#get gone!!!
Nightbringer is so funny bc if diavolo didn’t threaten to send us back to the human world(idk of that happens I’ve only heard) Lilith would still he here no? I don’t think she would be like a baby when they said she was reborn as a human I just assume they just put her in the world and erased her memories but she was probably reborn as a child and grew up. But she would still be around meaning that it would be so incredibly far into the past because even they had a hard time tracing MC’s lineage😭 so imagine going back to like a time before lightbulbs were invented. Absolutely the FUCK NOT!!! I could not for a second live as a small sickly Victorian child no way I would be able to survive watching people Live in their own filth😭🤢 I’m sorry i’m not witnessing slavery or the black plague Dia has me all the way fucked up I’m too spoiled by modern technology like socks and hoodies
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marypsue · 7 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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aintmyjewelry · 2 months
we need to bring back inviting people over for cake and coffee. my grandma used to do that all the time and I think it's a lost art
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qiinamii · 9 months
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we'll do fine.
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elucubrare · 6 months
i firmly hold that it's my duty as a reader to believe it when an author tells me at the beginning of the series that the dragons are gone forever and never coming back. but god it's a struggle sometimes.
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kithj · 9 months
games (mostly text-based) about houses and places-- exploring them, haunting them, feeding them:
childhood homes (and why we hate them) - after a decade, you return home.
return - a text-based horror game about coming home.
singing from the far side of the hill - about a trans woman, homeless after a bad breakup, who rents a stranger's spare room. it's a decision she comes to regret.
anatomy - Explore a suburban house, collect cassette tapes, study the physiology of domestic architecture.
leave house - leave house
the open house - We at Northtree Real Estate (in partnership with Optix Dynamix Labs) are proud to present our new, state-of-the-art, open house simulator!  Come and take a quick tour of 15615 Hollow Oak Lane, a familiar and comfortable showcase home in one of our premier developments!
what girls do in the dark - This little game is based off one of the greatest fears they had as a teenage girl: showing up late to a stranger's slumber party.
unbecoming - a sonically-textured interactive horror fiction exploring cycles of trauma and unspeakable forces of nature in a mythic rural American landscape.
13 laurel road - an interactive fiction game about the relationships we have with places and reconciling with trauma. You play as a young man named Noah who has been tasked with picking up some things from his cousin’s old house.
domvs - a gothic mystery game in which you rely on your environment to uncover the truth.
flesh, blood, & concrete - you find yourself in a vast, empty apartment complex.
i am still here - a short, unconventional ghost story and vignette reflecting on the end of a long lockdown.
vacant - Film a ghost-hunting show.
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seance · 1 month
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DEAD BOY DETECTIVES + the onion headlines
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Abby went into the pit and made a FNAF friend..
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versacethotty · 3 months
ppl online: don't trauma dump to your friends!
me to a random lady in line at my local shoprite:
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captainsaltypear · 1 month
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for legal reasons caine needs to give pomni her own marketable gummipoo plushie. as a treat.
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nerdpoe · 28 days
Damian, as Robin, is about to be sacrificed to summon a Powerful Being. Except instead of a Powerful Being, a kid his age pops into existence as though he was shoved forward.
The kid looks around, startled. He's got a black eye and he's holding a length of rope, presumably what had been restraining him.
"Uh. Is. Is this the afterlife?" The kid asks, bewildered.
"...No, this is Gotham. We were trying to summon Pariah Dark?" One of the cultists answers, also confused.
"But I was being sacrificed to summon Pariah Dark?" The kid says, brows furrowed.
The cultists pause in their attempted murder of Robin and hurriedly reconvene, taking their eyes off of the kid. They're muttering about how maybe there was another cult doing a sacrifice at the same time, and things got switched up. Should they sacrifice both of the boys?
Damian, though. Damian never takes his eyes off of the new kid.
Unlike the cultists, he's not an idiot. He knows a liar when he sees one. That boy is no sacrifice.
That boy is the being they summoned.
He waits for the being to show it's true colors. And waits. And waits.
'Hurry up!' Damian mouths to it.
'I am trying!' It mouths back, motioning at it's feet where it's been wearing away the containment sigil.
'Well try faster!'
'That's not how it works!'
'How hard is it to mess up chalk?'
'Well then you come here and you do it!'
"Maybe I will," Damian spits outloud, done with this farce.
"Uh, do you two need a moment or...?"
Damian answers the cultists question by kicking her in the face as he cuts himself loose.
He will rescue both himself and the demon they dragged into this world.
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shima-draws · 4 months
Also the implication that megas are FINALLY coming back. Will he finally get the justice he deserves......
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Aspec men deserve much more respect and recognition in the aspec community than they receive. They often face a different form of aphobia specific to them ("men are naturally sexual they can't be ace" "all men are unromantic that's not unique") this rhetoric is spouted by many, even members of our own community and I hope for a day where that is no longer the case. As an ace and demiro woman (demigirl but that's beside the point) I want to encourage folks to take the time to give the aspec men in their lives support and to the aspec men reading, you are who you say you are no matter what people say and you deserve the world. I'm sorry for the ways in which toxic masculinity has harmed you. You are a valued member of the aspec community and the queer community as a whole. No ace or aro person is broken and neither are you. I'm sorry if anyone has ever told you otherwise.
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wu-does-art · 3 months
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coming out as a "Will snores obnoxiously loud" and "Nico breaths so quietly you can barely tell hes alive" truther
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whomanist · 7 months
my theory is neurodiverse people also have anti special interest a thing that they just can't record any information about and listening about it makes us almost physically ill like you want to be out of your body and out of existence
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laikabu · 2 months
i have to say, interpreting laios as someone who’s completely not interested in humans is such a bad takeaway from him. it’s like people didn’t read the parts where he got so excited at anyone sharing his interest, or getting so deeply hurt by people who betrayed him. not to mention his destructive selflessness(“my pain doesn’t matter because falin suffered more than me”)
same as interpreting thistle as a fully grown adult and not someone with a teenage brain and body stuck in a thousand year arrested development, in a story that centers fantasy age dynamics and how it affects people. what a boring interpretation of the themes
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