#Bluey deep dive
blurban-form · 1 year
Bluey’s School (Glasshouse School) (2/?)
References in this post are primarily from this link: https://academics.hamilton.edu/government/dparis/govt375/spring97/Teacher_Training/tt4.html
Waldorf Schools
Any episode that includes Bluey’s school… right away you can tell that it is an atypical school. It is: it’s a Waldorf school. The teaching style, curriculum, etc. are all distinct from standard approaches.
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Here’s a deep dive on this based on some online research…
Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the first Waldorf school in Germany in 1919, believed that all children should be given "individualized" attention (rather than just those with special needs.)
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This style of education emphasizes a focus on the 'individual' rather than the 'group', with each child being valued for their individual accomplishments: every child is deserving of the same attention typically given to gifted and learning-disabled students in conventional educational streams.
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Classes within these schools are structured in a unique system of "blocks" that focus on particular areas of study for a period of three to four weeks rather than the same subjects for the whole school year or semester.
As children grow older, more concrete and technical areas of subjects are introduced. Through this method, not only are the developing child's needs met, but so are their interests. As a result, students are kept actively engaged.
Features of this style of education
Key elements of the Waldorf educational approach include:
Teachers try to fully engage the individual student at each step by gearing the curriculum to their age and needs.
Teachers focus on the child's learning processes and achievements in all areas, not just the academic. In this way, the children can be developed as complete human beings.
Waldorf classrooms don't include computers, televisions, etc. Note how in “Typewriter”, Bluey thinks she needs a typewriter for a story but her teacher takes the focus off of typing a story and onto Bluey and her friends actually having an adventure.
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The Waldorf curriculum integrates arts and music into all areas of study. Daily activities include drawing, painting, singing, instrument playing…
Even the aesthetic atmosphere of the classroom is different to a standard school: The Tampa Tribune described a Waldorf school setting: "Imagine a classroom with old wooden tables, a backyard garden and children learning to knit and crochet. Where art and music is intertwined with every subject, students write their own textbooks and the toys are all handmade". Which is definitely the look/feel in Bluey’s school…
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Additionally, a tenet of this style of education is that a focus on art and nature in education can lead to a greater appreciation for the beauty of life later on.
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Waldorf schools encourage children to keep working on their imagination skills beyond kindergarten, using these skills to learn how to co-operate, share and interact. This concept of letting children progress into adulthood at their own level is a unique cornerstone of the Waldorf education method.
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This concept of letting children progress into adulthood at their own level is a unique cornerstone of the Waldorf education method. This last piece is very key -- we seldom see anything being taught to the children; they’re free to do their own thing, make up activities, interact with one another, problem-solve, etc. and Calypso is there to gently guide them towards solutions occasionally.
So Why is This in “Bluey”?
The show “Bluey” is somewhat based on the show’s creator, Joe Brumm’s life experiences as a parent. Joe Brumm chose to have his daughter educated this way after she started the first grade. This is explained by Joe Brumm in an interview with the website The Father Hood:
"Bluey was still in embryonic form when Brumm’s eldest daughter started school. Her experience changed the course of the show.
'Play time was suddenly taken away from her, it was just yanked and seeing the difference in her was horrendous,' he says. 'There was no playing, there was no drawing, it was just straight into all this academic stuff. And the light in her eyes just died.'
Brumm researched alternatives for schooling and researched the value of play for child development. It is said that this is what led him to select Waldorf-style education for his daughter.
'Bluey is just one long extrapolation of that,' Brumm says. 'It’s to encourage people to look at play not just as kids mucking around, but as a really critical stage in their development that, I think, we overlook at their peril.'
Quotes from Joe Brumm from this link:
Closing comment & a caution
Personally, I think it’s interesting to see a different approach of educating children depicted in a TV show. It’s not “oddball”, it’s just a part of these dog-children’s lives.
I feel like the public is exposed to a lot of examples of children’s education on television and it’s generally portrayed in a negative light: e.g. The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers… and even on shows like “Arthur” the kids were often complaining about school, or having something unpleasant/stressful take place while at school.
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My only concern for Bluey and her classmates (and maybe it’s a long-term issue, nothing to worry about in the short term) is this: a potential downside to a Waldorf-style education would potentially be the sharp adjustment a student will encounter transitioning from this nurturing environment to one where that isn’t the case. It could well be unsettling.
…phew, ok, maybe one or two more posts about the school to come.
(Maybe, because of the source material, some of this post may sound a little like a giant sales pitch… it’s not meant to be. I think it’s interesting because it’s different; something else to learn about, etc.)
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risestarkiss · 9 months
Rise Ramblings #351
One of my favorite things about Rise is the utilization of nicknames in the show. This is the first iteration of the TMNT that really dived deep into nicknaming the boys. ❤️🧡💙💜
Also, the fandom has come up with quite a few great names of their own!
I wanted to list off some of the names from the show, some names I’ve heard around the interwebs, and some of the ones I’ve personally made up.
(Yeah. Those get a little out of hand. I’m apologizing from now. 😌)
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LEONARDO: Leo Nardo Leon Neon Leon Primetime The Blue One Baby Blue Bluey Cyan Blue Boy Lee Pepino Fruit Ninja & Blueberry (I’m sorry. 😞)
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MICHEALANGELO: Mikey Micheal Miguel Mike Magic Mike Orange Orange Pawn Orange Peel Doctor Delicate Touch Doctor Feelings Doctor Positive Doctor Rude One Love Angelo Angie Angel & Alan (I’m sorry. ���)
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RAPHAEL: Raph Raphie Raph-a-roni The Red One Big Red Red Rover Red Reign R-Dawg The Red Angel of Preventing Harm Raphela Ella Ellie Strawberry Strawberry Jam Strawberry Cupcake & Cinnamon (I’m so sorry. 😔)
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DONATELLO: *takes a deep breath* Don Dee Deedee Dondon Donnie Donnie-D Donald Donna “Don, I tell you.” Dynamite Don DonTron Donathan Donnifer Donstantinople Don Stasinopoulos Dontertelli Don Tortellini Donatelli Spinelli Don Quixote Donkeytello Don Jamba Lambda “Don, a fellow.” *takes another breath* Vomitello Othello Othello Von Ryan ‘Thello Tello Hortense Mr. Science Bootyyyshaker9000 Alpha-Bootyyyshaker-9000 The Funny One The Purple One Purple Purple Knight Purple Boy Purple Jam Purple Jambalaya Grape Jelly Grapes Ube Smarts Brains Eyebrows & “The scientist formally known as, D.” (I will not apologize for any of these. Fight me.)
Bonus: DUOS! Raph & Don: Brains & Brawn, Strawberry Jam & Grape Jelly Leo & Raph: Sunrise Duo Mikey & Raph: Sunset Duo Leo & Mikey: Baja Blast, Portal Pals Leo & Donnie: The Disaster Twins & Double Trouble Donnie & Mikey: Smarts & Crafts, PB&J
Are there any that I missed? 😁
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goldensunset · 10 months
mutual 1: [this post contains filtered tags]
mutual 2 (who has been gone for 24 hours): sorry about the hiatus guys i'm finally back!!!!
mutual 3: ugh i need him so bad <3 i love him more than his creator does <33333333333333
mutual 4: y'all really love to hide behind 'it's just media!' as if it doesn't have immediate and obvious effects on the people who consume it. sorry you think your obsession with bluey is more important than oh idk the lives of real people????
mutual 5: guys i just wanna say i'm so grateful for the rest of the bluey fandom. it got me through the worst years of my life and taught me a lot and i'm so glad we can all celebrate and talk about it together :)
mutual 6: [this post contains filtered content {url of detested mutual-in-law}]
mutual 7: good morning everyone! i am handing you all a small flower (*≧ω≦*)
mutual 8: i am in severe financial crisis
mutual 10: [completely untagged and unfilterable spoilers for something that just came out]
mutual 11: [this post contains four different filtered tags]
mutual 12 (does not actually follow you back but like. in your heart in your dreams): anyone have any drawing requests? :-D
mutual 13: i'm going to personally throttle my pharmacist why do i have to jump through hoops to stay alive
mutual 14: [the same post reblogged 10+ times in a row]
mutual 15: is tumblr mobile doing this weird glitch for anyone else?
mutual 16: that's why squibbus makes me cry- authorus squibbithon just writes his story so beautifully and delicately and dives deep into the troubled beauty of his soul and the way he strives to overcome his trauma every day...
mutual 17: i used to jump in the river and let the current take me
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unreone · 13 days
Art Fight 2024
Stardust Agent UNR30N3, Reporting for duty
Highlighting Crew Member Monty!
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Receivedth Arts:
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By SchuytheGreat
Remarks: First Monty art this year and she's included in a mass attack oml!!!! I deeply adore the choice to have her up high, I'm already hearing how loud and tall she is my heart >♡< Show accurate Monty is finally real y'all this is hecking sweet!
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By @trisiray
Remarks: SILLIES!!!! Oml look at her eye shape I am melting with her expression here hello???? Sock puppet playtime is something she's highly amused of like WHO IS THIS NEW ENTITY SPEAKING TO ME RUGHT HERE RIGHT NOW POSSESSING YOUR HAND????
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By Fatterhorner
Remarks:TEEHEEEHEEHE~!!! The dino lumpers hat stylization is just amusing me far too much, he looks soooo checked out and goofy! Also BWAHHH!!! That's so scary yall I got jumscarrd by Monty. Very concerning monstrous behavior. (Not really BE YOU LIL ONE BE UNABASHADLY YOU!!!)
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By @angelpup999
This artstyle is so heartwarming to look at. It reminds me of those nice postcard thingies I'd see prop up by the side of the cash register and make me think of homey pies and sitting beside a chimney (I've never seen a chimney personally-)
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By BlaireTiqueAbsolute
Remarks: SHE HAPPI!!!!!!! SHE ABSOLUTELY HAVE NO THOUGHTS BEHIND THOSE EYES EXCEPT AMUSEMENT!!!!!!!!! I am happily swaying my feet seeing thisssss ♡♡♡♡♡
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By @linlupin
Remarks: Started the month receiving a Monty inclusion mass attack, ending the month receiving another Monty inclusion mass attack. I am absolutely blesed and blissful to spot her (hihihihihi where's Waldo Bluey OCs edition!)MONTY JUST STAY ON THE SHALLOW END OF THE BEACH DON'T YOU DARE LISTEN TO THAT CHEEKY VOICE YOU CAN DIVE DEEP LIKE THE GROWN UPS, THAT'S NOT TRUE, MONTY STAY-
It really shows how much time and care was put into this and my heart is swelling so big I might burst, like this is so thoughtful mate! It's amusing to zoom in and imagine all of their silly own dialogues and interactions.
That concludes my report for Monty! I'll be posting about my appreci-thoughts on the more other arts I've received!
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blueyinthebush · 5 months
deep dive - the beach
requested by anonymous
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"the beach" is the 26th episode of season one, and introduces a lovely new location for the heelers to explore. it's never specified where along the gold coast this beach is, but probably somewhere like warana beach, which is about an hour's drive from brisbane and the perfect distance for a day trip. this one is a bit long, so i'll put the rest of the post underneath a read more.
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a couple years ago a coastal pathway project began, in order to promote walking and biking through the scrub and wetlands along the beach. the project also addresses the prevalence of invasive species and aims to restore native vegetation. but enough about that, let's get into the bush!
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an establishing shot gives a nice overview of the beach, which sits between a residential wooded area and the edge of the coral sea. what looks like a tuckeroo is visible in the foreground, a native australian tree that doesn't mind coastal conditions.
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after the heelers spend some time enjoying the sand, we get a shot of an osprey, a common sight anywhere by water in australia and across the americas. these raptors are incredible anglers, with a recorded success rate of 70 percent! there are four subspecies of osprey, and the eastern osprey, the only one found in australia, is the smallest.
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on the beach, bluey finds the shell of a tiger cowrie, a beautiful variety of marine snail that is prevalent across the indo-pacific region. the striking appearance of their shells has made them popular among shell collectors, although their numbers have suffered as a result.
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bluey also encounters a flock of silver gulls. like other sea gulls, these birds are very successful scavengers, and often have no issues going up to humans for handouts. you can find these guys pretty much anywhere near water in australia and new zealand.
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here's an interesting one! this is a pipi, a type of saltwater clam. they've been a source of protein by the native ngarriindjeri people for thousands of years, but are mostly used as bait for commercial fishing. they use their strong "foot" muscle to burrow into the sand. as filter feeders, they take in large amounts of water to suck up plankton. afterwards, the water needs to expelled, like the one bluey found is doing.
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bluey also runs away from a consortium of light-blue solider crabs. unlike how they're animated in the show, this species is one of the few crabs that has evolved to walk forwards, not sideways. the males form large "armies" during low tide, similar to the group in the episode.
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next, bluey encounters a moon jelly, a type of jellyfish identifiable by its large translucent bell and short tentacles. these jellies do have a sting (bluey does the right thing by approaching it with caution, as you should with any wild animal!), but it only causes very mild irritation in humans. moon jellies are the favorite food of many turtle species. since they look similar, moon jelly-loving turtles will often swallow plastic bags.
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last but not least, a bird that's even bigger than bluey! this is an australian pelican, which hold the record for the longest bill of any bird. they use their beaks to scoop up fish and other animals like a fishing net. you can find them in every state of australia.
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that's it! hope you enjoyed this first foray going into a whole episode. many thanks to the bluey wiki for this one, who have catalogued quite a lot of the animals in the show already.
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overly-dramatic-artist · 11 months
💖Week Two: Relationships💖
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The primary relationship that overarches the entire story and evolves the most significantly is Angela and Bruno. From a young age, they declare each other to be the best of friends, almost always at each other’s side or poking gentle fun at the other. To be perfectly clear, neither see the other in any sort of romantic view for a long, long time, and even when it starts to develop, they are quite blind to it, brushing off their feelings as just being a very strong friendship. They have the kind of rapport where they can be talking back and forth over each other passionately without any sort of irritation, or sitting in complete silence together either reading or crocheting, just passing the time in the presence in each other’s company.
When Angela is 19 and Bruno is 20, their relationship….changes for lack of better words. There’s a spark. A shift in the stars. An awakening of senses that ties the strings of their friendship into an irreversible knot. And despite this ‘change,’ they still promise to remain friends and just friends; only friends. She is still processing the trauma of her last romantic relationship, and Bruno (who I HC as demiromantic) doesn’t really want to take the deep dive into romance. So, they are friends. Just friends…who happen to sometimes kiss and look at each other a little too longingly.
For a more immersive and in depth experience/explanation of their relationship, I suggest reading my fic Why did it have to be me?
Angela is also quite close with Julieta and Pepa, as well as Agustin and Felix. As young teens, Angela and Pepa are in the church choir together, with Felix and Agustin who act as instrumentalists for the group. Julieta and Bruno will occasionally be pulled into the musical antics. Of the sisters, Angela is probably slightly closer to Julieta, mostly for her ability to read Angel like a book and is able to hone in on what’s going on with the girl. Pepa on the other hand has her head slightly more in the clouds so to speak when it comes to understanding the shifting moods and feelings of her friends, mostly because she has such a huge responsibility already of trying to regulate her own emotions. Julieta has always suspected something going on between her brother and Angela, is eventually proven correct when the relationship becomes difficult to keep hidden. She was mostly just suspect of her brother harboring a bit of a crush on Angela, but just being in denial about it for many years to the point where it had been completely repressed.
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(Forgive the old art, I definitely need to update these ones :0 )
Angel loves the Madrigal kids with her whole heart, and though she wouldn’t say it out loud, she considers them as her nieces and nephews (and technically speaking with the whole common-law marriage contingency, they *are* her sobrinos more so than her cousins kids). She is closest with Isabela and Dolores given that they spent more of their formative years with her more than the other kids, but if you ask her, she will adamantly deny having a favorite.
When they were little, Isa and Dolores loved when Angela and Bruno would watch them for an afternoon/evening, because they would make a production of keeping them entertained with outlandish stories, complete with melodramatic acting and costumes (they especially love getting into Angela’s wardrobe of fancy things, and Dolores especially loves Angela’s would-have-been wedding gown that she keeps tucked away in her closet, but when Dolores finds it and gushes about how pretty it is, she’s able to let go of some of the bad feelings surrounding it). The girls get involved in their fable telling, inserting their own takes of action into the plot (which is completely welcomed) (very much like that episode of Bluey with uncle Rad and Frisky). Once Dolores gets her gift though, loud and intense storytellings get overwhelming for her, especially with the addition of the other kids. So, from this point on, Angela would do private story-time for Dolores, most often done when she would braid her hair. Isabela, on the other hand, liked to take on a directorial role, and was adamant about her vision for plots. Early on, the girls’ favorite stories were La Fada Morgana and the tale of Ariadne.
Angela, for better or worse, sees a lot of herself in Isabela as she grows up. The pressure to be perfect and splendid all the time is far from unfamiliar for her, and she tries, though not terribly successfully, to curb the pain of having to fit into a predetermined mold by giving Isabela some creative outlets to express herself. Initially, Isabela is able to get some of her feelings out through art, but overtime becomes scared of the consequences for just having negative feelings, so she only ends up creating in a very limited manner.
Luisa was an armored by Angela’s dancing when she was very young. When Luisa was around four, Angela returned from a long trip wherein she had learned to dance the Bolero, and little Luisa fell in love with all of the twirls and movements of her tía’s long skirt and cape. Angel would take Luisa’s hands and spin her around the floor to the sound of Agustin’s piano playing, and lift her up in the air like a true prima ballerina. With Angela, Luisa was able to indulge herself in her desire for the soft and girlish things of life, like chiffon skirts the swish around when she spins and pretty ribbons decorating her hair in elaborate styles. Unfortunately, time for the frilly trivial things lessens as the demand for Luisa’s gift grows. When traveling, Angela tries to find little trinkets like earrings or hair pins that Luisa can wear will working so she can still feel some bit of fun femininity.
Camilo and Mirabel both thought that Angela and Bruno were married when they were itty bitty. It only got brought up at one point: Camilo had just turned five, Mirabel in a few months preparing for her gift ceremony. The family is in the dinning room/ kitchen, and Mirabel asks Angela why she never wears a ring like her mama or tía Pepa. She’s a little confused at first, like what are you talking about, why would I wear a ring? Cue slight tense atmosphere of gently explaining that they are in fact not married, and the awkwardness that ensues afterwards of the kids insisting that they must be married because they’re in love and if you’re in love you should be married. This adds a mountain of tension on the pair as well as her relationship with Alma, especially given she leaves for a long time after Mirabel’s gift ceremony.
Angela teaches Camilo to play guitar when she comes back from a trip from DR when he’s seven. She gifts him her old guitar, telling him it’s charmed to never go out of tune, but in reality, she and Félix take turns tuning the strings when Camilo isn’t looking. He doesn’t catch on until he’s thirteen.
She also teaches Mirabel to embroider when she returns from her first cruise six months after her gift ceremony. Mirabel is in a concerning depressive spiral considering how young she is, and Angela offers to take her out of the magic house for a little bit to be in her family’s shop. She tells her that she can find magic in the ordinary things and thus starts teaching her little thread decorations and embellishments. She’s able to cultivate a bit more happiness in Mirabel through crafts and tailoring.
Antonio, given his very young age, does not have many solid memories of Angela, but loves her regardless. When she comes back for Dolores’ wedding, he is still shy, but quickly acclimated to her presence (the rats have nothing but good things to say about her). She held him a lot as a baby, but her traveling and almost permanent move away kept her from being around when his consciousness evolved from baby brain to child-with-object-permanence brain.
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Now for the enormous family tree!!!
The great grandparents don’t play much part in the story, so for sake of simplicity, I will skip over them. Quinuama Ixchel Maria Estrada - Villca Gonzalez and Raymundo Hernan Antonio Estrada - Rodriguez Villca are Angela’s maternal grandparents (they are primarily who raised Angel), who have children: Beatríz Adriana Pilar Carvajal - Estrada Villca, Naylay Ezekiel Hernan Estrada - Villca Ruiz, and Anamaria Yaamil Quinuama Morales - Estrada Villca. Beatríz marries Lucio Fernando Simoné Carvajal - Silva Estrada, and they have two children: Imelda Constantine Adriana Manuel - Carvajal Estrada and Dominic Simoné Lucio Carvajal - Estrada. Naylay marries Ramona Xiomara Laura Estrada - Ruíz Allard, and they have three children: Remedios Yoselín Magdalena Márquez Estrada Ruiz, Nicolás Raymundo Ezekeil Estrada Ruiz Vargas, and Narcisa Esther Xiomara Mendoza Estrada Ruiz. Anamaria marries Guillermo (listed below), and their only child is Angela Leilani Yaamil Morales Estrada.
On Guillermo’s side of the family there are the great grandparents Enele Aulii Taito and Kanani Sofia Anacoana Taito Flores Tuigamala, Chimalmat Itzamara Morales Canul and Matteo Guillermo Morales Delgado Canul. The two relevant children from these couples are Guillermo’s parents, Leilani Maria Onosa’i Morales - Taito Flores and Babajide Jacobo Matteo Morales - Canul Taito. Guillermo was distant from his family, setting out at a very young age to live with one of his uncles, Enele Kahiau Luis Taito Flores (Leilani’s brother) to learn the trade of raising goats. Enele sadly passed away years before the formation of the Encanto, leaving Guillermo to raise himself on his own since he was 16.
Of Angela’s five cousins (in order of age): Imelda Constantine Adriana Manuel - Carvajal Estrada, Remedios Yoselín Magdalena Márquez Estrada Ruiz, Dominic Simoné Lucio Carvajal - Estrada, Nicolás Raymundo Ezekeil Estrada Ruiz Vargas, and Narcisa Esther Xiomara Mendoza Estrada Ruiz; she is closest to Remedios. Narcisa, despite begin the closest in age, has an odd relationship with Angel from a young age, the two of them mixing like oil and water. Narcisa enjoyed teasing Angela as a child, and they would often get into little fights, sometimes escalating to crying and yanking on each other’s ponytails. Narcisa’s sardonic personality settled with age, and she became much kinder to Angela by the time she’s an adult. Remedios has a….reputation in town for her coquettish behavior and ‘revolving door’ of lovers. Angela is closest to Reme because of the older girl’s honesty and acceptance of things deemed ‘improper.’
Her relationship with her father is difficult to say the least. Guillermo became extremely detached and emotionally distant after the passing of his wife. He’s a man of very few words, even with his family. He’s one of those fathers who doesn’t want their kid to grow up, who would just keep them forever as a child if he could. It stems mainly from the fact that his wife died so young and seeing his daughter surpass his wife’s life breaks his heart.
Some other relationships include her three exes: Roberto Montoya, Aureliano Torres, and Esteban Cesare Moscote Suarez. Roberto is a sweet boy that Angela projected her desire for romance on to when she was 12 (totally based on my own experience of picking a relatively cute boy to have a crush on so I could feel normal) who was exceeding kind to her during their little relationship, but both ultimate decided that it just was not what either of them wanted, and Roberto came out to her saying that he had kind of done the same thing in ‘picking a sweet girl to project his feelings on to.’ Aureliano was the emotionally unavailable son of the cantina owners, who sauntered his way into Angela’s heart with a blasé smirk and several glasses of rum. She broke it off with him when a lie was revealed. Esteban was a seemingly kind gentleman who was the picture of perfection upon meeting him, but evolved into an extremely manipulative and abusive partner that Angela became engaged to after he put her on the spot in front of half the town with a proposal (Don’t worry though, she breaks it off after finding her strength).
I’ve probably talked way too long about this now :)
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rimeswithpurple · 5 months
getting to know you better game
Thanks for the tag @bookish-bogwitch !
last song: "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift. I've got two brand new Swifties in the house and it's so much fun
favourite colour: green
currently watching: we're watching "Delicious in Dungeon" as our evening family show and I'm super into it. It's like D&D meets Chef's Table
sweet/savoury/spicy: savory. Even though I love baking sweets, I'm more into the process than the finished product. I'll eat a little bit of what I bake, but I'm much more into the savory stuff I cook
relationship status: married for 17 years (together for 23 years) We were high school sweethearts 😳
current obsession: figure skating! I put the Little Purples in lessons because it's something I always wanted to do as a kid and they've really gotten into it! Then it occurred to me that there's nothing stopping me from taking classes too, so I signed up and bought myself a pair of skates. I quickly went down the YouTube rabbit hole of figure skating tutorials and parent guides and then I ended up doing a deep dive of Russian women's figure skating controversies
last thing I googled: "is Bluey ending?" We watched the special episode this morning and even the Little Purples were crying. Apparently, the show isn't ending, but after today's episode I would've been happy with what we got
tags: @valeffelees @mooncello @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @iamamythologicalcreature @prettygoododds @blackberrysummerblog apologies if you've already been tagged
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anarcho-puppy · 3 months
hiya! welcome to my blog! i mostly just rb or post for myself soooo... don't expect much in terms of consistency lol.
my pronouns are he/him/his, xe/xem/xers, or it/it's; if you misgender me on purpose, you will be blocked >:P
alive but gay
i rb a lost of fandom stuff (basically just whatever media i'm currently hyperfixating on), but these are my favourite media:
DC (mostly batfam)
BBC Sherlock
ATLA (also kinda TLOK, but not as much)
Good Omens
Marvel (debatable, not the new stuff, mostly just AOS)
Jesus Christ Superstar (shut up, i’m a theatre kid)
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (in relation to JCS)
The Dragon Prince
Amulet (i’m allowed to be a kid, okay)
Bluey (…very much allowed to be a kid)
probs more, i just have a shit memory lmao
pls pls talk to me about my interests! send me asks!
just spent two hours organizing my blog so that i can actually find stuff... so here's a guide:
#puppy barks = og text posts, rants, etc. (basically just everything other than rbs, except threads i’ve added to and wanted to save)
#anarcho puppy (duh) = anarchist and an-com shit
#geo nerd puppy = history-related stuff (one of my SPINs)
#pub trans puppy = public transit-related stuff (another SPIN)
#puppy puppy = feral (sometimes) dog boy me
#poet puppy = started out as poetry but now it’s basically just me writing things
#arty puppy = my art and art rbs
#disabled puppy = disability stuff
#neurodivergent puppy = autism/ADHD shit
#nom nom puppy = baking/cooking/food stuff
#conlang puppy = conlang shit
#little puppy = agere/little me stuff
#faggot shit = uhm uhhhhh… yeah…
#mutual aid/gofundme = self explanatory (please donate or reblog!)
#my polls = polls (obviously /s)
#me = pics of me
#ask = my asks
#hehe = ...yeah i'm not doing so hot (memory loss, trauma, etc.)
#dc = self explanatory (#B, #NW, #RH, #RR, #R, #O, #steph, #cass, #duke, #alfred, #clark, #kon, #jon, #talia, #bernard)
#hozier = my MAN
#atla = avatar the last airbender (and spin-offs)
#sherlock = self explanatory
#tdp = the dragon prince
#hannibal = self explanatory
#go = good omens
#ninjago = self explanatory
#sense8 = self explanatory
#assortment of religious hyperfixations = jesus christ superstar, the last days of judas iscariot, etc.
#i’m gonna be a lawyer bitch = my latest hyperfixation; law, specifically landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities (an actually practical hyperfixation?? crazy… /s)
#covid safety = self explanatory and also really important
#L = iykyk
shut up, i know that there’s a shit tons of tags but it’s not for you; i don’t expect y’all to need a tagging system bc you’re probably not doing a deep dive on my blog, but i need to be able to find things, hence the excessive tagging system :)
self-described liberal
biden supporter
transids/whatever the fuck you’re calling yourselves
yes, i know that dni lists won’t stop dirty, disgusting people from interacting, but it makes me feel better when i set clear boundaries.
and remember kids, i block LIBERALLY >:P
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neruomancer · 5 months
aka content creators, telegenics, Ted's Talkers
The Internet is a couple hundred miles wide but it is only about a few feet deep. There is so much content out there now that it is difficult to put the time aside to invest into anything. You want to watch that show that everyone else at work is watching? Well it is several seasons in and by the time you get a moment to watch it you have some homework you need to do. But that is ridiculous isn't it? TV and movies should be something you put on in the background as you relax from your day at work. When you play a video game you shouldn't have to invest time in lore or the miniscule textures of the world, you are still trying to figure out the texture of this world let alone a different world. I can't possibly know the entire history or background of a beef between two celebrities, I just don't have the time for investment. What if there was a way for you to get all the information up front in less than half the time it would take to engage? You go to YouTube (or some other video platform equivalent when YouTube explodes in the future) and you type about the topic you want to learn. Let's say that show your coworkers are talking about and bam, there is a four hour YouTube video about "X show is genius and here's why" or "The Consequences of Y character doing X". Now you can get the ins and outs of the entire show in half the time it would take. You find a couple of videos and you find some people you like and from there you find out they have an entire back catalog of other videos. "A retrospective of a show with 10 seasons" and it is 6 hours, you can watch it in the background while you are cooking dinner and you can chat with your friends about it by tomorrow.
Not only that but these videos also can provide hidden aspects of shows or movies you didn't see before. You can apply an entire philosophy or ideology to the ways and means of random or unconnected things and then create connective tissue between them. If you make a video convincing enough you can make people believe that a children's show is the best way to understand a foucauldian panopticon or you can say that a television personality is secretly part of an unsavory ideology due to hidden hand signals that they present while on live.
The sum total experience of anything can be filtered through one person (or a team of people) but you are going to see the face of one person as you go to source on certain topics. Right now there are media savvy alchemists that are taking the pure lead of time and engagement in learning about something and transmuting it into the gold of pure inexperienced knowledge. 100% pure unfiltered qualia right into your brain. You pour the time and hours in a video editor to create visual-auditory hallucinations of reality. Get a couple thousand views on a video, get a nice plaque for your studio, create a platform for your opinions and now you have become a thought leader for your chosen community whether it is the lore and deep dives of a day time television show or you are devoted to the developing lore of an off screen background character.
The central paradox of this school is that you are presenting your essay as the sum total knowledge on certain subjects without the viewer really experiencing it for themselves. They are fans or experts in fields they have no experience in.
The charging structure for Essayturges is based on a consistent narrative they present in their videos. They must build a platform through any medium of their choice as long as it is a video presented in an essay form. The video must be at least 30 minutes long and must present a topic whether it is a retrospective of a given topic and it must provide a theory or an idea that the topic is addressing. "Bluey is about the nuclear family and here's why" "FNAF is about the fall of/or the corruption of Mascot centered business" etc.
Essayturges can choose multiple topics to address but it is best and easier for an adept to focus on 2-3 topics at hand that way they can spin a constant narrative or idea about a given video. Essayturges cannot gain multiple charges of one video. One charge per video whether it is a minor or a major charge.
Generate a Minor Charge: Make a video that is 30 minutes or longer about a topic. The topic can be informative but it can also present a theory. The video must gain at least 1000 - 10,000 views over a week.
Generate a significant Charge: Make a video that presents a theory or an idea about a subject or a medium. The topic can be informative on the subject but it must present a theory related to the subject invented from whole cloth. The video must gain at least 10,000-100,000 in a month.
Generate a Major Charge: Make a video that casts doubt or upstages another video essayist. You must either provide proof or you must present proof that can be believed beyond doubt even if it is not true. The video must gain at least 500,000-1,000,000 views in two weeks.
Taboo: You can never correct yourself or admit you were wrong about any topic. You can update your theory or you can reword things you have said previously but you can never say that you were incorrect about any subject you presented.
Random Magick Domain: Being a Essayturgist is about changing people's or the audience's perspective to accept your understanding of a certain topic or subject matter. Once you have changed peoples understanding of a certain subject you can change how they think and substance of consensus reality. Reality is at the whims of your editing software.
Charging tips: You can work Essayist magick as a radio show DJ or a podcaster as long as you also film everything you release in tandem with your recording. As long as it is presented in an informative fashion. This goes with Ted talks as well, as long as they are filmed and placed on YouTube. The video you make does not have to be on your channel that you have made you just have to be the one presenting information and it must be on your terms. You can't charge from someone else making a video about you but if an interview you are in goes viral you can charge as long as you are guiding or controlling the narrative.
Essayturgy Minor Formula Spells:
Cost: 2 minor charge
A Essayturgy can cast this on themselves or anyone and they will appear extremely likeable or at least tolerable for a brief time. If someone is chasing you down wanting to kill you, they suddenly don't feel the desire to hurt or harm you and may just stop in there tracks completely. If someone is indifferent about you, you can turn them into a rabid fan briefly.
Like and subscribe
Cost: 1 minor charge
Have you ever had a thought that didn't feel like your own? Maybe it was a intrusive thought? Maybe a adept is trying to get you to say something you shouldn't or don't want to? With this spell you can make people tell you what is really on there mind. But it will only be exact what is not there mind. You can't extract secrets or interrogate them, they can only tell you what they are thinking at that exact moment.
Copyright strike
Cost: 2 minor charges
You can block something or someone out of view of another person or a group of people. This person for whatever reason will not be registered or viewed by anyone this is effecting. This spell will only work if you or the person under the effect of the spell is playing copyrighted music.
Stats for Nerds
Cost: 2 minor charges
With this effect you can learn specific details about any person. Usually it is only one thing and you typically will not be able to decide what you learn about that person but you will be able to learn about someone's exact date of birth or blood type.
Essayturgy Significant Formula Spells:
Hey Guys!
Cost: 2 significant charges
Essayturgists are strong personalities and have a particular sway over people, this spell enhances that three fold and allows for the adept to implant commands and suggests into a person or into a crowd of choice. If you work the ability on one person or a group of three the suggests are much stronger and last longer while of you where to cast it on a larger crowd it gets diffused and a weak suttle suggest that lasts only a minute or two. Casting the spell on one person you can make them a Manchurian candidate for 24 hours while casting it on a crowd of 15 you can have them look away from you for a brief period of time.
Fix it in post
Cost: 2significant charge
You can change the outcome of a event or a action that happened 5-10 minutes in the past. If your friend gets hit by a car you can go back a minute before it happens and hold them back or redirect the car to crash into a wall.
Major Charge Effects
You can choose one person to retroactively erase from existence. You can pick one day to repeat for 24 hours in a select location, such as a small town or a certain building.
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You know when people talk about Bluey’s Ghostbasket, they really focus on the ending when I think we should look at the episode as a whole. Like in real life, Bluey shows us how kids learn through play.
There’s the milder examples of it like Daddy Putdown, Bluey misses Chili and tries recreating the scenario Chili might be having while she’s at a baby shower. Then there’s Copycat, after coming across the budgie, Bluey tries to cope with the death of it by playing a game recreating the events(aside from Bingo improving)
So with Ghostbaskets, it makes me wonder how long this has been going on for the Heelers. How long have they been showing their house only to have their kids scare off potential buyers? How do Bandit and Chili want the game version of it to end so the girls can learn? What will any of them hope to learn from this?
What a deep dive.
Yeah, I had the feeling that the game was a way for the girls to cope with the sudden change of them moving houses, especially hearing it on a random occurrence like at dinner or right before they went to school, or if they even found out by accident.
We don't even know how long this was a topic discussed within the family, nor how long the house was on the market for.
But good on Chili and Badnit for trying to help the kiddos by playing the game and letting them win, but also telling them that this won't be the outcome each time and that they will have to face the inevitable.
Can't wait to see what happens on The Sign special.
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blurban-form · 1 year
Bluey Article: The Guardian
Story on the “Cricket” episode.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Me, even though I’m unfamiliar with cricket, I liked it -- I felt it was a good little deep dive into cricket; I could see how some kids might find it boring but having watched so many “Bluey” episodes, I was like “I trust you as a show, go ahead “Bluey”, tell me about cricket”
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mbat · 2 years
i think the thing is that people want mature stories but most peoples idea of mature is just gore and sex or whatever. i blame adult swim for that skgjsnf theres probably a better thing to blame but still.
plenty of kids/family media prove you dont need those things to be mature. you just need to care. granted, theres restrictions on kids media that hold them back. thats the biggest issue fr.
when it comes to adult shows they dont put enough of those restraints on. they restrain other things though. like when morel orel created and aired an episode that was a major reason it got cancelled. the episode was fucked up.... but it cared. at least a little bit.
steven universe is mature. bluey is mature. id even consider multiple disney animated movies as mature.
the thing is... theyre also made for families of all ages.
they arent mature because of organs falling out of bodies on screen, or people having explicit sex for every viewer to see, or people foaming at the mouth from overdoses. theyre mature because they show humanity in a way that you can feel cares. they show people experiencing real feelings and getting through them in a way that feels real.
of course, its not all black and white. everything has its mature moments, and just because something doesnt do what ive said doesnt make it immature, its just different. inside out was mature for showing a girl running away and experiencing deep emotional pain until she decided to go back home to her parents and talk it out.
i wouldnt say moana was immature for not doing deep dives on the human experience in favor of having a fantastical story that had human moments more as a side dish. it has some amazing moments that are just as human, but theyre not the primary focus.
when i think of writing stories as mature, i think of having a dive into the human experience. i wrote a whole fic that was that and its still unfinished. the only part that could be considered adult is the way i added people cursing and vague references to sex.
when i think of a mature story i want on screen, i want one thats real, that tells human stories whether the characters are human or not, i want one that acknowledges the things we consider adult like violence/gore, sex, and sure, even drugs if it matters so much, but they arent some focal point for drama or shock. i dont want something that overtakes a story that couldve been good.
ive thought of many shows while writing this. many movies, just media in general. ones i love, ones i hate, ones ive experienced through other peoples words alone. maybe you have too.
hear me out here, a good example of what i consider a mature story i like on screen is stranger things. however, its also a horror franchise alongside its other genres, so of course it leans into gross things and gore a little bit, but never just because. it uses those elements to paint a world and further the story.
i also like the good place, too. a show that, from episode one, points at philosophy and ethics and runs with it. one that questions and attempts to answer things about humanity itself. its a comedy show so it can have its weird moments, but i honestly consider it a near perfect show personally. it also acknowledges sexual things without being in your face with them.
many shows do try to be mature but just go too far with some things. i mean, i think euphoria was trying to be mature? but when i watched it all i saw was oversexualized teenagers and so much talk about drugs that it got on my nerves from minute one. maybe its realistic to some people but it was a pain to get through for me.
and sigh. yes. i will acknowledge Velma. it shows close ups of brains falling out of heads. it opens on a shot of nude women in highschool only covered by conveniently placed bubbles and constantly talks about another students privates. it has a whole storyline about selling drugs. all of this is shock, all of this is immature 'adult' stuff. we been knew. its the type of stuff you see on family guy.
family guy is some of the worst about it all, only brought down the rankings of worst because its restrained from showing everything possible. also. admittedly. theres moments where family guy had, well, moments. its been years since ive watched the show but there were moments it got genuine and serious and you could feel they were trying, at least a little. but then the rest of the show is just... bad.
i dont know if ive gotten a point across or if my wording makes sense, but i just wanted to say all that considering conversations people have been having for a little while now.
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teacup-captor · 10 months
What shows would you recommend to anyone?
Depends who and what they like already
The people who are sending my moirail all those cucumber asks? Veggietales
People who are interested in children's shows? Mia and me, Bluey, Ducktales (modern), Steven Universe, Moomin tbh
More into anime? Probably Death Note, The Secret of the Cerulean Sand, tbh been a while since I watched Chobits, it's definitely a bit lewd but it's funny so depending on the person that's a maybe, Smile Precure, Samurai Pizza Cats I think it's called? I haven't watched it but I took a javascript course online and the teacher used the english intro in any and all tasks where a video was involved. And I watched a little deep dive vid on it
Looking for something more mature yet still fun? Bingeworthy mayhaps? The Librarians, Camp Camp, Doctor Who, Good Omens , Bob's Burgers
Oh and if you're up for something a bit more absurd? BBC Ghosts or Yonderland
But this'd be way easier if I knew who was asking :P
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md3artjournal · 1 year
How Bluey Shows the Raw Emotions of Failure Perfectly (Bike Deep Dive & ...
By Pugly
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mariposakitten · 1 year
I’m confused is your idea of fun arguing with toddlers over Bluey? That post literally just says that. I’m being gen btw, idk if arguing with kids is a new internet pastime
My bro I barely know what a Bluey IS, but my point was that it can be fun and cool to make headcanons about and discuss literally anything if it happens to be what you're into. Like no, you shouldn't be a dick to kids about a kids show, but if two adults happen to like the same kids show and want to deep dive into the finer points of it and read more into it than was probably ever intended and extrapolate it into something more, I think they should be able to do so without some sanctimonious prick getting judgmental about it.
Which is why "it's fine to watch it I guess but ewwww don't have headcanons or discourse about it" is such a dumb-ass take, lol. Discussing the things I watch in-depth with my friends is half the fun. If it bothers you so much, block the tag. Mind your business.
(And no, the post literally DOESN'T "just say that." Read it again. There's nothing in the post about arguing with toddlers, and it's kinda weird to assume that a grown-ass adult discussing any show, even a kid's show, would intentionally argue with a toddler about it rather than a fellow adult who can actually have an interesting discussion. Like I'm sorry if you live the kind of life where you hear "headcanons and discourse" and immediately assume someone is getting heated with a preschooler, but that's not most people's experience.)
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somescenecatholic · 3 months
I watched a bluey fandom deep dive and they mentioned a fic called "Bandit's Belt"
reading it rn.... this is so bad but i cant look away...
like who writes this- its so filled with trauma and stuff like what-
watch a bluey deep dive b4 u read it bc its alot
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