) premiered on Fuji TV 15 years ago in Japan
The Super Mario Bros. Movie premiered on this day exactly a year ago in North America
Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop is available now worldwide for Apple Arcade subscribers
I watched EVERY episode of Generator Rex (including that crossover special, "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United")
And that's pretty much it. Enjoy the rest of your Friday, everybody!
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