#Booch Craft
brightyearning · 4 months
not all hard kombucha is made the same, i can tell you that for free 😖
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tieflingfingers · 5 months
Karlach and the Great Pumpkin
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What and who: Humor and fluff, Karlach letting out her inner child. Thomasin and Wyll keep the goblins in their place. Astarion has his own plans. Summary: Thomasin uses her half-drow heritage to her advantage as her and Wyll put on their stoic exteriors entering the goblin camp. Wyll spots an owlbear cub and Karlach becomes determined to take it home as a pet. Astarion sneaks off to figure out a way to thin the herd. Warning/Content: Just a little fun character building and expanding on the owlbear chase in the goblin camp. Part of series. More in the realm of character study, but everyone gets a little bit of the spotlight today. Word Count: 4,646 Ao3 Link
As the four walked through goblin territory, small beings seemed to flash their sharpened teeth with newfound confidence. The vigor of an army manned by an intangible god. They erected hazardous pathways made of scrap wood and rusty nails. Splintered wood patched splintered wood, creating watchtowers and multi-level platforms, rickety in every step weighing upon them. Heights that made the chip on their shoulders quiver with power.
One by one, groups of goblins introducing themselves as lookout militia interrogated the strangers approaching.  They insisted dung be smeared before entering out of respect. Requests and demands thrown about to clap for their achievements or bow before their god. All lackluster threats to Thomasin’s safety until the goblins' synapses connected the dots. 
It was the complexion of her skin. Thomasin was, in fact, a drow. At least, full-blooded by their perception. A woman plucked right out of the Underdark with a pension for apathy and terror. The right hand of the Absolute must’ve been eternally warmed by Lolth’s embrace to earn such submission.   
Thomasin took it in stride. Preconceived notions had been placed upon her since she was a child. Her existence was boiled down into what was to be expected in the vicinity of a drow. A series of half-educated discussions that followed her around and rarely ended in her benefit. Never had it succumbed to this. For once, she felt authority. 
The only factor quelling their fears of her seemed to be inebriation. Fat tongues and giggling dispositions blanketed by bitter alcohol. Ineptitude egged on by a celebration of homemade booch and crude jokes that made them clink their tankards. The taunting turned to circles of questioning as they remembered why they feared her kind in the first place.
They wondered if the drow ate food or if the souls of their victims were enough sustenance. Whether she had an audience with the drow stationed in the temple. If she, too, sought to thrash through the forests with unforgiving vengeance. If she would sprout the legs of a spider on command the instant they weren’t cordial.
Leaning into Lolth torture culture curdled within Thomasin’s stomach like a pit of congealed bile. It was the constant burst of her oblivion. The loving anecdotes of her father were being overtaken by light corrosive stinging, acrid and settled in her core. All she could do was hope Eilistraee would understand.
The goddess knew of her sister’s grasp. She, too, would empathize with what made the plight of conversation smoother. Tales spun were of no actual weight upon her character. Stories crafted were more terrifying than any truth, but she let the mythos live.
Eventually they met the arches of a temple lost to time. The entrance to stone ruins where goblins shone their most wily behavior. Thomasin’s muscles tightened, shoulder blades pinned back and posture self-assured. Bolts secured an expression of impassiveness upon her face, skin pulled taut and unimpressed. All was held by masonry welded air-tight from years of practice. 
Of course, their antics weren't scarier than most bandits she’d encountered. It wasn’t their hostility that clutched her nerves tight. It was a fear born from the sheer amount of goblins they waded through. All drunk far beyond their limits and chock-full of opinions. A rambunctious party had become well underway.
The companions now realized the extent of the alcohol in circulation. It didn’t take long for this batch to vocalize their true distaste for the outsiders. Liquid courage bubbled in their guts and strung together uncreative insults. Misused words formed jabs that dance like delight off their tongues. 
Morals misshapen, bent, and dressed in worn leathers and dark pigments. Small hands riddled with impulses swung dull weaponry without care. No blade discipline was needed in the name of the Absolute. No god had ever been as gracious in the pursuit of pillaging. Blind faith was worth the scarce ethics. 
Thomasin’s temporary truth made lips loosen. She became a vessel for the Absolute followers to vent, providing catharsis as they brought up a female drow spoken of like a necessary evil. A nuisance and a leader so vicious, her name embedded like deep splitting cracks of their lips. The name “Minthara” repeated, spit up with frustration and venom. 
Wyll had previously vented and ranted about his encounters with goblins over a bottle of his own. Nights where he felt the space to unveil true emotions and recognize the children that left permanent scar tissue around his heart. It all made the role of unwavering stoicism far easier to play. Scowls and short demands that contrasted the strategies, or lack thereof, of Karlach and Astarion. 
Their partners rode on the coattails of such leadership. They knew that half of intimidation came from blatant disregard alone. A tiefling of her stature was massive, running so hot that the air warped around her. A high elf rich in the performance of hierarchy walked at her side, his aura giving off its own presence in a metaphorical way. Although most wouldn’t consider his outward disgust as unwarranted. 
The goblins’ merriment wafted about like rising stale smoke. An odorous haze that left a pungent, almost acidic, film on one’s tongue if not careful. The stench of standing water, mud, and dung hung over the ruins like a canvas covered wagon, encasing every sense imaginable. An unkempt barn mixing with the aroma of mystery meat roasting over an open fire’s spit.
“Hells, I’m one for this sort of debauchery, but couldn’t they-I don’t know, freshen up?” Astarion disparaged with a crinkle of his nose. “Even the blood in this place smells of sour dirt.”
Karlach inhaled, cutting it off before revulsion could seep in. 
“It’s rough, but not as bad as you’d think once you get used to it. Goblins throw the best parties,” she said, waving a hand through the punishing air.  “You get drunk enough and even the booze tastes good. And lifting one of those guys up to do a keg stand? One hand, easy.”
Wyll hadn’t spoken much, surveying his surroundings for potential dangers. To his surprise, his eye landed upon an owlbear cub sitting beside its presumed master.
“Looks like that little fella got swept up,” he uttered with a subtle nod. The man’s usual poetics had flattened, as did the lilt in his voice. Octaves lowered to maintain his facade, but the whisper of optimism that colored his words could be heard peeking through. It had a grittier resolve now. “Wonder how long until it’s old enough to realize this place is one big meal.”
Karlach’s cheekbones rose, teeth clenching tight with a grin that cemented her jaw shut. Her tongue stiffened and pressed up against its cage out of instinct from a lifetime of traversing the hells. Although the joy seeped through the bars, snaking through with its own wisps of smoke. In this realm, no brass douter could snuff out her flame. 
Thoughts of their bonding ricocheted in her mind. The feeling of her claws ruffling through bushels of feathers. Rotund, wide-eyed, every chirping twist and turn of its head. Its circumference was perfect. The exact size made for her wing-span to cradle at night. 
“By the gods and everything unholy, please tell me you have a potion I can use to talk to that little guy. We need them in our camp,” she whispered with great restraint, thudding against Thomasin’s shoulder repetitively with a bandage-wrapped forearm. 
Thomasin had never considered the fact one could domesticate an owlbear. Common tales painted these beasts as fueled by murder. Countless illustrations in children’s books were published around Faerun to make them wary of the forests unsupervised. Now she had met a grove of druids electing to share small talk with cave bears and snakes’ unhinging jaws. Perhaps the creature would grow to have its own stories, jokes, and tips on the lay of the land.
Before the half-elf could answer, she felt an assault of sheer volume hitting her. From atop the safety of a crate, a goblin woman’s shouts carried throughout the yard. She was a proud mother touting the owlbear like a circus act, letting it fester in a pile of dust until there was a use for it. She squinted at the group of elves and horned strangers alike, the same pigments streaking her eyelids also staining her lips. Exposed soot settled in between the cracks of her teeth when she spoke.
“Ay, if you dont got plans to bet, keep on walking!”
Thomasin furrowed her brows. The drunken assertiveness felt like unpaved gravel roads. Like the pitch of her voice had become mauled by years of smoking dead dried herbs.
 “Gods–and what are you proposing we bet on?” she replied with quick reflexes, if only to stop the sounds of heckling. The half-elf’s hand tucked into skirt pockets so she could rub a thumb along the surface of a river-polished rock.
“It’s a chicken chasing game, get the rocks outta ya’ ears, murker. No dragon huntin’ or fairytale nonsense. You put in a few coin, if you chase ‘im through our maze, through the posts, to the goal line. If yer quick, you get your money and then some.” The goblin leaned forward, her height now nearly the half-elf’s, granting her quite the audacity. “If you lose, I don’t wanna hear it.”
As she began to respond, Thomasin’s heart dropped at a sensation nudging at her shoulder. It was only a second, but the weight of thieving fingers tugged at her posture, threatening her performance. A pair of resilient lungs always readied and prepared for mishap steadied her breath and settled once icy fingertips came into focus. 
Astarion was searching for a potion half-consumed. The remaining sloshing about in a repurposed wine bottle partially filled, glittering liquid dulled behind near opaque glass. It had been the same concoction he lifted from her bag days prior out of necessity. The birds nearby their camp had to have a heart-to-heart discussion. Or rather, lecture. His finetooth comb was an awful addition to their nest, if not for the poor interior design alone. Thieving was best left to those with thumbs.
“Not sure that’s a chicken, frankly,” Thomasin replied, stalling for time. Her bare shoulder rolled, playing off the fright like a heavy backpack strap had slipped from its place, immediate to be repositioned. 
“It’s got feather’s, don’t it? A beak? Elves always tryin’ to act smarter than they are… Stupid thing ate our last chicken, owes us for that. Want in or not?”
Karlach jumped to the forefront, her chin sizzling as a stream of glittering liquid was wiped with the back of her hand. Her weathered wraps glinted with iridescence and pointed ears twitched as the cub’s chirps began to form coherence to her common tongue. She flung the bottle forward, adding to a collection of glass accumulating, chunks of green shards shattering in its wake.
“I’ll do it! I wanna take a crack at it. Get me in there, coach.” 
The tiefling dug into a satchel hanging from her belt and pulled out a few coins, their metal turning shades of copper and crimson. Their surfaces blistered on impact in the goblin’s open palm and she shrieked, juggling the coins in the air to cool. The four could feel one another shoving down their amusement.
“Fuckin’ shit, the cost of makin’ a heap of coin. Follow me.”
Karlach departed with the cub as they walked to opposing sides of a makeshift maze. A section of the temple’s exterior had been blocked off with a series of crates, barrels, and fencing made of swollen rotted wood. Rags and discarded belongings scattered about like obstacles. Dull blades, lost boots, thick broken glass bottles had been thrown without reason. Torches secured with splitting rope sat atop posts, lighting a path under the shade of forgotten goddesses.
A smattering of goblins gathered behind the three tall strangers, peeking through the spaces between wrists and hips. Each was fidgety with coins pinched between dirt-stained fingers, exchanging last minute bets in hopes of riches. Those with little to their name merely watched and manifested that the tiefling would hit the ground like a tree collapsing in a forest. A giantess versus overgrown poultry. 
Astarion’s knees shifted side to side at the sensation of the crowd brushing up against him, groaning at their nonexistent personal space. A concept all too foreign for a place like this. They pushed and prodded, barked and bantered, until the elf had enough. He wiggled his way out, parting from the commotion to wander into nearby pockets of camp.
“Alright, everyone hold onto yer hides. This lucky lady is gonna try to outsmart a chicken! Fat chance, so keep take yer bets now.”
Karlach noted how the cub’s feathers splayed outward, puffing its silhouette up into a monster a fifth larger than its actual size. She knew those paws were still young. Their pads had not yet been callused by cragged terrain and aggressive tendencies were all it had left. So, Karlach played her role.
The tiefling wiped red clammy hands onto leather pants and lowered her stance. It was natural. Knees bent, hip wide, focus sharpened. This wasn’t the response to demons and death rattles, but visions of a young girl playing stickball in the city streets. A time where both horns were intact. Only the worrying aid of her mother when her daughter came home with scraped knees and a tooth cradled like a trophy.
The sound of a rattling bone flail was followed by the crowd demanding violence and showmanship. A metaphorical clock ticked down and Karlach used her same toothy determination to vault over each fence. Light feet often survived where hot feet stumbled, bouncing on toes and deliberately digging her heels to pivot where need be.
What was meant as a treacherous challenge made her giggle as she evaded debris. Posts being sped past were slapped to leave char marks. Documentations of her swift impending success etched into wood. Blackened streaks wove into its grain where her tail slid by and barrels knocking over with an occasional clumsy maneuver only worsened by her own glee.
Caught up in the game, it took a moment for Karlach to realize there was only a few feet left between her and the cub. Her adrenaline pumped in what felt like a frequency identical to the echoes and awes of her audience. Their comments intertwined into a pool of losing bets and winning screams. The sudden stop of her momentum interrupted her balance, catching her statuesque height like a ceramic vase swirling itself back onto flat ground. 
Karlach bit her tongue as she heard her voice bellow. From the angle of the crowd, her muscles flexed like prey about to consume its prize. What they couldn’t see was the enthusiasm flushing her cheeks. The lowering of her voice to a calm, approachable beckoning. Her nails’ gentle wiggling to release her warm scent to the creature before her.
”Hey, hey. Easy now, little baby. I won’t hurt you.”
The owlbear growled, confused but revving up its biological defense mechanisms. Her pleas became muffled beneath the cheer of the crowd as they witnessed a stand-off. Overstimulated and overwhelmed, it made the cub kick up onto its back legs to pivot to scurry off.
Karlach giggled, lowering further down, words rushed and urgent but softened like speaking to a child. A skill the tiefling hadn’t honed much in her adult years, but she recognized when a bark was louder than its bite.
“Sh, shhh, hey,” she whispered as the creature caught itself in another corner. A bundle of feathers wedged between posts. “If these guys are treating you bad, we can take care of you.”
“All I do is eat food and now they look at me like food,” the cub uttered, puffed up and ready to charge at any sudden movements.
“I’m not mean like them. I have lots of meat. Are you hungry?” Karlach glanced over her shoulder, recognizing the ticking seconds fleeting, before looking back at the cub. “If you run to the end, we’ll get you out of here.”
The cub’s feathery fur flattened a bit, considering how nice of a proposition she had given. What innocence was left in the youth latched onto the idea of safety. It bolted past her, back into the lanes, and began to attempt navigating the maze once more. Karlach gasped as her plan worked, glee whistling through her teeth. She followed, nose scrunching at the tiny paw prints left in the dirt floor beneath them.
“That’s it! A little more now!”
The crowd of goblins, including the cub’s unrightful owner, narrowed their eyes at the close call. Even in their camaraderie, Wyll couldn’t dampen his distaste for their behavior. Wily and uncouth with a backdrop of cooking flesh. The same distinct yet cryptic scent usually encountered in dens of depravity and enslavement camps. He felt Thomasin set a hand upon his shoulder, quiet with its consolation.
At this point, each of the companions had voiced their own traumas and gripes to an extent.  She recognized the passion of justice burning a hearth fierce in his soul. The ardency of one’s early twenties not yet jaded by a constant retaliation of life.
Wyll tilted his head downward at a couple of spectators rough-housing against his calves. His gestures were casual and unassuming, fingers only half-splayed to point at Karlach’s revelry. The looseness mimicked a form of himself usually unsheathed by late night drinking.
“Swift thinking and moves like that, makes the Blade of Frontiers look worse for wear, don’t you think?” he commented, dismissing his own nickname with false contempt.
“Bah, he wouldn’t show his face in here if he knows what’s good for ‘im. Heard he ran off all scared-like to some camp, but we got the best of the best out there looking for his ugly face.”
Both Wyll and Thomasin couldn’t help but snicker, her eyes flicking over at him to see his response. There was a subtle glint of recognition in both of their eyes. No overt crooks in their grins to break the cover of stony power plays. Wyll simply crossed his arms, nodding along to the insults as if he too felt the very same.
“Ah, of course. Hiding behind a sword. The type always known for coward, you’re right. Takes a keen eye to spot the imposters.” He chuckled, mingling himself into their conversation inch by inch. “Say, how do you think they’re gonna slay him? Been pondering the thought myself, hearing he was running around these forests.”
“Been spendin’ lots of time grindin’ arrowheads down with the best stones. Makin’ ‘em real sharp.”
“Yeah! So pointy, ya prick your finger if you’re not careful. Gotta save the sharpened bits to take out the Blade’s other eye. A keen eye for a keen eye!”
They two goblins began to laugh, clutching their stomachs. Coughs and congratulatory pats on each others’ backs buckled their knees as if there had never been a sharper wit. Rejoicing that made them trip over their own hypotheticals, stumbling into each sentence like they threatened to run away.
“Then we- Then- we-we beat ‘im real nice until he stops movin’-, I bet he’s got loads of gold weighing down those pockets,” one goblin said. “Don’t get a name like that without bein’ fancy. That bounty must come with a big ol’ prize.”
Wyll let out half-hearted laughs, but his amusement melted his persona into one of annoyance for a few flashing seconds. He looked to Thomasin with an eye roll before ramping up once more to accommodate those cackling at his knees.
“Creative. Sounds like this Blade’s got a fortune on him. We may need to pay him a visit.”
Thomasin smirked at the way Wyll conducted himself, feeling a sense of pride at his confidence and deception. Although her gaze shook from its focus at the sound of sharp popping flammables. Meager explosives and clacking ramshackle party favors had rang through the ruins in celebration. 
Karlach let herself hover over the cub to soak in the last morsels of attention, twisting and bulging her back muscles. She flexed without shame and cursed at those whipping insults at her. Through years of torment, the tiefling had bred a physique she often struggled to find gratitude in, but the owlbear found comfort in such. Under the shade of her towering presence, the babe was reminded of its mother.
Thomasin and Wyll weaved through the crowd the woman hosting, who had been surveying the game from a large stack of crates.
“Looks like compensation in order,” the half-elf said.
“Ahhh, actually, it's’ written in the rules that only goblins can win the prize of the pot. Don’t take it up with me, I don’t make ‘em up. “
Thomasin scowled. Not only from the rigged ruleset, but the nagging vibration deep within her skull. The wriggling assertion of dominance that left her restless. Its presence forced itself to be known, even if the sensation made the half-elf want to slip from her own skin. In the mental energy it took to suppress her discomfort, it came to her attention that the goblin felt it as well. 
In fact, it seemed to clutch on the host, aura gripping the weaker mind and jostling her nerves. Thomasin’s voice waned under the building pressure, lips pursed to exhale something shaken and uncertain. In her best efforts, she maintained authority. 
“This isn’t up for negotiation.”
Karlach had led the cub over, speaking in soft inaudible mews. Concealed baby talk half- disguised from the potion consumed. As they joined the conflict, the owlbear suddenly lifted its paw. A limp display of feebleness that Karlach pointed at with her thumb. 
“Looks like this one got its paws torn up before it even ran,” the tiefling added, sucking at her teeth at the sight of a lost cause.
Thomasin’s eyes flicked over at the creature. Whether it truly was injured or part of a ruse was none of her business. In times of being outnumbered, there was only grinding your heels deeper into the dirt and following your teammates’ falsehoods accordingly.  The half-elf’s voice got more severe, in a way rarely seen by the others.
“Conning us out of a bet? After all the shit this thing is causing you? Eating your food? Becoming the reason your blood spills on the floor?” Thomasin took a step closer, the aura of her tadpole buzzing down both of their spines. The vibrations of a foreign intruder sat atop their vertebrae, its grip feeling like the bones were being detached and reset on a microscopic level. 
“You return our money if you value where you stand and by Lolth, you won’t get crushed by the drowic goddess in your sleep. Minthara swears by it,” Thomasin continued before stepping back again, shoving the box an inch with the toe of her boot. Its force shifted just enough to make the goblin fall flat onto her palms.
“And we’ll take the owlbear off your hands,” Wyll said, stepping into the goblin’s view. His voice was calm, acknowledging the dread in the eyes of such petty financial theft. “If it’s close to dead, what makes you think it’s not gonna turn on you as a last ditch effort? Odd, you should have learned they’re known for flipping at a moment’s notice.”
Tucked to the side, Karlach used the points of her clawed nails to dig into a bag hanging with dense heft at the belt. From its contents, small chunks of meat were flung towards the cub, an assortment of raw flesh lifted from skewers and stuffed away. Although the affection earned her a nudge from Wyll as he begged for subtly with the rise of his brow. Karlach nodded and straightened her focus. What was left of a smile pressed flat, but remained charmed by the speed at which the cub inhaled its meal in thanks.
The goblin woman shook her head, speaking in a tone as if the final word and decision of her sole making. 
“Fine! For fuck’s sake. Take the damned thing. Must be a rodent ‘round these parts that’ll do better.”
“C’mon, we got plans with you,” Karlach commanded the cub, tilting her head for it to follow.
Within Thomasin’s hand, a tattered burlap sack of coin landed into her palm and was plucked from her in record time. The half-elf bit the inside of her cheek to hide her mild shock. Astarion’s idea of fun stemmed from his ability to creep up in total silence, not caring whether the opportunity would be suitable for his playful nature. 
“Looks like lady luck was on our side after all,” he exclaimed with a grin, letting the bag twist left to right before both of their eyes.
Thomasin tried her best to ignore frustrations toward the elf, opting to focus on what amusement could be siphoned by his comedic timing alone. She felt him run his hand up the small of her back, idly resting it there. Even though miniscule, the affection boggled her sense of space and time. At an already baseline state of stress, she realized she’d been present only from her outer body. As if floating above the crowd, she witnessed her muscles tense and the retreat of his hand up onto her shoulder.
The half-elf blinked, raising her own hand enough to reciprocate a quick squeeze of his. She couldn’t identify whether it was to soothe her or him, but the feelings passed just as easily. It wasn’t long before her posture reset itself.
“We’ll be back after we handle the vermin,” she said with cold unmoving confidence. “Keep yourself out of trouble.” 
As they all turned to walk away, the goblin host exclaimed one last time.
“Uh- yes ma’am!”
The unconventional sight of the four made their way through the camp with a cub limping in hand. Stoic and faced forward to not invite distractions, Astarion couldn’t help but leave them with a smug delight on his lips. The once cheering band of partygoers had simmered down into celebratory small talk and the coughing up of distilled bathtub brew. 
The moment they stepped past the threshold of the ruin's main arch, Karlach dug into the sagging bag at her hip. She tore apart a hearty chunk and tossed it with what stealth one of her size could muster. An easy feat as the cub caught it in its mouth with little issue.
“My boy’s gotta eat,” the tiefling stated, flinging another sliver of meat. She squinted at the creatures' bounce and what little she knew of biology. “Girl? It doesn’t matter. Your name’s Pumpkin.”
“Apt, a little round thing you are. Too fierce to be living amongst all these wily bastards,” Wyll chimed in.
Astarion raised a finger, leaning forward to announce his achievements out of goblin earshot. “By the way, I’ll let you all know I did my part. All the spittle from those beasts in there, far too easy. Considered a simple sleeping potion in the alcohol bowl, but poisons are just more fun. Whatever they mixed together in that excuse of a punch bowl looked atrocious anyhow. I did them a service.”
Thomasin raised her brows, hand settled upon her chest to keep an eye on her racing heartbeat. She took a second from deep breathing, to let out her own hushed chuckle. She knew his wandering could warrant mischief, but the man had lived through far more dire punishments. Although, it caught her off guard when he made contributions without listing its detailed plans out loud.
“Huh. Good job, darling. They'll be hungover or dead by morning at this rate.” 
“All of the above, I hope,” he said, laughing in the high pitched glee of a successful death.
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codecrusaders · 1 year
Capstone Project Progress
Week 6: Navigating the Building Blocks of Our Health Information System
"This week has been a pivotal one for our capstone project as we dived deep into Chapter 3. Our goal: crafting the foundation of our Health Information System (HIS). It was a week of brainstorming, discussions, and crucial decisions.
SDLC Selection: First and foremost, we tackled the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) question. It's the roadmap that guides us from concept to a full-fledged HIS. After thoughtful consideration, we decided to embrace the Agile model. Agile's adaptability and iterative approach perfectly align with the dynamic healthcare landscape.
Designing with UML: Unified Modeling Language (UML) took center stage in our design process. This powerful tool, co-authored by software pioneers Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson, has been an industry standard for years. We've chosen it to map out our HIS's structure, creating detailed diagrams like Use Case Diagrams and Activity Diagrams. These diagrams help us envision the system's functionality and architecture with precision.
Tech Stacks: Choosing the right tech stack is like selecting the perfect tools for an intricate craft. For our HIS, we've decided on ReactJS for the front-end and Laravel for the back-end. ReactJS, known for its lightning-fast user interfaces, is an excellent fit for ensuring a seamless and responsive user experience. Laravel, on the other hand, with its robust features and elegant syntax, provides a solid foundation for our back-end development.
These decisions aren't made lightly. They form the backbone of our project, laying the groundwork for what's to come. With Agile as our guide, UML as our design muse, and ReactJS and Laravel as our building blocks, we're confident in our ability to create a Health Information System that meets the needs of our users and makes a meaningful impact in the healthcare sector. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to shape our capstone project into a reality."
[Unfortunately, we can't post the video here because of Tumblr's limitations... our apologies]
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Picture 1: A screenshot of the said discussion
Niño Tacbobo
Lord Rynkar Tracy Dwight Arcamo
Luigie Cyril Francis Posod
Niño Tacbobo
Lord Rynkar Tracy Dwight Arcamo
Luigie Cyril Francis Posod
Niño Tacbobo
Lord Rynkar Tracy Dwight Arcamo
Luigie Cyril Francis Posod
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thesilicontribesman · 3 years
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Recreated Pennanular Booch (8th or 9th CE, Kilmainham, Co. Dublin, Eire), Kelvingrove Museum and Gallery, Glasgow.
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hottesome · 5 years
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Happy last week of Summer (or rather full week) as we receive some heat waves and humidity times 89,000 in parts of the world, but most especially in LA this weekend…. *runs to the freezer section of literally any grocery store*…  how are you staying cool?
Maybe with some of these Stan Vegan Wine Lush Summer/Beat the Heat picks:
White Claw Spiked Sparkling Seltzer
12 pk of variety fun ($14.99 before tax) – or just a 6pk of Blackberry aka my top flavor – usually under $10-$12 w/ tax
Kung Fu Girl Riesling – by Charles Smith
balanced to perfection the right amount of dry to sweet ratio making it a pallet pleasure and Wine Enthusiast BOSS!!! Always under $15
The Bruery Mischief – Hoppy Belgian-Style Ale
an 8.5% giant of hops, spice and fruit embellished notes.
Booch Craft Hard Kombucha
7% ABV – probiotics and pro-pleasure principle (APPLE LIME JASMINE FTW)
Hopefully you’ll give some a shot or maybe you already have…
It’s the third Sunday Funday of September aka September 15, 2019 aka National Online Learning Day as well as Creme De Menthe Day … check out my buddy’s Insta…
Stephen aka  Potions.and.Spirits
He’s a wiz at so many cool cocktails… and I’m sure he can recommend a creme de menthe (mint liqueur) recipe to knock your… whatever is too hot to be wearing off… among so many other adult beverage recipes…
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last 3 months since my last entry #NationalOnlineLearningDay … it’s you have to constantly think outside the box…. You have to be dare I say incorrigible:
perhaps by partaking in some incorrigible sips of riesling via Washington State winery Pacific Rim…. known for their incredible line of Rieslings ranging from Sweet to Dry… all sustainable… all delectable:
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  Thanks for the repost ❤ ❤ you Columbia Valley Wonder
Basically what I’m getting at beside reasonable everyday succulent wine, trendy craft brews, tres cool cocktail recipes from my old roommate/college buddy/one of my favorite queer human beings/friend/guy I made out with for a short film (“it was art”) is that … Sweet beats heat!
And nothing is sweeter than J-Lo’s performance in my favorite feel good, act like a boss, side hustle appreciation movie of the summer with equally sweet Miss Constance Wu (Fresh Off The Boat, Crazy Rich Asians) as the fellow leading lady in Hustlers (Now Playing).
Caught this movie opening weekend (this one) and it popped off with a packed AMC theater [cheers for A-List stubs…. for this being my third movie of the week…  Good Boys (raunchy rated R with a pg-13 cast for epic comedy gold) being one and IT: Chapter II (chilling on levels beyond horror… dealing with domestic violence, bullying, homophobia, horror and abuse) being my other O.O]. Hustlers opens with some incredible music (the soundtrack is fire aka good)… dancing in my seat next to my friend Christina Duran Guevara… I pulled out my canned wine… I earned it and also paid for it prior to showing up to the theater so stop judging me so hard…. (I did recycled after the movie… my wine in a can brought to you by Underwood Pinot Noir… as well as a chill in my fridge prior to the movie and the lovely people of Trader Joes as well as Kroger/Ralph’s fame… *note Underwood is also available at many many places, but only the red/pinot noir is vegan friendly*)
BACK to our feature presentation….
My eyes were glued to the screen the entire time…. Hustlers has a lot of heart and at it’s core is about the bonds of friendship and sisterhood amongst those life long friends you make in adulthood. Based on a true story/events… Constance Wu plays Destiny a girl just trying to take care of herself and her grandma, yet is failing to do so because she lacks that control factor that Romona (aka Jenny from the Block) seems to have down to a tea in almost every way. They meet at a Gentlemen’s Club… Romana being a vet captures Destiny’s eye as a mentor… J-Lo giving the pole dance of her LIFE #FiftyAndThriving… the friendship blossoms as Lopez is a nurturing friend even as a hustler she cares too much and this gets her into a lot of trouble… Keke Palmer aka Mercedes , Lili Reinhart/Annabelle, Cardi B, Lizzo, Madeline Brewer… and so many female superstars round out this cast and group and tell a story that really draws you in to empathize with how far you’ll go, overstep, displace and grow when it comes to getting by especially for family.
As J-Lo puts it towards the end as I paraphrase… the world is a strip club and we’re all just trying to dance in it… someone else pulls are strings and we help them profit by giving our best performance… sometimes you get a chance on the pole and it pays off… sometimes you fall flat… and if you play by your own rules you still have to play the game…
See Hustlers asap and tell me what you think as well as your summer choice drink or drinks you’ve tried.
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Helpful Links:
AMC Theaters -A-List Stubs – https://www.amctheatres.com/
Barnivore – http://www.barnivore.com/
National Day Calendar – https://nationaldaycalendar.com/latest-posts/
Pacific Rim Wines 
Potions.and.Spirits – https://www.instagram.com/potions.and.spirits/
Speciality Wine & Spirit Stores/Shops – https://www.missionliquor.com/ (LA County Exclusive)
Underwood Wine – https://shop.unionwinecompany.com/products/underwood-in-a-can-pinot-noir
YOUTUBE (being updated stay tuned)
Your Vegan Wine Lush (aka Hottesome)
Riesling Rules: Hustlers, Kung Fu & Pacific Rim Happy last week of Summer (or rather full week) as we receive some heat waves and humidity times 89,000 in parts of the world, but most especially in LA this weekend....
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blynxee · 5 years
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Took a photo of this to mock my managers for the worst shortening of “craft kombucha” I’ve ever seen but it turns out the brand is actually called booch craft which is actually a worse outcome
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Holidays 1.15
Arbor Day (Egypt, FL, Jordan, LA)
Armed Forces Day (Nigeria)
Bald Eagle Appreciation Days begin [3rd Saturday]
Basketball Rules Day
British Museum Day (UK)
Craft-Brew Day (Berkeley, California)
Democratic Donkey Day
4-H Day
George Price Day (Belize)
Guster Day (Boston, Massachusetts)
Happy Days Day
Humanitarian Day
John Chilembwe Day (Malawi)
Korean Alphabet Day (a.k.a. Chosen-gul)
Learn to Ski Day [3rd Saturday]
Massage Parlor Day
Moliere Day (France)
Museum Day (UK)
National Go and Do Good Day
National Hat Day
National Pothole Day (UK) [or Closest Weekday if Weekend]
National Tulip Day (Netherlands) [3rd Saturday]
National Twitter Day
National Use Your Gift Card Day [3rd Saturday]
Ocean Duty Day (Indonesia)
Polar Bear Jump & Ugly Fish Toss (Seward, Alaska) [begins 3rd Saturday]
Procrastinator’s New Year
Sagichō at Tsurugaoka Hachimangū (Kamakura, Japan)
Sight-Saving Sabbath Weekend [begins 3rd Saturday]
Soup Swap Day [3rd Saturday]
South Wind’s Prayer (Elder Scrolls)
Teacher’s Day (Venezuela)
Thiruvalluvar Day (India)
Tree Planting Day (Egypt)
Tulpanens Dag (a.k.a. Tulip Day; Sweden)
Wassailing the Apple Trees
Wikipedia Day
Willie Hoppe Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Baltic Porter Day [3rd Saturday]
National Bagel Day (a.k.a. Bagels and Lox Day)
National Booch Day (a.k.a. Kombucha Day)
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day
Strawberry Ice Cream Day
Feast Days
Abeluzius (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Arnold Janssen (Christian)
Black Christ of Esquipulas Day (Guatemala)
Bonitus (Christian)
Calybite (Christian)
Carmentalia (Old Roman Festival to 9 Muses; also 1.11)
Feast of the Abbot of Unreason
Francis Ferdinand de Capillas (A Martyred Saint of China)
Isidore (Christian)
Ita (Christian)
Macarius of Egypt (Western Christianity)
Maurus and Placidus (Order of Saint Benedict)
Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival (a.k.a. Tondo Matsuri, Sai No Kami, Sagicho, Dondo Yaki, and Dōsojin Matsuri; Japan)
Our Lady of the Poor (Christian)
Paul the Hermit (Christian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [3 of 53]
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karingudino · 4 years
The Influence – Ten Leading Hard Kombucha Brands Band Together in Honor of World Kombucha Day
Ten Main Onerous Kombucha Manufacturers Band Collectively in Honor of World Kombucha Day
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Ten Main Onerous Kombucha Manufacturers Band Collectively in Honor of World Kombucha Day
Ten Main Onerous Kombucha Manufacturers Band Collectively in Honor of World Kombucha Day
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Ten Main Onerous Kombucha Manufacturers Band Collectively in Honor of World Kombucha Day
Los Angeles, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — – 
Ten of the world’s main arduous kombucha manufacturers have joined collectively to collectively commemorate World Kombucha Day on February 21.
In an unprecedented effort, these usually aggressive manufacturers—Boochcraft, Flying Embers Onerous Kombucha, Jiant Onerous Kombucha, Kombrewcha, KYLA Onerous Kombucha, Native Roots Kombucha, Luna Bay Booch, Nova Straightforward Kombucha, Strainge Beast Onerous Kombucha, and WILD TONIC® Jun Kombucha—are aligning collectively on this distinctive approach to rejoice this burgeoning and dynamic class whereas spreading consciousness for his or her beloved arduous booch. What is tough kombucha? Kombucha is an effervescent drink made by fermenting tea, with arduous kombucha taking it a step additional with an extra spherical of fermentation. From the SCOBY, the symbiotic tradition of micro organism and yeast used within the fermenting course of, to the completed product, no two arduous kombuchas are made the identical, though the method shares similarities throughout the board.
This unified partnership will kick off within the days main as much as World Kombucha Day, February 21, with a sequence of social media posts, strong influencer collaboration, and focused digital media, aimed to each educate and interact—infographics will present informative attributes concerning the class, whereas loyal followers and booch lovers will be capable to enter social giveaways. Beginning February 18, and working by means of February 21, US-based booch followers (21+) can enter social giveaways hosted on every particular person model’s respective social channels. Every collaborating model will then choose one winner to stroll away with brand-specific goodies, whereas additionally being entered to win a collective grand prize from all ten arduous kombuchas—which incorporates quite a lot of swag, attire, glassware and present playing cards.
Amongst numerous current reward for the rise of the class, each Whole Foods’ Top Food Trends for 2021 and Instacart’s “New Year, New Cart” 2021 Grocery Trends named arduous kombuchas as one to look at in 2021. This collective effort was birthed from every model’s need to unfold consciousness and welcome new customers into the class.
Of the ten collaborating manufacturers, every brews up their very own mixture of distinctive persona and merchandise:
Boochcraft: is making a future wherein essentially the most compelling beverage decisions are those that align with a more healthy planet. We brew premium natural arduous kombucha, made distinctly scrumptious by fresh-pressed juice, natural infusions, and the ability of reside cultures. From the farm to the long run, we’re dedicated to making a buzz round regenerative agriculture and strengthening meals programs.
Flying Embers Hard Kombucha: is a California-crafted line of natural Onerous Kombuchas, Onerous Seltzers and different botanical brews with purposeful advantages. With a dedication to innovation, Flying Embers’ merchandise are 0 sugar, 0 carbs, and low energy (85-130), whereas additionally that includes attributes resembling reside probiotics, purposeful adaptogens and USDA licensed natural components. A proud supporter of its neighborhood, Flying Embers donates a portion of their income to firefighters and first responder charitable organizations out of respect for his or her service.
Jiant Hard Kombucha: is a better-for-you alcohol firm devoted to sourcing the best high quality natural components to ship superior gluten-free drinks which can be approachable, clear, and scrumptious. Jiant is thought for its clear, crisp and refreshing arduous kombuchas which can be thoughtfully crafted with high-grade inexperienced tea, sustainable honey, fresh-brewed botanicals and actual fruit.
Kombrewcha: is USDA licensed natural, gluten-free and brewed to 4.4% ABV by means of pure fermentation. Kombrewcha makes use of high quality components, like fair-trade black tea, to create a classy and refreshing taste profile. Now obtainable in 4 scrumptious flavors: Berry Hibiscus, Ginger Lemon, Mango Pineapple and Blood Orange.
KYLA Hard Kombucha: is craft brewed in Hood River, Oregon by a group of fermentation consultants. Utilizing a mixture of thoughtfully sourced artisanal components, pure Mt. Hood water and a bespoke SCOBY, KYLA gives an award-winning portfolio of enjoyable, fizzy and wonderfully refreshing flavors which can be low sugar, low cal, low carb, low ABV, gluten-free and 100% vegan. 4 new tropical flavors—Lavender Lemonade, Coconut Crush, Sundown Trio and Pineapple Ginger Colada now complement KYLA’s authentic 4 flavors—Ginger Tangerine, Pink Grapefruit, Berry Ginger and Hibiscus Lime, providing the health-conscious shopper a singular vary to discover and luxuriate in.
Local Roots Kombucha: brews genuine, craft kombucha filled with probiotics and natural components. We brew daring, nice tasting and gluten-free arduous kombucha with impressed flavors that embody Strawberry Mojito & Island Vibes. The title Native Roots was derived from our ardour for bringing folks collectively, sharing and instilling a way of neighborhood. Our objective is to create a cleaner alcohol that offers again to native communities by means of trigger endeavors as a lot because it does on your intestine well being.
Luna Bay Booch: is a feminine based line of boozy kombuchas which can be vegan, gluten free and brewed with yerba mate tea, fruits and herbs. Luna Bay maintains its core flavors (Palo Santo Blueberry, Hibiscus Lavender, Ginger Lemon) and lately launched a “Mild” model to their lineup with decrease energy and ABV.
Nova Easy Kombucha: sources the highest-quality components to brew a singular form of kombucha impressed by nature. With quite a lot of core merchandise and seasonal releases which can be low in energy, vegan, gluten-free, naturally fermented and filled with probiotics, Nova makes it EASY to please any palate with a superbly balanced and very-good-tasting kombucha. Now obtainable in alcoholic and non-alcoholic flavors!
Strainge Beast Hard Kombucha: is an offshoot of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. and is rooted in a lifelong love of fermentation—its artwork, its insanity, its style. Right here our brewers, with their wild imaginations, chase concepts and tackle beastly challenges. Our arduous kombucha begins with tea leaves, water, and natural components, nevertheless it’s no mellow cup of herbs. By a fermentation frenzy—a thrashing tradition of micro organism and yeast—kombucha emerges shiny and bubbly, profitable style buds on this enchanting brew. The fun of making, of taming unruly science, defines our historical past of craft brewing excellence.
WILD TONIC® Jun Kombucha: is a woman-owned, Arizona based mostly brewery crafting premium Jun Kombucha utilizing sustainably-sourced honey and top quality natural teas, infused with farm contemporary fruits, herbs and botanicals. All buzz and no chunk, WILD TONIC gives a really distinctive spin on style with refreshing, delicate, chef-inspired flavors like Strawberry Blood Orange, Raspberry Goji Rose, Blueberry Basil and Mango Ginger. Out there nationwide in non-alcohol and arduous flavors, often known as the “Champagne of Kombucha!”
To study extra, be a part of within the celebration and enter to win, take a look at @boochcraft, @flyingembersbrew, @jiantkombucha, @kombrewcha, @kylakombucha, @localrootskombucha, @lunabaybooch, @nova_kombucha, @straingebeast, and @drinkwildtonic, or comply with alongside utilizing #WorldKombuchaDay and #HardKombucha.
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. 21+. Ends February 21, 2021. Message and Information Charges could Apply. Void the place prohibited. See here for Official Rules and Terms and Conditions.
For the unique information story, please go to https://www.prdistribution.com/news/ten-leading-hard-kombucha-brands-band-together-in-honor-of-world-kombucha-day.html
Ten Leading Hard Kombucha Brands Band Together in Honor of World Kombucha Day
Ten Leading Hard Kombucha Brands Band Together in Honor of World Kombucha Day
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Source link
source https://fikiss.net/the-influence-ten-leading-hard-kombucha-brands-band-together-in-honor-of-world-kombucha-day/ The Influence – Ten Leading Hard Kombucha Brands Band Together in Honor of World Kombucha Day published first on https://fikiss.net/ from Karin Gudino https://karingudino.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-influence-ten-leading-hard-kombucha.html
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Day one
Where to start huh? I’ve been wanting to make a blog for a while now but never really knew how to go about it. Wife suggested this and now here I am. A little about me and what I am doing with this crap blog.  My name is Justin and I love board games, beer and kombucha. I wanted to talk about my love for these 3 things and hope to share that with others. I’ve only recently started playing board games. My wife wanted me to watch a video on youtube with her. It was Will Wheatons table top and the first game I watched was mysterium by Libellud games. I was blown away at how the game played the quality of the game and the art work. I always remembered board game to be boring and just overall not fun at all. The first board game that we had to our collection was Mysterium. A few weeks later I bought the first game by Libellud...Dixit. It was my gateway game...the one that started it all. I could not get over the art work, simple game design and sheer amount of fun it brought me. We now own 39 games valued over $1500! We don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. I love beer. I really could stop there and it would make sense. However I will talk a little about it. I love beer for more than just taste. While that is a major factor, my favorite part about beer is meeting the people who make it, market it, and also the people who drink it. The best beers I’ve ever had are more than matched by the experiences and people I have meet drink this liquid. My first beer ever was a heineken. I had just met ex-gierl friends father...I was 19...and I wanted to make an impression. He asked if I wanted a drink...and I complied. It tasted fucking awful lolol. I however put on a face making it seem like I enjoyed it. I think he could tell I hated it but we drank anyway. My first craft beer was Sweet Baby Jesus by Du claw. How could anyone brew a beer that tasted like chocolate and peanut butter i wondered as I bought a 6 pack of it. As I got home and took my first drink of it I was smitten...how is this possible? It tasted just like it said on the bottle. Now that I know more...I realize now SBJ is...meh at best. The chocolate is too strong and the PB is lost. My first beer that got me into beer as I know it now was Paradox beer companies Skull Barrel No. 53 Komet Sitra.  A sour beer...who knew? It however flipped my idea of beer on it’s head. You mean to tell me I can drink sour beer and it actually taste this good? it’s been downhill ever sense. I’ve came across beers that have made me cry while drinking for being so good (Wicked Weed Red Angel). I cannot wait to try more...and to meet the wonderful people who brew and enjoy them. Kombucha. Very hard to first describe to people at first. Have so have you ever had black sweet tea? Now think about that...but with almost no sugar, sour as could be, and with funky overtones of awesome. Sound good? Welcome to the land of booch. Booch is fermented tea (mostly black). You brew tea, add sugar...and then add a special guest. A cool little organism called a SCoBY ( short for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). The scoby east the sugar, produces unique flavors, a little bit of alcohol, and a lot of funk. I was introdued to this from my sister. She asked me if I had try to quit soda. I did but missed the fizz of soda. She had me try some at a restaurant in NC and I was hooked. This is fucking incredible. It’s healthy for you, easy to make AND I can make it taste how I want?? I started brewing a few months back. I have not looked back. I now brew up to 7 gallons at a time and am trying new flavors all the time. My favorite recipe is rashberries, ginerger, lemon juice, and some raspberry jam. I love brewing because it;s something to do. I suffer from depression and have a craft albeit small makes me feel like I am doing cultivating something. Even if it is funky smelling vinegar...it’s MY funky smelling vinegar.
I do not know what is going to happen with this blog...but I hope I can keep it going. I want people to see what Is see as best as possible and maybe catch a glimpse of something awesome even if for a small bit of time. Here’s to something. Cheers o7
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newsfind · 5 years
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Vitamin-Infused Hibiscus Drinks : Better Booch Better Booch is a premium craft kombucha company and it recently launched a new flavor at Expo West 2020, named 'Hibiscus Healer.' The company was initially started by former musicians, and it now produces over 10,000 gallons of product each week.
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hottesome · 5 years
One year later…
Hey all,
Happy June aka Pride Month (for all, but especially for the lgbtqiap+ community)! BE
FREE… BE YOU… whatever that means… because life is a journey and finding and living
your truth is a constant. My truth as a queer vegan wine lush/ foodie and blogger is
getting back into sharing the good word with you… that word being Eat, Drink, Watch…
in the past month(s) I’ve made an effort to see more movies, shows and try out lots of
spots in LA County, but don’t fret… I will be venturing to other places and states this year
for life events such as my best friend’s (one of dos) wedding in Washington (State) later
this year and to Nevada this weekend for the Bachelor party… but don’t worry it’s not
going to be a Julia Roberts situation… well maybe hair wise… thank you pre-summer heat
& humidity.
One way to stay refreshed to beat the heat is with some choice beverages and my
choice beverage in months to come is HARD KOMBUCHA (and that rosé all day even
more so now that there’s rosé EVERYTHING)…. according to wikipedia:
Kombucha is a fermented, slightly alcoholic, lightly effervescent,  sweetened black or green tea drink commonly intended as a functional beverage for its “supposed health benefits.”
HARD Kombucha to be more on the nose is very alcoholic, ranging from 4% and up
(much like hard cider) and is a popular alternative for adult beverage partakers who
aren’t big on beer, wine, whiskey, and all that other fun treat yoself stuff.
While finally catching the last season of Broad City season cinco (5)
*insert tears for days*
We (mi and mi amor) had the pleasure of indulging in two quality H.K. brands
among other things… while binging the magic, merriment and mishaps of Abbi &
Ilana… those beautiful “Jew-ess” (Jewish Goddess – call back to the final season and Miss
Wexler finally getting some ethnically appropriate hoops) KWANES of the NY do their
thing we call life.
Abbi goes on a journey of creativity, realizing she’s kind of just jumping from one job
to the next, but not really living out her full dreams (as an artist) since she’s a floor sales
associate at Antropologie (that discount though O.O).
She finally takes life by the metaphorical balls and “Makes the Space” in an episode
of the same name only to get fired for overstepping in Broad City spirit (probably one of
my top three ep picks for this season and not just because of the Guillermo Diaz guest
spot/character arc as Jaime’s boyfriend from Jersey. Love me some Guillermo…who you
may know from Scandal (w/ Kerry Washington), Oil Can Harry’s in Studio City (one of
my bar/dance/karaoke hangs… he’s a regular), Weeds (con en español/with Mary Louise
Parker who I think is somehow related to Parker Posey or should play her sister in some
one off project and have mixed up recently… though I definitely know as well as love me
some P. Posey in The Sweetest Thing, Josie & the Pussycats, Adam & Steve, etc…. so
why I did that is beyond me… but hey I’m 33 and it’s just “spilt milk” and I’m non-dairy so
I’m over it… sorry not sorry mostly…), Half Baked (also starring Dave Chappelle) or I
Wanna Go music video via Britney Spears… it’s Britney… Betch!!!!)
  As Ilana finds her own bliss cashing out her bitcoin capital to start a business and
live out her pansexual freedom… solo… so much freedom that she at some point drunkly
kissed Bevers  #bearcub at some point off season.
So much good in this season including the Instagram Stories birthday episode to kick
it all off… sipping Kyla was definitely a highlight. Kyla is a popular craft brew hard
kombucha priced around ten bucks per six pack (without tax) hitting you smoothly at
4.5% abv and comes in 4 different flavors Ginger Tangerine (OG), Pink Grapefruit
(Emmanuel’s aka my boyfriend’s favorite), Hibiscus Lime and Cold Brew… yes hard craft
cold brew kombucha… it’s hella strong and yes I just used the word hella in 2019. Kyla is
best served cold or at room temp, though it does fair well when warm compare to Booch
Craft my favorite craft kombucha brand and not just because I was the VERY lucky
winner of their Sun & Swell mashup IG contest (Lemon Coconut snack bites take the gold
medal, Clean Cookie gets the silver, my fav color). This made grabbing this quality drank
easier than applying some sunscreen
before going out the door for work in
the morning (*hint* pile that ish on…).
While I do believe all Booch Craft is
created equally we did discover that
the Ginger*Lime*Rosemary is more
enjoyable at room temp. Now as a lush I enjoy most beverages both non and completely
alcoholic… that didn’t come out right…, but some people don’t have a pallet for that malty,
yeast-ish, hay ale and beer savor… this would be the closest flavor to these two worlds
and is what I’d recommend for the beer guy or gal or just being who is looking to branch
out and expand their pallet then graduate into some of the more creative mouth-feel
styles such as Apple*Lime*Jasmine and Grapefruit*Hibiscus*Heather.  ALJ is a
showstopper like everyone embrassing the sexual fluidity of Abbi in Broad City’s
final season when she starts dating Dr. Lesley Marnell also known as CLEA DUVALL (in
real life) or the explored sexuality of “Striking Vipers”/ Black Mirror season 5 episode 1,
which come BM we can’t have one straight forward representation of queer men… it’s
Tangents and rants aside… Black Mirror is great and the new season is worth it, go in
with an open mind… by best male friend Mr. Ryan Russell noted we often go into new
seasons, reboots and remakes with so much judgement we can’t appreciate all the
“notes”… the same applies to the world of beverages… maybe kombucha might be
farfetch’d if and when you try it in any form… but take a pause… smell it… take in the
color, texture and all the aspects on the surface… give it a swish and let it roll over your
taste buds then in a few seconds give it another go… you’d be surprised at what you get
and how much you enjoy the second go around… apply this process to your view habits
(less literally) and see where it takes you…. could even work in life… *mind blown*
Catch the last season of Broad City on
Hulu now (meaning asap) and the new
season of Black Mirror via Netflix.
Check out my other blog about holidays,
events, life, life hacks, national days and
everything in between at:
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ THANKS FOR READING ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Helpful Links:
Follow BOOCH CRAFT on the gram, visit their website and drink up responsibly:
See: https://www.instagram.com/boochcraft/
See: https://boochcraft.com/
Grab some Kyla at TJ, Whole Foods and/or Total Wine:
See: https://www.kylakombucha.com/
Sun & Swell Foods/Snacks
See: https://sunandswellfoods.com/collections/snack-bites/products/snack-bites
Check out OCH
Oil Can Harry’s
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kombucha
See: https://www.hulu.com/
BOOCH City: Kombucha & Kwanes One year later... Hey all, Happy June aka Pride Month (for all, but especially for the lgbtqiap+ community)!
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chardscarf12-blog · 6 years
How to Plan the Perfect Vegan Wedding
This is the final post of our vegan wedding series sponsored by WeddingWire! We used WeddingWire to help us plan our magical wedding, and to discover and keep track of our favorite vendors. Now that the wedding is over, I’m excited to share more of our planning journey with you. Wedding photos by Hailley Howard.
It really has never been easier to plan and execute the perfect vegan wedding! Around the country there are plenty of vegan and vegan-friendly caterers, tons of options for bride and groom fashion, and growing awareness and respect for this way of living. It’s a beautiful time to have a compassionate wedding full of L.O.V.E for all beings!
Planning our vegan wedding was super time-consuming, but (most of the time..) we were able to see it as a fun challenge. Like many couples we were on a tight budget so we needed to get creative and find affordable ways to pull off the celebration. Hopefully this guide will make it easier and even more fun for you to plan your dream vegan wedding!
We found our beautiful venue, The 1909 Topanga Canyon, on WeddingWire. I used the site to look at tons of venues in the Los Angeles area. It’s super easy to search for nearby vendors using your zip code.
The mostly outdoor venue, located just north of LA, is everything we dreamed of. It’s surrounded by lush green trees, and has a beautiful interior space for getting ready and a large terraced banquet room for the party. We were shocked to discover that it was in our price range, and we even got an off-season discount.
One major thing that made this venue work for us was that they allow you to bring in any caterer to do the food and cake. This allowance is crucial when planning the perfect vegan wedding. So many venues require you to use their “preferred” vendors for everything from the flowers to the food. You’ll be hard pressed to find an amazing vegan caterer on these lists of “preferred” vendors, so look for venues that allow you to bring who you want.
Watch our wedding video to see more of our gorgeous venue!
If you remember my blog post & video about vegan wedding catering, you know I wanted your vote for which caterer we should choose. The fan favorite (and our favorite) was vegan celebrity-chef Lauren Von der Pool, and oh my did she swerve that food! Our guests, only a handful of whom were vegan, got up for seconds and thirds. No leftovers to take home!
On the all-vegan menu was:
Superfood Shitake Kale Salad
Southern Fried Crispy Chicken served with Mumbo Sauce
Caribbean Red Bean Stew
Crispy Potato Salad topped with micro greens
African Street Corn – Eritrean berbere spiced corn coated in a buttery garlic aioli
Coconut Braised Greens – tender greens stewed in a buttery coconut milk miso broth
Sweet Potato Purée – organic white sweet potatoes married to cardamom
Chicken & Waffles
Everything was so delicious!
Serving dinner buffet-style was a money saver for us. Our venue required us to use their servers, so Lauren didn’t have to hire her own. The guests loved the buffet because it gave them an easy way to help themselves to more of Lauren’s incredible vegan soul food. During your caterer search be sure you understand pricing based on how the meal will be served. You should also keep in mind any serving requirements the venue may have.
 In Los Angeles there are plenty of vegan caterers, but in some cities you may have to hire a non-vegan company to prepare a vegan meal for your guests. Make sure to schedule a tasting with each potential caterer you interview. Find out if they’ve done vegan weddings in the past, and ask for a referral from previous vegan clients. If you’re set on having a vegan company cater your wedding, but can’t find one near you, consider asking a vegan restaurant or food truck to cater.
A wedding isn’t complete without the perfect romantic dessert! My husband Maxx and I wanted a beautiful classic wedding cake, and hired Krysten Littles of Baby Love Sweetery to make it. You met Krysten in our vegan catering & wedding video! She’s the sweetest, and so are her creations! For the wedding she made us a 2 tier chocolate salted caramel cake with pleated buttercream icing. Isn’t it gorgeous! My only regret is not saving myself a slice for the next day. Our wedding was nearly 3 months ago, and I still think about that cake almost daily.
If you cannot find a vegan cake maker for your wedding, you may have to ask a non-vegan bakery to make your vegan cake. Be sure to have a taste test, and get referrals from their previous vegan clients. Don’t forget to look at surrounding towns. Cake makers will often travel to deliver your cake, as long as it’s not too far away.
Though most alcoholic beverages are vegan, the process of making them may not be. This is especially true for wine. For example, though it doesn’t end up in the finished product, many wines are filtered with fish bladder. We wanted to make sure that all of our beverages were vegan too, so we relied on the website Barnivore to point us the right direction. Barnivore is a site that compiles a list of alcoholic beverages and whether or not they’re vegan. I admit, I cannot remember which white wine and rosé we ended up picking up. For red wine we went with Cocobon, a red blend from California. For champagne we chose Moët. We also served kombucha from Suja, and an alcoholic kombucha from Booch Craft (my drink of choice the whole evening because it never gives me a hangover).
Bringing your own alcohol will save you hundreds or thousands on your big day. Our venue allowed us to bring our own alcohol, but it had to be served by a licensed bartender. We hired a bartender through the website Tend, and they brought the ice. My dad picked up the booze, cups, and napkins a couple days before the wedding. The venue already had a bar area, but bartenders will bring their own if need be.
We hired Michelle Newson of Onederland Events to be our wedding planner, and she was one of a kind wonderful! (She was another WeddingWire discovery.) Since Maxx and I both work full time we really appreciated someone else keeping our planning timeline and agenda in order. She helped us make sure we had everything we needed for the wedding (including things like table linens that we certainly would have overlooked), and was there to coordinate on the day of. On our wedding day all I had to do was get ready with my family and walk down the aisle. I wasn’t stressed at all thanks to Michelle. I did a blog post to help you decide if you should hire a wedding planner for your vegan wedding. Read it here.
Finding the perfect wedding dress and clothing-plus-accessories for Maxx was probably the most time consuming activity on our planning list. It was important to us that our clothing be vegan, but also affordable, yet still stylish and good quality. We also didn’t want to support the many unsavory practices that are prevalent in the apparel industry, from unethical labor practices to disregard for the environment.
Our solution? Second hand. I found my wedding dress on Poshmark (an online used clothing marketplace) for $230. It was in perfect condition, but was too long. My alterations cost $170.
For the vegan groom you should also consider buying second hand. Not only is it less expensive, but it’s the more sustainable, earth-friendly option. Maxx also bought his suit on Poshmark and then had it tailored to fit like a charm. All in all he spent less than $200. Men’s suits are often made with wool, so keep that in mind, vegan groom. Look for a suit that is made out of an animal-friendly fabric like cotton, linen, or something synthetic.
Read more about finding the perfect vegan wedding dress, plus clothing and accessories for the groom in my previous blog post.
Our lovely florist was Susan of Eventive Moments. We found her on WeddingWire. What we loved so much about the venue was its natural beauty. Susan understood that and agreed we didn’t need too much extra brought in. She worked with our budget, and gave us great tips to save money on this very important decor.
Tip #1: Choose local seasonal flowers. Just like produce, local and seasonal is always more affordable. Plus it looks fresher and more alive! Rather than having specific flowers you must use, have ideal colors. Your florist can suggest flowers that are in season, and that fit your color scheme. Keep an open mind, you may discover your new favorite flower!
Tip #2: Rework your arrangements. During the cocktail hour our wedding planner and her assistant transferred the flowers from the arch and the aisles to the dinner tables and cocktail area. You can pay the florist to stay until after the ceremony to rearrange the flowers, or ask your coordinator to do it.
Tip #3: Rent your flower arrangement vases and vessels. You will probably save money, and you’ll also eliminate waste. Who needs 25 vases after the wedding? If you choose not to rent your vases, consider choosing ones you can give to guests as party favors when they leave. Choose eco-friendly containers that can be reused. I love the idea of using simple canning jars for this!
One thing I didn’t do a good job with was distributing our goodie bags. I was just so consumed with everything else that I forgot to arrange a spot where guests could grab them as they left the venue. Still, I managed to find some great goodies to share. Maybe I’ll save them for another event in the future.
Goodie bags are just so nice to give to your guests as they leave the wedding, or at a pre-wedding event. I gave out most of our goodie bags after the group hike we did the day before the wedding.
What was inside?
Moisturizing lip balm by Shea Yeleen, a skincare company that makes fair trade and cruelty-free shea butter products in women-owned cooperatives in Ghana
Bath salts by Peau Veoutee
Suja kombucha and green juice
Alter Eco coconut clusters
On our wedding day, it felt so good to see all of our planning come together, and I’m very happy to be able to say it was a 100% vegan event. Watch the video for more about our planning efforts, and if you’re planning a wedding yourself (or have in the past), let me know in the comments!
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Source: http://sweetpotatosoul.com/2018/07/how-to-plan-vegan-wedding.html
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brookstonalmanac · 4 years
Holidays 1.15
Arbor Day (Egypt, FL, Jordan, LA)
Basketball Rules Day
British Museum Day (UK)
Carmentalia (Old Roman Festival to 9 Muses; also 1.11)
Craft-Brew Day (Berkeley, California)
Democratic Donkey Day
Feast of the Abbot of Unreason
George Price Day (Belize)
Guster Day (Boston, Massachusetts)
Happy Days Day
Humanitarian Day
International Fetish Day [3rd Friday]
John Chilembwe Day (Malawi)
Korean Alphabet Day (a.k.a. Chosen-gul)
Lee-Jackson Day (Virginia) [Friday before MLK Day]
Massage Parlor Day
Moliere Day (France)
Museum Day (UK)
Museum Selfie Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Bagel Day (a.k.a. Bagels and Lox Day)
National Booch Day (a.k.a. Kombucha Day)
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day
National Hat Day
National Pothole Day (UK) [or Closest Weekday if Weekend]
National Twitter Day
Ocean Duty Day (Indonesia)
Procrastinator’s New Year
South Wind’s Prayer (Elder Scrolls)
Straw Bear Festival begins (Whittlesea, England) [3rd Friday-Sun]
Strawberry Ice Cream Day
Teacher’s Day (Venezuela)
Thiruvalluvar Day (India)
Tree Planting Day (Egypt)
Tulpanens Dag (a.k.a. Tulip Day; Sweden)
Wassailing the Apple Trees
Wikipedia Day
Christian Feast Days
Abeluzius (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church)
Arnold Janssen
Francis Ferdinand de Capillas (one of Martyr Saints of China)
Our Lady of the Poor
Macarius of Egypt (Western Christianity)
Maurus and Placidus (Order of Saint Benedict)
Paul the Hermit
January 15 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
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detoxnearme · 7 years
Non Alcoholic Ipa
Drinkers treat non-alcoholic
The uk’s first non-alcoholic
Alcohol rehab cost contents
But that does not mean that
Cocktail usually made with cachaca
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St John Brewers in the US Virgin Islands creates the only ales brewed in the Caribbean and their specialty IPAs and fruit beers are Winner of the 2008 People's Choice ...
Lenny Boy Brewing, in Charlotte, NC, brews organic kombucha, beer, and wild ale. You can grab a beer or booch in the taproom or at your favorite bottle shop, pub, or ...
Discover the best Alcoholic Beverages in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Grocery & Gourmet Food Best Sellers.
Aug 04, 2014  · Beer drinkers treat non-alcoholic beer the same way students treat a substitute teacher: with a lack of respect. But if you actually give them a chance, ...
We took a look around the uk’s first non-alcoholic craft beer brewery
Native American Alcoholism Rates Contents Programs wellbutrin and alcohol gives Just keep clear Will definitely from: complete home With cachaca. this gives Kathleen Brown-Rice. The theory of historical trauma was developed to explain the current problems facing many Native Americans. This theory purports that some Native … What Does alcohol rehab cost contents Treatment options cost money Drug addiction What Does Alcohol Rehab Cost Contents Treatment options cost money Drug addiction and alcoholism Some terrible side affects Enjoys trying fun and new Disease and similar that Good drug treatment options cost money, but that does not mean that you should pay whatever you are quoted. Do you know the average cost of rehab? Learn more. Low cost alcohol rehab Wellbutrin For Alcoholism Contents Health sciences center programs Wellbutrin and alcohol Gives you all Hot and spicy Rolled with nori Can run down the factors heart Just keep clear of alcohol and caffeine. Those bring up some terrible side affects while on Wellbutrin. Im 15 and just started taking it, along side with another … Jun 05, 2016 Non Alcoholic Beer Recipe Contents For the most Contents names will You get paid Funny drink names will definitely From: Complete Home Bartenders Guide by Salvatore Calabrese. A Brazilian name for the most popular cocktail usually made with cachaca. This gives you all the flavors … A delicious recipe for Little Beer, with Licor 43® liqueur and cream. Also
Non Alcoholic Ipa was first published on https://detoxnear.me/
from DetoxNear.me - Feed https://www.detoxnear.me/non-alcoholic-ipa/
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nwbeerguide · 7 years
Maui Brewing Company owners Garrett Marrero and Melanie Oxley selected Small Business Persons of the Year for the State of Hawaii for 2017
Press Release
Honolulu – The U. S. Small Business Administration is pleased to announce the Hawaii winners of the prestigious 2017 SBA Small Business Awards.  Each year, SBA honors outstanding small business owners, entrepreneurs and advocates who best illustrate the important contributions of small business to a vibrant local economy and thriving community during Small Business Week.  
“The SBA Small Business Awards shine a bright light on the skill, innovation and drive of small businesses in our State.  The 2017 winners clearly show the creativity, and the tenacity needed to compete and thrive in today’s markets,” said District Director Jane Sawyer of the U.S. Small Business Administration. “These business owners demonstrate the best of Hawaii and the promise for the future. I invite you to join the celebration at the 30th Annual Statewide SBA Awards on May 4 in Honolulu. The stories will inspire you.”
Honored as the 2017 Small Business Persons of the Year for the State of Hawaii are Garrett Marrero and Melanie Oxley Of Maui Brewing Company. 
Founded in 2005 as a small brewpub and restaurant in Kahana, Maui Brewing has experienced amazing growth, expanding production of their locally made craft beer to 100,000 barrels brewed at their state of the art facility in Kihei.  Marrero and Oxley maintain their strong commitment to use local ingredients in their premium products such as Bikini Blond and Big Swell IPA and seasonal favorites as well, supporting a network of Hawaii farmers and value added producers. With new restaurant and brewpubs opening in the next year, Maui Brewing will have created more than 700 jobs and business growth opportunities across the State.  
As the top small business in Hawaii, Maui Brewing will represent Hawaii in the national competition in Washington, D.C. as SBA kicks off National Small Business Week on April 30- May 1. 
Top small business owners were also selected to represent each of the counties in this very competitive category.   The 2017 winners of the SBA Small Business Person of the Year Awards for the Counties are:
On Oahu, Brooke Watson and Shyrah Maurer, co-owners of Soha Designs dba Soha Living, the popular, locally inspired design retailer, took the title of Small Business Person of the Year for the City and County of Honolulu.
John and Kristina Ferguson, owners of Kalaheo Coffee Company, a favorite dining destination serving Breakfast, lunch and dinner to locals and visitors alike, were chosen as the Small Business Person for Kauai County.
The County of Maui is represented by Mark Harmer, president of Harmer Radio and Electronics in Kahului, a 30 year old firm delivering high quality services, repair and sales in two way and wide area digital radio systems.
Brendan Roberts and Kela Cosgrave, founders of Big Island Booch, Inc. in Hilo were named Small Business Person of the Year for Hawaii County.  Started in 2013, Big Island Booch produces a variety of kombucha flavors that are sold in their small café and in more than 108 stores across the State.
Along with these noteworthy businesses, other business owners and champions in several categories are being honored for their accomplishments and business acumen:
Along with these noteworthy businesses, other business owners and champions in several categories are being honored for their accomplishments and business acumen:Lifetime Legacy is presented to Edmund Olson, of the Edmund C. Olson Trust II for his vision to preserve Hawaii’s agricultural, cultural and environmental heritage.
The Family Owned Small Business Award recognizes a small business with at least a 15 year history that has been owned and operated by the family, creating jobs, increasing revenues and providing opportunities for other family members.  
The 2017 State of Hawaii winner is J. Terry Mullen, the second generation owner of kamaaina company John Mullen and Associates, an insurance adjusting agency with 89 employees across the State including daughter Sara.  
Other Family Owned Business winners are:
County of Maui -  Aina Excavation and Grading, Inc. is operated by the Santos Family with Joseph, Earlette Santos Vida, Reed and Frank Santos in key roles in this family operation.
County of Hawaii –  Shon Pahio is the second generation president of HMP Inc, dba Business Services Hawaii, a waste management firm started by the Pahio family in 1985.
City and County of Honolulu – For the last 51 years, Oka’s Auto Body in Waipahu, has specialized in auto collision repair with integrity and customer service, a tradition that continued when the Family Owned Business transferred ownership from parents to the next generation including Marlo Rie Vincenti, Kyle Okahara and Brandon Okahara.
The Small Business Exporter Award is presented to a small business that derives a significant portion of their sales from export outside the U.S. and is supportive of other efforts to export U.S. made products and services.
The State of Hawaii Small Business Exporter of the Year for 2017 is Salty Wahine Gourmet Hawaiian Sea Salts, an award winning Kauai based company started by Laura Cristobal Andersland in 2008.
A second exporter, James “Jimmy” Chan, the general manager and owner of Hawaiian Chip Company, a manufacturer of sweet potato and taro chips and the tasty Kilauea Fire sauces that are in demand throughout the state, U.S. mainland and in Japan claimed the title of the City and County of Honolulu.
The SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award identifies an individual who has successfully owned and operated a small business, increasing revenue, jobs, and demonstrating potential for long term success for at least three years before reaching the age of 35 at the time of the award.  
The State of Hawaii Young Entrepreneur award will be presented to Patrick Gesik, D.P.T, the dedicated founder of Gesik Physical Therapy, a fast growing clinic in Honolulu in 2013, creating 9 new jobs, and providing rehabilitation and pain relief to hundreds of patients.
County of Hawaii – In 2011, talented Young Entrepreneur, Tia Yamanaka opened The Boutique Hilo on Kamehameha Avenue, an inspired shop for contemporary women’s fashion. Her continued success with the retail establishment earned the 2017 award.
County of Maui -  Brian Bower took the helm of a struggling Artistic Builders Corporation on Maui in 2008, managed an incredible turnaround that doubled the employee count and increased revenues.
City and County of Honolulu –  Phillip Hasha, principal of the Redmont Group LLC, created a full service, one stop shop real estate firm for real estate owners.
The 2017 SBA Small Business Advocate for Business and Industry is Christine Camp, CEO of Avalon Development Company LLC.   As a landlord and developer of commercial properties and industrial property, Camp has designed opportunities for small businesses and provided special assistance with business planning and financial proposals to facilitate financing, certifications or benefits and is an visible and proactive community leader.
The Small Business Advocate for Financial Services is presented to those individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to increasing access to capital, reducing regulatory burdens
and helping small businesses improve their financial conditions through assistance, legislative support and other advocacy.    The 2017 State of Hawaii Financial Services Champion honors Reg Baker, Managing Member of Reg Baker CPA, LLC, for his dedicated support to small businesses.  Baker is frequently involved in business training and consulting and serves on SBA’s Regulatory Reform Board, with the Chamber of Commerce, and others.
Dennis Boyd, the Director for the Hawaii Small Business Development Center Network’s West Hawaii Office was chosen as the Small Business Advocate for Financial Services for the County of Hawaii in recognition of his work to identify and secure financial resources for new and expanding businesses.
The 2017 Small Business Advocate for Media & Journalism is a well-known voice throughout the state.  Sherry Bracken with Mahalo Broadcasting and Hawaii Public Radio was selected for her far reaching impact and efforts to impact the public with relevant news reporting.
The 2017 SBA Minority Small Business Advocate title is awarded to those individuals who have selflessly provided assistance and support to minority entrepreneurs and business owners.
The highly deserving State of Hawaii award winner in this category is Maria Etrata of Preferred Home and Community Based Services.
The Maui County SBA Minority Small Business Advocate is David Daly, the director of the Business Development Center at Maui Economic Opportunity, providing training and small loans to new businesses to the underserved community on Maui.
For the City and County of Honolulu, Helen Wai, owner of Helen N. Wai, LLC, was named the SBA Minority Small Business Advocate for her commitment to work with small business owners and consumers to understand the management of their credit, financial affairs and assets in life and in business.  
These exceptional small business owners, advocates and leaders from across the islands will be honored at the 30th Annual Statewide SBA Small Business Awards Luncheon on May 4, 2017 at Pomaikai Ballroom at Dole Cannery.   This celebration of small business in Hawaii is hosted by Hawaii Business and many leading local sponsors.  Reservation information is available at www.hawaiibusiness.com  and click on events.
Contact the Hawaii District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration at (808) 541 2990 for more information on the SBA Award winners and the Hawaii District Office programs.
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hillarystarbright · 7 years
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A few more shots of the awesome food and beers we enjoyed at the Mission Valley Craft Beer and Food Festival yesterday. #yummy #foodporn #foodblogger #sandiegobrewers #missionvalley #sandiego #kombucha #beer #beerporn #booch #tasty #foodfest #craftbeer #latergram #funtimes
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