#Black Lagoon Rock
Rebecca Lee (Revy)/Okajima Rokuro (Rock) (Black Lagoon)
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Important: Please do not vote if you don't know the characters.
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maysworld134 · 2 months
Non of you mfs are talking about rock from black lagoon 😭 like idk why but at the end when he lost him mind it did sum to me like I was geeked and kept rewinding 🥴 I love the woman definitely but what about the boys y’all can’t lie they were fine to 90% of the characters were but definitely finna drop an one shot with new member and him or BennyI might try smut but who knows.
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yoyoyo-idk · 11 months
rock: oh nooo i am so weak and innocent ooooOoooo i would never be alive if not for revy i am naive and weak ooooOoooOoo
rock, after manipulating every single person in the city into doing what he wanted them to do:
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
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In the First Above she willingly comes with Rock,in the attempt to save Yukio.
Second:Her look of pure fear when Rock stood up to Balalaika.
It becomes so clear,that she warms up to Rock.
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weirdratwrites · 1 year
Black Lagoon AU: Rock is Korean and, thus, has had mandatory service.
I want people to be surprised he can use a gun! It's just that he's really uncomfortable with them!
Give him an S&W Model 19! We can say his uncle or grandfather were in the police force, and so he lowkey buys one because he always thought they were cool!
Revy can catch him posing with it in his bedroom!
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theofficialtoast · 2 months
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A merge between the characters Shinji from Evangelion Rock from Black Lagoon
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slowlypalewinner · 8 months
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rocknroll7575 · 3 months
Jaune's Mom...
*RWBY+NPR eating lunch*
Ruby: Hey... Where's Jaune?
*Jaune bursting through the doors and running over to his friends*
Jaune: No! No! No! No! No!!! *Quickly hides amongst his friends*
Pyrrha: Jaune? What's wrong?
Jaune: M-My Mom's here in Vale and she wants to visit!
Weiss: How is that a bad thing?
Ruby: Yeah! What's wrong with your mom coming to visit?
Jaune: *looking at them terrified* You guys don't get it! Mom is the scariest woman on the planet! You think Goodwitch is terrifying!? Wait till you meet my mom! Oh I hope she doesn't bring them here as well!
Yang: *chuckles* Your mom's scarier then goodwitch? I ain't buying it VB
Jaune: Oh god she's here!
*Suddenly, the doors of the Cafeteria burst open and everyone turns to see a woman who had a grey military coat draped over her shoulders, underneath the coat was a red business suit with a tube skirt, see through leggings, and black high heels. On the right side of her face and neck was a large scar that covered a large portion of visage. Held in her mouth was a cigar that he took a large puff on before removing it from her mouth and letting out a large puff of smoke*
?: Jaune... I know you're here... Stand up so I can see you.
Jaune: *remains sitting down as he's sweating bullets*
Jaune: *Stands up* YES MA'AM!!!
*The Woman, who was no doubt Jaune's mother looks in his direction and and walks toward him, arriving behind her was a large man, who looked like the typical bodyguard with a scar going across his face, and behind him were four other people, who looked like an odd bunch*
?: *looks Jaune up and down* You seem to be doing well here... tell me, how's this place been treating you?
Jaune: Just fine!
?: Good, Ozpin hasn't done anything has he? Or what abut Glynda?
Jaune: *Shook his head* N-No! They've been really kind m-mom!
?: *smokes again* Good, now then... I think Revy has something to say to you *smirks*
Jaune: Oh god please-
*Jaune get's punched by a woman who who has dark red hair in a ponytail, wore a black tanktop and very short shorts*
Revy: Leave without saying goodbye huh!? Didn't even take those guns I bought for ya here! Ungrateful little shit!
Jaune: I-I'm sorry Aunt Revy!
Revy: You better! None of these little fucks better be a better shot then you, ya hear!?
Jaune: *nods rapidly*
Revy: Good!
Rock: *Sighs* Well at least that's over *Steps forward* How are you doing, Jaune?
Jaune: *Smiles at Rock* Doing great! Glad to see you again Uncle Rock!
Revy: Oh, you're happier to see me than him huh?
Jaune: *Nervous*
Dutch: Let the kid be, Revy, he's already having a heart attack as it is
Pyrrha: Um... excuse me? Who... are you?
?: *Looks at Pyrrha* You must be Pyrrha Nikos *Turns to Nora and Ren* That makes you Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren
Pyrrha: Yes Ma'am
Nora: Right-o scary lady!
Ren: Nora...
Balalaika: *Smirks* A pleasure, you can address me as Ms. Balalaika, I'm Jaune's mother, as for the man with me, he's my bodyguard, and those four are Revy, Rock, Dutch, and Benny, members of the Black Lagoon company.
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taohs · 1 year
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the-mother-of-lions · 2 months
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@animangacreators hotel challenge lobby: anime featuring characters of different nationalities (black lagoon)
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panicloser · 4 months
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Caught black lagoon brainrot, I have 3 memes to donate
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yoyoyo-idk · 1 year
Im never going to get over rock throwing a rifle at the helicopter shooting at them in the first episode.
i don't care how smart and capable and scheming he becomes he *threw a rifle at the helicopter shooting at them* because he was frustrated. bitch.
yes i love him. yes he is smart. but i think he is also an idiot.
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waltat04-kevinknight · 3 months
Jaune: *Is cleaning his sword while sitting in a chair*
Balalaika: *Walks over* Jaune.
Jaune: *Doesn't answer*
Balalaika: Jaune.
Jaune: *He stops cleaning his sword and looks up at his mother, tears in his eyes* I failed her mom, I was weak and she paided the price *He says as Balalaika can see Pyrrha's sash in his hand that was gripping his sword handle.*
Balalaika: Jaune, my dear boy, I know it hurts. *She says, wiping his tears away with her hands* but you are an Arc, and we Arc's don't let shit like this go. We are going to find that bitch and put her in the ground. Ark ne zabud'(Arc's don't forget)
Jaune: *Looks at his mother with an anger determination expression* i Ark ne proshchayet.(And Arc's Don't forgive.)
Revy: Balalaika she's here.
Balalaika: do tell her and Rock to join us.
Revy: *She motions for people to come in*
Roberta: Greetings Ms.Balalaika. *She turns to Jaune* Mr.Jaune, my dearest sympathies, for your loss. I have tracked Cinder, and she is heading to Mistral as we speak and she is not alone.
Balalaika: why would she be heading to Mistral.
Jaune: *Remembers him and Pyrrha's talk with Ozpin* Haven Academy. Auntie Roberta, how fast can you get me, Mother and Aunt Revy to Mistral.
Roberta: two hours.
Jaune: Let's rock. *Stands up and leaves his sword and shield and goes to a way and gears up with an optimus prime like armor with the Arc Emeblem on the shoulder and walks back to his sword and shield and takes it to a stand and puts them in for a few seconds and pulls the sword and shield out and grabs a mask guard and puts it on.*
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(Inspired by @rocknroll7575 )
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ashitakaxsan · 8 months
An Unusual Post on Reddit,about Black Lagoon: It's by user panicbuying give me unpopular opinions (please) https://www.reddit.com/r/blacklagoon/comments/1adre0l/give_me_unpopular_opinions_please/
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This one just touched me.Thus i did comment it,as following:
"Here are my headcanons:
a)Rock is certain his family are awful persons.
b)Garcia loathed Rock since the first time ever,he still does.However because the Chavistas will(legaly) take over Venezuela he won't make in the long run.
c)Rock for the sake of Japan will confront his family,particularly his nasty Elder brother.Revy will come along."
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weirdratwrites · 1 year
Korean Rock Cont.
As a disclaimer, I don't know Korean. I don't know much about Korea. I'm not some Koreaboo who's thirsting for KDA or BTS. My highest level of interaction with Korean is workes like Train to Busan 1(/2), #Alive, and All of Us Are Dead... And judicious googling.
Far as I can tell, name meanings don't much matter in Black Lagoon. Okajima Rokuro doesn't refer to some hidden depths. It's just a reasonably common name that isn't, like, the Japanese equivalent of Tom, Dick, or Harry.
That said, Okajima can be read as Island Mountain. I'm going with Choi (which apparently means something about owning land near mountains), but I could also go with Jeup, which is apparently a name in NK referring to Koreans that marry Japanese (and could be used to explain away Rock knowing Japanese and knowing a decent amount about the Yakuza).
Rather than trying to learn what each of the Hanja characters means and trying to find a really meaningful name that works to mean Green Son, like Rokuro does, I'm going to be lazy and use a popular name from the 70's, and give Rock two brothers to use the Generational Name aspect of Korean conventions. Specifically, Rock's name is now Sung-Hoon, his older brother is Sang-Hoon, and he has a younger brother named Ji-Hoon.
And, since his name's not Rokuro, so Revy can't shorten it to Rock, and I'm not one to keep details the same between AUs when it doesn't make sense, his new nickname's Koi. Because he bites his tongue when introducing himself, and this way people can make jokes about shooting fish in a barrel and I can allude to the Dragon to Koi pipeline in mythology.
Family & History:
Choi Sung-Hoon is born in August 1970 in Busan. His grandfather tells him war stories, and his uncle and grandfather tell him exaggerated stories about being police officers.
His older brother goes to join the police like his uncle and grandfather. Koi follows his father into business. His younger brother stays with the military after his required service is up.
He grows up idolizing the "action-packed" lives his extended family leads, but he's not quite willing to put himself into that kind of situation without it being out of his control. Because of this, he winds up feeling jealous of his brothers and develops adrenaline-junky habits.
The most exciting time of his life - before joining Lagoon Company - is serving as a border guard during his required service. He even got to be involved in a lowkey border dispute - arguably an international incident that threatened to restart conflicts - during a defection. During this, he sees that he wings one of the enemy, and presumes it leads to the other man's death. He's correct.
It's one of the moments he relies on to keep sane during the drudgery of office work. It's one of his proudest memories.
Then, in 1995, while working for either Hanjin, HMM, or - for some reason - still Asahi, the events of Black Lagoon begin.
Guns and Excitement:
Koi's a bit of a daydreamer when he doesn't have something to focus on. He's also a big fan of Westerns, Noire, and Buddy Cop films. He craves but is terrified of the excitement in his daily life. One of the reasons he takes on some of the more... hasty or idiotic actions in his life is to lowkey chase the thrills he sees Revy regularly take part in.
One of the most apparent representations of this particular interest is his mild obsession with the primary firearm of the Korean police force at the time, the S&W Model 19. He even buys one in an omake-style "after credits scene" for the arc Calm Down, Two Men, where Revy walks in on him posing with it.
Revy showing him the finer points of gunslinging is a consistent aspect of background action. It's a source of noodle incidents and a diegetic explanation for why Rock is able to shoot semi-decently when it finally comes up, and why he's able to keep his cool more and more as the series progresses.
Like Fish Shooting Out of a Barrel:
As to when Rock is shown actively participating in the action... I'm reticent to provide a fine point on this. I think there are a number of good moments that could be used for the overall timeline we're presented with.
Personally, though, I might go with the Dance of Death Arc, to give weight to the people around Koi's feelings that he's being corrupted by his stay in Roanapur. Or maybe Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise, if Koi's still contracted for that job.
It could work for Wire Red Wild Card, too. Have him give the finishing blow to one of the brothers.
whatever the case, I think it's important to show his competence with firearms in this AU. Even if it's only him being shown to be doing maintenance on the various, more generic weapons available to Lagoon company. Even if it's as a final act for the series...
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2salles2ambiances · 6 months
Films we watched for the first time this month: an edit
(big shout-out to @hotvintagepoll whose blog is the reason I watched most of these films 🙏)
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