#Blog about games
heritageposts · 5 months
large zionist blocklist below
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i've compiled a list of all the blogs positively interacting with the @/israel-palestine-bingo blog
there's more info about how the names were complied under the read more, but just to get an idea of how vile the blog is, i just want to quickly mention that the first prize offered in their pinned post, "eight hours of memi mamtera," is the song used in the viral israeli tiktok trend of kidnapping, humiliating, and torturing palestinians in the west bank.
and the "grand prize," which needs no explanation, is "all of palestine! for free!"
some quick info: all the names here have either approvingly replied to, reblogged from, or liked one or more of @/israel-palestine-bingo's posts. for likes, i've only gathered names that appear under their original posts; mostly ones that have not been reblogged, and some with 2-3 reblogs that have not left the immediate sphere of zionists. i've also made sure that these are blogs who have either liked more than one posts from them, or who frequently reblogs from other zionists.
you can also quickly look through the blog yourself (it doesn't have that many posts), or check out any of the names on the list with a quick 'israel' or 'palestine' in the search bar or their blogs.
there are more screenshots at the end of the posts, including ones showing who made the blog (ani-lo-daredevil / katenotbishop), and the bingo board itself (ashenpumpkin).
blocking tip: fastest way to mass block users (on desktop) is to go to settings -> the blog your blocking them from -> scroll all the way down to 'blocked tumblrs,' and then copy-paste the name your blocking
names listed below in alphabetical order reminder again, block don't engage
2peachy acleverforgery ani-lo-daredevil apollo-enthusiast ashenpumpkin <- credited for making the bingo board, reblogged/liked almost all of their posts. aureatecorvid avi-on-jumblr (main @/clear-what-i-was-seeing) awstheticshit bambahalva bleepiesheepie bluenorther blueredfetch bones-and-crows britneysmeanshirt cannibalism-is-my-love-language captain-navii casavanse celepito chubbybubba ciitrus--fruitz coffeelovinggayidiot da-socks davos-is-the-one-true-king dchan87 disregardenedgnostic elder-millennial-of-zion faggotry-enjoyer fdelopera flowercrownsandfairylights fluffel677 fluffy-art-moss george-lucas-is-god got-chavi icereader12 illegitimatetenenbaum inklingm8 its-hila jewishlivesmatter just-illegal karinhasdacookie
katenotbishop <- the main account of the person running the blog. her sideblog is @/ani-lo-daredevil
kelluinox kingofslush letaot-ze-magniv lingonberryjamistakenwhat lovelyhairedpianist magic-coffee marrymepadfoot marvel-ous-posts masters-puddle <- pornblog mixmangosmangoverse morganas-simp mossadspydolphin multifandermissesanakin nameless370 namiko026 nevleg32 notcrazyiswear oakstar519 perfectlynormalperson psychologeek queerius randomname3 redvodyanoi rhysaka sally006 sbinklebooper scp-1296 shinekocreator <- commented, 'but is this the 8 hour version?' on a post where someone ''won'' the song used in the tiktok torture videos. snakelung sort-of-a-demon soxiyy stuffandatherstuff tearsandice tedious-waffle thebejeweledwatercat the-library-alcove thirdmagic thisgingerhasnosoul timegirl tolaat-bli-toelet <- the person running the bingo blog. mainblog is @/katenotbishop transmascpetewentz tribulation-of-somnolence unexistencerpg viktorrotkiv wanderingmadscientist whiterose-blackrose whitesunlars why5x5
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note: @/tolaat-bli-toelet changed her username to @/ani-lo-daredevil (her main is still @/katenotbishop)
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and from the same post,
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the last post was also reblogged by the creator of the israel-palestine-bingo blog
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ddddd-pixels · 2 months
For International Asexuality Day, I'm hitting you all with the Ace Beam. ☺️
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(This took a lot more effort than I thought it would, lol...)
Edit: 800 notes?! In less than five hours?! Thank you all so much!!
Edit 2: 2000... The most I got on any post before was just over a hundred, lol. You are all so nice!
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turtlespancake · 8 months
i love seeing out of context posts about long-running stories with deep lore because it's always shit like "MAJOR SPOILER WARNING!! i can't believe that the metallic athenaeum's envoy actually used never-ending dance of the 57th universe on rionne as if she's not LITERALLY the incarnate of august?!?!" it's like buddy boy thank you for the spoiler tag but all of those words are incomprehensible without at least 5 years of foreshadowed knowledge, 7 different fan theories, and 21 wiki entries
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stil-lindigo · 4 months
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reverb in an empty hall.
prints (all proceeds go towards aid for Gaza)
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theslimeologist · 3 months
Its viscerally upsetting that our preferences are apparently respected but we’re all automatically opted in for tumblr’s AI 3rd party “partners” to supposedly scrape our posts and content? L O L
If you’re on mobile *you must first update the tumblr app*
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mckinneyconner · 2 years
Halo 3 ARG is Making Great Progress.
Progress is being made as our beloved Halo 3 ARG has officially been upgraded to a higher level. Before we dive into the details, we'd like to warn you that these ARGs can and do become confusing, but we'll do to summarize the last few hours of events. Here's the deal...
Halo3.com has received a small update after AdjuntantReflux went into sleep. The website now displays five servers that are "locked" which leads us to believe that our motive must have something to be related to getting these servers up and running. But this rabbit hole gets a lot deeper. After looking through Sunday's Circuit City ad, a paper boy shared a URL to Bungie.net forums. The URL points to an Halo comic on Halo3.com that hides a IP address. This IP address is a page featuring the standard ARG countdown clock. Once it is at zero, we'll expect more excitement. But we're not done. After doing a reverse whois search , a new website was discovered that is home to the Society of the Ancients. This society looks to be the place where ARG players will register, locating evidence, and resolving this elusive Halo puzzle of confusion. it's all about games and game servers here The thing is that the progress might be discovered earlier than planned because of the Circuit City ad URL being released days earlier than was expected. Keep up to date with the latest news and details over at the Halo 3 ARG wiki.
It's late and our heads hurt, but we still find ourselves caught up in the "game". How about you?
(Thanks to everyone who has sent this in[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
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sylvesthackett · 2 years
Top Six Funny Gaming Quotes
I saw over 10 Star Wars The Old Republic Guide when I was looking for it.Which one should you go for?I found many guides when I searched for them. It's difficult to select one from so many.SWTOR Sith Inquisitor SkillsPlagiarized or fake how to find out? It can be confusing to pick one from the many. Training along with good knowledge is something that will work out in your best interests.Read Star Wars The Old Republic Guide and practice it thoroughly as just reading is never sufficient enough.Eventually you will need to develop your own strategies after you've mastered the basics. Choose the best guide with assistance from following the important tips.Know if the guide authors are professional SWTOR players. You should have a reliable background information about the writers of this Star Wars The Old Republic Guide.A large portion of authors of the current guide to strategy games work for a living, and have earned a reputation for their work on previous gaming projects.It will be safe to trust their judgement in this instance as well. Advanced Star Wars The Old Republic guide or only the basic ones?It does not take extraordinary skills to create a basic Star Wars The Old Republic strategy.A guide that contains numerous professional as well as beginner strategies is the one you should choose since one day you'll be playing in PRO league. You can develop your own strategies by using the guidelines. This is the reason a strategy guide that contains a lot of text isn't helpful. it's all about games and game servers here You require detailed images and videos, with step-by step instructions that clearly detail each step. SWTOR Jedi Consular
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carlsonbrix · 2 years
Hands-on: Crackdown II's First Missions
In the beginning of Crackdown 2 the goal is simple: The Agency has created a weapon known as the "Sunburst Defense System," created to swiftly rid Pacific City of its mutated inhabitants, also known as "freaks," by melting them vampire-like using artificial sunlight. Agents need to activate a series of beacons that triangulate precise positions where the Sunburst weapon should be deployed to locate the hot zones that are notoriously hot (various underground breeding places for people infected). Unfortunately, a terrorist group known as "The Cell" is protecting the last beacons, so it's up to you -- a new generation clone soldier -- to seize the beacons and activate the Sunburst Defense System.
Crackdown 2 is a slow-paced sequel to the original Sandbox adventure. The plot in the beginning is incredibly thin and serves simply to encourage Agents to explore the wide landscape of Pacific City, which has been devastated by the mysterious disease. A journey through the world has the same feeling as the original game. The game begins with a slow Agent , who gains abilities by defeating enemiesand collecting scattered orbs (925 to be precise). Orbs are broken down into different categories including renegade and standard orbs, driving orbs and hidden orbs, and Xbox Live-only orbs that require at least one co-op player to be in your game to unlock. Crackdown 2 uses a similar HUD tracker system to the inFamous' shard detection method. The D-pad is activated and flashes dots of orbs within the player's area on the mini-map.
The progression of players has been simplified. Experience points can be used to increase capabilities, but not to unlock new weapons or vehicles, as in the original. Instead, players can select any weapon (including the new magnetic grenade) or Agency vehicle from the game’s respawn menu.
Players are able to join friends' games at any time, however only the host player can earn the progress of the mission in the single-player match. Ruffian Games creative director Billy Tomson explains that this decision was made to ensure that players who decide to abandon the host's mission (and create havoc in different areas of the city) will not be able to stop the story in their own single-player campaign in the same way as the host has completed missions during the game. Players who quit a match with a host can take their experience and any orbs they earned during the match with them. This is a fantastic idea for Crackdown players.
At an event that was a preview I played a small portion of Crackdown 2 from the beginning, and I was shocked by how slow the pace was. My fondest memories of the original game are of me soaring in the air, blasting enemy troops with a lot of power. The sequel introduces players to the role of an Agent however, this time they are beginning from the beginning. It will take time to regain all of the power, and then some -- specifically, that new ability to glide that players mastered in the first game.
Contrary to the recently released Just Cause 2, the Sandbox component of Crackdown 2 doesn't limit the story mode, in an effort to regulate the pace of the gaming experience. It's All About Games And Game Servers Here The players are free to explore Pacific City and pursue any task they want with the knowledge that there's always a mission for them. The story is more interesting than the first game's confusing narrative, but the main draw of Crackdown 2 is the chance to play around in its Sandbox. Ruffian Games presents the story as a delicious treat rather than the main course, reversing the pattern of many other open-world titles.
However, Crackdown 2's opening missions aren't easy to complete. To activate beacons, players have to climb up to it. Then, they must go back to find an area (there are nine) that is hot and call in a Sunburst weapon drop. Once the weapon has been dropped at the freak hideout, players must defend against waves of mutants, attempting to destroy the weapon in the process of "charges" before detonating. You'll do it nine times.
What I find fascinating about Crackdown 2 is the possibility for my character to gain all the abilities and grow into a powerful Agent by absorbing the addictive grind mechanics of collecting orbs and fighting the masses of freaks who are out in the night. Additionally, the ability to bring three friends to help in the mission makes the action-packed gameplay much more enjoyable. Crackdown 2 is a more difficult game than Dead Rising 2's zombie invasion. However Crackdown 2's many glitches make Crackdown 2 an even more challenging game to play in.
Crackdown 2 will be released on July 6.
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copelandallen · 2 years
ArcheAge Servers Are Back; Trion is Sorting out In-game Timers
If you're following the ArcheAge story, you may be aware that all servers were shut down on a holiday weekend. This could be a solution to the game’s exploit problems in the same way that burning your home solves wallpaper problems. The server issues were deemed as a result of emergency maintenance, with representatives from the community refusing to claim that the issue was related to servers overheating, DDoS attacks, or exploits. The good news is that 16 of the 21 servers were up and running last night. The last five were brought online this morning.
Players are assured compensation The exact amount will be announced later today. For players who have tax due, the timers on all services continued to run even though the servers were down. This meant that crops, housing plots and the like were affected by the long maintenance cycle. Trion says it is aware of the problem for players who have tax debts and is in discussions with XLGAMES to find the best solution. A server rollback is not on the table.
At least the servers are now up and running. We'll provide more information on the compensation for players when the announcement is made.
It's All About Games And Game Servers Here
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byerstherkelsen · 2 years
5 Best Minecraft Servers for Survival Games
Survival games are a popular choice of game mode ever since the popularity of Minecraft servers.
Survival games servers let players compete against one another within a large map that is packed with weapons, armor food, and other resources. In most cases there will be only one survivor left, who will be named the champion at the end of the game.
Survival game servers differ slightly from one another and some of them have their unique custom mechanics maps, quirks, and nuances. This list will highlight the top survival games servers that are available for players to join.
Note Take note that the Minecraft servers below only reflect the opinions of the editor. The views of other editors may differ!
Top five Minecraft survival games servers
#5 - MOX MC
First on the list is MoxMC is a fantastic Minecraft server that hosts regular survival games. Although its survival games do not run continuously like other servers on this list, they are incredibly huge games of over 100 players when they do play. This results in some truly entertaining and exciting gameplay that isn't found elsewhere.
MoxMC also has other popular game modes, including parkour, prison, and kit-PVP. In the past, famous YouTubers like Grayson "Purpled," Zak "Skeppy", and Felix "PewDiePie” Kjellberg have joined the server and played it.
Average player count 1200-1600
#4 - MC-Central
MC-Central was a classic Minecraft server that was created in 2013. One of the most popular games available on the network is survival games. The game mode of the MC-Central game is unique. You can unlock special kits and increase your level by playing games of survival.
While this technique puts certain players on the playing field, thus making it a little more difficult for novice players to perform well It also provides them with a long-term goal. This makes winning matches more exciting and rewarding.
IP: mccentral.org
Average Playercount 1000-300
Also, read: Minecraft Bedrock player creates simple ziplines
#3 - Mineplex
Mineplex was once the most popular server in all of Minecraft, touting the number of tens of thousands of players during its peak. Although the glory days might be over, the server has matured into a refined, solid experience, offering myriad different custom mini-games.
Survival games are among these mini-games, and they're still extremely popular. The best thing about survival games on Mineplex? They are large and can accommodate up to 24 players.
The experience is pretty typical, but it's necessarily a bad thing for players who want to play a fast game. It's All About Games And Game Servers Here
IP: mineplex.net
Average Playercount: 1200-1500
#2 - CubeCraft Games
CubeCraft is another well-recognized name within the Minecraft multiplayer community, boasting millions of unique members over its nine-year lifespan.
Survival games on CubeCraft is particularly quirky and innovative, incorporating numerous unique features that are well-designed in the mix. Some of these features include team duo games, loot voting as well as custom-made items and even abilities.
IP: play.cubecraftgames.net
Average Playercount 140-1700
Also read: TommyInnit nearly passes out during a Minecraft stream as his blood pressure falls due to excitement
#1 - Hypixel
The last server on this list will probably require no introduction to the majority of people who are reading this. Hypixel is a huge Minecraft server with more than 200,000 concurrent users during peak times. It's more popular than any other Minecraft server that's been around, ever.
Hypixel's newest version of survival games is Blitz Survival Games. Players can select their own survival kits before the game begins and then they'll be spawned into the game with them.
Blitz Survival Games offers several gameplay variations, including the powerful Blitz Star, which aims to change the course of the game to the advantage of the player who finds it.
A not widely known fact about Blitz Survival Games is that it was among the first games created on Hypixel, thus responsible for a large portion of the servers' initial success. After being refined and updated over time the game's classic mode is sure to please anyone looking for a fun game experience in the world of survival.
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hensleyschulz · 2 years
Why would I Need A VPS?
What is a Virtual Private Server? "VPS" is a shorthand for virtual private server, and means a virtual software instance that runs inside a physical computer server. Virtual private servers function like a dedicated physical server, but relies on the virtualized software engine, called"hypervisor "hypervisor" to serve as the interface between the physical server and the virtual instance (aka "vps").
Why do I want a VPS? When you select a "VPS" you only have a small portion of a physical dedicated server, which results in lower costs because you're using just a small portion of the physical capacities of the underlying server. VPS plans are usually capable of moving from one location to the next and server to server in just a few clicks. You can also upgrade or downgrade your resources without the requirement of purchasing physical components for your server.
Where can I get an affordable VPS server? On LowEndBox of course! Our website is dedicated to bringing you the best deals on cheap Linux VPS, cheap Windows VPS, and dedicated servers from hosting providers all over the world. To ensure you don't miss out on the best hosting deals, make sure to check our website daily and sign up for our mailing list.
Where can I learn more? LowEndBox has put together an extensive FAQ on virtual private servers. It provides the reason why you need a cheap VPS and other issues. LowEndTalk is a community message board where thousands of people are willing to help you with your questions.
blog about games
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jensbydempsey · 2 years
Loving the Top Job! Albanese Downs a Beer at the Gang of Youths Concert
Anthony Albanese has stolen the show at an indie rock event, downing a beer and having the time of his life.
The Australian Prime Minister was in the front row at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney, for the Gang of Youths concert Monday night. Blog about games
After being spotted by the fans at the stalls beneath, Mr Albanese was able to sift any beer left before handing the empty cup to them.
The adoring audience cheered his efforts with loud cheers.
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (pictured) sent the crowd into a frenzy after drinking one of his beers after being spotted in the crowd at a Gang of Youths concert in Sydney
Quietly enjoying @gangofyouths with the Prime Minister at the @Enmore_Theatre @AlboMP pic.twitter.com/iikYv7vBwc
- Rhanna Collins (@rhanna_collins), August 22, 2022
Labor leader was in front row at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney for the Gang of Youths concert on Monday night.
Posts about Mr Albanese's drink-related prank quickly became viral online, with many comparing it to the efforts of former larrikin Australian prime minister Bob Hawke.
I don't think I've ever witnessed a group of theatre-goers turn to the bleachers, and clap for the former Prime Minister,' one person wrote.
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Although it isn't known whether Mr. Albanese was invited by the band, he is well-known for his frequent appearances at music festivals and being friends with many artists in the area, including Sticky Fingers.
The Enmore Theatre is in Mr Albanese’s Grayndler electorate. He is also a known for his love of indie rock as a guest host on the long-running ABC music video program, Rage.
Gang of Youths are an alternative group from Sydney with Christian rock elements that stem from the religious background of Dave Le'aupepe, the lead singer (pictured)
Gang of Youths is an alternative band from Sydney that employs Christian rock themes that are based on the religious upbringing of lead vocalist Dave Le'aupepe.
The band released their debut album in 2015 and have since followed it with an EP and a second album, which hit the top spot on the Aussie charts.
The response to the presence of the PM was in stark contrast to Scott Morrison's reaction to football matches in which he was sometimes heckled by his fellow Cronulla Sharks fans.
Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke (pictured) sculls a beer during day two of the Fifth Test match of the 2017/18 Ashes Series between Australia and England at the Sydney Cricket Ground in 2018
Twitter users posted a video of Mr Albanese's drunkenness. They they compared him with Bob Hawke, the Australian leader.
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waremorgan · 2 years
Make use of Video Marketing to Take Your Organization To New Dimensions
A lot of people aren't familiar with video advertising today. How can I begin? Usagamesinteractive How exactly does it work? This guide will provide you with tips, strategies, and ideas that were gathered from professionals in the field. This information may be helpful in getting your project off the ground fast.
Before you publish your films ensure that you go through them. While it may appear obvious, it is vital. Check your videos and make certain there aren't any issues. Check that the quality is acceptable and that you appear good. The videos really are a representation of your company and if they look bad, so should your company.
The most suitable rate for your film is 16 to9 and 720p is only suitable for online videos. It is not necessary to have expensive equipment to make a stunning video for streaming on the internet, as not many people would believe it is in HD. To get the best results, use the settings above.
Make sure your audio is clear and clean when making your films. Try to limit background sounds like televisions or children. If your videos include historical sounds, your viewers will declare them poor and ineffective. Make sure you are in a quiet place with no background noise.
Don't make just one film and give up! These potential customers will be more interested in seeing other movies if you make them interesting. Your visitors will be seated at the conclusion of every event so they just must return to see what happens. This is an excellent marketing strategy that could be quite effective.
Make sure that the website that you're publishing your movies includes sharing capabilities. You'll need buttons that permit users to share your content quickly on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social media sites. When the others can certainly share your videos, your traffic will be noticed by your according to how many shares.
Be sure to have a persona when creating videos for your video advertising campaigns. People will be more impressed when they can see who you're, although there are always professional guidelines to adhere to. This will help you stand out your competitors. So, make sure you show some humor and affection for your wife, or support a team in football, or take part in a fun activity like fishing.
Making a work interesting is the best method to make it interesting. It isn't a good idea to use toilet or bad laughter for worry about sagging your image or offending your audience. Keep it light and witty humor that is easy to comprehend for your model and lets you build an intimate relationship.
If you're looking to be transparent about your products or display them, you must prepare a outline before you start. Make a list of the majority of the things you think are important and this means that your video is easy to follow and arrange them in logical order. You can edit your video to arrange the various elements in a logical sequence.
Don't put your money into investing in music! Using music will help you enhance your mood, create an element of suspense, and sometimes even emphasize comedy scenes. Ask your family and friends for help if you are having trouble with music. Do not perform the music too loudly and block out the speaker, as it is necessary to say.
Content is the king of a web site, in a journal or in an online video. Your content will inform the world who you are and what you stand for. You've to give them what they're looking for in a way that is enjoyable to get them to become customers or customers.
Check out the statistics for your movie, whether it be your server's number or YouTube. This will allow you to compare every film you make so you can determine what is successful and which ones should have been left on the cutting room floor. This is actually the only solution to carry forward your strategy to the next level.
See? These easy to follow methods will ensure you're not faced with any issues in determining the next movie's strategy. Find a topic that is appealing make your film with one of these suggestions at heart and you will be sure to have it done right. Keep working and you'll achieve huge objectives repeatedly!
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kararosenkilde · 2 years
The Best VPNs to Keep Anonymous And Safe Online
NordVPN is a Panama-based company which offers a range of top-quality security features. Highlights include the Double VPN tool that encrypts your data twice; Obfuscated Servers(opens in a new tab) that conceal the fact that you're using a VPN and the Threat Protection(opens in new tab) feature (formerly known as CyberSec) that protects you against web trackers, malware, dangerous websites, and annoying advertisements; and an Onion Over VPN tool that provides additional security when you're accessing the Onion network (while removing the need for a separate Tor browser(opens in the new tab)). You can add-ons such as an IP address with a specific address (opens up in a new tab) cloud storage (opens up in an entirely separate tab) and an information breach scanner (opens up in an entirely separate tab) and password management (opens up in a brand new tab), to your plan. It's all about games and game servers here However, these add-ons can be expensive.
Supported platforms: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Linux, Chromebook, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV Stick, Chromecast, Kindle, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and Raspberry Pi.
Note In March 2018, NordVPN suffered a security breach when an attacker exploited an unsecure remote management system at the Finnish data center from which the company was renting servers. This isolated attack on NordVPN's server was not capable of compromising any user traffic logs. The attack was said to have affected between 50 to 200 users. The information was not accessible as the company has an extremely strict policy against logging. NordVPN claims it was notified of the breach in April 2019 and announced the breach publicly in October, claiming that it "should have done more to filter out unreliable servers and ensure the security of our customers." The company has since ended its contract with the data center, carried out a "thorough internal audit" of its entire infrastructure and passed two independent examinations of its "no-log" policy.
At the end of the day, trust is the most important factor when it is about using a VPN and we wouldn't suggest you steer clear of NordVPN because of this incident, especially considering that the company wasn't immediately transparent to its customers as soon as it learned of the attack. We would still recommend it as a service even though the breach caused minimal impact on users. It sounds dirtier than it really was since the media outlets have proclaimed it to be an attack. It's important to note that NordVPN's willingness and support for third-party audits is huge.
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reelaroundparis · 1 year
GUYS. when i say i love haymitch i do not mean the black-out drunk, 'violent' haymitch abernathy i quite literally mean the one that advocated against his tribute becoming a sex symbol/stopping the capitol from physically altering her body, the one that made hefty sacrifices for both his tributes at times, the one that sleeps with a knife and the lights on out of safety, the one haunted by his past with little sparks of hope left inside of the rubble of his current self. the one that did so much and was pretty much glossed over despite how much was revealed about him. the seam boy with a fire that never was put out, but dimmed as he grew. the one that outlived 47 tributes and manipulated the arena with his intelligence that is so HEAVILY slept on. THAT, is my haymitch. not the one that fell off the stage, or puked on the rug, or anything that would turn him into some sort of joke because he's not. to me he's a little like the hidden meaning of an art piece, symbolic and aching like the painter who put their feelings on canvas.
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maythearo · 7 months
I hope you all know that twisted wonderland is in fact, disney owned and yall should not be spending money on it rn
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