#Bioware Romances
The TLDR of Garrus and Shepard's "Romantic" talk...
Shepard: Wanna bang? Garrus: You are my best friend and I think I actually would like to bang. Yes. Shepard: Cool. We're staying best friends tho, right? Garrus: Oh absolutely, of course. That's the most important part Shepard: Oh thank god, that's exactly what I was thinking Garrus: Cool Shepard: Cool Garrus: .... Shepard:... Garrus: So like, I still got guns to calibrate... Shepard: Right! See you later, then ... *Five minutes later* ... Shepard: ...That went really well, right? Joker: Why did you come here to tell me this? I didn't want to know about this Shepard: But what do you think??? Joker, with an exasperated sigh: I would say that went fucking weird, but you two are so fucking weird. So I don't know Shepard: ...Cool
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shynmighty · 1 year
when your kid said bioware romances should just be one conversation and then marriage+smoochy kiss i felt that. she's so right. a visionary
She really is. I'd say she's got the makings of a great video game designer when she grows up, but she insists she wants to be a pastry chef. 😂
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its-liss · 3 months
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A little re-draw I did of an old Shakarian piece, because I’ll never be over them.
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frecklef0x · 1 year
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tfw your witch gf distracts you from the end of the world by sitting on your lap and giving you kissessssss💕
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jibberjibbsart · 1 year
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Happy birthday Mass Effect 2! Have some awkward Shep flirting
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t-dubber · 9 months
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This is a reminder to check in on your ex-templars… they’re probably not doing well.
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aveny-art · 11 months
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I love memes...
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dragonageconfessions · 9 months
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So the time I romanced Solas in Inquisition I ended up doing a lot of the Major Choices he disagreed with (conscripted the mages for being naughty, drank from the well, etc.), like not enough to have low approval but enough to establish we had differing worldviews. So when the break up came it was easy, just my Lavellan being like, yeah probably for the best, solid time though cue ball. And I’m really happy for that because having the villain of the next game be an ex you had a pretty chill break up with is hilarious and I’ll take that over angsting it up.
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larkoneironaut · 10 months
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✦ Crow Queen ✦
Revia of Antiva from my Thranduil romance fic Rising Iridescence on AO3 🖤
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doli-nemae · 5 months
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ah yes, what a great timing to kiss your (half) elven gf than during attack on elven city
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new comm for @wren--bee of their shep and kaidan having some drinks together! really enjoyed making this one as per usual <3
commissions still open!
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valtianan · 2 years
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happy slightly belated halloween 2022!
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olath124 · 7 months
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This was a drawing I’ve made for the Alenko Summer exchange… but it was too late and being the anxious gremlin I am I've never posted it. So, being n7 month I've decided to post it now!
She is the lovely @halesshepardn7 's Rose Shepard in a soft and lovely moment with her space husband Kaidan ❤️
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justcallmecappy · 1 year
The Andersmance as a narrative of hope
One thing I've noticed while in the Dragon Age fandom is the prevalent interpretation of the Anders romance as a tragedy, or a romance that's inherently tragic. Anders acts behind Hawke's back, destroys the Kirkwall Chantry no matter what choices the player makes, the player sees this as a huge betrayal, and — despite having romanced Anders, and/or being mage-sympathetic — they decide to execute or banish Anders as punishment for his 'crime'. Tears are shed; it's all dramatic and tragic and angsty.
While I sometimes appreciate tragedies, I would like to posit a different perspective: The romance with Anders is a story of hope; a story of standing up to insurmountable odds and overcoming them. The romance with Anders can be approached as one with a happier ending, where Hawke and Anders are the heroes.
Before I elaborate, a disclaimer: These are my own opinions. I understand some players prefer the Andersmance as a tragic romance, and to each player their own. I am not here to dictate the choices you should make in-game or how you approach your playthroughs, merely to present a different perspective to one I've seen very often.
Also, this post is critical of the rivalmance with Anders — more on that later.
The Andersmance as a narrative of hope relies on two perspectives:
Firstly, the Chantry is an authoritarian institution who are the antagonistic force that the heroes need to oppose and take down. There is plenty of meta that explores and supports this.
Secondly, Anders is a heroic character:
He is a healer who set up a clinic providing free healthcare for the marginalized and downtrodden people of Kirkwall who otherwise have gone overlooked by their own Chantry.
He let a Spirit of Justice into his body, simply to help Justice continue to exist in the physical world when he would have otherwise disappeared into the Fade.
He regularly risks his safety and security by helping mages escape abuse in the Gallows and have a chance at freedom via the Mage Underground.
These are all acts of someone who is kind and compassionate, and, yes, heroic.
He is not a villain who needs to be stopped. He is the hero of the story who needs help and support as he challenges systematic oppression. He's Katniss Everdeen standing up to the Capitol; he's Luke Skywalker opposing the Galactic Empire.
Hawke is that supportive pillar, that safe harbor, that source of unconditional love for Anders in his times of struggle. "The one bright light in Kirkwall" who stands by Anders' side as they face insurmountable odds together.
In World States where Leliana becomes Divine Victoria, this means Hawke and Anders' struggles were not in vain. Through their actions, they sparked a series of events that culminated in the abolition of the Circles.
Anders' prophetic speech about how, "Ten years, a hundred years from now, someone like me will love someone like you, and there will be no Templars to tear them apart" carries so much more weight, because loving Hawke gave him hope for a better future that Anders actually gets to witness in his lifetime.
Do you know how powerful such a love story is?
Their love literally changed the world for the better.
They loved each other, that love gave them courage, and now future generations of mages are free to find a love as strong and precious as the one Hawke and Anders share.
Of course, the condition of this is that Hawke loves and supports Anders wholeheartedly, meaning that this obviously takes the Friendship route for the romance. The rivalmance where Hawke downplays Anders' struggles, breaks Anders' spirit, undermines Anders' confidence, and tries to convince Anders that his cause is needless has no part in this narrative of hope; in fact, I would go so far to say that Hawke is the villain in that version of the story.
Personally, stories of hope have always strongly resonated with me. I gravitate towards stories where our protagonists are presented with challenging obstacles (whether they be internal, external, or both), and things may seem bleak at first, but they bravely carry on, and by the end of the story the characters have made themselves better people, and/or made the world a better place.
Anders and Hawke had many chances to turn away and ignore the plight of mages and just get their own happy ending, but they didn't — they carried on, because they were the heroes, and they knew all mages deserved to be free as they were.
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frecklef0x · 1 year
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No! Shepard! Without! Vakarian!
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faitherinhicks · 1 year
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Angsty Dragon Age 2 comic part 1, starring Fenris and Hawke. Part 2 will go up tomorrow. >>>> Okay, so I romanced Fenris during my first DA2 playthrough as a female warrior Hawke. Unfortunately because I was pro mage and anti slaver (because I'm not a monster), I couldn't swing his approval or rivalry one way or the other, so when the final confrontation in the Gallows occurred, I couldn't convince him to join me to help the mages. It was super tragic! I'm still crying over it. These freaking Bioware games have destroyed my life, lol.
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