#Best Neurologic
Peripheral Neuropathy: Best Neurologic multipoint exam in Jacksonville, FL
In Jacksonville we provide the best care for peripheral neuropathy at our Jacksonville clinic. Our comprehensive neurologic multipoint exam ensures accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plans for optimal outcomes. Trust our expertise for the best neurologic assessment in Jacksonville, FL, delivering personalized care and relief.
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buggbuzz · 1 year
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more art in celebration of chapter 18 of the lemonade leak by @turtleinsoup. 100% worth the wait absolutely living for (from my interpretation) synesthesia mikey
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wannabeprincess-8 · 10 months
idk if im neurodivergent or not but I get intense obsessions with things that I spend nearly every waking moment thinking about and it's really annoying bc people are tired of hearing about this godforsaken webcomic, it's been on my mind for like 4 months
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danielcalmdown · 5 months
okay i decided that i'm writing my psychiatrist xD it's getting tense up here boys
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atomiccryptid · 24 days
if any of you have had to get an mri before can you tell me what it was like? i have a 45 minute one next week and i am. not looking forward to it.
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afriendofmara · 2 months
Happy one year anniversary to my ex-best friend who got married 5 minutes away from my home and didn't invite me. I thought we were still chill and good enough for wedding invites but, I guess not. Still hurts, hope y'all are happy tho.
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taikk0 · 2 years
I think there needs to be a scientific study on Mr. Leonardo Splinterson. His psychological effect on the masses is very alluring and I need answers.
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a-sassy-bench · 4 months
when you have a neurological disability it's super great to also have a porch so you have a cozy little spot to hang out every time you forget your fucking keys
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writeouswriter · 2 years
Already made similar post but I want to create scientist OCs so badly, but don't want to look deeply into different branches of science to figure out which one they should specialize in because I've been in a wikipedia rabbit hole of sciences, some of which I didn't even know existed, for days now and yet I have absorbed none of the information nor come closer to a conclusion, Carlos, give me strength, you're all just gonna be last name the scientist, you're specializing in the science of science, I swear, aahhh
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weirdstrangeandawful · 4 months
Disclaimer that I'm sending this unfinished as hell in hopefully the small amount of time before I have a seizure(?). This is a draft. I just know that I value y'all more than I value checking my bloody_bureaucracy/medical folder (yes that's what it's called) so I'm hoping someone can remind me to post the proper version later.
people with fnd, help? I don't have a diagnosis of FND but I am pretty sure I have either that, a tic disorder, or both [something about neuologist fiasco]. I have lost the ability to walk several times for reasons that really don't feel related to hEDS, POTS, fibro, or ME and, from friends with FND and people I've seen online with FND, I've noticed that this seems to happen with little to no pain. But I know looks (especially on the internet) can be extremely deceiving. For people with FND or similar conditions… do you exprience increased pain with these episodes? Normally when I experience something like this I have a seizure(?) shortly after so I'm trying to write this down as quickly as possible. I usually don't experience much pain but I sometimes experience minor pain similar to losing circulation in a limb. I know the colloquial pins and needles is common and even more common among people of my race with our low 'BMI' (fuck BMI just treat the symtpoms, good lord) but I've not heard of able-bodied people losing a decent amount of control of their lower bodies as a result.
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emgoesmed · 2 years
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Done with hospital and clinic for a few weeks. It feels luxurious, not least because I have the whole week to study for my neurology exam on Friday. I have a lot to do but it feels nice to be on my own schedule.
Today's to-do list:
neuro 125q quiz
unpack/clean bedroom & bathroom
admin requirements for next rotation
research project
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verved · 7 months
have you looked into POTS at all wrt the dizziness?
i have looked into it but the dizziness doesn't correspond at all to my position/activity level and i don't get any heart weirdness. i will just randomly get dizzy and it lasts for a few days. i was cooking on sunday night and out of nowhere i started feeling it, and since then i've been waking up dizzy every day. it doesn't matter if im lying down sitting standing walking. it's just this constant lightheaded feeling. i also get extreme sensitivity to light and brain fog. also some other things like numb lips and nystagmus
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eezalignphysio · 11 months
Orthopedic physiotherapy in Gurgaon| EEZ ALIGN
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Orthopedic physiotherapy, also known as ortho physiotherapy, focuses on the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Professionals in this field employ a variety of therapeutic techniques to address issues such as joint pain, fractures, and muscle injuries. Tailored exercise programs help improve flexibility, strength, and mobility, while manual therapies like massage and joint mobilization aid in pain management. Ortho physiotherapy in Gurgaon plays a crucial role in post-surgical rehabilitation, guiding patients toward optimal recovery. With a holistic approach, practitioners empower individuals to regain functionality and lead a pain-free life. If you're experiencing musculoskeletal challenges, consult with an orthopedic physiotherapist for personalized care and rehabilitation strategies.
To know more-
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besthospitalindore · 1 year
The Impact of Stress on Gynecological Health
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Stress is an unavoidable part of modern life, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. While it can manifest in various ways, its impact on gynecological health is a growing concern. In this article, we will explore how stress can negatively influence women's gynecological health.
1. Menstrual Irregularities 
Stress can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance in a woman's body, leading to irregular menstrual cycles. This may include missed periods, heavier or lighter flows, and more severe premenstrual symptoms. These irregularities can be distressing and may indicate underlying health issues that require attention from specialists at a Gynaecology Hospital in Indore.
2. Fertility Challenges
Chronic stress can impact fertility by interfering with ovulation. Stress hormones can disrupt the regular release of eggs, making it difficult for women to conceive. 
3. Increased Risk of Infections
 Stress weakens the immune system, making women more susceptible to infections like yeast infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs). These infections can be uncomfortable and, if left untreated, lead to more severe gynecological issues. 
4. Painful Menstrual 
Cramps Stress can intensify menstrual cramps and exacerbate conditions like endometriosis. Women who experience severe pain during their periods should consult with gynecologists.
5. Mental Health Impact
Stress often takes a toll on mental health, leading to conditions like anxiety and depression. These, in turn, can affect gynecological health by disrupting hormonal balance and exacerbating symptoms. A holistic approach that addresses both mental and physical well-being is essential.
The impact of stress on gynecological health is undeniable. It can lead to menstrual irregularities, fertility challenges, increased risk of infections, painful menstrual cramps, and mental health issues. To ensure your well-being, it is crucial to seek care from a trusted Gynaecology Hospital in Indore. They can provide expert guidance, diagnosis, and treatment options tailored to your unique needs. Don't let stress jeopardize your gynecological health; take proactive steps towards a healthier, happier you by seeking professional care.
In conclusion, prioritizing your gynecological health in the face of stress is essential. Remember, a Gynaecology Hospital in Indore can provide the support and expertise needed to address these concerns effectively.
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vyibunni · 1 year
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imagine a man. now imagine he really loves writing emails. this is him
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
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