zer0psd · 2 years
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GUIDED BY ANGELS is a simple blockquote icon template that is easy to edit and looks great with a variety of color schemes. basic knowledge of photoshop is recommended.
fonts used  :  alagard and pixel mix. be sure to download these before editing.
folders for caps and psd are already provided, just be sure to drag your stuff in the correct folder.
will require adjustments in font sizes, depending how much you type. don't go too crazy !!!
credit is required   +   do not try to redistribute or pass off as your own. just be generally respectful. please.
please give this a like or very possibly a reblog if you found this useful.
free download link in the source.
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lorientours · 1 year
God s5ep12 … my heart.
Dom really said do you want to hear Content about being human/alive/sentient and the deepening of relationships between all of the different department heads and the Guide and then he really delivered.
Guide: It’s all just part of being alive, I suppose. It’s … complicated. Takes some getting used to.
Restoration: Oh no, who told you you get used to it? That’ll never happen. I’m still waiting to get used to it.
And finally 🥺😍
Guide:“It’s good to be home”
Like I’m low key getting Terry Prachett vibes from some of the mistoholm episodes lately? like yeah there’s the underlying tone of horror or humor for a lot of the Discworld novels but there’s also so just such steadfast belief in the power of human(or at least close to human attributes) that bind us all together, no matter what  makes up such a central force in the narrative.
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I don't speak a lot, but I notice everything
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phonemantra-blog · 4 months
In the ever-evolving landscape of instant messaging, WhatsApp continues to lead the way with innovative features designed to enhance users' overall experience. One such groundbreaking addition is the 'Search by Date' feature, enabling users to effortlessly locate specific messages within their WhatsApp chats based on the date. Available for Android, iOS, and Web users, this feature streamlines the search process, making it more intuitive and user-friendly. Understanding the 'Search by Date' Feature: A Step-By-Step Guide Step 1: Update Your WhatsApp App To begin harnessing the benefits of the 'Search by Date' feature, ensure that your WhatsApp app is up-to-date. Head to the Google Play Store for Android users or the Apple App Store for iOS enthusiasts, and download the latest version. Step 2: Open a Chat Navigate to any individual or group chat where you intend to search for specific messages. This can be a personal conversation or a group discussion. Step 3: Access Search Options For Android users, click on the three dots icon positioned in the top right corner of the screen. iPhone users, on the other hand, should tap on the contact or group name. Step 4: Initiate the Search Select the 'Search' option, unveiling a small calendar icon adorned with a search symbol. Step 5: Set Date Parameters Upon clicking 'Search,' a pop-up calendar emerges. Choose the desired date, month, and year, refining your search to pinpoint the exact timeframe. Step 6: Explore Messages Once you've set the parameters, gain access to messages from the specified day. Navigate through the chat by scrolling up or down to retrieve the information you seek. WhatsApp's Continuous Innovation: Recent Additions In addition to the 'Search by Date' feature, WhatsApp has recently introduced text formatting options for Android, iOS, Web, and Mac desktop users. Users can now leverage Bulleted Lists, Numbered Lists, Block Quote, and Inline Code functionalities to enhance the visual appeal and organization of their messages. For detailed instructions on using these text formatting options, refer to our previous article. Beyond Search by Date: Exploring Recent WhatsApp Enhancements The Search by Date feature joins a growing list of recent improvements implemented by WhatsApp to enhance user experience. Last month, the platform introduced text formatting options like bulleted lists, numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code, allowing users to structure and present their messages more effectively. Additionally, WhatsApp is actively developing a "third-party chat info" feature, further expanding user control over their chat experience. FAQs: Q: Is the Search by Date feature available on all platforms? A: Yes, the Search by Date feature is currently available on Android, iOS, Web, and desktop (Mac and Windows) versions of WhatsApp. Q: Can I search for messages before a specific date? A: As of now, the Search by Date feature allows you to search for messages sent or received from a specific date onwards. Selecting dates before the current date might not yield results. Q: How can I combine the Search by Date feature with keyword searches? A: To further refine your search, utilize the search bar within the chat window alongside the Search by Date feature. Enter relevant keywords to filter the messages displayed for the chosen date.
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webworkstuff · 7 months
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Outstanding blockquote
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rajaniesh · 1 year
Minimalist Postcards Of Superheroes
Barcelona-based design studio Forma & Co has created a new set of colorful, minimalist postcards that feature well-known cultural icons like superheroes, Santa Clause and even Jesus Christ. Illustrating each personality with simple lines, bold shades and signature emblems, the “Re-Vision” project is an “exercise in style and synthesis” according to its creators. See some of our favorite postcards…
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View On WordPress
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digi4media · 2 years
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How to Add Blockquote to Blogger blog Post with Pictures
Hello friends welcome to the Techtspot blog, today I will show you how to insert or add blockquote in any Blogger blog post with pictures.
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
Owen Dennis, creator of Infinity Train, posted a newsletter explaining what he currently knows about Infinity Train's removal from HBOMax. Key notes:
He was assured Infinity Train is NOT part of the tax writeoffs, and as it stands, will not be removed from the pay-per-view/per-season websites like iTunes and YouTube
These shows were supposed to be removed next week so the companies could have time to talk to the show crews, this did not happen.
The cuts were a direct order from Discovery
Discovery was warned not to do this because it was unprofessional and would hurt relationships with their talents, and did it anyway because “they clearly do not care what any of this looks like publicly, much less about how we [the crews] feel about it. “
What little residuals they make on these shows go to the unions to pay for their healthcare.
Nobody has been able to contact any of the “higher ups” at any of the merging companies for days due to, well, the merger. Everybody’s contacts are gone or scrambled around.
Owen thinks this is, ironically, the best bit of advertising the show has gotten, because it’s drawn up so much attention towards the show and how much people love it. It’s been trending on twitter for three straight days and is topping the charts on Amazon and iTunes with how many people are buying dvds and virtual copies of the seasons.
And most most importantly...
“Is the Show Gone Forever?“
I don’t believe so. As I said, it’s apparently still available on those sources listed above, though I do not know for how long. The problem is that I can’t be entirely sure if the information I’m getting is truthful or if it’s just to placate us so we’ll stop pestering them with so many questions. They certainly haven’t earned anyone’s trust with the way they’ve handled all this, so obviously take all of this with a grain or two or a million of salt (though I’m sure you’re feeling plenty salty already). In the meantime, I’ll be working with my management team on figuring out some other kind of fate for the show
There is more, but these are the most important points concerning the most distressing parts of all of this. It’s a must-read for everybody concerned about this situation.
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unpretty · 8 months
every time i try to use my ipad for anything other than playing video games it's such an exercise in frustration i'm astonished all over again that there are people who live like this.
i try to change my home screen so it doesn't look like shit and all the advice is like "download this app, it's the best one!" so i download the free app and it turns out you can't actually use the free app unless you pay a $5 monthly subscription fee. it changes your wallpaper and adds some widgets that do nothing but open a weird shortcut window before opening the actual app, in a way that makes it look like i accidentally clicked a virus. the widgets are just some pictures.
there's controls that are unintuitive so i try to change the unintuitive controls but it turns out there's no option for that and if you try to look for a way to enable that option you find nothing but people falling all over themselves to tell you why having options is actually bad.
then i think of an app i use on my phone that would be nice to have on a bigger screen and everyone says, "we don't have that app, we have this other app, which does the same thing but better" so i install it but then i can't use it without paying a $5 monthly subscription fee.
i accept the free trial because i might as well and it turns out the app looks like shit. i look for the settings to make the app look like the good app that was free on my phone but i can't find the settings. i do a search to see where the settings are hiding and find a thread where someone is asking where the setting is and the devs tell them that there isn't a setting and actually having options is bad and once they use the app for a while they'll realize that not having options is better. i cancel my free trial and uninstall the app and continue to read on my phone instead of the big fancy tablet.
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jessource · 2 months
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#49 “ GOOD LUCK, BABE. ” template by jessource.
original and free icon border template. if using please like / reblog and don’t forget to leave credit somewhere visible.
fonts used: calibri.
don’t redistribute, steal or claim as your own.
any issues, don’t hesitate to contact me.
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zer0psd · 1 year
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BASKETBALL4EVR is a simple wide blockquote template, for anyone who's tired of using icons that r like 2 x 2 pixels. basic knowledge in photoshop + smart objects is recommended, but it's pretty easy to edit.
fonts used :  alagard. be sure to download before editing.
folders for caps and psd are already provided, just be sure to drag your stuff in the correct folder.
will require adjustments in font sizes, depending how much you type. don't go too crazy !!!
credit is required   +   do not try to redistribute or pass off as your own. just be generally respectful. please.
please give this a like or very possibly a reblog if you found this useful.
free download link in the source.
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underesources · 3 months
a free to use icon border pack that features 100x100, 90x90, 130x80, 80x100, and two 50x50 icons. image itself is 540x120. fonts used are silkscreen and neothic. edit as you please as long as you give credit! download here.
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apocalyptic-byler · 3 months
i’d grab the kitchen scissors (and cut myself to slivers for you)
Mrs. Wheeler opens her mouth, closes it, then opens it back, then closes it again. Mike can clearly see her struggle to understand why the fuck he cut his hair and when she opens her mouth again he half expects the question to roll off her tongue.
“Do you want me to fix it up for you?” is what comes out instead.
or the one where Mike cuts his hair, Karen and Mike are both at their wits end, and a certain someone makes the whole situation a bit more bearable.
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arklay · 8 months
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To the public, little is known of the families behind some of the world’s most renowned bioterrorists, but the question remains: did they play a role in causing their children to walk down the path that they did? Or are these individuals simply ambitious criminals with delusions of grandeur?
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For Diana Wesker (née Afanasyeva), her introduction into the bioweapons black market trade was upon discovering her employers were using her research into limb regeneration with salamanders to further their experiments in creating enhanced soldiers, instead of developing human therapies with which she was recruited for. Although the prospect of using biological weapons in the military did not appeal to her, the concept remained fascinating for her own selfish endeavours. Born on the 27th of October, 1963 in Sydney, Australia to Russian immigrant parents, Diana had harsh expectations placed upon her at a young age, ones that no matter how hard she tried she could never live up to. Her mother, Tatyana, was an unfeeling woman, absent for long stretches of time with little regard to how it affected her daughters, much more concerned with her craft as an accomplished opera singer. Viktor was no better. A strict man whose role as father and ballet master blurred, he pushed his girls to one day follow in his footsteps. Whilst Sofia enjoyed ballet, and went on to become a professional ballet dancer, Diana’s heart was set on going into the field of biology. She wished to make a name for herself, separate from her family – to which she succeeded.
Diana was married to former U.S. Marine, Dave Monroe, for only a year until he was declared dead in 1992 after succumbing to injuries sustained in a horrific car accident. Foul play was ruled out while Diana played the role of the grief-stricken widow, but in reality, she had snapped after years of mistreatment at her husband’s hands, and opted for something she could pass off as an accident to be free of him. For years she believed he was dead – and he was, legally – but that proved to not be the case when he found his way back into her life again in 1999. Unbeknownst to her, she had been lied to by the police and coroner, who were paid off by her employers when they took Dave’s body for themselves and used him as one of their first test subjects in developing supersoldiers. Before he could ever hurt her again, Diana’s second husband, Albert Wesker, tracked the man down, captured him and tortured him, before allowing Diana to get her violent and bloody revenge.
The origins of Albert Wesker’s involvement in bioterrorism, alongside his twin sister, Alex, are much different than that of Diana’s. The two hail from London, Canada, but unfortunately, they hold no memories of their lives there, nor what happened to their biological parents when they were eight years old. Agents of Oswell E. Spencer, an aristocratic billionaire and eugenicist, took the twins from their home and executed their parents as per Spencer’s orders. Albert and Alex were then placed in a home funded by the Spencer Foundation where they were given new names and a privileged upbringing. They had access to the best education possible, free to pursue whichever field they decided, but it was by no accident they both went into virology and bioengineering; at home, their adoptive parents – agents whom they believed to be their real parents – instilled them with the beliefs of Oswell E. Spencer, harbouring disdain for war and pestilence, and believing humans to be an evolutionary dead-end in need of a rebirth. They were only two of the hundreds of children “adopted” as part of what is known as Project W, a plan intended to develop an advanced race of human beings. The most promising candidates were headhunted by Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, the twins amongst them, where they went on to create bioweapons for the company founded by none other than the man who had handpicked them for his plan. The final stage of this was to infect the thirteen Spencer saw fit, however, only two survived; Albert received the intended effects, now possessing superhuman abilities, however, Alex was only offered more time to live due to her terminal degenerative illness.
In the summer of 1995, Diana was working undercover within Umbrella to gather development data on their projects for her company. Here, she had a chance encounter with Albert, an intelligence officer at the time, which permanently altered the course of her life. The two were never seen far from one another’s side, marrying in 1998, and they went on to become notorious in the bioweapons industry. The development of the Uroboros virus was where things took a turn for the worst. Although Diana’s infection was successful and she bore abilities that rivalled her husband’s, the plan itself did not succeed as they had hoped, and almost cost Albert his life at the hands of his former subordinates.
Now, they work within the shadows, with Diana declared missing and Albert believed to be dead. Their legacy, however, lives on with the mark they left on the world. As visionaries in their field, they influenced bioterror attacks carried out by countless individuals and organisations. In turn, they also inspired others to fight against such atrocities. One such person happens to be Albert’s son from a former relationship, Jake Müller, whose existence he was unaware of.
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#mine.#oc: diana#pair: ewskers#click for better quality cause it's large & tumblr ate it ♡#hii so happy birthday diana !! queen is 60 today :]#um. there's no template cause i made this from scratch...i couldn't find any i was vibing with so i was like you know what lmaoo#i'm sorry for the essay...it was meant to be just a short rundown of the family but well...that happened. typical leah fashion...#oh and guys. did you know that there's a limit to the amount you can put in one blockquote? that's why the rest is just left like that caus#i didn't like how it looked with a blockquote each paragraph...cause the spaces between were unever. you understand 😔#with the tree i was also going to include weskids adoptive parents but i couldn't figure out how to arrange it all & make it look nice !!#cause i also wanted to have spencer in there as well cause he's a big reason why the weskids are the way they are...was maybe gonna include#sherry as well. like connected to jake (hehe) and then do her parents too but that would've made things so wide & it's already big enough#yes. i hc that albert & alex are biological twins. just for clarification there :] i don't think i added anything else that isn't canon or#implied with canon. cause the weskids were put in homes (or at least whatever ''controlled environments'' means) where they were monitored#by umbrella but were unaware of it. so yeah. i don't think i really changed much there !!#honestly i could've kept rambling cause there's alex's whole situation. there's my lore with jake's mum. there's way more with the ewskers#but it's already so long & i can't be concise so there's that lmaoo oh also diana's grandma. so much stuff#also meant to say the weskids birthday in that ramble. it's january 15 1960 :] they are capricorn sun leo moons but alex was born earlier s#their rising signs are albert is a scorpio rising & alex is a libra rising !!#had to redo the image cause typo on diana's birth year for some reason lmao so if that messed up the formatting i will sob
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kelseywrestling · 1 year
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Scary Movie 3 (2003) // WWE RAW (2023)
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bilbao-song · 11 months
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Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers performing "Casa Dega," December 31st, 1978.
(source) requested by @tompettyofficial
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