#Big Doint
pacovratta · 2 months
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Doints Points Finish • Miami GP
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flustersluts · 1 year
ive been playing the new celeste community mod all day and now my wrists hurt.... hmm
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sbnkalny · 1 year
It's doints, not doinks, kalny! don't get to experience them As good as they say you are!
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Omg I love this! Can u write something similar but with a man flirting with Harry instead and y/n gets jealous
first “part” to this mini series!
you weren't really the jealous type, so when it happened, harry thought it was rather cute.
one time when you were at a concert together, a guy started flirting with harry. right in front of you! sometimes it shocked you to see how shameless people were, but at the time all you could feel was jealousy bubbling in the pit of your stomach. harry wasn't really entertaining it. if you were honest, you would go as far as to say he was quite oblivious to it all. so while he was standing and talking to the guy during the down time between opening and main acts, you just wrapped your arms around him from behind, raised your eyebrows at the guy who made the mistake of flirting with your boyfriend, and promptly told harry that he could keep talking to his new friend, or he could follow you to the bathroom for a surprise.
to harry, there was no question, which was something he teased you about as you scurried off to find a private bathroom at the concert venue.
tonight you were changing it up a little and went to a club to do some light drinking and dancing. both you and harry were having the best time, even though he was still a little shy on the dance floor (which would eventually change once he got a few drinks in him).
but one thing that you kept noticing was that whenever harry went to go get new drinks, he would come back with free ones. the first time, he held up the margaritas with a big smile on his face saying, "look, baby! free drinks!" he didn't say where they came from, but you didn't really mind because your boyfriend was harry styles, these things happened sometimes.
as the night went on, though, it kept happening, and you just had this gut feeling that it was coming from one person, so when the time came for another round of drinks, you offered to go this time.
no one seemed out of the ordinary at the bar, but it was hard to determine who was buying your boyfriend's drinks. it could've been anyone.
you got your answer when you eventually returned. harry was not dancing by himself, but with a woman, who upon further inspection was very pretty and very tall.
she was doint what you thought was a very sad attempt at salsa dancing to the song blasting through the club's speakers, trying to sway hips she didn't really have. it would've been funny if she wasn't also all over harry, who looked visibly uncomfortable but couldn't find an opportunity to get away.
you didn't know what it was about this situation that made you see red. maybe it was that you were sick of people throwing themselves at harry when he clearly didn't want it, or maybe it was that it was disrespectful towards you. whatever it was, you set your drinks down on an empty table, and stomped over there.
what happened next was a bit of a blur, but there was a lot of yelling, and at one point you might've tried to have a go at the woman when she mockingly spoke slowly in english so you could "understand" her.
she was lucky harry was there to pull you away and out of the club before security kicked you out or you did something you would end up regretting in the morning.
now that you were outside, your head cleared a little, but you were still pissed, muttering to yourself in spanish while harry handed his ticket over to the valet service.
"you want to talk about it?" he asked when he finally came over.
harry grinned a little. "okay, i'll just be over here. minding my business."
he walked a few feet away, standing with his hands behind his back as his heels rocked him back and forth. he knew you would come over eventually, it was just a matter of waiting.
and you did. you trudged over and wrapped yourself around him, unbuttoning his shirt a little further so you could rest your cheek against his chest without any obstruction. harry held you close, his hand coming up to run through your hair.
"thank you for stepping in tonight, even if it did almost get us kicked out," he said, kissing the crown of your head.
you knew he was trying to lighten your sour mood, which you appreciated. "you're welcome. sorry it got so out of hand."
"wasn't your fault, lovie. no one should ever talk to you that way. i was getting ready to tell her off myself, but you beat me to it, huh?"
you and harry always had each other's backs. he was always the first to defend you from creeps, weirdos, and other horrible people, and you did the same for him. you had no doubts that harry would've handled that woman his own way if he hadn't seen you about to tackle her to the ground.
the car finally came around, and harry helped you into the passenger seat, slipping your heels off before walking around to the driver's side.
you held hands over the gear shift as he drove, your eyes slowly blinking shut as your head leaned against the window.
"you know you can never tease me for being jealous, though, right?"
harry's voice stirred you, but only long enough to see him smile as he looked ahead. "shut up," you muttered, smiling to yourself as you eventually drifted to sleep.
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
sighs. lancer. head in hands. 5 years. 5 months. til the world is essentially gone. im like. eyes wide. blinking. turns out the big bad, we fucking made it, it's a manmade horror actually. and now its playing god. im like. dude? im bad at articulation but. dude? and jeurgen fucking knew the whole time. like bro youre an asshjole. (i love u...) GENUINELY THE MOST SHIFT IVE SEEN OF ALL TIME. JEURGEN USED TO BE A SWEETHEART BUT HE REALIZED HE'S A XENOGLASS MONK. SO HES LIKE. BUUGJHH!?!?!?! HES SO FUCKED UP. HES SO FUCKED UP. GRITS MY TEETH. HE'S LIKE SUCH AN ASSHOLE NOW AND I REALLY THINK ITS COOL. OKAY SO im. LIKE. GUH? GUH????? HE KNOWS EVERYTHING. HE KNOWS TOO MUCH! OK SO JUST. GUH. so much to process but basically, the oracle??? WE made that. we made it in the past, it was essentially some weird hivemind consisting of nanites that could be used to fight wars without the actual people. and now its god. maybe? it claims to be god. im like. dude? we beat its apostle to death, funnily enough the revived corpse of the apostle that was killed in act 1. im fucking unwell. but it said to us like. We'll meet again. and frankly I HOPE THE FUCK NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! YOURE SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NEARLY KILLED JEURGEN!!!!!!!!!!!! and technically its cronies almost killed yves so that was Ough. but yeah no mech. in actuality yves(?) was kind of paralyzed half the time in telly's mech, i say ? cuz that wasnt. really yves. hard to explain but no that wasnt yves really. still though. once the battle was over, full success, we just stood there as we received all of this info right. and telly's like full of screaming thru the comms, and yves(?) is like. hey god is fucking punishing us actually. this is god's punishment. and tellys like. no its fucking not shut up. also i know about your boyfriend. elias. and THE yves, THE current yves, goes fucking ballistic, all the rage and terror from before comes back at once and he fucking goes ballistic and tackles telly and fucking BEATS his shit in. just starts fucking punching him over and over again til people have to physically rip him off and fucking screams at telly to like. leave elias out of this. all of this while baron oze is just receiving the news from jeurgen - 5 years for bo. FIVE months for keedan. and its so fucked up to me. jeurgen knew. jeurgen knew for a very long time. he just didnt know that til recently. and thats so fucked. he knew all of this was going to happen. this WHOLE fucking time... but he did not remember..... how fucked is that. like actually. so im just like. man Okay. okay. this is fucked.
so yeah after that reveal, we just drag ourselves back to the hangar. we're fucked. got ferrofluids everywhere, telly's punched to fuck all, oils and shit, we just look like shit. and then we realize theres a man with darwil, guy just fucking LOSING his shit, pacing back and forth, just rambling his head off, and it isnt til he looks our way that yves realizes immediately it's elias, and elias makes a fucking beeline right for yves and actually. dude? fuck? oh. they just fucking grapple onto each other and they hug it out right there and yves is just whispering im sorry the whole time. he has never truly apologized for anything. he actually means it. im like. fuck. yk. dude? at that very moment everything else gets drowned out, cuz it just doesnt fucking matter to him. elias is right there, tears in his eyes, looking at him. just straight up starin at him. nothing fucking matters actually. just this right now. im like. picture of white guy with the red shirt grabbing his head and crying. Okay. youre telling me. pointing at yves. the guy who has only ever cared about himself and his own gains. actually feels something real for someone else, the first time in YEARS. okay. dude i doint even care. dude. whatever. actually. okay. whatever. yves would fucking KILL for this guy and im not joking. he already assaulted telly for even insinuating a talk with elias. like straight up. also telly still came up and was like. hey we need to talk. to elias and fucking yves gave him the most murderous stare............. bites my tongue. Yeah we had bit of a lancer moment today.
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sundaeserenade · 2 years
one day we'll get our rocket au and i will take the day off to celebrate a holiday (new exclusive sundae_serenade content)
btw, i also wanted to know a bit more abt your interpretation of red and his speech patterns (doesn't have to be all medical) (just curious)
LMFAO idk about sharing rocket red au anymore. i talked about it with a friend and they were very shocked about the subject matter…so idk…
but it's so different than what's posted on my ao3 but i have experience in writing these things so… anyway..
uhm, my interpretations of red's speech is that he doesn't talk at all. he is completely mute, and sometimes i write him as selectively mute but i honestly don't like doint that very much. i love it when red says nothing.
well "says" nothing, i love him using sign language! which is speaking. he doesn't speak vocally. and y'know i know a lot of people give a reason behind that, but i just am like. red doesn't want to talk. he's anxious, he's got social anxiety, hE DOESN'T WANT TO SPEAK! and it takes time for red to process things. and he's perpetually afraid of saying the wrong thing.
i hc that red knows how powerful words are, and chooses actions over them. but he's just not comfortable using his voice and he doesn't want to! thanks! that's it!
sometimes things are simple, there doesn't have to be this big long backstory or super detailed explanation. sometimes the reason is just because! and that's it. and that's my take on it!
the only time i write selectively mute red is in pokemas verse since he's canonically selectively mute or in like. certain nsfw pieces where i thought it fit a bit better, but other than that, nah.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Sick Puppies - You're Going Down (Official Video)
and tons do it no we do. and we hear it. others join  up
and we see it. there rare three prepping and we said it earlier see it the real thing lots need it too. now. and to go in with and are the same. butteh chassis and are clse yes..and work well are faster lighter. and made very fast too manypickups and wise asses doint nothing.  and our son says i realize it is not my shp and or bases and he says good. and they go oon it
an we hear them too tapping this out them after and stuff. but are in trouoble. now trumplooks sees it oshkosh big stuff tons of it needs it an works now. too.
and it is on they asy and roll and it is the psudo empire
Thor Freya and are not the usa mil no are and ok
we use it to take over and thusly and ok they see it again is ay it now ok and do it
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dinjouonyoass · 1 year
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We smokin yalls gang for breakfast big doints
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frankenstank · 3 years
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Happy crisis
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cassyapper · 3 years
lee 🤝 majima
ex-hitmen who immediately give it up upon meeting makoto
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japes-the-clown · 3 years
story of my tradlife
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purelyfictitious · 4 years
I've been brushing my teeth every day for a week. This is a first in my entire life
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sbnkalny · 3 months
My nails are You from having A big ole weiner
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viridescent-lament · 4 years
my stretch marks are fading :[
#its silly but i really liked them#ive always been of the opinion that scars and marks 'gives character' and adds to the overall#(in the same coin i think the lack of those is its own kind of beauty but thats off topic)#but looking at my scars most of them i did myself. so the thought of liking and aprriecting them feels.#it feels related to the idea of romantisicing selfharm//#so ive been rather neutral on them#but the stretch marks were something that happened on their own#so being able to point to them as something i like about my body really helped me?#since most of my other features i hate or am neutral on#even the fact they were there was good#in that while i hated my thighs before on the grounds they were too big#the strwtch marks were something good and they only existed because my thighs grew#like. i cant hate my thighs when they have such pretty marks on them??#but theyre a lot more faded. probably healing since stretch marks are from skin stretching too fast#on a related note ive been fulk lately#i keep eating a normal amount (way less than when i was in my foster home/first came to memas house)#and not only am i satisfied with that. my stomach feels sore like i ate too much#logically i know its probably becauss im at a healthier weight now and doint need to eat a lot to maintain it.#but. idk. i hate feeling too full. i dont think itd be good to stop eating again.#but the fact my stretch marks are gone makes me want to do somethin#cuz if my thighs are gonna be ugly again i may as well go back to fixing them.#is the thought im not going to do#im not going to stop eating again dont worry.#disordered eating
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oldfritz · 4 years
when I’m done doing my big cleaning I’ll show you guys how many Pokémon plushies I have. can also show off my fritz/prussia stuff if anyone wants?
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realizashuns · 3 years
you know whats wild... Arthur had us normalized to the name Arthur .....lol its such a weird name im trying to say it out loud now and it doesn't sound right like this was a fifth grader named Arthur LOL wtf? also just realized the parents named dw DOROTHEA WINIFRED no fucking wonder DW was ready to fight everyone on sight
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