awesome-disposition · 29 days
edited by me
tiktok/twitter: lerncabeyolipa
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lilakartoffelbrei · 12 days
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Birds, Bees, and Pickpockets
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youredreamingofroo · 2 days
"[blank1]'s deep rooted relationship with her child was shattered, and revealed as nothing to [blank1]. [blank2] is a a child second, and a sacrifice first"... wuhh...
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foryouthegays · 4 months
the 'i can excuse [blank1] but i draw the line at [blank2]' 'you can excuse [blank1]??' is pinging around my head as white people: i can excuse human rights violations but i draw the line at hurting dogs. you can excuse human rights violations??
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wrenofthedumbasses · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion: The idea that non-black people can't speak or use AAVE is not only stupid, but isolationist and racist in and of itself.
The idea that only a certain group of people should be allowed to act a certain way sounds odd when you unfill the blanks.
[BLANK1] and [BLANK2] people cannot use common phrases and ways of speaking that [BLANK3] people historically used because they are [BLANK1] and [BLANK2] and not [BLANK3].
Mix'n'match whatever you desire. It still sounds racist.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
it's weirdly kinda comforting to remember that my friends were almost killed by a [blank1] and weren't afraid of living with my sister, who was also a [blank1]! they knew she was a [blank1] before they even met her! if they could do that, then being friends with, and living with, a [blank2] wouldn't have scared them, right? they wouldn't be scared of me by the time they found out? because they trusted me, right? right?? #🏹🐾🌹
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yandere-toons · 2 years
I was bored, so I decided to novelize a scene from a game I enjoy! I left the character's names out, so you can try to figure out what it's from as a game.
Suddenly, the charasmatic smile on (Blank)'s face contorted into a grim sneer with teeth so gritted they'd probably shatter if he pushed them together any further. The top half of his face was now blue with rage, and his now widended eyes were fixed on (Blank2) in a stare so full of anger and hatred one might think (Blank2) had just defaced his most prized possession if they had no context to the actual situation at hand. (Blank)'s hand tightened around the pink microphone, tie now dishevelled and knuckles turing white. The girls in the back who had stared at him with hearts in their eyes moments earlier were now perturbed by this sudden change in behavior, once noticing that the euphony of his singing had ceased.
With a pink microphone, that has to be Senpai from Friday Night Funkin'! He's losing his cool on Boyfriend!
Good job with the descriptions, by the way. Lots of emotive language and imagery, especially when describing rage. Also, euphony—such a pretty word!
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Notes Transfer: Ewtfolk Faith Praxis
Ewtfolklore comes with a lot of images of “The Waters Above”, stemming from an early understanding that they at times tunneled beneath large bodies of water. When Ewtfolk saw the sky, the image stuck, and the “waters above” came to refer to the sky, its contents, and its precipitation.  So the Mother of Waters had two sons, BLANK and BLANK2, the names for their respective sources as well. The former is the god of drinkable water, once VERY dear to Ewtfolk, who made homes by her. The latter is the god of “bad water”, ie salt water (tastes bad, sates not, and makes one lose their swimming breath). Salt build-up near....gils? 
Many Ewtfolk kith groups retain the “family” structure of their cultural ancestor, at least in the [priesthood]. One chosen oracle who determines the spiritual direction of the group, specifically “Mother’s Wishes”. In Beeker groups, it is the Mazima, and (come back to this) Chosen how? Depends on the group... -In Essreach, as decided, they use Commency.  -In Paupuroats, they have their “Choose-a-loud” :)
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merlesbians · 3 years
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from the day I decided I wanted a brazilian gaara but ended up drawing a lesbian
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lilakartoffelbrei · 18 days
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Awkward Gymtime Continues: Daniel and Dorothee navigate their teen awkwardness until Dorothee teams up with her mom on the treadmills. Nick Alto, in his fancy clothes, looks entirely out of place. Timmy left the awkward scene.
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ulmariaarts · 3 years
does anyone have a list of who started on how many lives and what they are on now? the more information about their lives the better!
(for example: started with x lives, gain a life from (blank), and lost this many lives, (blank2) is at this many lives
so: grian started with 2 lives, gained lives from scar twice (2), and lost 2 lives overall, grian is at 2 lives)
as updated as possible please
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frxnweh · 3 years
You didn’t even own up to your OWN cut off message. You let your headmate message /blank/ to tell them off without a trace and you should be ashamed. Dirty ass hypocrite, YOU TOLD /blank2/ THAT BLANK1 SHOULDVE TALKED TO YOU ABOUT NUMEROUS THINGS WHEN YOU COULDVE DONE THE SAME!!!!
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gho2ty · 4 years
ii thiink you liiterally miight be two niice for me two iin2ult. becau2e ii'm drawiing blank2 here.
ii hate when ppl tell me thii2 2o thank2
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creacherkeeper · 5 years
@astrophysiciann asked for some tips on a specific writing thing and i got kind of carried away because OH BOY DO I HAVE TIPS so it’s getting its own post 
i have taken a buttload of writing classes, got accepted onto the creative writing track at the best writing school in the US, ran a writing blog, finished an english degree, read writing books ...
do you know what has taught me more about writing than anything else?
im serious. nothing is going to teach you how to write except writing. want to write a good novel? WRITE A LOT OF NOVELS. HOWEVER, i have picked up on things over the years that i am very frustrated dont really get taught in writing classes. writing classes are a bunch of “here go write this and i’ll give you a grade” but like. there ARE things you can do to be a better writer
vary sentence length. absolutely important. a lot of one length is going to start to sound boring to the readers internal voice. if you cant do this naturally, take note of how many words are in each sentence as youre writing. each paragraph should have a little variety, and your paragraphs should have different numbers of sentences in them. if youre writing an action scene, trend towards shorter sentences. in my writing i tend to do a lot of “medium length. long length. long length. very short”
finish on the important information. put the important word at the end of the sentence. it keeps the reader engaged because they want to know WHATS happening and why its important. leave it for the end (this is especially true for comedy) 
adverbs aren’t bad but they really are easy to overuse. ask yourself each time “is there a better way to phrase this, and if not, does the adverb really add meaning to the sentence”. sometimes it absolutely does and thats great! a lot of times you can go without them. warning: taking the -ly off an adverb and just using the base word is valid! but your reader might interpret the speaker as uneducated and masculine, because that’s who typically does that verbally! (aka i took a linguistics & gender class and found out that i talk like an uneducated man!) 
are you starting a bunch of sentences with the same word? that sounds repetitive. major problem of mine. challenge yourself not to use the same sentence starter in each paragraph, or start the paragraphs with the same word. vary it! its harder than it looks, but you can practice
try to pepper in repetition with motifs! in my last fic i used the phrases “in the early days” and “as was mentioned” a few times each. it just helps the reader feel like they’re reading a cohesive work. one of my FAVORITE literary things is when a line comes back and means something different with repeated uses. LITERATURE!
rhythm is important. read your writing out loud and pay attention to how the sentence flows. things i use a lot to establish a beat: anaphora (repeated phrases: he thought blank1. he thought blank2. he thought blank3), syndeton (using multiple conjunctions: blank and blank and blank), and asyndeton (no conjunctions: blank, blank, blank.)
dialogue tags are your friend. the reader should know who’s speaking. when we go a long time with no dialogue tags it’s easy to get confused. HOWEVER. some tips. “said” is your friend. said becomes invisible. they’re going to see their name and that’s it and that’s fine. if you use something else, it should be justified. ‘“i love you,” he said’ is neutral. ‘“i love you,” he growled’ VERY DIFFERENT. if youre using a different tag, it should be because it adds meaning to the sentence. NO WORD WASTED! 
vary sentence structure. this includes dialogue! 
“blank” he said 
“blank” she said 
“blank” he said 
no!! boring! 
“blank” he said 
she did blank. “blank” 
“blank,” he started. he did blank. “blank” 
much more visually and audibly interesting! also - use actions with your dialogue! people move when they talk. a scratch on the neck might mean someone is embarrassed. your character might be nervous and fidgety. let people have body language!! and let them interact with their environment! 
i personally LOVE using the three act structure! if you’re not familiar, it goes like this:
ACT 1 
beginning (this is life in the BEFORE THE PLOT times)
INCITING INCIDENT (the plot is happening now! CALL TO ACTION)
door 1 (also called a “door of no return”. this is what pushes us into act 2 - what is this event that means the protagonist can never mentally or physically go back to how things were before?)
ACT 2 
midpoint (this should be the characters LOWEST POINT. they might not succeed!! how terrifying & engaging!) 
rising action! (stuffs afoot! the plot is gaining speed!) 
door 2 (oh no! they can never go back again!) 
ACT 3 
climax! (everything is coming to fruition!! everything has been leading to this!) 
falling action (this is our new world order) 
there are variations on this, but this is the basic gist. if you’re struggling with the middle of your book, which a lot of writers do, think of the midpoint. think of your protagonist. what’s the worst thing that could happen to them? whats something they would never want? how are all their plans going to fail? 
another thing you can do with your midpoint, or just your characters in general, is this: 
what is one thing they would never do, and how are you going to justify making them do it? 
this pretty much guarantees you a dynamic character, which i think is a trap beginning novelists (like myself, back in the day) can fall in to. your character needs to change--sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. if your character would swear up and down they’d never do one thing, OR if the reader THOUGHT they would never do one thing, what would that be? why are they now going to have to do it? 
another tip for big projects - figure out what kind of writer you are. do you write for the big stuff or the small stuff? 
some people are like “oh! i can’t wait for this big plot twist in act 2!” great! write everything to lead up to that plot twist 
i personally am more of a “oh i want to include this one specific line of dialogue/this one emotional beat/this one piece of imagery somewhere but x y and z would have to happen in order to make it make sense” and then i write in x y and z! 
basically, what are you EXCITED about in your story? write only for that 
another thing is wasted space. you might think writing four scenes of worldbuilding is a good idea, but aside for those worldbuilding nerd junkies out there, it probably isnt. every scene should move along the plot or develop your character. preferably both at the same time! i know everyone loves to be like “WE WERE ROBBED” about cut scenes, but like. a lot of the time those scenes were cut because they weren’t moving things along, and it was RIGHT for those scenes to be cut. sorry guys. pacing and development is important 
as far as motivation goes, find a HYPE MAN. or, even better, someone who is going to critically engage with your work. some people dont like to share their work until a full draft is written, but i need feedback as i go. find someone who’s going to tell you what they liked about it and what doesnt make sense in draft 1. these people are very important. too much criticism can kill a novel in the early stages. you need HYPE and a plot hole finder 
okay!! it’s getting late and i have work in the morning so that is all my Hot Takes for now thank you for listening 
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contradiictory · 4 years
geminidoomed replied to your post: geminidoomed replied to your post: ...
2orry man, the2e only do blank2
my dii22appoiintment ii2 overwhelmiing.
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uld2 · 3 years
夜を走るスチールが風を切って/頬をかすめたら、網膜に星を集める/滲んで溶けて染みてゆく/両サイドのスピーカーから溶けだした/一音目が鼻腔から流れ込む、体を揺らす/思い通りより思いがけないブルー、映る/退屈と暴力しかない田舎/この濁りに一滴だけ降ってきたものは音だ/それは 16で時を止めた 僕はそれを見てた/二人の記憶をゆるす、ただ一つのやり方/僕らを待っていたものって、ほんとは一体なんだったんだろうね/誰も教えてくれないから/今日もノートに殴り書く、殴り書く
(blank2 2020.6)
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