#Trans ben au
cartoonqueen16 · 3 months
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gloomy-prince · 10 months
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Trans Eddie au pt 25! Stupid stupid stupid
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seven-oomen · 2 months
Trans husk AU | It's allright, I've got all I need
A few cool things about the AU:
Sinners bodies reflect their human bodies around the time of death. Meaning that if they had scars, or surgeries (say trans surgeries) those scars carry over and regenerate with them. It just becomes the new default.
Trans sinners demon forms and voices reflect their gender identity, though their bodies may stills have features from their assigned sex at birth. It depends on whether they had certain surgeries.
Sinner demons who happen to be children at their time of death will always be children for eternity. Mentally and physically.
Sinners can't normally reproduce, but there are ways around that of the angelic or divine variety.
Will come up with more.
So for now, enjoy a snippet of Angel finding out about Husk's surgery scars!
Still, there’s something in him that wants to try. For however long or short this may last, he wants to try.
“Will you-“ He starts but he quickly finds that the words leave him again when Angel blinks up at him with a content grin.
“Yeah, Husk?” He laughs.
“Will you, uh, wanna go out with me sometime?”
It’s Angel’s turn to fall quiet for a minute. Fuck, he miscalculated this. Took a gamble that’s way out of his league. This is stupid, he’s stupid. He’s just thrown everything out the window on a stupid chance- “Forget I said any-“
“-I’d love to, yes.”
Their eyes meet once again and for a moment he forgets everything around them and just drowns in that gaze. He said yes… Angel actually wants to go out with him, take this to the next step. It’s insanity, but a welcome insanity. “Yeah?” He whispers.
“Yeah, can’t wait to see where you’ll take me.” Angel giggles, his fingers trace up from his abdomen up to his chest, then pause.
“I didn’t know you have scars.” He says as he traces along the edges of his surgical scars. They’re remnants from his body on earth, something that’s been on him since the day he arrived in hell and something that’ll regenerate with him if he ever ‘dies’ in hell.
It’s silly and he knows it but his first instinct is to try and hide them by smoothing his fur. Though all that really does is push Angel’s fingers further into his chest.
“Hey, it’s okay, you don’t have to talk about it.”
“I-“ He tries to find the right words. Logically he knows Angel doesn’t give a rats ass about things like that. He’s a porn actor and sex worker, he’s probably seen every sort of body type that’s out there. But he’s so used to trying to hide it, from his time on Earth, and then as an overlord to stop people from exploiting it as a weakness, it’s a hard habit to break.
“I ain’t sure how to explain it. It’s- They’re from a surgery I had as a human. This, demon form manifested with ‘em.”
That seems to be enough of an explanation for now. For Angel nods and shrugs with a “that makes sense” as he traces the scars down to the end where he smooths his fur back over them and presses a kiss to the area.
“I think they suit you, you know? Tells a story of a survivor hidden underneath.”
There’s a strange feeling down in his chest and abdomen. Something that feels entirely to great and yet very constricting as he watches Angel accept a part of him that he’s tried to hide for so damn long. “Yeah…” He whispers, turning his gaze away from the man in his arms to a spot on the nearby wall.
What do we think?
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glitter-alienz · 1 year
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 11 months
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since i decided i wanted to make Reed a butch lesbian, because not enough butches, i started thinking about Doom, even though this is a Spider-Man AU and Doom probably won't even show up, but, you know, I got carried away by a wave of lesbianism and wanting to draw fancy dresses
(crops below the readmore cause this pic ended up a big sketch dump)
I wanted Doom to be... like....... kind of glamorous but also versatile... it seemed like the right choice since regular doom is himself very vain etc. so i thought she ought to also be vain and gorgeous, and vary the way she dresses between things like tailored three piece suits with long coats, and evening gowns, and of course the armor.
adding the pic again just to refresh—
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it was interesting to think about how a female doom might present herself differently, and take influence from various comics and other sources (thinking about the gold mask dr. doom wore in a specific comic for example). The one eye thing just kind of occurred to me while I was drawing and I decided to run with it—one thing was for sure though, i wanted her to be stacked. big tits and big biceps. i figured with her face all fucked up she might still want to draw attention to her impeccable cleavage also so i put some gold glitter on her tits in that velvet gown.
obviously the armor is exactly the same as male doom cause, well, idk if you know this, but large round breastplates fit boobs also.
i think that doom being a lesbian would really make the stuff with valeria's namesake/doom's first love extra crazy though like... god... i'm thinking about it...
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anyway a little bit of doomreed, who am i to say no to bitter gay exes—and a college photo of the trio. reed is very tall, and ben and victoria are... well i guess victoria counts as slightly tall and ben counts as average. but next to tall lanky butch reed they both look short. i was trying to channel a very specific kind of "photos of butch lesbians from the 80s and 90s" vibe for Reed with the short broad tie and the high waisted slacks and men's haircut, and i think i got that. ben looks kind of generic but it's like. one of those things. it's jeans and a t-shirt, that shit has looked the same for like 50 years. maybe i should've tucked his shirt into his jeans or something, higher waist... lol
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obv posted this pic higher up but i was thinking about clothes and how to differentiate reed from the other menswear-heavy characters (like peter, and octavius) and thinking about some outfits i've seen reed actually wear in comics, and aside from the F4 costume, which i'd imagine reed wears the most often—for regular clothes the kind of slouchy casual, slightly outdated look seemed like it was just the right style... like she probably wears ties sometimes still but mostly only if she's gotta go to something formal, you know?
and as you can see, sue is 5'6"
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anyway i knew for sure i wanted Reed to be very masculine, a very specific kind of butch. basically taking reed's handsome DILF/absent-minded professor aura and transposing that onto a lesbian who still calls herself "Mr."
basically she looks exactly the same but with a slight modification to her figure. lmao. she's the kind of butch who gets asked if she's a man or a woman in public a lot. well. not anymore i guess, if the fantastic four are celebrities (though maybe in a weirder more invasive way...)
lost in the sauce (butches)
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fregget-frou · 2 years
Here’s 5 of my listener OCs!
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These guys are fruity so here are their names!
Sweetheart: Sarri (she/he/they)
Freelancer: Benny (he/they/she)
Lovely: Forrest (they/xe/he)
Baabe: Lyecus (they/them)
Angel: Aklaq(they/them)
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tatedoodles · 8 months
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Kylux doodle
Au with trans boi Kylo cuz yeah, I love this hc it makes me comforble. And he's also a witch. And they hate eachother sm🧡🖤
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callme-flower · 1 month
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Lord Decibel giving birth
Someone requested this
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elhayd · 9 months
I realized I’m like the only person who has their sibling headcannons with Connie being the youngest out of him, York, and Mass.
Like for me, NY is the oldest (I go with the earliest official colonialization [idk how to spell that] date I can find) and Mass the middle kid (which is how it usually is, i just have NY and CT switched)
Also trans Connie
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niccerooniererer · 5 months
so more on my personal headcanons I discussed from before in a simple comic format because I feel like sometimes expressions speak louder than words (as loud as words may be)
so a lil visual treat w my gay lil hcs!
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totally-trans-island · 7 months
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Lennox!!! Love him. <3
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cartoonqueen16 · 3 months
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gloomy-prince · 1 year
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Trans Eddie AU pt 17! Going back to commissions now that I've scratched the itch that was finishing the next ep, and after those are done I'll get to the patron-exclusive drawing which is gonna be Bev and Eddie! Look into it if you're interested :' )
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seven-oomen · 2 months
What do you know, I actually wrote a little, and I like it.
Life in hell often feels like wading through waist high shit that’s both on fire and slowly rising to drown everyone caught in it. Or at least it did. Before the hotel, before the seven-year-pause, back when he still had power galore and dealt in unfortunate souls. But these days, with Lucifer watching over the hotel and Charlie, and keeping Alastor in check, hell ain’t such a bad place. At least not inside the hotel. On most days.
“Hahahahahaha!” Nifty’s cackling follows her as she scuttles through the lobby. Her trusty needle in hand as she stabs it into a cockroach over and over while it tries its best to escape her wrath.
Just another tuesday. He shrugs and resumes polishing the glasses on the bar. Trying to ignore the increasing sadistic tendencies of Nifty’s creativity in pest control. He’s gotten quite good at that at the late hour of three am.
His shift ended a good two hours ago. Charlie and Vaggie have already gone to bed. Satan knows what Lucifer’s doing in that apple of his. And Alastor… he tries not to think about it. No, the reason he’s still here is because of Angel. Any moment now and the fluffy spider will walk through the door after a long day of work. A long day of Valentino’s torture. And he’s gotta be there to catch him.
Angel stumbles in thirty minutes later. His usually immaculate ruffled hair sticks up at odd angles, there are bags under his eyes, and he’s walking with a slight limp. It’s one of those nights… one of the bad ones.
“Baby, you look like shit.” His voice is gruffer than he wants it to be.
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columba1234 · 8 months
Oliver : Lilia isn’t answering their phone Cherry: I’ll call Oliver : Irving and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi- Lilia: Hello? Oliver , Lilia, and Cherry are sitting on a bench Ada: Why do you guys look so sad? Oliver : Sit down with us so we can tell you. *Ada sits down* Lilia: The bench is freshly painted.
Oliver : There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that everyone insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet. Lilia: Cherry: Everyone Else At Oliver ’s Surprise Birthday Party: Ada: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
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jamsofdeath0 · 2 years
Just had an idea about Kevin transitioning but bc of her time in space jail she has a very mixed cultural idea on gender.
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