#Bikini Wives Matter
floridaboiler · 1 year
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28 Days until Summer
source - https://mewe.com/p/bikinisummer
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Praise God. Jesus, who reigns, my Husband and Son of God, comes soon. USA(Babylon) will be invaded by Russia to the east and China to the west and will lose. NYC will be destroyed. Repent and focus on Jesus. Plead the blood of Jesus. Rapture is soon and the kingdom of God is near, so be holy. Obama is the antichrist and will use the rfid chip as mark of the beast with the False Prophet named Francis from Catholicism. There will be three days of darkness so please prepare as that will be when Jesus shall visit people. There will be fallen angels and giants and zombies and cyborgs and dinosaurs and persecution and many millions of deaths and disease like boils and tsunami to USA California and New Jersey and Florida and famine and fireball. Canada and Europe and South America and asia shall also be affected with judgements. Time is short and Jesus is coming to collect a people without spot or blemish. The tribulation will be bad so enter rapture to escape. EMP coming to USA.All lives matter not just black lives. If you suffer from depression, anxiety, racing thoughts, mood swings, anorexia, suicide thoughts, loneliness, or have a disease, seek Jesus. Jesus can cure any disease. Husbands are head of the wives, husbands love wives and wives obey husband. Aliens are demons dont trust them. Believe in faith to receive in prayer or you will not receive, those who exalt themselves shall be humbled but those who humble themselves shall be exalted, seek Jesus and pray without ceasing, Keep 10 commandments even Sabbath, bless and not curse, do unto others what you would want them to do unto you, harp music with praises to Jesus is biblical, read bible daily, cleanliness, no yoga or yoga pants, dont get COVID vaccine, love God, love others, avoid homosexuality, witchcraft, sinful media like tv shows, unholy anime, love of money, sex outside of biblical marriage, adultery, masturbation, porno/hentai, anal and oral sex, drunkenness, pride, smoking, gossip, lying,lacking faith, materialism, fictional books, dolls like dolls from Disney, no disney shows or movies, sinful movies like marvel, joking around, not loving God, unforgiveness, rap/music that doesn't glorify Jesus or God, cursing, hate, suicide, videos games, trusting in self or humans over trusting in God and His Word, having any idol than Jesus, bikini and inappropriate clothing, sex with animals, arrogance, rebellion, Santa Claus, catholicism, 7th day adventist, lukewarmness, martial arts, freemasonry, energy drinks, skirts/dresses above the knee, tattoos, dying hair, star wars and the figures and movies and games, idolising sports, smoking cigarettes or marijuana or e cig, supporting or being a furry, orgies, swallowing semen, hating God, dora the explora, cheating on your spouse with another person, bad thoughts like sexual thoughts and murdering thoughts, condoms, black goo, being rich in this life, loving this life, seeking popularity/ having favortism/partiality,sex, racism, jehovah witness, mormonism, transgender, lies of evolution and big bang, flat earth, gambling, cheating or not paying on taxes when biblical required, drinking human or animal blood, twilight book series, not helping the poor and needy and widows, not giving tithe (10% of income) and offerings, not being thankful to Jesus, not listening to parents, Halloween, 5g, avoid following other religion other than following Jesus Son of God. I am an unprofitable servant and least of everything by infinity. Best blessings to everyone every second forever by infinity God willing. Shalom aleichem.
Anyway what did you think of she hulk
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catmaidetho · 8 days
9, 19, 23, 24, and 35 for clethubs?
9. Who travels lighter? etho, for certain. he packs exactly what he's going to need, nothing more and nothing less. bdubs and cleo would both pack their entire closet if they could.
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?) genuinely this is not something i've ever thought about. probably decoration decisions, a la the last life snow fort. etho and bdubs have almost killed each other over where to put a staircase.
23. Who initiates cuddling more? bdubs. if he could be glued to both of them 24/7, he would. etho's not generally big on cuddling and gets a bit fed up with it after a bit (#catboybehavior) but he puts up with it for bdubs. cleo is neutral on the matter.
24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)? bdubs in the middle, etho and bdubs facing each other with cleo as the big spoon behind bdubs. if they dont do this bdubs takes up the entire bed and leaves no space for them.
35. What are their tastes in music? OH BOY. you'll get the short answer bcuz i have overthought this one to hell and back
bdubs: indie pop and folk pop. hozier, the crane wives, jukebox the ghost, the hoosiers, oh hellos, cosmo sheldrake, etc.
etho: riot grrl and women-fronted emo & punk bands. paramore, stand atlantic, destroy boys, bikini kill, bratmobile, etc.
cleo: she hasn't heard new music since, like, 2009. and its somehow all top 40.
otp + character ask game!!
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
Summer Fun
Olivia Benson x Alex Cabot x Reader
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With summer coming to an end your wives promised you a mini vacation to celebrate. Olivia and Alex both have been working nonstop with some hellacious hours so there were days your paths didn't even cross.
However, Alex was now home and waiting in the bedroom for you to show her the bathing suits you ordered for the trip. The blonde beauty was in the middle of packing while she waits. Olivia strolls in earlier than usual smiling as she sees Alex.
“Hi, baby.”
Alex lifts her head smiling at her “Hi. Your home early.”
Olivia nods “Yeah Fin said he's got it covered. Besides we leave tomorrow night. Where's y/n?” she asked looking around.
“In the bathroom. She ordered some bathing suits for our trip and wanted to see how they looked.”
Olivia sits on the bed taking off her shoes along with her badge and gun as she listens to Alex explain.
“So what your saying is I made it just in time for the show?” she asked raising her eyebrows.
Alex chuckles “It would appear so captain.”
Their playful banter is interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening. Stepping out you smile at them both. The color of the suit made your skin glow. And with the tiny strings, there was no way you were getting tan lines.
You smiled at the two women whose mouths hung wide open.
“What do you think?”
“Turn around.” Olivia orders.
You smiled turning for her.
“Your whole ass is out!” She shouts.
You chuckled turning back around.
“Well duh. It’s a thong Bikini Liv.”
“There is no way you’re wearing that.”
You rolled your eyes “Well sorry to tell you MOM but I am.”
“You’re not walking out on the beach for the world to see your ass.”
“What does it matter?! It only belongs to you anyway!” You shout back at the brunette.
“Hey!” Alex shouts with a pout.
“And you.” You chuckled winking at the blonde.
“Baby please don’t wear that. I’ll have to fight off gross men all day. I’d like to actually relax on this vacation.” Olivia whines.
You giggled walking towards her straddling her lap.
“Olivia. I promise you the only person I care about looking at me is you and Alex. Okay??”
The brunette nods her head and sighs “Yeah okay.”
“You really don’t like it?” You asked.
“I love it, baby. Just not for others to see. You’re mine.”
“Your right I am yours. So think about it like this. All of those people who look my way they only get to look. You on the other hand…well you get to do much much more.” You husked rolling your hips in her lap.
She chuckles smacking your ass cheek hard with her hand causing you to gasp.
“Fine. But if someone touches you I swear to god…”
“No one will touch me. Unless it’s you.”
“Hello!” Alex shouts once more.
You chuckled rolling your eyes at her.
“You know what I meant.”
The blonde chuckles “Yes I do. Now come over here so I can see that ass up close.”
You giggled crawling across the bed to her. She smiles spinning you around so your face is buried into the sheets and your ass is on display for her. She looks you over one good time before smacking your ass hard causing you to moan.
The blonde smirks looking over at Olivia.
“You have to admit it Liv…her ass looks delicious in this suit.”
Olivia chuckles shaking her head “Yeah that’s what I’m worried about.”
Alex laughs giving your ass another hard smack.
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cheapbodyshots · 2 years
A Courting Process
Moving to a small costal town was the best decision you've ever made. However, once you get caught up with something you thought was an old wive's tale, two men seem determined to claim you as their own. Mermaid!Bakugou and Mermaid!Midoriya
Hi! this is my first time writing for MHA, and my first time posting fics on tumblr. Id you have any recommendations for me (formatting, style, etc) please let me know! I also post on AO3. Hope you enjoy! ❤️❤️
Chapter 1
Sitting down in the hot sand you sighed to yourself. Moving from your landlocked hometown to the outskirts of a small beachtown for your first major job was probably the best decision you had ever made. The job was boring, but it pays great (more money than you ever thought you could make!) and the added bonus of working from home sold you on the job. Things had been working great in terms of work-hell, you finished early pretty much every day. However, working from home also meant different types of problems showing up. No coworkers to chat with, few neighbors, and moving to a new town happened to spell out one major problem.
You are easily on your way to becoming a hermit in your 20’s. Fantastic.
As you sift the sand through your hands, you sigh. How hard can it be to make friends? Granted, the town itself is small, but you could see people around your age walking around in groups on occasion. You knew they existed, obviously; integrating yourself was another matter. Living outside of the town wasn’t helping either-but if you wanted beachfront property, you had to make some sacrifices. The sun begins to touch the horizon, gentle rays hitting you as you stare into the sea. The waves give you a little light show to watch, flashing here and there as the sun makes its way into the water. You swore you could see the flames of the sun running through the waves, but it was just the sun saying goodbye before finally laying down for the night. Once your butt has gone numb from sitting, you make your way along the waves, taking your time walking back to your little beach house.
When the day comes again, it’s finally Friday, so you get off of work a bit early, and are finally able to move around when the afternoon hits. After putting on clothes plus your usual bikini, you decide to take a long stroll down the beach to look for a good spot to camp out with your towel and book. After walking maybe a mile and climbing over some rocks, the sound of car doors closing and people talking reaches your ears. Up over the embankment, you can see some people walking around a pickup, pulling surf gear from the trunk and making their way to the beach. You only have a moment before one of them catches your eyes with a surprised look. Oh shit, you were not prepared for this when you left the house today.
“Hey!” the guy calls out, tapping his friend’s shoulder before walking towards you. As he approaches the top of the dune, you can finally get a good look at him without sun and grass getting in the way. This man is huge, jacked like a bodybuilder, with bright red hair half tied to keep it out of his face. His face is absolutely stunning, especially with the 10,000 mega-watt smile he’s pointing your way.
“Hi! Haven’t seen you around here before-do you live around here?” He looks at you expectantly, but before you can push a sentence out of your gaping mouth, his companion manages to knock him in the head with a surfboard as he scrambles down to approach you.
This one is blond, more of a lean muscular, and clearly on a mission as he makes his way to your shrinking form.
“Heya! My name is Denki Kaminari, I’m a gemini, I work in IT, I don’t chew with my mouth open, and I give great massages,” He takes a huge breath, as he plants his surfboard in the sand and leans in your direction, “So you taken? Or can I take you out tonight?” he finishes eagerly, flashing you his biggest grin.
You hold it in for a second before bursting into laughter, trying to reign in your giggles before responding, but his friend beats you to it.
“Jesus Denki, try not to kill me the next time you see a pretty girl” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his head.
“Sorry man, I gotta shoot my shot before somebody else does” He calls behind him before swinging his head back around to address you, beaming, “So? Can I take you out? Or you gotta boyfrie-”
Still trying to contain your giggling, you hold up a hand to stop him.
“No I don’t have a boyfriend,” you explain, “but I also don’t go out with strangers”
“Strangers? But you know everything about me now babes” He whines
“That’s everything about you? Just that?” 
“Well, I’d prefer to show you how good I am at giving head but I wanna take you out to dinner first-” 
His friend manages to clap a hand over Denki’s mouth before shooting you a sheepish grin.
“Sorry about him, he’s…. Uhh…a romantic? My name’s Kirishima, by the way”
You give an amused smile in return. “I’m Y/N”
Denki shakes him off before a girl appears over the sand dune with a surfboard to give her greetings.
“Hey! I’m Mina!” She waves excitedly before coming down to smack Denki. “This is why I’m the only female friend you guys have!” She scolds him.
Kirishima turns back to you. “We’ve been coming here to surf since forever, but we’ve never seen people here before. Where you from?” “Oh, I just moved into a house a little ways down the beach. I think it was empty before, since its a bit of a fixer upper” you shrug.
“Cool! Well, if you’re not doing anything, would you like to hang out with us today? We’re just planning on surfing for a while and having a bonfire once the sun goes down”
You hesitate, and he shyly rambles on.
“You know, we never really meet new people-and it’s just a coincidence that-it would be nice to talk a bit and no pressure! But we could always use-and I promise I’ll keep Denki off of you and-”
“Yeah, I’ll hang out” You smile. Why not? It was an unexpected opportunity for friends. If things got weird, you could always fake a stomach ache and leave. 
“Great!” Denki chimes in from behind, “You think you could help me with my sunscreen? My skin is dainty, so I need the extra-” Thankfully, Mina doesn’t let him finish.
The day goes surprisingly well, as someone is always taking a break to chat with you. Watching them surf is entertaining beyond belief-it’s a mixture of talent as well as comedy when they try to hijack eachother’s boards. As the late afternoon drags by, Kirishima even manages to convince you to try surfing on his board. After some gawking from Denki, you make it into the water to try unsuccessfully a few times to stand up. All in good fun, you splash around for an hour or so until something extra slimy touches your foot, and you decide you’ve had enough.
Once the sun sets, they get a fire going and break out a cooler full of hot dogs and beer as they settle comfortably into the sand.
“You know, I’m having a party tomorrow night” Kirishima smiles at you, “Would you like to come? We’ll all be there as well as some locals, and I can introduce you to everyone!”
You think about it for a second while Mina and Denki give you their best puppy eyes from the other side of the fire.
“Alright! Alright! I’ll go- it sounds like fun!” 
You trade contact info and hang around for an extra half hour before getting up to make your way home. You’re extremely happy that things worked out so well today, and you can’t help but grin as you turn back to wave as you cross over the rocks dividing the beach. Once you’re out of sight, you skip a little with excitement before settling into your walk, roaming among the waves gently hugging the shore. 
As you make your way up the beach and back into your house, you give the ocean one last look before shutting the door and getting ready for bed. Little did you know, something within those waves had also set its gaze upon you.
Right now, Half of your focus was on doing your makeup nicely, the other half was focused on not throwing up. Why does meeting new people have to be so nerve wracking? Hell, they’re just people, it's not like they were all going to point and laugh when you walked in the room. Finishing your makeup, you go to pull out an open back crop top with decent cleavage, and a pair of jean shorts-the vibe you’re aiming for is “flirty casual” as you don’t want to overdo it. You pair it up with some platform sandals, and before you can second guess yourself, you’re already in the car and on the way to the houseparty. 
When you pull up, you can hear the music thumping from all the way down the street. The houseparty seems to be closer to a block party at this point, with the sheer number of people crammed on the property. Once you eventually get through the door, you push towards the kitchen and thankfully spot Kirishima and Denki taking shots together.
“Hey! You came!” Kirishima grins, happy to see you.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?” You flash him a grin before downing the shot that Denki passes you and grimacing.
“YEAH BABE! I love it when you make that face at me~” Denki blows you a kiss from across the table.
“Hey Denki and I are gonna teach beer pong to the new guy from my job, and we could use another player,” Kirishima leans on the table, “You want in?”
“Absolutely I do”
After grabbing drinks, they lead you out a sliding glass door into the backyard, which is a little less crowded. There’s a pool to your left and on the right, a little patio area where the beer pong table is set up, where you can see Mina sitting with another darker haired girl on her lap, and two guys.
Once Mina catches sight of you, she’s excitedly waving at you, hard enough that the girl on her lap almost falls off. You laugh and wave back and say hello once you get close enough. She introduces the girl on her lap as her girlfriend, Jiro and you chat for a minute before turning back to greet the other two. The second you turn around, you realize that both of the new guys are watching you as you were chatting. And holy shit, these are some of the best looking men you’ve ever seen.
The taller one has spiky blond hair, and clearly well defined muscles which are visible as he only wears a black tank top and some dark khaki shorts. However, the most distracting thing are his intense red eyes, along with the smirk that’s adorning his face. Wait, did he catch you just checking him out? You can feel your face burning as you try to keep your expression neutral and turn to his companion.
This guy has the sweetest face you’ve ever seen, soft green eyes framed by unruly curly green hair. He smiles at you and you only have a second to notice that this man is an absolute beefcake before he’s holding out his hand to you.
“Hi! I’m-m-Midoriya! Izuku Midorya!” He shakes your hand a little bit longer than necessary, before letting go with flushed cheeks. He’s got a bit of an accent, but you can’t quite place where it’s from. He quickly turns to his friend, who’s staring you down like he’s ready to eat you. “This is my…cousin! He’s not that great at English but he understands a lot!”
The blond shoots Midoriya a glare before folding his arms and giving you a look. In a heavily accented voice he introduces himself.
“Katsuki Bakugou” He nods at you.
His gravelly voice caresses your ears (and some other places) a bit more than you would like, but you manage to keep your face neutral despite the fact that you're blushing quite a bit.
You nod back, “Nice to meet you”
“Well!” Denki chimes in, “As hard as that was to watch, everyone knows everyone now so buddy up bitches!” He beams at you before adding, “Sweetheart, if you’d like to be on the winning team, it’s best to partner up with me” He winks. The bastard!
“That’s sweet Denki but I don’t count second place as ‘winning’” You tease with a smirk.
Turning, you loop your arm through Midoriya’s and pat his bicep-WOW is that firm- and give Denki a pout. “You'll just have to try your best to keep up with us” Looking innocently up at your partner, “Isn’t that right Midoriya?” Midoriya seems to be struggling to form a sentence and Denki’s jaw drops open as Kirishima, Mina, and Jiro laugh. Glancing at Bakugou, you can practically see the competitiveness flare up in his eyes as he gives you a predatory grin. That look makes you falter-even with Kirishima as the referee, all of a sudden you’re not as confident as you were ten seconds ago. It’s just a game though-how bad could it get, right?
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thran-duils · 3 years
Lost In Zero Gravity (P.5)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Five) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 2,944 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior Author's Note: I'm using the new post editor so I'm not sure if the tags are working??? Can someone let me know, thanks!
Part Four || Part Six || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
After Steve had let you go, you had gone inside, ending your night abruptly. You locked yourself in the bedroom all night, planning to refuse to let them in if they asked. They surprisingly left you alone. You wondered where they had slept but surmised it was just another room because there were multiple in the house.
You laid awake in the morning for a long time, staring out the window at the waves, lost in your racing thoughts. If they were serious about either being here or in an apartment back in the city, you wondered if just staying here would be so bad. But then you thought of whenever they would need to come with their wives – this was a beach house after all for them. Where would you go during those times? Maybe Steve had just spoken out of anger and did not mean here.
Why did you constantly attract men like this?
But how surprised were you with men as wealthy and entitled as them?
You scowled for the umpteenth time thinking of how casually they had brought it into conversation and acted like you were being unreasonable at the idea of it. Men screwed you for awhile and then got bored. That is how it always went. In other circumstances though, you were able to pivot to someone else. You were not going to have that opportunity here. And it scared you.
You wished you could just call an Uber and go back home but there was no way to sneak out of the house without talking to them. And it was not like they did not know where you lived. But if they had some time to think, maybe they would realize how outlandish their proposal was from your point of view.
Grumbling, you rolled over away from the window. You were getting hungry though and you had to face them sooner or later.
As if they could read your thoughts, someone walked in without knocking and you listened to their footfalls coming towards the bed. They stopped on the side of the bed that you were facing away from. Peace was going to be broken.
The comforter was torn back, and you groaned, grabbing blindly for it. But it was too far down the bed. Rolling onto your back, you sighed tiredly.
Tony was staring down at you, wearing shorts and a button down with sunglasses hanging off his chest, looking as posh as ever.
“It’s almost 10am, Y/N.”
“Five more minutes,” you tried.
“No,” Tony returned firmly immediately. “Get up. We are going on the boat. Get you some fresh air. You can get some sun, relax on a towel while we work.”
Reluctantly, you sat up in bed, rubbing at your eyes. You got up and went over to your suitcase to dig through to find another swimsuit since you had made a mess of the other one with Steve last night on the dock. Tony had not left and you looked over your shoulder, seeing he had sat down in the wicker chair by the window and was peering out. He was making sure you got ready and in a timely fashion.
You made to go to the bathroom and Tony piped up from behind you, amusement lacing his tone, “Never thought I’d see you be shy about being naked.”
Stopping, you looked at him, “I need to use the restroom.”
“Ah,” Tony said before turning his head to look out the window again.
You turned back again and went into the restroom to get ready.
When you came back out, he was still waiting, scrolling through his phone. You snatched the cover up off the top of your suitcase and threw it over your head.
“Get some shoes on, we gotta drive to the marina.” You apparently did not mask your confusion because Tony explained, “The boat is in the marina down the road.”
“So… not the speedboat?”
Tony snorted loudly, “No. That’s for crabbing. We are going sailing.”
You could not imagine owning even one boat, no matter what it was.
Getting into the car, you saw Steve was already in there in the backseat where you were supposed to sit in the middle. Two of their men were in the front seats; probably who was going to be driving the boat today.
You gave him a weak smile, “Morning.”
“You slept in,” he commented dryly, scrolling through his phone, barely sparing you a glance.
He did not seem happy.
Tony slid into the seat beside you, and you were shifted closer to Steve which is the last thing you thought he wanted right now. But he made no move to shift away so maybe that was a good sign.
“I was tired,” you mumbled.
He merely made a noise of acknowledgment. You must have really bruised his ego. Sucking your teeth, you turned your attention back to Tony who seemed to want to engage with you.
A complete opposite from Steve. He was all smiles, his fingers intertwining with yours and pulling you close. You leaned towards him as he pointed out places along the waterfront that you all could go for lunch after boating. And all the gossip about people he recognized walking.
The boat was long, longer than you expected. And you accepted Tony’s help crossing the gap to get up onto it. He held you close as it took off, Steve still extremely engrossed in his phone across the way.
“You been on a boat before?” Tony asked curiously against your ear. You smiled from the sensation of his breath and shook your head, turning slightly to look at him. He smiled mischievously, his grip tightening. “Okay, well, if you get sick, let us know.”
A few minutes passed and he sighed.
“We are coming up on the inlet. It’s going to be a little rough but don’t worry. That’s normal. The ocean is meeting the calmer water in here.”
His arm came even tighter around you as the bow hit the waves, trying to hold you in place as well as he could. You leaned back into him and you felt him adjust to let you lean even further. His hand gripped your hip tighter, his thumb caressing. It was comforting and you let it be, relishing in the semblance of normalcy.
When you had hit calmer waters, Tony had encouraged you to get up and take a towel to the bow of the boat. There was a place to sunbathe. Him and Steve needed time to talk business. You did not argue, grabbing one of the towels. But you hesitated seeing what you needed to walk around.
“You need help?” Tony breathed against your ear and you laughed despite yourself. You hated how comfortable he made you feel.
“No, I’ll just hold onto the railing,” you said.
“Don’t go overboard now,” he teased before backing off.
You stepped up and went along the side of the boat, holding onto the railing. You felt his eyes on you and that is what you focused on; his attention, not the thought of you actually taking a header over the side of the boat into the waves.
At first, you had started on your back, but you had flipped onto your stomach by now. The sun was comforting, and after time, you had gotten used to the swell of the waves. It was actually relaxing.
The wood creaked next to you and you could tell by the cologne that it was Tony. You cracked your eyes open, and he smiled, seeing you saw him as he laid down next to you. He had lost his shirt. You smiled in return before closing your eyes again.
Tony’s fingers ghosted down your back coming to rest on your ass.
“I thought you just wanted me to lay here and get sun,” you murmured, not opening your eyes.
Tony chuckled, “I do. I’m just appreciating you, sweetheart.”
His fingers dug in slightly and he let out an exhale, his fingers continuing to caress. You had been in this business long enough to read prodding body language.
You opened your eyes, peering up at him. “Do you want me to turn over?”
“Well…” Tony chuckled. “Since you’re offering.”
You did, and he was on you immediately. His kisses were soft and you welcomed it when his lips finally met yours after gracing your collarbone. He moaned softly against your mouth, his tongue slipping in. Your hands came up to grip the back of his head, wanting to make him happy.
He forced his hand underneath your back, and you arched your back to give him access. He undid your bikini top clumsily. It took him no time to tear the straps down your arms and toss them behind him back onto the deck.
Tony was gentle in caressing your breasts, taking it slow as he worked you up. You fell into his rhythm, forgetting everything else. His hand slipped down underneath your bottoms, his fingers pressing past your lips with gentle purpose. You smiled into his kiss.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“Nothing. I just like how gentle you’re being. It’s different,” you said.
“Mhm, that’s a compliment if I ever heard one,” he murmured, hooking his fingers beneath the strap of your bottoms. You let him pull them down your legs.
He crawled on top of you, and you kissed him back fervently. Tony pinned your hips down, slipping up into you. Your arms hooked around his neck, falling into the rhythm. Kissing him deeply as he thrusted up into you, you gasped against his lips.
His hand cradled your head, his kiss passionate as he emptied inside you.
When he rolled off of you, he exhaled deeply. He sat up slightly after a few moments, searching and located your sunscreen.
He sat up fully now and said, “Since you are going the no tan lines route now, let me do you back up.”
You accepted the reapplication gratefully, his hands touching every crevice, making sure you were completely covered. He gestured for you to sit up and you did, making sure he got your back.
When you laid back down, he finished with your face, his fingers moving delicately. You smirked and he said, “Sunburns are a serious thing, love. Just making sure you’re protected. I’ll let you get back to it, I got work to do. Peace and tranquility again for you up here, whatever that means.”
Coming back to the cooler at the other end of the boat, Tony pulled out the bottle of bourbon. Steve was relaxing on a chair, dark sunglasses resting on his nose.
“Any update?” Tony asked, pouring himself a drink.
Steve nodded, “They found a couple options. I’ll send them to you. I personally like the third, but they are all close to the office, so it won’t take us long to get over to her.”
“Are they all—”
“Near the top of the buildings, yes. No easy access out a window.”
“Good,” Tony nodded approvingly, taking a sip of his drink.
“I’ve already contacted Tatiana. Told her what we are offering to pay out for the contract,” Steve went on, lying his hand down on his thigh to look away from his phone.
“She happy with it?”
“Of course she is. Money talks.”
Tony took another drink and said, “That’s good. I was going to get irritated by any hiccups.”
“Any morehiccups,” Steve corrected sounding sour.
Tony waved him off and said, “Y/N shows her teeth but she’s not going to bite. She’s a good girl. We can handle it. She’s just flustered. She’ll settle down.”
“How are you so calm about this, I’ll never know.”
“I’ve had mistresses’ before. Granted, I got tired of them pretty quick, but they were also super needy, wanting to be number one, which is never the goal of this situation. Y/N is the exact opposite of that,” Tony shrugged. “It’s giving me hope this could work out very well.”
“Well, the fact she’s not needy is the reason we need to keep her corralled.”
“Corralled for a while,” Tony corrected him now. “Not permanent. It won’t take her long. She’ll ease into being on her own and get over losing that cheap ass room she had at the brothel. People like comfort and she’ll have a lot of that when she realizes she likes being able to stretch out and have the whole place to herself. And she likes gifts, that’s not going to stop. She’ll be able to make her own meals, a luxury she has not had, especially in her own kitchen. She’ll have control over her environment. It’s simple, Steve. Comfort.”
Steve stared at Tony, taking that in. And Tony smiled, raising his glass. “You might be older than me year wise, but I’ve got more wisdom, Cap.”
“I don’t want to do this,” you hissed at Tatiana.
You had cornered her the moment you had gotten back to the brothel. The last day, Steve had warmed up again. The subject of the apartment had not come up again and you were unsure if you should have brought it up again or maybe it was a settled manner that it was not going to happen.
But that theory had been destroyed when they dropped you off, telling you that they had found a place and it would be ready for you in a few days. You had kept it together, giving them the kisses on the cheek before getting out of the car. Upon seeing Tatiana though, who looked jubilant for you, you immediately stormed into her office. You noticed one of their guys had stayed behind to keep an eye on you and you huffed before closing the door in his face.
Tatiana was caught off guard and was at a loss for words for a few moments before she cleared her throat. “Y/N,” she said in a worried tone.
You came close and whispered desperately, “Please. Just distract the guy so I can slip out the back.”
“Where are you going to go?” she asked you in hushed tones, perplexed.
“Back home!” you said throwing your hands out. “It won’t be that bad. I’ll just get a normal job and bunk with people and just live some boring ass life.”
She exhaled slowly and you felt it coming; she was on their side and your heart sank. “Y/N. Listen to me. Do you understand the opportunity you have here?”
“There’s no—”
“No, shut it. There is. You are being given an apartment. You are being given income.”
“But they’re going to control everything!” you said pathetically.
“I thought you liked them.”
“I… did. I do. I hate I like them. But, then they just turned out like every other man that I’ve been with.”
“Did they?”
“Yes, it’s about controlling me,” you said, emotions overwhelming you. You wiped at your eyes and sniffled.
“I don’t think that’s all of it,” Tatiana said and you waited for her to go on. She shrugged, “I think they’re being forceful, yes. That’s how men like them are though. They are… intense. You have a debt to pay though and they get to choose how you’re going to pay it back. That’s how this works, that’s how it’s going to work. But, I think they killed the guy for a reason other than just to get you underneath their thumbs. Do you really think they don’t enjoy you?”
“They enjoy me plenty,” you muttered, wiping at your eyes again. “I… I just want to get to a place where I can just do what I want. Make enough money and make it on my own.”
Tatiana took your hands and made you look her in the eyes. “Stellina, I’m not going to help you escape. I am not going to willingly piss off two of the most powerful men in the city. I love you, dearly, but it is not something I can do. I can’t risk blowback and have it affect the other women. You understand that, right?”
“Maybe it won’t be so bad to have your own place,” Tatiana continued softly. “All the space just for you… peace and quiet. You can decorate it how you want. And what you’re saying about making it your own? I’ve just told you that you can make it your own.”
Swallowing thickly, you bit your cheeks to stop from crying again. You knew what she was saying was true. It would not serve anyone well here if she did what you were asking. And hell, who even knew if you could escape.
You forced yourself to nod. “Yeah… maybe.”
“You’ll be okay, Y/N.”
You had never had an entire apartment to yourself, so walking in overwhelmed you a bit. Everything was so new, the windows large. You did not know if it had come furnished or if they had bought the furniture.
The walls in the hall were bare and you thought of what things you could buy to make it a little homier. The bedroom was bare as well except for the bed, nightstands, and your dresser. It was a nice bed which served to lift your spirits a little. You left your suitcase and bag at the end of the bed before crossing the hall to go to the bathroom. You almost breathed a sigh of relief seeing that laundry was in unit. Another huge perk.
They were waiting out in the living room, hands in their slack’s pockets, waiting for you to come back out apparently.
“Apparently there are barbeques up on the roof,” Tony commented. “Shared of course. But that might be good for a night.”
You had never lived in a building with a rooftop terrace either.
“Nice,” you said sounding happier than you felt.
Walking over to the fridge, you opened the door finding basic things.
“I set up a grocery delivery service for you. I wrote down all the logins you’re going to need for the WiFi, Netflix, Prime, etc on the counter over here,” Steve spoke, drawing your attention to a laminated sheet sitting on the island.
Your face scrunched in confusion. “I can get my own groceries. I saw a place not far from here.”
“Soon,” Steve said cryptically. “When you get the keys and are able to lock the door from the outside, that can become an option.”
“You have the keys,” you said slowly, having seen him with your own two eyes unlock the door to come in.
Steve ran his tongue across his lip, staring at you. He said simply after a few moments, “You don’t get the keys yet.”
“What?” you asked flabbergasted, shooting a look at Tony who was standing there stoically.
“Maybe after a while in here you’ll realize how good it is what you’re being offered,” Steve stated. “And we can trust you with the keys.”
Just when you thought maybe things would pan out.
“I realize it,” you said quickly to the two of them. “I… It was stupid of me to be upset about it. It’s fine. I’m over it.”
“We don’t believe you,” Tony said plainly, and your mouth fell open at his blunt reply. You did not like the look on his face or his tone. “So, for a while, you’re going to just stay in here. Earn our trust.”
“Stay… in here?” you asked slowly. “So, you’re going to lock me in here?”
Tony came up to you, and you nervously met his gaze. “It’s just temporary. It’s not forever.”
“You’ve got everything you need in here,” Steve chimed in. “There’s no need for you to get upset about it, Y/N, and have another outburst.”
Anger bubbled up and bubbled up quick.
“Fuck you,” you spat at him, seeing their faces fall into shock at your boldness. You turned on your heel and stormed off towards the bedroom.
You only made it halfway down the hall before you heard Tony sigh, “Steve, leave her alone” and a rough hand grabbed your arm, jolting you back. You collided with Steve’s chest and he pointed a finger directly in your face.
“I don’t let my wife talk to me like that and I sure as hell won’t stand for you to talk to me like that,” he snapped.
“Let me go,” you said worriedly trying to yank away from him.
His jaw set and he released you angrily, taking a step back. “Watch your damn attitude!” he snapped again, before turning and storming off towards the door. “I’ll be in the car.”
The door slammed behind him and Tony blew a raspberry.
“Y/N, take some time. You apparently need the space,” he said, his tone tight. You said nothing. “We’ve got a couple guys here. One will be on your hall and one is down in the lobby. Order your groceries. Watch some TV. I’ll check back in later. I gotta get back to work. Remember to lock the door behind me.”
With that, he left too, calmly unlike Steve. But you could tell he was irked that you had cursed at them.
This was the first time they had left you without expecting a kiss.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming, @oceaniamaddness @multifandom-superlover @imsonick, @holl2712 @here4thefanfics
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ana-benn · 3 years
I seriously want Jamie to just come and grab me, whipser in my ear that I'm his, that he owns me and always will. FUCK.
Holy FUCK...
I need a minute.....
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Okay. This turned into a whole ass smutty, possessive, domineering fic. This totally messed up my planned fics too, but you know what? I don't even care. You send something like this you jump the line 🥵 So.... You're welcome?
Stupid Possessive Man
It's been well established that Jamie doesn't play nicely with others. But sometimes you have to remember that can translate off ice too. It all started because of stupid ego-centric male jealousy too. Which was both hot, and slightly annoying if you were honest. You loved seeing Jamie this worked up, but also hated feeling like a piece of meat. It was a strange place to be.
It had started innocently enough you'd shown up with Jamie to Tyler's BBQ, and immediately gotten swept up in his charisma. Tyler had shown you where you could stick your overnight bag, as he didn't want any of the team leaving afterwards, since everyone knew how much alcohol was involved in a Seguin party. He'd left you and Jamie to change into swimwear and went downstairs. You'd taken your suit into the bathroom to change, it didn't matter how many times he'd seen you naked if it wasn't sexual you just felt uncomfortable. Jamie knew this and gave you your space, while he changed in the bedroom.
You'd chosen a flattering bikini that was also actually functional for swimming, wanting to actually have fun, and a bright orange cover up.
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(because olive and orange is hott, you can't change my mind... Also I bought this so yeah)
When you stepped out you felt Jamie give you a once over before he asked, "You didn't happen to pack something else did you? I'm going to have to fight my own teammates," you laughed, and handed him the sunscreen.
"Here, you'll be the lucky one who gets to touch first," you smirked at his little scowl. He took his time, and ran his fingers over your body, long after the lotion was absorbed.
"I'd better be the only one who gets to touch," he growled out in your ear.
You have him a cheeky wink, as you threw on your coverup, "Guess we'll see."
With that you walked downstairs towards the party, chuckling as Jamie grabbed the towels and headed down after you. It was so easy to rile him up at times. You made it downstairs and staked out a couple of tanning chairs for you and Jamie, although you knew at most he'd sit there for a little while with you before one of the guys pulled him somewhere for a man-contest Tyler's parties were known for.
Exactly as predicted you'd just flipped onto your stomach when Jamie was called over to have a ping pong contest. You rolled your eyes playfully and swatted him away. He gave you a big grin and jogged over to play. It wasn't long before several other guys and their wives or girlfriends showed up. You got to talking with them, comparing notes on what they'd been doing since the season ended. A few of the guys inevitably would wander over and check in, but for the most part the party was easily divided between guys and girls. It was almost comical how like highschool it felt.
Eventually you and a few of the other ladies got into the pool, which brought a few guys in. You noticed Jamie had disappeared, but quickly were pulling into a game. Tyler had the bright idea to play chicken, and Joe and Sarah were onboard. As the reigning champs from last summer, they felt confident.
Tyler came over to you as everyone started pairing off, "Come on, let's partner up. Jamie's inside kicking everyone's ass at Mario Kart." You smirked at that. He really was ruthless at any competition, and he definitely loved beating his teammates.
So you agreed, and climbed up on Tyler's shoulders. The next twenty minutes or so were spent with splashing and laughter as those of you who decided to play fought tooth and nail to stay up. You didn't even notice Jamie coming back outside, fresh off a Mario Kart ultimate victory. A particularly hard shove had you lock your ankles around Tyler, just as you noticed Jamie. The hard look in his eyes sent a very clear message though, he was jealous.
Now a good wife would've probably gone over and reassured him, a better wife probably wouldn't have even played the game with Tyler, but you weren't that kind of wife. You craved his raw power and dominance, and it sent a chill up your spine to know that the worse you made this the better it would be. If he was smarter you knew that he would've figured out by now when you were purposely pushing his buttons, but if he had one blind spot it was definitely in his ability to control the possessive jealousy that ran white hot in his veins. So you made it your mission to be a touchy feely as possible with anyone you could.
Tyler needs someone to help him with the grill? You were right there getting platters or whatever for him as you placed a gentle hand on his arm. Ben needed a new beer? All of a sudden you're feeling super hospitable and you jump up to grab him one, making sure to put a hand on his shoulder and bend down to hand it to him. Anton decided to do a cannon ball off the side of the pool? Obviously the splash would be bigger if you held hands and jumped together.
As it was right now you were laughing with Andrea, and sipping your most recent glass of sangria as she was telling you about their trip. You felt hands wrap around your waist, and startled slightly before you recognized the strong hands on your hips. You vaguely recognized Andrea smirk as she left you two alone.
Jamie stood like that for a moment, before leaning into your ear, "You're mine little girl, and I'm not letting you go. So here's what's going to happen, you're going to put my shirt on, and then we're going to sit with our friends around the fire pit. You're going to put your cute little ass in my lap, and I'm going to stuff you with my cock. If you're good, when we get upstairs I'm going to fuck you. Got it?"
You couldn't breathe, let alone speak, so you did exactly what he said. Grabbing your coverup as well to drape over your legs. When you made it back over to the group Jamie was already there, you did exactly what he's asked and sat on his lap. He manhandled you into the position he wanted, and once he'd stoped you placed the coverup over your legs.
"You cold?" Tyler asked.
Jamie took that moment to enter you, causing you to choke a little as you attempted to answer Tyler, "N-no just a little over exposed from the sun is all."
Jamie chuckled lowly, as you fought the urge to elbow him. He started easily conversing with his teammates, and you just quivered around him. You tried just leaning back into Jamie's body, but being enveloped in the smell of chlorine, beer, and campfire along with the musk that was just Jamie was too intense with his buried deep inside of you. You could feel the wetness dripping as you sat there and squirmed, trying to find a way to get comfortable in the situation.
Jamie leaned into your ear creating what looked like a sweet moment, though his words were anything but sweet, "Do you you think they know you're sitting here quivering on my cock? That your quivering and clenching around me like a desperate, needy whore?"
You almost whined, as Jamie pulled from you. A seamless movement that looked like a basic adjustment, "We're going to head up guys, see you in the morning." Jamie said pulling you up, and along with him. Those around you waved, and you noticed a couple gathering their things to follow you.
Jamie pulled you into the room, and as soon as the door closed he was on you. Lips attacking your skin as he peeled your clothes from your body. Possessive nips followed by soft kisses, as he backed you towards the bed. No foreplay needed after you'd spend the last half-hour on his cock, and you'd teased him all day.
As soon as he had you naked he was over you, thrusting up into you. He settled his lips over your jugular, and set to work marking your neck while he pounded into your soaked pussy. He was intense, and his hands alternated between caressing your body and coming back to your his where he would grab rough as he delivered random hard thrusts. It was animalistic and deliciously rough, so all you could do it was wrap your arms around his shoulders and spread your legs.
"Tell me who owns this tight little cunt," Jamie demanded harshly.
"You do," you whimpered, Jamie rewarded you with a harsh thrust.
"Again," he growled.
"God, Jamie please. I'm yours I'm all yours," you cried.
He smirked then as he doubled his efforts, "Then cum with me." You couldn't help but follow then, as Jamie trapped your cries in a searing kiss.
The next morning when you got up you appraised yourself in the mirror "Jamie!" You gasped out, causing him to stick his head in the door.
"What's up?" He asked concerned.
"You left a purple hickey on my neck," you admonished.
"Guess you'll just have to wear my shirt instead of that tank top," he grinned.
"Stupid, possessive man," you groaned, causing Jamie to laugh as he tossed you his shirt.
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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9 days until Summer
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skirtedmanworld · 4 years
Let’s be honest...
I have a feeling there are millions of male crossdressers out there. 
Guys who are fed up with men’s clothing; guys who are fed up with toxic masculinity and the feminist agenda.
Guys who have tried wearing items of clothing targeted at women and found them comfortable, easy to wear and relaxing. 
These guys, and I’m one, have the prospect of massive backlash from their wives, girlfriends or family, so they dress in secret, or, judging by the immense number of photos taken there; in hotel rooms.
Guys who love their hobby but are scared of community backlash, of rejection my family or employers.
Irrespective of whether you want to pass, not to pass, or to transgender; whether you’re straight, bi or gay, I don’t care, and neither should anybody else.
Just as women have won the right to wear what they like, right down to micro bikinis, we have the right to dress as we choose.
A woman in pants is no more a thread to society or children than a man in a skirt or dress. yes, there will always be predators buy they are a really small minority.
While dressing is still quite new to me, while I haven’t got my wife to accept me in a dress, heels or make up, it will happen. 
I am happy to say I wear skirts everywhere; to see clients, going to events, shopping; it’s just second nature to me now.
I implore all of you, yes, all of you; to make a statement in April to say “enough is enough” and tell those around you of your hobby, of how you are the same person irrespective of what you wear. Safety and modesty aside, you sa just s capable of doing your job, r being a partner, a parent, a child or grandchild irrespective of what you wear.
Love yourself enough to step out, no matter if you pass or not, and show the world you’re q decent human being exercising your right to be different, to be and do what’s right for you.
Let’s make April 2021 the time for us to step up, step out and to be counted.
Please comment is you agree and share to your lists.
Love, Cathy.
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landofwhorishladies · 4 years
📦 Shop!: Bikini mail blacksmith! A strapping, ripped silver fox who personally gets the measurements of all of his customers. In private. Also he has several of his hot young wives lounging around in and outside his shop at all times, wearing his work as models and convincing young ladies to get some! In more ways than one...
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If you listen carefully, you can actually hear Amelia getting fitted for a new set of armor in the back~ Feeling those strong, calloused hands wandering all over her body is just so exhilarating, it really is hard to stay quiet~ Of course, there’s the matter of paying him. Money’s a little tight, so she’s considering one of his discount programs. Letting him use her body all night long is certainly worth 50% off some quality armor! Then again, she heard his wives get theirs for free...
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 4 years
do you think panic!’s management/brendon are gonna do anything about the whole zack thing?
i don’t know. it strikes me how they announced their firing of kenny in less than 48 hours after the disclosures started coming forward, but kenny was actually less integrated into panic than zack is. a lot of people think zack is just a bodyguard, but he’s been wearing several hats for years (panic stuff/storage, panic’s twitter, tour management). 
kenny also i think had a very different personality and temperament that he showed to people (eg goofy friendly guy, polite, easy to get along with) vs what he got up to with 12-18 year old girls (inappropriately sexual convos considering the age gap, talked and bribed them into sending inappropriate pictures, most of which didn’t cross over into child porn under the law eg bikinis, bras, using his position as a guy in a band to do it--the fucker knew what he was doing). it shocked me. 
zack is openly very vulgar (some of which i don’t have an issue with in themselves), even pornographic, and he hides behind “it’s my sense of humor” and “i’m just really sexual” (when i think he’s more oriented toward making people uncomfortable, pushing boundaries, turning almost everything into something to laugh at). he’s “so sexual” he seeks out porn of women who’ve been hacked and had their nude photos published without consent, eg emily ratajkowski. now, that was something in the news and easily known, not one of those assumption of consent and agreement to distribution that men (and many women) justify their porn use on eg if it’s on a porn site that’s legal, it must be consensual, the exit interview (which guarantees that women say it was fine/fun/consensual: they don’t get paid for the hell they went through until after they give that interview). he sought them out because they were violations, private, not to be shared (indeed emily called one book of nudes published of her just that: a violation). he seems more into the  on one level, i was even thinking sexual compulsiveness (i don’t think it is an addiction, and often men will use that as an excuse and to bullshit and gaslight, but it is compulsive) was at work too. 
his “hyper sexuality” is more about LOOKING than experiencing. about women looking certain ways for him to gaze at (eg getting women to flash their breasts, photos of bra’d and topless women) than being sexual with him per se. 
i had previously thought that there must be something to him because he was with his ex wife for seven years (couple for 7, married for 4 i believe), and she left him because she had fallen for another women and now understood her sexuality to be lesbian. meaning, there must’ve been some things goin for him (eg his and b’s eat pussy no matter what periscope moment) for him to hold onto her for 7 years :P 
i thought his humor was a joke, sarcasm, and didn’t know about the scope of it, thought he wasn’t like that in intimate/sexual situations with women or men, because there’s been indications including his own statement of bisexuality that he’s bi. turns out, it’s not sarcasm, joking around... it’s how he is. i now think it’s more like he pornifies women so much it sometimes gets boring and he turns to objectifying men too. breezy would be the clearest case of it being how he is because she had to tolerate him for nearly a decade and he didn’t even stop when she got more assertive in trying to stop him. she said he got even worse. again, that is aligned with what i’ve noticed about him: he pushes, and pushes, until he’s on the other side of the damn boundary field. that people dislike it often encourages him and he continues or worsens it.
but i wasn’t surprised like i was with kenny, although i believed everything with kenny even quicker, because there was so much evidence, eg screenshots of his words, selfies. i’m almost surprised there hasn’t been more than the one accusation of sexual assault (the opportunistic touching of the 13 year old girl’s breasts), because he is a very impulsive, almost compulsive person re his “i’m so sexual.” that there is only one public accusation of that is what has me a bit cautious of that one. would he even hit on, touch, take advantage of a 13 year old? it is completely plausible considering what else we know. 
something else that strikes me is the time where he joked on periscope about his dad sexually abusing him. it was one of the few times b tried to shut him up, spoke over him, etc. 
another thing i’ve wondered: if his behavior has something to do with jealousy, aggrieved entitlement (thinks that he deserves “it” as a man, sees other guys getting “what he wants” while he often doesn’t get “it” aka the sex he wants with the women he wants) over how much women/fans/groupies/girls (and boys too ;) ) go for band mates, especially b. i think that was at work with dallon and breezy. he probably thought he should have “access” to her that dallon and her own will and desires (for dallon, not for zack, she actually strikes me as somewhat “dominating” sexually) was in the way of. that she should of been there for his entertainment and consumption and pleasure, not been in a sexual partnership with gentle female dominance with dallon.
b obviously knew at least some of this (he’s heard his jokes for about 14 years, including sexist, misogynist, homophobic, ableist, etc ones), and would have seen some things too. the question is how much. some of it was, as i said before, “just” (as in normalized) the environment of all-male bands with mostly to all male crew, that zack partook in too, and b would have seen a lot of that as well. 
most things zack has been called out on is within that realm of normal (watching and collecting porn, verbal harassment disguised as fun joking around, “show us your tits,” band-related bribes by bts guys in exchange for sex acts, taking photos of women in their bra at shows, the topless collage and posting them publicly, mocking disabled people)... kenny breached that normal “bros doing bro things” code by going after girls under 16, as young as 12. in undeniable ways (lots of screenshots, several girls who came forward, and did i say lots of screenshots?). the normal bros couldn’t stand for that, both because of the age (”pedophiles” are nearly universally reviled at the same time as being part of the norm men are trained into by other men from preteenhood eg barely legal/incest/“age play” porn, no body hair on women, how “daddy,” ddlg and similar themes have even entered vanilla sex) and how undeniable it was. 
that was a long way to do more zack musing and to say: i don’t know. he already knew a lot of it, although something that struck me was that b seemed more comfortable in that periscope with sarah where she was talking about the nude wallpaper talking about zack having some nudes of men than the general discussion/discussion of having nudes of women.  
edit: something else i saw was that b’s dad would continue or worsen zack’s tweets several times. wonder how much boyd is like zack? there was even one that just said he (zack) was single again with a photo of a pug (or similar) dog with sunglasses (suggesting he looked like the dog) but boyd turned it into a fucking rape joke (the hide your wives one). wonder if b grew up with boyd talking about women in similar ways? 
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Playing with Dolphins (Gilgamesh, Hakuno, Gilgamesh)
The aquarium was the best place to present the pleasures of the oceans.
All the finest of the fish and the marine life were here, lined up before their eyes and set behind glass to be ogled and admired. Thousands of colorful fish were swimming all around them, moving to their own ends and seeking their own happiness in their new domains.
“It looks like we can probably make it through the aquarium in one day if we spend only twenty minutes at the various shows that are going on today. We will have to cut through-“
The woman looked up from her map.
“Put the map down.”
She set the map on the front desk of the aquarium, frowning. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re taking the amusement out of this. Today, we’re not going by maps or plans or anything of that nature. This is about pleasure, Hakuno.”
“We’ve never had the chance to go by maps. Most of the places that we’ve gone to before have been filled with dangerous terrain, hostile beasts, and unending screams from the residents of whatever planet and landscape that we find outselves in. Sometimes, there’s all three.”
“You make it sound like a problem.”
The woman gave him a dull look, opting out of speaking.
She was picking up the map again, sticking it into her back pocket. Her hand went to his, pulling him into the building further.
They didn’t need a map.
The fool was thinking that they were incapable, even after all their adventures. It was absurd to think about, knowing that the two of them had faced divine enemies, great computers, and homicidal people of all ages. They had survived the gauntlet.
Gilgamesh pulled the map out of her pocket while they gazed at sharks, tossing the useless thing into the trash bin.
“The dolphin exhibit will be begin small group introductions to the dolphins for those whom wish to visit!”
“Hakuno! We have to move!”
Hakuno barely moved before he grabbed her, pulling her along towards the next room.
“Gil! Hold on! We don’t know that the dolphin exhibit is this way!”
“Hurry up!”
Once more, she was slowing their progress. Why was it that she was so slow in the uptake on things. They had a meet up with dolphins to get to. She needed to hurry up and come along already.
“Hakuno! Let’s move!”
“The dolphin exhibit is open all day. I was thinking of having us visit it in the afternoon-“
“They’re open now, Hakuno!”
This was the perfect time for seeing the dolphins. What better way to indulge and get Hakuno into taking pleasure in the bounty of nature than to have her see the dolphins!
They made it to the open three-story room, the large pool of water surrounded on one side by bleachers and another side by-
“There,” Gil motioned, tugging the woman closer. “We have no time to waste.”
They didn’t.
It was lucky for them both that he was so eager to take the opportunity to rush them here. There was one zookeeper ready for people, with one dolphin.
“Good morning,” the blonde greeted, smiling happily in her white hoodie and her black bikini. “My name is Jeanne. I’ll be helping you learn how to feed the dolphins!”
“Excellent. Begin with her.”
Hakuno gave him another one of those useless looks, turning to Jeanne and smiling.
The two were moving to the dolphins, Jeanne beginning to explain the logistics of the feeding of dolphins. Her descriptions were careful and detailed, none of which interested him. The woman was asking Hakuno a question a moment before Hakuno spoke quietly back to her.
“It’s fine. If you already have one on, then the two of us can do a lot more while your dad watches.”
Oh, but he had to laugh.
A father figure, of all things; it was far too funny.
Hakuno could only dream of having a father that was like him. A rich and well established king, possessing the greatest civilization in all the world. A man whom had more wives than anyone they had met. A man who was desired by all and envied even more. To have him at her side, Hakuno was lucky, far more so than anyone else in the world. To possess him as a father?
Oh! Hakuno could only dream.
“He’s my lover, not father.”
Gilgamesh paused as he just started to speak, his words tangling just on the tip of his tongue.
They had partaken in carnal pleasures, but they hadn’t-
Gilgamesh paused again, watching as Hakuno pulled off her skirt and turtleneck. She pulled her hair back, tying it into place as Jeanne began to speak again.
The two of them were sticking their feet into the water, the dolphins swimming up and setting their heads onto the two women’s laps. Hakuno’s small smile was making it. She pulled a fish from the bucket, giving it happily to the smooth beasts.
The chortles and squeals were rather boring, but seeing Hakuno laugh in her red bikini was something worthwhile.
She leaned in a little, giving a happy coo to the beast.
No longer was she thinking about the useless need for them to have a homestead. No roots, no finding a purpose on one of these planets, no denying feelings and holding emotions back; for once, Hakuno was doing what she was supposed to be doing. Her laugh was ringing in the air alongside all the splashing from the dolphins.
“They’re such great mammals,” Jeanne told her. “Do you know that they enjoy jumping through hoops? I’ve gotten something of a routine down with them if you want to see.”
“I would love to!”
“Hakuno! Allow me to show you how these beasts leap!”
Knowing how these beasts worked was a natural inclination for a king. The beasts would naturally come to heel. It was just a matter of knowing what to do.
The hoop was on the ground. Gilgamesh held it up, leaning over the pool.
“Leap beasts!”
Jeanne stared at him.
The dolphins stared at him.
Hakuno shook her head.
“Gil,” Hakuno warned.
The dolphins began to finally move, swimming around in the waters before heading their way. Gilgamesh grinned, holding the hoops higher and waiting for them to come over. It would be a matter of seconds. Even less than that.
And less.
Here we-
Jeanne leaped at him, knocking him into the waters. The dolphins were reaching the water when they took one more dive beneath the water and-
Gilgamesh stared at the large spray of water splashed at where he had been standing. Both beasts were blasting at where he’d been. The two dolphins were joined by a few more, coming over from the other part of the pool.
“What the hell was that?!”
“I’m sorry! The dolphins just um… They don’t take rude authority well!”
“Excuse me?!”
“I mean-“
Gilgamesh opened his mouth to argue when he heard a splash. A pair of arms wrapped around him, pulling at him to move.
“Hakuno! The beasts-“
“Gil, I can’t swim.”
Gilgamesh paused, staring at the woman pulling at him in the water.
“Please, help me.”
“You can’t- you jumped in this water to grab me and you can’t SWIM?!”
Hakuno smiled sheepishly.
Gilgamesh grabbed the woman’s waist, yanking her to the side of the large pool. As the dolphins chortled away, he pulled her up onto the land, watching her sigh in relief.
“Never again,” he growled. “You useless mongrel! You can’t be-“
Hakuno pulled him close, slamming her lips against his as Jeanne whistled and summoned her dolphins away from them. He could hear the splashing, the woman beginning to approach.
“Sorry about the dolphins,” Jeanne told him.
“Hakuno and I are leaving,” Gil growled.
“Thanks for letting me see the dolphins,” Hakuno told her happily, smiling brightly. “They’re such great babies!”
“They are!” Jeanne agreed.
“Hakuno,” Gil growled. “We’re going!”
“Bye Jeanne! Will you be here tomorrow?”
He grabbed her skirt and blouse, pulling her towards the nearest way to the exit.
They were not coming here tomorrow.
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christie052780 · 5 years
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Katy, Lori, and Pamela smiled as they tried on the bikinis they'd bought for the vacation of a lifetime.
* * *
Mike, Dan, and Keith had met at a support group for divorced men who'd been fucked over by their ex-wives. It didn't take long for the three of them to realize that they all had in common the fact that they had daughters of the same age and that their wives had completely abandoned their daughters after the divorces were final.
Over the following years that led to play dates where the men and daughters would meet up for dinners, shopping, and the occasional vacation together.
Now the three girls were out of high school and getting ready to head off to college in the fall. Each of the three girls had selected different colleges so that meant the group activities were going to be a thing of the past.
Earlier that same year the three men had met up at a bar one Friday night to talk about the future and by the third drink Dan confessed to having a thing for Mike's daughter Katy. Mike confessed to having an interest in Keith's daughter Pamela, and then Keith completed the circle by admitting to a schoolboy crush on Dan's girl Lori. The three men laughed about the whole thing and each was happy that they'd managed to talk about the whole thing without having a fight.
The evening wore on and the men comiserated how they didn't want to be alone come the fall. None of them really wanted their charming, feminine girls to go off to college to become the vicious, nasty feminists that the colleges produced these days.
The fifth round of drinks landed on the table and as they lifted their glasses once again it was Dan who went first.
"Wouldn't it be great if we could all just swap daughters, marry them, and then keep them home instead of saying goodbye to them? That way we'd all stay close, right?"
The two other men stared at Dan slackjawed with the audacity of the idea.
For a moment Dan thought they were going to kick his ass.
Keith took a swig off his drink and put the glass down, hard enough to splash a little of it.
"Fucking hell, Dan. The only reason I'm pissed here is because I didn't think of it first!"
The three men were quiet for a moment but then erupted into laughter.
* * *
The next day phone calls took place and the three men met again, this time for coffee.
Sober, they now had to come to terms with the idea that had been presented and they needed to make sure that all three of them were on board with the idea.
Each had their reservations about handing their respective daughters off to another man but then they each also had the promise of a young thing in return.
Keith was the one who wondered about the downsides of the idea, "So what if they're not into it? And how do we get them to commit to the idea?"
Dan had long fantasized about Katy in a certain way so he spoke next, "What if we make this like a summer-long adventure so we can get them good and pregnant?"
Once again two of the men looked on in awe as Dan broached what had to be a horribly taboo idea.
Yet now it was Mike's turn for a thought, "Well, remember the fishing camp we rented in British Columbia? What if we rented it again but for the whole summer instead of just a few weeks?"
The other two men nodded their heads in agreement.
* * *
After that it was a matter of working out the details. They arranged for the camp to be stocked with plenty of food and drink for the three months they planned to be there and they also planned to each make sure that their respective daughters weren't on the pill or the shot...and none of them were.
They agreed that what they were doing might not be exactly legal. Yet they all agreed to proceed.
At this point there was no question that all three of them wanted to do this.
* * *
When the three men presented the vacation plans to the girls they each had their reservations about the idea simply because it was their last summer before college and they had typical summer plans that didn't necessarily include their fathers. The men pressed the idea saying that, indeed, it could be the last time all six of them would have a chance to be together and the girls eventually warmed to the idea. The bikinis were the clincher and when the three girls tried them on it was Keith who snapped a picture of them.
* * *
It was four months later when the six of them boarded the plane for Vancouver, then it was a long flight on a float plane that dropped them off right at the camp. They were now a good hundred miles from the next people and they'd be very, very alone for the next three months.
The next morning actually started quite early. The sunrise being around 3:30 AM that time of year. By the time the sleepyheads rolled out of bed the day was well along. Breakfast was followed by the men getting their fishing gear together and the girls getting their bikinis on for a day of sun and relaxation.
A routine was quickly adopted and over the next few days the men started spending less time with their own daughters and more time with their interest.
Mike was the first to make a move.
He'd managed to get Pamela to take a hike with him and along the way he gave her a kiss. The girl was clearly surprised but she wasn't put off by it.
Dan was the next and in his case it was an evening by the fire and he cuddled up to Katy to keep her warm. She cuddled right back.
Keith ended up getting to put mosquito repellent on Lori and the application turned into a massage. He stopped when Lori was obviously a little uncomfortable with the whole thing.
Naturally the three men had a chance to discuss their progress and when they did the big surprise was that none of their daughters had informed their respective fathers of what had happened.
* * *
It was in the second week of their stay when Mother Nature got involved.
Even though it was mid-June there was still one more snowstorm in the offing. The father-daughter pairs mostly kept to their cabins but one night they all came together for dinner and drinks at Dan's cabin. Keith had a pitcher of very strong appletinis for the girls and for the guys he was pouring watered-down Scotch.
When Lori started to fade from the strong drink and the long day Dan asked Keith to take Lori back to the cabin. Lori was too wasted to pay much attention to the fact that she was led out of her own cabin and walked away to Keith's cabin.
Mike took Pamela back to his own cabin and that left Dan to be alone with Katy.
* * *
Dan & Katy....
As soon as Mike and Pamela were out the door Dan shut off the lights.
"Okay, Katy...time for bed." In the dying firelight she looked up at him and took his hand.
"Um, shouldn't I be going back to my cabin?"
Dan pulled her to her feet and led her to the bedroom, "No, you're going to be staying here tonight."
The tall blonde was a little confused, "But where's Lori going to sleep?"
"She'll be fine, she's staying with Keith tonight."
For some reason that made sense to Katy. She didn't complain as Dan helped her get her clothes off but when she went to get her t-shirt to wear to bed she didn't find it. In the total darkness what her hand came across was a warm Dan.
She felt his lips on her own and then she felt his searching hands come up her waist to hold her pert little breasts. She moved back and pressed against the bed and then his hands came back down and pulled her panties to the floor.
As drunk as she was, she wasn't that drunk.
"Dan, this is a little much...I mean what about my father?"
She heard him in her ear as he nuzzled her neck, "Mike is right now doing the same thing with Pamela. We have an arrangement."
Katy had a moment of clarity, "You mean my dad..."
Dan cut her off, "Yeah, your dad is with Lori tonight."
He pushed the now-naked teenager onto the bed and climbed onto the bed with her.
After lusting for the girl for so long he was doing his best to be patient. He also wanted the moment to last.
Katy knew what he wanted and at least that much of her confusion was gone. After all, it wasn't like she was a virgin. Still, her ex-boyfriend had been so patient and so gentle. Dan was all over her and she struggled with him to try to get him to back off. With his prize now so close Dan was losing his patience.
He got up on his hands and knees and used one of his knees to pry apart Katy's knees. Then his other knee got between her long, silky legs.
"Dan, please..."
"Katy, I've loved you for so damned long."
It was the one thing her boyfriend had never said to her. She'd said it to that asshole so many times and not once did he say it back to her. Yet she gave him so much.
"You love me?", she said as she stopped struggling.
"I do...with all my heart."
Had the light been on Dan would have seen a tear fall from Katy's eye. Instead he felt her legs relax and then her hands went from trying to push him away to passively holding his waist.
He pressed his cock to her pussy and felt her legs spread to welcome him.
Even though she'd been struggling with Dan to fight him off Katy's body was preparing her for sex. The excitement of being with a man had gotten her aroused and when she heard him say the words she'd longed to hear it was easy to relax and let him have what he wanted.
In just a few strokes Dan was buried balls deep in the leggy blonde.
He calmed his ardor for a moment.
"I do love you. I meant what I said. Do you think you could love me, too?"
Katy was emotionally overcome. She was crying as she simply whispered, "Yes."
Dan then let his body take over from his brain.
His cock slipped back and forth in Katy's luxuriously snug pussy. He loved how she held onto him when he'd pull back and then she'd relax to let him push into her again. Clearly she had some experience and he didn't mind because right now he was the beneficiary of her skills.
For her part Katy was enjoying the mature cock that was plowing her insides. Dan was both thicker and longer than her former boyfriend. And the way he moved with her! It wasn't just about sex...Katy felt something deeper going on with Dan and as he made love to her she knew his claim of love was true.
She felt it coming. She'd never had sex feel this good before. Was it how he said he loved her? Was that it? Oh....and it started to build. Her breasts felt full as he fucked her. The sensation of his cock in her body...it was so...different.
Her eyes rolled back in her head and she arched her neck as the best orgasm of her life swept over her body. Her legs spread to let him get deeper and her hands pulled at his waist.
Dan knew she was in ecstasy and while he did his very best to prolong her joy he couldn't hold off any longer.
He plowed her deep and hard and as he was nearing his release that was when Katy realized what was different...there was no condom! She knew she should make him stop but, damn, it felt so good that she couldn't bear to try! She heard his breath catch in his throat and then he moaned as his cock started twitching inside her. Katy felt Dan's body tremble as his cock unloaded into her pussy and something about the whole experience was so perfect to her.
When he calmed down a bit and rested his weight on her she kissed him and he kissed her back. She loved how he stayed buried inside her instead of immediatly rolling off and running to the bathroom like her ex used to do.
* * *
Mike & Pamela...
Mike looked over his shoulder at his daughter Katy and a smiling Dan and had a momentary regret about what was certainly going to happen to his little girl. Pamela stumbled on the threshold and he turned his attention back to her.
His arm went around her waist and when she slipped again he found a t-shirt covered tit in his hand. She was soft and warm and suddenly he couldn't wait to see what she looked like without the t-shirt.
His own daughter slipped from his mind as he then led Pamela to his own cabin.
Upon entering the cabin he closed the door behind himself and then led Pamela to the bedroom. He flipped on the light.
Pamela looked around and was briefly confused, "Um, isn't this your cabin?" she asked Mike.
"It is. I thought it might be nice for us to get to know each other."
Pamela might have been more than a bit tipsy but she wasn't stupid.
"You're going to try to fuck me, aren't you?"
Mike just smiled for a moment as the truth dawned on her.
"You three assholes are trying to fuck the three of us, isn't that what's gong on?"
He nodded and said, "Yep, that was the plan."
"My father is fucking Lori, isn't he? I knew he had a thing for her."
Mike just smiled his best Cheshire cat smile in response.
Pamela shook her head, "Then you left Katy with Dan?"
"I did."
Pamela thought about it and pulled off her t-shirt to reveal her perfect cones and the daintiest of gumdrop nipples, "Then fuck them all, if they're getting laid then so am I! And you better have a condom 'cause I didn't bring any."
"Of course." Mike replied, not caring about the lie. He flicked the switch on the wall and sent the room into darkness. Then he quickly stripped before trying to find Pamela. He bumped into her as she was pulling her panties to the floor and his hard cock brushed over the warm skin of her bare ass.
He pulled her close as she stood up and wrapped his arms around her. Her hands went to his head as he kissed her from behind. They pushed and thrust at each other and he was simply amazed at how eager she was for him. He envied her previous boyfriends and he knew there had been at least three of them over the years.
He guided her to the tall bed and helped her get up on it.
She shrieked with suprise and laughter as he grabbed her ankles and pulled her back. Now she was face down on the comforter and she felt Mike get himself between her legs.
"Ohhhh." was all she could say as Mike found her wetness and pushed himself into her. She tried to move but he put a hand on the small of her back to hold her down as he fucked her.
"God, this is so crazy!" she said.
It felt good.
Pamela thought about her father fucking her best friend and thought that he deserved having his own daughter fucked by one of his own best friends. She was enjoying the fuck and she was enjoying her act of defiance.
Mike bottomed out in her making her give out a little, "Ooomph!"
The sensation made a thought register with her and she tensed up, "Hey, you put on a condom, right?"
Mike didn't break his rhythm as he replied, "Of course not, I don't have any."
Pamela sobered up as much as she could, "What the fuck? You gotta stop...I'm not protected!"
"Okay, just a little bit more and I'll stop..."
He felt her legs start to flex and move and then he could feel the girl trying to pull herself away from him. His hands went to her waist and pulled her back against his crotch as he decided that it was time to seal the deal.
Pamela had forgotten all about her defiance and instead was now focused on trying to get herself away from the cock that was busy pounding away in what she knew was her ripe, fertile pussy.
With a growl he fucked her harder and then slammed home as his cock erupted into her belly.
Pamela had tried to avoid it but once it started she felt her body just freeze as she lay there taking her very first load of baby batter.
* * *
Keith and Lori...
Keith had managed to get Lori down the path to his cabin when the dark haired beauty went limp in his arms.
He picked her up and carried her to his cabin, awkwardly opening and closing the door while holding the lithe girl in his arms. He managed to flick on a small night light and then safely carried the girl to the bedroom, softly setting her down on the big fluffy bed.
She was dressed for the night with her soft flannel pajamas and he found her to be so wonderfully cute! His hands ran over her bare ankles as his cock started to swell with anticipation.
"Lori?" he whispered.
"Wharrrrr?" she barely responded.
"Can you sit up a moment?"
A sound of exasperation came out of her as she tried to sit up. He grabbed her top and pulled it over her head and then the girl flopped back on the bed and slipped back into her alcohol-fueled stupor.
Keith stared at her for a moment and then looked out his window to see the lights go out in Dan's cabin. He thought about how Mike was going to fuck Pamela and then his mind wandered to Dan claiming the cute Katy.
And here was Lori topless on his bed. Waiting for him. He let his hand drift to her breast and then he leaned down to suckle on the girl and he was pleased when her nipple hardened for him.
That made up his mind and he went to her waist and gently worked her pajama bottoms and panties off in one smooth move.
In the dim light he beheld her lovely trim form and then he reached out to touch her belly.
"Gawww, fuck...." she croaked and then rolled over onto her side. Now she was on her side with one leg straight out and the other to one side. Keith thought for a moment that the girl resembled a number 4.
Lori's manuver had inadvertently exposed her pussy to Keith's hungering eyes.
At the risk of waking her again he tentatively brushed a finger lightly along the length of her pussy. The girl didn't respond. Her pussy wasn't that of a more experienced woman and the thought that he might be the first to claim her thrilled him.
He gently pushed a single finger into her delicate flower and found it snug and warm. A deeper probing also found it to be moistening and soon he was giving her a gentle finger fuck. A second finger joined the first and the girl mewled a bit with what he knew was a sensation of stretching.
Keith was now certain that he would be Lori's first lover.
He got onto the bed behind her and straddled her outstretched leg. Then he scooted himself closer to her prize and was thrilled as his cock brushed along the impossibly soft skin of her inner thigh.
His cock bumped and rubbed along Lori's tight slit and then he pushed her free leg up a little further. Her pussy opened up just enough that his cock poked into her just enough.
Keith gently pressed himself against Lori's virgin pussy and briefly had a pang of conscience as he was about to claim the slumbering girl.
Then he thought of his own daughter Pamela getting fucked raw by Mike and he pushed.
Lori was only dimly aware of an unfamiliar sensation of pressure as Keith's cock pried and pushed its way into her pussy. She moved back at it to try to dislodge it only to feel it push deeper into her body. It was almost uncomfortable but then she pushed back again and paradoxically it drove deeper and easier.
Keith was pleasantly surprised when Lori pushed back at him a few times. Then she pushed and arched her back at the same time and his cock found the well of her moisture. It was a feeling of relief as her body opened up to him to allow his cock to fully slip inside. He sighed with the sensation of pussy wrapped around his cock...it had been so long since the last time...since before the divorce from Pamela's mother.
Lori seemingly returned to her slumber and Keith started a gentle, slow fuck of the girl. Everything seemed hazy to her but she was aware enough to know that there was someone else on the bed with her and that the pressure she felt inside her belly was connected to it. She felt warm and secure and there was something else she felt and she knew she liked it.
Keith absolutely savored fucking the girl. Each slow stroke he pushed all the way into her until his cock could go no further and then he very slowly withdrew only to do it all over again.
He wanted to bury himself to the root but their position didn't make that possible. He pushed on her leg and the flexible girl responded by bringing it almost to her chest.
Now he was able to full embed himself in her and he did. His balls were caressed by her soft thigh beneath them and the slight sound of their bodies together reached his ear.
It had simply been too long for him and with little chance to hold it off he felt it coming. The sensation deep in his groin rapidly grew and then he stabbed himself deep into the girl causing her to gasp. He held onto her as his cock spewed rope after rope of his pent-up seed deep into the girl's pussy. His gentleness was overcome by need and he fucked her hard in an instinctive need to seed the girl as much as he could and he was rewarded with a second flurry of excruciatingly wonderful spasms.
When he started to ram the girl as fast as he could she stirred from her slumber just enough to know she was feeling satisfied in a way she'd never felt before.
Lori smiled to herself and fell into a deep sleep.
* * *
The sunrise comes early in northern British Columbia in June and so did three very horny men.
* * *
Mike was the first to wake up and as soon as he saw his naked bedmate he was instantly hard. Pamela was laying on her back with her arms over her head so for Mike it was a simple matter of holding her wrists with one hand and then rolling himself on top of her. She woke up confused as he did this and before she could gather her wits he slipped into her semen-slickened pussy and started fucking her. She was going to complain about the condom thing again but instead decided that it was nice to fuck bare and that she'd just sort it out later. Despite her acceptance of the situation she was still rather scared and awed when the older man's cock seeded her for a second time.
* * *
Lori woke up to Keith spooned up to her. It felt nice. He was warm and his arms were wrapped around her. But she became aware of his body moving behind her and then the full sensation inside her pussy came to her...and a rising pleasure, too. She realized that she was finally having sex! She knew there was something to worry about but her body was right then overriding her wisdom. The pleasure rose in her belly and she grabbed Keith's arm and held on as she felt her very first cock-induced orgasm. She was breathlessly recovering her senses when Keith held her tight and drove his cock deep into her pussy as he blew.
* * *
Katy woke before Dan did and she just lay in the bed looking around for a while as she contemplated the situation. Looking at Dan she saw her friend's father on his back and soundly slumbering. He didn't notice when she pulled down the blankets to get a look at him. Her soft hand grasped his limp cock and she applied her experience as she played with it and encouraged it to grow. Looking at the tip she imagined it buried in her pussy and belching cum and the vision got her thinking. The whole picture was so wrong and somehow that made it even sexier.
Dan woke to Katy moving to straddle him. His hands went to her waist and she smiled as she guided his cock into her pussy. Then she settled down and rested her weight on him with his cock deeply embedded in her. The two of them started to move together with Katy grinding herself into Dan every now and again. It wasn't long before she came and as she did she felt Dan filling her up with his morning seed.
* * *
When the three couples met for breakfast they were pretty quiet.
Pamela broke the strained silence by simply stating the obvious, "Everyone at this table fucked someone else last night. I know it, you know it, let's just say it and move on 'cause this quiet thing isn't going to work for me."
After that the honesty flowed.
The girls expressed their concerns especially about the possibility of getting pregnant. The men spoke their peace for the most part and then let the girls vent some more.
Later in the day the three girls gathered their things from their respective father's cabins and then moved in with their respective lovers.
When the night finally arrived the three couples went their separate ways to start another very busy night.
* * *
When September arrived it was obvious to everyone that it had been a very fertile summer.
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swampgallows · 4 years
i used to be really skinny, and i used to have tons of cute dresses that fit my skinny frame. i used to confidently be a size medium no matter what it was. then i started outgrowing juniors clothes and i realized i wasn’t a ‘junior’ anymore. i had entered ‘adult’ territory. which is frightening. and it wasn’t that i was fat, i just grew up. my shoulders and ribcage became too wide for shirts designed for, you know, thirteen year old girls.
but i wasn’t 5′2″ and 90 lbs, so i always still felt too big, too in the way, too much like i had to wear trash bags and hide myself for being an obstruction to fashion or beauty. 
i had so many cute dresses that i never wore and will never wear again. they will never fit me again no matter how much weight i lose. they wont fit my skeleton six months after ive been dead. 
somehow a gif of a woman cooking while wearing lingerie popped up on my dashboard. i remember buying a thong for Him, wearing it for Him, and how uncomfortable it felt, and how disgusting and awful i felt wearing it, but that i did it For Him, and i was in his kitchen and told him to feel under my already-sheer silk nightie for the black lace thong. 
all he said was ‘oh,’ and half-smiled. then, later, when i told him how heartbroken i felt, he said he was ‘embarrassed’ because ‘sometimes guys just arent horny’, or whatever. but it was because he, by this time, had already been cheating on me. but he sugarcoated it with something about my ‘cute little ass’, which i knew was pejorative, because he always talked about girls’ huge asses and had their ugly spread pussies and buttholes plastered all over his idiot fucking blog.
yeah, i DID have a cute little ass, and i fucking wasted it on you. i tried so hard to be the stupid fucking straight girl you wanted, to be the submissive you wanted, to be your best kept fucking secret because you REFUSED to commit to me, letting your shitty, trashy taste infest mine. your fucking superficial occultism and sex-posi fauxminism. you were only interested in comics because you got off to the same racist sexist trash that crumb did, and you were only interested in bakshi for the pulp. you tried to act ironic about it but jesus christ you really WERE turned on by chainmail bikinis. absolutely fucking pathetic. less of an aesthete than a hippie blowing glass in his airbrushed wizard van. even deadheads would tell you to get with the fuckin times. 
and i wasted it on you! i really did look at somebody with the name [redacted] and thought ‘oh yeah, thats the one. mr generic, that’s the guy for me. a proto-neo nazi? sign me up!’
i cant believe the amount of hatred i harbored toward myself. how much i hated myself to settle for that. how much i hated myself to not wear my pretty dresses. how fearful i was. how scared i was, and am, to be seen. how lonely i feel. how alone i am. how men look at me like i’m a doll, then stick a key in me and wind me up to operate as their surrogate mother.
i’m so fucking over straight men, dude. i’m so fucking tired of living in their world, defining myself by their principles, being compared to their standards of aesthetics. i’m so fucking sick of all the philosophs and academics and theologians and notepad scribblers, all the alphas and betas and omegas and kappas and poggers and channers and goons and what the fuck ever else, all the billionaires and ceos and presidents and managers, all the stupid johns and davids and brians and jameses looking at the world like a game of risk, a game only they would be stupid enough to invent and derive pleasure from, of cordoning up the planet and its peoples like slices of pie that they forced their barefoot pregnant wives to bake. 
i’m suffering in this world from a deficit of beauty, beauty of my own creation and within my own body. i haven’t respected my beautiful body, i haven’t respected my beautiful clothes, ive burrowed myself away in a warren of anxiety and fear away from dawns and sunsets and the crabs on the jetty while counting barnacles, too stubborn and stupid to chip off the ones growing endlessly on my back (and my face). 
i can make my body more comfortable, but i will never get the one i had back. my twenties are gone, and my youth was wasted on the young. 
i feel like no matter how old i get, no matter how successful i may feel or become, no matter what i accomplish of my own merits and how many fears i quash, i will always have this cacophonous jury of faceless pedophiles in my mind reminding me that i am no longer supple, that i am no longer useful, that all of the things i do in my life are only shortcomings in an attempt to make up for being a worthless cumdump. that no matter what i do, even if i find love and make my own home and live a successful life, i will only hear them telling me how my chest isnt flat, how my nose is too big, how the fun is gone now that im no longer a ten year old boy from behind. 
my therapy appointment is in six hours, and i dont really know if i can open up with that.
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camillemontespan · 5 years
the interview he walked out of [drake walker]
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@moonlightgem7​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @sirbeepsalot​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @burnsoslow​ @pug-bitch​ @ibldw-main​ @emichelle​ @dcbbw​ @katedrakeohd​ @mskaneko​ @gardeningourmet​ @notoriouscs​ @pedudley​ @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld​
These are the things I know about Drake Walker. He is half American. He met his wife, Camille Montespan, at court - she was a commoner taking part in the infamous suitor competition to win the King's hand in marriage. Little awkward, I must say. Drake was awarded the title of the Duke of Valtoria. He now shares two children with Camille, his daughters Lily and Luna. In the space of seven years, he has come a long way from the commoner at court.
Having read through my colleague's interviews with him, he seems friendly and has settled into his role as Duke quite well. A surprise considering he is not of noble blood and was known as the King's best friend, riding along on his tailcoats.
Duke Magazine used to be very selective in who they interviewed. I used to meet Dukes who have inherited their title through generations and Dukes who attended prestigious boarding schools. Now, I meet a commoner who can trace half his family back to Texas and who openly admits that he hates dinner table etiquette.
We meet in a hotel suite. He looks, like everyone says, not like a typical Duke. Instead of wearing expensive designer clothes, he is dressed in a dark blue Henley shirt, brown leather jacket and dark jeans with boots. He looks like an urban dad on the school run. 'Suits have never been my scene,' he tells me, almost bashful.
Drake is perfectly nice. He shakes my hand, says its good to meet me and asks if I want a coffee. So far, polite. Good first impression. He's been taught well.
I ask him how he finds being a Duke, having been in the job for seven years now. He now sports a beard, as opposed to his clean shaven face when he first came to public attention, and he has laughter lines around his eyes. He was twenty-eight when he became the Duke of Valtoria and newly married. He smiles and settles back, relaxed.
'I'm actually really enjoying it,' he says. 'I've found my feet, after what seemed like an age. Mind Over Matter is doing well, it's making a difference. I'm making a difference. Everything is great.'
Ha. I repeat that quote back at him jokingly and he turns red. 'Ah, yeah,' he says. 'The famous quote.. Well, it's true though.'
What has he learned in the seven years of being the Duke of Valtoria?
'God, I've learned a lot,' he muses. 'Just to try not to repeat my counterparts mistakes. Be the difference. And also that I am a really overprotective dad - I didn't realise how anal I could be about parenting.'
He doesn't talk like typical nobles. It's.. disconcerting.
I wonder if he has anything else in the pipeline aside from Mind Over Matter. He shakes his head. 'Not yet. Right now, the charity is my baby. I want to focus on it completely, make it the best it can be.'
Mind Over Matter has somehow managed to prove its critics wrong. I'll admit I was one of those naysayers who viewed the campaign as a glorified Boys Weekend, casting doubt over the campaign before it even began. I tell him this and he bristles.
'I don't get how people could be negative about something that is so positive,' he tells me. 'Men get emotional too. If women are feeling under pressure they may go out with friends or to a spa, and people call it self care. So why can't Mind Over Matter be viewed in the same light?'
I have to argue that Cordonia is traditional in the sense that home life is important. Husbands being away from home for days on end so that they can hike up mountains and kayak seems neglectful to their wives. Family values are the most important thing in Cordonian society.
Drake eyes me. 'I can tell you now that my wife does not feel in any way neglected. She encourages it actually. And we raise our family in the best way we can.'
Even with his justification, he is still a Duke with responsibilities who chooses to go away for long weekends to take part in Mind Over Matter. This is completely different compared to previous nobles I've met who attend palace balls and polo matches.
'I want to be a present Duke,' he explains, clearly tired of having to explain himself. 'The campaign gives me a chance to meet all types of men from all over Cordonia. I'm not just meeting Valtorians, I'm meeting everyone, and that, in my opinion, is a big deal. I want to be there for everyone, not just a select few.'
Drake clears his throat. 'Let's move on.'
We do. Does he ever feel like he has won the lottery whenever he thinks about his life?
'Very much so,' he answers. 'I often get imposter syndrome you know? Like I don't deserve any of this. I've got Camille, I've got my daughters.. I thank my lucky stars everyday.'
Drake has had to prove that he is worthy of the title of Duke more than most of his counterparts. He has dealt with a slew of negative press asking if he is up to the job.
'It was a learning curve,' he admits. 'I didn't know what to expect when me and Camille were installed at Valtoria and suddenly were given titles. We both felt like frauds which is why we've worked so hard to make a difference in Cordonia.'
They have certainly shaken things up. They are the first noble couple to pioneer their own campaigns. They talk about mental health. They advocate for women's equality. Their modern outlook is at odds with the traditional nature of Cordonia. Many have criticised them, saying that they should stick to what they're best at, which is supporting their duchy. I will admit I was one of them. It's not like Drake and Camille are qualified doctors or therapists. What can they possibly change that a professional can't?
Drake's eyes widen at this question. 'I think that's so narrow minded,' he says. 'I'm sorry, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it is. Everyone struggles. Just because I'm not a doctor doesn't mean I can't help or offer support. I use my platform for good. I don't want to show off wealth or my title. When I lived at court, I would see so many nobles who were arrogant and looked down on those who weren't born with the same privileges as they have. I'm different, Camille is different. We want to get to know the public and hear about their issues. Why even have this role if we can't help?'
I am about to speak but he bulldozes through.
'We're changing things from the inside out,' Drake explains. 'We were the first nobles to reintroduce the concept of Open Houses, which is when our duchy can visit our house and talk to us personally about any issues they need help with. We don't shy away from the public, we actively encourage them to speak to us. We work hard to shape Cordonia into a more modern and equal place. I want the future to be different for my little girls. I want them to be happy, to have opportunity and to feel they can do anything they set their mind to. I want them to feel safe.'
Safety. Drake obtained a restraining order against the paparazzi when daily stalking became too much for the family. It means photographers aren't allowed within 12 feet of them and if photos are published of their children, pixels are placed on top of their faces, obscuring the image.
I understand that Drake is the ultimate family man so a restraining order was not a surprise. But what I can't get my head around is why do Drake and Camille, who constantly say their privacy is important, take part in magazine interviews like this one?
'Because we have things we want to promote,' he answers dryly. 'I don't do these interviews because I'm desperate for attention.'
I've hit a nerve. I press on, suggesting that they can't have it both ways. Many journalists were incredulous when Drake and Camille drew red lines around their private and public image.
'Look, we chose to protect our family,' Drake says. 'I think if any man was in my position, he would do the exact same thing. Camille and I may have accepted our roles but we genuinely want our kids to have as normal a childhood as possible. So if that means no paparazzi, perfect.'
Despite the restraining order doing its job now, there are many pictures out there that were released before it came into action. Pictures such as holiday photos of the couple, particularly Camille in a bikini. Everyone knows what she looks like scantily clad and it lead to men's magazines calling her Cordonia's Sexiest Duchess. How does it feel to be married to Cordonia's most admired woman?
Drake's jaw becomes set when I ask this. 'I feel lucky to be married to her because of who she is. She's amazing. But she's not an object or a trophy, that's completely demeaning.'
And yet, column inches are dedicated to how to achieve her bikini body. People can't get enough. How does Camille feel about that, I wonder?
'Can we not talk about my wife's body, please?' he asks. 'Not appropriate.'
The images are out there though. Everyone has an opinion. Drake and Camille are more like celebrities than nobles, which I think is why everyone is so interested in them. When bikini pictures become part of the news cycle, Cordonia goes crazy. Plus he can't deny that she is a stunning woman. She has the whole package.
'Camille is more than just her looks,' Drake says. 'She is fiercely intelligent, kind and the best person for the role of Duchess of Valtoria. If you have to mention her, talk about her work for women's equality in the workplace. Or that she visits children's hospitals at Christmas time with Santa. Talk about those things but don't talk about those magazines that print pictures of her body, just don't. She's worth so much more than that.'
I steer the conversation away and ask about the two of them as parents. Drake has admitted he is over protective. Is Camille the same?
'Yes but less so,' he tells me. 'I think it's just in my nature to always want to protect my family. I protected Camille when she first came to court. Camille tries to calm me down but even she has her moments when she worries if Lily is eating enough vegetables or Luna is sleeping well. But that's normal. Every parent doubts their abilities, you just gotta believe that you're doing a good job and raising them right.'
I wonder if that is due to Drake losing his father as a teenager and Camille losing her parents to drugs. Perhaps they are trying to over compensate for their broken backgrounds. But Drake abruptly stands up, shaking his head.
'No, I'm not continuing this anymore,' he tells me. 'I'm done.'
I apologise and say we won't discuss Camille again but Drake is adamant that he won't sit back down. 'You brought up my wife's parents. By all means, ask about my dead father and my abandonment issues but don't even try to discuss my wife's parents without her present.'
I try to explain. Her background is so vague, her PR team have tried their best to keep the details private but we all know her parents struggled with drug addiction. Camille will politely answer one or two questions and then steer the conversation away, which I always feel is a cop out. Unlike her husband, she does not go into too much detail about her struggles.
Drake bolts up from his seat. I stand up to try to placate him but the Duke of Valtoria won't be calmed. 'This is over,' he tells me firmly. 'I'm fucking done. It is not my place to answer questions about my wife or her parents. That is HER story.'
I try to stop him from leaving but he is quick to pull on his jacket and mutter swear words under his breath.
I ask him to sit down so we can start over but he turns to me, his eyes filled with fury. 'Camille is the strongest woman I know,' he hisses. 'She has been through hell and she's come through the other side brighter and stronger than ever. She makes a difference and she loves Cordonia. She genuinely cares. Make THAT your fucking headline.'
He storms out of the room. He's walked out of this interview, creating a headline that is now out of his control.
Drake slammed the front door and stormed through the hallway. He felt sheer rage.
Camille rushed out of the living room and stopped him from entering. 'Baby, what's happened?' she asked. 'The girls are in the living room, be calm.'
Drake sighed and gestured for her to follow him into his study. He crumpled down onto his chair and placed his head in his hands.
'I lost it,' he muttered. 'I walked out of the interview. I know that's so unprofessional and will look really, really bad but jesus, Camille, the stuff he was asking!'
Camille knelt down in front of him and placed her hands on his knees. 'Drake, look at me,' she murmured.
Drake looked at her reluctantly.
'Whatever he asked, whatever is printed, will not be the end of the world,' Camille told him, her voice steady. 'Negative press just comes with the territory. We can rise above it.'
Drake clenched her hands tightly. 'He mentioned your parents,' he choked. 'He asked about your bikini photos. He spoke about you like you weren't worth anything. I felt so angry on your behalf, Camille. So angry. The thing is, he wasn't doing it to get a rise out of me, he was doing it because he wanted a particular angle for his damn article.'
Camille closed her eyes. 'People are going to ask about my parents, Drake,' she said. 'It's expected.'
'He suggested we over compensate on our parenting because of our backgrounds,' Drake spat. 'Complete dick.'
Camille placed her hand on his cheek, her brown eyes boring into his. 'It's okay,' she whispered.
'I'll order them to pull the article!' Drake burst out. 'I'll make sure they don't print it. All it will do is get other journalists asking you shit about your parents and I don't want you to endure that humiliation. I'll threaten, I'll sue, I'll do anything to keep this article from reaching newsstands -'
Camille pressed her finger on his lips, silencing him. 'Baby, breathe,' she said quietly. 'Breathe.'
Drake looked down at the floor and exhaled. 'I just want to protect you.'
'And you do,' Camille told him. 'You always protect me. But Drake, you can't sue every newspaper that dares to ask difficult questions. It's part of the job.'
'Yeah but you shouldn't have to be subjected to it!' Drake shouted. 'It's not fair!'
'It's what we signed up for,' Camille whispered. 'Media poking their noses into our business and lives. We knew this would happen.'
Drake's hands were tight on hers. 'I don't want them to decide your story,' he whispered, his voice cracking. 'I don't want them to define you.'
Camille kissed him softly. 'They won't. I'm Camille Walker.'
Drake smiled weakly. 'Camille Montespan to the press.'
Camille shook her head. 'Formality. I'm Camille Walker, Drake. I'm your wife and the mother of your children. I'm already defined.'
Drake let out a shakey breath and pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her. 'I love you,' he murmured.
'I love you too,' she replied. Drawing back, she sat back on her heels and gave him a serious look, her chin raised. 'I'm not upset. Let them print it. They can print all the shit they want but that doesn't make any of it true. You know who I am, I know who you are. That's all that matters.'
A few weeks later, the article was published. It was a short article due to the fact that Drake walked out mid interview. Drake didn't read it, instead choosing to look the other way when he saw the magazine on news stands.
Until he was forced to look at the magazine cover which Camille had framed and put up on a wall of her study.
'Why have you framed this?' he asked, mortified. 'It's embarrassing.'
Camille wrapped her arms around him and looked up at the picture. 'I don't see it as embarrassing,' she explained softly. 'I see it as my husband standing up for his wife and family.'
Drake blushed and squeezed her hand. 'I can't believe you framed it.'
Camille chuckled. 'Well, you do look pretty hot. It's nice seeing your younger self.'
'Do you not like my beard?!' Drake asked, pretending to be offended.
Camille giggled and kissed him gently. 'You age like fine wine, Drake Walker.'
Drake smiled and looked at the magazine cover properly, this time without shame.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Us, July 6
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Prince Harry vs. Prince William -- who’s to blame? 
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Page 1: First Look -- Alessandra Ambrosio at the beach 
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Kris Jenner vs. Jennifer Lopez, Kerry Washington vs. Nicole Scherzinger 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Padma Lakshmi on homeschooling her 10-year-old daughter Krishna, Regina King’s feelings on the world’s response to the Black Lives Matter movement, Chelsea Handler showing her support for the historic Supreme Court ruling that forbids employers from discriminating against LGBTQ employees, Gwyneth Paltrow revealing that she’s been teaching her 16-year-old daughter Apple how to drive since she was young, Cardi B clapping back at body shamers who claim the rapper photoshops her pictures 
Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Tiffany Haddish pumps up a crowd during an outdoor Juneteenth celebration, Amy Schumer and son Gene, pregnant Katherine Schwarzenegger and Chris Pratt go for a stroll 
Page 12: Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears sprints barefoot through the grass, Cardi B and her daughter Kulture, Joshua Jackson shows off a fresh quarantine cut 
Page 13: Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormi along with cousins Penelope Disick and North West at Kanye West’s ranch in Wyoming, Courteney Cox dives 
Page 14: Life Is a Picnic -- Norman Reedus and his daughter, Sofia Vergara and pup Bubbles, Gabrielle Union and daughter Kaavia
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Page 17: Love Your Mother -- stars give Mama Earth the attention she deserves by hugging trees -- Gisele Bunchen, Sean and Catherine Lowe’s sons Samuel and Isaiah, Salma Hayek, Cara Delevingne, Katharine McPhee and her dog 
Page 20: Pride and Joy -- stars are spreading the love to the LGBTQ community -- Kandi Burruss of RHOA, Jonathan Van Ness, Ricky Martin, Kerry Washington, Ruby Rose 
Page 23: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Justin Bieber plays golf, Jimmy Kimmel reads a new book, Halle Berry stretches, Adam Sandler walks his dog 
Page 24: Love Lives -- Raven-Symone and Miranda Maday quaran-tied the knot 
Page 25: Dom Lemon and Tim Malone still go on date nights even during the pandemic, Ilana Kloss is singing the praises of her iconic long-time partner Billie Jean King, David Burtka thanked husband Neil Patrick Harris on his birthday 
Page 26: Hot Hollywood -- Danny Masterson out on bail after being charged with three counts of rape, other stars get called out -- Justin Bieber, Ansel Elgort, Riverdale cast, Chris D’Elia 
Page 27: Angelina Jolie’s kids come first which is why she ended her marriage with Brad Pitt, being known as Meghan Markle’s bestie is no longer Jessica Mulroney’s claim to fame -- now she’s known as the woman who threatened single mom Sasha Exeter with a libel lawsuit after the influencer called out what she considered white privilege in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests and Jessica has hired a crisis PR team to find a way to put this behind her 
Page 28: A Day in the Life At-Home Edition -- Maggie Q 
Page 29: Newly single Sofia Richie isn’t ready to mingle -- since calling it quits with Scott Disick she hasn’t been interested in or open to dating anyone now while Scott has been spending time with the mother of his three children Kourtney Kardashian 
Page 30: Cover Story -- What tore Prince William and Prince Harry apart -- sibling rivalry, the pressures of royal life and warring wives: the truth about their broken bond 
Page 33: A Day Fit for a Prince -- Prince William’s 38th birthday was extra festive this year because it coincided with Father’s Day 
Page 34: Summer Lovin’ -- body-confident stars are feeling great this bikini season -- Megan Thee Stallion 
Page 35: Sofia Richie, Carrie Underwood 
Page 36: Jessica Simpson, Mindy Kaling, Brie and Nikki Bella
Page 37: Winnie Harlow, Rita Ora, Julianne Hough, Simone Biles 
Page 38: Style -- now trending: statement sleeves -- Ellie Goulding, Aubrey Plaza, Cynthia Erivo, Katy Perry, Camila Mendes, Chrissy Teigen 
Page 40: Beauty -- July 4th staycation essentials -- Andi Dorfman
Page 42: Entertainment 
Page 46: Fashion Police -- ruffles edition -- Ella Balinska, Thomasin McKenzie, Florence Pugh 
Page 47: Zara Larsson, Molly Sims, Saoirse Ronan 
Page 48: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Rob Riggle
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