#Beyond compare 4 key
esttonki · 2 years
Beyond compare 4 key
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Beyond compare 4 key how to#
Beyond compare 4 key license key#
Beyond compare 4 key serial#
Easy to use Just click the button and see the files and compare them. (Click the Enter Key button on any of the "Evaluation" dialogs, or pick Help > Enter Key.)ģ.In the "Register Beyond Compare" dialog, your key should automatically appear in the text box. Beyond Compare Crack Key Features:- Compare files, Documents, and other data.
Beyond compare 4 key license key#
Upon registering, the license key unlocks the appropriate. While in trial mode, you can select Help About Beyond Compare and unmark Evaluate Pro Edition features to evaluate Standard features only. In any case, it happens the document administration with bargaining instruments. Unparalleled has diverse capacities at a solitary place to deal with the wellspring of the document. To restore trial mode, close Beyond Compare, then rename the file where your license key is saved from BC4Key.txt to BC4Key.back. Beyond Compare 4 License Key Windows Freeis also a utility tool, for the most part, joins the document to compare. The trial-mode download includes features from both editions. BC version 3 or 4 If you are licensed for Beyond Compare Standard Edition but you want to evaluate Pro Edition features, you can place BC back into trial mode. It's ok if you include some of the message before and after the key, but be sure to include the entire key.Ģ.Then, run Beyond Compare and pick the Enter Key option. Starting with version 3, Beyond Compare is available in Standard and Pro editions. Q4+F5RWwcpzSyX98tlDzSsJm5xvnjuvunNrAG16sjP8Dp4as1gP3M1PkjĭmDVZXXLlyHoIrMd-Ptl0wpWPU654xu8kc7iYPl5LhOfXJG64V12vJnOmġ.From your email program, select the key and copy it to the clipboard. It looks something like this:ĬUgJWTb0eQVybpezCYu9CSqDLCtv圆g63hp-hrKHXiNL144KP4FTWHl9I Beyond Compare License Key is used to provide a reliable solution for comparing text files in our development teams and for a complete comparison of directory. Plus, you need to focus your data a bit, and you can easily split up all.
Beyond compare 4 key serial#
When you purchase a license to Beyond Compare, we send you an unlock key by email. Beyond Compare Serial Keys brings your folders to the next level and in just minutes. (Click the Enter Key button on any of the 'Evaluation' dialogs, or pick Help > Enter Key. This Pro version is worth 60 for each user that you can now use free of cost. Then, run Beyond Compare and pick the Enter Key option. Beyond Compare 4 Keygen is here to activate the full Pro edition of this software. It's ok if you include some of the message before and after the key, but be sure to include the entire key. Unless you purchase a license, the program will stop running after 30 days of use. From your email program, select the key and copy it to the clipboard.
Beyond compare 4 key how to#
Previous page next page How to Unlock Beyond Compareīeyond Compare is distributed in evaluation mode, allowing you to see if it suits your needs.
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onsweetpeahill · 3 months
Regarding the current state of Sims 4:
It's going to get to a point where it will be required to only load certain - and sparse - packs when playing Sims 4, if not the case already. The problem with that is 1) the game is boring and shallow and less packs means even more boring gameplay and 2) the way EA cut and dispersed gameplay across packs also means that some functionality of key features, including toddlers and family gameplay and milestones, will be lacking/missing entirely without certain packs installed. We do indeed have a pack that's useless without another pack (looking at you My First Pet).
This game was never meant to be so expanded upon. Had they not cut so many packs into 74 or so DLC, not only would the game be easier to test across all life stages and with all packs, but we wouldn't have so much weighing down the game and breaking it beyond the stage of even being playable. The bottom line is that greed got in the way of common sense and quality.
This game is essentially going up in flames. Modders alone are what's keeping this game afloat, but for console players....what's the answer here? Modders should not be responsible for making a game simply work as intended. I'm seeing videos of people hyping up what could be coming packs. I don't see why anyone cares at all at this point. People saying they now wait until packs go on sale don't seem to realize that either way, buying is buying. Paying for broken packs and endless bugs is outrageous, whether it's at full price or 50% off.
I don't see how this can get any better. The rate at which packs are released compared to the rate at which bugs are fixed is not balancing; we still have packs that do not work without mods, and with every buggy patch those essential mods get broken. It's just a train wreck, man. I don't see how more people aren't livid at this point.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
A new drug was able to quickly and temporarily immobilize sperm in male mice, according to a study published Tuesday in Nature Communications, a discovery researchers described as a “game-changer” that could pave the way for a male contraceptive pill and could ultimately allow men to share equal responsibility with women for birth control.
A single oral dose of the drug immobilized mice sperm for up to two and a half hours and was 100% effective in the first two hours, the researchers said.
Treated mice showed normal mating behavior but none impregnated a mate despite 52 different attempts to do so, the researchers said, compared to almost a third of mice impregnating mates after being treated with an inactive control substance.
The drug is fast-acting—Melanie Balbach, one of the study’s authors and a researcher at Weill Cornell Medicine, said it worked within 30 to 60 minutes—and works by inhibiting an enzyme needed for sperm to function.
It is also temporary, with efficacy dropping to 91% at three hours and fertility returning to normal by the next day.
These properties set the drug apart from many of the other efforts to develop a male contraceptive, the researchers said, which often rely on hormones to control fertility and can take weeks or months to be effective or to wear off.
The study demonstrates proof-of-concept for “safe, non-hormonal, on-demand, male contraceptives,” the researchers said, and while it may work in theory any product will be many years and a great deal of testing in the future.
-via Forbes, 2/14/23
And there is ANOTHER breakthrough with a different method from just two months later:
A ground-breaking contraceptive pill for men could be just around the corner after a major genetic breakthrough. Scientists at Washington State University have identified a gene which temporarily renders sperm infertile after they remove it.
The research team discovered a protein encoded by this gene, found solely in the testicular tissue of most mammals, which reduced sperm counts and deformed remaining sperm to make them incapable of fertilizing an egg when altered. The potentially historic breakthrough contraceptive pill would also have no hormonal side-effects and could be additionally help control animal overpopulation — replacing castration.
Crucially, the destabilization of the infertility protein is not permanent, meaning sperm will recover once the person or animal stops taking the treatment. Scientists have hailed the discovery as potentially important for the future of the human race. In their study, researchers identified the expression of a gene called Arrdc5 in the testicular tissue of mice, pigs, cattle, and humans...
However, disrupting the functions of this protein will not require any hormonal interference, a key hurdle considering the multiple roles testosterone plays beyond sperm production in men, including the building of bone mass and muscle strength as well as red blood cell production. The team also says that designing a drug which only targets this protein would further make it easily reversible as a contraceptive.
-via Study Finds, 4/19/23
Note: Please excuse the cissexist language from the sources here, which I have not edited out for accuracy, etc. The Forbes article does respectfully discuss trans and nonbinary people and their birth control needs further down.
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mahayanapilgrim · 8 months
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Stoicism and Buddhism: A Comparative Analysis
Attraction to those close to you catches you in its currents; Aversion to those who oppose you burns inside; Indifference that ignores what needs to be done is a black hole. Leave your homeland — this is the practice of a Bodhisattva.
Cato hated excess. He hated finery. He hated luxury. He thought to indulge such things was weakness and stupidity. And so what did Cato think of his brother who was far less strict about these things? He loved him. In fact, he worshiped him.
It’s important to remember: The Stoic has strict standards. We have strong opinions on what’s right and what isn’t. But…and this is a big but…we have to be understanding and forgiving of those who have been, as Marcus Aurelius writes, cut off from truth.
Stoicism and Buddhism are two ancient philosophical nd spiritual traditions that have captivated the minds of countless individuals over centuries. While they have distinct cultural origins and historical backgrounds, a closer examination reveals intriguing similarities and differences in their core principles and approaches to life. In this essay, we will explore these two philosophies and shed light on their fundamental ideas, ultimately highlighting the common ground and disparities that define them.
Stoicism, originating in ancient Greece, is a philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium around 300 BCE. It places a significant emphasis on rationality and virtue as the means to attain a tranquil and content life. Several fundamental tenets characterize Stoicism:
1. **Virtue as the Highest Good:** Stoics believe that the highest good is living in accordance with virtue. The four cardinal virtues of wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance are essential in guiding human actions.
2. **Acceptance of What Is Beyond Control:** A core Stoic teaching is the acceptance of things that are beyond one's control. Stoics argue that inner peace is achieved by recognizing and accepting that external events are beyond one's power, while one can control their own thoughts and actions.
3. **Emotional Resilience:** Stoics advocate for emotional resilience through reason and self-discipline. They view destructive emotions, such as anger and fear, as hindrances to a tranquil life and emphasize the importance of maintaining emotional equilibrium.
4. **Detachment from Material Possessions:** Stoicism encourages individuals to detach themselves from material possessions and not be attached to external outcomes or circumstances.
5. **Compassion and Justice:** While Stoics maintain strict standards and opinions about what is right, they also promote the development of a rational and compassionate attitude towards others, placing a strong emphasis on justice and fairness.
Buddhism, founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, in ancient India, is both a spiritual and moral philosophy that aims to address the problem of suffering and guide individuals toward enlightenment and liberation from suffering. Buddhism's key principles include:
1. **The Four Noble Truths:** Central to Buddhism is the recognition of suffering as an inherent aspect of human existence. The Four Noble Truths acknowledge the existence of suffering, identify its cause as attachment and desire, propose the possibility of cessation, and outline the Eightfold Path as the means to achieve liberation from suffering.
2. **Detachment from Desires:** Buddhism places a strong emphasis on detachment from desires and attachments as the primary source of suffering. By letting go of attachment to material possessions and craving, individuals can attain a state of equanimity.
3. **Mindfulness and Meditation:** Buddhism teaches the practice of mindfulness and meditation as essential tools for gaining insight into one's own mind and emotions. These practices help individuals transcend attachment to emotions and desires.
4. **Compassion and Loving-Kindness:** Buddhism promotes compassion (karuna) and loving-kindness (metta) as crucial virtues, encouraging the alleviation of suffering not only in oneself but also in all sentient beings.
5. **Karma and Rebirth:** Buddhism emphasizes the concept of karma, which suggests that one's actions have consequences. While Stoicism focuses on the present moment, Buddhism is concerned with the accumulation of good or bad karma, leading to different states of existence in the cycle of birth and death (samsara).
**Comparative Analysis:**
Both Stoicism and Buddhism share some fundamental principles despite their differing cultural origins. Notable points of comparison include:
1. **Emotional Control:** Both philosophies advocate for control over one's emotions. Stoics aim for emotional resilience through reason and self-discipline, while Buddhism teaches mindfulness and meditation to gain insight into and transcend emotions.
2. **Detachment:** Both philosophies emphasize detachment, whether from material possessions (Stoicism) or desires and attachments (Buddhism) as a means to find inner peace.
3. **Compassion:** While Stoics emphasize rational and compassionate attitudes toward others, Buddhism places significant importance on compassion and loving-kindness as virtues to alleviate suffering.
4. **Acceptance:** Stoicism teaches the acceptance of things beyond one's control, whereas Buddhism extends this idea to include the acceptance of the impermanence of all things.
However, they also differ in key ways:
1. **Virtue vs. Enlightenment:** Stoicism centers on the pursuit of virtue and living in accordance with it, while Buddhism is primarily concerned with attaining enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of suffering.
2. **Karma and Rebirth:** Buddhism incorporates the concepts of karma and rebirth, which Stoicism does not address.
3. **The Role of Desire:** Stoicism acknowledges the importance of controlling desires, while Buddhism posits that desires are the root cause of suffering.
In conclusion, Stoicism and Buddhism are two profound philosophical and spiritual traditions that offer valuable insights into human existence, the pursuit of inner peace, and the cultivation of virtues. While they have distinct philosophical and cultural backgrounds, their shared emphasis on emotional control, detachment, and compassion reveals common threads in their teachings. By understanding and appreciating the principles of both Stoicism and Buddhism, individuals can draw upon a broader range of wisdom to navigate the complexities of life, seeking personal growth, self-awareness, and a path toward a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. These philosophies continue to inspire and guide individuals in their quest for a balanced and harmonious life.
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aedesluminis · 2 months
Prieur on the implementation of the decimal scale in the metric system
The key point, in which Prieur's proposal, aimed to reform the French metric system, differentiates itself from the others, lies in the detailed implementation of the decimal scale for all kind of measures. This is why I thought appropriate to share the following excerpt, taken directly from his work. Its content might sound obvious for many of us, but it's important to remember that, in the 18th century, the scale commonly used in France was the duodecimal one. Prieur was among the scholars of the time to have relised the great advantages that the decimal subdivision would have brought in the fields of calculation and arithmetic, by making the former more straightforward in general and the latter more accessible to everyone, especially to those, who didn't receive an education. Below, under the cut, I also added the transcribed version by Isabelle Dutailly of Prieur's measures conversion table between the standards used during the Ancien Régime in Paris and the new ones, he proposed to use. It gives a general idea about both the tremendous amount of units present just in the capital and how close Prieur's subdivision of measures is compared to our current one.
"[...]Our pied national will be divided into ten pouches, each pouche in ten lignes, each ligne in ten points or primes, so that it will be possible to write each subspecies [of measure] as decimals of the main unit. This method of division is the most proper that we can accept, since it is in accordance with the rules of our numeration and, if it were applied to all the various kind of measures, the study of arithmetic would become much easier and, as a result, more widely practiced. Someone might say that diving by twelve would be convenient when considering the 1/3, 1/4 and their submultiples: this is undeniable. It is also certain that the duodecimal scale could have been used instead of the decimal one for our numeration, but such a change would currently be impractical . On the other hand, the decimal system reveals itself to be convenient for people, who do not know how to write, since it would allow them to represent each ten through their fingers, therefore each hand would be equal to one half of ten, making the count of five parts easier. The introduction of the decimals in all the measures is beneficial in making calculation easier, in that more complex multiplications and divisions are converted to operations similar to those of whole numbers; in that the reduction of each subspecies, from one to another, happens through the simple shift of the decimal point and finally, in that it would allow to increase or decrease the precision of an operation according to our needs. In the majority of cases relative to calculations of our length measurements, there is no need for this operation to go beyond the thousandth, and often the hundredth too, of the main unit."
— Claude-Antoine Prieur, Mémoire sur la nécessité et les moyens de rendre uniformes, dans le royaume, toutes les mesures d'étendue et de pesanteur (1790), p.15-16.
Note: Emphases in italics are mine, moreover I didn't translate the units into English, because their corresponding value in said language wouldn't match with the French one, so I believed it wasn't wise.
"Table of comparison between the old units of weights and length used in the city of Paris and the new national ones, which are supposed to replace the former"
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Source for the original table.Source for the transcribed version.
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Callum is going to learn Star Magic in Season 6
(or try to, anyway)
I have a theory on the order Callum will learn the arcanums—if he gets any more.
In the very first intro to the show, this is the order Aaravos mentions the arcanum in:
Sun, Moon. Stars, Earth. Sky, Ocean.
Callum connected to the Sky arcanum first, and then the Ocean. User raayllum compared him to Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and then fell into the depths of the ocean.
Adding onto that, I think Callum would get Stars next to symbolize another rise to great heights and then Earth as another crash. (I think that would be it but if they’re really going all the way then yes, next would be sun and then moon.)
To support the idea that Callum will learn star magic next, in the teaser for season 6, we see him blindfolded and freefalling, and the celestial elves in the starscraper are also blindfolded. It’s mentioned that star magic is the hardest to grasp and that celestial elves dedicate their lives to understanding the stars. So if anyone can teach him star magic, well…that isn’t an ancient manipulative startouch elf, it’s probably them.
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Why would he seek to learn star magic, why now?
Most Obviously: Ambition as a Mage:
Callum has said he’s read up as much as he could on all magic and whenever he meets a mage he asks for their help learning that arcanum. IE: Akiyu.
The celestial elves may not be star mages (or maybe they are, who knows) but he will more likely than not use the opportunity to seek out an understanding of star magic while he’s there.
“It's protected by an ancient sect of Skywing Elves called the Celestial elves at the Starscraper, this unbelievably high tower, far, far north beyond the Frozen Sea.” - 5x05
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2. Freeing Rayla’s Parents
“The spell is complex and it uses star magic so, to do it, I need these. Quasar Diamonds.” - 5x04
Since practicing star magic is key to freeing Rayla’s parents from the coin and that spell also requires the presence of 3 star magic gems, the quasar diamonds, doing the spell may require some understanding of star magic as well. The alternative may be dark magic and that would leave him open to possession by Aaravos and possibly harming those around him including Rayla.
That’s the third possible reason he would seek to learn star magic :
3. Protection Against Aaravos
if Aaravos is connecting to Callum’s dreams and posessing him via star magic, maybe in learning it he can figure out how to counteract it or use the bond with Aaravos to his advantage instead of only being the victim of it.
(insert images of use of star magic)
4. Sky and Stars close overlap
Sky and Stars share more traits in common than any other arcanum, and it simply makes sense that skywing elves and a primal mage who first connected to the sky would have the greatest understanding of it. It makes sense to connect with it more than others.
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Vision is also used to describe Sky magic, and truth used to describe Sun magic.
5. Proving worthy of using the Quasar Diamonds and/or the Novablade
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It seems hella unlikely these guys are just gonna want to give up their most prized and fiercely guarded possessions to some outsiders just because they asked nicely. They’re going to have to prove their magical capabilities and respect for their understanding of star magic, maybe even do trust falls or other rites, like that which we see on screen in the trailer.
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In conclusion, I believe it will be key for Callum to try to learn more about star magic, by following the same rites the celestial elves do - getting as close to the stars as possible in the starscraper, becoming as secluded and distant from the rest of xadia as they possibly can (like the startouch elves do) cutting themselves off from one or more of their senses and presumably learning how to trust fate and understand it (freefall).
And if it doesn’t work out to learn star magic and Callum has to, once again, rely on dark magic when un-coining Rayla’s parents, well, things would not end well, ie: he would “play right into [Aaravos’s] hands”, possibly paralleling 5x08 but even worse, like Hanna Hoffer warned about 5x08 having “kiddie gloves on.”
So, I guess we’ll see :) (my bets are that it doesn’t work and everything goes to hell)
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galvanizedfriend · 4 months
Thank you and bravo for this new chapter! the wait is really worth it, it is still incredible to read you; we dive so much into the story, we feel so much the emotions of the characters.. it’s even better than the show at times so congratulations! (Now I’m impatient to know how it will end, it’s too much emotion for my little heart 😅)
You said there would be a season 4, will you also make a season 5? Will you introduce the Hollow?
Thank you so much 🥺 This is the nicest kind of feedback possible. ❤️ Hopefully you won't have to wait much for the next chapter. The response to this chapter has been so amazing, I've been just dying to jump right in 🥺
There will be no season 5 😬 I can't with s5 of TO, that's beyond anything I can tolerate. I can't even begin to rewrite it, because I'd just toss out the entire thing. The whole nazi vampire plotline is just 😫😫😫 So no, I'll stop at 4. But obviously the ending will be different. And yes, the Hollow will be there, though again, there will be some key differences from the show.
I did this thing for S4 that made me feel like I was being so smart 😂 It's a very important difference from the show, that will be development throughout the season, but I feel only really picks up towards the end, and then it completely changes the way the story ends compared to the show. It was completely pulled out of my ass, but it makes sense (at least in my head it does) with what has been written so far about the characters and their backstories (particularly Caroline's), so I'm actually so curious to see what people will think when I get there. 😂
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allfandomstan · 8 months
After Dark~(Batman x Vigilante Reader), Chapter 4.
Genre: Action, Mystery, Suspense, Noir, Crime.
Setting: Gotham City Hall from ‘The Batman’ 2022..
Warnings: Mentions of Violence, Swearing, Dark themes, descriptions of blood, Cynicism, Psychopathic themes.
Word Count: 1.9K
Hey its me back with another chapter to the series! Finally after an 8 months hiatus or so, I conjured up the will to publish this chapter I’ve been working on. It’s not much but just something to smoothly carry the series forward🫣..
And my apologies if I screw up the movie timeline in upcoming chapters!😫 it’s been a while since I revisited the movie as a whole so you might see some errors here and there🙃.
Hope you enjoy!
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Here you were, back at in your apartment.. again. Millions of thoughts ran through your mind like a flowing river that won’t stop at any point unless an intentional obstruction to the constant flow of water was put in place. Like a dam of sorts. All you could think of was about the event that unfurled earlier. From your argument with Sam to meeting Bruce Wayne, for the first in your life. Although you weren’t much sure about it..
The way his gaze met yours resembled some kind of shocking recognition and truth. Those deep ocean eyes looked familiar as ever, but you couldn’t quite pin point where you saw them. Yet..
His expression changed from monotone to slightly ‘intrigued’ when he laid his eyes on you. You noticed him scanning your face for something, like trying to read you like an open book. But why?
‘Had he seen you somewhere before?’
It sure looked like he did.
‘But where?’
The final touch you needed was your dark crimson coloured lipstick and then you were ready to go. To the Mayor’s funeral to be exact..
Today was the day Mayor Don Mitchell Jr. would be laid to rest six feet under, and you won’t say he will be resting in peace. You don’t think he’ll be resting at all because of the way he was taken from this world.. Brutally hammered to the head by a madman.
In a way you felt bad for the deceased Mayor even though you knew he was a corrupt-to-the-core asshole, but at least he should’ve been given a not-so fucked up death.
He died absolutely humiliated. With the words ‘No more Lies’ written on his taped up head with his very own blood. Not only did the Riddler kill him in the most devastatingly gut-wrenching way, but also tried to expose his deep seated secrets… The ones he feared would soon come to get him. And get him it did..
Bats hadn’t contacted you at all for two days straight. Not that you minded, really. You figured he was just busy getting his knuckles bloody from beating up the average Gotham thug he crosses more than once in the night. The city was crawling with them, especially during the late hour. But not just that, He’s most probably working on the case involving riddler, of course. The average Gotham thug was nothing compared to the chaos Riddler would bring if he’s not taken care of.
You wondered if The Bat had a life beyond crime fighting. Well of course he did. He’s human too, after all..
‘Why the fuck do I even care?’
You snapped out of your daze and tried to focus on the task at hand.. The Mayor’s funeral. Sure enough, you had to be there. Incase something happens.. And you had a tad bit of a gut feeling, that it would. You supposed he might be there too. Watching in the shadows, hidden from view. Of course he wouldn’t miss such a vital event if it means catching Riddler. This could be his right time to strike and evoke chaos among citizens in that town hall. You’d just had to wait and see if you were right. But you hoped the fuck not.
You finally put your trench coat over your self and grabbed your bag which contained your keys, burner phone and of course, your blade. You just had with you whenever you went out. Just in case..
The streets surrounding the Gotham Town Hall were packed with eager citizens who wanted to catch a glimpse of their coffin-ridden Mayor one last time. The Press and media were there too, to report and keep updated the curious minds of people who couldn’t make it to the funeral. The crowd was large pushy and suffocating.
You tried to get to the front, pushing past the crowd of people. When you finally got to the front you let out a deep breath. You had to say you were surprised as to why you you weren't smothered to death but you were grateful to make it out of the restless crowd alive.
At your current position you had a clear view of the road and the front of the Town Hall. There you saw police officers, prestigious politicians and a bunch of celebrities standing around, waiting for the venue to open. But your eyes landed on one particular person..
Carmine Falcone.
At the sight of that man, your fists subconsciously clenched inside of your coat pockets.
'What was he doing here?'
Then it made sense. Since the late Mayor himself wasn't the sinless of people, of course it was expected of him to have ties with someone as notorious as Falcone.
As you were focusing in on the Mob Boss, you became distracted by the sudden yelling of the people around you.
"Oh my Lord! It's Bruce Wayne!!"
Your gaze immediately took itself off Falcone and focused on the new subject at hand.
And there he was, The Gotham Prince.
Clad in a dapper black, wool coat and sporting the typical rich-guy look, appeared Wayne from his black Corvette.
Hmm, expensive you had to say. But of course.
You refrained from subconsciously rolling your eyes at the display. Bastard, making poor people eat shit.
You watched as he gave his car keys to an officer so he could park it elsewhere, and then walking off to climb the steps leading to the entrance of the Town Hall. You noticed his slight heaviness in step and the light hunch of his shoulders. And shit the guy looked like he hasn't slept in ages..
He involuntarily talked to the people around him which included Cops, celebrities and the Mayor candidate herself, Bella Real.
You watched as his head slowly turned to acknowledge the ungodly Man standing behind him with a crooked smile etched onto his face. Bruce then too, reluctantly met his gaze and engaged in a not so jolly conversation. Falcone placed a hand on Wayne's shoulder and patted it a few times before returning to talk to his henchman, Penguin.
'The guest list is just fucking incredible', you thought.
First you had the displeasure of finding Carmine Falcone and now, Penguin.
You watched as Penguin laughed, flashing his crooked brown stained teeth at Falcone. You bet whatever the asshole said must have been very funny indeed.
You looked away, disgusted. Men like Penguin had no right to laugh when so many lives had been ruined because of their deeds. Men like Penguin had no right to even breathe.
You would take care of that, soon enough..
About 45 minutes had passed and you found yourself pushing past crowds again trying to get into the Town Hall. You somehow managed to get in, all in one piece and stood by the side of the Hall along with the many citizens who already got in before you. After a while, the officers cut off any more citizens trying to come in as it was getting suffocating with the amount of people already inside the buliding. After entrance doors were closed, a metal barrier was put in place to separate second citizens, standing at both sides of the building from the first class. And among the second class citizens were you, of course. And among the first class were Falcone, Penguin, Bella Real and Bruce Wayne.
You sighed at the unlawful segregation, but you came to accept it eventually.
After about fifteen minutes the loud chatter quite down as the speech began. Several people, mainly Mitchell's Family and some politicians came up to deliver their honary speeches to commemorate the life and apreciate the accomplishments and 'good work' of the late Mayor. You scoffed at this. ‘How naïve where these people?’ Believing blindly to whatever Mitchell did was correct and truely for the betterment of Gotham. You doubted the man gave a single shit about this City or it’s citizens. The continuous speeches went on and on and you found yourself zoning out, voices becoming muddled and vision unfocused. Your mind started racing with thoughts consisting of ‘other things’. You couldn’t help but reimagine your first interaction with Vengeance. The way he pushed you against the wall, your chest flush to his abdomen. The way he held his intense gaze on you for longer than you’d wanted.. The way the rough fabric of his glove came to rest on the tender flesh of your neck, bruising it lightly..
All of this reminiscing totally had you off guard. You noticed that things were different now. In that very moment, it felt different.. You suddenly noticed that everything was abruptly called to a halt. Time had entirely stopped for a moment or so. Silence.. Chaos hidden in the element, waiting to strike like a serpent. There was complete silence until..
“Everyone, get the fuck out!”
You heard a man shout, possibly an officer on patrol. Then it all began. You heard multiple screams from behind you and then it all turned to chaos. People started running one by one trying to get away from something coming through the front. You wondered what it was and pushed towards the frantic crowd and towards where you supposed the danger was coming from. And then you saw it. Suddenly a GCPD SUV crashed through the glass doors of the building and skidded towards the Mayor’s casket. It all happened so quick you thought it was all in your head. Only that it wasn’t, unfortunately. You took a quick look around and there you saw Bruce on the floor with the Mayor’s Son in his arms. The boy must’ve been in the car’s way, you thought. And Bruce must’ve ran to get him out of the way before he got hit. Your focus was glued on Bruce and the way he gently helped the boy get back on his feet and tenderly guided him back to his Mother, horror etched onto her worn out features. Before you knew it a hand wrapped around your forearm rather harshly. You whipped your head around to stare at your intruder in the eyes but was met with the ones of a worried-sick to the bone Cop’s. “Mam’ you need to get out of here”, he calmly said trying to keep his cool in spite of all the chaos. You just stared at the officer for a moment or so without emitting any words in his direction. You found your eyes wandering back to Bruce once more. He was also being held by the forearm and being escorted out by some officers trying to get him to leave before the situation gets worse. You noticed his frantic eyes searching the place for something, or more like someone.. And then those Ocean blue eyes you found so mesmerising just a day ago found your own. You almost wanted to look away out of embarrassment because he caught you staring. But you didn’t. You kept your eyes glued onto his and his to yours. You two held a moment of eye-contact before your attention snapped towards the cop shaking your forearm. “Mam’ we don’t have much time. You have to evacuate.. Now!”
You nodded your head hastily and followed him to the evacuation exit. You looked back one last time, trying to catch a glimpse of Bruce, but he was long gone..
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themanwhomadeamonster · 2 months
Arisen & Pawn character introductions!
AND SINCE WE'RE DOING MEMES I MIGHT AS WELL FILL THIS OUT TOO!! Original template by @arisenreborn
Long post so below the read more! Featuring Carwyn and Seresa :>
NAME: Carwyn AGE: 28 in DDDA, 35 in DD2 RACE: Human/ex-Pawn PRONOUNS: he/him PREFERRED VOCATION: Magick Archer FAVORED GIFTS: fancy things, adorable things FAMILY: none LOL, he let his Arisen die in BBI if that counts
POSITIVE TRAITS: headstrong, independent, cautious NEGATIVE TRAITS: a bit of a shitcunt most of the time LIKES: rabbits DISLIKES: Dragonsplague, the entire cycle even before finding out what was beyond Seneschalhood, Saurians
1. What was their life like before becoming Arisen?
Carwyn was once a Pawn to someone who loved him very much, but in a very hurtful way. He left that Arisen to die in BBI thinking it was a mercy kill but it haunted him until he started to become a Corrupted Pawn/Necrophage; he originally had brown hair and brown eyes resembling his Arisen's old flame until the stress and curse of the Isle whitened his hair and changed his eyes. Was nicknamed the Carrion Bladewitch by passersby for being a MA Pawn that hung around corpses a lot. Was barred from the world of Gransys in DD1 since his ties there had been cut, so he ended up in a world without a current Arisen at the time: DD2. Underwent a Bestowal of Spirit upon setting foot on land on Vermund. Emotions suddenly felt less cloudy, and he realised he held a great deal of grief, guilt, and resentment for his Arisen. Carrion's last direction from his Arisen was to help her which he disobeyed, leaving him even more confused and aimless.
Settled down to become a woodworker in Harve Village since the place reminded him of Cassardis. Introduced himself as Carrion, which over time became understood as Carwyn which he graciously accepted, seeing it as one more step away from his former ties.
2. How do they handle being Arisen, and the responsibilities that come with it?
When news that a Dragon had finally confronted Vermund, a spark lit in his heart - this was his chance to die on his own terms. His Bestowed soul was tied to someone he so resented, and he lived in a world that he was unfit for. The Dragon's Dogma would be a test for Carwyn to prove to himself that his life and choices were his own, and not that he wanted to die because his Arisen's soul wished him to. There were two options from here: he would die at the hand of the Dragon as a pathetic vessel of man, at least as dictated by the Dogma rather than by his own Arisen, or he bests the Dragon and proves that his will was his own, so he can die knowing that it wasn't his Arisen driving him to do so.
Based on what happened in BBI, he came to hate the Eternal Cycle. As the story of DD2 progresses, he hates it even more upon realising the Pathfinder's role
3. What are their thoughts on Pawns in general?
Being an ex-Pawn he knows their experiences both good and bad first-hand. Carwyn's in a bit of an awkward spot though because he tries to relate to Pawns but he's developed too much as a human for them to understand some of his experiences, but he also hadn't grown up like a human and lacks many key experiences in that regard too. He also notes that in this world, Pawns seem more open with trying to be expressive compared to the Pawns he encountered in Gransys. He thinks that Pawns here are more expressive because they're more accepted, but can tell that such personalities are still constructed.
Carwyn does miss being able to travel the Rift and see new things, but he doesn't miss the empty feeling in his chest that he feels now as an Arisen, and before as a Pawn.
4. What's their relationship like with their main Pawn?
Carwyn summons his own Pawn, Seresa, a Beastren gleeful like he was when he was first summoned. He only did so at the insistence of other Pawns, though he felt in him a drive and yearning to do so as well. He at first tries to dismiss her back to the Rift, but she stays put, believing her presence was important for her Arisen as it was Carwyn's reason why she was summoned in the first place. Over time, he begins to see Seresa as a little sister to protect (and she later sees him as a brother), maybe a misguided desire reflecting what he wished of himself, but undoubtedly he comes to love her no matter what.
He feels envious and bitter hearing Pawns talk greatly of their own Arisen, so hearing that Seresa say that he's been a good Arisen to her made him start to take his journey as the Arisen more seriously, if at least to keep her safe.
With the return of the Dragonsplague, Carwyn's fears of his experiences in Bitterblack Isle are resurrected, and he becomes more adamant to keep Seresa safe against the Plague's influence upon her. While Seresa knows about what the Dragonsplague is, she's not aware of Carwyn's history in the Isle though can sense that something's off with how keeps avoiding the topic.
5. Do they have any interest in being Sovran? What are their opinions on the politics of the world in general?
Not at all, he thinks the role of Sovran is beyond is scope of knowledge and ability having only lived as a human in Vermund for around 7 years. Carwyn plans to abdicate the position to Regentkin Sven if he ends up slaying the Dragon.
6. Who are their love interest(s) and/or closest friends?
He was excited to see Rook again at the Excavation Site and just as distraught to see him be swallowed by the Brine. Though he knew as a Pawn what awaited beyond the Brine, being a human gave him a newfound fear for it.
Carwyn struggled to befriend anyone particularly closely due to being unfriendly and keeping to himself. Fyoran was the only one who put up with him in Harve Village, so he reciprocates that and treats him favourably.
In Vermund, he grows close with Glenna who keeps him company to pass the time as well as Klaus who he shares experiences with from on the road. He tried to grow close to Beren out of admiration for his skill but Beren found him dishonourable.
7. What drew them to their preferred vocation? Do they have history with it?
Carwyn's Arisen was a Sorcerer, and he was later hired by an Assassin in Bitterblack Isle before that one died too. Blue + Yellow vocation = Magick Archer. When he reaches the Unmoored World, he becomes desperate to keep Seresa safe after the scare when she wouldn't wake up, so he changes his role from being a damage dealer like in DDDA to being supportive. In the Unmoored World, his abilities now feature Recovery Arrow, Fortalice, Martyr's Bolt, and Soporific Arrow.
8. Do they have any hobbies? Any way of relaxing between all that monster-slaying and traveling?
Carwyn took up woodworking and has a hobby of sculpting rabbits. He also likes petting and feeding wild rabbits in the vicinity. He'll hunt other animals, just not them.
NAME: Seresa AGE: 22 RACE: Beastren PRONOUNS: she/her PREFERRED VOCATION: Fighter FAVORED GIFTS: beautiful things, food lol INCLINATION: simple
POSITIVE TRAITS: righteous, optimistic, curious NEGATIVE TRAITS: impulsive, single-minded, easily distracted LIKES: exploring, flowers, food DISLIKES: slimes
1. What was their life like prior to being summoned by their Arisen?
Asleep, dreaming. In Seresa's case, Carwyn is her main/first Arisen so she was one of the dreaming consciences of the Rift. She was born from Carwyn's desire to have companionship in his journey, someone who would be able to guide him the right direction. Seresa was summoned as someone with a sense of justice, an optimistic outlook, and an eagerness to explore the world to help Carwyn open up to his new world.
2. What is their opinion on the Arisen? How do they view their relationship?
Overall she thinks fondly of Carwyn! He can be frustrating at times but she doesn't have to take much effort to convince him to listen to his gut to do the right thing. She doesn't find out that Carwyn used to be a Pawn until after the Coronation ceremony since his Pawn Print had disappeared by then, and starts to be more patient with him from then on. Likewise, she begins to understand why Carwyn is so sympathetic to her and her fellow Pawns.
Seresa knows that Carwyn loves her very much and isn't ashamed to remind him that whenever he feels self-conscious about his treatment of her. She similarly sees him as a big brother who she tags along with.
3. Is there anything about the Arisen they find troublesome? Be it a small quirk or bad habit? (Or are they obviously flawless?)
Seresa finds him stubborn and abrasive but recognises that part of it is because he doesn't know how to deal with other people. She also knows that Carwyn is hiding more than just the fact that he used to be a Pawn and she thinks it would do the both of them good for him to spill it, but it seems to be a sore spot so she leaves the topic alone.
4. What is their specialization and is there any story behind how they cultivated that skill set?
Seresa often talks about wanting to eat and be comfortable, so Carwyn taught her to be a Logistician - she can make and eat as much food as she wants and he wouldn't bother her about it. It only becomes an issue when she insists that expired food can still be salvaged LOL
5. Do they have any thoughts on the politics of the world and their place in it as a Pawn - or how Pawns are treated?
She feels a little more safe socially in her status as a Pawn knowing that Carwyn is very protective of Pawns (and comes to fully trust him when he admits that he used to be a Pawn as well). But Seresa develops very mixed feelings upon entering Battahl as a Beastren Pawn, seeing scornful eyes from people who are supposed to resemble her and were subject to discrimination back in Vermund. She feels a bit of solidarity with Carwyn when even Battahli people treat him like a Pawn due to his muted behaviours.
6. Does their journey with the Arisen change them in any significant way and how?
After the Coronation ceremony when Seresa felt that great pain in her chest and head, Carwyn immediately freaks out and makes her take time off to rest despite her insistence that they have to move quickly to figure out what's going on. The sudden open display of concern and care for her, felt very out of character, and she prodded for an answer until Carwyn admitted that he used to be a Pawn, and felt too scared to grow close in case he'd turn out like his Arisen, but he didn't want to similarly neglect her in a time like this either. After he apologised for being so distant, the pieces came together for her, and she reassures him that he's not as bad as his former Arisen; they vowed to look after each other. When Seresa pleads - not asks - him not to face the Dragon to die, Carwyn realises she knew all along and is also beginning to undergo Bestowal, so he promises not to do so anymore.
From that point, Seresa begins to mature a bit more emotionally, becomes more in tune with Carwyn's rhythm, and the tips of her mane begin to adopt a white tint.
7. Is there a reason they chose their preferred vocation?
When Carwyn summoned a Pawn, he wanted someone who would protect him not just in battle but as a person. Seresa approached him as a Fighter.
8. Do they have any hobbies or preferred past-times?
Carwyn teaches her how to cook and she discovers a fluttery feeling in her chest! - he tells her that it's pride. While Seresa insists on hanging onto expired food that it may have a use for something later, she finds it disgusting that Carwyn would actually eat it without cooking it if given the chance.
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16th June >> Fr. Martin's Homilies / Reflections on Today's Mass Readings for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) (Inc. Mark 4:26-34): ‘What can we say the kingdom of God is like?’
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Gospel (Except USA)
Mark 4:26-34 The kingdom of God is a mustard seed growing into the biggest shrub of all.
Jesus said to the crowds: ‘This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man throws seed on the land. Night and day, while he sleeps, when he is awake, the seed is sprouting and growing; how, he does not know. Of its own accord the land produces first the shoot, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the crop is ready, he loses no time: he starts to reap because the harvest has come.’ He also said, ‘What can we say the kingdom of God is like? What parable can we find for it? It is like a mustard seed which at the time of its sowing in the soil is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub of them all and puts out big branches so that the birds of the air can shelter in its shade.’ Using many parables like these, he spoke the word to them, so far as they were capable of understanding it. He would not speak to them except in parables, but he explained everything to his disciples when they were alone.
Gospel (USA) Mark 4:26–34 It is the smallest of all seeds, and becomes the largest of plants.
Jesus said to the crowds: “This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.” He said, “To what shall we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable can we use for it? It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown in the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.” With many such parables he spoke the word to them as they were able to understand it. Without parables he did not speak to them, but to his own disciples he explained everything in private.
Homilies (4)
(i) Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
We have access to information today that wasn’t so easily available to us in the past. If we want to know more about something, we don’t have to go to the library or purchase a book, we can ‘Google it’, as they say. The internet has given us access to lots of information just by pressing a few keys on our computer or our tablet or our smart phones. Yet, what we know is always far less than what we don’t know. There is so much about our universe that even the greatest scientists are still struggling to understand. We have to be humble about what we know, recognizing that there is so much that is still beyond our grasp.
It is said in the first of Jesus’ two parables in today’s gospel reading that when the farmer sows the seed on the land, the seed sprouts and grows, night and day, while he sleeps and when he is awake, but how this happens he does not know. Having sown the seed, the farmer can only step back and allow the seed to work away invisibly but powerfully beneath the surface of the earth. He can really do nothing at this point except wait patiently for the earth to work on the seed until the crop is ready for harvesting. There is something wonderful happening that is invisible to him and that he has very little knowledge of. Jesus was saying that the kingdom or reign of God is like that. God is often at work in our own personal lives, and in the life of our communities, in ways that we do not fully understand. There is often something hidden and invisible to God’s way of working. God can be working in life-giving ways as we go about our daily lives, while we sleep, while we are awake, in the language of the parable. When it comes to God’s relationship with us and our relationship with God, there is always much more going on than meets the eye. At the beginning of one of his letters, Saint Paul says, ‘I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ’. God began God’s good work in our lives at the moment of our conception and then again at our baptism. God’s good work continues throughout our lives. God is always at work within us and among us helping us to grow as human beings, enabling us to become the fully mature person, the Christ-like person, God desires us to be. There is work for us to do as well, just as the farmer had to sow the seed at the beginning and then bring in the harvest at the end. However, our work consists in allowing God to do God’s work in our lives. We try to create an opening in our lives for God and his Son, our risen Lord, to bring to completion the good work they have begun in and among us. We may not always be aware of God’s good work within us, especially in those times when our failings are very clear to us. Yet, even when we do not see God’s good work within us, it is always ongoing. As Saint Paul reminds us in today’s second reading, when it comes to God, we go by faith and not by sight and, because we go by faith, we are always full of confidence,
The second parable in our gospel reading, the parable of the mustard seed, also has something to say about the ways that God is at work in our lives. The mustard seed was considered to be the smallest seed of all, and, yet, it produces a very vigorous shrub that spreads quickly and provides shelter for birds. There is a striking contrast between the smallness of the mustard seed and the large, vigorous, shrub it produces. Jesus is saying that not only is God always at work in a good way in our lives, but that God can be working powerfully through our smallest gestures of goodness, kindness and love. God can do great things in and through our ordinary, everyday actions that can seem very insignificant to us and to others. If we scatter the mustard seeds of the Lord’s love through our small, daily choices, we are making an opening for God to work creatively through us in ways that will often surprise us. We need to appreciate our own small gestures of loving kindness because through them God will work to bring God’s kingdom to earth. We cannot build the kingdom of God on earth, only God can do that, but God needs us to sow mustard seeds of love and hope so that he can work powerfully through our seemingly small and insignificant actions. On one occasion in the gospels, Jesus highlighted the value of giving a cup of cold water to ‘one of these little ones’. On another occasion he drew his disciples attention to the widow who put two small copper coins into the Temple treasury. God is continuously at work through all those small acts of self-giving service that are plentiful in every parish community and often go unnoticed. Today’s parables encourage us to be hopeful because of all the good work that God is doing within us and among us.
(ii) Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Children are great for asking questions. They ask one question and, having received an answer, they ask another. As children grow into adolescence, they begin to ask more probing questions, questions that look for some kind of light to be cast on the deeper issues of life. In time, they may come to realize that clear answers are not always to be found to life’s more profound questions. As adults we often have to reconcile ourselves to living with many unanswered questions. We discover that all our searching will never exhaust the many mysteries of life. We continue to take delight in making fresh discoveries, but we also realize that coming to terms with ‘not knowing’ is an important part of life’s journey.
In this morning’s gospel reading, Jesus speaks a parable which acknowledges the mystery that is at the heart of the most everyday experiences of life. A farmer scatters seed on the good soil of Galilee. Having done the sowing, all he can do is to go about his other business, while the seed takes over and does its own work, producing first the shoot, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear, until the crop is ready for harvest. In the parable it is said of the farmer that ‘he does not know’ how all this happens. Between his actions of sowing the seed and harvesting the crop, a great deal of activity goes on, which is invisible to him and which he does not fully understand. There is a great deal in our world which we do not fully understand, in spite of the great expertise that has developed over the centuries on all aspects of our universe.
Jesus begins the parable with the statement, ‘This is what the kingdom of God is like’. Jesus seems to be saying that if the farmer does not know the ways of the humble seed, how can any of us fully know the ways of God? If natural growth is mysterious, how much more mysterious must be the growth of God’s kingdom? The author of the book of Qoheleth in the Jewish Scriptures expressed it well, ‘Just as you do not know how the breath comes to the bones in the mother’s womb, so you do not know the work of God, who makes everything’. With this parable of the seed growing secretly Jesus appears to be saying that the kingdom of God can be growing among us in ways that we do not fully understand, just as the seed the farmer sows in the ground grows towards harvest in ways he does not understand. There is a reassuring, hopeful message here for all of us who may be tempted to discouragement by the slow progress that the ways of God appear to be making in the world. The spreading of God’s reign is ultimately God’s work and that work is always under way, even when we do not see it or understand it. We have a part to play in the coming of God’s way of doing things among us, just as the farmer has a role to play in the coming of the final harvest. However, that first parable in the gospel reading warns us against overestimating our role. St Paul expresses this perspective well in his first letter to the Corinthians, ‘Neither the one who plants, nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth’.
The second of the two parables that Jesus speaks in today’s gospel reading reminds us that God can be at work in situations and in places that seem very unpromising to us. There is a stark contrast between the tiny mustard seed, ‘the smallest of all the seeds on earth’, and the large shrub whose branches become homes for the birds of the air. Insignificant beginnings can lead to a wonderful result. Jesus says that the kingdom of God is like that; it often finds expression initially in what is small and seemingly insignificant. We can feel at times that our own faith is insignificant, as small as a mustard seed. The parable assures us that the Lord is working in and through such faith. Our hope can appear to diminish to the size of a mustard seed. The parable assures us that such hope is enough for the Lord to work with. Our various worthwhile endeavours can appear to bearing very insignificant results. The parable assures us that the Lord will see to it that the final harvest from those endeavours will be abundant.
Sometimes we have to learn to be content with the small seeds that we can sow, trusting that they can bear fruit in ways that will surprise us. The kingdom of God is something very humble and modest in its origins. We need to learn to appreciate little things and small gestures. We may not feel called to be heroes or martyrs every day, but we are called to put a little dignity into each corner of our little world. There are little seeds of the kingdom that all of us can sow, a friendly gesture towards someone in trouble, a welcoming smile for someone who is alone, a sign of closeness for someone who is in despair, a little ray of joy for a heart full of distress. God’s reign comes in power through the seemingly insignificant actions of each of one us.
(iii) Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
We are exposed to bad news a lot of the time. The media can overwhelm us with reports of wars, famines, violence, big and small scandals. The incredible speed with which news spreads can add to the sense we feel of being overwhelmed by suffering and evil in its various forms. We can feel helpless and discouraged before it all. All of this bad news, of course, is an accurate picture of what is going on in our world. We cannot simply pretend it does not exist. We need to acknowledge all of this negativity and to name it. The media provides an important service in helping us to do just that. Yet, there is more going on in our world of a much more wholesome nature which does not always get the same publicity.
This is part of the message that comes through to us in this morning’s gospel reading. Jesus tells two parables to express the reality of the kingdom of God. We can be tempted to think of the kingdom of God as a place beyond this life. Yet, that is not what Jesus primarily meant by the term ‘kingdom of God’. The ‘kingdom of God’ is more a way of life than a place. Whenever we live as God wants us to live, there the kingdom of God is present. Jesus was the person who fully lived in the way God wants us to live. God was pleased with everything that Jesus said and did. That is why everywhere Jesus went the kingdom of God was present. The first thing Jesus said when he started his mission was, ‘the kingdom of God is here’. Whenever we live like Jesus, the kingdom of God is present. Jesus taught us to pray, ‘Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’. Whenever we do God’s will, whenever we speak and act as God would want us to do, there the kingdom of God is at hand. Whenever we live out of the mindset of Jesus, there the kingdom of God is among us. Whenever, we allow our lives to be shaped by the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of God is present.
In that first parable, Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a farmer who throws seed on the ground and, having done so, has to step back and let nature takes his course. As he goes about his business, sleeping, waking, the seed is growing. Only when what was sown is ripe for harvest can the farmer really get to work again. In all of this process, the farmer has a role to play, but nature has its own work to do in its own time. Jesus is saying that the kingdom of God, living in a way that is in keeping with God’s will for our lives, is a bit like that. Yes, we have our work to do if that is to happen, just as the farmer had to sow the seed and then reap the harvest. However, there is something more going on all the time, apart from our work. The Lord himself is at work in our lives. It is not all down to us, just as it is not all down to the farmer. In his letter to the church in Philippi, Paul expresses his confidence that God who began a good work among them would bring it to completion. The work of growing into Christ, living out of the mind-set of Christ, was primarily God’s good work in their lives. The coming of the kingdom is God’s good work in our lives. Our work consists primarily in co-operating with the work of God which is ongoing in our lives. Even in the midst of all the bad news that is around us, the good work of God continues in the lives of all those who are in any way open to that work of God within us and among us.
Jesus then uses a second seed parable to speak of the kingdom of God. He says it is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all the seeds, which once sown becomes a huge shrub putting out big branches. Jesus is saying that the kingdom of God is as present in the mustard seed as in the large shrub. Doing God’s will, living as God wants us to live, following in the way of Jesus, is not necessarily about doing big things but rather doing small things that are worthwhile. If we manage to sow little seeds of the kingdom, the Lord can work powerfully through those small seeds until they grow into something wonderful. We need to learn to appreciate the little efforts we make, a friendly gesture towards someone in trouble, a welcoming smile for someone who feels excluded, a sign of closeness for someone who is alone. In all of these small ways, the mustard seed of the kingdom of God is at hand and it can grow into something wonderful. Faithful, everyday choices to scatter the seed of the Lord’s love will unleash a power that can transform the world.
(iv) Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
I came across a saying of Saint Francis Xavier recently that caught my attention, ‘Be big in little things’. It is one of those sayings that invites reflection. One of the ways of hearing that saying is that we are to do the small, ordinary, tasks of life with a loving and generous heart. This was very much the spirituality of Saint Therese of Lisieux, her ‘little way’ as she referred to it. She died very young and lived most of her short life in a Carmelite convent. Yet, she did her tasks there with an extraordinary love for the Lord in her heart. She gave herself generously and lovingly to her little, daily, tasks. Even though her world was in some ways very small, her little way had a tremendous impact for good on generations of believers throughout the world.
Today’s gospel reading reminded me of that saying of Saint Francis Xavier, ‘Be big in small things’. Jesus speaks two parables which reveal something of the mystery of the kingdom of God. When we hear the term ‘kingdom of God’, we instinctively think of the ‘kingdom of heaven’, life beyond this earthly life. Indeed, Jesus often speaks about entering the kingdom of God beyond this earthly life. Yet, for Jesus, the kingdom of God was also a present reality. As he began his public ministry, he declared, ‘the kingdom of God is at hand’. Jesus was declaring that the kingdom of God was coming into this earthly world in and through his ministry. The kingdom of God was present when Jesus healed the sick, forgave sinners, shared table with the excluded, proclaimed the good news of God’s unconditional love for all, gathered a new kind of community about himself that would later become the church. Jesus intended that the kingdom of God would continue to come into our world through the community of believers that he began to gather during his earthly life. That is why Jesus taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer, ‘thy kingdom come’. We are asking God to help us to live in such a way that God’s kingdom will come into our world through us. The petition ‘thy kingdom come’ is followed immediately by the petition ‘thy will be done’. Whenever, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we live as God wills, whenever we relate to one another in the same loving way that God relates to us, then the kingdom of God is present in our world through our lives.
What does Jesus mean then when he says that the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed which at the time of its sowing is the smallest of all the seeds and, yet, once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub of them all? He seems to be saying that ‘little things’, as little as a mustard seed, have the potential to be a gateway through which the kingdom of God comes into our world. Jesus is suggesting that we can all sow little seeds of God’s kingdom. Just as the sowing of a small mustard seed grows into a large, vigorous, plant that spreads far and wide providing shelter for birds, so our own sowing of tiny sees of love and hope can have unforeseen effects for good. Faithful, every day, choices to scatter the seed of the Lord’s love unleashes a power that can transform the world. Jesus is encouraging us to appreciate the value of our own small gestures of generosity and loving kindness. He often drew attention to the significance of small gestures, of the mustard seeds of love. He said on one occasion that if anyone gives a cup of cold water to a thirsty person they will not lose their reward. On another occasion he drew his disciples’ attention to a poor widow putting in two small copper coins into the Temple treasury. In the parable of the good Samaritan, the Samaritan traveller was making present the kingdom of God to the broken Jesus by the simple loving gestures of bandaging his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them, putting him on his animal, and bringing him to an inn,
Jesus is assuring us in that parable that the kingdom of God is present in the good and loving choices we make, in our small acts of self-giving service of others. What about the first parable in today’s gospel reading, often called the parable of the seed growing secretly? What is it saying about the presence of the kingdom of God in our world? Jesus seems to be saying that God can be working quietly, mysteriously, and yet powerfully, at the heart of the familiar. The farmer sows the seed and then does nothing for months, and, yet, there is a wonderful process of growth going on all the time, until he is ready to reap the harvest. Jesus is saying that when we sow seeds of hope and love, more is always happening than we realize; God is at work there. The coming of God’s kingdom into the world is primarily God’s work. We have a role to play; we have to sow the seed. If we do that, if we are big in small things, God will exploit that opening in ways beyond all our imagining. God will be working away powerfully through our efforts, small as they may seem to us.
Fr. Martin Hogan.
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Continuing this post, every single thing in Jon's arc is made about other people.
Jon's parentage is about how honorable Ned Stark was that he didn't throw his sister's child out of the window in the Tower of Joy.
The blue rose that only Jon's mother is associated with and is mentioned in Dany's vision is...actually about a Ned Stark's daughter (doesn't matter who you like, neither of them are associated with blue roses).
No one will believe Jon is a Targaryen because it is inconvenient to my faves.
Rhaegar and Lyanna are Jon's parents, their love story and what happened between them has its echoes in Jon's arc. But to ship Jon with whichever cousin of his you prefer, then parallel it with Rhaegar and Lyanna and then turn around and say, Rhaegar was prophecy obsessed?! Pat yourself on the back, you have officially surpassed Stansas in your logic!
Then this entire fuck all take about how Jon is a bully as Sansa was. FUCK YOU! Jon was sent to the Wall by his supposedly 'honorable father' in a penal colony which he isn't told the truth about and he took his frustration out on the recruits and was rightly called out for it. But to compare that to Sansa of all people?! Like, if you cannot appreciate the nuance in AGOT Jon, then maybe do not comment on him.
Jon is trying to save the Wildlings and I am just going to say it, yes, Jon died for Arya but to make Jon's entire ADWD Chapters and his arc in the book and him bringing Wildings on the Wall about Arya is a gross simplification of everything he did as Lord Commander.
Jon is going to anhiliate the entire North in favour of Arya. No, he won't. He may march for Arya but Jon's arc involves other things...like the protection of the entire world. He is not going to destroy the North for anyone.
Mel's vision and prophecies are in Jon's chapters, they are about Jon. There was no need for Mel, a red preistess at the Wall if Jon had no connection to the prophecy.
Then there is this another nonsense, Arya is Azor Ahai and she will kill Jon as Nissa Nissa. How the fuck is Arya connected to the prophecy?!
Let's just completely overlook Jon's 6257266 king foreshadowings or find a convenient way around it. How? Jon will be a King, but only till he is useful, after that he can die or give up his claim or end up Beyond the Wall... away from everything and everyone because that's convenient for you and the things you want for your fave.
Nevermind his longing for family, the fact that he has ALWAYS been an outsider. The outsider ends up as an outsider! What a fitting end.
Why is it always that only when it is Jon who is connected to prophecy, the prophecy suddenly becomes negative, otherwise it is all positive if it is connected with the other Key 4.
Jon will turn dark...I have news, every character will turn dark in TWOW, not just Jon.
A Dream of Spring is only mentioned in a Jon's chapter and no one else's and yet Jon is the one getting sad endings, getting the short end of the stick, or being a glorified bodyguard to whoever you ship him with.
Jon's parentage, his love for Arya, his respect for Ned, his longing for home, his rulership arc, his connection to Dany, his love for Robb, Bran and Rickon IS ABOUT HIM!
Stop making it about other people.
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clarythericebot · 6 months
A Playlist for Henry Crawford/Fanny Price
I'm now resigned that my attention to this what-if couple is going to be fixed for the time-being. So, as I do for all the couples I love, I'm making a playlist :)
They're mostly from Henry's perspective, though, so I'm on the lookout for Fanny songs. What I have so far:
Quando Quando Quando - Engelbert Humperdinck
The exuberance! The happy desperation of being in love! Even the low-key presumptuousness! This song screams Henry Crawford.
When will you say yes to me?
Tell me quando, quando, quando
You mean happiness to me
Oh, my love, please tell me when?
Every moment's a day!
Every day seems a lifetime!
Let me show you the way
To a joy beyond compare!
2. Mirrorball - Taylor Swift
A more introspective Henry song about what he loves about Fanny and how his love for her is more than performative (even if he is a performer).
You are not like the regulars
The masquerade revelers
Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten
Hush, when no one is around, my dear
You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes
Spinning in my highest heels, love
Shining just for you
Bonus: The bridge being a contemplation of how he has always used his charms to compensate for what he lacks, and this is the only time - when he's startled to find something more than the smoke and mirrors he's encountered before - it doesn't work.
And I'm still a believer
But I don't know why
I've never been a natural
All I do is try, try, try
I'm still on that trapeze
I'm still trying everything
To keep you looking at me
3. Make You Feel My Love - Shane Filan Cover
Maybe Henry Crawford in Portsmouth, or Henry in another reality where he actually manages to reflect on his despicable actions and repents uprightly.
The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet
4. Sweet Nothing - Taylor Swift
My only Fanny entry right now. She never does fall in love with him in Mansfield Park (which is probably why finding songs for her is hard), but I imagine this could've been what it would've been like if she did get a reformed Henry.
'Cause they said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings
Outside, they're push- and shoving
You're in the kitchen, humming
All that you ever wanted from me was...nothing
Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors and smooth-talking hucksters
Out glad-handing each other
And the voices that implore
"You should be doing more!"
To you I can admit
That I'm just too soft for all of it
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grigori77 · 1 year
So, about Critical Role’s statement on the new WOTC OGL ...
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I know, I know, it LOOKS LIKE they’re trying to hedge their bets, that they’re trying to appease the evil empire (WOTC) while also trying not to alienate their fans, and perhaps there’s even a fraction of truth in this point, but ... REMEMBER FOLKS, THESE GUYS ARE NOT JUST A BUNCH OF FRIENDS PLAYING A FRIENDLY GAME OF D&D ANYMORE.  They’ve built up a real business based around what they’ve been doing, and this is something they need to protect.  If it was just about THEM, about the game and the webcast at Geek & Sundry, you know they’d cut ties in a heartbeat, going back to using Pathfinder like they started out with before the release of 5E.  But there’s so much more to it for them now.
They’ve got The Legend of Vox Machina on Amazon (there’s a reason there are subtle differences between what’s happening in the show, from powers to races to the names of the gods themselves, compared to the original Campaign 1 liveplay, and thwat’s so they can get around the copyright issues in order to make the series IN THE FIRST PLACE).  They’ve got all of the offshoot merchandise, which people have to make, and a series of tie-in expansion books and games - sure, some of them have been published by Darrington Press, but there are others which were specifically made by WOTC themselves, which means their contents are trapped FRONT AND CENTRE under the conditions of the new OGL).  MOST OF ALL, though, they’ve got the show itself, hell, they’ve got the ENTIRE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of Critical Role itself, which isn’t just run by them - they employ HUNDREDS OF OTHER PEOPLE, from their crew to evrybody working on the periphery, right down to all the jobs that were created just to help them make and distribute their tie-in games and merchandise.  That’s a hell of a consideration.
If they piss off WOTC by coming right out and saying what I’m sure they REALLY WANT TO about this, that could put them in a really bad position given that D&D Byond is one of their major sponsors, they’re using the 5E platform and intelectual materials to put this together in the first place, and some key parts of their own material are now, thanks to this new OGL, technically THE INTELECTUAL PROPERTY of WOTC now too.  They can’t just drop D&D Beyond as a sponsor and wash their hands, they’re pretty STUCK right now.
So yeah, they’re being cautious about what they’re actually saying here, so it sounds like they’re trying to appease BOTH SIDES of the argument.  Because they REALLY ARE.  They have NO CHOICE.  It’s clear enough if you actually PAY ATTENTION and read between the lines here that what they’re saying to WOTC is purely to put them at ease, there’s birtually no real SINCERITY in their words, but when they’re talking to the community at large, the ones who are being GENUINELY HURT by this new situation, they’re thoroughly commiserating with them, entirely trying to prop them up, their sincerity HERE is COMPLETELY REAL.  They love us, they’ve made it abundently clear OVER AND OVER AGAIN already, and they don’t want to fuck us over about this.
Look at it this way - look at this in eighteen or so months’ time, when the current campaign comes to an end and they have cart blanche to do whatever they want when it comes to Campaign 4.  If you ask me, they’ll jump ship entirely, go to one of the other gameplay systems or even create their own (they might even do it SOONER if Matt can come up with something himself while Campaign 3′s still happening), and when they come back to Exandria (or maybe even a completely new setting, which I think MIGHT BE more likely, even if it does mean saying goodbye to the possibility of tying in with the previous campaigns going forward) there will be some MAJOR SHAKE-UPS where they no longer have to pay ANY lip-service at all to WOTC’s properties.  Hell, if there’s any way they can use a little legal grease to try and wrangle Exandria and Stuff out from under WOTC’s grip while they’re at it I’ve no doubt they’ll try, although I’m a good deal LESS confident about THAT.
Just remember, these guys are on OUR SIDE.  They’re in a really impossible situation right now, and they have NO IDEA how this is actually going to turn out so they are JUST AS SCARED AS US right now, but they’ve got A WHOLE LOT to lose if it all goes proper south on ‘em.  So just think about THAT before you start badmouthing Matt, Marisha, Travis, Laura, Ashley, Taliesin, Liam and Sam about trying to play the middle or delivering a “milquetoast” statement.  This really is THE BEST they can do right now ...
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monorayjak · 8 months
Lost Caverns of Ixalan Thoughts
Ok, so, I just finished reading through the Lost Caverns of Ixalan Story plus the side story that's been released. I just wanted to share some thoughts. (Spoilers ahead)
All in all, an interesting story, with lasting repercussions for both the plane and those who were a part of the story. But, the set leaves a lot more questions than answers, and seems to have added some things just because they could; looking at you Leonin - they were literally in the story for like 10 minutes and then promptly forgotten about.
The story of Kellan continues as a small piece of this plot, and I enjoy that it was woven in without him becoming a key player. He was just passing through and got pulled in, he wasn't a deus ex machina or a big part of the ending, he was just there. Really enjoyed the idea of Kellan building a rag-tag multiversal adventuring party throughout his travels, seems like it would be fun, IF they don't just make it him and Amalia. Because if they leave it as just them its just going to turn into a love story, and I'm fine with a love story, but it just feels shoe-horned in if that's the only reason.
Quint's search for the "Coin Empire" seems interesting, but also seems to come out of absolutely no where, like… last we saw of him his spark ignited. When and when did he learn about this empire? What seems so special about it? How is he so sure it connects across planes? How the hell did they travel across planes in the distant past? How did they end up where they did? What caught his attention about them? It just feels out of nowhere, and it would be fine if they had made him have the revelation of "Holy shit, these things are exactly the same as another site I was working on… could it be some kind of multiversal empire??" but no, they have him already fully aware of it out of nowhere. It could have been better implemented I guess.
Also, what the hell was with the descriptions of "long necks" just being there??? Are they talking about fucking Giraffes? Why do they never mention them in more detail than "fuzzy, strange looking, long-necked creatures??" Why??? Where they trying to hide something??? What was the importance of it?? Are they trying to say BATS somehow have really long necks?? But it couldn't be that because people call the bats, well, bats! Just… what???????
Liked the political intrigue we got from every side:
Vampires having a kind of Reformation level split in the church/government
The sun empire being ruled by a literal 4-year old (ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!) who is being manipulated by two relatives
Huatli working to start a coup
Huatli, Elenda, and Admiral/Governor Brass working together to form a powerful enough force to stop another war
Saheeli being sent in Huatli's place and the fact she is from another world is used in the story by having her keep notes in her home-worlds language, with her also being the voice of reason to everyone without even thinking about it
Enjoyed the fact that Huatli is becoming a tired veteran after the race for Orazca, the War of the Spark, and the phyrexian invasion, and now just wanting a peaceful life with no more needless death.
Enjoyed the moments of Saheeli and Huatli being together, even we don't get many and I'm still not a fan they were desparked.
I found some bits of writing a bit lazy, notably:
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These lines are both in the same section about 3 paragraphs apart. There is no break between in the form of a viewpoint switch or anything. There was no reason to have this repetition beyond wanting to compare his use of it to something else and being too lazy to think up another one.
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This joke just falls flat. I understand Malcolm has talked like this the entire story, but it just feels so forced and atonal. And it isn't like they couldn't have good jokes in tense moments, for example:
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A funny and natural exchange in a very tense moment.
To top off the final bit, I do need to gripe about my BIGGEST annoyance in this set specifically. The discrepancy between both the description and depiction of the "Cosmium Eaters" and the multiple depictions we get of them. Like, this is the description of the lead-up to the transformations
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We have a mental image of a large bat god giving this power to Vito and his followers. Which is followed by this image.
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Which is fine. Its a great image showing the beginning of the transformation. The transformation, which is described as:
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Ok, so they've turned into man-bat like creatures. Cool, good. BUT, then we see this image in the next article, one where Huatli kills Vito.
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That isn't a Man-Bat like person... that's Vito with bat wings. Ok, so maybe the transformation was exaggerated a bit in the story... except
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No, it wasn't. So why the hell does Vito, as the first person to transform, look like his normal self but is written as if he's become some kind of horrifying monster, one which the characters mention they really only make out its him because he's holding the same staff as before. Why does no one else look like that? What do these people look like?????
Long story short, the story is a mixed bag I think.
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444lpblue · 5 months
The Witch and the Beast #2 - The Witch's Pastime: Final Act
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Screenplay: Yuuichirou Momose Storyboard: Toshiyuki Sone Episode Direction: Masahiko Suzuki Chief Episode Direction: Makoto Tamagawa Chief Animation Direction: Hiroya Iijima Animation Direction: Makoto Shimojima, Kazuharu Tada, Miyoko Shikibu, Miyako Nishida, Geun-Su Lim (Monster AD: Shouya Gotou) Key Animation: Yuka Anze, Yasunori Yamaguchi, Kouichi Takai, Ryou Suzuki, Mizuki Nakane, Shouya Gotou, Tomokazu Gunji, Aya Nagumo, Mayu Nakamura, Mitsuyo Tsuno, Riku Yamahira, Kazumasa Takeuchi, Hideo Maru, Seon-Hui Kim, Studio Toy Box, Kou Kitakaze
Better late than never, right? On my first watch of this episode, I'm not going to lie; I was a bit harsh on it. I couldn't keep the inconsistency and off-model nature of the episode out of my mind (most of which I hope will be fixed in the Blu-rays), and it kind of blinded me in my real assessment of this episode. I want you guys to keep in mind that this is one of my favorite mangas of all time, so I have very high standards for it. Seeing these production issues crop up just isn't a great feeling when the animation itself is already quite limiting.
Despite all of that, I'd still describe it as a reasonably decent episode, though not quite on par with episode 1. However, it did feature some remarkable shots that were visually stunning, courtesy once again of Hirotsugu Kakoi's art direction plus his team at Kagoshima Ramecahirim. The storyboarder of this episode, Toshiyuki Sone, while quite derivative of the manga, I believe, had many shots that make great use of the excellent background art and has a serious sense of depth.
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When the scenes are good, they're REALLY good. I've noticed that the show particularly shines during nighttime, and I absolutely love it; it has become my favorite visual aspect of the series so far. Recently, I saw someone describe The Witch and the Beast as a grotesque and gory show, which is only partly true. This manga is aesthetically inclined, balancing the gory and the beautiful, and I believe these specific shots emphasize that quality. The new city setting is dark, empty, and moody, yet it's visually captivating—almost like eye candy. The ethereal lights style, illuminating everything, coupled with the depth and details presented in the aftermath of the victims, all come together in a gory yet beautiful amalgamation for example.
The animation in this episode was still overall limiting, but it wasn't one that particularly needed much per the narrative (of this episode). As mentioned before, the consistency really bothers me, along with some odd choices that could perhaps be attributed to the direction of this episode. The zoom in with Ashaf casting his spell looked low-res when zoomed in and somewhat disrupted my immersion in the episode. Guideau hitting the handrails had this weird effect applied instead of proper animation, which felt awkward. The entire restaurant scene in the second half of the episode was extremely off-model. Despite these issues, the actual episode, both in the narrative adaptation and the background/board ideas, still meshes pretty well with my vision of the manga.
I also hope that, considering this is arguably one of the less important arcs, when we reach Episode 4, which focuses on Johan and Phanora's arc or beyond (don't worry, I'll write about Episode 3 right after this), there will be an improvement in the production levels compared to what we've seen in this episode. I'm optimistic that they've been saving their staff for these more significant episodes. While I acknowledge that this isn't the best production ever, I appreciate the art direction, some of the storyboarding has been quite good, and the show as a whole has been a decent adaptation of the manga. However, I would like to see more consistency going forward.
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jitendra030 · 6 months
Manipal University Online MCA
Conquering the Digital Frontier: Unraveling the Manipal University Online MCA Program
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In the whirlwind of the digital age, a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree has become the gold standard for aspiring IT professionals. If you crave the flexibility of online learning while seeking the prestige of a renowned university, Manipal University Online's MCA program might be your perfect launchpad. Let's delve into this innovative program, examining its curriculum, eligibility criteria, fees, and the key factors that make it stand out.
Unveiling the Course Structure:
Manipal University Online's MCA program spans across four semesters, meticulously crafted to equip you with cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on skills. Here's a glimpse into the core areas you'll conquer:
Foundational Semesters (Semesters 1 & 2): Laying the groundwork, you'll master programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. Data structures, algorithms, and operating systems will become your playground, while subjects like computer networks and web technologies open doors to the digital world's infrastructure.
Specialization Semesters (Semesters 3 & 4): This is where you carve your niche. Choose from specializations like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Software Development, or Cyber Security. Deepen your expertise in your chosen domain with advanced electives and capstone projects that put your skills to the test.
Eligibility Criteria: Unlocking the Gateway:
To embark on this journey, you must have:
A Bachelor's degree in any discipline with Mathematics or Statistics as a compulsory subject at the 10+2 level or at the graduation level.
Secured a valid score in national entrance exams like NIMCAT, MAT, or ATMA.
A passion for technology and a thirst for continuous learning.
Admission Criteria: Demystifying the Selection Process:
Once you meet the eligibility criteria, your merit score in the chosen entrance exam forms the basis for selection. Shortlisted candidates are then invited for an online interview where your communication skills, technical aptitude, and career aspirations are assessed.
Financial Considerations: Unmasking the Fees:
The program fee for the Manipal University Online MCA program is currently set at around INR 2.5 lakhs per semester. However, scholarships and financial aid options are available for deserving students, easing the financial burden and making the program accessible to a wider pool of talented individuals.
Beyond the Classroom: What Sets Manipal Online MCA Apart:
While a robust curriculum is crucial, Manipal University Online goes the extra mile to elevate your learning experience:
Renowned Faculty: Learn from industry experts and academic stalwarts who bring real-world experience and a passion for teaching to the virtual classroom.
Interactive Learning Platform: Engage in live online sessions, access comprehensive study materials, and collaborate with peers through a user-friendly learning management system.
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The Manipal University Online MCA program is not just a degree; it's a passport to a rewarding career in the ever-evolving IT landscape. If you're driven by ambition, possess a curious mind, and yearn to make your mark in the digital world, this program can be your stepping stone to success.
Spotlight on Specializations: Dive deeper into each specialization, highlighting the specific courses, industry trends, and career prospects.
Alumni Success Stories: Feature interviews with successful alumni who have carved their niche in the IT world after graduating from the program.
Comparison with other Online MCA Programs: Briefly compare Manipal's program with other online MCA offerings, highlighting its unique strengths and value proposition.
Student Testimonies: Include quotes from current or past students about their experiences with the program, its challenges, and its rewards.
Career Outlook: Discuss the job market for MCA graduates, highlighting growth trends, in-demand skills, and potential salary ranges.
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