#Bendy in Nightmare Run
magicicephoenix · 8 months
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i saw the palette name and couldn’t help myself. run boy run!!
bendy in nightmare run with #63 - run boy run (requests open!)
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kris-bj · 2 months
time to delete everything!!! time to make room for something "special"
expect something by november!
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grandthefoxdelusion · 3 months
True Nightmares
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(color version under cut)
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emperoroftoffees · 7 months
She is quite a gal!
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She is strong, too.
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nemo-draco · 5 months
Bendy: Secrets of the Machine Thoughts
Putting them under a spoiler cut for readability
So far, there is a lot of intrigue regarding GENT and their role, as well as the potential return of the Nightmare Run characters.
GENT's involvement so far as been more on the sidelines in the games. It's implied they have similar issues with the supernatural, and they are running experiments with the ink the Machine produces, the books also backing this up with the reappearance of Archie Carter. However, with the new character. Riley Wells, introduced, it creates a more interesting layer to this, in that it is implied that she was recruited by GENT shortly following her dismissal from JDS. Now, if she is a villain or a victim is up for debate. It could be that they hired her as a test subject similar to Archie Carter and her metamorphosis was just far more severe as a result of the traumatic experience in her childhood, or perhaps she provided the specs that ended up producing a real-life version of "Bloodwheel", the more monster-y version of Gaskette that even gets a whole song in Riley's flashback.
Riley's story is also interesting in that it provides a canon explanation for why the Nightmare Run toons are more monstrous, though it really only does so for Gaskette. She's never shown drawing any of the other bosses, just him. Which makes me wonder if maybe she was part of the character design for only him, and the others are all going to get their own stories later on in the game. I really do hope they go this route, mostly because it would be a nice callback to the no longer available Nightmare Run, and you could have some real fun with the bosses 'backstories', depending on how involved you want to be.
Can think of a few things immediately off the bat: Chester being another example of a childhood fear turned into a debilitating trauma, except involving someone who has thalassophobia strong enough to rival H.P. Lovecraft. Kind of paves the way for a lot of spooky imagery involving the ocean, ocean life, and ink.
Dewey at first seemed a little comical to think about in this context, after all, a fear of librarians seems extreme, though thinking more on it my thought is that he's the product of a different type of emotional stuckage. Instead of a fearful person, perhaps Dewey was created by a very angry person, someone who had a lot of trouble controlling their temper and would frequently blow up at seemingly minor issues. After all, Dewey's main character trait seems to be his temper, as we remember from his character card that he has a disproportionate reaction to Bendy knocking over some books. Granted, between the fact that the exact quantity of books is never mentioned, and a cartoon being a cartoon, it makes me wonder if Bendy might not have knocked over a few books, but more likely a few stacks or even whole shelves worth. I mean, what's funnier, a few books coming down or the library getting a spontaneous remodeling job thanks to a careless patron?
...It's probably not so fun for the librarian, but you get my point. So, potentially, we have someone who has a temper problem creating this character as a way to offset their issues. It might just be less helpful and creating a bit of a feedback loop, where they're constantly ruminating over their problems rather than addressing and moving on from them.
Canoodle was another one that eluded me a bit, though there are two potential driving forces that could have fueled his creation. On one front, junkyards aren't exactly friendly places sometimes, and it would be easy for some sort of accident to happen that could produce some sort of negative association, though there is also the fact that a sentient can being in a junkyard creates this almost weird mental image. You'd think that'd be a dangerous place for him, and this is somewhat proven true if you beat him in Nightmare Run, as he's promptly crushed and disposed of. So, perhaps a preoccupation with death, or a person who is constantly cheating bad or dangerous circumstances? It's something, and it could definitely be interesting played out if that's the direction they're planning on going with this.
There are also plenty of other fun moments and little easter eggs for fans, so either way, we do get something fun. I would honestly be over the moon if they did something for all of the Nightmare Run toons though. Gaskette is a good nod, and Riley's backstory intrigues me given the circumstances, and especially the apparent involvement with GENT. Kinda makes me wonder if they're, in a sense, keeping tabs on people who were associated with JDS, people who maybe would have some stronger ties to the art being produced there and potentially have a bigger reaction when the ink is used on them.
It's something to think about, for sure. If anything, I'll enjoy using these puzzle pieces in my own work.
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Happy anniversary to one of my favorite niche games of all time, Bendy in Nightmare Run!
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Honestly surprised it’s five years old at this point- and although it has been forgotten, I’m still very attached to these guys! And tbh it’s also a goal of mine to become “the BINR artist”
Happy anniversary once more to these rugged lads!
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thepuppetandthedevil · 3 months
Today is my birthday. I did some sketches today. And also, happy Pride Day to all the gays and lesbians.
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ferris-is-tired · 1 month
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At it again.
I made my humanized Gaskette a butch woman ☺️ :3
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mickeys-malarkey · 5 months
How I classify:
Headcanon: there's little to no reason for me to think this – at best I'm going off Vibes™ – but it sparks joy for me to think it, so I choose to think it.
Theory: I think this because I think it's the most logical interpretation of the subtext, even if I 10K% despise it.
Headcanon/theory line straddler: I have this gut feeling that's just. So intense that on the one hand I feel like maybe I'm just imagining things, but on the other hand I just can't shake the idea. It just makes so much sense. Is this intuition? Pareidolia? What's happening to m—?
Probably the most perfect example of this difference for me is: Bendy's identity.
Used to have a theory that he was alive the whole time, maybe from the very first time Henry drew him. Love the idea, my bestie & I are still writing a fanfic around it. But it's only a headcanon to me, now.
For those who don't know, my current theory is:
Joey, Wilson, Mr. Gray/Grey, etc. never were and still aren't the real villains, it always was and still is Nathan Sr. (now better known as the Memory of Joey), who not only has been puppeteering them but has also been slowly editing history to put all the blame for his own crimes onto them, as well. He's tryna use Wilson & Audrey as weapons to destroy Ink Demon/Bendy/Real Joey or, failing that, keep him trapped in the time loop and at odds with his real friends forevermore, all without getting his own hands dirty nor besmirching his own reputation… If he can get rid of/silence them, too, that's a bonus!
Ink Demon can talk now because Real Joey's soul was tethered to the soulless Ink Bendy by a failed ritual and he was unable to go to the afterlife when he died, and he's symbolic of Joey's toxic-because-of-trauma side that Nate Sr. abused and manipulated him into thinking = Helpful/Powerful/Desirable/etc. The Keepers stole Bendy's voice, specifically, to symbolize how Nate Sr. silences & villainizes his victims, because he's symbolic of Joey's good side that Nate Sr. abused and manipulated him into thinking = Helpless/Weak/Undesirable/etc. Bendy tiptoes away during fights with the Lost Ones instead of trying to “help” as Ink Demon because he knows he's lucky if he can control himself in that form and he doesn't wanna hurt his baby girl.
Audrey's “devilish” default Banish power was inherited from Daddy Joey-Bendy and is symbolic of the maladaptive coping mechanisms she inherited from Joey through generational trauma (and a bit of the weirdness of her soul being made from a piece of his and a piece of Daddy Not-Actually-Fake Henry's). Her merging with Ink Demon to stop herself from bleeding out and then choosing to reset the time loop once she sees herself hurt someone who reminds of her dad is symbolic of her processing her memories of Joey/grief over his death, coming to terms with the fact she inherited his toxic traits, and deciding to follow in Joey's footsteps by continuing trying to break the cycle of trauma/abuse and “do better next time.”
You're allowed to like as many different interpretations of a story as you want and also believe that the actual story means something entirely different.
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binrreincarnated · 10 months
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|Do you suggest he keeps running or find somewhere to hide?|
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ghostly-idiot · 5 months
i dun goofed.
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pearlyscribbles · 2 years
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grandthefoxdelusion · 4 months
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The BiNR fandom is dying... Reblog to save it! (Seriously, there's only like two other artists I know of, where the fans at???)
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angel-oftheday · 8 months
The Angel of the Day is...
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Alice Angel
From Bendy series
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nemo-draco · 8 months
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Been working on some art involving the Lowe family, Dewey ended up getting thrown in for laughs. Basically after doing the first picture someone challenged me to do pictures with everyone like they were doing passport photos.
And them having a big brotherly hug because why not.
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