#Bonne Carbonation
responsabledaffaires · 11 months
Comment réduire l'empreinte carbone de votre entreprise : astuces et bonnes pratiques
Introduction Dans un contexte où la lutte contre le changement climatique est devenue une priorité mondiale, les entreprises jouent un rôle crucial pour réduire leur empreinte carbone. Non seulement cela contribue à la préservation de l’environnement, mais cela peut également générer des avantages économiques et améliorer leur image de marque. Cet article propose une série d’astuces et de…
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CARBON LORE: Affections
Since I talked about how community works in my headcanon about Carbon society being more in community. Friendships and bonds are encouraged among other carbons.
Having the desire of a companionship can be either be Family, friends, partners, lovers, pets or just acquaintances!
However Carbons are extra affectionate towards their loved ones that they feel safe around. Probably having their own type of communication among eachother. (For Example the Bonnes can perfectly understand what Bon is saying while other can’t). So they tend to emit a noise or a sense of their happy thoughts.
In the case of the light family, it’s more diverse and broad since 5 of those carbons didn’t started out as carbons. So it leads into unique results. Since they aren’t used to positive interactions but they tend to relish every single bit to it.
The Light/Caskett family are very tight-knit with eachother to the point that they are basically an act as a large family unit. Having eachother’s backs, being protective and more
Physical affection is pretty common (due to the guardians and X being low key Touch starved) The familial love is strong with these dorks. It’s not uncommon to get headbumps, hugs, should pats or just pats in general, hair ruffles and more.
They tend to have a unique noise when they feel relaxed.
Harpuia letting out a coo, Phantom purring, Fefnir’s chuffing and Levi’s shrills or satisfied Hums.
Volnutt and X share the same yet distinctive noise of satisfaction. Volnutt is energetic sweet and a bit loud. But X’s is more rare and sounds more…angelic yet ancient filled with pure affection but only emits it when he’s around his close loved ones (specifically his best friends and children).
Axl and his kids have this too it’s loud and chaotic
Zero and Ico’s are feral and animalistic but still have that affection and body language
They only produce these noises when they’re happy to see a loved one, greeting them or comforting them when they are in distressed
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Carbone 4 - Shift Project l'avion, ce n'est que 2% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre sur terre, et par ailleurs c'est un formidable outil de liberté individuelle, qui doit donc être préservé. Il y a plus urgent à faire ailleurs ! Ce discours, qui reprend deux éléments exacts, même si le premier est discutable (en ajoutant les traînées de condensation la part de l'aviation est plus proche de 4%), peut cependant se présenter différemment. L'avion sert rarement à se chauffer ou à faire pousser des pommes de terre. Sa fonction est la mobilité des gens et des marchandises le plus rapidement possible d'où son invention. La bonne base de comparaison est donc plutôt dans notre assiette et de notre quotidien. Ce qu'on ne veux pas voir c'est la production excessive de plastique, de vêtements à base de pétrole, des fruits exotiques à toutes les saisons. Il est grand temps d'analyser nos besoins en consommant ce que nous avons besoin. The plane represents only 2% of greenhouse gas emissions on earth, and it is also a formidable tool for individual freedom, which must therefore be preserved. There is more urgently to be done elsewhere! This discourse, which takes up two exact elements, even if the first is debatable (by adding contrails the share of aviation is closer to 4%), can however be presented differently. The plane is rarely used for heating or growing potatoes. Its function is the mobility of people and goods as quickly as possible, hence its invention. The good basis for comparison is therefore rather on our plate and in our daily lives. What we don't want to see is the excessive production of plastic, petroleum-based clothing, exotic fruits in all seasons. It is high time to analyze our needs by consuming what we need
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Voilà 1 exemple c'est la saison régionale des fraises actuellement pas en décembre
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bruggle · 3 months
so this is a dumb stupid one-shot based off @absolutely-normal-about-x 's amazing Legends Reborn AU (just with the unfortunate setting of my own bs) because holy moly the capacity for angst just got my imagination rearing its ugly head. So uh... enjoy
St. Clarity
Fandom: Megaman X, Megaman Legends
Words: 4,914 words
Angst, Hurt & Comfort, Humor
"I don't know you
But I know what you do"
-St. Clarity, The Paper Kites
A discovery in an old ruin leads to some uncovered memories.
  One of the last things Volnutt had ever expected in his life, was to find out he had a family. A pretty big one, at that. Four siblings, countless uncles and aunts (that he would unfortunately never meet), his father, it still boggled his mind. He kept thinking at some point he was going to wake up and find it all to be a dream; that he’d still be on the Flutter, looking for the next dig site.
  Don’t get him wrong, Volnutt was immensely grateful to the Casketts. They had taken him in freely when he had had no other place to go, after all. And Roll was practically a sister to him! He wouldn’t trade them for anything. But he couldn’t help but wish that someway, somehow, someone else could have uncovered all the stuff that lead to X and his family waaaaaay earlier than he and the Bonne’s had. …Was that selfish of him?
  “Hey pipsqueak, keep up!” Fefnir called, causing Volnutt to lose his train of thought. Despite the harsh words, he couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he picked up the pace to keep up with his older brother. He knew Fefnir didn’t mean anything by it. “Seriously, these ruins are BORING,” the red clad carbon complained. “Not one single bot in sight.” Volnutt couldn’t help but chuckle. “Hey, I said I was fine doing this one alone,” he reminded Fefnir. Volnutt had decided to explore the dilapidated building after X had told Barrell that it had once been apart of a city he had lived in. Abel City, he had called it if Volnutt recalled correctly. He wasn’t sure what he’d find, if anything. He had been able to deduce that this had once upon a time been some sort of residential building, but not much else. The surrounding buildings had been pretty well picked over. Why this one wasn’t, Volnutt had no real idea. He’d heard some Diggers call it haunted, but he hadn’t seen anything out the ordinary.
   “Eh, dad insisted I come,” Fefnir grumbled. “Something about having too much energy.” Volnutt struggled not to let his snickering be heard. That definitely sounded like dad. And Fefnir, for that matter. But he didn’t feel like getting a noogie, so he was going to keep that to himself. Rather, he decided to distract himself with the surroundings. These sorts of ruins always made him a little sad. People had lived here, once a upon a time. Decaying chairs, torn up sofas, …suspicious mush, at one point it had all been new. It had been used. Perhaps even well loved by the owner. But now, now it was just… destroyed. No longer worth anything. It always made him melancholic.
  “I’m not gonna tell you again, squirt!” came Fefnir’s voice from way down the hallway. Volnutt hadn’t even realized he had fallen so far behind. “Sorry!” he apologized. “Just-“ A loud, exaggerated sigh from Fefnir cut him off. “Sometimes I wonder how on Earth you managed to get this far as a Digger,” he chastised. Well now Volnutt was a little miffed. “Hey, I’ve been doing just fine, thank you,” he bit back. The older sibling merely rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he grumbled. “I’m going to fall asleep if I have to keep going at your pace.” Volnutt narrowed his eyes at the red clad Carbon. “Then just go ahead without me,” he snarked. “I’ll be fine.” Fefnir considered his younger sibling for a minute before smirking. “Fine,” he agreed. “Just don’t tell dad.” And despite all his irritation with his older sibling, Volnutt couldn’t help the smile that spread on his lips. “Deal,” And with that, Fefnir went on ahead. Leaving Volnutt alone with his thoughts. Now, he had a chance to actually look at all the rooms. Well, to call them rooms was a bit of an understatement. They were like mini-houses. (Apartments, his brain supplied). Eventually, however, he came across something strange.
  It was a door.
  Which wasn’t that strange in of itself. It was just the fact that beneath all the hundreds of thousands of layers of dust, it was a different color from all the other doors in the building. And it was closed. How did this one manage to stay unscathed from the hundreds of Diggers before him? Giving the knob an experimental turn (perhaps this apartment just had a draft that automatically closed the door), he found it to be locked. That was… definitely weird. Volnutt recalled the stories of this particular building being haunted; perhaps there was a teensy bit of validity to those claims… Did he feel like being a horror movie protagonist?
  Eh. Worse comes to worse, he could just call for Fefnir to deal with it. He’d probably enjoy trying to fight a ghost.
  Bracing his shoulder against the frame, Volnutt shoved himself against the door. It opened quite easily, splintering into thousands of pieces. Oops. Guess he should have figured it was rotting. Inside, he noticed that unlike the hundreds of other apartments he and Fefnir had passed by, this one was completely untouched. Well, unless you count all the stuff flung on the ground due to seismic activity. So, Volnutt wandered inside. While the furniture was cool, he had a sinking suspicion that none of it would last very long if he so much as touched it. Abel City was from his dad’s prime, for goodness sakes. Rather than risk irreversible damage to the inanimate inhabitants of the house (and risk making the potential ghost angrier!), Volnutt instead chose to step into the kitchen portion of the room. There were a couple of appliances on the counter, really old tech though. He wasn’t sure if there’d be any sort of price for that. Although… there was always the possibility that maybe someone was collecting this sort of stuff. Next to said counter was a long dead refrigerator.
  Hard pass on looking anywhere near that.
  Instead, he chose to look inside of one of the drawers. And was surprised to find silverware. Much like what he usually ate with. He recalled X saying something about Abel City being apart of a country called… Japan? Maybe? Either way, he had claimed that a vast majority of people there used something called “chopsticks” to eat food with. Which was basically just two sticks one held in a certain way in order to pick up and grip said food. Sounded super complicated to Volnutt. So it was odd seeing regular old silverware here. Who knows, maybe the last owner found the concept of chopsticks complicated, too.
  Closing the drawer, Volnutt looked towards the living space. There was a simple couch, and an egg shaped chair. That was kind of cool. All the tables, however, had all sorts of clutter on them. Like the owner was far too lazy to find a proper space for everything. Maybe they just thought there would be time for it later…
 Ok, that’s enough sad thoughts.
  In any case, maybe there’d be something interesting over there.
  As Volnutt made his way over to the space, his boot crunched upon some glass. Looking down, he noticed a couple of picture frames on the floor. Crouching down, he gently picked one up. It was upside down, of course. So he gently turned it over.
  And his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.
  Within the frame, was a picture of X. Back from when he was still a reploid. He was sitting at a desk; looking over some sort of thin, holographic pad, while holding onto some sort of wonky looking mug. There were some markings on the cup, but they either must have been decorative or in some old language. Volnutt couldn’t make heads or tails of it. But… just the fact that this picture somehow survived everything was a miracle. Maybe the person who lived here was a fan or something. X had mentioned that he had been pretty well known back in the day, after all. Heck, maybe this person had more! Excited at the prospect, Volnutt quickly flipped over another picture.
  This one, however, was not of his father. Rather, it showed a young woman standing next to a different reploid. He looked pretty young, not that that meant much from what he recalled X telling him about reploids. The reploid was clad in navy and grey armor; red marks could be seen going down it in intricate patterns, with a bright, blue gem on both the chest piece and helmet. His ears reminded Volnutt of a cat, almost, and his red hair was spiked up like a fire. The most defining feature of the reploid, however, was an ‘x’ shaped scar spreading across his nose. The woman, on the other hand, was rather plain. Ruddy brown hair pulled into a long braid off to the right side of her face, she was dressed rather casually. Just a mauve shirt, jeans, and a comically oversized army green coat. Both her and the reploid were smiling, striking a victory sign at the camera.
   Volnutt couldn’t help but smile back at it. He remembered both his father and siblings speaking about how awful things between reploids and humans used to be. At least these two somehow managed to get along.
  “Is this where you’ve been the whole time?”
  If you asked him, Volnutt definitely did not scream. Not even a peep. No sir, he was definitely not taken by surprise from Fefnir’s sudden reappearance. The laugh that Fefnir let out, however, would tell you this was one hundred percent a lie.
  “Dang, now I’m really wondering how you’re still alive,” Fefnir teased. “You’d never survive out on the battlefield.” Volnutt turned away from his older sibling, -definitely not hiding a blush- glaring at the wall. “Whatever,” he grumbled. “Did you find anything?” Fefnir let out a puff of irritation. “Nope, not even a good fight,” he complained. “How about you? Find anything in this dump?” Volnutt rolled his eyes at his siblings blunt language. “Kind of,” he said, showing Fefnir the frame he had been holding. “There’s also one of dad from when he was a reploid!” Fefnir grabbed the picture with an interested look on his face as Volnutt picked up the previously discarded photo of their father. The older sibling also glanced at the picture in his baby brother’s hands. “I mean, that’s definitely him,” Fefnir mused. “But not how I remember him looking. Must have been an older model then. Now this…” he raised the picture in his lap hands. “You know who that is?” Volnutt shook his head. “Do you?” he asked. Fefnir let out a snort. “Yeah, that’s Uncle Axl,” he grinned.
  “Wait, what?!”
  “Yeah, I remember seeing pics of him in the archives,” Fefnir explained. “Not my favorite place, but hey. Had to learn some stuff somehow. No idea who the chick is, though.” Volnutt shrugged. “Maybe a friend,” he guessed. “Or, I don’t know, maybe a fan?” Fefnir shrugged as well. “Who knows,” he said, tossing the picture onto the ground. “I’m ready to go home. I’m hungry.” Volnutt let out a scoff as he quickly picked up the discarded photo. “Fine,” he grumbled, gathering the two pictures in his arms. “Let’s get out of here.” Fefnir quirked a brow. “You’re bringing those home?” he asked. Volnutt nodded, glaring at his brother. “Yeah, I think dad would like them,” he insisted. “Besides, then this wasn’t a total bust.” Fefnir merely rolled his eyes. “Whatever, pipsqueak,”
  “Whatever, jerk face,”
   Fefnir let out a laugh at that.
  It was cathartic, to say the least. The life X was now living. No longer was he the legendary Maverick Hunter, nor was he the leader of what remained of society. He was just… X. A source for historical knowledge, to be sure, but there was nothing hanging on his shoulders. He could just… be a father for his children. It was truly the greatest privilege he had ever experienced. Currently, said privilege involved making dinner. Nights were slowly becoming colder as fall was settling further and further in the year, thus he had decided on an easy and simple soup. It was then that he realized it was uncharacteristically quiet in the house. That rarely boded well.
  Ah, there it was.
  “Levi, we do not yell in the house!” X called out to his daughter from the kitchen. He had no idea what had happened this time, but it was a common occurrence for arguments to break out. “He went into my room!” Leviathan argued, entering the kitchen. “I did not!” Harpuia called from the living room. "We still do not yell,” X chastised. Levi just let out a loud groan. “Now Harpuia, did you go into Levi’s room?” X asked, he had a sneaking suspicion it was not in fact Harpuia, but rather the younger… more mischievous son. “No, father,” Harpuia answered. “Of course you would say that!” Levi grumbled.
  “And what exactly is your proof?” X asked her. “I found feathers all over the floor!” she argued. “Ah yes,” Harpuia snarked from his seat on the couch. “I went into your room where I know you don’t want me, and made sure to leave a ton of feathers specifically so that you would know I was there. Truly, a brilliant plan on my part.” Levi let out a snarl at him. “That’s enough, you two,” X snapped. Sometimes he wondered how they had managed as Guardians. But, carbons were far closer to humans than they were reploids; it made sense that they wouldn’t be quite as mature in this form as they had been, once upon a time. “Phantom!” he called out for his younger son. “Yes, father?” the purple clad boy answered in a honeyed tone, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Had X not been used to combat all his life, he likely would have been startled. However, it was that coupled with the fact that Phantom had a tendency to sneak around like a cat that left him rather used to it. “Stop sneaking into your sister’s room,” X chastised. Phantom put on an offended expression. “I would never!” he said, acting aghast at the mere mention. “Is that why you wanted some of my feathers?” Harpuia asked, finally entering the kitchen.
 “YOU,” Leviathan yelled at her younger sibling. “Leviathan!” X barked. “What did I just say?!” In lieu of answering, Levi leapt at her younger brother. Phantom’s quick reflexes were the only thing that saved him from winding up on the ground.
  Just another day.
  “NOT IN THE HOUSE!” X yelled at his two younger children. Neither acknowledged him, of course. Phantom was currently running out of the kitchen with Levi in hot pursuit. X let out a long-suffering sigh. He loved his children, but they certainly were a handful. “I’ll make sure they don’t break anything,” Harpuia sighed as he trailed off after his siblings. “Thank you, Harpuia,” X groaned as he turned back to the task he had been interrupted in. It was nearly ready, he just had to add the noodles. As he did so, X took a look at the time. It was slowly getting darker out, causing worry to bubble up in his chest. He hadn’t heard anything from Fefnir and Volnutt yet… X knew his boys were capable Diggers, but he still couldn’t help but worry about them whenever they were a little late. The two hadn’t said anything about it being a long excursion, but things often had a tendency to change.
  In any case, X knew better than to make mountains out of molehills. If anything had gone wrong, those two knew exactly who to call.
  The sound of the front door slamming dragged X from his musings with a quiet groan. “Sorry!” called out a voice he hadn’t quite been expecting, much to his relief. Volnutt and Fefnir had made it home safely. X couldn’t help the fond smile that spread over his face as he turned to see all five of his children enter the kitchen. Phantom looked a little worse for wear, but it seems that Levi had shown mercy; Fefnir was currently teasing his brother about it. Harpuia was shaking his head at the three’s antics, while Volnutt was carrying something in his arms. “How was the dig?” X asked. Fefnir let out a loud groan, a disappointed look on his face. “Complete bust,” he grumbled. “Nothing worth fighting, nothing worth a buck, and it was BORING.” X let out a chuckle. “What about you, Volnutt?” he asked his youngest. “What’d you find?”
  Volnutt froze for a second, still seemingly unused to the amount of attention he’d often get from his family. “Oh uh…” Volnutt shifted the contents in his arms. “It’s… It’s nothing.” X watched Fefnir give him a weird look, but ultimately shrug. The blue clad carbon thought about pressing his youngest on the matter; it certainly didn’t seem like ‘nothing’ the way he was clutching it to his chest, but perhaps it was just something he wanted to keep to himself for now. “Alright, well, go ahead and get washed up,” X said. “All of you. Dinner is almost ready.”
  It then became a mad dash between all five to get to the bathroom sink first.
  Never a dull moment in this house, X thought to himself.
  That evening, after all the dishes had been washed and put up (a family bonding activity that X made sure everyone participated in, much to their chagrin), X was sitting down in his study. It was… sparse to say the least. Books were on the rarer side, something X often missed. They had been seen as a novel thing, back in his day; what with holopads being seen as more convenient. But he had often preferred the feel of turning physical pages. Now, while holopads were a thing of myth, so many stories had been lost due to time. Even with all the effort the Neo Arcadian archivists put in all those years ago, some things just couldn’t be avoided.
  A knock at the door brought X out of his thoughts. A knock he knew well. Checking the clock, he saw that it was a still a good amount of time before he preferred be in bed. Not that he was getting old! Well, he was (something he was admittedly grateful for) but not that old! “Come in,” he called; and just as he suspected, his youngest entered the room. Volnutt was holding something behind his back, peaking X’s curiosity. “What can I do for you?” X asked with a fond smile, putting the book he had been reading off to the side. “Uh… well,” Volnutt started, staring at the ground. “While Fefnir and I were on that dig, I uh… I found something interesting.” X let out a chuckle. “So you did find something, then?” he teased, causing Volnutt to blush a bit as he tried to come up with words to defend himself. It was far too easy to fluster the poor boy.
  “I’m just teasing,” X assured his youngest. “Let me see what you found.” Reluctantly, Volnutt handed over an old, (rather destroyed) picture frame. Looking over it, X was flabbergasted to see a picture of himself from before the Elf Wars. “Where did you find this?” he asked, puzzled. He certainly didn’t remember this one being taken. It looked like it had been taken within one of his homes rather than the usual Maverick Hunter HQ photo-op. “Fefnir and I went to the Abel City ruins,” Volnutt explained. “I found this in one of the apartments.” X gave a hum of understanding. While he was still raking his brain to try and place the moment when he would have had this picture taken, Volnutt had already brought out another frame from behind his back. “I uh… I also found this one of Uncle Axl,” he explained. That caught X off guard. Perhaps the boys had stumbled upon the home of an old fan. In any case, X set down the first picture in order to hold onto the second.
  He was not prepared for what he saw.
  Volnutt noticed the shift of his father’s demeanor immediately. X had gone stock still, a hand slowly reaching up to cover his mouth. Had… had he done something wrong? Or… maybe his dad just hadn’t been ready to see an old picture of his friend after so long. Finally, after what felt like forever, X let out a watery sounding laugh. “That… that makes so much more sense now,” he mused, a melancholic look to his eyes. Volnutt was confused. What made sense? “Dad?” he asked. X shook his head. “Sorry, I just-“ he let out a deep sigh; closing his eyes as he shook his head.
  When he opened them again, Volnutt saw that there were tears at the edge of his eyes. Ah crap, he hadn’t wanted to make his dad cry! Now what?! “Was that Uncle Axl’s girlfriend?” Volnutt blurted out. Ah yes. Real smooth. X let out another laugh. “Oh no,” he vehemently denied. “No, no, no. That-“ he let out another chocked sound. “That,” he tried again with a sigh. “Is you’re oldest sister, Brook.”
  Volnutt looked at the picture in disbelief. His… oldest sister? “What?” he asked. “I don’t-“ X cut him off with a shake of his head. “It’s… it’s my fault,” he murmured. “I… I hadn’t thought of her in years. It hurt too much.” Volnutt glanced at his father, not entirely sure what to say. What do you say to that? “What happened to her?’ Volnutt quietly asked. X didn’t answer, but Volnutt could see that his grip on the picture had tightened by the whitening of his knuckles.
  “War,” he finally, quietly answered.
  Oh. Volnutt took another glance at the photo. It… it was a lot sadder now. “Were she and Axl good friends?” he asked, trying to distract X. Another watery smile crossed X’s face. “Oh, they got along like a house on fire,” he said, a slight chuckle in his voice. “To this day, I am still surprised that they never did. They sure tried their darndest.” Volnutt smiled at that. “How is she… uh… related?” Volnutt didn’t know if that was the right word, but oh well. X shook his head with a fond smile. “Well, I wound up taking her in after she pulled quite the stunt at sixteen,” he explained.
  “What did she do?”
  “She disguised herself as a reploid in order to hunt Mavericks.”
  Volnutt stared at his father in disbelief. “What?” he exclaimed, as X let out another small laugh. “No way! How’d she do that?!”
  “Well, with the help of an old, retired hunter, she managed to make a set of reploid armor that would help disguise the fact that she was human,” X explained. “He also walked her through on how to reverse engineer a buster into a rifle. You had to have special permits to buy a buster where she lived, and only hunters were eligible for that.”
  “Why couldn’t she just be a hunter?” Volnutt asked. X let out a small sigh. “For starters, she was too young,” he said. “Age restrictions were taken a lot more seriously back then.” X gave Volnutt a pointed look at that. The younger carbon looked away; he knew his dad wasn’t the biggest fan of how young he was when he became a Digger, not that he had had a choice in the matter! “Not only that, but humans either had to be in a partnership with reploids,” X continued. “Or join what was known as the Guild in her country in order to hunt Mavericks. It was a safety thing.”
  “So… why did she do it then?”
  “Nobody else would,” X sighed with a defeated tone. “This was before the flood, so there was a lot of land back then. And a lot of places where farmers and people who didn’t want to live in cities lived were getting overlooked by both the Hunters and Guild. Mercenaries wouldn’t go out there either; not enough money to be made. So, she decided to do something about it.” Volnutt was quiet for a minute. “What about her parents?” he finally asked. “Why didn’t they stop her?” X sadly shook his head. “Brook’s parents…” he sighed. “They had died two years prior. Mavericks.” Volnutt made a quiet ‘oh’. “So… how’d she get found out?” he continued with his questions.
  X glanced at him. “You remember me telling you about Massimo, Marino, and Cinnamon, right?” he asked, to which Volnutt nodded. He liked hearing about Massimo. “Well, they had been dispatched to a small city where Brook just so happened to be tracking down a Maverick. She wound up saving Cinnamon, actually. But, she definitely was not acting like a reploid should when they tried talking to her.
  “So they wound up calling me as well as HQ to report her as a potential Maverick. And I chose to see what was going on. She was not an easy person to track down, let me tell you.” Volnutt couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Only reason I wound up catching her was because she fell out of a tree.”
  “Was she okay?”
 X shrugged. “A few broken bones, but nothing too much worse,” he told Volnutt. He winced, that certainly didn’t sound like fun. “So what caused you to take her in?” the younger boy asked. “Well, given that she broke a lot of laws, Brook was facing a lot of trouble,” X continued. “But, the news of what she did spread pretty quickly. And practically every farmer took her side. They were threatening to stop working if she was jailed. So the government decided to go ahead and enlist her into the Guild despite her age.
  “And I just… I couldn’t let that happen,” X let out a sigh, a sad look on his face as he looked at the photo again. “It was bad enough to me that she had started acting as a mercenary, the rest of her life shouldn’t have revolved around fighting either. I just… I wanted to get her away from it and live the rest of her life as a normal human.”
  “Did she?” Volnutt asked. X looked at his youngest with a wry smile. “Not even a little bit,” he sighed. “Oh, she was so angry when I told her I was taking her to Japan. That girl was dead set on fighting Mavericks, one way or another. We had so many arguments about the smallest things. Part of it was her hating the city, and the other part of it was her hating me, I think.” Volnutt gave X a bewildered look. “No way,” he denied. “There’s no way she could have hated you. You’re the best dad ever!” X chuckled as he ruffled Volnutt’s hair. “You have no idea how much that means to me,” he told his youngest. “But, in her defense, she was dealing with a lot of baggage already. And quite frankly, I had no idea what I was doing. We both had to figure things out.” X then let out another chuckle. “She one time bit a kid at school,” he said.
  “Oh yes,” X laughed. “She got into a fight with three boys at school and wound up biting one of them. That was by far the worst argument we got into.” Volnutt looked incredulously at the picture. Who would have thought. “So did she wind up joining the Guild?” Volnutt asked hesitantly. X let out a long sigh. “No, she instead wound up joining the Maverick Hunters,” he murmured. “Wound up losing her citizenship to her birth country because of it, but a deal was struck. Whenever there wasn’t a crisis, she would lead a team of rookies, whenever possible, to rural areas to track down stray Mavericks. ‘Coon-hunting’ she called it.”
  Volnutt let out a chuckle. He didn’t know what a ‘coon’ was, but it was a funny word. “So what did she do?” he asked. “Like… in terms of fighting. I mean… I doubt she was doing what you, Uncle Zero, and Uncle Axl were doing.” X shook his head. “Oh no,” he said. “Brook was smart about it. She kept her distance. Sniping was her profession, and she was very good at it. Saved Axl’s butt on more than one occasion.”
  X sighed, gently placing the photo down on his desk. “She would have loved all of you,” he muttered, wrapping his arm around Volnutt. “Thank you, for this.” Volnutt returned his father’s hug, glad to have shown it to him. “Hey, so if those photos were in that apartment we found,” Volnutt began. “I bet that means that might have been hers. Do you… do you maybe want to go look at it tomorrow?” X’s eyes softened. “I would love to,” he said. “Awesome!” Volnutt cheered. “OH! And maybe we could bring everyone else! They could hear about her too!”
  “I think I would like that.”
It was a shame carbons had lost the ability to see Cyber Elves. If they hadn’t, perhaps the two exiting the room would have noticed a familiar face currently watching them with a sad, but fond smile.
In any case, it was time to go.
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writercole · 5 months
A Very Serious Matter
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Summary: Charles got a little drunk and criticized her driving. Well...maybe it worked out for the best.
Words: 1352
Warnings: 18+ MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. Vaginal penetration, outdoor sex, vaginal fingering, alcohol use (mentions), French dirty talk with no translations
A/N: I've stopped asking where the tribbles come from and just follow them. I apologize for the amount of RPF coming your way but just think of it as a character that shares the same name and look as someone famous. You know...a face claim. Because trust me. I absolutely 100% know how delusional this is.
A/N 2: I'm sorry, @reels-and-wheels.
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He wasn't going to get drunk. It wasn't in his plan. But the season was over, planning and testing hadn't begun, and he deserved to unwind. That's how she ended up driving his custom Ferrari down the streets of Monaco towards his apartment. The problem is that he wasn’t very happy about that.
“Cherie, slow down for the curve.”
“You’re not shifting right.”
“No, no, you’re too close.”
“Pull up closer.”
“Charles, if you don’t stop telling me how to drive, I’m going to leave your drunk ass here with your car and I’m going to walk home. To my place,” she stressed.
“You wouldn’t,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes for good measure.
She nodded silently and turned down a side street, popping the parking break and stepping out of the car.
“Where are you going?” Charles called before she shut the door.
She took satisfaction in shutting the door without responding, crossing in front of the car as she heard his door open. Footsteps rushed towards her as Charles called for her to stop.
“Oh, hold on, cherie,” he drawled as he caught her wrist and twirled her towards him. “You can’t walk away from me when you look so good trying to be angry with me.”
Her hands landed on his solid chest and the frustration that had been building since they left the party melted away. Warmth seeped through the silk dress she wore where his arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her close, a sly grin on his flushed face as he looked down on her. She looked up at him through her lashes, pressing herself closer, biting her lip when she felt his hardness against her.
“When you look at me like that, it makes me want to take you right here, cherie,” he growled. His hands trailed down her side and gripped her hips tightly, grinding against her.
A soft whimper escaped her lips and he smirked, backing her up against the hood of his car.
“That sounds like you would like that,” he taunted. His lips met hers roughly and she kissed him back, whining when he pulled away and left her leaning against his prized sports car.
“Charles, the car,” she said breathlessly as he spun her around.
“Fuck the car,” he growled, his hands pushing down between her shoulder blades and trailing down her spine. She felt the hem of her dress lifting and his hands hooking in the simple thong she was wearing, pulling it down slowly. A yelp echoed in the alley as his teeth sank into the globe of her ass. “Step, darling,” he cooed once his hands had reached her ankles.
She complied, bracing herself on the hood of his Ferrari, the cool breeze a welcome contrast to the heat building with every brush of his fingers against her thighs. Looking over her shoulder, she saw him standing back up, his hands on his belt, desperately trying to get it unbuckled. His foot kicked her heels apart, exposing her to him fully.
“Hold on, cherie,” he commanded as he lined up the tip of his cock against her dripping hole. He bottomed himself out in one thrust, her cunt stretching to accommodate him easily as it had been made for him.
She moaned loudly, her fingers grasping for purchase against the smooth carbon fiber, doing everything she could to keep her weight off of the delicate material as Charles pounded into her ruthlessly. Fire burned in her veins, setting her nerves on fire as her release built with every thrust.
“Tu est une bonne fille,” he cooed behind her, his fingers digging into her hips for leverage. “Ma bonne petite putain.”
Her release hit out of nowhere, walls clenching around his cock and shouts bouncing off of the dark Monaco streets. Charles growled behind her and picked up his pace, his hips faltering before he came with a shout, his seed coating her walls, him continuing to fuck into her, pushing her into over-stimulation as she started to squirm under his touch.
His hands landed on the side of her and his weight folded on top of her back, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to catch his breath.
“Baby, you’re going to dent the hood,” she chuckled as more and more of his weight pressed down upon her.
“I don’t care,” he replied, but stood anyway, pulling his softening cock out with a hiss. He tugged her dress down with one hand, the other holding his pants up until he got her righted.
She turned and looked at him, flushed cheeks and disheveled hair, crooked grin as he fastened his belt again. “Where’s my underwear?” She asked.
“Oh, you don’t need them.”
“But I’m going to ruin your seat,” she protested.
“Cherie, I said it once, I’ll say it again. Fuck the car. I want to remember bending you over the hood of the second most precious thing in my world and filling you up before dropping you back in the passenger seat leaking me.”
“Passenger seat?” She laughed. “Charles, you’re still drunk. I’m driving home.”
“Hmm. I don’t think so,” he tutted as he stepped back into her space, his fingers trailing up her thigh once again. She suppressed a whimper and gripped his wrist before he could reach the apex of her leg. “I drive, I play with that pretty little pussy, and you make a mess of that dress, my hand, and my seat. I want anyone who gets into my car to smell you and know what I can do to you.”
She nodded enthusiastically and let him guide her to the passenger seat on weak legs, smiling when he dipped down to kiss her before closing the door. He slipped in to the driver seat and his hand automatically landed on her knee and trailed up, dipping under her dress and into her folds.
“Charles,” she whined as she squirmed in her seat.
His fingers skillfully rubbed her clit while he steered the car away from the curb, keeping to the low speed limit of the city streets as she writhed next to him, bucking her hips against his hand and chasing the pleasure of another release. Her juices coated his hand and he helped her to ride out her high before withdrawing his fingers and bringing them up to the low light flooding the car from the streetlights. He looked over with a smirk and opened his mouth, sucking his fingers clean with an obscene moan that made her walls clench around nothing.
“Don’t worry, we’re almost home,” he assured her as he dug in his pocket. “And you’ve done so good, cherie, so good for me. Leaving me little reminders everywhere.” A small strip of fabric dangled from his finger as he dropped his hand to the shifter, draping her thong over the stick.
“You can’t leave those there,” she protested halfheartedly.
“It’s my car, I can do whatever I want with it.”
“Those are my panties!”
“Yeah. And everyone else will know that my car will always be second to my girl’s pleasure. And I’ll remember the night that I couldn’t wait to get you home to be inside you, the night I had to fuck you over the hood of my car because I couldn’t hold myself back any longer.”
“Not the night that I parked on the side of the road and planned on walking back and leaving your drunk ass there?”
“No, the night that I knew that I’d do anything for the woman in the satin dress, including risking dents on the hood of my car to calm you down.”
“You..” She chuckled. “You are something else, Charles LeClerc.”
“You know you love it,” he replied with a cocky grin, pulling into the parking garage.
“I guess,” she sighed in mock annoyance.
“Well, if it’s just a guess, I guess I’ll have to take you inside and pleasure you until I convince you.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Oh trust me, cherie,” he chuckled, “pleasure is a very serious matter.”
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High speed star formation Gas clouds in the Cygnus X Region, a region where stars form, are composed of a dense core of molecular hydrogen (H2) and an atomic shell. These ensembles of clouds interact with each other dynamically in order to quickly form new stars. That is the result of observations conducted by an international team led by scientists at the University of Cologne’s Institute of Astrophysics and at the University of Maryland. Until now, it was unclear how this process precisely unfolds. The Cygnus X region is a vast luminous cloud of gas and dust approximately 5,000 light years from Earth. Using observations of spectral lines of ionized carbon (CII), the scientists showed that the clouds have formed there over several million years, which is a fast process by astronomical standards. The results of the study ‘Ionized carbon as a tracer for the assembly of interstellar clouds’ will appear in the next issue of Nature Astronomy. The paper is already accessible online. The observations were carried out in an international project led by Dr Nicola Schneider at the University of Cologne and Prof Alexander Tielens at the University of Maryland as part of the FEEDBACK programme on board the flying observatory SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy). The new findings modify previous perceptions that this specific process of star formation is quasi-static and quite slow. The dynamic formation process now observed would also explain the formation of particularly massive stars. By comparing the distribution of ionized carbon, molecular carbon monoxide and atomic hydrogen, the team found that the shells of interstellar gas clouds are made of hydrogen and collide with each other at speeds of up to twenty kilometres per second. “This high speed compresses the gas into denser molecular regions where new, mainly massive stars form. We needed the CII observations to detect this otherwise ‘dark’ gas,” said Dr Schneider. The observations show for the first time the faint CII radiation from the periphery of the clouds, which could not be observed before. Only SOFIA and its sensitive instruments were capable of detecting this radiation. SOFIA was operated by NASA and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) until September 2022. The observatory consisted of a converted Boeing 747 with a built-in 2.7-metre telescope. It was coordinated by the German SOFIA Institute (DSI) and the Universities Space Research Association (USRA). SOFIA observed the sky from the stratosphere (above 13 kilometres) and covered the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, just beyond what humans can see. The Boeing thus flew above most of the water vapour in the Earth’s atmosphere, which otherwise blocks out infrared light. This allowed the scientists to observe a wavelength range that is not accessible from Earth. For the current results, the team used the upGREAT receiver installed on SOFIA in 2015 by the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn and the University of Cologne. Even though SOFIA is no longer in operation, the data collected so far are essential for basic astronomical research because there is no longer an instrument that extensively maps the sky in this wavelength range (typically 60 to 200 micrometres). The now active James Webb Space Telescope observes in the infrared at shorter wavelengths and focuses on spatially small areas. Therefore, the analysis of the data collected by SOFIA is ongoing and continues to provide important insights – also regarding other star-forming regions: “In the list of FEEDBACK sources, there are other gas clouds in different stages of evolution, where we are now looking for the weak CII radiation at the peripheries of the clouds to detect similar interactions as in the Cygnus X region,” Schneider concluded. IMAGE....Observation of the Cygnus X Region with the flying observatory SOFIA revealed that stars form there more quickly than previously assumed. CREDIT NASA Spitzer/IRAC MIPS, USRA/SOFIA (L. Proudfit, L. Bonne) and University of Cologne (N. Schneider)
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rjzimmerman · 15 days
Should our future food be genetically engineered? (Washington Post)
While genetically modified crops may still provoke fear and uncertainty, some scientists argue that not only can they help to alleviate human health concerns, but they might also be able to help fight climate change. And as new tools like CRISPR, which can make targeted cuts in DNA, gain traction, genetic food engineering could be on the cusp of a quantum leap.
“It’s all political,” Stuart Smyth, a professor of agricultural and resource economics at the University of Saskatchewan, said of the Philippines decision. “It’s not based on science.”
Genetically modified crops are ones that have had genetic material inserted from another species of organism. For example, the first genetically modified food product — a tomato introduced to the public in 1994 as the “Flavr Savr” — had two genes added. One conferred antibiotic resistance, and another gave the tomato a longer shelf life. (The company manufacturing the Flavr Savr, Calgene, had to cease production in 1997 because of rising costs.)
Today, there are only a few genetically modified crops in production, but those that exist are widely grown. In the United States, 94 percent of all soybeans, 96 percent of all cotton and 92 percent of all corn was genetically modified as of 2020, according to the Food and Drug Administration. These crops became popular because of their ability to withstand glyphosate, a key ingredient in the herbicide known as “Roundup.” Other countries that grow genetically modified crops widely include Canada, Brazil and India.
No major scientific research has found that genetically modified crops cause health problems in humans. In a 400-plus-page report published in 2016, the National Academies of Science found that “no substantiated evidence that foods from GE [genetically engineered] crops were less safe than foods from non-GE crops.” The report urged analysis of suchfoods by the traits that they include, rather than how they were created.
Yet engineeredcrops remain unpopular. According to a Pew Research Center poll from 2020, 38 percent of Americans believe genetically modified crops are unsafe, compared with 27 percent who believe they are safe. Thanks to a law passed by Congress in 2016, foods in the United States are required to be labeled as bioengineered if they involved genetic engineering beyond what could be accomplished with conventional breeding techniques. One analysis showed that consumers are willing to pay 20 percent more to avoid GM foods.
At the same time, a small but growing body of research has argued that GM foods could play a significant role in cutting carbon emissions. In a study published last year, researchers at the University of Bonn in Germany and the Berkeley, Calif.-based Breakthrough Institute found that widespread use of these crops in Europe could cut the agricultural sector’s emissions by 7.5 percent.
Another study found that the use of GM crops globally savesaround 23 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year — equalto removing around half of all vehicles from roads in the United Kingdom.
There are two primary ways genetically engineered crops could cut carbon emissions.
First, theycan be more productive, creating higher yields for farmers and allowing them to grow more food on less land. One global analysis found that GM crops on average lead to a 22 percent increase in yields. At the same time, one-third of all emissions from agriculture are from deforestation and the destruction of other natural areas — as farmers expand and grow more crops, they cut down trees that are storing CO2 in their trunks and leaves.
Other scientists say crops with herbicide resistance can require less tilling. “Every time soil is tilled, it releases carbon back into the atmosphere,” Smyth said. Herbicide-resistant corn, for example, can endure being sprayed by weed-killing agents, preventing farmers from having to till the land to remove weeds.
Butthe environmental community is split. Some activistssay focusing on climate change obscures the real problem with genetically modified crops: the role of big corporations in controlling food production.
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miss-tron · 8 months
Muse info
Name: Tron Bonne
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Species: Carbon
Role: Leader of the Bonne pirate family
Pokémon team: Klawf. That's it, that's all she bothered to catch. She didn't even use a Pokémon to fight and weaken it, she just had her Servbots attack it and catch it in a net since she didn't have any Pokéballs on her.
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summion7 · 2 years
Servbot10: ok miss Tron the ancient’s laboratory should be coming up ahead.
Tron: got it! Ok let’s make some money!
Tron and her servbots were currently in a deep ruins lab on a far off island from most of civilization to see if they can find any refractors that would go for a lot of some fancy tech.
Servbot16:oh wow this place is so clean compared to the other rooms!
Tron:Good that will make it easier to find any loot! Go forth and see what we can take!
Servbots:Yes miss Tron!
The group separated and began to scoured a room for any valuables. Unfortunately as it usually happens for Tron miss fortune was about to strike.
Servbot39:I wonder what this button does? *pushes blue button*…
Computer: matter displacement chamber activated retrieving non-carbon specimen for reproduction program.
Serv39 shakly raises his hand: I’m sorry miss Tron!
*at beacon*
Professor/doctor obleck was bringing an ancient artifacts from several different civilizations one of them appeared to be some kind of camera and antenna: these my dear students are artifacts I dug up from a sea side salvage. It appears to be ancient vaccuian yet it was discovered closer to Patch!
yang:Really ?that’s were me and ruby are from!
Obleck: yes yes I am well aware as me and your father are good friends! Anyway to continue with the story.
But before he could continue the story like a computerized voice fill the room what a single phrase.
Computer #2: specimen acquired now beginning matter displacement process. estimated time of return one months, three days 14hours, six minutes.
Jaune:what the? That can’t be good.
And just has set sentence left his mouth A beam of light shut out from the antenna and started to suck him into the machine and out into the sky as blue square particles. It’s a good thing Jaune had his weapon on hand as miss Goodwitch’s class was next.
*back with the bonnes*
Tron was getting ready for a fight when a person appeared from thin air. He appeared to be close in age had blond hair, a sword and he had piercing blue eyes.
Jaune:who are you?! Where am I? Why did you abduct me?!
Tron: okay chill let me fill you in on what happened.
Jaune: so let me get this straight while you guys were raiding what is essentially a high tech tomb. one of your little robots  pressed a button on this ancient machine and brought me here? For what?
Servbot39: the machine said something about a non-carbon to use for repopulation.
Jaune: What?!
Tron: relax! I’m not trying to hurt you or anything. I guess I’ll have to keep you safe until we can get you back home. My names Tron, Tron bonne air pirate and digger!
Jaune: the name is Jaune arc huntsman and training.
Timeskip 1 month three days.
Ozpin: Doctor it appeared the machine is getting ready to bring mister arc back! Go fetch his and miss rose’s team!
Obleck:Right away!
Pyrrha: thank god Jaune coming back!
Ruby:yeah I can’t wait!
Computer #2:time has elapsed threshold now retrieving specimen. Error specimen appears to be bringing multiple people caution is advised.
The computer said that a familiar beam of light shot out in the middle of the room and out came tensel, bon bonne,Tron bonne and her gang of servbots, and a familiar blond.
Jaune:huh I’m back?!
Ozpin: Welcome back mister arc and it appears you brought some guests.
Jaune: guys?! Well this is going to be interesting. Well these are the arc-bonnes my in-laws and wife’s family.
Everyone else: WHAT?!
Jaune: wait what?!
Tron: chill out we may be married but I’m a pirate first and I can see you have some “booty” so how about you become “ours” and I’ll let you be a  concubine.
Nora: Am I just having a really vivid dream after drinking one of Ren’s health drinks?
yang:no Nora I see this too.
Jaune:ozpin do you mind if I eat and wash before continuing this is going to be a long story.
Ozpin:very well mister arc come over to my office when you are ready.
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🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Connaissez-vous les Vins du Domaine Aubert et Mathieu ❓ ❓🇫🇷
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🍇🍷Aop Minervois La Livinière rouge Bio cuvée Milo 2020 🍇🍷:
🍇 :
Élevage de 50% de la cuvée en barrique pendant 12 mois.
24,90€ /la bouteille
Certifié Agriculture Biologique
👁️ :
Robe de couleur grenat soutenue avec des reflets violets.
👃 :
Un nez expressif sur des notes de fruits noir, fleurs.
💋 :
En bouche on a un vin, velouté avec des tanins fondu. Un vin avec un bel équilibre et une intensité folle. Sur des arômes de fruits bien mûrs voire compoté de Myrtille, Prune, Liqueur de cassis. Des épices (poivre, lavande, réglisse, clou de girofle), une petite touchent de vanille. Une bonne longueur en bouche avec une finale sur les noisettes torréfiées. Finale fraîche.
📜En résumé📜 :
Une magnifique cuvée qui allie gourmandise, finesse et intensité en bouche. Un Minervois de très haut niveau qui demande qu'à être dégusté. La régalade assuré.
🧆Dégusté sur Civet de lièvre🧆.
🍷Quelques accords mets et vin possible avec cette cuvée🍷 : Colombo de poulet, Corned beef, Canard rôti au miel, Boeuf à l'orange, Chipolatas....
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet du domaine  pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment📌.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #boisson
🇫🇷🗣️Description du domaine 🗣️🇫🇷:
Deux amis qui ont pour objectif de faire bouger les vignes.Connus sur les bancs de l'école,nous nous sommes lancé le défi de créer une gamme de vin à notre image. Natifs du Languedoc Roussillon, nous voulons faire bouger les vignes de notre région natale en apportant une touche d'originalité et de modernité à nos cuvées. Créé en 2018, nous nous inscrivons dans une démarche éco-conscieuse, plus transparente et plus durable. Cet engagement se manifeste du cep à la bouteille avec des cuvées bio ou en conversion. Anthony, c’est l’explorateur de la team. Il se passionne pour le vin, lors de ses études, après une rencontre avec un œnologue. C’est une vraie révélation ! Il décide de faire de sa passion son métier. Son master en commerce des vins en poche, il passera 6 ans entre l’Asie et New York travaillant pour des importateurs de vins avant de rentrer en France et de se lancer dans l’aventure de l’entreprenariat.Il dépose ses valises à Carcassonne, sa ville d’origine, pour mener à bien son projet. Anthony s’appuie sur son intuition raisonnée et son goût de l’aventure pour élaborer des vins de qualités, haut en couleur !Jean-Charles, c’est l’homme à penser, un brin rêveur. Issu d’une famille de commerçants, il est initié à l’entreprenariat depuis sa plus tendre enfance. Jeune diplômé de l’ESCP, il rejoint un grand groupe parisien pendant 4 ans. Il se lasse peu à peu de ces grandes organisations qui laissent peu de place à sa créativité. Il décide donc de revenir à l’une de ses plus grandes passions le vin.
Il part de la capitale afin de renouer avec sa région natale à laquelle il n’a cessé d’être attaché. Il se laisse tenter par le projet d’Anthony celui de faire du vin différemment !.
Nous croyons en une viticulture porteuse de sens, en élaborant des vins rouges,des vins blancs, desvins rosés issus desmeilleurs appellations du Languedoc Roussillon. Nous pensons l’ensemble de notre production pour être éco-responsable ! 
Nos vins du Languedoc Roussillon s’inscrivent dans une démarche éco-consciencieuse : neutralité carbone, soutien à la biodiversité, packaging éco-conçu, compensation de nos émissions en carbone…Cet engagement se manifeste du cep à la bouteille avec desvins bio ou en conversion.
Ensemble nous voulons faire bouger les vignes, pour contribuer à un monde plus authentique, plus transparent, plus durable. Pour nous tous !
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓ Hello corkscrew lovers.  Do you know the wines of Domaine Aubert and Mathieu ❓ ❓🇬🇧
🍇🍷Aop Minervois La Livinière red Bio cuvée Milo 2020 🍇🍷:
Aging of 50% of the cuvée in barrels for 12 months.
€24.90 /the bottle
Certified Organic Farming
Deep garnet color with purple reflections.
An expressive nose with notes of black fruit and flowers.
On the palate we have a wine, velvety with melted tannins.  A wine with a nice balance and crazy intensity.  On aromas of very ripe fruit even stewed Blueberry, Plum, Blackcurrant liqueur.  Spices (pepper, lavender, liquorice, clove), a touch of vanilla.  A good length in the mouth with a finish on roasted hazelnuts.  Fresh finish.
📜In summary📜:
A magnificent cuvée that combines delicacy, finesse and intensity on the palate.  A very high level Minervois just waiting to be tasted.  The treat guaranteed.
🧆Tasted on Hare Civet🧆.
🍷 Some food and wine pairings possible with this cuvée 🍷: Chicken Colombo, Corned beef, Honey roast duck, Orange beef, Chipolatas....
📌 Don't forget, drinking a cannon is saving
a winemaker.  Go see the domain's website to see all the vintages and promotions of the moment 📌.
🔞 "Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation"🔞
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #boisson
🇬🇧🗣️Domain description 🗣️🇬🇧
Two friends who aim to move the vines.
Known on the benches of the school, we challenged ourselves to create a range of wine in our image. Natives of Languedoc Roussillon, we want to move the vines of our home region by bringing a touch of originality and modernity to our wines. Established in 2018, we are part of an eco-conscieuse approach, more transparent and more sustainable. This commitment is evident from the vine to the bottle vintages with organic or in conversion.
Anthony is the explorer of the team. He became passionate about wine during his studies, after meeting an oenologist. It's a revelation! He decided to make his passion his profession. His master in trade paperback in wines, he spent 6 years between Asia and New York working for wine importers before returning to France and to embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship.
He drops his bags in Carcassonne, his hometown, to carry out his project. Anthony uses his rational intuition and sense of adventure to develop quality wines, colorful!
Jean-Charles is the man to think, a dreamer strand. Coming from a merchant family, he was introduced to entrepreneurship since his childhood. Young graduated from ESCP, he joined a Paris group for 4 years. It gradually tired of these big organizations that leave little room for creativity. He decided to return to one of his greatest passions wine.
It starts from the capital to reconnect with his home region to which it has ceased to be attached. He is tempted by the draft Anthony that of making wine differently!.
We believe in a meaningful viticulture, developing red wines, white wines, rosés from desvins desmeilleurs appellations of the Languedoc Roussillon. We believe all of our production to be environmentally responsible!
Our wines of Languedoc Roussillon are part of an eco-conscientious approach: carbon neutrality, supporting biodiversity, eco-designed packaging, offset our carbon emissions ...
This commitment is evident from the vine to the bottle with desvins organic or in conversion.
Together we want to move the vines, to contribute to a world more authentic, more transparent, more durable. For all of us !
🇮🇹❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi.  Conosci i vini di Domaine Aubert e Mathieu❓ ❓🇮🇹
🍇🍷Aop Minervois La Livinière rosso Bio cuvée Milo 2020 🍇🍷:
Affinamento del 50% della cuvée in botti per 12 mesi.
€ 24,90 /la bottiglia
Agricoltura biologica certificata
Colore granato intenso con riflessi porpora.
Un naso espressivo con note di frutta nera e fiori.
Al palato abbiamo un vino vellutato con tannini sciolti.  Un vino con un bell'equilibrio e un'intensità pazzesca.  Su aromi di frutta molto matura anche mirtillo in umido, prugna, liquore di ribes nero.  Spezie (pepe, lavanda, liquirizia, chiodi di garofano), un tocco di vaniglia.  Buona lunghezza in bocca con un finale di nocciole tostate.  Finale fresco.
📜In sintesi📜:
Una magnifica cuvée che unisce delicatezza, finezza e intensità al palato.  Un Minervois di altissimo livello che aspetta solo di essere assaggiato.  Il trattamento garantito.
🧆Assaggiato su Hare Civet🧆.
🍷 Alcuni abbinamenti enogastronomici possibili con questa cuvée 🍷: Chicken Colombo, Corned beef, Honey roast duck, Orange beef, Chipolatas....
📌 Non dimenticare, bere un cannone è salvare
un enologo.  Andate a vedere il sito del dominio per vedere tutte le annate e le promozioni del momento 📌.
🔞 "L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione"🔞
🇮🇹🗣️Descrizione del dominio 🗣️🇮🇹
Due amici che mirano a spostare le viti.
Conosciuta su banchi di scuola, abbiamo la sfida di creare una gamma di vini a nostra immagine.  Nativi di Languedoc Roussillon, vogliamo spostare i vitigni della nostra regione portando un tocco di originalità e modernità per i nostri vini.  Stabilito in 2018, siamo parte di un approccio eco-conscieuse, più trasparente e più sostenibile.  Questo impegno è evidente dalla vigna alla bottiglia annate con organico o in via di conversione.
Anthony è l'esploratore della squadra.  Ha una passione per il vino, durante i suoi studi, dopo l'incontro con un enologo.  E 'una rivelazione!  Ha deciso di fare la sua passione la sua professione.  Il suo padrone in edizione economica il commercio di vini, ha trascorso 6 anni tra l'Asia e New York a lavorare per importatori di vino prima di tornare in Francia e per intraprendere l'avventura imprenditoriale.
Lascia cadere i bagagli a Carcassonne, sua città natale, per realizzare il suo progetto.  Anthony usa la sua intuizione razionale e senso di avventura per sviluppare i vini di qualità, colorato!
Jean-Charles è l'uomo di pensare, un sognatore Strand.  Proveniente da una famiglia di commercianti, è stato introdotto l'imprenditorialità fin da bambino.  Giovane laureato presso ESCP, entra a far parte di un gruppo di Parigi per 4 anni.  E a poco a poco stanca di questi grandi organizzazioni che lasciano poco spazio alla creatività.  Decise di tornare a uno dei suoi più grandi vini passioni.
Si parte dalla capitale a riconnettersi con la sua regione d'origine a cui ha cessato di essere attaccato.  Si è tentato dal progetto di Anthony che di fare il vino in modo diverso !.
Noi crediamo in una viticoltura significativo, lo sviluppo di vini rossi, vini bianchi, rosati da desvins desmeilleurs denominazioni del Languedoc Roussillon.  Crediamo che tutta la nostra produzione per essere ecologicamente responsabile!
I nostri vini del Languedoc Roussillon sono parte di un approccio eco-coscienza: la neutralità di carbonio, sostenendo la biodiversità, l'imballaggio eco-progettato, compensare le nostre emissioni di carbonio ...
Questo impegno è evidente dalla vite alla bottiglia con desvins organici o in conversione.
Insieme vogliamo spostare le viti, per contribuire ad un mondo più autentica, più trasparente, più durevole.  Per tutti noi !
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unjourdemai · 2 years
Broken, but not defeated, I will try again.
Oublie tout. Ouvre la fenêtre. Videz la pièce. Le vent souffle dessus. Tu ne vois que son vide, tu cherches dans tous les coins et tu ne te trouves pas. I want to calm down, to rest, to outlive this nonsense. Nous avons du calcium dans nos os, du fer dans nos veines, du carbone dans notre âme et de l'azote dans notre cerveau. 93% de poussière d'étoiles, avec des âmes faites de flammes, nous ne sommes que des étoiles qui ont des noms de personnes.  Je repense encore à ces soirées que nous avons passées ensemble comme la partie la plus heureuse de ma vie, et je voulais que ça dure pour toujours.
Je pense que tu as perdu tout intérêt pour ce monde. Vous avez été déçu et découragé, et vous vous êtes désintéressé de tout. Alors vous avez abandonné votre corps physique. Vous êtes allé dans un monde à part et vous y menez une vie différente. Dans un monde à l'intérieur de vous. Dès que la guérison a lieu, sortez et guérissez quelqu'un d'autre. J'avais un étrange sentiment de vide en moi. Pas une mauvaise sorte de vide. C'était une sorte d'absence de sensation, comme avoir mal pendant longtemps et puis réaliser soudainement que vous ne l'êtes plus. Ce n'est pas grave si je ne suis pas votre chapitre préféré que vous avez écrit, mais j'espère que vous souriez parfois lorsque vous revenez aux pages dans lesquelles j'ai écrit ?
Si vous vous sentez perdu, il vous suffit de commencer à essayer tout et n'importe quoi. Seule l'action apporte le changement. Vous ne pouvez pas rester assis là et trop réfléchir. À mes yeux, une bonne conversation est le berceau de la véritable attraction. Alors ouvrez-vous et partagez avec moi chaque rencontre et expérience qui vous a façonné en qui vous êtes aujourd'hui. Parlez-moi de vos espoirs et de vos rêves et captivez-moi avec vos passions. Éveillez ma curiosité et vous aurez mon attention.
La chose dont j'ai le plus peur, c'est moi. De ne pas savoir ce que je vais faire. De ne pas savoir ce que je fais en ce moment.  Je me vois pour toujours et à jamais comme la personne ridicule, l'âme solitaire, le vagabond, l'artiste frustré et agité, la personne amoureuse de l'amour, toujours à la recherche de l'absolu, toujours à la recherche de l'inaccessible.. Je désire un amour si beau qu'il dépasse le mot lui-même. Un amour ressenti si profondément qu'il ridiculise la définition. Un amour si grand qu'un nouveau mot doit être inventé juste pour décrire notre connexion complexe. Je me sentais complètement seul, comme si j'étais la dernière personne vivante sur Terre. Je ne peux pas décrire ce sentiment de solitude totale. Je voulais juste disparaître dans les airs et ne penser à rien. Veillez à ne pas investir toute votre force et votre énergie à préserver les apparences ou à masquer vos insécurités alors que ce qui est vraiment essentiel pour projeter une présence sûre et confiante est de développer une saine estime de soi et un cœur bon et courageux. Je suis le genre de personne qui aime être seul. Pour mettre un point plus fin, je suis le genre de personne qui ne trouve pas douloureux d'être seul.  La plupart des gens portent cette douleur en eux toute leur vie, jusqu'à ce qu'ils tuent la douleur par d'autres moyens, ou jusqu'à ce qu'elle les tue. Mais vous, mes amis, vous avez trouvé un autre moyen : un moyen d'utiliser la douleur. Pour le brûler comme combustible, pour la lumière et la chaleur. Vous avez appris à briser le monde qui a essayé de vous briser. J'ai un esprit comme les vagues de l'océan. Toujours changeant, trop violent ou trop doux, brûlant comme de l'eau salée. Viens trop près, et j'ai peur de t'avaler..  si jamais vous étiez à proximité d'un solitaire, vous pourriez croire qu'il y a de la tranquillité dans la solitude, mais si jamais vous étiez un solitaire, vous savez que la solitude est une évasion du pandémonium dans un monde qui ne pourrait jamais vous entendre crier. C'est mon histoire, simplement racontée. S'il vous plaît ne redemandez pas. Je vous l'ai dit pour vous avertir. J'ai été endommagé. Les personnes endommagées sont dangereuses. Elles savent qu'elles peuvent survivre.
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The Guardians’s Personalities
In Legends Reborn, the Guardians realize that they are no longer generals or bound by Neo Arcadia anymore. Since I talked about X, now it’s their turn. Besides how they feel and their personalities in this era of peace, they were able to get loose at last.
Harpuia is, not surprisingly, the one who had the hardest time adjusting to his new life as a newly formed body. Especially having to stop calling his father “Master X” because boy was that awkward as fuck considering that he’s his child rather than a soldier. So it’s decided that he’s going to call him Father for now. He misses his hands, but he has adjusted to his wings and how shockingly prehensile and flexible they are.
He tends to be strict, a bit of an organized neat freak, still acts like a leader, having to herd his chaotic younger siblings around, still retains his sense of Justice but has mellowed out, and has picked up hobbies that stimulate his mind Like puzzles, reading books (his favorites are extremely trashy, smutty romance books; it’s his guilty pleasure if you bring this up, he WILL DESTROY YOU), and playing strategy games that require more thought (He, Barrell, X, and surprisingly, Teiso?? play chest). Since learning how to fly with his new arms, he has developed some bird-like habits. He mostly enjoys flying around to see everything, but it makes him feel liberated and not trapped in the grand Gilded cage of Neo Arcadia.
He tends to do more jobs out in the field as a digger or an organizer. But also, due to his sense of justice, he tends to apprehend dangerous criminals. (The Bonnes are surprisingly good at providing him with some valuable information; he and Teiso tend to have a Rivalry/frenemy relationship.)
Leviathan has adjusted very well to her new life, at least. Aside from getting used to being a carbonate most of the time,. Levi absolutely revels in her newly discovered freedom, being more carefree than she used to be. She is loving the new body. It may be soft, but it still has fishy traits, but dammit, she kills it. Aside from the fact that she can't survive desserts for shit, she’ll complain through the entire goddamn trip if they do not prepare a cooling spot for her. She doesn't really miss her previous life as a general, but she holds a level of shame about it. She happily calls X her dad.
She's very sassy, playful, and somewhat of a diva with a mischievous streak. Still holding her passion for all sea life (yes, even the more fucked-up ones), she often happily states facts about them if asked. She hates getting dirty (she gets dramatic as fuck about) and has a preference for the water and the sea, which gives her more power since the world is flooded. She's a bit of a fashion fan, often going clothes shopping or, at times (with Phantom’s help), making clothes to match her taste. She's the gossip gal, spilling the latest tea on someone with her gal pals or her dad. She still holds her sadistic side but only uses it when it's necessary (like protecting her sweet little brother and her loved ones). Despite how she acts most of the time, she’s genuine with her words and is a big sister figure to folks who need help.
As a deep sea digger, she's known to stay in underwater ruins for long periods of time to seek and recover treasure and supplies, which is really damn good. Because of her looks (it's fucking obvious who she got it from) and love of fashion, she has a modeling gig going. Frankly, she's a bit popular, but not supermodel-level, but well known. Also, due to her flirtatious attitude, she tends to charm men and women to get what she wants (to Harpuia’s dismay).
Fefnir: It was weird to adjust to this new life for himself. At first, he complained about how limited this body was in contrast to his stronger one. But over time, it has seen its advantages and then quickly eased up. The carefree life of Terra was really weird to get used to, but he has developed new ways to excite himself. His once hot-blooded temper has significantly lowered now that he can fight for fun! Bro is loving his draconic traits because they make him already cooler. His affinity for fire has allowed him to be resistant to heat (especially on the hottest days or deserts, when he gets even more excited), but he will die in the freezing cold. Straight up calls and pops.
He’s a bold, loud, passionate, and surprisingly laid-back individual. Who still enjoys fighting despite the peaceful era of Terra? His imposing stature tends to scare people away, but the truth is, he’s laid back and holds a surprising amount of emotional intelligence. Surprisingly solid advice. His bluntness may come off as rude, but he really does mean well for others. Always saying what comes out of his mind. He has a lot of knowledge of agriculture thanks to his time as a general. To the point that he has developed a green thumb for plants. He often hears Levi's gossip for the shits and giggles. He’s really content with his current life on Terra.
Out of everyone in the family aside from Volnutt, he’s very much a full-time digger. Most of his job is just him doing high-level digs to fight off dangerous reaverbots or fighting off air pirates. He doesn’t mind doing hard work for people.
Phantom, there’s not much to say about how much he feels about the adjustment period, but the truth is, he’s content with the circumstances surrounding his resurrection. But there was at one point where he had light sensitivity with his new eyes for a time that caused him to wear sunglasses. He’s quiet about the changes compared to his siblings (they probably have to be more direct with him). Shockingly, he’s finally able to express his repressed emotions after so long, but in very subtle ways that only his family can notice. Especially his sillier, softer side, because it turns out that despite his quiet, mature personality, Phantom is young. Especially when it comes to pranks and games, he’s quite the trickster. He’s older than Volnutt but actually younger than his brothers and sister. Like Harpuia, he prefers to call X "Father.”.
In terms of his personality, his quiet, cautious, yet loyal nature is still present . But he’s really social and shy, awkward, and loathes being surrounded by massive crowds. This is why he prefers to stay in the shadows compared to anyone else. But still, he’s fiercely loyal to his family and friends. One aspect of him is that he’s capable of being goofy and mischievous. He enjoys scaring people by suddenly appearing without warning and pulling small little pranks. Also saying the most wild shit that ever came out of his mouth. Often than not, he enjoys being the cause of chaos, just for the hell of it. He’s known to be a fantastic listener, hearing things out and providing some insight. He’s also kind of a famous cryptid; his ninja abilities allow him to disappear into the shadows. Seeing folks make conspiracy theories about him is the funniest sh*t ever.
Currently, it's unknown what he’s up to these days, aside from helping his father around the house or doing patrols. However, he loves working part-time at a local cat cafe. I absolutely loved a cat from that cafe named Butterscotch. But it's hard to be the weirdest cryptid of all terra.
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Le Vendredi noir 25 novembre 2022 et est devenu un week-end noir en pratique, même s'il n'est pas question d'accidents de la route. Cette fête commerciale venue tout droit des USA après Halloween ("where else" pourrait demander un acteur célèbre) est une incitation de plus à se ruer dans les magasins puis sur son compte en banque pour acheter à moitié prix des choses sans lesquelles nous allons nécessairement nous trouver très mal. Cette journée de promotion augmente de manière très forte les ventes en ligne, qui elles-mêmes augmentent de manière forte le fret aérien - le plus polluant de tous - ainsi que la livraison du dernier kilomètre, bien plus souvent faite en camionnette qu'en vélo électrique. C'est une des conséquences du fait que les objets promus sont rarement fabriqués en France, qu'il s'agisse d'électroménager, de vêtements, ou encore d'électronique. Sur ce dernier poste, du reste, cette journée vient se combiner avec la coupe du monde, qui, dans le passé, a été un gros accélérateur de la vente de télévisions à grand écran, des objets eux-mêmes très énergivores à la fabrication. Un petit clic sur un site de vente en ligne sera donc une petite claque pour le climat, puisque les objets commandés n'arrivent pas par pigeon voyageur, ne sont pas fabriqués uniquement en rotin dans le village d'à-coté, et poussent à la hausse la fabrication d'emballages et les déchets qui vont avec. Une autre conséquence de la fabrication lointaine des objets sur lesquels nous allons nous ruer est que leur consommation accrue déséquilibre la balance commerciale puisque quasiment tout est importé. Cette incitation à faire un peu plus les cigales ne va donc pas vraiment dans la bonne direction côté climat, comme le rappelle cet article publié sur le site de Carbone 4, et n'est pas vraiment raccord avec la sobriété tant vantée par le gouvernement. Plutôt que de singer les américains, nous devrions faire un Vendredi vert, avec des promotions sur les vélos et autres fabriqués sur le territoire, les isolants pour les murs, les pompes à chaleur et la reprise des cols de chemise élimés
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epopoiia-leblog · 1 year
Fashion week
Il serait malhonnête de nier l’émerveillement ressenti à chaque Fashion Week, avec la découverte des dernières créations des plus grands couturiers, comme celles des jeunes designers prometteurs.
Devant nous défilent les témoignages d’un univers, d’un patrimoine, d’un idéal, d’une vision d’un créateur qui s’octroie la liberté, à travers l’art du vêtement, de nous raconter le monde et de nous transporter dans l’antre de son imaginaire. Fruit de multiples talents, de toutes ces petites mains ayant œuvré, pendant des heures infinies, dans l’ombre de l’artiste, maniant fils, aiguilles et machines telles de vraies magiciennes, pour nous offrir la joie d’admirer ce spectacle fabuleux d’étoffes, plus surprenantes les unes que les autres.
Elle nous ensorcelle, la mode et ses délices qu’elle présente amadouement à nos yeux. Elle est si belle, c’est un rêve éveillé que l’on vit…
Mais derrière tant de splendeur, se cachent aussi bien des travers que nos engagements ne nous permettent pas de laisser de côté.
La mode est polluante, cela n’est pas une nouveauté, mais quand arrivent les Fashion Weeks, cet aspect devient d’autant plus critiquable.
Quel est le coût environnemental de tous ces déplacements, incluant aussi bien les êtres humains que le matériel, pour quelques heures de spectacles ? D’une ville à l’autre, combien d’heures d’avion viennent s’amonceler dans l’empreinte carbone mondiale ? Et qu’en est-il de la question des logements, de la création des décors, rarement recyclés une fois le show terminé, de l’électricité, de l’énergie que tout cela représente ? Sans oublier la production des vêtements qui est à elle seule extrêmement polluante…
Selon The Carbon Trust, chaque année les Fashion Weeks représentent 241 000 tonnes de CO2. En d’autres mots, cela représente l'éclairage de Time Square pendant 58 ans. Affolant n’est-ce pas ? La connaissance de ces chiffres nous amène fortement à nous questionner sur notre rapport à ces évènements et à leur légitimité actuelle, alors que le monde est en train de traverser une dangereuse crise climatique.
Une nécessité s’impose à reconsidérer l’organisation et la mise en place des Fashions Weeks sous un prisme écologique. La crise sanitaire de 2020 nous a déjà apporté des pistes de réflexion en proposant des défilés digitaux, limitant ainsi les déplacements et leur empreinte environnementale. Certains designers s’engagent aussi à ce que leurs créations soient conçues en majorité avec des matériaux responsables, comme Stella McCartney par exemple. D’autres, encore, ralentissent le rythme des défilés en réduisant le nombre de leurs collections annuelles. Toutes les bonnes idées sont bonnes à prendre.
De même qu'il serait tant que la diversification des corps soit davantage représentée sur les défilés et que la présence de mannequins racisé.e.s, transgenres, grande taille ou de plus de 50 ans ne soit plus une minorité ou, pire, une exception.
C’est l’ensemble des Fashion Weeks qui doit être repensé. Mais ces changements ne pourront rendre ces évènements que d’autant plus magiques. ✨
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Illustration inspirée du défilé Alexis Mabille Haute Couture Printemps-Été 2023
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claudehenrion · 2 years
Le calme avant la tempête ?
  Profitant de la trêve du 11 novembre (NDLR : mon père, né en 1891 --''de la classe 11'', comme on disait alors--, et étudiant en doctorat de Droit, avait été mobilisé dès le tout début, à 23 ans. Il a ''fait'' toute la guerre dans une unité de première ligne, le 6 ème BCA (et plus précisément : dans des tranchées épouvantables !) et a été blessé deux fois. Je voue donc une fidélité émue et sans limites à l'épopée de nos ''poilus''), je pensais à l'évolution logiquement prévisible du monde qui fut longtemps ''le nôtre'' (qui que soit le ''nous'' auquel on se réfère !) et dans lequel si peu arrivent à trouver une place qui leur convienne, aujourd'hui. Et j'ai beau tourner toutes les hypothèses de travail dans tous les sens, pas une seule ''bonne nouvelle'' en vue...
Dans le but de, peut-être, rendre compte de l'actualité aux lecteurs de ce Blog, je lis la presse du matin (celle du soir me débecte trop !), j'écoute les ''JT'' de l'entreprise de démolition et de crétinisation de masse qu'est devenue la merveilleuse invention qu'aurait pu être la télévision (Avez-vous regardé –vraiment REGARDÉ-- un seul épisode de ''Danse avec les stars'' ? Moi, oui, une fois, et pas longtemps. J'en ai presque pleuré, comparant cette pauvreté à la griserie des premières émissions en couleur, au début des années 1960 !)... Un affreux ''effet-miroir'' me renvoie l'image de ce que nous sommes devenus sans même nous en être rendu compte, sans même en voir, en ce moment-même, les conséquences dramatiques...
Dans un théâtre d’ombres massivement et volontairement enlaidi (dont les rues de Paris, les champs d'éoliennes ou les banlieues commerçantes des villes  sont des exemples vomitifs), ceux qui se croient encore vivants s'agitent en mouvements désordonnés, pitoyables, inutiles et dramatiques, comme dans une pièce de Ionesco, marquée par l'absurdité de tout, ou dans un cortège carnavalesque à la Rabelais, marqué, lui, par le grotesque. Des pantins désarticulés s'agitent dans tous les sens, espèrent trouver dans de ridicules gesticulations  ''convenues'' (à écrire, ici... en deux mots !) ce que leur refuse l'absence de qualité de leur nullité ''encyclopédique'', tout en parcourant la planète dans des jets qui brûlent 80 à 100 000 litres de kérosène par long voyage (comme le ''Cotam-Unité'' de l'Elysée), dans le but –affirment-ils sans en mourir de honte-- de diminuer de ‘‘έ ‰’’ l'empreinte carbone théorique (mais totalement indémontrable) de 3 ou 4 villages de Lozère.
Ici, un ministre en exercice ment effrontément pour la 20 ème fois, en le sachant... Là, un Président avoue adorer emmerder ceux au service exclusif desquels il doit d'être là où il est... Ailleurs encore, une pitoyable grande prêtresse auto-promue de Gaïa (et de Greta !) disserte componctueusement sur le sexe des barbecues... Des laïcs de combat ‘’poussent’’ un Dieu exogène et peu souhaitable dont ils ne savent rien, maltraitent le nôtre (dont ils ont oublié le peu qu'ils savaient !) mais interdisent pour leurs femmes les déguisements qu’ils prônent pour celles des autres... De grands enfants beaucoup trop gâtés (et très idiots !) s'imaginent qu'ils sauvent la planète en jetant des bidons de potage sur des œuvres d'art, au nom de peuples affamées prêts à donner leur vie pour quelques miettes de ce faux banquet de la honte... Un barbu, plus con qu’ illuminé se prend pour un ''toro'' combattant dans l'arène... Un vieillard oublieux rêve, dit-on, d'installer un beau bac à sable dans les jardins de la Maison Blanche...  Un despote au visage de très vieux bébé décline, en balançant son bras gauche dans le vide, les mille et une manières qu'il connaît de tous nous vitrifier... Un acteur de séries ''B'' promet une interdiction de pardon définitive, en lançant des missiles un peu partout au cri de ‘’c’est pas moi, c’est lui’’.. Un ado plein de morgue et de vide ouvre toutes grandes les passoires que sont nos frontières et insulte sa voisine de pallier parce qu’elle refuse de le suivre dans son suicide démographique...  C'est de toute part que notre pauvre esquif prend l'eau...
Des hommes, des femmes, des enfants, tentent de survivre dans ce  capharnaüm, un peu comme des aveugles sans guide qui avanceraient en tâtonnant de droite et de gauche. Et pourtant, on ne sait ni comment ni pourquoi, tout se passe comme si ces survivants-avant-l'heure avaient, chevillé au corps, un immense amour pour l'Humanité –ce qui interdit de désespérer-- qui leur (et nous) permet de rester vivants dans un monde qui s'épuise dans un même hoquet sans espoir, depuis des lustres. Chacun de nous s'efforce de porter en soi la promesse d'une Arcadie, un refuge pour ne pas être en entier happés par les remous néfastes et les courants mortels du temps... Montaigne disait (Essais, I-38 ''De la solitude'', 1580) : ''il se faut réserver une arrière-boutique toute nôtre, en laquelle nous établissons notre vraie liberté et principale retraite et solitude''... Va pour ''chacun sa thébaïde'', si cette astuce doit nous protéger, tous et chacun, de la folie du monde et des hommes...
On va me dire que je suis un prototype à ''muséifier'' de conservateur nostalgique, rétrograde, de droite, et que sais-je encore : mélancolique, triste, cafardeux,... et la réponse est : ''Oui ! Oh ! Que oui, sauf les 3 derniers, puisque je passe des heures chaque jour à jouer avec mon piano et mon orgue, le plus souvent en chantant –en ce moment, des grands airs du Répertoire dit opératique ! Quelle plus noble tâche et quel plus beau ''métier'', que de se battre pour tenter de sauver ce qui valait et vaut toujours largement la peine de l'être... Jusqu'il y a peu, on sentait bien que dire ''c'était mieux avant'' avait un petit air de ''provoc'', l’invention de l'aspirine, de la pénicilline ou des antibiotiques suffisant à déclasser toutes les époques qui les avaient précédées. Mais ''le monde étant ce qu’il est, une telle affirmation ne serait plus incongrue, aujourd'hui, ne serait-ce qu'à cause de l'envahissement des trottoirs par des cadavres de trottinettes ou les faux travaux anti-auto de la mère hidalgo !
Confronté à une lutte permanente entre ''l'ancien et le nouveau'', notre esprit hésite à préférer les bâtisseurs de Cathédrales ou les créatifs de la Silicon Valley. Le bobard planétaire et histo(histé)rique du progrès tel que vu par les modernistes, ''Plus besoin de Dieu ni d'un autre monde : bientôt, tu seras parfaitement heureux sur cette Terre'' a fait long feu... en tout cas en partie : nous avons bien vu que la fin de la phrase était un vrai mensonge, mais nous avons oublié de ''corriger le tir'' sur la première partie, aussi. Qui sait de quel pourcentage de notre immense mal-être actuel ce ''léger'' (?) oubli est responsable ? Derrière tout le désordre --que certains appellent ''le monde d'après''... et qui est si laid, en plus-- que pouvons-nous espérer de Beau, de Juste, de Bon, de Vrai et même, plus simplement, de Souhaitable ? La théorie dit que le choix devrait être ''entre le calme et la tempête''. Mais... où et qui sont ceux qui peuvent imaginer le moindre moment de calme... ou pas de tempêtes à venir ? Je n'en ai pas croisé un seul, depuis des années...
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ezechiel5172 · 2 years
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