bagnabraghe · 8 months
Marino Zanella inizialmente non riuscì a dar vita ad una banda partigiana locale
Marino Zanella. Fonte: Luca Nardi, Op. cit. infra Immediatamente dopo l’8 settembre 1943 i dirigenti nazionali del Partito Comunista e del Partito d’Azione dimostrarono di avere un progetto collaudato da mettere subito in pratica: dare inizio alla lotta armata per opporsi all’occupazione nazista e per fare al più presto i conti con il fascismo.In provincia di Treviso la direzione del Pci assunse…
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bigarella · 8 months
Marino Zanella inizialmente non riuscì a dar vita ad una banda partigiana locale
Marino Zanella. Fonte: Luca Nardi, Op. cit. infra Immediatamente dopo l’8 settembre 1943 i dirigenti nazionali del Partito Comunista e del Partito d’Azione dimostrarono di avere un progetto collaudato da mettere subito in pratica: dare inizio alla lotta armata per opporsi all’occupazione nazista e per fare al più presto i conti con il fascismo.In provincia di Treviso la direzione del Pci assunse…
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dailywec · 7 months
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Our drivers set their goals for 2024. Who will be right? who will be wrong?
Media Day during WEC's 2024 Prologue in Qatar at Losail International Circuit (23/24.02.24)
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httpiastri · 2 months
f1 tv showing kimi a little too much for my liking than mentioning the driver market so i’m so basically that means kimi to merc!
pls i cant take kimi to merc 😭 esp not so soon 😭😭
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robinfrinjs · 1 year
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ryo-hirakawa · 2 years
full prema wec lineups (in case you don't wanna scroll thru the article)
#9: juan manuel correa/andrea caldarelli*, filip ugran, bent viscaal
#63: doriane pin, daniil kvyat, mirko bortolotti
* andrea will sub in for juan when there are f2/wec clashes
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lxndonorris · 2 years
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stateofsport211 · 2 months
Cordenons Ch D QF: Marco Bortolotti/Matthew Christopher Romios [2] def. Roy Stepanov/Luis Britto 7-5, 6-3 Match Stats
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📸 ATP official website
While R. Stepanov/L. Britto had fair chances in setting up the first set, M. Bortolotti/M.C. Romios appeared more anticipative at times, firing to the space or passing it through in the crucial moments. This became more evident on the second set, as paced returns from the latter went after the former's forehand side, which erred as it became more susceptible to attacks. This way, the second seeds converted 33% of their break points, leaving R. Stepanov/L. Britto with non-conversion thanks to being clutch on serve.
Somehow, M. Bortolotti/M.C. Romios' service game statistics turned out to also be stable. They scored an ace throughout the match and had an outstanding 80% winning percentage, 7% more than R. Stepanov/L. Britto, where even they avoided the slightest troubles. However, due to their 3 double faults, R. Stepanov/L. Britto faded their second serve winning percentage 37% below the second seeds, adding more vulnerability outside of the panic, and some noticeable +1 errors midway, which confirmed how attack-prone their second serves were from the ground.
In the semifinals later on, M. Bortolotti/M.C. Romios will face third seeds Arjun Kadhe/Ramkumar Ramanathan, who earlier defeated Andrea Picchione/Giorgio Ricca 6-4, 6-3 in a firmer showing. This could be a close encounter with their shot execution being one of the most critical points, either through their groundstrokes or as one of them brought the other forward. To add, this could also be one of those matches of the day, which might have delivered at their best.
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viaggiamocela · 5 months
Trentino: Camminate tra meleti ed asparagi
Come quasi ogni anno nel periodo primaverile, trascorro qualche giorno in Trentino, soggiornando a Pergine Valsugana, non lontano da Trento e Levico Terme. Prima di raggiungere Pergine Valsugana, lungo il tragitto mi fermo al Santuario Madonna della Corona non lontano da Verona. Santuario Madonna della Corona Il Santuario Madonna della Corona è incastonato nella parete rocciosa sospeso a 774…
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marcogiovenale · 7 months
online il nuovo numero di 'vocale', a cura di elisa longo
https://www.fangoradio.com/shows/301/3926 “In questa puntata ho lavorato con i suoni residui (materiali che avevo escluso in un primo momento, resti di ricordi, suoni di antichi canti che a contatto con la realtà esterna, distanti dai luoghi nei quali sono stati concepiti, variano di senso e prendono un altro significato, e poi ho usato ancora residui sonori di lingue straniere intercettate sui…
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alexalblondo · 1 year
Luca and Ricardo looking like they just had a chill day drive vs Mirko acting like the most dramatic lil dude needing to be doused in ice water 💀
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dailywec · 7 months
WEC’s 2024 Prologue in Qatar at Losail International Circuit (26.02.24)
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onscarlitos · 1 month
Really important article as it makes parallels with Jannik’s case. Highlighting a Reddit comment that was so level-headed and good
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se-dissimuler · 1 month
also! a similar situation has happened to a player before, marco bortolotti. he was also investigated because traces of clostebol were found in his system. similar to jannik, he appealed and was promptly cleared, but his prize money and points from that event were stripped. however, no other results were investigated.
and personally, i appreciate it more that they’re not posting about each investigation, as this just puts the player in an unjust light, and sets a good precedent in showing doping accusations CAN be appealed, especially knowing how strict they are.
is this unfair for previous athletes? yes! should there be a conversation about the protection jannik received? definitely! however, that’s a VERY different conversation, and blindly accusing a player of doping is not helpful for that conversation at ALL
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hungwy · 10 months
wish I was reading Lisa Bortolottis book on epistemic innoncence of irrational beliefs right now. I really should just buy it
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