#Black Christian Dating Sites
pursuedating1 · 2 years
Online Dating For Professionals | Black Christian Dating Sites
Pursue Dating is Black Christian Dating Sites for christian singles! We also provide Online Dating For Professionals singles. Visit us to register for free now! https://pursuedating.com/contact
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Nightbringer is so funny bc if diavolo didn’t threaten to send us back to the human world(idk of that happens I’ve only heard) Lilith would still he here no? I don’t think she would be like a baby when they said she was reborn as a human I just assume they just put her in the world and erased her memories but she was probably reborn as a child and grew up. But she would still be around meaning that it would be so incredibly far into the past because even they had a hard time tracing MC’s lineage😭 so imagine going back to like a time before lightbulbs were invented. Absolutely the FUCK NOT!!! I could not for a second live as a small sickly Victorian child no way I would be able to survive watching people Live in their own filth😭🤢 I’m sorry i’m not witnessing slavery or the black plague Dia has me all the way fucked up I’m too spoiled by modern technology like socks and hoodies
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pigeondust · 8 months
White Men Looking for Love in Uganda Whatsapp Number
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Greetings, Admin, I'm Mercy from Gulu, and the other day you introduced me to White Sugar Daddy Michael from the States. There aren't enough words to explain what you did to me. Admin, you are my idol. I could not be leading the life that I am leading without. We need to come to your office so we may deliver a gift. Simply to express gratitude. Michael possesses gentleness. He is romantic, industrious, and endowed with a good heart. The man of my fantasies, exactly. Thank you, admin, and enjoy yourself. Keep up the fantastic work. I'll recommend you to all of my friends. I know of no other authentic website in Kenya but yours.
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ftmtftm · 11 months
Feminism has always, always had a history with Racism and White Supremacy - particularly in a way that promotes fascist leaning "Protection for Me and Mine" type "activism".
There have always been several Upper Class, White, Women at the helm of Feminist movements and it is something Poor, Working Class, Women of Color have been vocally criticizing since the First Wave.
I mean, US Americans, did you not learn about Sojourner Truth? Have you not read "Ain't I A Woman?"? It is one of the most famous early accounts of the racialized nature of gender. It perfectly highlights the way the social aspects of gender have always been barred from People of Color in a way they aren't barred from White People in a firsthand historical account.
Women's Suffrage, and subsequently the First Wave of Feminism was an actively Racially Segregated movement. White Suffragettes intentionally campaigned for themselves and themselves only because they thought that campaigning for Black, Immigrant, and Indigenous Women would undermine their own movement. They did not seek liberation for women, they sought the Systemic, Institutional Power of their White Male Peers and they got it - by intentionally leaving Women of Color behind them.
This is most evident in the fact that White Women received the right to vote in 1920, but Black Women did not receive the right to vote until 1965 with the Voting Rights Act. Almost 50 years later. That is over half a lifetime. This was also only approximately 2-3 years before Radical Feminism and the Second Wave began around 1967~1968.
If you think racial segregation and racism in the Feminist Movement ended with Black Women's suffrage and completely dissipated within the two years it took for the Second Wave to pick up it's feet, you are naïve at best and actively racist yourself at worst. The Women's Liberation Movement / Radical Feminism have always been White Woman's movements riding the coattails of the Suffragette's racism.
Look at the website for the Women's Liberation Front. WoLF is one of the original Radical Feminist organizations. It was founded in the late 60's and is one of the largest Radfem organizations to date. Now. Look at their board. Look at the photos of women they choose to include across their site. Look at the women who are speaking at their events. Beyond one or two token Black Women, it is a sea of Whiteness.
You know who is a special advisor to WoLF and the founder of the group "Standing for Women"? Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, aka Posie Parker. Kellie-Jay is the woman who popularized "Woman means adult human female" as an anti-trans slogan. Kellie-Jay is also real good buddies with - you guessed it! Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists!
WoLF also takes money from the Alliance Defending Freedom, (ADF) a Right Wing Christian Organization, and it's members have worked directly with the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative organization founded during the Reagan Presidency.
Radical Feminism as a political movement cares about the lives and held power of White Women under the guise of "Women's Liberation" in the exact same way as their foremothers, the Suffragettes. It's a foundationally White Supremacist movement. Black Feminists, Indigenous Feminists, Immigrant Feminists, and Colonized Feminists have been talking about this for over a century but it falls on White ears so why would they listen.
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paganimagevault · 4 months
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Miscellaneous Hungarian archaeological items from the migration era, from the Urals to the Carpathians 9th-10th C. CE. Sources can be found on my blog, link at bottom.
The Magyars, as a nation, seem to have originated in the region of the Urals and Volga and their original territory covered a large amount of what is European Russia today. This region was known as Magna Hungaria or Ancient Hungary in the Middle Ages. In the 13th century Christian monks tried unsuccessfully to convert the Pagan inhabitants of Ancient Hungary, who they noted spoke the same language as the Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin (will post more on this later). Now genetics show they were related too. Some of the Hungarians in the Carpathian region were found to be direct family members of these Uralic-based Hungarians according to this genetic study below. I grabbed some highlights of genetics article here and included some archaeological image finds:
"Two recent articles have investigated the Y-haplogroup variability of Hungarian conquerors describing the conqueror’s elite population as heterogenous, with significant proportion of European, Finno-Permic, Caucasian and Siberian (or East Eurasian) paternal lineages. Fóthi et al. have claimed that the Hungarian conquerors originated from three distant sources: Inner Asia (Lake Baikal – Altai Mountains), Western Siberia – Southern Urals (Finno-Ugric peoples) and the Black Sea – Northern Caucasus (Northern Caucasian Turks, Alans, and Eastern Europeans). Both studies pointed out the presence of the Y-haplogroup N-Z1936 (also known as N3a4-Z1936 under N-Tat/M46), which is frequent among Finno-Ugric speaking peoples.
...The genetic connection of Uyelgi cemetery in the Trans-Ural and 10th century Hungarian conquerors in the Carpathian Basin is supposed by close maternal relationships of the following individuals: Uyelgi3 from Kurgan 28 of the youngest horizon and three Hungarian conquerors from Karos II cemetery have identical U4d2 mitogenome haplotype (Supplementary Fig. S4p). Furthermore, the mtDNA A12a lineage of Hconq3 (30-40 years old woman from Harta cemetery dated to the first half of 10th century AD) is an ancestor of the mtDNA lineage of Uyelgi7 (from Kurgan 30 of the youngest horizon of the cemetery) based on the A12a haplogroup tree (see Supplementary Fig. S4a).
The mentioned graves from Uylegi show the characteristic of the Srostki culture, where the gilt silver mounts with plant ornaments were typical, and which was disseminated from the Siberian Minusinsk Depression and the Altai region through the Baraba Steppe and North-Kazakhstan to the Trans-Ural region (Fig. 1).
The connection of Uyelgi cemetery and Hungarian conquerors is visible on the N1a1a1a1a branch of the tree of haplogroup N1a1 too, that was prevalent among the ancient Hungarians (Fig. 5). Here seven Hungarian conqueror samples from cemeteries Kenézlő-Fazekaszug, Orosháza-Görbicstanya and Karos-Eperjesszög clustered together on one branch, while the five Uyelgi samples from the earliest and latest horizons are located together next to this branch.
Majority of Uyelgi males belonged to Y chromosome haplogroup N, and according to combined STR, SNP and Network analyses they belong to the same subclade within N-M46 (also known as N-tat and N1a1-M46 in ISOGG 14.255). N-M46 nowadays is a geographically widely distributed paternal lineage from East of Siberia to Scandinavia. One of its subclades is N-Z1936 (also known as N3a4 and N1a1a1a1a2 in ISOGG 14.255), which is prominent among Uralic speaking populations, probably originated from the Ural region as well and mainly distributed from the West of Ural Mountains to Scandinavia (Finland). Seven samples of Uyelgi site most probably belong to N-Y24365 (also known as N-B545 and N1a1a1a1a2a1c2 in ISOGG 14.255) under N-Z1936, a specific subclade that can be found almost exclusively in todays’ Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and Hungary (ISOGG, Yfull)."
-Early Medieval Genetic Data from Ural Region Evaluated in the Light of Archaeological Evidence of Ancient Hungarians
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legend-collection · 1 year
Robert Johnson
According to legend, as a young man living on a plantation in rural Mississippi, Johnson had a tremendous desire to become a great blues musician. One of the legends often told says that Johnson was instructed to take his guitar to a crossroad near Dockery Plantation at midnight. (There are claims for other sites as the location of the crossroads.) There he was met by a large black man (the Devil) who took the guitar and tuned it. The Devil played a few songs and then returned the guitar to Johnson, giving him mastery of the instrument. This story of a deal with the Devil at the crossroads mirrors the legend of Faust. In exchange for his soul, Johnson was able to create the blues for which he became famous.
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This legend was developed over time and has been chronicled by Gayle Dean Wardlow, Edward Komara and Elijah Wald, who sees the legend as largely dating from Johnson's rediscovery by white fans more than two decades after his death. Son House once told the story to Pete Welding as an explanation of Johnson's astonishingly rapid mastery of the guitar. Other interviewers failed to elicit any confirmation from House and there were fully two years between House's observation of Johnson as first a novice and then a master.
Further details were absorbed from the imaginative retellings by Greil Marcus and Robert Palmer. Most significantly, the detail was added that Johnson received his gift from a large black man at a crossroads. There is dispute as to how and when the crossroads detail was attached to the Robert Johnson story. All the published evidence, including a full chapter on the subject in the biography Crossroads, by Tom Graves, suggests an origin in the story of the blues musician Tommy Johnson. This story was collected from his musical associate Ishman Bracey and his elder brother Ledell in the 1960s. One version of Ledell Johnson's account was published in David Evans's 1971 biography of Tommy Johnson, and was repeated in print in 1982 alongside House's story in the widely read Searching for Robert Johnson, by Peter Guralnick.
In another version, Ledell placed the meeting not at a crossroads but in a graveyard. This resembles the story told to Steve LaVere that Ike Zimmerman of Hazlehurst, Mississippi, learned to play the guitar at midnight while sitting on tombstones. Zimmerman is believed to have influenced the playing of the young Johnson.
Recent research by the blues scholar Bruce Conforth, in Living Blues magazine, makes the story clearer. Johnson and Ike Zimmerman did practice in a graveyard at night, because it was quiet and no one would disturb them, but it was not the Hazlehurst cemetery as had been believed: Zimmerman was not from Hazlehurst but nearby Beauregard, and he did not practice in one graveyard, but in several in the area. Johnson spent about a year living with and learning from Zimmerman, who ultimately accompanied Johnson back to the Delta to look after him.
While Dockery, Hazlehurst and Beauregard have each been claimed as the locations of the mythical crossroads, there are also tourist attractions claiming to be "The Crossroads" in both Clarksdale and Memphis. Residents of Rosedale, Mississippi, claim Johnson sold his soul to the devil at the intersection of Highways 1 and 8 in their town, while the 1986 movie Crossroads was filmed in Beulah, Mississippi. The blues historian Steve Cheseborough wrote that it may be impossible to discover the exact location of the mythical crossroads, because "Robert Johnson was a rambling guy".
Some scholars have argued that the devil in these songs may refer not only to the Christian figure of Satan but also to the trickster god of African origin, Legba, himself associated with crossroads. Folklorist Harry M. Hyatt wrote that, during his research in the South from 1935 to 1939, when African-Americans born in the 19th or early 20th century said they or anyone else had "sold their soul to the devil at the crossroads", they had a different meaning in mind. Hyatt claimed there was evidence indicating African religious retentions surrounding Legba and the making of a "deal" (not selling the soul in the same sense as in the Faustian tradition cited by Graves) with the so-called devil at the crossroads.
The Blues and the Blues singer has really special powers over women, especially. It is said that the Blues singer could possess women and have any woman they wanted. And so when Robert Johnson came back, having left his community as an apparently mediocre musician, with a clear genius in his guitar style and lyrics, people said he must have sold his soul to the devil. And that fits in with this old African association with the crossroads where you find wisdom: you go down to the crossroads to learn, and in his case to learn in a Faustian pact, with the devil. You sell your soul to become the greatest musician in history.
This view that the devil in Johnson's songs is derived from an African deity was disputed by the blues scholar David Evans in an essay published in 1999, "Demythologizing the Blues":
There are ... several serious problems with this crossroads myth. The devil imagery found in the blues is thoroughly familiar from western folklore, and nowhere do blues singers ever mention Legba or any other African deity in their songs or other lore. The actual African music connected with cults of Legba and similar trickster deities sounds nothing like the blues, but rather features polyrhythmic percussion and choral call-and-response singing.
The musicologist Alan Lomax dismissed the myth, stating, "In fact, every blues fiddler, banjo picker, harp blower, piano strummer and guitar framer was, in the opinion of both himself and his peers, a child of the Devil, a consequence of the black view of the European dance embrace as sinful in the extreme".
Both Lomax's and Evans's accounts themselves have been disputed and dismissed by Black scholars and authors including Amiri Baraka and Cornel West. West defines Blues as a creation of a people "who are willing to look unflinchingly at catastrophic conditions", as children of God responding to those conditions. Baraka's words are more directly critical of white writers who study African-American Blues artform and culture from a Western viewpoint, stating that they "They have to do that to make themselves superior in some kind of way: that everything has come from Europe, which is not true". Baraka cites that rather than being formed out of any Western context, Blues derives from an African context of its own. The call-and-response singing Lomax argues is different from Blues has been widely cited as being a central aspect of Blues music.
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mrtivo8 · 2 years
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The first known examples of the hairstyle date back to ancient Egypt 🇪🇬 , where dreadlocks appeared on Egyptian artifacts. Mummified remains of ancient Egyptians with dreadlocks have even been recovered from archaeological sites. The Old Testament also recounts the tale of Samson and Delilah in which a man's potency is directly linked to 'the seven locks on his head' and according to Roman accounts, the Celts were described to have 'hair like snakes' Germanic tribes, Greeks and the Vikings are all said to have worn dreadlocks too. Rastafarianism however is something entirely separate. It was born in the 1930s when Ras Tafari was crowned emperor of 🇪🇹Ethiopia. When the emperor was forced into exile during an invasion, guerrilla warriors swore not to cut their hair until the emperor was reinstated. The religion resonated with the ideologies of the day, for example socialism, Marxism, nationalism and black power. It was therefore, seen as a threat to Christianity and came under attack by the authorities that tried to suppress the 'Rasta' movement and imprisoned those who possessed 'ganja'. Rastafarians smoked cannabis because they thought it prompted a clearer state of well - being. Their dreadlocks were thought to be disgusting and frightening, hence the term 'dread' which was later reclaimed by the 'Rasta' community. The hairstyle was later brought into mainstream culture through the worldwide success of reggae artist 🇯🇲 Bob Marley. Sporting locks himself, he prompted an international interest in the style, and the anti establishment philosophy of Rastafarian culture. Dreadlocks became increasingly popular and there are many reasons in various cultures for wearing them. They can be an expression of deep religious or spiritual convictions, a manifestation of ethnic pride. They can make a political statement, or simply be a fashion preference. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_P2CkvpYZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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andydrysdalerogers · 11 months
The Type You Save ~ T W O
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Detective James Barnes hasn't seen the love of his life in three years. Since the night she was almost caught stealing a painting. He knows it was her and she disappeared leaving him confused and heart broken.
Alexandra Richards never expected to be pulled back into her old life two years after she left it. She had found love and a home and was happy. Until a note blackmailed her to take one last job. Three years later she walked into the last person she expected to see in San Francisco. Because he lived in New York right?
They always put family before everything. And he would do anything to get his family back. Because she's the type you save.
TW: mob, death, smut, rape intentions, angst, guns, family abandonment, dub-con, manipulation
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Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Six years before… 
Alex Richards never had a care in the world.  She was good at what she did.  Never been caught, never been accused. She was going to keep it that way.   She skipped into the boss’s office, not having to wait for him to allow her to enter.  Once of the perks of being Christian Grey’s girl.  She waltzes in as he was on the phone and sat in his lap, her usual spot.  
“I understand that Walker, but it needs to be handled. Just take care of it.  I have an important package to open.” Christian slammed the phone down and ran his hands over Alex’s legs.  “Hello pet.”  
“Mr. Grey.”  
Christian growled at her response.  “How many times do I have to say don’t call me that in the office?”  
“Sorry baby.”  Alex planted a kiss behind his ear, knowing it would calm him.  He hummed his enjoyment.  
“What do you want Alexandra?” 
“I’m bored.  Thought you might need me.” She shrugged.  
“I do need someone to pick up a necklace from a lax client.  Think you can handle it?”  
“Sure.  Anything else?”  
“Yeah, Walker is going with you.  He needs to speak to the client.”  
Alex crinkled her nose.  “Walker really?  He’s so, I don’t know, rude.”  
Christian sighed.  “Baby, just get the necklace.” He flashed her the picture of the diamond necklace. “It’s in a safe in the office.  John will be look out for you.”  
She rolled her eyes.  “Fine.  But only because you asked nicely.”  She planted a searing kiss on him, leaving him breathless.  “We’ll finish that when I get back,” she whispered against his lips.  She got up.  
He adjusted his pants.  “Looking forward to it, pet.  Be safe. And don’t…” 
“Get caught. I know baby.  I got it.”  She winked and walked back to her separate office.  She closed the door and changed into her all-black suit, skin tight to allow her free range while she worked.  She put on her mask and flipped the googles to the top of her head, making it look like she had kitten ears.  She attached her tools to her waist as a knock on the door sounded.  “Come in!” 
John Walker or the Hand as he was called within the mob walked in, smiling as if he was the boss.  “You ready, Kitty?”  
“Don’t call me that.”  Alex’s code name was the Cat.  Fitting seeing as she was a cat burglar.  It really came from how her googles sat in her dark brown hair.  “Almost.  Just finishing up.”  She brushed out her hair to remove any loose hairs and then tied it back. Not getting caught meant taking every precaution to not leave evidence behind.  
She grabbed her gloves and faced Walker again.  “What’s with the smile?” 
“Nothing.  Just ready to be done tonight.  Have a date.” 
“Poor girl.”  
“Hey fuck you, Alex.”  
“Christian already does that Walker, don’t be jealous.”  She started to walk to her bike.  
“Nuh uh. We’re taking my car.”  He grabbed Alex and pushed her to his black Camero.  
“So boring Walker.  At least Nate rides next to me.”  
“And Nate is a kiss ass. He’s just trying to get in your pants.”  Walker smirked.  “If he flirted any harder, the Boss will eat him alive.”  He waved his hand.  “Tell the Snake to slither away.”  
“He’s my best friend Walker so mind your manners.”  
Walker shook her head.  “Whatever you say Kitty.”  
Alex grounded her teeth.  Dealing with Walker always tested her limits but she would do anything for Christian.  They made it to a wealthy home outside of Pittsburgh.  Walker pulled to the back of the house to stay hidden of the main road.  
“Ok, our client should be home in about 20 minutes.  That gives you 15.  What’s your plan Kitty?” 
“The safe is where?” 
“Office, second floor.”  
“Well, I think I will just use the front.”  
Walker gave her an exasperated look. “There are cameras on the front door.”  
“I didn’t say I was using the door.”  She smirked, flipped her googles down and exited the car.  Walker followed to keep looked and watched as Alex shot a rope up to the roof, out of the eye of the camera.  She climbed swiftly to an open window on the third floor. She slid in, not moving a thing.  Walker was impressed with how quick and smooth she did that.  There was a reason she handled the tight spot robberies.  
Alex walked smoothly through the home, not a sound made, her googles in night mode.  The house was quiet, unsettling her but she thrived on the tension. She thought back to her start. Christian only asked for her help so that they would do what’s right.  If her brother could help, so could she.  She found the office and started to work on cracking the safe.  It was pretty standard until she heard a door open and voices floating up to her.  She hid in the cupboard until the voices passed. She made it to the safe and got the necklace out, leaving the safe locked again as if she had never been there.  She made her way back out when she heard Walker’s voice.  “You shouldn’t have crossed Mr. Grey, Mr. Williams.” 
Alex crept down to see Walker by the front door, holding a gun to his side as he spoke to Mr. Williams.  
“I understand.  Please I don’t want to make a scene.  My son is just in the other room. I’ll pay anything.”  
“You should have thought of that when making a deal with Mr. Grey.”  Alex watching in horror as Walker raised his weapon and shot Mr. Williams in his head.  She covered her mouth so she wouldn’t let out her scream.  The little boy yelled for his father as Walker simply wiped the blood of his face and walked back out.  
Alex wasn’t going to get in the car with him.  She climbed down on the other side of the house and into the garage.  The man had a dirt bike, no plates; she hotwired it and took off.  She made it back to the warehouse before Walker and went to Christian.  
Christian looked at her impassively and reached out, motioning for the necklace.  “Thank you pet.”  
“Why have me steal it if you were going to murder him?”  
Christian stopped and stood up in front of her. She tried to keep her stance as he stalked towards her. “Don’t ask questions Alexandra.” He grabbed her by her hair and held her in place. “I run my business as I see fit. If you don’t like it, go, leave.  See if you can survive on your own.”  He let her go, shaking her in the process.  
Five years before… 
It’s been a year since the incident with Christian and Walker.  Alexandra ended her relationship with Christian and he treated her like one of his lieutenants.  She did jobs, avoided Christian and John as much as possible.  She stayed close to Nate, code name the Snake.   He could blend in anywhere, slithering his way into places with just a smile.  They were on the roof, looking at the stars.  
“You’re thinking of leaving, aren’t you?” he asked one day 
You turned your head towards him. “How did you know?” 
“The way you’re acting.  You’ve been giving equipment to some newbies, training that chick in your methods.  You’re leaving.”  
“I have to.  I just can’t keep doing this when I know that Christian is murdering innocent people.  We had a code, you know.  No kids, no women, no innocents.”  
“When are you planning to leave?” 
“Dunno.  Pittsburgh has been great, but I need to get lost in another city.” She could feel her eyes stinging. “I don’t want to leave you.”  
“Hey I understand.  You gotta take care of yourself and staying here with Grey and Walker isn’t taking care of yourself.”  Nate stoke her face.  “When?” 
“Tonight.  After Chris and John go to sleep.  I parked my bike in the woods with a bag.”  
“Do you need anything?” 
“Nah.  Got a couple of grand in cash.  I’ll get a job, go straight.” She looked back up towards the sky.  “This will be good right?” 
“The Boss will be pissed.  You keep your head down alright?” 
“Thanks Nate.”  
It was quick, the getaway.  She slipped from her room, leaving a note, promising to never talk about Christian or the mob ever.  Alex made her way to the only large city she knew she could get lost in.  It took a few hours but finally she saw the cityscape coming into view. New York.  
Four and Half years before… 
“Alex, these plates!” 
“Got it Joe!”  Alex scurried to pick up the hot plates and make it to the tables.  Going straight was not easy.  But Alex was happy.  Happy that she was one her own, earning money, studying to pass her exam with Bishop Security.  
 It was early Saturday morning, the club rush finally gone, the early morning cops making their way in to the diner. The regulars greeted her while she served their coffees.  They were friendly, generous tippers, the rookies hoping to catch her eye.  She smiled but declined, not ready to be involved yet.  Until he came in.  
James Barnes was a new detective to the 107th precinct. He had only been with them for a few months along with his best friend Steve Rogers.  He had heard that Joe’s had the best food and the best coffee in the neighborhood.  Having finally gotten an early shift, they made their way down to the dinner.  
“Buck, all I’m saying is, you need to not be so intense sometimes.  The guys will warm up to you.” 
“I just feel like the rookies disrespect me.”  
“They don’t.  It’s in your head.  They can’t see the rod in your arm so why bring more attention to it.”  
James hated to be reminded of the rod.  One accident, a stupid one at that, caused him to have the titanium rod and four screws into his left arm. Took a year away from the force and nine months of physical therapy but he made it.  He got to be a detective in the NYPD.  He rolled his shoulder. “Fine Steve, whatever you say.” They slid into a booth.  
“Anything I can get you boys?” he heard as he looked up.  His jaw fell slightly as he took in the dark-haired beauty in front of him. “C-coffee please.”  
“Coming right up.”  Alex never looked at the guys but could already tell they were from the precinct.  She grabbed a couple of mugs and poured the inky black drink.  She headed back.  “Here ya go,” as she set them down and was hit with the most gorgeous blue eyes she had ever seen.  “I, umm, sorry, did you want to order anything?”  
The blond took her attention.  “Yeah, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast please.”  
“Sure.  And for you?” She turned back to the brunette. He was gorgeous as sin, dark with just enough scruff that she knew it would feel good. His suit was tailored perfectly to his shoulders, dark blue with a crisp white shirt and black tie.  
“Same as my partner,” he managed to answer while trying not to obviously check her out.  
“Let me get your orders going.  Holler if you need anything.”  She tried to walk away calmly and not look back at the man.  Her partner this morning, Sandy, had no problems checking out the detectives.  
“Ooo, new ones this morning,” she said as she flicked her eyes over them.  “Did ya get a name?” 
“I got their order.  Didn’t get a name yet,” Alex said, trying to breathe again.  
“Well, they are yummy, and the brunette hasn’t stopped staring at you.”  
“Shut up Sandy, no he isn’t.”  
“Well, you can take the brunette and I’ll take the yummy blonde.” She licked her lips.  “Go get more details.”  She pushed the coffee pot at Alex.  
“Fine, fine.”  Alex walked back over.  “Refills?” 
“Thanks,” the blonde said. “Alex, is it?” He read her name tag.  
“Yeah, Alex or Alexandra, but I don’t go by that unless my momma is mad at me.” She smiled at her joke which got a chuckle from the pair.   
Steve looked at James to try and get him to talk.  When James remained frozen, Steve subtly shook his head.  “I’m Steve and this is my partner and best friend James.” 
“Nice to meet you both.  You work in the 107th?”  
“Yeah, just transferred as detectives.  You work here long?” 
“Just a few months, moved from Pittsburgh.”  Alex turned when she heard Joe yelling for her.  “Excuse me fellas.”  She left and Steve smacked James in the arm.   
“What is wrong with you, Buck?  Beautiful girl making conversation and you’re just sitting here like an idiot.”  
“Oh god,” James lowered his head onto the table.  “I just didn’t know what to say.  She’s gorgeous and…” he shut up as Alex came back with their plate.  
“Here you go, eggs, bacon toast.  Let me know if you need anything.”  She turned to walk away when she felt a hand on your arm.  Alex turned to see James touching her.   
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.  It’s just, you took my breath away.” He offered a crooked smile that made Alex weak in your knees.  “I’m James.”   
“Alex.  It’s nice to meet you.”  
“That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”  She flushed and smiled. “I wanted to ask and not be disrespectful, but could I have your number?  Maybe we could grab a coffee or a drink?” 
Alex hesitated, her criminal instincts taking over for a second, but she shook it from herself.  “Sure.”  She took a receipt slip and wrote out her number, handing the slip to him.   
“Thanks doll.” He folded it and slipped it into his pocket. “I’ll call when my shift is over.”  
“No problem.”  She flashed him a smile.  “But don’t call me doll.” She walked away, stunning him.   
He sat back down and looked at Steve who had his mouth wide open.  “What?” 
“Where the hell did that come from?  I haven’t seen you like this since Dorothy.”  
“Yeah well, I guess it takes the right girl to bring it outta me.”  James smiles and dug into his food. “Eat punk, before it gets cold.”  
“Whatever jerk.”  Steve looked back at Alex and Sandy.  “Think you could help me with her friend?” 
“Let me get though the first date man.  She may hate my ass.”  
“Doubt it but sure whatever.”  
As promised James called as soon as he was out.  Alex happened to be at home, curled up on her couch, drinking wine.  “Hello?” 
Is this Alex? 
“Who’s calling?” 
It’s James, from the diner.  
“Oh, hi.”  
Hi, is this a bad time? 
“No, no, just hanging on my couch. How was work?” 
Not too bad, not as much crime as usual which was nice.  
She could hear him smile through the phone.  “That’s good.”  
Yeah.  He cleared his throat, so listen, a drink, tomorrow? 
“Sure, I’d love to.”  
McHenry’s at 8? 
“Perfect. So, talk tomorrow?” 
Well, maybe we could talk now?  Seeing how I just got home, and Steve is hogging the shower.  
Alex giggled.   “Partners, best friends, Roommates.  Something you need to tell me, Detective?” 
Only that his punk ass needs a girlfriend.  This got a laugh from Alex.  
They spent an hour on the phone, just talking about whatever came up.  He was a local, growing up in Brooklyn with a sister. He and Steve had been best friends from elementary school.  Alex told him about growing up in San Diego and moving east for school.  She didn’t mention that she moved to New York to get away from her past.  Seemed like too heavy a topic for a first phone call.  
The drinks the next night lasted until dawn the next morning.  When James finally walked Alex home, he asked for permission before kissing her sweetly. She leaned into it, his kiss nothing like Christian’s.   
“Can I see you again?” 
“Yes.  Tonight?” 
“Absolutely doll.”  
“Don’t call me doll.” 
They were happy for a year and a half.  Until Christian Grey came knocking on her door and rocked her world on its axis.  
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Good Friday
Good Friday commemorates the death of Jesus on Calvary, the site just outside the walls of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. It falls on the Friday before Easter, for 2023, that’s April 7. Most Christian denominations recognize Good Friday as a holy day, with many, including members of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Lutheran faiths, fasting and attending church services. But there is so much more to this holiday than just these religious rituals. Good Friday is, for many, an intensely personal day of prayer and devotion. Let’s take a closer look.
History of Good Friday
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ at the site of Calvary is commemorated on Good Friday — a Christian religious holiday. Taking place during Holy Week, the holiday is considered part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday before Easter Sunday. The day is also widely known as Great Friday, Black Friday, or Holy Friday. Around the world, Good Friday is a national holiday in many countries, especially in the Catholic and Anglican nations. Fasting is the traditional way to observe this solemn day, followed by somber processions.
The exact origins of Good Friday are unknown, but the celebration dates back to the 4th century. Fasting and putting limitations on oneself to mourn the death of Jesus is an ancient practice. Why the holiday is called Good Friday is also unknown, but there are several theories. Some believe that ‘God’s Friday’ evolved to ‘Good Friday,’ while religious devouts firmly believe that the day is named ‘good’ as a symbol of Jesus and everything he stood for against evil-doers. It is also widely believed that Jesus died on a Friday, but this doesn’t explain the addition of ‘good’ to the holiday.  
Jesus sacrificed his life out of love for his believers and all mankind. His death was the ultimate sacrifice. Despite it being a terrible day in history, the event paved the way for mankind’s salvation, with Jesus being resurrected two days later.
Good Friday timeline
4 B.C. Birth of Jesus
Historians generally agree the birth of Jesus happened in Bethlehem between 6 B.C. and 4 B.C.
27 A.D. The Transfiguration of Jesus
After heading to a high mountain to pray, Jesus' face begins shining, then his entire body glows with a white light.
29 A.D. John Baptizes Jesus
Jesus begins his own ministry shortly after his baptism by John the Baptist.
33 A.D. Crucifixion
Jesus is hanged on the cross between two thieves for six hours before dying.
Good Friday FAQs
Why do we call it Good Friday?
“That terrible Friday has been called Good Friday because it led to the Resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death and sin and the celebration of Easter, the very pinnacle of Christian celebrations,” according to the “Huffington Post.”
What happened on Good Friday?
Many Christians around the world observe Good Friday on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s Passion, crucifixion, and death, which is told in the Christian Bible. It is the day after Maundy Thursday. Good Friday commemorates Jesus’ death on the cross.
Why do we call it Easter?
The naming of the celebration as “Easter” seems to go back to the name of a pre-Christian goddess in England, Eostre, who was celebrated at beginning of spring.
How to Observe Good Friday
Many Christian churches hold prayer services during the hours of Christ's crucifixion. Many religious people observe a period of prayerful silence during this time, especially between the hours of noon and 3 P.M.
Depending on your Christian denomination, it may be appropriate to fast on Good Friday. It is a traditional day of fasting within the Catholic Church, for example.
Jesus stressed the need to help those less fortunate than ourselves. If your religious beliefs allow it, consider volunteering at your church or in your community on this day in the spirit of giving back.
5 Good Friday Oddities
The name "Good Friday" goes back centuries
Go fly a kite
Lucky cross buns
Grab the scissors!
The earliest known use of the name "Good Friday" goes back to about 1290 in a text called "The South English Legendary."
In Bermuda, it's traditional to fly a kite on Good Friday, symbolizing both the cross and Jesus rising to heaven.
According to Christian tradition, when Jesus was crucified, there was darkness across the land and an earthquake.
It is tradition to eat hot sweet cross buns on Good Friday, and it supposedly brings good luck.
A widespread superstition is that getting a haircut on Good Friday prevents headaches for the rest of the year.
Why Good Friday is Important
It's a holy day
We're reminded of Jesus' sacrifice
Historical Jesus
Jesus was forced to carry his cross to Calvary, where he was crucified alongside two criminals. He remained alive on the cross for up to six hours. According to biblical tradition, from noon to 3 P.M. on that day, the sky grew dark.
Christian doctrine teaches that Jesus was born to a virgin, Mary. As an adult, he became a preacher, performing miracles, and then was put to death by authorities. This sacrifice allowed for the forgiving or pardoning of Christians' sins.
Just about every scholar of antiquity believes that Jesus was a historical figure. New Testament expert Bart Ehrman writes that "(Jesus) certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees."
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Justice Samuel Alito apparently decided to test out some new stand-up material when the Supreme Court held oral arguments on Monday.
While hearing the case of a Christian graphic artist in Colorado who says designing wedding websites for gay couples is against her faith, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson asked attorney Kristen Waggoner whether, following her arguments, a hypothetical photographer would be able to refuse taking photos of a white Santa Claus with Black children.
Waggoner, who is representing the designer, responded that the photographer would be able to refuse taking the photos.
Alito later tried to turn around Jackson’s analogy by asking whether a Black Santa had to have his picture taken with a child dressed in a Ku Klux Klan robe.
Colorado Solicitor General Eric Olson said no, adding that “Ku Klux Klan outfits are not protected characteristics under public accommodation laws.”
Justice Sonia Sotomayor then chimed in that, “presumedly, that would be the same Ku Klux Klan outfit regardless whether if the child was Black or white or any other characteristic.”
Alito then joked, “You do see a lot of Black children in Ku Klux Klan outfits all the time.”
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Alito, who wrote the majority opinion in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, reversing the high court’s half-century-old ruling in Roe v. Wade, decided he was on a roll and kept up the yuks by suggesting Justice Elena Kagan was familiar with Ashley Madison, a dating site for people looking to have affairs.
Many Twitter users were shocked by Alito’s attempt at levity.
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frame-chan · 2 years
💕 New Character!
Miss Hit-Hit, or just Miss Hit for short
(real name: Elizabeth Neville)
— She is the cutest little angel in the Demonios universe. A gentle person who carries the aesthetics of pure love and Valentine's Day. In the past, she was Dr. Flurg's best friend.
She runs her own blog on various social media sites to spread Christianity, a faith to which she herself belongs. And, of course, other good things like love and friendship :)
One of the critics of cults (including the Blood Hat cult) and black magic. Wants to persuade Blood's organization to give up its activities and lure them to her side to gain even more popularity and love.
As a teenager, Hit-Hit met Flurg in high school, where they both went to school. The teenagers became friends and their friendship lasted until their senior year.
But at that point, their paths slowly began to diverge. It was Heath who instilled in Flurg an interest in alchemy, magic, and everything else: they often stayed at each other's sleepovers and conjured something. If for Miss it was a little entertainment and a gesture of protest against her conservative parents, for her friend this hobby grew into a life's work.
For the most part, Hit was a very quiet, modest girl, and so all her companionship was Simon Fryse. Of course, the girl has love feelings for her almost the only real friend, but she did not have enough time and character to admit it.
Flurg is out of her life forever, she thought. One day Elisabeth decides to find her missing friend after all, and after a long time she finds herself on the doorstep of a mansion belonging to the Blood Hat organization.
Under the guise of a client, Hit manages to arrange a date with Flurg, but there was no point in making her happy, because her once best friend rejected the girl, as long as he only saw her again. Unfortunately, at that moment, Fryse was under the control of his evil spirit Cayon and it was the latter who literally kicked Lisa out of the door and threatened to never come back (not Fryse, who would definitely be happy to see his once best friend).
Unable to cope with the grief inflicted on her by one of the people closest to her once, Miss pulled herself together and promised herself that she would never become something like what Flurg had turned into and gotten herself into. Or maybe even save him as well as his followers.
So the girl becomes on the spiritual path, invents a pseudonym "Miss Hit-Hit" and uses her powers of magic to create her most powerful weapon-"love" arrows.
At present, the girl poses as a savior from evil and a real angel, gaining friends, popularity and public trust. What her future plans are, no one knows yet...
💕 The Facts
Hit is still in love with Flurg and hopes that one day he will return to the "bright side;
Hits main and only weapon is a hand crossbow that attaches to the inside of her forearm, capable of firing special arrows;
Hit is comfortable with light magic and can sometimes even use dark magic, but tries very hard never to resort to it.;
When using magic, a pink-colored aura forms around the girl;
Skilled with all kinds of firearms (and not only).
She is not at all what others see her as. Only Flurg knows the real her;
No method scares her to achieve her "good" goals.
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1solone · 1 year
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The first known examples of the hairstyle date back to ancient Egypt, where locs appeared on Egyptian artifacts. Mummified remains of ancient Egyptians with locs have even been recovered from archaeological sites.
The Old Testament also recounts the tale of Samson and Delilah in which a man's potency is directly linked to 'the seven locks on his head' and according to Roman accounts, the Celts were described to have 'hair like snakes' Germanic tribes, Greeks and the Vikings are all said to have worn locs too.
Rastafarianism however is something entirely separate. It was born in the 1930s when Ras Tafari was crowned emperor of Ethiopia. When the emperor was forced into exile during an invasion, guerrilla warriors swore not to cut their hair until the emperor was reinstated. The religion resonated with the ideologies of the day, for example socialism, Marxism, nationalism and black power. It was therefore, seen as a threat to Christianity and came under attack by the authorities that tried to suppress the 'Rasta' movement and imprisoned those who possessed 'ganja'. Rastafarians smoked c.annabis because they thought it prompted a clearer state of well - being. Their deadlocks were thought to be disgusting and frightening, hence the term 'dread' which was later reclaimed by the 'Rasta' community.
The hairstyle was later brought into mainstream culture through the worldwide success of reggae artist Bob Marley. Sporting locks himself, he prompted an international interest in the style, and the anti establishment philosophy of Rastafarian culture.
Locs became increasingly popular and there are many reasons in various cultures for wearing them. They can be an expression of deep religious or spiritual convictions, a manifestation of ethnic pride. They can make a political statement, or simply be a fashion preference.
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ashleygetsblacked · 2 years
@ashleygetsblacked absolutely love your story and reading of your evolution is amazing. I am a married white man who has like most white boys a fantasy of his wife getting blacked. She was apprehensive about it for the longest time but eventually with some visual aids, interracial porn mainly casting couch the rap auditions. She began to get herself accepting her needs and her desire to be satisfied. She hit her green light moment after we had been causally looking at profiles on interracial dating sites and tinder among others. She said she wanted it and she was ready and wanted me to be 100% sure I was going to be ok with it. I reassured her I was and she said she would find the one and set it up. She chose a guy that was a bit of a surprise to me but absolutely an amazing guy for her. She had previously worked with him as a bartender at a restaurant when she was picking up weekend shifts there. So I absolutely loved the choice and he had a reputation for a guy who was known for certain gifts lol. She began to chat him up and was very slow and steady getting to the point because she said that just because she wanted to fuck him doesn’t mean he wanted to fuck her. I could feel her self doubt and I encouraged her to get to the point and be direct which is against her nature lol. Well she engaged in a conversation that lead to her sending him a picture of her bent over the bed in doggie exposing her ass and pussy to him. He immediately FaceTimed her and she was a little surprised he was so responsive. Long story short on that FaceTime he would talk her up and tell her how much he wanted her and jerked himself off and came for her to see while she couldn’t help but do the same. So the day was set up and the continued to chat as much as possible literally all night a few nights. I loved it she was so excited so horny and her confidence was through the roof. Then comes the day of and he literally was on his way over when she panicked and freaked out saying that she didn’t want to do this and she was just trying to make me happy blaming me and kinda shaming me but that’s ok she was overwhelmed by all the emotions and feelings I was just there to bear the brunt. I had to end up calling Greg and telling him to not come and she immediately shut down sexually. I mean nothing threw away dildos lingerie toys refused to even speak about the topic we both had been getting off to for the past year. This has been going on now for a year. She is ice cold to anything other than straight laced Christian sex. She doesn’t even get wet with me fucking her but she doesn’t say anything about it. Well the other day she left her laptop at home and I was going to use to it check my email and didn’t want to go upstairs to get on mine. I noticed her Facebook messenger was open and she had an unread message in the secret message portion of the app. Well I was curious and looked. It was from Greg and she and him have been chatting with each other for about 3 months now. Most of it conversational and sweet but there are a few live sessions that were over an hour a piece and I am sure they were both getting off there. So I guess my question is what do I do about this ? Seems like she has taken it upon herself to get what she wants and I don’t need to be involved as previously decided. What do I do
So this sharing thing can get pretty complicated and messy. There are all kinds of emotions involved and communication is important. People can change their minds, how they feel can change, their comfort level can change, and their anxieties and insecurities can trigger all sorts of responses. Once she changed her mind and decided she didn’t want to go through with the in-person meeting, you did the right thing in calling it off. There are a myriad of reasons why she might be feeling closed off to you sexually now, and I think that communication is the only way you’ll be able to get to the bottom of it. I would either 1. Seek professional advice / couples counseling. 2. Ask her about the Facebook conversation you happened upon and see if she’d be willing to talk to you about her feelings. She may be more receptive to talking if you make the point of the conversation more about healing the relationship between you and her and less about the other guy. If she was doing this sharing thing all to make you happy and now she can’t go through with it, maybe she feels that she can’t make you happy anymore. Psychologically that can affect her feelings of worth, make her feel like a failure, and possibly have her questioning what she can bring to the relationship now. Speaking from my own experience and not for all women, I think that women in general have to be emotionally invested in their partner in order to warm up to them sexually. If she feels cold and closed off toward you, the root cause is likely your own relationship, not the other guy. It is possible they are talking as friends, flirting, perhaps building the foundations that she needs in order to develop feelings strong enough to follow through with sex. Maybe she’s cheating, maybe she isn’t. Ask yourself what either scenario means for your relationship with her. Can you work through it? Do you want to? Thanks for the question @hsvguy312 and I hope it all works out. I’m no expert though. I do recommend seeing a therapist together as the best course of action.
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coffincoitus · 2 years
jkr literally supports white supremacists, on her twitter she tweeted support to a leader of a homophobic, transphobic christian organization.....
girl, believe it or not, but I googled "jkr supports white supremacist" bc I thought dang that's gonna be an easy thing to find. but all I got was the speculative gossip over and over regarding her reasons to "like" a screencap of a twitter thread where someone called kanye west a "white supremacist" and a second person objected to the term being used against a black man.
frankly, it was not obvious to me with what side of the discussion she was agreeing with just by liking the thread, but personally I don't think that was an unhealthy objection to make, even tho I detest kanye west.
I was gonna look into the ppl involved in the screencap for more context, but then I realized: I'm not a jkr fan or hater. the very post you are reacting to here was my expressing casual frustration, days ago, with how difficult it is to find the source of all the polarization re: jkr, bc every time you try to look into it you have to comb thru the world's longest twitter telephone game. you read that and then went and did that exact thing in my inbox! this webbed site is incredible!
what I'm saying is, girl, since you're so sure she's all those awful things, wouldn't it be easier for you to grace my inbox with the facts (names, dates, idk anything) that made up your mind? preferably without vilification of the simple act of wanting evidence before buying into what seems to a very twitter culture subject? otherwise what is this ask adding to what I already had?
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pppaperwork · 2 years
Cultural Patrimony and the War in Ukraine
I have been looking into the repatriation of artworks like the Parthenon marbles, and Benin Bronzes. It has been eye opening to see how many artifacts have been stolen or looted from their countries of origin, especially by Britain and the U.S.
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Earlier this month when I began writing this post it was going to be focused on a marauder-style looting of Scythian Gold from art museums in Melitopol and Mariupol, Ukraine by Russian forces in April of this year. But, just two weeks ago at the beginning of November there was yet another tremendous raiding at the Kherson Art Museum in Southern Ukraine. The Russians destroyed many businesses, churches, homes, and cultural sites in the raid where much of the loot was found as Museum staff and community members tried to preserve it. As aforementioned, this is not the first strike Soviet forces have made on Ukrainian Art and Cultural institutions, those who understood the cultural significance of the items tried to save them. The museum was home to hundreds of paintings dating back to the 17th Century. Shortly after the raid, Soviets withdrew from the Southern Ukrainian city of Kherson in retreat with vans full of thousands of priceless artifacts.
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These stolen paintings and artifacts are a part of a larger, darker tactic to scrub Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, and other Eastern Europeans of their cultural heritage and independence. Art is only the tip of the iceberg unfortunately, this month's raids included the vandalism and removal of 200 year old holy remains from their resting place in one of the 250+ Orthodox and Christian churches destroyed since the war began. Not to mention the homes, businesses, technology, national monuments and written history that have been lost. This is Ethnic cleansing and it is a war crime, these pieces must be returned to Ukraine.
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The Scythian gold is one of the more pressing issues of this Museum theft, though. We're talking about approximately 198 solid gold artifacts, jewelry, ornaments, weapons, armor, and sculptures dating back over 2300 years, stolen, and not because they were just stumbled upon either. Similarly to how the staff at the Kherson Museum tried to hide and preserve the artwork, the staff at the Melitopol Museum tried even harder. In a New York Times interview in April, Museum Director Leila Ibrahimova describes hiding the Scythian Gold in cardboard boxes in a cellar or basement at the first signs of Russian Militarization in Melitopol back in February. About a month later, Ibrahimova recounted being kidnapped from her home with a black bag on her head for hours of intense questioning by Russian forces. She did not give in and was released, promptly fleeing Melitopol for somewhere not under Russian control. It was another month after that when a different museum employee was put at gunpoint for the Scythian Gold, she did not lead them but they found the boxes anyway.
The next day, in Kyiv, the Mayor of Melitopol gave an enraged press announcement that Ukraine's Scythian gold was gone with the Russians and no one had its whereabouts any longer.
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Scythian Gold describes a type of gold sculpture or artifact from the 7-3 Century BCE, made by Scythian or nomadic people in a geographic "band" across the Pontic-Caspian Steppe from around Romania, west through Siberia. This is one of the most sought-after collections of artwork by museums throughout history, known for its rich origins and cultural backgrounds. Scythian gold is also said to be the purest gold there is, and it has disambiguations in the context of alchemy, mythology, and religion as well. It has been reported by multiple sources, although not confirmed, that select pieces of Scythian gold that were stolen from the Melitopol Museum have hit the stolen art market online and underground for bidding. All I can say is it's a shame and I am feeling very sorry for those living in Ukraine and the generations of war, violence, natural disasters, and ethnic cleansing they have faced.
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In that initial research into stolen ancient art I mentioned, I noticed that most of the articles and hot-button issues coming up were focusing on Western European countries (UK, Spain, France), stealing from prehistoric cultures around the world. It's interesting to me as a student who had weekly field trips to LOCAL (Northeastern U.S. ) art museums and saw plenty of ancient "tribal" art and cultural and religious artifacts from across the globe, that the U.S. apparently acquired all of it ethically. I digress, I just thought it was worth mentioning that a suspiciously small amount of info on stolen art in the Americas was available.
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spartacus80 · 16 days
Eastern European Escapade Part 5
With the car packed and spirits high, we’re setting off on a new adventure to the captivating land of Montenegro! Nestled along the Adriatic Sea, Montenegro boasts a rich tapestry of history that dates back to ancient times. Once part of the powerful Ottoman Empire and later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, this small but mighty country has a legacy of diverse cultures and influences.
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Montenegro is renowned for its breathtaking beauty, where the Mediterranean flair meets dramatic landscapes. Picture crystal-clear waters lapping against rugged, sunlit coastlines and majestic mountains that seem to touch the sky. From the charming old towns like Kotor, with its medieval architecture, to the stunning Bay of Kotor and the serene beaches of Budva, every corner of Montenegro offers a unique blend of natural splendor and historical charm.
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As we drive towards this enchanting destination, we’re filled with excitement for the stunning scenery and magical experiences that await us. Here’s to an unforgettable journey through Montenegro’s wonders!
As we journeyed through Montenegro, each destination unveiled its own slice of paradise. Our adventure began in Budva, where the sun-drenched beaches and vibrant old town set the tone for an unforgettable experience. Wandering through the cobblestone streets, we were charmed by the blend of historical architecture and lively Mediterranean spirit.
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Next, we drove to Kotor, a gem nestled between towering mountains and the sparkling Bay of Kotor. The city's medieval walls and narrow alleys, framed by dramatic cliffs, felt like stepping back in time. Climbing the ancient fortifications rewarded us with panoramic views that left us breathless.
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Tivat was our next stop, where the luxurious Porto Montenegro marina offered a glimpse into opulent coastal living. We marveled at the sleek yachts and the sophisticated atmosphere, savoring a leisurely stroll along the waterfront.
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Ostrog Monastery, perched high in the cliffs of Montenegro's Bjelopavlići plain, is a site of profound historical and spiritual significance. Founded in the 17th century by Vasilije Ostroški, the bishop of Herzegovina, the monastery is dedicated to Saint Basil of Ostrog. It is renowned for its stunning location, built into the sheer rock face, and its status as one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the Orthodox Christian world.
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The monastery is divided into two parts: the Upper Monastery and the Lower Monastery. The Upper Monastery, situated at an elevation of about 900 meters, features the church dedicated to Saint Basil, where his relics are enshrined. The Lower Monastery, carved into the rock, is known for its impressive frescoes and serene atmosphere.
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Ostrog Monastery has been a beacon of faith and resilience through the centuries, surviving Ottoman invasions and periods of turmoil. Its dramatic setting, combined with its rich history and spiritual significance, makes it a unique and revered landmark in Montenegro.
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Our journey took us to the Black Lake in the heart of the mountains, a serene oasis surrounded by lush forests and rugged peaks. The tranquil waters reflected the grandeur of the landscape, providing a perfect retreat into nature.
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