#Bigger Than WATERGATE !!
how to use AI for good
youtube channel called Real News From Fake Stations, featuring convincing deepfakes of prominent propagandists anchors from stations like CNN and MSNBC relaying the news stories that should be reported, with the objective manner in which they ought to be reported
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justbeingnamaste · 1 year
In Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express,” detective Hercule Poirot observes, “The impossible could not have happened, therefore the impossible must be possible in spite of appearances.”
That may be the best summary of the findings of special prosecutor John Durham in his 305-page report issued yesterday.  
Not only did the impossible happen, but they all did it: the Clinton campaign, the FBI, and the media.
In hindsight, it would appear impossible.
A political campaign hatches a plot to create a false claim of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Making this even more implausible is that the CIA and FBI know about the plot.
As detailed in the report, President Barack Obama and his national security team were briefed on how “a trusted foreign source” revealed “a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”
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 ... Russia collusion conspiracy was invented by Clinton operatives....
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carygrantsbeard · 1 year
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This is bigger than watergate for me
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August 8, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson
Aug 09, 2024
Fifty years ago, on August 9, 1974, Richard M. Nixon became the first president in U.S. history to resign.
The road to that resignation began in 1971, when Daniel Ellsberg, who was at the time an employee of the RAND Corporation and thus had access to a top-secret Pentagon study of the way U.S. leaders had made decisions about the Vietnam War, leaked that study to major U.S. newspapers, including the New York Times and the Washington Post. 
The Pentagon Papers showed that every president from Harry S. Truman to Lyndon B. Johnson had lied to the public about events in Vietnam, and Nixon worried that “enemies” would follow the Pentagon Papers with a leak of information about his own decision-making to destroy his administration and hand the 1972 election to a Democrat. 
The FBI seemed to Nixon reluctant to believe he was being stalked by enemies. So the president organized his own Special Investigations Unit out of the White House to stop leaks. And who stops leaks? Plumbers. 
The plumbers burglarized the office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist in California, hoping to find something to discredit him, then moved on to bigger targets. Together with the Committee to Re-elect the President (fittingly dubbed CREEP as its activities became known), they planted fake letters in newspapers declaring support for Nixon and hatred for his opponents, spied on Democrats, and hired vendors for Democratic rallies and then scarpered on the bills. Finally, they set out to wiretap the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, in the fashionable Watergate office complex.
Early in the morning of June 17, 1972, Watergate security guard Frank Wills noticed that a door lock had been taped open. He ripped off the tape and closed the door, but on his next round, he found the door taped open again. Wills called the police, who arrested five men ransacking the DNC’s files. 
The White House immediately denounced what it called a “third-rate burglary attempt,” and the Watergate break-in gained no traction before the 1972 election, which Nixon and Vice-President Spiro Agnew won with an astonishing 60.7% of the popular vote. 
But Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, two young Washington Post reporters, followed the sloppy money trail back to the White House, and by March 1973 the scheme was unraveling. One of the burglars, James W. McCord Jr., wrote a letter to Judge John Sirica before his sentencing claiming he had lied at his trial to protect government officials. Sirica made the letter public, and White House counsel John Dean immediately began cooperating with prosecutors.
In April, three of Nixon’s top advisors resigned, and in May the president was forced to appoint former solicitor general of the United States Archibald Cox as a special prosecutor to investigate the affair. That same month, the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, informally known as the Senate Watergate Committee, began nationally televised hearings. The committee’s chair was Sam Ervin (D-NC), a conservative Democrat who would not run for reelection in 1974 and thus was expected to be able to do the job without political grandstanding.
The hearings turned up the explosive testimony of John Dean, who said he had talked to Nixon about covering up the burglary more than 30 times, but there the investigation sat during the hot summer of 1973 as the committee churned through witnesses. And then, on July 13, 1973, deputy assistant to the president Alexander Butterfield revealed the bombshell news that conversations and phone calls in the Oval Office had been taped since 1971.
Nixon refused to provide copies of the tapes either to Cox or to the Senate committee. When Cox subpoenaed a number of the tapes, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire him. In the October 20, 1973, “Saturday Night Massacre,” Richardson and his deputy, William Ruckelshaus, refused to execute Nixon’s order and resigned in protest; it was only the third man at the Justice Department—Solicitor General Robert Bork—who was willing to carry out the order firing Cox.
Popular outrage at the resignations and firing forced Nixon to ask Bork—now acting attorney general—to appoint a new special prosecutor, Leon Jaworski, a Democrat who had voted for Nixon, on November 1. On November 17, Nixon assured the American people that “I am not a crook.”
Like Cox before him, Jaworski was determined to hear the Oval Office tapes. He subpoenaed a number of them. Nixon fought the subpoenas on the grounds of executive privilege. On July 24, 1974, in U.S. v. Nixon, the Supreme Court sided unanimously with the prosecutor, saying that executive privilege “must be considered in light of our historic commitment to the rule of law. This is nowhere more profoundly manifest than in our view that 'the twofold aim (of criminal justice) is that guilt shall not escape or innocence suffer.'... The very integrity of the judicial system and public confidence in the system depend on full disclosure of all the facts….”
Their hand forced, Nixon’s people released transcripts of the tapes. They were damning, not just in content but also in style. Nixon had cultivated an image of himself as a clean family man, but the tapes revealed a mean-spirited, foul-mouthed bully. Aware that the tapes would damage his image, Nixon had his swearing redacted. “[Expletive deleted]” trended.
In late July 1974, the House Committee on the Judiciary passed articles of impeachment, charging the president with obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress. Each article ended with the same statement: “In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States. Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office.”
And then, on August 5, in response to a subpoena, the White House released a tape recorded on June 23, 1972, just six days after the Watergate break-in, that showed Nixon and his aide H.R. Haldeman plotting to invoke national security to protect the president. Even Republican senators, who had not wanted to convict their president, knew the game was over. A delegation went to the White House to deliver the news to the president that he must resign or be impeached by the full House and convicted by the Senate.
In his resignation speech, Nixon refused to acknowledge that he had done anything wrong. Instead, he told the American people he had to step down because he no longer had the support he needed in Congress to advance the national interest. He blamed the press, whose “leaks and accusations and innuendo” had been designed to destroy him. His disappointed supporters embraced the idea that there was a “liberal” conspiracy, spearheaded by the press, to bring down any Republican president.
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jazy3 · 1 month
ST5 Casting News
So in addition to Linda Hamilton joining the cast for Season 5 it looks like we've got some other new faces! In the Behind the Scenes teaser trailer and the Season 5 Tudum article that was recently published we got some new information about who will be joining the cast this season!
First up, we've got Nell Fisher who has been cast to play an older Holly Wheeler! And based on the trailer it looks like Vecna might be targeting her this season. In it we've got footage of Holly in her bedroom with the lights flickering on and off. You can see that the wallpaper matches the previous BTS pic we got in March of an Alf poster and a copy of Peter Pan and Nancy Drew: The Secret of the Old Clock and some other books in a holder. We now know that this is from Holly’s desk in her bedroom.
This feels so validating because I called it back in March that the photo was of Holly's bedroom! A lot of people thought it was Erica's but to me the vibe didn't match. I love Holly's taste in books too! I'm a big Nancy Drew fan and Secret of the Old Clock is one of my favourites! Seeing it is a nice callback to Season 3 when the newspaper guys kept mocking Nancy by calling her Nancy Drew and suggests that the sisters might be more alike than we thought.
In this new clip, we can see Holly’s Lite-Brite, a music stand, and shelves full of board games and stuffed animals. Which means Holly likely plays an instrument of some kind and I'm curious to find out what that is! Next we have a scene of her standing in the kitchen panicking and looking at something off camera while the lights flicker. This could be Vecna or a demogorgon coming through the wall or something could be happening to Karen. Either way this is going to be a rough season for Holly!
I had theorized after Season 4 came out that Holly might play a bigger role this season and I'm glad to see they're doing more with her character. I think this plot could be really interesting because she seems to notice things her parents and siblings don't. We know Holly saw the lights flicker in Season 1 and moved towards them when Will tried to communicate with her. And in Season 3 she noticed the trees moving in a weird way when she was on the farris wheel with her parents. Then in Season 4 we saw Holly was playing with her Lite-Brite in the living room while the Erica, Dustin, and Lucas discussed the mindflayer and watergate in the kitchen.
So we know she's observant and may have knowledge about what's really going on that she's not sharing. I feel like Mike, Nancy, and Karen are going to be so surprised to find out that she's known the whole time that weird stuff has been going, but I feel like Will and the others won't be surprised at all! Next up we've got Jake Connelly whose been cast as an unnamed friend of Erica’s. In the trailer we get footage of Priah Ferguson and Jake Connelly in costume at a barn.
Which makes me wonder if the G.I. Joe lunchbox and Transformers blanket we got photos of back in May belong to him? And if the 80’s Bedroom we got photos of with the computer, board games, stuffed animals, and ET game are from his room? That would make more sense than some of the other theories I've seen so far as the items seem too young to belong to any of the Party members, but too old to belong to Holly.
To be honest, I'm not sure why a new friend of Erica’s that we’ve never heard of is getting screen time when they could be giving Will a love interest or focusing on the characters they already have. I'm not sure why they expect us to care about a character we've never heard of when there are so many other characters who deserve screen time and love interests and to make new friends.
Speaking of love interestes where is Vickie in this trailer? We know she was filming at the hospital with Robin in either episode 1 or 2 and we know she's a part of the main cast so I feel like she should be here. The only thing I can think of is that whatever she's filmed so far is really spoilery so they can't show it to us yet.
Lastly we've got Alex Breaux whose been cast as an unnamed military character. In the trailer he’s seen in a black jacket holding a rifle with a scope on it and he's bathed in red light that's coming from somewhere else in the room. We previously got a BTS pic in February of a crew member in a room with similar lighting next to a lab coat so it's possible he’s at the lab here. To be honest, I'm not sure why they expect us to care about this character when all the military personnel we’ve seen in seasons 3 and 4 have been utterly stupid and ridiculous.
Like getting me to care about Erica's new friend and this guy is going to be a tough sell! Introducing Argyle as a character took a lot of screen time and dialogue away from Jonathan, Mike, and Will in Season 4 in what should have been their storyline and their time to shine. So I'm a bit concerned that these two new characters are going to do the same thing and take away more screen time from the existing cast of characters we already have.
Since we know there's going to be a large military presence in Hawkins this season I'm wondering if maybe this guy is going to be our heroes' inside man the way that Owens was in past seasons? I'm also not sure how old this actor is so it's also possible he could be a love interest for Karen or another character on the show. I'm still holding out hope that they're going to introduce a new love interest for Will this season and that he's going to get his happy ending! Cause the boy has been through it!
Tudum Article: https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/the-title-of-stranger-things-season-5-episode-1-revealed
BTS Teaser Trailer: https://youtu.be/vEhYTJpC2No?si=la95B7BwxWgav4Dq
ST5 BTS Teaser Trailer Thoughts Parts 1 - 4: https://www.tumblr.com/jazy3/758215736865013760/st5-bts-teaser-trailer-thoughts-part-4?source=share
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Dean Obeidallah at The Dean's Report:
Earlier this week, current Trump top advisor Boris Epshteyn and former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis plead not guilty to the nine felony charges each was charged with in connection with helping Donald Trump attempt to overturn the 2020 election in Arizona. Given all the pleas entered by Trump’s criminal associates over the past year, we should just refer to this event as: “Tuesday.” When I read about these latest criminal developments by Trump’s allies, though, for some reason what popped into my head was Trump’s past comments calling numerous scandals “bigger” and “worse” than Watergate because he believed it helped him politically to say that.  In fact, Trump said that about everything from Hillary’s emails to his false claim that the FBI had engaged in surveillance of one of his then 2016 campaign advisor, George Papadopoulos.
The Watergate scandal was huge and it did send more people to jail than many may recall. As a quick refresher, like Trump’s 2020 illegal scheme, the goal of Watergate was to illegally impact a presidential campaign to help the incumbent Republican President win re-election. The Watergate scandal began on June 17, 1972, when several burglars connected to President Richard Nixon’s reelection campaign were arrested in the office of the Democratic National Committee. They had been caught wiretapping phones and stealing documents.
From there, a sprawling cover up involving President Nixon and top aides was launched ranging from providing hundreds of thousands of dollars in “hush money” to the “Watergate burglars” to a plan to instruct the CIA to impede the FBI’s investigation of the crime. By the time the criminal prosecutions came to an end, more than 40 people were charged with crimes relating to the Watergate scandal--—including high ranking Nixon administration and campaign officials.
Some of the best known include Nixon’s Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman who served 18 months for conspiracy and obstruction of justice, former U.S. Attorney General and reelection campaign manager John Mitchell who was found guilty of conspiracy, perjury, and obstruction of justice and served 19 months in prison, and top domestic policy adviser John Ehrlichman, convicted of conspiracy to obstruct justice and perjury. Others who went to prison included Nixon’s White House Counsel John Dean, legal counsel to the Nixon campaign G. Gordon Liddy, White House aide Jeb Magruder and more. Nixon would’ve been charged with crimes if he had not been pardoned by Gerald Ford—a point former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks has made on my SiriusXM show.
In the case of convicted felon Trump, though, what he and his criminal conspirators did was far, far worse both in terms of the potential impact on our Republic and the sheer number of people involved. Trump attempted to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election. And while Nixon lacked any ethics or morals, only Trump incited a terrorist attack on our Capitol on Jan 6 as part of his scheme to remain in power. Plus—very importantly—the scope of Trump’s scheme involved both the federal government and various GOP state officials as well. Trump corrupted not just his White House associates but in essence the entire GOP across the nation—with few exceptions. Even Nixon didn’t do that!
For example, the most sprawling criminal case involving Trump and “All the President’s Men” is the one in Fulton County, Georgia, where 19 people have been charged with illegally interfering in the state’s 2020 election. The defendants include Trump and prominent Trump allies like Rudy Giuliani, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Trump lawyers John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro and more.  But also charged were numerous local GOP officials such as the former chair of Georgia’s Republican Party, a sitting GOP State Senator and the former head of the Coffee County Republicans. Then there are the fraudulent elector charges brought against Trump allies in five states: Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan. While Trump has not been charged in these cases, all the crimes were committed by Trump’s advisors, lawyers and local GOP officials in an effort to help Trump overturn the election results in their respective states so he could remain in power as President despite losing.
[...] Yes, we are witnessing something actually far “bigger’ and “worse” than Watergate. And it’s the crime spree of convicted felon Trump and his allies. This is the person the GOP chose to be their 2024 presidential nominee knowing full well this very history. Again, this reminds us of how dangerous today’s lawless and anti-democratic GOP is and why we must politically crush them this November in order to save our democratic Republic.
Dean Obeidallah has yet another banger post: The GOP’s fake electors plot to attempt to steal the 2020 elections for Donald Trump in multiple close states was worse than Watergate ever was.
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inkandguns · 5 days
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Ok you’re gonna go to work tomorrow and some ppl won’t know about this. Do you feel this story is bigger or smaller than watergate?
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Yup. MUCH bigger.
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Apr 23
Reminder. Joe Biden and Tony Blinken was just caught redhanded interfering with the 2020 election along with 51 intel agents. This is bigger than 1,000 Watergates. And at the same time - the same people arrested and railroaded a guy for election interference for a damn meme.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 5 months
Fics With the Same Title (6) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
A Little Bit Of Magic - doomedhowell
Summary: Dan is the new potions teacher at Hogwarts and is muggleborn, this is his first year teaching and whilst he’s excited, he has to get used to being in the castle with absolutely no muggle technology. Phil is the herbology teacher and is clumsy and likes puns and likes to help Hagrid with his magical creatures. Dan and Phil eventually meet and become rather close, some of the students realize this and try to get them together before the end up of the year.
A Little Bit Of Magic (fanfiction.net) - uhnonniemiss
Summary: It’s Dan’s eleventh birthday, and he’s looking forward to getting his Hogwarts letter. There’s just one problem- Hogwarts isn’t real, so he won’t get one, right? Wrong, if your best friend is Phil Lester, apparently.
A Little Emotional - trysomecats
Summary: Louise has a mini breakdown while witnessing Dan and Phil’s relationship.
A Little Emotional (ao3) - TheUKAmazingDan
Summary: After being a cheeky little shit at dinner, Phil decides Dan needs a little help controlling himself.
bear (ao3) - softnerds
Summary: Dan stays at Phil’s house for the first time and leaves his bear at home. At first he can’t sleep, but he ends up with a very pleasant surprise.
Bear (ao3) - Mysticallykai
Summary: As a child, Dan was easily frightened and needed comfort; that was when his Nana first gave him his Pooh Bear plush, as something that could keep him safe. Over the years, the plush became his absolute comfort, even into adulthood. When Phil comes into the picture, he makes Dan even more comfortable; through the good times and bad.
Butterflies (ao3) - brookwrites
Summary: The date is October 20, 2009. They’re in Phil’s bedroom. They’re both terrified. Butterflies flutter through their stomachs, but not exactly in a bad way.
Butterflies (ao3) - Emejig16
Summary: 2009!Dan visiting Phil and being all nervous and excited for it.
butterflies (ao3) - awrfdnp
Summary: Everyday Dan has to pinch himself to see if he’s dreaming or not. He can’t believe how lucky he is. “You give me butterflies, Phil.”
Come Over (ao3) - Phanosaur
Summary: A story about the time when Dan was in uni and they decided to move in together. Dan has some issues. Phil is Phil. Angst, smut, fluff, it's all there!
Come Over (ao3) - Mysticallykai
Summary: Dan and Phil's relationship is beginning to bloom, but Dan is terrified to let Phil into his home so he keeps pushing him away. He however, slowly learns that Phil is someone who will make his house a home.
Based loosely off of "Come Over" By Noah Kahan
control (ao3) - iihappydaysii
Summary: Dan tells Prince Phil that sometimes during sex he likes to be in total control
Control (ao3) - analester
Summary: “How sensitive?” With his mind fogged, Dan could barely comprehend the depth of the question. It was an offhand question, something asked with no thought as his mind was too focused on something bigger throbbing underneath him. Dan moved to connect his lips again, thumbs running lightly against Phil’s nipples outside of Phil’s shirt, and Phil let out a long whine, panting and bucking his hips erratically.
Daddy - litsy-kalyptica
Summary: Dan doesn’t trust the new daycare employee his son seems to like better than him.
Daddy - overlysexualphan-blog
Summary: Dan has a daddy kink but never told Phil which leads to interesting events when he accidentally lets it slip during sex.
Game Night (ao3) - LetterJumble
Summary: The five times Phil won game night, and the one time it didn’t matter.
game night (ao3) - watergator
Summary: dan learns what a lester family game night is like
Happily Ever After (ao3) - adorkablephil (kimberly_a)
Summary: Dan proposes marriage, but Phil’s reaction isn’t quite what he’d been expecting or hoping for.
Happily Ever After (ao3) - TwistedRocketPower
Summary: Dan and Phil spend the day at Disney World.
Looking Back - velarisstars
Summary: Dan and Phil, old and gray and in their eighties, still make the most out of life, despite some difficult changes. Told through their present day and very domestic flashbacks, Dan and Phil will be together forever. Phil promised.
Looking Back (ao3) - TrashFan
Summary: For the first time in years, Dan can feel himself spiraling down. But he’s over this, he can’t be relapsing. As he continues to hide what’s happening from Phil, things only get worse.
Safe - auroraphilealis
Summary: Phil is Dan’s Dom, and while they both know a scene doesn’t always go to plan, it still hurts them both when Dan has to use their safe word. After care fic.
Safe (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan was a young neko who’s lived with his Master Chris fever since he was a kitten, but things were different now that he was older. Chris treated his neko poorly and only used him for his own pleasures. Chris’s best friend Phil finds out that Chris is giving away the young neko and immediately steps up to save him. Ultimately, a friendship blossoms between Dan and Phil, and Dan gets the happy ending he never thought he’d get.
Safe And Sound - phantasising
Summary: Dan gets scared during a power cut/ thunderstorm. 
Safe And Sound (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan gets bullied in school for being gay and gets beat up constantly by Chris Kendall’s ‘gang’. It wasn’t until one day when Dan escapes from the boys and finds himself in the English classroom, and he’s surprised when he finds help from Mr. Lester, the English teacher.
Stay With Me (ao3) - blehmobile
Summary: Dan and Phil are flatmates, and they occasionally flirt. They agree that it is very normal to bathe with friends. Totally no tension at all.
Stay with me (ao3) - winstonlives
Summary: “So wait… that kid you have been talking to over twitter and stuff is coming to visit?” Phil’s best friend, Joe, asked surprised.
“Okay first of all, he is not a kid...he’s 18, thank you very much. Secondly nothing is going to happen, all that talk is for show, we’re just taking the piss, ya know?”
“Uh-huh. And he is fully aware that a piss is being taken? I mean, are you sure?” Joe said raising his eyebrow, before taking a drink of his beer.
Stay with me (ao3) - lilac_howell
Summary: Dan goes to the hospital and Phil keeps him company
Thunderstorms - doomedhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil had plans to go out for a dinner date, because it’s something that they don’t get to do very often. It starts raining, and it rains harder throughout the night. Phil has a fear of thunderstorms and starts to freak out a little bit, but luckily he has there to calm him down.
Thunderstorms - phan-is-my-jam
Summary: Dan’s afraid of thunderstorms, so he cuddles with Phil on the night of a bad one.
Thunderstorms (ao3) - PaintedInRed
Summary: Dan is afraid of thunderstorms, and Phil is very protective of his bear. Fluff ensues.
too much (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Dan's footsteps are soft against the thinly carpeted hotel room floor, and Phil burrows under the covers just a bit more to hide himself from the sound. He'll have to get up soon, he knows, but for a few minutes he wants to let himself sit and wallow in just how terrible the previous day had been.
Set during VidCon 2011.
Too Much (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: There’s plenty about Phil that is too much. And Dan fucking loves it. Too much and not quite enough and just fucking right. All at once.
A fic about greediness and ache.
Too much? (ao3) - GayFandomNerd
Summary: A conversation about how much they’ve been sharing with their fans
Warm - trysomecats
Summary: Dan is the only person who has the power to make Phil feel warm.
warm (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Phil likes Dan.
And Phil really, really likes Dan’s hat.
Warm (ao3) - Emptylester (timelordangel)
Summary: Dan hasn’t really smoked weed since University, but one night he decides to get Phil high for the first time. It’s certainly an adventure.
when a house is bought (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: dnp’s first night in their new house*
*forever home
when a house is bought (ao3) - meltingthroughthesky
Summary: text messages from “the transitional period of life”
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
Friends to lovers / crack ship / college AU
Friends to lovers describes most of my ships so A-. A: Love it. Spend my time combing AO3 for it./B: Like it. Not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if I’m in the right mood. Basically if I'm in a ship mood I probably want this, but I'm often not craving shippy content.
Crack ship: C: Neutral. A good author might be able to sell it, but a bad one will kill it deader than dead. !!! Crack is the hardest kind of fic to write well but when it's successful it's literally the best thing on planet earth or at least ao3. A good crack ship is like... camp.
College AU: okay so it very much depends on the fandom. A for funny headcanon posts but for an actual fic C+. But the greatest AU concept I ever saw was this one destiel fic that was a college newspaper AU and the plot was college AU Watergate. Greatest thing I have ever seen. In general college AUs are great if they're funny and lean into the crack. College AUs can include ships but like College Romances are boring.
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soitsashowpodcast · 2 years
ep. 131: You went with Faye Dunaway in Network. // And Maureen Dowd "come hither" pumps.
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This episode is going to make our ratings bigger than Watergate! Rory is taking her fashion inspiration from another 1976 movie and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. What is the legacy of the classic Network? What about Maureen Dowd’s pumps say “come hither” (if anything)? And what do these inspirations mean for a journalism panel Rory is participating in? You know we won’t stay in the dark any longer on these questions—we’re as mad as hell we don’t know, and we’re not going to take this anymore!
We Wholeheartedly Recommend: Midnights by Taylor Swift (2022), Regular Show (2010-17)
Other pop culture we ref: Mommie Dearest, Sunset Blvd., George Clooney, The Godfather, Hamilton, The Hunger Games, John Oliver, Don’t Look Up, Tommy Hilfiger, A Streetcar Named Desire
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TCM entry
“101 Greatest Screenplays,” WGA.org (2006)
“Network Turns 40: Here Are 3 Ways It Changed How We Understand News Media,” IndieWire.com (2016)
“The 'Outrageous' 40-Year-Old Film That Predicted the Future,” BBC.com (2016)
“The 1976 Film Network Is Meant to be Satire, Not a Playbook for News Hosts,” Vox.com (2017)
“Best Supporting Actress Oscar nominees: Who Contended for a Performance of Only 139 Seconds?” GoldDerby.com (2021)
“Network's Dialogue Didn't Leave Any Room for Error,” SlashFilm.com (2022)
“Network Got It Right: The Legacy of a Scorching Satire,” VanityFair.com (2022) 
“John Oliver Refers to NFL’s Monday Night Football as ‘Primetime Programming Where People Kill Themselves for Entertainment,’” HollywoodReporter.com (2022)
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Maureen Dowd’s biography, NYTimes.com
“1999 Pulitzer Prize Winners,” Pulitzer.org
“The Scandal-Chic Sales Pitch,” TampaBay.com (via The New York Times, 1998)
“Liberties; Monica And Me,” NYTimes.com (1998)
“Monica vs. Maureen,” Salon.com (1998)
“Who’s That Girl?” Archive.VanityFair.com (1998)
“‘Ditsy, Predatory White House Intern,” Slate.com (2014)
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dope-wise-words · 3 months
The media reacted in horror, not because they saw it, but because the American people saw Joe's condition. THIS is the worst political sandal in history. A corrupt Political party and a complicate media protecting a sham Government run by a collection of progressive interests. They prefer that to Democracy, because it is easier to get their way.
So now they are shifting to say Trump LIES, he LIES he LIES, when NOTTHING compares to This in your face BIGGEST LIE of them all. There is NO COMPARISION. It is a cover up bigger than Watergate.
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klbmsw · 1 year
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truck-fump · 1 year
'Much bigger than Watergate': John Dean weighs in on <b>Trump's</b> Georgia indictment
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DQ2aGCC2q_-A&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw2e_K3ELKKfXObFzG0DQmQy
'Much bigger than Watergate': John Dean weighs in on Trump's Georgia indictment
Former Nixon White House counsel John Dean speaks with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins about the 41-count indictment charging former President Donald Trump …
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47burlm · 1 year
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wiggle your way out of this one -you SOB
John Dean, who served as White House counsel to President Richard Nixon, on Monday summed up the latest indictment of former President Donald Trump by saying: “It’s much bigger than Watergate.”
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