#Borderland Bar
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he has some problems
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lacquerheadd · 1 year
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Next time you're bleedin' to death, just think: Dr. Zed!
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radiodread · 2 years
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wikagirl · 9 months
Allow me to introduce you to: Salem!
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Name: Mitsuki Salem Hale
Age: 24
Height: 162cm
Voice reference: Snapcube on youtube (yes the sonic realtime fandub person, penny)
Salem is the older sibling to gigi and middle child to the Hale clan. Originally, just like all their other siblings, they were supposed to take on a position as a higher up in the company, but ended up choosing not to. Just like their father, they just didn't feel like the coroporate life was fit for them, it felt oppressive and restricting with all its social rules in the office and while dealing with other companies, the plain environment of the facilities and the never ending mountains of paperwork.
So they opened a bar on the spacestation in orbit of Cernunnos. At first things were great, a regular flow of travellers passing through and workers from the station as well as from the planetary rehab team came by to grab a drink after work, watch the sports broadcast and just hang out. And then the planetary rehab team got their own base down on the surface.....and then the base had to be shut off from outsiders due to a containment breach in the labs of the research department. Sure they got to open back up when the containment breach was resolved, but the customers just never came back the same as before and salems pride refused to let them allow their parents to slide them a little cash to give the bar a makeover. They refused to be just a nother nepotism baby.
And luck would have it that the new owner the handsome jackpot was looking to expand her empire, always ready to strike a deal to further her business ventures. Salem had seen moxxis broadcast from the underdome before it went down in flames thanks to a certain jackass, they had seen her on tv when she got interviewed as the new owner of the handsome jackpot. The way she carried herself, the charisma, the confidence, the poise, it was something salem aspired to be one day. And so, after a having to hype themselves up for two weeks, one mental break down and several evenings spent on the couch at home sobbing to their father while eating dino nuggies, they finally sent a message.
Anxiety wouldn't allow them to eat until a reply slid into their inbox which then quickly turned to them sobbing hystericly on the floor out of happiness. Moxxi was invited over to tour the premises and they had a deal.
The bar got a makeover, a promo campaign and business got back to buzzing! Sure salem wasn't the owner anymore, but they were still management of the local and in the end they got to stay where they felt most comfortable, behind the bar.
Some random tidbits about them:
they are physically intersex thanks to the XXY chromsome deviation. (this is a legit thing one of my irl friends has btw)
They dress very femminine which, for some reason, makes some idiots think it's okay to disrespect their identity more than when they dress masculine, these idiots usually don't last very long against their regulars
They have a little sign they can flip through, like these little flip calenders, with different pronouns on them, while on shift they prefer to go by he/him just to mess with the customers who instantly assume they are female due to their looks and to filter out all the bad eggs right away, no space for homophobia and transphobia under their roof!
outside of work they usually stick with they/them tho as they see themself as the physical manifestation of being nonbinary. Their second most used pronouns are he/him.
While on shift they go by Nixxi, Moxxi thought it would be a cute idea to make the xxi name ending a brand thing.
They themself don't drink any alcohol. They hate the taste, they just like mixing drinks.
Look more like one of their aunts than either of their parents
Former breastcancer patient. Wears prostetic/silicone breasts now if they feel like it, but usually not. Find it really entertaining to be able to just yeet dem tits into a corner after a long day
moxxi calls everyone sugar, nixxi calls everyone honeybun
their father refers to them by adjectives instead of pronouns most of the time, it started as a joke and ended up sticking. Sassy it the most commonly used one.
The bar has a stage that is usually decorated with an assortment of instruments, sometimes bands play there and if you ask nicely you can also go up there and try your best to impress the audience. When they open they like to sometimes just sit ona chair on stage and jam on the accoustic guitar until customers come in.
When they're not at the bar or at home you can usually find them hanging out at a store run by one of their friends. It's a mix between an occultism and vintage clothing store.
Prefers icecream with a vanilla flavoured base and chunky addons like cookie bits
the only thing between them being fully tatooed and pierced all over is their fear of needles
Character theme: confident – demi lovato Songs 5 they'd listen to: That don't impress me much – shania twain I love rock 'n' roll – Joan Jett one way or a nother – blondie hot stuff – donna summer Maneater – nelly furtado
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angeltannis · 1 year
Gearbox has no idea how much money I would throw at them if they actually made merch that was even semi-decent
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seaoreos · 8 months
the funniest thing about being bi and having a self-shipper partner + qpp who are both mainly/exclusively attracted to men is that when they see a neat woman they immediately look at me and go ‘bee you should selfship with her’ I love it
#sea thoughts#I’m some form of Demiro I think so crushes are hard to come by and especially ones that stick#so it makes me kinda sad in a way bc I wanna have fun and kiss fictional guys too!#I mean I already kind of do. Moxxi Borderlands is… c.cool#and also Holly and Butler :o) it’s polyamory btw. So cool#also I kind of wanna make an oc to kiss Mama amnesty?? That would be fun. I like her#why do I have like. A specific thing for women with thick southern accents who have butch swag.#I could also kiss Aubrey n Hollis too methinks.#also weirdly enough I have the instinct to ship my adventure time oc Princess wizard with raggedy princes??#she deserves someone who will listen to her poetry#I think it’s pretty neat :o)#also the Mad Moxxi kissing would be ESPECIALLY FUNNY considering my boys selfship with HANDSOME JACK LMAO#The image of two couples walking side by side and the one person from each looks over at each other in absolute disgust with the#bisexual flag overlayed on top of them and an arrow pointing to them that reads ‘exes’. It’s that#the oc concept I have is a . I don’t remember the name for mushroom specific biologist rn but they’re that#That almost fucking died and fused with a sentient mushroom colony. Normal Pandora moment#they met Moxxi (before almost dying) because they went to her bar for (and guess what)#A PLACE TO WORK WHERE THEY WOULDNT BE BOTHERED LMAO#THEY JUST LIKED THE BG NOISE AND WERE LIKE “ok well I mean. It’s moxxi’s. People are here for… reasons. If I just sit all the way in the#back here where it’s dim people will leave me alone.”#And I think they end up staying til closing and moxxi almost misses the fact they’re there before she’s like “???who tf is this lanky littl#nerd doing WORK back here?? AT MAD ME’S?? HELLO?”#ohbmu god they’re rhack but yuri and less toxic. That was on accident. Oh my god#anyways something something a line from a fic I read once#”the only people allowed in the back room at Moxxi’s were either very generous donators or people who were as cute as a button”#Um. Yea#If you know what fic it is don’t look at me#I’m 18 now I do what I want. Bitch#Anywaysss back 2 work
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permanentreverie · 1 year
istg if my friend got me sick I will murder her with my bare hands
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kkurades · 2 years
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ STAR CHILD aib characters having a s/o who is a kpop idol (headcannons!)
hikari kuina —
( before borderland!)
- she would be your biggest fan and supporter
- she’s definitely coming to all your concerts
- probably would have stalked you online
- listens to your songs when you are busy practicing and she misses you
- would be best friends with all of your group members
- they would all adore her oml
- she’d definitely steal your clothing but you don’t mind
- your fans would also adore her
- you’re her wallpaper and phone case lol
- she’d collect all of your picture cards and switches it online whenever she gets someone else
- she would be so embarrassed when she’d show you her room which was covered in posters with you on them
- likes to watch your interviews whenever she’s bored
- would 100% accompany you to any events and would fit right in
- but if you have to keep it secret you’d tell everyone that she’s your best friend
- she would do your makeup whenever she can
- will kiss your forehead right before your concert for luck
- she’ll teach you how to defend yourself from any perverts
( in borderland!)
- when you entered the beach her jaw dropped
- she was almost drooling at the sight of you
- chishiya would be so confused lol
- she’d nervously approach you after having stared at you for like ten minutes straight
- would blush anytime you’d smile at her
- she felt like she could faint when you sat down next to her at the bar
- kuina would be so annoyed whenever a guy tried to hit on you and had to resist rolling her eyes
- would protect you from anyone 24/7
- knows all your songs by heart
mira kano —
( before borderland! )
- she would listen to you while working on her plans bc your voice soothed her
- after a while she wanted to know whose angelic voice has been helping her for the past few months
- the moment she saw your face pop up on her screen she was in love
- she carefully planned a meeting where she would make you fall for her
- her mission to make you fall in love with her went smoothly
- she’d kiss you lovingly when you came home everyday after practise
- would be so proud and would show it
- she’d hide her sadistic side from you to make sure that you won’t leave her
- does anything you ask for
- makes you food everyday and makes sure that you stay healthy
( in borderland! )
- she would have been so fascinated by you
- she makes sure that she can protect you from the militants while trying not to seem suspicious
- it started with soft smiles and long eye contact but it developed into passionate kisses and loving words
- won’t hesitate to kill someone if they wronged you (not openly but through the games)
- makes sure that you get easy games with a 100% chance of surviving
- loves it when you sing to her
morizono aguni —
( before borderland! )
- would be your own personal bodyguard
- keeps paparazzi away from you
- doesn’t know anyone from the industry but will attentively listen to you when you rant about it
- will come to most of your concerts but don’t expect him to sing along
- he will tap his foot to the beat tho
- hatter will beg him to meet you
- you’d become best friends with hatter and aguni wouldn’t know how to feel about it
- definitely regrets introducing you to hatter bc now he always demands to go to your concerts
- he claims that hatter is a bad influence
- your group members would be so intimidated by him lol
- hates going to events but does it anyway because he wants to keep you safe
- he’ll turn up the radio whenever he hears one of your songs playing
- but will immediately turn it back down when it ends
- your fans would definitely make memes about him lol
- he would roll his eyes anytime someone mentions it
- people would be so confused as to why someone like you would date someone like him
- idk why but i feel like he would be kinda insecure about it but won’t tell a soul
( in borderland! )
- would meet you during a spades game
- thinks you’re attractive but also thinks you’ll die first
- is surprised when he finds out that you have the best condition out of everyone
- sticks to you like a bug because he likes you but won’t say it
- you’d have to start all the conversations
- at first he wouldn’t know what kpop is lol
- so when you tell him you were a kpop idol before the borderland he would be like ‘a what??’
- after you explain he’d be like ‘cool’
- he’ll search the city to find a cd/poster of you
- would be kinda weirded out how there is a whole ass shop with your face everywhere
- will find a picture card of you to carry around in his pocket
- tries to keep your overenthusiastic fans away
- especially the good looking ones
- likes it when you hum one of your songs under your breath while cuddling
- would listen to kpop songs for you and only you
rizuna ann —
( before borderland! )
- would be so annoyed by paparazzi
- she’d make sure you stay healthy and makes sure that you rest enough
- your group members would be kinda intimidated by her but would like her eventually
- she would talk to your manager whenever she sees that you’re uncomfortable in the clothing that you had to wear during a performance
- doesn’t often come to your concerts because she’s a busy woman but would if you ask her to
- finds it amusing when people find out that she’s dating the famous y/n
- she would make sure that you eat enough and will always make you something to eat for during practice
- you would definitely spoil her and she wouldn’t really mind it unless it’s really really really expensive but you won’t budge when she tells you to return it
- she will shamelessly walk around the house in your clothing
( in borderland! )
- wouldn’t know who you are
- probably heard someone talking about you in the hallways
- would be annoyed whenever someone flirts with you
- overprotective but won’t actually act on it??
- you will spend a lot of time around dead bodies if you want some quality time
- won’t let niragi 6 feet near you
- makes sure that you are always safe and checks for injuries after games
- silently hums her favourite song of your group under her breath while she works
ryohei arisu —
( before borderland! )
- hardcore fan
- buys every piece of merch even when you’re dating
- you always having to tell him to stop buying it because you could just give it to him for free
- he won’t listen tho
- will blast your songs in any car
- would be annoyed anytime his brother speaks with you
- karube and chota would straight up laugh in his face when he tells them he’s dating you
- but when he invites you to hang out with them they’d stare at you for at least five minutes
- arisu has to keep chota as far away as possible bc he keeps staring at you and it’s freaking him out
- while he also has to make sure that karube doesn’t flirt with you 24/7 lol
- worried about you because of the amount of hours that you have to train
- loves to see you wearing his clothes
- likes to read all the kpop drama
- would go to all your concerts and events
- but at your events he would feel so awkward
- upset over the fact that you have to keep your relationship on the low
- always makes sure that you eat, sleep and drink enough while he’s dying from dehydration
- he knows the choreography of your dances like the back of his hand
- he sings your songs like the national anthem while he showers
- you always save him the same seat at concerts that he loves because he claims to have the best view
- is your biggest supporter
- i’m almost a 100% sure that he has read every y/n fanfic there is
( in borderland! )
- won’t believe his eyes
- usagi had to hold him back from running up to you and asking for your signature
- you would find his silliness amusing
- would blush anytime you’d touch him even if you had to pull him away before he’d get shot
- staring at you 24/7
- you would be kinda freaked out but you’re used to it
- would definitely have gone to at least three of your concerts before the borderland
- makes sure that you’re safe during the games
- would definitely be jealous anytime a good looking person talks to you but he trusts you completely
shuntaro chishiya —
( before borderland! )
- he’d watch your interviews even though he claims that he doesn’t
- absolutely loathes paparazzi
- would hum your songs under his breath whenever he’s alone
- i feel like he’d have a shelf with all of your albums on it but won’t speak to you about it
- he’d feel so annoyed whenever you’d wear high heels because he’s so short
- would find it attractive tho
- while he doesn’t like physical contact in public he’ll often hold your hand if you get nervous because of paparazzi/fans
- will stalk your instagram
- uses your eyeliner and eyeshadow
- would smirk whenever one of your fans says that he’s hot
- he’d make sure that you stay healthy
- he’ll have a tea cup with your face on it but he would hide it from you
- he will kiss you softly after you have a hard day
( in borderland! )
- he honestly wouldn’t care tbh
- would be glad that you and kuina get along
- he’d kinda get annoyed if kuina is one of your fans and talks about you 24/7
- the reason is that he’d be like ‘she’s my girlfriend??’
- and kuina would then say ‘so?’
- and he’d roll his eyes before telling her to go find her own gf instead of obsessing over his
- he’d hate it whenever someone approaches you and starts flirting when he’s standing right beside you
- during games people will often recognise you and chose to stay with you
- he’ll use it to his advantage and won’t hesitate to use them as bait if needed
- thinks you’re soft so he’ll try to keep you out of harm’s way
- secretly plans on going to one of your concerts as soon as you leave borderland
- listens to your music whenever he’s wearing his earphones
suguru niragi —
( before borderland! )
- man would be shocked but he wouldn’t show it
- he says he doesn’t listen to kpop but secretly does
- purposely puts an arm around you to show the world that you’re taken
- he always looks good whenever the paparazzi takes a picture of you two
- only goes to concerts if you ask him to (borderline beg him to)
- while he almost never goes to the concert he does always pick you up
- likes going to events because they make him feel important since he’s surrounded by rich people but he’s only there bc of you lol
- won’t let paparazzi bother you
- will get overprotective of you whenever you feel uncomfortable
- he’s going to let everyone know that he’s dating the famous kpop idol y/n
( in borderland! )
- he’d just think you’re hot
- when you tell him though he’s surprised but doesn’t show it
- says that it’s stupid but thinks it’s literally so cool
- you will have to hold him back from attacking your fans lol
- he’s your personal guard dog
- protects you at all costs
- makes sure that your songs are blasting through every possible speaker on the beach
- hot make out sessions oml
- if you ever wrote a love song he’d go around telling people that you wrote it about him even though you didn’t even know that he existed before all of this happened
- he’d definitely take advantage of the fact that your very agile during your private time
takatora samura —
( before borderland! )
- let’s be honest guys the only possible way for you two to meet is through the internet
- i mean this dude practically doesn’t leave the house
- he would’ve liked one edit of you on tiktok and now your the only thing that’s on his fyp lol
- he wouldn’t know who you were and just thought that you sing pretty and look attractive
- i feel like he’d love your songs because they are so comforting and relatable
- then he’d look you up and follow you on instagram
- he’d probably write about your extraordinary on his blog
- his jaw would drop when you liked his post and left a thank you in his comment section
- after a while he would buy himself a ticket to one of your concerts bc he enjoyed your music
- he was slightly late so there weren’t much people outside
- you had also gone outside to mentally prepare yourself when he caught your eye
- you would smile at him and wave which he shyly returned
- unfortunately your short meeting had to end bc the concert was about to start
- i honestly have no clue as to how he managed to catch your attention later on but he did
- he’d go to all of your concerts knowing that singing is one of your passions
- absolutely hates going to events with every fiber in his body
- he’d be literally so supportive of you omg
( in borderland! )
- the moment that you walked into the beach for the first time his eyes were glued to you
- after a while you noticed his unwavering stare and smiled at him which made his face heat up slightly
- fortunately for him his face was covered by his tattoos
- when he found out that you are a kpop idol he started following you to make sure that nobody would do something to you
- when you kept seeing him everywhere you went you decided to greet him one morning after you saw him standing in the hallway not too far from your room
- man was flabbergasted but managed to hide it
- he just nodded at you in return so you made it a routine to wish him a good morning whenever you saw him guarding your room
- he’d never make a move even if he wanted to so you’ll have to do all the work
- whenever you tell him his tattoos look pretty he would blush so hard oml
- when fans recognise you in borderland they would be so shocked to find out that you’re dating him
- he’d definitely get your initials tattooed on his body
- you’d also decided to get his tattooed but really really small and somewhere where you can’t see it bc you’re an idol
- when he finds it he would be so obsessed with it
- he would pull out his katana to anyone who even dares to make you uncomfortable
- in public he’d stay slightly behind you to make sure that nobody can harm you in any way
- in private though he won’t let go of you
- your shared room would be filled with soft kisses and sweet words (mostly coming from you)
- he would roll his eyes anytime niragi would approach you
- you’re his first and only priority
yuzuha usagi —
( before borderland! )
- her dad would be your biggest fan oml
- i feel like he’d always put on your music during car rides
- she definitely discovered you through her dad
- would feel attracted to you and would like your music but that’s kinda it??
- until she meets you oml
- my girl has almost heart eyes but manages to hide it
- would shyly smile at you while her dad asks you for your signature
- you’d secretly give her one of your phone numbers with a ‘text me :)’ message written next to it
- she would be so shocked but when she turned to look back at you, you were already meeting other fans
- she rushes home with her dad to text you
- would smile so widely when you reply
- your daily texts and phone calls would increase and eventually you would want to meet her again
- you arrange a meeting where no one would recognise you
- when you make your relationship official you decided to keep it private
- she’d invite you over to dinner with her dad to officially meet him
- this man would be so in shock
- but he still manages to interrogate you about your intentions
- when he goes missing you’ll be the one to comfort her despite your busy scheme
( in borderland! )
- i think she would recognise you from somewhere but wouldn’t really know
- she would befriend you during a game when you help her
- while time passes you would become closer and more comfortable
- you’d tell her stories about how you travelled to all across the world for your job while she told you about her dad
- she would be comforted by you and will slowly fall for you
- soft kisses before games
- a lot of hand holding
- comforting words at night
- she will always make sure that you are alright
- during one of her searches for food she will see a kpop shop
- she would search for any cd’s, pictures, etc and would always carry it on her
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©cupidsheqrt , 2022.
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Who? | Niragi x Fem!Reader |
Summary: Someone makes you cry and Niragi finds you, and your attacker.
Warnings: Violence - Hints of anxiety - Niragi being himself - Mentions of blood/guns/ - Reader gets attacked but not in a sexual way - +18 - MDI
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Being in the Borderlands was terrible, however having a big, tall and intimidating boyfriend does help to make things easier.
No one dares to look at you, they move when you walk down by them, too scared, not of you. Your boyfriend carries a reputation in the Beach one that makes everyone tremble.
You have seen him, being a completly monster but you also have seen his soft side. The one thats only for you and shared in the safety of his room.
Newbies were usually a problem, some would follow the rules but being around lots of people again would usually lead to fights.
And this time one newbie had the biggest idea to make you their target. You are not sure what happened, one moment you are at peace having a soft drink the loud music in the background. Next thing you are shoved against the bar, starled to respond as someone begins to shake you. Someone takes them away.
"Dont you know who her boyfriend is? He will kill you!" The loud whisper could be hear as the music lies down.
You were never proud to be someone who cries over little things, specially in the Borderlands where you needed to be strong. The lots of pair of eyes looking at you are not helping, you soon find yourself in the bathroom. Down on the floor, hugging your legs as tears go down your face.
"(Y/N)!!" Niragi's voice its outside the door and then it blasts Open revealing a very agitaged and anxious Man.
You wonder who told him what happened, but things travel fast at the Beach.
"Who did this?" He asks kneeling besides you and pulling your face close to his, removing your tears. You can see the anger in his eyes but also the worry and love he has for you.
"Some newbie...I think they were drunk" You know what will happen to them if you say they were fully sober. However, Niragi does not buy it. He nods but you know he is already thinking who may have been.
"Lets get you out of here, are you hurt anywhere?" When you say no with your head he nods again, he takes your hand and guides you out from the bathroom and bar, no one makes a comment when they see both of you pass.
Once in his room Niragi gives you one of his shirts for you to change, he ropes you like a baby kissing your head.
"Rest, im going to take a walk"
"Im sorry!! I did not know she was yours" They scream with a bloody nose and broken fingers. The others who support Niragi and are fans of violence watch in amuzment.
"Oh, you did not know?" Niragi asks pulling his riffle under the chin of your attacker. "But now you do, and you know what?"
He forces the weapon harder against their skin. "No one touches whats mine"
One shot fills up the night, the body falls and Niragi stands up. He looks back seeing the others on their way to move the body.
"I need to return to her now" Its his last tought, he does not care if this has consequences for him later, as he said, no one can mess with you and believe they will be alive next.
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reve-writes · 1 year
—look. | chishiya shuntarō x reader.
alice in borderland chishiya shuntarō x reader.
the three times he stares at you and you notice + the one time you stare at him and he notices. | med school!au.
one. first year lecture.
Your hand shoots up as soon as the professor finishes his question. It is the fifth time in a row, and your classmates have already started whispering. Chishiya raises an eyebrow—out of both amusement and curiosity.
"Yes, ___?"
You smile, answering the question correctly. When the next question comes, the professor disregards your raised hand, and calls upon a blond-haired guy, three seats behind you. You whip around, locking eyes with Chishiya. He looks smug as he answers the question.
By the end of the class, you have somewhat of an admiration and annoyance towards Chishiya Shuntarō.
two. college frat party.
Chishiya has his hands in his zipped hoodie, rejecting the nth cup of drink being offered. He leans against the wall, trying to avoid the sweaty, dancing bodies under the obnoxious mirror ball.
"___!" He hears your name being called. "You shouldn't!"
Chishiya pushes himself off of the wall, and ventures into the sea of bodies. What are you up to? He thinks, as he shoulders a guy and slips between two dancing couples. The dancers clear up to the living room. You're grabbing at the bottles of alcoholic beverages placed on top of the living room table.
You're... definitely not sober. He notices your sweaty hair sticking to your skin. There are stains on your clothes. The most telltale sign is probably your puffy red cheeks, and the fact that you are sobbing. Your friend is holding you back around your torso, their hands grabbing at yours, trying to stop you from drinking anymore.
"One more!" You slur, with a high-pitched singsong voice.
He chuckles. So, the model student knows how to party. He is about to turn around when your finger suddenly shot up, pointing at him.
"You!" you yell. Your friends are staring at him now. They are all too shocked, perhaps, to stop you as you trudged forward, barely avoiding tripping over yourself towards him. On the last step, your luck runs out, and you trip over your own shoe. You fall forward, towards him, clinging onto his hoodie.
Instead of apologizing, you smile. Chishiya draws his face back. Too close. He can smell the alcohol on your breath. His hand instinctively grab your arms to steady you.
"You're very smart, Chishiya," you slur out, half-chuckling. You end your sentence with a hiccup. "Keep up the good work."
He stares for a moment, bewildered. When he thinks you've regained your footing, he lets you go, but you immediately sway forward again. He catches you. Again. You're definitely too close now.
"Thanks." he replies.
Your hands come up to his cheeks and squeeze. You're giggling as you say, "You look adorable."
He freezes. Your friends seem to have collected themselves. Two of them swiftly walk forward and pry you away from him.
"I'm sorry for her. She's extremely drunk," One of them says, dragging you to sit on the couch.
Chishiya shrugs and turns to leave. The next morning, he finds a sticky note on his desk—the one where he is seated three seats behind you—with a chocolate bar. Sorry for yesterday.
three. in the library.
From the whole campus, Chishiya's favourite place, despite it being cliché, is the library. It is a magnificent three-storey building with a lot of space for working and studying. He slides into his usual desk in the corner by the second floor window with three thick textbooks in front of him.
He hears hushed voices.
"Sorry, ___. I have family matters to attend to," he hears one of your classmates say. Is it Keiko? He doesn't remember. "Can you cover my part?"
"I need to take care of my grandma. She's unwell and can't walk by herself," he hears another voice say. He can put a face to the voice, but the name escapes him. "I'm really sorry, ___, but will you cover my share of the work, too? Please?
They simultaneously say, "Please?"
He knows they're both lying. He knows you're smart enough to know that as well.
He hears you sigh. For a second, he thinks you are going to yell or tell them off, but you don't. Your voice, when you speak, sounds like those salespeople who have had a really shitty day, but have to fake enthusiasm anyway.
"That's alright."
A chorus of thank yous and some shuffling are heard, and then footsteps leaving. He thinks you've also left, until he hears typing. Chishiya doesn't know why, but he picks up his books and bag, walks past a row of bookshelves, and plops himself down across from your desk.
You don't notice him. Your eyes are skimming through pages and pages of scientific research. He opens his textbook, annotating parts that he considers relevant and jotting things down. He has almost forgotten your presence by the time you sigh, furiously snapping a book shut. You burrow your face in your hands.
He doesn't realize you're crying until you let out a sob. What should he do?
You wipe your face furiously and take a deep breath. You try typing something on your laptop, but barely a couple of words in, you break down again. This time, your entire body shakes with your sobs.
He considers packing up and leaving. Chishiya doesn't need to deal with your group's unprofessionalism or your tears. You share a couple of classes together, but you aren't best buds or anything. At best, the two of you are acquaintances.
While he's considering what to do, you look up, staring straight at him with your tear-streaked cheeks and red eyes. Chishiya's thought of leaving leaves him at that moment.
"I'm sorry," you say, between sobs. "Did I bother you? I'll try to be more quiet."
He chuckles, amused, but you are definitely not amused as more tears start spilling.
"I'm so embarrassing, I'm sorry," you cry.
"No, sorry," he says, gathering his things. He sits next to you, letting his stack of textbooks stay closed as he takes a peek at your laptop screen. "Do you need help?"
"No, it's okay," you wipe your cheeks. "I can do it."
He stares at you with a raised eyebrow, folding his arms across his chest. He tilts his head as if saying go ahead, then.
You sigh. "I can't. Please help me."
He should just up and leave. Chishiya doesn't know why he sticks around, browsing articles and textbooks to help you write up your group project. Hell, he doesn't even take this class!
Despite every logical part of him knowing he gains nothing from this, he stays until you two are told to leave as the library is closing. He even stays as you offer to buy him dinner at a popular café across your campus.
Chishiya thinks he should leave. He thinks he shouldn't get too friendly. But he wolfs down the curry rice and walks you back to your dormitory by the end of the night.
one. after classes.
It's five p.m. when you're dismissed from class. Your friends have hyped you up throughout the day for this very moment, but the thought of it still drains the blood from your face. Your hands are cold and sweaty as you gather up your things into your bag.
It can't hurt to ask.
It will hurt your ego. You pout as you step out into the hallway. You're too caught up in your thoughts, almost bumping into one of your lecturers, but luckily you snap out of it and side-step. You start heading to the next building, where his class has probably just been dismissed.
It doesn't take you long to find the blond-haired man. He has his backpack slung over one of shoulder. His other hand is stuffed inside the pocket of his trousers.
You swallow. Your friends are going to be disappointed today, because there is no way you're going up to him. No way. Not today.
He keeps walking forward, not noticing you, until he does. You know he notices you staring, because his usual deadpan expression melts away. His head tilts to the side as it often does when he's thinking.
No going back now.
You wave at him. He waves back. You step towards him, your knees are jelly under you. Ever since the library shenanigans, the two of you are on friendly terms. You don't talk to each other a lot outside of classes. The problem is you want to talk to him a lot outside of classes.
He doesn't say anything when you stop in front of him. He waits with an eyebrow raised.
Now or never. You repeat it in your head over and over. Your fists are clenched by your side as you swing back and forth on your feet. You should spit it out by now, right? He may think you're weird if you just keep silent.
"Chishiya," you say.
He hummed.
"Do you want to grab coffee together?" You blurt out.
"Okay," he shrugs. "Where?"
He's too nonchalant.
You shake your head no. "I mean, like a date."
There he goes again, tilting his head to the side quizzically. "A date?"
You rush your next few words. "IF you want to. Completely optional. Either yes or no. I thought I would ask. You know? Never hurts to ask, they say. We'll be busy later on so I thought we can try for now. If it's too weird, then we can just not do it. I'm alright. Are you alright?"
He chuckles. You can't read him. Is he amused? Is he annoyed?
"Okay. A date."
bonus. a date?
Chishiya catches you staring at him as he's leisurely walking towards his dormitory. He stops, staring back quizzically. Do you need his help? Did your groupmates ditch you again? He told your professor about it. They won't dare dump all the work on you again, but he can be wrong. University students are as shameless as they come.
When the realization dawns on him, that you've just asked him out on a date, his heart skips a beat.
Say no, he thinks, but he can't. He watches you nervously sway on your feet. He notices how you wring your fingers together nervously. Chishiya chuckles. You're adorable, he thinks.
In that moment, he knows he's absolutely screwed, because there is no way he can ever say no to you.
[ ]
just some fluffy college au ♡ did i go overboard? yes i did. i hope you like it anyway. maybe slight ooc chishiya but college. au.
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doyouknowbtsswag · 5 months
Hiii, hruuuu i loved your chishiya fic and wanted to request a chishiya imagine/oneshot where he tries to fluster YOU but it backfires and he gets flustered and embarrased and shy (unnecessary detail but the reader is also rlly quiet and is good at manipulating and stuff like that)
Also, no rush, hope ur gonna write this and hope your doing well, eating,drinking and sleeping well, love youuu byeee<33
Playboy |Chishiya|
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I am so sorry it’s been so long since this was requested hopefully you like it😭
The sound of loud party music and people messing around could be heard miles away. The people around me to hyper for their own good and the alcohol they were drinking wasn't helping. I awkwardly sat on one of the sun chairs annoyed at the current outfit I was wearing if it counts as one. The stupid bikini I had to wear that showed off almost everything on my body. I saw a guy coming over near the group of people in front of me ready to attack them with water. I quickly got up from the chair and wandered around to find somewhere water-free which was inside. I cringed walking past the bar filled with people drunk out of their minds and doing the most vulgar things that belonged in private. I walked faster through the halls not wanting to take the risk of bumping into Niragi. I internally gagged at the thought of him in general. I stayed by myself the whole time I've been in borderland not wanting to cling to someone and then lose them. I opted on going up to the roof knowing no one would party up there. The breeze countered the stuffy feeling downstairs. The smell of alcohol and smoke leaving my nose and having a fresh smell. I leaned against the railing looking out to the sea. I smiled thinking about what my life will be like after Borderland and I don't intend on dying anytime soon.
I play the game as if it was Chess. I collect my allies as if they're my pawns once I don't need them I knock them off the board. The day I ended up here was bittersweet. I need a reliable pawn so I can make my way up to one day get rid of the people in my way to beat the game and one of the people who are in my way so far is that bastard Niragi and the militants who are nothing but assholes. Once that happens I'll get them in my clutch and knock them off my board and make sure they shatter. I groaned in annoyance hearing the door open thinking two people were up here to hook up.
"I didn't see you come up here," a girl said as I glanced over my shoulder.
"I've been up here" I shrugged in an unbothered tone. "It's a nice spot" I turned around to see who it was.
"I can't blame you," the familiar face said. I've seen her multiple times and played a game or two with her.
Perfect pawn
"What's your name again? We've played quite a few games together It's funny we've never exchanged names" I gave a fake smile.
"Oh, I've never seen him before," I said casually nodding to the mysterious guy.
"Chishiya," He said giving an unbothered grin.
Another pawn
"Nice to meet you," I said a little pissed at his perfect grin that matched his face perfectly.
I walked a bit closer so I wasn't so far from the pair but I stood at a comfortable distance from them. However, the blonde seemed amused by the interaction.
"So what brings you up here?" I asked watching and listening to them carefully.
"Why should we tell you?" Chishiya said with his hands in his pockets.
He's confident
"Just wondering since I'm planning on staying up here" I crossed my arms.
"You will eventually so don't worry about it"
Stop with the smug smile
"Maybe I will or maybe I won't" I shrugged.
"So Y/n how've you been?" Kuina asked derailing the topic.
"I've been fine just hanging around" I shrugged. "Not much to do"
"Your right about that"
"Not much of a party girl huh?" The blonde piped in as if he wanted to piss me off.
"Not really I'm not interested in getting wasted when I have to play games to survive wouldn't be smart would it?"
"Your right about that" He moved his head to the side chuckling. "You just look like a party girl"
"Oh really?" I uncrossed my arms. "How so?"
"Your swimsuit and the way you have your hair"
Is he trying to flirt with me or catch me off guard?
"So we're going by looks"
"Maybe," He said confidently.
I walked closer to him till we were shoulder to shoulder.
"Then I guess you look like a playboy" I whispered in his ear. "Thanks for the compliment earlier by the way”
I didn't have to look at his face to see his cheeks tinted red. The way his body tensed up told me I won the silent confidence battle.
"I'll leave you two to talk about whatever you need to talk about" I walked to the roof door to get back down. I waved goodbye seeing Kuina's confused look and Chishiya's mouth wide open. "Oh and don't die" I winked and grinned walking downstairs.
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scp230kinnie · 1 year
I saw you opened your inbox🙏 I love your hatter hcs so I was wondering, could you make short relationship hcs for more of the characters? Like niragi or chishiya? Thx much
I present to you all
Alice in Borderland character relationship Headcanons
Part one
Warnings: possible Alice in Borderland spoilers ⚠️ mentions of death/blood (GN READER)
Genre: fluff
Characters: Arisu, Karube, Chota, Usagi, Chishiya, Niragi
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Arisu Ryohei
He’s so cute I can’t even
He loves to hold your hands anywhere you go, no matter what you’re doing
I think his hands would be so cold. I mean you would think they would be sweaty or something cuz he’s always nervous but like still.
He does not care if anyone teases him about your little relationship
Gives you cute corny nicknames like Honey, sweetheart, or my love
His favorite place to kiss you is anywhere on your face. He just thinks you’re the cutest being ever.
He begs you to play video games with him All. The. Time.
When you agree to play with him he gets so excited
He’s pretty good so he goes easy on you
If he sees you in any of his clothes he blushes so hard
Love language is quality time
He would try so hard to keep you from Niragi
After the seven of hearts game, he probably would want you to join games with him, but he knows you probably should
Just stay with him and listen to his strategies in games and you will be fine.
He likes to think he knows what he’s doing in a relationship but he’s wrong
He is never jealous he doesn’t care
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Daikichi Karube
Arm basically superglued over you shoulders at all times
He thinks your laugh is the most amazing thing ever he. It could be the last thing he ever heard and he would be happy
Favorite place to kiss is your lips, of course
Not a fan of when you was his clothes or jewelry but will get you your own and douse it with his cologne if you want
Love language is for sure also quality time
He will hold your hand but like in his pocket so your hand stays warm
He calls you “babe”. Unless you’re upset, then he would try to cheer you up by giving you increasingly more stupid nicknames until you laugh
Will beat up anyone for you
He doesn’t like it when you watch him get into fights, but he loves it when you help clean up his wounds
He would probs share cigarettes with you if you wanted him to
He likes it when you hang around at his bar
He probably doesn’t go to a barber, and would get you to cut his hair instead
He doesn’t care how it looks, he loves you regardless
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Chota Segawa
This beautiful man is so cute
He is genuinely so touch deprived if you hug him for long/hard enough he will cry undoubtedly
His favorite part of your body is your face obviously he could stare at it forever
Favorite Place to kiss is your nose ❤️
If you wear any of his clothes he would probably scream honestly
He loves it when you two can just relax when he gets back from work
His love language is gift giving <3
If he finds something he thinks you might like he gets it immediately
He probably has no relationship experience so he wants to keep you forever
I don’t think he would actually give you a nickname, he would just use your name
His hands are also really cold and he has like a death grip on your hands when he holds them
He doesn’t really get jealous, just insecure. Like if somebody is flirting with you he is scared you will leave him for them
Random, but He doesn’t have a favorite song
He loves when you come visit him at work. If he gets in trouble, he just kinda brushes it off
He wants to hold you 25/8 even though he can’t
Overall I feel like he is really chill, but would do anything for you if you asked
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Yuzuha Usagi
She’s amazing literally
She would convince you to work out and go on runs with her
Even if your not a morning person, she tries to convince you to come with her
She loves to protect you during games. She truly will try her best
She knows it might be hard for you to keep up with her, but she wants you to stay close to her, to keep you safe of course
Don’t wear her clothes lol she doesn’t like it that much but she wouldn’t tell you
If anything she likes to take your clothes
She likes to kiss your forehead ofc
Her love language is words of affirmation!! She absolutely loves dropping them randomly
She could talk to you about anything for hours. Even when she’s not talking, she lives to hear your voice.
She also loves your smile and laugh
She never shows it but she does get really jealous
Someone else starts flirting with you and she will start giving them dirty looks for the rest of the day
Her hands are so nice
Not really manicured but still just naturally pretty
She has a few cuts and callouses on her hands from mountain climbing tho
She lives when you like gently rub her shoulders when she’s stressed
She will for sure take you mountain climbing
Some place a little safer tho cuz she doesn’t want you to get hurt
Probably won’t give you a cute nickname, just a shortened version of your name (if you have one
Hc that she listens to 90s rock music
She gives amazing hugs no words at all
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Shuntaro Chishiya
He’s so gorgeous
He’s not the most like open person ever but he tries his best with you
Doesn’t do PDA but in private he loves to just lay with you in silence
Warm hands I mean they’re always in his damn pockets
Favorite Place to kiss you is your forehead, but he likes getting them more
He likes when you play with his hair
He doesn’t like when you wear his clothes, but sometimes when he’s bored he will like spray some of his cologne (or whatever he uses) on you
He teases you so much it’s kinda cute
Kuina teases both of you 🙁
If you braid his hair he would like go crazy
His love language is quality time
During games he wants you to stay with him and listen to everything he says
He wants you to go along with his plans, and that means you have to be fine with some sacrificing
He’s not jealous but he doesn’t like when you talk to Niragi/ vice versa
He probably has his ears pierced
I think he knows how to play guitar
He lets you cut his hair (and help him re bleach it💀)
When he holds your hands, he also does the pocket thing
His main priority is making sure you’re safe
He doesn’t understand your humor im so sorry
Lmao do his eyeliner he loves it
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Suguru Niragi
Okay let’s pretend he didn’t do all that stuff for a hot minute
Let’s also pretend he wasn’t literally lit on fire and thrown off a building
Always has an arm over your shoulders or waste at any point
He would actually kill for you, like no joke
He gets extremely jealous and literally tried to kill anyone who looks at you the wrong way
His favorite Place to kiss you is your neck
He doesn’t really have a love language, more or less just does whatever
If you don’t wear his clothes on your own, he will probably like ask you to (he’s not asking, he’s demanding)
If you let him, he would give you piercings
He doesn’t hold your hands or show very much PDA, he thinks it makes him seem weaker and more vulnerable
He’ll teach you how to shoot a gun
Gives the worst nicknames every in srs
Calls you like “bitch” or something (in a loving way)
He teases you so bad
During the witch hunt he would get you to join his team or whatever it was
Like everyone else, he does his best to protect you during games
His hands are really rough but they’re still nice
It might not seem like it, but he hates getting into fights with you, especially when he knows he’s wrong but he could never admit it
If you beg for long enough I like to think he would let you put eyeliner on him if you make it look good (I want to see it tbh)
You make him want to be a better person
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Alright that’s it thanks for reading guys
Let me know who you want in part two, and I’ll maybe even do a part 3
Sorry if it was cringe I was bored and in class lol
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vintagerpg · 4 months
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Barkeep on the Borderlands (2023) is just fantastic through and through. It’s a system neutral bar crawl through a classic D&D setting transformed by time and capitalism, basically. F. W. Smith recommends Errant or Cairn for the system, but just about anything would work, certainly any D&D derivative. There are some bespoke rules, though: a timekeeping system, a methodology for the bar crawl and mechanics to track alcohol consumption and drunkeness.
So, if you haven’t quite gotten it yet, Barkeep substitutes hexes and dungeons for literal bars. The monarch is ill, you’re searching for clues as to how and why by taking in the nightlife. The really charming part is that this town is the keep from B2: Keep on the Borderlands and that the ongoing festival, the Raves of Chaos, celebrates the heroes who, two centuries ago, cleaned the caves out. That act, and the way the Keep developed in its wake, is very much a presence in the adventure.
Also charming are the bars. There is quite a variety (the zine is technically an anthology, with many bars designed by a different creator, many of whom will be familiar to longtime readers of this feed). Regardless of the writer, each has it’s own vibe (often sending up some sort of pop cultural reference — there is a lot of potential for humor here) and character. My faaaaaaavorite is maybe Our Lady of the Sacred Speakeasy, which has a familiar looking temple in the basement.
Barkeep on the Borderland is an instant classic for me. It looks good, it reads good, it effortlessly takes a D&Dish game in completely unexpected directions. It feels new and fun and welcoming, and I’m keen to seem more from Prismatic Wasteland.
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Jealous smut with chishiya please?? love than man 🛐🛐 tyy
Jealousy, Jealousy
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requested?: yes pairing(s): shuntarō chishiya x afab!reader genre: smut warning(s): smut, jealous sex, doggy, mentions of a man grabbing reader, angst (chishiya and reader have a fight kinda), the man walks in on you and chishiya, kuina also walks in (she doesn't see much), reader calls kuina her wife (my bbg fr), hair pulling, multiple orgasms, not proof read:) summary: 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭, 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 word count: 2.3k a/n: here is the chishiya one, anon! so sorry it took so long, i've just been quite bust recently lol. remember to eat and drink something, love yas, mwah!
you and chishiya had been friends since one of the first games you participated in. the tag game. you found arisu, karube and chota when they entered the borderlands, and you stayed together for a little while. when you met chishiya, it was almost like your whole world had been flipped around. he was calm and nonchalant as people were dying around him.
you had both stood together on the balcony, and said nothing. that was a few days ago, and who knew in such little time that two people could get so close. you had found something so enticing about chishiya.
maybe it was the way his voice managed to tickle your brain every time he spoke, or maybe it was the way his blonde hair would shift slightly in the wind. or maybe it was how his hands flexed whenever he was doing something, or maybe it was the way that he looked so damn hot when he was doing something.
whatever it was, it made you so very wet. but at the same time it pissed you off. every girl at the beach was in love with him, and he knew it, and he liked to piss you off by talking to other girls. he also knew that he got you so worked up over the smallest of things, and that you felt… things towards the man, but he never acknowledged them in front of you.
kuina was about the only girl at the beach that wasn’t completely swooned by chishiya’s somewhat of a charm. today, kuina and chishiya were sat on some sunbeds as you went to go get some more drinks for all of you.
at the bar, a man walked up to you and was very obviously trying to flirt with you. chishiya noticed, but brushed it off as he knew you would decline going on a date with him, or trying to go on a date with him. it was still the borderlands after all. but he was shocked when you started flirting back. he silently sat there and watched the two of you, death staring the man when he touched your shoulder.
the fact that you were wearing a poor excuse for a bikini was not helping the fact that the man then moved his hand to touch your collarbone area. you started to look uncomfortable as he moved his hand down you your chest area and to your waist. he briefly heard the man ask to go back to his room so you two could have some “fun.” but that’s when chishiya had had enough.
he walked over there, cutting kuina off mid-sentence. he said nothing as he walked over there. all he did was grab your wrist and pull you away. the man tried to grab you, but kuina was quick to get him off of you. she understood what was about to go down with the man, so she was quick to block you from his sight.
chishiya hid you in his chest as he walked away with you. he grumbled about the fact you were flirting with another man. you both got back to his room, and he locked the door, pinning you against it.
“fucking flirting with another man. why? he was touching you and you did nothing to stop him even though you looked uncomfortable. why? answer me!” he almost yelled. you stood there, silenced by his words.
“you flirt with other girls all the time, why am i not allowed to flirt?” you didn’t understand why, but you wanted to fight back, and that’s what you did.
“because that’s different. there’s no feelings behind my flirting, but the way he was touching you, there was definitely a feeling. he wanted to fuck you, and you knew it but you did nothing. tell me why you did nothing when you know damn well you didn’t want him to come onto you like that!” you still didn’t respond, but you flinched at chishiya’s tone.
you had never seen him so angry before, usually he just never shows emotion, but this time he was. you knew at least half of his anger wasn’t caused by you, but he was just taking it out on you because he couldn’t go back out there or he might as well murder the man that dared to touch you.
“i don’t know, maybe i wanted to make you jealous” you whisper, his face fell.
“why the fuck would you want to make me jealous” he said, his tone had softened slightly.
you looked away from him. you both said nothing until a small “oh” fell from chishiya’s lips, you nodded, still avoiding his eyes. he gripped your chin and lifted it up gently to look at him. you didn’t look directly at him, and instead the window behind him.
“look at me honey” he tries to move into your eyeline, but you just move your gaze again, he sighs “no honey, not outside, look at me”
you slowly moved your gaze away from the window and looked at him, he looked at you.
chishiya didn’t know what had come over him, but he smashed his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. it started off soft and sensual, but as time went on, it started to get more needy and frantic.
chishiya grasped at your waist, pulling you flush against him so you could feel his hardened erection against your stomach. as the kiss quickened, chishiya snuck his hands up your waist and to your bikini top. he reached behind you and untied the strings keeping the poor excuse for a bikini top together. he let it fall to your feet, bringing his hands back to your front and playing with your tits.
your nipples hardened when they became exposed to the coldness of the hotel room. shiya pressed you further into the door as he massaged the both of them, flicking his fingers over your hardened nipples. you let out a moan when he did so, causing him to pull away and smirk, seeing your pink swollen lips swelled up from your steamy kiss.
he instantly tackled your neck, harshly biting down and sucking, leaving a mark that would be sure to darken by morning. when he reached your right tit, he swirled his tongue around your nipple, causing your hands to fly to his hair and let out a lewd moan.
“fuck, these perfect tits, no wonder he wanted to touch em so badly, i see why he wanted to” chishiya said against your tit. he was teasing in how he took your hardened peak in his mouth, and even more teasing when he sucked on it as slowly as he could.
you felt his right hand travel down your waist, and the other massage your other breast. slowly, he began rubbing soft circles on your clothed clit, you couldn’t help but let out a lewd moan. chishiya did nothing but chuckle, letting your tit go with a small pop.
“holy shit, you’re so fucking wet and i’ve barely even touched you yet. i can feel your juices all over those stupid bikini bottoms. they barely cover anything” he left another kiss, just below your right earlobe, before getting back to your tits, this time moving onto your left and giving it just as much attention as he did the right.
after a while, he let your other tit go. he grabs your flimsy bikini bottoms and pulls them down your legs, letting them pool at your feet
“all fours, on the bed, now” he demands, you do as he says, getting on your hands and knees on the bed.
chishiya made quick work of his clothes, throwing them somewhere in your room. he was also quick to pump his hardened cock in his hands, his tip red with precum spilling out of it. he got on his knees behind you, and lined himself up with your entrance.
he pushed into you agonisingly slowly, before staying there for a few seconds, allowing you to adjust to his length. then, he pulled out, just about leaving his tip in before slamming back inside of you forcefully. you jerked forwards at the harsh thrust, chishiya grabbing onto your hips to keep you still on his cock.
you let out a lewd moan before trying to bite your lip to stop them from spilling from you as chishiya moved at a slow pace in and out of you.
“no, none of that, i want him to hear your pretty moans, let him know who you belong to honey” he said, slamming into you with a particularly hard thrust. your hips jerked into his as he did so, earning a loud groan from him.
“please, want it faster ‘shiya” you moan out sweetly, your hands grabbing fistfuls of the quilt on your bed. you just knew it would be messy to clean up, so you would probably have to ask chishiya to ask hatter for more sheets with his beach executive privilege.
“gonna be a good little slut for me and take what i give you first, you’re lucky i’m giving you all this in the first place, you lucky little whore” he groans, thrusting into you harder.
his tip hit the gummy spot inside of you, earning an even louder moan from you. he smirked, pistoling his hips to hit the same spot over and over. whatever he was doing, it was working as a long string of moans were being ripped from your vocal chords.
“shiya, don’t stop, gonna cum” you babble out helplessly as you felt the knot tighten in your abdomen, signalling your oncoming orgasm.
“oh, i wont stop honey, plan to make you cum as many times as i can if it means that that man can finally learn that you’re mine and nobody else’s” he groans, his thrusts getting faster, but sloppier as he also neared his orgasm.
you let out a lewd moan as you were thrown over the edge, your pussy squelching and clenching around chishiya’s cock as you painted it white, his own hot cum spurting inside of you and painting your walls white. even then he didn’t stop, but you could barely hold yourself up anymore at the intensity of your orgasm.
you dropped down onto your stomach, and chishiya went down with you, still gripping onto your hips and pounding into you relentlessly, not minding your babbles to say it was too much.
“sh, sh, sh” he shushes you “you can take one more for me hm, i know you can” he coos in your ear. you didn’t trust yourself much to form an actual sentence, so you just nodded instead. chishiya, however didn’t like this, and grabbed a fistful of your hair before pulling it backwards so your head was resting on his shoulder “words, use your fucking words”
“fuck” you moan out “i can take another one, i’ll be good, i swear” you babble out.
your words became incoherent as chishiya rubbed harsh circles on your clit to get your to your release sooner, and partly to shut you up so he could fuck you and make you moan as loud as you possibly could to let everyone in this goddamned place that you belonged to him and no one but.
you moaned out as you reached your peak for the second time, your pussy was still taking his cock, welcoming him in with your spasming walls. he still didn’t stop. he had fucked you dumb, but he still didn’t stop, and he knew it wouldn’t take long to make you cum for the third time.
“fuck, just one more, gonna cum” he groaned out as he came inside of you again, not long after you had.
he then flipped you over, shoving his thick cock back into you as he pounded into you with no remorse
you said nothing, but just kept moaning as he rubbed your clit in such a harsh way it had your legs shaking. he knew it would take no time at all to make you cum again.
“fuck don’t stop shiya, gonna cum” you scream out, you heard the door click open. chishiya didn’t look over, but you did.
you grabbed the sheets by your side as your eyes rolled back, allowing your body to go limp again as you came harder than the last two times you had come. the man just stood there, practically mesmerized by your orgasm.
“fuck, can you not see we’re in the middle of something here?” you heard chishiya say, he still didn’t stop pounding into you. the man left the room in a hurry, slamming the door behind him, it was almost on cue that chishiya came again.
you were both a panting mess as you came down from your highs, chishiya left a small kiss at the nape of your neck before pulling out of you, making you whine at the loss.
you both heard the door open again, but this time it was kuina.
“i’m sorry, he just ran, i couldn’t get him and- oh…” she cut herself off by slowly backing out of the room and shutting the door. “you both better have used protection” she yells through the door.
“we didn’t” you say weakly from your spot on the bed.
“at least if you get pregnant then everyone will know you belong to me” chishiya mused, putting his clothes back on. you pout.
“what did you say chishiya” kuina says with a harsh tone, opening the door again, you sat up as chishiya passed you your bikini.
“but kuina is my wife” you say. you finished getting dressed.
“you weren’t saying that when i was fucking you”
“maybe next time she can join then” you joke
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dominos-palast · 1 year
Not as useless as I seem
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Fandom: Alice in Borderland
Pairing: (platonic) Chishiya x adhd!reader, (platonic) Kuina x adhd!reader
Characters: Shuntaro Chishiya, Hikari Kuina
Used Pronouns: They/Them
Warnings: gn!reader, fluff, platonic
A/N: No spoilers of the series, also it’s my first time writing something like this. The reader has or had a grandmother with a weird nose. Don’t ask me why.
P.S.: If you have advice on how to represent ADHD better, feel free to tell me!
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Summary: It’s said you are a straight-up good-for-nothing and useless during games. But after observing you for a while, Chishiya finds some interesting things about you. You are finally paired together for a game along with Kuina and some others and Chishiya is ready to prove the rumors wrong.
Word Count: 1.7k
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you arrived at the beach shortly after Chishiya and Kuina did
you were known for not doing anything but wandering around during games, not paying attention when someone’s talking and basically just leeching off others to win the game
you hadn’t had a game with either Chishiya or Kuina up until now, but they noticed you a long time ago
every time your team arrived at the beach after a game, the most charismatic ones in the group were the centre of attention, claiming they were the reason you all were save and sound now
Chishiya was observing the group
his eyes fell to you and he caught you rolling your eyes with a scoff while you sipped off your glass
it was nothing new for some people to exaggerate things a bit, he thought.
but after that he found himself observing you more often and in doing so he found some interesting things about you
for example, you seemed to get distracted easily when engaging with other people, diverting from the topic and coming up with a completely different topic
“I still can’t believe they are all dead now when hours ago we were drinking and laughing together”, one of the girls said, the mood of the group dropping once again. “It’s so sad we can’t even mourn them properly“ “The only thing we can do now is to remember their sacrifice for us”, and the group went quiet. “I once had a butterfly friend named Victoria.”, you were sitting there, enjoying your fruity drink.The group looked at you dumb-founded until a middle-aged man spoke up, “does their death mean nothing to you?”, to what a girl chimed in, “how heartless can you be?”. You just shrugged, taking their comments light-heartedly, “Well you were talking about remembering people, which reminded me of red poppies. You know, the flowers that symbolise remembrance and all that. And then I thought of the garden at my grandmother’s house which was full of red poppies because her father had died during a war. And once, when I was visiting my grandma, I saw a beautiful monarch butterfly flying above the poppies and I named her Victoria.” The group stared at you silently. You sipped on your drink happily. Somewhere further away sat Chishiya with a grin on his face.
you had the tendency to wander off when you got uninterested in the conversation or something else had caught your attention
you seemed to pay attention to details no one else had noticed or cared about before, like the fact that one of the hanging lights in the room had some screws loose, which you noticed while looking at the lights and ignoring Aguni’s threat speech directed to the newcomers
some time after you pointed this out to the group (who mostly wasn’t paying attention or just ignored the warning) the light fell to the ground
Chishiya also noticed how you seemed to talk faster when something excited you, and how you swallowed words or even whole sentences by doing so:
Chishiya and Kuina were enjoying their drinks at the bar when suddenly Kuina diverted Chishiyas attention to you. You stood far away with your arms folded, surrounded by some people, them chattering and laughing out loud. The unusual thing was how your gaze seemed to be fixed on the duo now staring back at you. Before Kuina could question your behaviour out loud, your head turned violently back to the group, engaging with the conversation with pure excitement, words running off your mouth like a waterfall. Kuina couldn’t help but chuckle, amused but also confused by your sudden change of mood. Chishiya figured out you had heard something you were interested in in the conversation.
it’s also worth mentioning, that you always seemed to be in a good mood, chattering with people, dancing around on your own, vibing at some tunes in your head and so on
your energy seemed to have no end but at random times where all that energy disappeared out of nowhere and you were sitting in the corner looking like a wet puppy
sometimes he even found you sleeping in weird places like under Ann’s working table
Finally, the day came when you, Kuina and Chishiya were partnered up along with some others for a game
you were the first one to take a place in the car, Kuina sitting in between you and Chishiya
Kuina and you soon started to chatter during the drive, Kuina laughing her butt off at your jokes and weird thoughts
Chishiya only listened to them in silence, hiding the grin on his face behind the hood of his jacket
after arriving at the spot, you enter the designated room and a female voice explains the mission, this being to open the exit door of the escape room before the time runs out
You were all standing around, looking around the furnished room. “How are we supposed to exit a room without a door?”, someone had asked. The only way in or out of the room disappeared as soon as everyone stepped out of it. Chishiya quickly took over the leadership role. About what he was talking about? You have no clue, your eyes were fixed on the colourful fish swimming happily in the aquarium, forgetting the people around you. It was only when Kuina snapped with her fingers in front of your face that you came back to reality, a big question mark drawn on your face. “We need a key that fits in the box. There’s also some sort of puzzle on the wall there and we need a code. We have one hour to do this”, she explained to you. You were impressed she took her time to explain whatever they discussed to you. Someone else would have shouted at you to do something. “Yes, ma’am!”, you turned on your heels and started sniffing around the room. The attention was directed to one of the guys who had found a trap door underneath the carpet which needed a bigger key to be unlocked. In the meantime, you approached Chishiya, who was just about to finish a puzzle inside the drawer of a table. He felt your presence rest beside him, so he took the chance to test you. “What do you think?”, he said, putting the last piece in its place. “Fish” He raised an eyebrow and looked at you, then at the fish in the aquarium behind you two. He soon noticed the connection, but you were faster, “4351. That’s the code. The colours on the solved puzzle show the order in which we have to put the numbers-” “-and the amount of fish of the same colour mark the numbers we are searching for, so the code must be” “4351.” A grin spread across both of your faces after finishing the thought process together. You’re eyes met. Whatever had happened between you two was worth repeating. Chishiya broke eye contact first by turning around and sharing their discovery with the team. The lock opened and a minor key was retrieved from the previously locked compartment. Kuina took the key and attempted to open the box. But the lock wouldn't open. Kuina looked up with a frown on her face, “It doesn’t work.” “But there is no other lock that could fit such a small key”, a girl commented. Fifteen minutes were left on the clock and the group was getting desperate. There was nowhere to put the smaller key and they had already inspected every single furniture piece in the room. That’s when Chishiya heard a chuckle. He noticed the grin on your face. “The statue there looks so weird. Like, you see the nose? Reminds me of my grandma.” Chishiya looked in that direction. He was about to disregard the observation when he noticed how the statue’s finger pointed at another statue on the other side of the room, which pointed at another one. The last statue held a shield high above his head and held a knife in its right hand and a cloak fell over his shoulder, falling on the pedestal holding the statue. You seemed to have noticed as well, “There might be something on the heel. You know, Achilles Heel.”, you shrugged. Kuina appeared beside you, “How do you know it’s an Achilles statue?”. “I had this mild obsession with greek mythology when I was younger” Kuina nodded slowly and worded a soundless ‘oh’. Chishiya approached said statue, obeying your directions without a second thought. There it was. A keyhole, this one meant for a smaller key. Just then the female voice announced the last ten minutes left. Chishiya calmly asked Kuina to use the key on the hole. As soon as she did, a small panel on the wall opened and in it lay a wooden, minor key. Kuina took it and tried turning it to one side, having no effect on the trapdoor. She turned it on the other, but the same result. Eight Minutes were left. “This key doesn’t work, search for another” “But we have no other clues!” “Find another puzzle or something” The group grew more anxious and the clock was ticking. You crouched beside the trapdoor and took the key in your hands. “It’s broken,” you mumbled. Chishiya stood behind you, observing your actions in silence. You noticed him and held the key above your head to show him what you meant. The key seemed to be missing something, “What do you think?” Two minutes left. Chishiya grabbed the key, took the two you had used before and laid one on the other, trying to fit them in each other. And there it was. A satisfying click. You went out of the way to let Chishiya open the trapdoor, now finally letting itself be lifted. “Chishiya opened the trapdoor!”, the girl shouted, “Quick, get out!”, one after the other jumped out of the room and before the last minute could end, everyone had escaped the room.
During the trip back your group started praising Chishiya’s intelligence, all cheering happily and looking forward to the celebration that awaited on the beach
Kuina was MAD and was about to complain when you stopped her
“Let them be. At the end what matters is that we made it out, right?”
She could have strangled the life out of you right there and then, but she just accepted it and laid back
Since then you three stuck to each other like glue, them enjoying the lively conversations with you and your bad jokes and you feeling safe and understood with them
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Alice In Borderland
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(Y/N) in Borderland
Not Your Baby
(Y/N): *trying to enjoy their drink at the pool bar*
Niragi: “Hey Baby.”
(Y/N): *sighs* Not interested Niragi.
Niragi: *scoffs* “Why not? It’s not like anyone else is lining up to get your attention.”
(Y/N): *eyeroll* “Yeah. There’s a reason for that.”
Niragi: *leans on the bar ledge* And what’s the reason baby?
(Y/N): *finally turns to look at him* Because I’m not your baby…
Niragi: *confused*
(Y/N): I’m his. *points at Chishiya*
Chishiya: *smirks*
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