jessicanjpa · 8 months
(You can find the short films here and learn more about the project here.)
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lexyscross · 9 months
No one in Twilight ever loved anyone more than Tia & Benjamin love each other or Kate & Garrett love each other.
And I FIRMLY believe that.
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Yandere Egyptian coven headcanons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Since they mostly go out at night, you most likely had caught one of them feeding or caught there eye while taking a nighttime walk
In my opinion i think this could go 2 ways, depending on who saw you first.
If it were Amun and Kebi I think it would be more of a platonic yandere thing maybe where you reminded them of a child. in this scenario, you could be either a human or a young vampire (turned around teenage years).
Benjamin and Tia would pretty much be like siblings, Tia being the quiet sister who would help you with homework or chores and Benjamin would be the brother who always helped bail you out of trouble.
If Benjamin and Tia found you congrats, you have two lovesick vampire puppy's.
They would probably take you in that moment not caring on the earful Amun would give them when they returned home.
If human, they would explain everything and inevitably turn you.
If a vampire, they would mostly stick to introductions.
No matter what the situation, you'll end up with the whole coven yandere for you in some way.
- - - - - - - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - - - - - - - -
(Sorry if it sucks I've never written any yandere things before)
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simpfordemetri · 1 month
Hi, hope you’re doing well!
Could I ask for Egyptian coven reactions to a new younger member of the coven(not an immortal child but like Jane/Alec 13-ish young). Maybe like Amun and Kebi being more parental/elder strict figures while Benjamin and Tia are the fun older siblings. The youngster could have a gift or not - whichever works better.
Anon ✨
I enjoyed writing this tooooo much omg
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·Amun found you while sloppily feeding yourself,so he took you with him to train you and stopping you from causing more disasters around the city
·He knew you were a youn newborn,physically you were at most 14 and non even two years passed by since you were changed
·The moment you enter his home Benjamin and Tia were sweet peas around you
·Kebi developed a mother insticnt towards you because you remember her to her younger self
·Kebi will adore choosing your clothes for each day and doing different hairstyles to you all days
·With that,Amun also developed a father insticnt towards you,protecting you from everything and always taking you with him whenever he goes hunt
·Benjamin and Tia sees you as their little sister,playing around with you
·Benjamin loves to mess with you but you always have Tia on your back helping you
·With you they became a family
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therealvinelle · 1 year
Kudos for your amazing meta-posts and stories! I was wondering about Benjamin, since he comes up a few times in your fics. I looked him up on a fandom page, where it says “Edward mentions that B has a good attitude as well as a clear sense of right and wrong, and likes him for it.” I did like B when I read the books (years ago), but now that I’ve read your interpretation of Edward's own sense of morality that sentence sounds a bit... suspicious. Do you have any thoughts on Benjamin?
Thank you!
As for Benjamin, I do and I don't.
What we know about Benjamin
Benjamin was a street urchin in Kairo who was talent scouted by Amun, who recognised Benjamin's street performance as something more than mere human artistry. He took Benjamin away, turned him, and Benjamin turned out to be a powerhouse.
Having never gotten over the loss of Demetri, however, Amun made himself Benjamin's jailor, telling him that he needed to stay with Amun and hide if he wanted to be safe from the Volturi, keeping him locked up in a temple he wasn't allowed to set foot outside. A fiercely possessive man, Amun did not agree to let Benjamin see his old friend Tia, and Benjamin had to leave to seek her out and turn her himself in his only act of rebellion.
He and Tia have been living with Amun and Kebi ever since, with Kebi envious of Benjamin's importance to Amun and Tia never growing to trust Amun and Kebi the way Benjamin so easily did.
When Breaking Dawn rolls around and Benjamin sees a chance to stand up to the shadow forces that have forced him and his loved ones to remain in hiding for so very long and perhaps win his freedom along the way, it's an obvious choice for him to fight.
Worth noting that Benjamin is fifteen years old, and Tia is seventeen.
My thoughts on Benjamin
Benjamin has allowed himself to be defined by the narrative Amun told to him, and I don't think it's coincidence Amun turned him at such an impressionable age. Benjamin allowed himself to be kept locked up for five years straight and remained in hiding for centuries, with no hint of rebellion on the horizon: this is a boy who doesn't at all question the truth that Amun protects him from the Volturi.
Interestingly, it's not that he's not capable of standing up to Amun, in fact he does so whenever he has reason to. He missed his friend, Amun didn't want him to risk the excursion, Benjamin gave him the finger and turned her. He wanted to fight the Volturi, Amun didn't: sorry, Amun, but we're fighting the Volturi.
The only reason he does as Amun says with regards to hiding in Egypt, the only means Amun has of controlling him, is the boogeyman Aro, and Amun knows this. Benjamin, who doesn't understand why Amun wouldn't want to fight the Volturi and assumes cowardice is the only reason... doesn't.
Even Tia, who has two years on him and, being a girl, statistically would have a more developed brain than him, is only seventeen years old and while she's more critical of Amun she's not going to question the necessity of hiding from the Volturi either. As the Guide phrases it, being able to protect him from the Volturi was part of her motivation for giving up her humanity.
All of this to say that Benjamin is fifteen years old, he acts exactly that age and I unfortunately don't see a happy ending in store for him. He will either keep believing in the worldview Amun told to him and live in captivity until some new opportunity or another to overthrow the Volturi comes along, or something will happen to dispel him of his beliefs in which case I can only imagine he'll do something extremely rash.
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
I'll never get over part of Edward's resistance to biting/turning Bella was him being worried over losing control and just draining and killing her, blood is so tempting to vampires, it takes hundreds of years for a vampire to train themselves to have control over their bloodlust.
Then Benjamin was introduced and it was like "yeah he was kept completely isolated from humans for years except for feeding times but then he escaped his imprisonment and went out amongst humans to find his lost love Tia and he had no problem suddenly being around crowds of people and then had no problem personally biting/turning Tia."
(Also, Benjamin's respect for Tia is just so nice to see. When he sees she's gotten married in the years he was gone he has no intention of interfering with that, he just wants Tia to be happy. But he also doesn't leave Tia in ignorance, he reunites with her to let her know that he's alive and tells her what happened, because she's important to him and she deserves to know. And he's content gaining closure and leaving Tia to be happy in her marriage but she's actually not and asks him to take her with him and to turn her. And he does and there's no indication she was ever in any danger. This is basically the sexy, romantic vampire bite of the series but it happened in the past and off-page.)
Post is currently lost in nuked-blogland but I remember I had a post before that was like
Edward: "Who are you?"
Benjamin: "I'm you but better."
Anyway, I love Benjamin and Tia if that's not clear gfyeiwuh
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miss-morgans-lover · 6 months
Twilight Characters as Things my Family/Friends said Part 9:
"Force of Benjamin" - Tia joking about Benjamin's gift with Kate
(I feel like Kate and Tia would have become good friends during BD2)
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About the Egyptian coven:
"Kebi has little emotion for anyone besides Amun. Benjamin she tolerated because he made Amun happy, but she was somewhat jealous of the boy. When Benjamin brought Tia home, Kebi was pleased; she hoped Amun would be less entranced with the boy when it was clear he loved Tia more than Amun. Kebi‘s hopes about that rift were not entirely fulfilled, as Benjamin continued to love Amun as a father. But Amun‘s jealousy of Benjamin‘s affections, though well concealed, was enough to make Kebi content."
Please tell me I'm just paranoid and no one else gets groomer vibes from Amun and 'Kebi‘s jealousy'
Sorry, anon.
For what it's worth, I can believe this one's not sexual, that Amun is entirely using Benjamin for perceived power because of his gift and that Kebi is worried about being replaced by anyone but I don't think we can rule out what you're suggesting either.
Another point that could be in the favor of your theory: Amun doesn't like Tia at all. Now, this is in part because Tia doesn't blindly trust Amun, she has no gift, and could potentially lure Benjamin away from Amun but again it doesn't make it not possible.
I'd have to reread Breaking Dawn to see how the Egyptian coven interacts to really come back with an opinion as that'd be the tipping of the scales for me (Bella, obviously, would notice nothing but the key is to take note of what Bella doesn't notice).
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clarasogatsby · 1 year
Everyone always admires Carlisle for turning others into vampires, and how hard it is to stop so that he doesn't kill anyone but can we just appreciate a young Benjamin (what 5 years into being a vampire and basically living in isolation thanks to Amun, unless he is feeding) and he consciously makes the decision to seek out Tia and changes her before bringing her back to meet Amun and Kebi. Hats off to Benjamin!
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aquanova99 · 1 year
Even Gods can Bleed
Final part
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A/N: For anyone that still cares about this, thank you for being patient because I’m trying to finish any series I swear (Sweats because she has like 10 more ideas she wants to start).
A/N: Also if anyone cares the next hunger games part should be up today or tomorrow depending on whether I take a nap today
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Benjamin stared at the snow falling around them. Focusing on every individual one falling to the ground before him. Grounding himself by smelling the heavy pine in the trees surrounding him. Wishing he had never asked to travel here. From Kebi’s strange behavior to learning about the extent of how grief could consume people, no parents, who truly cared for their children. Benjamin had not once thought about whether his disappearance caused any one strain. In fact, he knew it hadn’t. Save for Tia maybe, but she wasn’t even aware he had died, she’d been so shielded from anything outside of pleasing her husband.
“Why were we not told about this? I would have never—”
“That is precisely why. It isn’t your burden to carry it was…or is ours. We knew what the outcome would be when our prior coven decided to fight. We came together for necessity, not realizing the volturi was willing to leave us be for the most part. We still see no need to fight senselessly. Our regret lies with the our lack of support and understanding of Sekhmet. We could have traveled further, not criticized her choices so harshly. I regret ending on the note that we did.” Amun paused as his memory flashed the look of anger and betrayal in his daughters eyes. Her pained look etched forever in his memories. Never quite letting him rest. “We should have known her heart, understood it more. I believe that she really thought she could take on the world and win, it was her downfall. If I could do it over I am not sure I would fight, but I would tell her how much she means to me. It’s a lesson that has taken me many years to learn.”
“You mean Demetri?”
“Yes. I may be strict with you but you need to know that I care about you and Tia greatly. I know I say I am strict because I care but in truth… I love both of you. You and Tia.”
“And now?”
“You said you don’t regret not fighting before. What about now? Would you regret it?”
“We will support whatever choice you make. But Benjamin, this time it is not because I fear death or fear your mother getting hurt. But I will not take sides against my children. I have many failures. With Sekhmet, I told her I cared for her but did not support her decisions, with Demetri I supported him in whatever he wanted to do but I failed to let him know how much he was cared for. Mut, perhaps, not as badly but we failed him. We will never know with Sekhmet but with Demetri, we know had we said anything he would be with us still. It is a different almost stronger grief to lose someone that is still around.”
“Do you think the Cullens stand a chance, I mean truly?”
No. Maybe. Not really. “Yes. I cannot contribute to you or Tia or Demetri dying at my hands. We will bear witness and nothing more. I am- so sorry.” Amun cleared his throat. He knew regardless at least one of his children would not make it back, the thought brought back the sense of unease and immense guilt. Another lifetime of questioning whether he made the right choice.
“You truly do not regret not fighting?”
“No.” Amun said simply, “Had we fought, we would have never found Demetri…or you. And you would not have brought Tia.”
Benjamin nodded and quickly ran up to Amun ad hugged him, “I need to see Ommi.”
Amun stood shocked for a second before following after him. He came up to the small clearing Mut had found and saw his mate and Benjamin hugging. Mut’s eyes coated with venomous tears threatening to fall. Amun knew she would hold together if only for the younger ones to not worry.
“You have nothing to apologize for Benjamin. You should be proud of your heart. I know we are.” Amun heard her whisper as Benjamin pulled away from her. She gently stroked his cheek and then standing up and wrapping Amuns hand in hers, “Come. I’m sure we have much to discuss. Kebi, could you take them to the campsite with the Cullens?”
“And keep away from the spawn, yes. Come kids. They’ll be back in a few minutes.”
The second they were out of eyesight, Amun pulled Mut into him. Exhausted, she all but melted into his touch. After centuries together there were no words needed for how they were both feeling.
“Oh Amun. What are we to do…”
“Hope my love. Hope no fight comes about.”
“I don’t know if Benjamin will stay behind now.”
“I know. I think Tia will be what decides it for him. If she doesn’t fight I think he will restrain as well.”
“I disagree. I think he will hesitate if she stands with him. He worries about us too much. He wouldn’t risk us going through it again.”
“You are likely right, as always.”
Mut chuckled, “If he doesn’t fight, and we get the chance. We owe it to Demetri to have a conversation. Let him know how we truly felt that day.”
“He doesn’t deserve to have reopened wounds Mut.”
“I was there, Amun. The wounds never closed.”
He sighed, knowing well enough that she was right. And it was useless disagreeing with her, “Very well. We shall wait for them.” Muts eyes gleamed with the faintest glimmer of hope, she offered a sad smile and the pair walked deep into the woods towards their old acquaintances.
At the campsite stories of war were thrown around. Benjamin noticed that besides the Irish coven, none of them spoke about loss. The Romanians were vengeful, but more so spoke about power not grief. Benjamin caught himself wondering if that was an effect of dealing with their grief. He couldn’t imagine neither of his “parents” without the other. They seemed to be made for each other. Never straying far from each other for very long.  He wondered what it was like losing everyone you had ever been close to. He thought about Amun, Mut, his sister. Could he live with himself if they died just to stand with him? He looked at Siobhan and Liam, both with one hand on Maggie. Somewhere inside he knew they would leave if they truly felt she was in danger of not making it out, he also knew she would burn the world down if her family was ripped from her. They had already had one of the nomads leave. Would their presence make that big of a difference? Would their statement gain unwanted attention from the volturi?
This was wrong. He knew if he was human any contents in his stomach would be expelled immediately, part of him still worried about it. He should have said nothing. Stayed in the housing that Mut had turned into a home for him and Tia.
“Benjamin?” Mut had come from behind and put her hands on his shoulders, her comfort drowning him in a wave of guilt. He tried to hide his anxiety and offered her what little of a grin he could offer, patting one of her hands to try and persuade her he was fine. He was not fine.
“I cant wait to go back home.” Is all he could muster out. It was the truth. There was no guarantee they would all make it back there if this came down to what the younger Cullen wanted. You felt his gaze from the tent, hearing all of your doubts. He had used your gift to rally everyone into fighting if it came down to it. What happens now? You could hear him whispering to his mate, head snapping to your direction. You avoided looking in their direction. Counting down the seconds until morning came. Finding anyone to talk to just to avoid the slightest possibility of a confrontation before realizing the safest place was with his coven.
The sun began to slowly creep and rise in the horizon. Everyone progressively speaking less and less. Anxiety rising in everyone about the upcoming and increasingly possible battle. The large group silent as they walked towards an empty field. Then somehow the silence seemed to get stronger…louder…deafening. Though they were all coming together for a singular purpose it was clear to everyone that every coven stood separated, apart from one another. It was clear they would protect their own first. Amun and Mut shared a glance, anxiously and nervously waiting to see some familiar face. Amun looked far into the forest behind them. He wondered if the wolves the Cullens had recruited would be smart enough to protect their own or if they truly were ready to die to protect the people on their land. Amun knew first hand how people would die both from arrogance, and need from control. He also knew people would run if they felt they had something more important to protect. The Romanians were convinced they were still being hunted even centuries later, always running. Now, he felt, it was them running. Again. Not able to face the threat of the volturi. The circumstances different, yet so eerily similar. Trying to keep what little semblance of family he had. Hoping he could keep everyone alive this time, praying the once so eager Benjamin would decide to hesitate.
Benjamin had stayed largely silent. Still unsure of how everything would happen. Amun and Mut had placed themselves in front of Benjamin and Tia. Kebi stood besides her sister, ready to do whatever it took to protect Mut. Mut ready to do anything to protect the younger ones and her mate. Tia desperately hoping they could go home, knowing she would stand with her brother. A carousel of worry. A sea of black and red surrounded them. They were hopelessly outnumbered. Benjamin remembered Kebis stories. How the volturi had fought the children of the moon, monsters who appeared similar to the allies the Cullens recruited but no rational fiber in them. They had plenty of gifted members among them, but that was what the volturi was known for. It wouldn’t be enough. Benjamin watched as they came into view. Mut clutching Amun’s arm as her eyes landed on Demetri. Amun stiffening when their eyes met. Centuries of unresolved conflict and hurt in both of their eyes. Benjamin scanned the crowd. It was clear who the other affected party was. Their resident tracker.
There was a hurt in the blond vampire that echoed the rejection of Benjamins own. He remembered that hurt of feeling unwanted, from what Amun had told him it had been a misunderstanding. The years it had taken to come to terms that this time truly was different. And it was suddenly very clear why Amun would not be able to fight. Why Mut couldn’t imagine hurting him again. Benjamin had felt an immediate and unconditional feeling love and understanding, it was a feeling he had never been offered before. It had been, at on epoint, too good to be true. And yet. the same people who offered him refuge, had somehow turned away another. Misunderstanding or not. His “parents” had failed the volturi member. They wouldn’t do so again, Benjamin also knew they wouldn’t hold him back if he wanted to fight. Aro had begun speaking, but a new fear had taken over him. Would they forgive him? If this group the Cullens had rallied together somehow won, would they look at him the same? If he had a hand in their other child’s undoing? If they did look past it, would Benjamin be able to live with it?
Amun interrupted his train of thought, ensuring Aro would have no hard feelings for simply stating that as witnesses they were sure that Bella and Edwards daughter was not an immortal child. Aro assured them that all was well, Benjamin snuck a glance to Maggie who tugged at Siobhan’s arm, wondering why he was speaking the truth. Amun and Mut turned back to look at back Benjamin and Tia, a silent but pleading expression. Tia tugged his arm begging for him to listen, just this once. Benjamin nodded to her, and then to Amun. A low growl left the youngest Cullen boys’ lips, while Bella began to look panicked. The Irish coven looked between themselves wondering if they should follow. Benjamin snuck a final look at Demetri, the once hurt expression was now replaced by a stony glare. His family didn’t stick around to see if anyone followed their example. That was no longer their concern.
Where was that concern all those years ago? A jealous rage brewed deep within Demetri. Was his gift not good enough to fight for? He was in the bloody elite guard, for Gods sake. He had never itched for a fight more. Something to take his mind off of the deep seated ache he thought he had long ago forgotten.
The Egyptian coven ran until they reached Montana. Mut stopped first. Halted as if she had forgotten something. The rest of them stopped at different intervals to go back. Amun barely had enough time to grab onto her shoulders before Mut collapsed into his arms. A broken, guttural sob escaping her. The thought of losing someone she cares about deeply breaking something buried and long hidden inside of her. In a way, this eased Benjamins conscious. The possibility of making it worse, well…it would have killed him.
They sat there for two hours. Amun sitting next to his mate. Tia resting her head against her shoulder. Mut only spoke to ask Kebi how she felt the further away from the child. Kebi laughed, “I am not the one you should be concerned over.”
Kebi realized her words the second they left her mouth. She had meant that Mut was clearly the one that needed the support, but there was no avoiding what else she meant. Amun hissed at her, already struggling to hold himself together for his mates sake, Kebi’s remark was not helping. Mut’s head dropped, she allowed herself to shrink back into Amuns embrace. They would have stayed frozen for hours longer but Kebi’s head shot up.
“Someone is coming.”
Everyone was on their feet in seconds. The familiar scent hit Amun first. “Wait.”
He tugged on Muts hand. She clutched his arm again. Benjamin saw the tracker and what he thought was the most intimidating vampire hed ever seen. The taller one nudged forward the tracker. And leaned against the tree. Demetri glared but took another step forward. “Its been a whi—”
Mut rushed forward, cutting him off with an embrace before he could say anything. “Thank the gods you’re safe.”
Demetri’s head buried into her shoulder. It had been too long since he had felt an embrace of any kind like this. Any physical connection he had encountered over the years had been just that, purely physical. There was warmth that radiated from his ‘mother.’ Demetri tried to hold on to the hurt and jealousy he felt at the mates pair clearly  fighting to keep the younger vampires with them. Why wasn’t he offered that courtesy? As prideful as he tried to be, he caved at their welcome. He was almost ashamed, still desperately clinging to whatever scraps of affection he was offered. No. Even he could tell this was different.
Amun came up next wrapping Demetri in an embrace that shocked almost everyone but Mut and Benjamin. He rested his forehead against Demetris, a warm hand on the back of his neck. Years of unspoken apologies coming out in a single sentence. He stepped back and put both hands on his shoulders looking into his eyes and hoping he could see how much he meant every word, “I am truly sorry for not fighting harder for you and your place in our coven.”
Demetri cleared his throat. He struggled to find any words. Mut joined her mate and the three stood like that until Mut started laughing, “Gods look at us. We’re such a mess. And we’re being rude. Demetri, we have some people we’d like you to meet. You too Felix. I’m glad we are meeting under better circumstances.” Mut dashed over to hug him as well, “Thank you. For keeping him safe. And out of trouble I’m sure.”
Felix chuckled and bowed slightly to one half of the leaders in the coven. “We cant stay for long. We have a new… mission that requires our attention?”
Muts face fell, “What happened?”
“The future teller came back. Brought another being like the child. Mature. But the same. After you left…the irish and nomads got nervous and smartly, I may add, said their statements and left. Aro offered the child and its mother sanctuary.” Demetri explained.
“Did they accept?” Amun asked
“Aro wants to check on other hybrids first. They would have had week but unfortunately, Bellas shield is a bit too strong and she could effectively hide her whole family as long as she would want. So, they are discussing who is going with to South America. We’ll be leaving tonight. But as he’s talking to Carlisle he thought it was best if I checked on my old coven.”
“So soon?” Muts voice was laced with a clear disappointment
Felix chimed in, sensing his friends own guilt rising. “It shouldn’t be too long. Caius and Marcus have concurred that Demetri would do good with some time away when we return.”
“It does appear I would need a place to stay a while, so if it isn’t too much trouble—”
“Of course. Your home will always be there.”
Mut and Amun hugged him once more before it was time for him to return. Kebi came forward as well,
“It will be nice to have you back again.”
Mut grabbed Tia's hand and urged Benjamin forward as well, "Well, before you go I would like you to meet your...siblings. This is Tia and Benjamin."
Demetri smiled at his old covenmate, and the two newer additions, nodding before he left once again “I look forward to getting to know you both. It seems we will have much to discuss upon my return.”
Tia and Benjamin smiled at him. Feeling happy to see a weight visibly seem lifted off of their parents’ shoulders. Excited to have more family to learn about. Curious to know what kind of life he had lived in the volturi. As the two caped vampires disappeared from view, Mut exhaled a sigh of relief and looked towards who nodded with watery eyes.
“Lets go home."
"You've gotten much better Benjamin. It shouldnt take long for you to not have the need for your hands."
"I hope because without them it feels draining."
"Well, Demetri is coming within the week. No practice until he leaves."
"Do you worry he will tell Aro?"
"No, I worry he will say nothing. Lets not put him in an even more difficult position. He doesn't need to feel as if he has to take sides."
"Very well, father." Amun smiled at the young vampire. The two walked into the main living area. Amun seeing his wife and her sister both sitting across from eachother, Amun slid in next to his mate. She leaned against him, her scent held him ransom as he placed a kiss against her temple.
"Wheres Tia?"
"Leave her be Benjamin, she says shes working on a project. Its supposed to be a surprise. No gifts anywhere near her room."
"I would never." Mut put her book down and stared down the young boy, "alright, I wont do anything. Swear."
Life was peacefully mundane until Demetris arrival, he brought along a curious Felix and the family was delighted to see them both. Benjamin and Felix seemed to distract themselves with play fighting and videogames while Demetri tried to not feel as if were forcing himself in a place that was welcoming him in.
"Demetri would you like to talk about it?" Tia finally asked
"I'm sorry?"
"Come on, you and our father have lots to discuss." Tia grabbed his hand and sat him on the couch. Mut tried her best to stifle her gasp but Tia was done with secrets.
"Please Demetri, ask away. We promise we will tell you anything that may have been left out." Mut may have answered but Amun knew it would be up to him to be honest about his past.
There were a million questions running through his head, he wasn't sure he was ready to learn about his own unfortunate circumstances. Why even save him? After everything? After..."I would like to start at the beginning, if that works for everyone. I would like to know about Sekhmet."
Somewhere Amun felt his wounds begin to slowly stitch themselves back together. A healing he never thought was possible in his lifetime, "The humans knew her as the Goddess of War.."
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twilightishot · 1 year
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“Apparently, I'm a hot commodity. It appears I have to win the right to be free.” - Benjamin
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jessicanjpa · 1 month
Another one for the fake fics: “Teenagers” (with Maggie, Benjamin, Tia, Renesme, and Seth)
(from the Fake Fic ask game)
Disgusted with the uncertain status quo after Breaking Dawn, several of the younger gifties leave their covens and band together to protect themselves from the greed of the Volturi. Benjamin and Tia, being the oldest, are the elected "parents" of the new Kid Coven. They welcome newcomers with open arms. Rebel Toddler Renesmee? Sure! A young werewolf? Why not? But when Jane and Alec show up asking to be "adopted" one day, things get a little more complicated.
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leafs-lover · 6 months
Where does the nickname come from and do all the kids have some?
Quinn has quite a few nicknames, the most of any child. She loves the princess, pumpkin, sweetheart, peanut, all those sorts of names that don’t originate from her actual name, and is called all of them.
Quinnie Bear is one Auston gave her when she was only a few months old, they had been watching Winnie-the-Pooh earlier in the day, so the theme song/ melody was in his head. He took her for a diaper change and she was fussing because she hates the cold, so Auston started singing the song to calm her down, but after getting halfway through it and forgetting the lyrics, he’d start over. Eventually instead of Winnie -the-Pooh, he sang Quinnie-the-Pooh and is sort of stuck little miss was a bit of a stinker so it made sense
From there, Quinnie-the-Pooh evolved to Quinnie Bear, which went to Bear, and when she was having temper tantrums, Auston would call her a grizzly bear which she hated, so he doesn’t say that anymore. She also has Quinn-a-lynne because it rhymes, but Quinn always responds with “my name is Quinn Leigh” because she doesn’t get it. She earned the slightly ironic nickname of Lightning McQuinn after she wanted to show Auston how fast she was in a race and came in last, but not even a close last, like a horribly off-pace last. Whenever she plays a sport and messes up a simple play, Auston will playfully mutter to Tia with a proud smile, Lightning McQuinn, which always earns him a scolding.
Tia almost exclusively calls Benjamin by his first name. As a baby, Auston called him Benny a lot as a cute name, and Benito as a playful one. There is Benji or Ben, and Benji evolved to Banjo and Banjo sticks for a while. As he becomes a toddler he attaches himself to Tia and basically refuses he see Auston, even if Tia is at grocery shopping or at work, he will refuse Auston. Because of his sometimes prickly attitude toward him, Auston named that version “Ebenezer” (as in Scrooge). That name does fade as he opens up to Auston and stops blatantly favouring Tia but around 13 he starts talking back and getting an attitude, so that nickname makes a re-appearance.
Maddison used to get called princess, but by about three she would quickly retort “I’m not a princess” so all those cutesy nicknames stopped until Quinn was born (and she loves them all). Maddie is an obvious nickname, or Mads, Mitch started Mad-Dog which she loved and it stuck for a while. Auston used to call her Sunny, but by six she told him she didn’t like when he called her that. For a while there was Maddie-moo, and every time Auston would do his best cow impression to make her laugh, which eventually was shortened to Moo. The only time she is really called Maddison is when she is in trouble.
Taylour is the one without a lot of nicknames. He has Tay, but even then his parents generally go by Taylour, as he grows up he becomes worried when his parents don’t call him Taylour and instead use some shortened version.
When Jumbo nicknamed Fred, Fredzilla, Taylour loved it, so Freddie started calling him Taylosaurus Rex, which quickly was shortened to T-Rex. Some of his friends have called him T, which he doesn’t care about but it bothers Auston because he assumes they are talking about his mom, then he has to remind himself they aren’t and it’s a whole fight in his brain for about six seconds whenever he hears it. He actually ends up getting more of the hockey style nickname of Matty or Matts and those stick more than anything else.
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real-time-twilight · 6 months
Breaking Dawn in Real Time
December 19th, 2006 (Tuesday)
Moon Phase: Waning Crescent 🌘
🌄 Sunrise: 8:01 AM
🌅 Sunset : 4:28 AM
Breaking Dawn, Ch. 32 ("Company") [Pgs. 608-611]
The Irish and Egyptian covens arrive
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denalilily · 8 months
Benjamin and Tia
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I love their backstory in the guide! they're super cute in the movies too 🥰
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kemet-shedeh · 2 years
hello friend! I couldn't resist looking through this blog even though it is new, and to start off could I request the ages of the characters you will be mainly writing for here? Best wishes as always - Gustav!anon
Sweet Gustav!Anon, welcome to the wondrous world of kemet-shedeh. You are in fact my first question on this blog, and for that you will receive... honour and my undying devotion. 
On this blog I will mostly write about Amun, Kebi, Benjamin and Tia. I am also in the middle of writing my Demetri origin story so some original characters will show up here and there to pad the cast a little bit. But here are our initial ages, based around canon but tweaked foe my comfort and creativity; 
𓃝 — 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 & 𝐀𝐠𝐞𝐬
𝐀𝐦𝐮𝐧: Born 3097BC during The Early Dynastic Period of Egypt, and turned at the age of 49 in 3048BC.
𝐊𝐞𝐛𝐢: Born 2767BC during The Early Dynastic Period of Egypt, and turned at the age of 40 in 2727BC.
𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧: Born 1789AD during The Late Ottoman Period of Egypt, and turned at the age of 18 in 1807AD.
𝐓𝐢𝐚: Born 1789AD during The Late Ottoman Period of Egypt, and turned at the age of 19 in 1808AD.
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