#Blockchain-based collectibles
mywebthreenews · 6 months
Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Avatars Take Over Roblox's Kingship Islands Game
The world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) continues to evolve, and the latest development is the integration of Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT avatars into the popular gaming platform, Roblox. The newly launched game, Kingship Islands, offers players an interactive world where they can embark on a quest to unite band members and explore an island paradise. The Kingship Islands Game Kingship Islands,…
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undrgrnd-nft · 5 months
Tezos Goes Big
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I really didn’t want to write this, I swear. I have real work to do, podcasts to edit and my daughter is home sick; but, it’s like holding in a sneeze, when I have something to say it’s best to get it out.
This is not about the @tezos event at Art Basel Miami. It may be what is driving the conversation but this is not really about the displays in a lobby of a hotel.
This is the culmination of years of disrespect to a driving force of adoption and endemic of the crypto space (and society) at large.
Art rejuvenating dead space is not a novel concept. In fact, in Miami, there’s an entire area that could have been used as a template by all blockchains. It’s called Wynnewood, look it up and you’ll get the New York Times article I reference all the time.
What was once an industrial park became a hub for restaurants, music and entertainment: culture.
Why? Because some graffiti artists began painting on the cold gray walls of a concrete jungle.
Did those artists share any of the financial gain brought to the neighborhood? No, but think of the exposure!
Web3 was not built by nor built for creatives like us (yea, I’m putting myself in that group, shut up about it). It was built by boys and men that look, talk and act like me (white, male, presumable douchey based on appearance) but lack a moral and emotional foundation.
They use the right words, have picked up key phrases and platitudes, but at the core it’s not about the things many of us value. It’s not about art.
It’s not about a reorganization of institutions that were built to keep specific classes, races and sexes subservient.
It is not building a utopian-Marxist future where the moral and decent are rewarded financially for their collective effort.
Look at the state of streaming services: Netflix, Hulu, Paramount, Peacock, Max. What was once meant to disrupt the cable industry has now become Cable Networks 2.0.
The same is true in crypto. What started as a revolution has become a hype parade led by influencers masquerading as cultural relevance.
Remember the @TezosFoundation Permanent Collection drama? In a Twitter space shortly after things began to spiral downward, one of the leads made a comment on the criticisms, “if this is the response maybe we won’t do this again.”
We all knew it then.
But many of us came here to create something better. So we, many of them my friends, gave second chances, put a positive spin on it and took their opportunity when it was offered.
I was jealous.
Because I would have done the same.
UNDRGRND is just me: a stay at home dad, taking care of a toddler who disrupts the means of production constantly. I know how hard it is to put together something and share it with an audience.
But so does every artist I write about.
So when we watch people with large budgets, people who are able to make a living on crypto already, getting paid to present the work of others and the result is done with the level of care it takes to hang a Missing Cat poster on a telephone pole, it’s infuriating.
Many of the artists I’ve gotten to know over these past three years were creative directors in their web2 lives. Do you know what they could have done with a fraction the amount of money @tezos has in its war chest?
It’s disrespectful.
It always has been.
I’m going to push post on this in a few minutes and the anxiety is rising. I know others are going to criticize what I’m launching in the coming months.
I’m in a glass house throwing rocks.
The difference is I’m not deluded enough to think I have all the answers or have an ego like I’ve done anything yet.
I’m just a guy writing about the things I like while my four-year-old sleeps on me.
This was never about the display.
It was about the devaluation of creatives for years and the continuation of a broken social contract that promised an idealistic future.
So heed the lesson because we’re tired of this shit.
And I’m fucking coming…
- Founder of UNDRGRND, @NFTjoe
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samueldays · 4 months
Sam Reviews: H. Beam Piper
I bought a fat collection of short stories and novels by H. Beam Piper, a sci-fi writer of the 50s and 60s. It holds up quite well, I think, as I reread the whole collection recently. There's a variety of content, from alien first contact to space-pirates and time travel, and a "thick" setting base for much of it with elements like carniculture or the veridicator that pop up in several stories without being the basis of one. Piper uses a pair of shared universes for many of his stories where you can see connections without needing to have read the previous. I think there's also less showing off wiseass references than in a lot of contemporary sci-fi, though I might simply have missed some.
The odd pair out is Graveyard of Dreams and its quasi-rewrite The Cosmic Computer, which belong to the first shared universe. Both books have the same start: Boy comes home to frontier colony planet after having studied at prestigious university in the core worlds, receives welcome as hometown hero, is now expected to solve planet's problems of being a run-down backwater after the space war, also find the allegedly war-winning supercomputer that's rumored to be located somewhere nearby and could be dug up like it's pirate treasure. Boy has learned at university the computer is probably imaginary, but it would break the community's hearts to tell them.
Graveyard takes the view that the population has been thinking too much in terms of blaming the war and hoping for the plot-device computer instead of doing anything, so the boy tells his dad the computer isn't real, and they start a conspiracy to reform the planet as part of the computer hunt: The computer might be on the moon, or another planet in the same solar system, so we'll need a spaceship. We can't search the whole planet in one go, so we'll need regular refueling and resupply and a spaceport here. We'll need radars and scanners and drones and other things bought from Earth, so we'll have to invite trade ships to our spaceport, and produce things to sell for Earth currency. Implementing the computer's economic plan once we find it will no doubt require infrastructure, which we should build up in advance. And so the colony gets better, ostensibly as part of looking for the computer.
Through all this, I never felt like Piper was dunking on people who put all their hopes and dreams in a problem-solving magic supercomputer, or on fellow sci-fi writers with their plot device computers. There's very little vitriol. Characters had simply built up their hopes too high. (If he had written it sixty years later, though, I might have thought it was a dunk on people going "crypto fixes this! put vegetables on the blockchain!")
The story is in one sense hard sci-fi, because it limits itself to realistic known capacities of computers, and in another sense, not sci-fi at all, because the computer is a pure McGuffin and the moral of the story is that people should work on solving their problems and improving their community instead of hoping for a McGuffin to fix everything.
The Cosmic Computer starts the same way with much the same plan, and a "salvage company" double-bluff that's supposedly supposedly for picking up other things while hiding the secret supercomputer, but supposedly actually for getting the computer, but actually just for looting abandoned military bases from the war as a way of revitalizing the economy.
Then they find the computer for real, and things get odd.
Uller Uprising is one of his earliest stories and the first I read that hinted at the specific timeline mentioned above, branching off from the era when he wrote, that did not come to pass but is an interesting speculation to read. The dating system is AE (Atomic Era), counting from 1942, when mankind first harnessed nuclear power. Most of the Northern Hemisphere nuked itself (or each other) in great power conflict in later world wars that timeline; the rebuilding of Earth and colonization of the stars was mostly done by Southern Hemisphere states such as South Africa and Argentina. The story features a pair of ships named Paul Kruger and Jan Smuts.
Oh for the South Africa that was! Piper saw a country that would reach for the stars once the US and SU had ground each other down. South Africa once had a nuclear power program. Now it can't keep the lights on. But I digress.
The scene for the Uprising is a Terran trading colony, in the 'colonialism' sense like the British India Company, on a world populated by aliens. Piper's aliens are polylithic*: among them is joy in prosperity, and resentment at colonists, and desire to learn, and factional infighting, variety "I want those fancy gadgets the Terrans have so I can crush my rival", and variety "I want to manipulate the Terrans into crushing my rival for me". They have personality of their own, rather then being mere foils or subjects of history. One can say that such infighting is the often the downfall of colonized people, but that begs the question of calling them "a people" in the first place, rather than two peoples who fought until they both lost to a third.
*I would have said "diverse" but that has other connotations these days.
There's an angry mob of Ullerians that's been inflamed into simply going out and murdering Terrans, and there's cunning Ullerians who have signed on for a term of work on Terran ships going to the uranium mines, to learn the secrets of nuclear power. There's also awful smut that's relevant in-universe. Quite good stuff.
Little Fuzzy is also set in the Atomic Era timeline. The Terran Federation is spreading across the stars, and on the planet Zarathustra, the prospector Jack Holloway stumbles across an odd creature:
He turned quickly to see two wide eyes staring up at him out of a ball of golden fur. Whatever it was, it had a round head and big ears and a vaguely humanoid face with a little snub nose. It was sitting on its haunches, and in that position it was about a foot high. It had two tiny hands with opposing thumbs.
He thinks it's cute, and adopts it to live in his house, and the critter brings its family, and he sees they're smart enough to use tools when eating some of the other local wildlife.
This raises a question of whether they're smart enough to count as native sapients and should have rights to the planet. We hear about the "talk and build a fire rule" which is the precedent of a future court case deciding that those two activities are sufficient proof of sapience, but not necessary for it, as shown in another court case when a woman murdered her infant baby and tried to plead that the baby couldn't talk nor build a fire, and was convicted of murder anyway.
Jack Holloway, of course, is all in favor of getting his cute adopted fuzzball recognized as sapient. The antagonist of the story is the Zarathustra Company which holds a Class-III legal charter for the settlement of an uninhabited planet; recognition of the Fuzzies would make it an inhabited Class-IV planet and void the corporate charter and make a lot of rich people lose a lot of money.
Again, there's a lack of dunking. The ZC is wrong, and commits crimes in an attempt to maintain its position, kidnapping the Fuzzies, fabricating evidence, and so forth. But I don't hear commie sneering from Piper as the ZC loses in court and one of its corrupt cops is put to a veridicator.
It's a very sci-fi piece of technology: an advanced mind-reading (brain-reading?) lie-detector helmet with the finesse to identify technically true but misleading statements.
There was a bright conical helmet on his head, and electrodes had been clamped to various portions of his anatomy. On the wall behind him was a circular screen which ought to have been a calm turquoise blue, but which was flickering from dark blue through violet to mauve. That was simple nervous tension and guilt and anger at the humiliation of being subjected to veridicated interrogation. Now and then there would be a stabbing flicker of bright red as he toyed mentally with some deliberate misstatement of fact.
The veridicator pops up again in Space Viking, farther in the future. The Terran Federation is disintegrating.
"Nifflheim, no! There aren't a dozen and a half planets in the Old Federation that still have hyperdrive, and they're all civilized. That's if 'civilized' is what Gilgamesh is," he added. "These are homemade barbarians. Workers and peasants who revolted to seize and divide the wealth and then found they'd smashed the means of production and killed off all the technical brains. Survivors on planets hit during the Interstellar Wars, from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Centuries, who lost the machinery of civilization. Followers of political leaders on local-dictatorship planets. Companies of mercenaries thrown out of employment and living by pillage. Religious fanatics following self-appointed prophets."
The viking-esque privateers of the Sword Worlds are raiding the Federation worlds for loot and machinery and personnel to build anew on their own planets; this situation is already so far advanced that one character bemoans the Sword Worlds themselves sliding into decadence and barbarism as their best and brightest leave to outright conquer Federation worlds and live there. All this is the backdrop to a hunt for vengeance and a grudge to be settled between one Space Viking and another, which in the process results in taking over a world and becoming King, and watching another world collapse.
Some of the minor stories:
Naudsonce is about first contact with an alien species and the attempts to establish communication when the odd aliens make sounds, but do not seem to have language. They can gesture enough for trade, though, and sell off some of their spare livestock. The brass provisionally file it as Domesticated Type C. The enlisted men, wanting to discuss the barbecue, cut this down to "domsee" and the name sticks.
Lone Star Planet is rather comic: there's a planet settled by exaggerated Texans, the most Texan ones who wanted to live in Space Texas specifically, and they brought the Alamo with them on a spaceship. They breed dinosaur-like "supercows" on their ranches, their cowboys need tanks for herding the supercows and implicitly constitute small armies, and it's legal to kill politicians for the crime of attempted taxation. Our protagonist is a nervous new ambassador sent to this planet after his predecessor was killed, suspecting that his government wants him also killed as casus belli. (Partly inspired by H.L. Mencken's The Malevolent Jobholder.)
A Slave is a Slave concerns the imperialistic abolition of slavery on a planet where slavery has been the order of the day for so long that it's becoming an in-name-only matter: the "slaves" are the ones who operate everything important, while the "masters" spend their days in petty feuds with each other. The imperial potentate sent to oversee abolition is a first-timer, learning on the job how to administrate foreign planets. This does not go entirely smoothly.
Hunter Patrol is a time loop. A present-day soldier is drawn to the future to help overthrow a tyrant that has conquered the world and conditioned people into servile pacifism. Returning to his own time with a bit of loot and papers from the tyrant's office but without future memories of what they are or why, he uses the future knowledge to become rich and powerful, aims to establish world peace, and ironically becomes the tyrant murdered by his past self.
Null-ABC depicts a future where "Literate" has become a profession; most people aren't literate and look down on the concept. Instructions are usually pictographic, or you hire a Literate to read it for you. Data storage and messaging is commonly audio. TVs and videos are still around, naturally. This because Literacy is associated with propaganda pamphlets and hell-tomes like Mein Kampf and Das Kapital, and the four world wars they caused. This is the one story where I recall Piper does get in some cheap jokes, in the world news report of items such as,
"The Central Diplomatic Council of the Reunited Nations has just announced, for the hundred and seventy-eighth time, that the Arab-Israel dispute has been finally, definitely and satisfactorily settled."
unrelated to the plot of the story, which involves political strife about the status of Literates and literacy.
That joke has aged very well, I must say.
Piper's second shared universe set of stories is the Paratime collection. In a future without interstellar travel, as Earth's resources run dry, mankind has instead developed the technology of visiting alternate timelines and parallell universe Earths. On the uninhabited ones, futuremen mine resources directly; on the inhabited ones, futuremen buy from the local miners.
This gives the protagonists reason to get involved pretty much anywhere in history or alt-history as they have to cover up the Paratime Secret, or stop a time crime, or catch the Venusian Nighthound that some dumbass let loose in a 1950s America before the cops ask too many questions about the unusually mutilated cattle. It is a really great Excuse Plot for whatever time period, technological level, and/or cultural group the author feels like writing about today.
It could easily have stopped there, and become a series of disconnected anecdotes and shiny distractions, but Piper executes it well and gives it context. Home Timeline has people and places and customs and strife, although some of the bits feel clunky to me.
Tortha Karf fingered them and nodded. Then he became as visibly angry as a man of his civilization and culture-level ever permitted himself. "What does that fool think we have a Paratime Code for?" he demanded. "It's entirely illegal to transport any extraterrestrial animal or object to any time-line on which space-travel is unknown. I don't care if he is a green-seal thavrad; he'll face charges, when he gets back, for this!"
It's very hard to make future ranks sound appropriately important while staying foreign, and "green-seal thavrad" falls short, IMO. (Also clunky: "We'll blow them to Em-See-Square!" elsewhere in Piper's writing.)
Most of the Paratime protagonists are time cops of some sort, though with a major exception: Calvin Morrison, a man from our time's America, gets sucked up in the wake of a paratime travel vehicle. Falling into a timeline where America was colonized by an eastward Indo-Aryan migration and the technology level is late medieval, he becomes Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen, protagonist of his own novel by the same name and several sequels by Piper's peers.
(A time cop stops by to check whether the Paratime secret has been leaked, and is very satisfied that Calvin has told everyone "a wizard did it" and is helping to keep the secret.)
In this alternate timeline, America is divided into kingdoms worshipping the Wolf-God and the Sky-Father and the Earth-Mother and other interpretations of ancient Aryan deities as filtered through 1950s historiography and then cultural drift as imagined by Piper, which makes it an interesting sort of foreign place. But the supreme god of the time is Styphon, whose priesthood alone holds the secret of making fireseed (gunpowder). This monopoly is the main source of their power, and Calvin is about to break it.
The plot outline "Contemporary man falls into the past/fantasy world and introduces gunpowder" has been recycled a thousand times by worse writers, and I wonder how many of them would trace their literary ancestry back to Piper if we could see who they'd copied. I know it's more than zero: like with Journey to the West but less famous, reading Lord Kalvan made several things click into place as I recognized elements other authors had been copy-pasting that made sense in the original but were weirdly out-of-place in the flimsy knockoffs. Literary cargo cult.
In closing, Piper was an original writer, and I recommend his stories.
No man is entirely original, one can locate him easily in the late golden age of American scifi with peers and influences, but he stands out to me as the sort of person that others were copying a great deal. Lord Kalvan I mentioned above, the Sword-Worlds of Space Viking went right into the Traveller RPG, Little Fuzzy was rebooted by John Scalzi as Fuzzy Nation, Star Trek's "tribbles" were originally "fuzzies" before Legal got involved, the Paratime series was an inspiration for Charles Stross's Merchant Princes, the list goes on.
And it looks to me, as with several other of my favorite and respected authors, that this is partly because he could draw on a wide set of life experiences outside of the incestuous 'literary class'. (Vague, I know.) He worked on the railroad, he studied engineering, he collected firearms and helped compile a collection of archaic ones. His short story Omnilingual turns on the fact that science has a shared true referent: the Periodic Table of the Martians must refer to the same elements as on Earth, and so the long-dead Martians' language is deciphered.
I might say: he was a shape rotator. :-)
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mariacallous · 4 months
Can you imagine what a digital white ethnostate or a cyber caliphate might look like? Having spent most of my career on the inside of online extremist movements, I certainly can. The year 2024 might be the one in which neo-Nazis, jihadists, and conspiracy theorists turn their utopian visions of creating their own self-governed states into reality—not offline, but in the form of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
DAOs are digital entities that are collaboratively governed without central leadership and operate based on blockchain. They allow internet users to establish their own organizational structures, which no longer require the involvement of a third party in financial transactions and rulemaking. The World Economic Forum described DAOs as “an experiment to reimagine how we connect, collaborate and create”. However, as with all new technologies, there is also a darker side to them: They are likely to give rise to new threats emerging from decentralized extremist mobilization.
Today, there are already over 10,000 DAOs, which collectively manage billions of dollars and count millions of participants. So far, DAOs have attracted a wild mix of libertarians, activists, pranksters, and hobbyists. Most DAOs I have come across in my research sound innocent and fun. Personally, my favorites include theCaféDAO, which aims “to replace Starbucks” (good luck with that!); the Doge DAO, which wants to “make the Doge meme the most recognizable piece of art in the world”; and the HairDAO, “a decentralized asset manager solving hair loss.” But some DAOs use a more radical tone. For example, the Redacted Club DAO, which is rife with alt-right codes and conspiracy myth references, claims to be a secret network with the aim of “slaying” the “evil Meta Lizard King.”
The year 2024 might be one in which extremists start using DAOs strategically. Policies, legal contracts, and financial transactions that were traditionally the domain of governments, courts, and banks can be replaced with smart contracts, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and cryptocurrencies. The use of anonymous bitcoin wallets and non-transparent cryptocurrencies such as Monero is already widespread among extremists whose bank accounts have been frozen. A shift to entirely decentralized forms of self-governance is only one step away.
Beyond practical reasons that encourage extremists to create their own self-governed structures, there is an ideological incentive too: their fundamental distrust in the establishment. If you believe that the deep state or the “global Jewish elites” control everything from governments and Big Tech to the global banking system, DAOs offer an appealing alternative. Conversations on far-right fringe platforms such as BitChute and Odysee reveal that there is much appetite for decentralized alternative forms of collaboration, communication, and crowdfunding.
So what happens if anti-minority groups establish their own digital worlds in which they impose their own governing mechanisms? What are the stakes if trolling armies start cooperating via DAOs to launch election interference campaigns? The activities of extremist DAOs could challenge the rule of law, pose a threat to minority groups, and disrupt institutions that are currently considered fundamental pillars of democratic systems. Another risk is that DAOs can serve as safe havens for extremist movements by enabling users to circumvent government regulation and security services monitoring activities. They might also allow extremists to find new ways to fundraise, plan, and plot radicalization campaigns or even attacks. While many governments have focused on developing legal frameworks to regulate AI, few have even recognized the existence of DAOs. Their looming exploitation for extremist and criminal purposes is something that has flown under the radar of global policymakers.
Technology expert Carl Miller, who has long warned of potential misuse of DAOs, told me that “even though DAOs behave like companies, they are not registered as legal entities.” There are only a few exceptions: The US states of Wyoming, Vermont, and Tennessee have passed laws to legally recognize DAOs. With no regulations in place to hold DAOs accountable for extremist or criminal activities, the big question for 2024 will be: How can we ensure the metaverse doesn’t give rise to digital white ethnostates or cyber caliphates?
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leidensygdom · 1 year
“No guys you gotta understand WOTC needed to protect itself from NFTs!”
If that was the case, they could’ve added that to the current OGL, and I am sure people would have accepted it much more willingly (even if it gave the precedent that the OGL could be modified or revoked, which it CAN’T)
It was NEVER the case because Hasbro had been interested in making NFTs for both, MtG and DnD. They have released them for Power Rangers. They have released them for My Little Pony. They have done NFTs out of NBA figures. They were releasing new NFTs a couple of months ago. 
If we aren’t seeing NFTs of DnD now is because that market crashed and it’s no longer profitable for them, not because “they learned”. They made NFTs in GOOD CONSCIENCE of them being a really awful thing, and the only reason they aren’t happening right now is because they’re no longer going as strong.
I am honestly tired of people trying to defend WOTC based on ideas that are simply wrong and can be proven wrong this easily. This was never about NFTs, but congrats! Now people are talking about it instead of addressing they want to ban ANIMATIONS in VTTs. We don’t know what does that imply yet- Will they forbid any DnD content from existing in VTTs they deem “too-videogame like”? We don’t know, because their VTT policy says next to nothing. We do know that people who do VTTs for a living, people who make animated maps on Patreon, people who animate tokens- All of these people are suddenly scared for their salary.
There is people who have been defending WOTC from day one, because they can’t be arsed to give a single shit about the thousands of people affected by the new OGL. These people tried to deny the OGL leak was real (and conveniently swept that under the rug when it was shown it was indeed real). And now they are begging people to “hey listen to WOTC! Surely the corporation won’t lie to you! People are fearmongering for no reason!”
Again: I am an artist focused on TTRPGs who wants to work at the TTRPG industry, and has got jobs from third parties. I am also a person who was specifically doing animated boss fight battlemaps, and planned (and still plans) to release them. No, I have no clue on how the new OGL will affect me, but I am scared. I don’t think it’s fearmongering when you do have to worry about whether the thing you’ve been working on for over a year will suddenly be rendered invalid.
And the fact some would rather defend the billion company over nobodies trying to freelance in the TTRPG industry is very jarring.
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divinity-infinity · 1 year
Social Media Headcanons!
Internet in the Devildom
i refuse to believe that somehow the devildom had technology advanced enough to enable social media right after the great celestial war, much more social media culture so i just kind of. disregard the parts in nightbringer where they mention social media tbh
in line with this i headcanon that the internet culture in the devildom is kind of a bit less updated than the human world's because i wanna think that the humans invented the internet first (because the internet was made for non-evil™ purposes) and a lot of social media in the devildom is patterned after human social media.
the practice of enshittification, while associated with greed, is a human-made practice. the three legged crow group has considered and tried adapting this practice but decided against it because it seems more profitable in the long run for them to give their best services forward because they control practically everything produced in the devildom anyway.
that doesn't mean they didn't try though! they tried to enshittify devilblr because that was steadily becoming the source of good memes and Engagement but it was so hard to monetize so they just let it be.
i also wanna think diavolo, being a good demon prince has introduced some kind of antitrust or regulatory rule to prevent the three legged crow from enshittifying if it ever comes to it (please forgive me for this i havent read deep into if antitrust still works with something the size of the three legged crow but for the sake of headcanoning lets just assume that the socmed situation in the devildom is better than what we have rn)
the blockchain is way less popular in the devildom due to it not being a three legged crow group invention. it was actually mammon's doing, having heard it from some contacts in the human world and recreated it from scratch. it's impressive really that he managed to do that, but it just didn't stick.
Characters' Social Media
the individual devilgrams and fab snap videos we see in-app are actually mostly posted by asmo, who keeps curated accounts for his brothers.
lucifer is a demonbook mom. most of his pictures on the site are of him, lord diavolo, and barbatos hanging out. he also has a linked-in-hell account that he keeps tidy and well-updated.
mammon has a curated devilgram for his pictures and magazine shoot promotions. he also had a twithell that he used to try selling nft collections based on his brothers.
levi is a stan dewitter user for sucre frenzy. he's also a devilblr user since 2012. has a devilcarrd with a really short dni that just says, "dni normies". has a dwitch for his streams and a deviltube for cross-posting. has a devilcord of course, for talking to gaming buddies he's also a devilcord moderator but we dont talk about that, and no hes not that kind of devilcord moderator.
levi is also a manager of sorts for a nonprofit, ao3 equivalent of the devildom called the akumarchive. diavolo is well aware of the existence of the akumarchive and sometimes looks up all sorts of fanfic on there because "the kids are so creative making their own endings and alternative stories!"
satan is most active on book review and media sites (think: thestorygraph and tvtropes) but also has a secret dewitter and mastodemon account for book blogging; he runs a formal blog website for his book reviews and then posts the updates on dewitter and mastodemon. he also has a secreter devilblr account for his fursona, and even more secreter fanfiction.hell and akumarchive accounts for fanfic. (satan wrote my immortal)
satan's also pretty active on devilpedia, contributing research mostly about spells and curses.
satan personally knows the human furries who communicate with the three legged crow to help run the devildom internet.
asmo has every socmed possible and can social media manage like a real socmed manager. fab snap, devilgram, deviltube, and dewitter are his top socmed!
beel has a devilgram for his posting about his workouts, and uses mostly the story feature. he also has a devilbook for posting family pictures and moments <33
belphie was on the emo side of devilblr when it first launched, and he's a devilblr veteran, having been there even before levi! now just uses his devilblr as a status symbol of being one of the first accounts on there. has a sideblog dedicated to heritage posts on the site, and another sideblog for pissing off and arguing with 14 human-year old demons.
belphie also used to have a diespace and devilcities but because theyre now defunct he moved to spacehell and demoncities and still remains mostly active on there. i also saw an hc once about if belphie had his d.d.d. with him in the attic he'd make traumacore edits and now im taking that hc with me to this and he now posts his traumacore edits and pages on his demoncities and spacehell.
also headcanon that satan and belphie wrote a dialuci fanfic on the akumarchive under an alias as a prank but it got so popular it crashed the akumarchive for a moment
diavolo is a demonbook dad! always tagging lucifer in everything and also he's an avid shareposter of Youthful Minion Memes™. has totally read and enjoyed the dialuci fanfic that satan and belphie wrote. no he doesnt know it was them. yes he showed it to lucifer and barbatos. barbatos thought it was cute, lucifer thought it was a huge disgrace. no lucifer doesnt know who wrote it either.
barbatos is a demonbook dad as well, and also runs the official rad demonbook page. occassionally makes cooking tutorials for deviltube as well as "cleaning hacks" and "rat extermination hacks" videos.
solomon has a devilcord server for keeping in touch with the demons he has pacts with. i also just know he's a frequent user of deaddit, and he has a deviltube that he uses to make "study with me!", "learn magic with me!" and "lets cook together (gone wrong!!)" videos. joined devilblr for the shitposts, stayed for the chaotic devilblr culture.
simeon is yet another demonbook dad, and is the source of the Youthful Minion Memes™ that diavolo shares.
luke shares his social media accounts with simeon because he's still a child, but has secret accounts for lurking and following beel and barbatos. uses deviltube for kids mostly.
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This day in history
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This Friday (September 8) at 10hPT/17hUK, I'm livestreaming "How To Dismantle the Internet" with Intelligence Squared.
On September 12 at 7pm, I'll be at Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with my new book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
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#15yrsago Heinlein’s fan-mail solution https://kk.org/ct2/heinleins-fan-mail-solution/
#15yrsago Content: my first-ever collection of essays https://memex.craphound.com/2008/09/08/content-my-first-ever-collection-of-essays/
#15yrsago PGP and others team up to renovate Bletchley Park https://www.zdnet.com/article/bletchley-park-campaign-makes-appeal-to-us/
#15yrsago George RR Martin’s “The Armageddon Rag”: Sex, death, blood and rock-n-roll https://www.tor.com/2008/09/08/armageddonrag/
#15yrsago My Mother Wears Combat Boots — kick-ass punk-parenting book https://memex.craphound.com/2008/09/08/my-mother-wears-combat-boots-kick-ass-punk-parenting-book/
#10yrsago NSA secretly broke smartphone security https://www.spiegel.de/international/world/privacy-scandal-nsa-can-spy-on-smart-phone-data-a-920971.html
#10yrsago NSA leaks as a demographic phenomena https://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2013/09/the_spooks_need_new.html
#10yrsago Firsthand account of NSA sabotage of Internet security standards https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg12325.html
#10yrsago All of India’s public safety standards now online for free https://law.resource.org/pub/in/manifest.in.html
#5yrsago UC Santa Cruz asks professors to rent their spare rooms to students who couldn’t get housing guarantees https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-santa-cruz-wants-staff-to-rent-rooms-to-students-due-to-lack-of-housing/
#5yrsago Paper Haunted Mansion music box https://haunteddimensions.blogspot.com/2018/09/haunted-dimensions-music-box.html
#1yrago The horrifying tale of a blockchain-based virtual sweatshop https://pluralistic.net/2022/09/08/torment-nexus/#irl
#1yrago Every billionaire is a factory for producing policy failures https://pluralistic.net/2022/09/08/torment-nexus/#barre-seid
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The impact of sustainability in fintech: reflections from the summit
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In recent years, the Fintech industry has witnessed a paradigm shift towards sustainability, with an increasing emphasis on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into financial decision-making processes. This transformative trend took center stage at the latest Fintech Summit, where industry leaders converged to explore the intersection of sustainability and financial technology. Among the prominent voices shaping this discourse was Xettle Technologies, a trailblazer in Fintech software solutions, whose commitment to sustainability is driving innovation and reshaping the future of finance.
Against the backdrop of global challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality, the imperative for sustainable finance has never been greater. The Fintech Summit provided a platform for thought leaders to reflect on the role of technology in advancing sustainability goals and fostering a more resilient and equitable financial ecosystem.
At the heart of the discussions was the recognition that sustainability is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic imperative for Fintech firms. By integrating ESG considerations into their operations, products, and services, Fintech companies can mitigate risks, enhance resilience, and unlock new opportunities for growth and value creation. Xettle Technologies’ representatives underscored the company’s commitment to sustainability, highlighting how it is embedded in the company’s culture, innovation agenda, and business strategy.
One of the key themes that emerged from the summit was the role of Fintech in driving sustainable investment. Through innovative solutions such as green bonds, impact investing platforms, and ESG scoring algorithms, Fintech firms are empowering investors to allocate capital towards environmentally and socially responsible projects and companies. Xettle Technologies showcased its suite of Fintech software solutions designed to facilitate sustainable investing, enabling financial institutions and investors to align their portfolios with their values and sustainability objectives.
Moreover, the summit explored the transformative potential of blockchain technology in advancing sustainability goals. By enhancing transparency, traceability, and accountability in supply chains, blockchain can help address issues such as deforestation, forced labor, and conflict minerals. Xettle Technologies’ experts elaborated on the company’s blockchain-based solutions for supply chain finance and sustainability reporting, emphasizing their role in promoting ethical sourcing, responsible production, and fair labor practices.
In addition to sustainable investing and supply chain transparency, the summit delved into the role of Fintech in promoting financial inclusion and resilience. By leveraging technology and data analytics, Fintech firms can expand access to financial services for underserved populations, empower small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and build more inclusive and resilient communities. Xettle Technologies’ representatives shared insights into the company’s initiatives to support financial inclusion through digital payments, microfinance, and alternative credit scoring models.
Furthermore, the summit highlighted the importance of collaboration and partnership in advancing sustainability goals. Recognizing the interconnected nature of sustainability challenges, participants underscored the need for cross-sectoral collaboration between Fintech firms, financial institutions, governments, civil society, and academia. Xettle Technologies reiterated its commitment to collaboration, emphasizing its partnerships with industry stakeholders to drive collective action and scale impact.
Looking ahead, the future of sustainability in Fintech appears promising yet complex. As Fintech firms continue to innovate and disrupt traditional financial systems, they must prioritize sustainability as a core principle and driver of value creation. Xettle Technologies’ visionaries reiterated their commitment to sustainability, pledging to harness the power of technology to build a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient financial ecosystem for future generations.
In conclusion, the Fintech Summit served as a catalyst for reflection and action on the role of sustainability in shaping the future of finance. From sustainable investing and supply chain transparency to financial inclusion and resilience, Fintech has the potential to drive positive change and advance sustainability goals on a global scale. Xettle Technologies’ leadership in integrating sustainability into its  Fintech solutions exemplifies its dedication to driving innovation and creating shared value for society and the planet. As the industry continues to evolve, collaboration, innovation, and sustainability will be key drivers of success in building a more sustainable and resilient financial future.
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futureonlineonline · 8 days
Future Crypto Blockchain
Future Crypto Blockchain A new blockchain platform project developed by the FTC, A user-led, decentralized network ecosystem based on blockchain technology, Web3.0. A comprehensive online trading, entertainment playability, privacy, identity virtualization digital trading center! A standardized blockchain decentralized integration and investment, including market trading, meta-universe development, cloud mining and other integrated platforms! Standardized analysis and collection of trading data leads to more stable, secure and efficient investments The Future Crypto Blockchain team has professional analysts and professional traders. Future Crypto Blockchain analytics and Collect large amounts of transaction data and user information Every day there is data on the Future Crypto Blockchain. Investors' money will Invest in different levels of custody, breaking the traditional pattern and putting most 90% of the profits will go to the investors, and we will charge a small commission.
Please contact me
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ulisesbarreiro · 9 days
Ce samedi 11 mai, premier jour de nettoyage des plages de La Florida, dans la zone nord de Rosario, les volontaires de Token Mithrandir ont marché le long de la côte pour ramasser toutes sortes de déchets plastiques, arrivant à collecter environ 4 kilos en cette journée. Nous nous souvenons toujours que chaque kilogramme de plastique retiré de la rivière transforme la rivière Paraná en un espace plus propre en tant que bassin aquifère.
Après avoir nettoyé la plage, l'activité a culminé avec un café blockchain #1 de cette saison à Rosario, sur l'un des bars de la plage, où environ 15 bénévoles, ont parlé de la finance décentralisée, des NFT, des cryptocurrencies, des investissements et de beaucoup d'autres questions.
Cette activité est la première de l'année à se tenir à Rosario, mais comme nous l'a dit Brian Carrasco, bénévole de Token Mithrandir, « c'est l'une des trois activités que nous avons prévues cette année pour cette ville », et c'est le cas puisqu'en juin un événement est prévu dans les installations d'une fondation de Rosario, située dans la zone nord de cette ville. Token Mithrandir, comme nous le savons, travaille en collaboration avec d'autres organisations, et c'est ainsi qu'il a déjà conclu un accord avec la Fondation « Les 3 Mousquetaires », qui se consacre à l'alimentation des enfants et des personnes âgées, qui n'ont pas accès au panier alimentaire de base.
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Nous avons pu former un grand groupe de travail et prendre soin de l'environnement dans la ville de Rosario.
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rocka0206 · 24 days
Explore the Bit Loop: The innovation of lending powered by blockchain technology
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In the rapid development of financial technology, blockchain technology has become one of the powerful tools to reform traditional financial services. Bit Loop, a decentralized lending platform based on the Ethereum network, is using blockchain's smart contract technology to reshape the lending market. This article will explore in detail how Bit Loop works, its monetization model, security measures, and its unique sharing reward mechanism.
The core function and operation of Bit Loop Smart contract applications: The core operation of Bit Loop relies on smart contract technology, which is deployed on the Ethereum (EVM compatible) network and automatically executes all the terms of the lending agreement. Through smart contracts, Bit Loop enables automatic matching between borrowers and lenders, optimizes the liquidity of funds, and reduces transaction costs.
Decentralized lending model: The borrowing and lending process is fully decentralized on the Bit Loop, i.e. all transactions are conducted directly between users without the need for any intermediaries. This not only increases the transparency of the transaction, but also greatly reduces the potential risk of fraud and operating expenses.
Peer-to-peer trading system: Through the peer-to-peer flow of funds, users can send funds directly from one person's wallet to another person's wallet, ensuring the security and speed of transactions. This model provides users with more flexible and affordable borrowing options by reducing the intervention of traditional financial institutions.
The profit model of Bit Loop Capital supply dividend: Bit Loop may collect a percentage of the money supply from the borrower as a service fee. For example, a borrower may have to pay a 1.5% fee to obtain short-term funding, part of which goes to cover the platform's operating costs and part goes to the lender's income.
Interest income: Lenders earn interest income by lending money to borrowers. These interest rates are usually determined by market supply and demand, and are automatically calculated and allocated through the platform's smart contracts.
Security measure Multi-signature and anonymous supervisory node: Bit Loop uses multi-signature technology and generated anonymous supervisory nodes to ensure the security of transactions. These technologies can effectively prevent unauthorized access and potential fraud, while enhancing the overall security of the system.
Irreversibility of smart contracts: Smart contracts deployed on the blockchain, once launched, cannot be modified or revoked. This ensures fair and transparent operation of the platform, and even the developers of the platform cannot change the terms of the contract.
Sharing reward mechanism Bit Loop encourages users to invite new users to join the platform through a personal sharing link. When these new users register and participate in the lending activity using the share link, the recommender will be rewarded according to the smart contract Settings. This mechanism not only increases the user base of the platform, but also provides an additional revenue stream for existing users.
conclusion By applying the concept of decentralization to the lending market, Bit Loop provides users with a secure, transparent and efficient financial services platform. This blockchain-based lending platform not only reduces the complexity and cost of traditional banking services, but also provides more equitable and accessible financial services to users around the world. With the advancement of technology and the development of the market, Bit Loop is expected to become a leader in the field of fintech, further promoting the modernization and globalization of financial services.
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wallace18811 · 24 days
Explore the Bit Loop: The innovation of lending powered by blockchain technology
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In the rapid development of financial technology, blockchain technology has become one of the powerful tools to reform traditional financial services. Bit Loop, a decentralized lending platform based on the Ethereum network, is using blockchain's smart contract technology to reshape the lending market. This article will explore in detail how Bit Loop works, its monetization model, security measures, and its unique sharing reward mechanism.
The core function and operation of Bit Loop Smart contract applications: The core operation of Bit Loop relies on smart contract technology, which is deployed on the Ethereum (EVM compatible) network and automatically executes all the terms of the lending agreement. Through smart contracts, Bit Loop enables automatic matching between borrowers and lenders, optimizes the liquidity of funds, and reduces transaction costs.
Decentralized lending model: The borrowing and lending process is fully decentralized on the Bit Loop, i.e. all transactions are conducted directly between users without the need for any intermediaries. This not only increases the transparency of the transaction, but also greatly reduces the potential risk of fraud and operating expenses.
Peer-to-peer trading system: Through the peer-to-peer flow of funds, users can send funds directly from one person's wallet to another person's wallet, ensuring the security and speed of transactions. This model provides users with more flexible and affordable borrowing options by reducing the intervention of traditional financial institutions.
The profit model of Bit Loop Capital supply dividend: Bit Loop may collect a percentage of the money supply from the borrower as a service fee. For example, a borrower may have to pay a 1.5% fee to obtain short-term funding, part of which goes to cover the platform's operating costs and part goes to the lender's income.
Interest income: Lenders earn interest income by lending money to borrowers. These interest rates are usually determined by market supply and demand, and are automatically calculated and allocated through the platform's smart contracts.
Security measure Multi-signature and anonymous supervisory node: Bit Loop uses multi-signature technology and generated anonymous supervisory nodes to ensure the security of transactions. These technologies can effectively prevent unauthorized access and potential fraud, while enhancing the overall security of the system.
Irreversibility of smart contracts: Smart contracts deployed on the blockchain, once launched, cannot be modified or revoked. This ensures fair and transparent operation of the platform, and even the developers of the platform cannot change the terms of the contract.
Sharing reward mechanism Bit Loop encourages users to invite new users to join the platform through a personal sharing link. When these new users register and participate in the lending activity using the share link, the recommender will be rewarded according to the smart contract Settings. This mechanism not only increases the user base of the platform, but also provides an additional revenue stream for existing users.
conclusion By applying the concept of decentralization to the lending market, Bit Loop provides users with a secure, transparent and efficient financial services platform. This blockchain-based lending platform not only reduces the complexity and cost of traditional banking services, but also provides more equitable and accessible financial services to users around the world. With the advancement of technology and the development of the market, Bit Loop is expected to become a leader in the field of fintech, further promoting the modernization and globalization of financial services.
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francesvilar · 2 months
Privacy Pepperoni: Lessons from ‘Ordering a Pizza in the Future’
I recently had the opportunity to watch a short film titled "Ordering a Pizza in the Future" during a session for my Data Privacy and Security course. This media depicted the concept of information creep and how seemingly harmless data collection can escalate into a detailed profile used for targeted advertising, or even manipulating behavior. While the film humorously portrayed the challenges of ordering a pizza in a futuristic setting, it also provided me valuable insights into data privacy and security concerns that are faced today.
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The film is not just a science fiction. Online retailers are already using our browsing history and purchase behaviors to suggest targeted ads, a practice that eerily resembles to the film's personalized pizza recommendations. The bigger concern lies in data security. The film emphasizes how vulnerable customer data would be if they're not properly secured, as this may lead to data breaches.
The short film then elevates the gravity of the scenario by incorporating sensitive data like medical records. This raises real-world concerns about regulatory compliance and unauthorized access to sensitive healthcare information. To add, the film explores the potential for algorithm manipulation. We see the system suggesting a "healthier" pizza option based on the customer's medical data, but also subtly inflating prices based on the same information. This raises concerns about fairness and equal access to services in a world that is driven by AI algorithms.
As one of the future information security professionals, the film emphasizes my responsibility in this evolving landscape. We must take part in the development of secure systems that protect user data from unauthorized access. Implementing robust encryption methods and advocating for strong data privacy regulations are crucial. These regulations should let the users have full control over their data, allowing them to opt-out of data collection or request data deletion as they see fit.
However, security may just be a piece of the puzzle. The short film serves as a springboard for a more proactive approach. There certainly is a way that we can strive for a future where technology serves us without infringing on our privacy and we can do that by exploring privacy-enhancing technologies like blockchain that gives users greater control over their digital footprint. In this way, we may be able to shield user data while allowing them for data analysis.
Perhaps the most crucial element is fostering a culture of data literacy. Educating users about their rights and offering user-friendly interfaces that clearly explain data collection practices are essential steps to ensuring we don't get to live our lives in a dystopian nightmare. By acknowledging the potential dangers shown in the "Ordering a Pizza in the Future" short film and actively working towards solutions, we can shape a future where technological progress goes hand-in-hand with robust data privacy and security. After all, who wants their pizza order to come with a side of identity theft?
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Hey Senpai carrd creator and I would like to answer a few questions cause I JUST saw your posts.
1. Senpia is mix of the word sentient and the abbreviation (P)lural (i)internal (a)xperience (the alternative spelling of experience is inside joke between me and my friend it references like the alternative way of living as a system hence like alternative spelling I hope that made sense) It has nothing to do with the word senpai and isn't pronounced like it at all....
2. The main reason for collecting donations is to put it towards hosting a full functional website. Websites are not free you have to pay for the domain and you also have to pay for hosting (both of which are not one time payments) and the amount of storage you get varries as well as the quality. (Like you can host a site on some places cheap but the site will load really slowly ) it's not something that's required it's optional. I chose Litecoin over Bitcoin and Ethereum because Litecoin is what is considered a "stable coin" the value stays relatively the same whereas Bitcoin and Ethereum have huge value fluctuations. You can also track crypto transactions on a Blockchain explorer like https://blockchair.com/litecoin it shows you all the money in the wallet and all of the transactions , but I understand if not everyone is comfortable with it I can find something else (Also I didn't know about PayPal business I can Google it and do more research so ty : D)
3. Cryptocurrency is not inherently bad for the environment that's misinformation crypto mining is bad for the environment 🤦‍♀️ as it utilizes huge amounts of energy which is powered using fossil fuel. https://earthjustice.org/feature/cryptocurrency-mining-environmental-impacts and accounts for 0.3% of global emissions worldwide https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2022/12/20/failing-crypto-could-be-a-win-for-the-environment/#:~:text=This%20takes%20enormous%20amounts%20of,all%20global%20greenhouse%20gas%20emissions.
Cryptocurrency mining is it's own sort of separate "industry"
and you can't unintentionally mine crypto? It's something you have to intentionally do and often times requires complex machines to "mint" new crypto. (Remember kids there is a lot of misinformation online and if people can't provide sources for there claims always be skeptical)
Thank you for the info!
On the whole crypto thing, I don't think people are suggesting that trading Crypto directly harms the environment. I'm not super educated on the subject so people can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the real issue is that it's still supporting the crypto-economy.
The best comparison I can think might be Diamonds. Diamond mining is also damaging to the environment. And diamonds, like Crypto, are mostly expensive because we decided they are.
When you buy a diamond, you aren't directly harming the environment but you are creating more demand. And more demand keeps diamonds expensive which keeps them profitable for the people who are harming the environment. Industries wouldn't mine Crypto if nobody used it.
As I see it, the issue is that using Crypto incentiveses harming the environment even if you aren't harming the environment yourself. It's l the economics.
Also, I'm not sure what you mean about not being able to mine Crypto unintentionally or how it factors into the conversation but Cryptojacking exists and can use people's PCs.
If I might offer a bit of constructive criticism, I think there are a lot of issues with this that might make it inaccessible and unlikely to catch on.
The fact that the term is based on an inside joke. The acronym not really feeling accurate (why is an individual headmate referred to as a Senpia if the acronym calls it a plural internal experience?) The name itself not having its origin or meaning listed on the site. The fact that anyone who Googles it will have Google assume they meant Senpai.
And I think ideally, it would have been best to try to build a community first and show your commitment before asking for money to help setup a website. If there had already been quality guides on the page before you asked for donations, people might have been more inclined to see it as a pay-what-you-want service.
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knickglobalgaming · 3 months
Unlocking the Future: NFT Game Development Services
In the rapidly evolving gaming and blockchain technology landscape, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a revolutionary concept, offering new possibilities for ownership, monetization, and in-game assets. At our NFT game development services, we harness the power of blockchain technology to create immersive and innovative gaming experiences that leverage the unique properties of NFTs.
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NFTs are digital assets that are unique, indivisible, and easily verifiable on a blockchain network. Unlike traditional in-game assets, which are often owned and controlled by game developers, NFTs empower players to own their virtual belongings, allowing them to buy, sell, and trade assets within and outside the game environment. Our NFT game development services encompass various tasks and technologies, from smart contract development and blockchain integration to game design and development. By leveraging blockchain technology, we create secure, transparent, decentralized gaming experiences that empower players and foster a sense of ownership and engagement.
One of the key advantages of NFT game development is the ability to create truly unique and rare digital assets that hold real-world value. From rare weapons and items to exclusive skins and collectibles, NFTs allow developers to create scarcity and demand within their games, driving engagement and monetization opportunities.
At our NFT game development services, we work closely with game developers, publishers, and brands to conceptualize, design, and develop NFT-powered games that push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Whether you're looking to create a blockchain-based trading card game, a virtual real estate simulator, or a decentralized virtual world, our team has the expertise and experience to bring your vision to life.
Our NFT game development process begins with a deep dive into your concept and goals, where we explore the potential applications of NFTs within your game and identify opportunities for innovation and engagement. From there, we collaborate with you to design the game mechanics, user experience, and monetization strategies that will drive success in the competitive gaming market.
One of the most exciting aspects of NFT game development is the potential for player-driven economies and ecosystems. By leveraging blockchain technology, we empower players to create, own, and trade assets within the game environment, fostering a vibrant and dynamic community of players and collectors.
Furthermore, NFT game development opens up new opportunities for collaboration and partnership between game developers, brands, and intellectual property owners. With NFTs, developers can create unique branded content and experiences that resonate with players and fans. In contrast, brands can leverage the popularity of gaming to reach new audiences and engage with their communities innovatively.
In conclusion, NFT game development services offer a glimpse into the future of gaming, where ownership, creativity, and engagement converge on the blockchain. With our expertise and experience, we are ready to help you unlock the full potential of NFTs and create immersive and innovative gaming experiences that captivate players and drive success in the ever-evolving gaming and blockchain technology world.
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net-craft · 4 months
Who Are the Game-Changers? App Developers in Phoenix AZ
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Forget cowboys and cacti – when it comes to blazing trails, the real pioneers in Phoenix, AZ, are the App Developers. These digital alchemists are transforming ideas into interactive marvels, shaping the future of communication, entertainment, and even healthcare. But among the bustling tech scene, who are the true game-changers? It’s time to step into the arena and meet the Phoenix app developers who are redefining the game.
Phoenix App Development: A Crucible of Innovation
The sun-drenched landscape of Phoenix isn’t just a playground for desert foxes and hikers. It’s a fertile ground for innovation, fostering a diverse and dynamic community of app developers. From seasoned veterans to fresh-faced startups, the Phoenix development scene pulsates with technical expertise, creative spark, and a relentless drive to disrupt the status quo.
Meet the Masters of Their Craft:
The Architects of Experience: These developers are more than just coders; they’re UX/UI wizards. They sculpt intuitive interfaces, craft captivating visuals, and weave seamless user journeys that transform apps into immersive experiences. Imagine navigating a virtual museum with VR or ordering groceries effortlessly through voice commands – that’s the magic these developers conjure.
The Storytellers of the Digital Age: Apps aren’t just tools; they can be captivating narratives. Whether it’s crafting an interactive game that transports you to fantastical worlds or developing a personalized fitness app that guides you on your wellness journey, these developers are the digital bards, weaving stories that engage, inspire, and empower.
The Builders of the Future: Forget flying cars – these developers are building the future of healthcare, education, and even business. From AI-powered medical diagnosis tools to AR-enhanced learning platforms and blockchain-based secure transactions, these pioneers are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, shaping a better tomorrow through their digital creations.
Why Choose Phoenix App Development?
Beyond the sunshine and stunning sunsets, Phoenix offers unique advantages for your app development project:
A Talent Pool Overflowing with Expertise: Phoenix boasts a thriving tech scene with a growing pool of developers skilled in diverse technologies, from native app development to cutting-edge AR/VR and blockchain integration. No matter your vision, you’ll find the perfect talent to weave it into reality.
Collaboration, Not Competition: The Phoenix tech community is known for its collaborative spirit. Forget cutthroat competition – developers readily share knowledge, support each other’s projects, and foster an environment of innovation and mutual growth. This collaborative atmosphere ensures your project benefits from the collective expertise of the community.
Cost-Effectiveness for Your Vision: Compared to coastal tech hubs, Phoenix offers competitive rates while delivering the same high-quality services. This makes it the perfect destination for startups and budget-conscious businesses to turn their app dreams into reality without breaking the bank.
So, how do you find your game-changing Phoenix app developer?
Seek Referrals: Network with local businesses, attend tech events, and connect with fellow entrepreneurs. Word-of-mouth recommendations are often the best way to find the right developer for your project.
Portfolio Power: Don’t just listen to promises; explore the developer’s portfolio. Look for projects that resonate with your vision and demonstrate their expertise in relevant technologies.
Communication is Key: Open communication is crucial. Talk to your potential developer, explain your vision, and gauge their understanding and enthusiasm. Trust your gut – the right developer will be excited to collaborate and translate your idea into a winning app.
Ready to Join the Phoenix App Development Revolution?
The future of technology is not set in stone – it’s being crafted line by line by the app developers of Phoenix. Whether you’re an established business or a passionate entrepreneur, Phoenix offers the perfect breeding ground for your app idea to blossom into a game-changer. So, join the revolution, tap into the vibrant energy of the Phoenix tech scene, and find the developers who will turn your digital dream into a reality that captivates the world.
Content Source https://www.net-craft.com/blog/2024/01/19/who-are-the-game-changers-app-developers-in-phoenix-az/
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