#Bob says hello
thetimetraveler24 · 2 years
The New Year’s resolutions on read riordan are just…
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Hazel, you did not have to crush his dreams like that. Also the fact that Frank probably beat Nico at Mythomagic is gold.
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Will Solace and Rick Riordan. You two know exactly what you’re doing and I need you to stop right now.
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You had no right, Rick.
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This is entirely #OnBrand (haha I think I’m so funny) for Alex and I’m going to need this as a short story, Richard. Perhaps we can write this story and convince Disney to release the show this year??? Just some extra incentive?
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I- Yes. Yes you did. Probably for the best though.
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Richard, is this supposed to be a clue? Like… we getting a Gaea come back story or something? With some new and old heroes? Does she team up with Loki and Apophis? Is this the crossover?
Including Gaea is so out of the blue, Richard, so this feels like a hint. Also, like, no year was specified so… new year 2024? Please say yes there’s a crossover coming in 2024, Uncle Rick!
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Ok but Jason not being in tsats REALLY bugs me. Like, not even when Nico is in that dream with Maria, Bianca and Hades,WHYYY
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silentremains46 · 9 months
Wait, you think we're gonna get Bob? If they can push it all the way to HOO, WE GOTTA HAVE THE LIL BOOKS BITS AS WELL.
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So I did this…
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mult1fandomg1rl · 2 years
This is truly sad 😢
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cynthiav06 · 4 months
Post-tartarus Percy and Annabeth and even post tartarus Nico weren't written well at all. Tartarus makes them manic, always on edge, jumpy. This is PTSD and it doesn't just go away. Not to mention, they lost Bob and Damasen.
Yes, sure, one could argue there weren't many opportunities for Rick to explore how Tartarus changed Percy in Heroes of Olympus series. There still should have been mentions.
Rick focused on Bob and Damasen part for a bit and then never again. It's like after Tartarus arc, Percy and Annabeth were back to being themselves, which is such a character assassination. Here's what I think are a few ways Tartarus changed Percy and Annabeth and even Nico in:
Percy becomes hypervigilant at all times.
He can barely sleep, and whenever he does, he is always affected by terrible nightmares.
He feels extremely guilty about not being able to save Bob and Damasen and hence is now extremely protective of his other friends and family.
He no longer feels at all safe in his cabin and avoids it since Hera abducting him from there led to his whole thing.
He spends large amounts of time away from the camp.
Percy only ever feels truly safe by the sea .
Percy knows how delicate Sally and Paul act around him, and he hates it and hates himself for it. They don't say a word even when him screaming wakes them up. In fact, they just sit beside him, holding his hand and letting him cry or scream.
Poseidon also makes his own protective tendencies known, and when Percy gets too manic to stay anywhere, he whisks him away to Atlantis to calm him.
Every night, Percy finds a place to look at the stars and repeat the same message : Bob says hello.
He becomes an entirely different person when attacked when fighting monsters. A killing machine. It scares most people especially Annabeth.
Percy becomes a lot more aloof and likes being by himself (so he doesn't have to bear the responsibility for protecting someone other than him for a while)
He becomes a bit more pensive and talks less than usual.
He hates his own power but doesn't shy away from using it in dangerous situations. But this leaves him with a long internal struggle.
He begins to think of himself as monstrous.
He can't feel at ease without feeling Riptide in his grasp.
Somedays the nightmares the memories get so worse that he has to make himself bleed to take the worst of it away.
He becomes skeptical of most things: people, and food and objects.
Everyone makes sure not to bring Calypso in the same room as him lest he kill her then and there. It takes him a long time to forgive her.
Percy is now so good at sensing monsters that he is always ten steps ahead of everyone.
The worst of it is Percy's constant need to fight something. He spars with multiple strong opponents to at least make it a bit challenging for him. It makes him feel like Ares, and he hates it.
Percy's first true genuine smile is when he finds out he is going to have a baby sister.
Will cover Annabeth's and then Nico's in the next parts. This is enough ptsd for all of us for one day.
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goldensunset · 2 years
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what if they gave you the actual arcphone instead of just a case
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jt1674 · 3 months
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nursc · 5 months
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javelinbk · 2 years
The Beatles in Australia/NZ part five (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9)
Bob Francis attempts to commentate through 3 minutes of screaming in Adelaide
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Bob: Here's the situation on the town hall balcony, it's absolutely magnificent. Can we have a little quiet please? Would you like the boys to talk to you and say a few words if it's possible? A police officer said here a moment there'll be at least 30,000 people in front of the town hall area. (screams) Bob: This is something that's never been seen in Adelaide before, it's absolutely magnificent. Can we have a little bit of quiet please and we can talk to each one? (screams) Bob: What can I say? Quiet please, quiet. George Harrison everybody... (louder screams) Bob: What do you think of the reception, George? George: It's marvellous. Hello! Hello! It's fabulous, it's the best reception ever. Bob: The best reception ever. Jimmie Nicol who's taken the place of Ringo Starr… Jimmie Nicol everybody! Jimmie, how do you feel with the concert tonight and this fabulous crowd? Jimmie: Oh, this is the best I've ever seen, anywhere in the world. Bob: Jimmie Nicol… Jimmie, you're from London, aren't you? Jimmie: Yes, that's right, yes. Bob: Have you heard about Ringo, and how he's getting on? Jimmie: Well I think he's getting a bit better now, yeah. Bob: That's good. John… John: Hello. What? (loud screams) Bob: As you know John, Adelaide's only got about a million people in the whole state, and I think… John: They're all there though, aren't they? Bob: Are you happy with this reception? John: Yeah, it's definitely the best we've ever been to, it's great! It's marvellous! Bob: John, were you happy with your flight down from Sydney? Crowd: We want Paul! We want Paul! John: Yeah, it was very good, we had a good flight. Bob: Paul McCartney! (even louder screams) Bob: Paul… Paul: Yeah? Bob: I think everybody loves the whole Beatles and Paul… I don't think anything else can be said about Paul McCartney, err… it's just that, you know, they'd like you to say hello Paul: Hello everybody - how are you? Alright? (screams) Paul: Thank you! Thank you very much! It's marvellous. Bob: Did you have a good trip over from Sydney? Paul: Yeah, it was great. But this is… this is fantastic - thank you! Bob: Now, boys - will you all walk down and go down the end of the... of each of the town hall so everybody can see you, around each side? Everybody down that end. John - would you walk down to the left-hand side of the balcony, and just have a look at the balcony outside? Same with you, George. They're walking round the balcony to see you all, they'll come up here for a final glimpse, then they'll be going down to meet the Lord Mayor, so from here… thank you.
Bob Francis attempts to interview The Beatles on the balcony of Adelaide Town Hall, 12th June 1964
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nockstormbringer · 2 months
I finsihed House of Hades.
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typewriter-worries · 1 year
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actually hate him for this!
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bellamygate · 7 months
pls just cuz cast said a character was good doesn't change the way they're presented on screen. i will forever only be concerned with what I can physically see and hear and interpret on my own, not relying on knowing any bts or extra info, THIS is the true canon. just cuz an actor said something don't mean I have to agree or even that it's true 😭
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barkingangelbaby · 5 months
dungeons and drag queens... you are everything to me....
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fraseris · 1 year
21st century contemporary folk music is such a mystery. i could list like 50 different 21st century folk artists who ive listened to or heard of and the only ones with any real like mission are the folk punk people. the 20th century revival was extremely heavy on ideology (contemporary bits) or actual traditional folk stuff. what even is folk music these days. pop music but with added mysticism? where are we & what is going on. and along that train of thought why isnt there a uniform. if a majority of contemporary folk could become political we would totally get a uniform
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mackmp3 · 11 months
remembering that time i woke up in the middle of the night and auditory-hallucinated a considerable part of blood on the tracks
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